LPUMC News & Views-September 2011
LPUMC News & Views-September 2011
LPUMC News & Views-September 2011
September 2011
September 3 Youth at Six Flags September 6 Fall Preschool Begins September 6 Serve Dinner - Bridge September 7 Choir Practice Begins September 10 H.I.M./SERVE 2011 September 11 District Conference September 17 Young Family Playdate September 17 Dinner-Shalom House September 18 Friends and Family Day September 18 & 25 Healing Our Hurts September 19 All-Church/Council Mtg September 20 & 27 Listening with the Heart September 21 Womens Lunch September 22 & 29 Hole in the Gospel September 26 Week Hodgen Tutoring Starts Sept 29-Oct 2 Mens Emmaus Walk Sept 30-Oct 1 Rummage Sale September-November Confirmation Class
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Theresa Jordan joined our family on August 28. She said, There was just something about the pastor, she was so down-toearth, and I really liked the atmosphere of the church. Theresa was also happy to see how her daughter Sierra was welcomed and included in conversations about being baptized next month. A big Cardinals and Rams fan, Theresa is the 2nd to the youngest of 12 siblings! She is also a Native American, of the Oenida tribe, and enjoys attending a day-long pow-wow at Washington University in the spring each year.
Along with friends and fellow LPUMC members, her son and his wife from California were in attendance as well as son Stan Theresa, we are so happy to welcome you to LPUMC! Marie Wood celebrated her 100th birthday on Friday, August 26, 2011, at the Mekong Restaurant! She is thought to be the oldest living member of LPUMC.
Wood, who lives here. We praise God for the length of time that we have had her in our lives!
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Hands in Mission District Conference Earth Care Adventures in Faith Pumpkin Patch Odds & Ends Hodgen Tutors Emmaus Walk Bridge Bread Epworth H.I.M. Youth & College
Zach Waldis will begin an internship at Lafayette Park UMC in September. Please keep an eye out for him and his family at church and give them a big welcome! We are happy to have you here Zach! This is a year of change for himhe just com-
pleted his first year at Eden Seminary, and was also married this year to his wife Mishona on May 28. Zach has a diverse theological background (Catholic, Southern Baptist and Methodist).
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H a n d s On September 10-11, 2011, United Methodists across Missouri are joining hands and hearts with our neighbors for a statewide weekend of community service. Please join us at The Bridge on Saturday, 9/10, from 9:00 to 12:00 to do cleaning and painting.
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M i s s i o n sharondomke@ yahoo.com. We also have plans to plant a tree in partnership with a local Muslim community-contact Chris Kinder at 314.457.8721. A team will go to Joplin for a mission trip November 3-6 of this year. Sign-up sheets for the trip are available at Sunday services, but you can also call Maria in the church office.
The Bridge provides meals and support to the homeless and those at risk of becoming homeless. The Bridge is located inside Centenary United Methodist Church, which is located downtown at 1610 Olive St. (just west of 16th St.). Please invite your family, friends, and neighbors to join us for this event. Sign-ups are available during services or you can contact Sharon Domke at 314.226.9368 or at
h e a r f r o m B i s h o p S c h n a s e a t 2 0 1 1 D i s t r i c t C o n f e r e n c e Everyone is encouraged to attend this years District Conference at Kirkwood UMC on September 11, 2011. Conference schedule: 2:30 pm Fellowship and Refreshments
3:00 pm Workshops
Church Family:
Our sister Jenni Joerger is at a critical point in her journey to receive a kidney transplant -please pray for her body to continue functioning while she waits and consider whether you can help with meals or rides to the doctor.
Ken Gottman Providing an Environment Compelling for Young Adults Karen Hayden Redefining Church Structure and Leadership Emily Peach McCallister, Jeff Fothergill, David Bennett, Suzanne Lyons S/PPRC Rev. Kurt Schuermann, Sally Hoener
4:00 Bishop Schnase Register at www.gatewaydistricts.org, On the home page, right side, you will see GCDC Workshop Registration, when you click on that link it will take you to the registration form. Register by September 8if you need assistance with registration please call Maria at 314.771.9214.
