Over the last twenty years I’ve spent thousands of hours wondering about our world; where we’ve come
from, where we’re going, how it all works. I attempted to reconcile various disciplines into a “theory of
everything”. Religion, ancient history, mythology, science, politics, war, economics, conspiracy theories.
Over the years I’ve had what I believe to be visions of a divinely inspired origin. In the early days the
gods dwelt among mankind and ruled directly over them. Stories have been handed down across the
generations, only now we consider them to be myths, legends, fairy tales concocted to make children
and men act right. But once upon a time these stories were considered our history.
The following represents what I believe to be the politics of the universe at the highest levels. A way to
reconcile current events with the history our ancestors handed down to us. Even if you don’t believe this
is how things are, well… it’s still fun to think about. I hope you enjoy my story.
In my studies of the various corners of the internet I stumbled across an alternative to mainstream
science called The Electric Universe Theory (EUT). The proponents of this theory believe the unifying
force of nature most closely resembles the electromagnetic force, and that what we perceive as gravity
is merely another manifestation of the electromagnetic force. The fundamental forces of nature MUST
come together at some point, and this is what mainstream science is attempting to settle with quantum
mechanics and scientific research at the Large Hadron Collider.
The key difference between the EUT and mainstream science is the perspective on the mechanism
which drives the motion of the planets and stars. Take for instance the Valles Marineris, a canyon on
Mars which is seen below. Mainstream theories for the formation of this canyon range from a crack
which formed when the planet was cooling when it was first formed to perhaps a moon grazing across
the surface long ago.
The EUT proponents have a different idea for the formation of this canyon, believing it to be a
massive lightning scar, created in a discharge event mankind hasn’t witnessed in thousands of
years. They point to myths and legends revolving around gods associated with this planet, such
as Ares being grazed by an arrow that struck his face. Features associated with the canyon are
difficult to explain in mainstream science, such as the spiraling nature of the opposing ends of
the canyon as shown below.
Because of the nature of electricity and these discharge events, positive discharges extending to
the south and west created a mountain range, while negative discharges to the north and east created a
valley, with both arms spiraling back toward the center.
The triangle of mountains to the west are explained as now-dead volcanoes which erupted long
ago at the planet’s beginning. The EUT proponents believe these are actually the location of massive
lightning strikes which planted into the surface and raised the surrounding ground as the discharge took
The point of all this is that there is an argument to be made for a massive electric discharge that
destroyed Mars, a discharge event that took place between these celestial bodies. Stories of this event
were then handed down generation to generation, eventually losing their meaning since these events
are only witnessed every several thousand years and eventually being compared to gods fighting each
other. Sort of like the telephone game we played in elementary school, eventually the original message
is lost, especially since the descendants have nothing to compare these events to (except people fighting
each other in battle).
Another interesting point made by EUT proponents is that, while mainstream science claims the core of
the Sun is the hottest part of it, everything we can measure about the Sun’s temperature contradicts
this. The corona is 1,000,000 Kelvin, while the atmosphere is 10,000 Kelvin, the surface is 6,000 Kelvin
and sunspots (giving us a glimpse of what’s beneath the surface), are even cooler still. Complicated
models and calculations are made to explain this counter-intuitive model. Mainstream science insists
that the Sun is a massive ball of hydrogen, crushing the core under its own gravity, causing fusion in the
center which releases energy and light. The EUT proponents believe the Sun is more like the filament in
a lightbulb, ignited by a “dark energy” current of electricity that comes from the center of our galaxy.
Fusion takes place on the surface of the Sun, creating heavier elements that then rain down toward the
core, potentially creating another planet. While you may have your doubts, it’s still fun to think about.
Electric Biology
Back in middle school I remember my science teacher explaining stem cells. I asked him what caused the
various cells of our body to differentiate into what they’re supposed to, and he told me science was
currently searching for the answer. Back in 2010 I had the idea that the various forms of life had a sort of
electric blueprint within themselves. You can call it the soul, or chi, or whatever, but if you took away
the meat there would be a glowing electric blueprint of the life form itself. The various voltages, field
strengths and shapes of this blueprint correlated with specific cells and their parts, and that if one were
to take a stem cell and place it anywhere within this blueprint then it would grow into the corresponding
cell and shape. In 2012 I was vindicated. Researchers with Tufts University were observing tadpole
embryos develop when they discovered an electric face sweep across the surface of the embryo that the
tadpole then grew into. The researchers then experimented with this, and by changing the voltage at
various locations of the tadpole embryos were able to cause eyes to grow out of the tail and make
various other changes to the development of the tadpole.
The electric nature of biology can be seen, and electropharmaceuticals are being pursued as a form of
medicine for the future. So what does this mean for humanity?
The Realm of Godliness
So let’s think about how the electric nature of nature itself applies to the mind of a human being. First of
all, what limits the growth of the mind? We can look to humanity and see that some people have
enormous minds while some do not. Brain size varies between people. We can say that genetics play a
factor in the growth of the mind. People born to intelligent parents tend to be intelligent themselves.
But what about our environment? We see that gravity imposes a limit on the size of animals. An
elephant is about as large as a land animal can be, and they cannot jump. An albatross or condor are
about as large as a bird of flight may be.
I believe it is a combination of our internal electric environment (our genetics, what we eat and drink,
how we treat our bodies) as well as our external electric environment that represents these limitations.
If someone understood how to maximize our internal electric fields through the perfect diet, rest,
exercise, meditation and supplementation regimen, as well as maximize their external environment, one
could perhaps artificially raise the limits on the growth of the mind. They could have a mind so powerful
that perhaps it would glow outside of their skulls, and perhaps this is where the imagery of the halo
comes from.
So perhaps the ancient sites around the world that seem to have been built using mathematical
precision were sites chosen for their electrical properties and designed in a way to artificially raise the
ceiling on the growth of the mind.
The gods represent the highest humankind can hope to achieve. The highest musicians, dancers,
warriors, doctors and even an asshole.
Zeus vanquished Typhon, the world-destroying serpent, and cast him down Tartarus, the bottomless pit
where he sends his greatest enemies. He first road west with Odin, his closest ally, to inspect the
damage to the various kingdoms under their control and restore order.
Zeus wished to subdue a tribe of men who had declared their independence in his absence after the
catastrophe. Meeting the men in battle he offered them one last chance to submit to his rule or face the
consequences of their obstinance. The chieftain declared that Zeus was no more than a man, and as a
man he could be killed like any other. Zeus told him, “you forget one thing, old fool. I rule from on high.”
