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H e rb e rt P u c h ta je ff Stranks & Peter Lewis-Jones
The authors w ould like to thank all those w ho have made English Profile
contributions to the development, creation and production of Think. This product is inform ed by the English Vocabulary Profile, built as part
Many thanks to teachers in various countries fo r piloting the course and fo r o f English Profile, a collaborative programme designed to enhance
their valuable feedback. Thanks too to their students, for their enthusiasm the learning, teaching and assessment o f English w orldw ide. Its main
and fo r putting up w ith manuscripts rather than the attractive pages our funding partners are Cambridge University Press and Cambridge English
designers have created in the meantime. Language Assessment and its aim is to create a 'profile' fo r English linked
to the Common European Framework o f Reference fo r Languages (CEF).
The members o f our digital team, Helen Kenyon, Amarjeet Sadana and
English Profile outcomes, such as the English Vocabulary Profile, will
Brendan W ightm an fo r their expertise and creative thought.
provide detailed inform ation about the language that learners can be
Thanks also to Chris Williams fo r his invaluable production support. expected to demonstrate at each CEF level, offering a clear benchmark
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We would like to thank very warmly our editorial team: Rebecca Raynes,
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We are indebted to the Cambridge University Press leadership: Frances
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Director); and Peter Phillips (Chief Executive) fo r the constructive dialogue
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H erbert P u ch ta je ff Stranks & Peter Lewis-Jones


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W elcom e u n it 4

U N IT 1 Survival 10 U N IT 7 Always lo o k on the b rig h t side 64 1

Grammar 10 Grammar 64
Vocabulary 12 Vocabulary 66
Reading 14 Reading 68
Writing 15 Writing 69
Listening 16 Listening 70
Exam practice: First 17 Exam practice: First 71

U N IT 2 Going places 18 U N IT 8 M aking lists

Grammar 18 Grammar 72
Vocabulary 20 Vocabulary 74
Reading 22 Reading 76
Writing 23 Writing 77
Listening 24 Listening 78
Exam practice: First 25 Exam practice: First 79
Consolidation 1 & 2 26 Consolidation 7 & 8 80

U N IT 3 The next generation 28 U N IT 9 Be y o u r own life coach 82 |

Grammar 28 Grammar 82
Vocabulary 30 Vocabulary 84
Reading 32 Reading 86
Writing 33 Writing 87
Listening 34 Listening 88
Exam practice: First 35 Exam practice: First 89

U N IT 4 T hinking o utside th e box 36 U N IT 10 Spreading th e news 90 I

Grammar 36 Grammar 90
Vocabulary 38 Vocabulary 92
Reading 40 Reading 94
Writing 41 Writing 95
Listening 42 Listening 96
Exam practice: First 43 Exam practice: First 97
Consolidation 3 & 4 44 Consolidation 9 & 10 98

U N IT 5 Screen tim e 46 U N IT 11 Space and beyond 100 I

Grammar 46 Grammar 100
Vocabulary 48 Vocabulary 102
Reading 50 Reading 104
Writing 51 Writing 105
Listening 52 Listening 106
Exam practice: First 53 Exam practice: First 4 107

U N IT 6 Bringing p e o ple to g e th e r 54 U N IT 12 M ore to explore 108 I

Grammar 54 Grammar 108

Vocabulary 56 Vocabulary 110
Reading 58 Reading 112
Writing 59 Writing 113
Listening 60 Listening 114
Exam practice: First 61 Exam practice: First 115
Consolidation 5 & 6 62 Consolidation 11 & 12 116

Pronunciation page 118 Gram m ar reference page 122 Irregular ve rb list page 128


A W H AT A STO RY! Elements of a story

Descriptive verbs 1 Match the words with the definitions.
1 Choose the correct options to complete the 1 hero
2 p lot
1 The hurricane demolished / fled / raged everything 3 dialogue
in its path.
4 characters
2 The prisoner struck / smashed / dived under the
water to escape the bullets. 5 ending

3 The family smashed / fled / struck from their 6 opening

burning home.
4 As she started to fall I managed to grab / rage I 8 setting
scream her by the arm.
5 The fire demolished / raged / dived through a the people in the story
the trees. Ь a bad man or woman
6 The people screamed / grabbed / demolished in c how the story starts
te rro r as the wave came towards them. d how the story finishes
7 The robbers smashed / flew / screamed down e the man or woman in the story we identify with
a wall to break into the bank. f the place where the story happens
8 The car was grabbed / dived / struck by the g what the people in the story say
falling tree.
h the storyline

Phrasal verbs 2 Complete the text with the missing words.

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form
So what do you need to write a successful story?
o f the verbs in the list.
Well to start with you need a good 1_ ________ -
end j sort | stand j take
w ithout a great story you’ve got no chance. O f course
look | break | give | carry
any good story needs a selection o f different
1 I think I m ig h t_________ up yoga. It's really good 2_________ , a 3__________fo r the reader to identify
fo r b o d y and mind. w ith and a 4__________to hate. A nd to help bring
2 He studied medicine at university so I’m not sure all these people alive you'll need to have good
how h e _________ up as an accountant. 5 _ between them. W hat they say and how
3 Can you believe it? O u r c a r_________ down five they say it is so im portant. Then you’ll need a
miles from home. 6 ______ fo r your story. W here and when does the
action happen? Is it the m odern day, in the past or
4 I know I should_________ up eating so much
chocolate but I think I'd find it too difficult. even in the future?

5 They _ .... __..._ on eating their picnic even though So now you've got all that, it’s tim e to start writing.
it started to rain. The 7 ___is essential. You'll need to get your
6 W hen I have a problem my mum always helps me reader's attention from the very beginning. And once
_____ ____ it out. you’ve got their attention hopefully they’ll read right

7 I’m re a lly ...... ...........forward to the summer through so you’ll need to give them a good 8__ _____

holidays. I need a rest. too, to make sure they won’t feel they've wasted
their time.
8 Bill rea lly_________ out in the class photo because
he's so tall. A nd that’s all you need. That and a lot o f luck.

Talking about past routines В AN U NCERTAIN FUTURE

1 0 2 3 3 Listen and put the pictures in order. Future plans
1 Match the sentence halves.
1 I don't leave □
2 You'll need to get a □
3 Many young people are waiting longer to start □
4 Before I start my career I'd love to travel □
5 I’d like to make enough money so I can □
6 M y parents would love me to settle □
a a family these days,
b the world fo r a year or so.
c retire before I’m 60.
d down but I'm not ready yet.
e school fo r another tw o years,
f really good degree if you want to work fo r them.

2 Complete the sentences so they are true for you. Life plans
1 W hen I was really young my mum/dad would 1 Put the events in the order that they happened.

□ So I returned home and started doing a degree.

2 M y first teacher at school used to □ So I decided to travel the world fo r a while until
I made up my mind.
3 W hen I was upset I used to □ W hen I was in Asia I suddenly realised what
career I wanted to do - teaching.
4 W hen it was my birthday, my parents would □ We started a family after I had been teaching
for a few years.
5 During the school holidays I would [ 1[ W hen I left school I wasn't to o sure what
I wanted to do.
□ Next year I'm going to retire. I can't help
SUMMING UP wondering how it all passed so quickly.
□ A fter the birth o f my second son, I got
1 Put the dialogue in order.
prom oted. I'm now a head teacher.
□ ANA Well, fo r example, he'd tell a story about
how a fire was raging through our house
□ In my final year o f university I met the love o f
my life and we settled down.
and how we needed to smash down the
door. And he'd do all the actions.
Future continuous
Ш ANA M y dad used to tell me really great
stories when I was a kid.
1 Complete the sentences using the future
continuous form o f the verb in brackets.
□ ANA Yes it is. I really miss his stories.
Two months from now ...
□ ANA Really dramatic and exciting stories, and
he w ould pretend they were happening 1 I ________________on a sunny beach in Greece, (lie)
to us. 2 I ......... exams anymore, (not do)

□ ANA He was. I used to really look forw ard to

his stories. But he gave up telling them
3 I ________________delicious fo o d every night, (eat)
4 I ________________ every morning at 6 am!
as I got older. (not get up)
□ JAKE That’s a shame. 5 I ................. in a 5-star hotel, (stay)

□ JAKE W hat kind o f stories? 6 I _ _ ........the bus to school every

□ JAKE He sounds like a really fun dad. morning, (not take)

□ JAKE W hat do you mean? I can't wait fo r the summer holidays!

Being emphatic: so and such 2 C om plete th e second d ia ry e n try w ith extrem e

1 Choose the correct o p tio n .
1 This exercise is so I such difficult.
2 M r Peters is so / such a good teacher. L ife ’s p re tty good. I can’t really com plain. I live in a big house w ith
my parents. W e g e t on w ell m ost o f th e tim e. I like school. It’s
3 That was so / such a bad game of football.
interesting and I really enjoy going m ost days. M r Henderson,
4 I was so / such late for school today.
my S cience teacher, is really funny. H e makes me laugh and it’s
5 She gave me so / such a great present.
always fun in his lessons. In my spare tim e I go go -ka rtin g . It’s a
6 Andrew is so/suc/i good at chess. really exciting hobby. I won a trophy last week. It was p re tty small
7 I feel so/such tired today. but th e size isn’t im portant. It says ’M o st Im proved D riv e r on it
8 We had so / such a good holiday. so I’m happy w ith it. I’m not sure my mum’s so keen on my hobby.
She’s scared I’ll have an accident. I te ll her not to w o rry and th a t
2 C om plete the sentences w ith so o r such. Then one day I’ll be a w orld cham pion.
match th e sentences to th e photos.

1 It's a smart dog. □

2 They're __ a talented family. □ Life’s p re tty 1 ____ . I can’t com plain a t all. I live in a
3 I really ani tired. □ 2........ ........................................................................_ house w ith my w ife an

4 It's windy today. □ a ll o f th e tim e. I like myjo b. It’s 3 and I really enjoy

5 They're _ a bad team. □ going m ost days. M y boss is really 4 ■ ....... H e makes

6 This cake is______ delicious. □ me laugh and it’s always fun hanging out w ith him. I’m a racing
driver. It’s a really 5 sport. I won a trophy last
week. It was 6 but th e size isn’t im portant. It says
W o rld Cham pion on it so I’m 7 ______w ith it. I’m not sure
my mum’s so keen on myjob. She’s 5 I’ll have an
accident. I te ll her, ’Isn’t it tim e you stopped w o rrying ?’

1 C om plete th e dialogue w ith th e w ords in th e list.
There are fo u r extra words.
amazing | settle | terrible | promote
degree | enormous | so j such
retire j career j travel | huge

KATIE So what are your plans for the weekend,

CONNER Well my dad’s going to _______ _from
work next week so we’re having an
2_________ party for him on Saturday.
I mean it’s going to be really big!
KATIE But he’s 3_________ young!
CONNER I know, and the crazy thing is that the
Extreme adjectives
company offered to 4_________ him too.
1 C om plete w ith th e missing adjectives. KATIE So what made him decide to leave?
0 That film wasn't bad. It was terrible ! CONNER Well the money he got was5___ __ _
1 I don't find Maths interesting. I find it f _ but it was 6________ a stressful job.
2 That joke wasn’t funny. It was h________ KATIE Yes, money isn’t everything.

3 The water’s not cold. It’s f ___________! CONNER Now he's got plans to 7_________ the
world with Mum.
4 No, they weren't scared. They were t __
KATIE But what about you?
5 Their house isn't big. It’s e___________ !
CONNER Well, I hope they're going to wait until I’m
6 That dog isn’t small. It’s t ________ ! at university doing a 8_________ . But the
7 It isn't hot today. It’s b ! mood Dad's in, I can't be too sure!



Personality 1 Use the clues to complete the crossword and find
the mystery profession.
1 Complete the descriptions with adjectives.
1 He only thinks about himself and what's good for
him. He's really s___________ .
2 She always says 'please' or 'thank you*1. She's very
p _ _ ------------- •
3 You did n 't need to buy me a present. That was
v e ry t o f you.
4 He never panics. He’s a very c person.
5 She's very I___________ . She always seems to have 1 They take all the rubbish from the roads.
so much energy. 2 M y brother builds bridges and tunnels.
6 He’s very quiet, not because he's unfriendly, he's 3 She tries to help people who find themselves in
just a b its trouble w ith the police.
7 He's very g with both his money and, 4 She looks after a 4-year-old and tw o 6-year-olds.
more importantly, his time. 5 M y aunt works in a really busy hospital in the
8 He left w ithout saying goodbye', which I thought middle o f London.

was a b it r___________ . 6 He gets us to and from school.

2 Choose the correct option.

Using sh o u ld
1 M y aunt is a receptionist at the clinic. She works in
1 W rite a reply. Use should or shouldn't.
finance / healthcare.
0 'I'm really tired today.' 2 M y whole family w ork in public service /
You should have gone to bed earlier. management. Dad's a nurse, Mum's a teacher and
my uncle is a policeman.
1 'It's Luis's birthday tomorrow.'
3 I'd like to work in law / education, maybe as a
professor at a university.
2 T can't believe it. W e've missed the bus.' 4 If you want to get into medical school you’ll need
the right qualifications / salary.
3 'M y tooth is really hurting.' 5 There are more than 500 employees / employers
working at the factory.
6 They're one o f the biggest employees / employers
4 'Mia’s really upset w ith me.'
in the region with more than 2,000 people
working fo r them.
5 Tm bored.' 7 M y mum's in education / finance. She's an
accountant at the hospital.
8 I know he’s in law / healthcare. He's a solicitor, I think.
2 Complete the dialogue with should/ shouldn't
have and the correct form o f the verbs in the list. Decisions
stay | get up | bring put | set 1 Match the sentence halves.
TEACHER Have you done your homework, Elsie? 1 Come on, Alice. Make up □
ELSIE Umm, I have but I left it at home.
2 Can you be quiet? I find it difficult to make □
TEACHER But it was fo r today. You 1 it
3 It's an im portant decision. I need to think long □
w ith you.
I know. I’m sorry but I was in such a hurry
4 Don’t worry. You can always change □
I left it on the kitchen table. 5 It’s been ten minutes already. Have you come □
TEACHER You 2 earlier. Then you a and hard about it.
w ouldn't have been in such a hurry. b your mind later if you want to.
ELSIE I know. 13_________ my alarm clock but c your mind. Do you want a sandwich or not?
I forgot. A nd I 4 _ _ my book in my d to a decision yet?
bag the night before. A nd 15_________ e a decision when people are talking.
up so late last night.

Permission D N E W T H IN G S
1 Choose the correct option. Reporting verbs
1 Do your parents allow/ let! make you do Match each verb with a sentence.
whatever you want?
2 I'm not allowed / let / made to go o u t on a
invite □
school night. recommend □
3 M y parents let / make / allow me do my homework refuse □
before I can play on the tablet. explain Ш
4 O u r teacher makes I lets / allows us put up our agree □
hand if we want to ask a question.
M y mum won’t allow / let / make me come to
demand □
your party.
persuade □
6 Are we really allowed / let t made to go in that encourage □
abandoned house? 1 To get to the station, you need to take the
number 3 bus.
2 Complete the sentences with the missing words.
2 No, Bella, I won't take you to the party.
1 Are y o u ______ to stay up late? 3 I want you to get out o f my house, Ben. Now!
2 Does your teacher you use phones in class? 4 W ould you like to go to the cinema,Jenny?
3 Do your parents _____ you do your homework 5 Come on,Jim. Come to the party with me.
before you can watch TV? You will? Great!

4 Are y o u ______ to do any housework by your 6 You should enter the talent show. You're brilliant
at singing, Lucy.
7 Read this book, Matt. You'll love it.
5 Do your parents______ you to get up late at the
8 OK, Simon. I'll talk to your dad and see if I can
change his mind.
6 Do your teachers you eat in class?
2 R e p o rt th e sentences in Exercise 1.
3 W rite your answers to the questions in Exercise 2.
1 He explained bow to g et to the station by bus.
2 She_____________________________________________
3 H e _______________________ _ _ _______________ ___
1 Put the dialogue in order. 4 She_____________________ _______________________

□ JIM I hope you're right. Anyway, I'm allowed

to use th e ir family car.
She________________________________________ _
и JIM Have you heard the news? I've got
a summer job.
7 He

8 She _______________ _______________________
JIM I'm actually quite scared. I d on't really
have much experience w ith kids. 3 C o m p le te w ith th e re p o rtin g ve rb s in Exercise 1.

□ JIM I don’t think I’m allowed to use it when

I'm not working.
T here are th re e yo u w o n 't use.

1can't believe I've 1....... do a parachute jum p

□ JIM Childm inding fo r children from the

same family every day.
w ith Tim. How did that happen? It all started when he
2_________ to me about this children's charity that he

□ LUCY Wow. You're very brave. is involved with. I said it sounded interesting and he

□ LUCY You'll be fine. You're kind and lively.

That's all kids want.
3_ me along to one o f their meetings. So
I w ent to see what it's all about. I did n 't know they

□ LUCY You never know. You should ask them.

A friend w ith a car! This is going to be
were organising a sponsored parachute jum p. They
asked me to get involved and o f course 1*1
I mean, I'm not mad. But they kept on trying to
a good summer.

□ LUCY Cool! W here are you going to take me?

5 me to do it and in the end I gave in and

□ LUCY Congratulations. W hat is it?

said yes'. And now I can't get out o f it.


Negative adjectives Regrets: / w ish ... / I f o n ly ...

1 Rewrite the sentences using 1 For each situation w rite tw o regrets: one about the present
a negative adjective. and one about the past.

0 I'm not happy. О I can't afford to buy my mum a b irthday present.

I'm unhappy. ________________ / w ish I h a d more money._____ ______________________
1 It’s not true. I f only I h a d n 't spent a ll m y money on clothes.________
____________________________________ 1 Sara refuses to speak to me.

2 It's not a form al party.

3 They're not patient. 2 I'm so tire d I want to go to bed b u t I’m stuck here in my Science

4 That wasn't responsible o f you.

5 Buy it. It's not expensive. 3 A ll the po p ular boys are in the school fo o tb a ll team.

6 They're not p o lite children.

4 I'm bored.

7 I d o n 't think that's possible.

Changes SUM M ING UP

1 Match the sentence halves.
1 Complete the dialogue w ith the words/phrases in the list.
1 If you're bored, why do n 't There are fo u r extra words/phrases.
you take □ encourage | struggle | wasn’t | unhappy
2 The children are all doing □ am not im possible | take up | gave up
3 If children form □ demand | im polite | hadn’t given it up I refuse

4 If he doesn’t change his □ MARTHA W hat's up, Ben? You look a b i t 1_____ ___
5 W h y ’s it so d ifficu lt to break □ BEN I’m O K. I'm ju st bored. I've g o t nothing to do.

6 I'm not going to make □ MARTHA W h y d o n 't you 7

your time.
_____ a new hobby? That w ill fill

7 I'm finding French to o hard.

I m ight give □ BEN Like what?

8 Sometimes I struggle □ MARTHA G uitar lessons. You've always wanted to play the guitar
a any resolutions this new year.
BEN That’s true. I wish 13__________when I was a teenager.
b up having lessons. I’d be really g o o d now.
c to understand maths. It can be so MARTHA W ell, it’s not to o late to start again.
BEN It is. It's 4.........._ fo r someone my age to start
d bad habits? learning an instrum ent.
e good habits when they're young,
MARTHA W hat! You’re 23!
they'll never fo rg e t them.
BEN I know b u t I really 5 w ith learning new things.
f up a new hobby?
I wish I 6_________ that way b u t I am.
g ways, he's going to get into tro u b le
MARTHA O K then - be bored.
one day.
BEN W hat! That's not very nice.
h really well at their new school.
MARTHA W ell I'm tryin g to 7........ b u t you 8......
to listen. I give up.
BEN I'm sorry, M artha. I’m ju st joking. A nd, you're right - it’s
never to o late to start something new. In fact, I think I
m ight ju st d o that. Do you know any g o o d teachers?
MARTHA That's more like it. In fact I d o . . . M y b rother! He’s great.

GRAMMAR 3 ★★ C o m p le te th e te x t w ith th e c o rre c t fo rm o f
th e verbs in brackets.
Verb patterns: to + infinitive
or gerund Ш Ш Ш
1 ★ W rite th e verbs in th e c o rre c t colum ns
a cc o rd in g to w h a t th e y are fo llo w e d b y (to +
in fin itiv e o r g e ru n d ).
keep I suggest | manage | promise | ask
decide | detest I d o n 't mind | miss | want
can't stand | enjoy | offer | choose

to + in fin itiv e g erund I e n jo y 1______ _____ _ (climb) mountains, so last year,

keep I decided 2...... ...... ..... _ (climb) Ben Nevis in Scotland
with a friend. W e planned 3_______________ _ (g o )to
Scotland in August, and we arranged
4________________ (stay) with a friend in Fort William
for a few days. We started our climb at six am, and we
hoped 5_______________ _ (get back) down the mountain
by tw o pm. The weather was good, so we managed
6........ _ _ .... ........... (reach) the summit in tw o hours.
We never imagined 7________________ (see) such a
2 ★★ C ircle th e c o rre c t fo rm o f th e verbs to
beautiful view from the summit. The next day, we felt
c o m p le te th e m in i-d ia lo g u e s.
like 8________________ (climb) Ben Nevis again.
JANE Did Simon manage to finish / finishing
his essay last night? 4 ★ ★ ★ Find five m istakes in th e d ia lo g u e and
HARRY Yes, so he's promised coming / to come c o rre c t th e m .
climbing with us this weekend. KATE I can’t believe it. I managed climbing Devil's
JANE Fantastic. M y dad’s offered to give / Rock this weekend.
giving us a lift to the climbing club. MATT Did you? That's great.
KATE I suggested to take / taking a picnic but KATE I’ve watched you climb it a couple o f times but
they don 't want to carry / carrying it. I never imagined to climb it myself. I'm hoping
SAM I don’t mind to carry 1 carrying it. doing more climbing next weekend. I learnt
ELIF Now 1live in the city, 1miss to go / descending the rock face using the rope. That
going fo r long walks in the countryside. was scary! W hat did you do at the weekend?
JO Really? 1can’t stand to walk / walking in MATT I wanted coming climbing w ith you and the
the countryside. others but I had some homework to do.
ANNA You're very good at the violin!
5 ★ ★ ★ C o m p le te th e sentences so th a t th e y are tru e
ZOE No, I’m not. 1really enjoy to play
fo r• yo u .
/ playing and 1keep to practise /
practising but I'm not getting any 1 I enjoy
better. 2 I started
ANNA Ask Tom to help / helping you. He’s
3 I don’t mind
a brilliant musician.
4 I hate
STEVE You’ll never guess what? Tim came
climbing with us. 5 I refuse
ELLIE But Tim detests to climb / climbing1
. 6 I love


Verbs + gerund and to + infinitive 8 ★★ Complete the sentences w ith the correct form
o f the verbs in the list.
with different meanings Ш Ш Ш Ш
eat listen tell watch
6 ★ Match the sentences w ith their
m eanings. 1 I was revising fo r the H istory exam and then I stopped
to some music.
1 I stopped to look at the view. □
!---- \ 2 I listened to the first three songs and then I stopped
2 I stopped looking at the view. U
3 He remembers buying a newspaper. □ 3 I rem em ber that film last year.
4 Remember to buy a newspaper, Tom. □ 4 Remember that film tonight. It's really good.
5 He trie d learning Chinese. □ 5 I’ve trie d m ore vegetables b u t I do n 't
6 He trie d to learn Chinese. □ like them.
7 I'll never fo rg e t reading that article 6 I trie d less but I still d id n 't lose any weight.
in the newspaper. □ 7 I regret you that there aren’t any more
8 I fo rg o t to read that article in the tickets fo r the concert.
newspaper. □ 8 I regret Emma about the trip last weekend.

a I'll always rem em ber that article I read in 9 ★ ★ ★ Now w rite a true sentence fo r each o f the
the newspaper.
situations. Think o f ...
b He knows he bought a newspaper,
1 something you regret d o in g o r saying.
с I d id n 't rem em ber to read that article in the
d He wasn't able to learn Chinese, 2 something you rem em ber doing o r saying when you were
e I d id n 't look at the view any more, in prim ary school.
f Don't fo rg e t to buy a newspaper,
g I stopped so I could look at the view, 3 something you've trie d doing.
h His goal was to impress his clients by
speaking Chinese.
4 something you’ve stopped doing.
7 ★★ Complete the mini-dialogues w ith
the correct form o f the verbs in brackets. 5 something you fo rg o t to d o recently.
1 A I fo r g o t_____ ___________ (tell) you.
W e're going to London this weekend.
В Lucky you!
2 A Did Helena finish her essay?
to or gerund after certain verbs
В No, she d id n ’t. She trie d
Learners often omit to or the gerund after certain verbs.
________________ (finish) it last night but
/ We decided to go out for a meal.
she couldn't.
X We dedded ge out for a meal.
3 A I regret (not leave)
earlier on Saturday. Correct the errors in the sentences.
В Yes, you missed the boat race. 1 Jenny couldn't afford d o the survival course.
4 A Do you still play the piano?
В No, I s to p p e d ________________ (play) 2 He started feel a b it awkward as no one was talking to him.
when I was nine.
5 A Do you re m e m b e r...__ ____________ 3 Ethan suggested have an early night b e fore the exam.
(lend) meJK Rowling's latest book?
В Yes, I do. You haven't given it back yet. 4 I never prom ised help you w ith y our hom ework!
6 A You left your guitar at Karen’s house.
Her mum rang me this morning. 5 Do they practise to sing every evening?
В Yes, I know. I s to p p e d ________________
(pick it up) on the way home ju st now. 6 W e wanted leave right away b u t we couldn't.


W ord list


Adjectives to describe uncomfortable feelings

puzzled ashamed
stuck guilty
desperate awkward

Key words in context

c o m m e rc ia lly I don't think your pro d u ct will be c o m m e rcia lly successful. You won't have very many sales,
e x tre m e The weather conditions were extrem e. It was very unusual to see such a snowstorm,
knot He tie d a k n o t at the end o f the rope.
ris k y It was ris k y to climb down the rock face w ithout a safety rope but they had to d o it.
s h e lte r It was snowing hard. W e had to build a sh e lte r to protect us from the snow and the cold,
s lip I s lip p e d on the ice and fell over backwards.
s tu n t That was a dangerous stu n t. He jum ped over three buses on a motorbike,
th rille d I was th rille d when I won the race. M y mum and dad were very happy too.
u ltim a te Climbing Ben Nevis was the u ltim a te challenge forjake. He had trained fo r months.


Verbs o f movement IT'Ш АХТ! 4 ★★★ W rite a new situation fo r each feeling.

1 ★ Find ten verbs o f movement. 1 (puzzled)

о C L I M В T T T H P
2 (stuck)
N W C A T В p L E T R 3 (desperate)

C N S E A L о P W G 4 (ashamed)

5 (guilty)
D W A N D E R T D E T 6 (awkward)
В R E A T H L E G R s

ь. а . л » t t ft f , *
2 ★★ Complete the text about the race with
the past tense o f the verbs o f movement in
Exercise 1. There are tw o you won’t use.
WordWise SB page 19

Jake 0 crawled through the tunnel on his hands and

rig h t
knees. Then he held onto the rope and 1 5 ★★ Complete the mini-dialogues with
across the river. He 2 _____ very quietly past the the phrases in the list.
house on the other side o f the river. Then he quickly right right away | Too right
3 ............. ............up the mountain. In thick fog, he slowly right up to | A ll right | Right
4 _ down the other side o f the mountain. A fter 1 A Karen's just emailed me about the
that, he 5 across the flat ground. He was in a concert on Saturday. Do we want tickets?
hurry to finish now. Then suddenly, he fell and hurt his
В O f course we do.
left leg, so he 6 ____ _on his right leg to the finish
A I’ll email her back_____________ _ then.
line. Everybody cheered. He 7_________ through the
2 A Did you guess who the th ie f was?
crowds o f people and he shook hands with all his fans.
В No, I didn’t k n o w ________________the
Adjectives to describe uncomfortable end o f the book.

feelings 3 A Did you remember to buy the tickets?

3 ★★ Read the situations. How would you feel? В I didn't buy them in the end. They were
Choose one o f the adjectives. £50 a ticket. That's to o expensive.
A _______________ __ I don’t want to pay
1 You d on't know the answer to the next question
on the exam paper. You can't do the next question that much fo r a ticket either.
until you've completed this one. 4 A Sorry, I'll just answer the phone.
You are stuck / puzzled. В Go ahead.
2 Last night you ate your brother's chocolate bar. He [later]
doesn't know yet.
A Sorry about that. It wasjames.
You feel guilty / desperate.
_________________W hat were we talking
3 You are at a party. Everybody knows each other
but you don’t know anybody.
You feel awkward / puzzled. 5 A Can I come with you and Sam to the
match on Saturday?
4 You put your house keys on the desk. Now they
aren't there. В Yes, o f course.
You are ashamed / puzzled. A You're setting o ff early,_______________ ?
5 You shouted at one o f your friends yesterday. В Yes, we're leaving at 8 o'clock.
You feel ashamed / guilty o f yourself. 6 A Can I borrow your ruler?
6 You are locked in a room in a castle. You have no
В ________________ But don’t forget to
phone and there is no food. N o b o d y knows you
give me it back.
are there.
* * * * * * * *3
You feel desperate / stuck.

REMEMBER AND CHECK Answer these questions. Then check your answers on page 13 in the Student’s Book.
1 W hy did Simon and Joe decide to take the 4 W hy did Simon decide to leave his friend, Joe?
more dangerous route down the Siula Grande? 5 How long d id it takejoe to descend the rest o f
2 W hy did the trip take longer than they had expected? the mountain?
3 W hat d id jo e break? 6 W ho saved joe's life?

Read the article quickly and answer the questions.

1 Which body parts need to be very strong to free climb? W hat is the importance o f these numbers: 914,
19 and 27?

A S tory of Team w ork and Perseverance

Free climbers don't use ropes when they climb. uploaded the photos on Instagram for people
How do you climb a smooth They only use their hands and feet. However, all around the world to see. ‘Inspirational’ -
rock face? In 2015, tw o young they do have ropes to hold them if they fall. ‘What a remarkable achievement! I'm awed.’
American climbers showed El Capitan is 914m high. That's almost - ‘Awesome! Amazing! And a true friendship!’
us how. Tommy Caldwell and 100m higher than the wodd’s tallest building, - ‘What bravery and courage!’ These are just
Kevin Jorgeson became the the Burj Khalifa tower in Dubai, which is 163 some of the comments people tweeted as they
first free climbers to climb the floors high. The climb took Caldwell and watched the amazing climb.
Dawn Wall of the El Capitan Jorgeson 19 days. They ate, drank and slept in A lot of the climbing was at night and they
rock formation in California. small tents hanging from the rock face. They chose to climb in the middle of winter. Why
even read books there! They brewed coffee was that? Well, fingertips sweat less in cooler
on special hanging stoves. Every few days, a temperatures and the rubber on shoes can grip
friend on the ground climbed up on a rope and better. They began their climb on the 27th
brought them new supplies of food and water. December 2014 and they planned to live on the
So how do you climb a smooth rock wall until they reached the top. They promised
face? A lot of it relies on the strength of your not to return to the ground during their climb.
fingertips. The climbers needed to stop and Caldwell was the stronger and more
rest some days so that their fingertips could experienced climber, and he was always ahead
heal. To make their cuts heal quicker they used of Jorgeson. For ten days, Jorgeson continued
superglue and tape. to fall during his daily climbs. He knew that
Unlike expeditions of a hundred years ago, he was delaying his friend. But this climb was
people around the wortd could watch every about teamwork and friendship. ‘More than
moment of this climb as it happened. In their anything, I want to get to the top together,'
breaks, the climbers updated their social media said Caldwell on day 13. He couldn't imagine
accounts and spoke to journalists on the phone. finishing without his friend. Finally on day 19 the
A photographer and good friend, also hanging two climbers made it to the top.
off the wall, captured every move on film and

3 Read the article again and mark the sentences 7 The tw o climbers decided not to descend to
T (true) or F (false). the ground until they had successfully

1 Caldwell and Jorgeson were the first free

reached the to p o f the Dawn Wall. □
climbers to manage to climb the wall. □ 8 Caldwell wanted to finish the climb before

2 El Capitan is in a national park in New Mexico. □ his friend, Jorgeson.

3 El Capitan is a few metres shorter than the 4 Many people tweeted as they watched the
world's tallest building. □ amazing climb. What comment would you make?
4 People all around the world were able to see
pictures o f the climb on social media. □ Pronunciation
5 The climbers' shoes grip better in warmer Dipthongs: alternative spellings
temperatures. □ Go to page 118.
6 They started to climb the Dawn Wall in ____________ J
January 2015. □

DEVELOPING WRITING 3 Answer the questions.

1 H ow does M iriam describe M ou n t Toubkal?

A travel advertisement:
review for an adventure holiday 2 H ow d id M iriam feel when she reached the camp
1 Read Miriam's review. W hat do you notice about each evening?
the style o f writing?

a It is formal. □ 3 W h o d id M iriam go with?

b It is informal. □
4 H ow d id M iriam feel after the trip?
2 W hat does Miriam use in her review?

a She uses some questions. □

5 W hat tips does M iriam give?
b She uses very long sentences. □

4 Read the review again and find the adjectives.

W hat do they describe? W rite the nouns/
My Climb to Confidence pronouns. Then look in a thesaurus and find
another adjective you could use instead.
What's 4,167 metres high, in Morocco and a
challenge to climb? Mount Toubkal of course! My new choice
Adjective Noun
Mount Toubkal is North Africa's highest mountain. o f adjective
And guess what? I managed to climb i t this 1 tough tre k k in g
autumn. Yes, I actually climbed to the summit of
a mountain. 2 exhausted
The climb was a fantastic experience. The 3 icy cold
trekking was tough though, especially on the
4 challenging
final day. We walked for twelve hours, and on
the other three days we walked for eight or nine 5 spectacular
hours. I was exhausted when we finally reached
the camp each evening. I t was a four-day trek
6 fierce
and we spent three icy cold nights camping. I
went w ith my mum and dad and my older brother, 5 W rite a review fo r an adventure holiday. It can
who's nineteen. The climb was challenging for be fo r a holiday you have been on or a made up
a ll of us. Each day, we stopped to have a picnic holiday. W rite 200-250 words.
lunch, and the views were spectacular. I really
regret not taking a camera. The rest o f the
holiday was fun too, but the climb up Mount
Toubkal was the highlight for me. I th in k the
whole trip was character building and I definitely
Use inform al language
feel more confident now I've done it.
Include interesting adjectives
Any tips? Yes. Remember to take a hat. The sun
is fierce. Don't forget to take a water b ottle w ith Use verbs of m ovem ent
you and some water purification tablets. Prepare Include an introductory paragraph, main
for a challenging walk. body, conclusion and travel tips

1 СЭШЗ Read the sentences below. Then listen 2 С И Л ! Listen again and complete the sentences
and write the numbers o f the dialogues, 1, 2 or with one word.
3 in the boxes.
1 Sammy wants James to come and watch a _________
1 They are in the m iddle o f a challenge. One
o f them wants to give up. □ 2
Parkour started in ________ _ .
Chris can't continue because he can't crawl through
2 They have climbed a high mountain and
th e __________
they want a new challenge. □ 4 The weather's very bad. It’sjust started t o _________
3 They watch a video about people running,
5 Jake enjoys going to the climbing club because
climbing, jum ping and swinging over walls
and buildings. □ 6
everyone is v e ry __________
The climb up Ben Nevis was a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fo r Jake.


1 Complete these parts o f the dialogues with the 1 Match the two halves o f the phrases.
phrases in the list.
1 Same □ a a shout
O f course you can j that’s to o easy | I bet you I
I think you’re probably right | I’ll never manage to
2 Something □ b what?

I bet you I challenge you ! No problem 3 Give me □ c deal

1 SAMMY W ow ! Did you see that? 4 You know □ d were we?

_______ _ can't do that. 5 W here □ e here

JAMES can. 6 It's a □ f or other

SAMMY All right_______ _ to jum p

2 Complete the dialogues with phrases from
onto the kitchen table.
Exercise 1.
JAMES B u t....................... .
1 A Come along to the indoor climbing club and
SAMMY Yes, easy and safe. You need proper
I’ll teach you. I’m a trainer there.
training to do Parkour.
В ________________ W hen do I start?
2 CHRIS You go on ahead, Susie. 2 A Dinner's not ready yet.
crawl through that В O K _________________ when it’s ready.
3 A Rob's going on an adventure holiday this
SUSIE ___ ____ __ , Chris. Come on. September. It’s a trek across the desert in Jordan,
Keep going. You're doing really well.
В I know. I thought he was crazy at first. But
I be t you can crawl through that tunnel
_________ _J___ _ Now I think I want to go with
faster than I can.
him. It’s a real challenge.
3 JAKE It was a challenge but I'm glad I’ve 4 A Sorry about that, Matt. I had to answer a call.
done it. N ow ,________________
LOUISE Same here. What's our next challenge? В You were just showing me the route fo r
I bet we can climb M ount Everest Saturday's trek.
one day. A Ah, yes.
JAKE . It w on't be fo r a few 5 A I'm sorry I haven't called you this week. I’ve had
years though. I don’t think we're ready a lot o f things to do.
fo r that yet.
В ________________ I've been really busy with
LOUISE .W e need a b it the band.
more practice before we take on that 6 A Have you seen Kate recently?
challenge. Now, where were we? ...
В No. She's at football training or tennis club or
I know. You were showing me how to
do that knot.
sugey flores


Reading and Use o f English Part 4
1 For questions 1-5, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to
the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use
between two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).

Example: 3 I can’t afford to buy this laptop.

0 I moved here five years ago. ENOUGH
FOR I _don't have enough
______________ ______ money to buy this
I 'vc lived here for five ..... years. laptop.
1 I would rather not see that film. 4 She wasn't able to complete her homework last night.
I would prefer not.....see that film. wasn't
She___ managed
__ ____ to finishher homework
____ _______
2 I won't leave him there alone. last night.

REFUSE 5 I remember my first swimming lesson.

I refuse to leave him

__________________________there alone. FORGET
forget my
I _______.__________________ first swimming lesson.

Exam guide: key word;|ransformation ы® | ЩЩ il

In this part o f the exam, there are six questions. Each has a complete sentence and a second gapped
sentence. You must complete the second sentence with two to five words so that it means the same as
the first sentence. There is a key word which you must include.
• Remember contractions count as tw o words.
• You should always give every question a try. It's possible to get a point fo r one correct word.
« Train yourself to think o f different ways o f saying things.

2 For questions 1-6, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using
the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the
word given. Here is an example (0).

Example: 3 I couldn't see the play last night.

0 M y mum didn't let me go to the cinema last night. ABLE TO
ALLOW I couldn't be able to see the play last night.
M y mum d idn 't allow me to..__ go to the 4 N o b o d y has managed to climb that rock face yet.
cinema last night. SUCCEEDED
1 It's been months since I last went swimming. N o b o d yhas
been succeeded to_____
climbthat rock
BEEN face yet.
I have been several months. 5 I stopped so I could buy a newspaper.
2 We haven't got enough time to go and see the TO
art exhibition. stopped
I _____ to buy _______ a newspaper.
TOO 6 I’d like to have a bath.
It's not too much time to and see the art FEEL
exhibition. 'd feel like to have
I _________________________ a bath.