E a r t h C a r e : W h y c r e a t i o n a t
For Christians, Creation Care is not political; its theological. Its not an agenda; its an act of faithfulness. Its not a cultural suggestion; its a biblical mandate. Thats why we devote this column to an exploration of what it means to be truly faithful in matters of caring for Gods good creation. Not so that we can promote a specific set of opinions or
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You see we know the creator who was, who is and who will be And we know how much he loves the creation, how much he loves every person who lives, has lived and will live and we know he is counting on us to do the same. Why care for creation, Christian? Its not that complicated. Because we love God, we love each other and after all the Bible tells us so. Rev. Jan Brittain
statistics. Not so that we can convince anyone to support the stances of a political party. We have this column because we feel called by God to do so. Why care for creation at all? Three short answers, because we love God, we love others and the Bible tells us so. Thats a little different from the arguments made by most secular environmentalists. Their
argument for taking care of the world is primarily based on self-interest. We need to reduce, reuse and recycle if we know whats good for us. Thats why all the stats and figures and predictions of gloom and doom are used. But its not fear of the future that compels the Christian to care for creation. Its the past, the present and the future.
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M o l l y s Several months before she left us, Molly McBride expressed a desire for us to host a drive to collect items for the Ronald McDonald House. It is a charity that was important to her because of the help given to her and Matt while Ansleigh was sick (as a newborn). In honor and memory of Molly McBride, we will be collecting donations for the Ronald McDonald
L e g a c y House. Items needed will be posted on the bulletin boards at church. Please bring your donations by Sunday, September 18th. They will be delivered on Tuesday, September 20th. If you have questions, please contact Britney Hawk (314.352.8103; britneyhawk@yahoo.com) or the organization (314.773.1100; www.rmhcstl.com under Donate.)
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O u t r e a c h and our neighbors in the community. We earnestly invite you to fast and pray with us as we seek Gods guidance and direction. We joyfully anticipate Gods great and amazing action with and through us in the coming months!
As we begin the journey to cooler weather, we have started to look into ways our church can help those without shelter in the coming depths of winter. Some members of the church have committed to fast & pray as we consider how a partnership with Winter Outreach may best serve the needs of all involved; those in need of warmth & safety, those providing the service,
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Thank you to Richard Eaton for leading the afternoon Bible Study group. Thank you to those who are fasting and praying for discernment regarding our involvement in helping those without a home during cold months through Winter Outreach.
Every time you cross my mind, I break out in exclamations of thanks to God. Philippians 1:3
Thank you to Bill Byrd and the Trustees for continued improvements to the sound system and the addition of assisted hearing ear buds. Thank you to all those who have helped with the McKinley Peace Garden. Thank you to all those who helped at the Hands
October 4 Serve Dinner - The Bridge October 2, 9, 16, 23, & 30 Healing Our Hurts October 4 & 13 Listening with the Heart October 6, 13, & 20 Hole in the Gospel Study October 9 Youth Fundraiser October 8-31 Pumpkin Patch October 11 Charge Conference 6:30p.m.-Staff Parish 7:00p.m.-All October 15 Young Family Playdate 9:00a.m. October 15 Serve Dinner-Shalom House October 15 Blessing of the Animals October 20-23 Womens Emmaus Walk October 22 Spiritual Gifts Class October 23 Fall Festival November 1 Serve Dinner - The Bridge November 3-6 Joplin Mission Trip November 6 Healing Our Hurts November 11-12 Exploration 2011 November 12 Turkey Dinner November 14 The Bridge Fundraiser 5:30-7:30, Moto Museum November 19 Young Family Playdate 9:00a.m. November 19 Serve Dinner-Shalom House December 6 Serve Dinner - The Bridge December 17 Young Family Playdate 9:00a.m. December 17 Serve Dinner-Shalom House
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A D V E N T U R E S I N F A I T H S I G N U P N O W a t 7 7 1 . 9 2 1 4 !
