Law Firms in The US: Due Process
Law Firms in The US: Due Process
Law Firms in The US: Due Process
Industry Definition This industry comprises offices of on a range of areas or specific areas
legal practitioners, known as lawyers of law, such as criminal, corporate,
or attorneys, who primarily practice family and estate, patent, real estate
law. Establishments provide expertise or tax.
Industry at a Glance
Law Firms in 2019
% change
% change
-4 -4
Year 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 Year 13 15 17 19 21 23 25
Revenue Employment
p. 25
Products and services segmentation (2019)
Number of businesses
Crime rate
Criminal law, civil negligence
Commercial law services
and personal injury
p. 5 Other services
Industry Performance
Executive Summary | Key External Drivers | Current Performance
Industry Outlook | Life Cycle Stage
Executive Summary Operators in the Law Firms industry Greater demand for niche practices tied
range from sole practitioners to full- to high-growth sectors such as technology
service legal firms mostly serving and healthcare is anticipated to boost
corporate clients. Industry growth has industry revenue moving forward. However,
been modest over the five years to 2019, corporate litigation has failed to grow
as businesses have expanded and significantly in recent years, which will likely
corporate profit has increased. As the continue to temper industry revenue
economy improved during the current growth. During the current period,
period, the industry has benefited from businesses have continued to seek value
increased corporate activity. An over reputation for legal matters, and large
increasing number of mergers and corporations are expected to rely more on
acquisitions (M&As), coupled with the in-house attorneys, legal process
rising strength in initial public offerings outsourcing companies and consulting firms
(IPOs) in 2017 and 2018, is expected to through 2019. Furthermore, profit has
decreased slightly over the five years to
2019, as the average wage has increased due
demand for niche practices tied to to the specialized nature of the industry.
high-growth sectors is anticipated to boost Industry revenue is projected to increase
at an annualized rate of 1.1% to $348.9
industry revenue billion over the five years to 2024. The
overall performance of the economy,
support revenue growth for the industry’s including an expected annualized growth of
top firms over the coming years. These 1.1% in corporate profit and an influx of new
firms receive the bulk of their revenue laws and regulations, will likely aid revenue
from major corporate clients. growth over the next five years. Consumer
Additionally, a rise in business formation disposable income is expected to increase at
has expanded the clientele for law firm an annualized rate of 1.5% during the same
services, while a rebounding real estate period, which will likely aid smaller
market has is expected to bolster revenue operators by increasing demand for services
for firms specializing in real estate law. such as estate and trust planning. In
Overall, industry revenue has increased addition, improving investor confidence will
at an annualized rate of 2.3% to $330.4 likely stimulate more activity in M&A and
billion over the past five years, including IPO markets, facilitating higher demand for
estimated growth of 1.9% in 2019 alone. corporate legal services.
Key External Drivers Corporate profit (IPOs), mergers and acquisitions and
Companies are likely to engage in high-cost capital-raising activity. As investment
litigation when corporate profit is high. activity increases, law firm revenue rises.
Strong corporate profit stimulates initial The annual sales volume of IPOs is
public offerings, mergers and acquisitions expected to decrease in 2019.
and capital-raising activity, which all require
the services of law firms. Corporate profit is Number of businesses
expected to increase in 2019. The major market for law firms in the
United States is the business and
Initial public offerings corporate sector. An increase in the
Many major law firms receive significant number of businesses with employees
fees from work on initial public offerings will lead to an increase in work for law
Industry Performance
Key External Drivers firms. The number of businesses is legal advice and, as a result, industry
continued expected to increase in 2019, representing revenue increases. Throughout the
a potential opportunity for the industry. past 20 years, the crime rate has
declined, mainly because of the aging
Crime rate population. The crime rate is expected
An increase in the rate of reported to decline in 2019, posing a potential
crimes leads to higher demand for threat for the industry.
12 100
% change
$ billion
-4 0
Year 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 Year 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25
Industry Performance
% change
to international law firms, which offer full
legal services and employ upward of 0
Employment and The average industry profit margin, improved, industry wages expanded as
declining profit measured as earnings before interest and well. Wages have increased at an
taxes, has declined slightly over the past annualized rate of 1.7% to $116.7 billion
five years, falling from 20.6% of revenue over the past five years. Moreover, total
in 2014 to an estimated 10.0% in 2019. industry wages are expected to increase
The industry has experienced profit 1.5% in 2019 alone. However, rising per
pressures mainly as a result of an capita disposable income and various
increase in average wages. Lawyers are other business activities such as M&As
typically paid high wages due to the and IPOs throughout the current period
specialized nature of the industry, the have mitigated further declines in
fact that their services cannot be industry profit.
replicated by those who do not have a law Although industry revenue has
degree and somewhat as compensation increased over the past five years, law
for the money and time they committed firms have still been reluctant to hire new
to earning their degree. As a result, associates at the same rate as firms hired
average wages have increased from in previous periods. Consolidation
$80,312 in 2014 to $86,209 in 2019. dissuaded law firms from bringing on
Furthermore, to meet increasing new attorneys by permitting them to hire
demand, law firms have expanded their laterally and select from a pool of
workforces. Industry employment has experienced professionals. As a result,
remained relatively unchanged over the competition for employment remains
five years to 2019, increasing at an high among recent law school graduates
annualized rate of 0.2% to 1.4 million because many law firms have pared back
workers. As the economy grew and their summer associate programs and
corporate legal work and billing rates reduced or discontinued hiring of first-
Industry Performance
Employment and year associates. According to an Altman for new lawyers has improved over the
declining profit Weil survey, more than 62.8% of five years to 2019. For example,
responding firms hired a smaller class of according to the American Bar
first-year associates in 2017 (latest Association, 78.6% of the class of 2018
available data). In comparison, only lawyers had secured full-time positions,
11.4% of respondents reported hiring a up from 75.3% the previous year. This
smaller class of first-year associates in trend will likely continue with the class
2009. However, the employment outlook of 2019.
Increased The number of industry firms has simple route to revenue growth and are
consolidation increased at an annualized rate of 0.2% less costly than opening overseas offices
to 436,508 operators over the five years and hiring new attorneys and staff.