Relative clauses (review) ЕЙШЕЯ

which to refer to a whole clause Ш Ш 5Ш
3 ★ Write sentences from the prompts, using which.
1 ★★ Complete the gaps with who, which or 0 Some people / listen / to very loud music / can /
that and p u t D (defining) or ND (non-defining). damage /th e ir ears

0 People who move to a big city can Some people listen to very loud music, which
find it hard to meet people. can damage their ears._________________________

1 My sister Jane,_________lives in New 1 My father / walks / to work / is / good / for his health
York, has made a lot o f friends there.
2 The cafe,_________ opened near the
university, is a good place to meet people. О 2 My grandfather / has / three large dogs / means / he /
3 Paul,_________ has just moved in next
door to me, has four sisters. □ gets / plenty of exercise

4 It’s not always easy to meet people

_________ like the same things as you. □ 3 Some blind people / have / guide dogs / gives / them
5 O f the six flats, the one _____ Sally more independence
shares with four friends is the smallest. □
2 ★★ Find and correct the mistakes in each
sentence. 4 My sister / spends / hours / working / on the
0 I'm very proud of my mother who works for computer / sometimes / gives / her / a headache
a local charity.
I'm very proud o f my mother, w h o works for
a local charity. _____________________________ 4 ★★ Find pairs of ideas. Then write sentences using
1 This is a photograph who I took in Italy. which. Make any other necessary changes.
0 b u s to school-/cost-f2.SQ
2 The boy which bought my bike lives in this street. 1 I like / watch films at home
2 friend/going / live in Colombia
3 My mother who is a doctor often has to work at 3 mother's car / stolen last week
weekends. 4 famous band / play in our town next week
a be / big change in lifestyle
4 I've got a new phone who is far better than my b
old one. c not happen / very often
d mean / take bus to work
5 The player, who scored the winning goal in the e be / cheaper / go / cinema
2014 World Cup final, was Mario Gotze.6 0 The bus to school costs £ 2 .50, which is very
.acpmsivefernie* ________ __ _______________
6 I don’t really like people, who talk a lot. 1 ______________________________
2 ___________________________________________________________• __________________________

sugey flores 2 i G O I N G PLACES

O m itting relative pronouns and 7 ★★ Join the sentences to make one sentence.

reduced relative clauses Ш Ш Ш Э 0 Catarina is an Italian student. She is studying English in

5 ★ Complete the gaps w ith th a t / which / London.
who or - if the pronoun is not necessary. Catarina is an Italian stu den t stu dying ......... .......
1 which he
Patrick paid back the m o n e y _________ English in London.________________________________
owed me last week. 1 Walter fell and hurt himself. He was painting a wall.
2 who have eaten at
I know a lo t o f p e o p le _________ walter fell and hurt himself painting a wall
that restaurant.
3 that
There are a few th in g s __________I want to keep 2 We gave a lift to two students. They were trying to get
w ith me. to London.
4 if
This is the b o o k _________ M im i gave me fo r my we gave a lift to two students traying to get to
birthday. london
5 These aren't the photos that were in the
3 I met a French guy on the train. He was going to the
same place as me.
6 who
I'm the sort o f p e rs o n ..... _ .... likes to spend
I met a French guy on the train going to the same
tim e alone. place as me
6 ★★ Complete the dialogue w ith who 4 A scientist accidentally discovered Post-It notes. He
/ which / th a t or - if the pronoun is not was trying to invent a strong glue.
a sciencist accidentally discovered post-it notes
JANET Greg, y o u ’ve moved a lot. W h a t are the trying to invent a strong glue
th in g s 1______ you think are im p orta n t
5 The crew of the ship found a man. He was hiding in
ab o ut moving?
the lifeboat.
GREG which is
Yes, well, I think the thing 2_________
the crew of the ship found a man hiding
most im p o rta n t is to be optim istic about
in the lifeboat
the move. O f course there are things
3_________ you’ll miss, b u t think o f all the
exciting things there w ill be. New places,
new peo ple!
JANET But what a b o u t my friends? This is the w h ich and w h o
only place 4 _that
_ _ _ _ I’ve ever lived in! I A common error fo r learners is to use which instead of
■ who or vice versa in relative clauses.
GREG You can keep in touch w ith the p eople
who are your most im p orta n t
5_________ i / / met some friendly people who became friends o f mine.
friends. A n d you can visit - you're going ; A I met some friendly people which became friends o f mine.
to live in Ireland, right? N o t on the m oon! Complete the sentences w ith which or who.
JANET I know, b u t you need to take a train 1 Please let me know which is the most direct way to
that makes it
and then the fe rry ,6_________ the conference.
com plicated and expensive. A n d what if
2 Most of the immigrants who moved to the village
I d o n ’t make new friends?
found work.
GREG Look, d o n ’t w o rry! You’re an outgoing who
3 The motorists.............. use this road are kindly asked to
person 7_ who
_ _______ makes friends quickly
drive more slowly.
- you’ll be O K. But you know, one thing which
4 There are a lot of people moving to this area,
8_________ I like to d o before I move
means there will be fewer parking places.
is make a scrapbook 9 that___ w ill
5 Sam had a year out in Italy, which is a beautiful
rem ind me o f the place and the people.
I p u t photos, names, birthdays and email
addresses in i t , 10_________ helps me 6 Lucy turned out to be someone who you can rely on.
to keep in touch w ith the friends 7 The Aborigines, which have been living there for
II ...... .... I made. 40,000 years, have few possessions.
JANET That’s a great idea! Thanks, Greg. 8 The boat which the refugees were sailing on arrived
safely in the port.


Word list

staff employers

residents immigrants

refugees inhabitants


go through

pick up

Key words in context

abroad I don't live in my own country anymore - I live abroad.
compassion She's had a very bad time recently - we need to show her some compassion.
courage I've never sung in front o f other people - I don't have the courage.
desperately They've got no money at all - they're desperately poor.
homesickness After tw o months away from home, my homesickness started to get better.
invaluable I would never have succeeded without your help - it was invaluable.
mayor In our city, we choose a new mayor every four years.
overall W e had a few days o f rain, but mostly it was sunny, so overall the summer's been good.
praise He told the truth and people praised him for his hones:;.
renovate M y house is old now, so I'm going to renovate it.
severe Sometimes the temperature is -25° - the winter can be real у severe.
shortage It hasn't rained for six months, so now we've got a water shortage.

Groups of people SB page 22 2 ★★ Which people might say these things? (There
may be more than one possibility.)
1 ★★ Complete the crossword.
1 .C Cyclists - they're terrible, I can't stand them. J

The boss is OK bat she makes

as work really hard too!

I promise that we will make this coantry better.

It isn’t always easy to make a

new start in another coantry.

Speak ap! We cant hearyoa here at the back.

We really love living here —it’s great.

Phrasal verbs (1) ЕШШВ!

3 ★ Circle the correct options.
1 I thought the exam would be difficult, but it turned out /
brought about to be easy.
2 He's horrible - why do you hang out with / run into him?
3 The neighbours are so noisy - I can't go through /
put up with it any more.
4 W e complained so much that we brought about /
picked up some changes.
5 I don't really speakjapanese - I just picked up I
1 The factory is the town's b ig g e st...
put up with some phrases.
2 It's a really big company - there are more
6 Isn’t it funny when you run into / hang out with someone
than a thousand ... there.
you haven't seen for ages?
3 You can't drive here - this is a ... zone.
7 I worked really hard on M onday - 1was turned out /
4 Big, noisy lorries use this street, and some ...
worn out.
are unhappy about it.
8 Don't w orry - it's just a bad time I’m wearing out /
5 It's a huge city - there are about twelve
going through.
million ... here.
6 There is a large population o f North African 4 ★★ Complete each sentence with one or two
... in our town. words.
7 The plane was carrying 90 passengers and
1 Yesterday I ran an old friend o f my
seven ... members.
8 The accident was caused by a ... who was
driving to o fast. 2 They walk so quickly that they wear m e ....... ......

9 There are more than 30 teachers on the ... o f 3 Everyone said it was going to rain, but it turned
the school. to be a lovely day.
10 A lo t o f people in the ... d id n 't like the film, 4 I'm going to hang...... ......... ...... friends this
and started to leave. afternoon.
11 She escaped from her country and now she's
5 Be nice to her - she’s g o in g ________________ a bad time
a ...
right now.
12 She's an im p o rta n t... and hopes to become
6 He's never had French lessons - he just picked it
the leader o f her p a rty soon.
in France.

Pronunciation 7 We hope these changes will b rin g ___________

some better results.
Phrasal verb stress
8 You're horrible! I don't know why I put ________ _______
Co to page 118. ЕЛ

1 REMEMBER AND CHECK Match the phrases from columns A , В and C. Then check
your answers in the te x t on page 21 o f the Student's Book.
1 Many young people started an organisation to house the refugees.
2 Domenico Lucano went and visited Riace because there weren't enough jobs.
3 Lucano had to work called Citta Futura.
4 The refugees saw some people on the beach to get ideas for their towns and cities.
5 Lucano used empty buildings who had escaped their own country.
6 The male refugees which meant that so they could be rented to tourists.
7 There are more children, left Riace to earn their food and accommodation.
8 Other politicians renovated houses the school could reopen.

2 Read the blog. How does the w rite r usually feel about getting lost? How did she feel at the end o f this story?

The joys of getting lost

Most of us like to know where we are and As the sun began to come up, Dad I began to forget that we were lost,
where we’re going. It can feel strange to started taking photographs and I just and just started watching and taking
be lost - sometimes very uncomfortable, looked around. Every time he walked off, in everything that was happening around
too. The words ‘being lost’ make us think I followed him, down small streets and me. We stopped and had a sandwich
of a dark wood, or a dark city street: over little bridges. for breakfast - Dad’s terrible Italian
threatening and scary. But that’s not After about an hour and a half, I turned to was just enough for us to get what we
always the case. him. ‘Dad,’ I asked, ‘where are we?’ wanted, even in a place away from the
When I was about twelve, we were on He looked at me and said, ‘You know, tourist track.
holiday in Venice. My dad’s a really keen I have no idea.’ I immediately felt a bit Finally, after about four hours of
photographer and he said that he was scared, but Dad just smiled and laughed. wandering around, Dad said: ‘Hey! This
going to get up the following morning at ‘We’re lost!’ he said. I told him to get is our street!’ And we were back. Mum
5 o’clock and go out to take photos as out his map or phone. He looked at me. was in the breakfast room of the hotel
the sun came up. Mum wasn’t interested, ‘Map? Phone? I only brought the camera. when we came in. ‘Where have you
but I said I’d go with him. (Of course, that Come on, let’s get more lost!’ And he been?’ she asked, anxiously. ‘We got
was only because he promised I could laughed again. lost!’ I said with a huge grin.
have the biggest ever bowl of Italian ice His laughter relaxed me and made me These days we have so many things
cream if I did! Why else would I get up at feel safe. We started to walk again. to stop us from getting lost - maps,
5 in the morning?!) People were appearing on the streets GPS, apps on our phones, and so on.
So at 5 am we left the hotel and started - shops and cafes began to open, and But Dad showed me that being lost
walking. There was almost no one in the as the sun came up the narrow streets can sometimes simply be something
streets, which is pretty rare in Venice. started to fill with light, to Dad’s delight. to enjoy.

Read the blog again. M ark the sentences T (true), F (false)

or DS (doesn't say).

1 When people think of 'being lost’, they sometimes feel scared.

2 The writer's father is a professional photographer.
3 The streets in Venice are often empty.
4 The writer's father never took his phone with him when
he took photographs. □
5 The writer's father spoke good Italian. □
6 They had breakfast in a place where tourists often went. □
7 The writer's mother was worried about them.
8 The writer now gets lost quite often, in order to have adventures.

W rite a short paragraph (5 0 -8 0 words) to say how you feel about
getting lost. Give an example o f a tim e it happened to you.


Writing a letter to a friend

1 Read Marcos's letter to Jodie.
1 W here is he?
2 W h a t difficulties does he talk about?

Hi. Jodie,
How's everything with yon in England? ’Sorry I haven't
written before bat there's jast been so much to do since
I Left Brazil to come h e r e . __
And now here I am in Vancouver, on my year exchange.' You know that I'm staying with
ajfamily here, right? They're the Johnsons, who live in an area called Oakridge: it's a j’ew kilometres
from the city centre bat there are buses and a train, so 2easy_to get there. The Johnsons are very
friendly a n d they've helped me settle in. They haven't got any kids but I've made some frien d s my
age round here, and I go to the language course three mornings a week and I've got frie n d s there too.
Talking of language - well, that's been the tricky thing, especially listening. People don't talk like
in the books at school! I mean, 3no problem when I'm talking to one person, but in a big group, it can
J f hard to jbllow the conversation. Still, it's getting easier!
Otherwise, 4all good. I thought a lot o f things would be very different here, but they aren't. One
thing, though, is you have to remember to leave a tip in restaurants. 5Not Like in Brazil, where the
tip's alw ays added to the bill. And when you buy something, you have to remember that they add
tax at the check-out so you always pay more than what's on the label!
OK, 6got to go. Write and tell me how you are,,___
jr Marcos ..... ..... ........ ........................... _.......

2 In each o f the underlined parts o f the letter, Marcos left something out before the underlined word(s).
Match these phrases to the underlined parts 1-6.
a there's Q j b I'm Q c it's d It’s j__ | e I've Q j f it’s H ]

Writing tip 4 Imagine that you are doing an exchange

programme in an English-speaking country.
• W e often leave certain words out in informal W rite a letter to a friend about your experience.
speaking and w ritin g (it's called ellipsis). It is W rite 200-250 words.
usually the subject and the auxiliary verb that Include:
are left out, fo r example: • which country you are in
Did you have a nice weekend? becomes Have a
• w ho you are staying w ith
nice weekend? (leaving out the subject you' and
• what difficulties you've had w ith language
the auxiliary 'did')
• any cultural differences you've had to adjust to.

3 W hat could be left out from these sentences?

Rewrite the sentences.

0 It's g o o d to see you. CHECKLIST

C o o d to se e y o u ,_____________________________________
Use a style o f an inform al letter
1 There are no worries, we can d o this easily.
Use at least tw o examples o f ellipsis

M ention language and cultural difference

2 A re you having a g ood time?
W rite 2 0 0 -2 5 0 words

3 Do you see what I mean?


1 £ Ы М Listen to tw o conversations. Complete 1 Put the dialogues in order.
each sentence with between 1 and 3 words.

A Go on - surprise me.

1 7 j A I hear you’re going to Scotland fo r the


] A That's incredible.
В W ell, I g o t a return ticket fo r £57.50.
В I know. It’s amazing, isn’t it? I could hardly
believe it myself.

В Yes, by train. I bought a really cheap ticket

online last night. You'll never believe what
I paid.
A Pretty interesting, I thought. You know, they
1 Jill has won a ___ _____ ________ a magazine.
move around w ith camels, and they can travel
2 The prize is a _________________ day trip to South up to sixty kilometres a day.
A Did you see the docum entary last night about
3 She w on't have t o ____ _____________on the trip. the Tuareg?
4 Max wants to know how many people A I know. A n d in that kind o f heat. It's almost
_________ _____ _ is for. unbelievable.

C O NVERSATIO N 2 В No, I missed it. Was it any good?

5 M onika and Graham are looking at I'm not sure I’d want to d o it, I have to say.
------------- ----- ------- comic books. В W ow. That's quite a distance.
6 Monika's grandfather collects__________________ 3
7 He started his collection when he was A In Alaska. A nd it’s w in te r there. He w rote
as a young man. me an email - he said that sometimes, it's
8 _________________ the money in his collection is old. -25 degrees.

A M y frien d Pete's gone travelling around the

2 £ Listen again. C o m p le te th e se p a rts o f th e
w orld.
co n ve rsa tio n s w ith 1 o r 2 w o rd s .
A I know. H ow d o pe o ple survive in
tem peratures like that?
JILL W ell, in 1_____________ , I entered it. I kind o f В Really? I knew it g o t cold there, but not that
thought I knew lots o f the answers, most o f cold!
them in fact. A n d so I thought 'OK, why not?'
I’ve g o t a b e tter question. W h y on earth d id
MAX A nd ...? H old on, you're not telling me ... Pete choose to go somewhere so cold!?
JILL Yes. I won! I heard today. The magazine В O h, right. So w here is he now?
phoned me up and to ld me I'd won.
2 W rite tw o dialogues o f six lines each. Choose
MAX That’s 2_______ ___ __ ! Wow. W ell done. So -
from these situations. Look back at Exercise 1
you've g ot a free trip to South Africa?
to help you.
JILL That's right. I ca n 3 it myself.
1 Two friends are talking. O ne o f them watched
CO NVERSATIO N 2 a fo o tba ll match. A player scored five goals.
GRAHAM Do you collect anything, Monika? 2 Two friends are talking. O ne o f them d id an online
quiz and g o t 49/50.
MONIKA No - b u t my grandfather's got
4_____________ collection o f money from 3 Two friends are talking. O ne o f them has a new
frien d w ho is 2.12 metres tall.
all over the w orld. I think he's g o t coins
4 Two friends are talking. O ne o f them is saving
and notes from 5 ______ _ a hundred
to buy a musical instrument. It's very expensive.
diffe re n t countries.
GRAHAM That's6_____________ collection!



W riting part 2: an article 1 Read Manuela's article and answer the questions.

1 Does she do everything that the task asks her to do?

Exam guide: writing an article
In part 2 o f the w riting exam you are 2 Find and circle:
asked to write a text from a choice of a adjectives that she uses
text types in about 140-190 words. This b three questions' that she uses
will sometimes be an article, fo r example,
fo r a school magazine or a teen website.
Remember that the article is for a magazine The best place I've ever
or website - it’s for entertainment, rather visited? It has to be Disney
than for information. So, try to make your World, in Florida. We live
writing lively and interesting. Ways you can in Mexico City and a trip to
do this include: the USA had always been
• using direct (rhetorical) questions my dream. On my eleventh
• using lots of adjectives and adverbs birthday, my parents gave
• not making the sentences too long and me a white envelope instead
complicated of the usual present. And can
you guess what it was? Of
Remember that in the actual exam your
course - our plane tickets to spend six nights
work is assessed on its:
in Disney World. I was just so excited!
• content (have you done what you’re
asked to do?) We flew about five weeks later. I can still remember so
• language (is your grammar, vocabulary many things about that fantastic trip. We stayed in a
and spelling generally good even if there resort in the Epcot Centre, and every day we went to
are some mistakes?) see something different. I guess my real favourite was
the Wild Africa Trek - three hours of walking and seeing
• organisation (does your writing follow
a clear, logical pattern?) wild animals - it was incredible. And then there were the
rides, of course - we all got in a raft one afternoon and
• communication (is your writing in an
did some white-water rafting, that was scary but fun, we
appropriate style - not too formal or
got drenched!
So we had five days of fun, sun, great food, ice cream,
rides - what's not to like? I can hardly wait to go back!
Manuela wrote an article after she saw
this task:
2 Look at the underlined phrases in the article. They are
phrases that you could use in this kind o f article writing.
THE BEST PLACE I ’V E Can you find at least one other phrase you think you
E V E R VISITED could use?
What’s the best place you’ve ever
3 W rite an article o f your own. You can choose the task
that Manuela did, or the one below.
When did you go? Who with?
What did you like so much about it?
Write about 1 4 0 -1 9 0 words. There are many nom adic people in the world -
e.g. the Inuit an d the Tuareg.
We’ll publish the best articles on our
If you could meet an d sp en d some time with a
website! And there are prizes for the
nom adic tribe, which one would it be an d why?
Write and tell us. Write about 140-190 words.
We ll publish the best articles on our website!
And there are prizes for the winners!

LISTEN IN G 4 Join the sentences to make one sentence.

1 Ш Listen to Amelia talking about her 1 M y sister spends all day on her phone. I find this
year in Indonesia. Put the things below in the very annoying.
order she mentions them. There are two she
doesn't mention.
2 M y favourite town is Brighton. It’s on the south coast.3
] the food □ the language
Г i her school I j transport 3 I watched the film last night. I thought it was really
I 1 the weather F j the people boring.

4 M y best friend is Al. He was born on the same day

as me.

5 Match the sentence halves.
1 I don 't know how you put up □
2 I’m ashamed o f what I said and □
3 Housework really wears me □
4 I'm a b it stuck and □
2 О Ш Listen again and mark the sentences 5 I wasn't in Spain long and I only picked □
T (true) or F (false).
6 I felt a b it awkward and □
1 Amelia's dad was only going to spend half a

7 It was a terrible thing to go □
year there.
The weather was always hot and dry. □
8 I can tell that he's guilty □
a out and makes me feel tired,
3 Amelia's lost contact with most o f her
Indonesian friends. □ b
through and she doesn't like talking about it.
d id n 't know what to say.
4 She used to buy nasi goreng from a shop. □ d by the look on his face,
5 Amelia describes a bejak journey as being e could use some help,
a b it dangerous b u t exciting too. □ f with all his terrible jokes,
g I want to say sorry,
GRAM M AR h up a few words o f the language.

3 Choose the correct option. 6 Complete each word.

1 I d on't mind to help I helping you w ith your 1 W e had to e _________ on our hands and knees.
2 The r_________ are really unhappy about the plans
2 But, Dad, you promised to take / taking me to the
to open a new nightclub in the area.
cinema tonight!
3 The c_________ made sure all the passengers were
3 I feel like to eat / eating some chocolate. I don’t
safely o ff the ship before they left.
suppose you've got any?
4 They w___ ______around the city fo r hours. They
4 Can I suggest to take / taking a break and finishing
this later? had no idea where they were going.

5 I really regret to tell/ telling Paul all those things. 5 S het_________ quietly up the stairs.
6 I bum ped into Joshua on the high street and we 6 The a_________ hated his performance and he was
stopped to have / having a chat. booed o ff stage.
7 I fo rg o t to post / posting this letter again. 7 The company has more than 1,000 e
8 I d on't remember to invite / inviting Ian to my party. 8 He grabbed the rope and s___ _____ across
Why's he here? the river.


UNITS 1 & 2

7 Complete the dialogue w ith the phrases in the list. There are tw o you w on't use.
You know what? | You'll never manage to do it | It’s a deal j That’s too easy
Same here | Ofcourselcan | I bet you can't | Give me a shout
DAN You can't go for more than an hour without the rest o f the meal without your phone.
checking your phone. ANA Don’t be silly.4____ _________ .
ANA 1________________ DAN Is it? OK, if you don’t look at your phone until
DAN No you can't. I mean we've only been in the we finish eating, I'll pay for dinner.
restaurant 20 minutes and you've already ANA 5_
6_______________ I hope you've got a lot of
checked it twice. money with you.
ANA Well, I'm expecting an im portant message. DAN I haven't but that's no problem.
DAN Really? 2_______ _ _ _ _ _ _ I don't think you 6

could survive without your phone. Not even for ANA OK, let's see.
five minutes. In fact,3______________ spend

8 Read the article and answer the questions.

You would expect extreme sportspeople to be equipped with

survival techniques. A mountaineer needs to be ready for a rapid
descent in bad weather and a deep-sea diver needs to know what
to do should they ever come face to face with a great white shark,
for example. Even more everyday sportspeople need to know a few one of the most poisonous creatures in the world. In fact, one bite
basic procedures and more than one football player's life has been can kill an adult in less than an hour. The local people were very
saved by the actions of a quick-thinking team mate. But if there's concerned and immediately called for medical help. But Daniela
one sport you would expect to be pretty safe, then it's golf. Apart knew she could not afford to wait for it. She knew she had to do
from a few sand bunkers and maybe a pond or two, golf courses something there and then as her leg had already started to swell.
are hardly the most dangerous of places. Indeed, golf courses are From out of her pocket she pulled a tee, the plastic object that
often set in some of the most beautiful countryside there is. What a golfer uses to place the ball on at the start of each hole. Using
could possibly go wrong there? In fact the only people who might the sharp end of the tee, she made a hole in her leg and squeezed
be in danger are the spectators who run the risk of a golf ball the poison out from inside. It came flowing out in a clear liquid.
landing on their head from time to time. Despite the pain she kept applying pressure until all the fluid
Swedish golfer Daniela Holmqvist might have a thing or two to say had been removed. Doctors were soon on the scene and helped
about this. She was in Australia playing in a tournament when she bandage Daniela up. You might have thought that after a brush
felt a nasty bite on her lower leg. When she looked she saw a small with death like this, you would want to go home and rest for
black spider on her ankle. She immediately brushed it away but the a while. Not Daniela: instead of taking any time off to recover,
pain was getting stronger and stronger. She quickly called for help Daniela insisted on finishing the remaining 14 holes to complete
and was told that she had been bitten by a black widow spider, her game.

1 W h a t clangers m ight a m ountaineer o r a deep-sea d ive r W R IT IN G

e n c o un te r? _____________________
9 Think o f a dangerous situation and
2 W h a t dangers m ight a g o lfe r e n co un te r? _______________ w rite a paragraph about how you
3 W h a t danger d id Daniela H o lm q vist encounter? would respond. W rite about 180

4 H o w d id she react at firs t? .....................................

• what the situation was
5 W h a t d id she d o to survive th e d a n ge r? ______ ________
• what you did
6 W h a t d id she d o once th e danger was o ve r? ___________
• how you felt afterwards

GRAMMAR 3 ★★ Circle the correct option.

Quantifiers ШЗШЭШ 1 M y cousin's crazy about cars. He's got loads of I

hardly any / a few books on them.
1 ★ Put the sentences in order (1-4) according
2 There's no need to hurry. We've got several /
to amount, 1 being the most.
plenty I the vast majority o f time.
1 3 Hardly any / Several / Good deal o f the public
trust politicians.
a She's got loads o f cousins. Ш
b She’s got a few cousins. □ 4 Let Phil pay. He's got most / loads / all o f money.

c She's got several cousins. □ 5 The vast majority / good deal / most o f children at

She's got hardly any cousins. □ 6
our school speak tw o languages.
A ll! A few I Several o f my cousins went to university
so o f course, Mum and Dad expect me to go too.
a A small number o f the children at our school

go on to university.
None o f the children at our school go on
□ 4 ★★★ Choose quantifiers and complete the
sentences so they are true for you.

to university. □ 1
I spend
..... _
my time ___ __
my f r ie n d s _ _ _ _ _
c All o f the children at our school go on
to university. □ 3 the teachers at my school _
d The vast m ajority o f children at our school 4 _________ the children at my school __

go on to university. □ 5 I sp e n d _________ my m oney________
6 I fin d _________ the subjects at school
a Mum hardly spends any tim e at home. □
b Mum spends plenty o f time at home. □
c Mum doesn't spend much tim e at home. □ so and such (review) EJBSS
d Mum spends all her time at home. □ 5 ★★ Rewrite the sentences using the word(s)
in brackets.
2 ★★ Complete the text with the words in
0 This is such a difficult question, (so)
the list.
This question is so d ifficu lt.....
loads j number j plenty ] most j m ajority
deal | few j almost j hardly | all o f | several 1 It's such a hot day today, (so)

I love the street where we live. There are 0 loads

o f houses and the va s t1___ ___ _ have families living 2 M y uncle's so rich, (such / man)
in them. That means there are always2________ o f
children to play with. There a re 3________ kids from my 3 Dawn's got so many problems, (such / a lot of)
class at school and 4________ us love football so
5 days you’ll find us playing football in the park
4 I ate so much, (such)
at the end o f the street. The park is great and I spend
6 _____ all o f my time there. O f course, there are a
7________ o f mean kids who hang out there but 6 ★ ★★ W rite continuations for the sentences in
they don't usually bother us. A t the other end o f the Exercise 5.
road there are a 8*________ shops where I spend a good
0 This question is so difficult that I've no idea
9__ ___ __o f my pocket money on sweets. By Friday
evening I’ve g o t 10________ any pocket money left! w hat the answ er is._________________________


to o and (n o t) en oug h ЕШШШ 9 ★★ Rewrite the sentences adding doldoes

or d id to make them more emphatic. Make any
7 ★★ Complete the sentence fo r each picture. other necessary changes.
Use too or (not) enough. Sometimes there is more
than one possible answer. 0 So you like my present! I thought you didn’t.
So you do like my present! I thought you didn’ t.
1 You know Alan. You met him at Steve's party,

2 We spend a lot o f our time talking about the same

things. It's getting a b it boring.

3 M y dad embarrasses me sometimes but I guess all

dads do.

0 Sorry, you're not old 1 Forget it, 4 I don’t know what May said but I enjoyed your
enough, /you're too party.
young, -------- ----------------- -----
Let's come back later.
5 Miss Holloway's great but she talks a lot.

6 I’ve hardly got any money left. We bought a lot o f

things today.

7 I miss my mum when she travels abroad fo r work.

so and such
2 I can’t do it, 3 Do you know what your
■ Learners often confuse so and such.
problem is?
• / We had no idea that we were going to become such
i good friends.
i X We had no idea that we were going to become so
\ good friends.
do and d id for emphasis SB page 35
; / Luke's parents aren't so strict.
8 ★ Match the sentences. • X Luke's parents aren't such strict.
1 Lucy did go to your party. □ Find four mistakes in the text. Correct them.
2 I did enjoy that meal. □ Bringing up children is not an easy jo b and some
3 Paul did seem a little strange. □
4 I do wish you’d turn down your music. □ parents can be such strict that their children sometimes

rebel. There is so a lot o f advice out there about raising

5 Jen looks great in that dress.
6 I do really like you. children that it’s not always easy to make the right
a Is there anything wrong with him? decisions. Amy Chua's book was such interesting I read
b I'm trying to study,
it twice and it contained so many useful pieces o f advice.
c Green does suit her.
d She was wearing a red dress - remember? Childhood is so a significant time in your life and it’s so
e But not enough to be your girlfriend, sorry,
im portant to get things right.
f But I think I ate to o much.


Word list

Costumes and uniforms



Key words in context

collection My brother's got a huge collection of football shirts.
doorstep Don't stand there on the doorstep Come in.
fancy-dress Have you decided what costume to wear to the fancy-dress party?
farewell It's always sad to say farewell to colleagues who you've worked with for a number of years.
genius They're a family of geniuses. They're all so intelligent.
ordinary I'm just an ordinary kid like everyone else.
parenting Good parenting is a real skill.
provocative That was a provocative thing to say. Are you looking for an argument?


Costumes and uniforms Ш Ш Ш Ш

1 ★ Unscramble the words to make costumes and uniforms. Then match the words with the pictures.
1 giw 4 mehtle ______________ 7 delish
2 tleb 5 words 8 pace
3 sesnuslags _____________ 6 smak 9 napor

Bringing up children Ш !Ш 29
3 ★ Match the phrases and the definitions.
1 do well
2 strict
3 do your best
4 bring up
5 soft
6 childhood
7 grow up
8 get ahead in life

a to try your hardest

b to raise (children)
c to describe a parent who doesn't impose a lot o f
rules on their children
2 ★★ Complete the story with words from
d to be successful
Exercise 1.
e to get older
An invitation to a fancy dress party. Cool! W hat was
f to describe a parent who imposes a lot o f rules on
I going to wear? I thought about going as a chef but
their children
D ad's1 was filthy and I d idn't have time
g to make good progress at school, in your job, etc.
to wash it. W hat about a knight? I could use a stick as
h the period o f your life until the age o f 18
a2 and a dustbin lid as a 3
but what about a 4 to wear on my head? 4 ★★ Circle the correct option.
No, a knight was to o difficult. Then I thought about
1 All parents want to help their children
going as a superhero, a 5... ... ..... ... cover my get ahead in life / grow up.
face, a big 6.7... . _ ....... . around my waist and a
2 It doesn't matter if you win or lose, as long as
7 over the top. Not bad but then I had a you do well / do your best.
brilliant idea ... 3 I had a really happy childhood / bring up.
I arrived at M ike’s house and knocked on the door. I
4 It was difficult fo r my dad growing / bringing up
was a rock star and I looked cool! Dark 8 three children on his own.
hiding my eyes, a 9 o f long black hair on 5 She did / made really well in her final exam.
my head and my dad's leather jacket. 6 They can do whatever they want. Their parents
Mike opened the d o o r dressed in a suit and tie. Tina, are really soft / strict.
his girlfriend was stood beside him in a beautiful dress. 7 M y little cousin is growing / bringing up really
He looked at me and laughed. 'W hen I said dress quickly.
fancy, I meant dress smart,' he laughed. It was to o late 8 M y parents are so soft / strict. They don't let me
now. I had to go in ... do anything.

1 М^д»яд1яаЖ1М»14ЫДЯ Correct the mistakes in Ношlosurvive... embarrassingparents
these sentences. Then check your answers on
page 31 of the Student's Book. D o n ’t get me w ro n g - I love my parents to bits. I kn o w
th e y love me to o and w o u ld d o anything t o help me b u t
1 Dale stood at the garden gate to wave Rain off.
som etim es they can be w e ll ... really embarrassing. Dad
w anting to p ick me up fro m school, M um ge tting o ve r­
2 Dale wore fancy dress to wave Rain o ff to school excited w hen she watches me playing fo o tb a ll fo r th e
on his first day at high school. school team . A n d I k n o w i t ’s n o t ju st me. My friends all
m oan a b o u t th e irs fro m tim e to tim e. It seems a fe w cruel
parents d e lib e ra te ly w a n t to see th e ir kids suffer, b u t
o th e rs are ju st try in g to be co o l and f it in w ith o u r friends.
3 Rain saw that his dad was dressed as an
E ith e r way, they can make life p re tty tr ic k y fo r us at tim es.
American football player as he was climbing
T h e re ’s n o t really m uch w e can do a b o u t it, o r is there?
onto the bus. H e re are a fe w tip s I’ve com e up w ith to make life ju s t a
little easier fo r all o f us.

4 Dale waved Rain o ff only when the weather was W r ite a list o f all th e things you find embarrassing and
good. then p u t them in o rd e r. Is th e fa ct th a t yo u r dad sings
along to th e rad io w hen y o u r friends are over fo r dinner
w o rse than th e fact th a t he always calls y o u r best frien d
5 Dale got a lot o f his costumes from a fancy-dress
by th e w ro n g name? By deciding w hich ones are w o rse
means you’ll be free to focus y o u r energy w h e re you
need it m ost.
6 Rochelle Price to o k short videos o f her husband
3 _____________________________________ __
to put on their website.
W h e n you’ve decided w hich issues you w a n t to ta lk about,
keep a d ia ry o f all th e tim es y o u r m um o r dad do the
things th a t embarrass you m ost. W h e n , w h e re and h o w
7 Rain never really appreciated w hat his dad did. you fe lt - make a n o te o f all these things. T he y’ll help you
p u t y o u r case across.

8 Dale is looking forw ard to waving at the bus

when school starts after the summer holidays. W h e n yo u ’ve g o t enough evidence, it ’s tim e fo r a little
face-to-face chat. Use y o u r notes to help you. The chances
are th a t even if y o u r parents are conscious o f doing these
things, th e y probably d o n ’t realise h o w embarrassing they

2 Read the magazine article. Who is it written by? are. Keep calm. L e t th e m k n o w h o w you feel and why.
Let th e m have th e ir say - th e y ’ll pro b a b ly w a n t t o defend
A A parent w ith a difficult teen at home
themselves. O f course, yo u ’ll also have to be prepared
В A young person w ith a difficult problem t o listen to som e o f th e things th a t th e y ’re n o t so keen
C Someone who understands typical teenage issues on a b o ut y o u r behaviour. It’s p a rt o f th e deal. Maybe you
can b o th agree t o th in k m ore carefully a b o ut some o f
3 Match the titles with the paragraphs. There y o u r actions.
are two extra titles.
1 T ry and be more understanding
H o p e fully y o u r parents w ill listen and be w illin g to change
2 Don’t get to o upset
th e ir ways, especially if you say you’re happy t o change
3 Collect the evidence
to o . O f course, som etim es th e y m ight n o t. W h e n this
4 They don’t even know w hy they d o it happens th e n th e best advice I can o ffe r is t o ignore it
5 Choose the behaviour you find most and get on w ith y o u r life. If you do this, things w ill be
embarrassing a lo t easier. Rem em ber th a t th e y once had th e ir ow n
6 Have a family meeting em barrassing parents, and th e chances are many o f us w ill
be em barrassing parents ourselves one day. Maybe we
4 Write a short text describing a problem you shouldn’t be to o hard on them .
had with your parents and how you solved it.


An essay about the role of grandparents

1 Read the essay and answer the questions.
1 W hy does the w riter think grandparents are more
active in their grandchildren's lives these days?
2 W hy can this be a good thing?
3 W hat should parents be careful about?

Grandparents can play an important part in children’s lives. Do you agree?

Because of the high costs of professional child care, more and But parents shouldn’t abuse this situation. Parents should
more parents in the UK are relying on their own mothers and always be the most important influence in any child’s life.
fathers to look after their children so that they can go back to They need to be there and make the important decisions rather
work. This means that these grandparents are getting to spend than rely upon their own mothers and fathers to do so for them.
far more time with their grandchildren than their own parents To sum up, children who grow up having a close relationship
did, but is this always a good thing? with their grandparents are very lucky indeed. However, their
Of course, grandparents can be a wonderful influence in a parents must be careful not to forget their responsibility for
child’s life. No one, except for their own parents, can love them their child’s upbringing and happiness.
more and the children will generally be well cared for. The time
and attention that the child receives will help them grow up
securely, knowing that they are special. This relationship often
continues in later years and many teenagers have a close bond
with their grandparents, knowing that they can turn to them with
problems they won’t always want to share with their parents.

2 Complete these sentences from the essay with

the missing words. Then check in the text. What
effect do these words have on the sentences?
1 This means that these grandparents are getting
to spend ............ more tim e with their
grandchildren than their own parents did.
2 , grandparents can be
a w onderful influence in a child's life.
3 Parents should_____________be the most
4 Make notes to answer the questions.
im portant influence in any child's life.
4 To sum up, children who grow up having a close 1 W hat is the role o f grandparents in your society?

relationship w ith their grandparents are very lucky 2 W hat is good about the situation?
3 Is there anything to be careful about?
4 W hat are your thoughts?
3 Use the missing words from Exercise 2 to make
these sentences more emphatic. Sometimes 5 Use your notes to w rite an answer to the essay
there is more than one possibility. question in about 200 words.
1 You must think o f the child's safety.

2 It’s more difficult to spend all day looking after
young children. Include an attention-grabbing introduction

Organise your ideas in a logical sequence

3 Grandparents love their grandchildren very much. Include examples of emphatic language

Read through your essay to check fo r mistakes
4 Grandparents want to help their own children.

1 с м Listen and w rite the name o f the Put the dialogue in order.
embarrassed daughter (Jen, Sue or Dawn) under
the picture o f the dad. □ DAD W ell it's our house and we like to keep it
ju st a little b it tidy.

□ DAD It's your bedroom . It's such a mess. Again.

□ DAD Because maybe when I go to check your

room in half an hour it w ill be perfect.

□ DAD V ery funny, Paul. N ow I d id say that if your

room was a mess, I w o u ld n 't give you your
pocket money this month.

Ш DAD You do know how to annoy your mum, Paul.

□ DAD I can b u t maybe I w o n 't need to.

□ PAUL It w ill be, Dad. Thanks fo r the second


□ PAUL W ell, it's my b e d ro o m so I d o n 't see what

the p roblem is.

□ PAUL W h y not?

□ PAUL A b it tidy? This house is so tid y we could

invite the Q ueen round fo r dinner.

□ PAUL W h a t have I done now?

□ PAUL N o way, Dad, you can’t d o that. I need

the money.

2 Use the words in brackets to change the

2 G E 3 Listen again and mark the sentences sentences and make them more emphatic.
T (true) or F (false).
MUM W h y d id n 't you clean yo u r room?
1 Jen never needs a lift from her dad. □ JAY But I cleaned it, M um . (did)
2 Jen's mum is sym pathetic to her daughter's i
complaint. □

MUM Really? Last tim e 1looked it was a mess, (such)
3 Sue thinks her dad's hairstyle is old-fashioned. 2
4 Sue’s mum is sympathetic to her daughter's
complaint. □ JAY
W hen was that?
Five minutes ago!
Dawn's taste in music has changed.
Dawn's mum is sympathetic to her daughter's
□ JAY W ell go and have a look now. It's tidy. You
w o n 't believe it. (so)
complaint. □ MUM

A n d if 1look under the bed?

3 HCLfcftfl Make the sentences more emphatic by
JAY M um , you know how to be annoying, d o n 't
rew riting them w ith do, so or such in the correct
you? Just give me five m ore minutes then.
form . Listen again and check.

1 Dad knows how to embarrass me. 3 W rite a short dialogue (6-10 lines) between a
parent and child. Use at least tw o examples o f
emphatic language.
2 W e’re y our parents, Jen, we care about you.

3 It's an inappropriate hairstyle fo r a man o f his age.
Adding emphasis
Co to page 118. CM
4 Dad’s embarrassing.

5 I liked it when I was ab o ut eight.



Listening part 3
1 ш а You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about family holidays.
For questions 1-5, choose from the list (A -H ) what each speaker says about them.
Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use.

A They're never as good as I hope they will be. ■Ц

Speaker 1 P j
В They're usually very stressful.
Speaker 2 P j
C Everyone does what they want to do.
Speaker 3 □
D My parents worry too much about showing us
Speaker 4
a good time.

