Migration Objects For SAP S/4HANA: Implementation Guide - Public 2020-01-09
Migration Objects For SAP S/4HANA: Implementation Guide - Public 2020-01-09
Migration Objects For SAP S/4HANA: Implementation Guide - Public 2020-01-09
You can use the following table to gain an overview of all migration objects available for SAP S/4HANA. It is
sorted in alphabetical order by Migration Object Name. Choose a migration object name to navigate to the
corresponding documentation for the migration object.
The migration object documentation for the Transferring Data Directly from an SAP System migration
approach is currently only available in the system.
Use the search field in the relevant column to search for a specific Migration Object Name or Business Object
Choose Filter to apply further filters for Master data and/or Transactional data in the Business Object Type
column, and for the application component in the Component column to narrow down the results list. If you
want to see more or less information, choose Show/hide columns, and select the respective checkboxes for the
columns you would like to show or hide.
Filter the Migration Approach column to only see migration objects relevant for you. Therefore, choose Filter
in the respective column, and select the required approach, Direct Transfer, File, or Staging Table.
You can export the below table in CSV format with the current column visibility and filters applied. Therefore,
choose the CSV button above the table.
File FI
FI - G/L account bal Accounting Document Transactional data
ance and open/line Staging Table
item [page 116]
PA - Catalog item Catalog Item Master data
[page 179] Staging Table
Document info record Document Info Record Master data File CA-DMS
[page 79] Staging Table
File FI
FI - Historical balance Financial Accounting Transactional data
[page 121] Staging Table
Fixed asset (incl. bal Fixed Asset Master data File FI-AA
ances and transac Transactional data Staging Table
tions) [page 98]
File PM
PM - Maintenance noti Maintenance Notifica Transactional data
fication [page 84] tion Staging Table
JIT - Customer [page JIT – Customer Data Master data File LE-JIT
178] Staging Table
File SLL
Product classification - Product Master data
Legal control [page Staging Table
File MM
Product consumption Product Transactional data
[page 193] Staging Table
Purchasing info re Purchasing Info Record Master data File MM-PUR
cord- extend existing Staging Table
record [page 200]
Purchasing info record Purchasing Info Record Master data File MM-PUR
with conditions [page Staging Table
Source list [page 226] Source List Master data File MM-PUR
Staging Table
File LO-VC
VC - Configuration pro Variant Configuration Master data
file [page 58] Profile Staging Table
Business partner Business partner Master data Direct Transfer - ERP AP-MD-BP
FI-GL Bank account FI-GL Bank account Master data Direct Transfer - ERP FI
FI-GL Bank key FI-GL Bank key Master data Direct Transfer - ERP FI
Engineering change Engineering change Master data Direct Transfer - ERP CA-GTF-ECM
number number
VC - Object depend VC - Object depend Master data Direct Transfer - ERP LO-VC
ency & dependency ency & dependency
net net
FI-GL House bank FI-GL House bank Master data Direct Transfer - ERP FI
FI-CO Activity group FI-CO Activity group Master data Direct Transfer - ERP CO
FI-CO Activity type - FI-CO Activity type - Master data Direct Transfer - ERP CO-OM
price planning price planning
FI-CO Activity type FI-CO Activity type Master data Direct Transfer - ERP CO
FI-CO Business proc FI-CO Business proc Master data Direct Transfer - ERP CO-OM-ABC
ess ess
FI-CO Business proc FI-CO Business proc Master data Direct Transfer - ERP CO-OM-ABC
ess group ess group
FI-CO Cost center FI-CO Cost center Master data Direct Transfer - ERP CO
FI-CO Cost center FI-CO Cost center Master data Direct Transfer - ERP CO
standard hierarchy and standard hierarchy and
groups groups
FI-CO Cost Element FI-CO Cost Element Master data Direct Transfer - ERP CO
Group Group
FI-CO Internal order FI-CO Internal order Master data Direct Transfer - ERP CO
FI-CO Profit center FI-CO Profit center Master data Direct Transfer - ERP CO
FI-CO Profit Center FI-CO Profit Center Master data Direct Transfer - ERP CO
Standard Hierarchy & Standard Hierarchy &
Groups Groups
FI-CO Secondary cost FI-CO Secondary cost Master data Direct Transfer - ERP CO
element element
FI-CO Statistical key FI-CO Statistical key Master data Direct Transfer - ERP CO
figure figure
FI-AA Fixed asset - in FI-AA Fixed asset - in Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FI-AA
cluding balance cluding balance
FI-GL Vendor open FI-GL Vendor open Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FI
item - classic GL item - classic GL
FI-GL Vendor open FI-GL Vendor open Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FI
item - new GL item - new GL
FI-GL Customer open FI-GL Customer open Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FI
item - classic GL item - classic GL
FI-GL Customer open FI-GL Customer open Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FI
item - new GL item - new GL
FI-GL Exchange rate FI-GL Exchange rate Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FI
FI-GL Account balance FI-GL Account balance Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FI
- classic GL - classic GL
FI-GL Account balance FI-GL Account balance Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FI
- new GL - new GL
FI-GL General ledger FI-GL General ledger Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FI
account account
FI-GL Open item - clas FI-GL Open item - clas Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FI
sic GL sic GL
FI-GL Open item - FI-GL Open item - Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FI
ledger group specific ledger group specific
FI-GL Open item - new FI-GL Open item - new Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FI
FI-TRM Additional flow FI-TRM Additional flow Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
FI-TRM Commercial FI-TRM Commercial Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
paper paper
FI-TRM Condition de FI-TRM Condition de Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
tails tails
FI-TRM Foreign ex FI-TRM Foreign ex Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
change collar contract change collar contract
FI-TRM Foreign ex FI-TRM Foreign ex Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
change option change option
FI-TRM Foreign ex FI-TRM Foreign ex Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
change spot/forward change spot/forward
contract contract
FI-TRM Foreign ex FI-TRM Foreign ex Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
change swap contract change swap contract
FI-TRM Interest rate in FI-TRM Interest rate in Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
strument strument
FI-TRM OTC Interest FI-TRM OTC Interest Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
rate derivative swap rate derivative swap
FI-TRM Payment de FI-TRM Payment de Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
tails tails
FI-TRM Settlement FI-TRM Settlement Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
Condition contract Condition contract Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP LO-GT
VC - Configuration pro VC - Configuration pro Master data Direct Transfer - ERP LO-VC
file file
Batch (if Batch is Batch (if Batch is Master data Direct Transfer - ERP LO-BM
unique at material unique at material
level) level)
Batch (if Batch is Batch (if Batch is Master data Direct Transfer - ERP LO-BM
unique at plant level) unique at plant level)
Material commodity Material commodity Master data Direct Transfer - ERP LO-MD-MM
Material consumption Material consumption Master data Direct Transfer - ERP LO-MD-MM
VC - Material variant VC - Material variant Master data Direct Transfer - ERP LO-VC
Purchasing info record Purchasing info record Master data Direct Transfer - ERP MM-PUR
Purchase order(only Purchase order(only Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP MM-PUR
open PO) open PO)
Purchase requisi Purchase requisi Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP MM-PUR
tion(only open PR) tion(only open PR)
Purchasing contract Purchasing contract Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP MM-PUR-OA
Quota arrangement Quota arrangement Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP MM-PUR
Scheduling agreement Scheduling agreement Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP MM-PUR
Service entry sheet Service entry sheet Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP MM
Service master Service master Master data Direct Transfer - ERP MM-SRV
Source list Source list Master data Direct Transfer - ERP MM-PUR
Material inventory bal Material inventory bal Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP MM-IM
ance ance
Equipment BOM Equipment BOM Master data Direct Transfer - ERP PM-EQM-BM
Equipment task list Equipment task list Master data Direct Transfer - ERP PM-PRM-TL
Functional location Functional location Master data Direct Transfer - ERP PM-PRM-TL
task list task list
General task List General task list Master data Direct Transfer - ERP PM-PRM-TL
Measuring point Measuring point Master data Direct Transfer - ERP PM-EQM-SF-MPC
Material BOM Material BOM Master data Direct Transfer - ERP PP-BD
Material MRP Area Material MRP Area Master data Direct Transfer - ERP LO-MD-MM
Miscellaneous PRT Miscellaneous PRT Master data Direct Transfer - ERP PP-BD-PRT
Sales order BOM Sales order BOM Master data Direct Transfer - ERP PP-BD
Planned independent Planned independent Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP PP-MP-DEM
requirement requirement
Work breakdown struc Work breakdown struc Master data Direct Transfer - ERP PP
ture BOM ture BOM
Project system - Net Project system - Net Master data Direct Transfer - ERP PS
work work
Catalog code group Catalog code group Master data Direct Transfer - ERP QM
and code and code
Inspection catalog se Inspection catalog se Master data Direct Transfer - ERP QM
lected sets lected sets
Inspection plan Inspection plan Master data Direct Transfer - ERP QM-PT-IP
Quality info record Quality info record Master data Direct Transfer - ERP QM
Inspection catalog se Inspection catalog se Master data Direct Transfer - ERP QM
lected set code lected set code
Customer material info Customer material info Master data Direct Transfer - ERP SD-BF
record record
Customer quotation Customer quotation Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP SD-SLS
Pricing condition (pur Pricing condition (pur Master data Direct Transfer - ERP SD, LO
chasing and sales) chasing and sales)
Sales inquiry Sales inquiry Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP SD-SLS
Sales order (only open Sales order (only open Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP SD-SLS
FI-TRM Bank Guaran FI-TRM Bank Guaran Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
tee tee
FI-TRM Security bonds FI-TRM Security bonds Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
FI-TRM Business part FI-TRM Business part Master data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
ner roles ner roles
FI-TRM Security Class FI-TRM Security Class Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
FI-TRM Fixed Term De FI-TRM Fixed Term De Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
posits posits
FI-TRM Investment FI-TRM Investment Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
certificate certificate
FI-TRM Letter of credit FI-TRM Letter of credit Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
FI-TRM MainFlow de FI-TRM MainFlow de Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
tails tails
FI-TRM Stocks FI-TRM Stocks Transactional data Direct Transfer - ERP FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM
FI-CO Profit center FI-CO Profit center Master data Direct Transfer - AFS CO
FI-CO Account Bal FI-CO Account Bal Transactional data Direct Transfer - AFS FI
ance-classic GL ance-classic GL
FI-CO Account Bal FI-CO Account Bal Transactional data Direct Transfer - AFS FI
ance-new GL ance-new GL
FI-CO Secondary cost FI-CO Secondary cost Master data Direct Transfer - AFS CO
element element
FI-GL Customer open FI-GL Customer open Transactional data Direct Transfer - AFS FI
Item- classic GL Item- classic GL
FI-GL Customer Open FI-GL Customer Open Transactional data Direct Transfer - AFS FI
Item- new GL Item- new GL
FI-GL General Ledger FI-GL General Ledger Master data Direct Transfer - AFS FI
Account Account
FI-GL Open Item- clas FI-GL Open Item- clas Transactional data Direct Transfer - AFS FI
sic GL sic GL
FI-GL Open Item - FI-GL Open Item - Transactional data Direct Transfer - AFS FI
ledger group specific ledger group specific
FI-GL Open Item-new FI-GL Open Item-new Transactional data Direct Transfer - AFS FI
FI-GL Vendor open FI-GL Vendor open Transactional data Direct Transfer - AFS FI
Item -classic GL Item -classic GL
FI-GL Vendor Open FI-GL Vendor Open Transactional data Direct Transfer - AFS FI
Item -new GL Item -new GL
FI-CO Activity Type FI-CO Activity Type Master data Direct Transfer - AFS CO-OM
FI-CO Activity Group FI-CO Activity Group Master data Direct Transfer - AFS CO
FI-CO Activity type- FI-CO Activity type- Master data Direct Transfer - AFS CO-OM
price planning price planning
FI-CO Business Proc FI-CO Business Proc Master data Direct Transfer - AFS CO-OM-ABC
ess ess
FI-CO Cost Center FI-CO Cost Center Master data Direct Transfer - AFS CO
Standard Hierarchy Standard Hierarchy
and Group and Group
FI-CO Profit Center FI-CO Profit Center Master data Direct Transfer - AFS CO
Standard Hierarchy & Standard Hierarchy &
Groups Groups
FI-CO Statistical Key FI-CO Statistical Key Master data Direct Transfer - AFS FI
Figure Figure
FI-CO Cost center FI-CO Cost center Master data Direct Transfer - AFS CO
FI-CO Business proc FI-CO Business proc Master data Direct Transfer - AFS CO-OM-ABC
ess group ess group
FI-CO Cost element FI-CO Cost element Master data Direct Transfer - AFS FI
group group
FI-CO Internal order FI-CO Internal order Transactional data Direct Transfer - AFS CO
FI-GL Exchange rate FI-GL Exchange rate Master data Direct Transfer - AFS FI
FI-GL Bank account FI-GL Bank account Master data Direct Transfer - AFS FI
FI-GL Bank key FI-GL Bank key Master data Direct Transfer - AFS FI
Purchase grid for arti Purchase Grid for Arti Master data Direct Transfer - AFS LO-RFM-MD-ART
cle cles
Purchase grid for plant Purchase Grid for Plant Master data Direct Transfer - AFS LO-RFM-MD-ART
and article and Article
Purchase grid for Purchase Grid for Master data Direct Transfer - AFS LO-RFM-MD-ART
pur.org., vendor & arti Pur.Org., Vendor & Ar
cle ticle
Purchase grid for pur Purchase Grid for Pur Master data Direct Transfer - AFS LO-RFM-MD-ART
chasing org. and arti chasing Org and Arti
cle cle
Sales grid for article Sales Grid for Article Master data Direct Transfer - AFS LO-RFM-MD-ART
Sales Grid: s.org, Sales Grid: S.Org, Master data Direct Transfer - AFS LO-RFM-MD-ART
dist.ch, cust. grp & ar Dist.Ch, Cust. Grp &
ticle Article
Sales Grid: s.org, Sales Grid: S.Org, Master data Direct Transfer - AFS LO-RFM-MD-ART
dist.ch, customer & ar Dist.Ch, Customer &
ticle Article
Sales Grid: sales org, Sales Grid: Sales Org, Master data Direct Transfer - AFS LO-RFM-MD-ART
dist. channel & article Dist. Channel & Article
Planned indep. require Planned Indep. Re Master data Direct Transfer - AFS PP-MP-DEM
ment at material level quirement at Material
Planned indep. require Planned Indep. Re Master data Direct Transfer - AFS PP-MP-DEM
ment at SKU level quirement at SKU
Planned independent Planned Independent Master data Direct Transfer - AFS PP-MP-DEM
requirement requirement
Work center Work Center Master data Direct Transfer - AFS PP-BD-WKC
Characteristics for di Characteristics for Di Master data Direct Transfer - AFS CA-CL-CHR
mensions mensions
Characteristics for Characteristics for Master data Direct Transfer - AFS CA-CL-CHR
non-dimensions Non-Dimensions
Classification for batch Classification for Master data Direct Transfer - AFS LO-BM
Engineering change Engineering Change Master data Direct Transfer - AFS CA-GTF-ECM
number Numbers
Batch at plant level Batches at Plant level Master data Direct Transfer - AFS LO-BM
Configuration class for Configuration class for Master data Direct Transfer - AFS CA-CL-CLS
material grid Material Grid
Distribution curve con Distribution Curve Master data Direct Transfer - AFS Lo-RFM
dition Conditions
Quantity distribution Quantity Distribution Master data Direct Transfer - AFS LO-RFM
profile Profile
VAS (Sales Area and VAS (Sales Area and Master data Direct Transfer - AFS LO-RFM-CA-VAS
Customer) Customer)
VAS (Sales Area, Cus VAS (Sales Area, Cus Master data Direct Transfer - AFS LO-RFM-CA-VAS
tomer Group and Ma tomer Group and Ma
terial) terial)
VAS (Sales Area, Cus VAS (Sales Area, Cus Master data Direct Transfer - AFS LO-RFM-CA-VAS
tomer and Material) tomer and Material)
Material inventory bal Material Inventory bal Transactional data Direct Transfer - AFS MM-IM
ance ance
Material BOM Material BOM Transactional data Direct Transfer - AFS PP-BD
Purchase order (only Purchase Order Transactional data Direct Transfer - AFS MM-PUR
open PO)
Purchasing info record Purchasing Info Record Transactional data Direct Transfer - AFS MM-PUR
Pricing condition (pur Pricing Condition (pur Master data Direct Transfer - AFS SD-MD-CM
chasing and sales) chasing and sales)
Sales order Sales Order Transactional data Direct Transfer - AFS LO-RFM-SD
Sales order BOM Sales order BOM Transactional data Direct Transfer - AFS CS-OP
Distribution curve Distribution Curve Master data Direct Transfer - AFS LO-RFM
Scheduling agreement Scheduling Agreement Master data Direct Transfer - AFS MM-PUR
Segmentation struc Segmentation struc Master data Direct Transfer - AFS LO-RFM
ture ture
Segmentation strategy Segmentation strategy Master data Direct Transfer - AFS LO-RFM
Segmentation default Segmentation default Master data Direct Transfer - AFS LO-RFM
values values
Purchasing contract Purchasing Contract Transactional data Direct Transfer - AFS MM-PUR-OA
Sales contract Sales Contract Master data Direct Transfer - AFS LO-RFM-SD
Source list Source list Master data Direct Transfer - AFS MM-PUR
Production Order Production Order Transactional data Direct Transfer - AFS PP-SFC
Warehouse Fixed Bin Warehouse Storage Master data Direct Transfer - EWM SCM-EWM-MD
Assignments Bin
Warehouse Storage Warehouse Storage Master data Direct Transfer - EWM SCM-EWM-MD
Bin Bin
Warehouse Storage Warehouse Storage Master data Direct Transfer - EWM SCM-EWM-MD
Bin Sorting Bin
Data protection legislation may require that personal data is deleted once the data has served its originally
defined purpose and is also no longer subject to additional legal data retention requirements. If data
For some migration objects there are additions to the migration object name. These additions include
"restricted" and "deprecated". Restricted means that not all fields and structures of the relevant business
processes are covered by this migration object, deprecated means that there is a newer version of this
migration object available. Deprecated objects will be deleted after a couple of releases. Make sure you
always read the migration object documentation for these objects carefully. Also see SAP Note 2698032
for more details on deprecated migration objects.
