Study On The Influence of Carbon On Standardized and Non-Standardized Steel

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The way a piece or tool behaves in operation is determined by the quality of the material
from which it is made, the precision of execution and heat treatment applied. In the
present research, it is highlighted the differences that take shape after heat treating
different materials (low carbon steel and high alloyed steel) including heating to
dissimilar austenitic phases (880°C and 1020°C), holding for non-identical times,
tempering at low temperature (260 °C) and then cooling by using separate cooling
mediums (oil, air and water). The results show no noticeable increase in the hardness and
mechanical properties for the low carbon steel after the heat treatment, but on the other
hand, the high alloyed steel, reveals distinguishable changes in both hardness and
mechanical properties. There is a close link between the structure, the parameters of the
thermal processes and the properties that are desired so that future specialists have to
assimilate the basic knowledge related to the phenomena that occur during a heat
treatment but at the same time it is important to equip the companies with machines and
measure devices, like a spectrometer.

Key words: heat treating, ferrous alloy, spectrometer, hardness, quenching, cooling mediums

1. Introduction more and more carbon to iron (up to solubility of

The succession of heating and cooling under well- iron) results in more and more distortion of the crystal
defined conditions, applied to alloys, aims at lattices and hence provides increased mechanical
obtaining optimal structures that provide the desired strength [7].
properties [1,3]. Modification of ferrous alloys If a company wants to produce different types of
properties, e.g. hardness, plasticity, mechanical steel knives, for example, and the amount of carbon
strength are obtained by heating and maintaining in the semi-finished products received from the
them at a certain temperature for a period of time, supplier does not correspond to the chemical
followed by slow, medium or sudden cooling composition provided in the standard, it will not be
according to a diagram of the heat treatment cycle possible to obtain the properties and the desired
[2]. The properties resulting from heat treatments are values after the heat treatments applied. To this
the effect of changes in the shape and distribution of purpose we analyze the influence of carbon on a
constituents, the appearance, disappearance, or standardized and a non-standardized steel.
change in the proportion of the various constituents
making up untreated material [4,5]. 2. Experimental
The purpose of heat treatments (annealing, 2.1 Materials
normalizing, hardening, tempering and surface First of all, a C2D1/1.1185 was chosen for
hardening) is to change the grain size, to modify the demonstrating how the microstructures of a low
structure of the material and relieve the stress set up carbon steel are formed and what type of differences
in the material [6,7]. Generally speaking, carbon adds occur in mechanical properties, after a heat treatment
hardness to the material which improves durability. is applied. The chemical composition of C2D1 (Table
The atomic diameter of carbon is less than the 1) was determined with the help of an optical
interstices between iron atoms and the carbon goes emission spectrometer, and confirmed, that the steel
into solid solution of iron [10]. As carbon dissolves in meets the standards [8].
the interstices, it distorts the original crystal lattice of
iron. This mechanical distortion of crystal lattice Table 1: Chemical composition [%] of low carbon steel
interferes with the external applied strain to the C2D1/1.1185
crystal lattice, by mechanically blocking the
dislocation of the crystal lattices. In other words, they
provide mechanical strength [6]. Obviously adding
a test load of 500 gF, in a time t = 15s.
Secondly, a diagram (line chart) of the heat
treatment process was realized displaying the
relationship between the two variables, time and
On the other hand, the material, received from the
temperature (Fig. 2). The line chart was made using
supplier and used for the high alloyed steel study is a
the help of the iron-carbon phase diagram and with
non-standardized. The spectrometer provided clear
some accumulated knowledge in metallurgy. Thanks
results. However, besides from the carbon content,
to it, the next step was possible, to write a program
the material matches the chemical values of a
for the chamber furnace. The heating process was
standardized cold work tool steel. In other words,
realized in a Nabertherm model N 11 / HR.
despite the non-identical carbon content, the material
was treated like a D2/1.2379 / X153CrMoV12 (Table
2) and the heat treatment was also applied after the
standardized tool steel recommendations.

