Constipation NCP

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Patient’s Initial: M. F. Sex: Male

Age: 64 y/o

Subjective: Constipation related to After 12 hours of nursing Independent: After 12 hours of nursing
> “Ang sakit po ng tiyan ko abdominal muscle intervention, the patient will intervention, the patient
at walong araw na po weakness as evidenced establish or regain normal  Determine stool color,  Assists in identifying established normal pattern
akong hindi nakaka dumi.” by abdominal distention pattern of bowel consistency, frequency, causative or of bowel functioning;
as patient verbalized. and diffuse tenderness at functioning; verbalize and amount. contributing factors verbalized understanding
> 6/10 pain scale LLQ. understanding of etiology and appropriate of etiology and appropriate
and appropriate interventions. interventions or solutions
Objective: interventions or solutions for individual situation;
> large, rotund, and for individual situation; demonstrated behaviors or
tympanitic abdomen demonstrate behaviors or  Auscultate bowel  Bowel sounds are lifestyle changes to
(abdominal distention) lifestyle changes to sounds. generally decreased prevent recurrence of
> diffuse tenderness in the prevent recurrence of in constipation. problem; participated in
abdomen (LLQ). problem; participate in bowel program as
> V/S taken and as follows: bowel program as indicated.
indicated.  Encourage fluid intake  Assists in improving
T – 36.8 C of 2500-3000 ml/day stool consistency.
P – 99 bpm within cardiac
RR – 18 cpm tolerance.
BP – 170/110 mmHg
SpO2 – 97%  Recommend avoiding  Decrease gastric
gas-forming foods. distress and
abdominal distension.

 Assist in perianal skin  Prevents skin

condition frequently, excoriation and
noting changes or breakdown.
beginning breakdown.

 Discuss use of stool  Facilitates defecation

softeners, mild when constipation is
stimulants, bulk- present.
forming laxatives, or
enemas as indicated.
Monitor effectiveness.

 Encourage to eat high-  To enhance easy

fiber rich foods. defecation.
 Administer medications  Laxatives are
as indicated recommended when
measures such as
modification and diet
are ineffective in

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