Cheat Code Harvest Moon DS

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Max money

023B9B88 3B9ACA00

Max Casino Medals

023b9b8c 3b9aca00

Max Lumber/Stone/Golden Lumber/Fodder/Feed

023BB4B4 03E703E7
023BB4B8 03E703E7
123BB4BC 000003E7

Unlimited Stamina
023b9b84 00646411

223B9B80 0000000X
Note: if you enable one of the "can't go outside" types while you're outside, you can go around
in that weather without a problem.
Note: for the icon to change, you must do something that covers the whole upper screen (i.e.
calling on the telephone).
Note: for the weather to change, you must enter/exit a building.
Note: the ground will be unaffected.
0 = Sunny
1 = Raining
2 = Snowing
3 = Storming (can't go outside)
4 = Blizzard (can't go outside)
5 = Freezes the last weather effect in front of your house

Berteman Dengan Warga 

Trent Affection/Friend
223BF4AC 000000FF
123BF4B0 0000FFFF

Gray Affection/Friend
223BF4D4 000000FF
123BF4D8 0000FFFF

Cliff Affection/Friend
223BF45C 000000FF
123BF460 0000FFFF

Rick Affection/Friend
223BF484 000000FF
123BF488 0000FFFF

Kai Affection/Friend
223BF434 000000FF
123BF438 0000FFFF

Flora's FP Max
223BF024 000000FF

Galen's FP Max
223BF114 000000FF
Cody's FP Max
223BF18C 000000FF

Patrick's FP Max
223BF254 000000FF

Kassey's FP Max
223BF22C 000000FF

Murrey's FP Max
223BF27C 000000FF

Ruby's FP Max
223BF09C 000000FF

Dr. Hardy's FP Max

223BF0EC 000000FF

Nina's FP Max
223BF13C 000000FF

Daryl's FP Max
223BF164 000000FF

Vesta's FP Max
223BF04C 000000FF

Nami's FP Max
223BEE94 000000FF

Takakura's FP Max
223BF2A4 000000FF

Celia's FP Max
223BEE44 000000FF

Wally's FP Max
223BEF34 000000FF

Chris' FP Max
223BEF5C 000000FF

Hugh's FP Max
223BEFD4 000000FF

Grant's FP Max
223BEF84 000000FF

Van's FP Max
223BF204 000000FF

Romana's FP Max
223BEEBC 000000FF

Sebastian's FP Max
223BEEE4 000000FF

Witch Princess' FP/AP Max

223BF5EC 000000FF
123BF5F0 0000FFFF

Leia's FP/AP Max

223BF59C 000000FF
123BF5A0 0000FFFF

Harvest Goddess' FP/AP Max

223BF4FC 000000FF
123BF500 0000FFFF

Keira's FP/AP Max

223BF5C4 000000FF
123BF5C8 0000FFFF

Muffy's FP Max
223BEE6C 000000FF

Lumina's FP Max
223BEF0C 000000FF

Kate's FP Max
223BEFAC 000000FF

Carter's FP/AP Max

223BEFFC 000000FF
123BF000 0000FFFF

Marlin's FP/AP Max

223BF074 000000FF
123BF078 0000FFFF

Rock's FP/AP Max

223BF0C4 000000FF
123BF0C8 0000FFFF

Gustafa's FP/AP Max

223BF1B4 000000FF
123BF1B8 0000FFFF

Griffin's FP/AP Max

223BF1DC 000000FF
123BF1E0 0000FFFF

Skye's FP/AP Max

223BF614 000000FF
123BF618 0000FFFF


94000130 FFFB0000
C0000000 0000001C
223BFAB7 0000007F
223BFABB 000000FF
DC000000 00000018
D2000000 00000000

Semua Barang Di Shipment

(Pencet L)
94000130 FDFF0000
C0000000 00000111
023BFF50 3B9ACA00
DC000000 00000004
D2000000 00000000

Semua Alat Full Experience (termasuk milker & shears)

123C104C 0000C992

Level Naik (each time you use the milker/shears, they level up) 

