Being Macrosomic at Birth Is An Independent Predictor of Overweight in Children: Results From The IDEFICS Study
Being Macrosomic at Birth Is An Independent Predictor of Overweight in Children: Results From The IDEFICS Study
Being Macrosomic at Birth Is An Independent Predictor of Overweight in Children: Results From The IDEFICS Study
DOI 10.1007/s10995-012-1136-2
Abstract Fetal macrosomia is a risk factor for the mothers with diabetes (AGA-D); (3) macrosomic offspring
development of obesity late in childhood. We retrospec- (BW [ 90th percentile for gestational age) of mothers
tively evaluated the relationship between maternal condi- without diabetes (Macro-ND); (4) macrosomic offspring of
tions associated with fetal macrosomia and actual mothers with diabetes (Macro-D). Children macrosomic at
overweight/obesity in the European cohort of children birth showed significantly higher actual values of body
participating in the IDEFICS study. Anthropometric vari- mass index, waist circumference, and sum of skinfold
ables, blood pressure and plasma lipids and glucose were thickness. In both boys and girls, Macro-ND was an
measured. Socio-demographic data, medical history and independent determinant of overweight/obesity, after the
perinatal factors, familiar and gestational history, maternal adjustment for confounders [Boys: OR = 1.7 95 % CI
and/or gestational diabetes were assessed by a question- (1.3;2.2); Girls: OR = 1.6 95 % CI (1.3;2.0)], while
naire. Variables of interest were reported for 10,468 chil- Macro-D showed a significant association only in girls
dren (M/F = 5,294/5,174; age 6.0 ± 1.8 years, M ± SD). [OR = 2.6 95 % CI (1.1;6.4)]. Fetal macrosomia, also in
The sample was divided in four groups according to child the absence of maternal/gestational diabetes, is indepen-
birth weight (BW) and maternal diabetes: (1) adequate for dently associated with the development of overweight/
gestational age offspring (BW between the 10th and 90th obesity during childhood. Improving the understanding of
percentiles for gestational age) of mothers without diabetes fetal programming will contribute to the early prevention
(AGA-ND); (2) adequate for gestational age offspring of of childhood overweight/obesity.
S. Marild
Department of Paediatrics, Queen Silvia Children’s Hospital,
University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
1374 Matern Child Health J (2013) 17:1373–1381
Keywords Fetal macrosomia Childhood obesity obese infants who in turn give birth to obese generations to
Gestational diabetes Gestational weight gain IDEFICS come [13]. It is therefore very important to investigate
early-life determinants of obesity that could lead to inno-
vative prevention strategies.
Introduction Existing studies focused on the long-term impacts of
macrosomia at birth in general, often without a clear dis-
Fetal macrosomia is defined, according to the Medical tinction between the relative weight of the predictors of
Subject Headings of the National Library of Medicine neonatal macrosomia. The different maternal conditions
( [1], as associated with neonatal macrosomia could differentially
birth weight of a newborn above the 90th percentile for impact the development of overweight and of related
gestational age after adjustment for sex- and ethnicity, and metabolic abnormalities during childhood and adolescence
occurs in roughly 1–10 % of all deliveries with 1–2 % of [14].
the newborns having birth weight C4,500 g or more [2]. The present study aimed to investigate in a large sample
The prenatal diagnosis of macrosomia by ultrasonography of European schoolchildren the association between mac-
is often inaccurate, and this condition is usually diagnosed rosomia at birth and obesity during childhood, taking into
by measuring birth weight after delivery. Male babies are account the possible role of one of the main causes of
more likely to be macrosomic compared to females [3]. macrosomia, that is diabetes during pregnancy.
