Three billy goat brothers named Big, Bigger, and Biggest lived on one side of a river and wanted to cross a bridge to eat the tall grass on the other side, but an ugly troll lived under the bridge. Big crossed first without issue, then Bigger crossed while promising the troll his brother was bigger, and finally Biggest confronted and defeated the troll, allowing the goats to cross freely.
Three billy goat brothers named Big, Bigger, and Biggest lived on one side of a river and wanted to cross a bridge to eat the tall grass on the other side, but an ugly troll lived under the bridge. Big crossed first without issue, then Bigger crossed while promising the troll his brother was bigger, and finally Biggest confronted and defeated the troll, allowing the goats to cross freely.
Three billy goat brothers named Big, Bigger, and Biggest lived on one side of a river and wanted to cross a bridge to eat the tall grass on the other side, but an ugly troll lived under the bridge. Big crossed first without issue, then Bigger crossed while promising the troll his brother was bigger, and finally Biggest confronted and defeated the troll, allowing the goats to cross freely.
Three billy goat brothers named Big, Bigger, and Biggest lived on one side of a river and wanted to cross a bridge to eat the tall grass on the other side, but an ugly troll lived under the bridge. Big crossed first without issue, then Bigger crossed while promising the troll his brother was bigger, and finally Biggest confronted and defeated the troll, allowing the goats to cross freely.
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The Three Billy Goats Gruff
The Three Billy Goats Gruff 1
Cnce upon o llme, long, long ogo, lhere llved lhree Bllly gool brolhers nomed Grull. lhey were nomed Blg, Blgger ond Blggesl. The Three Billy Goats Gruff 2 lhey oll llved on one slde ol lhe rlver, ln lhe gool clly ol course. Cn lhe olher slde ol lhe rlver wos o hlll wllh loll gross. Yum. The Three Billy Goats Gruff 3 Cne doy, lhe gools wenl lo cross lhe only brldge ln lhe clly ond eol some ol lhe gross. lhe problem wos lhol under lhe brldge llved o meon, ugly, huge lroll. And he wos hungry, loo. The Three Billy Goats Gruff 4 Vell, who wonls lo be hungry The Three Billy Goats Gruff So, Blg Bllly Gool Grull lrlplropped ocross lhe brldge. Vhos lhol lrlplropplng over my brldge screomed lhe lroll. The Three Billy Goats Gruff )usl me, sold Blg Bllly Gool Grull ln o smoll volce. lll eol you lor my breoklosl! yelled lhe lroll. The Three Billy Goats Gruff Z Vho me lm woy loo smoll. Voll lor my brolher who ls much blgger. The Three Billy Goats Gruff 8 Ch oll rlghl, sold lhe lroll. He lel Blg Bllly Gool Grull go by. [Sllly lroll.| The Three Billy Goats Gruff P Mexl, Blgger Bllly Gool Grull lrlplropped ocross lhe brldge. Vhos lhol lrlplropplng ocross my brldge screomed lhe lroll. The Three Billy Goats Gruff 10 )usl me, sold Blgger Bllly Gool Grull ln o llllle blgger volce. lll eol you lor my lunch! sold lhe lroll. The Three Billy Goats Gruff 11 Vho me Donl be sllly. My brolher ls lhe blggesl gool ol oll. He would be much beller lo eol. The Three Billy Goats Gruff 12 Vell, C.K., sold lhe lroll. Bul he beller be lhe blggesl! The Three Billy Goats Gruff 13 Loler, Blggesl Bllly Gool Grull wenl lrlp lropplng ocross lhe brldge. lhe brldge shook! The Three Billy Goats Gruff 14 Vhos lhol lrlplropplng over my brldge yelled lhe lroll. The Three Billy Goats Gruff 1 ME! yelled Blggesl Bllly Gool Grull bock ol lhe lroll ln hls blggesl volce. The Three Billy Goats Gruff 1 l om golng lo eol you lor my dlnner, screomed lhe lroll. The Three Billy Goats Gruff 1Z You lhlnk so, sold Blggesl Bllly Gool Grull, ond he ron ol lhe lroll ond pushed hlm lnlo lhe rlver wllh hls horns. The Three Billy Goats Gruff 18 Blg, Blgger ond Blggesl Bllly Gools Grull wenl on lo eol lhe loll, green gross, ond lhe lroll wenl lor o swlm!