Holding his weapon in one hand he raised it to the sky, and a powerful beam of light fell upon the
enemy army, igniting everything it touched. Zeus swept his hand from one side and then to the other,
and the beam of light, as wide as the ranks of the men themselves, burned the enemy army to skeletons
and ash. This display of power had Odin and the others awestruck.
Afterward they road east to the lands which are now called India, nearing the end of their journey, they
stumbled upon a small child that appeared to be of European descent. This small child, a young boy of
about the age of 4, was clearly out of place and did not belong here. The child was alone, scared and
Zeus, “Fate must have brought him here from the other world. It’s amazing he survived the journey, but
he does not belong here.”
Odin, “We cannot leave him here. He’s alone and afraid. He’s even kind of cute.”
Zeus, “You can say that now while he is young, but when he gets older you don’t know what you’re
going to get.”
Odin, “I can see the Germanic blood in him, with something else I cannot put my finger on. If he belongs
anywhere it’s with me and my people.”
Zeus, “So be it.”
The young boy called himself Jacob, the name his biological mother and father gave him. He told Odin
and Frigg that he had two older brothers, Jackson and Joseph, who accompanied him on his journey
from his own world to this one. His mother had accompanied him as well. Shortly after their arrival one
of his brothers was taken by a tiger and dragged into the jungle, where he died. His other brother had
been bitten by a cobra and also died. Finally, his mother fell over dead while he was yelling at her in a fit
of rage. He blamed himself for their deaths, since he had strayed too far into the jungle and was
unaware of the dangers.
He attempted to tell them about his world and the way things were, to the best of his limited abilities,
but at such a young age he didn’t understand much about it. Odin and Frigg sensed that Jacob has a
powerful mind capable of magic, and so they adopted Jacob as their son. Jacob listened to his new
parents, but it took him some time to warm up to them.a
Odin had his biological son Thor, the heir to his throne, and while he showed love for Jacob, his
preference for Thor was apparent. Because of this Jacob became a mother’s boy. Jacob would have bad
dreams which would wake him in the middle of the night, and he would crawl into bed with Frigg for
comfort. At the age of 5 Frigg sat with Jacob and told him that she would like him to call her mother.
This was difficult for him, as he remembered his biological mother and father and missed them dearly,
but he did so, if reluctantly at first.
Jacob enjoyed playing tricks and having his mother chase him, and one of the servants remarked how
Frigg would “light up the room” when Jacob was in her presence. Because of this she had the idea to
rename him Lucifer, the light bringer. This would help Jacob leave behind his past and be reborn as a
member of their family and their world.
And so Jacob was now known as Lucifer within their kingdom. Odin’s family was raised into the realm of
godliness, and their powerful minds granted them psychic abilities With these they were able to caste
illusion spells, or to change their appearance, or even convince others to do things they normally
wouldn’t. Lucifer attended school where he learned to control these abilities. He would use them to play
tricks on his classmates. At the age of eight he hid behind a tree and watched two small children playing
in the grass nearby. The children noticed a small mound that appeared to have a face, and when they
approached it it opened its eyes and roared at the children. The children fled in terror and ran to their
teacher, who immediately discovered Lucifer and chased after him. She scolded him for scaring the
children and he apologized.
The next day he saw the children again, and recreated the illusion spell of the mud monster. This time
he made the monster apologize to the children, and then played a game with them by having the
children throw mud in its mouth to feed it. When the children returned to their teacher soiled with filth
she again scolded Lucifer, who stated that he was simply playing a game and was being nicer than he
had the last time.
At the age of ten the Three (as the Fates were called), made an appearance within their kingdom. They
were to declare one child the Dragon Warrior, a child with a great destiny. Odin brought Thor with him
to the event while Lucifer attended to watch. Two of the greatest warriors within Odin’s kingdom
brought their two eldest sons to stand next to Thor, and one was to be selected. As Fate would have it
Lucifer fell in front of the One as he was about to point at Thor, who declared that this was no accident
and Lucifer was destined to be the Dragon Warrior.
Lucifer played with Thor, and they pretended what their lives would be like when they were older. Thor
the king, Lucifer the Dragon Warrior, their combined might would rule over all the land. Lucifer
wondered why he couldn’t pretend to be king and Thor denounced this as silly, since he was the heir to
the throne. This made Lucifer jealous and dejected.
Odin, Thor and Lucifer attended a ceremony at a temple for the goddess Minerva. Lucifer watched in
reverence, and felt as though he was witnessing a sacred moment. An offering was made. After the
ritual they collected the belongings and Lucifer heard noise in the back of the temple, out of view. He
knew that younger acolytes were not allowed back there but he was curious. When he went to see what
was making the noise he saw a priest having sex with a woman. They made eye contact with each other
and Lucifer quickly left and told Odin and the others.
Lucifer believed it was a terrible crime to defile the temple in such a way, but the high priests told him
that this man was married to this woman, and the goddess Minerva had forgiven them. What more
should happen to them? This trivialized the traditions and rituals in Lucifer’s eyes.
Lucifer admired the warriors in his kingdom, as they were venerated by all the people of the land. Before
battle the warriors would take a combination of pain killers and stimulants to experience a frenzy in
As an older adolescent, Lucifer tried these medicaments and experienced euphoria. Not knowing
temperance, he secretly became addicted and was able to hide his addiction until someone noticed the
medicaments were missing. He spiraled downward into drug abuse until his family noticed and
intervened. Frigg attempted to talk to him, and told him to “just say no” to these drugs. He tried to
explain to his mother that this was difficult for him. He had secretly sold all his childhood toys to pay an
apothecary for drugs, and when Frigg discovered this she was heartbroken and cried, as she wanted to
see his children play with these toys. Stuffed animals, a music box, a kaleidoscope.
Lucifer joined the military when he became a young man as he was destined to be the Dragon Warrior.
He practiced archery, as he was too small and nimble to wield large weapons such as a sword or axe.
On a campaign against an enemy, Odin was to lead his troops for a surprise attack against a city. He
wished to march his troops through the Valley of the Serpents since they wouldn’t expect this. He was
discussing with his captains how to do so when Lucifer had an idea. He explained that he understood the
serpents, and that they had a leader as well, a male named Draco that watched over his brood of
females and children from his favorite perch where he could observe the entire valley. The leader of the
serpents would descend on them as they approached and attempt to scare them off. The troops should
halt, and then began slowly marching as one while yelling in unison. In this manner they would appear
as one, larger serpent and convince Draco to back down. They would appear mighty and thus not be
considered food. Draco would then return to his perch and carefully watch them as they marched
through the valley, and that the other serpents would follow his lead.
