Rogue - Roguish Archetypes - Optimized
Rogue - Roguish Archetypes - Optimized
Rogue - Roguish Archetypes - Optimized
and sleight of hand to avoid danger. However, there are some falling from great heights has made you an expert at landing
who seek this danger out, living for the adrenaline rush that without hurting yourself. Whenever you fall and are not
comes with near death experiences. Daredevils are rogues incapacitated, you can reduce any falling damage you would
who would rather leap across rooftops then walk the streets, take by an amount equal to five times your rogue level.
and in turn, they develop a knack for avoiding certain death. If you manage to land on something soft that breaks your
fall, like a wagon full of hay, you take no damage from the fall.
Daredevil Features
Rogue Level Feature Defy Death
Your affinity for risky behavior has been cause for many near
3rd Aerialist, Death from Above death experiences, granting you a certain sad familiarity with
9th Slow Fall death. Starting at 13th level, you add your proficiency bonus
to your death saving throws. When you make a death saving
13th Defy Death
throw and the result is greater then 20, it has the same effect
17th Airborne Strikes as if you had rolled a 20 on the d20.
Aerialist Airborne Strikes
When you leap through the air you appear to be flying to all You can maneuver yourself while airborne to strike at your
but the most potent observers. Beginning at 3rd level, you enemies in unexpected ways. Starting at 17th level, you have
have a climbing speed equal to your movement speed. advantage on attack rolls you make while airborne and at
In addition, you use your reflexes and acrobatic skill to least 5 feet off the ground. Moreover, you have advantage on
propel yourself through the air. When you make a running or Dexterity ability checks you make while you are airborne.
standing long or high jump, you use your Dexterity score, in
place of Strength, to calculate the distance of your jump.
Jumping in 5th Edition
Death From Above As a Daredevil, you use your Dexterity, in place of
When you adopt this Archetype at 3rd level, you learn to turn Strength, to determine the distance you can jump.
your airborne body into a projectile. If you move at least 10 With a 10 foot running start, high jump a number
feet through the air, then land within 5 feet of a creature one of feet equal to 3 + your Dexterity modifier, and
size larger then you or smaller, you can force it to make a you can long jump a number of feet equal to your
Strength saving throw as an action. (Save DC is equal to 8 + Dexterity score. Your jump's distance is deducted
your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier.) On a from your remaining movement speed.
failure, it falls prone and takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage. If you don't have a 10 foot running start, the
This special attack can apply your Sneak Attack damage, distance you can high and long jump is halved.
even if it doesn't meet the requirements for Sneak Attack.
While most warriors focus on overcoming their foes through Sharp Reflexes
strength of arms or brute force, the archetypal Fencer does Your training has honed your reflexes. Starting at 9th level,
so through precise strikes and superior martial abilities. you add your proficiency bonus to your initiative rolls.
What they lack in overwhelming strength and stamina, they
make up for with their finesse, skill, and technique. Counterattack
Fencer Features Starting at 13th level, when a creature hits you with a melee
attack, you can Counterattack as a reaction. You gain an extra
Rogue Level Feature
Exploit Die and make a weapon attack against the attacker.
3rd Classical Training, Fencer's Exploits (d6) The extra Exploit Die is lost if it is not used to Counterattack.
9th Sharp Reflexes, Fencer's Exploits (d8) Fencer Exploits
13th Counterattack The Exploits listed below are available to Fencer rogues, who
focus on overcoming their foes with skill and technique.
17th Fencer's Exploits (d10)
Crippling Strike. When you hit a creature with a melee
Classical Training weapon attack, you can expend an Exploit Die and force it to
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency with medium armor. You can make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, the creature
also apply your Sneak Attack damage to an attack that uses takes additional damage equal to your Exploit Die and its
an Exploit, even if it doesn't meet the normal requirements. speed is reduced to 0 until the start of your next turn.
Disarm. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack,
Fencer's Exploits you can expend an Exploit Die to force it to make a Strength
You have studied and learned various advanced martial saving throw. On a failure, it takes extra damage equal to your
techniques. At 3rd level, you gain the following features: Exploit Die, and it to drops an item of your choice.
