Microsectioning Automatic Technique Microsectioning Automatic Technique Microsectioning Automatic Technique
ELECTRONICS INDUSTRIES Microsectioning—Semi or Automatic Technique
2215 Sanders Road Microsection Equipment (Alternate)
Northbrook, IL 60062-6135
Date Revision
05/04 A
Originating Task Group
IPC-TM-650 Rigid Printed Board Performance Task Group
1 Scope This procedure is an alternate method for prepar- 4.8 Explosion proof fume hood for mounting material.
ing multiple metallographic specimen(s) using microsection
equipment. The specimen(s) is(are) for evaluation for quality of 4.9 Microsection equipment (see IPC-MS-810 for purchas-
the laminate system, plated-through holes (PTHs), the copper ing guidelines).
foils, platings, and/or coatings. The same basic procedure
may be used for examination of other areas on the product. 4.10 Metricated abrasive paper P100–P1200 (American grit
range: 100–600).
Note: This microsection technique is a process and not a test
method. 4.11 Polishing cloths.
Note: SAFETY The use of the materials listed in Section 4
may be limited or forbidden in some environments. Please 4.12 Diamond abrasive (1.0 µm - 9.0 µm [39.4 µin -
review the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for the materi- 354 µin]) or oxide abrasive (3.0 µm - 0.1 µm [118 µm -
als being used. 3.94 µin].
Material in this Test Methods Manual was voluntarily established by Technical Committees of IPC. This material is advisory only
and its use or adaptation is entirely voluntary. IPC disclaims all liability of any kind as to the use, application, or adaptation of this Page 1 of 4
material. Users are also wholly responsible for protecting themselves against all claims or liabilities for patent infringement.
Equipment referenced is for the convenience of the user and does not imply endorsement by IPC.
Number Subject Date Microsectioning—Semi or Automatic Technique Microsection 05/04
Equipment (Alternate)
Inspect the tooling pins for foreign material adhering to them. the mounts being processed. See IPC-MS-810 for a detailed
Clean the pin surface as required. Discard any pins that are discussion and examples.
bent or the surface scarred.
The recommended pressure setting for six mounts at
38.1 mm [1.5 in] diameter is 351.5 g/sq. cm (5.0 psi) with the
5.1.4 Load Specimen On Tooling Pins The pins align the
wheel RPMs between 300–600.
target PTHs on a common plane. This common plane assures
all the PTHs will grind to the center of the hole at the same Other Variables Recommended variables to be
familiar with are length of time the abrasive paper removes
Push the tooling pins into the tooling holes or slots. The pins material efficiently, scratch size the abrasive paper causes on
must fit snugly. the specimen(s) surface, and water quality (undissolved par-
ticles that can cause scratches; i.e., calcium deposits).
5.1.5 Potting the Specimen(s) The potting material must
have a low shrink rate, and the cure temperature must be less 5.1.9 Grind the Mounts Be liberal with the amount of
than 93 °C [200 °F] at the center of the mount to prevent false water used to promote efficient removal of material by the
failures. Mold release may be applied to the mount to permit abrasive paper. The hardness of the specimen will dictate the
easy removal of the cured mounting material (optional). Thor- number of rough and fine grind steps needed to reach near
oughly mix the potting material without trapping air and pour the center of the hole. The rough grind grits P180-P240
into the mold. Assure the tooling pins do not shift position or (American 180-240) are used to enter the edge of the PTH,
rise up while pouring and/or curing of the potting material. If and the fine grind grits P800-P1200 (American 400-600) are
necessary to avoid voids in the finished mount and to insure used to grind near the center of the hole. The distance to stop
adequate hole filling, evacuate the mount before cure using a short of the center is determined by the scratch size of the last
vacuum system. Allow the potting material to cure and return grind step used.
to ambient temperature before removing from the mount.
A recommended grinding process from which to start devel-
Remove the hardened mounts from their molds (as appli-
opment is:
cable). Tooling Stops The mount holder has tooling stops 5.1.10 Grind Quality The minimum qualities the mount
to allow the equipment to grind a set distance. These stops must exhibit are:
must be calibrated for each abrasive paper grit to assure the 1) The target PTHs are ground to the center of the PTHs as
scratches from the previous step are removed. See IPC-MS- defined by the customer’s specification.
810 for a detailed discussion and examples. 2) Only fine grind scratches apparent on the mount when
viewed at 100X magnification. Grind Pressure The equipment’s pressure setting 3) No gap between the potting material and the specimen(s).
is the direct force on a load cell. To determine the pressure on 4) No residual abrasive paper grit material on the mount sur-
each mount, divide the pressure setting by the surface area of face.