But while marching through the valley they would have to take care not to approach the serpents
themselves as this would be perceived as a threat, and instead continue their march as a column
through the valley. At some point there would be three, young male serpents who would eventually
descend on them. These are the Draco’s oldest sons. They cause trouble for him and constantly vie for
his throne. Alone, Draco is able to submit them, but all three combined cause him trouble. These three
sons will defy Draco’s example and descend on the soldiers and attempt to make a name for themselves
by attacking the soldiers. This is when the troops must use pyrotechnics to scare them off. When the
three serpents get close to the troops they should launch noise-making and smoke-making fireworks at
their faces. They should be careful not to actually harm or kill any of the three as Draco will not tolerate
this, but should instead blind them with smoke and deafen them with the booms of their fireworks. The
bravest soldiers should man the outer ranks, as no soldiers should attempt to flee because the serpents
would descend on this man, and having tasted human flesh, will want more. If this is the way things are
done then the soldiers will be able to safely continue their passage through the valley.
Odin thought this was a brilliant idea, and this is how the troops made their way through the valley.
After the three young serpents were fended off Draco was heard laughing in the shadows. The example
made of his three sons solidified his position as their leader, and proved that his example was right, that
the serpents should be perched while the soldiers passed because they were not a threat to the
serpents and they were not food. After the soldiers finished passing through the valley Draco descended
to meet the rear flank of the column of soldiers and dropped a gift at Odin’s feet, a sword, which Odin
gave to Lucifer.
Lucifer basked in the admiration of his peers, and he was lauded as a hero for his brilliant idea. The
soldiers were subsequently victorious in battle against their enemies, who did not see them coming.
“My son the Dragon Warrior! I knew that Fate sent you to me for a good reason. You’ll make a fine
captain one day. Perhaps even a general, commanding an army!”
He accompanied Odin to a meeting in Zeus’ kingdom, where the Fates explained their involvement in
the lives of the Gods and others. Zeus explained to all present that the whole of life was a drama, a play,
that was so long from beginning to end that by the time we reached the end we forgot the beginning,
and so we told the story again. The forces that we describe as good and evil, the emotions in our lives,
were perfectly balanced as all things should be. The gods used any number of tools at their disposal
(war, economics, politics, the arts, etc.) to shape the lives of the subjects within their kingdoms and to
maintain them in balance with their surroundings (nature, their neighbors).
Zeus’ highest guiding principles were two-fold. “Above all else life must go on. This speaks for itself, but
right next to that, walking hand-in-hand with that, life must also be worth living, because if life is not
worth living then what are we doing here? These are the highest goods. There are no goods higher than
these goods. Using these as a starting point in my decision-making process, anything that follows is also
good, even if it does not appear that way to the people on the ground; to the people feeling the effects
of these decisions. They might say what is happening to them is bad, but in the grand scheme, it is
This is how war, plagues and various other curses are justified. Maintaining mankind within certain limits
is good, and so war and various plagues and curses are also good.
In the end, one soul is selected, the worst of the worst, and declared the Devil. This soul will be cast off
in a state of the highest torment to experience this for all eternity, and that the various gods should look
to their kingdoms for anyone worthy of an eternity of pain and suffering. The Fates explain that they
control the natural order and flow of the story of life from behind the scenes. They are above even the
gods in their role as the enforcers of fate. They answer only to the Supreme Being, who is Zeus, the
perfect specimen.
Odin’s camp challenged that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and so why is it Zeus instead of Odin
who is considered the Supreme Being? This was an idea that Odin was already entertaining, and so the
Fates proposed a test. They claimed that the two could have a fight between just the two of them, bare-
handed, and that the winner would be declared the supreme being. The only rule in the fight was that
there is no striking below the belt.
Zeus and Odin had this fight, and during the fight it appeared Odin was going to get the best of Zeus but
then Zeus struck Odin in the groin and overcame him, gouging out his left eye in the process. Odin’s
camp was furious, declaring that Zeus broke the only rule. The Fates stated that they did not say that
there were any consequences for breaking the rule. Zeus proclaimed that if Odin could not see this evil
coming then how could he expect to see any other evil that might approach his kingdom? And so Odin’s
missing eye was a symbol, because he could not see evil approaching.
Owing to this defeat, Odin fell into a depression and attempted suicide. He hanged himself from the
tree Yggdrasil. Zeus and the Fates intervened, supplying oxygen to his brain while they attempted to talk
him out of it. They would not leave a friend “hanging”, and for nine days they attempted to convince
him to end this attempt on his own life until he finally relented. The official story given for his missing
eye and suicide attempt was that he did so to gain wisdom, which he eventually came to believe as
these events taught him something about himself.
A Shameful Act
While in his military service, Lucifer attended the bathes with the other men and it was noted that the
foreskin from his penis was missing. This was considered odd. When asked, Lucifer stated that his penis
was always this way and his parents must have had it removed. Why did they do this? For what reason?
Every man in this world had their foreskin. Lucifer developed a negative complex surrounding his penis.
When he attempted to have sex with a girl she remarked at how this was odd and she didn’t want
anything to do with him sexually. This brought him shame and made finding love difficult, if not
Odin and Frigg understood that Lucifer was embarrassed about his penis, and their solution was to
marry him to a virgin princess from within their kingdom. She had never seen a penis before and
wouldn’t know what to expect. She was uncertain about the marriage and did not love him. On their
wedding night they laid in bed naked, and she did not want to have sex so he didn’t force himself on her.
Lucifer believed in time he would be able to woo her.
The royalty of Asgard attended a dinner party at Mount Olympus. There, Lucifer’s wife socialized with
the other women. The talk quickly turned to sex, and one of the women remarked that when she rolled
the skin back on the penis to reveal the glimmering head it was like a baby’s arm holding an apple.
Lucifer’s wife was confused, and remarked that her husband did not have this extra skin. The women
quickly swarmed on her and asked her more about this. “How odd” they remarked. Was he born that
way? Would he children be born with a misshapen penis. Did his parents have it removed? Did he
remove it himself? Why?
This made her self-conscious. When they returned home she became distant, and when Lucifer pressed
her on her sudden coldness and distance she eventually confessed that she did not want to have
children with a man with a misshapen penis. This crushed him. She asked him for a divorce, and after
attempting to talk her out of it, he eventually granted her one. He cried to Frigg that he loved this
Lucifer spiraled downward and returned to abusing drugs. He attempted to court different women to no
avail. One night while drunk with a close friend their conversation quickly turned to sex. Lucifer stated
that he was already a young man and incapable of finding a woman to call his wife. His friend remarked
that he, too, had trouble finding a woman because of the injuries he sustained to his face while in battle.
Lucifer offered to perform fellatio on him if he would receive it in return. His friend, initially reluctant,
eventually agreed. While Lucifer was performing felattio on his friend a group of other young men
stumbled upon them. His friend quickly denied that he had allowed this and that Lucifer had taken
advantage of him in his drunken state.
