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The document provides an overview of a book on Python programming that covers various fundamental and advanced concepts in Python like functions, control structures, classes, recursion, data structures and applications in areas like graphics, databases, mobile development etc.

The book is about Python programming and teaches Python concepts and techniques using a modular approach. It covers topics like functions, control structures, classes, recursion, data structures etc. and their applications.

The book covers fundamental Python programming concepts like data types, operators, control structures, functions, modules etc. It also covers advanced concepts like object oriented programming, exception handling, file processing, GUI programming etc.

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A Modular Approach With Graphics, Database, Mobile, and Web


Sheetal Taneja
Department of Computer Science
Dyal Singh College
University of Delhi
Delhi, India
Naveen Kumar
Department of Computer Science
University of Delhi
Delhi, India

About the Authors
1. Python Programming: An Introduction
1.1IDLE – An Interpreter for Python
1.2 Python Strings
1.3 Relational Operators
1.4 Logical Operators
1.5 Bitwise Operators
1.6 Variables and Assignment Statements
Assignment Statement
Shorthand Notation
1.7 Keywords
1.8 Script Mode
2. Functions
2.1 Built-in Functions
input Function
eval Function

print Function
type Function
round Function
Type Conversion
min and max Functions
pow Function
Random Number Generation
Functions from math Module
Complete List of Built-in Functions
2.2 Function Definition and Call
Fruitful Functions vs Void Functions
Function help
Default Parameter Values
Keyword Arguments
2.3 Importing User-defined Module
2.4 Assert Statement
2.5 Command Line Arguments
3. Control Structures
3.1 if Conditional Statement
General Form of if Conditional Statement
Conditional Expression
General Form of if-else Conditional Statement
General Form of if-elif-else Conditional Statement
Nested if-elif-else Conditional Statement
3.2 Iteration (for and while Statements)
3.2.1 for Loop
General Format of for Statement
3.2.2 while Loop
General Format of while Statement
Infinite Loops
3.2.3 while Statement vs. for Statement
3.2.4 Example: To Print Some Pictures
3.2.5 Nested Loops
3.2.6 break, continue, and pass Statements
3.2.7 Example: To Compute sin(x)
3.2.8 else Statement
4. Debugging
4.1 Testing
An Example: Finding Maximum of Three Numbers
4.2 Debugging
5. Scope
5.1 Objects and Object ids
5.2 Scope of Objects and Names
5.2.1 Namespaces
5.2.2 Scope
6. Strings
6.1 Strings
6.1.1 Slicing
6.1.2 Membership
6.1.3 Built-in Functions on Strings
Function count
Functions find and rfind
Functions capitalize, title, lower, upper, and swapcase
Functions islower, isupper, and istitle
Function replace
Functions strip, lstrip, and rstrip
Functions split and partition
Function join
Functions isspace, isalpha, isdigit, and isalnum
Function startswith and endswith
Functions encode and decode
List of Functions
6.2 String Processing Examples
6.2.1 Counting the Number of Matching Characters in a Pair of Strings
6.2.2 Counting the Number of Common Characters in a Pair of Strings
6.2.3 Reversing a String
6.3 Pattern Matching
6.3.1 Some Important Definitions
7. Mutable and Immutable Objects
7.1 Lists
7.1.1 Summary of List Operations
7.1.2 Function list
7.1.3 Functions append, extend, count, remove, index,
pop,and insert
7.1.4 Function insert
7.1.5 Function reverse
7.1.6 Functions sort and reverse
7.1.7 List Functions
7.1.8 List Comprehension
7.1.9 Lists as Arguments
7.1.10 Copying List Objects
7.1.11 map, reduce, and filter Operations on a Sequence
7.2 Sets
7.2.1 Set Functions add, update, remove, pop, and clear
7.2.2 Set Functions union, intersection, difference, and symmetric_difference
7.2.3 Function copy
7.2.4 Subset and Superset Test
7.2.5 List of Functions
7.2.6 Finding Common Factors
7.2.7 Union and Intersection Operation on Lists
7.3 Tuples
7.3.1 Summary of Tuple Operations
7.3.2 Functions tuple and zip
7.3.3 Functions count and index
7.4 Dictionary
7.4.1 Dictionary Operations
7.4.2 Deletion
7.4.3 Function get
7.4.4 Function update
7.4.5 Function copy
7.4.6 List of Functions
7.4.7 Inverted Dictionary
8. Recursion
8.1 Recursive Solutions for Problems on Numeric Data
8.1.1 Factorial
Iterative Approach
Recursive Approach
8.1.2 Fibonacci Sequence
Iterative Approach
Recursive Approach
8.2 Recursive Solutions for Problems on Strings
8.2.1 Length of a String
8.2.2 Reversing a String
8.2.3 Palindrome
8.3 Recursive Solutions for Problems on Lists
8.3.1 Flatten a List
8.3.2 Copy
8.3.3 Deep Copy
8.3.4 Permutation
8.4 Problem of Tower of Hanoi
9. Files and Exceptions
9.1 File Handling
9.2 Writing Structures to a File
9.3 Errors and Exceptions
9.4 Handling Exceptions Using try…except
9.5 File Processing Example
10. Classes I
10.1 Classes and Objects
10.2 Person: An Example of Class
10.2.1 Destructor
10.3 Class as Abstract Data Type
10.4 Date Class
11. Classes II
11.1 Polymorphism
11.1.1 Operator Overloading
Comparing Dates
11.1.2 Function Overloading
11.2 Encapsulation, Data Hiding, and Data Abstraction
11.3 Modifier and Accessor Methods
11.4 Static Method
11.5 Adding Methods Dynamically
11.6 Composition
11.7 Inheritance
11.7.1 Single Inheritance
Scope Rule
Extending Scope of int Class Using a User Defined Class
11.7.2 Hierarchical Inheritance
11.7.3 Multiple Inheritance
11.7.4 Abstract Methods
11.7.5 Attribute Resolution Order for Inheritance
11.8 Built-in Functions for Classes
12. List Manipulation
12.1 Sorting
12.1.1 Selection Sort
12.1.2 Bubble Sort
12.1.3 Insertion Sort
12.2 Searching
12.2.1 Linear Search
12.2.2 Binary Search
12.3 A Case Study
12.3.1 Operations for Class Section
Complete Script
12.4 More on Sorting
12.4.1 Merge Sort
12.4.2 Quick Sort
13. Data Structures I: Stack and Queues
13.1 Stacks
13.1.1 Evaluating Arithmetic Expressions
13.1.2 Conversion of Infix Expression to Postfix Expression
13.2 Queues
14. Data Structures II: Linked Lists
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Insertion and Deletion at the Beginning of a Linked List
14.3 Deleting a Node with a Particular Value from a Linked List
14.4 Traversing a Linked List
14.5 Maintaining Sorted Linked List While Inserting
14.6 Stack Implementation Using Linked List
14.7 Queue Implementation Using Linked List
15. Data Structures III: Binary Search Trees
15.1 Definitions and Notations
15.2 Binary Search Tree
15.3 Traversal of Binary Search Trees
15.3.1 Inorder Traversal
15.3.2 Preorder Traversal
15.3.3 Postorder Traversal
15.3.4 Height of a Binary Tree
15.4 Building Binary Search Tree
16. More on Recursion
16.1 Pattern within a Pattern
16.2 Generalized Eight Queens Problem
16.3 Knight's Tour Problem
16.4 Stable Marriage Problem
16.5 Fractal (Hilbert Curve and Sierpinski Triangle)
16.6 Sudoku
16.7 Guidelines on Using Recursion
17. Graphics
17.1 2D Graphics
17.1.1 Point and Line
Axis, Title, and Label
Plotting Multiple Functions in the Same Figure
Multiple Plots
Saving Figure
17.1.2 Histogram and Pi Chart
17.1.3 Sine and Cosine Curves
17.1.4 Graphical Objects: Circle, Ellipse, Rectangle, Polygon,
and Arrow
17.2 3D Objects
17.3 Animation – Bouncing Ball
18. Applications of Python
18.1 Collecting Information from Twitter
Open Authentication
An Example – Collecting User Information
Collecting Followers, Friends, and Tweets of a User
Collecting Tweets Having Specific Words
18.2 Sharing Data Using Sockets
Client-Server Communication on the Same Machine – A Simple Example
An Echo Server
Accessing Web Data (Downloading a Pdf File)
18.3 Managing Databases Using Structured Query Language (SQL)
18.3.1 Database Concepts
18.3.2 Creating Database and Tables
18.3.3 Inserting Data into Table
18.3.4 Retrieving Data from Table
18.3.5 Updating Data in a Table
18.3.6 Deleting Data from Table/Deleting Table
18.4 Developing Mobile Application for Android
18.4.1 A Simple Application Containing Registration Interface
18.4.2 Tic-Tac-Toe Game
18.4.3 Running Kivy Applications on Android
18.5 Integrating Java with Python
18.5.1 Accessing Java Collections and Arrays in Python
18.5.2 Converting Python Collections to Java Collections
18.5.3 Invoking a Parameterized Java Method from Python
18.5.4 Invoking Parameterized Python Method from Java
18.6 Python Chat Application Using Kivy and Socket Programming
Colour Illustrations

Since the early days of teaching programming languages, the science of

programming has changed substantially. Since the times of COBOL,
FORTRAN, ALGOL, C, and ADA, Python reflects a major paradigm shift.
The classical book ‘The Art of Computer Programming’ by D. E. Knuth
changed the landscape by making programming independent of any
language. As programmers found it hard to design structured code in
languages like FORTRAN and COBOL, subsequent languages like C, C++,
and Java provided a natural framework for structured programming. While
C++ introduced object-oriented programming as an add on feature, Java was
designed to be an object-oriented platform independent language with
extensive support for web development. Although implemented efficiently,
Java lacks the conciseness and flexibility that the amateur and professional
programmers cherish so much. This is where Python steps in as a language
of choice.
This book ‘Python Programming: A Modular Approach’ is ideally suited
for the undergraduate students who do not have any prior exposure to
programming. The experience has shown that when the students are taught
the good programming practices later in the course, they tend to ignore them
in the programs/software they develop subsequently. For example, it is my
considered opinion that the use of functions should be introduced as early as
possible in a programming course, and this is where this book scores over
typical programming texts. Also, the book stresses the use of named
constants and documentation right from the beginning.
The book contains several examples that illustrate the use of syntactic
features of Python in the context of the problem at hand. It uses Python
Tutor to present the concept of recursion and data structures in a simplified
manner. The chapter on applications is particularly inviting as it includes
examples from databases, networking, web, and mobile technologies.

Prof. S K Gupta
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
New Delhi, India

This book introduces programming concepts through Python language. The

simple syntax of Python makes it an ideal choice for learning programming.
Because of the availability of extensive standard libraries and third-party
support, it is rapidly evolving as the preferred programming language
amongst the application developers.
As old habits die hard, the book encourages the reader to follow good
programming practices right from the beginning. We have tried to introduce
the programming constructs in the context of the examples that justify the
use of those constructs. We have devoted the first twelve chapters of the
book to introduce the fundamental programming concepts. These chapters
would serve as a foundation for the advanced concepts covered later in the
book. The first three chapters cover the basic building blocks of the Python
language. We introduce the concepts of modularity early in the book
(Chapter 2) so that it gets integrated with the student’s approach to problem-
solving. In the same spirit, we emphasize the use of the named objects in
preference to the ones hard-coded. Further, as sound documentation is a key
to the success of any software engineering project, we consistently
document the code throughout the book, describing the objective of each
piece of the code and how it interfaces with rest of the system under
As the real-life problems usually require non-sequential and repetitive
execution of instructions, the discussion on modularity in Chapter 2 has been
followed by a detailed study of control structures in Chapter 3. As
debugging is an essential skill for discovering the bugs and making the
program error-free, we have devoted a full chapter (Chapter 4) to it. The
parameter passing mechanisms and the scope of names are fundamental
concepts in the study of a programming language, and in Chapter 5, we
discuss these concepts in detail. Chapters 6 and 7 cover the mutable and
immutable objects for storing data in a program. Often, we need to save the
data permanently in the form of files and retrieve it for use at a later point in
time. As many errors creep in during the input/output process, in Chapter 9,
we discuss the concepts of file processing and error handling side by side.
In Chapter 10, we introduce classes that lie at the heart of an important
programming methodology called object-oriented programming (OOP). In
Chapter 11, we continue the discussion on classes in the context of OOP
concepts like polymorphism, encapsulation, data hiding, data abstraction,
and inheritance.
In Chapter 12, we cover basic sorting and searching techniques, namely,
insertion sort, selection sort, bubble sort, merge sort, quick sort, and linear
and binary search. Recursion being a valuable tool for problem-solving, we
devote two chapters (Chapters 8 and 16) to it. Beginning with the recursive
functions for computing the factorial of a number and the terms in a
Fibonacci sequence, we move on to more sophisticated problems like the
tower of Hanoi, permutation generation, list manipulation, 8-queens
problem, stable marriage problem, and plotting Hilbert curves that
demonstrate the power of recursion. We introduce the basic data structures –
stacks, queues, linked lists, and trees (Chapters 13, 14, and 15), and show
how these data structures may be implemented efficiently using Python.
As several applications require visualization of information, we devote a
chapter to 2D and 3D graphics, and animation (Chapter 17). We conclude
the book with a chapter (Chapter 18) that briefly covers the application areas
such as twitter, web, database management, and mobile app development.
As a lot of application code is developed in Java, in this chapter we also
discuss, how Python code may be seamlessly integrated with Java code and
vice-versa. Recently, Philip J. Guo of the University of California, San
Diego has made a Python Tutor available as an opensource tool for
visualizing the execution of Python scripts, and we make use of it to
illustrate various concepts throughout the book.

We are grateful to Hitarth, first-year undergraduate student at Dyal Singh
College of University of Delhi, for going through the entire book with great
care and suggesting dozens of subtle corrections and modifications. We are
thankful to Arpit of Amazon Inc. for his help in identifying the suitable level
of abstraction in several chapters of the book. We are also grateful to Prof. S
K Gupta, IIT Delhi, Mr. Suraj Prakash, Director Training, Bal Bharati group
of institutions, Dr Anamika Gupta of SS College of Business Studies, Dr
Sharanjeet Kaur of Acharya Narendra Dev College, Mr. Ashok Jain of Sugal
Infotech, and our former students Abhishek, Ajay, Kanika, Mitul and Sunil,
for their comments on various sections of the book.
We are grateful to the entire Pearson team, especially Ms. Neha Goomer
and Mr. M. Balakrishnan who were readily available for any help during the
preparation of the book. Ms. Neha’s suggestion to include margin notes in
the book has significantly improved the readability of the book. Last but not
the least, we would like to express our gratitude to our family members for
their support and patience.

Sheetal Taneja
Naveen Kumar
About the Authors

Sheetal Taneja is currently working as an Assistant Professor at Department

of Computer Science, Dyal Singh College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India.
She earned her B.Sc. (Honours) and M.Sc. degrees in Computer Science
from University of Delhi. Being the topper in the M.Sc. programme, she was
awarded a gold medal by University of Delhi. Being passionate about
teaching, she qualified the National Eligibility Test (NET) for university
teachers while studying for the M.Sc. degree, and joined a faculty position
immediately on completing her postgraduate studies. She is currently
pursuing her Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Delhi. She is a
co-author of two books on information technology, published by Central
Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). She has authored several research
articles, and has attended many national and international workshops and
conferences. She is a member of the Association of Computing Machinery
Naveen Kumar is a Professor at Department of Computer Science,
University of Delhi, Delhi, India. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Computer
Science from IIT, Delhi. Prior to his doctoral studies, he earned his M.Tech.
(Computer Science) and M.Sc. (Mathematics) degrees from IIT Delhi, and
an honours degree in Mathematics from University of Delhi. He has taught a
varied array of courses to undergraduate and postgraduate students and has
teaching experience of about 35 years. He has supervised many Ph.D.
students in areas such as soft computing and social networks. His current
areas of interest include data analysis, evolutionary algorithms, and parallel
computing. He has contributed several articles in national and international
journals and conferences. He has also attended many conferences, seminars
and workshops. He has been a member of the curriculum design committees
of various universities and the CBSE. He has also been an organizing
chair/program committee member of several workshops, conferences, and
symposia. He is a member of professional bodies like ACM, Institution of
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE), and Computer
Society of India.

1.1 IDLE – An Interpreter for Python
1.2 Python Strings
1.3 Relational Operators
1.4 Logical Operators
1.5 Bitwise Operators
1.6 Variables and Assignment Statements
1.7 Keywords
1.8 Script Mode

Python is an interactive programming language. Simple syntax of the

language makes Python programs easy to read and write. Python was
developed by Guido Van Rossum in 1991 at the National Research Institute
for Mathematics and Computer Science in the Netherlands. Guido Van
Rossum named Python by getting inspired from his favourite comedy show
Monty Python’s Flying Circus.

Ever since the language was developed, it is becoming popular day by day
amongst the programmers. Various versions of Python have been released
till date ranging from version 1.0. This book uses Python 3.6. Python is used
in various application areas such as the web, gaming, scientific and numeric
computing, text processing, and network programming.


IDLE stands for Integrated Development and Learning Environment. Python

IDLE comprises Python shell and Python Editor. While Python shell is an
interactive interpreter, Python Editor allows us to work in script mode.
While using Python shell, we just need to type Python code at the >>>
prompt and press the enter key, and the shell will respond with the result of
the computation. For example, when we type

Python shell displays the prompt >>> to indicate that it is waiting for a user command

>>> print('hello world')

the text to be printed is enclosed between apostrophe marks

and press enter key, Python shell will display:

hello world

the apostrophe marks are not displayed in the output

Python shell may also be used as a calculator, for example, when we type 18
+ 5 followed by enter, Python shell outputs the value of the expression, i.e.
23, as shown below:

>>> 18 + 5


operator + acts on the operands 18 and 5

In the expression 18 + 5, + is called the operator. The numbers, 18 and 5 on

which the operator + is applied, are called the operands. In general, an
expression is a valid combination of operators and operands. In Python, all
forms of data are called values or objects. For example, 18, 5, and 23 are
objects. The expression 18 + 5 yields the value 23. Similarly, the expression
18 - 5 yields the value 13. The expression 18 * 5 yields 90, as Python uses
* as the symbol for the multiplication operation. The expression 27 / 5
yields 5.4. Note that the result of division 27 / 5 is real number. In Python,
result of division is always a real number. However, if you wish to obtain an
integer result (for example, floor(5.4)), Python operator // (two slashes
without any intervening blank) can be used. For example, 27 // 5 yields 5.
However, while using the operator //, if at least, one of the two operands is
a real number; the result is a real number, for example, the expression 27.0
// 5 yields 5.0. Real numbers are called floating point numbers in
Computer Science terminology in view of the floating point representation
used to represent real numbers. However, the number representation is not
the subject matter of this book. Python operator % (percentage sign), known
as modulus, yields the remainder of the division, for example, 27 % 5 yields
2 because on dividing 27 by 5 we get 2 as the remainder. In Fig. 1.1, we
illustrate these examples in Python shell.

operators: +, -, *, /, //, %, and **

Fig. 1.1 Computation of arithmetic expressions

Python shell window

The exponentiation operator (**) yields raise to the power operation, i.e. a .

For example, 3 is expressed as 3 ** 2, and yields the value 9. Similarly, 2


** -1 yields 0.5 as expected. The expressions in each of the examples

mentioned above involved only single mathematical operator, but in
practice, we would require more complex expressions. Note that whereas the
expression 6 / 3 / 2 yields 1.0(= (6 / 3) / 2), the expression 2 ** 3
** 2 yields 512 (= 2 ** (3 ** 2)). This is so because whereas the
operator / (as also +, -, *, //, %) is evaluated left to right, the exponentiation
operator is evaluated right to left. We say that the operators, +, -, *, /, //,
and %, are left associative operators and the operator ** is right associative.
Python operator – (negation) yields negative of the operand. For example, 10
* -5 multiplies 10 and -5 (negative of 5), yielding -50 as a result. Next, we
evaluate the foregoing expressions in Python shell:

left associative operators: +, -, *, /, //, %

right associative operator: **

>>> 3 ** 2

>>> 6 / 3 / 2


>>> 2 ** 3 ** 2


>>> 10 * -5


- operator works as negation operator

When we enter the expression 7 + 4 * 3, the system responds with value 19

as a result. Note that in the expression 7 + 4 * 3, Python evaluates the
operator * before + as if the input expression was 7 + (4 * 3) because the
operator * has higher precedence than +. In Table 1.1, we list the operators in
decreasing order of their precedence. The expressions within parentheses are
evaluated first; for example, given the expression (7 + 3) * 10 / 5, the
system would yield 20.0. Parentheses are often used to improve the
readability of an expression.
Table 1.1 Precedence of arithmetic operators

while the parentheses have the highest precedence, addition and subtraction are at the lowest

An error occurs when the input expression is not correctly formed. For
example, the expression 7 + 3(4 + 5) generates an error because the
operator between 3 and ( is missing:

Python complains when it encounters a wrongly formed expression

>>> 7 + 3(4 + 5)

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<pyshell#17>", line 1, in <module>

7 + 3(4 + 5)

TypeError: 'int' object is not callable

Similarly, the expression 7 / 0 yields a zero division error since division by

zero is a meaningless operation.
>>> 7 / 0

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<pyshell#18>", line 1, in <module>

7 / 0

ZeroDivisionError: division by zero

division by zero is a meaningless operation


A string is a sequence of characters. To specify a string, we may enclose a

sequence of characters between single, double, or triple quotes. Thus,
'Hello world', ' "Ajay " ', "what's ", '''today's "action"
plan?''' are the examples of strings. A string enclosed in single quotes may
include double quote marks and vice versa. A string enclosed in triple quotes
(also known as docstring, i.e. documentation string) may include both single
and double quote marks and may extend over several lines, for example:
>>> 'Hello World'

'Hello World'

>>> print('Hello World')

Hello World

>>> """Hello




>>> print("""Hello





a Python string may be enclosed within single, double, or triple quotes

Note that enclosing quote marks are used only to specify a string, and they
do not form part of the string. When we print a string using the print
instruction, the value of the string, i.e. the sequence of characters within
quotes is printed. Also, note that, within a string, \n denotes the beginning of
a new line. When a string having \n is printed, everything after \n
(excluding \n) is printed on the next line. In this section, we shall study
basic operations on strings. Let us begin with the concatenation operator (+),
which is used to produce a string by concatenating two strings; for example,
the expression 'hello ' + '!!' yields the string 'hello !!'. Similarly,
the expression 'how' + ' are' + ' you?' yields 'how are you?' (=
('how' + ' are') + ' you') as shown below:

>>> 'hello ' + '!!'

'hello !!'

>>> 'how' + ' are' + ' you?'

'how are you?'

escape sequence \n marks a new line

use of + as the concatenation operator

The operator * (multiplication) is used to repeat a string a specified number

of times; for example, the expression 'hello' * 5 yields the string

>>> 'hello' * 5


use of * operator for repeating a string several times


Relational operators are used for comparing two expressions and yield True
or False. In an expression involving both arithmetic and relational
operators, the arithmetic operators have higher precedence than the
relational operators. In Table 1.2, we give a list of relational operators

Table 1.2 Relational operators

relational operators for comparing expression values

A relational operator applied on expressions takes the following form:

expression <comparison operator> expression

Thus, the expressions, 23 < 25, 23 != 23, and 23 - 2.5 >= 5 * 4,

yield True, False, and True, respectively. As arithmetic operators have
higher precedence than the relational operators, the expression 23 - 2.5 >=
5 * 4 is evaluated as if it were (23 - 2.5) >= (5 * 4). When the
relational operators are applied to strings, strings are compared left to right,
character by character, based on their ASCII codes, also called ASCII
values. For example, ASCII codes of 'A'-'Z', 'a'-'z', and '0'-'9' lie in
the range [65, 90], [97, 122], and [48, 57], respectively. Thus, 'h' > 'H'
yields True as ASCII value of 'h' (= 104) is greater than ASCII value of
'H' (= 72). Also, 'hello' > 'Hello' yields True since 'h' is greater than
'H'. Similarly, 'hi' > 'hello' yields True because the first character in
the two strings is identical and ASCII code of 'i' is greater than ASCII
code of 'e'. Also, if a string is a prefix of another string, the longer string
will be considered larger.

relational operators yield values: True, False

ASCII values of characters are used for string comparison

Python 3 does not allow string values to be compared with numeric values


The logical operators not, and, and or are applied to logical operands
True and False, also called Boolean values, and yield either True or
False. The operator not is a unary operator, i.e. it requires only one
operand. The expressions not True and not False yield False and True,
respectively. An expression involving two Boolean operands and the and
operator yields True if both the operands are True, and False otherwise.
Similarly, an expression involving two Boolean operands and the or
operator yields True if at least one operand is True, and False otherwise.
This is shown in Table 1.3.

combining expressions using logical operators

logical operators not, and, or yield values: True, False

Table 1.3 not, and, and or operators

Precedence of logical operators is shown in Table 1.4.

Table 1.4 Precedence of logical operators

While evaluating an expression involving an and operator, the second sub-

expression is evaluated only if the first sub-expression yields True. For
example, in the expression (10 < 5) and ((5 / 0) < 10), since the first
sub-expression (10 < 5) yields False, and thus determines the value of the
entire expression as False, Python does not evaluate the second sub-
expression. This is called short-circuit evaluation of boolean expression.
However, the expression (10 > 5) and ((5 / 0) < 10) yields an error
since the first sub-expression yields True, and Python attempts to evaluate
the second sub-expression ((5 / 0) < 10) that yields an error because
division by zero is an illegal operation:

short-circuit evaluation of a boolean expression

>>> (10 < 5) and ((5 / 0) < 10)


>>> (10 > 5) and ((5 / 0) < 10)

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<pyshell#104>", line 1

(10 > 5) and ((5 / 0) < 10)

ZeroDivisionError: division by zero

Similarly, while evaluating an expression involving an or operator, the

second sub-expression is evaluated only if the first sub-expression yields
False. Thus, whereas the expression (10 > 5) or ((5 / 0) < 10) yields
True, the expression (10 < 5) or ((5 / 0) < 10) yields an error.

To evaluate an expression comprising arithmetic, relational, and logical

operators, the operators are applied according to precedence order for the
operators given in Table 1.5. For example, the expression not 9 == 8 and
7 + 1 != 8 or 6 < 4.5 is evaluated as if it were the following equivalent
parenthesized expression:

expressions involving arithmetic, relational, and logical operators

((not (9 == 8)) and ((7 + 1) != 8)) or (6 < 4.5)

i.e. ((not False) and ((7 + 1) != 8)) or (6 < 4.5)

i.e. (True and ((7 + 1) != 8)) or (6 < 4.5)

i.e. (True and (8 != 8)) or (6 < 4.5)

i.e. (True and False) or (6 < 4.5)

i.e. False or (6 < 4.5)

i.e. False or False

i.e. False

expression evaluation using precedence rules

Table 1.5 Precedence of operators


Bitwise operators are the operators that operate on integers interpreted as

strings of binary digits 0 and 1, also called bits. In Table 1.6, we list bitwise
operators, their description, along with examples. For the sake of brevity, we
assume that all numbers are eight-bit long.

bitwise operators operate bit by bit

Table 1.6 Boolean operators

Table 1.7 shows precedence order of different operators in Python
Table 1.7 Precedence of operators

parentheses have the highest precedence while logical operators have the lowest precedence


Variables provide a means to name values so that they can be used and
manipulated later on. Indeed, a program essentially carries out variable
manipulations to achieve the desired objective. For example, variables
english, maths, and commerce may be used to deal with the marks obtained
in these subjects, and the variables totalMarks and percentage may be
used to deal with aggregate marks and the overall percentage of marks,
respectively. If a student has obtained 57 marks in english, this may be
expressed in Python using the following statement:
>> english = 57

a variable is a name given to a value

When the above statement is executed, Python associates the variable

english with value 57. We can also say that the the variable english is
assigned the value 57, or that the variable english refers to value 57. Such a
statement that assigns value to a variable is called an assignment statement.
In Fig. 1.2, we see that the variable english refers to the value 57. A figure
such as Fig. 1.2 is known as reference diagram or state diagram as it shows
the current state of the variable.

assignment statement

Fig. 1.2 Current state diagram of variable english

variable english refers to value 57

In Python style (often called Pythonic style, or Pythonic way), variables

are called names, and an assignment is called an association or a binding.
Thus, we say that the name english has been associated with the data
object 57, or that the variable english has been bound to the data object 57.
Note that, unlike an expression, on the execution of an assignment
statement, IDLE does not respond with any output. Of course, the value of
the variable english can be displayed as follows:
>>> english

in Python, variables are often called names

an assignment statement binds a variable to an object

In the above example, english is a variable whose value is 57. Similarly,

the following statements will assign values 64 and 62 to the variables maths
and commerce, respectively.
>>> maths = 64

>>> commerce = 62

In this example, we assume that maximum mark in each subject is 100. Total
marks in these three subjects and overall percentage can be computed using
another sequence of statements:
>>> totalMarks = english + maths + commerce

>>> percentage = (totalMarks / 300) * 100

>>> percentage


computing overall percentage from marks in different subjects

Assignment Statement
As discussed above, values are assigned to variables using an assignment
statement. The syntax for assignment statement is as follows:
variable = expression

syntax for assignment statement

where expression may yield a value such as numeric, string, or Boolean. In

an assignment statement, the expression on the right-hand side of the equal
to operator (=) is evaluated and the value so obtained is assigned to the
variable on the left-hand side of the = operator. We have already seen some
examples of variables. In general, we must follow the following rules while
using the variables:

rules for naming variables

A variable must begin with a letter or _ (underscore character)

A variable may contain any number of letters, digits, or underscore characters. No other character
apart from these is allowed.

Thus, marks, name, max_marks, _emp, and

maxMarks, n1,
max_of_3_numbers are valid variables. However, note that the following are
not valid variables:

total_no. #use of dot (.)

1st_number #begins with a digit
AmountIn$ #use of dollar symbol ($)
Total Amount #Presence of blank between two words

It is a good programming practice to make sure that the variables are

meaningful as carefully chosen variables make your code readable. For
example, to denote the total marks obtained, it is easy to understand what the
variable totalMarks represents than a variable a, x, marks or total used for
the same purpose. There are several styles of forming variables, for



always use meaningful variable names

However, one must be consistent in following a style. In this book, we prefer

to use the lowerCamelCase style in which the first letter of every word is
capitalized, except the first word which begins with a lowercase letter, for
example, totalMarks. While forming variables, it is important to note that
Python is case-sensitive. Thus, age and Age are different variables. So, if we
assign a value to the variable age and display the value of Age, the system
will respond with an error message.

follow a consistent style in choosing variables

>>> age = 24

>>> Age

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<pyshell#1>", line 1, in <module>


NameError: name 'Age' is not defined

Python is case-sensitive.
age and Age are different names

Next, let us examine the following statements:

>>> a = 5

>>> b = a

>>> a = 7
more than one variable may refer to the same object

The first statement assigns name a to an integer value 5 as shown in Fig.

1.3(a). The next statement assigns another name b to the same value 5 (Fig.
1.3 (b)). Finally, the third statement assigns a different value 7 to a (Fig. 1.3
(c)). Now the variables a and b refer to different values.

Shorthand Notation
By now, we have seen several examples of assignment statements. The
following assignment statement updates value of the variable a by adding 5
to the existing value.
>> a = a + 5

Fig. 1.3 Current state diagram

Alternatively, we can write the above statement as

>>> a += 5

a shorthand notation

Thus, the operator += serves as shorthand notation in assignment statement.

Similarly, the statements
>>> a = a + b + c

>>> a = a ** (b + c)
can be written as follows, respectively:
>>> a += b + c

>>> a **= b + c

As the shorthand notation works for all binary mathematical operators,

a = a <operator> b

is equivalent to
a <operator>= b

Python also allows multiple assignments in a single statement; for example,

the following sequence of three assignment statements
>>> msg = 'Meeting'

>>> day = 'Mon'

>>> time = '9'

may be replaced by a single statement:

>>> msg, day, time = 'Meeting', 'Mon', '9'

multiple assignments in a single statement

Thus, we can specify more variables than one on the left side of an
assignment statement, and the corresponding number of expressions, like
<expr1>, <expr2>, ..., <exprK>, on the right side. Formally, the syntax
for an assignment statement may be described as follows:
<name1>, <name2>, ..., <nameK> = <expr1>, <expr2>, ..., <exprK>

This notation can be used to enhance the readability of the program. We may
also assign a common value to multiple variables, for example, the
assignment statement
>>> totalMarks = count = 0
assigning same value to multiple variables in a single statement

may be used to replace the following two assignments:

>>> totalMarks = 0

>>> count = 0

Suppose we wish to swap values of two variables, say, num1 and num2. For
this purpose, we use a variable temp as follows:
>>> num1, num2 = 10, 20

>>> temp = num1

>>> num1 = num2

>>> num2 = temp

>>> print(num1, num2)

20 10

Note that before executing the assignment statement

num1 = num2

we save the value of the variable num1 in the variable temp, so that the same
can be assigned to the variable num2 in the following assignment statement.
A variable that is used to hold the value of another variable temporarily is
often called temporary variable.

Alternatively, we can use the following statement to swap the values of

two variables:
>>> num1, num2 = num2, num1


Keywords are the reserved words that are already defined by the Python for
specific uses. They cannot be used for any other purpose. Hence, make sure
that none of the names used in a program should match any of the keywords.
The list of the keywords in Python 3.6 is given in Fig. 1.4.
keywords have special meaning

Fig. 1.4 List of Python keywords

keywords cannot be used for naming objects


So far, we have done all work using Python shell, an interactive environment
of IDLE. The definitions of objects, names, etc., exist only during an IDLE
session. When we exit an IDLE session, and start another IDLE session, we
must redo all computations. This is not a convenient mode of operation for
most of the computational tasks. Python provides another way of working
called script mode. All the instructions necessary for a task are stored in a
file often called a source file script, program, source code, or a module.
Python requires that such a file must have extension .py or .pyw. To create
a script, Python IDLE provides a New Window option in the File menu. On
clicking the New Window option, a Python Editor window opens, where we
can write a sequence of instructions, collectively called a program or a
script. A script can be saved using the Save As option in the File menu. It
may be executed in shell by selecting Run Module option in the Run menu.

in script mode, instructions are written in a file

a script should have extension .py or .pyw

As a trivial example, the script readNshow in Fig. 1.5 takes two numbers
from the user and outputs these numbers. On executing the first line of the
script, the system waits for the user to enter a number which is assigned to
the variable number1. On executing the second line of the script, the system
waits for the user to enter another number which is assigned to the variable
number2. The values of variables number1 and number2 are displayed on
executing the third line of the script.

