Sem Readme
Sem Readme
Sem Readme
Product: Intergraph Smart® Engineering Manager (SP-ENG-MGR)
Date: June-2019
Description: Smart Engineering Manager is the administration environment for the Smart
P&ID, Smart Process Engineering, and Smart Electrical authoring products.
Smart Engineering Manager allows the user to set up a site and plant
environment and to set the related user access privileges. Smart Engineering
Manager also facilitates global engineering and shared projects.
System Requirements
Important: Beginning with Windows 10 and Oracle, Microsoft and Oracle will enforce
the Internet Host Table Specification RFC 952 which mandates that component hostname labels
can contain only alphanumeric characters. Hostnames using underscores (‘_’) are not allowed.
Refer to Oracle Support Articles 1603775.1 and 1957895.1 and Microsoft KB 101785.
For full details of system requirements, refer to the Hardware and Software Recommendations
section of the Smart Engineering Manager Installation and Upgrade Guide
(Schem SEM Installation Guide.pdf).
Version Compatibility
For up-to-date information on the software compatibility of this product in a standalone or
integrated environment, please refer to the compatibility matrix available on Intergraph Smart
Support (
Log on and perform the following steps:
For information about authoring tool versions that work with a particular version of SmartPlant
Foundation, select SPFoundation in step 3.
Special Instructions
Special instructions for upgrading your database and programs for use with Smart Engineering
Manager 2019 are described in the Smart Engineering Manager Upgrade Utility User's Guide
Use the Help menu to access the Help files and Printable Guides for this product. For the latest
support information for this product, connect to customer support
( Also, you can submit any documentation comments or
suggestions you might have on the Hexagon PPM support site.
Printed documentation is not available for separate purchase.
PDF Files
The documentation is provided as .pdf files. You can use any PDF viewer to view the files.
To register for training on Hexagon PPM products, call Training Registration at (800) 766-7701
in the U.S. Outside the U.S., call (256) 730-5400 or contact your local Hexagon PPM office.
For current information on training, connect to
Customer Support
For the latest Support Services information for this product, including solutions to known
software issues, connect to customer support (
To open service requests outside the U.S., please contact your local Hexagon PPM office.
The following TRs were closed/fixed in this version.
TR PB:70458
When a user enters a duplicate value into a select list, the value simply "disappears" from the
select list entry field.
TR PB:140381
Room item is missing HydroTestPackage item attributions.
TR PB:140433
Ducting and piping points are missing Description attributes
TR PB:122403
Cannot save changes after adding new properties to Data Dictionary Manager.
TR PB:123619
The 'Back' option in the 'Create Plant Structure' step of the 'Load Standalone Project' wizard
does not work.
Upgrade Utility
TR PB:111245
On customer's dataset, upgrade failed at the last step of Converting Oracle Type: Update views
and statistics.
Open Problems
Catalog Manager
TR PB:20454
Problem: Placed labels appear with a font that is different from the font that was actually defined
for the label.
TR PB:55684
Problem: When you create labels and the attributes are from related tables the window showing
these attributes is too small to show some of them that have long display names.
TR PB:63470
Problem: Unicode characters or symbols from the character map will not paste into a label.
TR PB:77077
Problem: Incorrect icon is displayed in the Catalog Explorer list view using a certain workflow.
TR PB:88593
Problem: For creating or modifying a label, clicking OK only rather than Apply and then OK in
the SmartText Editor causes the label to display "NULL" on top of your real value.
TR PB:92787
Problem: If you change the end cap type and/or join type and save the symbol file, the changes
are not saved. You must also change some graphics in order to get the end cap type or join type
to change.
TR PB:98846
Problem: Cannot resize catalog explorer tree view if plant has period in name.
TR PB:100387
Problem: A User is not able to create a Title Block Label to display needed fields.
TR PB:100431
Problem: Customer tries to change the font on the Title Block Field and it causes a Draft error
and then closes Catalog Manager.
TR PB:102653
Problem: The 'Rep File Name' property is available in SmartText editor for each type of plant
item (for example, Equipment). However, this field is not updated with correct information once
the label is placed in the drawing environment.
TR PB:105956
Problem: User created a label with multiple fields mapped to different attributes. When the label
is placed, SmartPlant P&ID creates a gap (or blank) automatically, if the attribute in the middle is
not populated.