Martial Exploits. You learn two Exploits of your choice Feint. As a bonus action, you can expend an Exploit Die
from the list at the end of this Archetype. You can only use and force a creature that can see you within 30 feet to make a
one Exploit per ability check or attack. When you gain a level, Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, you add your Exploit Die
you can replace one Exploit you know with another of your to both your attack and damage roll for the first attack you
choice. You learn another Exploit at 9th, 13th, and 17th level. make against that creature before the end of your next turn.
Exploit Dice. You have three d6 Exploit Dice. To use an Lightstep. When you make a Dexterity (Acrobatics) or
Exploit you must expend one of these dice, and you regain all Dexterity (Stealth) check, or roll initiative you can expend an
expended Exploit Dice when you finish a short or long rest. Exploit Die and add it to your roll. You can use this Exploit
As you gain levels in this class your Exploit Dice grow in after you roll, but before you know if you succeed or fail.
size and number. At 9th level you gain a fourth Exploit Die, Martial Focus. When you make a weapon attack, you can
and your dice become d8s. When you reach 17 level, you gain expend an Exploit Die as part of the attack to grant yourself
a fifth Exploit Die and all of your Exploit Dice become d10s. advantage on your attack roll. You can use this Exploit after
Saving Throws. Some of your Exploits require your target you roll, but before you know if your attack hits or misses.
to make a saving throw to resist your Marital Exploit's effects. Riposte. As a reaction when a creature you can see targets
The saving throw DC is calculated as follows: you with a melee attack, you can expend an Exploit Die and
add it to your Armor Class against the attack. If the triggering
Exploit save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your attack misses you, you can immediately make one weapon
Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice). attack against the attacker as part of the same reaction.
Gambler Gambler's Know-how
In life's games, sometimes you win, and sometimes you need
While all rogues enjoy risky behavior, the life of a Gambler to improvise. When you adopt this Archetype at 3rd level, you
revolves around this risk. They enjoy nothing more then high gain proficiency with improvised weapons, playing cards, and
stakes situations where they can put everything on the line. one other gaming set of your choice. Whenever you make an
Often found in taverns and casinos, these rogues cannot help ability check with either of your gaming set proficiencies, you
but gamble away any wealth they acquire in their adventures. can add double your proficiency bonus to your roll.
Gambler Features Also, if you spend at least 1 minute observing or playing a
game you aren't familiar with, you can add your proficiency
Rogue Level Feature bonus to any ability checks related to that game. Only one
3rd Pick a Card, Gambler's Know-how, game or gaming set can benefit from this feature at a time.
9th Lucky Streak Lucky Streak
13th Quickdraw Your attacks have been blessed with an entertaining, yet
strange, luck. Starting at 9th level, your attack rolls score a
17th Jackpot critical hit on a roll of 7 or 20 on the d20, but rolls of 13 or 1
on the d20 are both considered critical failures. Good luck!
Pick a Card
You can weaponize your trusty deck of cards. Beginning at Quickdraw
3rd level, decks of cards count as improvised weapons for Beginning at 13th level, you have advantage on your initiative
you. When used as a weapon, they have the thrown (30/60) rolls, and the first Pick a Card attack you make after rolling
and finesse properties, and on hit, your playing cards deal initiative gains a bonus effect of your choice.
slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Dexterity modifier.
When you make an attack with playing cards the number Jackpot
rolled on the d4 for damage grants the attack a bonus effect: Your good fortune is another's bad luck. Starting at 17th level,
whenever you roll a 6 on a d6 for one of your Sneak Attack
Roll Bonus Effect dice, you roll an additional d6 and add it to your damage roll.
The creatures's movement speed is
Divine Sense
9th Consecrated Strikes
13th Divine Judgment
17th Anointed Inquisitor
At 3rd level, your conviction and faith allow you to produce
divine spells, much like a cleric or a paladin does.
Cantrips. You learn two cantrips of your choice from the
Justicar Spell List at the end of this Archetype, and you learn
an additional Justicar cantrip when you reach 10th level.
