Notice Inviting Tenders: NIT No. 02/RUVNL/2022 Dated 17.10.2022

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(A Government of Rajasthan Undertaking)

Corporate Identity Number (CIN)-U40104RJ2015SGC048738
Registered Office-Vidyut Bhawan, Janpath, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur-302005
Office of The Chief Engineer
Work Office at:1st Floor, HUDCO Building, Jyoti Nagar, JAIPUR
Mob: 9413385837, Email -


(Only through e-procurement)
NIT No. 02/RUVNL/2022 Dated 17.10.2022
“Load Forecasting, RE (Wind & Solar)Generation Forecasting and Schedule Optimizer” for the
State of Rajasthan

Superintending Engineer (PP), RUVNL invites “Online Tenders” (e-tendering) for “Load Forecasting,
RE (Wind & Solar) Generation Forecasting and Schedule Optimizer” for the State of Rajasthan.
Tender Papers & Specifications may be downloaded from Web site and
/en/home.html# (For view, download and online submission). Tender fee may be paid along with
submission of tender in EMD cover, for respective tender. “All the relevant documents of tender to be
submitted physically will be received only by Registered Post A.D. or Speed Post addressed to: The
Superintending Engineer (PP), RUVNL, 1st Floor, HUDCO Building, Jyoti Nagar, JAIPUR . “NO

1 Tender No
2 Name of work “Load Forecasting, RE (Wind & Solar) Generation
Forecasting and Schedule Optimizer” for the State
of Rajasthan
4 Tender Fee Rs. 11,800/- (incl. GST @ 18%) to be made online directly
through RTGS and NEFT.
Bank Details:
State Bank of India,
Account No.: ‘61310230971’
IFS Code: SBIN0031026
4 E.M.D The payment of EMD i.e., Rs.10,00,000/- (Rs. Ten lakhs
Only) can be made online directly through RTGS and NEFT
or through Bank Guarantee
5 Duration of contract 02 (Two) years from the date from which the contract shall
become effective, extendable up to 12 months
6 Pre-bid meeting At 15.00 Hrs on 31.10.2022
7 Online (E-tendering) tender/offer Up to 16:00 Hrs. of 07.11.2022
submission last date (This is mandatory)
8 Physical submission of all the relevant Up to 15:00 Hrs. of 11.11.2022
documents, last date up to 15:00 hours. By
R.P.AD or SPEED POST only.
9 Date of opening of Tender fee, EMD cover Up to 16:00 Hrs. of 11.11.2022
and QR bid physical as well as online
opening at 17:00 Hours.
10 Date of opening of Price Bids: Shall be intimated separately
11 Prices Firm
12 Validity 180 Days from the date of Opening of Technical Bid

Page 1

1. All the relevant documents as per requirement of the Tender also to be submitted physically along
with the Tender Fee, EMD cover in sealed cover on OR before due date and time. All such
documents should be strictly submitted by R.P.AD / speed post only. Otherwise, the offer will not
be considered and no any further communication in the matter will be entertained. The tender in
physical form is to be submitted in single copy. (Price bid are not to be submitted with the
physical documents).
2. Any deviation found in Data / Details / Documents between online offer (E- tendering) and
physically submitted documents (Tender document fee, EMD, Technical and commercial
documents etc.) of bidder, offer of the same bidder will not considered and no further
communication in the matter will be entertained. Physical copy is for technical evaluation &
reference only and tender will be evaluated on Data / Details / Documents of the online offer. For
any discrepancy between online & physical bid, online bid will be considered as final.
3. It is mandatory for all the bidders to submit their tender documents by both forms viz. on – line (E-
tendering) and physically in schedule time. If tender documents submitted in only any one form,
say either by online or physically, in that case the same tender will not be considered.
4. The bidders are required to fill up all the online annexure / forms. This is intended for
transparency and speedy evaluation of the bids. Instead of simply confirming / attached in
bid / refer physical offer, the Bidder shall fill in the particulars against appropriate place
in respect of each line appearing in each online annexure. Wherever required, bidder shall
invariably have to submit supporting authentic documents in the physical bid.
(In the absence of required details in the online annexure, the purchaser has every right to
evaluate the bids accordingly and bidder cannot raise any objection against any point
during evaluation.)
5. RUVNL at its discretion may call selected bidder for negotiation.
6. Bidders are requested to remain in touch with the website for any amendment / corrigendum or
extension of due date etc.
Any technical questions, information and clarifications that may be required pertaining to this enquiry
should be referred to: The SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (PP), RUVNL, 1st Floor, HUDCO
Building, Jyoti Nagar, JAIPUR .

RUVNL reserves the right to reject any OR all tenders without assigning any reasons thereof.

Yours faithfully,

Superintending Engineer (PP)


Page 2

NIT No. 02/ RUVNL/2022/ dated 17.10.2022


Load Forecasting, RE (Wind & Solar) Generation Forecasting
and Schedule Optimizer for the State of Rajasthan

Page 3
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................6

2. PERIOD OF CONTRACT .........................................................................................................................6

3. QUALIFYING REQUIREMENTS FOR BIDDER ....................................................................................8

4. FORMAT OF BID .....................................................................................................................................10

5. SCOPE OF WORK ..................................................................................................................................11

5.1 POWER AND ENERGY DEMAND and RE FORECASTING FOR RUVNL ............................11


5.3 RTM BIDDING SOLUTIONS INTEGRATION .................................................................................18


SCHEDULE, OD/UD ETC. ..................................................................................................................18

5.5 OTHER SALIENT FEATURES RELATED TO SCOPE OF WORK ...........................................22

5.6 DEVIATION FOR FORECASTING ....................................................................................................23

6. PAYMENT TERMS ..................................................................................................................................24

7. WORK PLAN & PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION .................................................................................26

8. BID PRICE ................................................................................................................................................27

9. BID SUBMISSION, EVALUATION AND AWARD................................................................................28

9.1 BID VALIDITY...........................................................................................................................................29

9.2 EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD) ...................................................................................................29

9.3 CLARIFICATION AND PRE-BID MEETING .........................................................................................30

9.4 BID SUBMISSION ...................................................................................................................................30

9.5 BID OPENING ..........................................................................................................................................31

9.6 EVALUATION OF BIDS ..........................................................................................................................31

9.7 CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION OF FINANCIAL BID...........................................................................33

9.8 FINAL EVALUATION OF BIDS ..............................................................................................................33

BIDs ...........................................................................................................................................................33

9.10 AWARD OF CONTRACT AND SIGNING OF AGREEMENT ............................................................34

10. OTHER CONDITIONS OF BID ..............................................................................................................34

10.1 BILLING AND PAYMENT .......................................................................................................................34

10.2 DEDUCTION ............................................................................................................................................35



10.4 TERMINATION.........................................................................................................................................35

Page 4
10.5 DISCLAIMER............................................................................................................................................36

10.6 CONTRACT PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE (CPG) .........................................................................36

10.7 CONFIDENTIALITY .................................................................................................................................37

10.8 FACILITIES ...............................................................................................................................................38

10.9 RESPONSIBILITY FOR RECORD/DOCUMENTS ..............................................................................38

10.10 CONDUCT / REPLACEMENT OF MANPOWER OF FIRM ...............................................................38

10.11 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION................................................................................................................38

10.12 BID PREPARATION COST ....................................................................................................................38

10.13 INCOMPLETE /AMBIGUOUS BIDS ......................................................................................................39

10.14 COMPLIANCE OF LAWS/ RULES/ REGULATIONS ETC. ................................................................39

10.15 FORCE MAJEURE ..................................................................................................................................39

10.16 DISPUTE RESOLUTION & ARBITRATION .........................................................................................40

10.17 JURISDICTION ........................................................................................................................................40

11. TIMELINES ............................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

12. ANNEXURES ...........................................................................................................................................41

ANNEXURE – 1 ....................................................................................................................................................42

ANNEXURE – 2 ....................................................................................................................................................44

ANNEXURE – 3 ....................................................................................................................................................45

ANNEXURE – 4 ....................................................................................................................................................46

ANNEXURE – 5 ....................................................................................................................................................47

ANNEXURE - 6 .....................................................................................................................................................48

ANNEXURE – 7 ....................................................................................................................................................49

ANNEXURE – 8A .................................................................................................................................................50

ANNEXURE – 8B .................................................................................................................................................51

ANNEXURE – 9 ....................................................................................................................................................52

ANNEXURE – 10 ..................................................................................................................................................53

ANNEXURE – 11 ..................................................................................................................................................54

Page 5
RUVNL on behalf of Rajasthan Discoms (JVVNL, AVVNL and JdVVNL intends to engage well
established and experienced consultancy firm through e-tender under two part bid system for
providing consultancy services to RUVNL, to prepare, plan and advise on Energy Portfolio
Management with an overall objective of providing 24x7 quality power to all consumers while
minimizing the power purchase cost.

RUVNL intends to engage well established and experienced firms, who can forecast the demand
and RE generation and implement energy/ load management & its cost optimization system in
RUVNL as per the best practices available, suggest ways and means for institutional
strengthening of its operations,
RUVNL is taking operations at present with the following responsibility:
i. Maintaining merit order dispatch.
ii. Demand and RE (Solar & Wind) forecast on day ahead and intra-day basis.
iii. Forecasting demand based on seasonal, special events load requirements etc.
iv. Preparing net availability by getting data of SGS, ISGS (LTA, MTOA, STOA)
from RLDC’s web site and SLDC web portal.
v. Maintaining demand and supply balance in the state.
vi. Procuring and selling day ahead and real time power as per demand supply
vii. Preparing the differential bid for Buy and Sale of power in Energy Exchanges.
viii. Co-ordination with generation, distribution and State Load Dispatch Centre to
ensure smooth operations of Transmission and Distribution System as per Grid
ix. Preparing varies reports related to trade in exchange, power surrender, load
shedding etc.

