Pb4mat Umc05 P7-8
Pb4mat Umc05 P7-8
Pb4mat Umc05 P7-8
Pertemuan ke 7-8
• Mahasiswa mampu membuat konsep bisnis dan
menerapkannya ke dalam kerangka Business Plan (C3, A3)
1. Business Concept
1. Business Concept
1.1 Business Ideation
• Analyze your idea – Think and rethink your idea. At this stage, you need
to analyze if your idea is something that is implementable at a larger
scale or is it just a great thought. Get the thinking cap on.
1.2 Business Ideation Process (Cont.)
• Timeline
• Semantic analysis
• The rational understanding stage if followed by the second
stage Empathize (learn more), which illuminates even more
the needs and the human factors. After the third stage of the
problem area Synthesize (learn more), the successful solution
development can begin.
1.4 Empathizing
• The 3 main ways to build empathy
1. Holding an interview. Ask the people! About their personal experiences,
thoughts, feelings. The goal of the question is to get concrete stories and
find out the needs of the people.
• Feeling: For many people harder to access are the emotions such as
sadness, disappointment, enthusiasm, yearning …
3. Walking: A relaxing walk through the park often helps much more
than another hard-hitting meeting. When the body relaxes and the
mind experiences no irritation by the rest of the group, it can freely
imagine and create good solutions.
1.7 Prototyping
• Fifth stage: Prototyping is the heart of the creative process (here’s an
overview of the Design Thinking process).
• After understanding the problem, the team switches from the problem-
based into the solution-based thinking and begins to create ideas. In the
prototyping stage these ideas are turned into tangible products that
visualize the potential solutions.
• Methods of prototyping
1.7 Prototyping (Cont.)
• Haptic prototypes: Visualize the idea with modeling clay, Lego,
cardboard, play corn and crafting material.
• Also Interesting:
1.8 Testing
• Sixth stage: After ideation and creating prototypes, the final stage in
Design Thinking is: Testing
• This is a challenging but crucial step. The most valuable feedback comes
from the future users using the prototype: Is the idea important? How
should the product be improved? What do people want?
• Present & Collect Feedback: A simple & proven form in which the
audience sees the new idea.
• Observe: The product stands alone and the user interacts with it.
• Thinking out loud: The user uses the prototype and thinks out loud.
1.8 Testing (Cont.)
• Testing in Design Thinking step by step:
1. Before: You have chosen an idea & a prototype. You have developed
the persona and the main need in the synthesis. Prepare the test
well: What kind of information do the test person need? How much
time do you have? Select a suitable method for testing: presentation,
observation, A / B tests or „thinking out loud“. Look for the right
people to test your prototype. In the best case, these people could
also be future users of your idea. Otherwise, colleagues and friends
will do.
1.8 Testing (Cont.)
2. Execution of the test.
3. Collect feedback: Let the test person do the talking. Ask open
questions to find out their wishes, critique, emotions and new ideas.
4. Reflection: Meet with your team, evaluate the feedback and make
decisions. What should we improve on the product? Should we
collect new ideas again? Do we prefer to develop a new prototype?
1.8 Testing (Cont.)
5. Iteration: This is where the new design thinking process begins. The
feedback should be the starting point. Consider which stage you
should start from.
1.8 Testing (Cont.)
• Ideation refers to the process of developing and conveying prescriptive
ideas to others, typically in a business setting.