Migration objects are built for initial migration of your data to your SAP S/4HANA or SAP S/4HANA Cloud
system. This means that you can create data with a migration object, but you can't change or update
existing data with it.
The pre-delivered data migration objects are built for SAP S/4HANA Cloud and the respective SAP Best
Practices Content. You can use these objects also for SAP S/4HANA and the respective SAP Best Practices
Content. Using SAP S/4HANA, the delivered standard migration objects are templates that can be
enhanced according to your needs. The enhancement is only limited by the functionality of the tool and the
capabilities of the underlying API to load the data. Starting with SAP S/4HANA 1610 FPS2, you can enhance
customer projects based on these delivered standard migration objects or you can create your own objects
using the SAP S/4HANA migration object modeler (transaction LTMOM). For further information, please see
SAP Note 2481235 .
Further Information
● Use these SAP Help Portal aliases to access the following sections of our product assistance:
● If you are using the Fixed asset (incl. balances and transactions) [page 98] migration object, you can find
additional information about the available fields for each asset class in SAP Note 2468501 .
● If you want to view information about the differences between the current release and the previous release,
see SAP Note 2704618 .
This object must not be used to migrate activity prices in SAP S/4HANA Cloud. The API used here does not
support the cloud tables For professional services use the Condition record for pricing (general template)
[page 55] migration object.
Business Object Definition To plan and allocate the activities, the system records quan
tities that are measured in activity units. Activity quantities
are valuated using a price. Costs based on the activity quan
tity of an activity type can be posted separately in fixed and
variable portions.
In Scope
Supported Features
Business objects that reference this object must be created within the correct validity period for this object.
If a successor object is created with a validity period that starts before the validity period of this object, it will
normally cause an error message during the creation or migration of the successor object.
You therefore have to check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This will avoid
subsequent error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
Business Object Definition The Bank Account Balance is the value date balance of each
bank account, which serves the requirement of cash position
analysis for cash managers.
In Scope
Supported Features
Bank account needs to be created before initializing the balance, you can find the Technical ID in bank account
master data, on the General data tab and this Technical ID is used as Account ID in the file to be imported.
Cash flow should not be generated for the company code used before migrating this object into the system.
Otherwise the user will get the error message Company code XYZ already has flows generated from
FI in one Exposure.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
1.3 Bank
In Scope
● Bank Country
● Bank Key
● Bank Address Data
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
Business Object Definition Batch Master Data (if batch is unique at material level).
In Scope
Out of Scope
Supported Features
● Material Number
● Batch Number
● Plant
● Batch Attributes
● Batch Status
● Characteristic Values
● Control Parameters
Mapping Instructions
Please provide here the batch class to which your material is assigned. All the characteristics with reference to
a table field are then created automatically during migration. Example: Class YB_EXP_DATE_002;
Characteristic LOBM_VFDAT refers to table field MCH1-LFDAT. If the Shelf Life Expira. or Best-Before Date field is
filled, the content will be copied into the classification value of Characteristic LBOM_VFDAT.
If you want to create a batch for a material that is defined by its valuation category as a material valuated in
single batches, you have to provide a valid valuation category. In this case, leaving the field valuation category
empty is not allowed .
The values in VALUE_FROM and VALUE_TO always relate to the unit of measurement of the characteristic.
If the unit of measurement specified here does not equal the unit of measurement of the characteristic, the
output is converted into this unit of measurement.
For example, if the Characteristic has the ISO UOM ANN (Year), and the VALUE_FROM field has the value 2, and
if the UNIT_FROM field has the ISO UOM MON, the two years are converted to months, and the system displays
24 months.
● 100,00 kg to 1,00 t
● 10,00 mg to 100,00 g
If you want to assign the interval 100,00 kg to 1,00 t as a value, you have to fill the fields on the Classification
NUM Values sheet like this:
Enter the Internal Floating Point Value From and Internal Floating Point Value To values according to the Base
UoM From (ISO) defined in the Characteristic itself (in this case KGM). The Base UoM From (ISO) and Base UoM
To (ISO) fields are filled with the desired Units of Measure in ISO.
● 1 for EQ (Equal)
● 2 for GE LT (Greater than or equal and Less than)
● 3 for GE LE (Greater than or equal and Less than or equal)
● 4 for GT LT (Greater than and Less than)
● 5 for GT LE (Greater than and Less than or equal)
● 6 for LT (Less than)
● 7 for LE (Less than or equal)
● 8 for GT (Greater than)
● 9 for GE (Greater than or equal)
Input example:
● VALUE_TO: 28
Imported value:
● 20≤ X <28
Level Name
2 Plant
Starting with SAP S/HANA 1802, you can now enter values for Lower Boundary for Date-Interval and Upper
Boundary for Date-Interval in the new Characteristic Value (DATE) columns and for Lower Boundary for Time-
Interval and Upper Boundary for Time-Interval in the new Characteristic Value (TIME) columns on the
Classification NUM Values sheet in the migration template. Please note that values entered for Internal Floating
Point Value From and Internal Floating Point Value To in the Characteristic Value columns are always given
priority. When you enter values for these fields, values entered for Characteristic Value (DATE) and
Characteristic Value (TIME) will not be considered when migrating.
Business Object Definition Batch Master Data if batch is unique at plant level
In Scope
Supported Features
● Material Number
● Batch Number
● Plant
● Batch Attributes
● Batch Status
● Control Parameters
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
For example, if the Characteristic has the ISO UOM ANN (Year), and the VALUE_FROM field has the value 2, and
if the UNIT_FROM field has the ISO UOM MON, the two years are converted to months, and the system displays
24 months.
● 100,00 kg to 1,00 t
● 10,00 mg to 100,00 g
If you want to assign the interval 100,00 kg to 1,00 t as a value, you have to fill the fields on the Classification
NUM Values sheet like this:
Enter the Internal Floating Point From and Internal Floating Point To values according to the Base UoM From
(ISO) defined in the Characteristic itself (in this case KGM). The Base UoM From (ISO) and Base UoM To (ISO)
fields are filled with the desired Units of Measure in ISO.
Internal Floating Point From Internal Floating Point To Base UoM From (ISO) Base UoM To (ISO)
● 1 for EQ (Equal),
● 2 for GE LT (Greater than or equal and Less than)
● 3 for GE LE (Greater than or equal and Less than or equal)
● 4 for GT LT (Greater than and Less than)
● 5 for GT LE (Greater than and Less than or equal)
● 6 for LT (Less than)
● 7 for LE (Less than or equal)
● 8 for GT (Greater than)
● 9 for GE (Greater than or equal)
Input example:
● VALUE_TO: 28
Imported value:
● 20≤ X <28
● BOM categories
In the SAP System, BOMs can form different objects
and manage object-related data. You can maintain the
following BOM categories, for example:
○ Material BOM
○ Document structure
○ Equipment BOM
○ Functional location BOM
○ Sales order BOM
● Technical types
To display product variants and production alternatives,
the system provides two technical types:
○ Variant BOM
○ Multiple BOM
In Scope
1. Currently, you can only process one alternative BOM per one material number, plant and BOM usage, but
this can be any number from 01 to 99.
2. Material BOM
3. For object dependency, only the assignment of global dependency is supported, and only the dependency
types Selection condition and Procedure are supported so far.
4. The following Item Categories (Bill of Material) are supported:
○ L-Stock item
○ N-Non-stock item
○ D-Document item
○ R-Variable size item
○ T-Text item
Out of Scope
1. Document structure
2. Equipment BOM
3. Functional location BOM
4. Sales order BOM
● BOM Header
● BOM Items
● BOM Subitems
● Global dependency
● Local dependency
● Description of local dependency
● Source code of local dependency
● Documentation of local dependency
● Document assignment
In order that the data remains consistent, the user should make sure that the decimal separator used in the file
is the same as the one in user settings, please check the user settings first.
Business objects that reference this object must be created within the validity period that fits this object.
If a successor object is created with a validity period starting before this object, this will normally cause an error
message during the creation or migration of the successor object.
You therefore have to check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This will avoid
later error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
1 BOM Header
2 Document assign
3 BOM Subitems
3 Document assign
4 Global depend
4 Local dependency
5 Description of lo
cal dependency
5 Documentation of
local dependency
Check that the data type of these fields was not changed from String to Number before uploading the XML file
to Migration Cockpit.
1.7 Characteristic
Business Object Definition Property for describing and distinguishing between objects,
such as length, color, or weight.
In Scope
Supported Features
● Basic Data
● Descriptions
● Characteristic Allowed Values
● Characteristic Value Descriptions
● Characteristic Additional Data
● Characteristic Restrictions
Business objects that reference this object must be created within the correct validity period for this object.
If a successor object is created with a validity period that starts before the validity period of this object, it will
normally cause an error message during the creation or migration of the successor object.
You therefore have to check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This will avoid
subsequent error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
Valid From
The value of this field can only be inherited from the change number. If the change number is empty, the Valid
from will be ignored.
Level Name
To build this value hierarchy for a characteristic name COUNTRY you have to fill the fields on the Allowed
character based values sheet like this:
You can build up an interval based on different UoMs from the same dimension.
The Characteristic Attributes field Base Unit of Measure (ISO) is filled with KGM.
On the Allowed NUMmerical values sheet, you want to have the following intervals:
● 100,00 kg to 1,00 t
● 10,00 mg to 100,00 g
To build this value interval you have to fill the fields on the Allowed NUMerical values sheet like this:
Enter the Internal Floating Point Values based on the UoM defined in the Characteristic Attribute sheet. The
Base UoM fields are filled with the wanted UoMs in ISO.
Starting with SAP S/HANA 1802, you can now enter values for Lower Boundary for Date-Interval and Upper
Boundary for Date-Interval in the new Characteristic Value (DATE) columns on the Classification NUM Values
sheet in the migration template. The same applies for Lower Boundary for Time-Interval and Upper Boundary
for Time-Interval in the new Characteristic Value (TIME) columns. Please note that values entered for Internal
Floating Point Value From and Internal Floating Point Value To in the Characteristic Value columns are always
given priority. When you enter values for these fields, values entered for Characteristic Value (DATE) and
Characteristic Value (TIME) will not be considered when migrating.
Document Details
Starting with SAP S/HANA Cloud 1805, the document details in the additional data are supported.
1.8 Class
In Scope
Supported Features
● Basic Data
● Class Description/Keywords
● Long Texts
● Characteristics
● Document Information
● Standards Data
Business objects that reference this object must be created within the correct validity period for this object.
If a successor object is created with a validity period that starts before the validity period of this object, it will
normally cause an error message during the creation or migration of the successor object.
You therefore have to check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This will avoid
subsequent error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
Level Name
2 Long texts
2 Characteristics
Class Type
All the class types in the system are supported.
The combination of the field values for Document type, Document number, Document version, and Document
part is checked against the database.
If a document with the combined values is not stored on the database (Table DRAW), the following error
message appears: Document <Document Type>-<Document number>-<Document version>-
<Document part> not found, please check the values.