2. TIMELINES & Instruction to Bidders

Events Date & Time Location
Date of downloading of tender 17.10.2022 to 11.11.2022
(i) (16.00 hrs)
Upto 10.11.2022 (17.00 RUVNL Office of the Sr. AO,
Deposit of RISL Processing Fee
(ii) hrs) RUVNL, 1st Floor ,HUDCO
& Earnest Money
Building , Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur
(iii) Seek Clarification Start Date
(iv) Seek Clarification End Date

Page 6
(v) Pre Bid Meeting date

Last date & time of submission Upto 11.11.2022 (16.00

(vi) hrs)
of electronic bid
Upto 11.11.2022 (17.00
(vii) Opening of Non Financial Bid hrs)
Date & time of presentation Tentatively within a week from
date of opening of the technical
part of the tender. Date & time
will be intimated through e-mail
separately at least 2 (two) days
in advance.
To be decided after
opening of Non-Financial
Bid. To be intimated to
(ix) Opening of Financial Bid
the eligible Bidders
through e-mail

(i) The bidders are requested to submit their bids prior to last date of submission to avoid Non-
submission of their bids up to prescribed date due to non-availability of / hanging of website at
last moments. The date of submission of bids will not be extended if system is hang up in last
hours or congestion.
(ii) The bidder will have to deposit prescribed EMD in the form of Bank Guarantee in favour of Chief
Engineer (RUVNL), Jaipur up to stipulated date & time in the office of the Sr. Accounts Officer
(RUVNL), Jaipur and obtain a receipt thereof. Sr. Accounts Officer (RUVNL) will be the custodian
of the EMD. Although the EMD amount appearing in the online tender corresponds to the total
tender quantity but the bidders may fill the amount as applicable to the quantity offered by them
and rest of the amount may be entered as exemption under the exemption button shown in the
on line tendering system.
(iii) The bidder will have to submit prescribed RISL Processing Fee amounting to Rs. 1000/- by
DD/Banker’s Cheque in favour of M.D, RISL payable at Jaipur up to stipulated date & time in the
office of Sr. Accounts Officer (RUVNL), Jaipur and obtain acknowledgement thereof. The
processing fee will be sent to RISL by Sr. AO (RUVNL), Jaipur.
(iv) The bidders who are interested in bidding can download tender documents from up to the stipulated date & time.
(v) Bidders who wish to participate in this tender will have to register on
(bidders registered on before 30.09.2011 needs to register again). To
participate in online tenders, Bidders will have to procure Digital Signature Certificate (Type – II
or Type – III) as per Information Technology Act-2000 using which they can sign their electronic
bids. Bidders can procure the same from any CCA approved certifying agency i.e TCS,
Safecrypt, Ncode etc. or they may contact e-Procurement Cell, Department of IT & C,
Government of Rajasthan for future assistance. Bidders who already have a valid Digital
Certificate need not to procure a new Digital Certificate.
(vi) Contact No. 0141 – 4022688 (Help desk of RISL - 10.00 AM to 6.00 PM on all working days);
Address : e-Procurement Cell, RISL, Yojana Bhawan, Tilak Marg, C-Scheme, Jaipur .

(vii)Bidders are also advised to refer “Bidders Manual” available under “Downloads” section for
further details about the e-tendering process.

Page 7
(viii) The online tenders will have to be digitally signed and submitted in time specified on


The period of contract would normally be 24 (Twenty-Four) months from the date from which the
contract shall become effective. However, Project implementation duration maximum up to 90
days may be considered on request of successful bidder. The performance of the bidder will be
reviewed at the end of first year and basis of which the contract will be continued further. Further,
the period of contract may be extended for another 12 months on the same rates and terms and
conditions through mutual consent.


Sr. Type Description Evaluation
1 Entity The Bidder should be a company registered 1.Certificate of Incorporation or
under the Companies Act, 1956 and/or 2013 Article of Association
OR Partnership firm registered under LLP Act
2008 as on the date of original bid opening. 2. Copy of relevant certificates
Bidder shall be Registered for GST and Income
Tax in India
The Bidder should have at least 15 (fifteen) IT Employer certification as on the
professionals and 10 (ten) power sector date of original bid opening
professionals having permanent full-time
employment directly on its own payroll working
in India having minimum qualification of B.E./
B.Tech./MBA as on the date of original bid
The Bidder should have valid Capability Copy of relevant certificate
Maturity Model Integration CMMi Level 5
certification or above at the time of submission
of the Bid
The bidders or any of its associates / The bidder should provide an
subsidiaries/ parent entity should be having undertaking (self-certificate) that
unblemished record and must not be blacklisted the bidder is not presently
or declared ineligible for any reasons including blacklisted for fraudulent or
but not limited to corrupt & fraudulent practices corrupt practices as per the
by any state/ central government/ PSU/ financial format provided
institutions / multilateral funding agencies / IDA

The Bidder should have valid Goods and GSTIN Registration Certificate,
Service Tax Identification Number (GSTIN) and Copy of PAN card
valid PAN Number

Page 8
Sr. Type Description Evaluation
Joint venture, consortium, or association are not Undertaking by the authorized
allowed to bid signatory that the Bidder is
bidding in its individual capacity
without the support of any
2 Technical The Bidder should have experience in Completion Certificate from
experience in implementing technology enabled solution as a client.
implementation lead bidder in Indian Power Utilities with at-least
one assignment of having value of more than
INR 2 Cr. during last 3 years, or two
assignments of having value of more than INR
1.25 Cr. each during last 3 years or three
assignments of having value of more than INR
1 Cr. each during last 3 years and have
completed the work successfully for providing
the consultancy services as a lead bidder for
short term, medium-term, long-term energy Detailed credentials,
planning/power demand forecasting/power documentary evidence-Copy of
scheduling/RE (Solar & Wind) Forecasting for Work Order / Purchase Order /
at-least one continuous year to any Contract Agreement and Go-
DISCOM/SLDC/RLDC/STU in the last five Live/Completion
years (i.e. FY 2016-17 onwards). Any ongoing certificate/Ongoing Certificate
assignments having successfully completed
one year of operation as on date of original bid Note: Pilot Projects / pro-bono
opening would also be considered. projects shall not be considered
The bidder should have experience of over 5 Copy of work order and work
years of providing consultancy services in completion certificates
Indian power sector. mentioning the nature of work, the
period during which the work was
done for at least one contract
awarded prior to April 2012. In
case of non-availability of work
completion certificate, the final
payment receipt with the copy of
invoice raised shall be submitted
The bidder as a lead bidder must have Supporting documents like Work
experience of successfully completing Order / Letter of Award (LoA) /
engagement of assisting at-least one (1) power Contract agreement / Completion
Distribution Utilities / State Electricity Boards / Certificate for each assignment
Electricity Department in the area of Power mentioning the nature of work, the
Distribution/Power Purchase Cost Optimization period during which the work was
on retainership basis for a continuous period of undertaken.
12 months (1 year) in the last five (5) years.
(Work must have not completed before 1st April In case of non-availability of work
2017). completion certificate, the final
payment receipt with the copy of
Note: Retainer experience means the contract invoice raised shall be submitted
or work order issued by utility/ department on
Retainership basis having pre-defined contract
period with availability of on-site presence of Note: Pilot Projects / pro-bono
staff on continuous basis. The works which are projects shall not be considered
purely milestone/ deliverable based such as
ARR, Reforms, restructuring etc. will not qualify
Page 9
Sr. Type Description Evaluation
under Retainership. Assignments exclusively
for field level works and just preparation for
DPRs on behalf of Discoms under erstwhile
without having additional scope of Discom
related work shall not be considered.

3 Financial The Bidder should have positive Net worth and Copy of annual Audited balance
Strength Minimum Annual Turnover of more than INR 1.5 sheets and profit and loss
Cr. in any two years during the last five (5) statements for the last three
financial years from consulting/ advisory financial years (i.e. 2018-19,
business in India related to scheduling and 2019-20, 2020-21) along with CA
monitoring of power for State Utilities Certificate indicating turnover
during the last three financial
years from consulting/advisory
business in India. CA Certificate
indicating net worth of the
company during the last three
financial years (i.e. 2018-19,
2019-20, 2020-21)


All papers of the bid shall be neatly typed and shall be signed by the bidder, or a person or
persons duly authorized by the bidder to sign the contract. The letter of authorization in the format
Annexure-2 shall be submitted with the bid. All pages of the bid shall be initialed by the person
or persons signing the Bid.

5.1 The bids shall be submitted in two parts i.e. Part-I – Technical Part and Part-II –
Financial Part. The bidder shall submit / upload/ fill their bids online (e-tendering mode)
as under:

4.2.1 Part-I: Technical Part

The Bank Guarantee/Demand Draft of EMD shall be placed in separate sealed envelope
clearly mentioning the NIT No. and be submitted in the office of Superintending Engineer
(PP), RUVNL, 1st Floor, HUDCO Building, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur before the scheduled date

Page 10
and time of submission of bids. Details also have to be uploaded online.
Prospective bidders are required to upload one set of complete documents falling under
this category as per list given in Clause 9.4 below.

4.2.2 Part-II: Financial Part

The second part will consist of the Financial Bid in format Annexure–9 to be filled up
through online (e-tendering mode) only. As such no hard copy of financial bid needs to
be submitted.


As per electricity grid code, regulations and its amendments time to time from Hon’ble
commission, to maintain grid discipline and grid security leads to requirement of load
forecasting and renewable generation forecasting. In the Rajasthan State, the load of
the system is widely varying with climate condition and social occasion. Further,
Rajasthan has significant development of RE (wind and solar) generation in the system.
Electricity generation from wind farm and solar plant depends on wind speed, direction,
temperature, humidity, radiation etc. Due to variable and uncertain nature of such
weather parameters, electricity generation from RE power plant also become variable,
intermittent and uncertain.

In view of above, conventional generators have to be regulated to cope up variation of

renewable generation to maintain drawl from ISGS as per DSM (Deviation settlement
Mechanism) regulation.

RUVNL in Rajasthan is responsible for optimum scheduling and dispatch. Accurate load
forecasting, RE (wind & solar) generation forecasting, and scheduling optimization
mechanism can optimize uses of conventional generator resources, fully
accommodation of RE generation into grid and compliance of DSM.

The contract will require the selected bidder to provide Complete integrated solution
online web-based application of “Load Forecasting, RE (Wind & Solar) Generation
Forecasting and Schedule Optimizer” inclusive of trend, analysis, summary, various
reports etc. as per the requirement. All function shall be in 5/15-minute block-wise in
MWh (5-minute scope is taken looking to the regulatory aspect of system operation of 5
minute in future).

