Deformation Characteristics of Dry Hostun Sand With Principal Stress Axes Rotation
Deformation Characteristics of Dry Hostun Sand With Principal Stress Axes Rotation
Deformation Characteristics of Dry Hostun Sand With Principal Stress Axes Rotation
Japanese Geotechnical Society
Coaxiality between the principal directions of the stress tensor and the principal directions of the plastic strain incre-
ment tensor is assumed in conventional plasticity models. In order to investigate coaxiality, or non-coaxiality, between
these two principal directions, a series of drained tests on dry Hostun sand was carried out using a precision Hollow
Cylinder Apparatus (HCA). The applied stress path includes large Principal Stress Axes Rotation (PSAR). Two of the
three principal stresses are kept constant. Therefore, among the three principal stresses, only the intermediate principal
stress, which is conˆning pressure (same pressure outside the hollow cylinder for internal and external lateral surfaces),
changes during loading. During these tests, at diŠerent stress levels, elastic (or quasi-elastic) properties are also investi-
gated, using small amplitude quasi-static cycles. These small cycles are performed in two diŠerent directions by succes-
sively changing only the axial stress szz or the shear stress suz. Elastic experimental properties are well simulated using
the DI Bendetto-GeoŠroy-Sauzeat (DBGS) hypo-elastic model, which takes into account PSAR. For each test, the
elastic part of deformation is calculated using the DBGS model and removed from global strain so that it is possible to
to focus only on the irreversible part (plastic part). Then, the principal directions of stress and plastic strain increment
are compared. Experimental results show that there is no coaxiality between these directions. This observation attests
to the existence of a non-coaxial plasticity. In addition, the coupling between tge coaxial and non-coaxial part is clearly
shown. Experimental results reveal that the plastic strain part is very important for the ˆrst large amplitude cycles and
remains greater than the elastic part even after 20 cycles.
Key words: deformation, drained shear, elasticity, laboratory test, plasticity, repeated loads, sand, torsion, yield
(IGC: D6)
ous rotation of the principal stress axes was conducted. 1983) shows that these dimensions allow for reasonable
The HCA, developed at the Ecole Nationale des Travaux homogeneity of stress and strain tensors within the sam-
Publics de l'Etat (ENTPE) laboratory and named ``T4C ple. Equations used for the calculation of homogenous
StaDy,'' has the same outside pressure for the internal stress and strain tensor are given in Sauzeat (2003). Two
and external lateral surfaces. This choice has the advan- neoprene membranes (0.5 mm thickness) constitute the
tage of creating homogenous stress and strain ˆelds wi- lateral sides, while two rigid platens close the sample at
thin the sample. However, only the two extreme principal the top and the bottom. The top cap, connected to the
stresses can be kept constant during the rotation, while press piston, is mobile in rotation and axial translation.
the intermediate one, s2=srr, changes. Therefore, Axial and torsional loading is ensured by a servo-con-
peculiar analyses have to be introduced. Di Benedetto et trolled hydraulic press. Axial and shear load cells are in-
al. (2001) showed the importance of PSAR on the evolu- corporated in the piston. Measurements accuracies of ax-
tion of elastic deformation. An elastic investigation was ial and shear stresses can be respectively estimated equal
also conducted using small amplitude quasi-static cyclic to 0.1 kPa and 0.05 kPa (Duttine, 2005). The lateral sides
loadings in diŠerent directions. (both internal and external) of the sample are subjected
The ``T4C StaDy'' HCA is described at ˆrst. Then, the to atmospheric pressure while vacuum pressure down to
test procedure is introduced and the test results are ex- 20 kPa is applied inside the sample. This pressure is con-
posed. A general hypo-elastic model (developed within trolled by an electronic vacuum regulator from an elec-
the laboratory and named DBGS) is presented; simula- tronic signal input. Stress state of the hollow cylindrical
tions carried out with this model are compared with ex- sample is presented in Fig. 2. The stress tensor is given in
perimental measurements, revealing a non-negligible part Eq. (1) in ( …er, …eu, …ez) sample axes:
of non-coaxial elastic deformation. This elastic simulated srr 0 0 Pc 0 0
strain is removed from the total strain to obtain the plas-
tic part. The general decomposition in the coaxial and
s(ruz)= 0 suu suz = 0 Pc t (1)
non-coaxial part of diŠerent tensors is exposed. Then the
0 suz szz 0 t Pc+sa
amplitudes of the total and non-coaxial plastic strain in- with Pc conˆning pressure, sa axial stress minus or-
crements are compared. Finally, this evolution is studied thoradial stress (=szz-suu) (Fig. 3) and t shear stress in
with a number of large cycles to investigate the cyclic the ( …eu, …ez) directions.
hardening properties.