Business Object Definition The classes used to define a multi-level search path.
In Scope
1. Assign class
Out of Scope
● Header
● Class Hierarchy
Business objects that reference this object must be created within the correct validity period for this object.
If a successor object is created with a validity period that starts before the validity period of this object, it will
normally cause an error message during the creation or migration of the successor object.
You therefore have to check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This will avoid
subsequent error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
1 Header (mandatory)
Instance class
The instance is the only class without a superior class.
Each class in the Child class name field also occurs in the parent class name field.
Each class in the Child class name field has exactly one entry without the Link indicator.
Input example:
Hierarchy level
The hierarchy levels (Level) can be anything you like, but we recommend assigning level 1 to the instance, level
2 to its immediate subordinate classes, and so on. The hierarchy level of each class is higher than the level of its
superior class (the one without the Link indicator).
Description (optional)
You can enter some comments here to have a better overview of the class hierarchy.
When a class is assigned to a second superior class, this field must contain X in the first entry.
Example:Class5 has two superior classes, this means we have two entries which Child class name is Class5,
the link must be set to X in the first entry.
Instance class name Parent class name Child class name Level Link
Class1 Class5 4
Specifies the class name which is is on the left side of child class name.
Specifies the class name which on the right side of child class name.
Further Information
When you assign objects to a class, you assign values for the
object to the characteristics in that class.
1. Assign material classes (assign material class name and characteristic values):
1. Class type Material (001) is supported.
2. Class type Equipment (002) is supported.
3. Class type Functional Location (003) is supported.
4. Class type Vendor Class (010) is supported.
5. Class type Customer Class (011) is supported.
6. Class type Message Item Class (015) is supported.
7. Class type Document Management (017) is supported.
8. Class type Work Center Class (019) is supported.
9. Class type Batch (022 and 023) is supported.
10. Class type Maintenance Plan (080) is supported.
11. Class type Material - Configurable Objects (200) is supported.
12. Class type Variants (300) is supported.
Out of Scope
1. Batch classes will be assigned via the Batch (if Batch is unique at material level) [page 25] migration
Supported Features
● Basic Data
● Characteristic Values (only for material classification)
● Change Number
Business objects that reference this object must be created within the correct validity period for this object.
If a successor object is created with a validity period that starts before the validity period of this object, it will
normally cause an error message during the creation or migration of the successor object.
You therefore have to check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This will avoid
subsequent error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
Material Classification
To assign class and characteristic values to material, the source file must contain the Header Data sheet and
the Value Allocation sheets:
Variants Classification
To assign class and characteristic values to variants, the source file must contain the Header Data sheet and
the Value Allocation sheets. On the Header Data sheet, fill the following fields:
Equipment Classification
To assign class and characteristic values to equipment, the source file must contain the Header Data sheet and
the Value Allocation sheets. On the Header Data sheet, fill the following fields:
Vendor Class
To assign class and characteristic values to vendor, the source file must contain the Header Data sheet and the
Value Allocation sheets. On the Header Data sheet, fill the following fields:
Customer Class
To assign class and characteristic values to customer, the source file must contain the Header Data sheet and
the Value Allocation sheets. On the Header Data sheet, fill the following fields:
For example, if the unit of measurement of the characteristic is ISO UOM ANN (Year), 2 means two years. The
system ignores units in the Base unit of measure From (ISO Format) field and the Base unit of measure To (ISO
Format) field here. These are only displayed later.
● 1 for EQ (Equal)
● 2 for GE LT (Greater than or equal and Less than)
● 3 for GE LE (Greater than or equal and Less than or equal)
● 4 for GT LT (Greater than and Less than)
● 5 for GT LE (Greater than and Less than or equal)
● 6 for LT (Less than)
Input example:
● VALUE_TO: 28
Imported value:
● 20≤ X <28
For example, if the characteristic has the ISO UOM ANN (Year), and the VALUE_FROM field has the value 2, and
if the UNIT_FROM field has the ISO UOM MON, then the two years are converted to months, and the system
displays 24 months.
The Instance counter field has been removed from SAP S/HANA release 1802, because this field is used in the
userdefined data type, and not supported in SAP S/4HANA, for more details please see SAP Note 2267878 .
1 AB_Root_Level_1
2 A_First_Level_2
3 A_Second_Level_3
2 B_First_Level_2
If you want to assign A_Second_Level_3, you must fill the entries of the Character value allocations structure as
Starting with SAP S/HANA release 1802, you can now enter values for Lower Boundary for Date-Interval and
Upper Boundary for Date-Interval in the new Characteristic Value (DATE) columns on the Classification NUM
Values sheet in the migration template. The same applies for Lower Boundary for Time-Interval and Upper
Boundary for Time-Interval in the new Characteristic Value (TIME) columns. Please note that values entered for
Internal Floating Point Value From and Internal Floating Point Value To in the Characteristic Value columns are
always given priority. When you enter values for these fields, values entered for Characteristic Value (DATE) and
Characteristic Value (TIME) will not be considered when migrating.
Further Information
In Scope
Supported Features
The Condition Contract Header structure contains the business partner, the condition contract type, a validity
interval, the document status, currency information, exchange rate, terms of payment, purchasing
organization and sales area.
Header Texts
The Header Texts structure contains the different text objects which are stored on header level of the condition
The Condition Structure fields contain the corresponding condition-table-related information. The table
number, the condition type, the validity of the condition , the order key and the condition table key fields must
be specified. The order key, which is defined here for the condition structure, must be used consistently if you
define the item conditions and the condition scale settings.
Item Condition
The Item Condition structure contains the corresponding fields which define the condition such as the amount,
calculation type or currency. The order key must be part of the condition structure field table.
Condition Scale
The Condition Scale contains the corresponding fields which define the condition scales. The order key must
be part of the condition structure field table.
The Business Volume Base structure contains the business volume selection criteria. You must specify the
order key, the field combination, the include/exclude indicator and selection fields related to a field
Settlement Dates
The Settlement Dates structure contains the settlement dates for the different types of settlement (delta
accruals, partial, final, delta, and accruals deferral settlement). You must specify the order key, the settlement
date type, and the settlement date as a minimal data set. All other fields are optional.
Eligible Partners
The Eligible Partners structure contains the eligible partners for the condition contract. You must specify the
order key and an eligible partner as a minimal data set. All other fields are optional. You cannot pass data for
different eligible partner types at the same time.
The Eligible Partner Texts structure contains the different text objects which are stored on the level of the
eligible partner. The order key is used to link the text and the eligible partner entry.
Level Name
This is the most complex and comprehensive object to migrate condition records for pricing. There are also
tailored migration objects available with limited number of available key fields : Condition record for pricing
in sales [page 219] or Condition record for pricing in purchasing [page 173].
Business Object Definition The term pricing is broadly used to describe the calculation
of prices (for external use by customers or vendors). Condi
tions represent a set of circumstances that apply when a
price is calculated.
In Scope
1. Prices
2. Discounts
3. Surcharges
Out of Scope
All condtions that are not white-listed; for further information, please refer SAP Note 2332748 .
Supported Features
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
2 Scales
For more information on how to fill the condition keys, please refer to SAP Note 2332748 .
Business Object Definition An object in which you enter configuration parameters for a
configurable object. Each Material must be assigned to at
least one class with a class type that supports variant config
Supported Features
● Attributes
● Global dependencies
● Basic data of local dependency
● Descriptions of dependency
● Documentations of dependency
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
1 Attributes (mandatory)
3 Descriptions of dependency
3 Documentations of depend
ency (optional)
Local dependencies with syntax errors in the source code cannot be loaded. In the case of syntax
errors, an error message will be displayed and the configuration profile will be skipped for migration.
● Descriptions of Dependency
Enter a local dependency description, one in each language.
The Descriptions of dependency sheet, should contain at least one description per local dependency.
Otherwise, an error message, Maintain at least one description for the dependency, will
be raised.
● Documentation of Dependency
Enter a local dependency documentation, one in each language.
Business Object Definition Consent is an assent given by the data subject that allows
lawful processing of their personal data. It facilitates proving
legality and ensures the correct processing of personal data
according to the purpose for which it was given.
In Scope
Supported Features
● Consent
● Consent Text
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
1 Consent (mandatory)
● Quantity Contract
● Value Contract
In Scope
5. Delivery Addresses
6. Account Assignment
7. Item Texts
Out of Scope
1. Master conditions:
During the creation of outline agreements, you can specify just one time period per variable key. This
means that you can specify a period for the document header (that is, condition table A019), for each item
(that is, condition table A016), and for each item/plant combination (that is, condition table A068).
If there's an info record already, the price will be taken over from this info record.
Supported Features
● Header Data
● Supplier Address
● Header Texts
● Item Data
● Delivery Addresses
● Account Assignment
● Item Texts
Mapping Instructions
● During migration you can choose between internal and external number assignment for the purchasing
document. Item numbers will be migrated 1:1 from the migration template into the data.
● Net Price:Please provide the price as manual price on item level, additional conditions are not supported. If
a purchasing info record for an item already exists, the conditions (inclusive scales) will be taken over from
this info record. You have to take care and check that the conditions validity period matches with the
stipulated validity period of the agreement.
Level Name
2 Supplier Address
2 Header Texts
3 Delivery Address
3 Account Assignment
3 Item Texts
Business Object Definition A customer is a business partner with whom a business rela
tionship exists, involving the issue of goods or services. The
customer orders goods from the company, and is one of the
most commonly used master data objects, used by almost
all business applications.
In Scope
1. General data (only fields which might become relevant when you extend a supplier/contract partner as
2. BP Roles
3. Additional addresses
4. Company data including dunning
5. Contact persons
6. Bank data
7. Sales data including sales partner functions
8. Tax numbers
9. Long texts
10. Industry assignments
11. Identification numbers
12. Contact person
Out of Scope
This migration object is based on the assumption that business partner and customer are using the same
partner ID. If you have customized your system in a different way, you must adjust the migration object. For
support please reach out to us.
Mapping Instructions
● On the General Data sheet, we offer fields which only become relevant when you extend already existing
suppliers/contract partners as customer with the same number.
● If you want to extend an existing supplier or contract partner as customer with the same number, you have
to fill out either the supplier number or contract partner. It's not possible to provide both fields. If you want
to extend an already existing customer by new org levels, you have to leave the reference numbers empty.
● Please consider: You can't transfer a value in one of the fields provided on the General Data sheet when the
customer already exists.
Level Name
2 Additional Addresses
2 General Texts
2 Sales Data
3 Sales Partner
2 Company Data
3 Company Texts
2 Bank Data
2 Industries
2 Tax Classifications
2 Tax Numbers
2 Identification Numbers
2 Contact Person
In Scope
Out of Scope
Supported Features
Mapping Instructions
● The customer master data needs to be migrated as a prerequisite with the Thailand company code
● Only one branch code can be marked as default branch code. If only one branch code is assigned, it will be
marked as default automatically.
● If branch codes are already assigned to the customer, additional branch codes can only be uploaded
without a default indicator.
Level Name
In Scope
Out of Scope
This migration object is based on the assumption that business partner and customer are using the same
partner ID. If you have customized your system in a different way, you must adjust the migration object. For
support please reach out to us.
Supported Features
If you submit a credit limit amount, the amount value will be stored in the Requested field on the Credit
Limit tab. This is the standard behavior when maintaining the credit limit for a business partner. The reason
for this is the configuration of the system: A credit limit change triggers the Change to Credit Limit
Requested event with the LIMIT_REQ follow-on process. This also happens during migration, because the
same save mechanism is applied. We recommend to turn off the event during migration. If the event is
turned off, the credit limit is stored directly in the target field. To turn off the event, proceed as follows:
1. In Customizing, navigate to Financial Supply Chain Management Credit Management Credit Risk
Monitoring Processes .
2. Execute Define Events and Follow-On Processes.
3. In the Dialog Structure pane on the left, open Events Follow-On Processes .
4. Remove the LIMIT_REQ follow-on process for the Change to Credit Limit Requested event.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
In Scope
Supported Features
● General Data
● CustMat Text
● CustMat Classsification
● CustMat Classsif Numbers
● CustMat Classsif Characteristic
● CustMat Classsif Currency
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
2 CustMat Text
2 CustMat Classification
Please refer to the tooltips field of the template file for further information.
1.20 Customer
For this migration object, the Custom Fields and Logic app is available. If you enhance your business object
with custom fields in the app, these custom fields will automatically be reflected in the XML template of the
corresponding migration object. See SAP Note 2726010 for further details.
Every time you add, change or delete a custom field, the migration project must be updated and a new
migration XML template must be downloaded and used. Thus, if custom fields are added or changed by an
application expert during migration testing, this must be communicated to and coordinated with your data
migration team. Also see the Extensibility section in the SAP S/4HANA Cloud documentation.
Business Object Definition A customer is a business partner with whom a business rela
tionship exists, involving the issue of goods or services. The
customer orders goods from the company, and is one of the
most commonly used master data objects, used by almost
all business applications.
In Scope
Out of Scope
This migration object is based on the assumption that business partner and customer are using the same
partner ID. If you have customized your system in a different way, you must adjust the migration object. For
support please reach out to us.
Supported Features
● General Data
● BP Roles
● Additional Addresses
● General Texts
● Sales Data
● Sales Partner
● Sales Organization Texts
● Company Data
● Withholding Tax Data
● Company Texts
● Bank Details
The Customer Account Group field must be in sync with your customizing of the BU grouping. Otherwise,
the grouping will overwrite the account group.
Mapping Instructions
● The mandatory partner functions will be created automatically with the same customer number.
In the UI, the partner function is displayed language-dependent. For data migration you have to maintain
the language-independent database value. See the following example:
English Migration
● It is possible to assign more than one address to a customer. The address data from the General Data sheet
is always the standard address. If you assign only one address to a customer it is not necessary to provide
an external address number. If you provide additional addresses, the external address number is
mandatory. The external address number must be unique for each customer. You can use the same
external address number for different business partners.
● During migration, you can choose between internal and external number assignment for new customers.
● Assigned contact person will always get an internal number for the new business.
● With the BP Grouping field on the General Data sheet, you arrange the different number ranges (internal or
external) and the customer account group. It is possible to create customers and one-time customers.
● If a business partner needs to be created with both customer and supplier roles, this can be achieved in a
two-step approach. You can extend a customer that has already been migrated, with the Supplier - extend
Level Name
2 Additional Addresses
2 General Texts
2 Sales Data
3 Sales Partner
2 Company Data
3 Company Texts
2 Bank Data
2 Industries
2 Tax Classifications
2 Tax Numbers
2 Identification Numbers
2 Contact Person
Contact Person ID
You must enter a contact person ID in the respective field on the Contact person sheet. This number is required
for internal data processing. However, during processing, a new business partner will be created with an
internal number. This business partner is automatically assigned to the customer with the corresponding
If Vertex determines more than one tax jurisdiction code for one record, the migration of this record will fail. If
this happens, you must provide a more detailed/accurate address: for example US Postal codes with 9 digits
instead of 5 digits.