Speaker 5

E It's a good time to reconnect with everyone.
F Mum and Dad can never really relax on them.
G We never go to places that I want to go to.
H I think I've outgrown them.

Exam guide: multiple matching

In this part of the exam you need to match speakers to a sentence describing part of what they
are talking about.
• You hear five people talking about the same subject - they are not connected to each other. You hear
each extract twice.
• On the exam paper there are eight comments. Your jo b is to match one to each of the speakers. There
are three comments you won't use.
• Before you listen, read through the comments to prepare yourself for the sorts of things you will hear.
• You will need to listen out for attitudes, opinions, purpose, feelings, main points and details.
• Listen to each speaker carefully. You will sometimes hear things that are intended to distract you from
the correct answer, so avoid making quick decisions.
• Use your second listening to confirm answers you have already chosen and answer those questions you
weren't able to the first time round.

С Ш Я You will hear five short extracts in which people are answering the question, 'What is the most
important role of a parent?' For questions 1-5, choose from the list (A -H ) what each speaker says about it.
Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use.

A Parents need to ensure that they supply their

children with the fundamental requirements.
Speaker 1 □
В Parents have to expect they will have difficult
Speaker 2 □
times with their teenage children.
Speaker 3 □
C Parents need to teach their children values.
Speaker 4 □
D Survival skills are the most important thing a
Speaker 5 □
parent can pass on to their child.
E Parents can never be really good friends with
their children.
F The most important part of being a parent
comes naturally.
G It's very difficult to choose which role is most
H Parents need to take more responsibility.


GRAMMAR з ★★ Complete the sentences with the correct form
o f be or get.
be /get used to (doing) vs. used to
1 Julia is Mexican so she________________ used to hot weather.
(do) НЯНИ
2 M y uncle's working in Berlin, so he had to _____________
1 ★ Com plete with the correct form of
used to different food.
the verb given (infinitive or -ing form).
3 It never takes me long to ___ ______ used to being
1 That fast food place used to in another country.
________________ my favourite French
4 M y father lived in Italy fo r years, but he never
restaurant, (be)
used to driving on the right.
2 W hen I first lived in a flat I couldn't get used
5 M y grandm other ________ ________ used to living in her
t o ________________ our neighbour’s music.
small flat now, and she’s very happy.
6 Bernard grew up in Norway. As a child h e ________________
3 M y mother has finally got used to
used to skiing to school.
____ ___________ the Internet on her phone.
7 I like warm weather. I could n e v e r______ _ used
to very cold winters.
4 Pedro comes from Brazil, so he isn't used to
8 People in some parts o f Japan________________ used to
________________ British food, (eat)
experiencing earthquakes - they happen quite often.
5 Sheila used t o ________________jeans all the
9 On holiday, I went to the beach every day. That's
tim e when she was a student, (wear)
something I could easily________________ used to!
6 W e live near the palace and we’re very used
t o ________ __ ____ members o f the royal 4 ★★★ Complete the statements. Make them true for you.
family going past, (see)
1 W hen I was younger I used to
7 I wonder if I’ll ever get used to
________________ in such a beautiful place.
2 W hen I started school it wasn't easy to get used to
8 W hen we arrived in London, we weren't
3 Now I am used to
used t o _ _______________in so much traffic.
4 M y best friend was used to
2 ★ ★ Circle the correct option.
When I was young I 'used to / got used to play before I met him/her.

outside with my friends. M y mum 2used to I 5 M y parents have never got used to
was used to me going out to ride my bike with
them. Sometimes I was out fo r hours, but she
3used to / got used to that, too. We often rode on
used to / were used to be used
mud tracks that 45
by motorcyclists, and they were often wet and
slippery so I sused to / got used to falling o ff my
bike a lot. And so my mum 6used to / was used to
seeing me covered with mud and bruises.
Now 17used to / am used to driving safely in my
car and staying clean! I d on't think I could
8be used to / get used to riding a bike again now.


Adverbs and adverbial phrases 8 ★★★ Write complete sentences from the
SB page 43 prompts. Use adverbial phrases and make any
other necessary changes.
5 ★ Complete the sentences with the adverb
formed from the adjective in brackets. 0 Mary / ask / her hairdresser / style / her hair /
0 The horse jumped over all the barriers easily . (easy)
Mary asked her hairdresser to siyle her hair
1 The car was going too for the police to
in a different way.____________ __________ _______
catch up with, (fast)
1 Jack / approach / lion / fear
2 The singer sang the song ...... (beautiful)
3 Matty didn't do the test enough to get top
2 Candy / carry / three suitcases / difficulty
marks, (good)
4 My eyes______ became accustomed to the dim
light, (slow) 3 The boys / eat / hamburgers / enthusiasm

5 Sam worked really to finish the job on time,

(hard) 4 Jerry / ride / horse / awkward

6 ★ Complete the sentences with a word from

the list. 5 Helen / watch / football match / interest

enjoyable | different surprise friendly

interest j excitement fear | strange

1 We really like Ms Philips, she teaches PE in an

2 We all jumped with when the door
■ Learners often make word order errors with adverbs.
: / You can easily find a hotel.
3 She came second, but she congratulated the
: X You can fmd easily о hotel.
winner in a way.
4 The fans screamed w ith ___________ when the Put the words in order to make sentences.
pop group walked onto the stage. 1 finish / by / I'll / project / next / definitely / the / Monday
5 Nobody understood the teacher's explanation of
calculus, until he explained it in a _________ ___ 2 immediately / you / It's / thing / good / that / came / a
6 Fran started to shake w ith ____________when she 3 your / 1/ view / understand / point / totally / o f
looked over the edge o f the cliff.
7 The dog was walking in a way 4 and / Dan / on / hard / his / got / worked / top /
because he had hurt his paw.
homework / marks
8 Harry told us a long, boring story which we
listened to without much7
5 Jo and Kate / would / hear / quietly / so / speaking /
7 ★★★ Complete the sentences with a phrase. no one / were / them
Make them true for you.
1 I watch______________ on TV 6 jo b / creatively / to / in / Do / always / think / have /
y o u r/y o u /?
2 I do my homework ______________
3 I read books_______________
7 locally / so / 1/ home / walk / live / 1/ can
4 I always try to in a friendly way.
5 I like to in a different way.
8 eaten / probably / pizza / the / This / I've / is / best / ever
6 I admire people w h o _______________ without
fear. ... "**~*V **T '"' ’3r"'^. *" ** —......v ■

7 I know someone who walks_______________

8 I go to the maths class


Word list


Common adverbial phrases good

by accident for good
in a hurry it's a good thing
in a panic it’s all good
in a row it's no good
in private not very good at
in public so far, so good
in secret
on purpose

Key words in context

anxious I've never acted on stage before, so right now I'm a bit anxious,
brainstorm We need some new, fresh ideas - let's brainstorm for ten minutes or so.
capable Sometimes we find that we are capable o f more things than we think we are.
charge M y phone battery's dead - I need to charge it.
conflict They argue with each other all the time - there’s a lot o f conflict between them,
enthusiasm She didn't really want to go, so she didn't watch the play with any enthusiasm,
flash A police car went past with a blue flashing light on its roof.
on the basis (that) We chose him for the basketball team on the basis that he was the tallest guy we knew,
scholarship She isn’t paying for her course because she won a scholarship.

sugey flores 4 i THI NKI NG OUTSIDE THE BOX

Personality adjectives SB page 40 Common adverbial phrases SB page 43

★★ Complete the puzzle. Read what 3 ★ Complete the sentences with the phrases in
each person says and write the adjective to the list.
describe the person. Find the mystery word. by accident | in a hurry in a panic [ in a row
in public j in secret on purpose | in private
b r i g h t
I m ag i n a t i v e 1 Sorry, I can’t stop and talk now - I'm
r e s p o n s ab l e in a panic
a r r o g a n t 2 I made a mistake - 1clicked the w rong button and
c a u t i o u s deleted the file by accident______ ___
co n f i d e n t 3 I'm a nervous person - I don 't think I could ever make
d e c i s i v e in public
a speech_____ __________________
O r g a n i s e d 4 Has any country ever won the W orld Cup three times
p r a c t i c a l in a row ?

5 I only ever sing __in private

____________________- in the shower,
1 I learn quickly and easily.
fo r example.
2 I get lots o f new ideas.
6 No one knew that the meetings were happening - they
3 If I say I'll do something, then I do it.
4 I’m the best, by far!
in secret
were h e ld _______________________
7 I was so w orried about being late that I started to do
5 I always think carefully before I do anything.
everything in a.......
6 I'm sure o f my abilities.
7 I don't sit around thinking fo r a long time. 8 I'm sorry I broke it, bu t I promise you, I did n 't do it
on purpose i
8 I know where everything is.
9 I'm better at doing things than thinking about
things. •Г
WordWise SB page 45
M ystery w o rd: ‘I want it - and I want it now!1
4 ★★ Use phrases with good to complete the
2 ★★ Complete with an appropriate sentences.
adjective. 0 No school today, the sun's shining, I’m w ith my
1 A She gets angry at everything I say. friends - it's

В Oh, I know, she's quite bad tempered 1 She’s not going to Australia just fo r a holiday -
for good
she's going th e re ________________
2 A He drives quite slowly.
cautious 2 Oh, no! This food is awful! Well, I guess I'm
В Yes, he's a driver, usually.
not very good at cooking.
3 A She designs such different, interesting
3 A It’s really cold today.
so far
В Yes..._ so good
... we’re wearing our coats.
practical ____
В Yes, she’s v e ry ____________
4 A How are you getting on?
4 A Let's go to Australia fo r our holiday.
organise В It's all good
..... ......................... I think I'll finish in ten
В Oh, be . . W e haven't got
enough money for that.
5 I've apologised three times to her, but
5 A Do you think she'll do what she promised?
responsable Is not good
_ _ ... - she's still angry with me.
В Oh yes - she's v e ry _________________
6 A She thinks she's the best. I guess she’s 5 ★★★ Complete the sentences so that they are
confident. true for you.
В No, it's more than that - she's really 1 I'm not very good at reading
___ sheet music
arrogant have good.... memory
I ; _________________ 2 It's a good thing that I ...... .... ... .... .
7 A H urry up! 3 be violinist r good.
I'm going t o ....................
В OK. Don't be so impatient ___ !
....... 4 I would really like to play videogames all daybut it's

% 8 A He isn’t very interesting, is he? no good.
В No, he’s a b it dull , really.



1 REMEMBER AND CHECK Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Then check your answers in the article on
page 39 of the Student's Book.
1 Richard is a member o f the Zulu tribe. □ 5 To make his light, Richard used a battery
2 The tribe had problems because lions from an old motorbike. □
were killing people. □ 6 Richard designed a light that flashed all night. □
3 Richard's first idea was to use fire to keep 7 Lions no longer kill Richard's father's animals. □
the lions away. □ 8 Because o f his idea, Richard now teaches
4 The lions did not like a moving light. □ at a college in the USA. □
2 Read the article. Find three things that Einstein believed in as being important for thinking.

e® o

Einstein's thinking
'The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination.' A lb e rt Einstein
For a lo t of people, one o f the best exam ples of sunlight. Now, th a t's an im possible thing to do, of course, but
o f creative genius w as A lb e rt Einstein, the Einstein said th a t using his im agination like th is allow ed him to
physicist wh o came up w ith the The ory of understand some o f the relatio nship s betw e en light and tim e, and
R elativity, and by doing so, changed physics how th e y w o rk .
forever. However, w h a t a lo t of people don 't Essentially, h o w w e experience tim e depends on w h ere w e are and
know is th a t Einstein had specific techniques w h a t w e are doing. Einstein explained it as fo llo w s : 'W hen you're
th a t he used to develop his a b ility to th in k talking to a p re tty g irl, an hour seems like a m inute. If you s it on a
c re a tiv e ly and freely. hot fire , a m inute seem s like an hour. Tha t's re la tiv ity .'
P o ssibility thinking Time fo r creative thinking
The main approach th a t Einstein took w as som ething he called But im portantly, fo r p ossibility thinking to be effective , w e have to
'p o s s ib ility th in k in g ' - in other w o rds, le ttin g yo u rs e lf im agine give ourselves opp ortunities to practise it. Lots of people say th a t
thing s th a t are often w a y outside reality, and pushing the lim its th e ir 'thinking tim e ' is w hen th e y 're taking a bath, or w hen they're on
of w h a t you know. It means g etting aw ay from our fa m ilia r thoughts the bus to w o rk or school. But Einstein believed th a t it is im portant
and ideas and tryin g to im agine many other possible things, no to devote a period of tim e every day to 'cre a tive thinking': w h ate ver
m a tte r how in cred ible they m ight seem. problem or idea it is th a t in terests you, set aside some tim e every
Einstein had a special technique to do this, w h ic h he called 'the day to thinking about i t - concentrated thinking. And he w as a great
th o u g h t experim ent'. This example of p o s s ib ility thinking is sim ply believer in images, too - he said th a t he often thought 'in a stream of
an experim ent th a t you do inside your ow n head. Perhaps the m ost pictures', and th a t this w as a po w e rfu l w a y to think.
fam ous th o u g h t experim ent is the one th a t Einstein says he used to Einstein also believed in thinking about a problem fo r a long tim e
get him self on the path to w a rd s the T heory o f R elativity. Einstein and not giving up: as he once said, 'I th in k and think fo r months and
w as in terested in light and the speed of light and its relatio nship years. N inety-nine tim es, the conclusion is false. The hundredth tim e
to tim e, so w h a t he did w as to im agine him self riding on a beam I am right.'

3 Read the article again. Match the sentence halves.

1 Einstein is known as the genius who □ a develop his Theory o f Relativity,
2 Not everybody knows that Einstein □ b to keep thinking until you get the answer,
3 Possibility thinking means □ c first thought of the Theory o f Relativity,
4 Einstein came up with an image □ d had things that he did to help him think freely,
5 The image helped him □ e was something very powerful,
6 Possibility thinking only really works □ f of himself travelling on a beam of light,
7 Einstein felt that thinking in pictures □ g moving away from the ways that we usually think,
8 Einstein thought it was important □ h if we practise it regularly.

4 When and where are you able to think the most

freely? Write a short paragraph.
Pronunciation .
P r o n o u n c in g w o r d s w ith g h
Co to page 119. ЮЭ1 j

4 ; th inkin g o u t s i d e t h e b ox

DEVELOPING WRITING 3 Use the underlined phrases in the email to

complete the sentences.
W riting an email o f advice 1 S a n d ra -_______________________ there's a test
1 Read Mamie's email. W hat does she want her tom orrow , right?
sister Becca to do? 2 I’d like to give you some advice, but
_______________________ , I'm no g ood at revision
3 So w hy am I writing? _______ _______________ ,

Hi Becca, because you asked fo r my advice, o f course!

1 4 _______________________ , you m ight not like all
[A] How are things with you? How’s it
these ideas, b u t I’m going to send them anyway.
going at university? I hope you’re enjoying
everything and not working too hard! 4 Match the inform ation to the paragraphs A -D .

[B] Well, you know that I’m going to be doing 1 The main b o d y o f the email - the problem . □
my end-of-year exams soon, right? Just like 2 Explaining that you d o n ’t want to cause
you did all those years ago. Well. I’m writing the person a lo t o f problem s, and why
to ask you for some advice. The thing is, you're writing.
I just can’t get going with revision, because 3 Saying what you w ant the reader to do.
I’m really busy with lots of things at school 4 Some personal exchange about the
and at home. Now. I know that revision’s other person's life. □
really, really important, but I’m finding that
days are going past and I’m not fitting it in. 5 Here are some ideas o f how to help Marnie.
A dd tw o more ideas o f your own. Cross through
It’s really frustrating. I try to organise my time,
any that you don’t like.
but it’s hopeless! I’m just useless at it. I also
don’t really have any techniques for it and • Revise early in the day; it's be tter than at night.
I think I’ll never come up with anything. • Make a tim etable fo r every day. Tell o th er people
when you're going to d o revision.
[C] Have you got any tips you can give me?
• Ask someone to test you as soon as you've done
[D] Now, I know you’re busy too but I’m some revision.
hoping you can find a few minutes to help • Make sure to be away from computers, laptops,
your sweet younger sister out! The thing is, tablets, etc. when you revise.
I don’t know who else to ask. 9 Put revision notes around the house so you keep
seeing them.
See you soon I hope!
e Keep as healthy as you can.
Love • _ ............................-— .......... _ ....................................

Mamie • ............._......_ ...... ........................ _ ... ................ _

6 Imagine you are Becca. W rite your reply to

Marnie. Use your ideas in Exercise 5. W rite
150-200 words.
2 Match the underlined phrases in the email to
the definitions.

1 W e use this phrase to introduce our main

CHECKLIST X _________
concern o r problem . Use a structure for an email
2 W e use this phrase to start talking about Include some personal exchanges in your
something the reader/listener already knows.
Use some expressions from Exercise 3
3 W e use this w ord to give emphasis to what we
Give the most useful advice and say why
are about to say._______________________
Close the email in a friendly way, e.g. Good
4 W e use this w o rd to signal w e’re going
to talk a bout something im portant.
luck! / I'm sure y o u 'll do great / / hope this
is helpful


1 Ш Ш В Listen and w rite the number o f the 1 Put the dialogues in the correct order.
conversation next to the correct picture.

□ JEAN I'm doing a crossword puzzle and I've only

g o t three answers left to find.

Ш JEAN This is so frustrating!

□ JEAN No chance! 1can’t give up like that. That

w ould be cheating.

□ JEAN Oh, th a t’s OK. 1always prefer to d o them

on my own, anyway. But I’m really stuck
right now.

□ MARCUS A crossword? I'm no g o o d at those. 1can’t

help you, I’m afraid.

□ M ARCUS O K then. W ell, good luck, tell me when

you've finished it!

□ MARCUS W h a t is it? W h a t are you trying to do?

□ M ARCUS W ell, if you're stuck, why d o n 't you ju st

look at the answers? No one w ill know!

□ ELLA Yes, 1am. W ell, I’m tryin g to. But to be

2 0 X 1 1 Listen again and complete the honest, 1can't d o it.
summaries o f the conversations. Use
between 1 and 3 words.
□ ELLA Oh, d o n ’t be like that. You're good at these
things, usually.
Conversation 1
И ELLA Hello? James, is that you?
The man is trying to 1______________ his
□ ELLA W ell, now 1give up. 1was hoping you might
anorak but he can't. The woman offers to help, help me! That’s w hy 1called.
but he decides to try again. Then he begins to
2 ____________ so the woman tells him to
□ JAMES 1know 1am. That’s why I’m so frustrated. I’ve
trie d everything, but it’s hopeless.
calm down. Then she tries but she can't
3 ----------------- either. So he decides to
□ JAMES Hi, Ella. H ow are you? A re you doing the
4 ____________ his head but it gets
5______________ again. The woman laughs.
□ JAMES I’m stuck, too. I'll never get it right, I'm sure.

Conversation 2
□ JAMES Sorry, b u t there you go. I’ll see you
tom orrow, Ella. Bye.
A boy who is painting asks his friend for her
opinion. She says it isn’t 6______________ his
last one. Then she admits that7______________
that good. The boy says that he's going to 1 Circle the correct options.
8 ____________ painting but the girl tries to 1 A This is terrible. I'm starting to panic!
persuade him not to. But he says that he will В OK, ju st calm a c w r ! you can't be serious, it’ll be OK.
9______________ photography and never wants 2 A Your hair locks awful!
to 10______________ paints and brushes again. В You know, you re really out o f order I that's ju st it when
Conversation 3 you say things like that.

A woman needs to think o f 11______________ 3 A It’s so d ifficu lt to find a g ood babysitter these days.
for her company. She has to have them for a В That's jus: : Give it a rest, no one’s available at
meeting 12______________ morning, but she’s short n o t ce1

stuck. And she’s worried because 4 A С о ш е с г write it down.

13 ____________o'clock and she might have to В Sorry b u t now d o you spell it o ff! a g ain!
14 ------------------late. Her friend starts to tell 5 A Honest v - my dad was an international footballer!
her about15______________ thinking, but she В O r ;c - a own / give it a rest!
isn’t interested so he 16______________ to it. 6 A I m g ; - g *or a swim in the sea.
В But its freezing! You're out o f order / You а я Л Ь е serious1

C A M B R ID G E E N G L IS H : First
W riting part 2 3 Use the letter to find the answers to the questions
Roberta asked herself before writing.
1 Read the exam task. Then read Roberta’s
letter. Circle the most appropriate options 1 How can I reassure Mrs Stevens that there aren't any
(not too informal). problems?

Next month you're going to stay with an 2 Should I tell her about my sleeping problem?
English-speaking family on an exchange
programme. The family’s m other has written
to you and asked you to say if there's anything 3 What, if anything, do I want to say about food? Do I
she needs to know about you before you go mention spicy food and mushrooms?
i and stay. W rite your response.

4 How can I end the letter in a nice way?

'W // D ear M rs Stevens,

2Thantyou so much l Thanhs a lot fo r your really hind

letter. It was nice to hear from you and I’m really looting j Exam guide: writing a neutral/less
forward to meeting you next month.
I informal letter
3Ju s t thought I'd drop you a line l I'm w riting now
because you asked me if there was anything you should In part 2 you have to answer one o f three questions.
know before I come. Well, I'm quite an easy-going You have to write an article, an email/letter, an essay,
person, so I don’t think I’m going to be much trouble! a review or a story in 140-190 words.
"Out there are 4a couple o f f two things that I’d like you • Think about who you are w riting to and the kind o f
to know. language you should use.
First o f all, I sometimes have trouble sleeping and that’s • Plan what you want to say and how you will organise the
especially tru e if the bedroom isn’t very dark. When we content o f your letter.
go away, I sometimes take an eye-mask with me, but I » Make sure you start and end the letter with appropriate
don’t find it comfortable. So, if my room could be nice expressions.
and dark, that would be 5g re a t/ cool.
• Make sure you include anything the task tells you
The other thing is food - 6 I’m not very te e n on / to include.
I really can't stand spicy food. So if you are all cu rry fans,
I’m afraid I might have to pass! B u t otherwise, I’ll eat
7any old s tu ff l alm ost anything. (Oh, except mushrooms 4 Read the letter-writing task below. Plan and w rite your
- sorry!) letter in 140-190 words.
I hope this is helpful - please let me know if you need
anything else before I arrive. You spent some time studying English in a school in Britain
5& esf wishes ( Qeeyou soon or the USA. You have received this letter from the school
director. W rite your answer in 140-190 words in an
appropriate style.

2 Read these phrases that people use in

letters/emails. Circle the one in each pair Dear...
that is more formal.
I a m writing to tell gou tlmt gour exam results have
1 A Great to hear from you! arrived - gou got an A. Congratulations, it's a great result!
В Thank you fo r your letter. I was wondering i.f gou would like to return to us here
2 A I hope you're well. at the school, and studg_for the examination at the next f
В How are things with you? level up. We_feel sure gou would do verg well in it.
3 A Is there anything else I can tell you? Please write and let me know.
В W hat else do you want to know? Best wishes
4 A I think that's everything.
Julia Stevenson
В OK, I'm going to wrap up now.
5 A See you!
W rite your letter.
В I hope to see you soon.

1 Ш 1 Listen to Paul talking about his childhood
and circle the correct answers.
1 W ho used to argue the most in his family home?
A Paul with his parents
В Paul with his sister and brother
C Paul's mum with his dad
2 W hat did Paul think was great about how his
parents raised him?
A They weren’t very strict with him.
В They always had clear expectations.
C They were always happy to play board games.
3 How did they treat his friends? V O C A B U LA R Y
A They weren't very friendly. 4 Choose the correct options.
В They were to o interfering with them.
1 We did n 't recognise him because he was wearing
C They wanted to know about them as people. a mask / belt.

2 Е Ш И Listen again and mark the sentences 2 Steve is so arrogant / cautious. He thinks he's
better than all o f us.
T (true) or F (false).
3 Knights carried a shield / sword to protect
1 Paul doesn’t remember his parents themselves from arrows.
ever fighting. □ 4 Cyclists should wear an apron / a helmet to
2 Paul thinks his parents were to o strict at times. □ protect their head.
3 Paul couldn't jo in in w ith some o f the 5 M y dad's not very confident / decisive. He can
never make up his mind.
conversations in the school playground. □
6 He hasn't got any hair so he wears a cape / wig.
4 Paul's parents encouraged him to be active. □ 7 Don't be so impatient / dull. 11 be ready to go in
5 Paul’s dad would sometimes embarrass him. □ five minutes.
8 Her teachers says she's very responsible / bright
GRAM M AR and should go on to universrty.

3 Put the words in order to make sentences. 5 Match the sentences.

1 own / The / o f / tablet / friends / vast / my / majority 1 M y dad’s not very s tric t □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
/ have / their 2 Your homework's fu ll cr silly mistakes.
3 I had a really happy dh d h ood.
2 board game / W e / enough / tonight / players / 4 He didn’t do that fay -cadent.
got / fo r / haven't / the
5 Bring your ch ld re n - c as well as you can.
6 She’s a very sec'etve woman.
3 that / so / fix / practical / he / anything / He / can / is
7 O u rfo o tb a tea—s 3omg really well.
8 Always try and oc .*our best at school.
4 to / 1/ do / do / listening / nothing / to / when / I've /
music / enjoy / got a It will he c yoa get aciead in life,
b It will he о ~ e ~ oc well in life,
c He die с с - о . - о с se.
5 never / I'll / early / to / waking / used / up / get / so
d She Ives tfe - orivate.
e In fact lies o>_ce soft actually,
6 teaches / W hite / way / chemistry / an / M r /
f The* .e non fa e games in a row now.
enjoyable / in
g I gre« _a «■— a fat o f love and care,
h Y o u d fa lfta a " - rry, didn’t you?


UNI TS 3 & 4

6 Put the dialogue in the correct order.

□ DAD O K, calm dow n. You always give up to o

□ OSCAR I have to design a CD cover fo r my
favourite band.

□ DAD W h a t d o you mean, give up? W h a t d o you

have to do?
□ OSCAR I know. I'm sorry, Dad. M ayb e I ju s t need
a b it o f a break.

□ DAD Music and art. That sounds p e rfe c t fo r you. Г ] OSCAR That's th e p ro b le m , Dad. I ju s t can't

m DAD W hat's th e matter, Oscar?

come up w ith anything. It's hopeless!

□ DAD That’s a b it o u t o f order. I'm o n ly try in g to

OSCAR Leave it out, Dad.Just leave me alone.
That's w hat I thought. But I'm useless.

□ DAD N o you're not. You ju st need a go o d idea. □ OSCAR It's this school a rt pro je ct. I give up.

7 Read the article and answer the questions.

A w o rk -life b a la n c e
For a lot of parents, getting the balance between family life and her life that he had been absent from. Among them were her first day
work is a difficult thing to do. Of course, all parents want to spend at school, parents’ evening at her school, her first match in the school
time with their children and watch them grow up but at the same football team and a holiday parade.
time there is the need to make money to provide for the family. Mohamed immediately had to reassess his life. His high-profile job
Being at work usually means being away from the family and this involved an incredible amount of time out of the house as he arrived
is often a source of guilt for working mums and dads. One such in his office each day at 4.15 am and returned home only at 7 pm in
parent was Mohamed El-Erian. time to kiss his daughter good night.
One night when he asked his ten-year-old daughter to go and As he read through the list he also realised that he had had an
brush her teeth before bed, he could have hardly known that it would excuse for missing each of the events; an important phone call,
eventually lead to him resigning as the boss of one of the biggest travel, urgent meetings, sudden problems that needed his direct
financial companies in the world. involvement. He knew that he had lost control of the balance between
It seemed that his daughter was ignoring his request and although his work and his family and that he was neglecting to give his
he asked her several times she just stayed doing what she was doing. daughter the time and attention that he knew she needed.
Clearly this annoyed her father who wanted to know why she was As a result he resigned from his job in order to spend more quality
behaving so badly. When he pointed out that there was a time when time with his family. Although he still works within the industry, he
she would have obeyed him immediately with no question, she asked makes sure that he has the flexibility to always be around when he
him to w ait a minute while she fetched something from her bedroom. is needed.
What she brought back would make him re-evaluate his life Mohamed was just lucky that he got his warning before it was too
forever, because it was a list of 22 of the most important occasions in late and he’d missed his daughter’s childhood completely.

1 W h a t was it a b o u t his daughter's behaviour that W R IT IN G

concerned M oham ed El-Erian?
8 W rite a paragraph o f about 120 w ords a bout an
2 H o w d id his daughter respond to his complaint? occasion in a child's life th a t no parent should
ever miss. Say:

3 W h a t excuses d id he give fo r missing the key • w hat th e occasion is

m om ents in her life? • w hy it's so im p o rta n t
• w hy th e parents should be th e re
4 W h a t d id his d a u gh te r’s list help him realise?

5 H o w has his life changed?

G RA M M A R 3 ★ ★ ★ Unscramble the sentences to complete

the dialogues. Use the correct form o f the verbs.
Obligation, permission and
1 A W h y haven’t you g o t your m obile phone w ith
prohibition (review) i M i you today?
1 ★ Circle the correct verbs to complete the В mum / M y / make / it / leave / me / at / home
1 You don't have to / aren't supposed to eat to o many 2 A W h y d id n 't you come clim bing on Saturday?
sweet things. They're bad fo r your teeth. В parents / M y / not allow / to / me / go
2 He didn't let me / didn't need to buy a new tablet.
He already had one.
3 A Are you ready to go yet?
3 W e are not allowed to / h a d better eat in the library.
В No, I can’t find my Geography homework.
It’s not perm itted.
A had better / You / find / it / soon
4 M y parents don't let me / allow me to use my
com puter after 8 pm. They d o n ’t want me to
spend all evening on it. The class has already started.

5 W e have to / don't have to turn o ff our phones in 4 A W h y were you late yesterday?
school. W e can’t use them in class. В have to / 1/ my / Sorry, / b e droom / tid y
6 You had better / shouldn't spend all evening texting
your friends. Do something else instead. 5 A I gave Joanna my phone yesterday.
В must not / you / But / give / phone / your /
2 ★★ Complete the sentences w ith the modal
an yo ne / to
verbs in the list.
aren't allowed to [ had b e tter | mustn't
6 A Did you see the match last night?
d id n 't have to | made | d id n 't let
В stay / it / parents / No, / up / not let / my /
1 'You have to wear a hat and scarf today. It’s cold.' me / fo r *1
M y mum me wear a hat and
scarf today.
4 ★ ★ ★ Complete the sentences so that they are
2 'You have to get to school early tom orrow .
true fo r you. Choose from the verbs in the list
The coach leaves at 8 am.’
and give a reason.
I ________________ be late to school to m o rro w
must / mustn't | let / d o n 't let
have to / d o n 't have to | should / shouldn't
3 'You can’t bring your d o g into this restaurant.’ allowed to / not allowed to
W e ________________ take our d o g into the
1 My parents _ me play on the ta b le t
as much as I want because ______
4 T really need a new school jum per. This one is too
2 I use my m obile phone to o much
because ...................................
I ________________ buy a new jum per.
3 I ________________have a T V in my bedroom
5 'You can't go to the cinema tonight.' because __ ___________________ ______ ___ __
M y d a d ________________ us go to the cinema last 4 I _____ think carefully before I
night. post photos o f friends and fam ily because
6 Tt wasn’t necessary fo r Tom to lend me his tablet.'
T o m ________________lend me his tablet.


Necessity: (d id n 't) n e e d to / n e e d n 't A b ility in the past: co uld, was / w ere

h a ve ЁШ Ш 1 a b le to, m a n a g e d to, su ccee ded in
5 ★ Match the statements and responses. d o in g SB page S3
7 ★★ W rite sentences using the prompts.
1 The battery fo r my la ptop has run out. □
2 I d o n 't have enough space on my hard drive. □ 0 I / not manage / mend / my p h o n e /y e t
3 I d id n 't have a European plug. □ I haven’t M anaged to m en d my phone yet.
4 W e w ere late yesterday. □ 1 James / not succeed / pass / his d riving test / yet
5 I arrived an hour before the concert. □
6 I bought a Spanish d ictio n a ry yesterday. □ 2 I / not able to / find / my charger / yet
7 I failed my H istory exam. □
8 M y friends keep texting me. I can't work. □ 3 Sarah / not able to / sw im /ye ste rd a y

a You needn’t have left home so early,

b You needed to take an earlier bus. 4 W e / succeed / clim b / Ben Nevis / at the weekend
c I've g o t one. You needn't have bought one.
d You need to get a charger, 5 They / not able to / access / the Internet / at /
e Turn your phone off. You need to finish your the hotel / last night
f You needed to d o m ore revision fo r it.
6 He / not have / much / tim e / b u t / he / manage to /
g You needed to get an adaptor,
finish / the p roject
h You need to delete some files.

6 ★★ Read the situations. Then make comments

w ith d id n 't n e e d to or n eed n 't have.

0 I bought tw o concert tickets. M y friend had

already bought them. m ust
I needn't have bought the tickets. Learners often use should, would, and can instead
1 Daniel d id n 't d o his hom ework last night. He'd o f must.
already done it the night before. / / mustn't fo rget to g ive y o u m y p h o n e num ber.
X / shouldn't fo rget to g ive y o u m y p h o n e num ber.

2 Sally d id n 't revise fo r her H istory exam. She passed Choose the correct verb to complete the sentences.
it easily anyway. 1 W e can / m ust / w ould adm it th a t peer pressure can be
a problem .

3 I to o k a thick ju m p e r w ith me yesterday b u t it was a 2 They shouldn't / can't / m ustn't be using artificial flowers
hot, sunny day. - it doesn’t look nice.
3 I really can / w ould / m ust get a new headset; this one

4 Lucy cooked Brian a b irth d a y cake b u t his mum doesn't w ork very well.

had already bought him one from the shops. 4 H arry mustn't / ca n ’t / wouldn't have arrived ye t as his
car isn’t here.

5 Liam d id n 't have dinner at home because he knew 5 To get this jo b applicants can / sh o u ld / m ust be

there was fo o d at the party. p ro ficie n t speakers in Chinese. Non-Chinese speakers

w on’t be considered.
6 Sh o u ld / W ould / M ust you d o that? It's highly irritating!
6 W e to o k a taxi from the station b u t the hotel was
only 200 metres away so we could have walked 7 The children wouldn't / mustn't I can't arrive home late

there. unless there was a problem .

8 The spectators sho u ld / m ust / can have seen the man
run on stage. He ran right across it!
7 I’d already sent Lara a te xt and that's why I d id n 't
call her.


Word list

upgrade (your zip a file save (a document)


connect browse the Internet

to wifi Technology
(verbs) plug (a laptop) in
extract files

sync devices
stream a video
post an

Key words i n context

artificial They're not real flowers. They're artificial. Look! They're plastic.
decade In the last decade, technology has changed dramatically. I wonder what new technologies we'll see in the
next ten years.
emigrate Every year, thousands o f people emigrate to another country.
excessive Five hours a day online is an excessive amount o f time. I'm not allowed to spend more than tw o hours.
influence Max's performance o f Dracula in the school play was influenced by Christopher Lee. Max has watched all
the Christopher Lee films and he is a big fan.
launch Facebook's website was launched on 4th February 2004.
motivate M y dad is a keen footballer and that motivated me to join my local football club.
peer pressure There is peer pressure at school to have the latest smartphone.
proficient My granddad is a proficient Internet user. He can do everything on the Internet now.


Technology (nouns) 1Ш ХШ З Technology (verbs) ШШШШ

1 ★ Unscramble the words and match them to 4 ★★ Read the clues and complete the puzzle
the pictures. w ith the missing verbs.

1 We ... interviews with our favourite singers.

2 My sister... updates on her blog once a week.
1 vetecitpro seac________________
3 When I want to email big files, I always... them.
2 e w m ab c________________ 4 I'd b e tte r... my laptop in before the battery dies.
3 g ce ra h r________________ 5 My dad usually ... his phone every tw o years.
4 w o p e r d e la ......... 6 I need to learn how to ... a file from a zipped folder.
7 I ... all o f my digital photos on my memory stick.
5 g lu p ----------------------- --
8 I want to ... music from my laptop onto my phone.
6 dehates_____ =__________ 9 You can find lots o f interesting information when
you ... the Internet
2 ★★ W hat do they need? Match the sentences
10 If you go to the caf6 on the H igh Street, you can ...
(1 -4 ) to (a-d). to the wifi for free.

1 I' m connecting my camera to my laptop. 5 ★★ Complete the dialogues w ith the correct
form o f the technology verbs.
zip | save j browse | connect | post | upgrade
2 You need to include it in □
y o u r em ail address. 1 A Have y o u _____________ anything interesting on
your blog this week?
В No, I haven't had time.
3 W hat do 1 need to □ 2 A You've had the same phone fo r years. You
connect to the wi-fi?
s h o u ld ___ ______ ___ it fo r a newer model.
В I d o n 't want to. I’m happy w ith this one.
4 You c a n t use a European plug here. □ 3 A You look tired.
В I am. I the Internet fo r hours last
a wireless router c USB port night.
b adaptor d at’ symbol 4 A I’ve g o t no space left on my hard drive.
В You s h o u ld _____________ some o f the large
3 ★★ Read the definitions. W hat are they?
files. That w ill free up some space.
1 It provides access to the Internet or to a private 5 A H ow d o I _ _ ________my games console to
computer network. the Internet?
2 It stops my phone from being scratched or В You need access to a wireless connection.
damaged. 6 A There isn't enough space t o ___ ________ all
3 It connects my laptop to the mains electricity. my music and photos on my hard drive.
В You should store them on a cloud server.
4 It holds an earphone and a m icrophone in place
on yo u r h e a d ...... Pronunciation
5 You can use it to video chat over the Internet. The schwa sound
C o t o pa g e 119. m

REMEMBER A N D CH EC K Answer the questions. Then check your answers in the texts on page 49 in the
Student's Book.
1 W h a t happens when parents try to lim it the amount 4 W h a t percentage o f the population said the ban had
o f tim e th e ir children spend in fro n t o f a screen? im proved th e ir q u a lity o f life?
2 W hen d id screen tim e first become an issue? 5 Give three examples that the te xt says we use our
3 W hich city doesn't allow large o u td o o r advertising mobiles fo r other than making and receiving calls.
any more? 6 W h a t have p eople lost the a b ility to do?

2 Read the article quickly. W hat do these numbers refer to?

1 234 2 2006 3 4.7 million

The Digital Black H ole

Libraries around the world still hold copies computer now? Will people be able to read
of books printed hundreds of years ago. Will them in 8 0 0 , 5 0 0 or even 10 years’ time?
e-books still be accessible to us in hundreds Technology moves fast. Documents we
of years’ time? Librarians are worried that saved on floppy discs ten or twenty years
digital information and digital books are ago can’t be accessed now. We can’t open
the ‘digital black hole’. Organisations
already being lost. Technology is always them on our 21st century laptops. What
have understood this issue. In 2 0 0 4 , the
changing, and even now, we cannot access about all your digital photographs? Every
British Library in the UK started to archive
information typed in programs we used ten second, thousands of them are uploaded
websites that are im portant culturally and
or fifteen years ago. Is digital data in danger to social media. There is no physical copy.
academically for future generations, just
of disappearing into a digital black hole? What will happen to them? Will they be lost
like paper-based literature. In 2 0 1 0 , the US
Amazingly, we still have copies of in a few years’ time? Now you save them
Library of Congress signed an agreem ent
the first published collection of William in .jpg or .tiff format. In ten years’ time,
with Twitter to archive public Tweets sent
Shakespeare’s 3 6 plays, The F irs t Folio. there will be another form at and another
by Americans. They have archived all public
That’s not bad for a book th a t’s nearly program to open your photos with. This new
Tweets sent since the start of Twitter in
5 0 0 years old. The folio was published in program will not be able to open your old
2 0 0 6 . That’s 4 0 0 million Tweets every day!
1623. Around 8 0 0 copies were printed and .jpg or .tiff files. People have recognised this
Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia,
2 3 4 known copies still survive today. problem and there are now online retailers
holds more than 4.7 million articles. It is
More amazingly, there are still copies who will print physical photo albums of your
the result of over 1 00 million hours of work.
of the 13th century scientist Al-Jazari’s Facebook posts.
In the event of a digital catastrophe, it
illustrated book on automation and robotics, Music is in danger of being lost too. We
could all disappear. The only solution is to
The B o o k o f K n o w le d g e o f In g e n io u s have to think of new ways to store it. The
print it all out and keep physical copies. In
M e c h a n ic a l D e v ic e s . It is thought that Al- increasing disappearance of the technology
2 0 1 4, Pediapress launched a crowdfunding
Jazari finished writing his book on the 16th to play tapes, vinyl records and even CDs
scheme with the aim of raising $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 to
January 1 2 0 6 in Mesopotamia (modern-day means that millions of music recordings
print Wikipedia as 1 ,0 0 0 books of 1,2 00
Turkey) and copies still survive today. and songs could be lost forever. Archivists
pages each.
Books are quite easy to store. They hold must copy .this music or find the best way of
With all the amazing new digital
a large amount of information in a small preserving it for future generations.
technology available to us today, we still
space. Most importantly, we don’t need When a website closes down, all the
have to rely on the centuries-old technology
any special equipment to open them. But information on th a t website is deleted.
of printing. For now, it seems printed copies
what about the documents stored on your It’s gone forever. It has disappeared into
are still the safest way to store information.

