PARAG Energy Efficient Axial Flow FRP Fans
PARAG Energy Efficient Axial Flow FRP Fans
PARAG Energy Efficient Axial Flow FRP Fans
Works Office
Plot no. 1/2B & 1B/3A, Industrial Area No. 1, 102, Omshri Apartment, 264, Dharampeth Extn.,
A. B. Road, Dewas-455 001 (M.P.) India. Nagpur- 440010 (Maharashtra) India.
Ph: +91-7272-425100- 104 Fax: +91-7272-400273 +91-712-3266125/6 Fax: +91-712-6616125
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The disruption of energy sources and resulting tenfold increase in petroleum prices has placed Energy
Efficiency and Conservation near the top of plant and institutional planning. Operators of Cooling Towers /
Industrial Ventilation and Exhaust / Radiator Cooling / Air Cooled Heat Exchangers / Humidifiers /
Mine Ventilation / Withering Troughs are constantly searching for innovative methods and equipment to
lower total heat transfer cost and maintain constant process temperatures. One piece of equipment, which
obviously meets the goal, is Axial Flow FRP Fans.
The reason Axial Flow FRP Fans are an obvious choice are as follows:
Parag fan designs have been under constant improvement. The fan efficiency and pressure capabilities have
all advanced significantly over the years. Parag Fans operate at 82-86 % mechanical efficiency as compared
to 50-60 % efficiencies common with most of aluminum fans.
Modern Fibre Glass (FRP) fans normally enjoy quite a long service life. Parag fan designs incorporate
aerofoil design and a lesser number of blades per fan for efficiency. For each fan there is a “design point”
which is established by specific airflow, total pressure, air density, fan speed and aerofoil selection. Starting
with this data, it is possible to determine the one platform and twist distribution which will accomplish the
required work with minimum horsepower.
Maximum fan performance means more than just maximum airflow for minimum horsepower, although that
may be its most important parameter. Maximum fan performance also means that the fan achieves its
expected service life with no problems. It could also mean that the fan meets its noise limitation
specifications, if there is one, and that its vibration is low or meets a given limit.
Following is a discussion of how some major factors such as the original selection, installation and operating
environment also have a significant impact on whether maximum fan performance is achieved.
There are many fan combinations that will meet any given duty or operating requirements. The goal is to find
the best one. This requires optimizing cost, horsepower and sound requirements. Horsepower is determined
by a required airflow (m3/sec. or CFM), the system resistance to that airflow (called Static Pressure) and the
fan efficiency.
Works Office
Plot no. 1/2B & 1B/3A, Industrial Area No. 1, 102, Omshri Apartment, 264, Dharampeth Extn.,
A. B. Road, Dewas-455 001 (M.P.) India. Nagpur- 440010 (Maharashtra) India.
Ph: +91-7272-425100- 104 Fax: +91-7272-400273 +91-712-3266125/6 Fax: +91-712-6616125
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There are two kinds of fan efficiencies, Static and Total. It is easy to understand that the fan must work
(move air) against the system resistance, which is called Static Pressure and is measured in Pascal (N/m2) or
inches of water column (in - H2O). The other work the fan must do is to collect air from 360° around its
inlet and draw it through the fan. This work is also measured in Pascal (N/m2) or inches of water column (in-
H2O) and is called Velocity Pressure. Velocity Pressure is not useful work and is called Parasitic Loss. The
total work the fan has to do is against the Static Pressure plus Velocity Pressure. Not surprisingly this sum is
called Total Pressure and the measure of how well the fan performs is called its Total Efficiency. If we
consider only the useful work (Static Pressure) we consider Static Efficiency. In either case the horsepower
required includes the parasitic work required to collect the air into the fan inlet. This brings up the question
which is most important to consider: Total Efficiency or Static Efficiency.
If considered their relationship by looking at a performance curve of one of the most popular fan type:
First consider how Total Efficiency and Static Efficiency vary along a pitch line. This pitch line describes the
CFM (cubic feet per minute) and Static Pressure response of a given fan at a given density and speed.
Figure 1. Shows the specific pitch performance by one fan manufacturer at five different random operating
points. Note that Static Pressure is always zero at the “Free Flow” point of the curve. It should be because at
that point Total Pressure equals Velocity Pressure and Static Pressure is zero.