The more detailed and accurate an address, the more accurately Vertex will be determine the tax jurisdiction
In the Suppress Tax Jurisdiction Code check field on the General Data sheet, you can suppress the check and
the automatic determination of the Tax Jurisdiction Code for each record.
Further Information
● SAP Note 2726010 – Migration Cockpit: Support of custom fields (in-App extensibility)
● SAP Note 2609888 – Mandatory partner function SP is missing for sales area
Business Object Definition This fact sheet gives the information associated with a docu
ment that has been created in the Document Management
System. A document is a carrier of information. This infor
mation is either for the user/person responsible or for ex
changing between systems. A document contains informa
tion that can be stored and it can take many different forms
(such as technical drawings, graphics, programs, or text).
When complete, this information gives a full description of
an object. We use the term document info record to refer to
the master record in the SAP System that stores all the busi
ness information for a document. While the document info
record contains the metadata for a document (such as the
storage location), the original file (for example, the design
drawing) contains the actual information in the document.
In Scope
Supported Features
● Document Data
● Object Links
● Descriptions
● Long Text
● Document info record (to create a Document Info Record with reference)
● Various Business Objects (to link to the Document Info Record)
● Document types (to link to the Document Info Record)
Level Name
2 Object Links
2 Descriptions
2 Long Text
Document Data
Document Number, Document Type, Version, and Part must be unique.
In order to create a Document Info Record (DIR) with a reference, create the referenced DIR as an initial step
and use the SAP S/4HANA Document Number, Document Part, and Version in the reference fields.
Object Links
Maintain the SAP S/4HANA Object Type and Object Key. These refer to the SAP S/4HANA objects as defined in
the Business Object Repository. For example, an Equipment in SAP S/4HANA can be defined as Object Type:
EQUI and Object Key: 000000000123456781.
In this view, you can maintain additional descriptions (for languages other than those provided on the
Document Data sheet).
If the description is more than 40 characters long, provide up to 40 characters in the Description sheet and
provide the full text as long text.
Long Text
The long text is an extension to the description. If the description is more than 40 characters long, provide up
to 40 characters in the Description sheet and provide the full text as long text. If the initial 40 characters of a
long text are not a part of the Description sheet, the description will be overwritten by the long text.
The long text will be ignored if the length is less than or equal to 40 characters. The long text will not be
migrated if there is no description in the respective language.
Business Object Definition Measuring points in the SAP System describe the physical
and/or logical locations at which a condition is described.
In Scope
Out of Scope
● Header
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
1 Header (mandatory)
In Scope
1. Documents
2. Location Data - Address
3. Location Data - Production Work Center
4. Location Data - Plant Section
5. Location Data - Current Location
6. Assignment of Task List
7. Breakdown Duration
8. Organizational Data
9. Activities - Quantity
10. Causes - Root Cause
Supported Features
● Notification Header
● Notification Item
● Notification Item Cause
● Notification Item Activity
● Notification Item Task
● Notification Activity
● Notification Task
● Notification Partner
Level Name
2 Notification Item
2 Notification Activity
2 Notification Task
2 Notification Partner
In Scope
Out of Scope
1. Attachments
Supported Features
Level Name
2 Chemical composition
3 Chemical component
2 Material assignment
2 Bulk assignment
2 Purpose assignment
1. Migrate bulk raw materials using the following data from the migration template:
○ Chemical compliance view
○ Chemical composition
○ Chemical component (substances)
○ Material assignment
○ Purpose assignment
○ Supplier material assignment
2. Migrate packaged products related to the raw materials using the migration template:
○ Chemical compliance view
○ Material assignment
○ Bulk assignment
In Scope
Out of Scope
1. Attachments
Supported Features
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
2 Chemical composition
3 Chemical component
2 Application
2 Material assignment
2 Market coverage
2 Market request
2 Bulk assignment
2 Purpose assignment
1. Migrate bulk product using the following data from the migration template:
○ Chemical compliance view
○ Chemical composition
○ Chemical component (substances or raw materials)
○ Application
○ Material assignment
○ Purpose assignment
○ Market request
○ Market coverage
2. Migrate packaged products related to product using the migration template:
○ Chemical compliance view
○ Material assignment
○ Bulk assignment
○ Market coverage
In Scope
1. L-Stock item
2. N-Non-stock item
3. T-Text item
1. Sub-items
2. Document assignment
3. Long text
1. R-Variable-size item
2. K-Class item
Supported Features
● BOM Header
● BOM Item
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
2 BOM Items
A maintenance task list is the generic term for all task lists
that are used in plant maintenance.
In Scope
Business objects that reference this object must be created within a validity period that matches this object.
If a successor object is created with a validity period starting before this object, this will normally cause an error
message during the creation or migration of the successor object.
You therefore have to check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This will avoid
later error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
Mapping Instructions
Internal/External number range assignment for Group Counter, with control parameter CTR_TLIST_E_NUM –
you have to decide if it is internal or external during each data load.
Level Name
2 Operations (mandatory)
3 Production resource/tools
3 Material components
3 Maintenance packages
1.28 PM - Equipment
In Scope
Starting with SAP S/4HANA release 1809, alternative labeling is supported for the Functional Location field in
the equipment structure.
Business objects that reference this object must be created within a validity period that matches this object.
If a successor object is created with a validity period starting before this object, this will normally cause an error
message during the creation or migration of the successor object.
You therefore have to check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This will avoid
later error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
In Scope
● Exchange Rates
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
With this migration object, you perform a legacy data transfer for fixed assets.
Business Object Type Master data and transactional data (asset values)
Business Object Definition A fixed asset is an object, a right, or another item owned by
the enterprise that is intended for long-term use, and can be
identified individually in the balance sheet.
In Scope
Supported Features
● Master Details
● Posting Information
● Time-Dependent Data
● Allocations
● Origin
● Acct Assignment for Investment
● Net Worth Valuation
● Real Estate and Similar Rights
● Leasing
● Depreciation Areas
● Investment Support Key
● Cumulative Values
● Posted Values
● Transactions
● Proportional Values on Transactions
● CountrySpecific
● CountrySpecific - Time-dependent
● You can transfer the asset master records for legacy assets.
The legacy asset number is migrated to the Original Asset field on the Origin tab page.
● You can transfer balances and transactions that have already been posted:
○ With transfers at the end of a fiscal year, the following applies:
The accumulated acquisition cost (APC) and the accumulated depreciation values are transferred.
○ With transfers during the year, the following applies:
The accumulated APC and the accumulated depreciation values are transferred. In addition to this,
you also transfer the transactions starting from the beginning of the fiscal year up to the time of the
transfer date. By default, you also transfer the posted depreciation of the year of transfer up to the
time of the transfer date. But you have the option not to transfer the posted depreciation in the year of
transfer. In this case, you first perform the legacy data transfer (without depreciation values in the year
of transfer), and then you calculate and post the depreciation in the system. In this case, you select the
corresponding checkbox in the Make Company Code Settings app.
When using the SAP S/4HANA Migration Cockpit, asset balances are updated automatically. No special
transfer for asset reconciliation accounts in G/L is needed.
The transfer of assets under construction (AUC) is not supported. Data for AUC and WBS must be transferred
manually in a consistent manner, and the information must be linked afterwards.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
2 Inventory
2 Time-Dependent Data
2 Allocations
2 Origin
2 Leasing
2 Depreciation Areas
2 Cumulative Values
2 Posted Values
2 Transactions
2 CountrySpecific
2 CountrySpecific - Time-dependent
● You have made the Customizing settings for the relevant depreciation areas. These settings determine
which data is accepted from the upload file. The upload is only successful if the values are compatible with
the depreciation area settings.
Here are some examples:
○ Per default, acquisition values must be positive, whereas depreciation values must be negative.
○ Acquisition values should be greater than the depreciation values (considering the absolute values).
It would be incorrect to enter an acquisition value of 3,000 with a depreciation value of -10,000.
○ Only for real depreciation areas do you need to specify transfer values in accordance with the settings
of the depreciation areas. You do not specify values for derived depreciation areas.
If a depreciation is defined to take over acquisition values from other depreciation areas (for example,
areas 15, 31, and 33 take over values from areas 01 and 32), and you enter values in the upload file
anyway, the system will ignore these values.
In the XML template, make sure that you enter your historical foreign currency values consistently
in the Cumulated Values and Posted Values worksheets.
● Make sure that all your asset classes are assigned to the correct number range interval before you start
migrating the fixed assets into your system.
● The offsetting account for the legacy data transfer (asset balance sheet account) must be defined in
Customizing for Asset Accounting under Define Offsetting Account for Legacy Data Transfer.
● You have created a legacy data transfer segment and for it you have specified the transfer date, the
document type and the legacy data transfer status in Customizing for Asset Accounting under Asset
Data Transfer Parameters for Data Transfer Define Transfer Date and Additional Parameters .
● If you want to perform a transfer during the year, you must enter the Last Period Posted
(FAA_DEPR_PERIOD) field on the Posted Values sheet.
You must specify the last posted depreciation period (from the legacy system) for each asset. The system
requires this information to determine the first period for the depreciation that should be posted in the SAP
Required Activities
We recommend that you perform a pretest in the test system: First, test system settings by performing a
manual legacy data transfer.
After this, you prepare the Microsoft Excel template and fill it with sample assets only (for example, one asset
per asset class). After the test, you should ideally clear the data from the test system:
● For asset master data, you can set a deactivation date to prevent the assets from receiving postings in the
● You reverse the transfer postings.
● You check if the system contains any values for assets.
The productive system must not contain data before the data transfer.
In order to ensure that the legacy data transfer was carried out completely, you reconcile the data in the SAP
system with the data in your legacy system. You must reconcile the legacy data transfer and the corresponding
lists for documentation purposes before you release the SAP system for running operations in Asset
Accounting. This is because you may no longer be able to generate the corresponding lists later with only the
values from the legacy data transfer.
Product Assistance
For more information, see the SAP Help Portal. Choose the your SAP S/4HANA system, and navigate to
Asset Accounting Legacy Data Transfer .
Further Links
● Fixed asset (incl. balances and transactions): Available Fields per Asset Class
● SAP Note 2427888 – Balance carryforward is required during legacy data transfer to AA in the first fiscal
● SAP Note 2208321 – FAQ for legacy data transfer in SAP_FIN 720 and subsequent releases
A maintenance task list is the generic term for all task lists
that are used in plant maintenance.
In Scope
Business objects that reference this object must be created within the correct validity period for this object.
If a successor object is created with a validity period that starts before the validity period of this object, it will
normally cause an error message during the creation or migration of the successor object.
You therefore have to check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This will avoid
subsequent error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
Mapping Instructions
Internal/External number range assignment for Group Counter with control parameter CTR_TLIST_T_NUM –
you have to decide if it is internal or external during each data load.
Level Name
2 Operations (mandatory)
3 Production resource/tools
3 Material components
3 Maintenance packages
In Scope
1. L-Stock item
2. N-Non-stock item
3. T-Text item
Out of Scope
1. Sub-items
2. Document assignment
3. Long Text
1. R-Variable-size item
2. K-Class item
Supported Features
● BOM Header
● BOM Item
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
2 BOM item
Business Object Definition An organizational unit in logistics that structures the mainte
nance objects of a company according to functional, proc
ess-oriented, or spatial criteria.
In Scope
Business objects that reference this object must be created within the correct validity period for this object.
If a successor object is created with a validity period that starts before the validity period of this object, it will
normally cause an error message during the creation or migration of the successor object.
You therefore have to check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This will avoid
subsequent error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
You can enter an alternative if necessary, although you should ensure that the structure is kept the same,
otherwise the transfer of data within the functional location structure will be prevented.
In SAP S/4HANA, if the Labeling System for Functional Locations is used, the object will only support installing
superior functional location automatically, so please make sure the Superior Functional Location field is empty
in this case.
A maintenance task list is the generic term for all task lists
that are used in plant maintenance.
In Scope
Supported Features
Business objects that reference this object must be created within the correct validity period for this object.
If a successor object is created with a validity period that starts before the validity period of this object, it will
normally cause an error message during the creation or migration of the successor object.
You therefore have to check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This will avoid
subsequent error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
Mapping Instructions
● The Group and Group Counter must be provided in source file, and joint with task list type to distinguish
different type of task list. For the scenario of one Group with several Group Counters, they must be grouped
logically in the source file.
Level Name
2 Operations (mandatory)
3 Production resource/tools
3 Material components
3 Maintenance packages
This migration object is replaced by a newer one. Please use the new G/L account [page 114] migration
object instead.
Business Object Definition G/L account master records contain the data that is always
needed by the General Ledger to determine the account's
function. The G/L account master records control the post
ing of accounting transactions to G/L accounts and the
processing of the posting data.
In Scope
Out of Scope
Supported Features
Level Name
2 GL account names
2 GL account keywords
Business Object Definition G/L account master records contain the data that is always
needed by the General Ledger to determine the account's
function. The G/L account master records control the post
ing of accounting transactions to G/L accounts and the
processing of the posting data.
In Scope
Out of Scope
Supported Features
Level Name
2 GL account names
2 GL account keywords
Business Object Definition G/L account balance: The balance of a G/L account is the
amount resulting from the difference between the debit and
credit balances of the account. There are two types of bal
In Scope
Out of Scope
● Header
● G/L Account Item
● Currency Item
Before starting with the initial data transfer, you must define an overall migration key date for each company
code. This migration key date will be used for all migration objects which are posting into financial accounting,
except for the Fixed asset (incl. balances and transactions) [page 98] object.
Use the FINS_MIG_CTRL_1 transaction (Define Settings for Legacy Data Transfer) to maintain these settings:
● Set the Migration Key Date for each required company code
● Set the Legacy Data Transfer Status:
○ In Preparation: migration key date is still unclear (Migration of transactional data is not possible)
○ Ongoing: required for the initial data transfer (Migration of transactional data is possible)
○ Completed: after successful finish of the initial data transfer (Migration of transactional data is not
Please in keep in mind that no documents will be migrated. Only balances and open items will be taken over.