Table 2: Chemical composition [%] of high alloyed

carbon steel D2/1.2379

2.2 Heat treatement and measurements Fig. 2: Heat treating process for C2D1 (hardening)
2.2.1 Low carbon steel
The experiment was realized using five samples, At 800°C, after 5 min heat maintenance the nr.1
where three of them were flat tensile specimens (each tensile specimen was extracted to verify if the
of them marked, from one to three) and one 23x35 temperature was enough high to pass the Curie point
size square sample (Fig.1) (in the phase diagram it is show as point A2 ). It is the
temperature above steels lose their permanent
magnetic properties (paramagnetism). The test was
conducted by using a very strong neodymium
magnet. After the experiment was over, the sample
was put back in the furnace for further heating. At
900°C, slowly, one by one, the samples were
extracted and fast cooled (quenched) in 2 different
Fig. 1: Test specimen cooling mediums (water and oil). For the oil
quenching, it was adopted an out of the common
All of the samples had the same 3 mm thickness liquid, canola oil, which is a vegetable oil, used for
(Table. 3) cooking (oil was preheated at 40-50°C, to lower its
Table 3: Test specimen dimensions The nr.2 tensile specimen was quenched in oil,
C2D1 L0 w0 w h g Lt after that, the nr.3 tensile specimen was also
Steel quenched, but this time, in water, and lastly the
Nr.1 66 11 2 3 40 170 square sample and nr.1 tensile specimen was
Nr.2 65.75 11 2 3 40 170 normalized (cooled in air).
Nr.3 58 10.75 2 3 40 170 Finally, the samples were polished and hardness
D2 L0 w0 w h g Lt measured, with the same hardness tester, mentioned
Steel above. After all of this, the mechanical properties of
Nr.1 66 10.5 2 2.6 40 170 tensile specimens were determined using an electrical
Nr.2 59.7 11.2 2 2.6 40 170 universal testing machine, in which the samples were
Nr.3 62 10.8 2 2.6 40 170 subjected to a controlled tension until failure. Thanks
Nr.4 62 11.2 2 2.6 40 170 to a program, the data is collected from the testing
Nr.5 63.8 11 2 2.6 40 170
machine, monitored and processed in different type of
Nr.6 60 11.2 2 2.6 40 170
diagrams and data sheets.
First of all, a hardness measurement was realized 2.2.2 High alloyed steel
on the semi-finished (not heat treated/work For this type of steel, the experiment was
performed) laminated metal sheet to determine the conducted on six flat tensile specimens and six 25x21
reference point for hardness. The hardness size flat square samples (each of them marked, from
measurement, 119HV, was performed on the HV one to six). All of the samples had the same 2.6 mm
Micro-Vickers hardness tester CV-400AAT applying thickness (Table 1).
The fabrication of samples started with a Fig. 4: Heat treating process for D2 (tempering)
270x240x20 mm metal block, delivered in annealed
condition. First the length was cut down to 200 mm 3. Results
with a metal cutting bandsaw, milled to an estimate Each hardness results listed in tables are the
3mm thickness with a disc milling cutter and finally arithmetic average of five measurements (Table 4).
surface grinded to 2,6 mm. The final form of the
tensile specimens was granted using an angle grinder Table 4: Hardness and mechanical properties of low
and a bench grinder. carbon steel steel C2D1 (tensile specimens)
All of the experiments, mentioned above, such as: Tensile specimens Nr.1 Nr.2 Nr.3
hardness measurement before, 318HV, and after heat Heat treatment applied Norm. Oil. Water
treatment and the tensile tests, were all repeated with Q. Q.
the same steps, and also, with the same machines. Vickers Hardness (HV) 122.3 130.1 140
However, there was made a new diagram of the Rockwell C Hardness (HRC) - - -
heat treatment process, more precisely, one for the Max force applied (kN) 12.6 10 15.1
quenching - and one for the tempering operation. The Yield point ReH (MPa) 189 139 337
heating process for the quenching operation lasted Tensile strength Rm (MPa) 327 267 391
105 min, up to 1020 C, with 5 min holding time at Elongation ε (%) 25.7 31.1 17.58
L0 66 65.75 58
both 650°C and 900°C (Fig. 3). These holding times
Lu 83 86.2 68.2
were necessary to slow down the heating process, and
ΔL 17 20.45 10.2
to minimalize the apparition of internal thermal
tensions, caused by fast heating. After the heating
process was done, one by one, the samples were The measurements show the values of the
extracted, and put to quench. For oil quenching, it mechanical characteristics of the C2D1 steel and also
was used the same canola oil, (preheated at 50°C), the fact that this steel can not be quenched (Table 4,
and the samples were: nr.1 & 5 tensile specimens and Fig. 5).
nr.4 & 5 square samples. The nr.3 & 4 labeled tensile
specimens were water quench, together with nr.3 350

square sample. Lastly, nr.2 tensile specimen was 300

quenched in air and nr.1 square sample was 200
normalized, letting cool in furnace to 200°C after that 150

it was extracted to cool in air. For nr.6 tensile 100

specimen & square sample there was not applied, in 0
any form, a heat treatment. Norm. Oil Q. Water Q.
Hardness [HV] 122,3 130,1 140
Yield point [MPa] 189 139 337
Tensile strenght [MPa] 327 267 391
Elongation [%]x10 257 311 175,8