3 Read the article again and complete the sentences. Use between 1 and 2 words.

1 1623
Shakespeare's First Folio was published in _________________
2 Al-Jazari's b o o k a b o ut autom ation and robotics was w ritten at the beginning o f the 13 ___century in ...Mesopotamia
3 especial Equipament to open a book.
You d o n 't have to have a n y ____________________
4 In o rd e r to solve the problem o f losing your digital photos, you sh o u ld print
._______physical copies o f them.
5 archive
W e m ust____________________ and public Tweets fo r futu re generations.
6 Even though w e have lots o f amazing new tech no lo g y,_____
we _ __ are still the most secure way to save inform ation.


A guide to buying a phone

1 Read Jamie’s guide to buying a phone. Circle three things that are important to him.
A the ringtones В the battery life C the pen D the camera E the games

My Instruction Guide to Buying a New Phone

W hat do you lo ok fo r w hen you buy a phone? D oes y our phone have to be th e la te s t m odel? D oes it have to lo ok goo d or
do you ju s t w a n t a phone th a t’s easy to use and sm all enough to fit in y o u r pocket? B e fore you buy yo u r new phone, decide
w h a t’s im p o rta n t to you.

F irst I lo ok a t th e b a tte ry life o f a phone. Tha t's v e ry im p o rta n t to m e. It m u s t have a long b a tte ry life. It m u s tn 't ever go
fla t on m e. N ext I lo ok a t the cam era quality. I like ta k in g p h o to s so I have to have a phone w ith a goo d cam era. I also like
to have a phone w ith a big screen so I can see th e p ho tos cle arly. Then I look a t how easy it is to do thing s, fo r exam ple
adding a nam e to m y co n ta c ts , finding som eone in m y c o n ta c ts , sending a te x t m essage to m u ltiple people, using the
a u to c o rre c t and send ing a pho to. A fte r th a t I ch e c k the gam es. W hat are th e y like? Finally, I lo ok a t th e pric e o f th e phone.
Is it affordable? I do th a t la st b u t m y m um says I should do it firs t!

Everyone has d iffe re n t p rio ritie s w hen buying a phone, b u t th e s e are the th in g s th a t are im p o rta n t to me.


2 Read Jamie's guide again and underline the 4 Now pick five of those ideas and write them in
sequencing words. Then complete the list of sequence using the terms below.
sequencing words.
First First


3 You are going to write your own guide to buying
(a) a new phone or (b) a tablet or (c) a laptop.
First brainstorm your ideas and complete the
mind map. After that


5 Now write your own guide to buying a new

phone, tablet or laptop in 200-250 words.

Include modal verbs in your guide

Include a variety of useful technology nouns
and verbs
The information in your guide is in a logical
order (the most important feature first, the least
important last)
Use sequencing words

1 o r a Listen to the conversation between Matt, 1 Complete the dialogues w ith the phrases in
Alicia and Oscar and circle the correct option. the list.
1 Alicia spends a lo t o f tim e playing tennis / need to finish [ had b e tte r get j made me
video games. have to help me | should leave | make me d o it

2 Alicia texts / sees her friends all th e time. 1

3 W hen Jo called Matt, she was excited / upset. MARIA Hi, Susie. H ow d id yo u r audition go
2 С Ш Listen again and answer the questions.
SUSIE I d o n 't think I'll get a p a rt in the school play.
1 W h a t d o M att, Alicia and Oscar have to d o fo r MARIA H ow come?
homework? SUSIE I made a mess o f the audition. I couldn't
rem em ber my lines. It was awful. Then they
________________ sing. A n d that was worse.
2 W h y doesn't Alicia want to let her mum see their
You know I can't sing in tune.
JAKE You ...................... w ith the washing up,
3 W h a t should Alicia stop doing?
Sarah. M um to ld you to.
SARAH I can't. I’m busy. I ____ _______ _ this essay.
4 W h a t does Oscar suggest Alicia should do?
JAKE You’re always busy. You never d o anything
around the house.
5 W h a t is Alicia looking fo rw a rd to hearing about?
SARAH O h, no. Here we go.
JAKE You're always on y our phone o r on your
6 W h y was Jo upset? *I
laptop. I always have to d o the washing up.
It’s not fair.

3 o r a Listen again and complete these parts SARAH You can’t .......... .................. Jake.
o f the conversation. JAKE No, I can't, b u t M um can and she's ju st come
home now.
1 MATT W h a t d o you th in k o f the homework?
I can't believe M r Harrow 3
_______ ___ this thing. ANTONIO W hat's the matter w ith you?
ALICIA You mean the vid e o gaming guide fo r I’m ju s t tired. "That's all.
parents? I think it ’s OK. M in d you, I'm
ANTONIO W h y are you so tired?
not going to show it to my mum. She's
already w o rrie d about me spending to o JOE I'm not sure. M in d you, 1d id go to sleep
much tim e playing video games. She really late last night. 1started browsing
_______________ d u ring the week at all. the Internet and 1couldn't stop.
OSCAR You d o spend a lo t o f tim e on the games ANTONIO That explains it then. You
console, Alicia. Y o u ____________ .__ more.
________________ some sleep now. A nd
2 ALICIA W h a t d o you mean? you __ ____________ _ your phone in the
MATT You know what he means. You ju st sit living room at night. If it’s not in your
around staring at screens all day.
bedroom , you w on't be able to
OSCAR You're tu rn in g into a couch potato.
go online. Problem solved.
Y o u _______________ some exercise.
3 JO Hi, Alicia. I haven't heard from you 2 Now w rite a dialogue o f between six and
fo r ages. eight lines. Complain to a friend that he/she is
ALICIA I know, I’m sorry. Listen. M att, Oscar and spending too much tim e in fro n t o f a screen.
I are going to Bob's Cafe. W o u ld you like Give him/her some advice. Include some o f the
to come along? W e can't w ait to hear words below.
ab o ut your skiing trip. should / shouldn't | need to j let | make
JO I'd love to come. I'll m eet you all there in have to / d o n 't have to | must / mustn't | had b e tter
an hour.
ALICIA Great. W e 'll see you there. O h, and you
_______ _ any money - it's on me!


Reading and Use of English part 7

Exam guide: multiple matching

In this part of the exam you have to read a text or four short texts. Then you must match
a prompt to the texts/parts of the text. This is a test of your understanding of the text.
• Read each text carefully to get an overall understanding before you answer the questions.
• Make sure you read the titles to o because they may help you find the answers.
• Look fo r words w ith a similar or the same meaning in the texts and the questions.
• Check fo r words w ith a positive o r negative meaning. „ „

1 You are going to read an advertisement for four different tech courses. For questions 1-10, choose from the
courses (A-D). The courses may be chosen more than once.
O n this course ...
1 you have to w ork w ith a small group o f people. □
2 the main focus will be H ypertext Markup Language. □
3 you have to have some artistic and creative ability. □
4 you will learn the necessary skills to get a jo b w ith a digital company. □
5 you will learn the basics o f web development. □
6 the first thing you d o is learn to draw on a computer. П
7 you must face new challenges each day. □
8 there is tim e away from the screens to participate in activities outside. □
9 you will leave w ith the skills to develop you own w eb pages.
there will be com petitions so students can test their skills.

Tech Heaven
C ourses fo r th e d ig ita l a g e
Course A: Animation
This course is fo r creative people w h o like to draw. You d o n 't have to have amazing drawing skills bu t you need to have some
artistic talent. You s ta rt learning ho w to d raw on th e co m p u te r and you finish by making interactive films. You w o rk very
closely w ith teachers to learn th e essential techniques. You choose to do e ith e r game design o r an animation. T here is a huge
gaming library at th e camp so you w ill have th e o p p o rtu n ity to te st yo u r gaming skills against o th e r students in o u r gaming
tournam ents.

Course B: Web
This course is fo r teens w h o w a n t to create th e ir ow n w eb pages and websites. O n this course, you will learn th e foundations
o f w eb developm ent. The prim ary focus o f th e course is HTM L, which makes up th e building blocks o f th e Internet. You will
leave th e camp w ith yo u r ow n w eb page and you w ill be able to go hom e and create o th e r w e b pages.

Course C: Coding
This course is ideal fo r students w ith some program m ing experience w h o w a n t to im prove th e ir coding skills. M ost devices,
programs, com puters and rob o ts run on softw are applications so you m ust have program m ing, scripting and coding skills to get
a jo b w ith a digital company. You will learn fro m experienced and supportive staff and you will leave th e school equipped w ith
th e basic skills. T here are tw o hours o f o u td o o r sports activities a day to get some fresh air.

Course D: Robotics
This course is all about robots. You will w o rk in small teams and learn ho w to use V E X ® Robotics Design System. You'll build a
ro b o t th a t w ill com pete in ro b o -fo otb a ll and obstacle courses. You will learn h ow to build ro b o tic arms and advanced sensors.
Every day will present you w ith a new challenge and every day w ill be m ore fun and m ore inspiring than th e last.

sugey flores
Comparatives Б Щ Ш
1 ★ Look at the website and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

3 ★★ Use a '. . . a n d ...' expression and the

1 Euroair is not nearly as quick as Budgetline. □f adjective in brackets to rewrite each sentence.
2 Budgetline is far more frequent than Euroair. □t
0 The boys just won't stop growing, (tall)
3 Budgetline is not nearly as good as Euroair. □f
The boys arc growing taller and taller.
4 Budgetline is much cheaper than Euroair. □t
1 Every year there are more cars on the road, (busy)
5 Euroair is much more unpopular than
every year there is busy and busy beacause there're more cars
Budgetline. □f on the road
2 I love spring. Every day the sun stays up a few
6 Budgetline is a lot slower than Euroair. □t
minutes later, (long)
7 Euroair is much better than Budgetline. □t I love spring every day the sun stays up few minutes later ,I
8 Budgetline is nowhere near as expensive wan be longer and loger
3 Scientists say the temperature o f the Earth is
as Euroair. □t
increasing, (hot)
2 ★★★ Look at the website in Exercise 1 again Scientists say the temperature of the earth is being hotter
and use the words in brackets to make sentences and hotter
4 The price of food is increasing by the week,
about the London to Paris flights.
0 (nowhere near / comfortable)
the price of the food is expensive and expensive every week
Budgetline is nowhere near as comfortable
as Euroair.______________________________ ____________________' 4 ★★★ Use a 'th e ..., th e ...' comparative
expression to rewrite each sentence.
1 (much / expensive)
euroair is much expensive than budgetline 0 Loud music gives me a bad headache.

2 (just as / popular) The loader the music cjets, the worse vny
headache c j e t s . __ ____________________________________
budgetline is popular just as euroair
3 (far / quick) 1 Hot weather makes me angry.
budgetline is far than euroair, euroair is quick than budgetline The hot weather makes, the angriest person in my Hause

4 (nowhere near / good) 2 Driving fast is dangerous.

budgetline is nowhere near as good as euroair driving fast is too dangerous when is raining

5 (just as / frequent) 3 When you’re hungry, food tastes better.

budgetline is frequent just as euroair food tastes better if you are hungry

6 (not nearly / cheap) 4 Old people need less sleep.

old people need less sleep than younger people
budgetline is not nearly but is cheaper than euroair

Linkers of contrast Ш Ш Ш Ш 7 ★ ★ ★ Combine the tw o sentences using the

w ord in brackets.
5 ★ Match the sentence halves.
Unusual facts about me
1 A lthough not many p eople came to the party, □ 0 I'm short. I'm g o o d at basketball, (despite)
2 I feel really tire d today □ Despite being short, I'm good at basketball.
3 Liam invited Dan to his p a rty □ 1 I've got tw o bikes. I can't ride a bike, (although)
4 In spite o f having sold millions o f books, □
5 The film was in French so I d id n 't 2 M y mum's French. I don’t speak French, (however)
understand much. □
6 The athlete wasn't 100% fit. □ 3 I love Italian food. I d o n 't like pizza, (even though)
a even though th e y’re not the best o f friends,
b no one knows who she is. 4 I always go to bed early. I'm always late fo r school,
c However, I still really enjoyed it. (nevertheless)
d Nevertheless, she still won the race easily,
e we still had a great time, 5 I'm 1.75m tall. I'm only 14. (in spite of)
f despite having had a really good night's sleep.

6 ★★ Complete the card w ith the missing

h o w e ve r
Learners often use however incorrectly.

/ / looked back in his direction. However, he had

X I looked back in he had
Match the sentences, then rewrite them using
0 Tom asked Helen out. |a [
Tom asked Helen out. However, she sa id no,
1 Ethan was offe re d the position o f school

2 Loom bands used to be a big craze.

3 The passengers were stuck on the train fo r

tw o hours.
4A ______ o u ____you annoy me at least once a day.
2I _ ____i e о _ the fact you always get
your way. 4 The Ice Bucket Challenge raised awareness
ab o ut ALS.
3E e ___ o u ___ you take things without □
saying ‘please’.
And 4 _e ____ i _ e the mess in my room that 5 President Obama refused to d o the challenge.

you leave.
It seems I don’t like you.
5 _ . e _ e ______ e _ e ____ , a She said no.
th at’s not true. b N o b o d y spoke to each other,
There’s something I need to say about you. c He tu rn e d it down,
It seems we’re so different. 6_ о e _ e_ ,
d He donated money instead,
we’re not.
e It also wasted a lo t o f water,
You are my sister - the best friend that I’ve got.
f It seems to be over now.


Word list
make an introduction

Key words in context

craze In 2014 loom bands were a huge craze all over the planet,
d re a d e d M y d re a d e d piano exam is next week. I’m not looking forward t o * a t a i.
go vira l The video o f his cat playing the piano w e n t viral. People w e re w rfd k i^ l t slower the world,
groan The children gro a n e d when the teacher told them he was g iv in g f* ' l i w p i n test,
in th e ir s trid e W hen the plane was delayed by 4 hours most people took it in th e ir s trid e and didn't complain
(though o f course a few were unhappy),
nom inate I'd like to nom inate Luca for class president,
p a rtic ip a n t The p a rticip a n ts in this quiz show can win up to £100,000-
sufferer Doctors say there will soon be a new medicine to help aBefjr. sufferers
sweep Every year dozens o f hurricanes sweep through the area.

Ways o f speaking Ш Ш Ш Ш Love and relationships iLKTTTi

1 ★ Unscramble the verbs and then match 4 ★ Circle the correct words.
them to the nouns.
1 Sometimes I think I'll never fall on / in love.
verb Have you heard? Deb and Dexter have started /
1 edomrcnme split up.
2 nosecfs n 3 W e got married / engaged in a church.

3 toridnceu n 4 Bob ju st proposed to me and I said 'yes’. I can’t

4 reuqeni ............ П believe it. I'm engaged / married.

5 nnoanuec ......... П 5
I really want to ask Jim out I up b u t I'm to o scared.
H arry and Bella have been going / asking o ut
6 icmnlaop together fo r half a year already.

noun (to make a/an ...) 7 M y b ro th e r’s going on / off a date tonight. He's
so nervous.
a enquiry
b confession 8 They’ve only ju st g o t m arried so I d o n ’t think
they'll want to get/ start a fam ily soon.
c announcement
9 Liam is still in love w ith Jessica. I d o n 't think he’ll
d com plaint
ever get up with / over her.
e recom m endation
f in troduction 5 ★★ Put the events in order.

2 ★★ Circle the correct option.

1 'W hat tim e does the train leave?'
M aking a/an confession / introduction / enquiry
2 ‘This fish isn't cooked properly.’
M aking a/an complaint I introduction /
3 'The lib ra ry w ill close in half an hour.'
M aking a/an confession / recommendation /
4 ‘You should try the pe p pe ro n i pizza. It’s excellent.’
M aking a/an enquiry/ recommendation / complaint
5 'Harry, I’d like you to m eet Tom.’
M aking a/an introduction / announcement /
6 'I’m really sorry, it was me who broke the
M aking a complaint/ confession / recommendation

3 ★★ Complete the sentences w ith the missing


1 'OK, it was me. I ate the last piece o f cake,’ she □ He said yes' and they agreed to go on a date.
□ A p p a ren tly th e y’re already thinking o f starting a
2 'Can you tell me w hat tim e the shop closes?' she family.
a O livia split up w ith Mike.
3 'The Internet isn’t w orking in my room,' she
□ It d id n 't take them long to fall in love.
to the hotel manager.
□ They g o t m arried a few weeks ago.
4 ’You should read this book, it's great,1he
□ It to o k him a long tim e to get over it.
□ A nd six months later they g o t engaged.
5 He me to Ian.'Ian, this is Dan. Dan,
□ Eventually Lucy, his friend's sister, asked him out.
this is Ian.’
□ It was a success and they started going o ut
6 'I've g o t a new jo b ,'h e __ __________ to the whole

1 ё гШ Ш Ш гШ Д Ь И М Д Я Read th e article on page 60 o f th e S tudent's Book again. W rite dow n th e
sign ifican ce o f th ese n u m b ers.

o 2014 T h e y e a r th e ic e -b u c k e t 4 2
c h alle n g e ha p p e n e d . 5 2.5 million
1 $10 6 150
2 $100 7 15%
3 24 8 10%

2 Read the tw o stories. Make a list o f all th e things th e y have g o t in com m on.

The kin d n ess of stran ge rs

W h e n Katie C u tle r heard a b o ut an attack on 67-year-old Alan G lenn Buratti had a d isa p p ointin g tu rn o u t fo r
Barnes, she im m e d ia te ly kn e w w h a t she had to do, even though his b irth d a y p a rty to celebrate his 6th birthday.
she had never m et him . Despite having in vite d all th e ch ild ren fro m his
Alan had been mugged outside his home in Gateshead in the class, n o t on e o f them tu rn e d up at his house in
North East o f England. He had been pushed to the ground by a man Florida, USA on th e day.
demanding money, w ho then ran o ff after Alan cried for help. For Glenn, w h o suffers from m ild autism and epilepsy,
Alan, w ho has problems w ith his eyesight and is only 1.37m tall, the was so upset that his mother Ashley decided to share
attack was terrifying and he felt reluctant to return back home alone. her frustration on Facebook. She posted a message in
W hen the story made the news, Katie immediately set up a page which she told o f the situation and the sadness she felt
on a fundraising website called Go Fund Me w ith the intention seeing the disappointment o f her son.
of making £500 to help Alan find a new house to rent. The story It wasn't long before the online com m unity was
went viral on the Internet and was picked up by most TV news in touch and w ithin minutes many people had got
stations. Less than a week after the fund was started Katie had raised in contact asking if they could bring their children
£284,000 w ith donations from 21,700 people. W ith people making over. But it wasn't just children w ho came, the
donations from the UK, Canada, the Netherlands and other countries, news also reached the local sheriff's office, which
it was truly an international response. sent a helicopter to fly over his house to the young
Alan had the chance to thank Katie boy's delight.
in person when the tw o finally met. A few days later a surprised Glenn received a visit at
He told her that he planned to use the home from the county police and fire services, w ho
money to buy a home of his own and had come to wish him a happy birthday and gave the
several local builders had also offered happy boy a tour o f their many vehicles. Glenn also
to help make sure that Alan's new became an Internet star w ith his story going viral and
house was in perfect condition, and being featured in newspapers and TV news stations all
what he deserved. over the world.

3 Read the stories again. W h o m ight have said these things (and to whom)?

W h o said it? ... to whom?

1 Why is there no one here?

2 I can't wait to move.
3 Look. The pilot's waving at you.
4 When I started this I could never have imagined
how generous people could be.
5 Thank you. You've changed my life.
6 Leave me alone.
7 Why is there a fire engine outside our house?
8 W hy didn't you just tell me you weren't coming?

Choose tw o o f the characters fro m e ith e r s to ry and w rite a sh o rt (8 line) dialogue betw een them .


Writing tip: using examples
An essay about charity
• You can often make your essays more accessible
1 Read the essay question. Then read the essay and
to the reader by including some real examples
tick the correct summary o f the w riter's thoughts.
from everyday life. This will help the reader
□ She believes its better to donate money. relate more easily to what you are saying.
For example, this essay is all about charitable
| | She believes it’s better to donate time.
donations, both of money and time. The reader
| | She believes that all donations are welcome. has included examples of both,
e.g: Time: grandmother helping in local
It’s better to donate your time than your money. charity shop.
What do you think? Money: put money in a collection box.
e This is not only a good chance to help you
•••••« •••••••••••••••••••••«••••••••••••А engage your reader, but it can also give you the
chance to show your range o f vocabulary. It will
When most people hear of a charity asking for a also help with your organisation too.
donation they probably wonder how much money
they can give. But money's not the only thing you
can donate - your time can be just as valuable. 2 Look back at the essay and fin d tw o more
examples from real life of:
For example, my grandmother spends three
afternoons a week volunteering in the local How people donate their time:
Oxfam shop. One of my friends' fathers spends
Monday mornings driving elderly people to their
hospital appointments for free. Then there are all
How people donate their money:
those people who donate their lives to helping
less fortunate people overseas, doctors and
rescue workers who
go out to help when 3 W rite down three more ways th a t people can
earthquakes hit, for donate th e ir tim e to charity.
example. Of course,
1 .............. ..... ........... .....................
they get paid a little,
but nowhere near as 2 _...._........._ ....... ......................................................................... ..... ...............

much as they could 3 .... .........._..... _................

earn doing their jobs
4 Now w rite yo u r answer to the essay question in
at home.
around 200 words.
If you've got spare
money, then making a donation is not too much • *
trouble. You simply drop some coins in a collection CHECKLIST
box, buy items from charity organisations or make
online payments. It never takes more than a few Include good examples from everyday life
minutes. Giving away your time for free is different Make your opinion dear in the last paragraph
and it shows real dedication to the charity. Make sure you answer the question asked
Charities rely on the Try and show a good range of vocabulary
■ kindness of people and
without them, the good
work that they do would
not get done. Whether
it be your time or your
money, most charities
are always happy to
accept either.



1 P i n Listen to three conversations Ava has during her Put the dialogue in order.
journey to Scotland. O rder the pictures.
j DAD It's a ten minute walk!

| DAD You know what? I've g o t a g ood

idea. You drive the kids in the
car, o r taxi o r whatever. I'll take
the train and we'll all m eet on
the beach.

DAD No chance, I th o ug h t we'd make

it a tech free day too. Just a g ood
o ld fam ily day o u t on the train.

| | DAD I th o ug h t we'd go to Prestatyn.

It's by far a nicer beach.
ГГ ] DAD W h o fancies a day at the beach?

fs ] DAD I said how a b o u t a beach day,

2 p m Listen again and answer the questions. not a shopping day. Tim, how
a b o u t you?
DAD I’m not. It's a whole lo t easier than
1 H ow much cheaper is the later train?
taking the car. A n d the train's
quicker to o . It’s easily the best
2 W h a t tim e train does Ava get? o ption.
;/5 j mum W e ’ll p ro b a b ly miss the train
CONVERSATION 2 and have to w ait hours fo r the
3 What three items does Ava choose? next one.

[__ ] MUM That sounds like a great idea.

4 H ow much m ore expensive is a large juice? Shall we go to Llandudno?

| I MUM W ell, I'm n o t so sure. I th in k I

agree w ith th e kids on this one.
It's miles m ore convenient to take
5 H ow long is Ava staying in Glasgow?
the car. I mean we've g o t to get
to the station...
6 H ow long is Ava staying on the Isle o f Mull?
] LUCY But Llandudno's g o t b e tte r shops
by far.

3 Р 1 И Complete the sentences from the conversations, j LUCY The train?! Please tell me you're
then listen again and check. joking.

CONVERSATION 1 QfJ TIM Yeah, Dad. Please tell us you're

TICKET OFFICER If you can w ait an hour and get the 9.55
it's a w ______ L______ cheaper. □ TIM Can I take my ta b le t w ith me?

AVA Yes, th a t’s a much b e tte r idea □ TIM It’d be even quicker if we to o k
b______ f _______ a taxi.

2 Imagine the fam ily are on the beach.
ASSISTANT It's e______ the best deal fo r you. They are deciding where to eat lunch
ASSISTANT And it'se_____ cheaper if you've got W rite a 10 line dialogue. Try and use
a Trainclub card. some comparative structures.
PASSENGER Mull's f _____ and a______ more Pronunciation
spectacular than the Lake District. Linking words with /d$/ and / f /
PASSENGER It's smaller and m_____ less crowded. Go to page 119. P I \
..................................... -J


Reading and Use of English part 7
You are going to read an article about fo u r teenagers talking about how they use social media. For questions
1-10, choose from the teenagers (A -D ). The teenagers may be used more than once.
W hich te e n a g e r...

□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
1 likes to post photos on social media?
2 thinks it's m ore po p ular w ith the o ld e r generation?
3 has phases when they use social media more?
4 uses social media less than they d id before?
5 gave up using social media because o f a bad experience?
6 uses social media to let their friends know a lo t o f the things that are happening in th e ir life?
7 likes to use social media fo r practical things?
8 doesn't think th e ir life is interesting enough to w rite about it on social media?
9 thinks p eople hide th e ir true emotions on social media?
10 uses social m edia to feel closer to friends they d o n ’t see every day?

A Gabby В Andy
I have a strange relationship w ith social media. I can I used to be a massive fan o f social media b u t these
go fo r months w ith o u t using it and then I’ll spend days I d o n ’t use it nearly as much as I used to. To be
a week o r so posting stuff on my wall every half an honest, I think it’s something that appeals m ore to
hour. Then someone w ill w rite something horrible on old pe o ple like my parents. They think it's a brilliant
it and I'll stop using it again fo r a while. I think when way o f getting back in touch w ith pe o ple they
I'm generally happy I d o n 't feel the need to use it but haven't seen fo r years. It’s d iffe re n t to my situation.
when I’m not q uite so happy it makes me feel better I see most o f my friends every day so I d o n 't really
if I d o use it. It's funny really, everyone on social need it to keep in touch. I d o use it, however, fo r
media always seems so happy b u t I'm sure they organising things. I play fo o tba ll on Sunday mornings
aren't. They're p ro b a b ly ju st like me - pretending so every Saturday evening I send o u t a message
to be. I helped my mum set up an account the other to see w ho wants to play and to check if we’ve got
day. It was funny to see how excited she g o t w ith this enough players. It's really useful fo r that sort o f thing.
'new' technology. Anyway, in a couple o f days she I also use it sometimes if I want to get in contact w ith
had over 200 friends. I think she’s m ore popular ju st one person privately. It's good fo r that b u t I
than me. d o n ’t really feel the need to share my life online.

C Carm en D Mike
I never really use social media. It's not that I'm I love social media. I use it all the time. I must w rite
against it, it’s ju st that I d o n 't really have the time. at least eight posts a day on my wall. I’ve g o t friends
I'm to o busy w ith my d ay-to-day life, school work, in q uite a few d iffe re n t places and I think it's the
piano lessons, dance classes. I ju st d o n 't really have p e rfe ct way o f keeping in touch w ith everyone and
the tim e to sit d ow n and let p eople know w hat’s letting them know what's going on in my life - it
happening in my life and I’m sure they'd find it doesn't have to ju st be the big things, I think it's
really b o ring if I did. M ine isn't the most exciting life. im p orta n t to share the small things too, like a good
Besides, I see all my best friends every day so b ook you've read, a p h o to o f a delicious meal and so
I can let them know what's happening face-to-face. on. I know some pe o ple think it’s a b it silly to share
It's a lo t quicker. But I wasn't always like this. W hen so much o f your life b u t I think if you've g o t g ood
I first g ot my phone about three years ago I used to friends, they're interested in hearing these things.
spend hours updating my Facebook page, b u t then It's great to see their comments too. It makes you
I started to get some nasty comments on my wall. feel like you're actually w ith them and you d o n ’t miss
They were p re tty upsetting and I found the best way them so much. I also message friends individually
to stop this happening was to not use social media. when I’ve g o t something more personal to say. But
To be honest I d o n ’t really miss it much. I d o n 't d o this so often.

1 Ш Listen to Sam saying how she met her 4 Complete the missing words.
husband Jim and answer the questions.
1 Toe harger to the Internet you need
1 What instrument didjim play in the band? irles
a w ..................... outer
r ..................... .
2 To plug your la ptop in you need
2 How many members were there in the band? ар ower I ead and an
a daptator (if you're in a foreign country).

3 W h e re d id Sam work? 3 If you want to d o video conferencing you need

aw ebcam and maybe a h eadset
4 To keep y our phone safe you should use
4 When did Sam tell Jim that she'd seen him before
in his band?
rotrctive c........................
a p ...................... ase .
5 To connect your keyboard to your com puter you
m ight use a U........................p ort _______
2 П Ш Listen again and mark the sentences 6 If your la ptop is o u t o f pow er you will need to use
T (true) or F (false). the c harger
1 Jim's band had some local support. □ 7 If your com puter is slow when you b .......................
the Internet, you need to u . your
2 Jim always played his trumpet at the front
of the stage. □ system.

3 Sam tried to meetjim when he was in a band. □ 8 This software lets you s .... your laptop

4 Jim left the band after a year. □ and your phone so they're always u p -to -d ate w ith

5 Sam wasjim's boss at the theatre. □ each other.

6 Sam kept her secret fromjim until they 5 Use one word from each list to complete the
were married. □ reported statements. There are tw o extra words
in each list.

G RA M M A R recom m ended j confessed | enquired

introduced | announced com plained
3 Match the sentence halves. o u t w ith | engaged in love w ith
1 You had b e tter leave soon □
g up w ith | on a date a family

2 You're supposed to arrive before 9 am □e 1 'W e're expecting our first baby in May.'
3 The test was really d ifficu lt □a She announced that they were starting
4 There was a lo t o f traffic □b 2
a family
'You really should go to the cinema w ith George.
5 The m ore I listen to the new Kaiser
Chiefs album, □ch You'll really like him.’

6 Dad says it’s getting more □ H e recomended on a date

_____________ g o in g _______________________

7 Even though I d id n 't know anyone there, □f w ith George.

8 In spite o f really studying hard, □d 3 'Are Sue and M ike a couple?'

enquired w hether Sue was going
H e _____________
a b u t somehow I managed to pass, out with
_______________________ Mike.
b and we were only ju st able to get to the a irp o rt 4 'I can’t hide my feelings any longer. I'm mad about
in time.
c and m ore d ifficu lt to fin d parking in the city centre,
She confessed
________ that she wasfalling
d I failed the test badly,
in love with
e if you d o n 't want to g et a ‘late1mark,
f I still really enjoyed the party,
g if you d o n ’t want to miss the train,
h the m ore I like it.


UNI TS 5 8x6

Desperate measures
6 Put the dialogue in order.
The amount of time that teenagers spend in

9 OLIVIA No, I'm tired of doing that. They never fix it
properly. It's time for a new one.
front of a screen is a huge concern for many
parents all over the world. But are they worrying

□7 OLIVIA What! Today is Monday. I'm not waiting unnecessarily? After all, didn't their parents worry
about how much time they spent in front of the TV
five days. I’m off to the shops. Now!
every day? Aren't computers just the modern-day
□11 OLIVIA Not if they don't fix it properly. It will just
equivalent of the television or is it more than that?
be a waste o f my time. Many experts seem to think that many teenagers

□5 OLIVIA You always say that but then you never do. are actually addicted to technology and would
find it very difficult to spend a day without it. The
□3 OLIVIA I don't know. I was trying to save a
parents of one 16-year-old boy in Germany may
document and the whole computer
have agreed with them when they found out just
crashed. how far their son would go for his mobile phone.
Ш OLIVIA I don’t believe it. My laptop's broken again. The boy was on a fishing trip in a boat on a small

□4 LIAM It sounds serious. You'd better take it to the lake with his friends when his phone slipped out
of his hand and fell into the water - gone forever,
repair shop.
so it would seem. But the boy refused to accept
□6 LIAM Well I will this time. I promise. I'll take
that that would be the last he would ever see of it.
a look at it over the weekend. Even though he knew that the phone itself would
□2 LIAM Again? What is it this time? be ruined, he was determined to retrieve the data
card it contained with all his contact information

10 LIAM What! It will be miles cheaper to get it
and photos on it. This information was far too
fixed. It’s the best solution by far.
important to lose, and so he started to think what
□8 LIAM Well at least let me have a look at it first. he could do to find the phone.
Maybe I can fix it. His first plan involved asking the fishing club, who
owned the lake, if he could borrow a diving suit

R EA D IN G so he could jump into the water and search for the

phone. Unsurprisingly they decided he couldn't
7 Read the article and p u t the events in order. and advised him to give up trying to find his
phone. It was then he realised this was something
3J He connects the hose pipe with the toilet, he was going to have to do on his own when no
7 j The boy is presented with a bill to pay. one was watching. So later that night he went
He asks the club for help. back to the lake with two water pumps and some

1 The boy is fishing on a lake with his friends. hose pipes. His idea was simple. He was going
to drain all the water out of the lake and find his
2 : He loses his phone. phone lying at the bottom.
6 | The police question the boy about his actions, He decided that the best place to pump the water
5 j The club owner arrives. into would be the club's toilet. He managed to
j_4_ j Water pours into the club. connect one end of the pipe to the pump and put
the other end into the toilet. However, what he
__I He arrives at the club with equipment to help
didn't know was that the toilet was connected to
him find his phone. a small tank rather than a larger sewer system.
The result was that the tank was quickly filled up

W R IT IN G and the water started to flood into the club car

park. The boy tried to stop the flow but the more
8 W rite a paragraph o f about 120 w ords about an he tried, the worse the situation got and before
occasion when you had a problem w ith technology. he knew it there was water everywhere. When
Include: the club owner arrived he immediately called the
police, leaving the boy with a lot of explaining to
• what the problem was
do. Sadly the boy was unable to find his phone.
« how it affected you All he got was a big bill for the cost of cleaning
• what you did to try and solve the problem up the mess he had created.


GRAMMAR 3 ★ ★ C o m p le te th e m ini-dialogues w ith the
correct fu tu re form o f the verbs in brackets.
Ways of referring to the future (review)
1 A What___________ (you / do) on Saturday?
В I (go) to a craft fair with my sister.
1 ★ W rite sentences with the correct future 2 Do you think your mum___________ (let) you
form o f the verbs. come and stay for the weekend?
0 I / play / tennis / with M illy / tom orrow В Yes, I think so. I __ __________ (ask) her tonight.
I'm playing tennis w ith M illy tom orrow. 3 A What time__________ (the football match /
start) on Saturday?
1 M y dad / go / to / Berlin / on business / next month
В It______ _____ (start) at tw o o'clock.
4 A I ____________ _ (look for) a Saturday jo b . I’d like
2 The / lesson / start / in / ten minutes to work in a clothes shop.
В Really? My brother and I ___________ (join)
3 As soon as / Mum / get / home / we / go / to / the a climbing club so I can’t get a Saturday job.
cinema 5 A It's my birthday tom orrow. I hope it
....................(be) sunny because we
.............. .... (have) a barbecue in the
4 W e / not have dinner / until / Dad / come / home
I don't think it___ ______(rain) tomorrow.
5 Tina and Tom / stay / w ith / their aunt / in / Mexico / The weather’s been so nice today.
in / the summer holidays 6 A What time___________ (the train / leave)?
В It___________ (leave) at six o’clock.

2 ★ ★ Com plete the dialogue with the correct 4 ★★ W ill it happen or won’t it happen?
form of the verbs. Use the present continuous W hat do you think? Read the notes and
or going to. write sentences.
SALLY 0 Are you coming (you / come) on the 0 Scientists (build) a lift into space.
school trip this summer? Scientists wov\l b u ild a lift into space.
NATHAN I'm not sure. I 1 ___________ (ask) my
1 Your computer (have) a sense o f smell.
parents this evening.
SALLY M att and Lucy 2_____________(not plan) to
2 Facebook still (be) the biggest social network.
come. T h e y 3_____________(travel) overland
to Turkey w ith their family this summer.
NATHAN That sounds exciting. 3 Robots (do) all the work on farms.

SALLY Yes, they 45

_____________(drive) across
France, Switzerland and Italy. Then they 4 Planes (fly) w ithout pilots.
5_____________(take) a car fe rry from Italy
to Turkey, via Greece. 5 We (be able to) upload the contents o f our brains
NATHAN Awesome! W hen 6________ ____ (MrJones to our computers.
/ hold) the meeting about the school trip?
SALLY He 7_____________(organise) it fo r next 6 People (be able to) touch each other through their
Saturday at 2 pm. phones.


Future continuous and future perfect 8 ★★ Complete the email w ith the phrases
in the list.
'll be having | 'll send 'll have been shopping
5 ★ W rite sentences in the future continuous.
'II be | 'll be going | 'll have seen | ’ll text
The holiday's finally here. I'm so excited. This time II be staying | 'll have visited
1 I / swim / in the sea e ® o

2 Sam / look fo r / shells on the beach Hey Lily,

Well, this time tomorrow, 11_____________in London.
How cool is that! W e 2________ ____at a hotel on the
3 M um / explore / the town South Bank. I Googled it and it’s near the Globe Theatre.
I 3, a photo when we get there. I know
4 Dad / buy / fo o d / at the local market you love anything to do with the theatre and everything
about Shakespeare! On the first day, we 1 __ ______ ____
to the Tower of London. My mum’s keen to see the
6 ★★ Complete the mini-dialogues w ith the Crown Jewels. I just want to see the ravens and the
verbs in the future perfect tense. Beefeaters, of course. Oh, yes! And guess what? We
5 ............ ..........lunch in Speedy’s Sandwich Bar and
1 A W e're late. They everything by Cafe on North Gower Street - the one that Benedict
the tim e we get there, (eat) Cumberbatch always goes to in the Sherlock Holmes
В I'm sure th e y _____________ something fo r us. TV series. I can’t wait.
So anyway, by the end of the trip, I ' _ .....................the
2 A Hi, Miriam . I tho ug h t you were coming round
London Dungeons. 17..................... the view from
to my house this afternoon. Everybody's here.
the top of the Shard, and ..... at Camden
В I am coming. I'll be there at six. Market. Amazing!
A But e ve ryb o d y home by then.
you as soon as I get there.
3 A A re you looking fo rw a rd to the charity See you soon.
swimming event tom orrow? Tanya
В Yes. By this tim e tom orrow , we
across the Bosphorus from Asia to Europe,
4 A Have you g o t any plans fo r the future?
В Yes. By the tim e I'm thirty, I ................_
around the w orld, (travel) w ill
• Learners often confuse would and will.
7 ★★ Choose the correct option to complete
the mini-dialogues. I / / think it will be a good experience.
• Л / think it w o M be a good experience.
1 A Dad's plane lands at eight o'clock.
В It's 8.30 now. His plane Complete the sentences w ith w ill o r would.
will be landing / will have landed. 1 I hope the exam ________ be OK, b u t to be honest,
2 A Hey, you're going to the Lake District this I’m dreading it.
weekend, right?
2 If Dan wasn’t such a pessimist, he be much
В Yes, by this tim e on Saturday, I will be sailing /
m ore fun to be with.
will sail across Lake W inderm ere.
3 W e're ab o ut to go o u t so I call you later.
3 A By the tim e I'm fifty, they will be finding /
will have found a cure fo r cancer. I’m sure. 4 Thanks fo r the offer. I be very happy
В I hope so. to accept.
4 A The show starts at 7 pm. 5 Sally's really looking fo rw a rd to visiting us. W e
В Then I'm sorry, I can’t come. I will be eating / have a great time.
will eat d inner w ith my fam ily at that time. 6 James is on the p o in t o f changing his job. He
5 A Mum, I'm going round to Matt's house. like to spend less tim e commuting.
В W h a t a b o ut your homework?
A I will have done / will do it later.


