General Script of A Moot Court Oral Argument
General Script of A Moot Court Oral Argument
General Script of A Moot Court Oral Argument
May it please the Hon’ble Court, Team No._____, we represent the Petitioner/Respondent
__(name)__in the case of _____(name)_____
With the due permission of the Hon’ble Court, the counsels for the petitioners would like to
mention the time division of oral arguments. (Details including rebuttals)
The Counsel seeks further permission to address the Hon’ble Court as Lordships/ Hon’ble Bench.
Lordships/ The Hon’ble Bench, the counsel seeks permission to state a statement of facts and
statement of jurisdiction before proceeding to the main arguments.
Much Obliged.
The Counsel now proceeds to the first main argument of the instant case, my lordships, This is a
clear case of :
(Bowing down as mark of respect before speaking (online)/ approaching the podium (offling))
The Co-Counsel now proceeds to the second/ third main argument of the instant case, my
lordships, This is a clear case of :
Defendant/Respondents Mooter 1:
May it please the Hon’ble Court, Team No._____, we represent the Petitioner/Respondent
__(name)__in the case of _____(name)_____
With the due permission of the Hon’ble Court, the counsels for the petitioners would like to
mention the time division of oral arguments. (Details including sur - rebuttals)
The Counsel seeks further permission to address the Hon’ble Court as Lordships/ Hon’ble Bench.
Lordships/ The Hon’ble Bench, the counsel seeks permission to state a statement of facts and
statement of jurisdiction, in line with the first argument before proceeding to the main arguments.
Much Obliged.
The Counsel now proceeds to the first main argument of the instant case, my lordships, This is a
clear case of :
(Summarizing the argument in three points before the detail explanation)
Defendant/Respondents Mooter 2:
(Bowing down as mark of respect before speaking (online)/ approaching the podium (offling))
The Co-Counsel now proceeds to the second/ third main argument of the instant case, my
lordships, This is a clear case of :
Important Tips
For Rebuttal:
“Lordships, The Counsel/Co - Counsel wants to make certain I understand your question, would
you mind regarding-phrasing?”
Dos - “Lorships I am unable to fully answer your question at this time. However, I would be more
than happy to submit a supplemental brief on the issue/matter/case.”
● LJ - Law Judge
● FJ - Fact Judge
● LMFLJ - Law More fact Less judge
● CJ - Controversial judge
● AJ - Aggressive Judge