Jaeden Duncombe 12R Geography BGCSE Coursework: TH TH TH
Jaeden Duncombe 12R Geography BGCSE Coursework: TH TH TH
Jaeden Duncombe 12R Geography BGCSE Coursework: TH TH TH
Chapter 1
On the 20th of January 2023, I went to the Oakes Field Roundabout with the 12th and 11th
Geography class, and Geography teachers of Anatol Rodgers in order to conduct a Traffic
Surveillance to determine which street and time frame are the busiest, and which vehicle is the
most popular accessing the Roundabout. This was done by visiting the Roundabout and taking
tallies of the cars with the purpose of completing a coursework assignment submitted to the
Social Sciences department of Anatol Rodgers in partial fulfillment of the BGCSE Geography
Prior to the day of the Field Trip, each student taking the Geography BGCSE examination
purchased a Steno Notepad and immediately set it up. This was done by writing down the aims
and objectives, hypotheses, map titles, coding system, different stations, sketching the map of
New Providence, and tables. After that, we were all organized into eight different groups for
During Fieldwork
On the 20th of January, we were escorted to the Roundabout by a bus and arrived at 7:45. We
used those 15 minutes before 8 AM to organize ourselves into our group stations. After that, we
separated into our different stations according to our group. Once that was done, us students
began taking tallies of the different cars we saw at exactly 8:00 AM. We stopped at 9:00 and
used the 1 hour interval to count up our tallies and ensure that all of us in the group had the same
amount of tallies. We repeated the initial process of tally taking the different cars that we saw at
10 AM, and we stopped at 11 AM. Lastly, we sketched the Roundabout in our Notepads.
Before we were escorted back to school by the bus, all of the groups got together and our
Geography teachers collected our Notepads. Once we arrived on Anatol Rodgers grounds,
students went to the Geography classroom to complete the Notepad. A master table was drawn
on the board with the different streets and times, and eight students from the eight groups put in
the totals of the street they were on. After this, the rest of the students took those tallies from the
board. We then discussed and came to an analysis based on the results from the fieldwork.
Before our teacher collected our Steno Notepads, all students ensured that the tallies were
Map of New Providence Highlighting the Study Area
Table 1- Table showing total amount of cars on each street:
Jitney/Bus 42 7 35 12
Government 81 82 39 37
Bonded Vehicle 0 10 7 5
Taxicab 53 41 27 37
Motorcycle 18 9 4 6
Bicycle 6 2 1 6
Graph 1- Graph showing total amount of cars on each street:
Table 2- Table showing the total amount of each car:
Vehicles Total
Jitney/Bus 96
Bonded Vehicle 22
Taxicab 158
Motorcycle 37
Bicycle 15
Graph 2- Graph showing total amount of each car:
Table 3- Table showing the total amount of vehicles at each time frame:
Jitney/Bus 61 35
Bonded Vehicle 9 13
Taxicab 73 85
Motorcycle 17 20
Bicycle 7 8
Graph 3: Graph showing total number of vehicles at each time frame.
Chapter 2
One of our hypotheses stated that Poinciana Drive would be the busiest street accessing the
roundabout. I heavily disagree with this statement as it is incorrect. If you look at Table 1, you
will see that Thompson Boulevard would be the busiest street as it has 2,257 cars in total.
Meanwhile, Poinciana Drive has in total 2,101 cars. Furthemore, 26% of the cars were present on
Thompson Boulevard. This may be because of the many business buildings such as Scotiabank
and the Passport Office that are present on this street. Most of the people traveling the
roundabout were most likely trying to access one of those buildings. Our second hypothesis
stated that Private Cars would be the most popular vehicle using the roundabout. I agree with this
statement as it is true. Based on Table 2, Private Cars have a total of 7,039 meaning that 84% of
the cars present were Private Cars. The reason may be how easy it is to get access to a Private
Car, compared to vehicles such as the Taxicab, Bus, Company Vehicles and Government
Vehicles. And many people prefer to own a car over vehicles such as a bicycle or motorcycle.
The final hypothesis states that during the hour 8-9 am, the roundabout is busier than 10-11 am.
Once again, I agree with this statement because of Table 3’s results which show that the 8-9 hour
has 4,518 cars and the 10-11 hour has 3,886 cars. This means that 54% of cars traveled the
roundabout during the 8-9 am hour. This may be because most schools and jobs start at 9 am.
Many people leave an hour before 9, which would be 8 am, to drop their kids off to school or go
to work. In the 10-11 am hour, many people are already at work, or have already dropped their
Our first hypothesis, Poinciana Drive is the busiests street accessing the roundabout, is
incorrect as Thompson Boulevard is the busiest street accessing the roundabout. Poinciana Drive
was found to have 2,101 cars in total whereas Thompson Boulevard had 2,257 cars in total.
Private Cars are the most popular vehicle accessing the roundabout, our second hypothesis is
correct. We found that Private Cars had a high total of 7,039 cars. Lastly, our third hypothesis,
during the hour 8-9 am the roundabout is busier than 10.11 am, is also correct. From what we
have found, the 8-9 hour had a total of 4,518 cars while the total of cars on the 10-11 hour was
3,886. Therefore, we were able to achieve all of our objectives. The busiest street accessing the
roundabout in Thompson Boulevard, the most popular vehicle accessing the roundabout are
Private Cars, and the busiest time frame at the roundabout is the 8-9 am hour. We were able to
achieve these objectives because of prior preparations such as purchasing the books and being
organized into different groups. Furthermore, we were able to take tallies of the cars we saw and
once we headed back, every group helped create a master table. However, we encountered
problems such as not starting on time which means that there would’ve been more cars that we
didn’t take tallies of. This would cause the results to be inaccurate. To solve this, we would have
to ensure that we arrive on time. Another problem we encountered was losing count of the
amount of cars which would also result in inaccurate results. We should’ve had about three
people count the cars, and have the others take tallies of the cars.