to 2019, following a similar growth trend Growth in developing markets is
as industry revenue. Slow growth affected expected to continue to encourage large
both small and large firms in this legal firms to acquire smaller overseas
environment. International M&As of law competitors through 2019. For example,
firms have become common over the past in June 2017, New York-based
five years, as the industry’s largest firms Chadbourne & Parke LLP and UK-based
have attempted to attain greater global Norton Rose Fulbright finalized their
reach to better serve their multinational merger. The combined firm now operates
corporate clientele. Mergers offer a in 58 offices across 32 countries and
Industry Performance
Increased employs about 4,000 lawyers globally. Dickinson in 2017. The combined firm
consolidation Additionally, Womble Carlyle Sandridge now operates 26 offices and employs
& Rice LLP, a US-based law firm with 1,081 lawyers around the world. Overall,
over 500 lawyers, and Bond Dickinson according to Altan Weil MergerLine,
LLP, a UK-based firm with 580 lawyers, there have been 47 merger deals
merged and formed Womble Bond announced in the first-half of 2019.
Industry Performance
Industry Performance
Life Cycle Stage Industry value-added is forecast to lag behind US GDP
Revenue growth from the industry’s
traditional practices has slowed
Law firm mergers have been on the rise in recent years
Technological innovation will likely struggle
to replace the industry’s need for labor
Industry Performance
Industry Life Cycle The Law Firms industry is in the mature overseas, indicating signs of saturation in
phase of its life cycle. Industry value the domestic market. However, at the
added (IVA), a measure of the industry’s same time, there are always new lawyers
Thisindustry contribution to the overall economy, is and firms, usually on the smaller side,
is M
ature expected to grow at an annualized rate of entering the market. Additionally,
1.4% over the 10 years to 2024, as companies will always have a need for the
compared with the projected annualized US industry’s services, since property
GDP growth of 2.0% during the same disputes, business activity and criminal
period. Although IVA growth that is slower justice require a legal framework. The
than GDP typically conveys the industry also helps define and regulate
characteristics of a declining industry, important aspects of business and
industry services have not altered government activity and various aspects
significantly and the markets the lawyers of personal conduct. Law firms will
serve have not changed. Therefore, the continue to rely heavily on labor. While
industry remains in a mature life cycle state. new technologies make research and
Law firm mergers have increased since communication easier, technological
the mid-1990s, and firms have advancement is unlikely to replace the
increasingly followed other businesses need for a lawyer in a courtroom.
Products and Services Small- and mid-sized law firms often revenue for the Law Firms industry.
specialize in a few particular service areas. Practices in this area comprise financial
These firms regularly provide deal-making and structuring such as
noncommercial services such as criminal merger and acquisition activity; capital-
defense, civil negligence or family law. raisings involving debt and equity
Conversely, large firms generally offer a full markets; activities relating to initial
range of services focusing on commercial public offerings; legal services associated
work. This factor is due largely to the heavy with private equity transactions that
manpower requirements and the high level include leveraged buyouts and the
of complexity necessary in dealing with securitization of credit derivatives. These
large corporate issues. law services are cyclical and depend on
the health of the economy and the level of
Commercial law services investor optimism. For example, revenue
In 2019, business and commercial law is from corporate deal-making surges in
estimated to account for 47.9% of periods of economic growth and sound
Criminal law, civil
Commercial law services
negligence and
personal injury
Other services
Products and Services contract disputes and issues related to including copyright and patent law for
continued collective bargaining. Steadily rising US individuals (not companies); and
employment is expected to curtail labor arbitration and mediation. There are
and employment legal services growth in many factors that drive these activities.
the next five-year period. For example, an increase in the average
age of the US population affects wills and
Other estate activity. In the coming years,
Other legal services combined account demand for wills and estate activity is
for an estimated 23.1% of total industry forecast to increase as more baby boomers
revenue in 2019. Major categories within reach retirement age. Additionally, while
this segment include: wills, estates and US divorce rates have declined during the
trusts (4.1%) and family law (3.8%), past five years, rising disposable income
which relates to suits involving paternity, levels have increased the affordability of
custody and divorce; immigration law; divorce law services and have led to a
healthcare law (3.4%); environmental law slight increase in demand for attorneys
(1.9%); legal research document services, specializing in family law.
Demand Demand for legal services provided by high-profile cases has encouraged more
Determinants operators in the Law Firms industry people to use the courts to satisfy an
depends on the general economic and outcome, even for minor cases. More
business environment and comes from a recently, many companies have opted to
variety of sources. Clients demand legal settle out of court because of the rising
services to deal with banking and finance costs associated with litigation.
law, family law, wills and probate,
criminal law, intellectual property and Regulations
industrial relations. Changes to legislation affect demand for
Law firms generate a significant legal services, especially within a
proportion of revenue from commercial commercial environment. Changes in
entities by performing services related to regulations occur in nearly every
initial public offerings, merger and downstream industry, including financial
acquisition activity, capital raisings and, services and mining. Generally, changes
more recently, leveraged buyouts. These to laws and regulations increase demand
activities are closely aligned with the for law firms since clients often require
business cycle; therefore, industry expertise to interpret and comply with
demand depends on the strength of the these types of changes.
economy, particularly the strength of
the finance sector. Law firm services Criminal activity
are also required for company An increase in criminal activity or the
restructuring, insolvency and number of prosecutions increases
bankruptcy, which increase during demand for lawyers. However, the crime
periods of economic upheaval. rate has been trending downward,
making this factor a less influential
Litigation activities source of demand. During the next five
Litigation activities that involve personal years, demand for criminal attorneys is
injury, defamation and various civil projected to fall as the crime rate is
matters are directly correlated with law expected to decrease at an annualized
firm demand. Publicity surrounding rate of 2.2% over the five years to 2019.