Fetal macrosomia is a heterogeneous condition in terms
of definition and etiologic factors [4]. A number of pre-
disposing conditions have been identified: maternal dia- Materials and Methods
betes or glucose intolerance, maternal overweight prior to
pregnancy, gestational weight gain [20 kg, gestational age Study Population
[41 weeks, previous history of macrosomic birth, mater-
nal age[30 years at birth, high parity, ethnicity, etc. [4, 5]. The IDEFICS (Identification and prevention of Dietary-
Other factors, such as parental height and weight, might and lifestyle-induced health EFfects In Children and
also play a role in determining newborn birth weight. infants) project is a large-scale European study funded by
Despite the identification and characterization of these risk the European Commission within the 6th Framework
factors, many cases of macrosomia remain unexplained. Program aiming to evaluate the role of dietary, lifestyle,
Maternal overweight and associated metabolic changes, social and genetic factors on the onset of diet- and lifestyle-
including type 2 and gestational diabetes, play a central related disorders including overweight and obesity in
role in the delivery of overweight newborns [3]. In par- young children [15].
ticular, macrosomia is considered the most frequent unfa- From September 2007 to May 2008, 16,224 preschool-
vorable outcome of a diabetes mellitus-complicated primary school children aged 2–8 years from Belgium,
pregnancy, i.e. a condition characterized by elevated blood Cyprus, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain, and
glucose that is the main substrate for fetal growth [6]. The Sweden were examined and their parents were interviewed.
transportation of glucose across the placenta may result in Birth weight was not reported for 874 children, 3,891 were
fetal hyperinsulinemia and stimulation of insulin-like born preterm, 554 from twin gestations and 437 were small
growth factors, growth hormone and other growth factors for gestational age newborns (SGA: birth weight \ 10th
which, in turn, stimulate growth process and deposition of percentile for gestational age). After the exclusion of these
fat and glycogen. However, not only maternal glucose 5,756 children, the analysis was performed in 10,468
intolerance [7, 8], but also other prenatal factors may alter children (Boys = 5,294; Girls = 5,174; age = 6.0 ± 1.8
the intrauterine environment and influence fetal growth. years, M ± SD).
Besides short term complications such as stillbirth, The study was conducted according to the standards of
shoulder dystocia, birth trauma, and higher risk of delivery the Declaration of Helsinki. All applicable institutional and
by caesarean section [3, 9], macrosomia at birth is asso- governmental regulations pertaining to the ethical use of
ciated with an increased risk of long term adverse out- human volunteers were followed during this research.
comes in the child, such as insulin resistance, diabetes, Approval by the appropriate ethical committees was
obesity and hypertension [10]. obtained by each of the eight centers engaged in the
The prevalence of overweight and obesity among chil- fieldwork. Participants were not subjected to any study
dren rapidly increased over the last decades [11], leading to procedure before both the children and their parents gave
increased adult obesity and its short- and long-term adverse their oral (children) and written (parents) informed consent
health outcomes [12]. Maternal and neonatal obesity might for examinations, collection of samples, subsequent anal-
represent a vicious cycle whereby obese mothers have ysis and storage of personal data and collected samples.
Matern Child Health J (2013) 17:1373–1381 1375
N 4,501 109 650 34
Age (years) 6.0 (5.9;6.0) 6.0 (5.6;6.3) 5.9 (5.8;6.0) 5.2 (5.6;6.8)
Birth weight (kg) 3.5 (3.5;3.5) 3.5 (3.3;3.5) 4.3a,b (4.3;4.3) 4.4a,b (4.3;4.5)
3 a,b
Ponderal index (kg/m ) 25.8 (25.7;25.9) 26.4 (24.8;28.0) 28.2 (27.8;28.5) 27.8c (26.5;29.1)
N 4,415 103 628 28
Age (years) 6.0 (6.0;6.1) 6.0 (5.8;6.2) 6.1 (6.0;6.2) 6.2 (5.5;7.0)
Birth weight (kg) 3.3 (3.3;3.3) 3.3 (3.3;3.4) 4.1a,b (4.1;4.2) 4.2a,b (4.1;4.3)
3 a,b
Ponderal index (kg/m ) 25.8 (25.7;26.0) 25.5 (24.7;26.2) 27.9 (27.7;28.2) 27.8d,e (26.1;29.5)
Data are mean (95 % confidence interval)
AGA-ND adequate for gestational age offspring of mothers without diabetes, AGA-D adequate for gestational age offspring of mothers with
diabetes, Macro-ND macrosomic offspring of mothers without diabetes, Macro-D macrosomic offspring of mothers with diabetes
P for multiple comparisons: a \0.001 vs AGA-ND, b \0.001 vs AGA-D, c
0.016 vs AGA-ND, d
0.020 vs AGA-D, e
0.035 vs AGA-ND
Anthropometry and Blood Pressure Systolic and diastolic blood pressure were measured
after 5 min rest in the seated position, at the child right arm
Children underwent a standardized physical examination. with a cuff of appropriate size for arm circumference using
Anthropometric data included body weight and height, an automatic sphygmomanometer (Welch Allyn 4200B-E2
waist and hip circumferences and the measurement of Inc., Skaneateles Falls, NY, USA). Two measurements
skinfold thickness. A detailed description of the anthro- were made and the average of the measurements was used
pometric measurements in the IDEFICS study, including for analysis.