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Number Subject Date Microsectioning—Semi or Automatic Technique Microsection 05/04
Equipment (Alternate)
5) The ground surface has only one plane of material removal. setting for the same surface areas as 5.1.12 are a medium to
If the mount has several planes of material removal, por- soft polish cloth, low wheel RPM (100-200), and low pressure
tions of the sample will not polish since the odd surface setting 351.5 g/sq. cm (5.0 psi) or less. Additional variables
never touches the polishing cloth. that must be considered are volume of lubricant, type of nap
surface on polish cloth, and process times. The type of abra-
5.1.11 Polish Process Setup The tooling stops are sive used must be diamond (maximum rated size: 1.0 µm
recessed or removed from the mount holder during polishing. [39.4 µin]) or colloidal silica.
The reason is the polish process removes a negligible amount
of material and will not change the flatness of the surface. The
number of polish steps is determined by the hardness of the If a high nap polish cloth is used too long in the final pol-
specimen(s), distance to the center of the hole, and scratch ish, the inspectors ability to see defects can be hampered.
size of the last fine grind step. There may be multiple interme- This step must be engineered for short process times (30
diate polish steps but only one final polish step. seconds or less) with a careful balance of lubricant to pre-
vent copper rounding.
5.1.12 Intermediate Polish Steps The intermediate steps
must remove the fine grind scratches and prepare the surface Clean the Mount This last clean step must
for the final polish step. The recommended process settings remove all the contaminants as described in and the
for six mounts at 38.1 mm [1.5 in] diameter is less than polish lubricant. The lubricant film will prevent even microetch-
351.5 g/sq. cm (5.0 psi), a medium to hard polish cloth, short ing of the specimen(s).
nap surface, and low wheel RPM (100–200). Additional vari-
ables that must be considered are volume of lubricant, lubri- 5.1.14 Traceability If the mounts are cured in the mount
cant types, abrasive size, abrasive type (diamond or oxide), holder, remove the mounts. The mount/specimen must be
and process time. permanently marked in such a manner to ensure traceability
back to the PCB or panel.
A recommended polish process from which to start develop-
ment is: 5.1.15 Polish Quality The surface qualities of a properly
prepared microsection mount are:
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
1. The target PTHs are ground to the center of the PTH as
Type of cloth Napless Napless Nap
defined by the customer’s specifications.
Type of polish abrasive Diamond Diamond Diamond
2. No scratches larger than 1.0 µm [39.4 µm] on the metal
Polish abrasive size 6.0 µm 1.0 µm 1.0 µm
[236 µin] [39.4 µin] [39.4 µin] surface to be examined (i.e., copper).
Time — — 30 sec 3. No smear of metals (i.e., copper, tin/lead, nickel) over other
max. metals, board base material, and/or potting material.
Pressure (g/sq. cm) 351.5 or 351.5 or 351.5 or
4. No rounding of metal surfaces (i.e., copper) in the PTH.
less less less
5. No gaps between the specimen(s) and potting material. Clean the Mount(s) The mounts must be Rounding of metal surfaces is apparent as the material edge
cleaned between each polish step. The reason is to prevent being out of focus at 100X magnification on the metallograph
contaminating the next polish step with the current grit size. If or shaded a charcoal black color.
the polish step is contaminated, the step will produce unde-
sirable scratches. Clean the mounts with mild hand soap, 5.2 Evaluation Method
rinse with water, and dry. Do not scratch the surface to be
evaluated when cleaning. 5.2.1 Separation Evaluation Evaluate the PTHs for inner-
layer separation prior to microetch. Any observations need to
5.1.13 Final Polish the Mounts The final polish step be reinspected after etch. The separations noted in the
removes the scratches from intermediate polishing and pre- unetched and microetched conditions will not necessarily cor-
pares the surface for evaluation. The recommended process relate one to one.
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Number Subject Date Microsectioning—Semi or Automatic Technique Microsection 05/04
Equipment (Alternate)
30 P30
6.2 Etchants The two most common microetchants for P24
20 P20
copper are ammonium hydroxide/hydrogen peroxide and
16 P16
sodium dichromate etchant. Both have benefits and draw- 12 P12
backs that must considered when making a choice (see IPC- IPC-2112-1
Figure 1 Abrasive paper grit size (American vs.
6.3 Abrasive Paper The abrasive grit size has different
designators (Metricated versus American). Figure 1 tabulates
the correlation between grades.
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