Word list
about to

on the point o f o ff to

Feelings about future events

Hope for the future Concerns for the future

have a really good feeling about dread
feel quite positive just not know where to start
be really looking forward to be really w orried about
get so worked up about
be a b it unsure about
have a bad feeling about
feel quite apprehensive about

so far I to ld you so

Key words in context

attitude Kate always thinks good things will happen. She has a very positive attitude to life.
cheer (someone) up My best friend always cheers me up. When I'm sad, she makes me feel happy again.
conscious When he found him at the bottom o f the cliff, he was still conscious. He could talk to us.
incapable My friend James is incapable of saying anything negative about anybody. He's such a nice person.
inspirational Steve Jobs made an inspirational speech at the 2005 Stanford graduation ceremony.
pessimist Dan is a terrible pessimist. He always thinks something bad will happen.
quote 'All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players ...' is a quote from Shakespeare's
play As You Like It.
support M y granddad had a lot o f support from the nurses. They really helped him to get better.
unfortunate It was unfortunate that it rained at my sister's wedding.

Phrases to talk about the future Feelings about future events ВЗВЯШ
4 ★★ Match the phrases (1-6) with the phrases
1 ★ Complete with one word. with similar meaning (a-f)-
1 A Hi, Helen. I was on the p ______ o f calling you. 1 I’m feeling quite apprehensive. □
В Really? That's strange. 2 I’m dreading it. □
2 A I’m о to the cinema. ГН see you later. 3 I’ve got a good feeling about it. □
В OK. Enjoy the film. 4 I’m a b it unsure about it. □
3 A W e’re a to have dinner. W ould you like 5 I’m getting so worked up about it. □
to jo in us? 6 I just d on't know where to start, □
В That’s OK thanks. I’ve just eaten. a I think it's going to be fine.

2 ★★ Match the sentence halves. Then match b I'm a b it nervous,

them to the pictures. c I'm a little uncertain about it.
d I'm not looking forw ard to it at all.
1 I always feel nervous when I’m about □ e I'm not sure what to do first,
2 We are on the point of □ f It's really upsetting me.
3 I'm o ff □
a to go to the dentist's,
b to the park. Would you like to come?
c finishing the experiment.
5 ★★ Complete the mini-dialogues with
the phrases in the list.
so far | I to ld you so j I'm afraid so | or so
I guess so | So

1 A You were right. Sarah will be playing in our

В ______ ___ . That’s great news.
2 A How many people will be coming on
В I'm not sure. A hundred people have
bought tickets____________________
3 A ________________ , will you be coming
to the Science Museum on Monday?
В I don't know yet. I'll let you know as soon
as I can.
4 A W ill we all be wearing the same costumes
for the show?
В ___________________ but I'm not sure.
5 A Do I have to hand my essay in on Tuesday?
В ____ All essays have to
be in by 3 pm Tuesday. That's the final

3 ★★★ W rite true sentences for you. Include the 6 A I’ve got to tid y my room by lunchtime.
phrases in brackets. В I’ve got an h o u r_________________________
1 (about to ) _____________________________________ free. I’ll help you.

2 (on the point of)

3 (off to)

1 REMEMBER AND CHECK Answer the questions. Then check yo u r answers in the blog on page 67 o f the
Student's Book.

1 W h a t d o e s jim c h o o s e to d o e v e ry day? 3 W h a t d id Jim say he was allergic to?

2 W h a t d id th e d o c to rs a n d nurses in th e o p e r a tin g 4 W h a t w ill th e w rite r o f th e blog choose to fin d

r o o m th in k w h e n th e y s a w jim ? som ething positive about?

2 Scan the article quickly. W hat is the significance of each of these numbers? Write a sentence for each.

1 14 3 2,000
2 30 4 300

There is no success without failure

Think of som ebody you really adm ire. Then read their into the rubbish bin (no digital copies in those days!).
biography. You w ill probably find th a t th eir success His w ife took it out of the bin and encouraged him to
didn't com e easily. M an y fam ous artists, w rite rs, send it to other publishers. Finally, it w a s accepted
inventors, sports people, actors and scientists and it becam e a huge success. Stephen King w e n t on
overcam e difficulties in their childhood. W h e n the to sell hundreds of millions of copies of his books.
com edian Jim Carrey w a s fourteen years old, his Some people only becom e successful a fte r their
fa th e r lost his job. Jim Carrey took a fac to ry job in the deaths. The artist V in cent Van Gogh only sold one
evenings a fte r school to help pay the family's bills. painting in his lifetim e and th a t w a s to a friend.
Som etim es, their success w as a surprise, even Despite this, he kept painting and he painted more
to them selves. The fam ous scientist A lexander than 2,000 artw orks in a decade. N o w his paintings
Fleming said, 'W h e n I w oke up just after daw n are very popular and they sell for millions of pounds.
on 28th Septem ber, 1 9 2 8 ,1 certainly didn't plan M ichael Jordan, the w orld's most famous
to revolutionise all m edicine by discovering the basketball player, w a s rejected by his high school
w orld's firs t antibiotic, or bacteria killer. B ut I basketball team . He said, T can accept failure,
guess th a t w a s exactly w h a t I did.' everyone fails at something. B ut I can't accep t not
A nother scientist, Thomas Edison, the inventor trying.' He w e n t on to w in the NBA's M o s t Valuable
of the light bulb, believed th a t every failure w as Player aw ard five times.
a step tow ards success. He said, 'If I find 10,000 One thing all these people have in common is
w ays som ething w o n 't w ork, I haven't failed. I am determ ination to reach their goal no m atter w hat.
not discouraged, because every w rong attem pt is I leave you w ith this famous quote from M ichael
another step forw ard.' Jordan:
Stephen King, the Am erican author of many 'I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career.
horror, science fiction and fantasy books, didn't have I've lost alm ost 300 games. 26 tim es I've been
im m ediate success. In fa c t, he w as on the verge of trusted to take the gam e-w inning shot and missed.
giving up w hen he finally found success. His first I've failed over and over and over again in my life
book, C a rrie , w as rejected 30 tim es and he th re w it and th a t is w h y I succeed.'

3 Read the article again. M atch the questions (1 -6 ) w ith the answers (a -f).

1 W h o can accept failure b u t can’t accept n o t trying? □ a V in c e n t V a n G o g h

2 W h o w oke up one m orning and discovered som ething b S te p h e n K in g
th a t w e n t on to save m illions o f people's lives? □ c M ic h a e l J o rd a n
3 W h o said th a t every fa ilu re was a step tow ards success? □
d Jim C a rr e y
4 W h o w o rked after school to help b u y fo o d fo r his family? □
e A le x a n d e r F le m in g
5 W h o o n ly sold one piece o f his w o rk in his lifetime? □
6 W hose w o rk was rejected th irty times? □ f T h o m a s Edison

4 Find another famous author, sports person or singer who failed at first and then succeeded.
Write a short paragraph about his/her failure and later success.

DEVELOPING WRITING 2 Find synonyms to these words in the leaflet.

1 start ____________________
A leaflet 2 positive _____ - _____ -
1 Quickly read the leaflet and circle the answers. 3 good things
1 A t breakfast, H olly will ... 4 very old
A play her favourite song. 5 o u td o o r
В sing her favourite song.
6 Thank you very much __ ___ _____________
C listen to her favourite song.
2 H olly will be spending the day ... 3 Read the leaflet again and answer the questions.
A near a lake. В near the sea. C up a mountain.
1 W h a t w ill H olly be drinking fo r breakfast?
3 She w ill be watching ... in the afternoon.
A a play В a film C the stars
2 How w ill H olly be getting to Alnw ick Castle?
4 The day will end w ith her frie n d s ...
A near a lake. В in a castle. C on a beach.
3 W h a t w ill H olly and her friends be do in g fo r lunch?

favourite play in the grounds of the castle. And guess

who’ll be starring in it? Yes, Darcy Night Carol will 6 W rite the leaflet in 200-250 words.
play the leading role.

8 pm S tar G azing o n th e B e a c h

We will be walking to the beach to sit and watch

the stars. At around 8.30 pm, we’ll be toasting T h e le a fle t uses in fo rm a l la n g u a g e
marshmallows on a campfire (your dad will be in T h e la n g u a g e a n d v o c a b u la ry is positive
charge of that) and looking for your favourite stars.
It is c lear a n d concise
I know you’re going to love it, Holly. Thanks a m illion for

Factual in fo rm a tio n such as tim e s a n d places
being my best friend.
is clearly s ta te d



1 О Ш Listen and w rite the numbers o f the 1 Circle the correct phrases to complete the email.
conversations, 1, 2 or 3 in the boxes.
a It's about someone who wants to be in the D s D
school orchestra. □ Hi Kate.
® 4
b It’s about someone w ho wants to be in a band. □ Guess what? I’ve entered a competition to win a trip
c It's about someone w ho wants to be in the to Iceland. My mum warned me not to 1go for it /
basketball team. П ge t m y hopes up. Hundreds of people enter
competitions like this one. But it’s not like I’ll
2 О Ш Listen again and mark the sentences 2make a fool o f m yself / g o for it or anything.
T (true) or F (false). My dad told me to 3go for it / ge t m y hopes up anyway.
Someone has to win and that someone might be me.
Dad’s got a very positive attitude to life. AFair enough
1 Marcus will be playing in the orchestra tonight. □ /A nyw ay, he’s always been successful so he’s got
2 M ay m ight start piano lessons. □ nothing to be negative about. But maybe his positivity
is the reason for his success.5Anyw ay / Fair enough,
I’ve entered the competition and if I win, I want you to
1 M att has g o t a chance o f being picked fo r come to Iceland with me. If you don’t try, you don’t
the team because he's tall. □ succeed and I’ve got nothing to lose 6fo ra s ta r t/to
2 Luckily no b od y else wants to be in the make a fool of.
basketball team. □ So fingers crossed we’re off to Iceland!
1 Jamie w ill not be jo in in g the band. □
2 Am anda plays the drums really well. □
Complete these parts o f the conversations w ith
the phrases from Exercise 1.
1 MAY A re you going to tell him?
1 Put the dialogue in order. GINA No, l don’t want to be the one to tell him.

| | SIMON Don't let it get you down. Your term MAY ____ I expect M r W illiam s will.
grades are really good. You were 2 GINA M y piano teacher's really good. You can
p ro b a b ly ju s t having a bad day. come and practise w ith me.
m SIMON Hey, Miranda, cheer up! Things can’t MAY W h y not? I'll ...... .
be that bad.
3 MATT Do you reckon I’ve g o t a chance o f being
| I SIMON You see, there is light at the end o f in the team? I’ve g o t myself really w orked
the tunnel. up about it.
[5~l SIMON Hang in there, M iranda. You’ll pass it HARRY You shouldn't let it get you dow n like this.
next time. Now, I d o n 't want to .... , but
П MIRANDA Yes, they can. I’ve failed my Physics I think you've g ot a chance.
exam. 4 HARRY That’s tall! You should get in the team - no
□ MIRANDA Thanks, you two. You've really problem . However, I know M ike and Jake
cheered me up. want to get in the team too.

□ HELENA A n d anyway, you've ju st g ot one MATT Everyone wants to be in the basketball

m ore year o f Physics and then you team and there's only one place. I d o n ’t
can give it up. want to .............

□ HELENA Yes, Simon's right. Look on the bright 5 PIA Hey, d id you hear? Jamie wants to jo in us.
side, M iranda. You only failed the JOE W ell, he can't, Pia.
Physics exam. You could have failed
PIA W h y not?
the Chem istry and Maths exams too!
JOE W e ll,_____________ , he can't play any

Pronunciation musical instruments.

6 JOE M aybe a few n o te s .... , I've

Intonation: encouraging someone
already asked Amanda.
G o to page 120.
PIA Asked her what?


Reading and Use o f English part 2
1 For questions 1 -8 , read the text below and think o f the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word
in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

T o p tips for revising

A re you som ebody 0 w h o gets very stressed before exams? W ell, a little b it o f stress is a g ood thing 1_______
it encourages you to w ork hard. However, a lot o f stress is not g ood fo r you and it can cause tiredness and
forgetfulness. This means you w on't be at your bes t 2 you take the exam.
Here are five tips to help you cope 3_ the stress. Firstly, eat healthily. Eat lots o f fru it and vegetables and
always have a g ood breakfast before you go to school. Don’t eat to o many sweets or to o 4____ ________ chocolate
and d o n 't d rink cola or sugary drinks. Secondly, g e t 5 _____o f sleep. W e recommend eight to ten hours a night.
Thirdly, d o some exercise. Exercise helps you 6 ____________ relax and gives you more energy, 7______________make
sure you include some in your revision tim etable. Fourthly, d o n 't leave all your revision until the night before the exam.
You w on't rem em ber any o f it in the morning and you'll feel very tired. Finally, after the exam, d o n 't compare answers
w ith your friends. You've finished the exam and so there is no p o in t w o rryin g a bout it anymore. Keep busy and enjoy
life 8____________ you w ait to get the results.

Exam guide: open cloze

In this part o f the test, there is a cloze text with eight gaps. You must fill the gaps with the correct words
to com plete the text.
• Read the whole te xt fo r general understanding. Remember to give yourself tim e to read the questions,
skim the text, answer the questions, and then check at the end.
• The gaps usually have to be fille d w ith some vocabulary and some grammar w ords such as relative pronouns,
prepositions and auxiliary verbs.
• Think what kind o f w o rd is missing. Is it a preposition o r is it a linking w o rd o r a verb? Look at the w ords that
come im m ediately b efore it and after it.
• These are some common kinds o f missing words:
prepositions like to and fo r
linking words like o r and b u t
auxiliary verbs like was and w ill
relative pronouns like th a t and who
question words like w hat and where
tim e expressions like for, ago and since

2 For questions 1-8, read the text below and think o f the word which best fits each gap. Use only one
word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

It’s sunny so I'm happy

O ver the last few decades a lo t o f research has been done on the relationship 0 betw een m ood and weather.

People believe that warm sunny weather cheers p eople 1 _ .............. But is this actually true? If you read the
international lists o f the happiest countries in the w orld, places like Norway, Sweden, Canada, Denmark and Finland
...... always to p o f the list. They are all countries that have the fewest hours o f daylight and sunshine. Indeed,
they are not the warmest c o u n trie s3 . the coldest countries. It lo o k s 4_____________ the opposite is true.

To confirm this theory, the most no rth e rly islands in Scotland - Shetland, O rkney and the O u te r Hebrides - have
5 ... fo u nd to be the happiest region in the w hole 6______________ the UK. H ow can this be? It's the coldest
region and it o nly has around 1,000 hours o f sunshine a y e a r7_____________ to the UK average o f 1,340 hours o f
sunshine. Is it the w e a th e r8_____________ is it something else that affects your mood? W h a t d o you think?


GRAMMAR 3 ★ ★★ Complete the gaps with the correct form
o f the verb given.
Conditionals (review)
0 If I ha d (have) more free time, I w ould go (go)
1 ★ Match the sentence halves.
to the cinema more often.
1 I’ll put the coffee on □ 1 If Denise_____________(come) to my party last
2 If you hadn't been late, □ night, she_____________(meet) my cousin.
3 If my dad gets up first, □ 2 Sue___________ _ (put) on weight if she
4 I w ouldn't post that photo on Facebook □ _____________(go on) eating like this.
5 If you find the homework difficult, □ 3 If p e o p le ____________ (own) a car, they normally
_____________(not use) public transport as much.
6 You’d have passed the test □
4 W e _____________(visit) our grandm other more
7 If I had the chance, □
often if she ______ (live) closer.
8 People don't usually go by boat □
5 If w e _____________(see) Peter, w e ____ ________
9 Hannah would be more popular
(tell) him you called.
a if I were you. 6 You (not fall) o ff your bike last night
b if you’d studied harder, if y o u _____________(not ride) so fast.
c I'd go to the USA. 7 If James_____________(be) older, h e _____________
d you'd have seen the beginning o f the film, (be able) to see that film.
e if they can afford the air fare, 8 In general, an in je ctio n _____________(not hurt) so
f if I get up first. much if y o u ____________ (relax) completely.
g if she didn’t say such nasty things,
h I’ll help you. 4 ★★★ Complete the text with the words in the
list. There are two you don’t need.
i he makes breakfast.
don’t . will | can't | hadn’t | won’t
2 ★★ Complete the sentences from the had ) 'd have | would | had | wasn't
prompts. ’d have | is j can’t j w ouldn't have

0 If we go to Paris, / visit / the Louvre museum. Steve is going to do his driving test. His instructor
I f we go to Paris, w e ll visit the Louvre m useum . has given him a checklist o f things to do when he

1 If Charles d idn't work so much, / have / time /.relax takes his test. He said, 'Check the car seat. If the seat
1_____________to o far back, you 2 _________ find

2 Mark would have taken p a rt in the race if / not it hard to reach the pedals. A nd if you 3_____________
break / leg reach the pedals easily you 4______ drive
smoothly. Check the mirrors. If you 5______________

3 If people love cats, / often / not like / dogs much look in them, you 6-___ _______ L_ see the traffic behind
or beside you.’ Steve just thought, 'I think I'm going to

4 Steve will buy a car if / his father / lend him / money fail. N ot enough lessons. If 17 had more
time, I 8 taken more lessons.’

5 Ed would askjenny out if / not be / so shy The test was a b it o f a disaster. Afterwards he spoke to
his instructor. 'If I 9_____________rem em bered to check
6 Anne w ouldn't have fallen if / see / ice / the path the mirrors, 110 driven o u t into the traffic
like I did. 111 passed if 112
hit that wall.'


Mixed conditionals SB page 77 7 ★ ★ ★ Look at the pictures and w rite a

conditional sentence fo r each.
★★ W rite mixed conditional sentences about
these situations.

0 I d o n 't have a big car. I d id n 't give all my friends

a lift to the match.
i f I had a big car, I'd have given all my friends
a lift to the match.

1 I d id n ’t read his text carefully. N ow I d o n 't know

w here to meet him.

2 Kim d id n 't see the step. N ow she feels really silly.

3 Len arrived very early. N ow he's waiting fo r his


0 If mum liked our music, she wouldn't have

4 I can’t help you w ith your Spanish homework. complained about the noise...............................................
I d id n 't study Spanish at university.
1 H e _________________________________________

5 I left the map at home. I don’t know the way to

2 They
th e ir house.*6

3 If he
6 M onica doesn't like opera. She d id n 't accept
Oliver's invitation.

7 Tessa d id n 't watch the last episode. She doesn't G ET IT R IG H T!

know the ending. Conditionals
i Learners often use the wrong verb form in
8 Tim is in a hospital bed. He lost control o f the car. i conditional clauses.
: / / would have remembered if I h a d m ade a list.
i X I would have remembered if I made a list.
6 ★ ★ ★ Complete these mixed conditional
sentences. Make them true fo r you. The underlined parts o f the sentences are incorrect.
Rewrite the sentences correctly.
1 If I had last week,
1 If the police d id n 't look into the matter, the crime
I now.
w ould never have been discovered.
2 If I hadn't last night.
I w o u ld n 't... now.
2 Unless we come up w ith some new ideas, we w o u ld n 't
3 I w o u ld n 't.... . ................... now if I had have a chance o f winning the com petition.
last term.
4 I w o u ld ........... now if I had
3 Dave w ill get the answer as long as we helped him.
last year.

4 Suppose I d id go to the party, what w ill I wear?

Pronunciation ------------------------------ ------------- -- ------ -- ----------
Weak forms with conditionals 5 Provided that the calculations were correct, the
Co to page 120. structure w ould be to ta lly safe.
---- jjjj _ ------ jj — —Jj —-------------------

6 Come to my house by eight at the latest, otherwise we

w ould miss the beginning o f the film.


Word list

carry o u t

Key words in context

apparently That cafe's always e m p ty - apparently the fo o d is really bad there.
calculations It w ent w rong because the calculations were done badly.
cloth This jacket isn't hot because it's made o f a very light cloth.
concrete The city wasn't beautiful - all th e buildings were grey and made o f concrete.
infection Wash the cut on your hand right away, to avoid infection.
measure The room is incredibly small - it only measures 1.5 metres by 3 metres.
procedure To make a complaint, you have to fill in a form - that's the procedure here.
relevant That’s an interesting story, b u t it isn’t very relevant to what w e re talking about.
sacred In India, p e o p le d on't eat cows because they're sacred
specific Your back hurts? Please be m ore specific - yo u r low er back o r yo u r u p p e r back?
statement Please answer 'Yes' o r 'N o' to each statement in the questionnaire.
structure The new bridg e is a very beautiful structure.


Phrasal verbs (2) Ш Ш Ш 3 ★ ★ ★ W rite a sentence fo r a tim e when you or

someone you know ...
1 ★ Make a list o f eight phrasal verbs from the
table. You need to use one o f the verbs twice. 1 came dow n w ith something.
katy came down with her problems
come out 2 came up w ith the solution fo r something.
carry through rafael came up with the cure of covid
look up
work into 3 ran through something w ith someone.
point down me and alisson ran through a subject check
4 w orked something out.

the patient come down with fever I worked out on my body

1 - —..........................
2 it................................................
turned out that she have - a serious infection 5 turned o u t to be something.

3 iflive
surgeons run though a simple checklist before every operation then
will be sabe
my routine turned out to be better
there was an ...
4 .................. experiment that require doctors
.............-________ __ ____ to use a checklist
.......... -......... 6 carried something out.
before they caried out
I carried aout a check list
5 gawede
points out ... .....................
that -.....-...............................
people like engineers and pilots use a check list

6 he comes-...._...
..................... up whit some good examples
Alternatives to if ШШШШЯ
7 they would be
....-................. an-...............................-..................
-...... inmediate inquiry to look in to it
4 ★★ Complete the sentences w ith one o f the
8 It's.........................
hard to work out why the don't want -to use it themselves
alternatives to if.
2 ★★ Rewrite the sentences by replacing the 1 W e need to take the first train in the morning.
underlined phrase w ith the correct form o f povide , we'll be late.
a phrasal verb from Exercise 1.
2 supose
________ M um heard you say that! She'd be
0 The strange noises in the night were discovered to really angry!
be the neighbour's cat. 3 You can b o rro w my b o o k as long as you give it
The strange noises in the night ta m e d oat to back to me tom orrow .
he th e neighbour's cat.____________________________ 4 Dad said I can’t go on the school trip to Russia
1 I d id n 't know w here the shop was until Kate povide I buy some travel insurance.
showed me the store guide. 5 You can go there w ith o u t a visa as long as you
I didn't know were the shop was until kate came down the store guide d o n 't stay m ore than three months.
2 The instructions fo r the game w ere really long, so
5 ★ ★ ★ Rewrite these sentences using alternatives
we ju st looked at them quickly.
to if. Sometimes there is more than one
the instructions for the game were really long so we just
looked aout at them quickly
3 The head teacher is investigating the
1 If you d id n 't live here, w here w ould you like to live?
disappearance o f the school's p e t snake.
provide you didn't live here, where would you like to live
the head teacher is worke out teh disappearance of
the school's snake 2 The teacher said I w o u ld n 't d o well if I d id n 't d o my
4 W e couldn't think o f what to d o until Sally
suddenly had a b rilliant idea. the teacher said I wouldn't do well a long as I didn't do my
we couldn't think of what to do until sally came up a brilliant idea homework
3 OK, you can use my phone if you d o n 't make long­
5 Janet was having d ifficu lty solving the clues in the
distance calls.
crossword. ok ,you can use my phone as long as you don't
janet was having dificult turning out the clues in the make long distance calls
crossword 4 I have to go. If I d o n ’t, I’ll miss the bus.
6 Some volunteers are making repairs to old
I have go to .supose I don't ,i'll miss the bus
people's houses.
5 M um says we can go if we promise to be back in
some volunteers are pointing out repairs to old people's
houses tim e fo r dinner.
7 I think we ate something bad - we all got ill with
mum say we can go provide we pomise to be back in time for
a stomach bug. diner
I think we ate something bad-we carried ill out with a stomach bug

1 REMEMBER A N D CHECK Circle the correct options. Then check your answers in the review on page 75 o f the
Student's Book.
1 A patient g o t a fever because the doctors d id n 't wear gloves /face masks.
2 A tu l Gawande's book is called 'The Checklist Manifesto: How to avoid accidents / get things right.'
3 In 2001, a hospital in the US introduced a five-point/ ten-point checklist fo r doctors.
4 W hen the same checklist was used in Michigan, infections w ent dow n by about a half / around two-thirds.
5 Some doctors d id n 't want to use Gawande's checklist because it was too long/too difficult.
6 M ost doctors said they would / wouldn't want a surgeon to use the list.

2 Look at the title o f the article and the photos. Read the article quickly. W hat do these words refer to?
well-known | eight | luxury | imagination

A famous list: Desert Island Discs

One evening in 1941, a man called Roy pale-skinned singer Annie Lennox asked for suncream. And,
Plomley was sitting at home when he got perhaps not surprisingly, writer J. K. Rowling asked for 'an endless
an idea for a new radio programme. supply of pens and paper'.
He wrote a letter to the BBC with his From the very beginning, DID was incredibly popular, and it still
idea, and the BBC loved it. In 1942, is - there have been thousands of programmes, Plomley was the
they started to put the programme on presenter for every episode until he died in 1971, and since then
the radio with Plomley as the presenter, there have only been three other presenters. The programme's
and now, over seventy years later, the opening and closing music has never changed, and for British
programme is still going strong on British people it is immediately recognisable as the DID theme music.
radio. The name of the programme? Desert Island Discs (aka DID). There have been some memorable guests. One of the most
The idea of the programme is this: each week, someone well- controversial was an opera singer, Elizabeth Schwarzkopf, whose
known is invited to the programme - often an actor, a singer, a eight records included seven of herself singing - though, to be fair,
politician or someone from TV, In recent years, people like actor it did seem that no one had explained the concept of the show to
Colin Firth, adventurer Bear Grylls, celebrity cook Jamie Oliver and her well enough!
novelist J. K. Rowling have been guests. And what does the guest The idea of choosing just eight pieces of music to listen to
have to do? Well, he or she has to imagine that they have been forever, while you're completely alone in the world, is one that
cast away on a desert island, but that they are allowed to have seems to capture people's imagination.
eight pieces of music with them. The programme is an interview What would you choose to have with
with the guest, talking about their life and work, and the eight you? Of course, if you like music at
pieces of music that the guest talks about are mixed in. all, it's almost impossible to come
After some initial programmes, the list of eight songs was up with a list of only eight pieces
added to: guests are now also allowed to choose one book and one of music without leaving out *
special, luxury item to have with them on the island. That certainly things that you love. But that,
brought some cool ideas. The writer of children's books, Allan perhaps, is part of the beauty eef ( (
Ahlberg, asked for 'a wall to kick a football against", while famously of the whole DID concept.
.011I---- ^ '

3 Read the article again. Answer the questions.

1 H ow d id Desert Island Discs start? 4 H ow many presenters have there been?

with idea of roy plomey eigth

2 W h o are the guests on the programme? 5 W h a t was d iffe re n t a b o ut the opera singer's choice
actor, singer ,politician or someone from TV o f music?
is more relaxing music like classical
3 W h a t ten things can guests take w ith them to
the island? 6 W h a t is the d ifficu lt p a rt o f making a list o f eight

paper ,pencils ,music ,photos etc pieces o f music?

that you can only listen it all you life

4 Imagine you could be a guest on DID. W hat eight pieces o f music would you choose? A nd what would your
book and your luxury item be? W rite a short paragraph.

DEVELOPING WRITING 2 Read Sean's email again. Answer these questions.

1 What’s the best kind of hat to take?
Advice for travelling - an email that coverd her hears

1 Read the emails quickly and answer the 2 What's better than a single, heavy sweater?
questions. coats
1 What is the climate of Laura's holiday destination? 3 What should the shoes protect you from?
is cold because of winter waterpoof shoes
2 What five items o f clothing does Sean suggest 4 What should gloves be like?
taking? light and waterproof
hat,sweaters,coats ,waterpoof shoes and gloves
5 Why should you take sunglasses in winter?
3 What four essential items does he suggest taking? if she going to be anywhere there's snow
sunglasses, sunscreen, lip balm and simple medicines 6 How can you protect your lips?
with lip balm
7 When is it especially useful to have medicines

Hi Sean
with you?
| live in a nice warm place but soon helps with colds and runny nose
I'm going to travel to northern Sweden
in winter, so it's going to be really cold 3 Answer these questions about the email.
maybe w et too. I'm looking forward
1 How does Sean introduce his reply?
to the trip but I'm really not very sure
what I should take. Can you help? she going to travel to northern sweder

2 How does he separate out the different things he
suggests taking?
because she considered that some of them are essential
- □ X
3 Each thing comes with an explanation of why Laura
Hi Laura should take it. How does Sean indicate reasons?
That’s great that you're going somewhere very different from (There are several different ways.)
home! But you’re right, it’s important to think about what to it's important to think about clothes
take. OK, well the first thing of course is clothes.

• Take a hat and wear it, it’s the best protection against the 4 You’re going to write an email to a friend who
cold. Even better if it's one that covers your ears. wants advice about what to take on holiday.
• Take sweaters and coats, but it’s better to think about Read what the friend writes. Choose a, b or c
wearing several layers of thin clothing rather than single, for your answer.
heavy items.

• Take at least one good pair of waterproof shoes, otherwise

- □ X
your feet might get cold and/or wet and that’s really not
Hi ...
what you want!
I’m going on holiday to a) a really hot place b) your
• A pair of gloves is always a good idea too, as long as town/city c) a place you know really well. But I’m not
they're light and waterproof. sure what to take with me. Can you give me a nice,
Then, there are other essential items. Think about taking these simple list of ideas please?
things: Thanks!
• a pair of sunglasses if you’re going to be anywhere where Jim
there s snow - the bright reflection off snow can hurt
unprotected eyes.
Write your answer. Write 150-200 words.
• some sunscreen. In winter? Yes - the wind can burn your
skin too, so protection is good.

• lip balm to stop your lips getting sore with wind and cold. CHECKLIST . /
• some simple medicines to help with colds and runny noses
- always useful, especially if you’re going to be a long way Start with a short introduction
from a town.
Use bullet points for your list
So, there you go, Laura. Hope this helps and have a great Consider clothes and other things (essential items)

For each thing, give a reason for taking it

1 О Ш Listen to Alan, Beth and Colin talking. 1 Put the dialogues into the correct order.
Complete the inform ation. 1

□ ADAM Like the way that guy last night did?

I think if I was a contestant on that
programm e, I'd have shouted at him.

□ ADAM But d o you think you w ould behave

better? I mean, in a situation like that.

И ADAM A re you watching that reality show

ab o ut pe o ple stuck on an island?

□ ADAM He certainly will. W ell, unless one o f

the o th e r pe o ple starts behaving even

□ BRIONY G ood question. A n d you know, I think

I'd be O K, as long as the o th e r pe o ple
d id n 't make me angry.

□ BRIONY Yes, I think it's great. I love watching

pe o ple behaving badly!
Three things I couldn't live w ith o u t
□ BRIONY A n d th a t’s always a possibility, right?
C olin Beth A lan Listen, why d o n 't we watch the next
1 phone.. 1 .. 1 .... episode together?

2 ............ 2 ...... 2 □ BRIONY M e too. He was awful. If he carries on

like that, he'll be vo te d o ff next week.
3 3 .................. 3 ....
2 O E Q Listen again. Mark the statements
T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn't say).
□ ANGIE O f course I will, d o n 't w orry. W hy
w o u ld n 't I look after it?
1 Their friend Jacky has gone away fo r a
□ ANGIE N o t true. I looked after it. I ju st gave it
weekend w ith her parents. back later than I'd prom ised.
2 Jacky isn't happy that she can’t take
her phone.
Ш ANGIE Can I b o rro w your tablet?

3 Colin realises he doesn't need his MP3 П ANGIE O f course I w ould have. But OK, d o n ’t
lend me the tablet. I d o n ’t mind.
player if he's g o t his phone.
4 Beth's th ird choice is based on the fact □ BRENDAN No, it’s O K. You can b o rro w it.
O therw ise you'll never talk to me
that she likes the colour blue.
again. Just jo kin g , Angie!
5 Alan thinks it's sad if you can only think
o f three things you can’t live w ithout. □ BRENDAN W hy? W ell, I rem em ber you d id n 't
really look after the camera I lent you.
6 Beth doesn't like serious discussions.
7 Alan doesn’t accept Colin's first idea for
□ BRENDAN W ell, yes, I suppose so - as long as you
prom ise to look after it.
his th ird thing.
8 Colin considers himself to be a good □ BRENDAN Right. A n d if I hadn't rem inded you,
you’d never have given it back.
guitar player.
2 Choose one o f the tw o scenarios. W rite a 6 -8 line
3 W rite your list o f three things that you couldn't dialogue between the tw o people.
live w ithout, and why.
1 Elena wants A m y to go shopping w ith her. Am y
1 remembers previous shopping experiences w ith
Elena, that w eren't very good. But in the end,
A m y agrees.
2 Chris wants to go and see a concert. But Chris's
parents w ill only let Chris go if a friend goes too.
3 Sammy doesn't really like the music in the concert.



Speaking part 2
1 Look at this pair of photos. How do you think the people feel in each photo?

2 О Ш You are going to listen to Alexander talking about the photo (you will also hear an examiner).
Here are some things Alexander says. Which photo is each phrase about? Write A or В in the boxes.
Then listen and check.
1 It doesn't look like they're enjoying it very much. □ 4 I don’t know exactly where it is but it could be

□ □ □
Sweden or Denmark.
2 Apparently they've been shopping. □
3 It looks as though they're enjoying the 5 I don’t think they are really very happy.
nice weather. □ 6 They seem to be having a good time.

3 In each of the sentences 1-6 in Exercise 2, Alexander softens what he says. For example, he doesn't say
'They have been shopping' - he says ‘A pparently they've been shopping.’
How does he soften his statements in the other five sentences?

Exam guide: individual 'long turn’

In Part 2 of the First speaking exam, there will be two examiners and two candidates in the room. You
will be given two pairs of photos. You will be asked to talk about one of the pairs. You have to talk about
them for about a minute. The examiner will tell you what to talk about concerning the two photos.
I The examiner will say, for example:
X, I'd like you to look at your two photos and compare them.
Say what you think the people feel about being outside in these situations.
• You only have one minute so try to keep talking, stopping as little as possible.
• Try to use as wide a range o f vocabulary as you can.
• Make sure that you do what you're asked to do - here, for example, don't describe the photos but talk about
what you think the people are feeling and why.
j • Speak clearly and as confidently as you can - confidence always helps!

4 E2Ш Listen again. How well did he do? Grade his performance.
Give him 1 star for 'could do better’, 2 stars for ‘good’ and 3 stars for 'excellent'.
1 His voice is clear. ★ ★★ ★ ★★ 4 He uses a good range
2 His word and sentence of vocabulary. ★ ★★ ★★★
stress are good. ★ ★★ ★ ★★ 5 He sounds natural. ★ ★★ ★ ★★
3 He talks fluently. ★ ★★ ★★★

5 Imagine you are an exam candidate yourself. Do the same task that Alexander did and ask a friend to listen
to you and grade your performance.


1 Q B S Listen to Dave and Maggie. Tick the things that Maggie is taking with her on holiday.

2 К Ш Ш Listen again. Answer the questions. VO C ABU LAR Y

1 W hat negative things does Maggie talk about 4 Match the sentence halves.
with regard to camping?
1 O ur weekend was ruined when my mum came □
2 I've got a really good feeling □
2 W hy are tablets for stomach ache on her list?
3 She's decided she wants to carry □
4 Everything will be fine unless □
3 W hy does Dave agree that it's a good idea for
Maggie to take medicines with her?
5 W e weren’t sure what to do, but Sue came □
6 We'd better go now, otherwise □
4 W hat condition did Maggie's parents state for
7 It isn't easy to work □
her taking her tablet with her?
8 Let’s just take a moment, please, and run □
a up with a brilliant idea,
b we get home really late,
5 W hat does Dave say that makes Maggie panic?
c down with a really bad cold,
d about the game tonight,
6 W hat does Dave say about the next time they e through the names again,
see each other? f out the research, no matter what,
g w e ll be late getting home,
h out why that happened.
j GRAMMAR 5 Complete the words.
3 Circle the correct options. 1 Can I just p _________out that this isn't your first

1 I'm going to have a shower as soon as I get / mistake.

will get home. 2 We're all looking f ___ to seeing you
2 If I spoke another language as well as you do, again.
I'd be / was really pleased with myself. 3 I hate camping, so I'm really d ________________
3 If you don't/ won't help me, I’ll be really angry this weekend!
with you.
4 I don't care what you do, p ___________ _____ you
4 By the time you read this, I will have arrived /
don't get me into trouble.
will have been arriving in the USA.
5 It's not a big problem , so why are you getting so
5 I can't see you tom orrow night -w e go I are going
w ___________ up about it?
to my uncle's birthday party.
6 If you'd to ld us where you were going, we 6 I’m not sure about our new house, but my parents
wouldn't be / wouldn't have been so upset now. feel quite p ________________ about moving there.
7 This tim e tomorrow, w e ll watch / be watching my 7 W e got to the address on time, but it t ____ __ _____
sister’s first appearance on TV. out to be the w rong place.
8 By next year we will live / will have lived in this flat 8 I guess it'll be OK, but I have to say I'm a bit
fo r more than ten years.
a _________________________ about
tomorrow's test.


U NI T S 7 & 8

6 Complete the dialogue with the phrases in the list. A lot of people who became incredibly successful
There are three you won't use. had to get past a lot of rejection. Very famously,
so far | I’m afraid so | Anyway | for a start The Beatles went to several record companies
cheer up j get my hopes up | go for it before they finally found one that was willing to
Fair enough | I think so record one of their songs. (Imagine how the other
companies felt a few years later!) But they weren’t
PAUL So what happened at your interview? Oh, you look
alone. Here’s a short list of rejections.
pretty unhappy. Did it go badly?
S tev en Spielberg, the wealthiest film director in
ANNIE 1 . In fact, almost everything went
Hollywood and a man who has won two Oscars for
wrong. I was late 2 _ _ _ ........
Best Director, tried three times as a young man
PAUL Oh dear. Were they angry about that? to get into the University of Southern California
ANNIE 3 _____ Well, they certainly didn't smile School of Theater, Film and Television - and three
much. And the woman who was the main interviewer times, they said No’. So he went somewhere else,
said they could only give me 15 minutes. but didn’t like it much and dropped out. Thirty-
PAUL 4 ...., I suppose. five years later, and after establishing his hugely
ANNIE Yes, you're right. A fter all, they have other things to successful career, he went back and finished his
d o .5 ____ , they asked me some questions degree. Imagine - if he hadn’t dropped out, he
but I don't think I answered them especially well. wouldn’t have made films like E.T.

PAUL Well, 6...................... . If you don't get the job, you Claude M onet is recognised now as one of the
can try other places. great Impressionist painters. But he was laughed at
ANNIE But there aren't any other places! Oh well, I'll just by the other painters in the Paris Salon, which was
have to wait until they contact me, I suppose. a kind of club for painters and writers who met to
discuss their ideas and their work. They refused to
let him join them. Little did they know that Monet
R EA D IN G would become a huge influence on other artists,
and would become extremely famous in his own
7 Read the article and answer the questions. lifetime. There is also now a gallery in Paris called
W h o ... TOrangerie that displays some of his most famous
0 was turned down by several record companies? paintings and which is visited by thousands of
The Beatles people every year.