Word of this event spread quickly and Lucifer found men looking at him in disgust, even the commoners.
Having ruined his reputation he became suicidal. Odin turned to Zeus for council. What was he to do
about his son? He loved him and did not want to see him kill himself, but his reputation would follow
him for the rest of his life. Zeus told Odin that Odin’s next great battle they could fake Lucifer’s death.
He could be the one to light the fuse for a bomb and seemingly kill himself in the explosion, but sneak
away. This would restore Lucifer’s reputation in the eyes of the people of the land. Lucifer could spend
time in another part of the world for three generations and eventually return home under another
name. By then all the people who knew what he looked like would have passed away, and only Odin and
his family would know who he really was.
During a fierce battle Lucifer intended to light a fuse, but the approaching enemies scared him off before
he could successfully light it. He fled to a group of soldiers who were to whisk him away, but they ask
him if he was able to light the bomb and he tells them he failed. They rushed in to the enemy’s fort to
light the fuse and are killed in the explosion. Among them is one of Thor’s closest friends. Lucifer lies
about his involvement in this failure to Thor and Odin, and Thor does not know if he fully believe’s
Lucifers telling of the events. Lucifer tells them that he successfully lit the fuse and the others went in
foolishly against his advice.
A New Beginning
Lucifer was sent to the land that is now called India, where he adopted the name Shiva and was
considered a lord over the people. When he waged war against the various tribes in the land he
possessed the bodies of other warriors and used them as an avatar in combat. He married an Indian
princess named Pragya, who loved him deeply and passionately. She gave him three sons, and they
explored every manner of sexuality that can be done between a man and woman and basically wrote
the Kama Sutra.
While in temple during a worship session and giving a lesson on the concept of Karma and the concept
of the universe being a serpent eating its own tail, a young and excellent warrior attempted to challenge
Lucifer aka Lord Shiva. A priest attempted to intervene but Shiva motioned for him to be silent
“It’s alright, he may speak. He did not directly challenge me. He said he wants to challenge me.” The
significance of this distinction was pointed out by Lord Shiva because once a challenge was offered it
may not be withdrawn, thus Lord Shiva gave him a technicality for backing down.
“I think it’s time I shared a story from my time near the end of the Kaliyuga. I do not speak about this
time very often because it was very directly for family and myself. Near the end of the cycle I was
betrayed by someone very close to me. I have since forgiven this person because at the time they did
not fully understand what they were doing. But as a result of their betrayal my family was taken hostage
by our enemies.”
“The enemy demanded that I hand myself over to them, otherwise they would kill my family. So I told
my people that I must go settle this matter and I went. Now that they had me they wanted me to
confess that I was not who I said I was, but I could not tell them this because I would not lie. So they set
out to torture me, and they did this in front of everyone. Before they started I told the crowd that if
there was anyone who had any doubts that this was the right thing to do that they should leave now.
Except the man in charge, the one who stole my family. I told him he could stay right there and finish
what he started. A few people left, but most stayed.”
“For three days they gave me every torture imaginable. By this time in our history there was a rich and
bountiful written history, and there were many stories of different methods of torture used by different
peoples from all over the world, so all they had to do was open a book and say here, try this.”
“But despite their best efforts all I did was laugh, because I was not afraid. What we fear in pain is the
destruction of our body. When you understand that you cannot be destroyed then pain becomes a
sensation adjacent to ecstasy, only instead of leaving you with a hangover it purifies your spirit. My
laughter made them frustrated and angry. ‘Oh you think this funny? We have something that will cure
you of that.’ And they made the tortures worse.”
“Of all the torments I experienced only one stood out among the rest, and that is when my body began
to putrify before I had finished dying. Mmm mmm mmm… nothing will top that experience.”
“Near the end of the third day I suddenly changed my demeanor. I had tears run down my face, and I
weakly whispered. The man in charge of the torture told the crowd to be silent, that I had something to
say, and he leaned in so that he could hear me better, and I whispered to him that he thought he almost
had me. Then I laughed right in his ear.”
“At this point they had exhausted their efforts, so they had a man with a sword chop my head off. The
man in charge held my head up to the crowd and said, ‘See? He is just a man. He is not a god.” I looked
dead by the way. My face was just like this.” Shiva sticks his tongue out of the corner of his mouth; his
eyes halfway open.
“Then I opened my eyes and continued my laughing. This gave the man in charge such a fright that he
threw my head into the crowd. My head rolled across the ground and landed at the feet of another man,
face up. I told him ‘boo’, which in my world was something that the children would say to the people
that they wanted to give a fright to. They would wait by the corner when they saw someone walking
toward them and jump out and say ‘boo’. Well it gave the people a fright and they ran.
“The man with the sword was surprised to see that my body was whole again (minus my head of course,
which was still on the ground). I broke the chains that was holding my body to the. The man with the
sword took a swipe at me, but I grabbed the blade with my hand and tore it out of his grip. I killed the
two men at the table with that sword. Now the swing of my blade may not be as elegant or precise as
yours Rangish, but the two men died just the same.
“I saw most of the people from the crowd were running away. I sent down lightning strikes to kill half of
them. The other half I had a fiery tornado fall out of the sky and burn them up. I watched their ashes
float away like leaves. In the distance I could see people from their camp arming themselves, so I
reached up to our moon like this,” holding his hand as if to pinch it, “and cracked it. I called forth a piece
of it, broke it into chunks and rained it down on their heads. There was one tent I did not touch though,
because it had my family in it.
“As I approached the tent there were men outside with weapons, we called them ‘guns’. They shot
pieces of metal that tore through the flesh, like a bow and arrow only more sophisticated. They were
firing their weapons at me, but I held out my hand and their missiles just danced around me. As I
approached them I saw the fear and desperation growing in their eyes as they realized they couldn’t
hurt me, and I chopped them up and killed them.
“When I entered the tent there was a man standing there with my youngest son in his arms, and he had
a knife pressed to his neck. This man was the second-in-command for my enemy’s group. He was my
torturer’s right hand. Now what was I to do? I couldn’t drop a lightning bolt on him because they would
kill my son too. I couldn’t approach the man because he would cut my son’s neck. So I opened my
mind’s eye and gazed into his soul, and I saw everything this man had done. He was a killer. He did not
discriminate against who he killed. Women, children, old people, holy people, people who begged for
forgiveness… he killed them all and he took great pleasure in doing it.
“I suddenly realized that I hated this man, so I gave him a gift. All the pain and suffering I endured for
those three days I gave to him in an instant. This broke him. He dropped the knife. He let out the most
terrible scream I’ve ever heard. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and his face twisted in agony.