intra- and inter-observer reliability, has been recently
published [16]. Blood Samples
The measurement of weight was carried out using an
electronic scale (Tanita BC 420 SMA, Tanita Europe Children were asked to participate, on a voluntary basis, in
GmbH, Sindelfingen, Germany) to the nearest 0.1 kg blood drawing. A detailed description of sample collection
with children wearing light clothes, without shoes. and analytical procedures in the IDEFICS survey has been
Height was measured using a telescopic height-measur- recently published [19, 20]. Blood glucose, total- and
ing instrument (Seca 225 stadiometer, Birmingham, UK) HDL-cholesterol, and triglycerides were assessed, in fast-
to the nearest 0.1 cm. The body mass index (BMI) was ing status, in 8,304 children by the portable Cholestech
calculated as weight (in kg) divided by height squared LDX analyzer at each point-of-care centre [21]. LDL-
(in m). cholesterol was calculated according to the formula of
Waist circumference was measured using an inelastic Friedwald [22]. Serum insulin and glycated hemoglobin
tape (Seca 200), precision 0.1 cm, range 0 ± 150 cm at the (HbA1c) were measured in a central laboratory through
midpoint between the iliac crest and the lower coastal enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit and by high-
border or 10th rib with the subject in a standing position pressure liquid chromatography with an automated HLC-
and recorded at the nearest 0.1 cm. Both triceps and sub- 723G7 analyzer respectively. The homeostatic model
scapular skinfold thickness were measured by means of a assessment (HOMA) index was calculated according to the
caliper (Holtain, Holtain Ltd, Pembrokeshire, UK, range formula: HOMA = [serum insulin (lU/mL) 9 blood glu-
0 ± 40 mm). Measures were taken twice on the right hand cose (mmol/L)]/22.5 [23].
side of the body and the mean was calculated.
For the definition of overweight/obesity, we used the Questionnaire
International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) reference and cut-
offs as defined by Cole et al. [17, 18], that classified the Dietary habits and lifestyles of children were described
children as thin (grade 1–3), normal weight, overweight by parents by filling in a specific questionnaire that
and obese. We operationally grouped the children into two also included data on child birth events and information
categories: (1) underweight (thinness grade 1–3) plus about socio-demographic characteristics such as parental
normal weight and (2) overweight plus obese. ethnicity, education, occupation and income. Parental
1376 Matern Child Health J (2013) 17:1373–1381
Age at time of child examination (years) 35.0 (34.9;35.1) 36.4c (35.6;37.1) 35.7a (35.4;36.0) 36.7b (35.2;38.2)
2 a a,d
BMI at time of child examination (kg/m ) 23.8 (23.7;23.9) 25.5 (24.8;26.1) 24.8 (24.6;25.0) 27.7a,e,f (26.3;29.1)
Graduated (%) 29.6 25.0 27.5 16.71
a a
Age during pregnancy (years) 29.0 (28.9;29.1) 30.4 (29.7;31.1) 29.8 (29.5;30.0) 30.7 (29.3;32.0)
Number of previous pregnancies 1.1 (1.1;1.1) 1.1 (1.0;1.2) 1.0 (1.0;1.1) 0.9 (0.7;1.1)
Gestational weight gain (Kg) 14.0 (13.9;14.2) 12.9 (12.0;13.7) 15.8a,h (15.4;16.1) 15.3i (13.3;17.2)
C-section (%) 20.1 20.7 27.3 29.02
Alcohol consumption during pregnancy (%) 25.6 14.7 25.3 11.33
Smoking during pregnancy (%) 13.7 13.7 9.4 17.74
Data are mean (95 % confidence interval)
BMI body mass index, C-section caesarean section, AGA-ND adequate for gestational age offspring of mothers without diabetes, AGA-
D adequate for gestational age offspring of mothers with diabetes, Macro-ND macrosomic offspring of mothers without diabetes, Macro-
D macrosomic offspring of mothers with diabetes
P for multiple comparisons: a \0.001 vs AGA-ND, b 0.054 vs AGA-ND, c 0.001vs AGA-ND, d \0.001 vs Macro-D, e \0.001 vs Macro-ND,
0.002 vs AGA-D, g 0.013 vs AGA-ND, h \0.001 vs AGA-D, i 0.022 vs AGA-D, m 0.015 vs AGA-ND
P by Chi-square test: 0.048, 2 \0.001, 3 \0.001, 4 \0.001
overweight/obesity (at least one parent with BMI [25 kg/ and neoplastic diseases had been diagnosed and, if so, the age
m2) was diagnosed based on self- reported weight and of onset or of the first diagnosis.