Demand Real estate market demand for law firms that have expertise in
Determinants Law firms derive fees from real estate property legislation. Much of the activity
transactions, including commercial and related to property transactions is also
residential exchanges. Therefore, the captured in the Conveyancing Services
strength of the property market influences industry (IBISWorld report 54119).
Business and corporate clients
Operators in the Law Firms industry offer a a small increase in IP revenue as the US
broad range of services to numerous types of economy continued to grow and
clients, including businesses and corporate companies began to spend more on
clients, government and public clients, and research and development. Litigation,
households. The proportion of revenue which comprises a large portion of
derived from each group has remained business and corporate client revenue,
relatively static in the past five years. has decreased slightly over the past five
years, as large corporations waited to
Business and corporate clients shore-up their balance sheets before
Business and corporate clients account pursuing costly litigation. Moreover,
for an estimated 71.0% of industry businesses have increasingly relied on
revenue in 2019. Law firms often advise nontraditional legal aid, including legal
corporate clients on initial public process outsourcing and consulting firms.
offerings and merger and acquisition Business and corporate legal markets
activity. The industry also provides legal often command higher fees than households
advice related to restructuring, due to their extreme complexity. Legal work
bankruptcy and insolvency. Bankruptcy for these clients often requires large firms
laws help organizations and individuals that have ample capacity and specific skill
who are no longer able to pay their sets. Many corporations that require
creditors by either liquidating their assets commercial law services must choose
to pay their debt or by creating a between an in-house legal team, an
repayment plan. Intellectual property outsourced legal team or a combination of
(IP) litigation is another area of business both. Firms often use a combination when
law. The Law Firms industry experienced they need specialization.
International Trade Although trade does not technically occur generates more than three-quarters of its
in the Law Firms industry due to the revenue outside of the United States. The
service-based nature of legal activities, industry’s largest legal firms generate a
many of the largest law firms have offices significant portion of income overseas;
worldwide. For example, Baker McKenzie however, the vast majority of US law firms
has operations in 46 countries and only operate in the domestic market.
0.2 New
Great Mid- 0.4
Lakes Atlantic 1 2
NY 3
WA MT ND 7.5
5 4
2.2 0.2 MN
0.4 1.4
OR Mountains SD
Plains 1.2 MI
1.3 ID IA OH 9 8
0.5 WY 2.7
4.5 1.5 2.2
West NV
0.5 0.5
1.2 NC
0.8 CO KS 1.8 2.4
2.1 0.8 TN
CA 1.4
1.4 0.8 AL 3.3
AZ MS 1.4
1.7 NM
0.6 Southwest 0.8
2.0 FL
7.7 9.7
HI Less than 3%
0.4 Additional States (as marked on map) 3% to less than 10%
1 VT 2 NH 3 MA 4 RI 10% to less than 20%
0.2 0.4 2.6 0.4 20% or more
5 CT 6 NJ 7 DE 8 MD 9 DC
1.3 3.2 0.3 1.7 0.7
of industry establishments, respectively. 10
In general, law firm concentration is
proportional to a region’s population.
However, the Mid-Atlantic, which 0
includes New York and Washington, DC,
Great Lakes
New England
Rocky Mountains
has a higher concentration of law firms
than its population share. Major law
firms located in New York derive a
significant portion of revenue from Establishments
commercial practices related to financial Population
deals, and New York also houses the SOURCE: WWW.IBISWORLD.COM
Competitive Landscape
Market Share Concentration | Key Success Factors | Cost Structure Benchmarks
Basis of Competition | Barriers to Entry | Industry Globalization
Market Share The Law Firms industry is highly Over the five years to 2024, market
Concentration fragmented, with the majority of operators share concentration among the
being small- and medium-size firms. industry’s largest law firms is expected
IBISWorld estimates that the top four to increase marginally because of
industry participants account for less than highly anticipated merger and
Concentration in 5.0% of revenue in 2019. Small law firms, acquisition activity. Since the mid-
this industry is L ow those with fewer than 20 employees, 1990s, merger activity among the
comprise an estimated 94.9% of employing industry’s largest firms has risen, with
industry establishments. These attributes several major firms merging with
indicate a low level of concentration. entities in Europe and Asia.
Cost Structure Cost segments are based off of the average field also requires personal service and
Benchmarks operator in the Law Firms industry. face-to-face contact with clients.
Therefore, segments may vary based on In this industry, wages increased
the size and scope of a specific firm. annually, with the starting salaries of
first-year associates at top law firms
Wages reaching upwards of $170,000. Over the five
In 2019, wage expenses comprise an years to 2019, economic growth and an
estimated 35.3% of industry revenue. increase in mergers, acquisitions and capital
Like most industries in the professional structuring helped boost legal wages at the
services sector, wages represent the largest law firms. As a result, industry wages
largest cost to industry enterprises. held a fairly steady as a portion of total
Attorneys are highly educated and revenue over the past five years.
knowledgeable and employees often
specialize within a legal sub-sector, such Purchases
as securities law, which requires further Purchases in this industry are minimal,
experience and expertise. Work in this accounting for an estimated 1.0% of
Competitive Landscape
Cost Structure industry revenue in 2019. These costs capital intensity and capital
Benchmarks include necessary supplies for the office, expenditures are generally related to
such as paper, pens, notepads, etc. computer and office equipment.