TR PB:108561
Problem: The "Group" command button on the Catalog Manager toolbar is active. If the "Group"
function is not supported in Catalog Manager, then it should not be active. It should be grayed
out or not exist at all.
TR PB:110577
Problem: A customer created an Off-Drawing OPC symbol and set the description SmartText
width and height properties to Auto so that the description text can auto extend and not wrap.
This caused a label orientation problem with some of the placements.
Workaround: Not available
TR PB:119058
Problem: The custom properties of some symbols under the Symbols folder include unreadable
Workaround: Open the symbol, and on the Custom tab of the symbol properties, remove the
corrupted properties and then add those properties back.
TR PB:119695
Problem: For SmartText, the language setting cannot be set to traditional Chinese because
characters overlap.
Workaround: Leave blank spaces between the characters to spread them out.
TR PB:121816
Problem: On a Japanese operating system with Japanese regional settings, when the user
selects Tools > Variables for a parametric symbol, garbage characters appear in the list of
formats at the top of the dialog box.
TR PB:122144
Problem: On a localized non-English operating system, when inserting a label field on the Title
Block Label, the toolbar commands are not available.
TR PB:136030
Problem: On the Add-In Manager dialog box, after the Line Style Editor option is loaded and
appears under Available add-ins, when the Line Style Editor check box is cleared, the next time
Catalog Manager is opened, the Line Style Editor option no longer appears in the list. The
behavior of the check box in this case is incorrect; clearing it should only make the Line Style
Editor unavailable from the toolbar menu.
TR PB:140397
Problem: When creating a Smart Text label for multiple hydraulic circuits on an instrument, only
the first label is shown in the label, even though all of the hydraulic circuits for the instrument are
shown in the Properties window.
TR PB:140970
Problem: When a format is changed to 'Variable Length', the text height in the Title Block
increases, resulting in some of the text not being displayed in the Title Block label.
TR PB:143412
Problem: If user creates a new symbol that includes definitions of equipment class, subclass
and type, after the symbol is saved, no Class property is saved with the symbol. As a result,
when the symbol report utility is run, the Equipment class field has no value in the report.
Workaround: Add the Class property manually on the Custom page of the symbol's properties.
TR PB:148028
Problem: Changes to the font size of a symbol using Smart Text Editor are not implemented
when saving the symbol.
TR PB:150385
Problem: After installing the Line Style Editor add-in in Catalog Manager, the Line Style Editor
window does not appear.
Workaround: Click View > Toolbars and select Line Style Editor. If this does not work, do the
1. Run RegEdit.
2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Intergraph\Applications\SmartPlant2DCatalog
3. Check the LineStyleEditorVisible key to see whether the value is set to 0 or 1.
4. If the value shown is 0, set the value to 1.
TR PB:151432, TR PB:151448
Problem: A compound symbol containing one or more invalid symbols cannot be placed on a
composite document in Smart Electrical.
Workaround: Check invalid symbols and fix manually. Fix or remove nested invalid symbols
from compound symbols.
TR PB:151701
Problem: Title block labels display incorrect revision information.
Workaround: The problem is due to an incorrect PIDRevision.xsd file. To resolve the problem,
do the following:
1. Contact customer support ( to obtain the correct
PIDRevision.xsd file.
2. Open the title block label and identify each field with the problem.
3. Delete the problematic fields and add the correct values.
4. Update the drawings.
TR PB:152448
Problem: New symbols are created with the Use Photographic Style scale property selected,
which is incorrect.
Workaround: Open the symbol properties and on the Behavior tab, clear the Use
Photographic Style check box.
TR PB:152460
Problem: When opening a different plant in Catalog Manager and then opening and closing a
symbol without making any change, a bogus error is created in the log file.
TR PB:153074
Problem: When opening delivered symbols in Catalog Manager, the software prompts you to
save changes even if the file is closed without actually making any changes.
TR PB:161809
Problem: In a Cloud environment, after modifying a label text in the Smart Text Editor dialog
box and clicking Apply and then immediately clicking OK, Catalog Manager gets locked and it is
not possible to save any changes.
Workaround: Wait for a few seconds between executing the Apply and OK commands.
TR PB:162297
Problem: Instrument label Pressure Setting displays Set Press instead of Case Max Press.
Workaround: Clone the existing symbol and change the value in the Smart Text field of the
cloned symbol.
TR PB:166838
Problem: Catalog Manager closes down when changing a symbol's line color through the
Properties dialog box.
