DBC Brochure June '21
DBC Brochure June '21
DBC Brochure June '21
High Reliability and High Efficiency
Electrical Bonding Technology
for External Floating Roof Tanks
Featured Highlights
Next-generation of EFRT Grounding By-Pass Conductor
Improved design for better operational and personnel safety, greater
lightning discharge efficiency and high durability. Engineered to
significantly reduce explosive hazard risk to EFRT from Lightning Bound
Charge and Direct Strike effects. Requires virtually no upkeep upon
The DBC brings significant • The DBC is designed to maximize product longevity in
upgrades to a solution that has the highly corrosive hydrogen sulphide (H2S)
been field-tested and proven environment.
effective for over 20-years. • A solid tape design replaces braided wires for
Product reliability, durability and enhanced conductivity and prolonged service life. The
safety has been significantly Nickel coated solid tape material provides excellent
upgraded. strength and corrosion resistance for longer term
• Additional safety feature of rotary damper and braking
system ensure the solid tape is always retracted at a
Conventional bypass conductors
measured rate (in the event of tape breakage or
may not fully account for
disconnected end straps).
conductor slack. The conductor
coils randomly on itself, resulting
in a high-impedance situation on
the tank roof. The DBC avoids this
by neatly retracting any Easy to deploy and maintain
conductor slack back into its
• The main unit of the
protective casing, thereby
DBC is enclosed in a
reducing conductor length and
highly weather
maintaining lowest-impedance
at all times.
casing for easy
transportation and
The DBC's design protects EFRTs deployment.
by ensuring a strong electrical
bond which effectively subdues
sustained arcs.
• The base unit of the DBC features a modular design
that allows for flexible installation options addressing
various EFRT mounting requirements.