Join us for a fiveweek book study on Thursdays to address thoughtprovoking ideas in The Hole in the Gospel, by Richard Stearns. Stearns went from being a corporate CEO to leading World Vision in their mission to combat global poverty. He shares his story and what he has learned about a glaring hole in our Gospelconcluding Christians have missed much of the heart of Jesus' message. The first two meetings will be at Rue Lafayette (2026 Lafayette Ave, 63104), rest TBD; beginning September 22, at 6:30 p.m. Sign up now so we make sure everyone has a book! Listening with the Heart will be offered for four weeks beginning September 20 (three Tuesdays; last week on Thursday October 13). Cell phones! Twitters! E-mail! We have more and more ways to communicate but do we really listen to each other? Participants will learn active listening skills such as how to focus attention, how to listen reflectively, and how to listen with empathy. These skills can improve relationships with family, friends, & coworkers-so why wait to sign up? Classes are at LPUMC, from 7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Join us at 6:30 p.m. on September 18 for Healing Our Hurts. We will continue for a total of eight Sunday nights at 3107 Russell, St. Louis, MO 63104. Have you ever felt the need to be perfect, felt depressed, or perhaps youve gotten into the habit of just surviving life rather than enjoying it? Pain often causes us to develop self-defense mechanisms that help for a while but in the end keep us from enjoying life as God intended. Come and learn how God can help us be our best selves. Spiritual Gifts will be offered on October 22, from approximately 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Participants should sign up by October 8 to allow time to complete a gift questionnaire. Designed to encourage individuals to discover Gods call in their own lives, Each One a Minister leads toward practical ways of using gifts in ministries in our congregations and in our communities. Join us to take another step in your journey to discern Gods unique path for you, and learn more about spiritual gifts! SIGN UP for all classes by contacting Maria at 314.771.9214 or lpsecretary@sbcglobal.net.
September 4 Exodus 12:1-14 Psalm 149 or Psalm 148 (UMH 861) Romans 13:8-14 Matthew 18:15-20 September 11 Exodus 14:19-31 Exodus 15:1b-11, 20-21 (UMH 135)
Romans 14:1-12 Matthew 18:21-35 September 18 Exodus 16:2-15 Psalm 105:1-6, 37-45 or Psalm 78 (UMH 799) Philippians 1:21-30 Matthew 20: 1-16
September 25 Exodus 17:1-7 Psalm 78:1-4, 12-16 (UMH 799) Philippians 2:1-13 Matthew 21:23-32
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One of the jewels of our sanctuary, our east stained glass window, needs immediate attention to its structural integrity. If you love the way the light hits the sanctuary on Sunday morning, have seen a visitor snap pictures of our windows, or simply wish to ensure a safe and structurally sound place of worship, please join us in raising funds to restore and protect our historic east window. You can help by donating, as God leads you, to our Stained Glass Window fund. Please indicate stained glass window in the check memo and place in the offering or mail to LPUMC, 2300 Lafayette Ave, St. Louis, MO, 63104.
P U M P K I N P A T C H T I M E !
Think COOL, and mark your calendar now for this falls annual LPUMC Pumpkin Patch, to be held from noon to 7:00 p.m. daily October 9 through October 31. This event is another that benefits people both near and far. The Pumpkin Patch, itself, is the only opportunity of its kind for many local schoolchildren. The pumpkins that stock the Patch are grown by members of a Navajo tribe in northwest New Mexico, providing economic support for their community. In addition to the pumpkinswhich are of a variety perfect for bak-
ing!the Patch will also feature straw bales and gourds that are great for seasonal decorating.
Fest on October 23, from 12:00-4:00 p.m. St. Louis Cardinals mascot Fredbird will
Proceeds from this years Patch will help support a mission team to Joplin in November and will provide funds for the repair and restoration of the historic stained glass window on the east side of the church. If you have any questions about this years Pumpkin Patch, contact Sharon at 314.614.6024 or swhitcomb54@yahoo. com.