Profit Marketing
Major law firms are able to achieve a Advertising costs are low in this industry,
higher profit margin because they often comprising an estimated 1.1% of industry
conduct high-value work for revenue in 2019. Operators typically rely on
corporations. According to annual Am word of mouth and referrals for new clients.
Law 100 survey, which reports on the
100 highest-grossing firms in the nation, Rent
profit per partner among these firms Many law firms lease office space and
increased 6.5% between 2017 and 2018 larger firms often incur higher rental
(latest data available). In 2019, the costs because they are located in
average industry profit margin, measured geographically important regions. In
as earnings before interest and taxes, is 2019, rent expenses comprise an
expected to comprise 20.0% of revenue, estimated 3.8% of industry revenue.
down slightly from 20.6% in 2014.
Depreciation Utilities are estimated to account for
Depreciation is also minimal, accounting 0.1% of industry revenue in 2019 and
for an estimated 0.8% of revenue in include electricity and heating costs for
2019, as this industry has a low level of office spaces.
Average Costs of
all Industries in Industry Costs
sector (2019) (2019)
100 n Profit
12.4 n Wages
20.0 n Purchases
80 n Depreciation
n Marketing
n Rent & Utilities
42.0 n Other
Percentage of revenue
1.0 0.8
40 8.6 1.1 3.9
1.1 1.3
20 37.9
Competitive Landscape
Basis of Competition Internal competition growth, when clients’ legal expense budgets
Operators in the Law Firms industry are generally slashed and the price of
predominantly compete on the basis of services becomes crucial. Typically, price is
Level & Trend service quality, so establishing a good more important for small, local firms and
C in reputation is essential to being competitive. solo practitioners that perform general legal
this industry is Law firms that reliably achieve favorable services because households account for a
Mediumand the outcomes for their clients are able to large percentage of their revenue. Most law
establish a positive service-quality firms bill clients on an hourly rate; however,
trend is I ncreasing
reputation. Industry players invest fixed fees, capped rates, no-win-no-fee
considerable resources into brand arrangements and premiums on big
awareness and reputation through transactions are all common practices. In
corporate sponsorship activities, pro bono recent years, large corporations, in an effort
work and the promotion of ethical work to compete for business, have offered more
standards and practices. flexible pricing options.
Industry participants also enhance their
quality of service by hiring and retaining the External competition
best staff at all levels. These top firms Given the specialized nature of legal
contend for the best and brightest talent services and the fact that to perform
using starting salaries as a key basis of such services, a person must be a
competition. Although first-year associate qualified lawyer, legal services cannot
salaries of $170,000 are still widespread at be replicated by another business or
large law firms in major cities like Los industry unless it employs qualified
Angeles and New York, over the past five personnel. Accounting firms and
years major law firms began reducing the human resources companies have
number of first-year associates and in many started performing some tasks that
cases this trend has continued. Aside from were previously the domain of lawyers,
wage rates, some law firms try to attract including some aspects of employee
talent and differentiate themselves by contracts and benefit counseling. The
offering challenging work, family-friendly increasing reliance on dispute
work hours or opportunities for study. resolution and mediation is
Price competition becomes more hampering demand for traditional
prevalent during periods of slow economic litigation services.
Competitive Landscape
Level & Trend skill and technical knowledge. Lawyers Competition Medium
must be admitted to law school after Concentration Low
arriers to Entry
B taking the law school admission test Life Cycle Stage Mature
in this industry are (LSAT) and in most states, complete law Capital Intensity Low
Mediumand S teady school, which is both a time and monetary Technology Change Medium
cost. At the culmination of their time in Regulation and Policy Medium
school, lawyers must become certified by Industry Assistance Low
obtaining a recognized legal qualification
(passing the state bar exam) to practice in SOURCE: WWW.IBISWORLD.COM
Competitive Landscape
Industry 2017 Womble Carlyle, a US law firm with that in the first quarter of 2019 there
Globalization over 500 lawyers, and Bond Dickinson, a were 27 law firm mergers, two of which
580 lawyer U.K. based firm merged and were cross-border mergers. Cross-border
formed Womble Bond Dickinson. law firm mergers are expected to
According Bloomberg Law, in 2017 there continue through the rest of 2019.
were over 100 mergers and acquisitions While most industy revenue is
(M&A), ranging from smaller US firms, to generated from the domestic market,
Am Law top 100 firms and several the proportion of revenue attributed to
cross-border M&As. Furthermore, overseas practices is projected to
according to Altman Weil MergerLine, increase over the five years to 2024, as
out of the 102 law firm mergers in 2018, domestic firms seek new markets and
13 of them were cross border mergers. increase the scope of their
Additionally, the same source reported international operations.
Major Companies
There are no Major Players in this industry | Other Companies
Other Companies Due to the Law Firms industry’s low than 5.0% of industry revenue. While
concentration, small firms and the industry’s largest firms generate
lawyers in private practices comprise more than $3.0 billion in revenue
the majority industry operators. In globally, all firms are private
2019, IBISWorld estimates that the top companies and no firm holds more
four firms combined account for less than 1.0% of the market.