Workaround: Change the line color through the Ribbon bar icon.
TR PB:169142
Problem: Catalog Manager closes down when working on two symbols at the same time.
TR PB:172717
Problem: In the Cloud environment, access to local drives is not allowed. The default location for
the File > Open command is hard coded to open in the install directory (C:\Program
Files(x86)\SmartPlant...). Therefore, each time the command is selected, an error message is
generated: “This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer.
Please contact your system administrator”. The user cannot choose a new location such as a
mapped drive.
TR PB:92757
Problem: The display name for the Property Category ‘Identification’ cannot be changed to the
Portuguese language.
TR PB:97405
Problem: When defining a new attribute, if the format is set to None, then the property is
supposed to have the default format as defined in Options Manager. However, this is not true for
Number type properties.
TR PB:104208
Problem: When copying a property, the Category and Depends On attributes do not get
TR PB:138610
Problem: When accessing a satellite using the Data Dictionary Manager's Open Database
command, a user belonging to a role with read-only privileges is granted full access to the data
TR PB:140380
Problem: Room item is missing HydraulicCircuit.ConstructionBy and Package.ConstructionBy
item attributions.
TR PB:140383
Problem: Room Component is missing PartOfPlantItem attributes.
TR PB:140429
Problem: Inline Component is missing Duct Height, Width, and Eq Dia item attributions for the
DuctComp.DuctingPoint relationship.
TR PB:140431
Problem: Duct Run and Pipe Run are missing HydraulicCircuit.ConstructionBy item attribution.
TR PB:140432
Problem: Instrument has an incorrect set of process attributes starting with DuctRun. or
PipeRun. that are duplicates of the InlineComp.DuctRun. and InlineComp.PipeRun. attributes.
TR PB:143888
Problem: In Data Dictionary Manager, it is possible to copy text from a Word document that
includes a Carriage Return / Line Feed (CRLF) and paste the string into a select list, resulting in
problems when loading a plant structure or using a .ddt file created from this plant. The software
does not allow CRLFs to be entered directly into a select list, therefore it should not allow them
to be copied either.
Workaround: Remove the entries from the select list and then add the value back without the
TR PB:144225
Problem: When adding a new custom string field with Format 'Variable Length' using Oracle, if
the Maximum Length exceeds 2000 characters, no error message appears, but it is not possible
to save the field.
Workaround: Do not specify a maximum length for the field of more than 2000 characters.
TR PB:149255
Problem: When adding a new custom string field to the Model Item table for SmartPlant P&ID,
item attributions for the property are added to Piping Points 1 to 3 but are omitted for Piping
Point 4.
TR PB:150441
Problem: If a property includes a period (.) in the Display Name, that property cannot receive
imported values in Smart Electrical Import Manager if it is not defined as a Key property.
TR PB:158124
Problem: Instrument piping points are missing Description attributes.
Filter Manager
TR PB:72119
Problem: Creating filters in "My Folders" from a Terminal Server machine will write the incorrect
user to the database table.
TR PB:100362
Problem: Entering a filter using a name longer than 50 characters (the max characters defined in
the database table) does not prompt the user that the Max characters have been exceeded. The
user is allowed to define the filter; however, on clicking Save, the filter disappears.
TR PB:103074
Problem: When attempting to delete a filter, the user receives a message: 'Cannot delete this
filter because it is being used by Symbology' which prevented the user from deleting it.
However, this filter is not used for symbology in the user's plant.
TR PB:103915
Problem: Filter disappears after saving if the filter name is longer than 50 characters.
TR PB:123890
Problem: After removing the shortcut of a simple filter that is part of a compound filter and then
deleting the compound filter, any new user filters that are created cannot be saved.
TR PB:132020
Problem: A folder can be deleted even if it includes filters that are in use in any application.
TR PB:156616
Problem: If Smart Electrical Power Cable or Jumper Conductor filters are moved to another
folder, many filters disappear after upgrade.
Format Manager
TR PB:92159
Problem: Cannot delete a format if you add text in particular workflow.
TR PB:108140
Problem: For certain integer properties such as SheetNumber in the Smart Electrical Data
Dictionary Ref. Typical Schematic Item table, a new Number data type format which is defined
as an integer with minimum length of 3 and padded with zeros does not appear in the drop-
down list of available number formats.