Fig. 1.5 Input–output program

a simple script

output on executing the script

The problem with the above script is that as we have developed it just
now, we remember that the program requires two numbers as the input.
However, if we wish to use it a month later, we may forget what inputs are
required by the program, and we will need to examine the program again
before running it. Surely, we would like to avoid this effort. A good
programming practice is to display to the user what data is to be entered.
The modified script readNshowWell (Fig. 1.6) achieves this by displaying a
message to the user as the system waits for user input.

Fig. 1.6 Input–output program


1. Python interpreter executes one expression (command) at a time.

2. An expression is a valid combination of operators and operands. Operands are the objects on which
operators are applied.
3. Arithmetic, relational, logical, and bitwise operators are used for performing computations in a
4. A string is a sequence of characters. To specify a string, we may use single, double, or triple quotes.
5. The operator + (addition) applied on two string operands is used for concatenating them. Similarly, the
operator * (multiplication) is used to repeat a string a specific number of times.
6. When relational operators are applied on strings, strings are compared left to right character by
character according to their ASCII values.
7. While evaluating a Boolean expression involving and operator, the second sub-expression is evaluated
only if the first sub-expression yields True.
8. While evaluating an expression involving or operator, the second sub-expression is evaluated only if
the first sub-expression yields False.
9. Precedence order for the operators is as follows:

10. A variable is a name that refers to a value. We may also say that a variable associates a name with a
data object such as number, character, string, or Boolean.
11. Values are assigned to variables using assignment statement. The syntax for assignment statement is
as follows:
variable = expression
where expression may yield any value such as numeric, string, or Boolean.
12. In an assignment statement, the expression on the right-hand side of the equal to operator (=) is
evaluated and the value so obtained is assigned to the variable on the left-hand side of the = operator.
13. A variable name must begin with a letter or _ (underscore character). It may contain any number of
letters, digits or underscore characters. No other character apart from these is allowed.
14. Python is case-sensitive. Thus, age and Age are different variables.
15. The shorthand notation for a = a <operator> b is
a <operator>= b
16. In Python, multiple assignment statements can be specified in a single line as follows:
<name1>, <name2>, ... = <expression1>, <expression2>, ...
17. A keyword is a reserved word that is already defined by Python for a specific use. Keywords cannot
be used for any other purpose. The list of the Python keywords is given below:

False class finally is return None

continue for lambda try True def
from nonlocal while and del global
not with as if or yield
assert else import pass break except
in raise elif

18. Python programming can be done in an interactive and script mode.


1. Evaluate the following expressions:

(x < y) or (not(z == y) and (z < x))
1. x = 0, y = 6, z = 10
2. x = 1, y = 1, z = 1
2. Evaluate the following expressions involving arithmetic operators:
1. -7 * 20 + 8 / 16 * 2 + 54
2. 7 ** 2 // 9 % 3
3. ( 7 – 4 * 2 ) * 10 / 5 ** 2 + 15
4. 5 % 10 + 10 – 25 * 8 // 5
5. ' hello' * 2 - 5
3. Evaluate the following expressions involving relational and logical operators:
1. 'hi' > 'hello' and 'bye' < 'Bye'
2. 'hi' > 'hello' or 'bye' < 'Bye'
3. 7 > 8 or 5 < 6 and 'I am fine' > 'I am not fine'
4. 10 != 9 and 29 >= 29
5. 10 != 9 and 29 >= 29 and 'hi' > 'hello' or 'bye' < 'Bye' and 7 <= 2.5
4. Evaluate the following expressions involving arithmetic, relational, and logical operators:
1. 5 % 10 + 10 < 50 and 29 >= 29
2. 7 ** 2 <= 5 // 9 % 3 or 'bye' < 'Bye'
3. 5 % 10 < 10 and – 25 > 1 * 8 // 5
4. 7 ** 2 // 4 + 5 > 8 or 5 != 6
5. 7 / 4 < 6 and 'I am fine' > 'I am not fine'
6. 10 + 6 * 2 ** 2 != 9 // 4 - 3 and 29 >= 29 / 9
7. 'hello' * 5 > 'hello' or 'bye' < 'Bye'
5. Evaluate the following expressions involving bitwise operators:
1. 15 & 22
2. 15 | 22
3. -15 & 22
4. -15 | 22
5. ~15
6. ~22
7. ~-20
8. 15 ^ 22
9. 8 << 3
10. 40 >> 3
6. Differentiate between the following operators with the help of examples:
1. = and ==
2. / and %
3. / and //
4. * and **
7. What output will be displayed when the following commands are executed in Python shell in
1. >>> a = 6
>>> a == 6
>>> a < 5.9
>>> a > 5.9
2. >>> b = 7
>>> b / 6
>>> b // 6
>>> b / 4
>>> b % 4
>>> b % 7
>>> b * 2
>>> b ** 2
8. Construct logical expressions for representing the following conditions:
1. marks scored should be greater than 300 and less than 400.
2. Whether the value of grade is an uppercase letter.
3. The post is engineer and experience is more than four years.
9. Identify Python keywords from the following list of words:

And class PASS if exec PRINT Not

10. Write Python statements for the following equations:



11. How does the effect of the following two statements differ?
1. x += x + 10
2. x = x + 10

2.1 Built-in Functions
2.2 Function Definition and Call
2.3 Importing User-defined Module
2.4 assert Statement
2.5 Command Line Arguments

In this chapter, we will learn how simple statements can be put together in
the form of functions to do useful tasks. We can easily deal with problems
whose solutions can be written in the form of small Python programs. As a
problem becomes complex, the program also increases in size and
complexity, and it is impossible for a programmer to keep track of the data
and control statements in the whole program. Indeed, experience has shown
that the most programmers cannot keep track of more than ten statements or
so at a time. Therefore, we cannot apply the crude method of attacking the
whole problem at the same time. Instead, we opt for a more systematic way
of problem solving by dividing the given problem into several sub-problems,
finding their individual solutions in the form of functions (also called sub-
programs) and integrating them to form the final program. If necessary, the
sub-problems may be further divided into still smaller problems, and the
process of dividing a problem into a set of problems of smaller size can be
continued up to any appropriate level. Later on, solutions of the small
problems are merged to form programs aimed at solving the complex
problem. This approach to problem solving is called stepwise refinement
method or modular approach.

to solve a problem, divide it into simpler sub-problems

In this chapter, we shall begin by giving examples of built-in functions
that are already made available in Python for use by the programmers.
Subsequently, we shall learn how to develop functions for the specific need
of the problems at hand. The chapter concludes with a description of
assertions that serve as an error-checking mechanism.


Built-in functions are predefined functions that are already available in

Python. Recall that we have already used the built-in functions input and
print. Next, we will discuss some more examples of built-in functions.

input Function
The function input enables us to accept an input string from the user
without evaluating its value. The function input continues to read input text
from the user until it encounters a newline, for example:

invoking input function to take user input

>>> name = input('Enter a name: ')

Enter a name: Alok

>>> name


The variable name now refers to the string value 'Alok' entered by the user.
Making use of a function is called calling the function, or invoking the
function. In the above statement, the string 'Enter a name: ' specified
within the parentheses is called an argument. So, we say that the function
input has been called with the argument 'Enter a number: '. Further, we
say that the function returns the string entered by the user ('Alok') which is
subsequently assigned to the variable name.

eval Function
The function eval is used to evaluate the value of a string, for example:
evaluating a string

>>> eval('15')


>>> eval('15+10')



The value returned by a function may be used as an argument for another

function in a nested manner. This is called composition. For example, if we
wish to take a numeric value or an expression as an input from the user, we
take the input string from the user using the function input, and apply eval
function to evaluate its value, for example:

nested calls: output of inner function serves as input argument to outer function

>>> n1 = eval(input('Enter a number: '))

Enter a number: 234

>>> n1


>>> n2 = eval(input('Enter an arithmetic expression: '))

Enter an arithmetic expression: 12.0 + 13.0 * 2

>>> n2


Note that the inputs 234 and 12.0 + 13.0 * 2 were correctly evaluated as
int and float values respectively.

print Function
Recall from the previous chapter that the following statement enables us to
produce the output in Python. On execution of the statement:
the system will output hello:
>>> print('hello')


Statement print('hello') calls the function print with the argument

'hello'. Note that the output of print function does not include any
apostrophe marks as it displays the value of the string that comprises the
sequence of characters: hello. Apostrophe marks are used just to tell
Python where a string begins and ends and do not form part of the string.
Any number of comma-separated expressions may be used while invoking a
print function, for example:

printing multiple values in a single call to print function

>>> print(2, 567, 234)

2 567 234

>>> name = 'Raman'

>>> print('hello', name, '2 + 2 =', 2 + 2)

hello Raman 2 + 2 = 4

Note that when several values are included in a call to the print function
separated by commas, they are displayed on the same line, separated by
single spaces between them. It is important to point out that after printing the
values of the expressions included as arguments while invoking the print
function, the print control moves to the beginning of the next line. Thus, the
output of a sequence of print function calls appears on separate lines. In the
next example, the output of a single call to the print function is displayed
on two lines:
>>> print('hello', name, '\n2 + 2 =', 2 + 2)

hello Raman

2 + 2 = 4
The backslash character \ has a special meaning. The character sequence \n
serves as a line feed character and transfers the print control to the beginning
of the next line. The character sequences like \n and \t are called escape
sequences. Next, we give an example of the escape sequence \t which is
interpreted as a tab character:

use of Python escape sequences

>>> print('hello', name, '\t2 + 2 =',2 + 2)

hello Raman 2 + 2 = 4

If we do not want Python to interpret an escape sequence, it should be

preceded by another backslash. Another way of achieving the same thing is
to use R or r before the string containing escape symbol, for example:
>>> print('Use \\n for newline')

Use \n for newline

>>> print(R'Use \n for newline')

Use \n for newline

>>> print(r'Use \n for newline')

Use \n for newline

>>> print('Use', R'\n', 'for newline')

Use \n for newline

Python also supports various other escape sequences such as \a (ASCII

bell), \b (ASCII backspace), \f (ASCII form feed), and \r (ASCII carriage
return). However, some of these are not supported by Python IDLE.

type Function
Values or objects in Python are classified into types or classes, for example,
12 is an integer, 12.5 is a floating point number, and 'hello' is a string.
Python function type tells us the type of a value, for example:
determining data type

>>> print(type(12), type(12.5), type('hello'), type(int))

<class 'int'> <class 'float'> <class 'str'>

<class 'type'>

round Function
The round function rounds a number up to specific number of decimal
places, for example:

rounding to nearest value

>>> print(round(89.625,2), round(89.635), round(89.635,0))

89.62 90 90.0

>>> print(round(34.12, 1), round(-34.63))

34.1 -35

When calling the function round, the first argument is used to specify the
value to be rounded, and the second argument is used to specify the number
of decimal digits desired after rounding. In a call to function round, if the
second argument is missing, the system rounds the value of first argument to
an integer, for example, round(89.635) yields 90.

Type Conversion
Let the variables costPrice and profit denote cost price and desired profit
for a grocery item in a shop. We wish to compute the selling price for the
item (Fig. 2.1).

Fig. 2.1 Program to find selling price

While executing the above script, if we enter 50 and 5 as the values for
costPrice and profit respectively, the system will respond as follows:

undesirable use of + operator

Enter cost price: 50

Enter profit: 5

Selling Price: 505

Note that the input function considers all inputs as strings. Therefore, the
value of sellingPrice shown above as 505 is the concatenation of the input
values of costPrice and profit, i.e., '50' and '5', respectively. To
convert the input strings to equivalent integers, we need to use the function
int explicitly (Fig. 2.2):

conversion from str to int

Fig. 2.2 Program to find selling price

On executing the above script, the system will respond as follows:

Enter cost price: 50

Enter profit: 5

Selling Price: 55

We may also use float function if we wish to take decimal value as input
from the user. The function str can be used to convert a numeric value to a
str value. Next, we give some examples, illustrating the use of some
functions for type conversion:
conversion from int to str

>>> str(123)


>>> float(123)


>>> int(123.0)


>>> str(123.45)


>>> float('123.45')


>>> int('123.45')

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<pyshell#3>", line 1, in <module>


ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '123.45'

conversion from str to float

string incompatible for conversion

Note that last example yields an error since function int cannot be used for
converting a string containing decimal value to its integer equivalent. We
already know that the eval function converts the value of the argument to
the appropriate type, for example:
>>> eval('50+5')


min and max Functions

The functions max and min are used to find maximum and minimum value
respectively out of several values. These functions can also operate on string
values. Next, we illustrate the use of these functions.
>>> max(59, 80, 95.6, 95.2)


>>> min(59, 80, 95.6, 95.2)


>>> max('hello', 'how', 'are', 'you')


>>> min('hello', 'how', 'are', 'you', 'Sir')


Note that the integer and floating point values are compatible for
comparison. However, numeric values cannot be compared with string

operands must be compatible for comparison

pow Function
The function pow(a, b)computes a . Thus, given the side of a cube, if we

want to find its volume, we may just write pow(side, 3).

computing power

Random Number Generation

Imagine a two-player (say, player A and player B) game in which we want to
decide who will play the first turn. Python provides a function random that
generates a random number in the range [0,1). Python module random
contains this function and needs to be imported for using it. Let us agree that
player A will play the first turn if the random number generated falls in the
range [0,0.5). Otherwise, player B will play the first turn. The following
sequence of statements achieves this:
import random

if random.random() < 0.5:

print('Player A plays the first turn.')


print('Player B plays the first turn.')

generating a random number in the range [0,1)

The if-else statement used here will be discussed in detail in the next
chapter. In the case of multiple players, using the above approach for
deciding who will play the first turn will make the program complex. The
random module provides another function randint that randomly chooses an
integer in the specified range; for example, randint(1,n) will randomly
generate a number in the range 1 to n (both 1 and n included).

Functions from math Module

There are various operations such as floor, ceil, log, square root,
cos, and sin that may be required in different applications. The math
module provides these functions, among several others. In Table 2.1, we
describe some important mathematical functions.

functions for mathematical computations

Table 2.1 Functions from math module

In order to make these functions available for use in a script, we need to
import the math module. The import statement serves this purpose:
import math

import a module before using it

The math module also defines a constant math.pi having value

3.141592653589793. Next, we illustrate the use of the functions in the math
module discussed above:

name of the module, followed by the separator dot, should precede function name

>>> import math

>>> math.ceil(3.4)

>>> math.floor(3.7)

>>> math.fabs(-3)


>>> math.exp(2)


>>> math.log(32, 2)


>>> math.log10(100)

>>> math.pow(3, 3)


>>> math.sqrt(65)


>>> math.cos(math.pi)


>>> math.sin(math.pi/2)


>>> math.tan(math.pi/4)


>>> math.acos(1)


>>> math.asin(1)


>>> math.atan(1)


>>> math.degrees(math.pi)


>>> math.radians(180)


Note that the name of a function in a module is preceded by the name of the
module and the separator '.'.

Complete List of Built-in Functions

If we want to see the complete list of built-in functions, we can use the built-
in function dir as dir(__builtins__). To know the purpose of a function
and how it is used, we may make use of the function help, for example, to
display help on cos function in the math module, we may give the following

getting help on a function

>>> import math

>>> help(math.cos)

Help on built-in function cos in module math:



Return the cosine of x (measured in radians).


We have already mentioned that the functions provide a systematic way of

problem solving by dividing the given problem into several sub-problems,
finding their individual solutions, and integrating the solutions of individual
problems to solve the original problem. Suppose we wish to print a picture
that consists of a triangle followed by a square as shown in Fig. 2.3.

Fig. 2.3 Picture

A program segment to achieve this would require the following steps:

outline of a solution

print a triangle

print a blank line

print a square

If we replace the above outline with Python code, our job would be done.
We call this script picture and store it in the file picture.py as per Python
convention (Fig. 2.4).

Fig. 2.4 Program to print a triangle followed by square (picture.py)

In Fig. 2.4 (and elsewhere in the book), line numbers are not part of
Python program but used only for the purpose of explanation. In this
program, line number 2 begins with # (hash). This line is a comment. A
comment is a non-executable text in the program that is not processed by the
system. Comments are ignored by the Python interpreter as if they are not
present. They are placed to make the intent of Python code clear to the
reader. In general, if # appears anywhere in a line in the Python program,
rest of the line is ignored by the system. For example:

comments enhance readability of the code

# side of an equilateral triangle

single line comments start with #

is a comment in the statement,

side = 6 # side of an equilateral triangle

Another way of writing a comment is to use a docstring (documentation

string). As mentioned earlier, a docstring may extend to several lines. In Fig.
2.4, note that the function definition begins in line 1 with keyword def,
followed by the name of the function main, empty parenthesis, and a colon.
The following statements (lines 2–16) that form the body of the function
main do not begin in column number 1, just below def, but begin with four
spaces. This is called indentation. We have used four spaces for indentation
as per advice in Google’s coding guidelines. However, one may choose a
different number of spaces, say, two or three, for indentation. But it is
desirable to be consistent, across all the programs that we write. In general,
the syntax for a function definition is as follows:

multi-line comment

Python insists on strict indentation rules

def function_name (comma_separated_list_of_parameters):

syntax for function definition

Python also requires that a function_name should not be a Python keyword.

The list of parameters (if any) specifies the information required for using
the function. The statements inside the function have to be indented from the
left margin as shown in Fig. 2.4. It is important to emphasize that apart from
the fact that indented code looks elegant, it is also a requirement of Python
that the code following a colon must be indented.

Python code following colon must be indented, i.e., shifted right

Having developed the function main in the script picture, we would like
to execute it. To do this, we need to invoke the function main. This can be
done by performing the following two steps:

1. In Run menu, click on the option Run Module.

2. Using Python shell, invoke (call) the function main by executing the following command:
>>> main()

We can eliminate the need to call function main explicitly from the shell, by
including in the script picture, the following call to function main:
if __name__=='__main__':


invoking the function main in the script

The revised script is shown in Fig. 2.5. Every Python module has a built-in
variable called __name__ containing the name of the module. When the
module itself is being run as the script, this variable __name__ is assigned the
string '__main__' designating it to be a __main__ module. The __main__
module, i.e. script picture in this case (Fig. 2.5), comprises:
built-in variable __name__

1. the definition of function main

2. an if statement

When a script is executed, Python creates a run-time environment, called

global frame. In the script picture, when the definition of the function main
is encountered, Python makes a note of its definition in the global frame.
Next, on encountering the if statement, Python checks whether the name of
the current module is __main__. This being true, the expression __name__
== '__main__' evaluates as True, and the function main is invoked. The
check __name__ == '__main__' is performed to prevent the accidental
calling of a function from an imported module. The if statement is used in a
script to specify the starting point of execution for the module being run. So,
if we have a code that should only be executed when the module is run, and
not when it is imported, we need to execute the code using if clause as
shown in lines 18-19. For the module being imported, variable __name__
contains the name of imported module.

you may read this paragraph casually for now, and come back to it later when you have some
experience in programming
Fig. 2.5 Program to print a triangle followed by square (picture.py)

Now, the statements in the main function are executed in a sequence.

Thus, a triangle and a square, separated by a blank line get printed. In Fig.
2.5, we note that printing a triangle and printing a square are independent
activities, having nothing to do with each other. We can make the above
program more elegant by first developing independent functions to print a
square and a triangle and then making use of these functions in the main
function to print a picture that comprises a triangle and a square separated by
a blank line. In Fig. 2.6, we give the modified script picture1.
developing functions for printing a square and triangle

The script in Fig. 2.6 works as follows: Python makes a note of the
definition of functions triangle, square, and main as it sees their
definitions. As described above, on the execution of the if statement (line
22), the control is transferred to the function main (line 15). Line 16 being a
comment, is ignored by Python. In line 17, the function triangle is called,
and the body of function triangle gets executed. As the main function calls
the function triangle, it is said to be the caller function, and the function
triangle that is called is said to be the callee function or called function.

function main serves as a caller function for the called functions triangle and square
Fig. 2.6 Program to print a triangle followed by square (picture1.py)

Again, line 2 of the function triangle being a comment, Python ignores it.
Next, lines 3–6 are executed in sequence. On completing execution of the
function triangle, the control is transferred to the statement immediately
following the one that called the function triangle, i.e. at line 18 that prints
a blank line. In line 20, we call the function square. On execution of the
body of function square, the control returns to main function (line 21). As
there are no more statements to be executed in the main, the control now
moves to the line following the statement that invoked the main function,
i.e., call to print function at line 24 in the global frame, which now
executes, and the program comes to an end.



invoking the function triangle

invoking the function square

We would like to emphasize that a function definition appears in a

program as a provision to do something and can come into action only when
invoked (called). So, defining a function has no effect until it is invoked, for
example, the function triangle in Fig. 2.7 will produce no output as the
function triangle has only been defined and not invoked.

a function definition has no effect unless it is invoked

Unlike the scripts picture (Fig. 2.5) and picture1 (Fig. 2.6), often, the
caller and the called functions need to share some information between
themselves. To demonstrate this, we develop a program to print the area of a
rectangle that takes length and breadth of the rectangle as inputs from the
Fig. 2.7 The script shows that function triangle is not being invoked

We can describe this task of computing area of a rectangle as a sequence of

three steps:
1. take length and breadth of the rectangle as inputs

2. compute the area of the rectangle

3. print the area of the rectangle

Such an informal description of a program (to be developed) is called a

pseudocode. It serves as the basis of the program to be developed. When
solving a complex problem, a pseudocode serves as the first hand
description of the solution strategy. In the above description, we have
omitted how to compute the area of a rectangle. Let us now refine step 2 for
the computing area of a rectangle using the following pseudocode. To
compute the area of a rectangle, we develop a function that accepts length
and breadth as arguments, computes the area, and outputs it as return value.
We may describe this using the following pseudocode:
inputs: length, breadth

output: area


area <- length * breadth

The above mentioned process is known as stepwise refinement process, for

example, in the above description, we refined step 2 of the pseudocode. In
this book, we have described the solution strategy in detail as part of the
text. So, we have avoided giving a formal pseudocode while solving the
programming problems. Let us now develop a function areaRectangle to
compute the area of a rectangle. To compute the area of a rectangle, this
function would need to know the length and breadth of the rectangle. The
main function will communicate this information to function areaRectangle
at the time of invoking it. Further, the function areaRectangle (Fig. 2.8)
would need to communicate to the caller function main, the area computed
by it.

computing area of a rectangle

Fig. 2.8 Function areaRectangle

Line 1 of the function definition includes the name of the function (i.e.,
areaRectangle). The names length and breadth within parenthesis in the
function are called parameters. Lines 2–6 constitute a docstring describing
the function. Line 3 describes the overall objective of the function. Line 4
describes each of the inputs to the function and the type of value it takes.
Line 5 indicates that the function would return the area of a rectangle to the
calling function. Area of the rectangle is computed in line 7. Finally, line 8 is
a return statement that returns the area computed in line 7 to the caller
function main. In general, the return statement returns the value of the
expression following the keyword return to the caller function. If there is
no return statement in a function, the function returns the value None to the
caller function on the execution of the last statement of the function. The
value being returned may be assigned to a variable.

return statement returns the value of expression following the return keyword in the absence
of the return statement, default value None is returned

In Fig. 2.9, we give the complete script to compute the area of a rectangle
that takes length and breadth of the rectangle as inputs from the user. The
variables and expressions whose values are passed to the called function are
called arguments. At the point of call to function areaRectangle in line 19,
values of arguments lengthRect and breadthRect are passed to parameters
length and breadth, respectively. These values are used inside the function
areaRectangle, for computing area. While the parameters length and
breadth are called formal parameters, or dummy arguments, lengthRect
and breadthRect used for invoking the function areaRectangle are called
actual parameters, or arguments. The arguments in call to the function must
appear in the same order as that of parameters in the function definition.

arguments: variables/expressions whose values are passed to called function parameters:

variables/expressions in function definition which receives value when the function is invoked

Suppose values entered by the user for variables lengthRect and

breadthRect are 5 and 4, respectively.

arguments must appear in the same order as that of parameters

Fig. 2.9 Program to find area of a rectangle (area.py)

Enter the following values for rectangle:

Length : integer value: 5

Breadth : integer value: 4

Area of rectangle is 20

End of program

Figure 2.10 shows how the values of the arguments lengthRect and
breadthRect are passed to the parameters length and breadth at the point
of call to function areaRectangle. The figure showing the correspondence
between arguments and parameters is sometimes called a memory map.

We could have used length and breadth in both the functions

areaRectangle and main to denote length and breadth of the rectangle. On
returning the value of area to the function main in line 8, the function
areaRectangle terminates, and the control returns to line 19 in the script
and the value returned by the function areaRectangle is assigned to the
variable areaRect.

Fig. 2.10 Call to function areaRectangle

correspondence between arguments and parameters

Next, suppose we wish to compute the area of a square. To do this, we
may use the function areaRectangle defined above as follows:
areaRectangle(side, side)

use of function areaRectangle for computing area of the square

However, while using function areaRectangle to find the area of a square,

we assume that the user is aware of the fact that square is a rectangle with
equal length and breadth. A better way to do this would be to define a
function areaSquare that accepts side of the square as an input parameter.
The user interface for the function areaSquare makes no assumption about
the relationship between areaSquare and areaRectangle. However, there is
nothing wrong in using the function areaRectangle in the body of the
function areaSquare (Fig. 2.11). Indeed, this illustrates a software
engineering principle of reusing the already developed functions.

Fig. 2.11 Function squareArea

In light of above discussion, we present a complete script for computing the

area of a rectangle and a square (Fig. 2.12).
Fig. 2.12 Program to find area of square and rectangle (area.py)

Fruitful Functions vs Void Functions

A function that returns a value is often called a fruitful function, for
example, the built-in function sin, and abs, and the functions
areaRectangle, and areaSquare defined earlier in the chapter. A function
that does not return a value is called a void function, for example, the built-
in function print, and the functions triangle, and square, defined earlier
in the chapter.

Function help
Recall that function help can be used to provide a description of built in
functions. Function help can also be used to provide description of the
function defined by user. All one needs to do is to add a multi-line comment.
Function help works by retrieving the contents specified using multi-line
comments. For example, consider the function given in Fig. 2.12.

help on user defined functions

On executing the command help(areaRectangle), contents specified

using multi-line comment will be retrieved.
>>> help(areaRectangle)

Help on function areaRectangle in module __main__:

areaRectangle(length, breadth)

Objective: To compute area of rectangle

Input Parameters: length, breadth - numeric value

Return Value: area - numeric value

function help retrieves first multi-line comment from the function definition

If there are more than one multi-line comments, only the first multi-line
comment is displayed.

Default Parameter Values

The function parameters may be assigned initial values also called default
values as shown in Fig. 2.13. When the function areaRectangle is called
without specifying the second argument breadth, default value 1 is assumed
for it, for example:
>>> areaRectangle(5)

Fig. 2.13 Default parameter values

However, if the default parameters are specified in a function call, the

default values are ignored, for example:

function call uses default value if value for a parameter is not provided

>>> areaRectangle(5,2)


It is important to mention that the default parameters must not be followed

by non-default parameters, for example:

non-default arguments should not follow default arguments in a function definition

>>> def areaRectangle(length = 10, breadth):

return length * breadth

SyntaxError: non-default argument follows default argument

Keyword Arguments
In the programs developed so far, the order of arguments always matched
the parameters in the function definition. However, Python allows us to
specify arguments in an arbitrary order in a function call, by including the
parameter names along with arguments. The arguments specified as

parameter_name = value

syntax for keyword arguments

are known as keyword arguments. For example, in the following call to the
function areaRectangle, the order of arguments is different from the one in
the function definition.
areaRect = areaRectangle(breadth = 2,
length = 5)

Indeed, in situations involving a large number of parameters, several of

which may have default values, keyword arguments can be of great help, for
>>> def f(a = 2, b =3, c = 4, d =5, e = 6, f = 7, g = 8, h = 9):

return a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h

>>> f(c = 10, g = 20)



Recall from Section 2.1 that to access functions such as floor, ceil, and
log given in Table 2.1, we need to import math module that includes the
definitions of these functions. Similarly, to access a function from a user-
defined module (also known as program or script that may comprise
functions, classes, and variables), we need to import it from that module. To
ensure that the module is accessible to the script, we are currently working
on, we append to the system's path, the path to the folder containing the
module. Once this is done, we can import the module by using an instruction

specifying system path

import name-of-the-module

syntax for importing a module

Once this is done, we can access all the functions defined in it by using the
following notation: module name, followed by a dot, followed by the
function name as shown in line 14 in Fig. 2.14.
Fig. 2.14 Program to find area of floor (floorArea.py)

The script in Fig. 2.14 may be used from IDLE as follows:

Enter the following values for floor:

Length: 500

Width: 400


The assert statement is used for error checking. Suppose, we want to

compute the percentage of marks obtained in a subject. It may happen that
value of variables maxMarks and marks entered by the user may not be in
proper range, for example, marks may be negative or greater than the
maxMarks. Hence, we need to make sure that inputs provided by the user are
in the correct range. For this purpose, we make use of an assert statement
(Fig. 2.15, lines 18 and 20) that has the following form:

use of assert statement for error checking

assert condition
Fig. 2.15 Program to find percentage (percent.py)

If the assertions in lines 18 and 20 hold, the function displays percentage as

the output. However, if these assertions fail to hold the system responds with
an assertion error, for example:
Enter maximum marks: 150

Enter marks obtained: 155

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "F:/PythonCode/Ch02/percent.py", line 25,

in <module>


File "F:/PythonCode/Ch02/percent.py", line 20,

in main

assert marks >=0 and marks <=maxMarks



Let us now revisit the program to find area of the rectangle. So far, we have
executed the Python programs in Python IDLE. However, we may choose to
run the Python script from the command line interface. For example, the
script area (Fig. 2.9) may be run from the command prompt by executing
the following steps:

1. open the directory (say, F:\PythonCode\Ch02) containing the file area.py

2. open command prompt window using an option in context menu (opened using shift+right click)
3. execute the command: python area.py

F:\PythonCode\Ch02>python area.py

Enter the following values for rectangle:

Length : integer value: 20

Breadth : integer value: 10

Area of rectangle is 200

End of program

So far, we have been taking inputs from the user in an interactive manner.
However, we may also take the inputs as command line arguments while
executing a script from the command prompt as follows:
F:\PythonCode\Ch02>python area1.py 20 10

Area of rectangle is 200

End of program

In above command, 20 and 10 serve as inputs for the script area1.

Whenever, we execute a script from command line, it takes name of the
script as the first argument followed by other input arguments (if any) in
string form and stores them in the list (discussed later) sys.argv. We access
the arguments stored in argv using indexes argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], etc.
Examine the script area1 (Fig. 2.16). Since, the number of arguments
including the script name should be three, we ensure this using condition
len(sys.argv) == 3. We also assume that in the command

usually whitespace(s) are used for separating the command line arguments from each other

python area1.py 20 10

command line arguments length and breadth that follow the script name
(area1.py) are stored in argv[1] and argv[2] respectively.
Fig. 2.16 Program to compute area of rectangle using command line inputs (area1.py)

1. Functions provide a systematic way of problem solving by dividing the given problem into several
sub-problems and finding their individual solutions.
2. Built-in functions are predefined functions that are provided by the Python environment.
input function enables us to accept an input string from the user without evaluating its value.
print function enables us to produce output in Python.
eval function is used to evaluate the value of a string.
type function tells us the type of value.
round function rounds a number up to a specified number of decimal places.
int function can be used to convert a value to its corresponding integer.
str function can be used to convert a value to its corresponding string.
max and min functions are used for finding maximum and minimum out of several values,
pow function is used to find some power of a number.
random function of the module random is used for generating a random number in the range
randint(1,n) function of the module random is used for generating a random number in the
range [1, n].
math module contains several mathematical functions such as log, ceil, and sin.
3. A comment is a non-executable text in the program that is ignored by the Python interpreter as if is
not present. The comments are used to make the intent of Python code clear to the reader. A single-
line comment starts with character #, whereas a multi-line comment may be specified using docstring.
4. The code following colon must be indented i.e. shifted to the right.
5. The variables that appear in function definition enclosed in parentheses immediately following the
name of the function are called formal parameters or dummy parameters. When the function is called,
they are replaced by the values called arguments. The arguments in call to the function must appear in
the same order as that of the parameters in the function definition.
6. A user-defined module is also known as program or script that may comprise functions, classes, and
7. The function parameters may be assigned initial values, called default values. All non-default
parameters must appear before the default parameters.
8. Python allows us to specify arguments in an arbitrary order in a function call, by including the
parameter names along with arguments. An argument specified as
parameter_name = value
is known as keyword argument.
9. import statement is used for importing a module that may be user-defined or built-in.
10. assert statement is used for error checking. If the condition specified in an assert statement fails to
hold, Python responds with an assertion error.

1. What will be the output produced by each of the following function calls:

math.ceil(65.65) math.ceil(65.47)
math.fabs(-67.58) math.fabs(3)
math.exp(2.7) math.log(45,2)
math.log10(1000) math.pow(4,1/2)
math.sqrt(121) math.radians(30)

2. Give the range in which value of variable x may lie on execution of the following statements:
import random
x = random.random() + 5
3. Evaluate the following expressions using Python shell. Assume that ASCII coding scheme is used for
character data.

abs(-5.4) abs(15) chr(72)

round(-24.9) float(57) complex('1+2j')
divmod(5,2) float(57) pow(9,2)
max(97, 88, 60) min(55, 29, 99)
max('a', 'b', 'AB')

4. Develop Python functions to produce the following outputs:


5. Consider the following function:
def nMultiple(a = 0, num = 1):
return a * num
What will be the output produced when the following calls are made:
1. nMultiple(5)
2. nMultiple(5, 6)
3. nMultiple(num = 7)
4. nMultiple(num = 6, a = 5)
5. nMultiple(5, num = 6)
6. Study the program segments given below. Give the output produced, if any.
1. def test(a, b):
a = a+b
b = a-b
a = a-b
print('a = ', a)
print('b = ', b)
2. def func():
a = func()
7. Write a function areaTriangle that takes the lengths of three sides: side1, side2, and side3 of the
triangle as the input parameters and returns the area of the triangle as the output. Also, assert that
sum of the length of any two sides is greater than the third side. Write a function main that accepts
inputs from the user interactively and computes the area of the triangle using the function
8. Create the following scripts importedModule (Fig. 2.17) and mainModule (Fig. 2.18) in the working
directory, execute the script mainModule and justify the output.
Fig. 2.17 (importedModule.py)

Fig. 2.18 (mainModule.py)

9. Rewrite the code in question 7 so that it takes inputs as command line arguments.
This section may be skipped on first reading without loss of continuity.