Other Company Founded in 1909 and headquartered in acquisitions. For example, in July 2017,
Performance Chicago, Kirkland & Ellis LLP (Kirkland & the firm advised UBS AG on the $6.3
Ellis) is one of the oldest law firms in the billion offer to acquire Orient Overseas
United States. The firm employs more Limited by COSCO Shipping Holdings
Kirkland & Ellis LLP than 2,500 attorneys, with the majority Co. and Shanghai International Port
Market Share: 0.7% practicing law in the United States, and Group. Furthermore, in January 2019,
operates in 15 offices worldwide. The Kirkland & Ellis advised Bristol-Squibb
firm’s services are grouped in broad Company on its agreement to acquire
categories, including intellectual property; Celgene Corporation for $90.0 billion.
corporate; real estate; restructuring; More recently, in June 2019, the firm
government and internal investigations; advised AbbVie Inc., a
antitrust and competition; litigation; biopharmaceutical company, on its
regulatory; tax, benefits and estate agreement to acquire Allergan PLC, a
planning; and international trade and global pharmaceutical company, for
national security. Their clients consist of a $63.0 billion. Additionally, in July 2017,
wide range of corporate, governmental Kirkland & Ellis was recognized as a top
and individual clients across the globe, 25 national corporate law firm in May
including UBS, General Motors Company 2017 by the Corporate Board Member/
and United Airlines. Overall, Kirkland & FTI Consulting’s survey. Furthermore,
Ellis have experienced revenue growth six of the firm’s groups were selected by
over the five years to 2019. In 2019, the Law360 in 2017 as “practice groups of
company’s industry-relevant revenue is the year”, measured by litigation wins
expected to reach $2.3 billion. and major deals. The firm was also
Kirkland & Ellis has been involved in named one of the leading Intellectual
many cross-border mergers and Property practices of 2018.
Other Company Founded in Los Angeles, Latham & law firms based on revenue. In 2019, the
Performance Watkins LLP (Latham) employs more than firm’s US operations are expected to
2,700 lawyers across over 25 offices in 14 generate $1.5 billion in revenue.
countries. The firm’s corporate practice In March 2014, Latham advised
Latham & Watkins groups are divided into industry teams, underwriters in Exxon Mobil’s $5.5
LLP including retail and consumer, digital billion bond offering, the company’s
Market Share: 0.5% media, industrial, manufacturing and biggest bond offering on record.
energy. Moreover, Latham works across Additionally, in July 2015, Latham
the full spectrum of legal practices, from advised drug manufacturer Allergan PLC
finance to intellectual property to product in its $40.5 billion sale of its global
liability. The firm placed second on the generic pharmaceuticals business to Teva
2018 American Lawyer 100, which ranks Pharmaceutical. In February 2016,
Major Companies
Other Company Latham advised Avago Technologies Inc. in July 2019, the firm represented
Performance in the $37.0 billion acquisition of Eldorado Resorts (Eldorado) in the
Broadcom, which was the largest merger agreement with Caesars
semiconductor acquisition in history. Entertainment Corporation (Caesars), in
Furthermore, in June 2017, Latham which Eldorado will acquire the
represented Digital Reality in a merger outstanding shares of Caesars for an
with DuPont Fabros Technology Inc., estimated $17.3 billion. Over the five
which created the largest wholesale data years to 2019, Latham’s other major
center in the United States. Recently, the clients have included multinational
firm helped LLR partners form a $1.2 corporations such as Inc.
billion fund in June 2018. Additionally, and Watson Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Other Company Baker McKenzie, one of the world’s company, on the $1.3 billion purchase of
Performance largest firms, was formed in Chicago in a portfolio of funds from GE Capital.
1949. The firm is known for its Another area of growth for the legal firm
geographic spread, operating in 78 offices was cross-border M&A. As of December
Baker McKenzie in 46 countries. With 1,549 partners and 2015, Baker McKenzie announced
Market Share: 0.3% more than 6,188 attorneys, the firm’s continued strength in cross-border deal
sprawl is not limited by geography. In making. For example, in May 2017, Baker
2004, the firm reorganized itself under a McKenzie advised Unilever on its
Swiss association structure, meaning that acquisition of Quala, a personal care and
its member firms operate as separate consumer goods company located in
entities to protect the parent firm from Latin America. Additionally, in April 2018,
liability issues. With less than 30.0% of the firm advised Servier, a French
the firm’s attorneys in the United States, pharmaceutical company, on the acquisition
the majority of fees are generated abroad. of the oncology segment of the British
However, the firm recently opened a Los company Shire for $2.4 billion. More
Angeles office. The firm’s main areas of recently, in December 2018, Baker
expertise include antitrust law, McKenzie advised Unilever on it’s estimated
international trade, M&A and tax law. $5.2 billion acquisition of the Health Food
Baker McKenzie has experienced Drinks segment of GlaxoSmithKline. In July
revenue growth over the five years to 2019, the firm advised Galapagos NV on its
2019. In terms of downstream markets, 10-year global research and development
demand was particularly strong for the collaboration with Gilead Sciences, a
company’s finance, energy, tax planning, US-based biopharmaceutical company.
real estate and private equity legal Consequently, the company is expected to
services. In May 2014, Baker McKenzie generate $1.1 billion in industry-relevant
advised Ardian, a private equity revenue in 2019.
Major Companies
Other Company Founded in 1948, Skadden, Arps, Slate, began representing biopharmaceutical
Performance Meagher & Flom LLP (Skadden) is a corporation Merck Group in the $17.0
prominent law firm in the United States. billion acquisition of Sigma-Aldrich
The firm is a private partnership that Corporation. Persistent strength in US
employs attorneys in 22 offices equity and M&A markets continued to
Skadden, Arps, worldwide, eight of which are in the bolster transactional revenue at Skadden
Slate, Meagher & United States. More than 1,400 of the in 2015. That same year, Skadden
Flom LLP firm’s 1,700 lawyers are based in the ranked first in Bloomberg’s global
United States. The firm is a market leader corporate financial league tables among
Market Share: 0.3%
in corporate litigation and merger and law firms in deal value. Skadden also
acquisition (M&A) work. Other practice ranked high in equity linked transactions
areas include banking and institutional as well as deal count and volume for US
investing, corporate finance, government high-yield transactions. More recently,
affairs, real estate, healthcare and mass Skadden ranked first by value for US-
torts and insurance litigation. Increased based and global M&A deals in the first
financial regulation is expected to raise half of 2017, according to Thomson
revenue in the firm’s securities litigation Reuters and Bloomberg. Furthermore,
practices, and in practices that specialize Skadden is representing Twenty-First
in bank and broker regulatory actions. Century Fox in its $65.0 billion
Overall, continued strength in the M&A acquisition proposal from Comcast
market will propel Skadden’s US Corporation. In January 2019, Skadden
industry-relevant revenue to $1.0 billion announced they are currently advising
in 2019. Global Asset Capital and Tao Capital
The firm took a lead advisory role in Partners in connection with Altria’s $12.8
the 2013 merger of Japan’s SoftBank, an billion acquisition of Juul Labs.