Workaround: Use the Repair Formats Utility for SmartPlant Engineering Manager Version
2007. Using it after an upgrade from Version 4.3 to Version 2007 produces an accurate report of
the Version 2007 formats that do not match the Version 4.3 formats. The user can upgrade from
Version 4.3 to Version 2007. Version Run the 2007 Repair Formats Utility. Then upgrade
SmartPlant Engineering Manager from Version 2007 to Version 2009. Following this workflow
adds work to the upgrade process but fixes the format problem.
TR PB:123592
Problem: When the dd,mm,yyyy date format is selected in the Unit table, the software displays
the time on the computer clock in minutes instead of the correct month (the display format is
actually dd,minuteminute,yyyy).
TR PB:137634
Problem: When using date format where dd is less than 13, the month and day are
transposed in the SmartPlant P&ID Properties window, therefore a date of January 12 defined
as 12.01.2013 is displayed as 01.12.2013.
TR PB:143863
Problem: The conversion of units m^3/hr to nm^3/hr produces an incorrect result.
TR PB:149084
Problem: Delivered Mass format Slinch has incorrect primary unit of measure Slug.
TR PB:124035
Problem: In SmartPlant Foundation, when creating a unit, the Unit Code field can be left blank.
This results in an error when retrieving the PBS in Smart Engineering Manager, where the Unit
Code field is a mandatory field.
Workaround: Create a workflow in SmartPlant Foundation, and when publishing the PBS,
choose that workflow and verify that all the information is correct before retrieving the PBS into
other tools.
Metadata Import Utility
TR PB:171830
Problem: Cannot save properties to RefMiscellaneousElement item type.
TR PB:114865
Problem: When using Microsoft SQL Server, synchronization will hang on the "Synchronizing
plant and application database columns" step if the plant used to create the package has a new
property in the plant schema which does not exist in the plant to be synchronized. If you add the
plant property to the target plant, Reference Data Synchronization Manager can be used to
synchronize all other plant and application changes.
TR PB:115990
Problem: If a plant has a filter with a filter criteria value containing a space character, trying to
compare this plant in Reference Data Synchronization Manager will fail with an error message.
TR PB:117411
Problem: Heat Trace settings in Options Manager will not synchronize if the value is blank in the
package or target plant.
TR PB:122471
Problem (Data Specific): Reference Data Synchronization Manager crashes when the user
attempts to create a new package from an upgraded plant.
TR PB:130458
Problem: On a SQL Server platform, if new select lists are created in both the source and target
plants, RDS Manager replaces the select lists in the target with the select lists from the source
instead of creating new select lists in the target and leaving the select lists that were created in
the target before synchronization.
TR PB:168203
Problem: On an Oracle platform, if a property’s 'Depends On' property differs between the
source and target plant, the synchronization fails at the stage of comparing the source/target
item types and attributions.
1. Connect to the SmartPlant P&ID Data Dictionary schema.
2. Run the following SQL script to discover the problematic attributes: select * from attributes
sa, attributes ta where sa.attribute_number = ta.attribute_number and
3. Modify the Depends On property in the target to match the value in the source.
TR PB:168299
Problem: On a SQL Server platform, after running the Show Comparison Results command,
not every error is displayed in the Status and Results window.
Workaround: Look in the Reference Data Synchronization Manager log file to view the errors.
TR PB:75976
Problem: If an application includes a filter with two filter criteria entries that have the same filter
definition, source attribute, and operator but one has value <blank> and the other has value
NULL, then a data dictionary template created from this application cannot be used. An example
of such criteria can be as follows:
AttributeXYZ = <blank>
AttributeXYZ = NULL
Workaround: Before creating the data dictionary template, delete one of the criteria (the row
with the <blank> or the NULL value) from every filter where this situation applies, then after
associating the plant with the application, reinstate the deleted filter criteria.
TR PB:77091
Problem: Inconsistency between the DBSetup Utility from the Smart Instrumentation menu and
running from Smart Engineering Manager.
TR PB:82961
Problem: Administrator permissions are required for the register key
~LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Intergraph\Applications for installing the software.
TR PB:84059
Problem: When associating Smart Instrumentation, changing the Domain Index parameter of
Table space size does not change the file size.
TR PB:87910
Problem: Some groups added as Smart Engineering Manager Roles will not populate the
T_RoleUsers database table completely.