Static Pressure
Free Flow
Air Flow
Works Office
Plot no. 1/2B & 1B/3A, Industrial Area No. 1, 102, Omshri Apartment, 264, Dharampeth Extn.,
A. B. Road, Dewas-455 001 (M.P.) India. Nagpur- 440010 (Maharashtra) India.
Ph: +91-7272-425100- 104 Fax: +91-7272-400273 +91-712-3266125/6 Fax: +91-712-6616125
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Figure 2 shows how Total and Static Efficiency vary as air flow increases
Efficiency %
Air Flow
Note that Total Efficiency remains relatively constant, but Static Efficiency is maximum at low flow, high
static pressure region. Note this optimum efficiency occurs just before fan “stall” even though the stall point
may not be shown on the curve. Every axial flow fan operates on these same principles. Assume you have
the Static Pressure versus CFM response for your optimum system resistance. There are many fan
combinations of blade and speed variations where the fan output, in terms of static pressure and flow, meets
the exact requirement of your “system”. If the duty point has already been established, what are the options
to maximize performance? The fan speed and number of blades per fan can be varied, for instance.
The most important point is that varying tip speed for a specific duty typically does not have a major effect
on power for the same number of blades since the fan duty point is the same for all speeds. The number of
blades typically increases as we slow down to lower tip speed and decreases as we speed up. For a specific
duty point, as blade count go up, efficiency generally goes down and power required goes up on most fans.
Optimizing fan speed can minimize this decrease in efficiency.
Figure 3 shows a dramatic change in required power at various diameters. This is because the operating point
moves towards maximum static efficiency as the diameter increases, even though the Static Pressure and
flow required is the same for all cases. SE and TE on the curve represent Static Efficiency and Total
Efficiency at each point.
Works Office
Plot no. 1/2B & 1B/3A, Industrial Area No. 1, 102, Omshri Apartment, 264, Dharampeth Extn.,
A. B. Road, Dewas-455 001 (M.P.) India. Nagpur- 440010 (Maharashtra) India.
Ph: +91-7272-425100- 104 Fax: +91-7272-400273 +91-712-3266125/6 Fax: +91-712-6616125
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SE 40.2
TE 84.5
SE 44.4
TE 84. 3
SE 52.4
TE 84.2
SE 56.5
TE 85.4
Fan Diameter
There will also be a minor difference in horsepower as a function of pitch angle and speed in the same fan.
This is because some angles are more efficient than others. This is the case for any fan.
Static Efficiency peaks at high pressure and low flow for each blade pitch line.
Efficiency varies continually along the pitch line as CFM and Actual Static Pressure changes.
The Efficiency you achieve is primarily a function of the fan selection and the operating point, which
is a function of the system resistance.
Varying the fan speed, if the number of blades and the specific duty remains the same, does not have
a major impact on reducing horsepower.
Using the largest diameter fan possible maximizes Static Efficiency and minimizes Velocity Pressure
for a fixed duty. Optimizing fan speed and pitch angle for the diameter chosen can make further
Works Office
Plot no. 1/2B & 1B/3A, Industrial Area No. 1, 102, Omshri Apartment, 264, Dharampeth Extn.,
A. B. Road, Dewas-455 001 (M.P.) India. Nagpur- 440010 (Maharashtra) India.
Ph: +91-7272-425100- 104 Fax: +91-7272-400273 +91-712-3266125/6 Fax: +91-712-6616125
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A fan blade induces air flow by virtue of the blade surface imparting dynamic energy to the air, the more
efficient the blade aerofoil, the greater the air flow. The measure of how efficiently the blade is able to
move air can be determined by the blade’s aerofoil Coefficient of Lift (Cl); the higher the Cl, the more
efficient the blade. The resistance the blade offers to the air flow is determined by the Coefficient of Drag
(Cd); the higher the Cd, the less efficient the blade.
A simple way of characterizing the overall efficiency of the blade is to plot (Cl) and (Cd) values against
various angles of attack. The aerofoil with the greatest Cl / Cd value would be the most efficient.
A blade profile with a greater twist and camber allows for more efficiency and uniform flow. Parag FRP
fan blades manufactured by a unique molding process, incorporate greater twist, camber and wider chord
widths that are difficult to achieve with conventional metallic fans.