3.1 if Conditional Statement
3.2 Iteration (for and while Statements)

The functions that we have developed so far had the property that each
instruction in a function was executed exactly once. Further, the instructions
in these functions were executed in the order in which they appeared in the
functions. Such functions are called straight line functions. However, real
life problems would usually require non-sequential and repetitive execution
of instructions. Python provides various control structures for this purpose.
In this chapter, we will study the following control structures with suitable
examples: if, for, and while.

control structures are used for non-sequential and repetitive execution of instructions


Suppose a teacher grades the students on a scale of 100 marks. To pass the
examination, a student must secure pass marks (say, 40). Before announcing
the results, the teacher decides to moderate the results by giving maximum
of two grace marks. Thus, if the student has scored 38 or 39 marks, he or she
would be declared to have scored 40 marks. Let us see how script moderate
(Fig. 3.1) achieves this.

First, we set passMarks equal to 40 in the function main (Fig. 3.1). The
next statement prompts the user to enter the marks obtained by a student. As
marks entered by the user is of type str, we transform it to an integer
quantity intMarks using the function int. In line 23, we invoke the function
moderate defined in lines 1–12 with the arguments intMarks and
passMarks. Inside the function moderate (line 10), we check whether the
value of the input parameter marks is less than passMarks by one or two
using the condition marks == passMarks-1 or marks == passMarks-2.
The assignment statement in line 11 gets executed only if the condition
evaluates to True. Next, the function moderate returns marks (possibly
modified) to the main function. The value returned by the function moderate
is assigned to the variable moderatedMarks (line 23). Finally, we print
moderatedMarks in line 24. If we run the script in Fig. 3.1, the system
responds by asking the marks and displays moderatedMarks.
Fig. 3.1 Program to moderate the results by giving maximum of two grace marks (moderate.py)
marks to be updated to passMarks based on a condition


Enter marks: 38

Moderated marks: 40


Enter marks: 39

Moderated marks: 40


Enter marks: 40

Moderated marks: 40

In Fig. 3.2, we give a representation of the function moderate using a


Fig. 3.2 Flow diagram of function moderate

moderate marks only if the student is 1 or 2 marks short of passMarks

General Form of if Conditional Statement
The general form of if conditional statement is as follows:

syntax for if conditional statement

if < condition >:

< Sequence S of statements to be executed >

Here, condition is a Boolean expression, which is evaluated when the if

statement is executed. If this condition evaluates to True, then the sequence
S of statements is executed, and the control is transferred to the statement
following the if statement. However, if the Boolean expression evaluates to
False, the sequence S of statements is ignored, and the control is
immediately transferred to the statement following the if statement. The
flow diagram for execution of the if statement has been shown in Fig. 3.3.

statements following if clause are executed only if the condition in the clause evaluates to

Note that <Sequence S of statements to be executed> following the

colon is indented (i.e., shifted right). Next, suppose we want to restrict the
use of a system. To keep the things simple, all the valid users are assigned a
common password and password validation is the only task this program
performs. We can verify the password entered by a user against the password
stored in the system using an if statement. If both the passwords match, the
program prints a welcome message, else an error message indicating
password mismatch is displayed. Let us see how the script in Fig. 3.4
achieves this.

flow-diagram of if statement
Fig. 3.3 Flow diagram of if statement
Fig. 3.4 Program to authenticate user and allow access to system (authenticate.py)
The function main in Fig. 3.4 prompts the user to enter the password,
which is stored in the variable password. Next, the function
authenticateUser beginning line 1 is called in line 22 with the argument
password. Inside the function authenticateUser, the value of this input
parameter is matched against the password 'magic' (already known to the
system), using the condition password == 'magic' (line 7). The assignment
statement in line 8 gets executed only if the condition holds True. Similarly,
if the condition specified in line 9 holds True, the assignment statement in
line number 10 gets executed. String value returned by the function
authenticateUser (line 11) is assigned to the variable message in line 22.
Finally, we print a message indicating whether the user is authorized to use
the system in line 23.

password validation

If we run the script in Fig. 3.4, the system responds by asking for the
password and displays a suitable message indicating successful or
unsuccessful login attempt.


Enter Password: hello

Password mismatch !!



Enter Password: magic

Login Successful !!

Welcome to system.

In Fig. 3.5, we represent the function authenticateUser using a flowchart:

flow chart to validate the password entered by the user

Fig. 3.5 Flow diagram of function authenticateUser

You must have noted in the previous program that there were two if
statements for checking the correctness and incorrectness of the password
entered by a user. However, it is obvious that if password is not correct, it
must be incorrect. Indeed, Python provides an if-else statement to handle
such situations. Let us have a look at the modified script given in Fig. 3.6.
Fig. 3.6 Program to authenticate user and allow access to system (authenticate.py)
If the condition in line 7 holds True, the statement in line number 8 (body
of if statement) gets executed. If the condition in line 7 fails to hold, control
is transferred to the assignment statement in line 10 (body of the else part).
In Fig. 3.7, we illustrate the if-else statement with the help of a flowchart.

Conditional Expression
Python allows us to write conditional expressions of the form given below:

use of if-else conditional statement to validate the password entered by the user

Fig. 3.7 Flow diagram of if-else statement in the function authenticateUser

<expression1> if <condition> else < expression2>

If the condition holds True, the conditional expression yields the value of
expression1, otherwise, it yields the value of expression2. For example,
the following piece of code
if password == 'magic':

message = ' Login Successful !!\n '


message = ' Password mismatch !!\n '

may be replaced by
message = ' Login Successful !!\n ' if password == 'magic' else
' Password mismatch !!\n '

use of conditional expression for password validation

When there is more than one way of doing a thing, one should prefer the one
which enhances the readability of the program. As you might have noted
that the use of an if-else statement is more readable as compared to a
conditional expression. Although a conditional expression happens to be
more concise, we discourage the use of conditional expressions for the

General Form of if-else Conditional Statement

The general forms of if-else statement is as follows:

syntax of if-else conditional statement

if < condition >:

< Sequence S1 of statements to be executed >


< Sequence S2 of statements to be executed >

Here, condition is a Boolean expression. If this condition evaluates to True,

then the sequence S1 of statements is executed, else sequence of statements
S2 gets executed. Subsequently, the control is transferred to the statement
following the if-else statement. The execution of if-else statement is
illustrated in Fig. 3.8.
Fig. 3.8 Flow diagram of if-else structure

flow diagram of if-else conditional statement

In the next problem, we want to assign a grade to a student on the basis of

marks obtained as per the criteria mentioned in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 Criteria for assigning grades

conversion of grades to marks

The script grade (Fig. 3.9) takes marks of a student as input from the user
and assigns a grade on the bases of marks obtained using if-elif-else
statement. In Fig. 3.10, we illustrate the if-elif-else statement with the
help of a flowchart.
Fig. 3.9 Program to assign grade on the basis of marks obtained (grade.py)

Fig. 3.10 Flow diagram of if-elif-else statement in the function assignGrade

conversion of marks to grades

General Form of if-elif-else Conditional Statement

The general form of if-elif-else statement is as follows:
if < condition1 >:

< Sequence S1 of statements to be executed >

elif < condition2 >:

< Sequence S2 of statements to be executed >

elif < condition3 >:

< Sequence S3 of statements to be executed >


< Sequence Sn of statements to be executed >

syntax of if-elif-else conditional statement

elif and else clauses are optional in a conditional statement

In the above description, elif is an abbreviation used in Python for else

if. By now, it must be clear that the clauses elif and else of the if
statement are optional, and that the sequence of statements defined under a
clause is executed in a sequence. As the physical alignment of statements
determines which statements form a block of code, one needs to be very
careful about indentation while writing Python programs.

Nested if-elif-else Conditional Statement

Sometimes, we need a control structure within another control structure.
Such a mechanism is called nesting. For example, the function maximum3
(Fig. 3.12) finds the maximum of three numbers using nested structure.
Here, an if clause has been used within another if clause. First, we test
whether n1 is greater than n2. If so, the condition n1 > n3 is evaluated, and
if True, n1 is declared as the maximum number. The other cases are dealt
with similarly. This is illustrated with the help of flow diagram in Fig. 3.11.

Fig. 3.11 Flow diagram of if statement in the function maximum

to find maximum of three numbers
Fig. 3.12 Program to find the maximum of three numbers (maximum.py)
On executing the script given in Fig. 3.12, Python prompts the user to
enter three numbers and responds by displaying the maximum number.

Enter first number: 78

Enter second number: 65

Enter third number: 89

Maximum number is 89

We can simplify the above program using nested function approach (Fig.
3.13). We define a function max2 that takes two numbers as an input and
computes their maximum. Next, we make use of max2 to define the function
max3 that finds the maximum of three numbers. We say that the function
max2 is nested within the function max3. The functions max2 and max3 are
known as inner function and outer function, respectively.

nested function approach to find maximum of three numbers

Fig. 3.13 Program to find maximum of three numbers (maximum3.py)

Suppose we wish to read and add 100 numbers. Using the method discussed
so far, we will have to include 100 statements for reading and an equal
number of statements for addition. If the numbers to be read and added were
10,000 instead of 100, we can well imagine the gigantic appearance of the
program that would run into well over a hundred pages. Surely, we cannot
think of doing that. The process of repetitive execution of a statement or a
sequence of statements is called a loop. Using loops, we need to write only
once the sequence of statements to be repeatedly executed. Execution of a
sequence of statements in a loop is known as an iteration of the loop.

loop: repetitive execution of instructions

iteration of a loop

The for statement in Python provides a mechanism to keep count of the

number of times a sequence of statements has been executed. Sometimes,
we say that the for statement loops over a sequence of statements and as
such is also called for loop. At times, there may be a situation where the
number of times, a sequence of statements has to be processed is not known
in advance, but depends on the fulfillment of some condition. In such
situations, we use a while loop.

3.2.1 for Loop

The control statement for is used when we want to execute a sequence of
statements (indented to the right of keyword for) a fixed number of times.
Suppose, we wish to find the sum of first few (say n) positive integers.
Further, assume that the user provides the value of n. For this purpose, we
need a counting mechanism to count from 1 to n and keep adding the
current value of count to the old value of total (which is initially set to
zero). This is achieved using the control statement for (Fig. 3.14).
Fig. 3.14 Program to find sum of first n positive integers (sum.py)

for loop: used to execute a sequence of instructions a fixed number of times

On executing the script (Fig. 3.14), Python prompts the user to enter the
value of n and responds with the sum of first n positive integers:
Enter number of terms: 5

Sum of first 5 positive integers: 15

In the function summation (script sum, Fig. 3.14), the variable total is
initialized to zero. Next, for loop is executed. The function call range(1,n
+ 1) produces a sequence of numbers from 1 to n. This sequence of numbers
is used to keep count of the iterations. In general,

range(start, end, increment)

range function generates a sequence of integers

returns an object that produces a sequence of integers from start up to end

(but not including end) in steps of increment. If the third argument is not
specified, it is assumed to be 1. If the first argument is also not specified, it
is assumed to be 0. Values of start, end, and increment should be of type
integer. Any other type of value will result in error. Next, we give some
examples of the use of range function:

Function Sequence of values produced

range(1,11) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
range(11) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
range(1,11,2) 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
range(30, -4, -3) 30, 27, 24, 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3, 0, -3
In the script sum, the variable count takes a value from the sequence 1, 2,
…, n, one by one, and the statement

total += count

is executed for every value of count. On completion of the loop, the

function summation returns the sum of first n positive numbers stored in the
variable total (line 10). The value returned is displayed using print
function in line 21.

Next, we develop a program to read and add the marks entered by the user
in n subjects, and subsequently use the total marks so obtained to compute
the overall percentage of marks (Fig. 3.15). The number of subjects n is
taken as the input from the user. The variable totalMarks is initialized to
zero in line 8 before the for loop. The sequence of statements at lines 11,
12, and 13 forms the body of the loop and is executed n times, once for each
value of i. We say that the loop iterates for each value of i in the sequence
1, 2, …, n. Once the execution of the loop completes, percentage is
Fig. 3.15 Program to compute percentage (percentage.py)

On executing the script percentage (Fig. 3.15), Python prompts the user
to enter the number of subjects and the marks, and responds by displaying
the percentage.
Number of subjects: 5

Enter marks

Subject 1: 75

Subject 2: 80
Subject 3: 85

Subject 4: 90

Subject 5: 95

Percentage is: 85.0

General Format of for Statement

The general form of for structure is as follows:

for variable in sequence:

<block S of statements>

for loop syntax

Here, variable refers to the control variable used for counting, which is set
in the beginning to the first value in a sequence of values (e.g., range(10),
'abcdef'). Subsequently, in each iteration of the loop, the value of the
control variable is replaced by the successor value in the sequence. The
process of executing the sequence S and replacing the current value of
control variable by its successor in sequence is repeated until the entire
sequence is exhaused.

Next, we wish to develop a function to print a multiplication table for a

given number. For example, the multiplication table for 4 should appear as
4 * 1 = 4

4 * 2 = 8

4 * 3 = 12

4 * 4 = 16

4 * 5 = 20

4 * 6 = 24

4 * 7 = 28
4 * 8 = 32

4 * 9 = 36

4 * 10 = 40

By now you must have noted that Python output is aligned on the left-hand
side, for example:
>>> print(7)

>>> print(100)


By default, Python aligns the output on LHS

However, the numeric output looks good, if aligned on the right-hand side.
For this purpose, we need to specify how many places we would like to
reserve for printing a value, for example, the format string '%5d' may be
used to indicate that at least five positions are to be reserved for an integer
>>> '%5d'% 45

' 45'

>>> print('%5d'% 45)


>>> print('%5d'% 12345)


formatted output using format string

To develop multiplication table for a given number, we would require two

parameters: number (say, num) whose multiplication table is to be printed,
and the number of multiples (say, nMultiples) of the number. In this
exercise, we need to print nMultiples (= 10). The following code segment
does this job (Fig. 3.16). In Fig. 3.17, we present a complete script to print
the multiplication table of a given number.

Fig. 3.16 Loop for printing multiplication table

Fig. 3.17 Program to print multiplication table of a number

3.2.2 while Loop

The while loop is used for executing a sequence of statements again and
again on the basis of some test condition. If the test condition holds True,
the body of the loop is executed, otherwise the control moves to the
statement immediately following the while loop. Suppose, we wish to find
the sum of all the numbers entered by a user until a null string (empty string:
'') is entered as input. As we do not know in advance the count of numbers
that the user will enter before entering a null string, we make use of a while
loop in the script sumNumbers (Fig. 3.18). Every time the user enters a string,
its integer value is added to the old value of total (initialized to zero before
the beginning of the loop). The process continues until the user enters a null
string as input. On encountering a null string, the test condition in line 10
becomes False, the while loop terminates, and the control moves to line 13,
where we display the value of total.

while loop: to repeat execution of an instruction sequence as long as a condition holds

empty string is also known as null string

Fig. 3.18 Program to compute sum of numbers (sumNumbers.py)

On executing the script sumNumbers (Fig. 3.18), Python prompts for

numbers until the user enters null string as an input.

Enter a number: 2

Enter a number: 18

Enter a number: 15

Enter a number: 15

Enter a number:

Sum of all input numbers is 50

Next, we show the working of the while loop in the context of the
foregoing example (Fig. 3.19).

Fig 3.19 Flow diagram of if statement in script sumNumbers

General Format of while Statement

The general form of while statement is as follows:

while <test condition>:

<Sequence of statements S>

syntax for while loop

Here, test condition is a Boolean expression, which is evaluated at the

beginning of the loop. If the test condition evaluates to True, the
sequence S of statements is executed, and the control moves to the
evaluation of test condition once again. The process is repeated until
test condition evaluates to False. The execution of the while loop is
illustrated in Fig. 3.20.
Fig. 3.20 Flow diagram of while structure
flow diagram of while loop

Infinite Loops
Sometimes we want a while loop to continue indefinitely until an enabling
event takes place, for example, the screen of a laptop may remain off until a
key is pressed. For this purpose, we make use of a while loop based on a
condition that always evaluates to True. Such a loop is known as an infinite
loop, for example:

infinite loop: loop with a condition which always evaluates to True

import time

while True:


print('Loop processing....')

print('Use ctrl+c to break')


except KeyboardInterrupt:

print('User interrupted the loop... exiting...')


in the absence of a keyboard interrupt, the while loop will execute infinitely.

3.2.3 while Statement vs. for Statement

Having learned the use of while statement, let us use a while statement to
rewrite the following piece of code:
for count in range(1, n + 1):

total += count

The revised code is given below:

count = 1

while count < n+1:

total += count

count += 1

not a wise idea: rewriting for loop using while

Note that for computing the sum of first few natural numbers, the use of for
loop is more elegant and easy as compared to the while loop. Out of several
control structures which may be used at a place, it is the discretion of the
programmer to choose the simple and elegant one.

3.2.4 Example: To Print Some Pictures

Next, we develop a program that prints a right triangle or an inverted
triangle (shown in Fig. 3.21) depending on user's choice. Further, the
number of rows in the triangle is also to be taken as input from the user. Let
us examine the script triangle (Fig. 3.22) that serves this purpose. In this
program, the user needs to enter his/her choice of figure 1 or 2 depending on
whether he or she wants to print a right triangle or an inverted triangle. The
assertion in line 11 is used to check whether the input choice is a valid
choice, i.e., 1 or 2. Subsequently in line 12, the number of rows in the figure
is taken as input. Next, we develop the functions to print right triangle and
inverted triangle. To print a right triangle having a number of rows (equal to
nRows), we have to generate as many rows of output. Outline of the Python
code for this purpose is given below:
for i in range(1, nRows + 1):

{Generate one row of output for right triangle}

Fig. 3.21 (a) Right triangle and (b) inverted triangle

Fig 3.22 main function to print right triangle and inverted triangle (triangle.py)

We note that in the first row, one '*' is to be output, in the second row two
'*'s are to be output, and so on. So, in general, the ith row will have i
'*'s. With these remarks, we modify the outline of the code given above:

for i in range(1, nRows + 1):

print('*' * i)
for loop for printing a right triangle

Similarly, to print an inverted triangle comprising the number of rows (equal

to nRows), we have to generate as many rows of output. The Python code
may be outlined as follows:
for i in range(0, nRows):

{Generate one row of output for inverted triangle}

Let nSpaces denotes the number of leading spaces in a row. We note that
there are no leading spaces in the first row. So, we set
nSpaces = 0

For every subsequent row, the number of leading spaces nSpaces increases
by one in each row. Next, let nStars denote the number of stars to be printed
in a row. We note that in the first row, the number of stars to be printed is 2
* nRows – 1. So, we set

nStars = 2 * nRows - 1

We also note that the number of stars to be printed decreases by two for
every subsequent row. With these remarks, we modify the outline of the
above piece of code as follows:
nSpaces = 0

nStars = 2 * nRows - 1

for i in range(1, nRows+1):

print(' ' * nSpaces + '*' * nStars)

nStars -= 2

nSpaces += 1

for loop for printing inverted triangle

In light of the above discussion, we give the complete script in Fig. 3.23:
Fig. 3.23 Program to print right triangle and inverted triangle (triangle.py)

In the above script, the figures right triangle and inverted triangle
comprise '*' only. However, we may make the above program more general
by printing the figures made using a character provided by the user. For this
purpose, the function rightTriangle may be modified as follows (Fig.
Fig. 3.24 Function rightTriangle

The reader is encouraged to modify the invertedTriangle and main

functions in a similar manner and experiment with different figures.

3.2.5 Nested Loops

Suppose we wish to develop a function to print multiplication tables, one for
each of the first few (say 10), natural numbers. Further, in the table,
multiples of a number are to be arranged vertically in a column. The output
should appear as shown in Fig. 3.25.

nested loop: a loop inside another loop

nesting may continue up to any level

Fig. 3.25 Multiplication table

In order that the output of the program appears nicely, we would like that
each number be printed using at least the number of positions specified in
the format string. This may be done as follows (5 digits are reserved for each
number which is left padded with spaces):
>>> for i in range(1,4):

print('{0: >5}'.format(i*9))



by default, print function inserts new line after printing a line

Also, we would like that the output of several calls to print function may be
printed on the same line. For this purpose, we we need to use empty string
('') in place of the default newline. This can be achieved using keyword
argument end. For example,
>>> for i in range(1,4):
print('{0: >5}'.format(i*9), end = '')

9 18 27

using empty string as the terminator in print function by changing the default value of
keyword argument end

Indeed, the code segment

>>> for i in range(1,4):

print('{0: >5}'.format(i*9))

is equivalent to:
>>> for i in range(1,4):

print('{0: >5}'.format(i*9), end = '\n')

To develop such a function, we would require two parameters: the number

of tables, (say, nTables) to be printed, and the number of multiples (say,
nMultiples) of each number to be printed. The skeleton of a function for
this purpose is given in Fig. 3.26.
Fig. 3.26 Skeleton of function printTable

To print the multiplication table, we need to print nMultiples (=10) rows,

one for each multiple of the number num. Skeleton of the code segment for
printing multiplication table is given below:
for multiple in range(1, nMultiples + 1):

# Print a row of multiples of each number num

Next, to print one row of a multiple of all numbers i.e. multiples of num in
the range (1, nTables+1), we may iterate over num using a for loop as
for num in range(1, nTables + 1):

print('{0: >2}'.format(num),'*',\

'{0: >2}'.format(multiple),'=', \

'{0: >3}'.format(num*multiple),'\t',

end = '')

for loop to print one row of multiples of numbers

Note the use of the keyword argument end in the print function under the
for loop, as we want the output of the entire loop to appear on the same line.
Finally, when the for loop completes, invoking the print function moves
the control to the next line for printing the next row of the multiplication
table. The character backslash (\) used at the end of second and third line is a
line continuation character that can be used for wrapping long lines i.e. if we
wish to extend a statement over multiple lines. The complete script to print
multiplication table is shown in Fig. 3.27.

line continuation character backslash(\)

Fig. 3.27 Program to print multiplication table (table.py)
The control structures for and while may be nested up to any level as
required. For example, see Fig. 3.28.
Fig. 3.28 Examples of nested control structures

3.2.6 break, continue, and pass Statements

Sometimes, we need to alter the normal flow of a loop in response to the
occurrence of an event. In such a situation, we may either want to exit the
loop or continue with the next iteration of the loop skipping the remaining
statements in the loop. The break statement enables us to exit the loop and
transfer the control to the statement following the body of the loop. The
continue statement is used to transfer the control to next iteration of the
loop. When the continue statement is executed, the code that occurs in the
body of the loop after the continue statement is skipped.

use break statement to exit the loop

use continue statement to transfer the control to next iteration of the loop

To illustrate the use of break statement, we examine the function

printSquares (Fig. 3.29) intended to print squares of the integers entered by
the user until a null string is encountered. This function uses a while loop.
The condition in the while loop has been set as True. If the user enters a null
string, the control exits the loop and moves to the statement following the
while loop, i.e. line 14. Thus, the function terminates with the message 'End
of input!!'. In the other case, when the user input is not null, the input
string is converted to an integer (line 12) and the square of the integer so
obtained is printed (line 13).
Fig. 3.29 Function to print squares of positive numbers (square.py)

In the script percentage1 (Fig. 3.30), we wish to compute the overall

percentage of marks obtained by a student. As the number of subjects on
which examination was conducted is not known beforehand, we use a while
loop. When the while loop is executed, the user is prompted to enter the
marks obtained in different subjects. If the user responds with a null string,
the break statement is executed which results in termination of the loop, and
the control moves to line 19 for computation of percentage. However, if
marks entered by the user are outside the range [0,100], the user is
prompted again to enter marks. Thus in the case of invalid marks, the use of
continue statement makes it possible to skip the statements (lines 17 and
18) that appear after the continue statement in the while loop and continue
with the next iteration of the loop for taking the next input from the user.
Sample output on executing the script percentage is given below:
Fig. 3.30 Program to print percentage and total marks (percentage1.py)

Marks for subject 1: 60

Marks for subject 2: 80

Marks for subject 3: 280


Marks for subject 3: 70

Marks for subject 4: 800


Marks for subject 4: 80

Marks for subject 5:

Total marks: 290

Number of Subjects: 4

Percentage: 72.5

Sometimes we may want to leave out the details of the computation in a

function body, to be filled in at a later point in time. The pass statement lets
the program go through this piece of code without executing any code. It is
just like a null operation. Often pass statement is used as a reminder for
some code, to be filled in later. For example, let us think of a merchant
wanting to sell clothes, who is thinking of allowing some discounts, but not
as of now. So, as of now, he does not want his IT team to develop the code
for discounting. In the script sellingPrice, we develop the function
sellingPrice (Fig. 3.31) that invokes the function discount. As the code
for the function discount just comprises a pass statement, it produces None
as the return value. Accordingly, the function sellingPrice ignores the
value None returned by the function discount (lines 16–17) and returns
price (that was passed on to it as an argument) as the selling price.

pass statement: execute no code

Fig. 3.31 Program to compute selling price (sellingPrice.py)

3.2.7 Example: To Compute sin(x)

The value of sin (x) may be computed as the sum of the following series:

In the above series, the first term is x/1. The second term can be computed
by multiplying the first term by -x /(2*3). Similarly, the third term in the

series can be computed by multiplying the second term by -x /(4*5), and so


on. In general, we can obtain a new term of the series by multiplying the
previous term by -x and dividing this product by the product of the next two

terms in the sequence 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, …. Thus, we can write first few terms

of the series as follows:

x/1*(-x2)/(2*3) = -x3/3!

-x3/3!*(-x2)/(4*5) = x5/5!

To code the above idea, we set multBy equal to -x and initialize nxtInSeq

(used to compute divBy) equal to 2. We compute divBy = nxtInSeq*

(nxtInSeq+1). Every time we compute a new term, we increment the value
of nxtInSeq by 2. Table 3.1 illustrates these computations:

Table 3.1 Sine terms computations

Since the given series is an infinite one, and we can do only finite
computations on a computer, we need to decide when to stop. We keep on
adding more terms until the absolute value of term becomes smaller than a
predefined value, say, epsilon. In Fig. 3.32, we present the complete
function mySine that computes sine(x) as sum of the above series.
Fig. 3.32 Function mySine (sine.py)

3.2.8 else Statement

The else clause is useful in such situations where we may want to perform a
task only on successful execution of a for loop or a while loop. The
statements specified in else clause are executed on normal termination of
the loop. However, if the loop is terminated forcibly using break statement,
then the else clause is skipped. We demonstrate the use of the else clause
for testing whether a given number is prime. Recall that a number is said to
be prime if and only if it has no divisor other than one and itself. Given a
number n, we need to check for each number in the range(2, n)whether it
is a divisor of n. If the entire sequence is exhausted and no divisor of n is
found, it is a prime number. In the function prime (Fig. 3.33) if n is 1, flag
is set equal to False indicating that the number n is not prime. Inside the for
loop, if we find a divisor i of n in the range(2, n), the condition n % i ==
0 becomes True, indicating that the number n is not a prime number. So we
set flag equal to False and exit the for loop. However, if the for loop
executes smoothly (not on the execution of break statement), flag is set
equal to True indicating that the number n is prime. Finally, flag is returned
as the value of the function.

else clause: to execute a task only on successful completion of the loop

Fig. 3.33 Program to check if a number is prime number or not (prime.py)


1. Control statements (also called control structures) are used to control the flow of program execution
by allowing non-sequential or repetitive execution of instructions. Python supports if, for, and
while control structures. In a control statement, the Python code following the colon (:) is indented.
2. if statement allows non-sequential execution depending upon whether the condition is satisfied.
The general form of if conditional statement is as follows:
if < condition >:
< Sequence S of statements to be executed >

Here, condition is a Boolean expression which is evaluated at the

beginning of the if statement. If condition evaluates to True, then the
sequence S of statements is executed, and the control is transferred to the
statement following if statement. However, if condition evaluates to
False, then the sequence S of statements is ignored, and the control is
immediately transferred to the statement following if statement.
The general form of if-else statement is as follows:
if < condition >:
< Sequence S1 of statements to be executed >
< Sequence S2 of statements to be executed >

Here, condition is a Boolean expression. If condition evaluates to True,

then the sequence S1 of statements gets executed, otherwise, the sequence
S2 of statements gets executed.
The general form of if-elif-else statement is as follows:
if < condition1 >:
< Sequence S1 of statements to be executed >
elif < condition2 >:
< Sequence S2 of statements to be executed >
elif < condition3 >:
< Sequence S3 of statements to be executed >
< Sequence Sn of statements to be executed >
The clauses elif and else of if control structure are optional.
3. When a control structure is specified within another control structure, it is called nesting of control
4. The process of repetitive execution of a statement or a sequence of statements is called a loop.
Execution of a sequence of statements in a loop is known as an iteration of the loop.
5. The control statement for is used when we want to execute a sequence of statements a fixed number
of times. The general form of for statement is as follows:
for variable in sequence:
{Sequence S of statements}

Here, variable refers to the control variable. The sequence S of statements

is executed for each value in sequence.
6. The function call range(1,n + 1) generates a sequence of numbers from 1 to n. In general,
range(start, end, increment) produces a sequence of numbers from start up to end (but not
including end) in steps of increment. If third argument is not specified, increment is assumed to be 1.
7. A while loop is used for iteratively executing a sequence of statements again and again on the basis of
a test-condition. The general form of a while loop is as follows:
while <test-condition>:
<Sequence S of statements>

Here, test-condition is a Boolean expression which is evaluated at the

beginning of the loop. If the test-condition evaluates to True, the control
flows through the Sequence S of statements (i.e., the body of the loop),
otherwise the control moves to the statement immediately following the
while loop. On execution of the body of the loop, the test-condition is
evaluated again, and the process of evaluating the test-condition and
executing the body of the loop is continued until the test-condition
evaluates to False.
8. The break statement is used for exiting from the loop to the statement following the body of the loop.
9. The continue statement is used to transfer the control to next iteration of the loop without executing
rest of the body of loop.
10. The pass statement lets the program go through this piece of code without performing any action.
11. The else clause can be used with for and while loop. Statements specified in else clause will be
executed on smooth termination of the loop. However, if the loop is terminated using break statement,
then the else clause is skipped.


1. Write an assignment statement using a single conditional expression for the following if-else code:
if marks >=70:
remarks = 'good'
remarks = 'Average'
2. Study the program segments given below. In each case, give the output produced, if any.
1. total = 0
count = 20
while count > 5:
total += count
count -= 1
2. total = 0
N = 5
for i in range(1, N+1):
for j in range(1, i+1):
total += 1
3. total = 0
N = 10
for i in range(1, N+1):
for j in range(1, N+1):
total += 1
4. total = 0
N = 5
for i in range(1, N+1):
for j in range(1, i+1):
total += 1
total -=1
5. total = 0
N = 5
for i in range(1, N+1):
for j in range(1, N+1):
total += i
6. total = 0
N = 5
for i in range(1, N+1):
for j in range(1, i+1):
total += j
7. total = 0
N = 5
for i in range(1, N+1):
for j in range(1, N+1):
total += i + j
8. total = 0
N = 5
for i in range(1, N+1):
for j in range(1, i+1):
for k in range(1, j+1):
total += 1
9. number = 72958476
a, b = 0, 0
while (number > 0):
digit = number % 10
if (digit % 2!= 0):
a += digit
b += digit
number /= 10
print(a, b)
3. Write a function to determine whether a given natural number is a perfect number. A natural number is
said to be a perfect number if it is the sum of its divisors. For example, 6 is a perfect number because
6=1+2+3, but 15 is not a perfect number because 15≠1+3+5.
4. Write a function that takes two numbers as input parameters and returns their least common multiple.
5. Write a function that takes two numbers as input parameters and returns their greatest common
6. Write a function that accepts as an input parameter the number of rows to be printed and prints a

figure like:

7. Write a function that finds the sum of the n terms of the following series:
1. 1 – x /2! + x /4! – x /6! + … x /n!
2 4 6 n
8. Write a function that returns True or False depending on whether the given number is a palindrome.
9. Write a function that returns the sum of digits of a number, passed to it as an argument.
10. Write a program that prints Armstrong numbers in the range 1 to 1000. An Armstrong number is a
number whose sum of the cubes of the digits is equal to the number itself. For example, 370 = 33 + 73
+ 03.
11. Write a function that takes two numbers as input parameters and returns True or False depending on
whether they are co-primes. Two numbers are said to be co-prime if they do not have any common
divisor other than one.
12. Write a function sqrt that takes a non-negative number as an input and computes its square root. We
can solve this problem iteratively. You will recall from high school mathematics that to find the square
root of a number, say 2, we need to solve the equation f(x) = x2 – 2 = 0. To begin with, choose two
numbers a and b so that f(a)<0 and f(b)>0. Now, for the equation f(x) = x2 – 2 = 0, f(1)<0 and
f(2)>0. So, the root of the equation must lie in the interval [a,b] (i.e. [1,2]). We find the midpoint,
say, mid of the interval [a,b]. If f(a)<0 and f(mid)>0, we know that the root of the equation f(x)=0
lies in the interval [a,mid]. However, in the other case, (f(mid)<0 and f(mid)>0), the root of the
equation f(x)=0 must lie in the interval [mid,b]. Thus, for the next iteration, we have reduced the
search interval for the root of the equation to half, i.e. from [a,b] to [a,mid] or [mid,b]. Proceeding
in this way, we find a good approximation to the root of the equation when the length of the search
interval becomes sufficiently small, say, 0.01. The following table depicts the steps for computing
square root approximation for the number 2.

a b mid = (a + b)/2 f(a) f(b) f(mid)

1 2 1.5 −1 2 0.25
1 1.5 1.25 −1 0.25 −0.4375
1.25 1.5 1.375 −0.4375 0.25 −0.1093
1.375 1.5 1.4375 −0.1093 0.25 0.0664
1.375 1.4375 1.4062 −0.1093 0.0664 −0.0226
1.4062 1.4375 1.4218 −0.0226 0.0664 0.0215
1.4062 1.4218 1.4140 −0.0226 0.0215 −0.0006
1.4140 1.4218 – −0.0006 0.0215 –

13. Write a function to multiply two non-negative numbers by repeated addition, for example, 7*5 = 7 +
7 + 7+ 7 + 7.

4.1 Testing
4.2 Debugging

When a program fails to yield the desirable result, we say that it contains a
bug. The bug could be an error such as division by zero, invalid type
conversion, using a variable not defined, wrong initialization, or some other
unintended operation being performed. The process of discovering the bugs
and making the program bug-free is called debugging. In this chapter, we
discuss some debugging techniques.

debugging: making the program error free


Program testing aims to expose the presence of bugs in the programs. To

find the bugs in a program, we test it on various inputs. We correct the errors
found in this process and feel confident that the program will run smoothly.