The accurate local systems of strain measurement (Fig. Table 1. Grading characteristics of Hostun sand used in the present
1) include 14 non contact transducers. Vertical and angu- study
lar displacements are measured on two levels thanks to Passing Diameter (mm) Coe‹cients Void ratios
two light duralumin rings less than 30 g in weight, which D*10 D*30 D*60 Cu** C** e*** e***
c min max
are hung on 3 points of the outer membrane. Rings have Hostun 0.26 0.32 0.37 1.42 1.06 0.648 1.041
aluminum targets at which the non-contact transducers
* Dx deˆned by xz passing particle size
are aimed (8). Radial displacements (outer and inner) are
** Coe‹cient of uniformity: Cu=D60/D10 and coe‹cient of curvature:
also measured by a set of non-contact transducers (6) Cc=(D30)2/(D10D60)
pointing through the membranes towards aluminum foils *** Hostun: after Flavigny et al. (1990)
placed inside the membranes in contact with sand. To in-
sure better accuracy, all non-contact transducers (1 mm
or 2 mm range) can be moved manually by micrometric
screws during the test. The resulting estimated strain ac-
curacy is better than 0.0005z (Duttine, 2005). However,
as an obvious counterpart, the transducers need to be
repositioned during testing. The form of the strain tensor
in the sample axes ( …er, …eu, …ez) is given in Eq. (2) and the
terms of the strain tensor are represented in Fig. 2.
er 0 0
e(ruz)= 0 eu g/2 (2)
0 g/2 ez
sa s2a+4t2
s1=sIII=Pc+ +
2 2 Stress Path
s2=sI=Pc (3)
The aim of the experimental campaign is to study the
s3=sII=Pc+sa- s2a+4t2 eŠects of PSAR on the elastic and plastic behaviours of
2 2
dry sand. During the test, the angle of PSAR as increases
Principal directions ( …e1, …e2, …e3) are associated to principal continuously at a constant rate while the principal stress-
stresses (s1, s2, s3). Directions …e2 and …er always coincide es s1 and s3 remain always constant. Due to the HCA
and PSAR occurs in ( …eu, …ez) directions. To simplify the ``T4C StaDy'' design, intermediate principal stress s2
rotation tensor writing, ( …eI, …eII, …eIII) base (corresponding (which corresponds to conˆning pressure Pc) varies be-
to principal stresses (sI, sII, sIII) deˆned in Eq. (3) is in- tween the two other principal stresses (Figs. 3, 4). Then
troduced. Then, PSAR occurs around …eI. The angle of the intermediate principal stress parameter b=(s2-s3)/
PSAR as is deˆned as the angle between the major prin- (s1-s3) and also the Lode angle change during the test.
cipal direction …eIII (= …e1) and the vertical …ez: The following relationship shows the link between as and
b (Fig. 4(b)):
2as=arctan Ø »
1-cos (2as)
In order to apply this particular stress path, the radius
TEST PROCEDURES and center of the Mohr-Coulomb circle, respectively: tmax
Tested Material = (sa/2)2+t2 and Pc+sa/2 (Fig. 3), are kept unchanged
The tested material is an air dried poor graded sand, during the test. These conditions are obtained experimen-
called Hostun sand from its original location in France. tally by monitoring the three applied stresses (Pc, sa, t)
This sand is quartz dominated and sub angular in shape with cyclic sinusoidal evolutions at diŠerent phase lags.