internet and telecommunications Additionally, in July 2019, the firm
company, with US mobile carrier Sprint represented Caesers Entertainment
Nextel, a deal which exceeded $20.0 Corporate in its acquisition by Eldorado
billion. In September 2014, the law firm Resorts for an estimated $17.3 billion.
Operating Conditions
Capital Intensity | Technology & Systems | Revenue Volatility
Regulation & Policy | Industry Assistance
Operating Conditions
Capital Intensity and computer equipment, including have not overcome the need for
continued communications equipment. While the personnel in researching, designing
use of computer systems, legal databases, solutions, dealing with clients and
electronic discovery (the reviewing of completing administrative tasks. Over
electronic legal documents) and the the five years to 2024, labor’s proportion
internet has improved employee of industry revenue is expected to decline
productivity, technological advancements slightly as revenue outpaces wage growth.
Technology and The most significant advances in devices, including phones and tablets,
Systems technology and systems for the Law into the technology infrastructure of legal
Firms industry are largely associated with firms. According to the 2018 ABA
computer processes and the internet. TechReport, 57.0% of the respondents
Many firms have upgraded their reported that they factored spending on
The level
of computer networks to digitally store legal technology into their budgets. Spending
technology change information and enhance research on cyber-security has also increased
is M
edium databases. The benefits from improving during the five-year period, mainly as a
technology in law firms’ systems include response to data breaches or threats.
increased productivity, better client According to the same survey, 23.0% of
service and greater innovative potential. respondents state that their firm had
Lawyers rely on different forms of online experienced a data breach in 2018.
research, such as fee-based research Aside from aiding the industry,
providers like Westlaw and LexisNexis. advancing technology has negatively
The American Bar Association’s (ABA) affected some legal firms. Legal library
TechReport 2018 references an increase systems and the ability to draft
in cloud usage, increasing from 52.0% in documents online have created low cost
2017 to 54.6% in 2018 (latest available legal solutions. These electronic services
data). With the prevalence of internet- for common legal documents, such as
based activity, the ABA report found wills and employment agreements,
that law firms are less than vigilant with significantly reduced prices and put
their online security, as 38.1% of the pressure on some of the industry’s
firms surveyed in the ABA’s study smaller firms, who rely on fees from these
admitted to using encrypted files to services. Additionally, there has been an
protect vital information. increase in virtual law practice (VLP), in
However, industry operators are doing which lawyers only interact with clients
the best to remedy this potential virtual, decreasing demand for lawyers who
vulnerability. According to the 2018 ABA practice in physical firms. VLP increases
TechReport, an increasing number of mobility and accessibility, which is seen as
respondents reported that they had hired a benefit to certain lawyers and clients.
an independent third-party security firm Technology has also extended into the
to do an assessment of the law firm and court system. Courts are introducing
highlight the potential risks. Additionally, online document retrieval and access to
due a large percentage of security information. Clients can obtain real time
breaches that vary based on firm size transcripts of evidence, and courts have
there has been an increased amount of also updated audio-visual technology.
spending toward security budgets. A Most documents are stored digitally,
majority of this spending has been improving productivity and expediting
directed toward integrating mobile their transfer.
Operating Conditions
Revenue Volatility Over the five years to 2019, the Law revenue losses and reduced revenue
Firms industry experienced a low level of volatility. As a result, industry revenue
revenue volatility. Law firm revenue is increased as much as 5.1% in 2017 and as
commonly generated to cyclical factors little as 0.7% in 2018.
The level of such as the performance of the economy New areas of law emerging from
volatility is L ow and investor confidence. Much of the legislative and regulatory changes can affect
industry’s volatility is associated with revenue volatility. Major regulatory changes
changes in financial markets, since many often boost demand for legal services,
legal fees are generated from equity, debt particularly in commercial areas, where
and capital raisings as well as merger and businesses must comply with new laws.
acquisition activities. When these IBISWorld forecasts that revenue volatility
services underperform, countercyclical will remain low during the next five years as
practices, such as bankruptcy and industry revenue growth is expected to
insolvency services, mitigated further increase steadily, albeit at a slow pace.