His hair turned white. He fell to the ground, and he thought that his eyes were making him see these
things so he tore them out with his fingers. I got my family back and I left him there like that, because
the sweet release of death was too good for him.
“So… if you challenge a cobra to a boxing match it isn’t going to stand up and fight you like that. It had
no arms. It’s going to spit and bite, because that’s its nature. Likewise, if you challenge a tiger to a sword
fight it isn’t going to fight you like that because it can’t wield a sword. It’s going to bite and scratch,
because that’s its nature. So it is with me, if you want to challenge me to combat then I’m going to bring
the universe crashing down on your head, because that’s how I fight. That’s my nature.
“And besides, how would you be able to look people in the eye and tell them that you defeated me in
combat if I didn’t give you everything I had? You wouldn’t. If I gave you everything I had and you
defeated me well then you earned it. You’re the greatest. I wouldn’t want to deprive you of your glory.
“So on the day of our fight everyone would turn out to see it. We would bow to each other. We would
bow to the elders who came to oversee it it, and then…” a clap of thunder sounds overhead and shakes
the temple. “… and that would be that. At first the people would be surprised. But slowly they would
realize what they just witnessed and become sad, because they didn’t see a fight. They saw a tragedy.
One big misunderstanding on your part, because you couldn’t fully appreciate the nature of our
“Afterward I would go to your family and ask them for forgiveness for what I had just done to you. I
wouldn’t have to explain myself, because by that time everyone will have heard about this conversation
and they will know that you had ample warning not to do this. Then I will have the people build a statue
of you and put it in the middle of the city. The inscription will read, “In memory of Rangish, the man who
thought he could defeat a living god in combat. All the years of training and discipline disappeared like a
fart in the wind, and for what? What was he thinking? If you see him in the next life ask him, because we
have so many questions.’ And that will be the end of it.”
“So sleep on it for a night, okay? Let me know tomorrow what you would like to do. I promise you,
whatever you decide there are no hard feelings.”
The next morning Rangish approached Lucifer at his home and apologized for his brazen behavior.
Lucifer invited him in for breakfast and offered him the honor of teaching his sons how to fight. Rangish
did not wish to be a mentor, but he could not decline such an honor from his Lord, and so he accepted.
As time went on, Rangish became as a member of their family, and as Shiva spent many of his hours
away on hunts and performing tasks around his kingdom, Rangish grew closer to Pragya. Their
relationship became intimate. Shiva knew this was happening, and when coming home one night heard
them in his bed chamber. He peered through the hole in the lock and watched the two in bed, but he
did not interrupt them, he did not stop them, he watched.
When the battle commenced Lucifer used Rangish and a bow and arrow and killed enemies from the
back ranks. During the battle an enemy soldier launched an arrow at Lucifer while he was in Rangish
and grazed his cheek, drawing blood. This was considered a taboo as slaying gods on the battlefield was
considered forbidden, and so Lord Shiva took offense to this and chased after the man, who was fleeing
into the ranks. Lucifer killed many soldiers with his sword, but found himself falling deeper and deeper
behind enemy lines. The soldiers began directly attacking Lucifer until he found himself overwhelmed.
He felt their swords piercing Rangish’s body, causing him immense pain, and he severed his connection
and returned to himself. Rangish awoke to find himself surrounded by enemies and being killed, and
screamed in horror and pain in his final moments.
Embarrassed by his actions, Lucifer refused to admit fault and concocted a story that he sacrificed
Rangish for the greater good of the battle and there was nothing he could do to prevent his death.
The people of a city are tired of working hard and tell the gods that they are tired. Because of this their
ability to sleep is taken from them for a month so they can know true exhaustion. A group of men are
tempted by an evil “spirit” (A god in disguise) into performing witchcraft so they can attempt to find an
answer on how to defeat their gods. Because of this act performed by men the women’s ability to bear
children is taken from them for almost a generation.
Eventually the day came when these men recreated the first radio receiver and transmitter, and it was
then that they chose to make contact with them. They listened to their communications, which were
mainly confined to business within their islands. Zeus’ scientists intervened and spoke to them.
They greeted them, and advised them they were the old gods they heard stories about. Zeus, Poseidon,
Apollo. They told these remnants that they did not belong in this world, and that typically they would be
destroyed to erase them from the world, but that there was a better plan for them: a rescue. At first the
survivors were incredulous. “Why would you help us”, they asked. Because you are family. They advised
them that a ship would arrive at their island and take them to a location where it would be possible to
transport them from the underworld back to the kingdom they belonged; Atlantis. This plucked at their
heart strings. They only had stories of Atlantis and its former beauty. They wanted this to be true.
They destroyed the technology they had accumulated and the ship that was promised arrived within
two months time. They were greeted by members of a secret, priestly organization who were the Lord’s
hand there on Earth. These men brought the people onto their boats and they road north-east toward
the island of England. From there preparations were being made by large troups of men who were
hauling large blocks of Sarsen and Bluestone to be used in the construction of a megalithic site.
As preparations neared completion, Lucifer planted the idea in the head of their elder that this may be a
trap to kill or enslave them all. The old man spoke to his family. “What if this is a trap and they intend to
do us harm? How can we be certain they can be trusted?”
The family very much wanted to see Atlantis and return home, but the old man was not so easily
swayed. Zeus told them, “I was send my son Apollo to greet you.”
Zeus replied, “Because he is a God he will not be able to step beyond the veil to greet you himself, but
we will be able to extend an olive branch to you. If you cannot trust that which you are holding in your
own hands then I do not know what more I can offer you in the way of proof. You must decide for
yourselves if the risk of trusting us is worth it.”
Work was completed on the structure which would allow them to travel between worlds; Stonehenge.
At a precise conjection of stars and planets Zeus’ scientists were able to create a way of transport living
beings from our world to their own. The entire site ignited with a greenish, blueish fire that rushed with
wind. A ball of light desceneded from above and landed in the center, and Apollo suddenly appeared.
He approached the edge of the outer circle and was greeted by the elder of the Atlanteans. He extended
an olive branch from beyong the veil which the old man took into his hands and observed for himself.
The elder returned his gaze to Apollo, uncertain of what to do. His family prodded him on. “What should
we do, father” He relented, and their family poured into the site and took their places as appointed by
Apollo. They were suddenly whisked upward and away, where they finally arrived in Atlantis
They were met with cheers by the scientists and priests, who had worked tirelessly preparing this plan.
Zeus introduced them to his son Apollo, whom they had already met, and his doctor, Asclepius. They
were looked over to see if they were in good health, and told they would be taking a ride into Atlantis to
finally see it.