TR PB:88339
Problem: For a Plant associated with Smart Instrumentation (only), define a new role using a
Full Control template. After the role is created, select it and view the rights. The rights appear
with no selection.
TR PB:93374
Problem: During collaboration of new workshare, the software does not automatically prefix a
"P" in front of the default plant name. A prefix of "P" is added to the plant schema name during
creating a plant, if the plant name starts with a numeric character.
TR PB:95733
Problem: The Role Template directory is not created during Site restore.
TR PB:97657
Problem: The Refresh Users command does not remove users from the table with invalid role
TR PB:100312
Problem: After restoring a site, the ‘Site Administrators’ user group does not get updated.
TR PB:105542
Problem: When using the delivered SmartPlant Engineering Manager 2009 EF_SPAPLANT.ddt
file as a custom template to create a new plant, the user receives an error message.
TR PB:108769
Problem: Customer reported a problem with renaming a plant group where the plant group
name has parentheses.
Workaround: Go to the T_Drawing table and manually fix the drawing path to reflect new plant
group name.
TR PB:109454
Problem: On the New Role dialog, if the user selects 'Use site server and domain groups',
selects the ellipse button (three dots) and chooses "Entire Directory" for the Locations...and then
keys in the GROUPNAME, the GROUPNAME gets underlined but it resolves in the New Role
dialog under Role name as the Parent Domain\GROUPNAME (\GROUPNAME).
The group gets created, but none of the users are populated in the T_Roleusers table in the
Workaround: Drill down to the child domain structure. If the user selects the child domain
instead of Entire Directory, then the group resolves in the New Role dialog under Role name as
the Child Domain\GROUPNAME and all the users get populated in the T_Roleusers table
TR PB:109802
Problem: When a role's Delete Revision is unchecked, the "Delete" is disabled in the shortcut
menu in Drawing Manager (when right-clicking a drawing).
Workaround: Run the Delete command from the Edit menu or just by pressing the Delete key.
TR PB:110538
Problem: In a customer's dataset, existing or newly added custom properties cannot be updated
on plant group level, even though it is editable when you first create a new plant group.
TR PB:113892
Problem: Smart Instrumentation Database cannot be configured using Smart Engineering
Manager with Oracle 10g.
Workaround: Use the Smart Instrumentation DB Setup Utility to set up your database for Smart
Instrumentation without Smart Engineering Manager.
TR PB:117738
Problem: Smart Instrumentation Database cannot be configured using Smart Engineering
Manager with Microsoft SQL Server.
Workaround: Use the SPI DB Setup Utility to setup your database for Smart Instrumentation
without Smart Engineering Manager.
TR PB:117653
Problem: Cannot copy plant with custom plant property added to plant schema.
TR PB:119264
Problem: Scheduled backup is completed with some errors.
TR PB:119405
Problem: There is a mismatch in the Time format in the Daily Scheduled Task dialog box. The
'Start time' in the daily task wizard shows ‘One time’ format while the start time in another field
on this dialog box shows a different format.
TR PB:119693
Problem: After placing an OPC and rotating it, the OPC label overlaps with the label above it.
TR PB:120497
Problem: When running the Load Plant as Offsite command, the software copies PBS data
that does not belong to the project.
TR PB:120720
Problem (Data Specific): During 'Load Plant Structure', an empty error dialog box appears.
TR PB:122043
Problem: 'Save Plant Structure' fails due to "?" characters or box symbols in the database.
TR PB:124488
Problem: Uninstalling Smart Engineering Manager breaks Update Drawing.
Workaround: Reinstall SmartPlant Engineering Manager 2009 with SP5 or remove and
reinstall SmartPlant P&ID 2009 and SP4.
TR PB:129680
Problem: Attempting to change the password on a satellite slot results in an error message
following which Smart Engineering Manager closes down.
TR PB:129706
Problem: On a SQL Server platform, backup of a site or plant fails if the site or plant name
contains Japanese characters.
TR PB:129707, TR PB:129758
Problem: On a SQL Server platform, backup or restore of a site or plant fails if the site or plant
has a Japanese collation.
TR PB:137472
Problem: When a site is selected in Smart Engineering Manager followed by a right-click to
display the available commands, a bogus error message is generated. On acceptance of the
error message, the list of commands is displayed.
TR PB:138497
Problem: If a password starting with a double quote character (") is entered in the 'Configure
Smart Instrumentation Database' window, an error message is displayed stating that the
password cannot start with a numeric value and the user cannot proceed.