Clear as many of the open items payable, receivables, taxes and outgoing checks as possible from the
accounts in the source system. By reducing these open items, you will reduce the amount of variables,
resulting in a lower possibility of error as well as reducing the amount of reconciliation needed to verify the data
Normally, no items or balances from the tax accounts need to be migrated because they are usually balance
zero (for normal VATs) when the migration takes place. We assume that the tax transfer has already been done
and therefore no tax has to be migrated. Exception: Deferred taxes can be migrated with the migration
activities for Open items payable and Open items receivable.
Mapping Instructions
● Enter only one line per document post into the migration file. The offsetting entry will be automatically
generated for the offsetting G/L account.
● The combination of key fields Company Code + Ledger Group + Reference Document Number + Line Item
Number + G/L Account are used for duplicate check. Data records with this combination should be unique
in the migration template. Otherwise, the migration tool will display a duplicate error message. The Line
Item Number will just be used as an additional key field and will not be migrated.
● Please be aware you must fill and save value amounts in the migration file in number and not in string
format. Check the settings for a delimiter.
● For migration, the posting keys will be controlled by the sign in the amount fields. The sign for negative
values should be set at the beginning:
○ A negative value will use posting key 50 (Credit entry) for G/L Account and 40 (Debit entry) for
Offsetting G/L Account
○ A positive value will use posting key 40 (Debit entry) for G/L Account and 50 (Credit entry) for
Offsetting G/L Account
● The initial offsetting (transfer booking) accounts to be used in the Open items and Open balances
migration objects are described in the BH5 test script :
○ 39914000 (Initial FI-AR offset)
○ 39915000 (Initial FI-AP offset)
○ 39916000 (Initial other GL offset)
○ 39917000 (Initial other Open Item GL offset)
Provide all relevant currencies and related amounts via the template. In doing this, the provided values will be
adopted from the template regardless of existing exchange rates in the system.
Keep the second local/group currency field and related amount empty in the template. In this case, the amount
will be automatically calculated by valid exchange rates in the system.
The exchange rate will be determined using the provided document or posting date. Which date will be used is
defined in the customizing for each company code (in SPRO via Change Foreign Currency Translation).
Two approaches for CO account assignment for an account that is relevant to cost
Define in customizing the automatic CO assignment on accounts via tcode OKB9 (Default account assignment).
Please note, if this required CO object is not provided via the template, the default CO assignment will be used
automatically for migration.
Level Name
Business Object Definition Historical G/L account balance: The balance of a G/L ac
count is the amount resulting from the difference between
the debit and credit balances of the account.
This object loads the historical balance for general ledger ac
counts without any complex plausibility checks into the uni
versal journal. The reversal document will be created auto
matically. The migrated historical balances are intended as
an approach for reporting. It is not possible to view the mi
grated documents themselves.
In Scope
Out of Scope
Before starting with the initial data transfer, you must define an overall migration key date for each company
code. This migration key date will be used for all migration objects which are posting into financial accounting,
except for the Fixed asset (incl. balances and transactions) [page 98] object.
Use the FINS_MIG_CTRL_1 transaction (Define Settings for Legacy Data Transfer) to maintain these settings:
● Set the Migration Key Date for each required company code
● Set the Legacy Data Transfer Status:
○ In Preparation: migration key date is still unclear (Migration of transactional data is not possible)
○ Ongoing: required for the initial data transfer (Migration of transactional data is possible)
○ Completed: after successful finish of the initial data transfer (Migration of transactional data is not
Mapping Instructions
● Choose the required migration strategy in Migration Cockpit via the Upload Style parameter:
○ Balance Carry Forward (BCF): Post the accumulated balance at the end of each period and reverse the
balance of the previous period.
○ Next Period Reverse (NPR): Post the initial cumulative balance in the first period and the subsequent
movements at the end of each following period. The cumulative balance will be increased or reduced
by the amount of the subsequent movements and will be automatically reversed in the period of the
migration key date which is predefined via the Define Settings for Legacy Data Transfer app.
● Enter only one line per document post for each period into the migration file. The offsetting entry will be
generated automatically to ensure the balance is zero.
● Please be aware you must fill and save value amounts in the migration file in number and not in string
format. Check the settings for a delimiter.
● For migration, the debit/credit indicator will be controlled by the sign in the amount fields. The sign for
negative values should be set at the beginning:
○ A positive value will post a debit entry (S)
○ A negative value will post a credit entry (H)
● Fiscal year and period must be before the migration key date. Postings after this key date are not allowed.
Level Name
1 Item (mandatory)
In Scope
Supported Features
Level Name
Business Object Definition Description of the quality inspection process for materials in
a plant
In Scope
Supported Features
Business objects that reference this object must be created within the correct validity period for this object.
If a successor object is created with a validity period that starts before the validity period of this object, it will
normally cause an error message during the creation or migration of the successor object.
You therefore have to check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This will avoid
subsequent error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
Mapping Instructions
2 - Valuation
Level Name
2 Operations (mandatory)
3 Inspection Characteristics
Business Object Definition Within this migration object you can assign inspection setup
data to a material.
In Scope
Supported Features
Mapping Instructions
● During migration, you can choose via control parameter whether the inspection setup data should be taken
from the source file or if it should be taken from the default which is defined in the system.
Level Name
All the internal order types Y020- Y600 use internal number
In Scope
Supported Features
● Master Data
● Settlement Rules
Level Name
In Scope
For special stock indicators ‘O’ and ‘V’, the stock can only be posted in Unrestricted use stock.
For Vendor consignment stock, please provide special stock indicator ‘K’ and the vendor.
For Customer consignment stock, please provide special stock indicator ‘W’and the customer.
For Returnable packaging stock, please provide special stock indicator ‘V’ and the customer.
For Parts provided to vendor stock, please provide special stock indicator ‘O’ and the vendor.
For Orders on hand, please provide special stock indicator ‘E’ and the sales order with the corresponding
For Project stock, please provide special stock indicator ‘Q’ and the WBS element
For Materials which are serial managed, please provide for each serial number one item with quantity 1.
For Materials which are batch managed, please provide the corresponding batch. If the batch doesn't exist
the system will create it within the goods movement posting.
Supported Features
Before starting with the initial data transfer, you must define an overall migration key date for each company
code. This migration key date will be used for all migration objects which are posting into financial accounting,
except for the Fixed asset (incl. balances and transactions) [page 98] object.
Use the FINS_MIG_CTRL_1 transaction (Define Settings for Legacy Data Transfer) to maintain these settings:
● Set the Migration Key Date for each required company code
● Set the Legacy Data Transfer Status:
○ In Preparation: migration key date is still unclear (Migration of transactional data is not possible)
○ Ongoing: required for the initial data transfer (Migration of transactional data is possible)
○ Completed: after successful finish of the initial data transfer (Migration of transactional data is not
● Material [page 162]: It is not possible to enter the external value for the stock posting during migration.
The system will calculate the value with the material prices defined in the material master in the
accounting data. Please ensure that the price data provided in the material master is accurate.
● Batch (if Batch is unique at material level) [page 25] (otherwise the system will create the batch
automatically during stock posting).
In the case of single batch valuation you have to migrate the batches with a valid valuation category
assigned before you can post inventory. In this case we do not allow automatic creation of the batch
and the valuation category during inventory posting.
● Supplier [page 238]/Customer [page 75] (only relevant for special stock: K – vendor consignment , V –
Returnable packaging with customer, and O - Parts provided to vendor)
● WBS element (only relevant for special stock Q - Project stock)
● Purchasing info record with conditions [page 202] with info category Consignment (only relevant for
vendor consignment stock)
Mapping Instructions
General Information
You can use the Technical Item Number field on the Material Document Item sheet itself to determine the
numbers of items posted according to the unique identifier entered on the Material Document Header sheet.
SAP recommends that you structure the document with a maximum of 1000 records per document.
The Technical Item Number field on the Material Document Item sheet and the Technical Document Number
on the Material Document Header sheet are not mapped to a target field.
Mapping of the Batch Number field on the Material Document Item sheet
You want to post stock for a material that is defined by its valuation category as a material valuated in single
batches. In this case you have to provide a valid batch. The valuation category must be assigned in the batch
Mapping of the External Amount in Local Currency field on the Material Document Item sheet
The valuation of the stocks to be entered depends on two factors:
● The price and type of price control defined in the accounting data of the material master record
● Whether or not you provide a value for the quantity entered:
For a material valuated at a standard price, the initial entry of inventory data is valuated on the basis of the
standard price. If you provide an alternative value in the External Amount in Local Currency field, the
system posts the difference to a price difference account.
For a material valuated at moving average price, the initial entry of inventory data is valuated as follows:
○ If you enter a value when entering initial data, the quantity entered is valuated at this price. If the
quotient of the value and the quantity of the initial data differs from the moving average price, the
moving average price changes when initial data is entered.
Level Name
Transaction MB51 with Goods Movement Type 561 Material Doc. List
Business Object Definition An organizational unit within a controlling area that repre
sents a defined location of cost incurrence.
In Scope
Supported Features
● Basic Data
● Control
● Templates
● Address
● Communication
Business objects that reference this object must be created within the correct validity period for this object.
If a successor object is created with a validity period that starts before the validity period of this object, it will
normally cause an error message during the creation or migration of the successor object.
You therefore have to check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This will avoid
later error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
Level Name
If Vertex determines more than one tax jurisdiction code for a record, the migration of this record will fail. If this
happens, you have to provide a more detailed/accurate address, for example, US Postal codes with 9 digits
instead of 5 digits.
The more detailed and accurate an address, the better the tax jurisdiction code will be determined by Vertex.
For some addresses, Vertex will always provide more than one tax jurisdiction code. In this case, you will have to
maintain this record manually or provide a correct tax jurisdiction code within the template.
If there is a field available in the migration object template to provide the correct tax jurisdiction within the
record, then fill this field with the correct code and start the transfer again with this new file.
Hierarchy area
Cost center groups entered in the KHINR/Hierarchy area field must be assigned to the standard hierarchy. If
this is not the case, you will get the error message Cost Center Group cannot be used.
Business Object Definition Business object that is used to manage the lifecycle of legal
content as part of a business transaction or a business sce
In Scope
1. Header Data
2. Entity Data
3. Internal Contact Data
4. External Contact Data
5. Linked Objects Data
6. Renewal and Termination Data
7. Relationship Data
8. Date Data
9. Categories Data
Out of Scope
Supported Features
● Header
● Entity
● Internal Contact
● External Contact
● Linked Objects
● Renewal and Termination
● Relationship
● Date
● Categories
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
1 Header (mandatory)
2 Entity
2 Internal Contact
2 External Contact
2 Linked Objects
2 Relationship
2 Date
2 Categories
The more detailed and accurate an address, the better the tax jurisdiction code will be determined by Vertex.
For some addresses, Vertex will always provide more than one tax jurisdiction code. In this case you will have to
maintain this record manually.
If there is a field available in the Migration object template to provide the correct tax jurisdiction within the
record, then fill this field with the correct code and start the transfer again with this new file.
Find more information about SAP Fiori apps in the SAP Fiori apps reference library. This information covers
required business roles and includes links to the respective app documentation.
Further Information
For information regarding the used API see SAP Note 1348099 .
Business Object Definition A unit in a controlling area that classifies the activities per
formed in a cost center.
In Scope
Supported Features
● Basic Data
● Indicator
● Output
If you set the TESTRUN flag, the migration will be simulated but no data will be posted to the system.
Level Name
Business Object Definition A description of the maintenance and inspection tasks re
quired at regular intervals for maintenance objects.
Out of Scope
Supported Features
● Maintenance Item
Mapping Instructions
The Maintenance Item Number will be generated by the system during creation. The Maintenance Item Number
will not be stored. It is only necessary for technical reasons. Every record must have a unique key.
Level Name
In Scope
Out of Scope
1. Multi-Counter plans
2. Cycle information for strategy plans:
This is taken from the Maintenance Strategy object
3. Data transfer for settlement rule of maintenance plan item
4. Data transfer for object list item of maintenance plan item
5. Data transfer for individual accounting and location data:
This taken from the Reference object, where this exists
Supported Features
● Maintenance Plan
● Maintenance Item
Mapping Instructions
● During migration you can choose between internal and external number assignment for the maintenance
plan. The Maintenance Item Number will be generated by the system during creation.
● The difference between a single cycle plan and a strategy plan is made via the STRATfield (blank or filled).
Level Name
A prerequisite for this object (previously named Material commodity code) to be visible is that either the
Intrastat Processing (BDT) or the SAP Global Trade Services Integration - Primary Master Data (1WA) scope
item is activated. Refer to the Set-up instructions on SAP Best Practices Explorer for BDT and/or 1WA
to activate the respective scope item.
Business Object Definition You can classify products by commodity code, an official key
as defined in the European Communities' harmonized sys
tem for describing and coding commodities. Commodity co
des are used in the Intrastat declaration and are relevant to
EU foreign trade statistics.
In Scope
● To migrate material consumptions please use the new Product consumption [page 193] migration
Business Object Definition A quantity usually updated by the system when a material is
withdrawn from the warehouse or stores, indicating how
much of the material has been used or consumed over a par
ticular past period.
In Scope
Supported Features
● Forecast Values
Mapping Instructions
You can migrate several org. levels for a specific material with one migration template of a specific project.
Choose Forecast view Consumption values Forecast values . Consumption values can also be accessed
via Go To Additional Data Consumption .
With this migration object you can extend existing material by new org levels (for example plant, sales org,
or storage location) once per migration project.
A material view, such as Accounting or Costing, contains fields of different org levels (for example basic,
plant, or accounting data). It is therefore not recommended to enhance a material by a different material
The valuation data is a prerequisite for loading the stocks with the Material inventory balance [page
131] migration object, as the system will calculate the values of the stock posting with the price data
provided in the material master.
6. Sales data
7. Descriptions data
8. Units of Measure data
In this view you can maintain Alternative Units of Measure
9. Tax Classifications
In this view you can maintain the tax data (from Sales Org Data 1) and the tax indicator for material
For tax data (Sales) please provide the country, the tax category and the tax classification. If you have more
than one tax category for a country, please use the Tax category 2/Tax classification 2 fields and further on,
use the Tax classification sheet to provide the additional tax data.
For the tax indicator for material (Purchasing), please enter the value in the Tax indicator for material field
on the Tax classification sheet for the country relating to your plant.
10. Warehouse Number data
11. Storage Type data
12. Production Resource Tool (PRT) Fields in the Material Master
13. Data Transfer for Forecast Values
Out of Scope
Supported Features
● Basic Data
● Plant Data
● Storage Location Data
● Accounting Data
● Sales Data
● Description Data
● Unit of Measure Data
● Tax Classification Data
● Warehouse Number Data
● Storage Type Data
● Production Resource Tool (PRT)
● Forecast Parameters
Mapping Instructions
Basic Data
On the Basic Data sheet we only offer fields which might become relevant when you migrate a new
organizational unit. This can be the case, for example when you migrate a new plant including purchasing
relevant data (like purchasing group). Then the Order Unit field on the Basic Data sheet might also become
relevant to provide a value.
