Extremely Low Probability of Rupture (XLPR) Version 1.0 Code - Pilot Study Problem Results
Extremely Low Probability of Rupture (XLPR) Version 1.0 Code - Pilot Study Problem Results
Extremely Low Probability of Rupture (XLPR) Version 1.0 Code - Pilot Study Problem Results
July 17-21, 2011, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
D. Rudland C. Harrington
US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Electric Power Research Institute
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Dallas, Texas, USA
Mail Stop: CSB-5CA24
Washington, DC 20555-0001
Corresponding author, david.rudland@nrc.gov
The views expressed herein are those of the author and do not represent an official position of the USNRC
As described above, the xLPR pilot study was conducted to Critical Flaw
demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed developmental yes
t>tf Leak module – COD
process and framework for a probabilistic code to address leak rate Module
provides a short term, learning experience that should benefit Crack Coalescence
the longer term program and code development by identifying
areas requiring more focused effort. Figure 1 Time loop flow chart for Version 1.0 xLPR code
In developing the computational implementation for the For each time increment (set by user input), the code checks
Version 1.0 xLPR code, both open-source and commercial whether the analysis is beyond the predefined time period for
software was considered. Working in parallel, two unique the analysis. If it is, the time loop is exited. If not, it continues.
codes were developed to demonstrate the advantages of each
framework. The commercial software GoldSim was used to
Xc, as defined in Figure 3, is the distance through wall where the weld
residual stress changes sign.
See [2] for more details