Outside there were several carriages waiting to take them to the city. As they entered the city walls they
were greeted by the many of the people of the city who cheered their arrival. Many of them wept with
emotion. No more scrabbling for meager crops or resources, they were in Atlantis, a city of great
abundance. They rode to the halls of Poseidon’s castles, where they was one last order of business to
take care of. Because they knew too much about their own world they needed to have their memory
erased. The official story would be that they were lost in the void for so much time but that Zeus
discovered them and returned them safely, but that their memory was lost due to this.
And so it was that Lucifer stepped forward and erased the memory of the each of them. They were
given homes, provisions, and occupation that would suit them.
God of the Underworld
Zeus tells Lucifer that he needs someone with a fresh perspective to look after the underworld.
It is a primitive world without gods in need of guidance. Zeus and Lucifer argue about Nature vs
Nurture; is a person the way they are because they are born that way or do the events of life
ultimately shape the way a person turns out. Lucifer accepts this role as lord of the underworld
and tells Zeus that he can take a group of people and make them good with his guidance. He
selects a tribe of people to be his “chosen”, and picks the Jewish people.
Zeus tells Lucifer that people cannot change their nature, just as Lucifer cannot help but follow
in his father’s footsteps “I am not that man, I am not my father”.
While giving his chosen people guidance they tell him “wherever we go, from kingdom to
kingdom, we are eventually hated and exiled by the people of these various kingdoms. We have
no home. Why did you create us?”
Lucifer is at a loss and cannot explain why the Jewish people cannot change, and tells them “I
created you so I could hate you”.
Lucifer brings certain people before Zeus and suggests perhaps they deserve an eternity of pain
and suffering. “This man killed his entire family.” “This man raped and murdered young girls.”
“These men are worthy of pain and death, but not eternity” Zeus replies.
“You’re making your people bake their bread with their own excrement?”
“Yes, it’s my way of telling them to eat shit and die.” Remarks Lucifer
He explains to his followers that this universe will see, within its lifespan, 33 planets just like our own.
Each of these planets will led by a clone of Zeus and his family, who will oversee the construction of
another Great Pyramid and ultimately create a new universe. This makes life fractal. One planet creates
another universe with 33 planets, each of which create another universe with 33 planets, down the
infinite we go, chasing an infinitely smaller point. In this manner they are able to wage war against the
inhabitants of this universe from on high.
A new planet was formed within the heart of our closest star. Zeus seeded it with life. Everything we see
within our fossil record was a precursor to the life form that followed it. First this, then that, all the way
up the evolutionary table to mankind, then to God. Within the Garden dwelt Adam and Eve, as well as
others. Zeus commanded them that they may eat from everything within the Garden except from the
apple tree.
We know how this story goes, but Zeus asked Lucifer if he could possibly tempt them into betraying his
commandment. Lucifer possessed the body of a snake and first talked Eve into it, who then told Adam to
try it. After taking bites from the apple Zeus gave them awareness of their own nudity. Zeus
subsequently cast them out of the garden, and Adam hated the serpent for tricking him.
After toiling in the lands outside of the Garden, Adam returned to the entrance of the Garden and spoke
to the heavens, to his father. He understood the lesson, that he cannot do whatever he wants, as much
as he might want to, and to always listen to his own conscience and not let others sway his judgment.
This was a good lesson, and he demonstrated that he learned the importance of tradition. He was ready
to become a king.
There was a battle of the minds, enormous energies exchanged between the two, before Nyx wailed and
fell to her knees. Zeus approached her and apologized for this act, and then demanded she hand over
her son to Zeus for judgment. Nyx began to laugh, and asked him “and how exactly do you intend to do
this, you small child?” Zeus looked down at himself and saw that he was in the body of a small child. Nyx
began to punish him with nightmares of being stuffed in ovens and roasted alive, of having birds peck
his flesh clean from his bones, among other horrors.
When Zeus finally exited his trance he was shaken. He realized that he had barely made it a single step
beyond the line. He retreated to his side of the fence and looked at the woman, whose expression
remained unchanged. Zeus decided to let the matter go and consulted with the Fates. The Fates told
Zeus that her magic was stronger than even his own, and that they had previously warned her that she
should not kill him if he ever attempted to best her. “And what if I try it again?” Zeus asked the Fates.
They said they do not know what would happen, because in all the history of the infinite worlds Zeus
only ever makes the mistake of challenging Nyx once in his lifetime.
A Creation Story
In the beginning there was God, a vast intelligence that's pretty much the galaxy we reside in. It divided
itself into two opposing forces: the masculine and the feminine, the Yin and the Yang. It was like a
cosmic ejaculation, probably felt pretty good, and all of creation sprang forth from there. These two
opposing forces are in a dance with each other. They grow apart, they come together, sometimes their
interactions are violent. The gods are projections of this vast consciousness.
The whole of creation is a drama, an act unto itself (sort of like how a song has a beginning and an end,
with the sole purpose of making the listener feel something). Anything that lives experiences emotion,
and the gods are no different. They are the principle actors and experience the greatest drama and
emotions, they feel more deeply than any other creation owing to their vast consciousness.
Anyway, the head god and goddess never really come together to make love until the beginning and end
of creation, so while they are husband and wife they always seem to "miss their moment" when it
comes to making love (hence all the affairs in mythology).
So we go through the ages, experiencing all sorts of drama. The gods in love with each other or fighting
each other, the gods in love with mankind or opposed to them. So it ends like this:
Near the end of creation the god and goddess come close to making love. All He wants is a cosmic love-
making session only she can provide, but a fly lands on His face and She finds it funny. This ruins the
moment for her and she laughs, remarking they always miss their moment. At this point in time He's
kind of unhinged and this makes him angry, so he rapes her.
In His post-nut clarity He realizes he fucked up (as He often does) and knows He hurt Her deeply. She
tells Him that he's the only man in the universe that can make Her feel this way, the only one that can
rob Her of Her autonomy. She falls into a depression and becomes suicidal, so He has to keep a close eye
on Her and keeps Her as a prisoner, making things worse.
He tries everything to get Her to respond but She's despondent and won't make eye contact or speak to
Him. So one day He does the unthinkable: He starts paying more attention to their children. This is all
She's ever wanted - for Him to be a better father - but instead of causing Her to love Him more it causes
Her to hate Him more (because it's like too little, too late). She tries to turn the children against Him, but
they tell Her they're just glad to have Him around and they forgive Him. This causes Her to hate the
children too, so one day She does the unthinkable: She kills the children and flees to Her kingdom.
So He finds out and is devastated by what's happened. He calls Her on the phone (the gods have them)
and He tells Her "are you happy now? You fucked everything up. And the baby, he was the most
beautiful. How could you kill him?"