This years special events include the Blessing of the Animals from 2:00 3:00 p.m. on October 15 and the Family Fun
be at the Family Fun Fest from 1:00 1:30 in the afternoon. Remember to bring your camera!
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E f f o r t l e s s Yes its true! By using an eScrip card when you shop at Schnucks you can help fund our programs. In 2010 the LPUMC e-scrip program provided $690 to the church! Schnucks eScrip Card 1. Pick up a Schnucks eScrip Community Card at a Schnucks Service Desk or LPUMC office.
D o n a t i o n s Macys Fundraising Card Register your Macys card at https://secure.escrip.com/jsp/ supporter/authentication/ password.jsp When you make a purchase, a percentage will be donated to LPUMC as a fundraiser. Goodsearch/Goodshop And lastly, search the net using www.goodsearch.com with our church name and city selected.
2. Register the Card. 3. Show the Card at Checkout. You can also shop other stores through the online site; purchases count toward funds we receive. Just create an account with the information you used to register your card at: http://www.escrip.com. We also have a program using your Macys card:
CATEMBE PROJECT We continue to support our sister church in Mozambique. Our current project is to help them with their building needs. They are raising funds now for a parsonage so the pastor can be available for ministry, as well as for their church building to make it available for use as a community center. Donations should be marked Catembe in the memo line.
Check out this great article about how LPUMC played a part in restoring a family from Louisiana following Hurricane Katrina! http:// lpumc.blogspot.com/2011/08/ success-of-new-orleansmission-project.html
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Please include our monthly partners in your prayer time this month:
September 4 Webster Hills UMC Rev. Scott D. Hall Wellspring New Church Start UMC Rev. F. Willis Johnson
September 11 Zion UMC - Rev. Lee Porch Arlington UMC - Rev. Mary F. Harvey September 18 Asbury UMC - Lay Leadership Team Bellefontaine UMC Rev. Nathan P. Wolff
September 25 Beloved Community/Unity UMC - Rev. Antonio M. Settles Bethel UMC - Rev. Leonard Krudop
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Lafayette Caf
Please feel free to join us on any Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall for some time to gather, relax, work on a craft project, and visit. You can bring your dinner if you like while we spend some fun time together.
MISSION PROJECTS Many of us read the book, Changing the World by Michael Slaughter. It inspired us to want to work on outreach projects. If you have an idea for a project, contact Maria in the office. AFTERNOON BIBLE STUDY Join us on Wednesday afternoons at 2:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. We will study the gospels and would love to see you there! PRAYER Send prayer requests to Maria in the office for the bulletin; and to Wilma Myracle (314.771.0934) to add your request to our prayer chain.
Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns.. Philippians 4:6
BUTTERFLIES NEEDED Cindy Pillow is making a butterfly stole for Aaron Ban that will be given to him for his ordination this fall. Please give her hand -made or purchased butterflies, no larger than 3 inches, by September 30. SEPTEMBER 19 ALLCHURCH MEETING The next Church Council meeting will be September 19. Committees will meet at 6 p.m. and the council meeting will begin at 7 p.m. Everyone is encouraged to attend. We will continue discussion of how we will participate with Winter Outreach. RUMMAGE SALE The next Rummage sale at Lafayette Park UMC