An Example: Finding Maximum of Three Numbers

Let us examine the script max3 (Fig. 4.1) intended to find the maximum of
three numbers. The function max3 is intended to return the maximum of
three numbers. Since the input numbers can be either positive or negative,
we may have test cases containing various combinations of positive and
negative numbers. Further, given a set of numbers, we will need to test the
code for all possible 6 (= 3!) permutations of three numbers as enumerated
1. n1 > n2 and n2 > n3 : Maximum : n1
2. n1 > n2 and n2 < n3 and n1 > n3 : Maximum : n1
3. n1 > n2 and n2 < n3 and n1 < n3 : Maximum : n3
4. n1 < n2 and n2 > n3 and n1 > n3 : Maximum : n2
5. n1 < n2 and n2 > n3 and n1 < n3 : Maximum : n2
6. n1 < n2 and n2 < n3 : Maximum : n3

test cases for finding maximum of three numbers

We test this script on various permutations of the inputs: 10, 20, 30,

1. 30, 20, 10
2. 30, 10, 20
3. 20, 10, 30
4. 20, 30, 10
5. 10, 30, 20
6. 10, 20, 30
Fig. 4.1 Program to find the maximum of three numbers (max3.py)
It so turns out that the result obtained is correct for all input permutations,
except for the permutations 20, 10, and 30:

incorrect output indicates bug in the program


Enter first number: 20

Enter second number: 10

Enter third number: 30

Maximum number is 0

Thus, a bug persists in the program that needs to be detected and removed.


There are various Python debugging tools such as pdb, pudb, pydb, and
pydbgr. In this section, we will discuss Python's built-in debugger pdb,
which is an interactive tool that helps in examining the code execution step
by step. It allows us to stop the execution of a program at a chosen
instruction called a break point, and evaluate the various expressions in the
current context. The debugger also allows us to examine the current vicinity
of the code, as well as the status of various objects in the current function
being executed which collectively constitute the stack frame corresponding
to that function.

pdb: python debugger

In order to debug a program in Python shell, we need to import the

module pdb as well as the script to be debugged.
>>> import pdb

>>> import max3

>>> pdb.run('max3.main()')
> <string>(1)<module>()->None


importing pdb module

(pdb): prompt to indicate that program is executing in debugging module

Python debugger uses the prompt (Pdb) to indicate that the program is
executing in the debugging mode. Another way to execute a program in
debugging mode is by including the following two lines in the script:
import pdb


Note that including above two lines at the beginning of the program in Fig.
4.1 will increase every line number by two. By invoking the function
set_trace() at the very beginning, the program would run in debugging
mode right from the first instruction to be executed. However, since we
know that the bug exists in the function max3, we may invoke set_trace()
within the function body. Before proceeding further, let us have a look at
debugging commands (Table 4.1).

invoke the function set_trace() at right place

Table 4.1 Debugging commands

commands for debugging

Execution of the program in Fig. 4.1 in debugging mode for the inputs 20,
10, and 30 is shown in Figs. 4.2 (a), (b1), and (b2).
Fig. 4.2(a) Execution of program max3.py

In Fig. 4.2 (a), line 2 (beginning with greater than sign) shows the script
being executed. Line 3 begins with an arrow and marks the next line to be
executed. Now, Python enters into debugging mode (line 4), and we see the
Pdb prompt. Command h displays all the available commands (lines 4–20).
Command h s displays the description of the step command (lines 24–28).
Command w has been used to inspect the current position in the stack frame
and it displays the stack trace with the statement to be executed next at the
bottom (lines 29–38). Command l (line 39) lists 11 lines in the vicinity of
the current statement (lines 40–50). Next, to execute lines of code, we use s
command. Execution of s command in line 51 yields the definition of
function max3 for future use. Similarly, execution of s command in line 54
yields the definition of function main for future use. Now, line 56 shows that
the step to be executed next is the if statement in the script. On execution of
s command (line 57), the conditional expression yields True, and the
control moves to the next statement that invokes the function main (line 59).
Execution of s command (line 60) moves the control to the beginning of the
function main (line 63):

h: help on a debugging command

w: determine current position in the stack frame

l: display 11 lines in the vicinity of the current line of code

s: execute the current statement and move the control to the next statement (possibly in the
function being invoked)

def main():

Now execution of s command moves the control to the next statement (line
n1 = int(input('Enter first number: '))

At this stage, when s command is executed (line 67), the control steps into
the function input. But we are not interested in the detailed execution of
this function. Instead, we would like to execute the function input as a
single unit. So, we need to move one level up in the stack frame. For this
purpose, we execute the command u (line 72). Subsequently, we execute
command n to execute the current line as a single unit. Thus, user inputs are
entered on the execution of n commands (lines 75–86). At this stage, we
display (n1, n2, n3) (lines 87–88). As we move to the execution of the
function max3, we show the details in a separate figure (Fig. 4.2 (b1)).

u: move one level up in the stack frame

n: execute the current statement/function completely and move the control to the next
Fig. 4.2 (b1) Execution of program max3.py
In Fig. 4.2 (b1), using l command in line 1, we inspect the next statement to
be executed. The arrow in line 7 marks the next line to be executed in the
code, i.e. line 28. To completely execute the function max3 with the input
numbers, we use the command n. Now, the control moves to line 29 in the
script. On executing the command n once more, the value of maximum is
displayed which being 0 (line 25) is incorrect. Note that main function is
now completely executed and the control returns to the point following line
32 in the script which invoked the function main. Now we have reached the
end of the script as indicated by the response of the debugger:

Since there are no further statements to be executed, we use q command to

quit from the debugger.

q: quit the debugger

Although we know that a bug exists in the function max3, we have still
not found it. To find the bug, we need to step into the function max3 instead
of executing it completely in one go using command n. This has been
shown in Fig. 4.2 (b2). At line 13, on the execution of the command s, the
control transfers to the statement:
def max3(n1, n2, n3):

On executing command s once again, the arguments are passed to the

function parameters and the control moves to the statement maxNumber = 0
(line 19). We verify the argument values passed from main function using
the command a (line 20), which displays the following output:
n1 = 20

n2 = 10

n3 = 30

a: print arguments and their values for current function

We then use command s to execute the current statement that assigns value 0
to variable maxNumber and the control steps to the next line (conditional
statement) in execution. By default, if no command is specified, and enter
key is pressed, pdb repeats execution of the most recent pdb command i.e.
command s in this case (line 27). Since condition n1 > n2 yields True,
control is transferred to statement if n1 > n3:. However, since the
condition n1 > n3 turned out to be False, the control is transferred to
return statement. This reminds us that we need to include an else clause
associated with the statement if n1 > n3: which assigns n3 to variable
maxNumber if the condition n1 > n3 yields False. Anyway, let us complete
the execution of the code as it would illustrate some more points. Now, the
execution of s command brings the control back to the main function.
Finally, the value of maxNumber is printed (lines 43) on using next command
n. We exit out of the debugging mode by using command quit (line 51).
Fig. 4.2 (b2) Execution of program max3.py

Often it is convenient to set some breakpoints and execute the code as

usual up to a breakpoint. In the example at hand, we set the breakpoint using
the command b max3. Using the command c, execution of the code
continues until the breakpoint (function max) is reached (Fig. 4.3). Now the
debugging process can be continued as before.

b: set the breakpoint

c: continue the execution till the breakpoint

Fig. 4.3 Execution of program maximum.py


1. Debugging is the process of examining the source code from the point of determining bugs and
eliminating them to make the program bug-free.
2. Python debugger pdb is an interactive debugger for debugging Python programs. The module pdb
contains the class pdb. The debugger helps in debugging the code step by step, allows setting of
breakpoints, printing some lines in the vicinity of the current line of the code, supports evaluating and
printing the result of evaluating an expression in the current context, and examining the stack frame
3. Function set_trace of module pdb is used to tell the starting point of debugging when the program is
normally run. By mentioning this statement in the very beginning, we intend to specify that the
program should start running in debugging mode from the starting point of its execution.
4. Python debugger pdb supports the following commands:
Command Explanation
h or help In the absence of any argument, it lists all the available commands. With an argument, it prints the description about that command.
w or where Prints the stack trace (sequence of function calls currently in execution, most recent function call being at the beginning). Also shows the
statement to be executed next.
u or up Moves to the stack frame one level up in the stack trace.
d or down Moves to the stack frame one level down in the stack trace.
s or step Executes the current statement and moves the control to either next statement or the function that is being invoked in current statement.
n or next Executes the current statement and moves the control to the next statement. Unlike step command, if a function is being invoked in the
current statement, the invoked function gets executed completely.
r or return Continue execution until the current function returns.
j(ump) lineno Jumps to the given line number for the next statement to be executed.
l or list List 11 lines in the vicinity of the current statement.
b or break Sets the breakpoint at the line specified (name of file optional). If the argument func specifying function name is provided, breakpoint is set
[[file:]line|func[,cond]] at the first executable statement of the function. The second argument may be used to denote a condition which must evaluate to True for
setting the breakpoint.
tbreak Similar to break command. However, breakpoints being set are automatically removed once they are reached.
cl or clear Clears the specified breakpoint. In the absence of any argument, is clears all the breakpoints.
c or continue Continue execution until the breakpoint is reached.
a or args Prints the argument list of the current function along with their values.
p or print(expression) Prints the value of the specified expression in the current context.
q or quit Quits from the Python debugger.


1. Consider the following Python code intended to compute the sum of n natural numbers. During
testing, it was found that sum printed by program always excludes the last number. Debug the script
(Fig. 4.4) using the debugger discussed in the chapter.

Fig. 4.4 Program to compute the sum of n natural numbers

2. Consider the following Python code (Fig. 4.5) intended to print inverse right triangle for given number
of rows nRows. For example, for nRows = 5, the following inverted triangle should be printed:
During testing, it was found that program does not produce even the single
line of output. Debug the following script (Fig. 4.5) using the debugger
discussed in the chapter.
3. Consider the Python script given in Fig. 4.6 intended to compute the percentage. During testing, it was
found that percentage computed was not accurate rather rounded to lower bound integer value. Debug
the script (Fig. 4.6) using the debugger discussed in the chapter.
4. Consider the Python script in Fig. 4.7, intended to determine whether the given year is a leap year.
During testing, it was found that an year such as 1800 or 2100, despite being non-leap year, was also
displayed as a leap-year. Debug the function isLeapYear (Fig. 4.7) using the debugger discussed in

the chapter.
Fig. 4.5 Program to print inverse right triangle

Fig. 4.6 Program to compute percentage

Fig. 4.7 Program to determine whether the given year is a leap year

5. Consider the Python script (Fig. 4.8), intended to find HCF. During testing, it was found that program
yields an error for numbers having no common factor other than 1. Debug the script (Fig. 4.8) using
the debugger discussed in the chapter.

Fig. 4.8 Program to find HCF


5.1 Objects and Object IDs
5.2 Scope of Objects and Names

In this chapter, we will review the objects and their mapping to names, the
scope of names and parameter passing mechanisms in Python. Recall that in
Python, the terms name and variable are used as synonyms.


Each object in Python is assigned a unique identifier that can be accessed

using the function id.

each Python object has a unique identifier

Fig. 5.1 Program to illustrate objects and their ids (objectId.py)

On an execution of the above script (Fig. 5.1), it produced the following

variables a and b refer to the same object 5 and thus have same id

a = 5 id(a): 10538176

b = 5 id(b): 10538176

a = 7 id(a): 10538240

b = 5 id(b): 10538176

Recall that when the script objectId is executed, Python makes a note of the
definition of the function main in the global frame. Next, on encountering
the if statement, Python checks whether the name of the current module is
__main__. This being true, the expression __ name__ == '__main__'
evaluates as True, and the function main gets invoked. Next, the statements
in the main function are executed in a sequence. Line 2 being a comment is
ignored by Python. Execution of line 3 creates an int object 5 and assigns it
the name a. This object has a unique object id but can have multiple names
as the execution of the script proceeds. For example, execution of the
b = 3 + 2

in line 5 does not generate a new object, it only associates the name b to the
int object 5 created earlier. Now, a and b have the same object id. However,
execution of line 7 creates an int object 7 and associates it with the name a.
The name b continues to be associated with int object 5 created earlier. It is
important to emphasize that different object ids may be generated when a
script is executed again.

Python Tutor: tool for visualizing execution of Python code

It comes as good news that there are some open source tools available
online that can be used to visualize the execution of Python code. For
example, the following link


opens a user interface for visualizing Python code. Figure 5.2 shows this
interface. We select the language Python 3.6 and copy the code in Fig. 5.1 in
the box.
Fig. 5.2 Python tutor interface

We can see the line numbers appearing on the left of each line of code. If we
want to discuss our code with a friend, we can start a shared session by
clicking on the icon Start shared session. This would open a chat box and
generate a link that we can send to our friend. Once he/she copies it in the
browser, we are ready for an interactive session, and each of us can see
actions performed by the other person. For our discussion in this section, we
have chosen the following options:

shared session
Once we have learned to use the visualizer, we can play with other options.
Finally, to visualize the execution of code, we click the icon Visualize
Execution, and a bar showing the progress of program execution appears.
Clicking somewhere on this bar would execute a fraction of the code.
Alternatively, we can use the forward and back buttons. To begin with, we
prefer the latter option. Anytime, we want to modify the code, we can click
on Edit code.

visualize execution

To start visualization, we click <Forward >. On encountering the main

function definition, the global frame lists the identifier main as shown in Fig.
5.3. On the screen, we notice two arrows, a red arrow (shown as dark grey in
the figure) and a green arrow (shown as light grey in the figure). The red
arrow marks the next line to be executed, and the green arrow marks the line
just executed. Now clicking <Forward>, executes the if statement.
Clicking <Forward> again executes the call to the function main and the
visualizer shows the frame for the main function. Clicking <Forward> next,
moves the next line pointer to line 3, and its execution shows the creation of
int object 5 having name a. Next, clicking <Forward> shows the output of
the execution of line 4 in <Print output> box (Fig. 5.4). Next click executes
line 5. Now, the name b is mapped to the int object 5 created earlier.
Further click executes line 6 and the output appears in the <Print output>
box. This is shown in Fig. 5.5.

<Forward> button: Move a step forward during program execution

<Back> button: Move a step backward during program execution
Fig. 5.3 Visualization in Python tutor
Fig. 5.4 Visualization in Python tutor
Fig. 5.5 Visualization in Python tutor
Fig. 5.6 Visualization in Python tutor

Next, clicking <Forward> executes line 7, resulting in creation of a new

int object 7 and its mapping to a. Further clicks execute lines 8 and 9 and
the output appears in the <Print output> box (Fig. 5.6). Next click shows
return value None associated with the function main as it does not return any
value. A further click brings us to the end of the program. The final response
of the visualizer is shown in Fig. 5.7. If we choose the option <Use text
labels for pointers>, the visualizer will show the object ids as id1, id2, etc.
Fig. 5.7 Visualization in Python tutor

We noted above that Python created an int object 5 on execution of line

3. However, only a reference to that object was created on execution of line
5. The general principle is expressed by saying that Python caches or interns
small integer objects (typically, up to 100) for future use. But, the same may
not hold for other forms of data. For example, examine the following Python
shell output:
>>> print(id(2.4))


>>> print(id(2.4))

>>> print(id(2.4))


>>> print(id(2.4))


>>> print(id(2.4))


>>> print(id(2.4))


different identifiers for the same value

Note that the first three instructions create new objects. However,
subsequent instructions sometimes used the objects created earlier. The del
operator makes a name (i.e. the association between the name and the
object) undefined, for example, examine, the following sequence of
>>> a = 5

>>> b = 5

>>> print(id(a), id(b))

10538176 10538176

>>> del a

>>> print(a)

File "<pyshell#26>", line 1, in <module>


NameError: name 'a' is not defined

>>> print(b)

>>> del b

>>> print(b)

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<pyshell#29>", line 1, in <module>


NameError: name 'b' is not defined

accessing an undefined name leads to error

variable b continues to refer to object 5

The first statement creates an int object 5 and binds it to name a. The
second statement does not create a new object. Instead, it binds the same
object to name b and thus creates another reference to int object a. Figure
5.8 illustrates this.
Fig. 5.8 Visualization in Python tutor

Python keeps a count of the number of references to an object. When the


reference count: the number of references (names) associated with an object

del a

is executed, it reduces the reference count of int object 5 from 2 to 1 and

removes the binding of name a to int object 5 as shown in Fig. 5.9.
Therefore, an attempt to access a now yields an error. However, the name b
continues to refer to int object 5 created on execution of the statement

variable a no more refers object 5. reference count of object 5 decreases by 1

b = 5

When the statement

del b

Fig. 5.9 Visualization in Python tutor

Fig. 5.10 Visualization in Python tutor

is executed, it reduces the reference count of int object 5 from 1 to 0 (Fig.

5.10), and removes the binding of name b to int object 5. Therefore, an
attempt to access b now yields an error. We conclude this section by giving
another example of a Python program (Fig. 5.11). We execute the script as
shown in Fig. 5.12. In this figure, we see a progress bar indicating what
fraction of the script we have executed so far. Below the progress bar we see
the following line:

progress bar marks part of the script executed so far

Fig. 5.11 Program to compute percentage (percentage.py)
Fig. 5.12 Visualization in Python tutor

Step 1 of 5

It means that we are about to execute the first of the five steps in the script.
These five steps are as follows:

1. Definition of function percent(marks, maxMarks)

2. Definition of function main()
3. if statement
4. Invoking the function main()
5. Execution of function main()
On clicking <Forward>, step 1 is executed and we see the function percent
in the global frame. On execution of next step, the function main is also
shown in the global frame. When step 3 is executed, the condition if
__name__=='__main__' evaluates as True. Therefore, in step 4 the function
main is invoked (Fig. 5.13). Next click executes the call to function main and
the visualizer shows the function main among frames. Next click moves the
next line pointer to line 13, and its execution (shown on the right hand side)
yields a message that prompts the user to enter total marks in <Input Box>
and hit the Submit button (Fig. 5.14). This input message along with the
values entered as input are also shown in <Print output>. At this stage, we
enter 500 as total marks, and click Submit. Now execution of line 13 is
complete, resulting in creation of an instance of float object 500.0. This
object is named as maxMarks. Next click executes line 14, again prompting
for marks obtained (say, 450). As before, an instance of float object 450.0
is created, and named as marks. The control moves the next line pointer to
line 15 (Fig. 5.15).

<Input Box>

<Print Output> box

Fig. 5.13 Visualization in Python tutor
Fig. 5.14 Visualization in Python tutor
Fig. 5.15 Visualization in Python tutor
Fig. 5.16 Visualization in Python tutor

Next, clicking <Forward> executes the call to the function percent and the
visualizer shows the function percent among frames (Fig. 5.16). Note that
the parameters marks and maxMarks are mapped to float objects created
earlier. Next, clicking <Forward>, moves the line pointer to line 7. Another
click executes it and creates the float object percentage having value
90.0. In the visualizer, execution of return statement at line 8 requires two
clicks. On first click, Python creates a return value i.e. the float object (to be
returned to the main function) 90.0 which was created earlier as shown in
Fig. 5.17. The second click returns the value 90.0 from the function percent
by associating it with the variable percentage of function main (line 15).
This completes the execution of line 15 (Fig. 5.18). Now, the control moves
to line 16. Note that the variable percentage of the function main now maps
to the float object 90.0 (Return value returned by function percent).
Further, since we had opted to show exited frames, visualizer is still showing
the lightly highlighted frame for the function percent. Next click shows the
output on execution of line 16 in <Print output> box (Fig. 5.19) and moves
the line pointer to line 17. It also shows return value None associated with
the function main() as it does not return any value. A further click brings us
to the end of the program. The final response of the visualizer is shown in
Fig. 5.20.

Fig. 5.17 Visualization in Python tutor

Fig. 5.18 Visualization in Python tutor
Fig. 5.19 Visualization in Python tutor
Fig. 5.20 Visualization in Python tutor


5.2.1 Namespaces
As the term suggests, a namespace is a space that holds some names. A
namespace defines a mapping of names to the associated objects. In Python,
a module, class, or function defines a namespace. Names that appear in
global frame (usually outside of the definition of classes, functions, and
objects) are called global names and collectively they define the namespace
called global namespace. The names introduced in a class or function are
said to be local to it. The region in a script in which a name is accessible is
called its scope. Thus, the scope of a name is resolved in the context of the
namespace in which it is defined. For example, each of the functions f1 and
f2 defined in a script may have the name x. Indeed, the variable x defined
in function f1 may refer to an object of type different from that of the object
associated with variable x in the function f2. A namespace maps names to
objects. Being an object-oriented language, definitions of functions and
classes are also examples of objects.

namespace holds names and their object bindings

global names: usually appear outside of the definition of all classes, functions, and objects

scope of a name: the region of the code in which it is accessible

5.2.2 Scope

The scope rules for names in Python are often summarized as LEGB rule.
LEGB stands for local, enclosing, global, and built in. All names defined
within the body of a function are local to it. Function parameters are also
considered local. If a name is not locally found, Python recursively searches
for its definition in an enclosing scope. Names defined in the Python script
but usually outside of any function or class definition are called global.
Python defines some built-in names such as len and abs, which can be
accessed from anywhere in a program.

LEGB rule for scope: Local, Enclosing, Global, Built-in

In light of the above discussion, the scope of a name in the context of a

function, say f, may be described as follows:
All names introduced locally in function f can be accessed within it.

If a name is not defined locally in function f, but is defined in a function g, that encloses it,
then it is accessible in the function f. If the name being accessed is not defined in the function
g that immediately encloses f, then Python looks for it in a function that encloses g, and so on.

If a name is not defined in any enclosing function, Python looks for it outside of all functions
and if found, it is accessible in function f.

We will illustrate the notion of scope and namespaces with the help of
several examples.

Example 5.1

On executing the script scope1 (Fig. 5.21), Python responds with the
following output:

access to global variable a

global a: 4

Note that as the variable a has global scope, it is accessible in function f.

Fig. 5.21 Program to illustrate scope of variables (scope1.py)

Example 5.2

On executing the script scope2 (Fig. 5.22), Python responds with the
following output:

a (line 4): Found locally in function f

a (line 6): global definition used
local a: 5

global a: 4.2

Note that the name a introduced in line 3 in the function f is local to it and
has associated value 5. Thus defining the value of name a in the function f,
does not affect the value of the global name a.

Fig. 5.22 Program to illustrate scope of variables (scope2.py)

Example 5.3

On executing the script scope3 (Fig. 5.23), Python responds with the
following output:
inside function g, b: 5

In this example, during execution of function g, when the variable a is to be

accessed, Python looks for it in the local scope of function g, as it is not
defined in the body of function g, it is searched in the next enclosing scope,
i.e., the scope of function f, where the variable a is indeed defined, and
therefore the value 5 of the variable a in function f gets bound to the
occurrence of variable a in the function g.

a: searched locally in function g, failed

: searched locally in function f and found
Fig. 5.23 Program to illustrate scope of variables (scope3.py)

Example 5.4

On executing the script scope4 (Fig. 5.24), Python responds with the
following output:

a local variable defined in a nested scope is not visible outside it

in outer function g, a =

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "F:/PythonCode/Ch05/scope4.py", line 6, in <module>


File "F:/PythonCode/Ch05/scope4.py", line 5,

in f

print('in outer function g, a =', a)

NameError: global name 'a' is not defined

In this example, the variable a is defined in the body of inner function g.

When we attempt to access the name a in line 5 of the outer function f,
Python looks for its definition first inside the body of function f, as there is
no definition of a in the function f, it looks for definition of a in the next
available enclosing scope, which is the global scope. Again, there is no
definition of the name a in global name space, and hence the error message
is printed.

Fig. 5.24 Program to illustrate scope of variables (scope4.py)

Example 5.5

On executing the script scope5 (Fig. 5.25), Python responds with the
following output:

local variable should not be referenced before assignment

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "F:/PythonCode/Ch05/scope5.py", line 9,

in <module>


File "F:/PythonCode/Ch05/scope5.py", line 8,

in f


File "F:/PythonCode/Ch05/scope5.py", line 5,

in g

b = a

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'a' referenced before


In this example, while executing line 5 in function g, when the variable a is

accessed, Python looks for local definition of a in the function g. Indeed, it
does find a definition of a in g at line 7, but that definition occurs only after
line 5, where it is used. Hence, the system generates the error message:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'a' referenced before
assignment. Here, we would like to emphasize that while accessing a global
name in a function nested at any level is fine, assignment to a global name
within a function yields a new local variable.

Fig. 5.25 Program to illustrate scope of variables (scope5.py)

Example 5.6

On executing the script scope6 (Fig. 5.26), Python responds with the
following output:
inside f, before calling g, a = 5

inside g, before modifying a, a = 5

inside g, after modifying a, a = 10

inside f, after calling g, a = 10

after calling f, a = 4

Python allows us to access a variable in an enclosing scope. Thus in the

script scope3, we could access the value the local variable a defined in the
enclosing function f in the nested function g. Similarly, in the script scope6,
local definition of variable a in function f (line 3) is visible inside the
nested function g. However, in order to modify the value of a local variable
in the enclosing scope, Python provides the keyword nonlocal. In line 5,
using the keyword nonlocal, we tell Python that the name a being used in
function g refers to the same object as the one associated with name a
defined in function f because the function f is enclosing the function g.
Thus, the assignment statement in line 7 modifies the variable a defined in
function f, the new value being 10.

modifying the variable in enclosing scope using the keyword nonlocal

Fig. 5.26 Program to illustrate scope of variables (scope6.py)

Example 5.7

On executing the script scope7 (Fig. 5.27), Python responds with the
following output:

modifying a global variable

inside function g, global a = 4

inside function f, local a = 5

outside of all function definitions a = 4

In this example, in line 4, we tell Python that the variable a used in the scope
of function g is from the global scope by using the keyword global. Thus,
the assignment statement in line 5 modifies the global variable a, the new
value being 4. However, in line 8, as the variable a is locally available, no
attempt is made to search it in the global scope. The value 5 is assigned to
local variable a. Of course, this assignment of value 5 to local variable in
function f does not affect the value of global variable which remains
unaltered i.e. 4.
Fig. 5.27 Program to illustrate scope of variables (scope7.py)

Example 5.8

On executing the script scope8 (Fig. 5.28), Python responds with the
following output:

in global namespace: id(f): 40585712

global f

before re-definition of f, id(f): 40585712

after re-definition of f: , id(f): 40686704

inner f

in global namespace: id(f): 40686704

global f

inside h: id(f): 40686704

inner f
Traceback (most recent call last):

File "F:/PythonCode/Ch05/scope8.py", line 27,

in <module>


File "F:/PythonCode/Ch05/scope8.py", line 24,

in main


File "F:/PythonCode/Ch05/scope8.py", line 15,

in h


NameError: global name 'fprime' is not defined

In this example, we demonstrate that the same rules apply to resolve the
names of function objects and numeric objects. On execution of line 18,
id(f) is printed for the global function f. Next, the function f is assigned to
the name fprime. On invoking the function f, line 2 is executed. During
execution of function g, the execution of line 6 prints the id(f) for the
global function f. Subsequently, the global function f is redefined in the
function g, and the execution of line 9 prints the id of this modified function
f. However, it does not affect the definition of function fprime. Thus,
execution of line 23 invokes the function fprime, thereby, line 2 is executed

illustration of scope rules for function objects

Fig. 5.28 Program to illustrate scope of variables (scope8.py)
Subsequently, the function h is invoked, that further invokes functions f
and fprime. As the definition of global function f has been modified, the
execution of line 8 prints inner f. However, when we attempt to invoke
function fprime (line 15), Python first looks for its definition within
function h, and when it does not find the definition of function fprime
locally, it looks for the definition in the next outer scope, i.e., the global
namespace. But no definition of fprime is found even in the global
namespace. Hence the system flags the error message NameError: global
name 'fprime' is not defined.


1. Python visualizer is an online tool for visualizing the execution of Python code.
2. A namespace defines a mapping of names to the associated objects.
3. Names that appear in global frame outside of the definition of classes, functions, and objects are called
global names, and collectively they define the namespace called global namespace.
4. The names introduced in a class, or function are said to be local to it.
5. The region in a script in which a name is accessible is called its scope.
6. The scope rules for names in Python are often summarized as LEGB rule. LEGB stands for local,
enclosing, global and built in.
7. If a name is not locally defined, Python recursively searches for its definition in an enclosing scope.
8. Python defines some built-in names such as len and abs which can be accessed from anywhere in a


1. Study the program segments given below. Give the output produced, if any.
1. globalVar = 10
def test():
localVar = 20
print('Inside function test : globalVar =',
print('Inside function test : localVar =',
print('Outside function test : globalVar =',
print('Outside function test : localVar =',
2. globalVar = 10
def test():
localVar = 20
globalVar = 30
print('Inside function test : globalVar =',
print('Inside function test : localVar =',
print('Outside function test : globalVar =',
3. globalVar = 10
def test():
global globalVar
localVar = 20
globalVar = 30
print('Inside function test : globalVar =',
print('Inside function test : localVar =',
print('Outside function test : globalVar =',
4. def test1():
test1.a = 10
def test2():
test1.a = 8
print('Inside function test2: ', test1.a)
print('Outside function test2 ', test1.a)
5. a = 4
def f():
a = 5
def g():
nonlocal a
a = 10
print('inside function g,', 'a = ', a)
def h():
nonlocal a
a = 20
print('inside function h,', 'a = ', a)
print('inside function f,', 'a = ', a)
6. x = 2
def test():
x = x + 1
7. x = 2
def test():
global x
x = x + 1

6.1 Strings
6.2 String Processing Examples
6.3 Pattern Matching

Elementary forms of data such as numeric and Boolean are called scalar data
types. Several applications require more complex forms of data. For
example, the name of a person, or an SMS may be expressed in the form of a
string. We have already been dealing with strings. In this chapter, we shall
discuss more about strings


As mentioned earlier, a string is a sequence of characters. A string may be

specified by placing the member characters of the sequence within quotes
(single, double or triple). Triple quotes are typically used for strings that
span multiple lines. The following assignment statement assigns the string
'Hello Gita' to the variable message. We may also say that the string
'Hello Gita' has been bound to the name message.

a string is a sequence of characters enclosed within quotes

>>> message = 'Hello Gita'

Python function len finds the length of a string. Thus,

>>> len(message)

Individual characters within a string are accessed using a technique known
as indexing. In Fig. 6.1, we illustrate the notion of indexing with the help of
the string 'Hello Gita'.

Fig. 6.1 Indexing for variable message

Note that the indices start with 0 (index for accessing the first character
from the left) and end with one less than the length of the string (index for
accessing the last character). The following instructions illustrate how to
access individual characters in a string via indices. An index is specified
within the sqaure brackets, for example:

indexing for accessing individual characters in a string

Python allows negative as well as nonnegative indexes

>>> message[0]


>>> message[6]


>>> index = len(message)-1

>>> message[index]

The expression message[0] yields character 'H' since 'H' is stored at index
0. Similarly, the value of len(message) being 10, when index is set equal to
len(message)-1, message[index] yields the last character of the string
message at index 9, i.e. 'a'. Sometimes it is more convenient to access the
elements of a string from the right end. For this purpose, Python provides
negative indices. The negative indices range from - (length of the string) to
-1. For the string message, the negative indices would range from -10 to -1.
Thus, the entire range of valid indices would be {-10, -9, …, -1, 0, 1,
…, 9}. Consequently, message[-1] would yield 'a' and message[-index]
would yield 'e':

negative indexes: used to access the string from the right end

>>> message[-1]


>>> message[-index]


If we try to access an index which is not in the valid index range of a string,
IndexError will be generated:

attempt to access an invalid index yields error

>>> message[15]

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<pyshell#1>", line 1, in <module>


IndexError: string index out of range

Strings in Python are immutable, i.e., a component of a string cannot be

altered, and an attempt to do so would lead to an error:
Python strings are immutable

>>> message[6] = 'S'

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<pyshell#2>", line 1, in <module>

message[6] = 'S'

TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment

As mentioned earlier, strings can be concatenated using concatenation

operator + and can be repeated a multiple number of times using the operator

string concatenation and repetition

>>> 'Computer' + ' Science'

'Computer Science'

>>> 'Hi' * 3


Strings may also be compared using relational operators mentioned in

chapter 1. Also, recall that the functions max and min may be used to find
maximum and minimum respectively of several values, for example:

max(): to find the largest value

min(): to find the smallest value

>>> max('AZ', 'C', 'BD', 'BT')


>>> min('BD', 'AZ', 'C')


>>> max('hello', 'How', 'Are', 'You', 'sir')

' sir'

6.1.1 Slicing
Sometimes, we need to retrieve a substring, also called a slice, from a string.
This can be done by specifying an index range. For example, to extract the
substring comprising the character sequence having indices from start to
end-1, we specify the range in the form start:end as illustrated below:

slicing for retrieving a substring

>>> message = 'Hello Sita'

>>> message[0:5]


>>> message[-10:-5]


If the value of start or end is not specified, Python assumes 0 as the default
value of start, and length of the string as the default value of end, for

for a slice of string s, default start index is:

0 or -(len(s)) default end index is:
len(s)-1 or -1

>>> message[:5]


>>> message[5:]

' Sita'

>>> message[:]
'Hello Sita'

>>> message[:5] + message[5:]

'Hello Sita'

>>> message[:15]

'Hello Sita'

>>> message[15:]


>>> message[:15] + message[15:]

'Hello Sita'

Note that message[:n] + message[n:] always yields message, irrespective

of the value of n being negative, positive, or even out of range. Indeed,
values used for defining a slice may be arbitrary integers or even None, for
>>> message[8:20]


>>> message[6:None]


Apart from extracting a consecutive subsequence of characters from a string,

Python also allows us to extract a subsequence of the form start:end:inc.
This subsequence will include every incth element of the sequence in the
range start to end-1, for example:
>>> message[0:len(message):2]


>>> message[0:len(message):3]


We have already mentioned that a string is a sequence of characters. The

slicing operation discussed above can also be applied to other sequences
such as lists and tuples, to be discussed later.

