Bending and Buckling of Thin Plates
Bending and Buckling of Thin Plates
Bending and Buckling of Thin Plates
A B DA L L A H A S HRA F A BDA L LA H I D : 2 2 0 1 0 14
A H ME D ES SA M A LI I D : 2 0 0 0 8 75
HA Z EM E M A M A L I I D : 2 2 0 1 0 11
If thin plate is exposed to two moments (Mx,My). Assuming edges won’t have any rotation except about the
perpendicular surface. so, as this plate is thin, there won’t be any deformation at the mid plane surface as the
thickness is too thin so the span to thickness is too big so there will be pure deflection without any type of warping
or small value of warping.
we can calculate shear forces by integrating shear stresses by the plate thickness as the following:
From equilibrium equations, we deduce that the summation of forces due to shear equals 0. So,
the internal stresses must equal 0
The same amount of energy will be produced also by the couples Myx dx,
so the strain energy due to both twisting couples is :
Solving for P:
Critical P is when:
In matrix form:
Displacement Calculated:
It can be shown that the critical load is exact if the assumed deformed shape
◦ + + =
+ + =
In martrix form: