Efficacy of Homoeopathic Medicine in The Treatment of Migraine: A Literature Review

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org © 2020 IJCRT | Volume 8, Issue 5 May 2020 | ISSN: 2320-2882

Efficacy of Homoeopathic Medicine In the

Treatment of Migraine: A Literature Review
Dr. Azizul Islam Khadim1, Dr. Md. Nuruzzaman2
1PG Scholar, Department of Practice of Medicine, R.B.T.S Government Homoeopathic Medical College
&Hospital, Muzaffarpur. Bihar, India
2 PG Scholar, Department of Materia Medica, R.B.T.S Government Homoeopathic Medical College &Hospital,
Muzaffarpur. Bihar, India


No disease will be occurs without any definite cause. Nature of the disease follow the cause and the effect will
makes the person sick. The effects and sick person will be treated with basic comprehensible way. Migraine is
the effects of the cause, by the well known Homoeopathic medicine can make better result on this affection when
we apply in consideration with the availability of the symptoms. This study is to search the well known, rare
medicine and its efficacy in such condition which is described in different literature as well as different research
study. There are wide ranges of Homoeopathic medicines considered as rare remedies on the basis of paucity of
symptoms and large number of medicine with rare symptoms representing the uniqueness when selected on the
basis of totality. During practising Homoeopathic physician requires well known medicine as well as rare
medicine which helps to management of migraine


Migraine; Homoeopathic medicine; One-sided disease


Migraine is the most common cause of headache affects approximately 15% women and 6% men. It is the
second most common cause of headache (1) Migraine can be defined as a benign and recurring syndromes of
headache, nausea, vomiting and or other symptoms of neurological dysfunction in varying admixtures. Although
migraine can start of any age they usually begin between the age of 10 and 40. In most people migraine recur
periodically. Migraines are 3 times more common among women than among men. Migraine has a triad of
paroxysmal headache, nausea or vomiting, aura of focal neurological events (2) Many homoeopathic medicines
had produced symptoms similar to that of migraine during proving and these medicines will be useful in reducing
the intensity and frequency when administered according to symptom similarity. Research studies have clearly
demonstrated that Homoeopathy has greater role in reducing the migraine and also reduced the intensity of the
attacks and improvement in quality of life. Due to the lack of availability of symptoms in case of migraine, the
rare Homoeopathic medicine play the vital role. These group of medicine helps to formulate the completeness or
hidden symptoms of the patients. Family history plays a predominant role in the episodic outbreaks of headache.
Many contributory factors are explained but none of them stood as “STAND-ALONE” criteria in the treatment.
Further, the constant use of drugs for symptomatic relief put forth a long chain of side effects.

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Homoeopathic treatment is based on individualization of the patient and the drugs there too. Since, the problem
of migraine is more or less episodic in nature and presents a very few number of symptoms. Therefore, we
consider it as of the nature of “one sided disease” ( Aphorism 173 Organon of Medicine) which is less amenable
to cure.

Review of studies shows the prevalence of Migraine:

Fig:1 Prevalence of Headache in 80 study by International Headache Society

Objectives for Study

Migraine is one-sided disease where lack of symptoms presented by the patients at that time required those
medicine which is special affinity to the case of migraine, This study is to search the well known as well as lesser
known Homoeopathic medicine which is discuss in different literature as well as to know the efficacy of
Homoeopathic medicine in migraine which was proved in different study.

Materials and Methods

These work is done by searching different literature i.e Materia Medica and Repertory to find out the drug and
also observe the efficacy of Homoeopathic Medicine in different study.


With the help of Homoeopathic Medicine intensity and frequency of migraine is reduced which observed in
different study. Homoeopathic principle is based on the symptoms similarity and treat the patient as a whole not
only presenting complaints but also physical and mental aspects , when we give the medicine on the basis of
these than huge number of well known as well as rare medicine will helps to treat the migraine patient. These
study helps to know the different number of Homoeopathic medicine as well as we can also asses the efficacy of
Homoeopathy in migraine.

Drug Used in Homoeopathy for Migraine

There are lots of drugs which helps for the treatment of migraine. The selection of similimum depends on the
totality which is varies one person to another so we must stress on the individuality. The well known drug is
basically used on totality but rare medicine used when totality is not properly formulated. Paucity of symptoms
in these remedies compels to use them on the basis of few indicated symptoms. This information is the base for
uses these medicine. One should added some other symptoms which will be more useful to gather more
information about these medicine. The medicine which is discuss below to know the efficacy of Homoeopathic
Medicine are taken from reliable Materia Medica and two important repertory Kent’s Repertory (4) where
symptoms is clinically verified and other is Boericke’s Repertory.

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1. Scutellaria: In nervous sick headaches, which do excitement and over-exertion cause. Frequent scanty
urination. Migraine worse in right eye. (3)
2. Damiana: An excellent remedy for migraine.
3. Tongo: Migraine and neuralgic affection, tearing pain in supra orbital nerve, with heat and throbbing pain
in head and epiphora.(3)
4. Chionathus: Migraine due to acidity and sluggishness of liver <stooping, motion, jar.(3)
5. Iris V: Frontal headache with nausea. Scalp feels constricted, right temples is effected specially <rest, >
6. Cyclamen: Headache in anaemic patients with flickering before eyes or dim vision, on rising in
7. Iris Tenax: Pain returning weekly for several years, commencing in right eye and involving right half of
head, greenish vomiting when much pain. If no vomiting than nausea and chill between 2 and 3 pm.
8. Natrium Mur: Beginning with blindness, as through a thousand of hammers were knocking in the brain,
headache in anaemic, school girls < sunrise to sunset(5)
9. Spigelia: Nervous headache, periodical, beginning in morning at base of brain, spreading over the head
and locate in eye left side < sunrise to sunset(5)
10. Sanguinaria: Pain begins in occiput, spreads upwards and settle over right eye, like a flesh of lightening
< sunrise to sunset(5)
11. Meliolotus: Violent congestive and nervous headache > by epistaxis(5)
12. Robinia: Dull, throbbing, frontal pain < motion, reading. Gastric headache with acid vomiting.(3)
13. Epiphegus: A remedy for sick, neurasthenic and nervous headache specially women < by physical and
mental exertion. Headache preceded by hunger.(3)
14. Onosmodium: Occipito-frontal pain in morning specially left side, due to strain, or using eyes.(3)
15. Ptelea: Pain from forehead to root of nose < noise, motion, night, rubbing eyes, with acidity.(3)
16. Picric Acid: Student, teacher, businessman from grief, depression, occipito-cervical region < mental
17. Belladonna: Congestive with red face and throbbing of carotid, rush of blood head and face <slight
noise, jar, motion > pressure, tight bandage.(5)
18. Argentum Nitricum: Habitual gastric headache of literary men < from any exhaustive mental labour, >
by pressure or tight bandaging.(5)
19. Oleum Animale: Migraine with polyuria, the urine is clear, <after dinner, > by rubbing.(3)
20. Pranus Spinosa: Right sided migraine shooting pain right frontal bone through brain to occiput.(3)
21. Menispermum: A remedy for megrim, associated with restlessness and dreams. Pressure from within
22. Verbascum: Neuralgia affecting zygoma, temporo maxillary joint and ear, particularly left side, with
lacrymation, coryza, and sensation as if parts were crushed with tongs.(3)
23. Lithium Carb: Headache of females bought on by sudden ceasation of menses and it always better by
eat something.(3)
24. Silicea: Chronic sick headache, ascending from nape of neck to the vertex, as if coming from the spine
and locating in one eye, especially the right < draft of air or uncovering the head > pressure and wrapping
up warmly.(5)
25. Glonoinum: Hemicrania from excessive use of wine. Nausea Dimness before eyes like a cloud followed
by most violent headache > by vomiting.(3)
26. Cocculus: Migraine with vertigo and nausea, occipital pain is characteristic. Sick headache from riding in
a carriage, boat train or cars. headache at each menstrual period with nausea and inclination to vomit.
Headache from loss of sleep.(5)
27. Theridion: Flickering before eyes, then blurring. The nausea is made worse by closing the eyes and also
by noise.(5)

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28. Gelsemium: Headache preceded by blindness, beginning in the cervical spine, pain extends over the
head, > profuse urination(5)
29. Kali Bi: Blurred vision or blindness precedes the attack, slight returns as headache increases.(5)
30. Arsenic Album: Causes a throbbing, stupefying headache over the left eye. The arsenicum headache is
temporarily relieved by the application of cold water.(3)
31. Cedron: Periodicity is the most marked symptoms, pain from temple to temple across eye, coming on
about 9 am < working on black.(3)

Important Homoeopathic Medicine with Picturisation:

Fig:2 Homoeopathic Medicine with location

Migraine is basically predispose by different factors, like- stress, anxiety, anger, exposure to heat or cold, tension
or so on. In Homoeopathy there is a wonderful remedy which helps to treat migraine.

Chocolate is the substance which makes us stimulate, acts as a antioxidant, improve blood supply, and also
improve the brain function. In Homoeopathy there is a remedy known as Chocolatum- Prepare from the seeds of
Theobroma cacao

Family- Sterculiaceae

Prover- Jeremy Sherr

Symptoms- Chilly patient, sensation of forehead protruding like a shelf, buzzing all over head, head
feels as if floating, heaviness of head <cold, motion, > hot (9)

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Studies of Migraine conducted in Homoeopathy



Summary In this observational study, patients seeking homeopathic treatment for migraine showed
relevant improvements that persisted for the observed 24 month period. Due to the design of this study,
however, it does not answer the question as to whether the effects are treatment specific or not.



Summary On the evidence we cannot recomanded Homoeopathic medicine in prophylaxis in migraine,

but cannot conclude it is without effect.



Summary An analysis of the homoeopathically-treated patients demonstrates a significant reduction

in the periodicity, frequency, and duration of migraine attacks. This study shows the real efficacy of
homeopathy in comparison to classical experimental study models which can be adapted to the specific
character of Homeopathy. In this randomised, placebo controlled double blind study, 60 people suffering
from migraine were treated using constitutional homoeopathy over a period of 4 months. Those patients in
the control group experienced a reduction in migraine frequency from 9.9 attacks per month to 7.9 per month,
while those in the treatment group reduced their monthly attack rate from 10 to between 1.8 and 3 per month.

4. Homoeopathic Remedies for Successfully Curing the Migraine.(10)

Summary: In this study, patient is under going with treatment and cured by Natrium Mur with in 3
5. Homoeopathic Treatment of Headaches & Migraine: A Meta-analysis of the Randomized control

Summary: A total of four randomized placebo-controlled trials involving 390 patients were considered
for the analysis. showing positive trend, but no statistically significant difference in favor of homeopathy.


There are many medicine which is acts on migraine and the rare group of medicine which is used depends on
paucity of symptoms and the well known medicine is used on their peculiarity of symptoms. The medicine which
I am discuss is taken from different literature and all the symptoms is verified and clinically proved, so efficacy
of the medicine is no doubt. We must apply the medicine on the basis of the symptoms, but migraine is one-sided
disease so we must take the case proper way and select the medicine.

The different study which was concluded previously also helps to know the efficacy of Homoeopathic
medicine for reducing the frequency and intensity of migraine.

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Migraine is the variety of one-sided chronic disease where symptom is few and these symptoms obscure the
other symptoms. In Homoeopathy medicine selected on the basis of individuality, stress on person as a whole not
physical suffering only. Our treatment based on the subjective, objective, physical, mental aspect, which helps to
landed over the particular similimum. These study helps to know the effectiveness of Homoeopathic medicine in
the treatment of migraine. There are huge range of Homoeopathic medicine is present in our Materia Medica as
well as Repertory which helps to know the effectiveness of such drug. Previously many study is concluded to
verify the effectiveness of drug. So these study helps to know the rare as well as well known drug in migraine but
specially stress on rare known drug.

Migraine according to Dr. Hahnemann is psoric manifestation, but it includes all miasmatic state. According
to J.H. Clarke said, “Sick Headache or Migraine. - This is not due to disorder of stomach but is a constitutional
disorder, nausea or vomiting being one of the symptoms depending on disturbances of the nerves and brain”.(12)
So when selected the individualised medicine we must stress on that side. These study only to know the paucity
of symptoms in rare medicine and uniqueness of well known medicine as well as to the efficacy of
Homoeopathic Medicine in Migraine.

Megrim is a neurosis like epilepsy, having its periods of incubation and its paroxysms- the latter should be
treated with drugs corresponding to their features Bell, Nux.vom., Ignitia, Digitalis, Cyclamen, Niccolum, Iris,
and Sanguinaria. Sometimes one or of others disease will control the morbid tendency, but more frequently we
have to deal with by means of deeper acting medicines such as- calcarea, sepia, silicea, stannum and zincum
which deals with the general disorder of which the paroxysm are but an expression. By the use of both respective
classes of medicine in their respective places we are likely to control the disease.(13)
Migraine is not an incurable disease, but it requires more symptomatology as well as individualistic approach on
every case. Our weapon is medicine but we must apply it properly. Many lesser known drug have been more
efficacy for the treatment, but we apply only known drug due to our favourite remedy or some misconception
that rare remedy is rarely acts. To my study I found that there are lots of drug is present with much efficacy in
such cases because these all drug is proved in majority of prover, confirmed by reproving and then verified by
curing sick patient. So we must follow our basic principle during medicine selection, not by bias way.


It is estimated that 5% population suffers from migraine. In most people it attacks recur again and again as
frequently which disrupt the normal activity and produce anxiety and other suffering. As we know that it will be
provocated by different exciting factors and hidden maintaining cause. So our duty is to removing that cause and
effect will be remove automatically. Homoeopathy play the important role for these type of affection. Large
number of medicine which was verified frequently in healthy prover by which we can rely on that drug and it
also clinically verified. The selection of medicine is strictly on the basic principle SIMILIA SIMILIBUS
CURENTUR, the efficacy of the drug helps to gain confident as well as helps in future study. By the only
medicine its not possible to control any disease but we must follow proper diet and regimen as well as mental

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