will be on Friday, September 30, from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. and Saturday, October 1, from 8 a.m. until noon. Donations may be dropped off Wednesdays between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. or call the office at 314.771.9214. For local pick up call Donna Decker at 314.436.1409. Dont forget Saturday, October 1, is $2 a bag day! STAINED GLASS WINDOW FUND RAISER We are collecting gold or silver to raise funds for our stained glass window repairs. We can take broken gold or silver chains, earrings, pins or miscellaneous jewelry. To donate please call Maria at 314. 771.9214. Thank you, UMW
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SERVE2011 The Office of Creative Ministries of the Missouri United Methodist Conference invite you to participate in SERVE2011 on September 1011. Each church will determine how to participate, but we will all be working together to actively serve our communities at the same time. DISTRICT CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 11 Some districts do not have a District Conference because there is no interest. Gateway Central District is the exception, not only do we have one each year, they are very well attended. We do not want this year to be any different, especially since Bishop Schnase will be with us. Please register
at www.gatewaydistricts.org, on the home page, right side, you will see GCDC Workshop Registration, when you click on that link it will take you to the registration form. Registration will end on September 8. BMCR ANNUAL WORSHIP SERVICE SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2011
Rev. Dr. Henry Brewer at (314) 968-4359. NEW ONLINE COURSES These are available for anyone who is interested and also count as Lay Ministry continuing education credit! Enroll at https://w4.sckans.edu/ ifd_course_schedule.php. Biblical Storytelling II October 31 to November 21, 2011 http://beadisciple.com/ layspeakingministries.html#StorytellingII Biblical Storytelling I -- October 17-31, 2011 --$50 http://beadisciple.com/ layspeakingministries.html#StorytellingI
2:30 pm Pre-service Music 3:00 pm - Worship Speaker - Dr. James H. Salley, Associate Vice Chancellor for Institutional Advancement Africa University Development Office Location Union Memorial United Methodist Church For additional information, please call: Vice Chairperson:
September 1 Ethics Small Group September 3 Youth at Six Flags September 6 Fall Preschool Begins September 6 Serve Dinner - The Bridge September 7 Choir Practice Begins September 8 Deadline to register for the District Conference September 10 Hands In Mission/ SERVE 2011 Projects September 11 District Conference Kirkwood UMC 2:30p.m.-5:00p.m. September 17 Young Family Playdate 9:00a.m. September 17 Serve Dinner-Shalom House September 18 Friends and Family Day September 18 Healing Our Hurts September 19 All-Church Mtg/Council 6:00 Committees 7:00 All/Council September 19 Week Hodgen Tutor Orientation September 20 Listening with the Heart September 21 Womens Lunch September 22 Hole in the Gospel Study September 25 Healing Our Hurts September 25 BMCR Worship Service September 26 Week Hodgen Tutoring Begins September 27 Listening with the Heart September 29-October 2 Mens Emmaus Walk September 29 Hole in the Gospel Study September 30-October 1 Rummage Sale September-November Confirmation Class
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Breakfast (served to all by the United Methodist Men) The men are taking a break from serving breakfast until the fall. Thank you to all the men who made breakfasts this year! Website Update Continue to look for updates on the website.
Checkout the Yahoo photo pages. Comments? Contact Chris Finley at chrisdfinley@sbcglobal. net. Inkjet and Toner Cartridges and Cell Phones for Recycling Dont forget to bring these items to the church office! This helps our
environmental fundraiser. Aluminum Can Recycling Look for can collection bin in the parking lot. Paper Recycling Look for the collection bin behind the church .