1 once had a jo b driving trucks?____________ C h arles S ch u ltz - do you know that name?
2 was an influence on other people in his field? Maybe not, but you probably know the ‘Peanuts’
cartoons that he invented and drew for decades
before he died in 2000, and which have been
3 was fa m o u s fo r E.T. (am o n g o th e r things)?
published in various languages all over the world.
4 was so m e tim e s ca lle d b y a n o th e r name?
He started doing cartoons in high school, but
5 was turned down for a jo b by a famous film maker? the school wouldn’t publish them in their annual
end-of-year celebration book. Even Walt Disney
6 ended up with an art gallery showing his work? turned him down for a job before he started his
cartoon career.
7 has won Hollywood awards? In 1954, Elvis P resley played for just one night
at a famous concert hall in Nashville. The manager
fired him immediately afterwards and told him to
W R IT IN G ‘go back to driving a truck’. Presley, of course, went
8 Choose one of the people in the article. Write on to become the most famous singer in the world
a dialogue of 8-10 lines between that person and for many years - his nickname was ‘The King’
a person who said ‘No’ to them. and he sold millions of records and made several
films too.
Your dialogue can be either:
So, it takes persistence to make it, no m atter how
* at the time the person said'No', OR good you are! As our examples here show, even if
# after the rejected person became famous. you get turned down several times, you can still
make it as long as you have determination and

GRAMMAR 3 ★★ Complete the sentences using the words
in brackets in the correct form.
I wish and I f o n ly SB page 86
1 I d o n 't feel very w ell______________ I
1 ★ Read the sentences. Does the person so much. (If only / not eat)
regret their present situation or do they regret
2 You have to be 18 to watch this film.
a past action? W rite PA (past) or PR (present).
I so young. (I wish / not be)
1 If only I d id n 't have so much homework.
3 Debbie's so com plicated..........................
2 I wish I had said what I felt. I what she was thinking. (I wish / know)
3 If only I’d gone to bed earlier. 4 1don’t know how to d o this homework.
4 I wish I could speak French. _____________I ______________attention in class
5 If only I hadn't said anything. today. (If only / pay)

6 I w ish jo h n w ould call. 5 I can't hear a thing to d a y ._____________

I to that concert last night.
2 ★★ Complete the sentences w ith the correct (I wish / not go)
form o f the verbs in the list.
6 I'm not g ood enough to get in the school team.
let ! listen | be w o rk | help
I fo o tba ll better.
understand get | not get
(I wish / play)
7 I really wanted to see that film ................
1 I wish my dad w ould to me.
you _ me the ending. (I wish / not tell)

2 If only h e ____________ what it's 8 We've still got one m ore hour o f school.
we home now.
like to be a teenager.
(If o n ly /c a n go)

3 I wish he h a d _____________ me go to the party. 4 ★ ★ ★ Read the sentences and w rite down tw o
regrets fo r each one; one past and one present.

0 I've g ot a really bad headache.

I wish I could go home. I f only I had n 't spent
all night playing on the computer.
1 M y sister plays her music really loud.

2 I haven't g ot any money.

3 We've g o t a Maths test today.

6 I wish h e _____________so angry. 4 M y computer's broken.

7 If only I h a d _____________ less

strict when he was a child. Pronunciation
Linking: instrusive /w/ and /)/
8 I wish I h a d n 't_____ so Go to page 120. CB
much when he was younger.


I would prefer to / it if, It's time, 7 ★ ★★ Complete the second sentence so it has
a similar meaning to the first sentence using the
I'd rather / sooner w ord given. Use between tw o and five words
5 ★ C irc le th e c o rre c t fo rm . including the word given.
1 I w ould rather you don't / didn't ask so many 1 Play tennis o r volleyball? Tennis is my choice.
questions. I'm tired. PREFER
2 I'd prefer to invite / inviting George than Henry.
I tennis.
3 It’s tim e Natalie starts / started behaving m ore like
2 You need to learn to ride a bike.
an adult.
4 W o u ld you prefer it if we take / took a break fo r
five minutes? It's ___________________________ to ride a bike.

5 I'd sooner spend / spent the money on a new TV. 3 The film starts to o late. I can't watch it.
6 I’d prefer it if they don't! didn't come this evening. ■ D ID N ’T

7 W e'd sooner you don't / didn't let your dog come I f __________________________ start so late.
in our garden. 4 I’d prefer to eat at home.
8 It's tim e someone takes / took this problem WE
I'd rather at home.
6 ★★ C o m p le te th e d ia lo g u e w ith th e c o rre c t 5 I to ld Dad a lie. That was a mistake.
fo rm o f th e v e rb in b ra cke ts. WISH
I Dad a lie.
6 Can we go to France this year, rather than Italy?
I __________________________ we w ent to France
this year.
7 Someone needs to tell her.
It's __________________________ her.

w o u ld ra th e r /w o u ld p re fe r
Learners often use the wrong verb form after would
: rather or would prefer.
j / They would ra th e r s a y ...
ANA Dan. It's tim e we 1 a talk, (have) j X They would rathe r to-say...
DAN Really? Now? I'd p re fe r 2 TV. i / I'd p refer to go on holiday.
• X i'd-prefer g o on holiday.
ANA That's the problem . You never want to talk.
Complete the sentences w ith w ould ra th e r or
DAN OK, we can talk b u t can't it wait? I’d rather we
w ould prefer.
3 after this film, (talk)
1 I leave school and g et a jo b than go to
ANA A nd I'd sooner we 4 now. (chat)
DAN OK. A ll right. W h a t is it? Make it quick though,
please. to sleep on it and decide in the morning.

ANA OK. Can I have the remote? 3 We you w eren't so unreasonable.

DAN The remote? 4 (you) start your degree course now o r have
ANA Yes, the rem ote control. a gap year?
DAN OK, here you are, b u t why d o you want it? 5 O livia to have a lie in to m o rro w m orning if
ANA Because I'd p re fe r we 5 the th a t’s OK.
news, (watch)
6 Josh play tennis than watch a film.
DAN Hey, I was watching that film !


Word list

to (not) go your way

to blame someone to let
or something someone down

to try your hardest to get in the way

of something

to dwell on something to work out well/badly

to live up to your expectations

work experience

careers advisor a school leaver

higher education a degree
and education

a graduate life experience

a degree course

Key words in context

in sta n tly Most people, when they see a photo of the Eiffel Tower, recognise it instantly,
lie in Tomorrow is Sunday and I'm going to have a lie in until 11 am. Don't wake me!
overdram atising It wasn't that bad. I think you're overdram atising things a little,
overreacting It's only a small cut. I think calling an ambulance would be overreacting a little,
p e rfe ctio n That meal was absolutely delicious. It couldn't have been better. It was perfection!
perspective Try and see it from her perspective. Then maybe you'll understand why she did it.
sim plistically To put it very sim plistically, global warming is a result of there being too many cars,
sleep on I’m not sure. Can I sleep on it and let you know tomorrow?
snap Mr Coyne's in a bad mood today. He snapped at me just because I asked him a question,
unreasonable I only asked for an extra £10 pocket money a week. That's not unreasonable, is it?


Life's ups and downs Work and education SB page 87

1 ★★ Complete with the words in the list. 3 ★ Unscramble the letters to make eight
words or expressions about work and education.
get | dwell | expectations | way
let | hardest I blame i work 1 greede
2 greede orusce
3 rescare voraisd ___________________
4 cohols reveal
5 orw k nepixeerec ___________________
6 file epierecexn ___________________
7 degrauat ____________ ______
8 hhiegr incadeuto ___________________

4 ★★ Complete the sentences with the words

and expressions from Exercise 3.
1 I'm not going to go on t o _________________ .
2 M y ___________________ is in journalism.
3 Get a Saturday jo b . It’s good to try and get a b it o f
____ while you're still at school.
4 There aren't so many good jobs for
___ _________ these days because so many
people are going to university.
5 M ore and more _ _________________ are going to
university these days.
6 I th in k __________ ___ is more im portant than
7 H i s ...... .......... _..lasts fo r four years.
8 I had no idea what I wanted to do after I left school
so I went to see a ___________ __ ______

5 ★★★ W hat do you plan on doing when you

leave school? W rite a short text (50 words) and
use at least four o f the phrases from Exercise 3.

2 ★ ★ Which o f the rules in Exercise 1 should

these people follow?
1 ‘The referee was terrible. He clearly wanted
the other side to win and made all his
decisions to ensure that they did.’ □
2 'W hy did I fail the test? Why? I should have
studied harder. I shouldn't have gone out last
weekend. I’m going to regret not taking it
more seriously fo r the rest o f my life.' □
3 T can't believe I d id n 't win. I spent months
preparing fo r this race. I don’t know what
else I could have done.' □
4 T can’t believe Jamie d id n ’t come to my party.
He promised he would. And it's not the first
time. I just can't rely on him fo r anything.' □
5 T can’t get started on my revision until I've
got my room tid ie d and answered all
my emails.’ □

1 REMEMBER A N D CHECK Look back at the quiz on page 88 of the 2 Read the book review. Who
Student's Book. Which questions could 1-6 be options for? are the ‘villains’ that the author
1 Can you make sure you p u t them back in the
introduces, and what should
w a rd ro b e afterwards?
the reader do with them?
2 You spend all yo u r tim e on that thing.
3 There's no school today.
4 OK, but we're going to have to run.
5 I'm trying to concentrate.
6 I'm going to have to try harder next time.

The Teen’s Guide to World Domination:

Advice on Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit o f
Aw esom eness by Josh Shipp

It’s no secret that the teenage To help us through the teenage

years can be tough. But despite the years, John introduces us to a
difficulties they are also potentially colourful cast of villains which we
some o f the most thrilling times of must face and defeat before we
our lives. They are the times when we can reach the ‘awesomeness’ that
discover all the amazing things that we all teenagers are capable of. If we Puppies - They seem cute and cuddly
are capable o f and start to make them want to achieve our true potential, but are they really? Look closer. Don’t
happen. They are the beginning of our these are some o f the obstacles be blinded by their immediate appeal.
journey into life as an adult. As with that might try and get in our way: Beware of the danger they hold.
other long and exciting journeys what V a m p ire s - All those bad things in P ira te s - The mean kids in life who
we need is a guide to help us through life that you find yourself attracted to make your life a misery. There’s no
it. The Teen’s Guide to W orld Domination: even though you know they are bad. room fo r them in your w orld. Find out
Advice on Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit o f Stop them from trying to lead you the how to keep them out o f your life.
Awesomeness is exactly that; a book for wrong way and learn how to stay far G hosts - W e all get it wrong from
teenagers to help them achieve their away from them. time to time and these are the
very best. From cover to cover is it full
R obots - The people in your life memories of mistakes you have made
of insightful advice that will inspire and
who want to control you. They that make it difficult fo r you to move
entertain anyone who reads it.
want to see you do the same things forward. But you need to break free
The author Josh Shipp knows what they do. Break free from their from the past. It’s time to forget them
he’s talking about. He was a problem programming and find your own and move on.
teenager himself but these days he path through life. Z o m b ie s - The complainers who
makes his living helping teenagers help
N in ja s —You think they are your want to share their unhappiness with
themselves and helping their parents
friends but really they’re just using you you. You don’t have the time to listen
understand them better. He is also a
to get what they want. Don’t be fooled to them. Stay clear of their negativity
regular contributor on teen issues for
by them. It’s time to fight back. and don’t let them bring you down.
many different media companies.

3 Read the review again. Which one of Shipp’s ‘villains’ are these people are talking about?
1 M y dad wants me to be a doctor, just like him.
2 The last time I had to stand in front o f the class and talk I made a fool o f myself. I never want to do it again.
3 Jenny Wilson says that life is never fair. I always feel depressed when I hang out with her.
4 I've got a feeling that Bobby only likes coming over to my house because he likes my sister.
5 I waste far too much time on the Playstation. I wish I could stop playing it all the time.
6 Robbie Dawson is a bully. I'm scared to go to school because I know he's there waiting fo r me.

4 Choose one of the ‘villains' and write a short text (60-80 words) to describe this person or thing.


An essay about teenage life

1 Read the essay. What three things would the writer like his school to offer?

The school I go to has a clear aim; to help its students achieve the best grades they can so
WHAT C O U L D that they can leave school with the qualifications they need for the next stage of their lives.
S C H O O L S DO I expect this is true of most schools around the country.
While this is certainly a very useful intention, it doesn’t really take into consideration that
TO MAKE LIFE teenagers are more than just empty beings to fill with information. There are many more
E A SIE R FOR important issues that young adults need .to address other than just learning the facts. We
need help learning how to deal with conflict at school and at home. We need to be able to talk
T EEN A G ER S? about how our emotions affect us. We need to be given information about what opportunities
we will have when we leave school. Sadly our school offers very little help in these areas.
Of course, I know it’s asking a lot to expect schools to deal with all this on top of their academic responsibilities, but
there are things n e y could do to help make a difference. First and foremost I’d like to see a dedicated welfare officer,
someone on hand throughout the school day to talk students through any problems they might be facing. Secondly,
I’d love it if our school had a careers office, a place where you could find out what life is really like in the working world.
This would certainly be useful in helping us make more informed decisions when we leave. Finally, it would be good to
see a mentoring scheme, a system in which each first-year student has a ‘friend’ in one of the top years to show them
: around. This would help make the transition from primary school to secondary school a lot smoother.
I accept that a school’s role is primarily to educate but I’m sure that it wouldn’t take too much to implement these
■ ideas and make our lives just a little bit easier.

2 At 320 words this essay is too long. Choose four sentences that could be cut to help shorten it.

3 Complete these sentences from the essay.

1 I'd like to see a dedicated welfare officer, someone
- ___ on hand throughout...
2 I’d love it if our school had a careers office, a place where you could find o u t ...
3 It would be good to see a mentoring scheme, a system in which each first-year...

4 Read the essay again and complete the mind 5 Write your answer to the question in around
maps. Then add three more ideas of your own. 200 words.
learn how to deal
to many homework whith conflict Write your own checklist.

(school supplies)
they don't have time to academic
do the things they want
to do responsibilities CHECKLIST /
bring some notebooks
inferiority complex
students fell depress
don't sleep well
archive students grades
academic responsibilities welfare officer pencil case

careers officer make our lives easier

be useful in healping trancition from primary school to secondary

secondary school a lot smoother


1 Е Ж З Listen to the conversations. Match the 1 Put the lines in order to make the dialogue.
names Steve, Rob or Alan w ith the things they are
complaining about. □9 PAUL A meal - th a t’s a really g o o d idea.
Chinese o r Indian?

□5 PAUL W ell, w e’ve g o t to d o something. H ow

a b o u t going shopping?

□7 PAUL O K, Italian it is. Shall I invite Francis and


и PAUL So we've passed o u r exams. W h a t are we

going to d o to celebrate?

□3 PAUL OK, no problem . So let's go to the cinema.

□4 RUBY I’d rather not. There's not really anything

I want to buy.

□2 RUBY Neither. I'd p re fe r to try o u t that new

Italian on H o p e Street.

□6 RUBY That's a go o d question. I haven’t really

th o u g h t ab o ut it.

□8 RUBY No, I’d rather ju st go w ith you.

□ RUBY I'd sooner go o u t fo r a meal.

2 Complete these mini-dialogues w ith your

own ideas.

1 A W o u ld you like to watch some TV?

2 Ш Ш Listen again and answer the questions. draw some things
В I'd p re fe r ________ ___ _

1 W h a t is Lucy using Steve's ta b le t for? 2 A How about organising a p a rty fo r the end
o f the school year?

2 W h y isn’t she using her own tablet?

В I'd sooner stay at home
3 A Let's take the bus to Gran's.

3 W h a t d id Lydia w ant to ask Rob?

take te bus to new york .......
В I'd ra th e r........................................

3 Choose one o f these opening lines and w rite a

4 W h y is Rob angry w ith Lydia? short dialogue (8-10 lines). Use an example o f
I'd prefer, I'd ra th e r and I'd sooner.

5 W h y does Alan want C indy to keep the music 'W hat shall we d o tonight?1
down? 'W hat d o you want to d o this weekend?’
'W here d o you want to go on holiday this summer?1
f -what shall we do tonight?
6 W h a t does C indy agree to bring him?
s-I want to go to the cinema
f-I'd rather go camping
3 L Put the words in order to make lines from s-so we can go to el bicentenario
the dialogue. Listen again and check. f-what do you want to do this weekend?
1 ta b le t / rather / w ith o u t / you / I'd / take / my / s-I want to make a trip
a s k in g /d id n ’t f-I'd sooner stay home
s-where do you want to go on holiday this summer?
2 o ff / room / you / my / to o k / I’d / shoes / walked / f-my grandma's house
before / your / into / you / sooner
s-I'd prefer going out the city

3 to o / it / d o o r / shut / if / you / kept / I’d / prefer /



C A M B R I D G E E N G L IS H : First
Listening part 4

Exam guide: multiple-choice questions

In this part o f the exam you hear an interview with someone or an exchange between tw o people
You hear each extract twice.
• O n the exam paper there are seven multiple-choice questions each w ith three possible answers.
You have to choose the correct answer.
• Before you listen, read through the questions and options to prepare yourself fo r the kind o f things
you w ill hear. Read the questions carefully so you know exactly what they are looking for.
• You will need to listen out fo r attitudes, opinions, purpose, feelings, main points and details.
• The wrong options will often contain similar information to what you hear. They will also often contain
words and phrases from the listening. Be careful because this doesn't mean they are correct.
• Use your second listening to confirm answers you have already chosen and answer those questions
you weren't able to the first tim e round.

1 ОЗВЗ You will hear an interview with Abbyjones talking about her gap year before going to university.
For questions 1-7 choose the best answer (A, В or C).
1 W hy didn’t A b b y go straight from school to university?
A Because she never thought her exams would be good enough to get her into university.
В Because she waited to o long to make a decision.
C Because she changed her mind about what career she wanted to do.

2 W hy was A b b y a little frightened about taking a year off?

A She thought she'd lose contact with her friends.
В She felt she might not find employm ent when she finally finished university.
C She had no idea what to do with all that time.

3 W hy did n 't A b b y want to spend her year o ff working fo r the police?

A Because as a volunteer she w ouldn't get paid.
В Because it might put her o ff her dream job.
C Because she realised the year o ff was an o p p o rtu n ity to experience something new.

4 W hy did Abby's dad mention Thailand to her?

A Because he had a relative out there.
В Because he thought she could get a jo b in a hotel there.
C Because he knew it was somewhere she'd always wanted to go.

5 W hat did A b b y do with the money she earned?

A She used it to pay back her parents for the flight ticket.
В She gave some to her dad’s cousin fo r letting her stay in her house.
C She saved it so she could go travelling.

6 W hat did A b b y study in Thailand?

A how to cook Thai food
В how to speak Thai
C how to teach English

7 W hat advice does A b b y offer school leavers?

A take a year o ff
В travel the w orld
C think carefully about what you want to do with your year o ff


Reported speech (review)
1 ★ Rewrite the sentences as reported speech.

0 'Jamie is late,'said Jo.

Jo / said / that /Jamie / be / late
Jo sa id that Ja m ie was late.

1 'I like h o rro r stories,1said Matt. 3 ★ ★ ★ Read the statements from an article about
M att / said / that / he / like / h o rro r / stories Twitter. Then re p o rt them.

2 'I will see you at the concert on Saturday,' said Ali. In 2 0 1 3 , it took one w eek for users to send a
A li / said / that / he / see / us / at / the concert / on ■ billion Tweets. Щ пн! !йш111®1в
Saturday 4 0 % of registered Twitter users have never sent a Tweet.
: ^ ^ £ w » ' -
3 Twitter is available in 2 5 languages now.
3 'I have been to Spain many times,' said Helen.
* 4 75% of world leaders use Twitter.
Helen / said / that / she / be / to / Spain / many times
5 Barack O bam a’s victory Tweet was th e m ost retweeted
Tweet in 2 0 1 3 .
4 Tm looking fo rw a rd to seeing you,' said Elif.
The country with the m ost Twitter users in 2 0 1 4
Elif / said / that / she / look forw ard I to I seeing / me
^ was China.
7 Twitter has becom e the fastest way to break news.
2 ★★ Rewrite Jamie’s text messages in
8 Twitter will becom e more like Facebook in the future.
reported speech.

1 I’ll see you all at Jake’s b irthday p a rty on Saturday.

Jamie said t h a t ___________________________________

2 It's half-time. O u r team has scored tw o goals.
Jamie said that 3

3 I can't get tickets fo r the concert. It's sold out. 4

Jamie said t h a t ______________________________ 5

4 W e ’re not playing Sunnyhill School.
They've cancelled the match.
Jamie said that
4 ★ ★★ Report five messages you tweeted or
5 O u r Maths teacher q u it yesterday.
texted this week.
I can't believe it.
1 ....................................
Jamie said that
2 ..............................................................
6 I haven't done enough revision
3 .................................................................................
fo r the H istory exam.
4 ...................... ......................................................
Jamie said that 5 _____________________________________________


Reported questions and requests 7 ★★ Circle the correct form.

1 Daisy regretted for telling / telling her story to the
5 ★★ Report the questions. Use + if + to or 2 The pop star accused the newspaper of printing /
+ question word. printing lies about him.
0 'Do you want to be a journalist when you 3 The media criticised the politician for failing / to fail
to explain his actions.
leave school?’
4 The film star apologised for being I of being late for
I asked her i f she w anted to be a journalist
the interview.
when she left school.___________ _____________________________ 5 The victim's wife agreed speaking / to speak to the
1 'W hy do you want to be a journalist?' press.
6 The boy admitted to drive I driving the car w ithout
M y friend asked m e ...............................................
■ a licence.
2 'Think o f a name fo r the school online magazine.’
7 The bank manager admitted to make /
M y teacher asked me ________________ that he had made a mistake.
3 'Interview a foreign correspondent fo r the 8 The boy was warned about entering / for entering
school magazine.' the em pty building.
The e d ito r o f the school magazine asked me
8 ★★★ Now write true sentences fo r you.

4 'Prepare some questions fo r the interview.’ 1 I regret _________________

She asked m e _________________________ 2 I apologised__________________________

5 'Which countries have you reported from?’ 3 I a d m it..............................................

I asked the foreign correspondent, Jeremy Hope, 4 M y m um /dad/friend warned me

6 'Have you reported from any war zones?' 5 I agreed ______________________

I asked h im _______________________
7 'Can you get me a glass o f water?' GET IT R IG H T ! Ф
She asked me _________________________
say and te ll in reported speech
Verb patterns ШШШШШ ; Learners often make mistakes with say and tell.
• / / told Ian about the news.
6 ★★ Match the sentence halves.
1 The journalist apologised □ • / He said that he was amazed.
2 The police officer warned the driver □ I X He tokf that he was amazed.
3 The driver regretted □ Tick the sentences that can use both say and tell.
4 The journalist agreed □ Rewrite them using the other verb. Add any other
The public criticised the newspaper
The director o f the company
□ words if necessary. Put a cross if the sentence can’t
use both.
accused the journalist □ 0 We did n 't tell Jess anything about the party. 0
7 The man denied □ We didn't say anything about the party toJess.
8 The newspaper admitted □ 1 I don’t think politicians ever tell the truth. □
a leaving his vehicle,
b to interview the witness,
2 The teacher to ld John that his essay was amazing. □
c ofu pse ttin g h is staff,
d robbing the bank,
3 Charlotte said she fe lt the same way. □
e for upsetting the girl,
f not to leave his vehicle,
4 You need to say something to them to keep
4" T N p f f t i r t K f a - ,

g to printing incorrect facts,
h fo r printing incorrect facts.
5 Please tell her to keep in touch.


Word list

Reporting verbs

adm it criticise

apologise agree

regret deny o rd e r

the way

Key words in context

bias Many newspapers have a bias towards one political party or another. They give that party their support.
correspondent My brother is a sports correspondent for a local newspaper. He reports on all sporting events in our
local area.
distress The journalist's questions had caused the boy a lot o f distress. He was very upset after the interview.
efficiently The machine is very slow at the moment. W e need it to work more efficiently.
epidemic The number o f children in the area with measles has increased. There is now a measles epidemic.
impact The mobile phone has had a huge impact on the way people communicate.
impartial The witness was not impartial. She was the victim's sister.
newsworthy That story is definitely newsworthy. It should be reported in the news.
prejudice Different social groups and even groups from different generations often show prejudice towards each
other. They don't try to understand each other.
resign The manager resigned after the scandal. He has left his job.


Sharing news Reporting verbs 13111331

★ Match the sentence halves. 3 ★★ Complete the sentences w ith a reporting verb
1 I’ll let 4 Give me □ that means the same as the words in brackets.

2 He broke 5 I'll pass □ 1 The a c to r_____________ the newspaper o f misquoting

3 I'll d ro p □ 6 He got □ 2
him. (claim)
The e d ito r _____________ to e ve ryb o d y that he had
a you a line. d you know.
made a mistake, (tell)
b on the message. e a call.
3 The photographers fo r upsetting
c in touch w ith me f the news gently.
the actor, (say sorry)
last week.
4 The ju d g e _____________the photographers to
★★ Complete the mini-dialogues w ith the stop follow ing the p o p star, (tell)
phrases in the list.
5 The sister o f the Manchester U nited fo o tba lle r
g o t in touch | let you know : retweeted _____________ selling her story to a newspaper.
d ro p you a line | pass on the message
(be sorry for)
give me a call j keep in touch
break the news gently 6 The e d ito r was angry. He __________ her fo r printing
the story, (complain about)
1 A I can't believe you're m oving to Australia.
That’s the o th er side o f the w orld. 7 The co u n cil_____________ to approve the building
plans, (say they will)
В Don’t worry, I'll ____________
W e can Skype often. 8 The council h a d _____________the local residents that
2 A I can't tell jane ab o ut the puppy. She'll be the building was unsafe. The boys ignored the 'Danger!
really upset. Keep O u t' sign on the gate, (notify)
В I’ll tell her. A nd d o n 't w orry. I’ll
• r ------------------ ---------------
3 A Mike's arriving next week, have you WordWise
w ith him yet to find
o u t w here he's staying?
4 ★★ Complete the mini-dialogues w ith the
expressions in the list.
В No, not yet, I’ll email him this evening.
4 A W ow! Your followers have the way | the same way | in my way
.................... your comment about on her way ; one way o r another | way to o
the book 200 times. Is that a record fo r you? 1 A I’m glad you've agreed to be a volunteer
В I think so. at the Cat’s Protection Society.
5 A I've ju st g ot a message about football
В Yes, so am I. It's great to be w ith pe o ple who
practice. It's been cancelled on Sunday.
f e e l___ . I d o about cats.
В Thanks, I 'l l ____ _____________ to the rest
2 A Have you finished that re p o rt fo r the school
o f the team.
newspaper yet?
6 A W h a t time's the rehearsal on Wednesday?
В I'm not sure. W hen I fin d out,
В N ot yet. I'll get it done by 5 pm,

I’ll _ ___ ____ _________ 3 A Did you take that online test?
7 A Right, I'm o ff then. I'll see you at school В Yes, I think the questions w ere . -........
tom orrow . easy.
В Yes,_________ ____ _when you get 4 A I lo v e ____ __ ______ Instagram lets you see
home. A n d d o n 't fo rg e t we've got an
what all your friends are up to.
English test tom orrow .
8 A W ell, this is go o db ye then. I hope you like
В Yes, so d o I.

the new school. 5 A Have you seen this message from Sarah?
В I'll miss this place and all o f you, В Yeah, I wanted to ask her about that.
o f course. W hen I've settled in, I’ll A You'll be able to ask her in person. She's
here now.
6 A Hey, Mark. M ove over a bit. You're
_ _ ___ __I'm tryin g to watch a film.
omission of the /h/ sound
В Sorry, I d id n 't realise.
Go to page 120. ZM
................. ................................-
1 REMEMBER A N D CHECK Answer the questions. "Then check your answers in the article on page 93 in the
Student's Book.
1 W h o isjack Dorsey?
2 W hat has Tw itter had the biggest impact on?
3 How many characters can you have in a Tweet?
4 W hat has Twitter made it easier fo r young people to do?
5 W h a t can people organise on Twitter?
6 W h a t has Tw itter given ordinary people?

2 Read the article. What went wrong in each o f the three examples?

One simple Tweet or one wrong photo on A bad tip p r iv a te ly to th e c o m p a n y . T h e y sh o u ld

Facebook can get you into trouble with A s h le y J o h n s o n , a 2 2 -y e a r -o ld w a itre s s n o t h a v e b e e n discussed on s o c ia l m e d ia .
the law, stop you from getting a job and fro m N o rth C a ro lin a in A m e ric a , w as S u b s e q u e n tly th e y w e re a ll s acked .
even lose you your job. Something that u n h a p p y w ith a t i p she re c e iv e d fro m tw o
A c c o rd in g to th e I n t e r n e t s e c u rity
takes us seconds to do can have huge c u s to m e rs d in in g a t th e re s ta u ra n t w h e re
c o m p a n y , P ro o fn e t, e ig h t p e r c e n t o f
consequences. Here are some examples she w o rk e d . The tw o c u s to m e rs had s a t a t
e m p lo y e rs in th e USA h a v e fire d e m p lo y e e s
of where things went wrong for these t h e ir ta b le fo r th r e e hours and A s h le y had
a f t e r v ie w in g t h e ir p o s tin g s on s o c ia l
three social media users. s ta y e d a t w o rk an h o u r lo n g e r, w a itin g fo r
m e d ia s ite s . S e v e n te e n p e r c e n t o f
th e m to fin is h t h e ir m e a l. C o n s e q u e n tly ,
The Facebook invite e m p lo y e rs h a v e iss u e d w a rn in g s to th e ir
she w a s n 't h a p p y w h e n th e y o n ly g a v e h er
In 2 0 1 2 , in th e l i t t l e to w n o f H aren s t a f f a f t e r fin d in g p o s tin g s t h a t w e n t
a t i p o f $ 5 . U n fo r tu n a te ly she v e n te d h er
in H o lla n d , a g ir l w as c e le b ra tin g h er a g a in s t c o m p a n y rules and p o lic ie s . We
a n g e r on F aceb o o k. She c a lle d th e m 'c h e a p '
s ix te e n th b ir th d a y . She d e c id e d to h a v e a a ll n e e d to b e m o re c a re fu l a b o u t w h a t
and m e n tio n e d th e n a m e o f th e re s ta u ra n t
p a r ty a n d in v it e h e r fr ie n d s to h e r h ouse. w e p o s t on s o c ia l m e d ia . R e m e m b e r a
w h e re she w o rk e d . In s u ltin g c u s to m e rs or
S he c re a te d an in v it a t io n on Facebook T w e e t is th e r e fo re v e r a n d y o u can n e v e r
s p e a k in g d is a p p ro v in g ly o f th e m on s o c ia l
b u t she d id n 't m ake i t p r iv a te . She s e n t be c o m p le te ly sure w h o w ill v ie w th e
m e d ia w as a g a in s t c o m p a n y p o lic y . A sh ley
i t to fr ie n d s w h o s e n t i t to t h e ir frie n d s p h o to s on y o u r Facebook p a g e . So alw ays
J o h n s o n w as fire d .
a n d i t spread across th e In t e r n e t . H e r th in k b e fo re y o u p o s t t h a t 'fu n ' p h o to or
p a r ty in v it a t io n w as passed o n , n o t to Flying out of a job t w e e t t h a t 'c a re le s s ' th o u g h t. T h in k w h a t
o n e h u n d re d p e o p le , n o t to o n e th o u s a n d N o t o n e , b u t th ir te e n c rew m em b e rs c o n s e q u e n c e s i t m ig h t h ave in th e fu tu r e .
p e o p le b u t to t h i r t y th o u s a n d p e o p le . The w e re sacked b y a fa m o u s a ir lin e fo r th e ir
p a r ty w as c a n c e lle d b u t th r e e th o u s a n d m essages on Facebook a b o u t th e a irlin e .
p e o p le s t i l l tu r n e d up. R io t p o lic e w e re T h e y c ritic is e d c u s to m e rs , w h ic h a g a in
s e n t to th e to w n to k eep th e p a rty -g o e rs w as a g a in s t c o m p a n y p o lic y . T h e y also
a w a y fro m th e h o use a n d th e g ir l had to discussed p r iv a te c o m p a n y b usiness on
le a v e h e r h o m e . T h e p a r ty tu r n e d in to a t h e w e b s ite . T h e y s a id t h a t th e p la n e s

r io t. R io te rs s e t fire to a c a r a n d d a m a g e d w e re in fe s te d w ith c o c k ro a c h e s a n d t h a t
s tr e e t signs a n d la m p p o s ts . S ix p e o p le a t th e a irlin e had re p la c e d th e j e t e n g in e s o f
th e p a r ty w e re in ju re d a n d t w e n ty p e o p le som e o f th e p la n e s fo u r tim e s in o n e y e a r.
w e re a rre s te d . Th e s e c o m m e n ts sh o u ld h a v e b e e n m ade

------------------------— ----------------- -- .. .....

- ~

3 Read the article again and complete the reported 5 thirteen crew from an airline had been sacked fo r
sentences with between two and four words. about the airline.
The article said t h a t ... 6 the messages said that the airline
je t engines o f some planes.
1 a g irl’s p arty invitation posted on Facebook had
been passed on to people. 7 17% o f employers to th eir staff
about postings on social media.
2 the p a r ty ________________a riot.
8 we all n e e d ________________ about what we post on
3 Ashleyjohnson w a s________________ she had
social media.
received from tw o customers.
4 Ashley had had to stay at w o r k .......... _ 4 W rite a short paragraph giving advice on how to
waiting fo r the customers. use social media responsibly.

1 0 i S P R E A D IN G T H E NEWS

DEVELOPING W RITING 2 Read these tips for planning your article and
num ber them in the correct order. Then label
An article for the school magazine Kate's article.

1 Read Kate's a rtic le 'A ro u n d th e W o rld w ith I__ j Closing paragraph and a quotation
Find something that sums the article up in a
T w itte r’ and fin d th e answers to these questions.
few words. You can also end your story with
1 Who? a link to more information on the Internet.
2 When? 1 1 Lead sentence
3 Where? _________________________ Grab your reader's attention.
4 W h a t? | 1 Main body
5 How? In this paragraph, answer 'How' and
'W here' and go into more detail. W hat
happens? W hat are the events o f the story?
[ [ Introduction
Around the world with Twitter Tell your readers 'W ho?1’What?' and 'When?'
3 You are go in g to write an article. C h oose one o f
This is the amazing story of how one man
the topics below. Use the Internet to help you
travelled the world using Twitter.
research your article.
[2] -- 1 an interesting way to travel round the world
In March 2009, Paul Smith, a British blogger, 2 an interesting train journey
writer and former radio executive from 3 a recent news story that caught your attention
Gateshead in the Northeast of England
travelled around the world using the social Complete the plan below for your article.
media network Twitter. His journey started
Lead sentence
with an overnight ferry from Newcastle to
Amsterdam and ended in New Zealand on
the other side of the world.
Щ [3]— .................. Introduction
Paul had the idea whilst he was in a
supermarket. Two days later, he wrote his
first Tweet and 'Twitchhiker' was born. Paul's
Main body
aim was to travel as far from his home as
possible in thirty days without spending
any money on accom m odation or travel.
The only money he could spend was on Closing paragraph
food and drink and things that he could fit
in his suitcase. The other rules were that he
could only make travel plans three days
in advance. If he was stuck anywhere for
more than 48 hours, he had to go home. 4 N ow write your article. W rite between 2 0 0-2 5 0
■ [4].......................
After thirty days and with the aid of over W rite your own checklist.
11,000 Twitter followers, Paul Smith had
travelled as far as Stewart Island in New
Zealand, and he had also raised over
£5,000 for charity. Twitter had m ade it
possible for one man to travel round the
world, relying only on the kindness of
strangers. What other great adventures
can Twitter make possible? So far no one
else has attempted the challenge. Maybe
you or I could be next. Or maybe we'll look
for a new challenge.


1 ш т Read the sentences below. Then listen and tick w m m
the correct statement. 1 Match the sentence halves.
The news story for the school magazine will be about...

□ □ □
1 It will cost us £10,
a the civil war in Sierra Leone,
b an orphan from Sierra Leone who became
□ 2 It’s O K. Don't
3 Karen, where
a star ballerina. □ 4 I need some fresh air. Let's go

□ □ □
c a woman who opened an orphanage in Sierra Leone. for a walk
5 In any
2 r i i F t l Listen again. Mark the sentences T (true) or
F (false). 6 Stop asking me. It's none o f

1 Marcus says that he doesn't want to have a story a on earth have you been?
about ballet in the school magazine.
2 Sarah agrees with Marcus that ballet isn't a
□ b
your business,
o r something.
good subject for the school magazine. □ d at least.

Tom says that he likes ballet.
Tom tells Marcus that Michaela DePrince's father
□ e bother sending me a reply,
f case, you know it’s dangerous.

had been killed in a civil war in Sierra Leone.
After Michaela had been adopted by an
□ 2 Complete the dialogues with the
underlined phrases from Exercise 1.
American couple, she attended a ballet school.
6 Michaela says that she will open a school and
□ 1

teach art with the money she earns from her book. □ LUCIA Would you like to write an article
about Twitter for the school
D IA LO G U E TANYA It sounds interesting. I’d like to do it.
But do you need me to write it right
1 Complete the dialogue w ith the phrases in the list. away? I'm really busy now. I don’t
Have you heard | have you heard about know how ___ I'd
did you know | guess what | You'll never believe fit it in.
LUCIA No, it's OK. You can write it next
JAMIE 1... .....? Somebody stole Leo's bike
week. We won’t print the magazine
until the end of the month.
MARIE No way! That’s awful. It was a new bike as well. , you're the best
He got it for his birthday. I must tell Cathy. person to write it.
Here she comes now! Cathy, 2_________________
Leo's bike?
TIM Did Jeremy tell you what happened?
CATHY Yes, his bike was stolen. But,3---------------------------
LUKE No, he didn't. I asked him but he
said .....................
CATHY The thief has brought the bike back. He left it at the
school gates this morning, and he left a note on the
MATT Let’s ask Nick to come to the park
bike.4_________________ what it said.
w ith us .........................
JAMIE Come on then. Tell us.
CHRIS Good idea. We can take our bikes.
CATHY It said, 'Thanks for lending me the bike. My son
didn't like it so I've brought it back.' Can you
believe it? NAOMI My mum said that Claude
Monet had painted over 1,000
MARIE You're joking! Well at least Leo got his bike back.
paintings and there would be
JAMIE Yes, that’s good news. But5_________________ _________________ 500 paintings
that five bikes were stolen from the school grounds
on display at the exhibition.
last year? And none of them were brought back.
EMILY Well, it sounds like you're going to
Leo’s lucky.
be very busy looking at paintings
so sending me
any texts or emails or anything. You
can tell me all about it when you
get back.


W riting part 2
1 Read the task.

You have seen an announcement in the school magazine.

Book Reviews Wanted

Write a review of a book you
description of the characters, the plot and themes of the book. Would you recommend this book to others?
Give your opinion of the book. The best reviews will be published in the next edition of the magazine.

Write your review.

2 Read the model answer and underline ten mistakes. Then write the correct word.
The E v e re st File s by Matt Dickinson

The Everest Files is action adventure thriller for young adult readers. Its the first book in a series of three books and
it was inspired by Matt Dickinson's own climb up Mount Everest.
Ryan, an eighteen-year-old American, is on a gap year adventure. He is working for a medical charity in the Nepal.
A local girl asks him to find out why her sixteen-year-old Sherpa friend Kami never have come back from an expedition
up Mount Everest with a wealthy American politician. Some says he's alive and others say he's dead. Ryan, who is
determined and adventurous, can't resist the challenge. Kami's story takes place at the magnificent and terrifying
slopes of Mount Everest and it is very moving. The story is fast paced and there are some very tense moments.
One of the themes of the book is how climbers disturb the natural order of the Nepalese mountains and Mount
Everest itself is one of the main characters of this dramatic mystery. Another theme of the book is the importance of
showing respect for other cultures, and the author is dedicated his book to the three Sherpas who he climbed up
Everest with.
The Everest Files is very much exciting and the ending was unexpected. I really enjoyed to read it and I recommend
it to both girls and boys who like learn about other cultures and love adventure. I'm looking forward to the second
book in the series.

