3.4 Navigate The Operating System TEST

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NAME: _____________________________________________________________________

DATE: ___________________________ GRADE: ___________ QUARTER: ____________

Alison Bixby Stone School
Zamorano, Honduras

TOPIC: Navigate the Operating System

Questions and Answers

1. How to open a program such as a. Go to the "File" and then

Microsoft Word without any icons select "Close."
on the desktop? b. Press the "Ctrl" key on the

a. Right-click to display all keyboard.

icons. c. Use the mouse to press the

b. Restart the computer. button with the "X" in it at

c. It is not impossible to open a the top right corner of the

program if no icons are on screen.

d. Use the mouse to press the
the desktop.
button with the _ in it at the
d. Click the start button and
select program from the top right corner of the

menu. screen.

2. How to minimize or maximize any 4. A word processing file can be

program in Windows? attached to an e-mail message.
a. Right-click on the mouse. a. True
b. Go to "File" and select b. False
minimize or maximize.
5. The "Reply to All" e-mail function
c. Top right corner, dash or
generates a reply message to
square. _______________
d. This function cannot be
6. Which of the following is an
example of an e-mail address?

3. How to close a window on the a. Www.google.com

desktop? b. Jeandoe.gmail.com
c. Bob Smith@yahoo.com
d. Recruitment@infinit-o.com a. Click the desktop a bunch of
times until hopefully, it pops
7. The 2 of the biggest websites that
offer free e-mail service are
____________ and __________. b. Click on the circular button
on the lower left-hand
corner of the desktop.
8. "Desktop" is a computer term which
c. Go to My Computer then
refers to?
open the DVD-ROM drive.
a. Something which is for the
d. I don't know.
computer programmer only.
b. The part of the workspace
12. What is the C: drive?
where the computer
a. The hard drive contains all
monitor sits.
the information used by the
c. The initial screen showing
icons for folders,
b. DVD-ROM drive.
applications and files.
c. Floppy disk drive.
d. The desk on which your
d. Back up memory drive.
computer is stationed.

13. You use the ____________ hand

9. Which is a word processing
button on the mouse most often.
a. Microsoft Powerpoint
b. Microsoft Word
14. A monitor is an
c. Microsoft Access
a. Input Device
d. Microsoft Outlook
b. Output Device

10. Choose the answer that contains all

15. A deleted file goes to the
the home keys. ________________________________
a. 12345678
b. Abcdefgh 16. Which keys do you use to move the
c. Qwertyio cursor around your text?
d. Asdfjkl; a. Enter
b. Arrow Keys
11. How to get to the start menu?
c. Ctrl shift

17. What keys do you use the select or

highlight part of the text?
a. Arrow keys
b. Enter
c. Shift + arrow keys

18. How do you change file names?

a. Double-click the file name
and change.
b. Right-click the file name,
then drag the cursor to
c. Just delete the file and
create a new one with the
correct file name.
d. "Save As" the file and
change the name.

19. How do you turn off the computer?

a. Unplug the computer.
b. Click the "Start Menu"
Button, then Shut Down.
c. Turn off the monitor and

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