Spell Slots. The Justicar Spellcasting table shows how
many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st-level and
higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of
the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots
when you finish a long rest. For example, if you know the
wrathful smite spell and have both a 1st and a 2nd-level spell
slot, you can cast wrathful smite using either spell slot.
Spells Known of 1st-Level and Higher. You know three Justicar Spellcasting
1st-level justicar spells. The Spells Known column of the
Justicar Spellcasting table shows when you learn more spells Rogue
of 1st-level or higher, of a level for which you have spell slots. Level Known Level Level Level Level
When you gain a level, you can replace one of your Spells 3rd 3 2 — — —
Known with another spell from the Justicar Spell List. The 4th 4 3 — — —
spell must also be of a level for which you have spell slots.
Spellcasting Ability. Charisma is your spellcasting ability 5th 4 3 ─ — —
for justicar spells, as your power is fueled by belief. You use 6th 4 3 ─ — —
Charisma whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability.
You also use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving 7th 5 4 2 — —
throw DC or making a spell attack roll for a justicar spell. 8th 6 4 2 — —
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus
9th 6 4 2 — —
+ your Charisma modifier 10th 7 4 3 — —
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus
11th 8 4 3 — —
+ your Charisma modifier
12th 8 4 3 — —
Channel Divinity 13th 9 4 3 2 —
Also at 3rd level, you gain the ability to channel divine energy
directly from your god, and can use it to fuel magical effects. 14th 10 4 3 2 —
You start with one such divine effect, Shroud of Faith. 15th 10 4 3 2 —
Once you use your Channel Divinity, you must finish a
short or long rest before you can use it again. Upon reaching 16th 11 4 3 3 —
13th level, you can use it twice between short or long rests. 17th 11 4 3 3 —
Shroud of Faith. As an action, you grip your holy symbol 18th 11 4 3 3 —
and invoke the protection of your god. You, and anything you
are wearing or carrying, becomes invisible for up to 1 minute. 19th 12 4 3 3 1
This effect ends early if you attack or cast a spell. 20th 13 4 3 3 1
Divine Judgment
You pour out divine wrath on those you mark as blasphemers
or heretics. Starting at 13th level, you can use a bonus action
to mark a creature you can see within 30 feet as a foe of your
god. While marked, any attack you make against that creature
scores a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on the d20.
Your mark lasts for 1 minute, and ends early if you are
incapacitated or you mark another creature. Once you mark
a creature you must finish a short or long rest before you can
use it again. If you have no uses remaining, you can expend a
spell slot of 3rd-level or higher to use it again.
Anointed Inquisitor
Beginning at 17th level, the power of your belief grants you a
boon of protection against any magic that would hinder you
from carrying the will of your god. Whenever you are forced
to make a saving throw, you gain a bonus to the saving throw
equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of +1).
Justicar Spell List
Here's the list of spells you consult when you learn a Justicar
spell. It is organized by spell level, not character level. The
spells below are from the Player's Handbook, Xanathar's
Guide to Everything*, and Tasha's Cauldron of Everything**.
Cantrips (0-Level) 2nd-Level
blade ward
booming blade**
green-flame blade**
branding smite
sacred flame
locate object
sword burst**
mind spike*
misty step
true strike
The presence of evil registers on your senses like a noxious zone of truth
odor, and good rings like music in your ears. Starting at 3rd 1st-Level
level, you can use a bonus action to open your awareness to arms of hadar
detect such creatures in your presence. Until the end of your bane
bestow curse
next turn, you know the location of any celestials, fiends, or bless
blinding smite
undead within 60 feet that are not shielded from divination cause fear*
magic. You know the creature type of any creature whose ceremony*
presence you sense, but not its identity. You also detect the charm person
enemies abound*
desecrated, as with the hallow spell, within the same radius. compelled duel
hunger of hadar
Once you use this feature you must finish a short or long comprehend languages
speak with dead
rest before you can use it again. If you have no uses left, you divine favor
spirit shroud**
can expend a spell slot of 1st-level or higher to use it again. expeditious retreat
vampiric touch
guiding bolt
level, when you hit a creature with an attack that includes sanctuary
Sneak Attack damage, you can expend a spell slot of 1st-level searing smite
death ward
The additional damage from your Sneak Attack becomes thunderous smite
freedom of movement
radiant damage, and if you roll a 1 or 2 on any of damage dice unseen servant
locate creature
for this attack, you can re-roll the die, though you must use witch bolt
shadow of moil*
the new roll, even if your new roll is a 1 or a 2. wrathful smite staggering smite
Destructive Strikes
Your work has given you a knack for identifying structural
weak points. Starting at 3rd level, when you hit a non-magical
structure with a weapon attack or one of your explosives, it is
considered an automatic critical hit. Also, when you attack a
construct, you score a critical hit on an attack roll of 19 or 20. Hair Trigger
Explosives You have learned to detonate your Explosives from afar.
