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Name: ___________________________________________Grade & Section: _________________ 

Subject:   English 10    Teacher: __________________________________ Score: ______________ 

Lesson : Quarter 3 Week 8 LAS 1 
Activity Title  : Appreciation of Feminism in literature
Learning Target : Realizes the feminine side of nature and appreciate its importance Reference(s)   
       : MELCs, English 10 LM Celebrating Diversity through World Literature
LAS Writer : Ethelbert D. Somera

Feminism is a set of ideologies, political and social movements sharing a common goal of
defining, creating and achieving equality among different sexes, mostly on the side of women. Literature
plays a vital role in expressing the goals of the feminist movement thus feminist literature came over, it is
a fiction, nonfiction, drama, or poetry, which supports the feminist goals of defining, establishing, and
defending equal civil, political, economic, and social rights for women.

Activity 1: This time, you will embark on higher level of activity. Let us see how far you have
gone in understanding the feminist point of view. Read and understand the poem below and try to
answer the given questions. Write the letter of your answer.

An Ode To The Fearless Women Nikita Gill

Defined by no man, you are your own story, (1)

blazing through the world, turning history to herstory. (2)
And when they dare to tell you about (3)
all the things you cannot be, (4)
you smile and tell them, (5)
“I am both war and woman and you cannot stop me” (6)

___ 1. In line number 1 the word “you” refers to?

A. mother B. daughter C. women
___ 2. What is the meaning of the word “blazing” as it used in the poem?
A. ravaging B. glowing C. widely known
___ 3. In line number 6 the word “you” refers to?
A. the world B. other women C. other people.
___ 4. What is the overall mood of the poem?
A. melancholy B. hopelessness C. confidence
___ 5. What is the metaphor used to the word “woman”?
A. fearless B. smile C. war

Activity 2: Create a poster-slogan showing how you understand the poem “An Ode To The
Fearless Women” by Nikita Gill, and explain why you drew so. You may use a separate sheet of paper
for your output.

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