with grading curve characteristics as summarized in Table In this way, the mobilized Mohr-Coulomb angle qmob
1. Deposit is made by air pluviation. The vibration remains constant during PSAR (Fig. 4(a)):
method is used to obtain the desired initial void ratio. s 1- s 3 tmax
Moulds are removed while applying a partial vacuum of sin (qmob)= = (6)
s 1+ s 3 sa
20 kPa (corresponding to an eŠective pressure of 20 kPa) Pc+
within the sample. Then samples are isotropically con- 2
solidated to the desired conˆning pressure. After removing the moulds and instrumenting the sam-
ple, isotropic consolidation is applied until an eŠective
pressure of 80 kPa (path from point O to point O? in
Fig. 5. Stress path of test n92 in diŠerent axes: (sa; 2t) and ( p; sII)
—Representation of current stresses (Pc, sa, t) and principal stress-
es (sI, sII, sIII) as a function of 2as during PSAR
3 25 55 27.0 0.67 18
4 25 55 27.0 0.83 15
de z
M eur
M ezr
dg / 2 M egr
M euu
M ezr
M egu
M euz
M ezz
M egz
M eug
M ezg
M egg
2 dt
where dee and ds are the elastic strain and stress incre-
ments. M e is the rheological compliance tensor which is
independent of stress increment direction. Moreover, ex-
perimental results exhibit a symmetrical tensor M e (M eij=
M eji) (Duttine et al., 2007). The DBGS model gives the fol- Fig. 7. M eij values obtained for test n92 from quasi-static small ampli-
lowing anisotropic (orthotropic) and symmetrical expres- tude cyclic loadings in diŠerent directions (pure axial (a) and pure
sion of the tensor M e: torsion (b)) performed at diŠerent stress levels i) data points and ii)
simulation with DBGS hypo-elastic model (lines and dashed lines)
1 S̃v・S̃p+tS̃v・tS̃p
M e= (10)
f (e) 2 isotropic stress state.
with f (e) a function of the void ratio: f (e)=Cg(b-e)2/(1 Previous experimental campaigns conducted on dry
+e) where sCg; btare two of the material's constants. Hostun sand at diŠerent void ratios and conˆning pres-
The transpose function is denoted by ``t'', and s S v; S p t sures (Duttine, 2005) allowed for four of the constants of
are the tensors originally deˆned by Hardin and Blan- the model for this sand to be evaluated (Table 3).
dford (1989) which take the following forms for HCA ge- The APPENDIX includes a method which can be used
ometry when expressed in the principal stress axes ( …eI, …eII, to manipulate this tensor with PSAR when the ( …er, …eu, …ez)
…eIII): base and the principal base ( …eI, …eII, …eIII) do not coincide.
1 - n0 - n0 0
Experiments Analysis and Simulation
- n0 1 - n0 0
- n0 - n0 1
0 0
0 1+n0
(11) As exposed previously, two types of small quasi static
cyclic loadings are applied. One is purely in the axial
direction (only dszz is not nil) giving four terms of the
1 elastic tensor (M erz, M euz, M ezz, M egz), while the other one is
0 0 0 purely in torsion (only dt is not nil) in order to directly
sIm obtain four other terms (M erg, M eug, M ezg, M egg) (Eq. (9)).
0 0 0 To remain within the elastic domain, the amplitude of
s II
S̃p= 1 (12) quasi-static loading is 1 kPa (resp. 0.5 kPa) for axial
0 0 m
0 (resp. torsional) loading. Strain amplitudes remain also
1 below some 10-6, considered as the elastic limit. Ex-
0 0 0 m/2
perimental results for test n9 2 are presented. In Fig. 7,
s sIII
II the evolution with as of the 8 terms of the elastic tensor
where sm; n0tare two constants which stand respectively obtained from experimental data is plotted for test n9 2.
for power coe‹cient and Poisson's ratio value for an Some terms show important changes during PSAR. For
,ds ¿dee¿exp
j,ds = -
1; j ,d t = -1 (14)
¿dee¿DBGS ¿dee¿DBGS
,ds zz ,dt
Plastic deformation is obtained after removing the
elastic deformation (simulated by DBGS model) from the
total deformation. Figure 10 represents the total (Fig.
