Hydrolysis of Salt

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Hydrolysis of Sal Woler ig Ainaociabed fo a Verg Simoll exer} inky Ht dn ond Oh on a followa— Ho == Ht +0 In Pere coher the Content hon of He and oy Aun Ore eq uol At, (49 = (Bu) Ths, Pure wohe, ie ete ere Song clacholyles. When they else ly oy of compilely? ok Codjony - Ln Some soblk , aniony yeachs iby t+ ton furnished bY Woler thereby, Vice Corunbohan of Ht gon in Solubion. Since, dre produch of CH and by as anal ke, therefore, the Conembohion BH dors in the tolubun iNneyeares The sohubion 15 thiretre, ollealine. Tn Case Some other Colk, , the cobonn reach, wih Sh don fruyniahed bg wok, thereby fou, yn the Coneenholion 3h Sn. beg 1% e~ wv 4 49 Ong jon} , the Concenhobion of 'N ereages, The soluban, therelre, became. aedic. The pheremenom ob mierachm of onion, 4 Ghee ch he lk ah he ye ee oe on 4 iched b vote, veaulhng acidic o hose formic g snauilvsk oY Somehines Saree ts Hydrolyas of solh- known an “Phe hy drolyais ob solks ore chwded tr Iver Cohego nies: — O Saks of Shong acid ond Nock, kel eh. ® Salo of Weale Cramp Shong hase : by Cy mpl, acd and Sheng hare» Far » Cl CoO Na g CXa\y ok Shong aud and weale bare - mple, NHy cd ® Solbn ob weal aud and weale bare Fa Cx arn Plea. Ch coP Sn, QO say, of $ aud and sh Sollo of shong acid and shor hare do rok hy drroliyae. Fe Crarmpbe, kee » when ib din aclve in Wok, iby in Et and OL have Yen daney to veatka owe won ond Ht ain veapechely » fr, KOH omd HCL - Smee Lop and Hel ay Shon the cholyte, 2 ove themodlve, ol mosl- Comp fe- ely Sdimociole mm wolh Thus, they IS 0 che, in” Concenbehon: Thus, salle of stony acid ane? chong bare do ro} Unduge hydrolyars. © Slbo of week aeik ard shore bore pO EIS GRY o*7 bata « on Foy example, te an en ace ble Chy couofla nde gee, sal} For ena- or follow CcouNa ——> Ch co” +Ne The celle dom wilh fokee WP Some vk the H® son, fund by dinciobion woler form aceic aud On plows: - Ch Coo + HO ——> ChyCorh The Undine cioked wohey turrthe, cincociale Sv a4 L mainlain the volwe of le. The H® fon 1% Aga folee Up by CwCO™ son and dy bead, b decreaany in Concenbohion of He The subuty Hrerelore, become allealine Hydroly nis coneak:~ The L ‘ Cc 3 fo. be wrllen o badrolayas ° Hecooke my CH, Coo +No* +H,0 == CH,Cooh + Not + Oh Sinw, Nat 4a Common fo bob side 5 ib may he Beh ok They the yveochon 1s represenied as. Ch, Coo + tro == Chto0oh + 0h PP Plymg Lew of Chennicol equilibrium ee = Eeycook] Lol) Whee ke rf equye [ercoo) Th.9} brinm conslont. Gnu, for Able Cobukon (HD ts prackcally con. fork, 4 herechore, - Ker One) = [crncwohj[orn [et coo = [ehy cooh) [on] o Kr [oly oo “J —D LJheye ley iD leroy, oo hgdroly rig Conslonl. 0 [.L. ) ° Ke Lahon elmer ky ) Ka and ley Leb 460 Conaider dy dantciahin oF crcebi ae Ch coon = Chtoo” + Ht The len by Chy Coo lam be ntlen 0 la = wo] Chg —D Uck coon yan are Br) Crh) —~—@ Dividing @ by © we gd kw 2 NLC coony ke [ck coy” fom © and@® Wwegep Ke 2k, ——© Since eee Combet » to, equohin © cn be wrnlken 04 bol —@ - lek oF call b drokyns Cone ors, Is vers, Mo Oe dimecahn coutonh obaud ko Degrce of _hydrolgas Ir ci fe tahiod joe af sah} in Mole /Lk on x 1a 7 ie / on the ottamment of eapiildbrien = f 'y Lon, A) Ch cooT + hO == ChyCooh + On aol é ° 5 Cone mnc- ade CQ-a) aoe a . apd rivem The, la = Cerycooh) LOH Leb, Cook] oa ky = CX*%O 2 Crt C Ci-x ) Tem Th x iv very aml then 1 tu, Ire Ca be Wwrlten a» Ly hevefore, ky = cae or xe fe @ From equakon G ond @ le gob 2+ Jklea —® From eq, wabion ® the Fobowng Cone leononay ene down? - @ The crater tre ackd, grealer is egne of hy deolyns (x). Sine, Kis jneveares 1c with temperben,. a ki aloo ercoote FPO ere wk > ex of drolyois creases on decreas, OMe gre Mae gobation (c) #9 de, whey mA deilubion incyeore Since, in hydrobya of a sdk of Weak acid Sheng bore, the On “on Conerbolion 1's ted (Or) = cx @ ghee Fon @ ond @ we gb [oA = c/w -= Claw thy fm * [Ee 8 Go bola ide we gd beg = bog ka 44 beye Lge _ t Ley ko +d Loyetg Pl ov — dog For) = - & beg lew eb lye— 4 Pl oe PO eh Phew = 4 bog e —4Pka ——Op Bub pry peloiy ov pha In— por @ Pom and W we geb ——D

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