Tambang Terbuka semua

223C1079 000000FF

Serangan makhluk ditambang tidak berefek

223B6B39 00000015

Menangkap Ikan 51 langsung (Press R)

94000130 FEFF0000
C0000000 00000032
023C10E4 3B9ACA00
DC000000 00000004
D2000000 00000000

Hati Anjing dan Skill Anjing Max (Dog)

223BFA8B 00000004
223BFA9B 000000FE

92 sprites saved (max affection and skill)

Step 1. Selamatkan Beberapa Kurcaci
Step 2. Pekerjakaan Kurcaci
Step 3. Pergi Tidur
Step 4. Pergi Ke Perusahaan Kurcaci (Pohon Besar itu....)
All the Labor Teams are fully functional and there.

Note: The brown team (although displayed as saved) won't talk to you until you really save
Note: To save the Harvest Goddess, save another sprite after step 4. (Terjemahkan Sendiri
C0000000 0000000B
023BF65C FFFF0001
023BF6EC FFFF0101
023BF77C FFFF0201
023BF80C FFFF0301
023BF89C FFFF0401
023BF92C FFFF0501
023BF9BC FFFF0601
DC000000 0000000C
D2000000 00000000
C0000000 00000007
223BFA4C 00000001
DC000000 00000004
D2000000 00000000

Inventory Codes
023B9B90 - Slot Alat
023B9B94 - Item yg di pegang
023B9B98 - Accessory Slot
023B9BAC - slot 1
023B9BB0 - 2
023B9BB4 - 3
023B9BB8 - 4
023B9BBC - 5
023B9BC0 - 6
023B9BC4 - 7
023B9BC8 - 8
023B9BCC - 9
023B9BD0 - 10
023B9BD4 - 11
023B9BD8 - 12
023B9BDC - 13
023B9BE0 - 14
023B9BE4 - 15
023B9BE8 - 16
023B9BEC - 17
023B9BF0 - 18
023B9BF4 - 19
023B9BF8 - 20
023B9BFC - 21
023B9C00 - 22
023B9C04 - 23
023B9C08 - 24
023B9C0C - 25
023B9C10 - 26
023B9C14 - 27
023B9C18 - 28
023B9C1C - 29
023B9C20 - 30
023B9C24 - 31
023B9C28 - 32
023B9C2C - 33
023B9C30 - 34
023B9C34 - 35
023B9C38 - 36
023B9C3C - 37
023B9C40 - 38
023B9C44 - 39
023B9C48 - 40
023B9C4C - 41
023B9C50 - 42
023B9C54 - 43
023B9C58 - 44
023B9C5C - 45
023B9C60 - 46
023B9C64 - 47
023B9C68 - 48
023B9C6C - 49
023B9C70 - 50
023B9C74 - 51
023B9C78 - 52
023B9C7C - 53
023B9C80 - 54

NOTE: 63000001 Gives you 99 Axes, add the "63" to receive 99. (Terjemahkan
Sendiri :v.......)
NOTE: 006300C7 Gives you Lv 100 Turnip Seeds (Terjemahkan Sendiri :v.......)
NOTE: 636300C7 Gives you 99 Lv 100 Turnip Seeds (Terjemahkan Sendiri :v.......)

Merah - Tipe Alat

Hijau - Item tipe
Biru - Accessory tipe
Coklat - Slot yang ada di tas (yang jumlahnya banyak)

Note: *Blank* refers to no name shown

Code format

XX = quantity (using 0 has bad results, use 01-63)

YY = Level (0 = lvl 1, 63= lvl 100)
ZZZZ = the item's hex, which is provided.