10(a)), elastic (Fig 10(b)) and plastic (Fig. 10(c)) strain
paths during 3rd cycle of test n92. Origins of strains are
taken at the beginning of the considered cycle (i.e., for as
=09). During this cycle, few volume changes happen and
there is nearly no volume variation between the beginning
and the end of this cycle. Meanwhile, as it is usual for a
medium loose sample (e0=0.84), the sample contracts
slightly after one cycle. This volume variation is too small
to have an impact on the value of function f (e) (Eq. (10)).
Considering this, the hypothesis of no volume change
during cyclic loading was chosen. As a result, simulated
Fig. 9. Simulated elastic strain increment vectors dee (obtained for das elastic strains remain the same for all cycles. Figure 11
=1.89) in (deez-deeu; dge) axes for diŠerent stress levels in (sa; 2t) represents the elastic, plastic and total strains in the (ez-
axes (test n92) eu; g) axes for cycle 3 and cycle 20 of test n9 2. In this
ˆgure, the 3rd (Fig. 11(a)) and the 20th (Fig. 11(b)) cycles
can be compared. The plastic strain amplitudes decrease
example, M ezz, which is independent of sII (the only prin- signiˆcantly between the 3rd and 20th cycles (almost by a
cipal stress which changes during the test), is nearly dou- factor of 3). Meanwhile, even after 20 cycles, plastic
bled between as=09and as=909 . On Fig. 7, simulations deformation remains greater than elastic deformation.
made with the DBGS model are also plotted for test n9 2 Two main plastic mechanisms (Eq. (15)) are consi-
using constants of Table 3. dered:
In order to evaluate the accuracy of DBGS model
depij=depc pnc
ij +deij (15)
predictions, simulated (¿dee¿DBGS ,ds ) and experimental
,ds )
norms of the elastic deformation obtained for The ˆrst terms corresponds to one (or more) coaxial plas-
an axial stress increment (only dszz is not nil) (Eq. (13)) tic mechanism(s), noted by ``pc'', which maintains coaxi-
are compared. The deviation j,ds (Eq. (14)) between
zz ality between the principal directions of stress and the
DBGS model and experimental values is plotted in Fig. 8 plastic strain increment. It is classically accepted that this
for the 16 elastic investigation points. The same analysis mechanism takes the evolutions of mean pressure and
is conducted for the norm of the elastic deformation ten- deviatoric stress slightly. In order to minimize the eŠect
sor due to a shear stress increment (only dt is not nil) of the mean pressure, an isotropic pre-consolidation (up
(Fig. 8). The deviations are always smaller than 25z. to 80 kPa) is performed before each test. The deviatoric
Considering the experimental scatter due to device ac- eŠects can be considered relatively small. Indeed, in the
curacy, the DBGS model simulations can be considered normalized deviatoric plan (I1=tr(s)= 3 ), the applied
Fig. 10. Total (a), elastic (b) and plastic (c) strains during cycle 3 of
test n92 as a function of as
represents the coaxial direction, whereas the tangent during this 3rd cycle. Fig. 14(b) shows the evolution of
represents the non-coaxial direction. The plastic strain in- the plastic strain increment direction ade compared to the
crement vector is projected on these two directions to ob- coaxial direction as. It shows a cyclic shape evolution,
tain its coaxial and non coaxial parts (Eq. (17)). Figure 12 which has maximum values (points M1 and M2 in Fig.
shows also the stress increment ds, which is totally non- 14(b)) of about 109after pure axial compression-exten-
coaxial in these axes. The following relationship is ob- sion (i.e., after points A and C or for as=09and 909 ).