Fig. 5: Hardness and mechanical properties of low carbon

seel C2D1

Meaurements for D2 steel are presented below. (Table 5, 6)

Table 5: Hardness and mechanical properties of high

alloyed steel D2 (tensile specimens)

Fig. 3: Heat treating process for D2 (hardening)

Finally, to eliminate the internal tensions, caused
by rapid cooling, a tempering was made. Thanks to
this operation, we can increase the toughness of the
steel; however, the drawback is we lose hardness. The
oil and water quenched samples were slowly heated,
up to 260°C, maintaining this temperature for 30 min.
and slowly cooled in the furnace, with closed door,
down to 150°C, followed with an air cooling (Fig. 4).

The reasons for choosing this type of oil are based

 it has close characteristics to a quenching oil
 it is cheaper / more accessible
 it doesn’t release harmful gasses when the oil
lights up / burns (like used motor oil).
produce steel with specific mechanical properties [11]
Table 6: Hardness and mechanical properties of high but a company that produces different parts or tools
alloyed steel D2 (square sample) of this material, and it doesn’t have a spectrometer in-
house to verify the chemical composition of the
material, received from the supplier, risks having
problems with the desired properties, after heat
Therefore, this study highlights (points out) the
need of a spectrometer for dispatching the problems
that can occur during productive activity, besides that,
The results show no noticeable increase in the if the future specialists want to assimilate the basic
hardness and mechanical properties for the low knowledge about the phonemes that occur during heat
carbon steel after the heat treatment, but on the other treatment, the place where they work or study needs
hand, the high alloyed steel, reveals distinguishable to provide the necessary equipment’s. Its need to be
changes in both hardness and mechanical properties understandable that there is a close connection (link)
(Fig. 6). between the structure, parameters of thermal
processes and the properties which are wished to be

Generally speaking if a product is rejected,
600 because the heat treatment process failed, it will cause
500 high costs, in other words, besides the material losses,
400 we also lose labor and energy (electricity).


0 [1] Socaciu, T., Moisoiu, A. (2011), Heat

Oil Q. + Water Water
Oil Q.
T. Q. Q. + T.
Air Q. None treatments, „Petru Maior” University Press of
Hardness [HV] 592,98 451,56 624,52 559,52 405,42 313,28 Târgu-Mureş, Romania.
Tensile strencght [MPA] 322 846 148 599 733 684
Max force applied [kN] x10 87,90 242 415 174,5 213,4 199,3
[2] Tonea, A., Aries, I., Baltac M. (2004), Raw
Elongation (%) x100 30 78 16 48 167 203 materials and materials, Ed. Aramis, Bucuresti,
Fig. 6: Hardness and mechanical properties of high alloyed Romania.
steel D2 [3] Socaciu T. (2011), Elements of materials
science and engineering, „Petru Maior”
Analyzing the data, it can be observed that, for
University Press of Târgu-Mureş, Romania.
example, the hardness value for nr.5 tensile specimen
[4] Ciurea, A., Bordei, M., Saban, R. (2007),
quenched in oil, is 45HRC (Table 5) although it
Elements of materials science and engineering,
should be approximately 60 HRC (Fig.7)
Ed. Galati University Press, Galati, Romania.
[5] Wanyorek, C. (1983), Heat treatments,
University of Brasov, Romania
[6] Tool steels guide, Dorrenberg Edelstahl, 2000
[7] Pop, L., Socaciu, T. (2016), Manufacturing
technologies, „Petru Maior” University Press of
Târgu-Mureş, Romania.
Fig. 7: Hardness of high alloyed steel D2 [9] bad2-4187-a94f-
4. Conclusion
Steel exists in several phases that can be
manipulated through heating and cooling process to

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