During the course of operation, a fan is subjected to great aerodynamic and mechanical loads, and therefore
must be designed to withstand such forces for the duration of its life. Due to the precise integrated fiber
matrix used in Parag FRP fans, higher fatigue strength is achieved as compared to conventional aluminum
Works Office
Plot no. 1/2B & 1B/3A, Industrial Area No. 1, 102, Omshri Apartment, 264, Dharampeth Extn.,
A. B. Road, Dewas-455 001 (M.P.) India. Nagpur- 440010 (Maharashtra) India.
Ph: +91-7272-425100- 104 Fax: +91-7272-400273 +91-712-3266125/6 Fax: +91-712-6616125
E-mail: Website:
Noise emitted by the fan is a function of tip speed to the 6th power (approx.). Thus a small reduction in tip
speed has considerable effect on noise level.
To optimize the fan performance and noise level, operating points can be worked out at various speeds, by
applying the fan laws i.e.
(a) Airflow varies directly with the speed N
(b) Total pressure varies as N 2 and
(c) Fan power varies as N 3.
The final operating speed can be selected by a compromise between the best efficiency point speed and
available motor speeds.
Many fans have critical speed ranges. The fan operating speed should not fall within this critical range.
The flow pattern in which the air flows through the inlet to the fan tip is of paramount importance. As the air
is induced out of the plenum chamber beneath the fan, it tends to follow very predictable streamlines into the
fan casing. As the air moves into the casing, a vena contracta develops. The best-suited shape of the fan
casing as well as the optimum height of the fan in casing is actually based on this Vena contracta.
Works Office
Plot no. 1/2B & 1B/3A, Industrial Area No. 1, 102, Omshri Apartment, 264, Dharampeth Extn.,
A. B. Road, Dewas-455 001 (M.P.) India. Nagpur- 440010 (Maharashtra) India.
Ph: +91-7272-425100- 104 Fax: +91-7272-400273 +91-712-3266125/6 Fax: +91-712-6616125
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The straight-sided inlet shape would definitely deteriorate the fan performance due to the following:
(a) The fan blade tips are operating outside the vena contracta in a region of low airflow.
(b) The area between the casing wall and the vena contracta develops high turbulence, which further
increases the pressure loss and thus reduces fan efficiency.
(c) If the fan is located low in the casing, then the air approaching the blades attacks at an angle, causing
further efficiency degradation, as the blades have to perform the additional work of turning the air.
(d) In general, the best operating results are obtained when the airflow has a smooth entry to the fan. This
can be best achieved by providing an inlet bell mouth shape. The bell mouth shape reduces the
turbulence as the air enters the fan, with uniform velocity. This shape also reduces the noise turbulence.
The optimum bell radius is R/D = 0.15 where R is the radius of the bell and D is the fan diameter.
Varying the blade pitch angle has a proportional effect on the static pressure, increasing the pitch angle
results in a higher static pressure and vice versa. For any specified duty, the applicable fan will have an
optimum pitch angle setting pertaining to its maximum achievable efficiency. In general, it is advised that all
the blade tip angles should be set at least two degrees less than the maximum permissible pitch angle to
avoid a stall condition. Further, it is advisable that all the blades are set at the same pitch angle to prevent
excessive noise and vibration.
Works Office
Plot no. 1/2B & 1B/3A, Industrial Area No. 1, 102, Omshri Apartment, 264, Dharampeth Extn.,
A. B. Road, Dewas-455 001 (M.P.) India. Nagpur- 440010 (Maharashtra) India.
Ph: +91-7272-425100- 104 Fax: +91-7272-400273 +91-712-3266125/6 Fax: +91-712-6616125
E-mail: Website:
The clearance between the tip of the blade and the fan
casing influences the fan performance. Large tip
clearances allow the shedding of a vortex from the upper
surface of the blade back to the low-pressure area beneath
the fan; this produces lowered airflow rates and reduced
fan efficiency.
With varying atmospheric conditions, the air density value changes. This change directly affects the pressure
and power characteristics of a fan. Pressure and power vary proportionally to the air density; however, the air
flow will remain the same.
The purpose of a velocity recovery cone is to reduce the exit velocity pressure and thereby convert the
velocity pressure losses into useful pressure work. It is advisable to use a velocity recovery cone in order to
reduce the power consumption when the operating velocity pressure is more than 5 mm WG (0.2 in WG).
The efficiency of the velocity recovery cone is normally 60% to 80%, depending on the length of the cone to
fan diameter ratio.