00FFFFFF Empty Space
00000000 Axe
00010000 Copper Axe
00020000 Silver Axe
00030000 Gold Axe
00040000 Mystrile Axe
00050000 Blessed Axe
00060000 Cursed Axe
00070000 Mythic Axe
00000001 Fishing Rod
00010001 Copper Fishing Rod
00020001 Silver Fishing Rod
00030001 Gold Fishing Rod
00040001 Mystrile Fishing Rod
00050001 Blessed Fishing Rod
00060001 Cursed Fishing Rod
00070001 Mythic Fishing Rod
00000002 Hammer
00010002 Copper Hammer
00020002 Silver Hammer
00030002 Gold Hammer
00040002 Mystrile Hammer
00050002 Blessed Hammer
00060002 Cursed Hammer
00070002 Mythic Hammer
00000003 Hoe
00010003 Copper Hoe
00020003 Silver Hoe
00030003 Gold Hoe
00040003 Mystrile Hoe
00050003 Blessed Hoe
00060003 Cursed Hoe
00070003 Mythic Hoe
00000004 Sickle
00010004 Copper Sickle
00020004 Silver Sickle
00030004 Gold Sickle
00040004 Mystrile Sickle
00050004 Blessed Sickle
00060004 Cursed Sickle
00070004 Mythic Sickle
00000005 Watering Can
00010005 Copper Watering Can
00020005 Silver Watering Can
00030005 Gold Watering Can
00040005 Mystrile Watering Can
00050005 Blessed Watering Can
00060005 Cursed Watering Can
00070005 Mythic Watering Can
00000006 Clippers
00000007 Milker
00000008 Legendary Sword
00000009 Animal Medicine
0000000A Bell
0000000B Blue Feather
0000000C Brush
0000000D Rucksack
0000000E Big Rucksack
0000000F Fodder
00000010 H. Goddess's Gift
00000011 Fish Bones
00000012 Book
00000013 Boot
00000014 Bottle
00000015 Empty Can
00000016 Junk Ore
00000017 Fossil of Fish
00000018 Title Bonus
00000019 Lithograph
0000001A Witch Princess's Gift
0000001B Coin
0000001C Bird Feed
0000001D Cow Miracle Potion
0000001E Sheep Miracle Potion
0000001F 10,000G Ticket
00000020 1,000,000G Ticket
00000021 *Blank* Record
00000022 Yellow Wonderful
00000023 Orange Wonderful
00000024 Blue Wonderful
00000025 Green Wonderful
00000026 Indigo Wonderful
00000027 Purple Wonderful
00000028 Red Wonderful
00000029 White Wonderful
0000002A Black Wonderful
0000002B Yarn S
0000002C Yarn M
0000002D Yarn L
0000002E Wool S
0000002F Wool M
00000030 Wool L
00000031 Bronze Coin
00000032 Silver Coin
00000033 Gold Coin
00000034 Copper
00000035 Silver
00000036 Gold
00000037 Agate
00000038 Flourite
00000039 Mystrile
0000003A Orichalc
0000003B Pirate treasure
0000003C Mythic Stone
0000003D Adamantite
0000003E Moon Stone
0000003F Alexandrite *Green*
00000040 Alexandrite *Red*
00000041 Amethyst
00000042 Emerald
00000043 Ruby
00000044 Topaz
00000045 Diamond
00000046 Peridot
00000047 Pink Diamond
00000048 Bracelet
00000049 Broach
0000004A Dress
0000004B Earrings
0000004C Facial Pack
0000004D Choker
0000004E Perfume
0000004F Skin Lotion
00000050 Sun Block
00000051 Steamed Egg
00000052 Cheese Steamed Bun
00000053 Bamboo Dumplings
00000054 Curry Bun
00000055 Sponge Cake
00000056 Steamed Bun
00000057 Steamed Cake
00000058 Steamed Dumplings
00000059 Shaomai
0000005A Chinese Bun
0000005B Failed Dish *Frying Pan*
0000005C Bread
0000005D Dinner Roll
0000005E Curry Bread
0000005F Toast
00000060 French Toast
00000061 Raisin Bread