6.1.2 Membership
Python also allows us to check for membership of the individual characters
or substrings in strings using in operator. Thus, the expression s in str1
yields True or False depending on whether s is a substring of str1, for

determining whether a string is a substring of another string

>>> 'h' in 'hello'


>>> 'ell' in 'hello'


>>> 'h' in 'Hello'


In Python, we use a for loop to iterate over each element in a sequence. In

the following example, we construct the string 'h e l l o ' from the string
'hello' by iterating over each element of the string:

iterating over a string

>>> helloSpaced = ''

>>> for ch in 'hello':

helloSpaced = helloSpaced + ch + ' '

>>> helloSpaced

'h e l l o'

6.1.3 Built-in Functions on Strings

Next, we examine some built-in functions that can be applied on strings.
Function count
Suppose, we wish to find the number of occurrences of character 'c' in the
string 'Encyclopedia'. To achieve this, we apply the function count with
argument 'c' to the string 'Encyclopedia':

count(): to count occurrences of a string in another string

>>> 'Encyclopedia'.count('c')

As an application of the function count, examine the following code

intended to find the count of all the vowels in the string 'Encyclopedia:':
>>> vowels = 'aeiou'

>>> vowelCount = 0

>>> for ch in vowels:

vowelCount += 'Encyclopedia'.count(ch)

>>> vowelCount

The system responds with 4 as the value of the vowelCount, even though the
number of vowels in the search string 'Encyclopedia' is 5. As the character
'E' was not included in the string vowels, it was not included in counting
too. To include the count of uppercase vowels also, we just need to include
vowels in uppercase also in the string vowels:
vowels = 'AEIOUaeiou'

Rest of the code remains the same.

Functions find and rfind

Examine the string colors. Suppose we wish to find out whether 'red' is
present as a substring in the string colors. We can do so by using the
function find that returns the index of the first occurrence of string
argument 'red' in colors:
finding index of first occurrence of a string in another string

>>> colors = 'green, red, blue, red, red, green'

>>> colors.find('red')

To find the last occurrence of a string, we use the function rfind that scans
the string in reversed order from the right end of the string to the beginning:

finding index of the last occurrence of a string in another string

>>> colors.rfind('red')


If the function find fails to find the desired substring, it returns -1:
>>> colors.find('orange')


Functions capitalize, title, lower, upper, and swapcase

Python provides several functions that enable us to manipulate the case of
strings. For example, the function capitalize can be used for converting
the first letter of a string to uppercase character and converting the
remaining letters in the string to lowercase (if not already so).

transforming a string to sentence case

>>> 'python IS a Language'.capitalize()

'Python is a language'

Python function title can be used to capitalize the first letter of each word
in a string and change the remaining letters to lowercase (if not already so):
>>> 'python IS a PROGRAMMING Language'.title()
'Python Is A Programming Language'

Python functions lower and upper are used to convert all letters in a string
to lowercase and uppercase, respectively. Suppose we want to check for the
equivalence of a pair of email ids. Since email ids are not casesensitive, we
convert both email ids to either uppercase or lowercase before testing for
>>> emailId1 = 'geek@gmail.com'

>>> emailId2 = 'Geek@gmail.com'

>>> emailId1 == emailId2


>>> emailId1.lower() == emailId2.lower()


>>> emailId1.upper() == emailId2.upper()


Python function swapcase may be used to convert lowercase letters in a

string to uppercase letters and vice versa, for example:

'Python is programming language'

Functions islower, isupper, and istitle

The functions islower and isupper can be used to check if all letters in a
string are in lowercase or uppercase, respectively, for example:

checking case (lower/ upper) of a string

>>> 'python'.islower()


>>> 'Python'.isupper()

The function istitle returns True if a string S (comprising atleast one

alphabet) is in title case, for example:

checking whether the string is in title case

>>> 'Basic Python Programming'.istitle()


>>> 'Basic PYTHON Programming'.istitle()


>>> '123'.istitle()


>>> 'Book 123'.istitle()


Function replace
The function replace allows to replace part of a string by another string. It
takes two arguments as inputs. The first argument is used to specify the
substring that is to be replaced. The second argument is used to specify the
string that replaces the first string. For example:

replacing a substring with another string

>>> message = 'Amey my friend, Amey my guide'

>>> message.replace('Amey', 'Vihan')

'Vihan my friend, Vihan my guide'

Functions strip, lstrip, and rstrip

The functions lstrip and rstrip remove whitespaces from the beginning
and end, respectively. The function strip removes whitespaces from the
beginning as well as the end of a string. We may choose to remove any other
character(s) from the begining or end by explicitly passing the character(s)
as an argument to the function. The following examples illustrate the use of
the functions lstrip, rstrip, and strip:

removing whitespace from the beginning/ end of a string

>>> ' Hello How are you! '.lstrip()

'Hello How are you! '

>>> ' Hello How are you! '.rstrip()

' Hello How are you!'

>>> ' Hello How are you! '.strip()

'Hello How are you!'

Functions split and partition

The function split enables us to split a string into a list of strings based on
a delimiter. For example:

splitting a string into substrings

>>> colors = 'Red, Green, Blue, Orange, Yellow, Cyan'

>>> colors.split(',')

['Red', ' Green', ' Blue', ' Orange', ' Yellow', ' Cyan']

Note that the function split outputs a sequence of strings enclosed in

square brackets. A sequence of objects enclosed in square brackets defines a
list. We shall discuss more about lists in the next chapter.

If no delimiter is specified, Python uses whitespace as the default

>>> colors.split()

['Red,', 'Green,', 'Blue,', 'Orange,', 'Yellow,', 'Cyan']

The function partition divides a string S into two parts based on a

delimiter and returns a tuple (discussed in the next chapter) comprising
string before the delimiter, the delimiter itself, and the string after the
delimiter, for example:

partition(): partitioning a string into two parts

>>> 'Hello. How are you?'.partition('.')

('Hello', '.', ' How are you?')

Function join
Python function join returns a string comprising elements of a sequence
separated by the specified delimiter. For example,

joining a sequence of strings

>>> ' > '.join(['I', 'am', 'ok'])

'I > am > ok'

>>> ' '.join(('I', 'am', 'ok'))

'I am ok'

>>> ' > '.join("'I', 'am', 'ok'")

"' > I > ' > , > > ' > a > m > ' > , > > ' > o > k > '"

In the first example, the sequence comprises three elements, namely, 'I',
'am', and 'ok', which are combined to form the string 'I > am > ok'.
In the second example, we use space as a delimiter instead of >. In the third
example, each character in the string "'I > am > ok'" is an element of the
sequence of characters in "'I > am > ok'".

Functions isspace, isalpha, isdigit, and isalnum

The functions isspace, isalpha, isdigit, and isalnum enable us to
check whether a value is of the desire type. For example, we can check
whether the name entered by a user contains only alphabets as follows:

Does a string comprises alphabets, digits, or whitespaces only?

>>> name = input('Enter your name : ')

Enter your name : Nikhil

>>> name.isalpha()


>>> name = input('Enter your name : ')

Enter your name : Nikhil Kumar

>>> name.isalpha()


Note that the blank character is not an alphabet. Similarly, to check the
validity of a mobile number, we may want it to be a string of length 10
comprising of digits only. This can be achieved using functions isdigit and

>>> mobileN = input('Enter mobile no : ')

Enter mobile no : 1234567890

>>> mobileN.isdigit() and len(mobileN)

== 10


Python function isspace is used to check if the string comprises of all


check for a white space only string

>>> ' \n\t '.isspace()


The function isalnum checks whether a string comprises of alphabets and

digits only. For example, if the password is allowed to comprise of only
alphabets and digits, we may use the function isalnum to ensure this
constraint for a user specified password:

check for an alphanumeric string

>>> password = input('Enter password : ')

Enter password : Kailash107Ganga

>>> password.isalnum()


>>> password = input('Enter password : ')

Enter password : Kailash 107 Ganga

>>> password.isalnum()


Function startswith and endswith

Suppose we want to check if the last name of a person is Talwar. We can do
this using Python function endswith as follows:

checking whether a string starts or ends with a particular string

>>> name = 'Ankita Narain Talwar'

>>> name.endswith('Talwar')


Similarly, to find whether a person's name begins with Dr. we can use the
function startswith as follows:
>>> name = 'Dr. Vihan Garg'

>>> name.startswith('Dr. ')


>>> name = ' Dr. Amey Gupta'

>>> name.startswith('Dr. ')


Functions encode and decode

Sometimes, we need to transform data from one format to another for the
sake of compatibility. Thus, we use, Python function encode that returns the
encoded version of a string, based on the given encoding scheme. Another
function decode (reverse of function encode) returns the decoded string, for

encoding and decoding a string

>>> str1 = 'message'.encode('utf32')

>>> str1


>>> str1.decode('utf32')


One may also use alternative coding schemes such as utf8 and utf16.

List of Functions
The functions described above are listed in Table 6.1. Note that the original
string S remains unchanged in each case.

Table 6.1 String functions

In this section, we will study several examples that illustrate the use of string
processing functions described in the previous section.

6.2.1 Counting the Number of Matching Characters in a Pair of Strings

Given two strings str1 and str2 of alphabets, we wish to find the count of
characters in str1 that match a character in str2, ignoring any difference in
case (lowercase or uppercase). If a character, say, ch1, in str1 appears
more often than once in str2, every occurrence of ch1 in str2 should be
counted. For this purpose, we develop the function nMatchedChar (Fig. 6.2).

Fig. 6.2 Program to find number of matched characters in two strings (matchChar.py)
As we do not wish to distinguish among alphabets based on the case
(lower or upper), we convert the input arguments to lowercase. To keep a
count of the matched characters, we initialize the variable count to 0. The
outer loop works by picking up a character ch1 from temp1 and comparing it
against every character ch2 in temp2 in the nested loop. For each matched
pair, the variable count is incremented by one. At the end of the function,
the value of count is returned. Let us examine an example:

> >> name1 = 'Ram Rahim'

>>> name2 = 'SAMARTH RAHI'

>>> nMatchedChar(name1, name2)


Note that the first 'R' in string 'Ram Rahim' matches 'R' in 'SAMARTH
RAHI' at indices 4 and 8, first 'a' in string 'Ram Rahim' matches 'A' in
'SAMARTH RAHI' at indices 1, 3, and 9, first 'm' in string 'Ram Rahim'
matches 'M' in 'SAMARTH RAHI' at index 2, first space character ' ' in
string 'Ram Rahim' matches ' ' in 'SAMARTH RAHI' in at index 7, the
second 'R' in string 'Ram Rahim' again matches 'R' in 'SAMARTH RAHI' at
indices 4 and 8, and so on.

6.2.2 Counting the Number of Common Characters in a Pair of Strings

To count the number of common characters in two strings, say, str1 and
str2, we execute the inner loop, only if that character has not been
encountered earlier. Also, we terminate the inner loop using break statement
as soon as a character in str1 matches a character in str2 (Fig. 6.3).
Fig. 6.3 Function to find the number of common characters in two strings (matchChar.py)

6.2.3 Reversing a String

Next, we wish to find the reverse of a given string. For example, on
reversing the string 'abcddb' we obtain the string 'bddcba'. To find
reversed string of a given string str1, we begin with an empty string
reverseStr. In case, the input string is a null string, the reversed string
reverseStr will also be a null string. In the case of a non-null string, for
each character in the given string, we concatenate by appending it with the
reverseStr built so far. The complete function reverse is given in Fig. 6.4.
Next, we present a recursive function for reversing a string. Note that it is
comparatively easier to visualize the recursive solution. In the recursive
approach (Fig. 6.5), we concatenate the reverse of the string left after
removing first character i.e. str1[1:], with the first character of the string
str1, recursively, until empty string is left. In Chapters 8 and 16, we will
discuss recursion in detail and give several examples of the use of recursion.

Fig. 6.4 Function to find reverse of a string (reverseStr.py)

Fig. 6.5 Program to find reverse of a string (reverse2.py)


Sometimes we are interested in strings that conform to a pattern, for

example, we may be interested in words that terminate in ing. Patterns are
defined using regular expressions, described below:

6.3.1 Some Important Definitions

Alphabet: An alphabet is a non-empty set of symbols, denoted by ∑.

String: A string is a finite sequence of symbols chosen from the alphabet ∑.

An empty string '' containing no symbols is called null string and is often
denoted by λ or ε. The length of a string is defined as the number of symbols
in the string. The length of the null string is defined to be zero.

Language: It is the set of strings (words) defined over the alphabet ∑ that
conforms to some predefined pattern, or rule(s). In this section, we discuss a
class of languages called regular languages. A regular language is described
by a regular expression, described below. We shall use the terms regular
expression and pattern interchangeably.

regular expressions: used to define regular languages

Each symbol of the alphabet defines a regular language, comprising the

symbol itself. Thus, for the alphabet ∑ = {0,1}, 0 is a regular expression
denoting the language {0}. Similarly, 1 is a regular expression denoting the
language {1}. In general, if r is regular expression, L(r) denotes the
language described by r.

λ or ε is a regular expression that denotes the language comprising the null

string only. Thus, L(ε) = {''}. The language containing no word, not even
λ is called null or empty language {}, and is denoted by the regular
expression φ.

empty language
If r and s are regular expressions, r|s is also a regular expression and
denotes the language L(r|s) = L(r) U L(s). The operator | is called the
union operator. Thus, the regular expression 0|1 denotes the language
L(0|1) = L(0) U L(1) = {0} U {1} = {0,1}.

If is r is a regular expression, so is (r), denoting the same language, i.e.

L(r) = L((r)). Parentheses are used to enforce precedence of operators in
the regular expressions.

The regular expression rs denotes the language L(rs) = L(r) L(s), i.e.,
the language formed by concatenating every string of the language L(r) by
every string of language L(s). The regular expression (0|1)1 denotes the
language L((0|1)1) = L((0|1))L(1) = {0,1} {1} = {01,11}. It is easy
to see that the regular expressions 1(0|1) and (0|1)1 denote different
languages. Thus, concatenation is not commutative. Concatenation has
higher precedence than the union operator |. Thus, the regular expression
0|11 would denote the language L(0|11) = L(0) U L(11) = {0} U {11}
= {0,11}.

If r is a regular expression, r* is also a regular expression, that defines

the language comprising the concatenation of an arbitrary number of strings
that match the pattern r, i.e. belong to the language L(r). Thus, * denotes
zero or more occurrences of the preceding pattern r. By definition, the null
string also belongs to L(r*). As an example, 0* defined over alphabet ∑ =
{0, 1} defines the language, L = {λ, 0,00, 000, 0000, …}. Similarly,
L(((0|1)1)*) = {01,11}* = { λ, 01,11, 0101, 0111, 1101,1111,
010101,011101, 111101, 110101, …}.

Given a pattern r, r+ denotes the language comprising one or more

occurrences of strings that match the pattern r. Formally, L(r+) = {w ε
∑*: w has one or more occurrences of strings that match the regular
expression r}. Now L(((0|1)1)+) = {01,11, 0101, 0111, 1101, 1111,
010101,011101, 111101, 110101, …}.

In Table 6.2, we describe the use of some important symbols used in

regular expressions. In Table 6.3, we give examples of several regular
expressions and the languages they denote.

For dealing with a regular expression in Python, we need to import the

module re, which contains functions for handling the regular expressions.
The function search of this module is used for matching a regular
expression in the given string. It looks for the first location of a match in the
given string. If the search is successful, it returns the matchObject instance
matching the regular expression pattern, otherwise it returns None. The
function group of matchObject instance returns the substring that matches
the regular expression. In Table 6.4, we give some examples that illustrate
the use of search function.

module re deals with pattern matching search(): used for pattern matching

Table 6.2 Symbols used in regular expressions

Table 6.3 Examples of regular expressions and the corresponding languages
Table 6.4 Python examples of regular expressions
Next, we wish to find email ids from a string. A simple email id such as
pranav.gupta@cs.iitd.ac.in can be expressed as a sequence of patterns:
a sequence of alphanumeric characters denoted by [a-z0-9]+
a repeating (0 or more times) sequence of dots followed by alphanumeric denoted by (\.[a-z0-
characters 9]+)*
@ denoted by @
sequence of alphabetic characters denoted by [a-z]+
repeating (1 or more times) sequence of dot followed by alphabetic denoted by (\.[a-z]+)+

Thus, an email id may be represented using the regular expression [a-z0-

9]+(\.[a-z0-9]+)*@[a-z]+(\.[a-z]+)+. Generally, a regular expression is
preceded with r to denote a raw string. Use of a raw string as a regular
expression avoids any confusion with some characters that have special
meaning in regular expressions. Examine the following instructions:

regular expression for email-id

>>> match = re.search(r'[a-z0-9]+(\.[a-z0-9]+)*@

[a-z]+(\.[a-z]+)+', 'ram@gmail.com, pranav.gupta@cs.iitd.ac.in,
nik@yahoo.com, raman@gmail.com')

>>> match.group()


When several substrings of a given string match the regular expression, the
function group returns the first substring matching the regular expression.
However, if we wish to retrieve list of all substrings matching the regular
expression, we may use the function finditer:
retrieving all substrings matching a regular expression

>>> for i in re.finditer(r'[a-z0-9]+(\.[a-z0-9]+)*@[a-z]+(\.[a-

z]+)+', 'ram@gmail.com, pranav.gupta@cs.iitd.ac.in,
nik@yahoo.com, raman@gmail.com'):






Note that the null string matches the pattern r'(a(b|c))*'. Next, let us find
all words ending with 'ing' in a string. Again, we can use the function
finditer for this purpose.

searching for words ending with ing in a string

>>> for i in re.finditer(r'[A-Za-z]+ing', 'Walking down the

road, he was thinking about the coming years.'):





Another function findall enables us to retrieve a list of all the substrings

matching a regular expression, for example:

retrieving all matching patterns

>>> re.findall(r'[A-Za-z]+ing', 'Walking down the road, he was

thinking about the coming years.')
['Walking', 'thinking', 'coming']

Next, we use the function findall to determine the number of words in a

string as follows:
>>> message = 'Python:Python is an interactive language. It is
developed by Guido Van Rossum'

>>> words = re.findall('\w+', message)

>>> len(words)


Next, we use the function findall to match the email ids.

>>> re.findall(r'([a-z0-9]+(\.[a-z0-9]+)*@[a-z]+(\.[a-z]+)+)',
'ram@gmail.com, pranav.gupta@cs.iitd.ac.in, nik@yahoo.com,

[('ram@gmail.com', '', '.com'), ('pranav.gupta@cs.iitd.ac.in',

'.gupta', '.in'), ('nik@yahoo.com', '', '.com'),
('raman@gmail.com', '', '.com')]

Note that findall returns a list of matched patterns within the parenthesis
only if the entire regular expression matches.

Next, given a snippet of Python code, we wish to extract all the single line
comments contained in it. As a single line comment begins with # and
terminates with an end of line character, it can be represented using the
regular expression #.*.

extracting comments

>>> pythonCode = '''


Python code to add two numbers.


a = 5 #number1
b = 5 #number2

#Compute addition of two numbers

c = a + b


>>> for i in re.finditer(r'(#.*)', pythonCode):




#Compute addition of two numbers

Next, we wish to extract multi-line comments, enclosed in triple quotes

("""). Such a comment may be represented using the regular expression:
""".*?""". Recall that a dot in a regular expression includes any character
except end of line. However, if we include re.DOTALL as the third argument
in the function finditer, dot matches newline character also. For example:
>>> for i in re.finditer(r'(""".*?""")', pythonCode, re.DOTALL):



Python code to add two numbers.


As our final example of regular expressions, we wish to extract names of

students from a string comprising comma separated names, using the split
>>> re.split(r',', 'Mira,Ronit,Vivek')

['Mira', 'Ronit', 'Vivek']

However, if the string to be searched for names is a multi-line string, either

of the two symbols, comma and end of line character, would serve as a
r e . split (): returns a list of the substrings delimited by the regular expression provided

>>> re.split(r',|\n', '''Mira,Rohit,Vivek



['Mira', 'Rohit', 'Vivek', 'Aiysha', 'Renuka', 'Robin', 'Sneha',



1. A string is a sequence of characters enclosed in quotes (single, double, or triple).

2. Strings in Python are immutable, i.e. a component of a string cannot be altered.
3. Indexing is used for accessing individual characters within the string.
4. The non-negative indices start with 0 (index for accessing the first character) and end with one less
than the length of the string (index for accessing the last character). The negative indices range from -
(length of the string) to -1. An attempt to access a component of a string outside its valid index
range will generate index out of range error.
5. Retrieving a substring from a string is called slicing. This can be done by specifying an index range.
6. Membership of individual characters or substrings in a string can be checked using in operator.
7. Some of the important functions applied on strings are listed in the following table:
Functions Explanation
S.count(str) Counts number of times string str occurs in the string S .
S.find(str) Returns index of the first occurrence of the string str in string S, and returns -1 if str is not present in string S.
S.rfind(str) Returns index of the last occurrence of string str in string S, and returns -1 if str is not present in string S.
S.capitalize() Returns a string that has first letter of the string S in uppercase and rest of the letters in lowercase.
S.title() Returns a string that has first letter of every word in the string S in uppercase and rest of the letters in lowercase.
S.lower() Returns a string that has all uppercase letters in string S converted into corresponding lowercase letters.
S.upper() Returns a string that has all lowercase letters in string S converted into corresponding uppercase letters.
S.swapcase() Returns a string that has all lowercase letters in string S converted into uppercase letters and vice versa.
S.islower() Returns True if all alphabets in string S are in lowercase, else False .
S.isupper() Returns True if all alphabets in string S are in uppercase, else False .
S.istitle() Returns True if string S is in title case, i.e. first letter of each word is capitalized and the string S contains at least one alphabet.
S.replace(str1,str2) Returns a string that has every occurrence of string str1 in S replaced with an occurrence of string str2 .
S.strip() Returns a string that has whitespaces in S removed from the beginning and the end.
S.lstrip() Returns a string that has whitespaces in S removed from the beginning.
S.rstrip() Returns a string that has whitespaces in S removed from the end.
S.split(delimiter) Returns a list formed by splitting the string S into substrings. The delimiter is used to mark the split points.
S.partition(delimiter) Partitions the string S into three parts based on delimiter and returns a tuple comprising the string before delimiter, delimiter itself
and the string after delimiter .
S.join(sequence) Returns a string comprising elements of the sequence separated by delimiter S.
S.isspace() Returns True if all characters in string S comprise whitespace characters only, i.e. ' ', '\n', and '\t' else False .
S.isalpha() Returns True if all characters in string S comprise alphabets only, and False otherwise.
S.isdigit() Returns True if all characters in string S comprise digits only, and False otherwise.
S.isalnum() Returns True if all characters in string S comprise alphabets and digits only, and False otherwise.
S.startswith(str) Returns True if string S starts with string str, and False otherwise.
S.endswith(str) Returns True if string S ends with string str, and False otherwise.
S.encode(encoding) Returns S in an encoded format, based on the given encoding scheme.
S.decode(encoding) Returns the decoded string S, based on the given encoding scheme.

8. A regular expression defines a pattern. It is used for extracting sequences of characters in a string that
match the pattern. A regular expression involves symbols such as symbols from the alphabet of the
language, null string, parenthesis, * (star), and + (plus).
9. We need to import the re module for working with regular expressions.
10. The function search of the Python module re is used for matching a regular expression in a given
string. It searches for the first location of a match and returns the matchObject instance matching the
regular expression, and None otherwise.


1. Write a function that takes a string as a parameter and returns a string with every successive repetitive
character replaced with a star(*). For example, 'balloon' is returned as 'bal*o*n'.
2. Write a function that takes two strings and returns True if they are anagrams and False otherwise. A
pair of strings is anagrams if the letters in one word can be arranged to form the second one.
3. Write a function that takes a sentence as an input parameter and displays the number of words in the
4. Write a function that takes a sentence as an input parameter and replaces the first letter of every word
with the corresponding uppercase letter and rest of the letters in the word by corresponding letters in
lowercase without using built-in function.
5. Write a function that takes a string as an input and determines the count of the number of words
without using regular expression.
6. What will be the output on executing each of the statements, following the assignment statement:
address = 'B-6, Lodhi road, Delhi'
1. len(address)
2. address[17:-1]
3. address[-len(address): len(address)]
4. address[:-12] + address[-12:]
5. address.find('delhi')
6. address.swapcase()
7. address.split(',')
8. address.isalpha()
7. Examine the following string:
greeting = 'Good Morning. Have a Good Day!!'
What will be the output for the following function calls:
1. greeting.count('Good')
2. greeting.find('a')
3. greeting.rfind('a')
4. greeting.capitalize()
5. greeting.lower()
6. greeting.upper()
7. greeting.swapcase()
8. greeting.istitle()
9. greeting.replace('Good', 'Sweet')
10. greeting.strip()
11. greeting.split()
12. greeting.partition('.')
13. greeting.startswith('good')
14. greeting.endswith('!!')
8. Determine the patterns extracted by the following regular expressions.
1. string1 = 'Python Programming Language'
1. match1 = re.search('......m?', string1)
2. match2 = re.search('......m{1,2}', string1)
3. match3 = re.search('.*Language$', string1)
4. match4 = re.search('\w*\s\w*', string1)
5. match5 = re.search('.*', string1)
2. string2 = 'Car Number DL5645'
1. match1 = re.search('\w\w?\d{1,4}', string2)
2. match2 = re.search('.*5', string2)
3. match3 = re.search('.*5?', string2)
4. match4 = re.search('\d{3}', string2)
5. match5 = re.search('^C.*5$', string2)
3. string3 = 'cdcccdcddd343344aabb'

1. match1 = re.search('(c|d)*\d*(a|b)*', string3)


2. match2 = re.search('(cd)*d', string3)


3. match3 = re.search('(cc|cd)*(3|4)*(aa|bb)', string3)


4. match4 = re.search('(cc|cd|dd)*(3|4)*(aa|bb)', string3)


5. match5 = re.search('(cc|cd|dd)*(3|4)*(aa|bb)*', string3)


7.1 Lists
7.2 Sets
7.3 Tuples
7.4 Dictionary

Elementary forms of data such as numeric and Boolean are called scalar data
types. Several applications require more complex forms of data, for
example, the name of a person, coordinates of a point, a set of objects, or a
list of personal records of individuals. In the previous chapter, we discussed
about strings (type str – an immutable structure). In this chapter, we will
discuss some other mutable and immutable objects, namely, lists, tuples,
sets, and dictionaries.


A list is an ordered sequence of values. It is a non-scalar type. Values stored

in a list can be of any type such as string, integer, float, or list, for example,
a list may be used to store the names of subjects:

list: a comma separated ordered sequence of values, enclosed in square brackets

>>> subjects=['Hindi', 'English', 'Maths', 'History']

Note that the elements of a list are enclosed in square brackets, separated by
commas. Elements of a list are arranged in a sequence beginning index 0,
just like characters in a string. In Fig. 7.1, we show the representation of the
list subjects as in PythonTutor.
indexing in a list

Fig. 7.1 Representation of list subjects

To understand the lists better, let us invoke the function id that returns
object identifier for the list object subjects:
>>> id(subjects)


Next, examine the following statements:

different variables may refer to the same list object

>>> temporary = subjects

>>> id(temporary)


Note that each of the names subjects and temporary is associated with the
same list object having object id 57135752. PythonTutor representation of
the lists subjects and temporary, at this point, is shown in Fig. 7.2.

Fig. 7.2 Representation of the lists subjects and temporary

This method of accessing an object by different names is known as aliasing.
Unlike strings, lists are mutable, and therefore, one may modify individual
elements of a list. However, modifying an element of a list does not alter its
object id, for example:

aliasing: to access objects using different names

lists are mutable

>>> temporary[0] = 'Sanskrit'

>>> print(temporary)

['Sanskrit', 'English', 'Math', 'History']

>>> print(subjects)

['Sanskrit', 'English', 'Math', 'History']

>>> print(id(subjects), id(temporary))

57135752 57135752

As each of the two names temporary and subjects refers to the same list,
on modifying the component temporary[0] of the list temporary, the
change is reflected in subjects[0] as shown as shown in Fig. 7.3.

Next, we create a list of subjects and their corresponding subject codes.

For this purpose, we represent each pair of subject and subject code as a list,
and form a list of such lists:

two-dimensional list: list of lists

>>> subjectCodes = [['Sanskrit', 43], ['English', 85] ,

['Maths', 65], ['History', 36]]
Fig. 7.3 Representation of lists subjects and temporary

A list of lists such as subjectCodes, each of whose elements itself is a list,

is called a two-dimensional list. Thus, subjectCodes[1] being a list, its
components may be accessed as subjectCodes[1][0] and

>>> subjectCodes[1]

['English', 85]

>>> print(subjectCodes[1][0],subjectCodes[1][1])

English 85

As expected, subjectCodes[1] yields the list ['English', 85], i.e. element

at index 1 of the list subjectCodes. As subjectCodes[1] is itself a list,
subjectCodes[1][0] and subjectCodes[1][1] yield elements of the list
subjectCodes[1] at indices 0 and 1, i.e. 'English' and 85, respectively. In
general, when we write subjectCodes[i][j], the first index i yields the list
subjectCodes[i] in subjectCodes, and the second index j yields the
element subjectCodes[i][j] within the list subjectCodes[i].