She starts to laugh. This catches Him by surprise because normally He's the one who laughs when
something fucked up happens, but there's nothing funny about this to Him. So He asks Her "what's so
fucking funny?"
So She tells Him, "I thought it would have been harder to kill them, but it was actually pretty easy
because they looked just... like... YOU."
This drives Him insane, and He tells Her "I hate you. I'm going to hurt you. I'm going to cut your pretty
little face off and it's going to be the easiest thing I've ever done. I'm coming for you. You know you can't
stop me when I'm angry."
She says something to the effect of "bring it asshole" and hangs up on Him. He doesn't even try to call
Her back.
He stands up and walks right out of His room and encounters a man who walks up to Him and asks Him
"why do you look so serious, my Lord?"
Now you have to understand His relationship with this man. He has known this man His entire
incarnation. He loves him like an uncle. This man's only job is to calm Him down when He gets like this.
So He walks up to the man and *poof* annihilates him, because he doesn't want to hear that shit right
now. He's going to go kill his wife.
Now the people He rules over at this time fear Him. He rules over them like a tyrant. They spring a trap
to try to stop Him and he crushes them for it. He turns to the survivors and tells them that they're going
to kill his wife, that it's a suicide mission and if anyone doesn't want to go then now's the time to step
forward. No one wants to go but no one steps forward, because they just witnessed His wrath and no
one wants Him to turn His gaze toward them.
So they launch an attach on the Goddess, and suffice it to say it's an epic battle; everyone dies. So it's
just the last two gods standing at the end of creation, duking it out (and a few cowering humans hiding
in caves because the Earth shakes when the gods fight).
She puts up a good fight but eventually He overwhelms Her. So He's standing over Her. He's prepared to
destroy Her (and Himself). There's no hesitation on His mind. He knows it, She knows it, this is how the
universe ends.
But it's not the end of the battle. She has one last trick up Her sleeve. The kind of trick only a woman can
pull off, and She's the most beautiful woman: she cries for mercy.
The sound She makes is like the key to His heart. It resonates deeply within His soul. It causes a cascade
of emotions, and He suddenly realizes that He can't do it. He can't break Her, because He loves Her. And
in this moment She loves Him too, because it might sound messed up, it might sound like a toxic
relationship, but when He hurts Her Her love for Him grows.
And so the battle ends with them surrendering to each other. And for the first time since the creation,
for the first time since the drama started they finally have their moment and they come together and
make love.
The Fall
“What an ugly story” remarks Pragya. “He rapes her, she kills her children?” Lucifer thought it was
beautiful. It is shortly before he is to return home to Asgard. Representatives from Zeus’ kingdom have
come to accept the tribute Lucifer’s people have prepared for them. One of them has brought his son
with him, and he resembles his father. The man remarks while laughing and swatting at flies that Lucifer
is the Lord of the Flies. He tells him that at least his queen gave him sons. This causes Lucifer shame and
regret, and makes him long for children that look like him.
He visits Asgard and adopts the name Loki. He visits a brothel. He meets a whore who strikes him as a
woman who looks like his mother. She woos him and he reveals that he is royalty. They lay in bed and
talk about his life as a god and her early life. He likes her a lot. He visits her several more times and finds
himself falling in love with her. He is ashamed when she makes a joke about the man named Lucifer, and
he scolds her and tells her to not speak ill of the dead and that he sacrificed himself for the good of their
In his absence, Frigg has taken to loving her biological son Balder even more. This makes Loki jealous, as
he used to be his mother’s favorite.
Loki is made a captain of the guard as his employment. The walls of Asgard are being fortified and a
team of northern men are hired, with their leader agreeing to complete the project within three seasons
in exchange for marrying Freya. Loki doesn’t believe this is possible and convinces the others to accept
these terms. When it becomes apparent that the walls will be completed in time they tell Loki he must
make things right or he will be exiled or killed. Loki possesses the body of a mare and runs onto the
construction site, leading their horses astray and into the forest. While in the dark forest night, alone
with a stallion, Loki allows one of them to mount him while he’s possessing the body of the mare.
The contract was negated anyway because the leader of the workers was a descendant of an enemy of
Asgard, and some time later it was noticed that the mare was pregnant. Being a prize mare she was kept
separate from stallions, and it was deduced that the only time she could have been impregnated was
when Loki possessed her. When the foal was born it had eight-legs and a birthmark on it’s shoulder
exactly like Loki’s. This foal would grow up to be Sleipnir.
Because he is married to the Indian Princess Pragya he is unable to marry another woman, so he is cruel
to his former wife and tells her that he is walking away from her and their children. After her father dies
she throws herself onto his funeral pyre to commit suicide out of shame, and curses him with her dying
Free from a wife, he is free to marry again. He tells his family that he wishes to marry this woman, and
his family is immediately incredulous. She is a whore, as far removed from noble birth that a woman can
be. They attempt to talk him out of it but he is insistent, he loves this woman and she accepts him the
way he is.
Reality Check
Loki finished telling the story to Sygin. He thought it was a beautiful love story. She thought it was
horrifying. The wife is raped and then kills her children? It’s anything but beautiful to her. The prophecy
of Ragnarok is foretold, the twilight of the gods will come soon after Balder’s death.
There is a storm and flood. A levee built in the earlier days of the kingdom is close to breaching. Loki
panics because he sees that the water that amassed behind the levee will wash away the town if the
dam fails. He rushes to get his family out before this happens but does not return to his post. The dam
doesn’t fail and Thor calls him a coward. The dam was designed under the guidance of one of Zeus’
engineers, and that Loki’s lack of faith caused him to act like a fool. Sigyn has mixed feelings, since Loki
cared about her and their children but is also ashamed by Loki’s cowardice.
Loki falls more in love with this woman after she bears him two children. While speaking about past
mistakes she confesses to him that she has laid with nearly one hundred men. Loki thinks about her past
relations and wants to have the same amazing sex he had with his Indian princess. Sigyn is reluctant, and
scolds Loki for the wanting to push the boundaries of sex. He starts to tell her, “but you used to be a…”
“I used to be a what, Loki? A whore? I fell in love with you because you treated me differently. You
didn’t look at me like I was a whore. You were supposed to treat me like I’m your wife. You’re like
Loki tells Sigyn the truth, that he IS Lucifer and his death was faked to give him a new start. His
relationship with Sigyn sours because of all this. He goes to a tavern and tells stories of his exploits, but
embellishes the stories and tells other men’s stories. Thor and other gods walk in and tell Loki to get a
life, get his OWN life and stop disrespecting the memory of other men by telling stories of their exploits
as if they were his own.