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency with alchemist's tools, along Beginning at 17th level, when you craft an Explosive, you can
with the secrets of creating explosive Black Powder: create a rudimentary arcane remote to trigger the Explosive
Black Powder Charges. At the end of each long rest, you from afar. As an action, you can trigger the Explosive as long
can use your alchemist's supplies to produce a number of as you are within 100 feet.
Black Powder Charges equal to your proficiency bonus + Explosives
your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1). These Charges
are used to craft the explosives you know, and become inert
The following Explosives are available for a Saboteur rogue
if they are not used by the end of your next long rest. to learn. As an action, you can craft an explosive, using the
Explosives Known. You learn how to make three types of amount of Black Powder Charges detailed in the description.
explosives; a Hand Bomb, and two other explosives of your Any explosives become inert at the end of your next long rest.
choice from the list at the end of this Archetype description. Hand Bomb (1 Charge). As an action you can ignite the
When you gain a level in this class, you can replace one explosive and throw it at a creature you can see within 60
explosive you know with another explosive of your choice. feet, forcing it to make a Dexterity saving throw. They take
You learn to craft two additional explosives of your choice 2d6 fire damage on a failed save, and half as much damage
when you reach 9th, 13th, and 17th level in this class. on a success. You add your Sneak Attack bonus to the fire
Explosive Save DC. Some of your explosives require your damage even if you don't meet the normal requirements.
target to make a saving throw to resist their explosive effects. Arcane Explosives. The Arcane Explosives table below
Your Explosive Save DC is calculated as follows: details spell effects you can replicate with your Explosives.
Explosive Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus
Each time you learn a new Explosive, you can choose one
+ your Intelligence modifier spell effect from the list below to learn, so long as you meet
the prerequisite level, which refers to your rogue level. If a
Advanced Alchemy spell normally requires concentration, the explosive version
Starting at 9th level, your mastery of alchemy allows you to of that spell does not and lasts the full duration.
alter the explosives you make in the following ways:
Appearance. You can alter the outward appearance of an Arcane Explosives
explosive. When they are unlit, creatures must succeed on an Level Charges Spell Effects
Intelligence (Investigation) check against your Explosive Save 3 1 earth tremor, fog cloud, grease
DC in order to recognize the object as an unlit explosive.
Color. You alter the color of both explosive itself, the color 5 3
blindness/deafness, enlarge/reduce,
of the explosion, and the color of the smoke it produces. pyrotechnics, web
Damage Type. You alter the damage type of any explosive 9 5 erupting earth, fireball, stinking cloud
you craft to bludgeoning, piercing, fire, thunder, or lightning. banishment, sickening radiance,
13 7
Sabotage vitriolic sphere
Starting at 13th level, creatures that are surprised have 17 9
cloudkill, immolation, insect plague
initiates. However, even the most well guarded secrets can be 3rd 1/4
Swim Speed
stolen by the right thief. Skinchangers are the rogues who
have acquire druidic magic through untraditional means. 9th 1/2 No Flight Speed Reef Shark
While most Skinchangers are infamous for acquiring their 13th 1 — Giant Eagle
abilities through trickery and theft, some work alongside of
druids and are selected to carry out specialized missions. 17th 2 — Cave Bear
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