Please consider: You can't transfer a value in one of the fields provided on the Basic Data sheet which has
already a value in the related material master. It's not allowed to change already existing values in the related
material master: Therefore you can use the Manage Mass Maintenance – Products app. For further information,
refer to the online documentation of the Manage Mass Maintenance – Products app.
If you want to migrate a new storage location to an already existing plant, please provide only the key fields on
the Plant Data sheet and leave all the other fields blank. It is not allowed to change already existing values for an
existing plant. If you provide other values on the Plant Data sheet, an error message will display.
If you set the material status during the initial load of the materials, you need to consider that, depending on
which status you want to assign, follow-on migration objects can't be posted as the posting may lead to an
error depending on the settings of the status.
Example: In SAP standard delivery, material status 01 is configured in such a way that, during the posting of
inventory, you'll get an error message. Consider that when you assign the status, the use of the material can be
restricted. Depending on the status, the system issues either a warning message or an error message for
follow-on postings. Therefore, we recommend that you consider this field carefully so that you won't run into
follow-on problems during the data migration process. You can easily set the content of these fields after the
initial data migration using the Manage Mass Maintenance – Products app.
The Master Data Specialist for Product Data business role (SAP_BR_PRODMASTER_SPECIALIST) provides you
with several tiles to manage and start the Manage Mass Maintenance – Products app. You can open the app
from the SAP Fiori launchpad. You can import a file with changed data (supported formats are Comma-
Separated Values (CSV) and Microsoft Office Open XML spreadsheet (XLSX). You have to provide the following
For further information, refer to the online documentation of the Manage Mass Maintenance – Products app.
Single Batch Valuation enables you to valuate stocks of material for each batch in a different way. You can use it
if you want to keep the price and value of each individual batch in inventory management on a value basis.
To work with valuation for a single batch, you must choose valuation category X - for Automat. Batch. Please
provide this on the Accounting Data sheet in the Valuation Category field.
You need to manage the material itself in batches. Therefore you have to provide the Batch management
requirement indicator on the Basic Data sheet.
If you use the single batch valuation for your material, you have to enter the valuation records as follows:
You have to define a valuation header record with specified valuation category X, an initial valuation type and a
dependent record for each valuation type (one valuation type for each batch) with its own price information.
For the valuation header record only price control 'V' - moving average price is possible. For the dependent
records for each valuation type, you can choose between moving average price or standard price.
Split Valuation
Split valuation enables you to valuate stocks of material in the same valuation area in different ways. If you use
the split valuation for your material, you have to enter the valuation records as follows:
You have to define a valuation header record with a specified valuation category and initial valuation type and
also a dependent record for each valuation type.
For example:
Level Name
2 Plant Data
3 Forecast Parameters
2 Accounting Data
2 Sales Data
2 Material Descriptions
2 Tax Classification
Just like the organizational-dependent data, the material master data is also organized via so-called views
(Purchasing, Accounting view, and so on). These views are represented as tabs in your SAP Fiori app and as
material master transactions (MM01, MM02, MM03) in the on premise system. You can assign fields to
multiple views. The Purchasing Group field, for example, is assigned to the Purchasing and to the MRP views.
Each view may have different mandatory fields to maintain. A view is assigned a specific letter. For example, the
letter D is assigned to the MRP whereas the letter E is assigned to the Purchasing view. There are two different
1. The maintenance status will automatically be detected by the system for the fields used. In our example,
the Purchasing Group is available for the Purchasing view E and the MRP view D. The maintenance status
will therefore be DE for this field. This procedure will be followed for all mapped fields, after which a
combined maintenance status for all fields will be available, for example: BELV.
2. You, yourself define the views to be created via the Maintenance Status Settings worksheet/tab of your
migration object template. Here, you define a name for your view definition in the Material Views field, for
example, PLANT_HAWA to define the maintenance status for the plantspecific data for materials of that
type, which will be extended. For each view that you want to create, you must enter an x in the specific
Material Views column of that worksheet/tab, for example: PLANT_HAWA
○ Sales Data = X
○ Purchasing Data = X
○ MRP Data = X
○ Storage Data =X
○ Accounting Data = X
You fill out the Material Views field on the Plant Data worksheet/tab with PLANT_HAWA for all trading goods
materials of type HAWA, which you want to extend. You always have to provide values for both fields. As a
result, only the selected views are created for these materials.
If you maintain the status using method 2, only the selected views will be created.
For example: You maintain the status for Sales Data (V) but not for Accounting Data (B). You maintain
values for fields on the Accounting Data worksheet/tab. As a result, the status for the Accounting view will
not be set.
Additional examples:
● If you want to create a material with a specific Purchasing Group, the system will determine the
Purchasing view and the MRP view to be filled. However, you do not want to maintain the fields in the
MRP view.
Solution: In this case, you also have to provide values for some mandatory fields like Availability Check
and MRP Type in the MRP view. To avoid this, choose method 2 and select only the Purchasing view as a
view to be created.
● You want to automatically have the Storage Location view created for a material and its storage location
by migrating its inventory stock.
Solution: You need to explicitly set the maintenance status for the Storage Location (L) on the Plant
Data level (also refer to SAP Note 62913 ).
Follow-On Activities
You can use the Material - extend existing record with long text [page 158] migration object to migrate
material-related long texts
You can use the Material - Forecast planning [page 148] migration object to migrate material consumptions and
forecast values (only supported for on premise).
Business Object Definition You can use this migration object to classify products for le
gal control. This includes the assignment of control classes
and control groupings as well as the setting of the control
In Scope
It is not possible to maintain the validity start and validity end of the product classification. The validity is
derived from the control class.
Supported Features
● Legal Regulation
● Control Classes (if used in the template)
● Control Groupings (if used in the template)
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
Find more information about SAP Fiori apps in the SAP Fiori apps reference library. This information covers
required business roles and includes links to the respective app documentation.
Further Information
International Trade
Business Object Definition You can create different long texts for a material. The key for
long texts is built with text object, text name, text ID and lan
guage key. The text object and text name are provided by the
migration object itself. The text ID defines the various types
of texts relating to a text object. The following table defines
which combinations are permitted for material long texts.
In Scope
Supported Features
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
1 Material (mandatory)
In Scope
Supported Features
● General Data
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
Please refer to the field tooltips of the template file for further information.
1.55 Material
In Scope
The valuation data is a prerequisite for loading the stocks with the Material inventory balance [page
131] migration object as the system will calculate the values of the stock posting with the price data
provided in the material master.
In the case of Single Batch Valuation, please follow the mapping instructions provided.
7. Sales Data
8. Description Data
In this view, you can maintain additional descriptions (for languages other than those provided on the Basic
Data sheet).
9. Units of Measure Data
In this view, you can enter Alternative Units of Measure (provide only the Base Unit of Measure on the Basic
Data sheet).
10. Tax Classifications
In this view, you can maintain the Tax data (from Sales Org Data 1) and the Tax indicator for material
For Tax Data (Sales), provide the country, the tax category and the tax classification. If you have more than
one tax category for a country, use the Tax category 2/Tax classification 2 fields and, further on, the Tax
classification sheet to provide the additional tax data.
For Tax indicator for material (Purchasing), enter the value in the Tax indicator for material field on the Tax
classification sheet for the country relating to your plant.
11. Maintenance Status Settings (maintain the views for your materials).
For more details, see the Maintenance Status Settings section under Mapping Instructions below.
12. Warehouse Number Data
13. Storage Type Data
14. Production Resource Tool (PRT) Fields in the Material Master
15. Data Transfer for Forecast Values
16. Data for Quality Management
17. Additional EANs
Out of Scope
Supported Features
● Basic Data
● Plant Data
● Storage Location Data
● Accounting Data
● Sales Data
● Description Data
● Unit of Measure Data
● Tax Classification Data
● Warehouse Number Data
● Storage Type Data
● Production Resource Tool (PRT)
● Forecast Parameters
Mapping Instructions
● Be aware of the defined length set for the material number in the system. Do not convert a material
number to a new number longer than the defined length set.
● If the Material ID is to be used for integration with external systems, it can be switched on during migration.
In this connection, you must also maintain the Business System ID of your source system (to be used for
integration) in the Convert Values step, to ensure that the key mapping will be added to the central key
mapping store of the SAP S/4HANA system.
If you want to set the indicator material as configurable for materials with other material types assigned (not
KMAT), you have to enter this indicator on the Basic Data sheet in the Material is configurable field.
Starting with SAP S/4HANA Cloud release 1802, you can specify whether batch management at plant level is
active by default or not. You can maintain this setting via the SSCUI. Therefore, open the Manage Your Solution
app, and choose Configure Your Solution. The Specify Batch Management Default by Plant setting allows you to
activate or deactivate batch management by default for specific plants.
If your material is managed in batches, set the Batch management requirement indicator under Multiple View
Data on the Basic Data sheet of the migration template. If you fill out this field, the system will set the Batch
management requirement indicator automatically for all plants defined on the Plant Data sheet for this material.
This is applicable for all plants that are not flagged with the Batch Management not active by default indicator in
the SSCUI .
If you set the material status during initial load of the materials, do consider that, depending on which status
you want to assign, follow-on migration objects can't be posted, as the posting may lead to an error depending
on the settings of the status.
Example: in SAP standard delivery, the material status 01 is configured in such a way that, during posting of
inventory, you will receive an error message. Consider that by assigning this status, the use of the material can
be restricted. Depending on the status, the system issues either a warning message or an error message for
follow-on postings. Therefore, SAP recommends that you consider this field carefully so that you will not run
into follow-on problems during the data migration process. You can easily set the content of these fields after
the initial data migration, using the Manage Mass Maintenance – Products app.
The Master Data Specialist for Product Data business role (SAP_BR_PRODMASTER_SPECIALIST) provides you
with several tiles to manage and start the Manage Mass Maintenance – Products app. The app can be launched
from the SAP Fiori launchpad. You can import a file with changed data (supported formats are Comma-
Separated Values (CSV) and Office Open XML spreadsheet (XLSX). You have to provide the following details:
For further information, refer to the online documentation of the Manage Mass Maintenance – Products
Single Batch Valuation enables you to valuate stocks of material for each batch in a different way. You can use it
if you want to keep the price and value of each individual batch in inventory management on a value basis.
To work with valuation for a single batch, you must choose valuation category X - for Automat. Batch. Provide
this on the Accounting Data sheet in the Valuation Category field.
The material itself needs to be managed in batches, therefore you have to provide the Batch management
requirement indicator on the Basic Data sheet.
● You have to define a valuation header record with specified valuation category X, and an initial valuation
type and a dependent record for each valuation type (one valuation type for each batch) with the
respective price information.
For example:
For the valuation header record, only price control V - moving average price is possible. For the dependent
records for each valuation type, you can choose between moving average price or standard price.
Split Valuation
Split valuation enables you to valuate stocks of material in the same valuation area, in different ways. If you use
the split valuation for your material, you have to enter the valuation records as outlined below.
Define a valuation header record with a specified valuation category and an initial valuation type as well as a
dependent record for each valuation type.
For example:
Level Name
2 Plant Data
3 Forecast Parameters
2 Accounting Data
2 Sales Data
2 Material Descriptions
2 Additional EANs
2 Tax Classification
● Basic Data
● Plant Data
You always have to provide the material maintenance status, we do not support an automatic maintenance
status determination.
There are two different procedures to define the maintenance status that should be available for a specific
1. You, yourself, define the views to be created via the Maintenance Status Settings worksheet/tab of your
migration object template.
○ Here, you define a name for your view definition in the Material Views field. For example:
○ BASIC_HAWA to define the overall maintenance status for material of the type trading goods
(Handelsware, HAWA) and
○ PLANT1_HAWA to define the maintenance status for the plantspecific data for materials of that
type (for plant PLANT1).
○ PLANT2_HAWA to define the maintenance status for the plantspecific data for materials of that
type (for plant PLANT2).
○ For each view you want to create, you must enter an X in the specific Material Views column of that
○ For example: BASIC_HAWA
○ Basic Data = X
○ Sales Data = X
○ Purchasing Data = X
○ MRP Data = X
○ Storage Data = X
○ Accounting Data = X
○ For example: PLANT1_HAWA
○ Sales Data = X
More details on the maintenance status can be found in SAP Note 2145027 .
If you maintain the status using method 1 or 2, only the selected views will be created.
For example: You maintain the status for Basic Data (K) and Sales Data (V), but not for Accounting Data (B).
You maintain values for fields on the Accounting Data worksheet/tab. As a result, the status for the
Accounting view will not be set.
Additional examples:
● If you want to create a material with a specific Purchasing Group, the system will determine the Purchasing
view and the MRP view to be filled. However, you do not want to maintain the fields in the MRP view.
Follow-On Activities
You can use the Material - extend existing record with long text [page 158] migration object to migrate material
related long texts.
You can use the Material - Forecast planning [page 148] migration object to migrate material consumptions and
forecast values (only supported for on-premise solution).
You can use the Product classification - Commodity code [page 147] migration object to migrate product
classification with commodity code.
Business Object Definition During migration of material master, the system will create
the accounting data (prices and values) for the company
code currency. For other deviant currencies (for example,
group currency) the system converts the currency using the
current exchange rate defined in the system. If this is not the
original price, you can use this migration object to change
the price for the other deviant currencies.
The system will post a price change document and, if
stock of the material exists, a revaluation posting will be
In Scope
Out of Scope
Supported Features
● Material
● Valuation Area
● Valuation Type
● Price Data
● Prices
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
Business Object Definition Memo Record is used by cash manager to log the expected
outgoing and incoming payments that are not logged into
the SAP system via various postings.
In Scope
Supported Features
If the source symbol for planning level is BNK (Bank Accounting) for example if planning level is AB, then in that
case Bank account should be existing in the system before creating memo record.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
This migration object may only be used for migration in the context of SAP Best Practices.
Business Object Definition The term pricing is used broadly to describe the calculation
of prices (for external use by customers or vendors). Condi
tions represent a set of circumstances that apply when a
price is calculated.
In Scope
Out of Scope
1. Sales conditions (see migration object Condition record for pricing in sales [page 219])
Supported Features
● This object is strictly restricted to the key field combinations mentioned in 2332748 ( SAP S/4HANA
Supported combinations of key fields for price conditions).
● For other key combinations you must use the Condition record for pricing (general template) [page 55]
migration object.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
2 Scales
For more information on how to fill out the condition keys please refer to SAP Note 2332748 .