3 Circle the adjectives in the table that the writer uses in his/her book review. Then add some adjectives to
the table.

positive negative
Main character kind-hearted, determined, adventurous, rude, wicked,
Characters funny, friendly, brave, evil, unfriendly, cruel,.......
Plot amazing, excellent, exciting, clear, terrible, awful, confusing,
Story brilliant, fast-paced, moving, boring, upsetting,.............. ...
Setting magnificent, terrifying,
Ending amazing, unexpected, ridiculous, disappointing,

Exam guide: w riting a review

In this part of the exam you are asked to write a text from a choice of text types. Here, we practise how to
write a book review.
• Remember to include some adjectives to make your review interesting.
• Include some relevant vocabulary for a review, for example: characters, plot, setting, them es, etc.
« Your description of the plot needs to be clear and concise and you must be careful not to give the ending away.
• You need to choose a book that you have strong opinions about. Your opinion can be negative or positive.
• Explain who you would recommend the book to.
• ? - : " ......................... , - .................................. ........J

4 Now write your review. Write 140-190 words.

1 СШПЯ Listen to news on a local radio 4 Match the sentence halves.
programme. Tick the three things that are
1 He apologised □
talked about.
2 I’ve always regretted □
a Someone who is looking for a job. □ 3 They're on holiday but they dropped □
b Someone who has left their job. □ 4 My parents warned me □
c Someone who might lose their job. □ 5 Try not to dwell □
d Someone who appeared in a magazine. □ 6 He’s been accused □
e Someone who has won a prize. □ 7 You promised to do it but you really let □
2 O i l ! Listen again. Complete the missing 8 As soon as I find out, I’ll let □
information in each sentence with no more I wanted to go, but other things got
than five words.
9 □
10 My attempts to be nice to him didn't work □
1 Mr Godber said h e _________________ about
a on things that happened in the past,
the time he worked for the club.
b me down,
2 Mr Godber thinks some things___ c for being late,
d you know,
3 Mr Godber wants to his e me a line yesterday,
future. f not learning to play a musical instrument,
4 Ms Green has ......for sending g not to make too much noise,
the Tweet. h of taking money that wasn't his.
5 The college d ire cto r thinks the Tweet had i in my way.
_ _____o f the college. j out very well.
6 It's possible that the college .......... .
5 Complete the words.
Ms Green's contract.
7 Annabel Lee w on her prize by 1 It was really a m atter o f luck - things ju st d id n 't go
m y w ____

8 Annabel w ill be going a week. 2 I d id n 't d o it! I d ___ it com pletely!

3 W ell it wasn't her fault so you can't b _________ her
fo r what happened.
4 She lives in Canada now, so we keep in t ______ _
3 Circle the correct options. by email and social media.

1 M y b ro th e r asked me to help / would I help him. 5 She’s finished university - she g o t her

2 I wish it isn't / wasn't raining. d ____________last month.

3 I think it’s tim e we get / got in touch w ith them 6 It doesn't m atter that you d id n 't win - at least you
again. trie d your h ___

4 I asked him if he wanted / did he want to read 7 I'm going to the fa cto ry twice a week to get some
the book. w o r k e ___________ _ .
5 If only you told / had told me yesterday, then I 8 The concert was OK, b u t it d id n ’t really live up to
could have done something about it. m y e ____________________________
6 I’m sure he wishes now that he didn't buy / 9 It’s bad news and I d o n ’t know how to b ________
hadn't bought that cheap tablet. it to him.
7 He asked me why had I left / / had left the cinema 10 She's very well qualified - she's a
in the m iddle o f the film. g _________________o f a to p university.
8 I really w ould prefer it if you didn't / don't p ut
olives on the pizza.
9 Take any flavour you want, b u t I'd sooner you
leave / left the vanilla one fo r me.

11/12/22 due 11/19/22
sugey flores UNITS 9 & 10
6 C om plete the dialogue w ith the w ords o r phrases in
the list. There are tw o extra ones.
at least I d o n 't b o th e r I'd rather j on earth in any case
none o f her business I'd prefer it never guess A lot of people around the world practise meditation - a
technique for becoming very calm and relaxed. It’s most
MAX Y o u 'll"never guess hat I heard.
commonly practised by essentially concentrating on only
Dl W hat? one thing and cutting out the outside world. There isn’t
MAX Jack South had a huge argum ent w ith his parents a lot of recorded history about meditation, but we know
and they've g ro u n d e d him. He isn't allow ed to go that it started a long, long time ago. It’s believed that
at least tw o weeks!
o u t w ith his friends fo r 2_____________ meditation may have been discovered as long ago as the
days of primitive people who hunted for wild animals, and
Dl W ell, M a x ,3 i'd rather you d id n 't te ll me
then, when cooking the meat over fires, began to stare at
things like that. I'm n o t ve ry interested. A n d
the flames and think in a different, more relaxed way. And
in any case , it m ight n o t be true.
4_____________ there are Indian writings called ‘tantras’ which mention
MAX W ell, I wasn't sure it was true, until Suejones to ld meditation, and these tantras are around 5,000 years old.
me, and she's never w ro n g a b o u t these things.
Thousands of years after meditation took off in the
none of her business
Dl W ell, it’s 5 . N o r yours, either, to be East, it began to be adopted in Western cultures too,
honest. becoming popular mostly around the middle of the 20th
MAX W e ll I'm sorry, I d id n 't th in k yo u ’d be so upset. Century. Researchers also began looking at the effects of
It's ju s t a b it o f news, that's all. meditation, and more and more was understood aboutttie
many benefits it brought to its practitioners.
Dl Sorry, Max, b u t it’s gossip. If you hear m ore gossip
like that, please don't
6 bother te llin g me, OK? Now, most people think of meditation as something you
M AX O K, Di. W ell, it was nice to see you anyway - 1think.
normally do sitting down in a cross-legged position and
with your eyes closed, and very often it is. But there is
7 Read the article and answer the questions. another kind of meditation that has recently been made
popular by the Vietnamese teacher Thich Nhat Hanh:
1 H o w is m ed ita tio n believed to have started? walking meditation.
concentrating only one thing and cutting out the world
People who do walking meditation say that it helps
2 W h e n d id it start to becom e a d o p te d and practised them get into a meditative state quite easily, through
in th e West? concentrating on the actual act of walking. You need
after meditation took off in the east to walk fairly slowly and calmly, of course, but not too
differently from a normal pace. And as you walk, the idea
3 H o w is m ed ita tio n usually done? is to get your mind to think about nothing else than what
a cross legged position and with the eyes close you and your body are doing: walking. Each time you find
you’re starting to think about something else, you try to
4 To d o walking m editation, how d o you need to walk?
bring your mind back, to concentrate on your feet and
walk fairly slowly and calmy their contact with the ground, and how your arms swing
5 W h a t d o you need to concentrate on while walking? as you walk.
think about nothing else than what you and your body are doing It can be done anywhere, even in confined spaces -
but most people say it is best practised outside, in an
6 W h e re is th e best place to d o w alking m editation?
environment with nature around, if possible. You should
anywhere do it for about twenty minutes and not combine it with
7 W h e n should you n o t d o w alking m editation? anything else - don’t do walking meditation while you’re
going to school, work or the shops. Do it as an activity for
when you are going to school, work or shop its own sake, it’s much better that way. And don’t think
8 W h a t are the benefits o f practising? about your destination - walking meditation is all about
live more peacefully going, not arriving.
Sounds easy? In a way it is, although like anything else,
it needs practice and the more you do it, the better you
W R IT IN G get at it and the richer the rewards. It is a way towards
8 W rite a paragraph o f about 120 w ords a bout the dealing with the stresses and strains of everyday life, and
way(s) th a t you relax best. towards living more peacefully. And, as Thich Nhat Hanh
says:‘Peace is every step'.

" 1 " 1 iSPACE AND

GRAMMAR 3 ★★★ Use between two and five words to
complete the second sentence o f each pair, so
Speculating (past, present and future) that it means the same as the first sentence.
IIISJEEBBSB You must also include the word in capital
letters. Do not change the form o f this word.
1 ★ Do these sentences refer to the past, present
or future? W rite PA (past), PR (present) or F (future). 1 There'll be rain for sure this weekend.
We're planning a picnic.
1 You might have left your passport at
the hotel.
___________________ this weekend.
2 Don’t touch that frog. It may be poisonous.
We’re planning a picnic.
3 United are bound to lose.
2 They're speaking Portuguese so there’s a
4 It could be Kevin who sent you the flowers.
chance they're Brazilian.
5 Her teachers say she's likely to pass. COULD
6 She can’t have left the country. She hasn't They_____ ______________ Brazilian because
got a passport. they're speaking Portuguese.
2 ★★ Circle the correct option. 3 Toby got top marks in the test. I’m sure he
spent all week studying for it.
Toby studying to get
top marks in the test.
4 Police believe there's a possibility one o f the
robbers worked at the bank in the past.
1 The cat might take / 2 Wow. That must be / M IGHT
have taken it. have been exciting. Police believe one of the robbers
at the bank in the past.
5 I don't think anyone will beat Federer at
Wimbledon this year.
I think at Wimbledon
this year.
3 He can’t go I have gone 4 The people at the 6 The cat must be outside. I can’t find it.
far. He's not wearing any information office must
boots. know / have known a
good hotel. The cat______ ______________I can't find it.
7 Scientists think the population of our planet
will probably pass 8 billion by 2030.
Scientists think the population of our planet
8 billion by 2030.

5 Take lots o f water. 6 Come on. The man on

You’re bound to / could the radio said the roads Stress on m odal verbs fo r speculation
get thirsty. are likely to / must get G o to page 121.
really busy today.
11 . SPACE A N D B E Y O N D

Cause and effect linkers ШШШ 6 ★★★ Think o f three different ways to finish
each o f these sentences.
4 ★ Match the sentences or sentence halves.
1 The launch o f the rocket was delayed
1 The football match was cancelled □a due to the pilot was late
................ _ ......
2 A sa result o f her hard work □h the trafic
because o f ....................................
3 His parents took away his computer □f
the rocket _was
as a result o f ...._____________ delayed
4 She's not very popular. □c
2 Alan d idn't get to be an astronaut
5 Due to the high price □g
6 She got a record contract □b fear
due t o ...... of heights ........... —
because o f when he shut up from the ceiling trying to
7 Because o f his high temperature □d reach a ball
8 He's quite short fo r his age. □e as a result o f he
didn't get to be astronaut
a because o f his bad school report, 3 The astronaut had to return early from the space
b Consequently not many people came to her party,
c as a result o f her popularity on YouTube, due to he has to wake up early
d his m other didn't let him go to school, because o f he can't be late

e due to crowd trouble. as a result o f have to return early from the space
f Consequently lots o f people think he's younger 4 The school trip to the space centre was cancelled
than he is. the
due to ____ astronaut was late
g not many children went on the school skiing trip, because o f trafic ...................
h she raised £1,000 fo r charity. as a result o f the trip to the space center was
5 ★★ Complete the second sentence so it
means the same as the first in each pair.
GET IT R IG H T ! <$>
I'm sorry I was late to school today, Sir...
Modals of speculation
1 M y alarm clock was broken. I overslept. ; Learners often make mistakes when using modals
As a result o f I was late to shool today
------------- : o f speculation, either using the wrong modal or
i the wrong tense.
2 M y room's a mess. I couldn't find my tie. : / You can't have been very h a p p y when y o u h e ard
i the news!
Due to my room is a mess
■ X You mustn't have been very h a p p y when y o u h e ard
: the news!
3 M y bike's got a flat tyre. I couldn’t ride it to school. : / You should have helped her to finish her project.
my bike's got a flat tyre
Because o f _____________________________________ She didn't finish it on time.
; X You should help her to finish her project. She didn't
4 I've got a twisted ankle. I couldn't run to the bus
• finish it on time.

stop. Choose the correct option.

twisted ankle
__________________________________ _ as a result o f 1 A Samantha got to p marks in her exams!
I couldn't run to the bus stop В She m ust / m a y be over the moon.
5 There was an accident. The bus journey was 2 Dave's been to London once before. He m ight I must
really slow. know a good restaurant.
the bus journey was really slow due to *I 3 You can't / mustn't be serious! I’m not doing that.
there was an accident 4 I might have seen / see the film but it's not really the
6 I arrived at 9.30. The school gate was locked. genre I usually go and watch.
I couldn’t get into school because o f 5 The film was thrilling. No one could have m ade / m ake
I was late ando the school gate was looked it better than him.
6 W e must / m ight be very early. There's no one
else here!


Word list
o u t o f this w o rld


action-packed memorable

far-fetched th rilling

delightful sentimental


Key words in context

abducted Some people believe they have been abducted by aliens and taken to their spaceships.
beyond Don't go beyond that line. It's dangerous.
destruction The destruction o f the rain forests must stop.
drifting All they found o f the plane was part o f the wing drifting in the Atlantic Ocean.
eclipse There's a lunar eclipse tonight when the Earth's shadow completely covers the moon.
galaxies Galaxies are made o f billions and billions o f stars.
greed Mankind's greed for money will cause the destruction o f our planet.
interrupted I don't like being interrupted when I'm speaking.
invaded O u r town's been invaded by flies this summer. No one knows where they've come from.
mankind Mankind is the most intelligent species on the planet but it doesn't always act that way.
mission The spacecraft is on a mission to take photos o f Jupiter.
oxygen W e need oxygen to breathe.
pretend Let's start again and pretend that never happened.
reminder The school sent a reminder that it would be closed on the 15th.
signals This machine sends signals into the sky to try and contact alien life forms.
weapons The police found several weapons in his house including knives and guns.
wreck They showed photos o f the train wreck on TV. It was a terrible crash.
11 I S P A CE A N D B E Y O N D

Space idioms Q l1•JL 3 Adjectives commonly used to describe

1 ★ Match tbe sentences. SB page 107

1 His costume я я ne t o fth s world. □ 3 ★ Find eight adjectives commonly used to

2 Come опЛ'ОЗ MI ~c~ o a c tly rocket science. □ describe films in the word search.
3 His fans are m | r s —.-eyed. □
c D E L I G H T F и L E A
4 He’s very drnaa rz earth really. □
N S P Q. О W E U R Y J C
5 They’re омег r e Boon. □
I Y T A L s К D J F H G T
6 W e eat o u t м н е * a olue moon. □ К Z M U X N c В V R G R I
a They love absd _*e у everything he does, A L A T N E M I T N E S 0
b They've .^r: g o t -a rrie d and they're really happy, T Q. Z A W N X S I E C R N
c We hanfly e .e ' do it. H V F T В G I L Y N H U P
d It was reaY. amazing, T M J I к L L N I О P T A

e He’s very normal and unpretentious, A L A В Y I К S G E I s C

f Anyone can make it.
2 Match the pictures with the sentences in В U T F A R F E T C H E D
Exercise 1.
4 ★★ Circle the option which is NOT possible.
1 The view from the to p o f the mountain was
abso lu te ly...
a stunning b far-fetched c breathtaking
2 That was a really ... meal - one that I won’t forget
fo r a long time.
a thrilling b memorable c delightful
3 It was a really ... game o f football - the best I’ve
seen fo r ages.
a action-packed b thrilling c sentimental
4 The play was a b i t ... but I still enjoyed it.
a sentimental b delightful c far-fetched
5 That high-speed car chase in the film was
ab so lu te ly...!
a action-packed b thrilling c delightful
6 They looked ... on their wedding day.
a memorable b stunning c breathtaking

5 Think o f a film (or a scene from a film) that is ...

1 stunning ______ ________ ______________ ______

2 a b it far-fetched ......................... ....... .......
3 breath-taking............ ....... _ ................
4 thrilling ____
5 to o sentimental __________
6 action-packed from beginning to end

7 m em o rab le ___ _
8 delightful _ __ _ _ _____ _ ........

1 ШШЗВШШШШШШВЗЗ Answer the questions. Then check your answers in the article on page 103 of the
Student's Book.
1 W hat do some people point to as evidence o f alien activity on Earth?
2 W hy is Hawkins so convinced there must be life out there1?
3 W hat kind o f life does he expect it to be?
4 How does he suggest alien visitors might treat our planet?
5 W hat analogy does he make with the Native Americans?
6 W hat does Lord Rees suggest alien life forms might be like?

2 Read the blog. Which film does the writer consider to be the best alien film?

Top four films - Aliens

After the su ccess of last week’s post on space films, I thought I ’d keep with the night sky this week for inspiration.
S o here they are, hand-picked for you, four of the very best alien films.
1 E.T. (1982) 3 Men in Black (1997)
A young and unknown Drew Barrymore and Unknown to most people, aliens are living
friends find a little alien hiding in the shed on Earth disguised as humans. This is due
and spend the rest of the film trying to get to a secret government organisation which
him home, in Steven Spielberg’s highly keeps an eye on the alien population. Will
enjoyable (if a little sentimental) family Smith and Tommy Lee Jones are special
film. With his huge eyes and glowing finger, agents for this organisation. Their job is to
E.T.’s cuteness won him millions of fans and make sure that the aliens behave and that
showed us that not all aliens are trying to the secret doesn’t get out but neither of
take over the world. An absolute classic that these things is always so easy to control.
everyone should have seen by the age of 15. And who can ever forget Great dialogue and special effects make this an entertaining science
the bike flying across the moon with E.T. in the basket - one of the most fiction comedy. And the success of the first film has already resulted in
famous images in film history. two sequels, both fun but not as good as the original.
2 War of the Worlds (2005) 4 District 9 (2009)
In 1898 H.G. Wells wrote one of the greatest Saving the best until last, the most modern film
science fiction novels of all time: W ar o f on the list is also the least well-known, which
the Worlds. In 1938 Orson Welles' radio is a shame since it’s fantastic. Because of
production of it had people believing that problems on their home planet, aliens arrive on
aliens had really landed on Earth. In 1953 Earth in need of help. The government agrees
the first film version was released and they can stay but places them in special areas.
became a huge success. Despite this, not many critics were all that But the aliens soon get tired of being treated like second-class citizens
excited when in 2 0 0 5 it was announced that a Tom Cruise version was and decide to fight back. Forget famous faces and a huge budget, this
being released. However, they soon realised they were wrong and this intelligent 2 0 0 9 film from South Africa was as action-packed as any
modern version is one of the best sci-fi films of the last 20 years. Of Hollywood blockbuster. It proves that not all films have to come from
course the special effects are great but it is Cruise’s battle to save his America. Of all the films on my list, this is the one most likely to make
family from the evil aliens that makes this film so exciting. you think about the world we live in. I can’t recommend it enough.

3 Read the blog again and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
1 Drew Barrymore wasn't famous when she 5 Tommy Leejones and W ill Smith play aliens in

starred in E.T. □ Men in Black.

2 E.T. features a friendly alien. □ 6 Men in Black II is the most enjoyable film in

3 Critics were surprised by the 2005 version o f the series.

W ar o f the Worlds. 7 The aliens in D istrict 9 originally came to Earth


4 Tom Cruise was in the first film version o f peacefully.

W ar o f the Worlds. □ 8 D istrict 9 was filmed in Hollywood.

4 Write a paragraph about your favourite film of all time.


W ritin g tip
A film review
In a review you w ill b e asked to describe and give
1 Read the review. W h o are these characters?
y o u r o p in io n o f som ething you have experienced.
1 The Boov This can be a film o r a play, o r a b o o k you have read.
It m ight also be som ething like a restaurant, a holiday
2 The G org ___________________________
o r a website.
3 Oh
• The aim o f th e review is to give th e reader a clear
4 T ip
idea o f y o u r experience so yo u w ill need to give a
g o o d d e scrip tio n and explanation o f th e event.
« Use the first paragraph o f y o u r review to give
some b ackground details o f th e event.
# The second paragraph should contain a b rie f
sum m ary o f th e 'action'. In th e case o f a film , b o o k
o r play this w ill be th e story. Be careful n o t to give
to o much o f th e sto ry away.
# The th ird paragraph should be m ore critical.
This is w h e re you say w hat you liked o r d id n 't like.
• Finally, finish o ff yo u r review w ith a recom m endation.

2 Look back at the review and answer the questions:

1 W h a t b a ckg ro u n d in fo rm a tio n does th e w rite r give

in th e firs t paragraph?

2 W rite a sum m ary o f th e s to ry in tw o sentences.

Home (201S)
The la te st alien blockbuster to h it our screens is the
Dreamworks anim ated fe a ture Home fe aturing the 3 W h a t d id th e w rite r like (or n o t like) a b o u t th e film?
vocal talents o f Big Bang Theorys Jim Parsons (aka
Sheldon), singer Rihanna and comedian Steve M artin.
4 W h a t re co m m e n d a tio n does th e w rite r make?
When th e Boov race o f aliens from outer space come
across Planet Earth they th in k they’ve found th e
p e rfe ct home. Having relocated all humans to big 3 W rite a review o f a film , b o o k o r play in around
settlem ents in Australia, the Boov se t about m aking 200 w ords.
the planet th e ir own, safe fro m th e a tte ntio n o f th e ir
enemies th e Gorg. That is u n til one o f them , the W rite yo u r own checklist.
d e lightful b u t u n fortunate Oh, accidentally sends ou t a
house-warming p a rty invitation, including th e location,
across th e universe, it won’t be long u n til th e Gorg are
w ith them , m aking Oh th e m ost unpopular Boov on
the planet. Can Oh, w ith th e help o f Tip. th e last free
human on Earth, save th e planet?

Although clearly aimed a t th e younger end o f th e

m arket. Home has plenty in it to appeal to parents
and older brothers and sisters, m aking it an enjoyable
90 m inutes for all th e family. The story, while not the
m ost memorable, is good enough to keep you w atching
and there are plenty o f hilarious mom ents. Parsons
and Rihanna w ill help th e film ’s teenage appeal, while
M artin w ill keep th e parents happy. The perfect film for
a rainy day th is holiday.

1 O M i Listen to the three conversations. Label 1 Complete the dialogue w ith the missing lines.
the people in the pictures, T (Tim), D (Dan) or There are tw o extra lines.
J (Josh)-
1 W h a t a shame, but I'm sure he w ill give you
another chance.
2 O h dear. Better luck next time.
3 Poor you. W ere you late?
4 O h no. So you missed both break times?
5 H ow terrible. W h y d o n ’t you try again?
6 O h dear. So what's happened?
7 H ow terrible. That doesn't seem very fair.

JIM W hat's up, Tina?

TINA N othing really. I'm ju st having a really bad day.
TINA W ell, first o f all I missed the school bus so I
had to walk to school.
TINA O f course I was. So Miss Stevens wasn't very
happy and her m ood d id n 't get any be tter
when I to ld her I’d left my hom ew ork at home.
It was a G eography p ro je ct that I'd spent days
on. She said I'm going to lose five marks ju st
2 Q S H Listen again and answer the questions.
because it’s late.
1 Who's going to play Romeo in the school play?
TINA That's what i to ld her and that's when she
decided that I was being rude and that's why
2 H ow d id Tim take the news that he wasn't Romeo? I had to spend break and lunchtime in the
classroom on my own.
3 Why did Liz agree Dan could be in the band? TINA Yes, which was really bad because M r W ilson
was holding auditions fo r the school orchestra
at lunchtime and I co uldn't go.
4 What did Liz do when she heard Dan play?
TINA I hope so, but knowing my luck today he won’t.
5 W h y does Am elia think that Josh d id n ’t get into the 2 Choose one o f these first lines and use it to w rite
team? a short dialogue (8-10 lines).
1 M y dad says I can't go to Rob’s p a rty on Saturday.
6 What arejosh’s future sporting plans? 2 I lost my wallet when I was shopping yesterday.
3 Have you heard? Sally's broken her leg.

3 Compete the lines from the

conversations. Listen again and check.
1 HANNAH He ju st walked o u t and said he d id n 't
want to be in the play.
SARA О ______________d ___
2 LIZ I had to ask him to leave, there and then.
LIAM H_____________t ______ _____
3 CARL The coach d id n 't want him apparently.
AMELIA W __________ as
4 CARL He d id n 't even make the second team.
AMELIA P_____________ h _______

Speaking part 3

Exam guide: a two-way conversation

In part 3 o f the speaking exam, you will be with one or two other candidates. Remember there is an
interlocutor, who talks to you and manages the examination, and an examiner who only listens and
assesses your English.
The interlocutor will ask you to look at some information which will include a question. For example: Imagine your
school is planning to start a new after-school club. Here are some ideas for the kind of club they could start and a
question to discuss. First you have some time to look at the task.
They will give you a short time to look at the task and then ask discuss the question together for about
two minutes.
After this the interlocutor will ask you to come to a decision based on your first discussion. You will have
another minute to do this.
• Make sure you read the task carefully and answer the question that is written down. If you feel your partner
is starting to talk about other things, try and bring them back to the topic.
• This is ajoint task. It is important that you listen as well as talk. The examiner will want to see how well you can
keep a conversation going. You can only do this by listening to what the other candidate is saying and responding
to them appropriately.
• The examiner will also be looking for how well you can express your opinions and how you can back them up.
• For the second part, the interlocutor will ask you another question. This is not written down so if you don’t
understand, ask them to repeat it.
• In the second part you need to make ajoint decision. The examiner will be looking to see how well you can argue
your case, agree and disagree, negotiate, speculate, suggest and finally reach a decision.

1 СЕЛИ Read through the exam question in the mind map and
listen to two candidates discuss it. Answer the questions.
Part 1
1 Make notes on what they say about each activity.
Archery making club
Rock stars
learn a new discover the
let’s make director
Part 2 sport
inside you
2 What question does the interlocutor ask them?

W hy might
3 W hat is their final decision?________________________ _____________ students want to g o to
these clu bs?
2 ГЕЛИ Listen again. How well did they do in part 1? Grade their
performance. Circle 1 star for 'could do better’, 2 stars for 'good1
and 3 stars for 'excellent'. Baking Wonders of
cakes, bread, the universe
Candidate A (boy) Candidate В (girl) cookies and pies, learn all about
Answer the question ★ ★★ ★★★ ★ ★★ ★★★ learn how to space and
Listen to their partner ★ ★★ ★★★ ★ ★★ ★★★ make them all beyond
Express their opinions ★ ★★ ★★★ ★ ★★ ★★★

3 caitfei Now listen to part 2 again and grade their performance.

Candidate A (boy) Candidate В (girl)

4 Work in groups o f three. Two of
Argue their case ★ ★★ ★★★ ★ ★★ ★★★ you discuss the question while the
Negotiate ★ ★★ ★★★ ★ ★★ ★★★ other listens and gives feedback.
Reach their decision ★ ★★ ★★★ ★ ★★ ★★★ Then swap roles.


GRAMMAR 2 ★★ Complete the dialogue between a journalist
(J) and a police inspector (I) using a word from
Passive report structures ШВШВШ column A and then a phrase from column B.
1 ★★ Complete the sentences w ith a passive A
report structure o f the words in brackets. Then is are | is | was | are
match the sentences to the pictures.
1 Roald Amundsen knew to have been to have to have used to be j to have suffered | to be
the first man to reach the South Pole, (know)
J This evening there was a ro b b e ry at a je w e lle ry
believed to be halfway up
2 The climbers_____________
store in the High Street. W e're talking to Inspector
the mountain, (believe)
G ordon ab o ut it. Inspector, d o you already have a
3 The space probe expected to arrive on suspect?
Mars in six years' time, (expect)
I W e do. The principal suspect is George Atkinson, a
4 The last dodo on Earth sayed to have man who 1 is said 2 to have connections
died in 1662. (say) w ith criminals in the east end o f the city.
5 thinked
The jug in the museum______________ to be J A n d d id he act alone?
more than a thousand years old. (think)
I No. It appears there were tw o accomplices in
6 The last mammoths______________
know to have the c r im e - t h e y 3 are th o u g h t4 . to be
lived on an island near Siberia, (know) Atkinson's b ro th e r and brother-in-law. They are all
dangerous men w h o 5 is known 6 to have use
guns in the past.
J The th e ft involved an injury to someone in the shop,
is that correct?
I Unfortunately, yes. A few hours ago, the manager
o f the shop 7 ......... th o u g h t8had suffered
was in a
critical condition, b u t an examination has been done
and now he 9 is known 10 had to useonly
3 5
m inor concussion.
J That's g ood news indeed. Thank you, Inspector, and
g o o d luck w ith your enquiries. Back to the studio.

3 ★ ★ ★ W rite sentences using a passive re p o rt

structure. Make them true fo r you.

0 London is sa id to be one o f the most

expensive cities in the world.
1 2
1 M y home tow n is____________________________________
said to be one of the smallest towns in the
2 M y house / flat is said to be the most colorful
3 The most beautiful place in my country
is said to be the Jardin botánico in santa tecla

4 The oldest building in my town

is said to be about to collapse
5 M y favourite actor / actress
4 6 imy favorite actor is said to be jackie chan

The passive: two objects 6 ★ ★ ★ W rite tw o complete sentences from each

prom pt. Put the more appropriate one first.

0 Famous painting / give / art gallery

4 ★ Read these serrtences. Circle the direct
The art gallery was given a famous painting.
object and ur d er! --a me indirect object.
A famous painting was given to the a rt gallery.
0 They gave —e m o io ~ e medicine.
1 The newsagem | м и ! Penny the new magazine. 1 The new students / tell / the class rules
someone in my class tell the new students the class rules
2 They a f lc n d —e M hekfits free books.
3 Someone z rz m se c a -oom w ith a view to Kenneth.
4 The pobce э с г : g n e any inform ation to the 2 My fa th e r/o ffe r / a jo b in London
they offer my father a job in London
5 Someone s e r m t a strange email.
6 The ba~« —srager offered her a job.
3 The new film / show/a large audience
7 They sold faaky goods to their customers.
the cinema shows the new film a large audience
8 The c o a p o q i gave excellent conditions to their
e m p ic-.e ~
4 A tr o p h y /p r e s e n t/th e w inner
5 * Rewrite the sentences using the passive.
the winner present a trophy
Use the person as the subject.
0 Someone offered me a cup o f coffee.
5 Alice / send / some flowers / fo r her birthday
/ w as offered a cup o f coffee.

1 Someone showed the photos to jim .

I showed the photos to jim
2 They promisedjackie a part in the new play.
we promised Jackie a part in a new play GET IT R IG H T ! ©
3 People ask film stars a lo t o f questions. Passive
they ask film stars a lot of questions • When using the passive learners often use
4 Someone gave Michael a horrible tie fo r his : the wrong tense. They also sometimes use the
birthday. : infinitive instead o f the past participle.
I gave michael a horrible tie for his birthday •; / We're all happy now that a decision has been taken.
I X We're all happy now that a decision h^okerr
5 People are going to pay the inventor a lot o f
money fo r her idea. / This picture had been taken 3 years before.
they going to ay the inventor a lot of money for her idea i X This picture had been take 3 years before.

6 Someone sent an advertisement for sports A ll o f the sentences contain an error. Rewrite them
equipment to my grandmother. correctly.
he sent an advertisement for sports Equipament to my grandmother 1 There are still many places on Earth that haven't been
explore yet.
7 They o ffered my school a new IT centre.
they offered my school a new IT ceentre
2 A research trip to the glacier is taken this week.
8 No one to ld him the truth.
anyone told me the truth
3 He le ft the room after a joke has been made a b o ut him.
9 They didn't give the customers a refund.
we didn't give the customers a refund
4 Every e ffo rt has made to find the missing man b u t to
10 The company didn't offer good benefits to the no avail.
the company didn't offer good benefits to the employees
5 A lo t o f progress is been made recently in Sam's work.

6 It's essential fo r good communication to be establish

betw een nations.


Word list bay


Verb + noun collocations

do give make p la y take
research advice amends the fool advantage o f
an example a com plaint a joke advice
a speech a deal a part a decision
a decision a joke
an e ffo rt a jo u rn e y
friends a photo
fun o f revenge
a joke
a jo u rn e y
a wish
a speech

Key words in context

advances Medicine is improving all the time - the advances are fantastic.
conducted They wanted to understand it better so they conducted lots of experiments.
determine The police are working hard to determine exactly what happened last night.
endangered There may soon be none of these animals left - they’re endangered.
establish If we want to work well with them, we need to establish good communication.
harsh The terrible cold was made worse by the harsh wind that blew into our faces.
hold It's a measuring jug - it holds exactly one litre.
motto ‘Work hard and play hard’ - that’s my motto.
origins Many words in English have Latin or French origins.
protection You need to wear really warm clothes as protection against the cold.
species Gorillas are just one of the many species that might become extinct before long.
territory Many animals fight to defend their territory from outsiders.
tragic They're destroying the forest to build a new road. I think it’s tragic.
unsuitable This film is unsuitable for children under the age of fourteen.


Geographical features SB page 112 ★★ Complete the sentences with verbs in the
correct form.
1 ★ Complete the crossword
1 W hat would y o u ________________ a complaint
about in a restaurant?
2 W hat examples o f bravery can you
________________ ?

3 W hat is the longest journey you have ever

________________ ?

4 W hat advice would y o u ________________ to a

friend who has just failed an exam?
5 Ify o u h a d to ______ __________ a speech in public,
how would you feel?
6 What's the best joke you have ever
________________ on someone?

4 ★★★ Give your answers to the questions in

1 Some sand ... in the Sahara Desert occasionally Exercise 3.
have snow on them. 1 ______________ _________________________________
2 The Grand ... in Arizona, USA was carved out of 2 ..... ...............................................................
the rock by the Colorado river over many 3 ____________________________________ ___________
thousands of years.
4 ................................. ............. ........... ............ ............
3 In 2010 a ... in Iceland erupted and caused a lot
5 _______________________________________________
of problems for planes.
6 _____________________________________________
4 There are three very high ... at Niagara on the
border between Canada and the USA. 5 ★★★ Rewrite the sentences using the words in
5 & 7 The Himalayas are a ... in Asia. brackets. Use the collocations in the W ordlist to
6 About 1,000 people live in floating villages in help you.
Ha Long ..., in Vietnam. 0 Do you hope fo r something on your birthday?
8 Visitors to Antarctica can see the Lambert__ (WISH)
It's the biggest ice formation in the world. b o yo u make a w ish on y o u r birthday?_______
9 There are over 1,500 different species offish in
1 I think that I am getting better at the piano.
the Great Barrier... in Australia.
Verb + noun collocations 1Ш Ш ВЗ
2 Sally tried hard to reach the to p shelf.
2 ★ C ircle th e c o rre c t o p tio n .
1 It’s cruel to make I take fun of other people.
2 Dad made / gave a deal with the neighbour to
3 She said that she wasn't happy about the food.
share the path.
3 My little brother loves playing / doing the fool.
It can be irritating sometimes.
4 M atthew accepted Kelly's offer o f a lift home.
4 Robert is very shy and finds it hard to take /
make friends.
5 I've already made / done a lot o f research fo r my
5 I fo rg o t Jo's birthday, so to compensate, I to o k her
project, but it isn't finished yet.
out fo r dinner.
6 Lia was taking / making photos when she stepped
back and slipped into the river!
7 The teacher to ld Jack's m other that he had made /
done good progress that month.
8 I'd understand more easily if you made! gave me
more examples.


1 Ш Ш Ш Ш М ‘М Ш*Ж.ЩиЗЯЩ M atch th e places w ith th e statem ents. There are tw o extra boxes. Then check yo u r
answers in the a rticle on page 111 o f th e S tudent's Book.

1 D rillin g here has h e lp e d us to g e t a re co rd o f th e Earth's e n viro n m e n t.

A Caves □ □ 2 M an y o f th e m are in China.
В The M ariana T rench □ □ 3 M an y p e o p le are know n to have d ie d on e x p e d itio n s here.
4 N e w species o f insects and plants have b een fo u n d here.
C The A m azon rainfo re st □ □ 5 O n e exam ple (V o ro n ya ) is in G eorgia.
6 O n ly 2% has been e xp lo re d .
D G reenland □ □
7 People w h o live here live m ostly near th e coast.
E Deserts □ □ 8 W e kn o w m ore a b o u t th e solar system than this place.

2 Look at th e photographs and th e title o f th e blog. T ick w hat you th in k th e blo g is about.
Then read and check yo u r ideas.

1 Som eone hid som e m oney in an o ld b u ild in g .

2 Som eone p a id a lo t o f m on e y fo r an o ld house.
3 Som eone fo u n d m oney in an o ld house.
4 Som eone fo u n d treasure w h ile b u ild in g a house.

Hidden treasure
When we hear the word 'exploration', we tend is from 2014 in Ontario, Canada. An urban granddaughter of the last people to have lived
to think of people going off into deserted parts explorer and photographer called Dave heard in the house. Her grandparents had owned
of the world, places like caves or deserts or about a derelict house, and decided to go in a fruit stall in Ontario, and kept their money
ice-fields. But for a lot of people, exploration to take photos, since this is what he loves under a mattress - and somehow, it had
means finding out more about the town or city doing. He moved around the house, taking been forgotten. Dave gave the money to the
where they live: urban exploration (or UE). photos of the rooms and the possessions that woman, who was so grateful she cried.
And the idea is that, instead of exploring the had been left behind. Then something caught Urban exploration can be a dangerous
natural world, people start to explore man­ his eye. In the corner of a bed, under an old business - going into ruined buildings, or
made structures in cities, especially those mattress, something was sticking out. When old tunnels, brings risks, and there have
places that city-dwellers usually don't get Dave investigated, itturned out to be a bag, been instances of explorers being killed by,
to see. and inside the bag was about $7,000 in old for example, falling off a roof or being hit by
What kinds of places? Well, all kinds of American and Canadian bank notes. Some of an underground train. It is also sometimes
places but often tunnels underground, old the bundles of money had handwritten notes illegal - urban explorers, in their search for
ruined buildings, or any kind of abandoned w ith dates from the 60s and 70s on them. places where people never go and where
structure. Curiosity takes the explorers there One of the principles of urban exploration they can take photos from angles that no one
and often, they record them by taking photos. is: 'take nothing but pictures, leave nothing else has done, often end up going into places
Many urban explorers make a point of posting but footprints'. So Dave had some more where they are not allowed to go. UE can
their photos on social media sites, and a exploring to do - to try to find the owner of uncover hidden treasure and bring joy, but it's
lot of the photos are fantastic and attract the money. He did some research into the important also to note that it can get explorers
a following. house and who had owned it, and ended into a lot of trouble, both through physical
It's also the case, of course, that up making a phone call. The woman who risks and through the law.
unexpected things can happen. One example answered the phone turned out to be the

3 Read the blog again. Answ er th e questions.

1 W h a t exam ples are given o f places th a t urban 5 H o w d id he manage to fin d th e grand d a u g hte r?
e xp lo re rs g o to? 6 W h e re had th e m on e y com e from ?
2 W h y d id Dave go in to th e house? 7 W h y d id th e g ra n d d a u g h te r cry?
3 H o w d id he h a p p e n to fin d th e bag? 8 W h a t are th e tw o p ro b le m s w ith urban e x p lo ra tio n
4 W h y d id Dave d e c id e n o t to keep th e money? th a t th e b lo g mentions?


Ann Bancroft
A biography
1 Look at the photographs. W hat kind o f person
do you think the woman is? W rite fo u r or five
w ords to say what you think.
a d ven tu ro u s , is a climer she live in a cold place
explorer risk taker breaking records woman

2 Read the biography o f Ann Bancroft. Answer the

1 W h a t does she say her fam ily were like?

risk takers

2 W h a t were her first jobs? [A] □3 Ann Bancroft is an American writer and explorer.

PE teacher She was born in Minnesota and grew up in what she

called a family of risk-takers. She became a PE teacher
3 Name th re e o f her achievements.
and then a wilderness instructor.
first woman to get in to north pole, walk and using a dog sled to get both the north pole to
south pole [B] □4 In 1986 she got the chance to join an expedition
4 W h a t is special a b o u t m ost o f her expeditions? to the North Pole, so she gave up her teaching job and
does expeditions with woman teams went. After 56 days she became the first woman to
get to the North Pole, walking and using a dog-sled.
5 W h a t d id her 2015 e xp e d itio n aim to do?
Later she became the first woman ever to get to both
walk along the river granges the North Pole and the South Pole, crossing the polar
ice-caps to do so. Then she was the first woman to ski
3 Label the paragraphs w ith the inform ation. across Greenland.
1 Som ething special a b o u t her expeditions
2 Conclusion / summ ary o f main p o in t o f interest
a b o u t her
3 In tro d u c tio n to the person / background
4 M ain achievements

4 You are going to w rite a short biography o f

someone who explores things o r places. It can be
a real person (famous, or someone you know) or
a fictional character from a book or T V show.
• Do some research a b o u t him/her, o r if you d o n ’t
know then make guesses.
• W h a t kind o f e xp lo re r is this person? Someone [C] U1 Bancroft often does expeditions with all-women
w h o actually goes to new places? O r someone w ho teams - for example, in 1993 she took a group of women
e x p lo re d (fo r example) ideas, o r history? on skis to the South Pole. In 2001, she skied across
Antarctica with Liv Arnesen.
5 W rite your biography. W rite 2 00-250 words.
[° ] □2 However, she doesn’t only go to cold places.
In 2015 she took a group - all women, of course - to
W rite your own checklist.
India, walking along the river Ganges from the Himalaya
mountains to the Bay of Bengal, in order to bring
;; i,.
attention to the world’s water problems. People could
CHECKLIST _____— _____ follow the expedition online. It was another example
•V *li of Bancroft’s desire to use her expeditions to educate
— 1M1M --------- -- - I people about the environment.
P iliiW i
--------------------------------- |


1 O M i Listen to Mike giving a presentation 1 Put the dialogues in the correct order.
to his class at school. The title o f his talk
is: 'Should we be doing more to explore
space?' Tick the tw o reasons Mike gives in [ | ARNIE Well, perhaps you should be a little more
support o f space exploration. open-minded. I tell you what - I'd like to see it
again, so why don’t you come with me? I’ll pay.
a We might find gases and minerals that
aren’t on Earth and that could help us.
b We could develop places in space for
□ [T] ARNIE We went to see that new film last night.
It was really good.

people to live. [ | ARNIE Yes, OK, but a film's more than just one actor,
□ isn’t it? Maybe you didn’t like those films for
c We might find intelligent life that could
other reasons.
help us with our problems, □ | | ARNIE Really? Just because you don't like one
d We could build stations in space to
of the actors?
grow food for people on Earth. □ [ j EMMA Yes, really. I’ve seen lots of films with him in and
2 O f f ! Listen again and answer the I didn’t like any of them.
questions. | | EMMA The one with Mark Wahlberg? I don't
1 What does Mike think is one of the biggest like him. I don’t want to see it.
problems on Earth? | | EMMA OK, you've persuaded me. But if I don’t like it,
I'll leave in the middle.