...If His love has made any difference in your life...Agree with each other, love each other, be deep-spirited friends. Philippians 2:2
Church Council: Daron Smith Board of Trustees: Steve Coffey Publicity: Debra Crowe Finance Chair: Bethany Spaulding Treasurer: Ross Rotherham Financial Secretary: Maria Lawrence Lay Leadership: Sharon Domke Parish Relations: Nancy Thuer
Youth Ministries: Daniel Shanks Education: Cindy Pillow Outreach: TBD Missions: Larry Heugatter Worship: Sue Meyers Heart n Hands: Bill Byrd Stewardship: TBD Music: Kourtney Strade Preschool Liaison: Cindy Pillow Stephen Ministry: Fred Domke and Becky Mueller
Conference Lay Member: Mike Owens United Methodist Women: Jeris Beane Historian: Tom Keay Wills and Memorials: Larry Heugatter Wedding Coordinator: Lynne Keay Communication: Jon Copeland Webmaster: Chris Finley Shalom House Coordinator: Nicole Burlison-Knepper
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Church Office Hours Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. 314.771.9214 Pastor Rev. Kathleen Wilder lppastor@sbcglobal.net Pastoral Assistant Rev. Stephanie Leonard slanalyst@hotmail.com Church Secretary Maria Lawrence lpsecretary@sbcglobal.net
Youth Director Daniel Shanks danlshanks@gmail.com Newsletter Production Bob & Jeris Beane Sunday Bulletin Production Betty Disbennett Mary Disbennett
Newsletter Editor Bethany Spaulding lpnewsletter@sbcglobal.net Newsgroup http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lpumc Webmaster Chris Finley chrisdfinley@sbcglobal.net Preschool Director Edna Coleman lppreschool@sbcglobal.net
We offer electronic giving as a way to automate your regular weekly offering. Contributions can now be debited automatically from your checking or savings account. If you are currently giving on a weekly basis, you will no longer need to write out 52 checks a year. And, when travel or
other circumstances prevent you from attending services, this program will allow your weekly offerings to continue on an uninterrupted basis. Electronic giving offers convenience for individual congregation members and provides donation consistency to sup-
port the mission and vision of our congregation. As you contemplate future contributions, please consider electronic giving. Authorization forms are available from the church office or call Maria Lawrence at 314.771.9214.
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He graduated from Greenville College, in Greenville, IL, with a degree in Theology and Philosophy (coincidentally, he was there at the same time as Daniel Shanks, our Youth Director, and his wife Hannah!).
While working at Lafayette Park, he will be helping with contemporary music at the church and starting a young adults ministry/ group. My wife and I are newly
married, and we look forward to learning, growing, and getting to know some great folks at the church who are doing the same! We look forward to meeting with everyone and getting plugged in. Zach feels strongly about teaching in the church and the dire need in contemporary society and Christianity for social justice. While his faith and understanding are always under revision, God continues to inspire and challenge him through
the reading of His Word, church history, philosophy, etc. I have spent some time in some of the rougher areas of St. Louis and there have seen the poverty and conditions which our faith speaks of and to. I'd love to talk with any and all of you and we are so blessed to be here, thank you for having us. You can reach Zach at zwaldo86@gmail.com or 618.558.2376.
RMN MISSION STATEMENT: Reconciling Ministries Network is a national grassroots organization that exists to enable full participation of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities in the life of the United Methodist Church, both in policy and practice.
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w o u l d w e b e w i t h o u t D i c k & J a n e ?
Are you old enough to remember the Dick & Jane grade school readers? I remember them and how I couldn't wait for next years' reader so I could read about the big flood. How I envied Dick with his nifty yellow raincoat and hat. Looking back, those were exciting times. Learning to read brought a real sense of pride and accomplishment. Ive discovered a way to regain some of that enthusiasm as a reading tutor for a young boy named Lavauntae, a second grader at Hodgen Elementary. I get a real kick out of this guy. He has the biggest smile and brightest eyes. My heart goes out to him when he struggles over a vocabulary list, knitting his brow and scratching his head. But that face brightens up and we celebrate with high-fives when he gets it or when he finishes a story without a mistake. Sometimes when I'm listening to my little friend read, I wonder who this might be, in the small seat next to me. Is he a future doctor, or a dynamic teacher who inspires the lives of hundreds? Maybe he's a future missionary who brings help and hope to whole regions of the world. Perhaps hell be a research scientist who discovers a cure for diabetes, Alzheimer's or AIDS. Or maybe
Sometimes when I'm listening to my little friend read, I wonder who this might be, in the small seat next to me. Is he a future doctor, or a dynamic teacher who inspires the lives of hundreds?
skills. Their future is one of frustration and failure. What's left for them is a hardscrabble existence at best or delinquency and crime at worst. It's clear that kids like my buddy aren't getting the extra help they need. You can make the difference. Becoming a reading tutor sounds like such a small thing yet it is an opportunity to change the academic life of a child and have a real impact on his or her whole future -and our world. We need more tutors! Last year we had enough tutors to provide help once a week. We need at least another six tutors to provide a second weekly help session. If we double our efforts each year we can meet the needs of each child.