In Scope
Supported Features
● General Data
● Characteristic Control Indicators
● Assign Inspection Methods
● Assign Inspection Catalogs
● Long Texts
Business objects that reference this object must be created within the correct validity period for this object.
If a successor object is created with a validity period that starts before the validity period of this object, it will
normally cause an error message during the creation or migration of the successor object.
You therefore have to check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This will avoid
subsequent error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
Level Name
For each master inspection characteristic, there may be several languages here, but for each language, there is
only one text line in the source file.
The object will separate the text line into several lines automatically into the long texts for each language.
Business Object Definition Customer Master enables you to manage Customer Data
and receive Just-In-Time requests from these customers.
In Scope
Supported Features
● Basic Data
● Destinations
● External Status Mapping
● Additional Reference text
Level Name
2 Destinations
● Unique identification
● Name of catalog entry
● External identification
In Scope
Out of Scope
Supported Features
● Catalog Item
● Texts
● Columns
● Institution
● Catalog
● Service Catalog Column Information
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
2 Texts
2 Columns
The External ID field is the ID for this catalog item in your institution. It must be unique in the catalog it belongs
Texts Tab
If a text row is created, the short description field is mandatory, and it should be no more than 120 characters.
If the comment field is longer than 30 characters, a long text will be created.
Business Object Definition Open items are those items that are not yet to be cleared.
In Scope
1. Restricted migration of deferred taxes: only invoice, debit memo, and credit memo are supported
Out of Scope
Supported Features
● Header
● G/L Account Item
● Vendor Item
● One-Time Account Data
● Tax Item
● Withholding Tax Item
● Currency Item
Before starting with the initial data transfer, you must define an overall migration key date for each company
code. This migration key date will be used for all migration objects which are posting into financial accounting,
except for the Fixed asset (incl. balances and transactions) [page 98] object.
Use the FINS_MIG_CTRL_1 transaction (Define Settings for Legacy Data Transfer) to maintain these settings:
● Set the Migration Key Date for each required company code
● Set the Legacy Data Transfer Status:
○ In Preparation: migration key date is still unclear (Migration of transactional data is not possible)
○ Ongoing: required for the initial data transfer (Migration of transactional data is possible)
○ Completed: after successful finish of the initial data transfer (Migration of transactional data is not
Please bear in mind that no documents will be migrated. Only balances and open items will be taken over.
Clear as many of the open items payable, receivables, taxes and outgoing checks as possible from the
accounts in the source system. By reducing these open items, you will reduce the amount of variables resulting
in a lower possibility of error as well as reducing the amount of reconciliation needed to verify the data
From the tax accounts, no items and no balances would normally need to be migrated because they are usually
at balance zero (for normal VATs) when the migration takes place. We assume that the tax transfer has already
been done and, therefore, that no tax has to be migrated. Exception: Deferred taxes can be migrated with the
migration activities for open items payable and open items receivable.
Mapping Instructions
● Enter only one line per document post into the migration file. The offsetting entry will be generated
automatically for the offsetting G/L account.
● The combination of key fields Company Code + Reference Document Number + Line Item Number + Vendor
Number are used for duplicate check. Data records with this combination should be unique in the
migration template. Otherwise, the migration tool will display a duplicate error message. The Line Item
Number will just be used as an additional key field and will not be migrated.
● Please be careful to fill and save value amounts in the migration file in number and not in string format.
Check the settings for a delimiter.
For migration, the posting keys are always derived based on the account type and on the special GL
indicator that is submitted in the line item. Additionally, the posting keys are controlled by the sign in the
amount fields. The sign for negative values should be set at the beginning:
○ A negative value will use posting key 31 (Invoice) for vendor and 40 (Debit entry) for Offsetting G/L
Account (only without special GL indicator).
○ A positive value will use posting key 21 (Credit memo) for vendor and 50 (Credit entry) for Offsetting
G/L Account (only without special GL indicator).
During migration of credit memo line item, the Invoice Reference field will be automatically set by
the BAPI to 'V'. This is hard coded and can not be changed.
● The initial offsetting (transfer booking) accounts to be used in the open items and open balances migration
objects are described in the BH5 test script :
○ 39914000 (Initial FI-AR offset)
○ 39915000 (Initial FI-AP offset)
○ 39916000 (Initial other GL offset)
○ 39917000 (Initial other Open Item GL offset)
For posting of an invoice with deferred taxes, it is necessary to provide a tax account, tax code, tax amount and
a tax base amount via the migration template.
The sign of the tax amounts and tax base amounts must be opposite to the amounts of the vendor item.
If there is at least one deferred tax code in an invoice then full tax information including non-deferred taxes
should be provided in the migration template. This is necessary for a correct proportion calculation.
Provide all relevant currencies and related amounts via the template. In doing this, the provided values will be
adopted from the template regardless of the existing exchange rates in the system.
In the template, keep the second local/group currency field and the related amount empty. In this case, the
amount will be automatically calculated by valid exchange rates in the system.
The exchange rate will be determined using the provided document or posting date. Which date will be used is
defined in the customizing for each company code (in SPRO via "Change Foreign Currency Translation").
If a default payment block is assigned to a payment term, then the open item will be blocked accordingly. This
also happens if the value for payment block is not provided via the template. Use a payment term without a
default payment block to avoid an automatic payment block for the migrated open item.
In order to use this field, the following IMG activity must be predefined: Financial Accounting Accounts
Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Posting with Alternative Reconciliation Account
Define Alternative Reconciliation Accounts .
Level Name
Follow-On Activities
The total balance of all migration clearing accounts, which are used for the offsetting postings, must be zero.
To ensure this, the offsetting amounts for the migration clearing accounts must be balanced with the initial G/L
offsetting account for data migration. This can be done with the FI - G/L account balance and open/line item
[page 116] migration object.
Business Object Definition Open items are items that are not yet to be cleared.
In Scope
Out of Scope
Supported Features
● Header
● G/L Account Item
● Customer Item
● One-Time Account Data
● Tax Item
● Withholding Tax Item
● Currency Item
Before starting with the initial data transfer, you must define an overall migration key date for each company
code. This migration key date will be used for all migration objects which are posting into financial accounting,
except for the Fixed asset (incl. balances and transactions) [page 98] object.
Use the FINS_MIG_CTRL_1 transaction (Define Settings for Legacy Data Transfer) to maintain these settings:
● Set the Migration Key Date for each required company code
● Set the Legacy Data Transfer Status:
○ In Preparation: migration key date is still unclear (Migration of transactional data is not possible)
○ Ongoing: required for the initial data transfer (Migration of transactional data is possible)
○ Completed: after successful finish of the initial data transfer (Migration of transactional data is not
Please in keep in mind that no documents will be migrated. Only balances and open items will be taken over.
Clear as many of the open items payable, receivables, taxes and outgoing checks as possible from the
accounts in the source system. By reducing these open items, you will reduce the amount of variables resulting
in a lower possibility of error as well as reducing the amount of reconciliation needed to verify the data
From the tax accounts, no items and no balances would normally need to be migrated because they are usually
at balance zero (for normal VATs) when the migration takes place. We assume that the tax transfer has already
been done and, therefore, that no tax has to be migrated. Exception: Deferred taxes can be migrated with the
migration activities for open items payable and open items receivable.
Mapping Instructions
● Enter only one line per document post into the migration file. The offsetting entry will be generated
automatically for the offsetting G/L account.
● The combination of key fields Company Code + Reference Document Number + Line Item Number + Vendor
Number are used for duplicate check. Data records with this combination should be unique in the
migration template. Otherwise, the migration tool will display a duplicate error message. The Line Item
Number will just be using as additional key field and will not be migrated.
● Please be careful to fill and save value amounts in the migration file in number and not in string format.
Check the settings for a delimiter.
For migration, the posting keys are always derived based on the account type and on the special GL
indicator that is submitted in the line item. Additionally, the posting keys are controlled by the sign in the
amount fields. The sign for negative values should be set at the beginning:
○ A negative value will use posting key 31 (Invoice) for vendor and 40 (Debit entry) for Offsetting G/L
Account (only without special GL indicator).
○ A positive value will use posting key 21 (Credit memo) for vendor and 50 (Credit entry) for Offsetting
G/L Account (only without special GL indicator).
During migration of credit memo line item, the Invoice Reference field will be set automatically by
the BAPI to 'V'. This is hard coded and can not be changed.
● The initial offsetting (transfer booking) accounts to be used in the open items and open balances migration
objects are described in the BH5 test script :
○ 39914000 (Initial FI-AR offset)
○ 39915000 (Initial FI-AP offset)
○ 39916000 (Initial other GL offset)
○ 39917000 (Initial other Open Item GL offset)
Deferred Tax
For posting of an invoice with deferred taxes it is necessary to providea tax account, tax code, tax amount and a
tax base amount via the migration template.
The sign of the tax amounts and tax base amounts must be opposite to the amounts of the vendor item.
If there is at least one deferred tax code in an invoice, then full tax information including non-deferred taxes
should be provided in the migration template. This is necessary for a correct proportion calculation.
Provide all relevant currencies and related amounts via the template. In doing this, the provided values will be
adopted from the template regardless of existing exchange rates in the system.
In the template, keep the second local/group currency field and the related amount empty. In this case, the
amount will be automatically calculated by valid exchange rates in system.
The exchange rate will be determined using the provided document or posting date. Which date will be used is
defined in the customizing for each company code (in SPRO via "Change Foreign Currency Translation").
If a default payment block is assigned to a payment term, then the open item will be blocked accordingly. This
also happens if the value for payment block is not provided via the template. Use a payment term without a
default payment block to avoid an automatic payment block for the migrated open item.
In order to use this field, the following IMG activity must be predefined: Financial Accounting Accounts
Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Posting with Alternative Reconciliation Account
Define Alternative Reconciliation Accounts .
Level Name
Follow-On Activities
The total balance of all migration clearing accounts, which are used for the offsetting postings, must be zero.
To ensure this, the offsetting amounts for the migration clearing accounts must be balanced with the initial G/L
offsetting account for data migration. This can be done with the FI - G/L account balance and open/line item
[page 116] migration object.
In Scope
Supported Features
● Basic Data
● Indicator
● Address Data
● Communication
● Company Codes
● Profit Center
● Controlling Area
● Valid from Date
● Valid to Date
● Profit Center Text
● Person Responsible
● Profit Center Group
Level Name
The LANGU field shows the language in which text is saved. The Profit Center name and description will be
saved according to the entry in the LANGU field. If the field is not completed, the text will be saved in the user
logon language as the default language. A profit center with a description in a different language is not
If Vertex is activated (especially on US installations) the tax jurisdiction code will be determined by the address.
If Vertex determines more than one tax jurisdiction code for a record, the migration of this record will fail. If this
happens, you have to provide a more detailed/accurate address, for example, US Postal codes with 9 digits
instead of 5 digits.
The more detailed and accurate an address, the better the tax jurisdiction code will be determined by Vertex.
For some addresses, Vertex will always provide more than one tax jurisdiction code. In this case, you will have to
maintain this record manually or provide a correct tax jurisdiction code within the template.
If there is a field available in the migration object template to provide the correct tax jurisdiction within the
record, then fill this field with the correct code and start the transfer again with this new file.
Hierarchy area
Profit center groups entered in the KHINR- Profit center group field must be assigned to the standard hierarchy.
If this is not the case you will get the error message Profit Center Group cannot be used.
You can migrate several org. levels for a specific material with one migration template of a specific project.
If you have already migrated material consumptions (org. level view) and you want to extend those
materials by additional consumptions for a different plant, please create a new project and use a new
Business Object Definition A quantity usually updated by the system when a material is
withdrawn from the warehouse or stores, indicating how
much of the material has been used or consumed over a par
ticular past period.
In Scope
● Material
● Total Consumptions
● Unplanned Consumptions
Business Object Definition Key determining the various production techniques accord
ing to which a material is to be manufactured. You specify,
for example, the following in the production version:
In Scope
Supported Features
● General Data
Business objects that reference this object must be created within the correct validity period for this object.
If a successor object is created with a validity period that starts before the validity period of this object, it will
normally cause an error message during the creation or migration of the successor object.
You therefore have to check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This will avoid
subsequent error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
Level Name
As the internal group number may be created from the object routing, in this condition, the system will map the
related internal number automatically if the external number has been provided in the template. However,
make sure the two objects routing and production version need to be used in the same project.
Further Information
In Discrete Manufacturing, it was not necessary to have a production version for BOM explosion in the SAP ERP
suite. In this case use the CS_BOM_PORDVER_MIGRATION02 report to create a production version based on
existing BOMs and routings in the new system.
In Scope
Supported Features
● Scheduling
● Assignments
● Control
● Text
Level Name
1.68 PS - Project
In Scope
Supported Features
● Basic Data
● Control
● Text
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
Business Object Definition A source of information for the procurement of a certain ma
terial from a certain supplier.
In Scope
1. Extend already existing purchasing info records with new purchasing organization or new purchasing info
record category. The following purchasing info categories are supported:
○ Standard
○ Consignment
○ Subcontracting
○ For purchasing info records to material groups, only the Standard and Consignment purchasing info
categories are supported.
2. General Data (only Legacy Number of purchasing info record, Material Number, Material Group and
Supplier's account number)
Out of Scope
Supported Features
● General Data
● Purchasing Organization Data
● Conditions
● Scales
● Purchasing Organization Text
Level Name
2 Purchasing Organiza
tion Data
3 Conditions
4 Scales
3 Purchasing Organiza
tion Text
Business Object Definition A source of information for the procurement of a certain ma
terial from a certain vendor.
In Scope
1. General Data; only to create info record with material specific or material group
The following Info Categories are supported:
○ Standard
○ Consignment
○ Subcontracting
2. General Text
3. Purchasing Organization Data; when you create an Info Record you can choose the following options:
○ Purchasing info record which is only related to a purchasing organization. That means the price is the
same for all plants.
○ Purchasing info record which is related to a plant. That means the price can be different for each plant.
4. Conditions; the condition type indicates, for example, whether during pricing, the system applies a price, a
discount, a surcharge, or other pricing elements, such as freight costs and sales taxes. For each of these
pricing elements, there is a condition type defined in the system.
5. Scales
6. Purchasing Organization Text
Out of Scope
1. Update Info Record is not supported; if an info record with a certain vendor and with a specific material
exists or with a material group, it is not possible to enhance this record with purchasing organization data.
Supported Features
● General Data
● General Text
● Purchasing Organization Data
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
2 General Text
2 Purchasing Organiza
tion Data
3 Conditions
4 Scales
3 Purchasing Organiza
tion Text
You can only migrate open purchase orders, that is, items which haven't been delivered and invoiced yet.