Works Office
Plot no. 1/2B & 1B/3A, Industrial Area No. 1, 102, Omshri Apartment, 264, Dharampeth Extn.,
A. B. Road, Dewas-455 001 (M.P.) India. Nagpur- 440010 (Maharashtra) India.
Ph: +91-7272-425100- 104 Fax: +91-7272-400273 +91-712-3266125/6 Fax: +91-712-6616125
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It is important that all the blades are leveled on the same plane. Difference in blade levels will result in
increased fan vibration and noise. The recommended level variation between any given blade on a fan of up
to 20 feet in diameter should not exceed 15 mm, and 25 mm for fans larger than 20 feet diameter.
During the fan operation, regions near the hub have a reverse air flow. The overall result is a reduction in air
flow and thus loss of efficiency. To minimize the reverse air flow, a seal disc may be mounted on the
discharge side of the hub.
Works Office
Plot no. 1/2B & 1B/3A, Industrial Area No. 1, 102, Omshri Apartment, 264, Dharampeth Extn.,
A. B. Road, Dewas-455 001 (M.P.) India. Nagpur- 440010 (Maharashtra) India.
Ph: +91-7272-425100- 104 Fax: +91-7272-400273 +91-712-3266125/6 Fax: +91-712-6616125
E-mail: Website:
In case of Cooling Towers / Radiator Cooling / Air Cooled Heat Exchangers / Mine Ventilation /
Humidification plants / Withering Troughs in Tea Industries the purpose of a fan is to move a specified
quantity of air through the system. While doing so the fan has to overcome the system resistance which is
defined as the pressure loss. The product of airflow & the pressure loss is air power developed / work done
by the fan; this may also be termed as Fan output.
To obtain the desired output from the fan, an input in the form of electrical energy is to be provided, which is
equal to (3 x V x I x CosΦ) kW. Where as V = Voltage, I = Current (Amps)
1000 CosΦ = Power Factor
It is thus obvious that a fan with a higher efficiency will require less input power. The fan efficiency in turn
is greatly dependent on the profile of the blade. An aerodynamic profile with the optimum twist, taper & a
higher Cl / Cd ratio can provide the fan total efficiency as high as 85 – 92 %. However this efficiency is
drastically affected by the factors mentioned earlier such as tip clearance, obstacles to airflow, inlet shapes
Metallic fans are manufactured by adopting either an extrusion or casting process making it difficult to
generate ideal aerodynamic profiles. Whereas the FRP blades are normally hand molded which facilitates the
generation of optimum aerodynamic profile to meet specific duty conditions more efficiently.
Furthermore, due to the lighter weight, FRP fans need low starting torque resulting in use of lower HP
motors. The lightweight of the fans also increases the life of the gearbox, motor and bearing and allows for
easy handling and maintenance.
Works Office
Plot no. 1/2B & 1B/3A, Industrial Area No. 1, 102, Omshri Apartment, 264, Dharampeth Extn.,
A. B. Road, Dewas-455 001 (M.P.) India. Nagpur- 440010 (Maharashtra) India.
Ph: +91-7272-425100- 104 Fax: +91-7272-400273 +91-712-3266125/6 Fax: +91-712-6616125
E-mail: Website:
Optimal aerodynamic design of fan impellers to provide higher efficiency for any specific application.
Reduction in overall weight of the fan extends the life of the mechanical drive system as well as making
it easy to handle and maintain.
Requires lower drive motor rating and light duty bearing systems.
Low power consumption results in appreciable energy savings as compared to existing metallic fans.
FRP Fans produced by composite fabrication processes such as compression molding / resin transfer
molding have uniform dimensions and consistent fan blade quality.
Optimum aerodynamic design of blades results in considerably reduced operational noise levels.
Special Resin Systems can be incorporated for high temperature, zero static electricity, Phosphate –
Fluorine environments and fire retardancy.
Optimizing fan performance (considered wider objective of achieving the highest possible overall
performance and reliability) is a process that requires close attention to detail, from fan design to choice of an
operating point, consideration of the fan’s environment, and finally, proper installation. The reward for this
close attention will be a long, trouble-free fan life with minimum operating costs.
Works Office
Plot no. 1/2B & 1B/3A, Industrial Area No. 1, 102, Omshri Apartment, 264, Dharampeth Extn.,
A. B. Road, Dewas-455 001 (M.P.) India. Nagpur- 440010 (Maharashtra) India.
Ph: +91-7272-425100- 104 Fax: +91-7272-400273 +91-712-3266125/6 Fax: +91-712-6616125
E-mail: Website: