Experimental Determination of The Moisture Content Pattern in Yam During Drying

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Experimental Determination of the Moisture Content Pattern in Yam During


Article  in  Journal of Applied Sciences Research · August 2010


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3 authors, including:

Adekunle Adelaja Osatohanmwen Asemota

University of Lagos University of Benin


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Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 6(8): 1171-1181, 2010
© 2010, INSInet Publication

Experimental Determination of the Moisture Content Pattern in Yam During Drying

A.O. Adelaja, O.S. Asemota and I.K. Oshiafi

Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Lagos, Akoka, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria

Abstract: In this study, a forced convection solar dryer was designed, constructed and tested for the
purpose of drying yam in order to study the moisture removal pattern. Some pieces of yam fillets
weighing, 0.52kg, were dried in the dryer while an equal mass was dried in the open sun (control) and
the profiles obtained in both cases were compared. Also, evaluating the performance of the dryer; the
collector and system efficiencies of 65.6% and 54.8% were obtained respectively. The moisture content
removal of 75.0% was achieved as against 61.5% (control), indicating 13.5% difference. The percentage
of the difference in final moisture content to that obtained by dryer gave about 53.9% while the average
drying rate for the dryer was 0.0481kg/hr as against 0.0447kg/hr for open sun drying. Though the profiles
are similar in pattern, a uniform and better drying was achieved with the aid of the developed dryer.

Key words: solar energy, thermal analysis, yam, solar dryer, forced convection

INTRODUCTION employed a photovoltaic (pv) system which powers a

d.c to power a dc fan that facilitates forced convection
Yam is a widely distributed tuber crop in West while materials were locally sourced. Bala and
Africa. The most important species cultivated in Woods[9] did considerable studies on simulation and
Nigeria are D. rotundata (white yam), D. alata (water optimization of dryer. Bolaji and Olalusi[10] developed
yam) and D. cayenensis (yellow yam). They are a simple and inexpensive mixed-mode dryer from
important in the diet and socio-cultural life of people locally sourced materials. Janjai et al[11] presented a
in the growing region. More than 95% of the world’s simulation model of pv ventilated system for a solar
yam is produced in Africa with the remainder grown in tunnel dryer. Mathematical model for pv module and
the West Indies, Asia and Central and South d.c. fan were formulated. Using a computer
America[1]. Nigeria contributes 68% of the world’s programme, these models were used to predict the
output and 74% of the total production in West performance of pv-ventilated system for different
Africa[2] and in 2005, of the 48.7 million tones weather conditions. A pv solar dryer for small scale
produced worldwide, West and Central Africa application in the maize industry in Malawi, Central
accounted for about 94%, Nigeria being the main Africa was developed by Mumba[12]. Although the
producer[3]. “Yam zones” comprising Cameroun, capital cost was high, about $900.00, it was found to
Nigeria, Benin, Togo, Ghana and Cote d’ Ivore be cost effective with a payback period of less than
produce approximately 90% of the world output[4]. It is one year. Oosthuizen[13] attributed the low correlation
an important source of Carbohydrate in the sub-Saharan between the drying rate achieved by a flat plate
region especially in the “yam zones”[5] and contributes collector and the drying efficiency to failure to match
over 20% of the total dietary calorie intake in the the dryer with design requirements. He also discussed
South pacific[6]. Despite its dietary and socio-cultural the use of a model in the selection of a design that
importance to people in the regions where it is grown, meet a particular set of requirements. Box type dryer
it suffers a high degree of post harvest loss due to its is most suitable for drying fruits and vegetable mass
high water content which is between 65 and 85% of between 10 and 15 kg (Sharma et al[14]). Wisniewski[15]
the weight of the tuber. To preserve it from perishing, estimated the potentials of solar energy for drying
it will require reducing the moisture content by drying. medicinal plants in Polish condition. He also conducted
In an attempt to dry various foodstuffs, many an economic assessment on flat plate collector and
researchers have developed different solar dryers. application of pv module for driving a fan connected
(Abdel-Rehim and Fahmy[7] presented the design and to a dryer. The result showed that the fan ensured a
optimization of a cylindrical photovoltaic dryer with control of the drying temperature. Wisniewski and
dual packaged beds thermal storage for drying Pietruszko[16] developed pv driven solar heating systems
medicinal herbs. Adelaja et al[8] developed a dryer that applied for drying medicinal plant in remote areas.

Corresponding Author: A.O. Adelaja, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Lagos, Akoka, Yaba, Lagos,
E-mail: ao_adelaja@yahoo.com
J. Appl. Sci. Res., 6(8): 1171-1181, 2010

In this study, we have developed a solar dryer in 319K, being the average of the maximum of the inlet
order to study the moisture content pattern of yam and outlet temperatures of the system during no load
during drying and compare it with the traditional test.
method of drying, (sun drying). The forced convection
solar dryer designed was evaluated for its performance Reynolds number, Re
and also compared with the traditional method.

The study was carried out in October/November, 4 Ac
2008. The season was characterized by cloud cover and Where, Dh 
unpredictable weather conditions. The system set up is P
shown in figure 1. The dryer comprises three main
components namely the solar collector, the drying Nusselt number, Nu
chamber and the pv-extractor assembly. Firstly, the 1
solar collector assembly comprises the collector box, Nu  0.023Re0.8 Pr 3
absorber plate, glazing material and the heat reservoir
(a collection of granite stones painted black) set at the The following air properties were used (extracted
upper part of the collector. The drying chamber houses from Holman[22]);
the loading trays, access door and the extractor hole.
Thirdly, the pv-extractor assembly comprises the pv   1.1092kg / m3 ,
module, extractor, battery and the charge controller.
The framework is made basically from wood, painted
black on the inside except for the insulated sides and C p  1.00695kJ / kg . oC ,
the top of the solar collector which is glazed to allow
direct heating of the plate and the heat reservoir. The
battery stores excess energy during the sunshine hours   2.1552 105 kg / m.s ,
when the extractor is powered by the photovoltaic
system. At this time, the heat reservoir stores its heat
both by direct radiation from the sun and through   18.3296 106 m 2 / s ,
convection from the moving heated air passing over the
collector plate until equilibrium is reached with the
plate. During protracted cloud cover or non sunshine k  0.02777W / m. oC ,
hours, the charge controller reverses the operation of
the assembly and the extractor is being powered by the
battery while the moving air extracts some heat energy   0.25075m 2 / s , Pr  0.70382 .
from the heated plate and reservoir before getting into
the chamber. Expectedly, the plate loses its heat faster Convective coefficient of heat transfer, hc
than the reservoir which later contributes a larger
percentage of the heat energy in the chamber until Nu * k
equilibrium is reached with the environment. Table 1 hc  (3)
below shows the design considerations and assumptions Dh
while Table 2 contains the technical specifications.
Total heat loss coefficient, UL
Design Analysis: In this work we shall focus on the
thermal and drying analyses only. The structural 1
analysis of the dryer may not be necessary because it UL  (4)
is not a heavy load bearing structure. R1  R2  R3  R4
Thermal Analysis: The performance of a solar 1
collector and system is described by energy balance where, R1  ,
that indicates the distribution of incident solar energy  hco  hr  p co
into useful energy gain and various losses leading to
the calculations of the efficiencies. The thermal
analysis here follows the procedures as in Duffie and
Beckman[21]. The properties of air are evaluated at

J. Appl. Sci. Res., 6(8): 1171-1181, 2010

Table 1: Design considerations and assumptions.

S/N Parameters Description
1 Location Lagos, (long 3o24’, lat 6o27’N)
2 Drying period October- November
3 Solar irradiation, Lagos (October/ November) 15.4 – 16.7 MJ/m2/day [17]
4 Average relative humidity of Lagos over 10 year period 80% [18]
5 Food products Yam
6 Initial moisture content in yam 71% [19], 65-85% [20]
7 Mode of heating Indirect
8 Number of glazing 1
9 Glazing slope 16.7o
10 Glazing Materials Glass
11 Loading provision Door at the back side of chamber
12 Number of trays 2
13 Air outlet provision Vent at top of chamber (extractor hole)
14 Air circulation mode Forced convection
15 Drying capacity 10kg
16 Thickness of yam fillets 3 mm
17 Construction materials Wood, glass, mild steel sheet
18 Insulation used Glass fibre
19 Thickness of glass 4.5 mm
20 Transmittance of glass 0.81
21 Emissivity of cover 0.88
22 Emissivity of plate 0.98
23 Sky temperature 32 oC
24 Air velocity at fan speed of 750 rpm 5 m/s
25 Dimension of collector 1.08 x 0.76 m2
26 Insulator thickness 0.0125 m

Table 2: Technical Specifications.

S/N Parameters Description
1 Pv module type and rating 55Wp (RSM 50, Solar smart switch)
2 Solar charge controller SDRC- 10IP (12/24 V auto)
3 Extractor rating 12 Volts
4 Extractor speed 702 - 1012 rpm

J. Appl. Sci. Res., 6(8): 1171-1181, 2010

Fig. 1: Schematic diagram of solar dryer assembly set up indicating the main components and air

1 x
R2  , R3  , I c  U L (Tave  Ta )
 hw  hr coa kin FR  (5)
I c  U L (Ti  Ta )
1 1
R4   , hc  hco , p co Collector’s efficiency, c
hco ,b  a hco

1 1 The useful energy rate:

 ,
hc ,b  a hw Qu  mu AC p Tc  Ta  (6)

 T  T2 2
 T  Tco 
hr , p co 
p co p
Qu  Ac FR  I c  U L Tave  Ta  
1 1
 1
p  co useful energy gain over time
c 
Total Incident solar energy over same time period

 co Tco2  Ts2  Tco  Ts Tco  Ts  Qu

hr ,co  a  c  (7)
Tco  Ts Ac HR
Heat removal factor, FR Mass flow rate, m

J. Appl. Sci. Res., 6(8): 1171-1181, 2010

Qu m.h fg
m  (8)  (17)
C p (Tav  Ta ) Gcd
where, G  3600 IAc td
Volume flow rate, V
Experimental Procedure and Testing: The pv module
m was tilted such that its surface area became
V  (9) perpendicular to the rays of the sun. Five thermometers
 air were set in place to measure the ambient, Ta, entry, Ti,
plate, Tp, collector air, Tc, and chamber, Td
Drying Analysis: The drying analysis was carried out temperatures. The experiment was carried out in
in the following order: October/November, 2008. The season was characterized
Percentage moisture removed from product,  % by rain, cloud cover and fewer hours of sunshine.
The load test involved cutting 1.04kg of yam into
100(mw  md ) slices of about 3mm, washed and weighed. This was
% wet basis (10) divided into two parts, 0.52kg each. One part was
mw spread into the first tray of the chamber which had
earlier been checked for air tightness so as to avoid
Final moisture content of product, m f heat and moisture losses. The second part was spread
in the open sun. An hourly measurement of the
100   temperatures at specific locations and mass of the
m f  mi % (11) specimen was carried out between 10.00 and 17.00
100 hours each day for three days.

Amount of moisture removed, m Results: The no load test result, Table 3, reveals the
maximum, average and minimum temperatures
mw (mi  m f ) measured for Ta, Ti, Tp, Tc and Td before the specimen
m (12) was weighed and loaded into the drying chamber. The
100  m f highest temperature readings were observed at the plate
with 62oC maximum, 56.6 +/- 2.09oC average and 50oC
Quantity of heat used in evaporating moisture, Qe minimum. This was followed by the collector, dryer,
inlet and of course the ambient in that order
respectively. This is in agreement with the results
Qe  mh fg (13) obtained by Adelaja et al[8] and Bolaji and Olalusi[10].
For the load test, Table 4 shows the same
where, temperature pattern was observed around the plate as
in the case of the no load test but this time with a
h fg  4.186 x103 (597  0.56 xTd ) [23]
(14) maximum of 75oC and average of 57.04 +/- 1.81oC.
The drying chamber which of course is our focus has
Efficiency of dryer, d a maximum of 55oC. However, the 55oC limit may
have been occasioned by the extractor’s passive control
Qe over the air flow and hence the drying temperature.
d  (15) This was also reported by Mumba [12] and
Ac I Wisniewski[15]. Figures 2-4 show the profiles of the
temperatures recorded for the three days. The general
Average drying rate, mave patterns show an increase in the temperatures from
10.00 to between 12.00 and 14.00 before a decline.
m In the three figures, the highest temperatures were
mave  (16) observed between 13.00 and 14.00. These are in good
td agreement with Adelaja et al[8] and Bolaji and
where, td = sunshine hours per day The calculated parameters used for the design and
evaluation of the system are presented in Tables 5 and
Determination of drying time, δ 6. The heat removal factor of 0.9429, useful energy

J. Appl. Sci. Res., 6(8): 1171-1181, 2010

Table 3: No load test, the average, maximum and minimum temperatures recorded during no load test.
Time Ta Ti Tp Tc Td
Ave 34.60 +/-0.51 35.60 +/- 0.75 56.60 +/- 2.09 49.40 +/- 2.86 46.80 +/- 2.63
Max 36.00 37.00 62.00 58.00 55.00
Min 33.00 33.00 50.00 40.00 39.00
Source: analysed from data collected

Table 4: The measured temperature’s average and maximum.

Time Ta Ti Tp Tc Td
Average 33.67 +/- 0.41 35.00 +/- 0.49 57.04 +/- 1.81 49.65 +/- 1.49 44.00 +/- 1.21
Maximum 37.00 38.50 75.00 64.00 55.00
Source: analysed from data collected

Table 5: Calculated values for design parameters.

S/N Parameters Values Data or equations used
1 Reynolds number 229539.35 (laminar) Equation (1)
2 Nusselt number 397.71 Equation (2)
3 Coefficient of heat transfer, W/m2 12.38 Equation (3)
4 Total heat loss coefficient, W/m2k 1.803 Equation (4)
5 Heat removal factor 0.9429 Equation (5)
6 Useful energy collected, W 391.50 Equation (6)
7 Collector efficiency, % 65.59 Equation (7)
8 Mass flow rate, kg/s 0.01944 Equation (8)
9 Volume flow rate, m3/s 0.01753 Equation (9)
Source: calculated from data provided in the equations used

Table 6: Performance evaluation of the system.

S/N Parameters Values (Solar dryer) Values (Open Sun dried) Equations used/ Data
1 Moisture removed, % 75 61.54 Equation (10)
2 Final moisture content, % 17.75 27.3 Equation (11)
3 Amount of moisture removed, kg 0.337 0.313 Equation (12)
4 Quantity of heat for moisture evaporation, MJ/kg 0.8088 0.7512 Equation (14)
5 Dryer efficiency, % 54.76 Equation (13)
6 Avearge drying rate, kg/hr 0.0481 0.0447 Equation (16)
7 Drying time, hrs (0.233/days)-1 (0.217/day)-1 Equation (17)
Source: calculated from data provided in the equations used

rate collected, 391.50 W, collector efficiency, 65.6% Discussion: The percentage moisture contents profiles
and mass flow rate of 0.01944kg/s were obtained for in figure 5 reveal that there is usually an increase in
the system. The collector efficiency is greater than the the loss of moisture from the early hours to between
57.5% obtained by Bolaji and Olalusi[10] but lower than 13.00 and 14.00 after which a reduction in rate is
80%[8,12]. For the performance evaluation of the system, observed. This can be attributed to low sunshine at the
some parameters obtained from the dryer and the early and late hours of the day, hence low heat
control are compared. The moisture content removal transfer. This explains the section of the profile
indicated a difference of about 13.5%. The percentage between 6.00 and 7.00, 15.00 and 16.00 and 20.00 and
of the difference in the final moisture to that obtained 21.00 drying time. The two profiles representing the
by dryer gives about 53.9%. The average drying rates moisture content pattern of yam during drying with
are 0.0481kg/hr as against 0.0447kg/hr (control). The solar system and open sun, show that the solar dryer is
drying efficiency obtained was 54.76%. more efficient compared to open sun drying apart from

J. Appl. Sci. Res., 6(8): 1171-1181, 2010

Source: experimental data

Fig. 2: Recorded ambient, inlet, plate, collector and chamber temperatures for day 1.

Source: experimental data

Fig. 3: Recorded ambient, inlet, plate, collector and chamber temperatures for day 2.

the contamination and degradation associated with open 65.6% and 54.76% respectively, moisture content
sun drying. The moisture content removed by the solar removal of 75% and average drying rate of 0.0481kg/hr
dryer was 75% while the control was 61.54% which were recorded during solar drying of yam. The
translates to about 13.5% difference. Comparing the appearance of the yam as captured in figure 6a reveals
physical appearance of the dried products the end uniform and better drying as compared with open sun
product of the solar dryer, figure 6a reveals a uniform drying. The efficiency of the dryer however can be
drying compared with the control, figure 6b. improved among other things by using a glass with
higher transmittance and a collector plate with higher
Conclusion: The photovoltaic powered solar dryer thermal diffusivity like aluminum.
designed, constructed and tested here can function on
a continuous basis, that is, both during high intense
sunshine and non insolation hours especially during
cloudy weather. The collector and dryer efficiencies are

J. Appl. Sci. Res., 6(8): 1171-1181, 2010

Source: experimental data

Fig. 4: Recorded ambient, inlet, plate, collector and chamber temperatures for day 3.

Source: experimental data

Fig. 5: Moisture content removal pattern in yam fillet during drying using open sun and solar dryer.

Nomenclature / Notations UL Overall convective coefficient of heat transfer,

T Temperature, oC
Re Reynolds number W/m2 K
Nu Nusselt number τ Transmittance of glass
h Coefficient of heat transfer, W/m2 ρ Density, kg/m3
I Solar insolation of collector, W/m2 α Absorptivity of collector plate
σ Stefan-Boltzmann constant
Qu Useful energy rate, W
m Mass flow rate, kg/s
Qe Heat of vapourisation, MJ
A Area of collector, m2 m Amount of moisture removed, kg
P Perimeter of collector, m Volume flow rate, m3/s

J. Appl. Sci. Res., 6(8): 1171-1181, 2010

Fig. 6a: Yam fillets after process using solar dryer

Source: photographs taken after drying process

Fig. 6b: Yam fillets after open sun drying

υ Speed of air, m/s td Sunshine hrs (Time), s

η Efficiency, %
C p Specific heat capacity, kJ/ kg oK
FR Heat removal factor
H Rate of incidence of beam or diffuse radiation on
γ Moisture removal, % a unit area of space, W2/m4 K
δ Drying time, days

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