Following Output shall be provided by bidder:


Page 11
Forecasting Module: - The forecasting module to be utilized by the selected bidder
should be able to provide an automated solution and should conform to the latest
technologies and practices of power sector. The software to be utilized for the purpose
should be capable to analyze, compute, generate and provide block wise demand on
Intra-day, Day ahead, Week Ahead and Year ahead (month wise) basis, block wise
expected power surplus/deficit scenario based on power availability from different
sources including that from Renewable Energy sources. The methodology to be used
for the forecast should also be capable of taking into consideration the changes in
weather conditions, seasonal change, historical profile of demand, availability of power
etc. RUVNL shall endeavor to facilitate unrestricted demand data in 15 min time blocks
consolidated for the state, preferably for 3-5 years.

Similarly, RUVNL shall endeavor to facilitate actual solar and wind data in 15 min time
blocks for the state, preferably for 3-5 years.

Bidders to carry out detailed study of the data and accordingly provide the forecast.

a) Short Term Forecast

The selected bidder would generate State level RE and demand/ load forecast across
varying time horizon from Day Ahead to up to Week Ahead for all time blocks. The short-
term forecast module would generate forecast for each and every time block at the
following level of granularity:

i. Intra Day Load Forecast: Intraday load forecast on rolling basis (in line with the
prevailing practices of power utilities). Bidder to develop provision for uploading
data in its software.

a. Forecast of Load and forecast of wind & solar generation in MW in 96

blocks for intraday.

b. Intraday forecast shall be revised at every 1.30 hrs. starting from 00.00
hrs. i.e. 16 revisions in a day for load forecast and wind generation

c. Intraday forecast shall be revised at every 1.30 hrs. starting from 00.00
hrs. i.e. 9 revisions in a day for solar generation forecast.

d. Nos. of blocks in case of solar generation is to be considered from 29th

block (07.00 hrs.) to 76th block (19.00 hrs.), both inclusive, i.e. total 48
blocks instead of 96 blocks

e. The Bidder is bound to provide enough revision with a reasonable

Page 12
implementable time cap. Total No. of revisions may be reduced or
increased, in future as per requirement or any other regulation. However,
actual admissible revisions can only be decided solely by RUVNL and
bidder has to adhere.

ii. Block wise Day Ahead Load Forecast

a. Forecast of Load and forecast of wind & solar generation in MW in 96

blocks for next days starting from 00.00 hrs. to 24.00 hrs. (i.e. 96 blocks /

b. Day ahead forecast shall be provided on or before 10.00 hours (morning)

every day for next day.

iii. Day wise Week Ahead Load & RE Forecast on block-to-block basis.

a. Forecast of Load and forecast of wind & solar generation in MW in 96

blocks for next 7 days. (i.e. 96 blocks / day and 672 blocks / week) e.g.
on Monday - From Tuesday (00.00 hrs.) to next Monday (24:00 Hrs.). On
Tuesday- From Wednesday (00.00 hrs.) to Tuesday (24:00 Hrs.), and so

b. Any other time interval/manner as may be required.

b) Medium Term Forecast

The Medium-Term forecast model shall be customized based on the local conditions of
Rajasthan and will be capable of generating the following:

a) Season Ahead RE and Load Forecast: Generic Monthly Load profile (block wise)
for a typical day, for each month, for next 12 months.

b) Year Ahead RE and Load Forecast: Demand Forecast for up to next three years
for Rajasthan overall with Monthly and Annual Load Duration curves.

c) Any other report related to Medium Term load forecast.

c) Long Term RE and Load Forecast

The selected bidder will also provide every year a long-term load forecast which will
have a time horizon of more than 3 years and up to 10 years or more as per requirement.
The bidder will also renew its forecast every quarter on rolling basis. Requirement of
Thermal power to fulfill base demand and required RE integration to fulfill the RPO and
demand requirement.
Page 13
a) The selected bidder shall carry out a comprehensive assessment of availability
of power in advance on daily basis from various power generating
units/suppliers/traders etc. as per entitlement of Rajasthan under different
Agreement(s). The selected bidder shall have to fetch and prepare the required
data from information available at different platforms viz. Eltrix portal of SLDC,
and RLDCs etc. on day ahead basis and on real-time basis. Based upon the
demand forecast and the power availability, selected bidder would carry out
analysis and prepare block wise deficit / surplus report every day in rolling
manner to be updated every time block and also across any time horizon as per

b) The selected bidder shall also carry out a holistic market strategy and advisory
support to RUVNL for planning and execution of power procurement/sell in the
energy exchange market by way of following MOD/least cost principle.

c) The selected bidder shall carry out strategy for participation in different segment
of Power Exchange(s)such as DAM/ GDAM/ TAM/ GTAM/ RTM /LDC etc. by
advising on price and volume risk- mitigation strategies for market participation
by the utility on real time basis. Activities in this module may include:

I. Preparation of market participation strategy on the basis of analysis of

power scenario of the State and to advise for participation in different
segment of Power Exchange(s) on block-to-block basis.

II. The module used for participation in any segment of Power Exchange(s)
shall include devising risk mitigation strategies for minimizing total cost of
procurement and also complementing daily dispatch of other available
generation sources of the utility.

III. Market participation strategy so as to minimize price and volume risk.

a) Bilateral Market Participation Strategy

This module would include assistance in procurement through bilateral market, so as to

manage price and volume risk associated with procurement in the market as per
Page 14
regulatory provisions.

The module should provide quantum (Sale/Purchase) for a period up to 3 months ahead
for following options:

• Monthly RTC

• Monthly Block-wise

• Peak/Off-Peak

This module may include:

(i) Assessment of market conditions and risks, for a horizon of up to

one year ahead.

(ii) Price and volume risk assessment, by taking into consideration

ongoing and foreseeable market conditions and regulatory provisions.

(iii) Assessment of existing PPA terms like Penalty and Compensation,

Contract Obligation etc.

(iv) Surplus / Shortfall Optimization if the quantum is to be absorbed

(v) Technical & Commercial constraints of contracted power

(vi) Any other requirement related to above

b) Scheduling and Dispatch Planning

I. Schedule Optimizer:

The selected bidder would advise and prepare block-wise dispatch schedule on Day
Ahead/ Intra Day etc. basis to meet the assessed deficit/surplus scenario. The
suggested dispatch schedule shall be updated on continuous basis (every time block)
to cater intraday variation in various governing factors viz. variation in forecasted
demand, availability of power etc. All costs, constraints, etc. shall be considered to
generate most optimal schedule for the dispatch so as to meet the demand at the least-
cost given available resources and risks. System should be capable to generate
buy/sale bid in the standard format of energy exchanges.

Some of the considerations while preparing the optimal schedule may include
parameters/factors such as:

a) Policy constraints such as notified supply hours, must-run renewable, etc.

Page 15
b) Technical constraints such as ramp-up, ramp-down, technical minimum

c) Transmission constrains considering:

i. Import and export capacity of each region

ii. ATC, TTC and TRM of each Inter-State corridors

iii. Short term margin available for each Inter-State corridors

iv. Availability of the corridor under short-, medium- and long-term

sale/purchase of power

v. Regulatory constraints such as over-drawl limits, DSM charges, etc.

d) Existing Short Term (including Banking), Medium Term and Long Term
PPA contracts and their costs (MERIT Order)

e) Existing generation availability (schedule outages, forced outages)

f) RE intermittency

g) Power Exchange DAM/RTM prices

II. Price Forecasting

a) The selected bidder would advise on rates to be quoted on spot market for
transaction in the market.

b) Forecasted MACP (Market Area Clearing Price) would be provided with an upper
band and lower band for each block.

The forecast generated by the bidder for spot market shall be used in bidding strategy.

I. The selected bidder would compile and provide the historical data of MCP & MCV
for all segments of Energy Exchanges Market.

II. The selected bidder would also provide the market information available in public
domain such as top ten buyers/sellers and their cleared volumes and time blocks
for each product such as DAM/GDAM/TAM/GTAM/RTM/LDC etc. in MU will also
be provided for previous day.

III. The selected bidder shall develop an automated solution to preparation and
placing of bids in various products of power exchanges with proper approval
process, audit trail and repository of the entire bidding process.

Page 16
IV. A dashboard shall be provided for comparing Variable Cost of all thermal
generators with forecasted Exchange price.

Bidders are required to integrate data with Third parties like NRLDC, NRPC, SLDC, etc.

III. Energy accounting

a) Energy calculations of all the power purchase / sale contracts with generators /
traders would be done to cater to the different needs of the Rajasthan like
knowing their total energy consumption on a particular date, verification for
compensation applicability while downward revision of their schedule, etc.

b) Verify the respective REAs considering the Rajasthan’s energy account as the

c) The selected bidder shall also provide any other report relating to energy
accounting and scheduling on daily basis or any other intervals required by

c) Network Management

I. Network Monitoring

The selected bidder shall endeavor to integrate the data communication of

ELTRIX portal of RVPNL, SLDC and RLDC etc. after obtaining necessary
approvals and permissions from Appropriate departments.

In case necessary approvals are not available, bidder to develop provision for
uploading data in its software.

d) Database Management

I. The selected bidder will develop a database to store all relevant

information pertaining to Generators.

II. The database will store all the static and dynamic parameters of
Generators (ISGS, SGS, captives, IPPs and any other category).

III. The outages information based on inputs from RUVNL/SLDC /DISCOMs

on the level of 11 kV, 33 kV and 132/220/400 kV shall also be included in
the database.

Page 17
IV. Generation Outage Report- Outage, back down particulars (block wise
MW, MU) in Unit wise


a) Assistance in RTM transactions at power exchanges on 24x7 basis which
may include: -

I. Suggestion on block wise price to be quoted

II. Block wise Volume to be transacted

III. Compilation and submission of historical data of block wise MCV

and MACP under RTM.

IV. Automated solution to preparation and placing of bid under RTM;


V. Any other assistance related to power transaction at power


b) The overall objective of providing above assistance shall be to minimize

the overall power purchase cost without adversely affecting the power
supply position of the State.