In Scope
1. Header Data
2. Header Address
3. Header Texts
4. Item Data; the following Item Categories are supported:
○ Standard
○ Third-Party
○ Enhanced Limits
○ Consignment
If your ordered material is not a BOM, provide the relevant entries on the Schedule Line sheet and the
materials to be provided on the Components for Subcontracting sheet.
If your ordered material is a BOM, the system will automatically generate the subcontracting
components. You can also provide the components manually on the Components for subcontracting
9. Item Texts
Out of Scope
Supported Features
● Header Data
● Header Address
● Header Texts
● Item Data
● Item Addresses
● Item Account Assignments
● Item Schedule Lines
Mapping Instructions
● During migration you can choose between internal and external number assignment for the purchasing
document. Item numbers will be migrated 1:1 from the data in the migration template.
● Consider: During migration there is no defaulting of values from existing purchasing info records.
Exceptional case: purchase order items with item category Consignment.
● Net Price: Please provide the price as manual price on item level. Migration of conditions for example -
discounts or surcharges - is not supported!
● The net price will be automatically set to 0, if the invoice receipt indicator hasn't been set.
● In case of Third-Party, please note the following: When you provide a customer number, the delivery
address is taken from the customer master data record. If you do not provide a customer number, you
must enter a delivery address.
● The Legacy Purchasing Document Number is mapped to the Our Reference field. You can find the content of
this field using the Display Purchase Order app under Communication.
Level Name
2 Header Address
2 Header Texts
3 Item Address
3 Account Assignment
3 Schedule Line
3 Item Texts
Business Object Definition Code group: A key for summarizing code and structuring a
catalog according to various criteria. The assignment of
code to code groups takes place at client level.
● 0: Action Reasons
● 1: Characteristic attributes
● 2: Tasks
● 5: Causes
● 8: Activities (QM)
● 9: Defect types
● A: Activities (PM)
● B: Object Parts
● C: Overview of damage
● D: Coding
● E: Defect Locations
● a characteristic attribute
● a defect type
● a usage decision
In Scope
Supported Features
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
Text line in Code group and Code long texts: For each Code group and Code, there may be several languages
here, but for each language, there is only one text line in the source file.
The object will separate the text line into several lines automatically into the long texts for each language.
1.73 Routing
In Scope
● For task list of type Q (Inspection Plan), use the QM - Inspection plan [page 126] migration object.
● For task list of type A (General Maintenance task list), use the PM - General maintenance task list [page
110] migration object.
● For task list of type E (Equipment Task List), use the PM - Equipment task list [page 93] migration
● For task list of type T (Task List for Functional Location), use the PM - Functional location task list [page
104] migration object.
Out of Scope
Task list types other than those mentioned above aren't supported by the data migration content.
Supported Features
Business objects that reference this object must be created within the correct validity period for this object.
You therefore have to check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This will avoid
subsequent error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
● For routing migration, for example, the validity period of costing view in work center must be within the
routing validity period, otherwise this will lead to an issue with the cost simulation run.
● For routing as an example, if the valid-from date on operational level starts earlier than the validity start
date of costing view in work center, this will lead to an issue with missing activity types in routing and no
cost being calculated in the cost simulation run.
Mapping Instructions
The system doesn't support combining internal and external number ranges in one source file.
● The Valid-From Date will be the current date if no value is provided in the source file.
● The Valid-From Date for BOM must be earlier than the Valid-From Date of the Routing. Otherwise, the BOM
can't be expanded and it will return an error.
● The Numerator will be set to 1 if no value is provided in the source file.
● The Denominator will be set to 1 if no value is provided in the source file.
● The BOM Usage and BOM Application are only mandatory for component allocation.
○ The BOM Usage controls the selection of the relevant BOM in the component assignment.
○ The BOM Application, in connection with the BOM Usage, controls the selection of the correct
alternative BOMs.
● BOM Item Category, BOM Component, and BOM Component Description are just provided in the template
to help you allocate the component; this data may be copied from the BOM Data Migration file or from the
target system.
● The Indicator for Relevancy to Costing on Operation Level field is mandatory; with the following options:
○ If you want the Costing Relevancy to be copied from the Control Key on the target system, enter the
value D.
○ If you want the operation to be irrelevant to costing, enter the value N.
○ If you want to enter a value for this field, then the field should be populated with either X, or another
option, as required.
Long Text
If you create a long text in the dialog, then the current logon language will be taken as the long text language.
Level Name
2 Operations (mandatory)
3 Production resources/tools
3 Sub-operations
3 Component assignment
3 Inspection Characteristics
Follow-On Activities
It's mandatory to migrate all routing in the Q system first and run a cost simulation run in your Q system. Then,
verify the results and check for inconsistencies before starting the data migration into the productive system.
After data migration into the productive system, It's mandatory to run the cost simulation and validation steps
in that system as well.
Business Object Definition Sales Order (SD): A customer request to the company for
delivery of goods or services at a certain time. The request is
received by a sales area that is then responsible for fulfilling
the contract.
In Scope
Out of Scope
Supported Features
Mapping Instructions
● The Sold-to Party and Ship-to Party on Header level must be provided in the Partner sheet using 0000 in
the Sales Document Item field.
● The total number of ordered items will be calculated based on the items in the schedule line data.
● During migration, you can choose between internal and external number assignment for the sales
document number and item numbers.
Level Name
1 Header (mandatory)
2 Item (mandatory)
2 Partner (mandatory)
In Scope
Out of Scope
1. Scheduling agreements with document conditions (only time-dependent conditions are supported)
2. Creation of delivery schedule
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
This migration object may only be used for migration in the context of SAP Best Practices.
Business Object Definition The term pricing is used broadly to describe the calculation
of prices (for external use by customers or vendors). Condi
tions represent a set of circumstances that apply when a
price is calculated.
In Scope
1. Prices
2. Discounts
3. Surcharges (including scales)
Out of Scope
1. Purchasing conditions (see migration object Condition record for pricing in purchasing [page 173])
● This object is strictly restricted to the key field combinations mentioned in SAP Note 2332748 .
● For other key combinations you must use the Condition record for pricing (general template) [page 55]
migration object.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
2 Scales
For more information on how to fill the condition keys, please refer to SAP Note 2332748 .
Business Object Definition An outline sales agreement that contains special conditions
negotiated between the vendor and a customer, for example,
price, target value or target quantity. A sales contract is valid
for a specified period. A customer submits a sales order to
release products from the amount agreed in the contract.
Types of sales contract include value contracts and quantity
Out of Scope
Supported Features
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
2 Item (mandatory)
3 Item Partners
In Scope
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
In Scope
Supported Features
Level Name
The source list lets you determine the source that is valid (ef
fective) at a certain time.
In Scope
Supported Features
Business objects that reference this object must be created within the correct validity period for this object.
If a successor object is created with a validity period starting before this object, it will normally cause an error
message during the creation or migration of the successor object.
You therefore must check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This will avoid
subsequent error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
Level Name
Out of Scope
1. Substance groups
2. Attachments
Supported Features
● Basic Data
● Company Specific Names
● Conditions
Listed substance must exist ( Manage Listed Substance app) and responsible unit must be configured
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
2 Conditions
1. Migrate a substance linked to an existing listed substance using the following data from the migration
○ Internal Number
○ Internal Name
Business Object Definition Constraints maintained for a software material to define the
compatibility relationships between this software material
and other materials (such as a bill of materials). A software/
hardware constraint includes a constraint rule, materials
that have a compatibility relationship with the subject soft
ware material, and versions of the software material.
Supported Features
● Software Material
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
2 Constraint (mandatory)
Find more information about SAP Fiori apps in the SAP Fiori apps reference library. This information covers
required business roles and includes links to the respective app documentation.
Business Object Definition A supplier is a business partner who supplies goods and de
livers them to consumers/customers.
In Scope
1. Extend already existing suppliers with new org levels and extend already existing customers/contract
partners as supplier with the same number
Out of Scope
This migration object is based on the assumption that business partner and supplier are using the same
partner ID. If you have customized your system in a different way, you must adjust the migration object. For
support please reach out to us.
Supported Features
● General Data
● BP Roles
● Additional Addresses
● General Texts
● Company Data
Mapping Instructions
General Data
On the General Data sheet we only offer fields which might become relevant when you extend already existing
customers as supplier with the same number. If you want to extend an existing customer as supplier with the
same number, you have to fill out the customer number (reference number). You also have to fill the BP Roles
sheets. If you want to extend an already existing supplier by new org levels, you have to leave the reference
number empty.
Please consider: You can't transfer a value in one of the fields provided on the General Data sheet when the
supplier already exists.
During the use Supplier ID for integration with external systems step in the Convert Values task, you can switch
on the key mapping for the Supplier ID to be used for integration with external systems. In connection with this,
you must also maintain the Business System ID of your source system (to be used for integration) using the
Convert Values task to ensure that the key mapping is added to the central key mapping store of the SAP S/
4HANA system. This is only relevant if you extend an existing customer or contract partner as supplier with the
same number. If you extend an existing supplier with new org levels it is not necessary to switch on the key
mapping for the Supplier ID.
Level Name
2 BP Roles
2 Additional Addresses
2 General Texts
2 Company Data
3 Company Texts
2 Purchasing Organization
3 Partner Functions
3 Purchasing Texts
2 Bank Details
2 Industries
2 Tax Numbers
2 Identification Numbers
2 Contact Persons
Contact Person ID
You must enter a contact person ID in the respective field in the Contact person sheet. This number is required
for internal data processing. However, during processing, a new business partner will be created with an
internal number. This business partner is automatically assigned to the supplier with the corresponding
If Vertex determines more than one tax jurisdiction code for a record, the migration of this record will fail. If this
happens, you'll have to provide a more detailed/accurate address, for example, a US Postal code with 9 digits
instead of 5 digits.
The more detailed and accurate an address, the better the tax jurisdiction code will be determined by Vertex.
For some addresses, Vertex will always provide more than one tax jurisdiction code. In this case you will have to
maintain this record manually or provide a correct tax jurisdiction code within the template.
In the Suppress Tax Jurisdiction Code Check field on the General Data sheet, you can suppress the check and
the automatic determination of the Tax Jurisdiction Code for each record.
Business Object Definition A business partner may have many branches depending on
the various locations from where they operate from. A
branch code is a 4-digit or a 5-digit code assigned by the
Revenue Department in Thailand to uniquely identify each
branch of a business partner. In any case, the head office
branch carries a branch code of 00000 or 0000.
In Scope
Supported Features
Mapping Instructions
● The supplier master data needs to be migrated as a prerequisite with Thailand company code assigned.
● Only one branch code can be marked as default branch code. If only one branch code is assigned it will be
marked as default automatically.
● If branch codes are already assigned to the customer additional branch codes can only be uploaded w/o
default indicator.
● As standard method for communication (part of the address information) the following values are
supported only: Fax, E-mail and Telephone.
Level Name
1.85 Supplier
For this migration object, the Custom Fields and Logic app is available. If you enhance your business object
with custom fields in the app, these custom fields will automatically be reflected in the XML template of the
corresponding migration object. See SAP Note 2726010 for further details.
Every time you add, change or delete a custom field, the migration project must be updated and a new
migration XML template must be downloaded and used. Thus, if custom fields are added or changed by an
application expert during migration testing, this must be communicated to and coordinated with your data
migration team. Also see the Extensibility section in the SAP S/4HANA Cloud documentation.
In Scope
Out of Scope
This migration object is based on the assumption that business partner and supplier are using the same
partner ID. If you have customized your system in a different way, you must adjust the migration object. For
support please reach out to us.
Supported Features
● General Data
● BP Roles
● Additional Addresses
● General Texts
● Company Data
● Withholding Tax Data
● Company Texts
● Purchasing Organization Data
● Partner Functions
● Purchasing Texts
● Bank Details
● Industries
● Tax Numbers
● Identification Numbers
● Contact Persons
The KTOKK field must be in sync with your customizing of the BU grouping. Otherwise, the grouping will
overwrite the account group.
Mapping Instructions
● You have to maintain all business partner roles depending on your business transactions.
● You have to maintain all mandatory partner functions.
Level Name
2 Additional Addresses
2 General Texts
2 Company Data
3 Company Texts
2 Purchasing Organization
3 Partner Functions
3 Purchasing Texts
2 Bank Details
2 Industries
2 Tax Numbers
2 Identification Numbers
2 Contact Persons
Contact Person ID
You must enter a contact person ID in the respective field in the Contact person sheet. This number is required
for internal data processing. However, during processing, a new business partner will be created with an
internal number. This business partner is automatically assigned to the supplier with the corresponding
If Vertex determines more than one tax jurisdiction code for a record, the migration of this record will fail. If this
happens, you'll have to provide a more detailed/accurate address, for example, a US Postal code with 9 digits
instead of 5 digits.
The more detailed and accurate an address, the better the tax jurisdiction code will be determined by Vertex.
For some addresses, Vertex will always provide more than one tax jurisdiction code. In this case you will have to
maintain this record manually or provide a correct tax jurisdiction code within the template.
In the Suppress Tax Jurisdiction Code Check field on the General Data sheet, you can suppress the check and
the automatic determination of the Tax Jurisdiction Code for each record.
Further Information
● SAP Note 2726010 – Migration Cockpit: Support of custom fields (in-App extensibility)
Business Object Definition A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a model of the work to
be performed in a project organized in a hierarchical struc
In Scope
Supported Features
● Basic Data
● Dates
● Assignments
● Control
● User Fields
● Text
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
In Scope
The description is always stored in the logon language of the user that is used to migrate the work center data.
Supported Features
Business objects that reference this object must be created within the correct validity period for this object.
If a successor object is created with a validity period that starts before the validity period of this object, it will
normally cause an error message during the creation or migration of the successor object.
You therefore have to check such time dependencies before you create or migrate your objects. This will avoid
subsequent error messages and inconsistent data on your database.
Mapping Instructions
Level Name
Some links are classified by an icon and/or a mouseover text. These links provide additional information.
About the icons:
● Links with the icon : You are entering a Web site that is not hosted by SAP. By using such links, you agree (unless expressly stated otherwise in your
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Example Code
Any software coding and/or code snippets are examples. They are not for productive use. The example code is only intended to better explain and visualize the syntax
and phrasing rules. SAP does not warrant the correctness and completeness of the example code. SAP shall not be liable for errors or damages caused by the use of
example code unless damages have been caused by SAP's gross negligence or willful misconduct.
Gender-Related Language
We try not to use genderspecific word forms and formulations. As appropriate for context and readability, SAP may use masculine word forms to refer to all genders.
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