Esquema de Partidos Antirrevisionistas Del Estado Español

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Sketch of Partido Comunista de España/ PCE AST/CCCO ~ Accion

Sindical de
organisational Trabajadores /
developments PUSC / Partit Socialista Unificat de Catalunya Comisioners Obreras

in SPAIN 1967
Unity 1963 formed: The Spark/ Proletarian/ Revolutionary Worker World. Unite in
1963 UPG Union de Pobo
1964 to establish the Partido Comunista de España (marxista-leninista)/ The
Galego/ Galician People’s Union
Communist Party of Spain (Marxist-Leninist/ PCE (m-l))
1970 Communist 1968 UER
Organisation/ Red Flag

1969 PCE(I) 1968 Militants join 1968 OMLE -

Barcelona OMLE Organización de
1968 Tribuna Obrera
UJML Marxistas-Leninistas de 1969 Organización
España/ Organisation of Revolucionaria de
1970 Est. Juventud Comunista de Marxist–Leninists of los Trabajadores/
Militants join PCEml España (marxista-leninista)/ Spain est. Brussels Workers'
Communist Youth of Spain (Marxist– 1972 split from PCE Revolutionary
1973 Leninist)/ JCEml Organizacion Obreria Organization / ORT

1974 fusion
1973 constituted as 1973 1st Congress
with Galicia
Unificación Comunista de 1974
Socialista and
España / Communist split 1975 1974 Militants from section of 1974 ORT declared
Unification of Spain /UCE renamed Organizacion Obreria join
1974 the Coordinating Organizacion as a Party. Est.
Workers Other groups include
Committee of FRAP, the Obreria youth wing Unión
Party of Spain Revolutionary Antifascist 1975 renamed as Partido 1971 Lucha de Clases de Juventudes
/ PTE Patriotic Front, held its Communista de Espanan Maoistas/ Maoist
1974 Long March towards 1974
1976 UCE briefly unites with constituent conference. reconstitudio / PCE(r). Youth Union
the Socialist Revolution formed
GRAPO, First of October Fronte
Saw fusion to form PCU Obreria
1976 PC/RC Anti-Fascist Resistance
Partido Communista de
Unificacion in July 1976
1977 Partido del 1979 3rd Congress –first
Treball de Catalanya legally held. Joined by OCIB in October
OCE/BR re- 1981 split with a dissident group Other groups emerged 1979 fusion of ORT/PTE in Workers'
joined PCE forming a parallel PCE(m-l Party / Partido de los Trabajadores / PT
Gnidn de Lucha Marxista-Leninista
1977 Galician People’s
Gran Marcha Hacia el Comunismo Union – Proletarian line
1991 Raúl Marco, broken away to form the
Colectivo Octubre, which evolved into Partido Marxista-Leninista 1981 PT Dissolved
Organización Comunista Octubre (Reconstruccion Comunista) 1986 Communist Party of
National Liberation
2006 Organización
2003 PCE(r)
Comunista Octubre with the
1992 The sixth199 banned
Statewide Coordination of
Communist Organizations congress of PCE (m-l) UPG Union de Pobo Galego
dissolved the party. 2006 GRAPO reportedly
(CEOC) re founded the AN-PG Galician National-Popular
Partido Comunista de
1992 The sixth congress Assembly
España (marxista-leninista)) of PCE (m-l) dissolved
the party.

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