00000062 Jam Bun
00000063 Apple Pie
00000064 Cake
00000065 Cheese Cake
00000066 Chocolate Cake
00000067 Pancake
00000068 Failed Dish *Oven*
00000069 Candied Potato
0000006A Baked Yam
0000006B Sweet Potatoes
0000006C Chocolate Cookies
0000006D Cookies
0000006E Moon Dumplings
0000006F Green Dumplings
00000070 Apple Souffle
00000071 Baked Corn
00000072 French Fries
00000073 Popcorn
00000074 Doughnut
00000075 Buckwheat Ball
00000076 Shaved Ice
00000077 Ice Cream
00000078 Pudding
00000079 Pumpkin Pudding
0000007A Failed Dish *N/A cooking utensil*
0000007B Failed Dish *Pot*
0000007C Cheese Fondue
0000007D Corn Flakes
0000007E Stew
0000007F Pumkin Stew
00000080 Mountain Stew
00000081 Boiled Spinach
00000082 Egg Over Rice
00000083 Tempura Rice
00000084 Matsutake Rice
00000085 Mushroom Rice
00000086 Bamboo Rice
00000087 Buckwheat Chips
00000088 *Blank* It's a soup
00000089 Rice Soup
0000008A Noodles
0000008B Curry Noodles
0000008C Tempura Noodles
0000008D Tempura B. Noodles
0000008E Tempura
0000008F Buckwheat Noodles
00000090 Chirashi Sushi
00000091 Fried Thick Noodles
00000092 Fried Noodles
00000093 Dumplings
00000094 Doria
00000095 Gratin
00000096 Porridge
00000097 Risotto
00000098 Failed Dish *Steamer*
00000099 Boiled Egg
0000009A Fish Sticks
0000009B Happy Eggplant
0000009C Grilled Fish
0000009D Pickled Turnip
0000009E Pickled Cucumber
0000009F Sashimi
000000A0 Sushi
000000A1 Stir Fry
000000A2 Yellow Curry
000000A3 Orange Curry
000000A4 Blue Curry
000000A5 Green Curry
000000A6 Indigo Curry
000000A7 Purple Curry
000000A8 Red Curry
000000A9 White Curry
000000AA Black Curry
000000AB Curry Rice
000000AC Fried Rice
000000AD *Blank* Something on a plate
000000AE Croquettes
000000AF Savory Pancakes
000000B0 Omelet
000000B1 Omelet Rice
000000B2 Scrambled Eggs
000000B3 *Blank* Something on a plate 2
000000B4 Pizza
000000B5 Rice Ball
000000B6 Toasted Rice Ball
000000B7 Rice Cake
000000B8 Roasted Rice Cake
000000B9 Salad
000000BA Sandwich
000000BB Pot Sticker
000000BC Dry Curry
000000BD Rainbow Curry
000000BE Ultimate Curry
000000BF Finest Curry
000000C0 Fish Stew
000000C1 Fruit Sandwich
000000C2 *Blank* Mixer
000000C3 *Blank* Frying Pan
000000C4 *Blank* Oven
000000C5 *Blank* Steamer
000000C6 *Blank* Pot
000000C7 Turnip Seeds
000000C8 Potato Seeds
000000C9 Cucumber Seeds
000000CA Strawberry Seeds
000000CB Cabbage Seeds
000000CC Tomato Seeds
000000CD Corn Seeds
000000CE Onion Seeds
000000CF Pumpkin Seeds
000000D0 Pineapple Seeds
000000D1 Eggplant Seeds
000000D2 Carrot Seeds
000000D3 Yam Seeds
000000D4 Spinach Seeds
000000D5 Bell Pepper Seeds
000000D6 Moondrop Seeds
000000D7 Toyflower Seeds
000000D8 Pinkcat Seeds
000000D9 Magic Red Seeds
000000DA Grass Seeds
000000DB Peach Seeds
000000DC Banana Seeds
000000DD Orange Seeds
000000DE Apple Seeds
000000DF Grape Seeds
000000E0 Shiitake Seeds
000000E1 Matsutake Seeds
000000E2 Toadstool Seeds
000000E3 Turnip
000000E4 Potato
000000E5 Cucumber
000000E6 Strawberry
000000E7 Cabbage
000000E8 Tomato
000000E9 Corn
