L 7 Thermal Process Calculation
L 7 Thermal Process Calculation
L 7 Thermal Process Calculation
Containers do not heat instantaneously
All temp. have a lethal effect above 93oC
Contributes to the destruction of m.o.
Mechanism to determine the relative effect of
a changing temperature is necessary
z value helps to calculate the lethal effect of
various temperature
Lethal Rate (L)
The relative effect of temp. on microbial
destruction with respect to a certain
reference temp. (Tref)
Equivalent time in min at reference temp /
time in min at temp. (T)
L = 10 (T-Tref)/z
Lethal Rate (L)
Temp (oC) Lethal rate Time (FT) req.
(min at 121.1oC/ min at T) for 12 D
101.1 0.01 4h
111.1 0.1 24 min
121.1 1 2.4 min
131.1 10 15 s
141.1 100 1.5 s
Change in processing temp by one z value requires
10-fold change in processing temp
Sterilization value
Lethal effect as a function of time (t) during
the thermal process
FTref = 01 10 (T-Tref)/z dt
FTref = Lt
When T is the cold point temp. and when ref.
temp and z value are 121.1oC and 10oC, then,
the sterilization value is known as Fo value
Fo value of 3 min is acceptable.
Commercial Sterility
Application of heat that render the food free
from viable forms of m.o of public health
significance as well as any m.o of non PHS
capable of reproducing under non-
refrigerated conditions of storage and
Process evaluation
Sterilizing effect : Starts at temp. above their
maximum growth temp.
Lethal effect on bacterial spores commence at 93oC
Process time - Time theoretically required to destroy
any specific spore in food can at any given temp is
calculated from
Lethal rate of the temperature
TDT curve
Heating and Cooling curves
Thermal process evaluation
Determination of thermal process, Fo involves
Measurement of temp. at SHP
Integration of lethal effect at this point
Lethal rate - Rate of destruction of an organism per
min at any given lethal temp. is the reciprocal of the
time in min required to completely destroy it at that
temp. LR = Antilog [(T-121.1)/z]
If z value is 10oC, the LR for 111.1oC is 0.1
Integration of lethal effects
C. botulinum spores requires Fo of 2.52 min
Heat the food at 121.1oC hold for 2.52 min
instantaneously, and cool below lethal temp.
Integrated lethal value equivalent to 2.52 min sufficient
Fo at 121.1oC is unity
So, for every temp. change of 10oC, there is 10-fold
change in death rate of organisms
Work out Fo equivalent at that time-temp combinations
If processing at 111.1oC, needs 10 times more heating
to attain sterilization effect
If processing at 131.1oC, needs 1/10th of time
Methods of estimating process lethality
Classical calculation method
General method
Formula method
Integrated lethality method
Nomogram method
Classical calculation method
Simplest method
Record SHP temp/ min
Obtain LR rate for temp. from LR table or
calculate LR
Integrate lethal values of heat for all time-temp
combinations at this point
Cumulative Fo value - Add LR of temp after steam
cut off also
General method (Bigelow, 1920)
Graphical method - each point of H & C curve
represent lethal value for the organisms
Construct TDT, H&C curves and lethality curve with
LR against time (min)
Area under lethality curve gives the total lethality of
the process i.e summation of all lethal rates
obtained during CUT, retorting and cooling.
Measure area by counting squares or using
General method (Graphical method)
If area under lethality curve is unity (1) – process
adequate – complete destruction achieved
If total lethality < 1 – under processing
If total lethality > 1 – over processing
Process value (Fo)
= Area under LR curve x lethality/square
= 117 x 0.1 = 11.7 min
Cannot predict Fo of shorter or longer process,
change in retort temp. or can size
Mathematical method (Ball and Olson, 1928)
Applicable to convection and conduction
packs of any can size and retort temp
Construct HP curve by plotting values
representing differences between retort
temp. and product temp. on a log scale and
time on linear scale
Zero time taken when the steam is turned on
After an initial lag, the graph becomes a
straight line
Mathematical method
Slope is fh
CUT sterilizing effect is 42% of CUT
Corrected zero time is 52% of CUT
Extend straight line of graph to meet ‘y’ axis
The corresponding temp is theoretical initial temp (I)
Ratio of jI/I is referred to as ‘j’
jI = diff. between retort temp. and theoretical initial
I = diff. between retort temp and actual initial temp
j = lag factor or time before which there is no increase
in temperature at SHP
Mathematical method
The basic equation is
B process time (min) = fh log (jI-g)
g = diff. in oF bet. retort temp and max. temp at SHP
From above, g is calculated
Value of g is related to the ratio of fh/U
U = FoFi
Fi = Time in min at the retort temp equivalent to Fo
process at 250oF
Fi = log –1 (250-t)/z (t – process temp; z-18oF)
From above, Fi is calculated
From U and Fi, Fo is calculated
Integrated lethality method
In convection pack, heating at SHP (Fc) is equal to
the effective mean through out the container (Fs)
Fc = Fs = D (log a – log b)
D = DRT at reference temp
a = initial no of spores
b = no of survivors
For conduction pack, integration of lethal values of
heat received at SHP is more accurate
Determine survival ratios for small volume
Integrate over the whole volume
Nomogram method (Olson and Stevens, 1939)