The forecasting data shall be delivered with the help of proper visualization /
Dashboards / Reports, which can be accessed by RUVNL and through login provisions.
Dashboard / Visualization/ Reports will have provisions for query-based sorting / filter
options including historical forecast / trends, the minute details of which shall be finalized
with the selected bidder after discussions time to time. The Dashboard will also have
the provisions of error reporting between the forecasted value and actual value.

The Dashboard should also be capable of analyzing block wise OD/UD figures with
reasons thereof and to generate a report in this regard in PDF/csv/etc. format on the
very next day for each preceding day.

User interface

a) A comprehensive and scalable reporting dashboard will be made available to end

users from various sections of RUVNL.

Page 18
b) Reports will be dynamically configurable based on the User Access.

c) The system would provide web-based reporting tool which can be used for
creating custom reports as required by different types of users.

d) Reports would be exportable to various formats like pdf/excel/csv/etc. Standard

report templates should be provided along with the application package.

e) Reports would be in both graphical and tabular form.

f) The authenticated users in the web should be able to generate reports based on
date range, utility etc. Reports should be both in graphical and tabular formats.

g) The daily report should mainly consist of (but not limited to) the following: -

I. Highlights of the Day Morning / Evening peak demand/Unrestricted

demand of Rajasthan.

II. Highlights of the Day Morning/Day/Evening/Night slots minimum and

Maximum RE (Solar & Wind) generation in the state of Rajasthan

III. Details of energy supply with source wise availability. The data for last
year should also be displayed.

IV. Station wise daily/ monthly/yearly generation and PLF/PAF of each

station of the thermal unit of CGS, SGS, CPPs and IPPs with last year
comparison and from Renewable Energy Sources.

V. Details of station wise daily /monthly/yearly generation of hydel / ISGS /

IPPs units with comparison to last year.

VI. 15-minute time block wise station wise generation of all SGS / IPP / ISGS
/ RES (Renewable Energy Source) generators,

VII. Details of 15-minute time block wise comparison of Entitlement and

Schedule Drawl of ISGS /SGS.

VIII. Details of energy purchased / banking / sale by RUVNL) through bilateral

/ collective (LTOA/MTOA/STOA).

IX. The Outage, back down particulars (block wise MW, MU) in Unit wise /
Station wise.

X. Reports related to Deviation Settlement Mechanism based on SCADA

(for daily use).

XI. System should be able to capture each revision from RLDCs.

Page 19
XII. System shall be able to capture short term contract from RLDC website.

XIII. User Interface should be created to enter the LTOA, STOA and MTOA
contract from PPA/PSA of RUVNL

XIV. The system shall be able to capture all parameters (including volume and
price) mentioned in the PPA/PSA.

XV. The system shall have the facility to capture the Renewable contract

XVI. Timeline for various report:

S.No Name of the report Description Nature/Time delivery of
Day ahead Load and RE Forecast in Daily (Before 10:00 am in
Forecasting MW for all 96 blocks on a day the morning)
ahead basis
Intra-Day Forecast Load and RE forecast In MW Rolling basis
2. across all 96 block
3. Day ahead In MW across all 96 blocks Daily (Before 10:00 am in
Availability estimates the morning)
across all sources
including interstate
generation &
available allocation
from ISGS in
comparison to load
forecasted i.e
4. Day Ahead Bid Optimal differential bid for all 96 Daily (Before 11:00 am in
preparation for sale blocks, based on deficit/ the morning)
/ Purchase of power. surplus estimated

For all 96 blocks based upon

Cost benefit analysis Daily (Before 10:30 am in
5. actual sale/purchase made as the morning for previous
recommended by software day)
solution for previous day
Week Ahead L o a d In MW across all 96 blocks Daily (Before 1:30 pm in
6. Forecast the morning on a rolling
basis for next 7 days)

7. Monthly Load forecast In MW Day wise Monthly (on a rolling basis

(Maximum/Minimum/ Average) for next month on 20th of
current month)

8. Annual Load forecast In MW month wise (Maximum Quarterly rolling basis for
(up to 1 year) /Minimum/ Average)/MUs next 12 months

9 Yearly Load forecast ( In MW month wise (Maximum Annually rolling basis for
up to 10 year) /Minimum/ Average)/MUs next 12 months

Page 20
S.No Name of the report Description Nature/Time delivery of

10 Daily Report Load shedding report 220 KV Daily (by 00:30 AM)
GSS wise and block wise

Morning / evening peak

demand / unrestricted

Details of energy supply with

source wise availability/ actual
drawl/ surrender
Daily (by 9am for previous
Details of 15 minutes time block day )
wise comparison of
availability/actual drawn/surrender

Details of 15 minutes time block

wise DSM (deviation settlement
mechanism UI energy)/cost

Details of energy
purchased/ banking /sale through
bilateral /collective (LTA/MTOA/
STOA) Details of
restricted/unrestricted demand
MW/MUs 15 minutes time block
with graphic presentation and in
format as informed time to time
Unit wise/Station wise daily/
monthly/yearly generation and
10 PLF/PAF of each unit of Daily (by 9am for
Generation Report the thermal unit of SGS, CPPs previous day )
and IPPs and from Renewable
Energy Sources.

Details of station wise daily

/monthly/yearly generation of
hydel/ISGS/IPPS units.

15 minutes time block wise station

wise generation of all
11 Generation Outage The Outage, backdown Daily (by 9am for
Report particulars (block wise MW, MU) previous day) and during
in Unit wise / Station wise the day as per intimation
received/observed of
concerned generator

Page 21
S.No Name of the report Description Nature/Time delivery of
12 Energy Portfolio Strategy and Status Report for
Management optimizing overall Energy Daily (by 10am )
Optimization Report Portfolio

Stating the Merit Order of the

13 Merit Order Dispatch Generation Stations to be Daily
Report Scheduled in line with the
Regulatory Provisions, ECR

14 Daily (by 8 am and alerts

Weather forecast Day wise on rolling basis for next as & when weather
alerts seven days and Alerts by disturbance expected
WhatsApp within next 3 hours.)


a) Selected bidder will be responsible for providing all necessary software,
hardware, services and weather data or any other input required for accurate
forecasting and input required to carry out power planning.

b) All the hardware, licensed software, weather data or any other input required for
accurate forecasting for the purpose of this assignment shall be responsibility of
the bidder and same shall be considered by the bidder while quoting bid price.
The selected bidder shall provide an “User License” to RUVNL at the time of
contract execution for a validity period applicable up to completion of contract
period. The selected bidder shall be responsible for timely upgradation of
software as and when applicable and RUVNL shall be eligible to avail the
services on “Software As A Service” basis for its users maximum up to 25
numbers. The Bidder will ensure that upon completion of contract, it will transfer
all the data collected during contract period to RUVNL in usable format. Selected
bidder shall provide full access to view and generate various reports to users.
Selected bidder should also provide regular data backup and change proposed
software application time to time as per requirements of RUVNL without any
additional cost. It will be the responsibility of the selected bidder to use only
licensed software.

c) The selected bidder shall host the proposed software solution and related
Page 22
services on the Cloud. The cost of hosting (till the duration of contract) on Cloud
shall be borne by the selected bidder. The Cloud service provider shall be
enlisted with MEITY (Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology,
Government of India) as cloud service providers (CSP). The Data centre having
adequate DR (Disaster Recovery data center) and DC (Data centre) capacities
has to be located in India at two different Seismic zones. Selected bidder needs
to do proper sizing of compute infrastructure at DC so that solution can run
without any performance issues. Selected bidder shall be responsible for
sufficient internet connectivity at DC and DR. The proposed application software
and related services has to be hosted only in India. Selected bidder shall also be
responsible for arranging testing and quality environment without any additional
cost to purchaser. Selected bidder needs to provide complete support and
Maintenance services of proposed solution during entire period of the contract.

d) The proposed application software solutions and related services shall be

available 24x7 during entire period of the contract failing which RUVNL shall have
right to take suitable action which may include imposition of penalty or even
termination of contract.


a) Deviation will be measured with the actual SCADA data obtained by SLDC.
Accordingly, Rajasthan drawl data, Generation data, wind data, solar data or any
other data related to forecasting considered by SLDC will be binding to the
bidder. If any major deviation in SCADA data, the final figure for any or whole
blocks of day or more than days will be final as decided by SLDC only and penalty
will be imposed accordingly. If ABT meter data is available on real time basis and
it is given to bidder, the same will be used for accuracy evaluation.

b) RUVNL has made full attempt to bring out all need and requirement while
describing the scope of work. However, expected output is to be carried out by
the bidder, using input data available with RUVNL. In any circumstances, the
reason of low accuracy, due to insufficient input data availability, will not be

c) In case of any real time load restriction decided, number of blocks and quantum
of load restriction will be decided based on log sheet data by Engineer In-Charge
of RUVNL /SLDC and it will be binding on the bidder. The blocks in which real
time load restriction has taken place will be excluded from calculation of intra-
day demand forecasting accuracy. However, it shall be on sole discretion of

Page 23

d) Accuracy shall be evaluated for each time block for Rajasthan State as a whole
for load, wind and solar generation forecasting.

Block wise percentage deviation will be calculated as per following


Percentage Deviation in a block (Di) =

(Actual demand –Forecasted demand) x 100

Actual demand

a) Payment calculation

i. Fixed Amount: it will be 40 % of contract value.

ii. Variable Amount: balance 60 % based on accuracy of day ahead and intraday

a. payment on accuracy in Day Ahead forecast. 16% to Load forecast, 8%

to wind forecast and 6% to Solar forecast.

b. payment on accuracy in Intraday forecast. 16% to Load forecast, 8% to

wind forecast and 6% to Solar forecast.

c. % Deviation shall be average of absolute % deviation in the blocks per


iii. Day ahead load forecast (Day ahead forecast of 10:00 hrs. shall be considered),
average of absolute deviation of total 96 Nos. of blocks in a day shall be

iv. For Wind and Solar Nos of block shall be considered as:

a. Day-ahead forecast:

I. Wind forecast (Day ahead forecast of 10:00 hrs. shall be

considered) Absolute average deviation of any 72 Nos. of blocks
in a day shall be considered.

II. Solar forecast (Day ahead forecast of 10:00 hrs. shall be

considered) Absolute average deviation of any 36 Nos. of blocks
during 07:00 hr to 19:00 hr in a day shall be considered.
Page 24
b. Intraday forecast:

I. Wind forecast (last revision of the day shall be considered)

Absolute average deviation of any 82 Nos. of blocks in a day
shall be considered.