height at the moment of the visit. Maternal parity was Besides the medical history of the family, parents were
defined as the number of live births before the pregnancy asked to provide details about adverse effects during the
under consideration, while attained parental education was index pregnancy (complications, drug use or hospitaliza-
defined according to the International Standard Classifica- tion). Furthermore, it was asked whether the biological
tion of Education (ISCED) [24]. Physical activity of chil- mother had a diagnosis of gestational diabetes, gestosis,
dren was investigated by questionnaire. Parents were asked glycosuria or proteinuria during the index pregnancy.
to approximately indicate the number of minutes the child
used to spend in outdoor activities (weekdays and week- Statistical Analysis
end) and whether or not the child regularly practiced
physical exercise in a sport club. Another section of the Data were analyzed using PASW (Predictive Analytics
questionnaire investigated perinatal factors, either prenatal SoftWare) Statistics (version 18; SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL,
factors (gestational weight gain, parity), and early postnatal USA). Statistical tests were performed at a significance
factors (child birth weight and height, gestational age, level of a = 0.05. Data are expressed as mean and 95 %
length of gestation, type of delivery, duration and type of confidence intervals (CI) for continuous variables and as
feeding). Children’s weight (Kg) and height (cm) at birth percentages for categorical variables. Macrosomia was
were used to calculate the ponderal index, an indicator of defined according to the Medical Subject Headings of the
fetal growth status, according to the formula: (child birth National Library of Medicine (
weight)/(child birth height)3. Mothers were asked if the cgi/mesh/2012/MB_cgi) [1], that is birth weight [4,000 g
child was born at term or not; in the latter case, they were or above the sex-specific 90th percentile for a given
asked to report how many weeks earlier the delivery population.
occurred. Other data extracted from this section of the Children born at term were classified as adequate for
questionnaire were maternal age at the birth of the child, gestational age (AGA: birth weight between the 10th and
maternal smoking and alcohol consumption during preg- 90th of the sex- and country-specific percentile) and mac-
nancy (yes/no) and gestational weight gain (Kg). rosomic children (Macro: birth weight [90th sex- and
The medical history of the child and his family was country-specific percentile). According to the occurrence
reported by parents in an interview including questions about of macrosomia and of maternal diabetes (as either pre-
the biological relatives of the child. For each biological gestational or gestational diabetes), children were divided
relative, it was asked whether or not hypertension, dyslipi- into four groups: (1) AGA of mothers without diabetes
demia, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular, cerebrovascular (AGA-ND, n = 8,916); (2) AGA of mothers with diabetes
Matern Child Health J (2013) 17:1373–1381 1377
Table 3 Anthropometric characteristics and blood pressure by study group and sex
AGA-ND AGA-D Macro-ND Macro-D
N 4,501 109 650 34
Weight (kg) 23.3 (23.1;23.4) 23.6 (22.6;24.5) 25.1a,b (24.7;25.5) 25.3 (23.6;27.0)
Height (cm) 117.5 (117.4;117.7) 117.3 (116.4;118.3) 119.7 (119.3;120.1) 112.0c (118.2;121.7)