000000EA Onion
000000EB Pumpkin
000000EC Pineapple
000000ED Eggplant
000000EE Carrot
000000EF Yam
000000F0 Spinach
000000F1 Bell Pepper
000000F2 Moondrop Flower
000000F3 Toyflower
000000F4 Pinkcat Flower
000000F5 Blue Magic Flower
000000F6 Red Magic Flower
000000F7 Peach
000000F8 Banana
000000F9 Orange
000000FA Apple
000000FB Grape
000000FC Shiitake S
000000FD Shiitake M
000000FE Shiitake L
000000FF Matsutake S
00000100 Matsutake M
00000101 Matsutake L
00000102 Toadstool S
00000103 Toadstool M
00000104 Toadstool L
00000105 Yellow Grass
00000106 Orange Grass
00000107 Blue Grass
00000108 Green Grass
00000109 Indigo Grass
0000010A Purple Grass
0000010B Red Grass
0000010C White Grass
0000010D Black Grass
0000010E Elli Leaves
0000010F Bamboo Shoot
00000110 Wild Grape
00000125 Teleport Stone
00000126 Pedometer
00000127 Clock
00000128 Red Cloak
00000129 Slow Shoes
00010129 Fast Shoes
0000012A Truth Bangle
0000012B Love Bangle
0000012C Godhand
0000012D Miracle Gloves
0000012E Touch Screen Gloves
0000012F Necklace
0001012F Copper Necklace
0002012F Silver Necklace
0003012F Gold Necklace
0004012F Mystrile Necklace
0005012F Blessed Necklace
0006012F Mythic Necklace
00000130 H. Goddess Earrings *CURSED*
00010130 H. Goddess Earrings *Effect: S*
00020130 H. Goddess Earrings *Effect: M*
00030130 H. Goddess Earrings *Effect: L*
00000131 Kappa Earrings *CURSED*
00010131 Kappa Earrings *Effect: S*
00020131 Kappa Earrings *Effect: M*
00030131 Kappa Earrings *Effect: L*
00000132 Witch P Earrings *CURSED*
00010132 Witch P Earrings *Effect S*
00020132 Witch P Earrings *Effect M*
00030132 Witch P Earrings *Effect L*
00000133 Friendship Pendant *CURSED*
00010133 Friendship Pendant *Effect: S*
00020133 Friendship Pendant *Effect: M*
00030133 Friendship Pendant *Effect: L*
00000134 H. Goddess Pendant *CURSED*
00010134 H. Goddess Pendant *Effect: S*
00020134 H. Goddess Pendant *Effect: M*
00030134 H. Goddess Pendant *Effect: L*
00000135 Kappa Pendant *CURSED*
00010135 Kappa Pendant *Effect: S*
00020135 Kappa Pendant *Effect: M*
00030135 Kappa Pendant *Effect: L*
00000136 Time Ring *CURSED*
00010136 Time Ring *Slows Time Down*
00000137 Harvest Goddess Hat *CURSED*
00010137 Harvest Goddess Hat *Effect: S*
00020137 Harvest Goddess Hat *Effect: M*
00030137 Harvest Goddess Hat *Effect: L*
00000138 Kappa Hat *CURSED*
00010138 Kappa Hat *Effect: S*
00020138 Kappa Hat *Effect: M*
00030138 Kappa Hat *Effect: L*
00000139 Angler Fish
0000013A Coelacanth
0000013B Squid
0000013C Huchen
0000013D Carp
0000013E Spa Catfish
0000013F Fish S
00000140 Fish M
00000141 Fish L
00000142 *Blank* (Glitchy picture of an Angler Fish)
00000143 *Blank* (Glitchy picture of a Coelacanth)
00000144 *Blank* (Glitchy picture of a Squid)
00000145 *Blank* (Glitchy picture of a Huchen)
00000146 *Blank* (Glitchy picture of a Carp)
00000147 *Blank* (Glitchy picture of a Spa Catfish)
00000148 Failed Dish *Mixer*
00000149 Hot Milk
0000014A Hot Chocolate
0000014B Relax Tea
0000014C Turbojolt
0000014D Bodigizer
0000014E Fruit Juice