II. Solar forecast (last revision of the day shall be considered)

Absolute average deviation of any 40 Nos. of blocks during 07:00
hr to 19:00 hr in a day shall be

Based on the Abs.Avg. Deviation payment shall be released as below:

S.No Abs.Avg. Deviation Day ahead Intra Day
1 payment payment
2 0 to 1 % 100% of 16% 100% of 16% variable
variable charges charges
3 above 1% to 2% 80% of 16% variable 80% of 16% variable
charges charges
4 above 2 to 3% 60% of 16% variable 60% of 16% variable
charges charges
5 above 3 to 4% 40% of 16% variable 40% of 16% variable
charges charges
6 Above 4 nil nil

S.No Abs.Avg. Deviation Day ahead Intra Day
1 payment payment
2 0 to 3 % 100% of 8% variable 100% of 8% variable
charges charges
3 above 3% to 4% 80% of 8% variable 80% of 8% variable
charges charges
4 above 4 to 6% 60% of 8% variable 60% of 8% variable
charges charges
5 above 6 to 8% 40% of 8% variable 40% of 8% variable
charges charges
6 Above 8 nil nil

S.No Abs.Avg. Deviation Day ahead Intra Day
1 payment payment
2 0 to 1 % 100% of 6% variable 100% of 6% variable
charges charges
3 above 1% to 2% 80% of 6% variable 80% of 6% variable
charges charges
4 above 2 to 3% 60% of 6% variable 60% of 6% variable
charges charges

Page 25
5 above 3 to 4% 40% of 6% variable 40% of 6% variable
charges charges
6 Above 4 nil nil

Further, the variable amount shall not be deducted in case of applicability of any
condition under Force Majeure (Act of God, Direct or indirect Political/ non-
political events, civil war, pandemic, epidemic etc.), unplanned outages, feeder
tripping etc.


a) Work plan: The proposed work plan shall be consistent with the technical
approach, methodology and work schedule, showing understanding of the
specifications and ability to translate them into a feasible working plan.

After evaluation, the successful bidder will be notified through Letter of

award & the bidder will confirm acceptance of Letter of Award within 7

b) Timelines for Project Implementation: The work shall be executed in

accordance with proposed work plan keeping in view the following
timelines for deliverables:

Sr. Description Execution period
i) Placement of Letter of Award T
ii) Mobilization period within T+10 days from the date of Letter
of Award
iii) Submission of Detailed within T+ 30 days
(System Requirement Study)
iv) Installation of Hardware and Within T+40 Days.
Software (if any)
v) Generation of reports as Within T+60 days
per deliverables
vi) Start of Use of reports as per By T+ 90 days or earlier when successfulbidder
“deliverables” by RUVNL is satisfied with the accuracy of generated
reports for submission toRUVNL.

vii) Period for providing of 24 months after T+90 days

services as per scope of

I. All stages of project implementation up to sr. no. vi shall be completed within

Page 26
T+90 days. Beyond T+90 days, penalty for delay in project implementation shall
be imposed as per clause 10.2. It is to be noted that the project shall not be
extended further in any case beyond the contract period (i.e., T+90 days +24

II. Successful bidder has to set up at least one person with 2/3 years’ experience in
related field (minimum B. Tech/B. E qualification) for onsite presence to run the
software for the contract period, round the clock having techno-commercial
knowledge of forecasting, power trading, scheduling, and cost benefit
analyzation solution etc. in power system. The shift operations shall be
conducted on continuous basis across 03 shifts (each shift of 8 hour) in a day,
for all the days including holidays. For clarity, 1 (one) person in each shift (i.e.) 3
(three) persons + 1 (one) person as standby and 1 (one) Power Sector Domain
Expert in General shift.

The Project Director will be responsible for providing strategic insights and
ensuring quality of delivery through regular quality reviews. The Team Leader
shall hold weekly/fortnightly review with shift resources and RUVNL and ensure
quality delivery of assignment.

III. The necessary consent letter along with supporting documents i.e. Degree
certificate, experience certificate duly signed and stamped needs to be submitted
by successful bidders, after award of contract. However, only sitting space for
successful bidder’s persons shall be provided by RUVNL and all other required
arrangement regarding to the work shall be made by successful bidder.

IV. Engineer deputed for onsite support shall be responsible for operation of
forecasting, schedule optimization report generation and cost benefit analyzation
solution etc. in view of all aspect i.e. any kind of data communication, server
function, web display function, modification / correction in model etc. He shall be
capable to handle any breakdown and restore the application / model / software.

c) Training & Development: The bidder shall provide adequate training at

no extra cost to the staff of RUVNL and shall impart minimum 07 days
training pertaining to Forecasting, Schedule Optimization and Power
Purchase Cost optimization.

a) The bidder shall quote its price in the format appended with this tender document
for the purpose, which shall be in Indian rupees INR (both in words and figures)

Page 27
and should be “FIRM”. The quoted price shall be legible and there should not be
any cutting, overwriting or ambiguity in it. In case of any difference between price
quoted in words and figures, the price quoted in words shall only be considered.

b) The quoted price shall not be subject to any variation on any account, for all
intents and purposes.

c) The price quoted by the bidder shall be inclusive of all charges/costing in

execution of the contract such as software related cost, manpower related cost,
logistics cost etc.

d) Prices shall be quoted excluding all applicable taxes and duties. The taxes and
duties paid by the selected bidder will be reimbursed as per the prevailing norms.

e) All the license(s)/software required for carrying out various activities as per scope
of work shall be arranged by the selected bidder without any additional financial
burden upon RUVNL.

f) The Superintending Engineer concerned of Power Management Cell, RUVNL

shall be the Engineer-in-charge and shall be responsible for monitoring of
execution of assignments covered under this contract.


a) The language of the bid shall be English and so be the language of

b) It will be imperative on the bidders to fully apprise themselves of all local

conditions and factors, which may have bearing on the execution of the Contract
covered under these documents. It must be understood and agreed that such
factors be properly investigated and considered while submitting the proposal.

c) The bidders are advised to get acquainted with the power system of Rajasthan
including local conditions and factors affecting the same prior to the start date so
as to ensure that the selected bidder is able to execute the contract from contract
execution date seamlessly. For sake of their comfort, the selected bidder may
depute their team well in advance before above mentioned start date to enable
the deployed resources to get fully acquainted.

d) Bidder(s) not to have conflict of interest. Any bidder found to be having a conflict
of interest shall be disqualified. The Bidders, its affiliates, subsidiaries, sister
concerns including all entities under the same promoters/ promotor group/ and/or
its associate company should not engage in any conflicting businesses which
Page 28
may potentially impair the ability to offer independent and fair advice to RUVNL
in this assignment.

The Bidder understand that engaging in the business of trading of electricity in

the state of Rajasthan may pose ‘conflict-of-interest’ within the scope of work
outlined in the tender and hence such bidders intending to participate in the
tender process invited by RUVNL/Discoms; during the term of the contract; will
need to undertake that it or its related parties will not directly or indirectly
participate/engage in any new power purchase, sale, banking or any other trade
form of short/medium term power trading that concerns RUVNL during the term
of the assignment/ contract.


Bids shall remain valid for 180 days from the date of opening of Technical Bids.
In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the original Bid validity period,
RUVNL may request the Bidder to extend the period of validity for a specified
additional period. The Bidder agreeing to the request will not be permitted to
modify his Bid but will be required to extend the validity of his Bid for the period
of the extension.


a) The Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) amounting to Rs.10,00,000/- (Rs. Ten Lakh
Only) should be drawn in the form of Bank Guarantee/Demand Draft issued by
Nationalized/scheduled bank. The bidder submitting EMD in form of BG shall submit
BG valid up to the bid validity period.

b) The EMD will be refunded to the unsuccessful bidders. No bank commission or

interest shall be paid on the EMD amount.

c) The EMD shall be forfeited, if a bidder withdraws or modifies its bid after opening of
the bid or in case successful bidder fails within the specified time limit to furnish the
required performance security(ies). However, refusal of any bidder for extension of
bid validity beyond 180 days will not invite forfeiture of EMD.

d) Technical bid of only those bidders will be opened whose EMD deposited, in the office
of Superintending Engineer (PP), RUVNL at 1st Floor, HUDCO Building, Jyoti
Nagar, Jaipur on or before date and time specified in this tender document.

Page 29
a) The Pre-bid meeting will be held on prescribed date and time at Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti
Nagar, Jaipur. The prospective Bidder(s) will submit their queries, if any, through
email (e-mail id – ) at least two working days prior to the
Pre-bid meeting date and may attend Pre-bid meeting personally or through their
authorized representatives. Non-attendance at the Pre-bid meeting will not cause
disqualification of any Bidder. RUVNL shall not be under any obligation to incorporate
any modification on queries and/or suggestion by the prospective bidder.


a) The bid will comprise of two parts: - PART-I TECHNICAL PART and PART-II
FINANCIAL PART. The bid has to be submitted in e-mode only.

b) EMD must be submitted in RUVNL.

c) Each Bidder should upload receipt of online payment towards Cost of Tender
document on e- procurement website

d) Tender Annexure required for Technical Part (Annexure–1 to Annexure–8A & 8B)
and Financial Part (Annexure–9) duly complete in all respect and signed by the
authorized signatory shall be uploaded on e-procurement website with all requisite

List of Annexure is as below:

I. Annexure 1 - Particulars of Bidder

II. Annexure 2 - Representative Authorization Letter

III. Annexure 3 - Unconditional Acceptance of Terms & Conditions of

Tender Document

IV. Annexure 4 - No Deviations from The Tender Document

V. Annexure 5 - Undertaking to be Furnished with Regard to


VI. Annexure 6 - Assignments Handled by the Bidder (FY 2016-17


VII. Annexure 7 – Presentation & Demonstration

Page 30
VIII. Annexure 8A & 8B - List of Manpower and CV Format

IX. Annexure 9 - Format for Financial Part

X. Annexure 10 - Format of EMD Bank Guarantee (EMD BG)

XI. Annexure 11 - Format of Contract Performance Guarantee (CPG)

e) Required supporting documents for Net Worth, Minimum Annual Turn-over, PAN, IT
Return, GSTIN registration, work award letter or contract agreement along with work
completion certificate or any other document in support thereof that bidder feels
relevant for this tender should also be uploaded on e-procurement website.

f) Alternative bids shall not be accepted i.e. a bidder shall submit only one bid in the
bidding process. Incomplete / conditional bid(s) shall be summarily rejected.


a) Bids received will be opened in “online mode” only. At first, the technical part of the
bid will be opened and will be evaluated. “Financial Part” of only those bidders will be
opened who are found responsive and technically qualified by securing minimum
70% marks (minimum technical score (St) of 70 out of 100) in technical evaluation.
Financial Bid of tender will be opened on a prefixed date which will be intimated to all
technically qualified bidders separately.


a) Bid evaluation will be done under a Quality cum Cost Based System (QCBS).
Technical and Financial evaluation of the bid shall be done as per criteria mentioned
here in below.

b) Criteria for Evaluation of Technical Bid. Evaluation (100 marks)

I. Experience of the bidders would be evaluated on the following basis for technical
score (St):
Sl. Criteria Maximum
No Marks
Relevant Experience of the Bidders (50 marks)
Note: Copy of Work Order / Purchase Order / Contract Agreement and Go-
Live/Completion certificate/ Ongoing Certificates to be submitted.