WC (cm) 54.8 (54.6;55.0) 55.2 (54.0;56.3) 56.5 (56.1;57.0) 56.6 (54.5;58.7)
BMI (kg/m2) 16.5 (16.4;16.6) 16.7 (16.3;17.2) 17.2a (17.0;17.3) 17.1 (16.3;18.0)
SS (mm) 17.2 (16.1;17.5) 18.3 (16.9;19.7) 18.3 (17.7;18.9) 18.7 (16.1;21.2)
OW/OB (%)* 18.3 21.1 24.6 29.4
SBP (mmHg) 100.6 (100.3;100.9) 100.0 (98.4;101.7) 100.4 (99.7;101.1) 103.7 (100.7;106.6)
DBP (mmHg) 62.6 (62.4;62.8) 63.2 (61.9;64.4) 62.7 (62.1;63.2) 65.5 (63.3;67.7)
N 4,415 103 628 28
Weight (kg) 22.9 (22.7;23.0) 23.4 (22.4;24.3) 24.8a,d (24.4;25.2) 25.7e (23.9;27.4)
Height (cm) 116.8 (116.7;117.0) 116.4 (115.4;117.4) 119.3 (118.9;119.7) 118.1 (117.1;120.8)
WC (cm) 54.2 (54.0;54.4) 54.6 (53.4;55.8) 55.7 (55.2;56.2) 57.4 l (55.2;59.7)
2 a g
BMI (kg/m ) 16.4 (16.3;16.5) 16.8 (16.3;17.3) 17.0 (16.8;17.2) 17.8 (16.9;18.7)
SS (mm) 19.7 (19.5;20.0) 21.0 (19.5;22.6) 21.1 (20.5;21.8) 22.7 (19.7;25.7)
OW/OB (%)* 21.3 30.1 28.0 46.4
SBP (mmHg) 100.4 (100.1;100.7) 98.7 (97.0;100.4) 100.7 (100.0;101.4) 99.8 (96.4;103.1)
DBP (mmHg) 63.7 (63.5;63.9) 63.6 (62.3;65.0) 63.8 (63.3;64.4) 63.6 (61.1;66.1)
Data are mean (95 % confidence interval). Statistical analysis was adjusted by child age and practice of sports
WC waist circumference, BMI body mass index, SS sum of skinfolds, OW/OB overweight/obesity, SBP systolic blood pressure, DBP diastolic
blood pressure, AGA-ND adequate for gestational age offspring of mothers without diabetes, AGA-D adequate for gestational age offspring of
mothers with diabetes, Macro-ND macrosomic offspring of mothers without diabetes, Macro-D macrosomic offspring of mothers with diabetes
P for multiple comparisons: a \0.001 vs AGA-ND, b 0.024 vs AGA-D, c 0.041 vs AGA-ND, d 0.036 vs AGA-D, e 0.012 vs AGA-ND, f \0.001 vs
AGA-D; g 0.023 vs AGA-ND, h 0.004 vs AGA-ND, i 0.001 vs AGA-ND, l 0.032 vs AGA-ND
P for linear trend: \0.001
(AGA-D, n = 212); (3) Macro of mothers without diabetes weight gain in pregnancy (kg), smoking and alcohol con-
(Macro-ND, n = 1,278); (4) Macro of mothers with dia- sumption during pregnancy (yes/no).
betes (Macro-D, n = 62).
Differences in continuous variables between groups
were tested using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Results
analysis of co-variance (ANCOVA), with Bonferroni’s
correction for multiple comparisons, separately in boys and Table 1 shows the characteristics of the population under
girls. Frequencies were compared by the Chi-square test or investigation. Both, macrosomic boys and girls, showed a
Chi-square for linear trend as appropriate. significantly higher ponderal index in comparison to the
The odds ratio of overweight/obesity across the four other two groups.
study groups was estimated by logistic regression analysis, Table 2 illustrates maternal risk factors across catego-
separately in boys and girls. To evaluate the possible effect ries of birth weight and maternal diabetes. Mothers with
of known determinants of body mass in children available diabetes reported a lower alcohol consumption during
in the IDEFICS database, we modeled different regression pregnancy. Mothers of macrosomic infants reported a more
equations adding step-by-step the selected covariables. frequent occurrence of caesarean section and gained more
Model 1 included as covariates child age (years) and weight during pregnancy. At the time of the screening,
practice of sports (minutes/day); Model 2 included the Macro-D mothers had the highest BMI and were less
same variables in Model 1 plus parental overweight/obesity educated than those in the other groups.
