Beach Sweeper
Beach Sweeper
Beach Sweeper
Abstract. The research article on vortex tube, which deals with the operation of
statistic parts.The project, tried it best to brief the RF control beach cleaner which is
robotic vehicle that helps in cleaning the shores. It helps to collect the Garbage’s,
plastics etc near the shore. The concept of this project is to find solutions to help the
marine life environment that garbage and litter is affecting the environment and
everything surrounding it. This machine system is specifically focused to pick up
litter from beaches and shores to serve the organizations and volunteers related to
this issue. This project can be used in all different shores and beaches which will
help organizations to achieve more and clean better with our project’s prototype.
Keywords: Design, RF control, robotic, Cleaning
1. Introduction
The RF control beach cleaner project is designed so that; it will help the society and the
environment to sustain a clean and a healthier life. The project name has been resulted from
the main idea of the project’s concept which is cleaning the beach along with a
robotic/machine that does the work on its own. Beach sides in has been surveyed to
understand the disposal of plastics and many other plastics debris that is harming the marine
and coral life. The RF control beach Cleaner seemed the most practical and more of a
promising project that will not only help a certain environment but many other places all
around the world [1-3]. Hence, the project is reassuring and will help in saving time and
effort; the team was more encouraged due to the fact that manufacturing out this concept will
be quite useful and beneficial [4]. Therefore, this project is highly flexible and expandable.
The RF control beach cleaner robot is the first eco-friendly, remote-controlled beach cleaning
machine able to move both on wet and dry sandy terrain and to remove rubbish and other
foreign matter [5]. Totally electrically driven, powered by full sealed lead acid batteries,
voltage regulator. It is silent, accurate and robust, RF Beach Cleaner provides a comfortable
and a low environmental solution for beach cleaning. This robotic trash collector was funded
by PTT Company the Exploration and Production Public Company Limited. The company
collaborated with Prince of Songkhla University faculty of Engineering [6-7]. The aim of this
project is to love the sea and love the beach as their slogan. The robot has been developed to
do the following such as having the ability to scoop up the trash from the sand. Also, the
robotic trash collector uses a rechargeable battery. In addition, the trash collector can collect
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Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
ICMECE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 993 (2020) 012030 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/993/1/012030
bottles that are buried under the surface of the sand. Prometo is a project is developed by
students studying Mechanical Engineering at the University of Catolica Del Peru, in Peru.
The project focuses on beach cleaning. The rometeo is a mobile robotics to face the
environmental pollution problems especially in sea and beach areas [8-9]. The robot can
navigate and collect cans that are founded in the beach; after collecting the cans it will be
transported to the deposit. The robot can do all the three main functions which are to locate,
collect and dispose the garbage which can be controlled by a computer [10].
The main purpose of this project is developing a robot that would help and make the
shoreline much cleaner in a faster way. Furthermore, the robot has the ability to move easier
and to reach remote location simpler. Robot Missions is more efficient to collect the debris on
daily basis in order to decrease and lowering the quantity of debris which has led to bio
accumulation of the living organisms and animals. In addition, the robot is able to pick up
and collect eight out of ten items of plastic bottles during the coastal cleanup
2. Problem statement
There are plenty of pollutants that are affecting the place we are living in. This problem is
unpreventable because the environment needs protection and care. Maintaining a healthy
and clean environment is essential to sustain the ecosystem. Every healthy environment
including the beaches and shores should be limited and less exposed to the hazardous
chemicals and pollution that may adversely affect human health. Thus, the concept of this
project by definition is being able to help cleaning the beaches and shores which was filled
with human’s waste such as garbage and plastics. This project aims to decrease the amount of
waste and help the organizations and volunteering communities to have more effective
cleaning and saving time.
ICMECE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 993 (2020) 012030 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/993/1/012030
Figure 1 shows the system Architecture the relation of the various systems and sub systems in
the project. It is fundamental to comprehend and understand the system architecture of this
project because it shows the representation of the overall system connecting with the
components. Since the project is basically the combination of hardware specifically in
mechanical and electrical engineering and software that includes coding the Arduino. The Rf
controlled Beach Cleaner system includes the chassis of the cleaning robot, the motors used,
and the remote controller to make it able to move into remote areas and places. Figure 2
shows the algorithm for RF control beach cleaning robot.
Activate DC cleaning
RF module
Range Sensor Module Servo Motor Control
Actuation Sensor
End Effector
6. Hardware Requirements:
ICMECE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 993 (2020) 012030 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/993/1/012030
quartz crystal, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header and a reset button. It contains
everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a
USB cable or power it with an AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started.
6.2 DC Motor
A brushless DC motor is a synchronous electric motor which is powered by direct-current
electricity (DC) and which has an electronically controlled commutation system, instead of a
mechanical commutation system based on brushes. In such motors, current and torque,
voltage and RPM (Revolution per Minutes) are linearly related.
6.5 IP Camera
CCTV mini IP camera WIFI surveillance system wireless home security 720P support audio
indoor P2P small cam video webcam. Installing the IP Camera is to have a better surveillance
while controlling the robot with the phone application.
ICMECE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 993 (2020) 012030 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/993/1/012030
electronics of 1/10th & 1/8th scale nitro powered race cars. There are many advantages to
using a Li-Poly receiver battery, but the biggest advantage is that the battery voltage to your
receiver and servos will remain constant throughout the race with the use of a voltage
regulator (required).
The figure 3 & 4 shows the overview of the extended shovel as a whole by using Fusion 360.
The extended shovel is implemented first using the 3D design tool with approximated
dimension and design.
The figure shows the side view of the shovel movement that has been designed using Fusion
360. The shovel is used to pick up the litter and garbage from the beach easily.
7. Electrical Requirements:
Power Consumption (DC motor for harvesting)
For the power consumption of the system in terms of the DC motor for harvesting, it follows
the following equation:
=5W*1.5m = 75Watt
ICMECE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 993 (2020) 012030 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/993/1/012030
= 5V * 500m = 2.5watt
8. Conclusion
The RF Controlled Beach Cleaner Robotic Vehicle is a vital project which was developed. The
project’s tenacity is that public places such as the beach and the sea always had a huge
number of people visiting and coming all year round. People including children and senior
citizens including their pets are exposed to a risk of the spreading of the diseases due to the
dirty environment and rotten garbage at the shoreline. The development of this project
includes a four-wheel drive vehicle and a chassis that is equipped and prepared with a
cleaning mechanism and a dirt bag to collect the garbage. In addition, the robot vehicle also
includes a high-performance electrical motor to drive the robot. The system is controlled by a
Microcontroller and powered by the circuity PCB that has push buttons used to transmit the
directional commands.
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