Page 31
Sl. Criteria Maximum
No Marks
1 • The Bidder should have Power Sector domain knowledge and 30
background of providing services as per below:

The bidder should have experience of successfully providing the

consultancy services as a lead bidder for power demand
forecasting/power scheduling/RE (Solar & Wind) Forecasting for at
least one continuous year to any DISCOM/SLDC/RLDC/STU in the
last five years (i.e. FY 2016-17 onwards). Any ongoing assignments
having successfully completed one year of operation as on date of
original bid opening would also be considered.
• 1 Project - 24 Marks
• 2 Projects - 27 Marks
• >= 3 Projects - 30 marks
Note: Pilot Projects / pro-bono projects shall not be considered for
2 The Bidder should have experience in implementing technology enabled 20
solution as a lead bidder in Indian Power Utilities of having value of more
than INR 2 Cr. during last 5 years (i.e. 2016-17, onwards)
• 1 Project - 16 Marks
• 2 Projects - 18 Marks
• >=3 Projects - 20 Marks

3 Qualification and Competency of the proposed team (25 marks) 25
i) Project Director (01 No) with minimum 20 years of experience in power
sector and experience of working in regulatory domain/power purchase
strategy (Max. 10 marks)

ii) Team Leader (01 No) having qualification of B. Tech/B. E and experience
in power sale-purchase strategy / power trading (Max. 10 marks)

10 Years <= Exp. <= 12 Years 3 marks

12 Years <= Exp. <= 15 Years 5 marks

15 Years > Exp. 10 marks

iii) Power Sector Domain Expert (01 No) having qualification of B. Tech/B.
E with minimum 5 years of experience in power sector and experience of
working in Discom/SLDC (Max. 5 marks)

2 Years <= Exp. <= 5 Years 3 marks

5 Years > Exp. 5 marks

All proposed resources by bidder should be qualified permanent full-time

Page 32
Sl. Criteria Maximum
No Marks
employees directly on its own payroll and a certificate should be provided
by the Employer.
5 Demonstration of the Approach/ Methodology (25 marks)
Demonstration of the quality of the methodology and workplan proposed for 25
the assignment by the Project Director and Team Leader in person
(understanding of the issues and approach to be followed)

All consultants scoring marks equal to or above 70 marks in technical score will be shortlisted
for the final scoring based on QCBS.


The proposal with lowest quote shall be given a financial score of 100 and other proposals
shall be given financial scores as per the formula provided below:

The lowest Financial Proposal (Fm) shall be given the maximum financial score of 100.
Financial scores (Sfi) of all other Proposals shall be calculated as Sfi = 100 x Fm/ Fi, where
“Sfi” is the financial score of bidder “i”, “Fm” is the lowest price, and “Fi” the price quoted by
bidder “i”.


It shall entail selection of Bidder after adding scores of Technical and Financial Parts with
their respective weightages. The weightages assigned to the Technical (T) and Financial (F)
Parts will be 80% and 20% respectively.

Proposals will be ranked according to their combined technical (St) and financial (Sf) scores
using the weights (T = the weight given to the Technical Part i.e. 0.80 and F = the weight
given to the Financial Part i.e. 0.20; T + F = 1) as following:

S = (St x T) + (Sf x F)
Where S is Total Score.

The bidder with the highest total score (S) shall be the selected bidder. However, in case of
equal highest total scores(S) among two or more than two bidder the selected bidder shall
be adjudged through draw of lottery in presence of representatives of all such bidders.


RUVNL reserves the right to modify, amend or supplement tender document including all
Schedules and Forms at any time before Bid submission deadline. RUVNL shall have right
to annul the Bidding process at any time prior to award of contract, without assigning any
Page 33


I. In normal circumstances, RUVNL will generally award the Contract to the selected
bidder whose bid has been determined so as per Clause 9.8 herein above (securing
highest marks in the bid evaluation criteria). A letter of award to selected bidder will
be issued containing the terms and conditions to be complied with by the selected
bidder. The bidder shall be allowed three months to development of application /
module / software and testing of the same. The commencement date shall be issued
to bidder (on satisfactory development of online web-based application / model /
software) after completion of three months of development period. However,
contractor can start services before three months with consent of RUVNL, if they are
ready. The two-year service shall be counted from the date given in commencement
letter. (It means that the project shall be remain continue for two years from the date
of commencement given by RUVNL and these two year shall be consist of leap year
also.) The contract value shall be considered by day wise calculation. Hence, monthly
payment shall be carried out on date-to-date basis. i.e. if service is initiated by 5th of
April, the billing cycle shall be remain 5th April to 4th May and hence, two-year service
shall considered accordingly. Further, accuracy evaluation and each financial terms
shall be imposed accordingly.

II. RUVNL reserves right to terminate the contract at any time of tender contract, if
performance is not found satisfactory. Hence, performance of the service shall be
reviewed every month.

III. The selected bidder has to execute the Contract Agreement within the timeline and
as per the terms communicated in the letter of award.

IV. The contract shall not be assigned or sublet to any third party under any
circumstances by the selected bidder.



I. The entire contract amount will be payable to selected bidder through monthly
invoices. The monthly invoices should be submitted to the Engineer in-charge of the
work in triplicate and must be accompanied with all supporting documents which may
include but not limited to confirmation of availability of required manpower, data
related to block wise actual drawl, forecasted demand, forecasted RE generation,

Page 34
deviations etc. for the entire billing period.

II. Upon receipt of invoices complete in all respect, the same will normally be processed
within Thirty (30) working days and will be sent to the paying authority for payment
after making deductions if any.

The tenderer should note that the completion time allowed for carrying out the work
should be strictly observed. Any delay that may take place in development and
successfully implementation of total project beyond contractual period stated shall be
subject to the penalty at the rate of ½ % of the total contract value plus GST per week
or part thereof, with a ceiling of 10 % of the total contract value plus GST as
applicable. For calculating the delayed portion, due date of 3 months from date of
award of contract given by RUVNL shall be considered.


In case any loss is sustained to the RUVNL due to fraud/embezzlement/
misappropriation committed by the employees of the firm which could have been
detected during the normal course of work but remains undetected, the firm shall be
liable to pay the same to RUVNL after the termination/cancellation of the contract.

In case selected bidder fails to perform its obligations mentioned under this tender
document, RUVNL shall have right to terminate the contract even prior to completion
of contract period i.e. 24 months. The basis for such termination may include reasons
mentioned in Clause 5.5 (d) or failure in submission of forecasting data for continuous
period of say three (3) days or in case error in Day Ahead/intraday load forecast is
consistently unreasonable for a continuous period of thirty (30) days etc. by giving 15
days’ notice. RUVNL may at its sole discretion and at any time during the evaluation
of tender documents, disqualify any applicant, if the applicant:

I. Submitted any of documents after the response deadline:

II. Made misleading or false representations in the forms, statements and

attachments submitted in the proof of eligibility requirements:

III. Exhibited a record of poor performance such as abandoning works, nor

properly completing the contractual obligations, inordinately delaying
completion or financial failures etc. in any of the projects in the preceding two

Page 35
IV. Submitted any of documents that is not accompanied by required
documentation or is non-responsive:

V. Failed to provide clarification related thereto, when sought.

I. The information submitted to this may be subjected to the public release (as
per RTI norms). Applicants responding to this invitation assume the risk of
public disclosure. However, considering the technical IP/know-how involved
in the process, the documents submitted along with bid and business critical
IP related information shall not be shared to any other firm or person under
RTI application.

II. This is not to be considered as a commitment by RUVNL on Services. Please

be advised that RUVNL will not pay for any information / documents provided
as a result of this tender and will not recognize or reimburse any cost
associated with any of document’s submission.

III. This does not entail any commitment on the part of RUVNL either financial or
otherwise. RUVNL right to accept or reject any or all documents without
incurring any obligation to information the effected applicant/s of the reasons.


I. The selected bidder shall be required to furnish a Contract Performance
Guarantee (within 30 days of letter of award) in the form of Bank Guarantee,
equal to ten percent (10%) of the total Contract Price initially valid for a period
180 days beyond the scheduled contract period. Format for CPG will be as
per Annexure–11.

II. In the event of default on the part of selected Bidder in the faithful execution,
the CPG shall be forfeited by RUVNL. The forfeiture of CPG shall be without
prejudice to any other rights arising or accruing to the RUVNL under relevant
provision of the contract like penalty for delay or risk execution of work
including suspension of business dealing with RUVNL for a specific period.

III. No surcharge/interest shall be payable by RUVNL on CPG submitted by the

selected bidder.

IV. No fees/invoices/bills shall be paid by RUVNL till the submission of CPG.

V. Any amount due against the selected bidder shall be recoverable from
Page 36
pending amount of the concerned work order or any other purchase
order/workorder /contract of the firm with RUVNL. If no payment of the firm is
pending with RUVNL against any other purchase order/work order/contract,
then the same shall be deducted from any CPG/EMD lying with RUVNL. In
case, the total amount of EMD, Security of all purchase order/work
order/contract is less than the recoverable amount, action shall be taken by
RUVNL as admissible under the law e.g. filing of recovery suit & lodging of
FIR etc. Moreover, the performance of the firm regarding the same shall be
given due importance while placing further order on such firm.