(at least one parent with BMI [25 kg/m2 and education Table 3 shows the anthropometric variables and the
(ISCED categories); Model 3 included the same covariates prevalence of overweight/obesity at the time of the survey
of Model 2 plus country, maternal age at child birth (years), by study groups and sex. In both sexes, macrosomic
1378 Matern Child Health J (2013) 17:1373–1381
N 3,423 93 486 32
Glucose (mg/dl) 85.6 (85.2;85.9) 86.6 (84.6;88.6) 85.5 (84.6;86.3) 86.4 (83.0;89.8)
Insulin (lU/mL) 4.1 (4.0;4.2) 4.9 (4.1;5.7) 4.4 (4.1;4.8) 4.2 (2.8;5.6)
HOMA index (unit) 0.9 (0.9;0.9) 1.1 (0.9;1.2) 0.9 (0.8;1.0) 0.9 (0.6;1.2)
HbA 1c (%) 4.6 (4.6;4.7) 4.8 (4.7;5.0) 4.6 (4.6;4.7) 4.7 (4.5;4.9)
Total cholesterol (mg/dl) 156.3 (155.3;157.3) 153.1 (147.1;159.2) 156.2 (153.5;158.8) 149.9 (139.6;160.2)
HDL cholesterol (mg/dl) 52.6 (52.2;53.1) 51.6 (48.8;54.3) 51.4 (50.1;52.6) 52.6 (47.8;57.4)
LDL cholesterol (mg/dl) 94.5 (93.6;95.5) 93.0 (87.3;98.6) 95.6 (93.1;98.0) 89.2 (79.6;98.8)
Triglycerides (mg/dl) 60.6 (59.2;62.1) 56.1 (47.3;64.9) 60.9 (57.0;64.7) 51.7 (36.6;66.8)
N 3,376 86 477 24
Glucose (mg/dl) 83.2 (82.9;83.5) 83.2 (81.3;85.2) 83.3 (82.4;84.1) 84.2 (80.5;87.9)
Insulin (lU/mL) 4.7 (4.6;4.9) 4.4 (3.4;5.4) 4.8 (4.3;5.2) 5.6 (3.4;7.8)
HOMA index (unit) 1.0 (0.9;1.0) 0.9 (0.7;1.1) 1.0 (0.9;1.1) 1.2 (0.7;1.6)
HbA 1c (%) 4.6 (4.6;4.6) 4.6 (4.5;4.8) 4.6 (4.5;4.6) 4.8a (4.5;5.0)
Total cholesterol (mg/dl) 160.6 (159.6;161.7) 157.9 (151.2;164.6) 162.8 (159.9;165.6) 164.6 (152.0;177.3)
HDL cholesterol (mg/dl) 51.2 (50.7;51.6) 52.0 (49.1;54.9) 50.6 (49.4;51.8) 52.5 (47.0;57.9)
LDL cholesterol (mg/dl) 100.1 (99.1;101.1) 96.4 (90.2;102.7) 102.6 (100.0;105.3) 102.7 (90.8;114.5)
Triglycerides (mg/dl) 61.9 (60.6;63.3) 57.8 (49.6;66.0) 63.9 (60.2;67.6) 56.4 (40.4;71.4)
Data are mean (95 % confidence interval). Statistical analysis was adjusted by child age
HOMA Homeostatic model assessment, HbA1c Hemoglobin A 1c, HDL high density lipoprotein, LDL low density lipoprotein, AGA-ND
adequate for gestational age offspring of mothers without diabetes, AGA-D adequate for gestational age offspring of mothers with diabetes,
Macro-ND macrosomic offspring of mothers without diabetes, Macro-D macrosomic offspring of mothers with diabetes
P for multiple comparisons: 0.06 vs AGA-ND
Matern Child Health J (2013) 17:1373–1381 1379
AGA-ND 1 – – 1 – –
AGA-D 1.2 (0.7;1.9) 0.46 1.6 (1.0;2.4) 0.03
Macro-ND 1.4 (1.2;1.8) 0.0001 1.4 (1.2;1.7) 0.0002
Macro-D 1.8 (0.9;3.9) 0.10 3.2 (1.5;6.7) 0.002
AGA-ND 1 – – 1 – –
AGA-D 1.2 (0.7;1.9) 0.49 1.6 (1.0;2.5) 0.04
Macro-ND 1.5 (1.2;1.9) \0.0001 1.4 (1.2;1.8) 0.0002
Macro-D 1.6 (0.7;3.6) 0.22 3.1 (1.5;6.7) 0.003
AGA-ND 1 – – 1 – –
AGA-D 1.1 (0.7;1.9) 0.62 1.4 (0.8;2.2) 0.21
Macro-ND 1.5 (1.2;1.9) 0.0002 1.5 (1.2;1.8) 0.0002
Macro-D 1.4 (0.6;3.1) 0.41 2.4 (1.0;5.5) 0.04
AGA-ND 1 – – 1 – –
AGA-D 1.4 (0.8;2.5) 0.18 1.4 (0.8;2.3) 0.19
Macro-ND 1.7 (1.3;2.2) \0.0001 1.6 (1.3;2.0) \0.0001
Macro-D 1.8 (0.7;4.3) 0.21 2.6 (1.1;6.4) 0.04
Data are odds ratio (OR) (95 % confidence interval)
Overweight/obesity defined according to international obesity taskforce age- and sex-specific cut-off
Adjusted by age and practice of sports
Same factors of model 1 plus additional adjustment by parental overweight and education
Same factors of model 2 plus additional adjustment by country, maternal age at child birth, weight gain, smoking and alcohol consumption in
AGA-ND adequate for gestational age offspring of mothers without diabetes, AGA-D adequate for gestational age offspring of mothers with
diabetes, Macro-ND macrosomic offspring of mothers without diabetes, Macro-D macrosomic offspring of mothers with diabetes