tained between the rotation angles of the principal stress
directions as and the principal stress increment directions
Fig. 14. Principal axes rotations of: stress as, stress increment ads and
plastic strain increment ade (a) and evolution of directions of plas-
tic strain increment ade -as (b), as a function of as (test n92–3rd cy-
These maxima are obtained when the radial stress incre- Fig. 15. Components of non-coaxial deviatoric stress increment tensor
(a) and non-coaxial plastic strain increment tensor (3rd cycle (b)
ment dsrr is nearly nil. In contrast, dep is close to the and 20th cycle (c)) as function of as (obtained for das=1.89)
coaxial direction (points m1 and m2 in Fig. 13(b)) when
dsrr is nearly maximum (points B and D). At points A
and C (sa=09and 909) coaxial stress increment is nil (ds1 2 2 2
2 ¿dep¿= 2depr +2depu +2depz +dgp
=ds2=ds3=0). Figure 14 reveals that, in points A and
C, the plastic strain increment has a non-negligible coaxi- Due to non-coaxial decomposition, the radial parts of
al part (a non coaxial part would give ade -as=459 p). It these tensors are always nil (dsnc pnc
r =0 and der =0). In ad-
nc pnc nc pnc
indicates coupling between the coaxial and non-coaxial dition, dsz (and dez ) and dsu (and deu ) are always op-
plastic mechanisms. This coupling may be due to a diŠer- posite. dsnc nc
z and dsu are nil at points A and C. As the non-
ence between the principal strain (from isotropic states) coaxial tensor has one dimension, only the amplitude
directions ae and the principal stress directions as. ¿depnc¿ can be studied. While the amplitude of the non-
The components of the non-coaxial plastic stress incre- coaxial stress increment dtnc
max is constant during the entire
ment tensor (Fig. 15(a)) and the non-coaxial plastic strain test, the non-coaxial plastic strain increment amplitude
increment tensor (Figs. 15(b), (c)) are plotted as a func- ¿depnc¿, changes with as. The maximum amount of non-
tion of as. Norms of these increment vectors, dtnc max and coaxial plastic deformation occurs at around as=309and
max , deˆned in Eqs. (21) and (22), are also plotted. 1209and the minimum is at around as=709and 1609 , in-
dicating that the plastic non-coaxial modulus H pnc is not
Ø dsnc
nc 2
z -dsu
max= +(dtnc)2 (21) constant during a cycle. It is, however, generally consi-
dered as a constant, as can be seen in Eq. (16).
max= 2 ¿de
¿= (depnc pnc 2
z -deu ) +(dg
pnc 2
) (22) The norm of the non-coaxial plastic strain increment
¿depnc¿ (resp. norm of non-coaxial plastic strain incre-
Fig. 17. Ratio between the norm of plastic strain increment ¿dep¿ (a)
and norm of plastic non-coaxial strain increment ¿depnc¿ (b) during
cycle ``x'' and the same values during the 3rd cycle
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For principal stress axes rotation, the sample axes ( …er, …eu, …ez) and principal stress axes ( …eI, …eII, …eIII) do not coincide. An
expression of the hypo-elastic tensor M e in ( …er, …eu, …ez) axes is given below. Substituting Eqs. (11) and (12) in Eq. (10)
gives the hypo-elastic tensor M e in ( …eI, …eII, …eIII) axes (Eq. (A1)).
1 - n0 1
Ø 1
+ m »- Ø n0 1 1
+ m » 0
smI m
2 sII sI m
2 s III sI
1 + n0
0 0 0
Incremental stress tensor is expressed in ( …eI, …eII, …eIII) by Eq. (A2).
ds(I, II, III)=P(I, II, III)ª(r, u, z).ds(r, u, z).P-
(I, II, III)ª(r, u, z) (A2)
with P the transformation rotation matrix from ( …eI, …eII, …eIII) to ( …er, …eu, …ez):
1 0 0
P(I, II, III)ª(r, u, z)= 0 cos (as) sin (as) (A3)
0 -sin (as) cos (as)
For HCA analysis, only four terms of the strain and stress tensors are non nil. These tensors are represented by a four
component vector. With this notation, the relationship (Eq. (A2)) between stress increments in ( …eI, …eII, …eIII) and ( …er, …eu,
…ez) becomes:
ds(I, II, III)=Q.ds(r, u, z) (A4)
1 0 0 0
2 2
0 cos (a) sin (a) - 2 cos (a) sin (a)
Q= 2 2
0 sin (a) cos (a) 2 cos (a) sin (a)
0 2 cos (a) sin (a) - 2 cos (a) sin (a) cos2 (a)-sin2 (a)
Then the hypo-elastic tensor M e expression in ``( …er, …eu, …ez) base'' is:
M e(ruz)=Qt.M e(I, II, III).Q (A6)