As seen above, values contained in a list may be of different types. As

another example, we may like to store name, address, and mobile number of
a person in the list details:

heterogeneous list: list with values of different types

>>> details = ['Megha Verma', 'C-55, Raj Nagar, Pitam Pura,

Delhi - 110034', 9876543210]

Often times, we need to take a list as an input from the user. For this
purpose, we use the function input for taking the input from the user, and
subsequently apply the function eval for transforming the raw string to a

use of eval for converting raw string to a list

>>> details = eval(input('Enter details of

Megha: '))

Enter details of Megha: ['Megha Verma', 'C-55, Raj Nagar,Pitam

Pura, Delhi - 110034', 9876543210]

>>> details

['Megha Verma', 'C-55, Raj Nagar,Pitam Pura, Delhi - 110034',


7.1.1 Summary of List Operations

In Table 7.1, we describe some functions and operations on lists with the
help of the following lists:
>>> list1 = ['Red', 'Green']

>>> list2 = [10, 20, 30]

Table 7.1 Summary of operations that can be applied on lists

The membership operator in may be used in a for loop for sequentially
iterating over each element in the list, for example:

iterating over the elements of a list

>>> students = ['Ram', 'Shyam', 'Gita', 'Sita']

>>> for name in students:






As another example, given a list of marks in a subject, let us find the number
of students who have obtained marks >= 75.
>>> marksList = [78, 32, 89, 99, 56]

>>> count = 0

>>> for marks in marksList:

if marks >= 75:

count += 1

>>> count

7.1.2 Function list

The function list takes a sequence as an argument and returns a list. For
example, given a string of vowels 'aeiou', we can convert it to the list of
vowels for further use as follows:

converting a sequence to a list

>>> vowels = 'aeiou'

>>> list(vowels)

['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u']

7.1.3 Functions append, extend, count, remove, index, pop, and

append: The function append insert the object passed to it at the end of the
list, for example:

inserting an object at the end of a list

>>> a = [10, 20, 30, 40]

>>> a.append(35)

>>> a

[10, 20, 30, 40, 35]

extend: The function extend accepts a sequence as an argument and puts

the elements of the sequence at the end of the list, for example:

inserting a sequence of objects at the end of a list

>>> a = [10, 20, 30]

>>> a.extend([35,40])

>>> a

[10, 20, 30, 35, 40]

>>> a.extend('abc')

>>> a

[10, 20, 30, 35, 40, 'a', 'b', 'c']

count: The function count returns the count of the number of times the
object passed as an argument appears in the list, for example:

counting the number of occurrences of an object in a list

>>> a = [10, 20, 30, 10, 50, 20, 60, 20, 30, 55]
>>> a.count(20)

pop: The function pop returns the element from the list whose index is
passed as an argument, while removing it from the list, for example:

removing and returning the element with the given index

>>> a = [10, 20, 30, 10, 50, 20, 60, 20, 30, 55]

>>> a.pop(3)


>>> a.pop(3)


>>> a

[10, 20, 30, 20, 60, 20, 30, 55]

remove: The function remove takes the value to be removed from the list as
an argument, and removes the first occurrence of that value from the list, for

removing the given element from the list

>>> a.remove(20)

>>> a

[10, 30, 20, 60, 20, 30, 55]

Next, suppose we have two lists, names – the list of the names of students
and rollNums – the list of corresponding roll numbers:
>>> names = ['Ram', 'Shyam', 'Sita', 'Gita', 'Sita']

>>> rollNums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

To remove a student, 'Shyam' from the lists, we cannot apply the function
remove as we do not know the roll number of 'Shyam'. However, since there
is a correspondence between student names and their roll numbers, knowing
the index of a student in the list names will solve the problem. Python
function index can be used for finding the index of a given value in the list.

index(): to determine index of an element

>>> rollNums.pop(names.index('Shyam'))

>>> names.remove('Shyam')

>>> print(names, rollNums)

['Ram', 'Sita', 'Gita', 'Sita'] [1, 3, 4, 5]

del: The del operator is used to remove a subsequence of elements

(start:end:increment) from a list, for example:

deleting elements in the given index range

deleting an object

>>> a = [10, 20, 30, 20, 60, 20, 30, 55]

>>> del a[2:6:3]

>>> a

[10, 20, 20, 60, 30, 55]

>>> del a

>>> a

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<pyshell#14>", line 1, in <module>


NameError: name 'a' is not defined

Note that on execution of statement del a, name a no more refers to the list
object. Informally, we may say that the object a has been deleted or a has
been deleted.

attempt to access a deleted object leads to an error

7.1.4 Function insert

The insert function can be used to insert an object at a specified index.
This function takes two arguments: the index where an object is to be
inserted and the object itself, for example:

inserting an object at the specified index

>>> names = ['Ram', 'Sita', 'Gita', 'Sita']

>>> names.insert(2, 'Shyam')

>>> names

['Ram', 'Sita', 'Shyam', 'Gita', 'Sita']

7.1.5 Function reverse

The function reverse reverses the order of the elements in a list, for

reversing the order of elements in the list

>>> names = ['Ram', 'Sita', 'Sita', 'Anya']

>>> names.reverse()

>>> names
['Anya', 'Sita', 'Sita', 'Ram']

7.1.6 Functions sort and reverse

The function sort can be used to arrange the elements in a list in ascending
order. For example, the names of students in the list names can be arranged
in an ascending order using the function sort:

sorting the elements of the list

>>> names = ['Ram', 'Sita', 'Sita', 'Anya']

>>> names.sort()

>>> names

['Anya', 'Ram', 'Sita', 'Sita']

If we wish to sort the list of names in descending order, we may use the
argument reverse = True while invoking the function sort:

use keyword argument reverse = True for sorting the elements of a list in descending order

>>> names =['Ram', 'Sita', 'Sita', 'Anya']

>>> names.sort(reverse = True)

>>> names

['Sita', 'Sita', 'Ram', 'Anya']

Sometimes, we need to sort objects in a list based on key values obtained by

applying a function to the objects in the list. For example, we may like to
sort the strings in a list, based on their length. To achieve this, we need to
provide an argument of the form key = function as illustrated below:

sorting the list according to the specific criteria

>>> names = ['Ram', 'Sita', 'Purushottam', 'Shyam']

>>> names.sort(key = len)

>>> names

['Ram', 'Sita', 'Shyam', 'Purushottam']

7.1.7 List Functions

In Table 7.2, we list some important built-in functions that can be applied to
lists. Many of these functions such as append, reverse, sort, extend, pop,
remove, and insert modify the list. Functions such as count and index do
not modify the list. The function dir can be used to output the list of all the
attributes including the functions that can be applied to a particular type. For
example, dir(list) outputs the list including all the functions that can be
applied to objects of the type list. Similarly, dir(str) outputs the list
including all the functions that can be applied to objects of the type str.

functions count and index do not modify the list

Table 7.2 List functions

7.1.8 List Comprehension
List comprehension provides a shorthand notation for creating lists. Suppose
we want to create a list that contains cubes of numbers ranging from 1 to 10.
To do this, we may create an empty list, and use a for-loop to append the
elements to this list:
>>> cubes =[]

>>> end = 10

>>> for i in range(1, end + 1):

cubes.append(i ** 3)

>>> cubes

[1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, 343, 512, 729, 1000]

Alternatively, a simple one line statement can be used for achieving the
same task.
shorthand notation for creating a list of cubes

>>> cubes = [x**3 for x in range(1, end + 1)]

The expression [x**3 for x in range(1, end + 1)] creates a list

containing cube of each element in the range (1, end + 1). Next, suppose
we have a list comprising information about names and heights of the
students. The name of each student is followed by the height of the
corresponding student in centimetres. We wish to create a list comprising the
students in the list lst whose height exceed or equal a threshold:
>>> lst = [['Rama', 160], ['Anya', 159], ['Mira',158], ['Sona',

>>> threshold = 160

The desired list can be easily created using comprehensions:

>>> tall = [x for x in lst if x[1] >= threshold]

>>> tall

[['Rama', 160], ['Sona', 161]]

Next, given a list s1 of alphabets and another list s2 of numbers, we wish to

create a cross product of s1 and s2. Each element of the list crossProduct is
a two-element list of the type [alphabet, number]. This is easily achieved
using comprehensions:

list comprehension for computing cross product of two lists

>>> s1 = ['a', 'b', 'c']

>>> s2 = [3, 5]

>>> crossProduct = [[x, y] for x in s1 for y in s2]

>>> crossProduct

[['a', 3], ['a', 5], ['b', 3], ['b', 5], ['c', 3], ['c', 5]]
7.1.9 Lists as Arguments
Let us examine the script in Fig. 7.4. The function listUpdate updates the
list a (line 10) by replacing the object a[i] by value. The main function
invokes the function listUpdate with the arguments lst, 1, and 15
corresponding to the formal parameters a, i, and value. As arguments are
passed by reference, during execution of the function listUpdate, an access
to the formal parameter a means access to the list lst created in the main
function. Consequently, when we update the list a in the function
listUpdate, it results in the corresponding update of the list lst, as
visualized in PythonTutor (Fig. 7.5). Thus, the value at index 1 of the list
lst gets updated to the value 15.

arguments are passed by reference

Fig. 7.4 List passed as an argument
Fig. 7.5 List lst before and after the call to the function listUpdate

7.1.10 Copying List Objects

In the beginning of the chapter, we mentioned that a list is a sequence of
values. To be more precise, a list comprises a sequence of references to
values (objects). We have seen earlier that if the name list1 refers to a list,
the assignment of list1 to another name, say, list2 does not create a new

assigning a list to another name does not create another copy of the list, instead it creates
another reference

>>> list1 = [10, 20, [30, 40]]

>>> list2 = list1

As the names list1 and list2 refer to the same list object (Fig. 7.6), any
changes made in the list will relate to both the names list1 and list2, for
example (Fig. 7.7):
Fig. 7.6 list1 and list2 refer to the same list
Fig. 7.7 list1 and list2 refer to the same list

>>> list1[1] = 22

>>> list1

[10, 22, [30, 40]]

>>> list2

[10, 22, [30, 40]]

However, sometimes we need to create a copy of the list as a distinct object.

To create another instance of the list object having different storage, we need
to import the copy module and invoke the function copy.copy():

copy(): to create a copy of the list elements excluding the nested objects

>>> import copy

>>> list1 = [10, 20, [30, 40]]

>>> list3 = copy.copy(list1)

Note that the copy function creates a new copy list3 of the list1.
Consequently, on modifying list1[1], list3[1] remains unaltered:

Fig. 7.8 list1 and list3 refer to the different lists

>>> list1[1] = 25

>>> list1

[10, 25, [30, 40]]

>>> list3
[10, 20, [30, 40]]

However, the copy function creates a shallow copy i.e. it does not create
copies of the nested objects. Thus, the two lists share the same nested
objects. Thus, list1[2] and list3[2] refer to the same nested list [30,
40]. Next, let us modify list1[2][0] in sub-list list1[2] of list list1 to
value 35.
>>> list1[2][0] = 35

>>> list1

[10, 25, [35, 40]]

>>> list3

[10, 20, [35, 40]]

As discussed above, since list1[2] and list3[2] refer to the same sub-list
at index 2 (Fig. 7.9), when we modify the list list1[2], the modification is
also visible in the list list3[2].
Fig. 7.9 list1 and list3 refer to the different lists

If we wish to create a copy of a list object so that the nested objects (at all
levels) get copied to new objects, we use the function deepcopy of the copy

deepcopy(): to create a copy of a list including copies of the nested objects at all level
>>> import copy

>>> list1 = [10, 20, [30, 40]]

>>> list4 = copy.deepcopy(list1)

Note that list1 and list4 are distinct objects (Fig. 7.10), having the nested
lists list1[2] and list4[2] as distinct objects. Thus, modifying the value
of list1[2][0] to 35 does not affect the object list4[2] [0] of list4
which remains unaltered as shown in Fig. 7.11.
>>> list1[2][0] = 35

>>> list1

[10, 20, [35, 40]]

>>> list4

[10, 20, [30, 40]]

Fig. 7.10 list1 and list4 refer to the different lists at all levels of nesting
Fig. 7.11 list1 and list4 refer to the different lists at all levels of nesting

7.1.11 map, reduce, and filter Operations on a Sequence!

Python provides several built-in functions based on expressions, which work
faster than loop-based user defined code.
The function map is used for transforming every value in a given sequence
by applying a function to it. It takes two input arguments: the iterable object
(i.e. object which can be iterated upon) to be processed and the function to
be applied, and returns the map object obtained by applying the function to
the list as follows:

mapping each value in the sequence by applying the function

result = map(function, iterable object)

The function to be applied may have been defined already, or it may be

defined using a lambda expression which returns a function object.. A
lambda expression consists of the lambda keyword followed by a comma-
separated list of arguments and the expression to be evaluated using the list
of arguments in the following format:

lambda expression: used to define the expression to be be evaluated using the arguments

lambda arguments: expression

For example, let us define a lambda function that takes a number x as an

input parameter and returns the cube of it. The following statement defines a
lambda function and assigns it the name cube. The function cube can now be
used as usual:

lambda expression to compute the cube of a number

>>> cube = lambda x: x ** 3

>>> cube(3)


Similarly, the function sum2Cubes may be used to compute the sum of cubes
of two numbers:
lambda expression to compute the sum of cubes of two numbers

>>> sum2Cubes = lambda x, y: x**3 + y**3

>>> sum2Cubes(2, 3)


Next, suppose we wish to compute the cubes of all values in the list lst. The
following statements use the map function to map every value in the list lst
to its cube. Since the function map returns a map object, we have used the
function list to convert it to list.

mapping every value in the sequence to its cube

>>> lst = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

>>> list(map(lambda x: x ** 3, lst))

[1, 8, 27, 64, 125]

>>> list(map(cube, lst))

[1, 8, 27, 64, 125]

We may also use any system defined or user-defined function as an

argument of the map function, for example:
>>> list(map(abs, [-1, 2, -3, 4, 5]))

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Suppose we wish to compute the sum of cubes of all elements in a list. Note
that adding elements of the list is a repetitive procedure of adding two
elements at a time. The function reduce, available in functools module,
may be used for this purpose. It takes two arguments: a function, and a
iterable object, and applies the function on the iterable object to produce a
single value:

computing sum of cubes of all elements in the list

>>> lstCubes = list(map(lambda x: x ** 3, lst))

>>> import functools

>>> sumCubes = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, lstCubes)

>>> sumCubes


Thus, in the above example, we are able to compute the sum of all the
elements of the list lstCubes. In a parallel environment, the sum may be
computed by adding two values at a time, and then summing over the sums
obtained in the first step, and so on. Thus, the sum of the elements of the list
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] may be computed as (((1+2) + (3+4)) + ((5+6) +

Next, we compute the sum of cubes of only those elements in the list
lstCubes that are even. Thus, we need to filter the even elements from the
list lstCubes and before applying the function reduce. Python provides the
function filter that takes a function and a iterable object as the input
parameters and returns only those elements from the iterable object for
which function returns True. In the following statement, the filter function
returns an iterable object of even elements of the list lstCubes, which is
assigned to variable evenCubes. Since the function filter returns a filter
object, we have used the function list to convert it to list.

filtering elements from a list satisfying the given condition

>>> evenCubes = list(filter(lambda x: x%2 == 0, lstCubes))

>>> evenCubes

[8, 64]

>>> sumEvenCubes = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x + y,


>>> sumEvenCubes


Alternatively, the sum of odd cubes may be computed as follows:

>>> sumEvenCubes = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x + y,
filter(lambda x: x%2 == 0, lstCubes))

>>> sumEvenCubes


The functions map, reduce, and filter are often used to exploit the
parallelism of the system to distribute computation to several processors.
However, details of the parallel programming are beyond the scope of the

7.2 SETS

A set in Mathematics refers to an unordered collection of objects without

any duplicates. An object of type set may be created by enclosing the
elements of the set within curly brackets. The set objects may also be created
by applying the set function to lists, strings, and tuples. Next, we give some
examples of sets:

set: a comma separated unordered sequence of values enclosed within curly braces

set(): to convert a sequence to a set

>>> {1,2,3}

{1, 2, 3}

>>> vowels = set('aeiou')

>>> vowels

{'e', 'a', 'o', 'u', 'i'}

>>> vehicles = set(['Bike', 'Car', 'Bicycle', 'Scooter'])

>>> vehicles

{'Scooter', 'Car', 'Bike', 'Bicycle'}

>>> digits = set((0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9))

>>> digits

{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}

The elements of a set are required to be immutable objects. Therefore,

whereas objects of types such as int, float, tuple, and str can be
members of a set, a list cannot be a member of a set. Unlike lists, we cannot
access elements of a set through indexing or slicing. Also, we cannot apply +
and * operators on sets. However, using the membership operator in, we can
iterate over elements of a set:

elements of a set must be immutable

set type does not support indexing, slicing, + operator, and * operator

iterating over elements of the set

>>> for v in vowels:

print(v, end = ' ')

e a o u i

The functions min, max, sum, and len work for sets in the same manner as
defined for lists.

applying min(), max(), sum(), and len() functions to sets

>>> min(digits)

>>> max(digits)

>>> sum(digits)

>>> len(vehicles)

The membership operator in checks whether an object is in the set.

>>> 'Bike' in vehicles


7.2.1 Set Functions add, update, remove, pop,

and clear
Suppose we wish to add an element 'Bus' to the set vehicles. It can be
done using the function add. To include new elements in a set, we use
update function. The input argument to the update function may be an
object such as list, set, range, or tuple, for example:

adding elements to a set

>>> vehicles.add('Bus')

>>> vehicles

{'Car', 'Bike', 'Bicycle', 'Bus', 'Scooter'}

>>> vehicles.update(['Truck', 'Rickshaw', 'Bike'])

>>> vehicles

{'Car', 'Bike', 'Bicycle', 'Rickshaw', 'Bus', 'Truck',


It is important to point out that an attempt to add a duplicate value ('Bike'

in the above case) is just ignored by Python. Next, we define the set
heavyVehicles as follows:

duplicate elimination

>>> heavyVehicles = {'Truck', 'Bus', 'Crane'}

An element may be removed from a set using the function remove, for

removing an element from the set

>>> heavyVehicles.remove('Crane')

>>> heavyVehicles

{'Bus', 'Truck'}

>>> heavyVehicles.remove('Car')

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<pyshell#432>", line 1


KeyError: 'Car'

Note that an attempt to remove an element from a set, which is not a

member of the set, yields an error. Although the function pop is defined for
objects of type set, the element removed by the function pop is

element removed using pop function is unpredictable

>>> heavyVehicles = {'Truck', 'Bus', 'Crane'}

>>> heavyVehicles.pop()


To remove all the elements of a set, without deleting the set object, we use
the clear function:

removing all elements of a set

>>> heavyVehicles.clear()
>>> heavyVehicles


7.2.2 Set Functions union, intersection, difference, and


Python provides functions union, intersection, and

symmetric_difference to carry out these mathematical operations. We
define two sets fruits and vegetables:
>>> fruits = {'Apple', 'Orange', 'Tomato', 'Cucumber',

>>> vegetables = {'Cucumber', 'Potato', 'Tomato', 'Watermelon',


Now, to determine all eatables whether fruits or vegetables, we take

union of the above two sets.

union of two sets

>>> eatables = fruits.union(vegetables)

>>> eatables

{'Orange', 'Tomato', 'Cucumber', 'Watermelon', 'Cauliflower',

'Apple', 'Potato'}

Alternatively, we may use the union operator | for achieving the same result:
>>> eatables = fruits | vegetables

>>> eatables

{'Orange', 'Tomato', 'Cucumber', 'Watermelon', 'Cauliflower',

'Apple', 'Potato'}

Next, to determine those eatables which are both fruits and vegetables,
we take intersection of sets fruits and vegetables using either the function
intersection or the intersection operator & as follows:
intersection of two sets

>>> fruitsAndVegetables = fruits.intersection(vegetables)

>>> fruitsAndVegetables

{'Tomato', 'Cucumber', 'Watermelon'}

>>> fruitsAndVegetables = fruits & vegetables

>>> fruitsAndVegetables

{'Tomato', 'Cucumber', 'Watermelon'}

Next, we find the fruits which are not vegetables by taking difference of
the two sets, either using the function difference or using the difference

set difference

>>> onlyFruits = fruits.difference(vegetables)

>>> onlyFruits

{'Orange', 'Apple'}

>>> onlyFruits = fruits - vegetables

>>> onlyFruits

{'Orange', 'Apple'}

Similarly, we can determine vegetables which are not fruits as follows:

>>> onlyVegetables = vegetables.difference(fruits)

>>> onlyVegetables

{'Cauliflower', 'Potato'}

>>> onlyVegetables = vegetables - fruits

>>> onlyVegetables

{'Cauliflower', 'Potato'}
Next, to determine eatables which are either only fruits or only
vegetables, we may take union of the sets onlyFruits and

>>> fruitsXORVegs = onlyFruits | onlyVegetables

>>> fruitsXORVegs

{'Orange', 'Apple', 'Cauliflower', 'Potato'}

Alternatively, we may use the function symmetric_difference, which

determines the elements that are in one of the either sets but not in both:

symmetric difference

>>> fruitsXORVegs = fruits.symmetric_difference(vegetables)

>>> fruitsXORVegs

{'Orange', 'Apple', 'Cauliflower', 'Potato'}

The functions set.intersection, set.union, and set.difference can be

applied to two or more sets to carry out intersection, union, and
difference operations on sets:

>>> digits1 = {0, 1, 2, 3}

>>> digits2 = {2, 4, 5, 6}

>>> digits3 = {0, 7, 8, 9, 2}

>>> set.union(digits1, digits2, digits3)

{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}

>>> set.intersection(digits1, digits2, digits3)


>>> set.difference(digits1, digits2, digits3)

{1, 3}
The function set.difference works by taking the union of all sets except
the first one and subtracting the union from the first set.

7.2.3 Function copy

We make use of the function copy to create a separate copy of a set so that
changes in one copy are not reflected in the other:

copying the elements of a set

>>> digits = {0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9}

>>> digits2 = digits.copy()

>>> digits.update({4, 5, 6})

>>> digits

{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}

>>> digits2

{0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9}

7.2.4 Subset and Superset Test

To check whether a given set is the subset or superset of another set, we use
the operators <= and >=, respectively. For example, let the sets multiples2
and multiples4 comprise multiples of 2 and 4, respectively. We can check
whether multiples2 is a subset or superset of multiples4 using these

subset and superset operations

>>> multiples2 = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14}

>>> multiples4 = {4, 8, 12}

>>> isSubset = multiples4 <= multiples2

>>> isSubset

>>> isSuperset = multiples2 >= multiples4

>>> isSuperset


The functions issubset and issuperset can also be used for the same

7.2.5 List of Functions

In Table 7.3, we list some important built-in functions that can be applied to
Table 7.3 Set functions

7.2.6 Finding Common Factors

Suppose, given two numbers n1 and n2, we wish to find their common
factors. To check whether a number i is a factor of another number, say num,
we only need to find the remainder num % i. If the remainder is zero, then i
is a factor of num, otherwise, i is not a factor of num. We represent the
collection of common factors as a set. We also note that a common factor
cannot exceed smaller of the two numbers, say n1 and n2. To build a set of
common factors, we make use of comprehensions. For each number i in
range(1, min(n1,n2) + 1), we include it in the set if it is a factor of each
of n1 and n2. Thus, our code comprises just one line:

set comprehension: applied to find common factors

commonFactors = {i for i in range(1, min(n1+1, n2+1)) if n1%i ==

0 and n2%i == 0}

7.2.7 Union and Intersection Operation on Lists

Given a list lst1 of people who like basketball and another list lst2 of
individuals who like badminton; suppose, we wish to construct the following

A list of individuals who like either basketball or badminton, i.e. union of lists lst1 | lst2.

A list of people who like both basketball and badminton, i.e., the intersection of lists lst1 &

A list of individuals who like basketball but not badminton, i.e. the difference lst1 - lst2.

Although Python does not support such operators on lists, we can convert lists into sets, apply
the necessary operations on sets, and finally convert the sets back into lists. It is important to
emphasize that a list should be converted to sets only when the order of elements in the list is
not important. Also, transforming a list into the set will remove repeating elements. In Fig.
7.12, we define the functions union, intersection, and difference for lists.
Fig. 7.12 Functions to find union, intersection, and difference of lists (lists.py)


A tuple is a non-scalar type defined in Python. Just like a list, a tuple is an

ordered sequence of objects. However, unlike lists, tuples are immutable, i.e.
elements of a tuple cannot be overwritten. A tuple may be specified by
enclosing in the parentheses, the elements of the tuple (possibly of
heterogeneous types), separated by commas, for example, the tuple t1
comprises five objects:

tuple: a comma separated ordered sequence of values enclosed in parenthesis

>>> t1 = (4, 6, [2, 8], 'abc', {3, 4})

>>> type(t1)

<class 'tuple'>

If a tuple comprises a single element, the element should be followed by a

comma to distinguish a tuple from a parenthesized expression, for example:

singleton tuple: comma required after the element

>>> (2)

>>> (2,)


A tuple having a single element is also known as singleton tuple. Another

notation for tuples is just to list the elements of a tuple, separated by
>>> 2, 4, 6

(2, 4, 6)

Tuples being immutable, an attempt to modify an element of a tuple yields

an error:

tuples are immutable

>>> t1[1] = 3

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<pyshell#61>", line 1, in <module>

t1[1] = 3

TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment

However, an element of a tuple may be an object that is mutable, for


elements of a tuple may be mutable

>>> t1 = (1, 2, [3, 4])

>>> t1[2][1] = 5

>>> t1

(1, 2, [3, 5])

7.3.1 Summary of Tuple Operations

In Table 7.4, we summarize the operations on tuples and use the following
tuples t1 and t2 for the purpose of illustration:
>>> t1 = ('Monday', 'Tuesday')

>>> t2 = (10, 20, 30)

Table 7.4 Summary of operations that can be applied on tuples

7.3.2 Functions tuple and zip
The function tuple can be used to convert a sequence to a tuple, for
converting a sequence to a tuple

>>> vowels = 'aeiou'

>>> tuple(vowels)

('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u')

>>> tuple([4,10,20])

(4, 10, 20)

>>> tuple(range(5))

(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)

The function zip is used to produces a zip object (iterable object), whose ith
element is a tuple containing ith element from each iterable object passed as
argument to the zip function. We have applied list function to convert the
zip object to a list of tuples. For example,

producing a list of tuples containing corresponding element from each iterable object

>>> colors = ('red', 'yellow', 'orange')

>>> fruits = ['cherry', 'banana', 'orange']

>>> quantity = ('1 kg', 12, '2 kg')

>>> fruitColor = list(zip(colors, fruits))

>>> fruitColor

[('red', 'cherry'),('yellow', 'banana'), ('orange', 'orange')]

>>> fruitColorQuantity = list(zip(fruitColor, quantity))

>>> fruitColorQuantity

[(('red', 'cherry'), '1 kg'), (('yellow', 'banana'), 12),

(('orange', 'orange'), '2 kg')]

>>> list(zip(colors, fruits, quantity))

[('red', 'cherry', '1 kg'), ('yellow', 'banana', 12), ('orange',
'orange', '2 kg')]

7.3.3 Functions count and index

The function count is used to find the number of occurrences of a value in a
tuple, for example:

counting number of occurrences of a value in a tuple

>>> age = (20, 18, 17, 19, 18, 18)

>>> age.count(18)

The function index is used to find the index of the first occurrence of a
particular element in a tuple, for example:

finding index of the first occurrence of an element in the tuple

>>> age.index(18)

These functions are summarized in Table 7.5:

Table 7.5 Tuple functions

Unlike lists, tuples, and strings, a dictionary is an unordered sequence of
key-value pairs. Indices in a dictionary can be of any immutable type and are
called keys. Beginning with an empty dictionary, we create a dictionary of
month_number-month_name pairs as follows:

dictionary: a comma separated unordered sequence of key-value pairs enclosed in curly braces

>>> month = {}

>>> month[1] = 'Jan'

>>> month[2] = 'Feb'

>>> month[3] = 'Mar'

>>> month[4] = 'Apr'

>>> month

{1: 'Jan', 2: 'Feb', 3: 'Mar', 4: 'Apr'}

>>> type(month)

<class 'dict'>

Key and value in a key-value pair in a dictionary are separated by a colon.

Further, the key:value pairs in a dictionary are separated by commas and
are enclosed between curly parentheses. Next, we define another dictionary
comprising vegetable-price pairs:

determining value corresponding to a key

>>> price = {'tomato':40, 'cucumber':30, 'potato':20,

'cauliflower':70, 'cabbage':50, 'lettuce':40, 'raddish':30,
'carrot':20, 'peas':80}

>>> price['potato']


>>> price['carrot']

>>> price.keys()

dict_keys(['tomato', 'cucumber', 'potato', 'cauliflower',

'cabbage', 'lettuce', 'raddish', 'carrot', 'peas'])

>>> price.values()

dict_values([40, 30, 20, 70, 50, 40, 30, 20, 80])

>>> price.items()

dict_items([('tomato', 40), ('cucumber', 30), ('potato', 20),

('cauliflower', 70), ('cabbage', 50), ('lettuce', 40),
('raddish', 30), ('carrot', 20), ('peas', 80)])

Note that the search in a dictionary is based on the key. Therefore, in a

dictionary, the keys are required to be unique. However, the same value may
be associated with multiple keys. In particular, in the dictionary price of
vegetable-price pairs, we have already noted that whereas the names of
vegetables are unique throughout the dictionary, the prices may be
duplicated (price['potato'] == price['carrot'] and price['tomato']
== price['lettuce']). The functions keys, values, and items return
objects comprising of keys, values, and key-value tuples in the dictionary
respectively. If required, a function such as list or tuple may be applied to
the output of the functions keys, values, and items to obtain a list or tuple
of keys, values, or key-value tuples. As keys in a dictionary are immutable,
lists cannot be used as keys. However, values associated with keys can be
mutable objects and thus, may be changed at will, for example:

keys: must be unique values: may be duplicated

keys(): return an object of keys

values(): return an object of values
items(): return an object of key-value tuples

keys are immutable

>>> price['tomato'] = 25

Keys in a dictionary may be of heterogeneous types, for example:

>>> counting = {1:'one', 'one':1, 2:'two', 'two':2}

7.4.1 Dictionary Operations

Table 7.6 gives some operations that can be applied to a dictionary and
illustrate these operations using a dictionary of digit-name pairs:
digits = {0:'Zero', 1:'One', 2:'Two', 3:'Three', 4:'Four',
5:'Five', 6:'Six', 7: 'Seven', 8:'Eight', 9:'Nine'}

Table 7.6 Summary of operations that can be applied on dictionaries

Next, consider a dictionary of winter months:

>>> winter = {11:'November ', 12: 'December', 1:'January',

Membership operation in, and functions min, max and sum apply only to the
keys in a dictionary. Thus, applying these operations on the dictionary
winter is equivalent to applying them on winter.keys() as shown below:

min, max, sum, and in apply to keys in a dictionary

>>> 2 in winter, min(winter), max(winter), sum(winter)

(True, 1, 12, 26)

>>> 2 in winter.keys(), min(winter.keys()), max(winter.keys()),


(True, 1, 12, 26)

7.4.2 Deletion
We may remove a key-value pair from a dictionary using del operator, for

removing a key-value pair

>>> del winter[11]

>>> winter

{12: 'December', 1: 'January', 2: 'February'}

To delete a dictionary, we use del operator:

deleting an entire dictionary

>>> del winter

To remove all the key–value pairs in a dictionary, we use the clear function.
Note that while assigning an empty dictionary {} creates a new object, the
function clear removes all key-value pairs from an existing dictionary:
clear(): to remove all key-value pairs

>>> winter = {11:'November ', 12: 'December', 1:'January',


>>> months = winter

>>> months.clear()

>>> months, winter

({}, {})

Note that as the names winter and months refer to the same dictionary
object, on applying clear function to months, the dictionary winter also
becomes empty.

7.4.3 Function get

The function get is used to extract the value corresponding to a given key,
for example:

retrieving value corresponding to a key

>>> passwords = {'Ram':'ak@607', 'Shyam':'rou.589',


>>> passwords.get('Ram',-1)


The first parameter is used to specify the key and the second parameter is
used to specify the value to be returned in case the key is not found in the
dictionary. In case, the second parameter is not specified, the system returns
None, for example:

get() returns second argument if the key is not present in the dictionary

>>> passwords.get('Raman', -1)


>>> print(passwords.get('Raman'))


7.4.4 Function update

The function update is used to insert in a dictionary, all the key–value pairs
of another dictionary, for example:

inserting key-value pairs

>>> morePasswords = {'Raman':'vi97@4', 'Kishore':'23@0jsk'}

>>> passwords.update(morePasswords)

>>> passwords

{'Ram': 'ak@607', 'Shyam': 'rou.589', 'Gita': 'yam@694',

'Raman': 'vi97@4', 'Kishore': '23@0jsk'}

7.4.5 Function copy

To create a shallow copy of a dictionary object, we make use of the copy
function, for example:

creating shallow copy of a dictionary

>>> newPasswords = morePasswords.copy()

>>> id(newPasswords), id(morePasswords)

(54782832, 54781104)

7.4.6 List of Functions

In Table 7.7, we list some of the built-in functions that can be applied to
objects of dict type. Whereas many of these functions such as update and
clear modify a dictionary, functions such as items, keys, values, and get
do not alter a dictionary.
Table 7.7 Dictionary functions

7.4.7 Inverted Dictionary

Suppose we are maintaining a dictionary of words and their meanings of the
form word:meaning. For simplicity, we assume that each word has a single
meaning. Even so, there might be a few words that may have shared
meaning. Given this dictionary, we wish to find synonyms of a word, i.e.
given a word, we wish to find the list of words that have the same meaning.
For this purpose, we would like to build an inverted dictionary invDict of
meaning:list-of-words. In the function buildInvDict, we begin with an
empty dictionary invDict that uses meaning as the key. For every key-
value pair of word:meaning in the dictionary dict1, if it is the first
occurrence meaning, then meaning:[word] is entered in the inverted
dictionary. If the key meaning already exists in the inverted dictionary, then
word is appended to the list invDict[meaning]. Finally, we use
comprehensions to drop the words having only one meaning:

dictionary comprehension for finding synonyms in a dictionary

{meaning: invDict[x] for x in invDict if len(invDict[x])>1}

The complete program appears in Fig. 7.13.

We conclude this section with a sample run of the program invDict (Fig.

Enter word meaning dictionary: {'dubious':'doubtful',

'hilarious':'amusing', 'suspicious':'doubtful',
'comical':'amusing', 'hello':'hi'}

Inverted Dictionary:

{'doubtful': ['dubious', 'suspicious'], 'amusing': ['hilarious',

Fig. 7.13 Program to construct inverted dictionary (invDict.py)


1. The list is a non-scalar type. It is an ordered sequence of values specified within square brackets.
Values in a list may be of any type such as str, int, float, or list.
2. Indexing is used for accessing elements of a list.
3. Unlike strings, lists are mutable, i.e. one may modify individual elements of a list.
4. A list of lists is called a two-dimensional list.
5. The following table lists operations that can be applied on the list:
>>> list1 = ['Red', 'Green']
>>> list2 = [10, 20, 30]

Operation Example
Multiplication operator * >>> list2 * 2
[10, 20, 30, 10, 20, 30]
Concatenation operator + >>> list1 = list1 + ['Blue']
>>> list1
['Red', 'Green', 'Blue']
Length operator len >>> len(list1)
Indexing >>> list2[-1]
Slicing >>> list2[0:2]
Syntax: start:end:inc [10, 20]
>>> list2[0:3:2]
[10, 30]
Function min >>> min(list2)
Function max >>> max(list1)
Function sum >>> sum(list2)
(not defined on strings) 60
Membership operator in >>> 40 in list2

6. The following table lists some important built-in functions that can be applied to lists:

Function Explanation
L.append(e) Inserts the element e at the end of the list L .
L.extend(L2) Inserts the items in the sequence L2 at the end of the elements of the list L .
L.remove(e) Removes the first occurrence of the element e from the list L .
L.pop(i) Removes the element at index i from the list L .
L.count(e) Returns count of occurrences of object e in the list L .
L.index(e) Returns index of the first occurrence of the object e, if present in the list L .
L.insert(i,e) Inserts element e at index i in the list L .
L.sort() Sorts the elements of the list L .
L.reverse() Reverses the order of elements in the list L .

7. Comprehension provides an easy shorthand notation for creating lists, sets, and dictionaries. For
example, the expression [x**3 for x in range(1, end)] creates a list containing cube of each
element in the range (1, end).
8. Assignment of a list to another variable does not create a new list. Instead, the new variable references
the existing list that appears on the right-hand side of the = operator.
9. To create another instance of an object of types such as list, set, and dict, we need to import the
copy module and invoke the function copy.copy(). However, to create a copy of a list object, so that
embedded objects (at all levels) get copied, the function deepcopy of the copy module should be used.
10. The function map is used for transforming every value in a given iterable object by applying a
function to it.
11. The function filter that takes a function and a iterable object as the input parameters and returns only
those elements from the iterable object for which the function returns True.
12. The function reduce, available in functools module takes two arguments: a function, and an iterable
object, and applies the function on the iterable object to produce a single value.
13. A set is an unordered collection of objects without any duplicates. An object of type set may be
created by enclosing within curly brackets the elements of the set. A set object may also be created by
applying the set function to a list, string or tuple.
14. The following table lists some important built-in functions that can be applied to sets:

Function Description
S.add(e) Adds the element e to the set S.
S1.update(L1) Adds the items in object L1 to the set S1.
S.remove(e) Removes the element e from the set S.
S.pop() Removes an element from the set S.
S.clear() Removes all elements from the set S.
S.copy() Creates a copy of the set S.
S1.union(S2) Returns union of sets S1 and S2.
S1.intersection(S2) Returns a set containing elements common in the sets S1 and S2.
S1.difference(S2) Returns a set containing elements in the set S1 but not in the set S2.
S 1 . symmetric_difference(S2 Returns a set containing elements which are in one of the two sets S1 and S2, but not in both.

