Previous Years Question Papers - Financial Services - Cpc6a

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APRIL - 2019
Section A Section B Section C
What are the financial instruments? What are the objectives of financial
Describe the various functions of
Unit - 1 How interest rate is to be services Who are the main players
financial services
determined? of financial markets?

State any two functions of Explain the role of Issue Manager State the procedure to be followed
Unit - 2 Underwriters. What is merchant Write short note on growth of by merchant banker while acting as
banking? merchant banking in India a banker to an issue

What is money market? Define a What are the defects of Indian

Explain the various components of
Unit - 3 depository Expand the terms IPO Money Market?
money market
and IRDA

What do you mean by Hire

Explain the role of factoring in India
Purchase? Who is called as a lessor? Distinguish between Hire Purchase
Unit - 4 and mention the guideline laid
What is International Lease? Write and Instalment sale
down by SEBI
down the meaning of Factoring

What is meant by mutual fund?

Unit - 5 State the meaning of pension fund What are the objectives of IRDA
Explain its types

APRIL - 2018
Section A Section B Section C
State the meaning of financial
What are the significance of Explain various objectives of
Unit - 1 system Who are the players of
financial system? financial services
financial markets?

Define merchant banking What do How SEBI has classified merchant Explain the services rendered by
Unit - 2
you mean by underwriting? bankers? merchant banks

Write down the meaning of

factoring What do you mean by Discuss the various functions of
Unit - 3
consumer finance? Who is called SEBI
Write down the various sources of
consumer finance Bring out the
What is hire purchase Give the Distinguish between factoring and
Unit - 4 disadvantages of factoring What
meaning of leasing bill of exchange
are the basic advantages of leasing
Define venture capital Expand the Discuss the importance of venture
How life insurance in India is
Unit - 5 terms CRISIL and IRDA Define capital List out the various functions
regulated by IRDA?
insurance of IRDA

APRIL - 2017
Section A Section B Section C
Name any two components of
Discuss the features of financial Bring out the important role played
financial services
Unit - 1 services by financial services in developing
Mention any two players in
the economic growth of a country
financial service sector

Explain the various distribution

Unit - 2 What is IPO?
function of new issue market

List out the various powers of a

What are the various types of
Unit - 3 What is capital market? recognized stock exchange

What is meant by factoring? List out the legal aspects involved in Explain the role of factoring in India
Define lease financing leasing and mention the guidelines laid
Unit - 4 Who are the parties to the Hire- Write a note on tax benefits down by SEBI and RBI
Purchase Contract? involved in Hire-Purchase What are the different types of loan
What is consumer finance? transaction available to a consumer
Explain the meaning of credit What are the different types of
rating? venture capital
State the meaning of mutual fund How are the Open-ended schemes
Describe the different functions of
Unit - 5 What is an investment company? of mutual funds different from the
mutual fund
Mention any two benefits of mutual close-ended schemes of mutual
fund from the point of view of funds

APRIL - 2016
Section A Section B Section C
What is meant by Financial 20. Explain the various types of
Who are the players in the financial
Unit - 1 Services? financial services

What is Merchant banking? What are the various advantages of 21. What are the main functions of
Unit - 2 Explain the meaning of issue underwriting? the New Issue Market?

Define Primary Market.

Unit - 3

State any two benefits involved in

Explain the Contents of Hire-
Hire-Purchase transactions.
purchase Agreement. 22. Distinguish between Hire-
What is factoring?
Unit - 4 What are the different steps purchase and leasing.
What is meant by financial lease?
involved in factoring finance?
Give the meaning of Hypothecation.

What is Venture Capital? What are the characteristics

23. State the different types of
Expand CRISIL. features of venture capital?
credit rating based on different
What is meant by Mutual Fund? Explain the advantages of Mutual
Unit - 5 securities.
Mention any two specific scheme of Funds.
24. Explain the classification of
UTI. What are the main objectives of
mutual funds.
  Unit - 1 Unit - 2 Unit - 3 Unit - 4 Unit - 5
What do you mean
by Hire Purchase?
What is money
What are the State any two Who is called as a
financial functions of lessor?
instruments? Underwriters. State the meaning of
Section A Define a depository
What is International pension fund
How interest rate is What is merchant Lease?
Expand the terms
to be determined? banking?
Write down the
meaning of Factoring

Write down the

meaning of
Define venture
State the meaning factoring
Define merchant What is hire capital
of financial system
banking purchase
What do you mean
Section A Who are the by consumer
Expand the terms
What do you mean Give the meaning CRISIL and IRDA
players of financial finance?
by underwriting? of leasing
Define insurance
Who is called
What are the Explain the role of
objectives of Issue Manager
What are the defects Distinguish between
financial services What are the
Section B of Indian Money Hire Purchase and
Write short note on objectives of IRDA
Market? Instalment sale
Who are the main growth of merchant
players of financial banking in India

Write down the

various sources of
consumer finance Discuss the
importance of
What are the How SEBI has
Bring out the venture capital
Section B significance of classified merchant  
disadvantages of
financial system? bankers?
factoring List out the various
functions of IRDA
What are the basic
advantages of
leasing company?
State the procedure Explain the role of
Describe the various to be followed by Explain the various factoring in India and What is meant by
Section C functions of financial merchant banker components of mention the mutual fund?
services while acting as a money market guideline laid down Explain its types
banker to an issue by SEBI

Explain various Explain the services How life insurance
Discuss the various between factoring
Section C objectives of rendered by
functions of SEBI and bill of
in India is
financial services merchant banks regulated by IRDA?

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