obesity at school age in both boys and girls, supporting the between the different groups, probably due to the fact that
previously identified association between neonatal macro- metabolic derangements may occur later during growth
somia and later development of overweight [30]. [32, 33]. In our sample, girls from Macro-D group showed
We tried to disentangle the possible specific effect of a trend to higher levels of HbA1c, although it did not reach
gestational/maternal diabetes in the relationship between statistical significance due to the small number of Macro-D
fetal macrosomia and higher body mass during childhood. girls having this parameter measured (n = 24).
Our data suggest a possible sex-difference in the associa- Other studies have explored the relation between
tion, Macro-D girls showing the highest risk of overweight/ maternal/gestational diabetes and body mass in children.
obesity during childhood, the risk being present but not Plagemann et al. [34] observed that infants of mothers
statistically significant in Macro-D boys. Although this with gestational diabetes were predisposed to develop
finding should be cautiously interpreted due to the small overweight and obesity during childhood. Pettitt et al. [35]
number of children in the Macro-D groups, the higher suggested that gestational diabetes was the most important
degree of insulin resistance observed in girls during single risk factor for childhood obesity, independent of
childhood by other authors [31] may offer a mechanistic child birth weight in Pima Indians. On the other hand,
explanation for the extremely high prevalence of over- childhood obesity is the result of the concomitant effect of
weight/obesity in macrosomic girls born to diabetic a number of cofactors, including those associated to the
mothers (either preexisting or gestational). In our study we pregnancy (age at delivery, gestational weight gain,
did not observe differences in insulin resistance measures smoking and alcohol consumption), to the family (parental
1380 Matern Child Health J (2013) 17:1373–1381
overweight and education) and to the child lifestyle (e.g. uterine microenvironment and fetal growth, might have
physical activity). In our study fetal macrosomia remained long-term benefits for the early prevention of obesity.
a strong predictor of childhood obesity after adjustment for
many of these confounders, independently from maternal Acknowledgments This study was conducted as part of the IDE-
FICS study ( We gratefully acknowledge the
diabetes. financial support of the European Community within the Sixth RTD
Consisting evidence suggests that prenatal programming Framework Programme Contract no. 016181 (FOOD) and the grant
may influence the development of metabolic syndrome support from EU for the IDEFICS study. We are grateful for the
phenotypes in adult life [36]. In our study we evaluated the support provided by school boards, headmasters and communities.
We thank the IDEFICS children and their parents for participating in
effect of neonatal macrosomia and maternal gestational this extensive examination. The information in this document reflects
diabetes on the cardio-metabolic risk profile of children. the authors’ view and is provided as is.
Our analysis did not show significant differences in blood
pressure values and metabolic parameters between the four Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict
of interest.
study groups. The lack of a significant difference could be
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