15. The operators <=, ==, and >= may be used to check whether a given set is a subset, equal, or superset
of another set.
16. A tuple is a non-scalar type. It is an ordered sequence of elements. Unlike lists, tuples are immutable,
i.e. elements of a tuple cannot be overwritten.
17. A tuple with a single element is also known as singleton tuple. Python allows values contained in a
tuple to be of varied types.
18. If a component of a tuple contains an object that itself is modifiable, that object can be modified.
19. The following table lists operations that can be applied on tuples:
>>> t1 = ('Monday', 'Tuesday')
>>> t2 = (10, 20, 30)

Operation Example
Multiplication operator * >>> t1 * 2
('Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday')
Concatenation operator + >>> t3 = t1 + ('Wednesday',)
>>> t3
('Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday')
Length operator len >>> len(t1)
Indexing >>> t2[-2]
Slicing >>> t1[1:2]
Syntax: start:end:inc 'Tuesday'
Function min >>> min(t2)
Function max >>> max(t2)
Function sum >>> sum(t2)
(not defined on strings) 60
Membership operator in >>> 'Friday' in t1

20. The function tuple is used to convert a sequence to a tuple.

21. The function zip is used to produce a list, whose ith element is a tuple containing ith element from all
the sequences in the call to the zip function.
22. The following table lists two built-in functions that can be applied on tuples.
Function Explanation
T.count(e) Returns count of occurrences of element e in tuple L .
T.index(e) Returns index of the element e from tuple L .

23. A dictionary is a non-scalar type. It is an unordered collection of key-value pairs. A dictionary may
be specified by including the key-value pairs within curly braces. A key and its associated value are
colon-separated. Each key uniquely identifies the value associated with it, and also, acts as an index.
As keys in a dictionary are immutable, lists cannot be used as keys.
24. The following table lists the operations that can be applied on the dictionary of digit–name pairs:
digits = {0:'Zero', 1:'One', 2:'Two', 3:'Three', 4:'Four',
5:'Five', 6:'Six', 7:'Seven', 8:'Eight', 9:'Nine'}
25. A key-value pair can be removed from a dictionary using del operator.
26. The following table lists some of the built-in functions that can be applied on the type dict:

Function Description
D.items() Return an object comprising of tuples of key-value pairs present in dictionary D. .
D.keys() Return an object comprising of all keys of dictionary D .
D.values() Return an object comprising of all values of dictionary D.
D.clear() Removes all key–value pairs from dictionary D .
D.get(key,default) For the specified key, the function returns the associated value. Returns the default value in case of absence of key in dictionary D .
D.copy() Creates a shallow copy of dictionary D .
D1.update(D2) Adds the key–value pairs of dictionary D2 in dictionary D1 .


1. Write a function that takes a list of values as input parameter and returns another list without any
2. Write a function that takes a list of numbers as input from the user and produces the corresponding
cumulative list where each element in the list at index i is the sum of elements at index j <= i.
3. Write a program that takes a sentence as input from the user and computes the frequency of each
letter. Use a variable of dictionary type to maintain the count.
4. Identify the output produced when the following functions are invoked.
1. def func():
l1 = list()
l2 = list()
for i in range(0,5):
2. def func():
l1 = list()
l2 = list()
for i in range(0,5):
l1, l2 = l2, l1
5. Determine the output of the following code snippets:
1. c = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
result = 0
for i in range(0, 10):
if (c[i]%2 == 0):
result += c[i]
2. c = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
result = 0
for i in range(0, 10):
if (c[i]%2 != 0):
result += c[i]
3. subject = 'computer'
subject = list(subject)
ch = subject[0]
for i in range(0, len(subject)-1):
subject[i] = subject[i+1]
4. quantity = [15, 30, 12, 34, 56, 99]
total = 0
for i in range(0, len(quantity)):
if (quantity[i] > 15):
total += quantity[i]
5. x = [1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 10, 14, 15, 17]
for i in range(0, len(x)):
if (x[i]%2 == 0):
x[i] = 4*i
elif (x[i]%3 == 0):
x[i] = 9*i
x[i] *= 2
6. Write a function that takes n as an input and creates a list of n lists such that ith list contains first five
multiples of i.
7. Write a function that takes a number as an input parameter and returns the correspond text in words,
for example, on input 452, the function should return 'Four Five Two'. Use a dictionary for mapping
digits to their string representation.
8. Given the following inputs, indicate in each case (a) to (x), whether the statements will execute
successfully. If, so, give what will be the outcome of execution? Also give the output of print
statements (where applicable):
address = 'B-6, Lodhi road, Delhi'
list1 = [1, 2, 3]
list2 = ['a', 1, 'z', 26, 'd', 4]
tuple1 = ('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u')
tuple2 = ([2,4,6,8], [3,6,9], [4,8], 5)
dict1 = {'apple': 'red', 'mango': 'yellow', 'orange': 'orange'}
dict2 = {'X': ['eng', 'hindi', 'maths', 'science'], 'XII':
['english', 'physics', 'chemistry', 'maths']}
1. list1[3] = 4
2. print(list1 * 2)
3. print(min(list2))
4. print(max(list1))
5. print(list(address))
6. list2.extend(['e', 5])
7. list2.append(['e', 5])
8. names = ['rohan', 'mohan', 'gita']
names.sort(key= len)
9. list3 = [(x * 2) for x in range(1, 11)]
10. del list3[1:]
11. list4 = [ x+y for x in range(1,5) for y in range(1,5)]
12. tuple2[3] = 6
13. tuple2.append(5)
14. t1 = tuple2 +(5)
15. ','.join(tuple1)
16. list(zip(['apple', 'orange'], ('red', 'orange')))
17. dict2['XII']
18. dict2['XII'].append('computer science'), dict2
19. 'red' in dict1
20. list(dict1.items())
21. list(dict2.keys())
22. dict2.get('XI', 'None')
23. dict1.update({'kiwi':'green'}) print(dict1)
9. Consider the following three sets, namely vehicles, heavyVehicles, and lightVehicles:
>>>vehicles = {'Bicycle', 'Scooter', 'Car', 'Bike', 'Truck',
'Bus', 'Rickshaw'}
>>> heavyVehicles = {'Truck', 'Bus'}
>>> lightVehicles = {'Rickshaw', 'Scooter', 'Bike', 'Bicycle'}
Determine the output on executing the following statements:
1. lytVehicles = vehicles – heavyVehicles
2. hvyVehicles = vehicles – lightVehicles
3. averageWeightVehicles = lytVehicles & hvyVehicles
4. transport = lightVehicles | heavyVehicles
5. transport.add('Car')
6. for i in vehicles:
7. len(vehicles)
8. min(vehicles)
9. set.union(vehicles, lightVehicles, heavyVehicles)
This section may be skipped on first reading without loss of continuity

8.1 Recursive Solutions for Problems on Numeric Data
8.2 Recursive Solutions for Problems on Strings
8.3 Recursive Solutions for Problems on Lists
8.4 Problem of Tower of Hanoi

In the previous chapters, we have used functions for various programming

tasks. When computation in a function is described in terms of the function
itself, it is called a recursive function. Python allows a function to call itself,
possibly with new arguments.

Recursion aims to solve a problem by providing a solution in terms of the

simpler version of the same problem. A recursive function definition
comprises two parts. The first part is the base part, which is the solution of
the simplest version of the problem, often termed stopping or termination
criterion. The second part is the inductive part, which is the recursive part of
the problem that reduces the complexity of the problem by redefining the
problem in terms of simpler version(s) of the original problem itself.

A recursive solution comprises:

base part and inductive part


8.1.1 Factorial
Suppose we wish to find the factorial of a non-negative number n. To do
this, we have to multiply numbers 1 to n:
n! = n * (n-1) * (n-2) * (n-3) * … * 2 * 1

Factorial of 0 is of course defined to be 1. We will first discuss the iterative

approach, thus, providing an insight into how space is allocated on system
stack when a function is invoked. This is followed by the recursive approach
for computing factorial.

Iterative Approach
Factorial of a number n can be computed by using a loop that iterates over
elements in the range(1, n + 1). An iterative function for computing the
factorial of a number is given in Fig. 8.1.
Fig. 8.1 Program to compute factorial of a number (factorial1.py)

Recursive Approach
Next, we rewrite the function factorial to compute factorial of a number
using recursive approach. Recall that n! = n * (n-1) * (n-2) * (n-3) *
… * 2 * 1. Alternatively, we may write the definition of n! as

or equivalently as
factorial(n) = 1 if n==0 or 1

= n * factorial(n-1) if n > 1

recursive definition of factorial

Thus, the problem of computing factorial(n) – a problem of size n – has

been expressed in terms of a problem of size (n – 1), i.e. to compute
factorial(n), we multiply by n the result of computing factorial(n-1).
Now factorial(n-1) can be computed using the same technique, i.e. to
compute factorial(n-1), we multiply by n-1 the result of computing
factorial(n-2). Thus, we solve a problem of size (n – 1) in terms of a
problem of size (n – 2), and so on until we arrive at the problem of size 1,
which is a trivial task. Thus, the factorial of a number, say 3, it may be
computed as follows:
factorial(3) = 3 * factorial(2)

= 3 * (2 * factorial(1))

= 3 * (2 * 1))

= 3 * 2

= 6

Now, we are ready to present a recursive function to compute factorial(n)

(Fig. 8.2):
Fig. 8.2 Program to compute factorial of a number (factorialRecur.py)
Let us examine the recursive function factorial to compute the factorial of
a number, say 3. The script factorialRecur (Fig. 8.2) invokes the function
main in line 24 which further invokes the function factorial in line 20.
Whenever a function is called in a program, the program must remember the
point of call, so that the control can be returned appropriately when the
function is completely executed. Also, it should save the current state, i.e.
binding of variables. For every call to a function, an entry in a stack, called
stack frame or activation record, is created. In this entry, temporary storage
is allocated to parameters, local variables, and return address. Like any other
stack, the objects in the activation stack leave in the reverse order of their

call to a function creates an entry in the stack frame/ activation recordl

stack frame stores parameters, local variables, and return address

Figure 8.3 shows stack frames created and exited during the execution of
the script in Fig. 8.2. Note that the exited frames (border lines as well as the
content) are shown in light grey color. To begin with, when Python
encounters the definitions of factorial and main functions in the program,
an entry is created for factorial and main functions in the global frame
(Fig. 8.3(a)). When the condition if __name__=='__main__' evaluates to
True, the function main is invoked and a new frame is created. On entering 3
as the input value for n (line 19), the variable binding for it is created (Fig.
8.3(b)). On invoking the function factorial (line 20, Fig. 8.2) with the
argument 3, a new frame is created containing a binding for the input
parameter n (Fig. 8.3(c)). Further, since the value of n is greater than l,
during execution of line 11, a recursive call is made to the function
factorial with 2 as the input argument. This creates another stack frame as
shown in Fig. 8.3(d). Note that the parameter n is now bound to value 2.
This recursive call further invokes function factorial with input argument
l (Fig. 8.3(e)). In this frame, the parameter n is bound to value 1. As the
value associated with variable n is now 1, the condition in line 8 becomes
True. So, this instance of function call creates the returns value 1 (Fig.
8.3(f)). On completion of the execution of this instance of the function
factorial, the frame for the function call that has just terminated is
removed from the stack, and the control is returned to the previous frame
(Fig. 8.3(g)) at the point of call (line 11), i.e. frame for function factorial,
where parameter n is bound to value 2. This instance of function call now
creates the returns value 2 as shown in Fig. 8.3(g). The function returns
value 2 on execution of line 11. This value 2 is returned in line 11 (variable n
is now bound to value 3, Fig. 8.3(h)). This instance of function call now
creates the returns value 6 as shown in Fig. 8.3(h). Execution of line 11
returns value 6 to the main function (Fig. 8.3(i)). In the main function, the
just returned value 6 gets bound to the variable result (Fig. 8.3(i)). When
the main function completes, it returns value None associated with it (Fig.
8.3(j)), and the control is returned to the global frame from the frame main
function (Fig. 8.3(k)).

Note that the stack is growing in the downward direction. The value of
any variable can be found in the current state of the program by looking at
the most recent stack frame (highlighted frame in the visualizer).
Fig. 8.3 Recursive calls to function factorial

Next, we rewrite the function factorial with a slight change:

def factorial(n):


Objective: To compute factorial of a positive number

Input Parameter: n – numeric value

Return Value: factorial of n - numeric value


assert n >= 0

if n == 0 or n == 1:

return 1

return n * factorial(n-1)

alternative definition for function factorial

If the base condition (n == 0 or n == 1) evaluates to True, control is

automatically returned from the function with value 1. However, failure of
the base condition leads to the execution of the line return n *
factorial(n-1). Note that in case n has value 0 or 1, this statement will not
be executed as the control would have already returned to the caller function
i.e. main(), in this example.

8.1.2 Fibonacci Sequence

Fibonacci sequence is a sequence of integers. The first and the second
numbers in the sequence are 0 and 1. A subsequent term in the sequence is
computed as the sum of immediately preceding two terms. Thus, we get the
Fibonacci sequence as follows:

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, …

Suppose, we want to find out the nth term in the Fibonacci sequence. It may
be computed as follows:
Iterative Approach
In this section, we develop a function to compute the nth term of the
Fibonacci sequence. If the value of n is 1 or 2, the function just needs to
return 0 or 1, respectively. However, if n>2, the nth term is computed using a
loop with iterator i that iterates over elements in the range (3, n+1), and
for each element in the range(3,n+1), the new value is computed by taking
the sum of the previous two terms that we call secondLast and last.
Iterative function for finding the nth term of the Fibonacci sequence is given
in Fig. 8.4.
Fig. 8.4 Program to determine nth Fibonacci term (fibo1.py)

Recursive Approach
In this section, we compute nth Fibonacci term using recursive approach. As
mentioned earlier, nth term in the Fibonacci sequence may be computed as

recursive definition of nth fibonacci term

where fibo(n) denotes nth term of Fibonacci series.

We call the problem of computing fibo(n), a problem of size n. In the

above formulation, we have expressed the problem of computing fibo(n) –
a problem of size n, in terms of two problems:

a problem of computing fibo(n-1) – problem of size n –1 and

a problem of computing fibo(n-2) – problem of size n – 2

These problems of sizes smaller than that of the original problem can be
further expressed in terms of problems of even smaller sizes, and so on until
we reach a problem of size 1 or 2 – a trivial problem to solve. For example,
4th term of Fibonacci sequence may be computed as follows:
fibo(4) = fibo(3) + fibo(2)

= (fibo(2) + fibo(1)) + fibo(2)

= (1 + fibo(1)) + fibo(2)

= (1 + 0) + fibo(2)

= 1 + fibo(2)

= 1 + 1

= 2
In light of the above discussion, we present a recursive function to compute
nth term in the Fibonacci sequence (Fig. 8.5).

Note that during each call to function Fibonacci, a new stack frame will
be allocated, and variable bindings will be created, allocating storage space
for new values. Also, the program remembers the point of call to the
function, so as to return control back to the point of call when the function
completes. Suppose we wish to determine 4th Fibonacci term. Determining
4th Fibonacci number involves computing 3rd and 2nd Fibonacci terms.
Figures 8.6(a) and (b) show the contents of the run-time stack as visualized
in Python Tutor for computation of the 3rd and 2nd Fibonacci terms.
Subsequently, 4th term is computed using these two values as shown in Fig.
Fig. 8.5 Program to determine nth term in the Fibonacci sequence (fiboRecur.py)

Note that computation of 4th term in the Fibonacci sequence involves

repetitive computations of second Fibonacci term. In general, computing nth
term in the Fibonacci sequence in a recursive manner involves repetitive
computations that add to space and time requirements of the problem. Thus,
use of recursion should be best avoided whenever we can conceive of a
simple iterative alternative solution. However, to learn recursion as a
programming technique, we will begin with recursive solutions to the simple
problems for which iterative solutions may be more efficient. Subsequently,
we will give several examples of problems for which it is extremely hard, if
not impossible, to conceive iterative solutions. The problems like tower of
Hanoi, permutation generation, 8-queen's problem, Knight's tour problem,
and the problem of creating patterns within pattern using fractals fall under
this category.

a recursive solution may add to space and time requirements

prefer iterative solution over recursive if iterative solution is simpler to conceive


In this section, we will solve some problems related to strings using


8.2.1 Length of a String

Let us begin with the problem of computing length of a string. Although
Python provides a function len for computing the length of a string, we will
develop our function length for this purpose using the concept of slicing.
Let us first examine the base case when the string is an empty string. In this
case, the length of the string is 0. However, if the string is non-empty, its
length may be computed as 1 plus the length of the string excluding the first
character. Thus, the length of the string can be expressed using recursion as

recursive definition for length of a string

Fig. 8.6 Recursive calls to function fibo

Thus, a problem of size n (n > 0) has been expressed in terms of a problem

of size (n – 1). A recursive function to do this is given in Fig. 8.7. Suppose
we need to compute the length of the string 'Zero'. We may do so using the
function length as follows:
length('Zero') = 1 + length('ero')

= 1 + (1 + length('ro'))

= 1 + (1 + (1 + length('o')))

= 1 + (1 + (1 + (1 + length(''))))

= 1 + (1 + (1 + (1 + 0)))

= 1 + (1 + (1 + 1))

= 1 + (1 + 2)

= 1 + 3

= 4
Fig. 8.7 Program to determine length of the string (lenStr.py)

Figure 8.8 gives stack frames created and exited on the execution of the
script lenStr with 'Zero' as an input value for str1, as visualized in Python
8.2.2 Reversing a String
A string is said to be a reversed string of another string if the first character
in the reversed string is the last character of the given string, the second
character in the reversed string is the second last character of the given
string, and so on. To reverse a given string, the trivial base case is the case
when the string is an empty string, in which case, the reverse of the given
string is the empty string itself. However, if the string is non-empty, reversed
string can be obtained as the last character of the string concatenated with
the reverse of string obtained from the original string by dropping the last

recursive definition for reverse of a string

Thus, a problem of size n has been expressed as the problem of size (n –

1). A recursive function to compute reverse string of a given string is given
in Fig. 8.9. Suppose we need to reverse the string 'Zero', it may be done as
reverse('Zero') = 'o' + reverse('Zer')

= 'o' + ('r' + reverse('Ze'))

= 'o' + ('r' + ('e' + reverse('Z')))

= 'o' + ('r' + ('e' + ('Z' + reverse(''))))

= 'o' + ('r' + ('e'+ ('Z'+ '')))

= 'o' + ('r' + ('e' + 'Z'))

= 'o' + ('r' + 'eZ')

= 'o' + 'reZ'

= 'oreZ'
Fig. 8.8 Recursive calls to function length
Fig. 8.9 Program to reverse the string (reverse.py)

In Fig. 8.10, we present stack frames created and exited on the execution
of script reverse in Python Tutor on the input string 'Zero'.

8.2.3 Palindrome
A string is said to be a palindrome if the reverse of a string is equal to the
string itself. Next, we examine how to check whether a given string is a
palindrome. A string can be tested for being palindrome by comparing the
characters in the string from the two extreme ends. Thus, we compare the
character at index 0 with the character at index −1, the character at index 1
with the character at index −2, and so on, till we reach the middle of the
string. In case, a mismatch is found on the way, given string is not a
palindrome, and we return False; otherwise, it is a palindrome, and we
return True. This approach can be easily expressed using recursion. The
trivial base case is the case where the string is an empty string and as such a
palindrome. However, if the string is non-empty, a string can be declared as
palindrome if the following two conditions hold:

First and last characters of the given string match.

The remaining string, obtained by dropping the first and last characters of the original string is a
Fig. 8.10 Recursive calls to function reverse
Thus, the problem of checking whether a string is a palindrome can be
expressed using the recursion as follows:

is given string is a palindrome?

To begin with the base case, an empty string is trivially a palindrome.

However, if the given string is not an empty string, we can express the
problem of testing whether a string of size n is a palindrome in terms of a
problem of size (n – 2). Next, we apply the above method to test whether
the string 'noon' is a palindrome as follows:
isPalindrome('noon') = str1[0]==str1[-1] and isPalindrome('oo')

= True and isPalindrome('oo')

= True and (str1[0]==str1[-1] and isPalindrome(''))

= True and (True and isPalindrome(''))

= True and (True and (True))

= True and (True)

= True

In light of the above discussion, we present a recursive function to determine

whether a string is a palindrome (Fig. 8.11).
Fig. 8.11 Program to determine whether a string is a palindrome (palindrome.py)
In Fig. 8.12, we present stack frames created and exited on the execution
of script palindrome when 'noon' is entered as an input value for str1.

Fig. 8.12 Recursive calls to function isPalindrome


8.3.1 Flatten a List

Let us examine the problem of flattening the list. Given a list of lists, the
nesting of lists may occur up to any arbitrary level. By flattening a list, we
mean to create a list of all data values in the given list. The data values in the
flattened list appear in the left to right order of their appearance in the
original list, ignoring the nested structure of the list. Thus, the list
[1, [2,[3,4,[5, 6, [7, 8], [9, [10]], 11], 12], 13], 14,
[[15,16]], 17]

will be flattened to obtain the following list:

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17]

To create the flattened list, say lst2, for a given list lst1, we initialize list
lst2 as an empty list and append the data values in the list lst1 to the list
lst2, one by one. The overall approach to flatten a list can be summarized
as follows:
for every element i in list lst1

if i is not a list

append it to list lst2


flatten list i

A recursive function to flatten a list is given in Fig. 8.13.

Let us examine the recursive program to flatten the list [1, [2, 3]]. As
Python Tutor does not support the eval function, we will fix the value of the
variable lst1 in the program to be [1, [2, 3]]. This style of programming
where values of the variables or parameters cannot be changed without
modifying the program is called hard-coding and is strongly discouraged for
all practical purposes. Anyway, while executing the program in Fig. 8.13 in
the Python Tutor, we replace line 20 in Fig. 8.13 by the assignment
lst1 = [1, [2, 3]]

Python Tutor does not support eval function

hard-coding the values of variables

Fig. 8.13 Program to flatten a list (flatten.py)

As discussed before, during each call to function flatten, a new stack
frame will be allocated, and the variable bindings will be created allocating
storage space for new values. In Fig. 8.14, we show stack frames created and
exited during the execution of the script flatten. To begin with, when
Python encounters the definitions of flatten and main functions in the
program, an entry is created for flatten and main functions in the global
frame (Fig. 8.14 (a)). When the condition if __name__=='__main__'
evaluates to True, function main is invoked and a new frame is created. On
assigning [1, [2, 3]] as the value associated with list lst1, variable
binding for it is created as shown in Fig. 8.14(b). On execution of line 21 in
Fig. 8.14, the function flatten gets invoked, and a new frame is created
containing bindings for input parameters lst1 and lst2 (Fig. 8.14(c)). Now
lst1 refers to the list to be flattened and lst2 refers to the flattened list
being created (currently empty). Iterating over the list lst1, element is
initialized to lst1[0], i.e. 1 (Fig. 8.14(d)). Since the type of this value is not
a list, there is no need to flatten it further. Thus, line 9 is executed, and 1 is
appended to the list lst2 (Fig. 8.14(e)). In the next iteration, element takes
the value [2,3] (Fig. 8.14(f)). Since the value of the element is a list, it
needs to be flattened further. The execution of line 11 recursively invokes
function flatten with the list [2,3] as the first argument (the list to be
flattened) and the list lst2 as the second argument (flattened list being
produced). This leads to the creation of new stack frame with respective
input parameters, lst1 pointing to [2,3] and lst2 pointing to list [1] as
shown in Fig. 8.14(g). Iterating through this new list lst1 yields 2 and 3 as
values which need no flattening. Thus, resultant list lst2 will contain
[1,2,3] as shown in Fig. 8.14(k). Now the function returns [1,2,3] as the
list lst2 (Fig. 8.14(l)). As the current instance of function flatten has been
completely executed, the control returns to the previous frame (Fig. 8.14(m))
at the point of call (line 11). Since the list lst1 [1, [2,3]] is now
exhausted, the function returns the flattened list lst2 to the main function.
The flattened list is received in the main function in the variable result
(Fig. 8.14(n)). Thus, we see the new binding of the local variable result in
the main frame with the list [1,2,3] returned by the function flatten.
When the main function completes, it returns the value None associated with
it, as it does not return any value (Fig. 8.14(n)), and the control is returned to
the global frame from the frame main function (Fig. 8.14(o)).
Fig. 8.14 Recursive calls to function flatten

8.3.2 Copy
In this section, we develop a function for creating a copy of a list. As
mentioned earlier, simply assigning a list object to another name does not
create a copy of the list; instead, both the names refer to the same list object.
So, to create a copy of a source list, say lst1, we begin with an empty
destination list, say lst2, and append every element of list lst1 to list lst2
recursively. The trivial base case is the case when the list lst1 is an empty
list, implying that the destination list lst2 will also be empty. However, if
the list lst1 is non-empty, a copy of a list can be created by appending the
first element of list lst1 to list lst2, and invoking the copy function for the
remaining list lst1 (i.e., excluding the first element). This way of copying a
sequence is also known as shallow copy. Thus, a problem of size n has been
expressed in terms of a problem of size (n – 1). Based on this discussion,
we present the complete program that accepts a list from the user, creates a
copy of the list and prints it (Fig. 8.15).

copying a list
Fig. 8.15 Program to create copy of a list (copy.py)
Let us examine the recursive function to create a copy of the list [1, [2,
3]]. As discussed before, a new stack frame will be allocated, and the
variable bindings will be created, allocating storage space for new values.
Also, the program remembers the point of call of the function, so as to return
control back to the point of call when the function completes. Figure 8.16
shows the stack frames created and exited on execution of the script as
visualized in Python Tutor with [1, [2, 3]] being the value of the list

8.3.3 Deep Copy

As mentioned earlier, in a shallow copy operation the embedded objects
such as nested list are not copied, instead they are shared between the two
lists. If we wish to copy the entire list, including embedded objects, such a
copy is called deep copy.

deep copy: copying the entire list including embedded objects

Fig. 8.16 Recursive calls to function copy

A deep copy of a list can be created in a manner similar to creating a

shallow copy of the list. However, an element of list lst1 is appended to list
lst2 only if it is not a list. In case the element itself is a list object, the
deepCopy function is invoked for that element. The trivial base case is the
case when the list lst1 is an empty list, in which case the resulting list lst2
is also an empty list. However, if the list lst1 is non-empty, a deep copy of
the list is created. Based on this discussion, we present the complete
program that accepts a list from the user, creates a deep copy of the list and
prints it (Fig. 8.17). Figure 8.18 shows stack frames created and exited on
execution of script in Fig. 8.17 as visualized in Python Tutor with [1,
[2,3]] as the value of the list lst1.

8.3.4 Permutation
An arrangement of the elements of a list is called a permutation. For
example, the list [1, 2, 3] will have the following six permutations:
[1, 2, 3], [1, 3, 2], [2, 1, 3], [2, 3, 1], [3, 1, 2], [3, 2, 1]
Fig. 8.17 Program to create deep copy of a list (deepCopy.py)
In this section, we will develop a function to generate all permutations of a
list. In general, a list with n elements will have n! permutations.

To understand the mechanism for generating the permutations, suppose

we already have a permutation perm of two numbers: [1, 2]. To generate a
permutation of three numbers {1, 2, 3} from this list, we apply the following
for each position pos in the list perm:

insert 3 at pos

print perm

remove 3 from perm at pos (To get back the original permutation

generating permutations of [1, 2, 3] from [1, 2] by inserting element 3 at different positions

Thus, on inserting 3 at position 0, 1, and 2, we get the permutations [3, 1,

2], [1, 3, 2], and [1, 2, 3], respectively.
Fig. 8.18 Recursive calls to function deepCopy
A recursive function to generate permutations of a list is given in Fig.
8.19. The function is based on the assumption that the elements at index 0
through k-1 of list lst1 are already in the permutation list lst2. Thus, the
problem at hand is to insert the element lst1[k] in the current permutation
list, i.e. lst2, at every possible position one by one. On inserting lst1[k], if
the length of the permutation lst2 becomes equal to len(lst1), we print
the permutation. Otherwise, we build up the permutation further by invoking
the function permute once again, with the objective of inserting lst1[k+1]
in the list lst2. Note that the element lst1[k] that was inserted at position
pos in the permutation list lst2 (line 10) is removed from there (line 19), so
as to generate other possible permutations (line 23). Initially, the function
permute is invoked with the list lst1 as an argument. The other parameters
are set to default values.
Fig. 8.19 Program to create copy of a list (permute.py)
We have executed the script permute (Fig. 8.19) to generate permutations
of the list [1, 2, 3]. In Fig. 8.20, we show the contents of the run-time
stack as visualized in Python Tutor, for first three calls to the function


In this section, we will discuss how to use recursion to solve the problem of
Tower of Hanoi. First, let us describe the problem. There are three poles
numbered 1, 2, and 3. In the first pole, n disks have been inserted. These
disks are placed one above the other in a decreasing order of the diameter.
The problem is to transfer all the disks from pole 1 to pole 3 using pole 2 as
a spare pole, moving one disk at a time, and always keeping in mind that a
disk with larger diameter is not to be placed over a disk with smaller
diameter. See Fig. 8.21 for the case n = 3.
Fig. 8.20 Generating the first permutation using function permute
Fig. 8.21 Tower of Hanoi for n = 3

Before solving the problem in general, let us consider some simple cases.

n = 1

The solution is trivial. Just move the disk from pole 1 to pole 3.

n = 2

Tower of Hanoi having one disk

Move the smaller disk at pole 1 to the spare pole 2. Now, the bigger disk at
pole 1 can be moved to pole 3. Finally, move the smaller disk from the spare
pole 2 to pole 3. This completes the task.
n = 3

Tower of Hanoi having two disks

When the largest disk is transferred to pole 3, it must be empty. Therefore,

the first task we have to do is to transfer two disks to pole 2 using pole 3 as a
spare pole. We have already seen above, how to transfer two disks from one
pole to another using a spare pole. The only difference being that in the
example above, pole 1, pole 2, and pole 3 were used as the source, spare,
and destination poles, respectively, and currently pole 1, pole 3, and pole 2
are to be used as source, spare, and destination poles, respectively. The
following steps will achieve this task:

Tower of Hanoi having three disks

Move a disk from pole 1 to pole 3

Move a disk from pole 1 to pole 2

Move a disk from pole 3 to pole 2

Now, the largest disk can be moved from pole 1 to pole 3.

Two disks in pole 2 are yet to be transferred to pole 3 using pole 1, which
is currently empty as the spare pole. Since each disk in pole 2 is of a smaller
diameter than the disk in pole 3, any of them can be shifted to pole 3. The
following steps will achieve the transfer of two disks from pole 2 to pole 3.
Move a disk from pole 2 to pole 1

Move a disk from pole 2 to pole 3

Move a disk from pole 1 to pole 3

The task is now complete for n = 3.

In general, if there are n disks to be transferred from pole 1 to pole 3,
using pole 2 as the spare pole, the task can be accomplished as follows:
Transfer (n – 1) disks from pole 1 to pole 2 using pole 3 as the
spare pole.

Transfer one disk from pole 1 to pole 3

Transfer (n -1) disks from pole 2 to pole 3 using pole 1 as the

spare pole.

pseudo-code for solving Tower of Hanoi problem

Thus, a problem of size n has been expressed in terms of two problems of

size (n – 1), each of which can be solved using the same technique, i.e., by
expressing each problem of size (n – 1) in terms of two problems of size
(n – 2), and so on until only one disk is to be transferred, which is a trivial
task. These ideas have been coded in the form of function hanoi (Fig. 8.22).
Fig. 8.22 Program to solve problem of Hanoi(hanoi.py)


1. Python allows a function to call itself, possibly with new parameter values. This technique is called
2. Recursion is a technique, which aims to solve a problem by providing a solution in terms of the
smaller version(s) of the same problem. A recursive function definition comprises two parts. The first
part is the base part which is the simplest version of the problem, often termed stopping or termination
criterion. The second part is the inductive part which is the recursive part of the problem that reduces
the complexity of the problem by defining a simpler version of the original problem itself.
3. Factorial of a number can be recursively expressed as follows:

4. nth term of the Fibonacci sequence can be recursively expressed as follows:

5. Length of a string can be recursively expressed as follows:

6. Reverse of a string can be recursively expressed as follows:

7. Checking whether a string is a palindrome can be recursively expressed as follows:

8. The approach to flatten a list recursively can be expressed as follows:

for every element i in list lst1
if i is not a list
append it to list lst2
flatten list i
9. In Tower of Hanoi problem, if there are n disks to be transferred from pole 1 to pole 3, using pole 2 as
the spare pole, the task can be accomplished as follows:
if n == 1
transfer one disk from pole 1 to pole 3.
transfer (n – 1) disks from pole 1 to pole 2 using pole 3 as the spare pole
transfer one disk from pole 1 to pole 3
transfer (n – 1) disks from pole 2 to pole 3 using pole 1 as the spare pole


1. Write a recursive function that multiplies two positive numbers a and b, and returns the result.
Multiplication is to be achieved as a + a + a (b times).
2. Write a recursive function that takes number n as an input parameter and prints n-digit strictly
increasing numbers.
3. Write a recursive function that generates all binary strings of n-bit length.
4. Write a recursive function that takes two strings as input parameters and prints all interleaving strings
of the given two strings preserving their order of occurrence. For example, interleaving of strings
‘AB’ and ‘CD’ will generate the strings: ‘ABCD’, ‘ACBD’, ‘ACDB’, ‘CDAB’, ‘CADB’ and
5. Write a recursive function that inserts the element x at every kth position in the given list, and returns
the modified list. For example, if we wish to insert element 50 at every 3rd position (counting 0, 1, 2,
3) in the list [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], the output list will be [1, 2, 3, 50, 4, 5, 6, 50, 7].
6. Write a recursive function that deletes every kth element, and returns the modified list. For example, if
we wish to delete every 3rd element from the list [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11], the output list will be
[1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11].
7. Write a recursive function that recursively removes adjacent duplicates from a given list, and returns
the modified list. For example, removing adjacent duplicates recursively from the list [1, 2, 4, 4, 5, 7,
7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 7] will yield list [1, 2, 5, 9, 7].
8. Write a recursive function that takes two numbers as input parameters and computes their greatest
common divisor.
9. In Fig. 8.17, after line 25, include the following statement, execute the code again and justify the
lst2 = deepCopy(lst1)

9.1 File Handling
9.2 Writing Structures to a File
9.3 Errors and Exceptions
9.4 Handling Exceptions using try…except
9.5 File Processing Example

Programs that we have developed so far take data from the user in an
interactive manner. Such data remain in memory only during the lifetime of
the program. Often we want to store data permanently, in the form of files
that usually reside on disks, so that it is available as and when required. For
example, for login application, we would like to validate the user name and
password entered by a user against the names and passwords of valid users
stored permanently in a file. By default, Python provides a standard input
file and a standard output file to deal with the transitory data. The standard
input file is read from the keyboard, and the standard output file is displayed
on the screen. Apart from these standard input/output files, we can also
create files on disks that store data permanently for subsequent use. In this
chapter, we will study file handling in detail. Moreover, programs
necessarily have to deal with exception situations like unavailability of a file
we want to read from or an error like division by zero. Therefore, in this
chapter, we will also discuss how to deal with such situations smoothly.

files provide a means to store data permanently


Files provide a means of communication between the program and the

outside world. A file is nothing but a stream of bytes, comprising data of
interest. Files can be used in any application where data is required to be
stored permanently. Before performing a read or write operation in a file, we
need to open the file. Built-in function open() is used for this purpose. This
function takes the name of the file as the first argument. The second
argument indicates the mode for accessing the file. A file may be opened in
any of the three modes: r (read), w (write), and a (append). Read mode is
used when an existing file is to be read. Write mode is used when a file is to
be accessed for writing data in it. While opening a file in the read mode, if
the specified file does not exist, it would lead to an error. As opposed to this,
while opening a file in write mode, if the specified file does not exist,
Python will create a new file. However, while opening a file in write mode,
if the specified file already exists, this file gets overwritten. As the name
suggests, append mode allows us to write into a file by appending contents
at the end of the specified file. However, if the specified file does not exist, a
new file is created. The absence of the second argument in the open function
sets it to default value 'r' (read mode). Successful execution of open
function returns a file object. Failure in opening the file results in error. A
file may be opened using the following syntax:

file is a stream of bytes

open(): to open a file

modes for opening a file:

read(r): to read the file
write(w): to write to the file
append(a): to write at the end of the file

opening a non-existent file in w or a mode creates a new file with the given name

f = open(file_name, access_mode)

by default, a file is opened in read mode

In the following statement, the file object returned by the function open has
been named f and we will be using this name for writing the contents into
the file:
>>> f = open('PYTHON','w')

By default, the system creates a file in the default working directory. Instead
of this relative path name, absolute (full) path name such as
F:\PythonCode\Ch09 could also be specified. The functions read and write
are used for reading from and writing into the file respectively. To use
read/write function, we use the following notation: name of the file object,
followed by the dot operator (.), followed by the name of the function. For
example, in the following statement, we use write() function to write some
text in the file PYTHON.

read(): to read a file

write(): to write into a file

>>> f.write('''Python:

Python is an interactive programming language.