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The Walk to Emmaus is a spiritual renewal program that has to be experienced to be appreciated. Since each participant is unique, their individual "Emmaus" experience will be unique as well. Describing the "mechanics" of the "Walk" is about the best we can do. The Walk to Emmaus is a 72-hour weekend experience beginning Thursday evening. The weekend is comprised of fifteen talks by lay and clergy on the themes of God's grace, disciplines of Christian discipleship, and what it means to be the church. The schedule includes prayer and meditation, special times of worship and daily celebration of Holy Communion. The "Emmaus community,"
made up of those who have attended an Emmaus weekend, support the 72 -hour experience by preparing and
"Missing work on Friday and traveling to the Walk on Thursday evening can be a problem for some but it is well worth the sacrifice. I went to "charge my spiritual batteries" and was not disappointed. It was a wonderful experience of our Fathers' love and of the bond with my brothers in Christ." C. Lawrence
challenge and support one another in faithful living. Participants are encouraged to make God's love real in their families, their jobs and to work with their congregations to minister to the needs of their communities. The Walk to Emmaus is sponsored by The Upper Room, a ministry unit of the General Board of Discipleship of The United Methodist Church. Although the Walk to Emmaus is primarily a Methodist weekend it is ecumenical and open to men and women of other faith expressions. To register or for more information contact Cindy Pillow (771.6130 or cindykae@hotmail.com) or Maria and Chuck Lawrence (618.344.9090 or charlieandmaria@sbcglobal.net).
serving meals and other acts of love and self-giving. The Emmaus Walk concludes Sunday evening. Men and women attend separate weekends. During and after the three days, Emmaus leaders encourage participants to meet regularly in small groups. The members of the small groups
Are you looking for an opportunity to serve where you can: Provide Christian care and support to people in crisis, Learn communication skills to benefit all areas of your life, Develop close personal relationships in a small group, Enrich your life spiritually, and See God in action?
Our children need your help! If you can volunteer once a month to help with childrens church please see Judy Eberline or Tom Keay; or leave a message for them with Maria at 314.771.9214.
If so, volunteer to become a Stephen Minister-training will begin in early November. Contact Becky Mueller for an application: 314.521.0393; rlwmueller@earthlink.net
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What is 'Bridge Bread'? Bridge Bread is the name we're using for a social entrepreneurship initiative that will provide an opportunity for guests (sojourners) at The Bridge to participate with volunteers in making bread at The Bridge. Bridge Bread will eventually be sold - first at churches that support The Bridge, but eventually we would hope to make it commercially available. The goal of the initiative is to help disadvantaged sojourners engage in a financially rewarding effort that enhances self-worth, promotes dignity and enables them to help themselves by earning money.
Why make Bridge Bread? There are few if any opportunities for sojourners to be productively employed. This project will accept them as they are and allow them to participate with minimal training and minimal commitment. This project is for those that might not be a good fit to learn other job skills or that would be expected to get to and from a place of work on a fixed schedule. Whats Next? We need to start somewhere-on September 3 a few of us are meeting to try a dry run of making bread. In addition we need people to prayerfully consider whether they can help:
Manage the process of actually making the bread Make sure we don't make anyone ill Select and recruit clients to do the work Recruit volunteers on an on-going basis for several different tasks Procure the ingredients Create the recipes Come up with a marketing plan Manage the distribution of bread to the selling locations Supervise the clients as they work Make sure we don't run afoul of the law Keep the books Manage the money
Provide seed money to pay for supplies and client labor until the venture is selfsupporting. Provide prayers and advice.
We may need financial support on a long -term basis - but the benefits may still far outweigh any costs. If this sounds interesting to you, please share your thoughts with Fred Domke at: fdomke@gmail.com.