Regulation and Policy The Law Firms industry is regulated in all Responsibility and the 1983 Model Rules of
areas of operation by the American Bar Professional Conduct). These standards
Association (ABA) and state regulations have been adopted in 49 state jurisdictions
Level & Trend that cover areas such as professional and in the District of Columbia. California
he level of
T conduct. Lawyers must be registered with has not adopted the ABA codes; instead, it
Regulation is ABA, the state in which they practice or uses the State Bar of California’s Rules of
Mediumand the both. The ABA provides law school Professional Responsibility. The ABA
accreditation, continuing legal education, regulations do not permit mergers between
trend is S
teady information about the law, programs to accountancy and legal firms, a policy that
assist lawyers and judges in their work and has been reinforced by recent Securities
initiatives to improve the legal system for Exchange Commission (SEC) regulations
the public. The ABA’s most important role relating to large auditing firms.
has been the creation and maintenance of a Furthermore, law firms are not permitted
code of ethical standards for lawyers (the to be listed publicly on a stock exchange or
1969 Model Code of Professional owned by nonlawyers.
Operating Conditions
Industry Assistance Operators in the Law Firms industry more than 3,500 entities operating
receive no formal government within the association. The National
assistance; however, they are Lawyers Association (NLA) is another
Level & Trend supported by various industry voluntary association of lawyers in the
he level of
T associations, such as the American Bar United States, with about 3,000
Industry Assistance Association (ABA). Founded in 1878, members. NLA members benefit from
is L owand the the ABA is a voluntary bar association advocacy, networking, and discounts
of over 411,000 lawyers and law on products and services. The National
trend is S teady
students, which is not specific to any Lawyers Association was founded in
jurisdiction in the United States. The 1993 in reaction to the ABA’s stance in
ABA is headquartered in Chicago, with support of abortion rights.
Key Statistics
Industry Data Industry Number of
Revenue Value Added Establish- Wages Domestic businesses
($m) ($m) ments Enterprises Employment Exports Imports ($m) Demand (Mil)
2010 293,107.5 165,480.1 425,148 417,903 1,326,695 -- -- 107,444.8 N/A 7.4
2011 299,258.5 167,299.5 427,078 419,809 1,323,859 -- -- 108,046.3 N/A 7.4
2012 298,667.3 170,547.5 433,030 425,133 1,319,093 -- -- 108,424.7 N/A 7.4
2013 292,201.2 166,645.6 430,861 423,025 1,326,509 -- -- 107,328.8 N/A 7.5
2014 294,458.3 170,404.8 439,407 431,490 1,337,158 -- -- 107,390.7 N/A 7.6
2015 301,859.2 175,694.0 441,490 433,524 1,329,150 -- -- 109,586.8 N/A 7.7
2016 306,341.5 179,680.7 437,249 430,262 1,321,696 -- -- 111,366.5 N/A 7.8
2017 322,004.6 179,885.2 438,933 432,012 1,326,786 -- -- 112,908.2 N/A 7.8
2018 324,099.5 181,843.2 439,112 432,378 1,334,906 -- -- 114,957.5 N/A 7.9
2019 330,357.6 185,125.5 443,565 436,508 1,353,407 -- -- 116,675.2 N/A 8.1
2020 331,167.8 185,579.1 444,926 437,881 1,357,231 -- -- 116,996.1 N/A 8.0
2021 335,262.2 187,745.8 448,363 441,143 1,370,291 -- -- 118,186.1 N/A 8.1
2022 339,481.0 189,967.9 451,401 443,974 1,383,460 -- -- 119,392.2 N/A 8.2
2023 343,881.3 192,300.8 454,607 446,963 1,397,777 -- -- 120,690.1 N/A 8.3
2024 348,879.4 195,021.7 458,773 450,893 1,414,774 -- -- 122,215.0 N/A 8.3
Sector Rank 2/35 2/35 4/35 4/35 3/35 N/A N/A 2/35 N/A N/A
Economy Rank 25/694 9/694 16/694 16/694 22/694 N/A N/A 9/694 N/A N/A
Figures are in inflation-adjusted 2019 dollars. Rank refers to 2019 data. SOURCE: WWW.IBISWORLD.COM
Liquidity Ratios
Current Ratio 1.1 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.6
Quick Ratio 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.1
Sales / Receivables (Trade Receivables
Turnover) n/c n/c n/c n/c n/c 14.7 26.9
Days’ Receivables 0.4 n/a 0.4 0.4 0.4 24.8 13.6
Cost of Sales / Inventory (Inventory Turnover) n/c n/c n/c n/c n/c n/c n/c
Days’ Inventory n/a n/a 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
Cost of Sales / Payables (Payables Turnover) n/c n/c n/c n/c n/c n/c 58.5
Days’ Payables 0.4 n/a 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 6.2
Sales / Working Capital 57.7 28.2 36.7 34.8 61.7 28.2 20.5
Coverage Ratios
Earnings Before Interest & Taxes (EBIT) /
Interest 23.8 23.9 32.3 19.8 18.7 13.0 70.4
Net Profit + Dep., Depletion, Amort. / Current
Maturities LT Debt 9.9 6.6 4.0 1.9 n/a n/a n/a
Leverage Ratios
Fixed Assets / Net Worth 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3
Debt / Net Worth 3.6 2.1 2.3 2.3 2.1 2.8 1.8
Tangible Net Worth 7.6 22.7 15.0 20.6 21.2 18.7 22.9
Operating Ratios
Profit before Taxes / Net Worth, % 107.2 90.3 87.5 94.1 125.0 65.8 65.2
Profit before Taxes / Total Assets, % 33.3 32.9 32.3 26.1 34.0 20.1 15.1
Sales / Net Fixed Assets 89.4 66.3 89.9 90.1 113.5 50.9 38.0
Sales / Total Assets (Asset Turnover) 4.2 3.3 3.6 3.7 3.9 3.5 3.0
Assets, %
Cash & Equivalents 37.8 35.5 35.6 35.7 40.3 29.7 24.9
Trade Receivables (net) 16.8 18.1 17.0 15.6 10.2 26.7 17.4
Inventory 1.1 1.6 0.9 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.4
All Other Current Assets 11.6 11.1 14.0 14.7 14.0 13.4 22.9
Total Current Assets 67.4 66.2 67.5 66.3 64.6 70.1 65.6
Fixed Assets (net) 14.0 15.4 12.5 12.6 14.6 9.2 10.3
Intangibles (net) 4.6 5.3 4.6 5.9 3.6 8.9 11.2
All Other Non-Current Assets 14.0 13.0 15.4 15.3 17.3 11.7 12.9
Total Assets 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Total Assets ($m) 2,051.9 2,342.0 2,713.4 2,435.3 294.1 587.1 1,554.1
Liabilities, %
Notes Payable-Short Term 28.2 18.2 24.8 19.6 20.9 21.3 6.5
Current Maturities L/T/D 5.0 2.5 4.6 3.2 3.2 3.4 2.6
Trade Payables 5.3 5.1 4.7 4.8 4.0 6.2 6.1
Income Taxes Payable 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 n/a n/a 0.8
All Other Current Liabilities 32.2 25.8 28.9 30.2 33.6 24.2 26.6
Total Current Liabilities 70.8 51.7 63.3 57.9 61.7 55.0 42.7
Long Term Debt 9.3 13.3 12.0 10.1 9.6 8.3 18.4
Deferred Taxes n/a n/a 0.2 n/a n/a 0.1 n/a
All Other Non-Current Liabilities 7.7 7.0 5.0 5.4 3.9 8.9 4.7
Net Worth 12.2 28.0 19.6 26.5 24.8 27.6 34.1
Total Liabilities & Net Worth ($m) 2,051.9 2,342.0 2,713.4 2,435.3 294.1 587.1 1,554.1
Source: RMA Annual Statement Studies, RMA data for all industries is derived directly from more
than 260,000 statements of member financial institutions’ borrowers and prospects.
