CW MODULE 1 Imagery
CW MODULE 1 Imagery
CW MODULE 1 Imagery
Write a
brief description of the place. You may incorporate an
experience related to the location to make your literary
description more vivid.
• Establishing a clear connection with the readers is
of the important objectives that any literary work
must be able to fulfill. In literature, sensory
experience makes use of imagery to enliven the
five human senses (Ramos & Dalisay, 2017).
Imagery as a general term covers
the use of language to represent
objects, actions, feelings, thoughts,
ideas, states of mind and any
sensory experience. It is a
figurative language used to appeal
to the senses through vivid
descriptive language. Imagery
creates mental pictures in the
reader as they read the text.
• Sense of sight:
‘’I imagined your deep love walk towards me.’’
(In the use of the word imagined, someone can
imagine seeing someone walking towards him or
• Sense of hearing (sound):
‘’Your footsteps fell heavy on the hardwood floor.’’
“Rainbow” “In the End” “You Belong With Me” “Out of My League”
by Southborder by Linkin Park by Taylor Swift by Stephen Speaks
Write about a memory triggered by the music you have
chosen. Think of where you are when you last heard the music
and what it meant for you. Include any images that come into
mind. Be sure to make your paragraph interesting by using
different figures of speech. Write your essay on a whole sheet of
•Content- 5
•Creativity- 10
Total- 15 pts.