0000014F Fruit Latte
00000150 Grape Juice
00000151 Milk
00000152 Mix Juice
00000153 Mix Latte
00000154 Pineapple Juice
00000155 Strawberry Milk
00000156 Tomato Juice
00000157 Vegetable Juice
00000158 Vegetable Latte
00000159 Water
0000015A Peach Juice
0000015B Banana Juice
0000015C Orange Juice
0000015D Apple Juice
0000015E Turbojolt XL
0000015F Bodigizer XL
00000160 Wild Grape Wine
00000161 Wine
00000162 Apple jam
00000163 Grape Jam
00000164 Strawberry Jam
00000165 Marmalade
00000166 Cheese S
00000167 Cheese M
00000168 Cheese L
00000169 Yougurt S
0000016A Yougurt M
0000016B Yougurt L
0000016C Mayonnaise S
0000016D Mayonnaise M
0000016E Mayonnaise L
0000016F Milk S
00000170 Milk M
00000171 Milk L
00000172 Chicken Egg S
00000173 Chicken Egg M
00000174 Chicken Egg L
00000175 Spa-Boiled Egg
00000176 Duck Egg S
00000177 Duck Egg M
00000178 Duck Egg L
00000179 Buckwheat Flour
0000017A Butter
0000017B Chocolate
0000017C Curry Powder
0000017D Dumpling Mix
0000017E Flour
0000017F Ketchup
00000180 Oil
00000181 Relax Tea Leaves
00000182 The Spring Sun
00000183 The Summer Sun
00000184 The Fall Sun
00000185 The Winter Sun
00000186 Sand Rose
00000187 Ball
00000188 Basket
00000189 Weed
0000018A Branch
0000018B Stone
0000018C *Blank* (Mine Stone)
0000018D Lumber
0000018E Material Stone
0000018F Golden Lumber
00000190 *Your Cat's Name* (Cat)
00000191 *Your Dog's Name* (Dog)
00000192 *Blank* (Chick)
00000193 *Blank* (Chicken)
00000194 *Blank* (Duckling)
00000195 *Blank* (Duck)
00000196 *Blank* (Blue overalls)
00010196 *Blank* (Green overalls)
00020196 *Blank* (Orange overalls)
00030196 *Blank* (Eggplant Purple overalls)
00040196 *Blank* (Sunflower overalls)
00050196 *Blank* (Rose Red overalls)
00060196 *Blank* (Ocean Blue overalls)
00070196 *Blank* (Night Sky overalls)
00080196 *Blank* (Snow Cloud overalls)
00090196 *Blank* (Brown overalls)
000A0196 *Blank* (Plum overalls)
000B0196 *Blank* (Storm Cloud overalls)
000C0196 *Blank* (Spring Green overalls)
000D0196 *Blank* (Aqua overalls)
000E0196 *Blank* (Pink overalls)
000F0196 *Blank* (Peach overalls)
00100196 *Blank* (Blueberry overalls)
00110196 *Blank* (Olive overalls)
00000197 *Blank* (Multi-piece outfit 1)
00010197 *Blank* (Multi-piece outfit 2)
00020197 *Blank* (Multi-piece outfit 3)
00030197 *Blank* (Yours forever [outfit 4])
00040197 *Blank* (Admirable friend [outfit 5])
00050197 *Blank* (Pure affection [outfit 6])
00060197 *Blank* (Elegant Behavior [outfit 7])
00070197 *Blank* (Pure heart [outfit 8])
00080197 *Blank* (Cool costume [outfit 9])
00090197 *Blank* (Shy heart [outfit 10])
000A0197 *Blank* (Setting sun [outfit 11])
000B0197 *Blank* (Love confession [outfit 12])
000C0197 *Blank* (Longing memories [outfit 13])
000D0197 *Blank* (Unchanging vow [outfit 14])
000E0197 *Blank* (Lady in thought [outfit 15])
000F0197 *Blank* (Selfish beauty [outfit 16])
00100197 *Blank* (Wavered heart [outfit 17])
00110197 *Blank* (Bamboo forest [outfit 18])

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