FRIENDS AND FAMILY SUNDAY Mark your calendars for Friends and Family Sunday! Its the perfect time to get back into the habit of spending time with your church family after the summer season. Invite your friends, coworkers, neighbors and family to join us on September 18 for worship at 9:30 a.m. and a meal in the fellowship hall after service. If you want to help with the meal, contact Lynne Keay at tet1904@yahoo. Other opportunities are providing utensils, plates or helping to set up and clean up. Examples of dishes you can sign up to bring include pasta salad, green salad, vegetables, bread, drinks and desserts.
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H A N D S On August 27, several LPUMC members went to Epworths University City location to work on the grounds and then barbeque with the youth living there. Hot dogs, hamburgers, coleslaw, potato salad, desserts (including Park Avenue gooey butter cakes!) and more filled everyone to the brim.
M I S S I O N - E P W O R T H
Emergency Services), also part of Epworth. Some of us also played a little 3-on-3, and we all enjoyed our time at Epworth.
with the youth. If you have interest in this, please contact her at 314.918.3330 or mmahan@epworth.org.
Epworths Margaret Mahan gave us information on getting involved and mentioned a particular need for people to form one-on-one relationships
N o w
F o r m i n g :
WANTED: Men interested in belonging to a group of guys for old fashioned camaraderie, discussion, prayer and support for our faith walk. Its not always easy to go it alone. Wouldnt it be great to find some
friends for the journey? Friends that know what its like to search for a masculine faith. The format is wide
open. Bring your ideas to a meeting. Give a shout out to Chuck at 618.781.4538 and well set up a time to meet - a place like the Dennys just north of I_44 on Hampton Ave.
P a g e
1 5
N e w s
Vi e w s
Y o u t h
a n d
C o l l e g e / Y o u n g
A d u l t
Our college group has been meeting on Thursdays for movie night we look forward to the school year to welcome back our students who
some pool party in August with much sun, water and pool games! Also in August the youth had a day of service at Shelby and Sheryls home with hot dogs to fuel a full after-
and weekly youth group meetings. Some things we can use help with are fundraising, hosting meetings, event sponsors, and a prayer chain. We want our youth and young adults covered in prayer for this upcoming school year.
We are in need of three or four adults to participate in confirmation as a youth sponsor. If your gift is giving, items we could use include a people mover/ van, and snacks. Im looking forward to sharing this ministry work with youplease give me a call at 309.258.4126 for details! Dan Shanks
were abroad over the summer. Please check in for directions if you plan to attend, as the Shanks are moving soon! The youth had an awe-
noon of yard work! Future youth events include a visit to Six Flags on September 3, confirmation classes,
September Birthdays
Chris Greene (2) Mary Martchink (2) Sue Meyers (2) Andy Wilder (8) Barb Fontaine-Owens (12) Jesse Wilder (15) Libby Aude (17) Brenda Deertz (22) Bob Bennett (28)
Needs at The Bridge One of the services provided to the guests at The Bridge is the ability to pick up a packet of personal care items. I have been volunteering there on Fridays and have noticed the lack of certain items in their supplies. All of their items have been donated either by organizations or individuals. Things which they are currently out of include disposable razors, small tubes of toothpaste and plastic grocery bags used to put items in when handing them out. Please consider adding a bag of razors and some small tubes of toothpaste to your shopping list. Also, if you have a stash of those plastic grocery bags there is a great need for those. Other items which are given out to guests are (new) socks, T-shirts and underwear. These items are always in short supply, but are greatly appreciated by the guests. If you have any of these items to give, you may hand them to me, Debra Crowe, or Bethany Spaulding and we will see that the items get to the supply pantry at The Bridge. Thank you, Sue Meyers
September Anniversaries
Barbara & Mike Owens Maria & Chuck Lawrence Sue & John Meyers Sorry, if we missed it...
If your Birthday or Anniversary was missed on the listPlease let us know so we dont miss you next year. Congratsanyway!
St. Louis, MO Permit No. 2950