I. The Bidder and the personnel of any of them shall not either during the or after
the expiration of this contract; disclose any proprietary or confidential
information relating to the Project, the Services, this Contract or RUVNL’s
business or operations without the prior written consent of the owner.

II. The selected bidder shall not use such documents, data, and other information
received from RUVNL for any purposes unrelated to the Contract. Similarly,
the selected bidder shall not use such documents, data, and other information
received from RUVNL for any purpose other than the design, procurement, or
other work and services required for the performance of the Contract.

III. The obligation of a party under this clause, however, shall not apply to
information that:

a) The Purchaser or Bidder need to share with the institutions participating

in the financing of the Contract.

b) Now or hereafter enters the public domain through no fault of that party.

c) Can be proven to have been possessed by that party at the time of

disclosure and which was not previously obtained, directly or indirectly,
from the other party or

d) Otherwise lawfully becomes available to that party from a third party

that has no obligation of confidentiality.

e) The above provisions shall not in any way modify any undertaking of
confidentiality given by either of the parties hereto prior to the date of
the Contract in respect of the Supply or any part thereof.

f) The provisions of Clause shall survive completion or termination, for

Page 37
whatever reason, of the Contract.

I. Apart from onsite team as mentioned in evaluation criteria, other team
Members shall have to visit onsite as per verbal/written
requirements/instructions issued by RUVNL from time to time.

II. RUVNL shall provide sitting space to selected bidder team at RUVNL office.

III. No other facilities/services shall be provided by RUVNL. The selected bidder

shall have to arrange necessary stationary, hardware and other equipments
as required for their use on their own.


The selected bidder shall be fully responsible for upkeep, maintenance and
safety of the record and documents supplied by the RUVNL and also for the
record/documents generated by them. On completion of the contract/job the
selected bidder will return all the documents supplied to it by RUVNL and shall
also hand over all the record/documents generated by it for the purpose of
completion of the assigned work.


I. The deputed manpower as per Clause 7 (II) herein above, the selected bidder
should render their service preferably for entire contract period. If any of the
manpower of the selected bidder is found guilty of any willful misconduct or
incompetence or negligence then, the selected bidder shall at once remove
such employee and replace him with equally qualified and competent
substitute, if so, directed by RUVNL. In normal circumstances, the deployed
manpower of selected bidder shall not be replaced without consent of RUVNL.


All the information shall be comprehensive as far as possible to help RUVNL
in properly assessing the capability of the bidder. RUVNL reserves the right
to obtain additional information from the bidders including, but not limited to,
affiliated entities and joint ventures of the bidders, bidder’s financial strength,
litigation and penalties etc., as RUVNL may deem necessary to evaluate the
bidder(s) and the bids.


The bidder shall be responsible for all the costs associated with the
preparation of its bid and participation in pre bid meeting, presentation etc.
Page 38
RUVNL will not be responsible or in any way liable for such costs regardless
of the conduct or outcome of this tendering process.


RUVNL reserves the right to reject any bid which is incomplete or ambiguous.


The selected bidder shall, in all matters arising in the performance of the
contract, shall comply with all extant Laws/Rules/Regulations etc. during the
period of contract.

The selected bidder shall be responsible for carrying out of all of its activities
within the rules and laws in force. RUVNL shall not be responsible for any of
the un-lawful activity committed by the manpower deployed by the selected
bidder for execution of contract. The selected bidder shall be solely liable for
and shall indemnify RUVNL against all losses, expenses or claim arising in
connection with any unlawful activity committed by any person employed by
the firm for the purpose of assigned job.


a) For the purposes of this Contract, "Force Majeure" means an event or
circumstance or combination of events and circumstances, the
occurrence of which is beyond the reasonable control of either party
and which materially affects the performance by either Party of its
respective obligations under this agreement, provided such material
and adverse effect could not have been prevented, overcome or
remedied in whole or in part by the affected party. Such events may
include war, riots, sabotage, civil disorder, earthquake, epidemics,
quarantine restrictions, fire, explosion, storm, flood or other adverse
weather conditions, or other industrial action. However, ‚ Force
Majeure shall not mean or include:

• any event caused by the negligence or intentional action of

affected Party or it’s employees,

• any event which a diligent Party could reasonably have been

expected or foreseen to take into account.

b) The selected bidder shall not be paid /reimbursed any additional cost
on account of Force Majeure event.

c) Selected bidder shall not be held responsible or be held liable or be

Page 39
deemed to be liable for any action because of any failure or delay in
complying with its obligations Force Majeure events provided that it
has taken all reasonable precautions, due care and reasonable
alternative measures, all with the objective of carrying out the
obligations under this tender document.

d) The selected bidder affected by event of Force Majeure shall take all
reasonable measures to remove it’s inability to fulfill its obligations with
a minimum delay.

e) The selected bidder affected by an event of Force Majeure shall notify

of such event as soon as possible, and in any event not later than
fourteen (14) days following the occurrence of such event, providing
evidence of the nature and cause of such event, and shall similarly give
notice of the restoration of normal conditions as soon as possible.

f) The selected bidder shall take all reasonable measures to minimize the
consequences of any event of Force Majeure. Neither party shall by
reasons of such eventuality be entitled to terminate this contract nor
shall either party have any claim for damages against the other in
respect of such nonperformance or delay in performance under this
contract and the awarded work shall be resumed as soon as
practicable after such Force Majeure has ceased. Appropriate
extension in time of completion shall be granted


In the case of any dispute arising upon or in relation to or in connection
with the contract between the Parties, which could not get settled
amicably, any party can refer the dispute for Arbitration under (Indian)
Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 with seat of Arbitration at Jaipur.

All legal proceedings in connection with this bid document and resulting
Agreement with the successful bidder shall be subject to the territorial
jurisdiction of the local civil courts at Jaipur (Rajasthan) only.


Superintending Engineer (PP),

RUVNL , Jaipur

Page 40

Page 41
(To be included in Technical Bid)
Name of Bidder
Name of Authorized representative
Phone Number
Email id
Sl. No. Name of Document Details
Amount Rs.
1 Tender Document Fee (Online Payment) Transaction No.
Amount Rs.
2 Details of Earnest Money Deposit
BG/DD Date
Name of Bank-
Branch -
FY 2018-19
Positive Net Worth for last 03 (Three) financial years (In
Crore). (To be evidenced by CA certificate) FY 2019-20
FY 2020-21
Minimum Annual Turn- over of the bidder from FY 2018-19
‘consultancy/advisory business in India’ for last 03 (Three) FY 2019-20
4 financial years (In Crore). (To be evidenced by CA
certificate) FY 2020-21

Firm Registration Certificate/ Certificate of incorporation of Reg. No.

5 Company / Partnership deed of Registered partnership firm
(Attach Copy)
Reg. Date

6 PAN No. (Attach Copy)

Goods & Services Tax (GST) Registration No. (Attach
7 Certificate copy)

Page 42
FY 2018-19
Income Tax Return of last three financial Year (Attach
8 ITR Copy) FY 2019-20
FY 2020-21

9 Representative authorization letter (Annexure- 2)

Unconditional acceptance of terms and conditions of

10 tender document (Annexure - 3)

Certificate for No deviation from tender document

11 (Annexure - 4)

Declaration on notarized affidavit regarding non- blacklisted

12 and non-conviction from any court of law. (Annexure - 5)

Assignments handled by bidder (FY 2016-17 onwards)

(Attach copy of work completion certificate or any other
document in support thereof

Presentation and Demonstration undertaking (Annexure

14 - 7)

List of manpower to be deployed at RUVNL (Attach

15 details as per Annexure – 8A & 8B)

Note : - Fill 'submitted' or 'not submitted' wherever applicable and attach/upload the
required Annexures/ documents/ certificates/ any other supporting documents.

Authorized Signatory:

Full Name:

: (Seal)

Page 43


(To be included in Technical Bid)
(To be furnished on official letter-head of the Bidder)

The Superintending Engineer (PP)
1st Floor ,HUDCO Building ,
Jyoti Nagar, JAIPUR

Ms. /Mr. is hereby authorized to sign relevant documents on
behalf of the Firm in dealing with NIT No. . S/He is also authorized to
attend meetings & submit all information related to Technical/Financial part as may be
required by RUVNL in the course of processing the above said tender.

Thanking you,

Authorized Signatory Head Signatory of Firm

Signature attested

Company Seal Company Seal

Page 44


(To be included in Technical Bid)
(To be furnished on official letter-head of the Bidder)

The Superintending Engineer (PP)
1st Floor ,HUDCO Building ,
Jyoti Nagar, JAIPUR
I have carefully gone through the Terms & Conditions contained in the Tender Document of
NIT No. and all its subsequent addendums / clarifications / corrigendum
issued from time to time.
I declare that all the provisions of this Tender Document are unconditionally acceptable to my Firm.
I further certify that I am an authorized signatory of my Firm, therefore, competent to make this

Authorized Signatory:

Full Name:

: (Seal)

Page 45


(To be included in Technical Bid)
(To be furnished on official letter-head of the Bidder)

The Superintending Engineer (PP)
1st Floor ,HUDCO Building ,
Jyoti Nagar, JAIPUR

Sub: Submission of No Deviation Certificate

With reference to above, this is to confirm that as per terms and conditions of NIT
No. , we have visited site before submission of our offer and noted the Tender
Document content & site conditions etc.

We also confirm that we have not changed/ modified the Bid document as appeared in the e-
tendering website issued by RUVNL along with amendments etc. and in case of such observance
at any stage; it shall be treated as null and void.
We hereby confirm that we have not taken any deviation from clauses together with other
references as enumerated in the above referred Tender Document.
We hereby confirm our unqualified acceptance to all terms & conditions, unqualified compliance to
all clauses of the bid document. In the event of observance of any deviation in any part of our offer
at a later date whether implicit or explicit, the deviations shall stand null & void. We confirm to have
submitted offer in accordance with instructions as provided in the bid document and as per
aforesaid references

We further confirm that any deviation, variation or additional condition etc., or any mention contrary
to Bidding Documents and its Amendment (s)/ clarification(s)/ Addenda/ Errata (if any) as
mentioned above found anywhere in our Bid and/ or financial Bid, implicit or explicit, shall stand
unconditionally withdrawn, without any cost implication to whatsoever to tenderer.