2 What does he think would be the | | EMMA Well, maybe - I mean, you could be right. But
consequence of not doing anything I'm still not going to see it.
about it? 2
| | GRACE Oh but you should consider it, Billy.
All you've got to do is read a book
3 W h y does Steve disagree with Mike?
every two weeks. That's not much, is it?
[ | GRACE Have you heard about the new club at school?
4 What does Hazel say is 'never going to The book club?
I | GRACE You know, I heard about an app for slow
readers - you put it on your phone and it helps
5 W h a t does Angie say about money? you start to read faster. Maybe that would help
you. What do you think?
| | GRACE Absolutely. You know I love reading,
6 What does Mike say might have influenced
and I love talking! Are you going to join?
his ideas too much?
| | BILLY Yeah, I heard about it. Have you joined it?
| | BILLY Now that sounds like a great idea. I'll go
7 How does the class generally react to
and look for it now. And then maybe I’ll join
Mike's talk?
the club!
[ | BILLY Well, maybe not for you, but I'm a slow reader -
a book a fortnight, that's a lot for me.
3 W rite a short paragraph to say what you
think about Mike's ideas. [ ] BILLY No, no way. It's really not the kind of
thing I’m into, you know.

Pronunciation 2 Choose one o f these tw o scenarios. W rite a 6 -8 line

Linking: intrusive /г/ dialogue between the tw o people.
Go to page 121. 03 1 There’s a school trip to an old city.Julie thinks she doesn’t
really want to go because she doesn’t like old things. Jason
tries to persuade her to go because it'll be interesting and
there are some great places to eat in the city (etc.).
2 Paul is thinking of leaving school next year to get any
job he can. He hasn’t been doing well at school or in his
exams. Sara tries to persuade him to stay another year and
get some qualifications, which will help him get a better
job when he leaves.

Speaking part 4

Exam guide: a discussion

(Before you do this page, make sure you have done the Exam page in Unit 11).
When you and your partner have finished part 3, you will start the last section o f the exam. Here, the
interlocutor will ask you to discuss topics related to what you talked about in part 3 with your partner.
He/She will ask you some questions and leave you and your partner to say what you think. There are
about four minutes fo r this final section.
In this section, it's important to remember to:
• give your opinion: • give reasons:
I think ... / The w ay I see it, . . . / I n m y o p in io n ,... The reason why I ... / That's b e c a u s e ...
/ M y own view is th a t... • give examples:
• say if you agree / disagree with your partner: For e xa m p le ,... / F o r in stance,... /
Agree: Yes, that's right. / Yes, I think X is right. O n e exam ple o f this could b e ...
/A bsolutely! / 1couldn't agree more. • reply to what your partner says in
Disagree: Well, I'm not sure that I agree. / his/her answers.
No, I don't really think so. / I'd have to say that
I disagree. / No, I think X is wrong. / Well, I don't
think X is right [there].

1 Г Ш З Listen to the two students from Unit 11. Answer the questions.
1 What are the interlocutor's questions? Write them down.

2 What is the girl's main reason for thinking that young people should have interests outside school?

3 What is the boy's main reason for thinking that young people should have interests outside school?

4 What does the girl think about art lessons in her school?

5 What does the boy think schools should help young people do?

2 Here are six things that the students say. W rite C (girl) or В (boy) in the boxes to show who says them.

To my mind □ d My own view is th a t... □

That's because □ e Absolutely □
I'm not sure I agree □ f I couldn't agree more □
3 >Lй*Й8 Listen again and grade their performance. Circle 1 star for 'could do better', 2 stars fo r 'good' and
3 stars for 'excellent'.

Candidate A (boy) Candidate В (girl)

Talk relevantly ★ ★★ ★★★ ★ ★★ ★★★
Talk for a period of time ★ ★★ ★★★ ★ ★★ ★★★
Express their opinions clearly ★ ★★ ★★★ ★ ★★ ★★★
Listen to their partner's ideas ★ ★★ ★★★ ★ ★★ ★★★

LISTEN IN G 4 Circle the correct options.
1 We've been working all day bu t we haven't made/
1 Ш Ш Listen to the conversation. Mark and Josie
done much progress.
are talking about an urban explorer. Tick the
places where he has taken photos. 2 The view from the to p o f the mountain was
stunning / sentimental.
in a train □ 3 It was really great news - I was over the moon /
in an underground tunnel □ world.
at the to p o f a bridge □ 4 Let's make / take advantage o f the good weather

from a moving car □ and go fo r a walk.

in an em pty office building □ 5

2 О Ш Listen again. Mark the statements T (true) down to earth.
o r F (false). 7 Come on, it's easy - it isn’t rocket physics / science.
8 I need to find a way to do / make amends with
1 Josie doesn't know what urban exploration' is. !__ j
2 The photos in the tunnel were taken in
the daytime. □
3 The explorer took photos at the top of a GRAMMAR
railway bridge. □ 5 Rewrite each sentence using the word in
4 Josie thought Mark would be interested in brackets. Do not change the word in brackets.
urban exploration. □ 1 It is possible that they'll come.
5 Mark thinks urban exploration would allow (MIGHT)
him to do different types of photography. □
6 The explorer does his exploring on his own. □ 2 He was absent from school. He had a bad cold.
7 The explorer uses a fictional name on his
website. □
8 Mark decides he still wants to do urban
3 The earthquake destroyed the house.
exploration. □ (BY)

4 I'm 100% sure that he will win.
3 M a tc h th e sentences. (BOUND)

1 How often do you see your cousins? □

5 It's not possible that you tried your hardest.
2 So, was the film really exciting? □ (CAN'T)
3 The food was fantastic, wasn't it? П
4 How can I help you understand? □ 6 It’s probable that there will be bad weather at the
5 Hello, can I help you? □ weekend.
6 She's very practical, isn’t she? U (LIKELY)8
7 Why shouldn't I swim out there? □
8 How come you got wet? □ 7 M y grandparents gave me some money.
a Yes, it was out of this world.
b Well, give me another example of what you mean.
C Yes, very down to earth. 8 People think that the president is doing a good
d Well, there's a dangerous reef just below the job.
surface. (TH O U G H T)

e Oh, only once in a blue moon.

f I got too close to the waterfall.
g Yes. I want to make a complaint.
h Absolutely - it was action-packed.


UNITS 11 & 12

6 Com plete the dialogue with the phrases in the list.
"There are two you won’t use.
I don’t know about you, but I tend to think that films
a shame | th e consequences te rrib le | d o n 't act
that are forty or fifty years old aren’t going to be all
dear p o o r | v ita lly im p o rta n t | p ity
that good - after all, they were mostly made before
DANNY Have yo u hea rd th e y 're p la n n in g to b u ild a many of the special effect techniques that we see
fa c to ry near th e coast? today were invented. So for a long time, if I saw that a
film was made in, say, 1970 or 1980, I’d decide not to
FLO N o ! H o w 1______________! It'll sp o il th e coastline
watch it. Now, though, I am beginning to realise that
c o m p le te ly.
I’ve been making a mistake, because there are some
DANNY 1know . A n d I also heard th a t th e y ’re th in k in g excellent films out there that might not be technically
o f b u y in g p e o p le 's houses to make ro o m fo r it as good as the ones that are released these days, but
- in c lu d in g m y g ra n d m o th e r’s house. that have great acting, story-lines and direction. One
of these - and here I speak as only a recent convert to
FLO 2 ____ her!
sci-fi films - is the 1972 classic Silent Running.
DANNY So 3_____________ are g o in g to be p re tty bad
I th in k . If p e o p le ro u n d here 4_______ ______ It’s all set in the future (of course), where all the plants
soon, th e y 'll ju s t g o ahead w ith it. But some on Earth have become extinct. Some examples of
Earth plant life have been put into six huge domes
p e o p le d o n 't seem to care. I tr ie d to ta lk to
that are like greenhouses, and sent into space, where
som e o f m y frie n d s b u t th e y 're n o t in te re ste d .
they are suspended not far from the planet Saturn.
FLO W h a t5 . I th in k it 's 6 The star of the film is Lowell (played by Bruce Dern)
to d o som ething. C om e on, le t’s sit d o w n and who is the botanist in charge of the domes. He’s got
g e t som e ideas to g e th e r. three people to help him, together with three robots
DANNY G reat. I kn e w y o u ’d u n d e rsta n d , Flo! that he nicknames Huey, Dewey and Louie. (As you
may recognise, these are named after the three
young ducks who are Donald Duck’s nephews in
R E A D IN G cartoon films.)
One day, the people on Earth decide that the domes
7 Read th e a rticle and answer th e questions.
aren’t worth keeping anymore, and Lowell and the
1 W h y d id th e w rite r n o t w atch o ld film s in th e past? others are ordered to destroy them with nuclear
bombs. After four of the domes have been blown up,
Lowell realises he doesn’t want the last two to be
2 H o w long has th e w rite r been a fan o f sci-fi films? destroyed - he decides to disobey the order. He goes
to his favourite dome and when the other three men
3 In Silent Running th e re are six dom es. W h a t d o th e y
come to blow it up, he kills one of them and traps
the other two, but as he does this he hurts his knee
c o n ta in ? ____________________________
very badly.
4 W h o helps Lowell in th e d o m e s? ____________________
Then Lowell sets up a fake explosion to make
5 W h a t o rd e r d oes Low ell d e cid e to disobey? people on Earth think that all the domes have been
destroyed. He also gets the robots to do an operation
on his knee. After that, he takes the dome on a very
6 W h a t is th e p u rp o se o f th e fake explosion?
dangerous and difficult journey through Saturn’s rings.
Louie is lost but Lowell and the other two robots get
7 H o w does Lowell tr y to ensure th a t th e final d o m e through to the other side. Lowell starts to reprogram
s u rv iv e s ? ____________________________ the two remaining robots - he teaches them, for
example, how to plant trees and how to play card
8 W h o remains in th e last dom e? games.
But then a spaceship from Earth arrives to check
out what’s actually happened. Lowell desperately
W R IT IN G wants the dome to survive, so he sends it out
into space with just Dewey and a watering can
8 W rite a paragraph of about 120 words. on board.
W rite about a sci-fi film you really like What happens to Lowell? Well, you’ll have to
or dislike. watch the film yourself! And it’s a great film, so
see if you can find it and watch it - I’m sure you
won’t regret making the effort.
-s g K O tw ^ ,,

U N IT 1 Rem em ber: We stress the particle in a phrasal verb

Diphthongs: alternative spellings more than the verb because it's very important - it
changes the meaning of the verb.
1 Say the words and write them in the table. ,............................................. ......_ ......... ..................>
allow i although | ate | boil | climb decide
2 C Listen, check and repeat.
enjoy height | high | hole | how join
know j loud | noise j shout j straight
tiptoe | wait | weight U N IT 3
/ e i/ rain /га/ pie /э и / coat /а и / out Ы boy Adding emphasis
allow 1 IlLfrJMKI Rewrite the sentences adding so, such, do,
does or did. Listen and check your answers.
j i

I I 0 Jack McDonald's a good football player!

Ja ck M cDonald's sack a good football player!
1 John gets on well with his parents.

2 O il Listen, check and repeat.

2 We had a fantastic holiday!

U N IT 2 3 It may not seem like it, but he likes you.

Phrasal verb stress
4 I didn't pass the test - but I studied hard.
1 Tick the sentence in each pair which includes
a phrasal verb. Then mark the word you think
will be most stressed in each o f the underlined 5 W hat a wonderful day - I love it when the sun's
phrases fo r aH o f the sentences. shining!2

0 What are you going to wear to the party?

■ 2 Try saying the sentences with and w ithout so,
After PE today we were all worn out! such, do, does and did. What difference do you
1 They had to pick a colour for their team.
She picked up French really easily.
2 The cake I made yesterday turned out to
В 3

£. >>Ш Listen again and repeat the sentences

with so, such, do, does and did.
be delicious!
Can you turn and face the board, please?
3 I want to hang a picture on that wall.
I always hang out with my friends on Saturdays.
4 Sarah's ill; she’s going through a difficult time.
We're going to the city to see a play; would
you like to come?
5 I think it's better if we all bring our own food
to the party.
Spring brings about many changes in the

6 I don't know where to put the papers they've

left behind.
My neighbours make a lot of noise but I just

have to put up with it. □

U N IT 4 2 £. ЙИМ1 Listen, check and repeat.

Pronouncing words with gh 3 Circle the other unstressed words in each

sentence which have little meaning and which
1 Write the words in the table.
have the schwa /э/ sound.
although ; brought | caught cough daughter
enough | fight ! ghost height high | laugh
light ! straight ■ thought | tough | through weigh U N IT 6
gh silent gh pronounced gh pronounced Linking words with /с!з/ and /tj/
IV /д/ 1 Complete the sentences with the words in the
list. Circle the words linked with the /d 3/ sound
and underline the words linked with a /t// sound.
should : can't could | did j do
don’t | just | won't | would

There's an extra blanket, j A w ^ you need it.

You come from Australia,______you?
H o w ...... you learn to paint so well?
... you like a cup of tea and a biscuit?
_ you know how to do a Sudoku?
2 0 0 3 Listen, check and repeat. 5 you move out of the way, please? I can’t see
the TV.
3 Match the words in the list that rhyme with words
6 You must be tired after your long walk._____ you
a-l below.
sit down?
sport ; buy : half | late i off | play stuff 7 I haven't told anyone my secret - _.... . you.
taught | toast ; you | water | white
8 You can swim, you?
a thought sport g straight
b laugh .. h height
2 СТДИ Listen, check and repeat.
c enough i weigh
d through j brought
e ghost к daughter
f high __________ I cough

4 О Ш Listen, check and repeat.

U N IT 5
The schwa sound
1 Complete the text with the words to, and, of, for,
or, a or an.
0 Thank you for calling David's telephone
1 This is __ _ _ _ _ recorded message.
2 There are no operators free to take your call at
3 Press 1 _ leave a message.
4 Press 2 if you wish to speak to _____ operator.
5 Please don’t shout_______ scream at the
6 Now please hang up make yourself a cup

U N IT 7 Remember: You don't have to say the contractions

Intonation: encouraging someone this way - but hearing them will help you understand
native speakers better.
1 П К Я Listen to the sentences, paying particular Y_________________________________ J
attention to the underlined phrases. Does the
speaker sound interested (I) or uninterested (U)? 2 ГТЖП Listen, check and repeat.
W rite I or U in the box next to each sentence.
0 Don't let it get you down. People fail their U N IT 9
driving test all the time.
E Linking: instrusive /w / and /]/
1 Try to look on the bright side - if it's raining

we can stay in and watch TV.
I know you can do it. You just need a few
□ 1 Г5ИД Listen to the sentences and write /w / or
/]/ above the spaces between the underlined

more lessons.
Don't w orry - everything will be fine in
□ words to indicate which intrusive sound you hear.

the end.
Cheer up. Things will seem better after a
□ j

0 My parents tell me off all the time. They’re always

good night's sleep.
Hang in there. Your exams will be over soon.
6 It’s not the end of the world - and we've
0 w

so angry with me!

got a day off next week. □ 1 Marie always has a solution to everything.
2 Repeat the sentences trying to sound interested 2 Have you eaten yet? Would you like some tea and
in all o f them.

U N IT 8 3 Do you understand the question? If not, I might

Weak forms with conditionals be able to help you.

1 Circle the contractions co u ld 'v e , sh o u ld 'v e and 4 I'm so upset! We’ve lost another match. Why do
w o u ld 'v e where they're pronounced c o u ld a
/ ’kuda/, s h o u ld a /Juda/ and w o u ld a /Yvuda/ we always lose?
w ithout the /v/ sound.
5 If she ever needs a lift she can come with us. We've
0 I (woulcfye) come if I'd known Kylie was going to
be there. got room for two in the back.
1 You should’ve seen the waves at the beach 6 I don't want to see another film like that. It was
yesterday - they were enormous!
2 Sarah could've passed the test b u t she did n 't study too awful for words!
for it.
7 I asked Ashley to explain her problem to me.
3 Marley would've asked you to help him if he'd
known you were free. 2 С Ш М Listen again, check and repeat.
4 We did n 't knowjack was in hospital - we would've f --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sent a card if we'd known. Remember: You don't have to include the /w / and
5 I should've eaten breakfast - I'm really hungry now! 1)1 sounds when you speak - but hearing them will
6 The accident w ould’ve been much worse if they'd help you understand native speakers better.
been driving faster. Y..... ....... ...................... ........... ^

7 You could’ve to ld me - you knew it was Dad's

birthday yesterday!


U N IT 10 2 Ш 1 Listen again, check and repeat the

sentences where the speaker thinks it’s likely (L).
Linking: omission of the /h/ sound
3 C. Listen again, check and repeat the
1 с ш Listen to the story and cross out the
sentences where the speaker thinks it's unlikely
letter h when it's silent.
Hugo was a hairdresser in a hotel. Harry went to him
for a haircut.
Hugo spent an hour cutting Harry's hair. The haircut U N IT 12
was horrible and Harry wasn't happy.
He decided to be honest and tell Hugo how he felt. Linking: intrusive /г/
He didn't want to pay for his haircut. 1 Read the sentences. Each one contains the
Hugo was upset because he liked the haircut and he intrusive /г/ sound which often links tw o words
also wanted his money. that start and end w ith vowel sounds. W rite r
In the end, Harry paid him half. above the spaces where you think this sound
appears. There is one in each sentence.
2 О Щ З Listen again and check your answers.
3 There are tw o words where the letter h is always 0 loin us on our adventure to faraway places!
silent at the beginning. W hat are they?
1 I don't know why they’re angry with us. We didn't
U N IT 11 do anything wrong!

Stress on modal verbs for speculation 2 Some animals are finding it harder and harder to
1 О Ш Listen to the pairs o f sentences and live on our planet.
decide when the speaker thinks it is likely (L) or
unlikely (U) that the event will happen or is true. 3 From her accent I'd sayjulie is French.
W rite T or ‘U’ in the boxes.
4 We're flying into Atlanta airport on our trip to
0 A I just watched a TV show that said aliens
might have visited Earth.
В I just watched a TV show that said aliens
a the USA.

might have visited Earth.

1 A I invited Sally andjack to our party. They
a 5 It's another awful day - I wish it wasn't raining

said they might come.
В I invited Sally andjack to our party. They
□ 6 I'd like to go to Australia and America when
said they might come.
2 A They say she may win an Oscar for her
□ I'm older.

role in that film.

В They say she may win an Oscar for her
□ 7 Hannah always leaves her homework until the

role in that film.
A Do you want to try that new restaurant?
□ 2 С Ш
last minute.

Listen, check and repeat.

It could be really good.
В Do you want to try that new restaurant?
□ —
Remember: You don’t have to include the /г/

It could be really good.
A Someone told me that Elvis might still
□ sounds when you speak - but hearing it will help
you understand native speakers better.
be alive.
В Someone told me that Elvis might still
□ -__________ ______________________ ______________ ______V

be alive.
5 A I might become an author when I'm older.
В I might become an author when I'm older.

U N IT 1 Try
I tried taking the medicine but I still felt ill. (I felt ill. I took the
Verb patterns: to + infinitive or gerund medicine. After the medicine, I didn't feel better.)
1 When a verb is followed by another verb, the I tried to take the medicine but I couldn't swallow it. (= I
second verb is either in the gerund form (-ing) or wanted to take the medicine, but I was unsuccessful.)
it is an infinitive with to.
2 These verbs are followed by a gerund: imagine, I really regret telling him what happened. (First I told him
feel like, suggest, practise, miss, can't stand, enjoy, what happened (1) / am sorry that I told him (2))
detest, and don't mind. I regret to tell you that you failed the exam. (You failed (1)
I enjoy cooking but I can't stand washing the dishes. and I'm sorry to have to tellyou this (2))

3 These verbs are followed by an infinitive with to:

decide, refuse, hope, promise, ask, expect, afford,
U N IT 2
offer and choose. Relative clauses (review)
I can't afford to buy a new smart phone.
1 A defining relative clause identifies the thing,
4 These verbs can be followed by either form with person, place or possession that we are talking
no difference in meaning: begin, start, continue. about. We do not use a comma in these clauses.
We started walking / to walk towards the town. The woman who gives the lectures is very intelligent.
(= There is only one woman who gives the lectures.)
It continued raining / to rain until late afternoon.
The city where I grew up is a great place. (= I am talking
Verbs + gerund and to + infinitive with about the only city where I grew up.)
different meanings 2 A non-defining relative clause gives additional
The verbs remember, try, stop, regret, forget can be information about the thing, person, place or
followed by either form (gerund or infinitive) but possession we are talking about. This information
with a difference in meaning. The difference relates is between commas.
to time: which action came first (1) and which came The woman, who gives the lectures, is very intelligent.
second (2). In general, verb + gerund looks back, and (= I am talking about an intelligent woman and adding
verb + infinitive looks forward. the non-essential information that she gives lectures.)
The city, where I grew up, is a great place. (= I am
Remember talking about a city that's a great place, and adding
I remember going there last year. (I went last year (1) and that it is where I grew up.)
some time later, I remembered (2))
I remembered to go to the supermarket. (First I which to refer to a whole clause
remembered (1) and then I went (2))
When we want to refer back to a clause or an idea,
Forget we use the relative pronoun which (not that or what)
I'll never forget meeting you. (First I met you (1) and now I He had to go out and find a job, which wasn't easy.
won't forget (2)) This phone is very good, which is why it's so popular.
Don't forget to meet me at the cinema. (First don't forget (1)
and then meet me at the cinema (2)) Omitting relative pronouns
Stop and reduced relative clauses
We stopped eating and left the cafe. (First we ate (1) and 1 When the relative pronouns th a t/ which / who
then we stopped (2)) are the object of the following clause, they can
We stopped to eat our sandwiches. (First we stopped (1) be omitted. They can’t be omitted when they are
and then we ate (2)) the subject of the following clause.
He's the man (that) I told you about.
He's the boy who sold me this watch.

2 When the relative pronoun is followed by the do and did for emphasis
verb be, we can leave out both the relative
We can use the auxiliary verb do / does (or did in the
pronoun and the verb be. This is called a
past) to emphasise the verb.
'reduced relative clause’.
I did like the food! Ijust wasn't very hungry.
Their house, (which was) built only last year, was
completely destroyed by the tornado. We didn't have time to go to the museum, but we did go to
The people (who are) running the company are not the park.
doing theirjob properly.
U N IT 4
U N IT 3 be /get used to (doing) vs. used to (do)
Quantifiers 1 When we want to talk about something being
1 Quantifiers are words that we use to say normal or familiar, we can use the expression be
how many or how much of a noun. Frequent used to.
quantifiers are: It's cold where I live, so I'm used to wearing a lot of
none, hardly any, a few/a little, (not) many /much, warm clothes.
some, several, most, a lot / lots, loads, all
2 W e use get used to to refer to the process of
2 The quantifiers a few / (not) m any / several something becoming normal or familiar.
are only used with countable nouns. The It took him a while to get used to eating dinner early.
quantifiers a little / (not) much are only used with
uncountable nouns. 3 These expressions are followed by a noun or the
I've been to a few / many / several rock concerts. gerund (-ing) form of a verb.
They took a little food on the trip. I'm not really used to spicy food.
They didn't take much food on the trip. They've got used to living in a small apartment.

3 Some quantifiers always need the word o f before 4 These expressions are not the same as used to,
the noun or pronoun they refer to: which refers to past habits or states which are
None of the books were cheap. no longer true and is followed by an infinitive
A lot o f people think that way. without to.
I used to love their music, but now I never listen to it.
4 All the quantifiers need the word o f when they
are followed by a pronoun: Adverbs and adverbial phrases
Hardly any films are made here, and hardly any of Adverbs qualify verbs. They can qualify verbs in
them are good. different ways, for example:
There is some food in the fridge, but some of it is quite old.
Adverbs o f manner (how) He walked quickly.
5 The word none (of) is grammatically singular but Adverbs o f time (when) We got there late.
many people use a plural verb after it. Adverbs o f place (where) Sign here, please.
I've got lots of friends, but none o f them are musicians. Adverbs o f probability You probably think I'm crazy!
Adverbs o f opinion It's surprisingly quiet in here.
so and such (review)
We can also use adverbial phrases to describe a verb
1 We use the words so and such to emphasise what and to say how an action is/was performed.
we are saying:
One structure for adverbial phrases is with + noun.
This food is so delicious! She's such a good writer.
When I told her, she reacted with surprise.
2 We use so + adjective. We use such (+ adjective) + Another structure for adverbial phrases is
noun (or pronoun). in a(n) + adjective + way.
The weather's so good. It's such a wonderful day. Our teacher explains things in a fun way.
3 We can follow these phrases with a that clause, to Adverbial phrases are often used when an adjective
show consequences. (e.g. friendly, difficult, interesting, fun) has no adverb
The weather was so good that we went for a walk. form.
It was such good weather that we went for a walk.

U N IT 5 Ability in the past: could, was/were able

Obligation, permission and to, m anaged to, succeeded in doing
prohibition (review) 1 When we talk about ability in the past, we can
use could/couldn't, m anaged to, was/were able
1 We can talk about obligation and necessity by
to or succeeded (in doing). However, there are
using must, have to and (be) supposed to.
differences between them.
You must get there before eight o'clock. (= This is an
obligation imposed by the speaker.) 2 We use could /couldn't to talk about general
We have to finish our projects by Friday. (= This is an ability in the past.
obligation imposed by someone else.) My brother couldn't ride a bike until he was twelve.
We're supposed to switch off our phones in lessons. I could do maths in my head when I was a kid.
(= This is the rule, but we don't always follow it.)
3 When we want to talk about no ability on a
2 We can talk about no obligation or no necessity specific occasion in the past, we have three
by using don't have to and don't need to. possibilities:
You don't have to eat this if you don't want to. I listened, but I couldn't hear anything.
We didn't need to buy tickets - my dad gave us some. I worked hard, but I didn't manage to finish everything.
I hurt my leg and I wasn't able to walk for two weeks.
3 We can say something is (or isn't) a good idea by
using should(n't). 4 But, when we want to talk about ability on a
You should leave now if you don't want to miss your bus. specific occasion in the past, we don't use could:
I shouldn't eat any more or I'll feel sick. The wall was very high but we m anaged to climb over
it. ('NOT: we could climb over it.)
4 We can talk about permission using let or be
Because we bought our tickets a long time in advance,
allowed to. Let is active voice, while be allowed to
we were able to get them quite cheaply. (NOT: we
is passive voice.
could get them...)
The school lets us use the tennis courts at the weekend.
We're allowed to use the tennis courts at the weekend. 5 We use succeeded (in doing) to emphasise that
something was difficult in the past but we were
5 We can talk about prohibition using (not) be able to do it.
allowed to or don't/doesn't let. When we don’t
I had to wait for hours, but I succeeded in getting tickets.
know, or don't want to say who it is that prohibits
something, we use 'they'.
Cyclists are not allowed to leave their bikes here. U N IT 6
They don't let cyclists leave their bikes here.
Necessity: (d id n ’t) need to /n e e d n 't 1 We can intensify a comparison (make it stronger)
using a lo t / f a r / much + comparative adjective.
Use a calculator - it's far easier that way.
We use didn't need to and needn't have to talk about Let's take a taxi, it's much quicker.
the past necessity of actions. There is a small but It's a lot more difficult than I thought.
important difference between the structures.
2 Comparisons with as ...a s can be made stronger
1 didn't need to usually suggests that we didn't do with not nearly or nowhere near.
something because it wasn't necessary.
He's not nearly as clever as his sister. (His sister is much
I didn't need to go to the doctor. (I didn't go.) cleverer than him.)
The film is nowhere near as good as the book.
2 needn't have means that we did something but (The book is far better than the film.)
actually it wasn't necessary.
We needn't have cooked all this food - only four people 3 We can usejust with a s ... as to emphasise how
turned up at the party. (We cooked a lot of food but it similar two things are.
wasn't necessary.) Our team isjust as good as yours. (The two teams are
really equally good.)


4 We can use comparative and comparative with 4 the present simple for events that are part of a
short adjectives or more and more + adjective timetable, and after time expressions like when,
with longer adjectives to show how comparisons before, after, until, and as soon as
become stronger over time. I'll meet you when you arrive tomorrow.
My little sister's getting bigger and bigger every day.
Train tickets are getting more and more expensive. Future continuous and future perfect
1 The future continuous is formed by will + be + -ing
5 We can use the + comparative (+ clause), the +
form of the verb.
comparative (+ clause) with short adjectives,
or the more ... adjective (+ clause), the m o re ... 2 We use the future continuous tense to talk about
adjective (+ clause) with longer adjectives, to an action that will be in progress at a specified
show how two events affect each other. future time.
The longer I sat there, the more uncomfortable I
When I'm 25, I'll be living in another country
The older people are, the more interesting they are. 3 The future perfect tense is formed by will + have +
the past participle of the verb.
Linkers of contrast 4 We use the future perfect tense to talk about
1 The linkers although and even though are an action that we think will be completed by a
followed by a clause. They can be used at the specified future time.
beginning of a sentence, or before the second By 2025, the population will have grown enormously.
I passed my driving test, although /even though I
made some mistakes. U N IT 8
Although / Even though I made some mistakes in my Conditionals (review)
driving test, I passed.
1 We use the zero conditional to talk about a
2 The linkers despite and in spite o f are followed condition and its consequence that are always
by a noun phrase or a gerund. They can be used true.
at the beginning of a sentence, or before the If I go running, I always feel better.
second clause.
I passed my driving test, despite / in spite of (making) 2 We use the first conditional to talk about a
some mistakes. condition and its possible future consequence.
Despite (making) some mistakes in my driving test, I If you make a list, you'll remember what you need.
3 We use the second conditional to talk about a
3 The linkers however and nevertheless come at the hypothetical situation in the present.
beginning of a sentence and introduce a contrast If I had more time. I'd take up the guitar.
with what was said in the previous sentence.
/ made some mistakes in my driving test. However / 4 We use the third conditional to talk about an
Nevertheless, I passed. imaginary situation in the past and its consequence
in the past which is impossible to change.
If we had left earlier, we wouldn't have been late.
U N IT 7
Ways of referring to the future Mixed conditionals
(review) Conditional sentences don’t always follow the four
Some common ways to refer to the future include: patterns described above. It's possible to mix second
and third conditionals.
1 be going to for plans, intentions and evidence-
based predictions 1 If we want to talk about an imaginary / unreal past
I'm going to visit my grandparents tomorrow. action and its present consequence, then the if
clause follows the pattern of a third conditional
2 will for future facts, spontaneous decisions and and the consequence clause follows the pattern
offers, and feeling-based predictions of a second conditional.
Technology will develop a lot in the next twenty years. If I'd paid more attention in class, I'd know how to do this
exercise. (I didn't pay attention. I don't know how to do
3 the present continuous for arrangements this exercise.)
We're taking our cat to the vet this afternoon.

2 If we want to tal к about how a hypothetical or U N IT 10

imaginary present could or would change the
past, then the //clause follows the pattern of a Reported speech (review)
second conditional and the consequence clause 1 When we report what someone said, there is
follows the pattern of a third conditional. often a change in verb tense between the direct
If I had more self-confidence, I would have gone and speech (what the person actually said) and the
talked to him. (I didn't go and talk to him, because I indirect (reported) speech.
don't have much self-confidence.) 'Someone's eaten all —» He said someone
the food!' he said. had eaten all the food.
U N IT 9 7 can't do this,' he said. —* He said he couldn't do it.

I wish and i f only 2 If the information in the direct speech is still true,
1 We can use / wish or if only to talk about how we we don’t necessarily need to change the verb
would like things to be different now or in the tense.
future. The verb that follows / w is h /if only is in ‘He's hopeless,' —► She told me he's
the past simple tense. she told me. hopeless.
I wish I knew her name. (I don't know her name and I'm
sorry about that.)
Reported questions and requests
If only I could stay in bed a bit longer. (I can't stay in bed 1 When we report a yes/по question, we use if or
longer, but I want to!) whether and normal word order (subject + verb).
'Do you know this song?' —►She asked me if I knew the
2 We can also use / wish or if only to talk about
song. (NOT: She asked me did I know. . .)
regrets we have about the past. In this case,
the verb that follows / wish / if only is in the past 2 When we report wh- questions, we use the same
perfect tense. question word and normal word order (subject +
/ wish you'd told me about it before. verb).
If only I hadn't missed that penalty. 'Where did they go?'—* He asked me where they'd
gone. (NOT: He asked me where did they go)
I w ould p re fe r to / i t if; It's tim e;
I'd ra th e r / sooner 3 When we report a request or order, we use asked
+ person + to + infinitive
1 To talk about our own preferences, we can use I'd 'Please help me.' —►He asked me to help him.
prefer + to infinitive, or we can use I'd ra th e r/I'd
sooner + base form. I'd rather is far more common Verb patterns
than I'd sooner.
There are many verbs that we can use to report
I'd prefer to stay home tonight.
what people said. Each one tells us what kind of
I'd rather / I'd sooner have fish than chicken for dinner.
thing was said (e.g. a demand, a threat, a warning,
2 To say what we would like another person to do, an apology, etc.). There are different patterns that
we can use I'd rather / I'd sooner + subject + past follow the verbs.
simple tense, or we can use I'd prefer it if + subject The most frequent patterns are:
+ past simple tense.
1 + [person] + infinitive, e.g. tell / ask / warn / order
I'd rather you phoned me tomorrow, if that's OK.
/ advise / persuade
I'd prefer it if my friends didn't make fun of me.
They asked us to leave.
3 We can use It's time + subject + past simple to say 2 + to + infinitive OR + that clause, e.g. agree
that we think someone should do something (and
He agreed to go.
to suggest that it should be done immediately).
He agreed that it was a bad idea.
It's time we left. (We should leave now.)
3 + gerund OR + that clause, e.g. a d m it/ re g re t/
deny / suggest
They suggested walking.
They admitted that it was a good thing to do.
4 + person + o f+ gerund, e.g. accuse
He accused me of taking his things without asking.


U N IT 11 UNIT 12
Speculating (past, present and future) Passive report structures
We often use the modal verbs m ig h t/m a y /c o u ld / 1 We use passive report structures when we
m u st/can ’t to speculate about the present, the past want to report information and the agent is not
or the future. important.
The Amazon rainforest is known to be the largest forest
1 We use m ight / m ay / could to talk about a
in the world. (It is not important to say who thinks this.)
She m ig h t/m ay/co u ld be Mexican. 2 We mostly use passive report structures with
verbs like say, think, believe, know and consider.
2 We use must when we want to say that we are
certain, based on evidence. 3 If we use a passive report structure to talk about
You're going swimming in the sea in winter? You must beliefs or knowledge in the present we use be +
be crazy! past participle of the reporting verb + infinitive.
Really strange creatures are thought to exist in the
3 We use can't when we believe something is deep oceans.
impossible, based on evidence. She is considered to be a real expert on wildlife.
There's no one in that restaurant - it can't be very good.
4 If we use a passive report structure to talk about
4 When we speculate about the past, we use the beliefs or knowledge in the past, we use be + past
modal verb + have + past participle. participle of the reporting verb + to + present
Everyone is talking about the film last night - it must perfect infinitive.
have been very good. Dinosaurs are thought to have disappeared because
I'm surprisedJohn wasn't at the party - he was really of a major disaster on Earth. (They no longer exist.)
looking forward to it. He must have been sick. They are known to have had very small brains.
5 We can also use be + bound to / certain to / likely 5 Passive report structures are quite formal and
to to speculate about present and future events. are commonly used in news reports.
The expression be likely to is not as sure as be
bound to /b e certain to. The passive: verbs w ith tw o objects
AskJo, she's really smart, so she's bound to know.
1 Some verbs (like give, offer, ask, promise, read,
The weather forecast says it's likely to rain later today.
show, write, etc.) have two possible passive forms.
Cause and effect linkers This is because these verbs can be followed by
two objects - a person and a thing.
We use the linkers due to /a s a result of/because o f /
consequently to link actions and their consequences. 2 The two possible active forms are:
1 We use because o f / due to /a s a result o f before a) verb + indirect object + direct object: Someone
the reason for an action or event. These phrases gave me a present.
can come at the beginning of a sentence, or in the b) verb + direct object + indirect object: Someone
middle. They are usually followed by a noun or gave a present to me.
noun phrase.
3 The two possible passive constructions are:
The government changed its mind because o f I due to /
a) / was given a present. (The person is the subject of
as a result o f pressure from the population.
the sentence.)
Because o f I Due to I A sa result o f pressure from the
b) A present was given to me. (The thing is the subject
population, the government changed its mind.
of the sentence.)
2 The word consequently introduces the result of a
4 It is more usual to have the person as the subject
previous idea. It is usually used at the beginning
of the passive construction (as in 3a) not the thing
of a new sentence.
(as in 3b).
Sales of the new car were very low. Consequently, the
The kids were shown a film is more likely than A film was
company lowered the price for a few weeks.
shown to the kids.

M l

Base form Past simple Past participle Base form Past simple Past participle
be was/were been lend lent lent
bear bore borne let let let
beat beat beaten lie lay / laid laid
become became became light lit lit
begin began begun lose lost lost
bend bent bent make made made
bet bet bet mean meant meant
bite bit bit meet met met
blow blew blown misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood
break broke broken overcome overcame overcome
breed bred bred pay paid paid
bring brought brought put put put
broadcast broadcast broadcast quit quit quit
build built built read /ri:d / read /re d / read /re d /
burn burned/burnt burned / burnt ride rode ridden
buy bought bought ring rang rung
can could - . . rise rose risen
catch caught caught run ran run
choose chose chosen say said said
come came come see saw seen
cost cost cost seek sought sought
cut cut cut sell sold sold
deal dealt dealt send sent sent
dive dived / dove dived set set set
do did done shake shook shaken
draw drew drawn shine shone shone
dream dreamed / dreamt dreamed / dreamt shoot shot shot
drink drank drunk show showed shown
drive drove driven shut shut shut
eat ate eaten sing sang sung
fall fell fallen sink sank sunk
feed fed fed sit sat sat
feel felt felt sleep slept slept
fight fought fought speak spoke spoken
find found found speed sped sped
flee fled fled spend spent spent
fly flew flown spill spilled / spilt spilled / spilt
forbid forbade forbidden split split split
forget forgot forgotten spread spread spread
forgive forgave forgiven stand stood stood
freeze froze frozen steal stole stolen
get got got stick stuck stuck
give gave given strike struck struck
g° went gone swear swore sworn
grow grew grown sweep swept swept
hang hung hung swim swam swum
have had had swing swung swung
hear heard heard take took taken
hide hid hid teach taught taught
hit hit hit tear tore torn
hold held held tell told told
hurt hurt hurt think thought thought
keep kept kept throw threw thrown
know knew known understand understood understood
lay laid laid wake woke woken
lead led led wear wore worn
learn learned / learnt learned / learnt win won won
leave left left write wrote written

1 2 8

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