TR PB:153311
Problem: Plant tree structure collapses after modifying a property of a plant group.
Workaround: When creating a custom Plant Group Type in Smart Engineering Manager, use a
display name other than Project.
TR PB:162342
Problem: On an Oracle platform, selecting Tools from the menu bar generates an error
message. On clicking OK, the Tools menu disappears.
Workaround: Right-click the site and in the error message that displays, click OK. The Tools
menu reappears.
Access Rights
TR PB:209721
Problem: If any of the role properties (role rights) are changed for an associated application,
none of the role rights are available for any of the items and it is not possible to work in any
Workaround: After changing role properties, right-click the role in the right pane of Smart
Engineering Manager and on the shortcut menu, click Refresh Users.
Backup / Restore
TR PB:86178
Problem: When restoring a Smart Electrical plant that includes a project with a new format, the
new format does not appear in the restored project.
TR PB:169105
Problem: On a SQL Server platform, it is not possible to back up a plant after synchronizing it in
the Reference Data Synchronization Manager.
Workaround: There is a bad record created in the ItemAttributions table. After deleting this
record, the plant can be backed up.
Copy Plant
TR PB:153261
Problem: On a SQL Server platform, when loading a plant from a Polish environment, Polish
Unicode characters change to ASCII and lose their diacritics.
Workaround: Select both applications when saving and then on loading the plant, select Smart
Electrical only.
TR PB:168488
Problem: After loading a SmartPlant P&ID plant that was saved on an Oracle platform into a
SQL Server database, SI values for temperature and insulation thickness are not exactly the
same as before.
TR PB:168952
Problem: Save plant structure fails if the plant reference data includes files with non-Unicode
TR PB:212502
Problem: When loading a plant structure that includes Smart Process Engineering without
selecting the Keep unique identifiers from source check box, some GUIDs are not replaced,
resulting in missing case data in Smart Process Engineering.
Workaround: Always select the Keep unique identifiers from source check box when
loading a Smart Process Engineering plant.
TR PB:162467
Problem: Symbol validation fails if symbol is read-only.
TR PB:162469
Problem: A label without Item Type as ‘label’ is treated like valid symbol.
TR PB:115197
Problem: When trying to batch upgrade a workshare host and a plant with projects together from
SmartPlant Engineering Manager 2009 to SmartPlant Engineering Manager 2009 Service Pack
4, the upgrade will fail. This only happens when using Microsoft SQL Server.
TR PB:135506
Problem: After upgrading to SmartPlant Engineering Manager 2014, if one of the new filters in
that version has the same name as an existing filter, the existing filter will no longer be visible in
Filter Manager. If that filter is used in Options Manager, it results in two identical entries in the
Symbology tab. The following new SmartPlant P&ID filters are delivered with SmartPlant
Engineering Manager 2014:
Active Ducting Points
Chute - Existing
Chute - Future
Chute - New
De-Dusting - Existing
De-Dusting - Future
De-Dusting - New
Duct OPC
Ducting Point Propagation
Duct Run
Duct Run - Existing
Duct Run - Future
Duct Run - New
Duct Run Label
Ducting Component
Ducting Component - Existing
Ducting Component - New
Ducting Component - Future
Ducting Component Label
Ducting OPC
Room - Existing
Room - Future
Room - New
Room Component
Room Component - Existing
Room Component - Future
Room Component - New
Room Component Label
Room Label
Secondary Ducting - Existing
Secondary Ducting - Future
Secondary Ducting - New
Workaround: Review the filter names and if there are duplicates, rename the filter that is visible
in Filter Manager in order to make both filters visible. Any duplicate Symbology entries can be
deleted or modified in Options Manager.
TR PB:150919
Problem: In a plant associated with two applications, if one of the applications has not been
upgraded, the Smart Engineering Manager features (Catalog Manager, Data Dictionary
Manager, and so on) fail to open.
TR PB:151497
Problem: If a Hydraulic Circuit Item Tag is added to the Piping Component View in the EDE of a
SmartPlant P&ID 2009 SP5 plant, the plant upgrade fails with constraint violations.
Workaround: Remove the Hydraulic Circuit Item Tag from the EDE view in the 2009 SP5 plant
prior to upgrading.
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Export Controls
Intergraph Corporation’s software products and any third-party Software Products obtained from Intergraph Corporation,
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