Authorized Signatory:

Full Name:

: (Seal)

Page 46
(To be included in Technical Bid)
(To be furnished in AFFIDAVIT (On NJSP))

I, …………………………………… [Designation]………. M/s ................................................... with

Headquarter at ...................................................... being their authorized signatory, do hereby solemnly
affirm and declare that M/s …………………………………………….. has not been blacklisted/debarred
or business dealing has not been suspended by any organization / PSU(s) / State/Central Govt. / utility
or any of its agencies as on date of bid submission.

If this declaration is found incorrect at any subsequent time and further I understand to compensate
RUVNL for the consequences arising out of wrong declaration.

Authorized Signatory:

Full Name:

: (Seal)

Attested by Notary Public.

Page 47
(To be included in Technical Bid)

Type of Services Rendered Client (With Duration

Sr. Project’ Demand Forecasting/ RE (Solar & Wind) Scope of
address, Work in
No. s Forecasting/ Power Scheduling (Yes/No)
contact Start End brief
person, date date
email id)

Note: Attach copy of work completion certificate or any other document in support thereof

Authorized Signatory:

Full Name:

: (Seal)

Page 48
(To be included in Technical Bid)

The Superintending Engineer (PP)
1st Floor, HUDCO Building ,
Jyoti Nagar, JAIPUR
Dear Sir,

We hereby undertake to give PPT presentation explaining understanding of the assignment, its
implementation plan, team to be deployed for execution of assignment and methodology proposed and
demonstration regarding software solutions and its readiness for use in present assignment in the office
of Superintending Engineer (PP), RUVNL, Jaipur.

Authorized Signatory:

Full Name:

: (Seal)

Page 49
(To be included in Technical Bid)

List of manpower proposed to be deployed for this contract at RUVNL office,Jaipur :

Sl. Name of Manpower Qualifications Proposed On Permanent

No. of proposed Deployment Pay Roll with
Manpower Position Bidder (Yes/No)


Authorized Signatory:

Full Name:

: (Seal)
CV Format
(To be included in Technical Bid)

(CV to be submitted for each proposed manpower as per CV format given below in light of the requirement
under Clause No. 7 (II) and 9.6 of the tender document)

Name of Power Experience in relevant area Experience for working in

Manpower with Sector Rajasthan State
proposed Experience (in years)
deployment (in years)
Name: Total Assignment-1:- Assignment-1:-
Proposed Firm/Company: Firm/Company:
Deployment Project: Project:
Position: Assignment-1:- Designation: Designation:
Project Director Work Performed: Demand Location:
Team Leader/Power Firm/Compan Forecast/RE Work Performed: Demand
Sector Domain y: Project: Forecast/ Power Forecast/ RE
Expert Designation: Trading/Power Forecast/ Power
Work Scheduling/Power Sale- Trading/Power Scheduling/Power
Performed: Purchase Strategy /Power Sale-Purchase Strategy /Power
Period: From Planning/ Regulatory matters Planning/ Regulatory matters
[Date] to related to Power Distribution related to Power Distribution
[Date] Sector/SLDC. Sector/SLDC. Period: From
Period: From [Date] to [Date] [Date] to [Date]
Assignment-2:- Assignment-2:- Assignment-2:-
Firm/Compan Firm/Company: Project:
y: Project:Project: Designation:
Designation: Designation: Location:
Work Work Performed: Demand Work Performed: Demand
Performed: Forecast/RE Forecast/RE
Period: From Forecast/ Power Forecast/Power Trading/Power
[Date] toTrading/Power Scheduling/Power Sale-Purchase
[Date] Scheduling/Power Sale- Strategy /Power
Purchase Strategy /Power Planning/ Regulatory matters
Assignment-3:- Planning/ Regulatory matters related to Power Distribution
……….. related to Power Distribution Sector/SLDC. Period: From
………… Sector/SLDC. [Date] to [Date]
Period: From [Date] to [Date]
Assignment-3:- ………..
……….. …………
1. Separate sheets as per above format should be attached by the bidder for each proposed man power.
2. Successful bidders will be asked to submit the issued certificates for their claims regarding
Educational qualification and work experience in relevant area.

Authorized Signatory:

Full Name:

: (Seal)
(To be included in Financial Bid)

GST or any other Total

Amount taxes / duties Amount
Item (INR) (INR)
% Amount
Lump sum Cost of Amount
work/ deliverables in
( excluding GST or any Figures
taxes / duties as
applicable), if any for
the contract period i.e.
24 months. Amount
in words

Authorized Signatory:

Full Name:

: (Seal)
Proforma of Bank Guarantee (For
The non-Judicial stamp paper should be in the name of issuing bank

Ref: Date:

Bank Guarantee No.

The Superintending Engineer (PP),
RUVNL,1st Floor ,HUDCO Building,
Jyoti Nagar, JAIPUR

Dear Sir,
In accordance with Invitation to bid under your NIT No. ………………… M/s
…………………………………………………………. having its Registered/Head Office at
…………………………………….. (hereinafter called the 'Bidder') wish to participate in the said Bid or
… .................................... and you, as a special favour have agreed to accept an irrevocable and unconditional
Bank Guarantee for an amount of Rs. /- (Rupees ) only valid up to ……………….. on behalf
of Bidder in lieu of the Bid deposit required to be made by the bidder, as a Condition precedent for participation
in the said Bid.
We, the …………………………………………. Bank at ………………………….. having our Head Office at
....................................................................... (local address) guarantee and undertake to pay immediately on
demand by RUVNL , the Amount of Rs. /- (Rupees ) only without any reservation, protest,
demur and recourse. Any such demand made by said 'Owner' shall be conclusive and binding on us
irrespective of any dispute or difference raised by the Bidder.
This Guarantee shall be irrevocable and shall remain valid up to and including
……………………………………… @.............................. If any further extension of this guarantee is required,
the same shall be extended to such required period (not exceeding one year) on receiving instruction from M/s
… ....................................................... on whose behalf this guarantee is issued.
In witness whereof the Bank, through its authorized officer, has set its hand and stamp on this
…………………………………….. day of …………………. 20……………… at
……………………………………………….. .

…..………………………………….. ……………………………………..
(Signature/ name/ official address) (Signature/ name/ official address)
BG shall be valid upto the bid validity period i.e. 180 days
Ref: Date:

Bank Guarantee No.


1. In consideration of …………RUVNL……….. having its Registered Office at

………………………………………………………..(hereinafter referred to as the `Owner` which expression
shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning there of include its successors,
administrators and assigns) has awarded to M/s with its
Registered/Head Office at
referred to as the `Consultant’) by issue of Owner’s Letter of Award No dated
(hereinafter `LoA`) and the same having been unequivocally accepted by the Consultant on
for providing in and the
Consultant having agreed to provide a Contract Performance Guarantee of Rs.
(Rupees only) to the Owner for the faithfully performance of the entire
contract as per the agreement executed on (hereinafter `Contract`), this is to certify that at
the request of the Consultant we Bank Ltd., are holding in trust in favour of the
Owner, the amount of Rs. (Rupees only) to indemnify
and keep indemnified the Owner against any loss or damage that may be caused to or suffered by the
Owner by reason of any breach by the Consultant of any of the terms and conditions of the said LoA
and/or in the performance thereof.
2. We agree that the decision of the Owner, whether breach of any of the terms and conditions of the
said LoA and/ or in the performance thereof has been committed by the Consultant and the amount of
loss or damage that has been caused or suffered by the Owner shall be final and binding upon us and
the amount of the said loss or damage shall be unconditionally paid by us forthwith on demand and
without demur to the Owner.
3. We Bank Ltd. further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall
remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for satisfactory performance and
fulfillment in all respects of the said LoA by the Consultant i.e. till from the
effective date of the contract (hereinafter called the said date) and that if any claim accrues or
arises against us Bank Ltd. by virtue of this guarantee before the said date, the
same shall be enforceable against Bank Ltd, notwithstanding

the fact that the same is enforced within six months after the said date, provided that notice of any
such claim has been given to us Bank Ltd., by the Owner within six months
after the said date. Payment under this letter of guarantee shall be made promptly upon our receipt
of notice to that effect from the Owner.
4. It is fully understood that this guarantee is effective from and that we
Bank Ltd. undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its continuity without the
consent in writing of the Owner.
5. We undertake to pay to the Owner any money so demanded notwithstanding any dispute or
disputes raised by the Consultant in any suit or proceeding pending before any court or Tribunal relating
thereto our liability under this present guarantee being absolute and unequivocal.
6. The payment so made by us under this guarantee shall be a valid discharge of our liability for
payment there under and the Consultant shall have no claim against us for making such payment.
7. We Bank Ltd. further agree that the Owner shall have the fullest
liberty, without affecting in any manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and
conditions of the said Contract or to extend time of performance by the Consultant from time to time or
to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by the Owner against the
said Consultant and to forebear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said LoA and
we, Bank Ltd., shall not be released from our liability under this
guarantee by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Consultant or for
any forbearance by the Owner to the said Consultant or for any forbearance and or omission on the
part of the Owner or any other matter or thing whatsoever, which under the law relating to sureties,
would, but for this provision have the effect of so releasing us from our liability under this guarantee.
8. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or the
9. We lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee except with the previous consent of the Owner in
“Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein above:-

i. Our liability under this Guarantee shall not exceed Rs ............................ …-

ii. This Bank Guarantee shall be valid up to……………….

iii.We are liable to pay up to the guarantee amount only and only if we receive from you a written
claim or demand at ……………………………….. not later than 12 months from the said expiry
Witness No. 1 Authorized Bank Representative

(Signature) (Signature)
Full Name and official Full name, designation and
Address (in legible letters) address (in legible letters)
With Bank stamp

Witness No. 2

--------------------------- Attorney as per power of

(signature) Attorney No. -----------------------
Full name and official Dated ----------------------------
Address (in legible letters)


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