Note: For a full description of the ratios refer to the Key Statistics chapter online.
Industry Jargon BIG LAWThe largest firms in the Law Firms industry. MERGERS AND ACQUISITION (M&A)The buying,
INITIAL PUBLIC OFFERING (IPO)The issuing of a selling and combining of companies.
company’s common stock to the public for the first time. PRO BONOProfessional work that is undertaken
INSOLVENCYThe inability to pay debts. voluntarily and without payment.
IBISWorld Glossary BARRIERS TO ENTRYHigh barriers to entry mean that INDUSTRY REVENUEThe total sales of industry goods
new companies struggle to enter an industry, while low and services (exclusive of excise and sales tax); subsidies
barriers mean it is easy for new companies to enter an on production; all other operating income from outside
industry. the firm (such as commission income, repair and service
CAPITAL INTENSITYCompares the amount of money income, and rent, leasing and hiring income); and
spent on capital (plant, machinery and equipment) with capital work done by rental or lease. Receipts from
that spent on labor. IBISWorld uses the ratio of interest royalties, dividends and the sale of fixed
depreciation to wages as a proxy for capital intensity. tangible assets are excluded.
High capital intensity is more than $0.333 of capital to INDUSTRY VALUE ADDED (IVA)The market value of
$1 of labor; medium is $0.125 to $0.333 of capital to $1 goods and services produced by the industry minus the
of labor; low is less than $0.125 of capital for every $1 of cost of goods and services used in production. IVA is
labor. also described as the industry’s contribution to GDP, or
CONSTANT PRICESThe dollar figures in the Key profit plus wages and depreciation.
Statistics table, including forecasts, are adjusted for INTERNATIONAL TRADEThe level of international
inflation using the current year (i.e. year published) as trade is determined by ratios of exports to revenue and
the base year. This removes the impact of changes in imports to domestic demand. For exports/revenue: low is
the purchasing power of the dollar, leaving only the less than 5%, medium is 5% to 20%, and high is more
“real” growth or decline in industry metrics. The inflation than 20%. Imports/domestic demand: low is less than
adjustments in IBISWorld’s reports are made using the 5%, medium is 5% to 35%, and high is more than
US Bureau of Economic Analysis’ implicit GDP price 35%.
deflator. LIFE CYCLEAll industries go through periods of growth,
DOMESTIC DEMANDSpending on industry goods and maturity and decline. IBISWorld determines an
services within the United States, regardless of their industry’s life cycle by considering its growth rate
country of origin. It is derived by adding imports to (measured by IVA) compared with GDP; the growth rate
industry revenue, and then subtracting exports. of the number of establishments; the amount of change
EMPLOYMENTThe number of permanent, part-time, the industry’s products are undergoing; the rate of
temporary and seasonal employees, working proprietors, technological change; and the level of customer
partners, managers and executives within the industry. acceptance of industry products and services.
ENTERPRISEA division that is separately managed and NONEMPLOYING ESTABLISHMENTBusinesses with
keeps management accounts. Each enterprise consists no paid employment or payroll, also known as
of one or more establishments that are under common nonemployers. These are mostly set up by self-employed
ownership or control. individuals.
ESTABLISHMENTThe smallest type of accounting unit PROFITIBISWorld uses earnings before interest and tax
within an enterprise, an establishment is a single (EBIT) as an indicator of a company’s profitability. It is
physical location where business is conducted or where calculated as revenue minus expenses, excluding
services or industrial operations are performed. Multiple interest and tax.
establishments under common control make up an VOLATILITYThe level of volatility is determined by
enterprise. averaging the absolute change in revenue in each of the
EXPORTSTotal value of industry goods and services sold past five years. Volatility levels: very high is more than
by US companies to customers abroad. ±20%; high volatility is ±10% to ±20%; moderate
volatility is ±3% to ±10%; and low volatility is less than
IMPORTSTotal value of industry goods and services
brought in from foreign countries to be sold in the
United States. WAGESThe gross total wages and salaries of all
employees in the industry. The cost of benefits is also
included in this figure.
dominance of the top four players in an industry.
Concentration is considered high if the top players
account for more than 70% of industry revenue.
Medium is 40% to 70% of industry revenue. Low is less
than 40%.
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