There is a celebration thrown in the kingdom of Asgard. Balder, Frigg’s biological son and “golden child”,
is a guest of honor. This makes Loki jealous because he was always an outcast. He had heard that
Balder’s death would be due to mistletoe, which he thought preposterous, so as a “prank” he convinced
a blind man to throw mistletoe at Balder. Balder was terrified when he realized what it was being
thrown at him and he slipped and fell, landing on a knife and dying there. Loki said he was sorry and
everyone blamed him for causing this event.
This leads up to a harsh winter that lasts three years. Prior to the harsh winter the kingdom of Asgard
had many of their neighbors send their grain and food to Asgard as tribute in exchange for luxuries. The
people of the land become bitter and angry at Asgard for this, realizing that they do not have enough
food for themselves for the harsh winter and subsequently starve. They are unable to attack Asgard as
the Aesir are too powerful.
Everyone is cooped up inside the halls of the castle. Everyone is wary of the coming of Ragnarok. With
no one speaking to him Loki turns to drugs and probes the memories he has of his early childhood, when
he was loved by his biological mother and father. He remembers hiding under his bed when his father
would try to tickle him. Then he notices a conversation his father had with him that blows his mind.
His father tells him that he himself (the father) is the devil and will be cast down Tartarus. Loki is aware
of the prophecy of the devil and the bottomless pit that is Tartarus. Suddenly everything makes sense to
him. The foolish things he does. His erratic behavior and shitty life. He feels that Odin and perhaps some
of the others know this and that he has been set up to have a shitty life.
Loki confronts his family. The drugs have made him paranoid and erratic. He blames the others for his
shitty life and meddling with his mind, leading him to have this shitty life so he can be sacrificed at the
end of time. The others do not know what he’s talking about and insist that he is family. He kills several
of them before running out into the night.
Loki knows the lay of the land and the weaknesses of the fortress that is Asgard. He rides to many of the
neighboring kingdoms that are starving and convince them to launch an attack against his former home.
Loki has tampered with his sword and made it more powerful, and uses it to call down a bolt of lightning
that blows a hole in their walls. Ragnarok happens and everyone dies.
The Rebellion
Loki led the remaining soldiers and marched on the Great Pyramid. He intended to seize control of it and
implement himself as the Supreme Being, waging war from on high and placing himself as God across
every world in every universe. Zeus met Loki in battle and Loki’s troops defeated Zeus’. While standing
over Zeus, Zeus begged for anything other than The Oven (which is what they called the ultimate,
terrible fate). Loki pondered this for a moment, but then his heart hardened. He said “No, you will
receive this terrible fate. It’s about sending a message.” Zeus laughed, and asked “and how do you
intend to do this? You and what army?” Loki turned to look behind him and saw that all his troops were
dead. Their victory was merely an illusion. Zeus grasped onto Loki’s avatar and ran a sword through it,
refusing to let Loki break contact and feel every cut until the body died. It was at this moment Loki
realized he had made a grave miscalculation.
During the trial all the heinous things Loki has done comes out. Beastiality, grave robbing, drug abuse,
lying, leading his first wife to kill herself, betraying his family and kingdom, using his position and powers
to commit sex crimes. Loki refuses a lawyer to represent him and he represents himself. He is
combative, blames his victims, refuses to accept blame. He blames Zeus and the Fates for leading him to
this point in life. Everyone marvels at Zeus’ patience.
By the end of the trial everyone in the courtroom hates Loki. Zeus hands down his sentence: death is too
good for Lucifer, and sentences him to an eternity of the highest torment. He declares Lucifer the Devil,
and he will be cast down the bottomless pit at the end of time.
Lucifer tells Zeus “fuck you” one lasts time and then uses the last trick he has up his sleeve: he erases his
entire memory and reverts himself to the mind of a five-year-old boy. He looks around the courtroom
and asks where he is. This sends the courtroom into a fury. One goddess in the room notes that she can
see his mind and he is indeed a small boy, though he’s in a grown man’s body. Zeus and others claim this
is just a trick, that this “small boy” is still the same man. The goddess says she cannot in good conscience
allow the mind of a small boy, with no knowledge of their crimes, be cast off to experience an eternity of
pain or suffering. The goddess says the others can have him over her dead body. Zeus says he could
make that happen. Another goddess joins the first goddess. The courtroom becomes almost evenly
divided, with half insisting Loki be tortured in his current state and the other half insisting he is now
A compromise is finally reached. They will send Loki as a small child to the underworld, where he will
live another life with parallels to this life and some changes made. In the end he will grow up to make
the same mistakes and lead the same life, because he is the same man.
The young man is born of a drug dealer and an exotic dancer, a stripper. She fell in love with his money
and he fell in love with her breasts. Together they conceived a child, a small boy. The boy was
circumcised, as was the custom of the land. As he grew older he was mischievous and a bit of a liar.
When he reached adolescence he gave way to his addictions and tried every drug under the sun, many
of them more than once. When he reached adulthood he became aware that there was more to our
world than there seemed, and searched for answers on the internet. He became convinced there there
was a God or some god-like group who ensured the continuity of life and all existence. He watched his
father die due to his drug addictions. He discovered he had a half brother in another part of the country
and intended to reconnect with him, but his brother passed away due to alcoholism. He met a woman
and had three children with her before learning that she had as many as 100 sexual partners prior to
meeting him.
In the end he burned his life to the ground with drugs and sexual depravity, and awakened to the idea
that he was the Antichrist. In his despair he committed suicide. He was instantly transported back to his
original body, which had been prepared as a sacrifice. He is placed in a state of the highest torment,
stuffed into the coffer of the Great Pyramid and at the end of time a surge of energy comes from above
converts his body into light because the King’s Chamber contains within it the Fine Structure Constant
(the ratio of 1:137). He swallows the universe immediately below him, his ass-end angled upward to the
universe above him. Across every universe in the endless procession of universes below him it is him
that is being sacrificed at the tail-end of the universes’ lifespan. Because he feels pain, sadness and fear
the inhabitants of these universes experience joy and pleasure: rapture. A cancer bomb goes off in his
body at precisely the right moment and the universe ends. Because his mind is synchronized with all of
those below him he wakes up an instant later to experience the same fate yet again, and it is like this for
all eternity. He is the serpent eating his own tail, he is the Ouroboros.
Twocolors: Lovefool
Song To The Siren, I Can Almost See You, Colorful Nickels, The Album Leaf The Light
Planetary Cycles
World being created inside Sun (Baby Planet/Garden of Eden)
Where did everyone come from? How did we get to this point? Origin story:
Most High God is Zeus. His 2nd in command promises equality of wealth and happiness to the various
kingdoms of the world and betrays Most High.