Simple syntax of the language makes Python programs easy to read

and write.''')


Note that apart from writing the given data into a file, the function write
also returns the number of characters written into the file (130 in the above
example). Since the file is opened in write mode, Python disallows read
operation on it by flagging an error as shown below:

write function returns the number of characters written in the file

reading a file opened for writing yields an error

>>> f.read()

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module>


io.UnsupportedOperation: not readable

When a file is no longer required for reading or writing, it should be closed

by invoking the function close as shown below:

close(): saves and closes the opened file

>>> f.close()

The function close also saves a file, which was opened for writing. Once a
file is closed, it cannot be read or written any further unless it is opened
again and an attempt to access the file results in an I/O (input/output) error:

attempt to read/write a closed file results in an error

>>> f.write('Python was developed by Guido Van Rossum in 1991.')

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<pyshell#21>", line 1, in <module>

f.write('Python was developed by Guido Van Rossum in 1991.')

ValueError: I/O operation on closed file.

To read the contents of the file f, we open the file again, but this time in read
mode. Once the file has been opened in read mode, its contents can be read
using read function:
>>> f = open('PYTHON', 'r')

>>> f.read()

'Python:\nPython is an interactive programming language.\nSimple

syntax of the language makes Python programs easy to read and

>>> f.close()

While writing to the file, we entered a multiline string comprising three

lines. When the file is read, the newline character marks the end of each line.
Of course, we could have displayed the string using the print function as
shown below:
>>> f = open('PYTHON', 'r')

>>> print(f.read())


Python is an interactive programming language.

Simple syntax of the language makes Python programs easy to read

and write.

>>> f.close()

As seen above, the read() function retrieves the contents of the entire file.
More often, we need to read data in smaller chunks. As an alternative, we
can read a fixed number of bytes from the file by specifying the number of
bytes as the argument to read function. For example, reading only first 4
bytes will return Pyth as output.

function read retrieves the content of the entire file

reading fixed number of bytes

>>> f = open('PYTHON','r')

>>> f.tell()

>>> f.read(4)


>>> f.tell()

We have used the function tell to know the current position while reading
the file object f. Initially, the current position of file object f is set at 0, i.e.,
position of the first byte. A subsequent read operation will read the file f
from the current position of the file object.

tell(): to find current position of the file object

>>> f.read(4)


>>> f.tell()

Note that so far we have read only eight bytes from the input file. However,
the function f.tell() shows 9 as the current position in the file. This is
because the end of line character '\n' is stored by WINDOWS operating
system as a pair of characters, namely, carriage return character (CR) to
transfer control to beginning of line and line feed character (LF) to transfer
control to the next line. However, if we are using a linux/UNIX®1 based
systems, the function tell would return the position 8 as shown below:

readline(): to read one line at a time from the file

>>> f.tell()

>>> f.read(4)

>>> f.tell()

Another way of reading from a file is reading one line at a time, Python
function readline() is used for this purpose:
>>> f.readline()

'Python is an interactive programming language.\n'

Note that the readline function reads a stream of bytes beginning the
current position until a newline character is encountered. On reading a
sequence of four bytes from the file twice, the current file position was set at
the beginning of the second line. That is why, on invoking the function
readline, the system returns the second line of text. Once we are done with
reading this line, the next read operation will take place beginning the next
>>> f.readline()

'Simple syntax of the language makes Python programs easy to

read and write.'

>>> f.readline()


Note that, when all the contents of a file have been read, a further read
operation on it will return a null string. One way to read from a particular
position in a file is to use the function seek(). For example, for reading
from the beginning of the file, we may invoke the seek function with the
argument 0 as shown below:

reading the file that has been read entirely returns a null string

seek(): to reach desired position in a file

>>> f.seek(0)

The function seek returns the new absolute position. The function
readlines()returns all the remaining lines of the file in the form of a list:

readlines(): reads and returns a list of lines read from a file

>>> f.readlines()

['Python:\n', 'Python is an interactive programming

language.\n', 'Simple syntax of the language makes Python
programs easy to read and write.']

As each string in the list returned by the function readlines comprises one
line, it terminates with the newline character. Just like the readlines
function discussed above, the function writelines takes a list of lines to be
written in the file as an argument.

writelines(): writes a list of lines to a file

>>> f = open('PYTHON', 'w')

>>> description = ['Python:\n', 'Python is an interactive

programming language.\n']

>>> f.writelines(description)

>>> f.close()

>>> f = open('PYTHON', 'r')

>>> f.read()

'Python:\nPython is an interactive programming language.\n'

>>> f.close()

Suppose if we wish to copy the contents of a text file, say, PYTHON in another
file PythonCopy. For this purpose, we open the source file PYTHON in read
mode and the output file PythonCopy (yet to be created) in write mode, read
the data from the file PYTHON, and write it into the file PythonCopy as
>>> f1 = open('PYTHON', 'r')

>>> f2 = open('PythonCopy', 'w')

>>> data = f1.read()

>>> f2.write(data)


>>> f1.close()

>>> f2.close()

Note that if an application requires the file to be opened in both read and
write mode, 'r+' mode can be used while opening it. If we wish to put the
new content at the end of previously existing contents in a file, we need to
open the file in append ('a') mode as shown below:

use r+ mode for opening a file both for reading and writing

opening a file in write mode deletes its previously existing contents

>>> f = open('PYTHON', 'a')

>>> f.write('Simple syntax of the language ')


>>> f.write('makes Python programs easy to read and write')


>>> f.close()

>>> f = open('PYTHON', 'r')

>>> f.read()

'Python:\nPython is an interactive programming language.\nSimple

syntax of the language makes Python programs easy to read and
>>> f.close()

To ensure that the contents written to a file have been saved on the disk, it
must be closed. While we are still working on a file, its contents may be
saved anytime using the flush function.


If we wish to write a structure such as a list or a dictionary to a file and read

it subsequently, we may use the Python module pickle. Pickling refers to
the process of converting the structure to a byte stream before writing to the
file. While reading the contents of the file, a reverse process called
unpickling is used to convert the byte stream back to the original structure.
In the script fileStructure (Fig. 9.1), we will demonstrate how to write a
list and a dictionary to a file. To begin with, we import the module pickle.
In lines 9 and 10, we write a list and a dictionary respectively to file f, using
the function dump of the pickle module which performs pickling. This
function takes two arguments: the first argument is the structure to be
written to the file, and the second argument is a file object. In lines 14 and
15, we read a list and a dictionary from the file using the load function of
the pickle module that performs unpickling. This function takes file object as
an argument and returns an object such as a list or a dictionary. In Python 3.x
versions, binary mode is used for reading or writing pickled data. So, a file
that involves reading or writing pickled data should be opened in binary
mode by specifying b as the mode for opening it.
Fig. 9.1 Program to read and write a structure to the file (fileStructure.py)

dump(): to convert a structure to byte stream and write it to a file

load(): to read a byte stream from a file and convert it back to the original structure

On executing script in Fig. 9.1, Python responds with the following


['hello', 'world'] {1: 'one', 2: 'two'}


Errors occur when something goes wrong. We have encountered several

errors in our program such as index out of bound, division by zero, and
invalid cast operation. The errors in Python programming may be
categorized as syntax errors and exceptions. A syntax error occurs when a
rule of Python grammar is violated, for example, a syntax error occurs in the
following call to print function because of missing quote mark at the end of
the string. Similarly, missing colon in the for statement results in a syntax

syntax error: violation of Python grammar rule

>>> print('Hello)

SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal

>>> for i in range(0, 10)

SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Another common error in Python programming is caused by incorrect

indentation. Often it leads to a syntax error, but incorrect indentation may
sometimes lead to a logical error that alters the intended meaning of the
program that is difficult to locate.

Indentation error
In contrast to a syntax error, an exception occurs because of some mistake
in the program that the system cannot detect before executing the code as
there is nothing wrong in terms of the syntax, but leads to a situation during
the program execution that the system cannot handle. For example, opening
a non-existent file for reading, attempting to access value of a variable
without assigning a value to it, and dividing a number by zero. These errors
disrupt the flow of the program at a run-time by terminating the execution at
the point of occurrence of the error. We have noticed that whenever an
exception occurs, a Traceback object is displayed which includes error
name, its description, and the point of occurrence of the error such as line
number. Now we describe some commonly encountered exceptions:

exceptions: errors that occur at execution time

1. NameError
This exception occurs whenever a name that appears in a statement is not
found globally. For example, in the following statement, we intend to take
marks as an input from the user. For doing so, we intended to use function
input but instead typed Input. Python being case-sensitive fails to
recognize the function input and the system responds with the error
message NameError: name 'Input' is not defined. This message
begins with the name of the exception. Note that the following Traceback
object describes that error occurred in line 1 in Python shell, in the most
recent call:

name not found globally

>>> marks = Input('Enter your marks')

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module>
marks = Input('Enter your marks')
NameError: name 'Input' is not defined

Note that the above error could not have been detected as a syntax error as
it is perfectly fine to define a function Input as shown below:
>>> def Input():
return input('Enter your marks: ')
>>> marks = Input()
Enter your marks: 78
>>> marks

Similarly, accessing the value of a variable before defining it raises an

>>> print(price)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#1>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'price' is not defined

2. TypeError
This exception occurs when an operation or function is applied to an object
of inappropriate type. For example, the expression 'sum of 2 and 3 is '
+ 5 involves adding a number to a string which is not a valid operation
resulting in an exception.

Invalid type of operands for the operation

>>> 'sum of 2 and 3 is ' + 5

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#12>", line 1, in <module>
'sum of 2 and 3 is ' + 5
TypeError: must be str, not int

3. ValueError
This exception occurs whenever an inappropriate argument value, even
though of correct type, is used in a function call, for example:

Invalid argument value

>>> int('Hello')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#5>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'Hello'

Note that in the above example, the function int has been invoked with a
valid type of argument, i.e. str, but its value, i.e., 'Hello', cannot be
converted to an integer. Hence the ValueError.
4. ZeroDivisionError
This exception occurs when we try to perform numeric division in which
the denominator happens to be zero, for example:

attempt to divide by zero

>>> 78/(2+3-5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#13>", line 1, in <module>
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero

5. OSError
This exception occurs whenever there is a system related error such as disk
full or an error related to input/output, for example, opening a non-existent
file for reading or reading a file opened in write mode:

system related error

>>> f = open('passwordFile.txt')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#9>", line 1, in <module>
f = open('passwordFile.txt')
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:

6. IndexError
This exception occurs whenever we try to access an index that is out of a
valid range. For example, let us name the list of colors ['red', 'green',
'blue'], as colors. Now the valid range of indexes for colors is [-3,
-2, -1, 0, 1, 2] and the valid index range of indexes for the string
colors[2] is [-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3]. Accessing an index outside
a valid range will cause IndexError exception to occur:

accessing an invalid index

>>> colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue']

>>> colors[4]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#10>", line 1, in <module>
IndexError: list index out of range
>>> colors[2][4]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#11>", line 1, in <module>
IndexError: string index out of range


We have seen several examples of exceptions that would result in abrupt

termination of program execution. Such exceptions are known as unhandled
exceptions. To prevent a program from terminating abruptly when an
exception is raised, we need to handle it by catching it and taking
appropriate action using the try…except clause.

Whereas a try block comprises statements that have the potential to raise
an exception, except block describes the action to be taken when an
exception is raised. In the except clause, we may specify a list of exceptions
and the common action to be taken on occurrence of any of these exceptions.
Alternatively, a specific action may be provided for each of the exceptions
separately. We can also specify a finally block in the try…except clause,
which is executed irrespective of whether an exception is raised.

try block: statements having potential to raise an exception

except block: action to be performed when exception is raised

In the script try_except1 (Fig. 9.2), line 10 (within except block) will be
executed only when any input–output related error is raised in line 8 that lies
within the try block. While executing this script, an attempt to open a non-
existent file will cause the IOError exception and will yield the following

finally block: executed irrespective of whether an exception is raised

Fig. 9.2 Program to open non-existent file (try_except1.py)

Problem with Input Output...

Program continues smoothly beyond try...except block

Note that as IOError exception raised in line 8 had been handled (lines 9–
10), the program did not terminate abruptly and continued smoothly to
execute line 11 after the exception was handled.
We can access the description of the Traceback notice directly. For this
purpose, the name of the exception such as IOError is followed by the
keyword as, which is followed by a user-defined name such as err in the
except clause (Fig. 9.3). So, when IOError exception is raised during
execution of the open function (line 9), the exception information is assigned
to the variable err and the message [Errno 2] No such file or
directory: 'Temporary_File' is displayed (line 11). It is also possible to
track the exception raised by Python using the expression sys.exc_info(),
which yield the details of the exception as a tuple comprising the type of
exception, and description of the exception, a reference to the exception
object, for example, on executing the script try_except2 (Fig. 9.3), the
system responds as follows:

tracking raised exception

Fig. 9.3 Program to open non-existent file (try_except2.py)

Problem with Input Output...

[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'Temporary_File'

(<class 'FileNotFoundError'>, FileNotFoundError(2, 'No such file

or directory'), <traceback object at 0x02EB2530>)

Program continues smoothly beyond try...except block

There may be situations when a sequence of statements that appear in a try

block can potentially throw more than one exceptions. We can deal with
such situations in different ways: the first option is to enumerate all possible
exceptions in the except clause in the form of a list, the second option is to
define an except clause for handling each exception separately, and yet
another option is to go for a defensive approach by placing the targeted
group of statements in try block and specify an empty except clause. Such
an except clause is capable of catching all possible errors.

an empty except clause catches all possible exceptions

In the script pricePerUnit1 (Fig. 9.4), we wish to compute the price per
unit weight of an item. For this purpose, we define a function main that takes
price and weight as inputs and computes the price per unit. Note that
ValueError and TypeError exceptions may be raised while converting an
argument to a float value (lines 12 and 14) and ZeroDivisionError
exception may be raised while dividing price by weight (line 16). For
handling these exceptions, we include all of them in the except clause (line
17). An optional else clause (line 20) may also be specified in the try…
except clause, which will be executed only if no exception is raised.
Fig. 9.4 Program to compute price per unit weight of an item (pricePerUnit1.py)

On executing the script pricePerUnit1 (Fig. 9.4), the system prompts the
user to enter values of price and weight:
> >>

Enter price of item purchased: 400

Enter weight of item purchased: 0

Invalid input provided by user

(<class 'ZeroDivisionError'>, ZeroDivisionError('float division

by zero',), <traceback object at 0x039BD2B0>)

As we have specified a common action to be taken on each of the exceptions

ValueError, TypeError, and ZeroDivisionError, we could have replaced
the except clause:

common actions for the exceptions

except (ValueError, TypeError, ZeroDivisionError):

by the empty except clause:


However, it is often preferable to handle different exceptions separately as

shown in the script pricePerUnit2 (Fig. 9.5). Also, we make use of the
assert statement in line 13 to ensure that price and weight are positive
values. An empty except clause is used (line 21) to catch all other
exceptions (for example, invalid range).

It is preferable to handle different exceptions separately

Fig. 9.5 Program to compute price per unit weight of an item (pricePerUnit2.py)
Next, we present the system response on execution of the script
pricePerUnit2.py on different inputs:

Enter price of item purchased: 20

Enter weight of item purchased: x

Invalid inputs: ValueError

Enter price of item purchased: -20

Enter weight of item purchased: 10

(<class 'AssertionError'>, AssertionError(), <traceback object

at 0x0356D328>)

Enter price of item purchased: 20

Enter weight of item purchased: 0

Invalid inputs: (ZeroDivisionError)

Enter price of item purchased: 20

Enter weight of item purchased:

Invalid inputs: TypeError

Enter price of item purchased: -20

Enter weight of item purchased: 0

(<class 'AssertionError'>, AssertionError(), <traceback object

at 0x03B42508>)

When we enter the inputs -20 and 0, each of the assert statement (line 15)
and division operation (line 16) can raise exceptions. However, as the
assert statement is encountered before the division operation, in the try…
except clause, AssertionError exception is raised. As none of the
exceptions specified in lines 17, 19, and 21 matches the AssertionError
exception, the empty except block (lines 23–24) got executed. Thus, line 16
got skipped.

A segment of the script that handles an exception is called a handler. In

the above script, the exceptions were raised and handled within a try…
except block. However, if an exception is raised in a try block, but the
script does not include the corresponding handler in that block, then search
for a handler is continued in the outer try…except block, and so on. We
illustrate this in the script pricePerUnit3 (Fig. 9.6) – a slightly modified
version of the script pricePerUnit2 (Fig. 9.5). In this version, each of the
lines 13 and 18 is placed under a separate try…except block, which catches
only ValueError exception. So, when TypeError is raised in line 13 or line
18, Python does not find any matching except clause in the inner try…
except block and the search for the corresponding handler continues in the
outer try…except block, where we find the required handler and the
function main prints the string Invalid inputs: TypeError'.

If there is no handler for the exception raised in try block, search for handler takes place in
outer try...except block
Fig. 9.6 Program to compute price per unit weight of an item (pricePerUnit3.py)

If we wish to execute some action(s) irrespective of whether an exception

is raised, such action(s) may be specified in the finally clause. Further, an
exception may be raised explicitly using the keyword raise, followed by the
name of the exception, followed by the string (enclosed in parentheses) to be
displayed when the exception is raised. For example, in the script
raiseFinally1 (Fig. 9.7, line10), if the value of the variable marks is out of
the valid range, i.e. marks < 0 or marks > 100, the exception
ValueError('Marks out of range') is thrown. As the exception is not
handled using an except clause, the program terminates by throwing the
unhandled exception on invoking the print function in the finally clause.

use raise keyword for explicitly raising an exception

an unhandled exception leads to program termination


Traceback (most recent call last):

File "F:/PythonCode/Ch09/except.py", line 16


File "F:/PythonCode/Ch09/except.py", line 10, in main

raise ValueError('Marks out of range')

ValueError: Marks out of range

Fig. 9.7 To illustrate the use of raise and finally clauses (raiseFinally1.py)

Next, we modify the script raiseFinally1 by including an except clause

(Fig. 9.8) so that the program continues smoothly after the exception is

> >>


Program continues after handling exception

Fig. 9.8 To illustrate the use of raise and finally clauses (raiseFinally2.py)


In this section, we will develop a program to moderate the results in an

examination. We are given a file named studentMarks. This file contains the
student data that includes roll number (rollNo), name (name), and marks
(marks) for each student. The data about each student is stored in a separate
line and the individual pieces of information rollNo, name, and marks are
separated by commas. Further, data about each student is stored in a separate
line. Sample data in the file is shown below:

sample data for file studentMarks

4001,Nitin Negi,75

4002,Kishalaya Sen,98

4003,Kunal Dua,80

4004,Prashant Sharma,60

4005,Saurav Sharma,88

We define addPerCent as the percentage of maxMarks that should be added

to the marks obtained to get the moderated marks, subject to the upper limit
of maxMarks. To carry out the moderation, we prompt the user to enter the
moderation percentage (addPerCent) and produce another file
moderatedMarks containing moderated marks of the students. Next, we
describe this task in the form of a pseudocode (Fig. 9.9).

Fig. 9.9 Pseudocode for producing file moderatedMarks

As we need to ensure throughout the program that the file operations are
being performed smoothly without any errors, we must perform checks on
error conditions. The revised pseudocode is shown in Fig. 9.10.
check for possible exceptions

Fig. 9.10 Pseudocode for producing file moderatedMarks

The complete script is given in Fig. 9.11. When we execute the program in
Fig. 9.11 and enter 3 as value of addPercent, the system outputs the
contents of the file moderatedMarks as follows:

content of file moderatedMarks

4001,Nitin Negi,78.0

4002,Kishalaya Sen,100

4003,Kunal Dua,83.0

4004,Prashant Sharma,63.0

4005,Saurav Sharma,91.0
Fig. 9.11 Program to compute moderated marks (moderatedMarks.py)

In our next program, we wish to compute monthly wages to be paid to

employees in an organization. The input data has been provided to us in two
files named empMaster and empMonthly. The first file empMaster contains
permanent data about employees (also called master data) that include
employee id (empID), employee name (empName), and hourly wages
(hrlyWages). Individual elements of the data are separated by commas.
Further, the data about each employee is stored in a separate line. Sample
data in the file is shown below:

sample data for file empMaster

1001,Vinay Kumar,30
1002,Rohit Sen,35

1003,Vinita Sharma,28

1004,Bijoy Dutta,35

The second file empMonthly contains monthly information (often called

transaction data) about employees. It stores two pieces of information about
each employee, namely, employee id (tEmpID) and the number of hours
worked (hrsWorked). Data in this file is also comma separated. Data about
each employee is stored in a separate line. We assume that information about
the employees is stored in each file in the ascending order of employee id.
Further, we assume that the file empMonthly contains information about each
employee even if he/she worked for zero hours. Sample data in this file is
shown below:

sample data for file empMonthly





To compute the monthly wages of all employees, we need to read the files
employeeMaster and empMonthly and produce a third file monthlyWages
containing monthly wages of the employees. We describe this task in the
form of a pseudocode (Fig. 9.12).
Fig. 9.12 Pseudocode to compute contents for file monthlyWages

As we need to ensure throughout the program that file operations are

being performed smoothly without any errors, we must perform checks on
error conditions. The revised pseudocode is shown in Fig. 9.13.

check for possible exceptions

The complete script is given in Fig. 9.14. Instead of invoking the exit
function in line 13, we could have executed a return statement to return the
control to main function and ask the user to enter the name of the file again.
On the execution of the program in Fig. 9.14, the system creates an output
file monthlyWages with the following content:



Fig. 9.13 Pseudocode to compute contents for file monthlyWages
Fig. 9.14 Program to generate salary (salaryGen.py)

In the above program, we assume that the information about each employee
in empMaster is available in empMonthly. Suppose, the file empMonthly does
not contain an entry for employees for whom hrlyWorked is equal to 0.
Sample data in this file is shown below:


Next, we present a pseudocode for computing monthly wages of all

employees (Fig. 9.15).
Fig. 9.15 Pseudocode to compute contents for file monthlyWages

The complete script is given in Fig. 9.16. On the execution of the above
program, the system outputs the contents of the file monthlyWages as



Fig. 9.16 Program to generate salary (salaryGen.py)


1. A file is a stream of bytes, comprising data of interest.

2. Built-in function open() is used for opening a file. It returns a file object. This function takes the
name of the file as the first argument. The second argument indicates mode for accessing the file.
3. A file may be opened in any of three modes: r (read), w (write), and a (append). Read mode is used
when an existing file is to be read. Write mode is used when a file is to be accessed for writing data in
it. Append mode allows one to write into a file by appending contents at the end. If the specified file
does not exist, a file is created.
4. The absence of the second argument in open function sets it to default value 'r' (read mode).
5. When an existing file is opened in write mode, previous contents of the file get erased.
6. The functions read and write are used for reading from and writing into the file, respectively. To use
read/write function, we use the following notation: name of the file object, followed by the dot
operator (.), and followed by the name of the function.
7. Function close is used for closing the file. The function close also saves a file, which was opened for
writing. Once a file is closed, it cannot be read or written any further unless it is opened again and an
attempt to access the file results in an I/O (input/output) error.
8. Function tell yields current position in the file.
9. The readline function reads a stream of bytes beginning the current position until a newline character
is encountered.
10. Read operation on a file whose all the contents have been read will return a null string.
11. Function seek()is used for accessing the file from a particular position.
12. Function readlines() returns all the remaining lines of the file in the form of a list of strings. Each
string terminates with a newline character.
13. Function writelines takes a list of lines to be written to the file as an argument.
14. Pickling refers to the process of converting a structure to a byte stream before writing to the file. The
reverse process of converting a stream of bytes into a structure is known as unpickling.
15. Python module pickle is used for writing an object such as list or dictionary to a file and reading it
subsequently. Function dump of the pickle module performs pickling. Function load of the pickle
module performs unpickling.
16. A syntax error occurs when a rule of Python grammar is violated.
17. The exception occurs because of some mistake in the program that the system cannot detect before
executing the code as there is nothing wrong in terms of the syntax, but leads to a situation during the
program execution that the system cannot handle. These errors disrupt the flow of the program at a
run-time by terminating the execution at the point of occurrence of the error.
18. NameError exception occurs whenever a name specified in the statement is not found globally.
19. TypeError exception occurs when an operation in an expression is incompatible with the type of
20. ValueError exception occurs whenever an invalid argument is used in a function call.
21. ZeroDivisionError exception occurs when we try to perform numeric division in which denominator
happens to be zero.
22. IOError exception occurs whenever there is any error related to input or output.
23. IndexError exception occurs whenever we try to access an index out of the valid range.
24. try…except clause is used for handling the exception. Whereas a try block comprises statements,
which have the potential to raise an exception, except block describes the action to be taken when
exception is raised. In the except clause, we may specify a list of exceptions and the action to be
taken on occurrence of each exception.
25. finally block is associated with try…except clause and is executed irrespective of whether an
exception is raised.
26. Details of the exception raised by Python can be accessed from the object: sys.exc_info().


1. Write a function that takes two file names, file1 and file2 as input. The function should read the
contents of the file file1 line by line and should write them to another file file2 after adding a
newline at the end of each line.
2. Write a function that reads a file file1 and displays the number of words and the number of vowels in
the file.
3. Write a function that takes data to be stored in the file file1 as interactive input from the user until he
responds with nothing as input. Each line (or paragraph) taken as input from the user should be
capitalized, and stored in the file file1.
4. Write a function that reads the file file1 and copies only alternative lines to another file file2.
Alternative lines copied should be the odd numbered lines. Handle all exceptions that can be raised.
5. Write a function that takes two files of equal size as input from the user. The first file contains weights
of items and the second file contains corresponding prices. Create another file that should contain
price per unit weight for each item.
6. Write a function that reads the contents of the file Poem.txt and counts the number of alphabets, blank
spaces, lowercase letters and uppercase letters, the number of words starting with a vowel, and the
number of occurrences of word 'beautiful' in the file.
7. What will be the output produced on executing function inverse1 when the following input is entered
as the value of variable num:
(a)5 (b)0 (c)2.0 (d)x (e)None
def inverse1():
num = input('Enter the number: ')
num = float(num)
inverse = 1.0 / num
except ValueError:
except TypeError:
except ZeroDivisionError:
print('Any other Error')
print('Function inverse completed')
8. Examine the following function percentage:
def percentage(marks, total):
percent = (marks / total) * 100
except ValueError:
except TypeError:
except ZeroDivisionError:
print('Any other Error')
print('Function percentage completed')
Determine the output for the following function calls:
1. percentage(150.0, 200.0)
2. percentage(150.0, 0.0)
3. percentage('150.0', '200.0')
9. Identify two exceptions that may be raised while executing the following statement:
result = a + b
10. What will be the output for the following code snippets if the file being opened does not exist:
1. try:
f = open('file1.txt', 'r')
except IOError:
print('Problem with Input Output...\n')
print('No Problem with Input Output...\n')
2. try:
f = open('file1.txt', 'w')
except IOError:
print('Problem with Input Output...\n')
print('No Problem with Input Output...\n')
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10.1 Classes and Objects
10.2 Person: An Example of Class
10.3 Class as Abstract Data Type
10.4 Date Class

We have already studied basic building blocks of Python language such as

variables for naming the data objects, control structures for control flow, and
functions for providing a systematic way of problem solving by dividing the
given problem into several sub-problems. A program of moderate size
would comprise several groups of related information. Keeping track of
them in an ad-hoc manner would be a challenging task. Packaging together
related code and data in the form of classes would make our job easier. A
class is a template that provides a logical grouping of data and methods that
operate on them. Instances of a class are called objects.

class: logical grouping of related data and methods that operate on them

Variables used so far took values of types (also called classes) string
(str), integer (int), floating point (float), Boolean (bool), list, tuple, or
dictionary (dict). As these classes are already available in Python, they are
called built-in classes. Python also allows us to define new classes (i.e.,
types), called user-defined classes. Data and methods associated with a class
are collectively known as class attributes.
class attributes: data and methods associated with a class


We begin our study of classes with the built-in class str. The strings 'Raman',
'CBSE', and 'Jan 11 2014' are instances of class str. The following
assignment statement assigns the object 'Raman' of class str to the variable

the variable name refers to object of class str

functions of a class are known as methods

>>> name = 'Raman'

A class would usually have several functions (called methods in the context
of classes), which can act on objects of the class. We have already seen
several methods that can be applied to objects of the class str. For example,
the method lower returns an str object that has all uppercase letters in the
given string object replaced by lowercase letters:
>>> name.lower()


Here, the method lower defined in class str has been invoked for the object
name. To specify an attribute of a class (or class instance), we write the
name of the class (or class instance) followed by a dot, followed by the
name of that attribute. In the above example, name – an instance of class str
is followed by a dot (.), followed by lower() – the attribute of interest. The
method lower may also be invoked as follows:

specifying attribute of a class

>>> str.lower(name)

In this format, we specify the name of the class (str), followed by the dot
operator (.), followed by the name of the method (lower), followed by an
object (name). The object name being an argument is enclosed in


In this section, we shall discuss the concept of class with the help of an
example. To keep the matter simple, we shall describe a person using three
attributes, viz., name, DOB (date of birth), and address, each of which takes
values of type str. In Fig. 10.1, we define the class Person that describes a
person with the above-mentioned attributes name, DOB, and address.

data attributes of class Person: name, DOB, and address

Fig. 10.1 Class Person (person.py)
A class definition begins with the keyword class followed by the name of
the class, and a colon. By convention, the first letter of the class name is
capitalized. The syntax for class definition is as follows:

syntax for class definition

class ClassName:


In the docstring in line 2, we describe the purpose of the class. In line 3, we

introduce the class variable count and initialize it to 0. It is used to keep
count of the number of Person objects created. The class variables are also
called static variables. The__init__ method is used to initialize data for the
instance of the class being constructed and is called class initializer or class
constructor. However, for the sake of completeness, we would like to
mention that there may be a class not having any __init__ method. Such a
class would use the default constructor of Python. Names of the special
methods begin and end with a double underscore. The __init__ method is
called automatically when an object of the class is created, for example, the
following instruction creates an object named p1:

class variables are also called static variables

__init__(): to initialize data for an instance of the class

names of special methods begin and end with double underscore

creating an object of class Person

>>> p1 = Person('Amir','24-10-1990', '38/4, IIT Delhi 110016')

The execution of the above statement does three things:

1. Creates an instance of class Person
2. Initializes it by invoking the method __init__ defined in lines 4–17
3. Returns a reference to it, so the name p1 now refers to the instance of the class Person that has just
been created

Execution of statements in lines 14, 15, and 16 sets data members name,
DOB, and address of the object p1 equal to parameter values 'Amir', '24-
10-1990', and '38/4, IIT Delhi 110016' respectively with which the
method __init__ was invoked. Execution of the assignment statement in line
17 increments the class variable count, which now holds value 1. Note that
all instances of a class Person share this attributes. A reference to count may
be made using either the class name or a specific object of the class Person.

a class attribute is shared among all instances of the class

a class attribute can be referenced using the name of the class or an object of the class

Note that while creating an object (such as p1) of class Person, although
we mention only three arguments to be used by method __init__, in effect
four arguments are used for initializing an instance of Person. By default,
Python passes object itself (such as p1) as the first argument to the method
__init__. In the formal parameter list for the method __init__, it appears by
the name self. Although being a formal parameter, any other name (like
me) would do equally well, there is a strong convention to use self as the
first parameter. Indeed, when we execute the statement:

by default, the object itself is passed as the first parameter to the method __init__

p1 = Person('Amir','24-10-1990','38/4, IIT Delhi 110016')

Python invokes the method Person.__init__ with p1 (the object being

created) as the first parameter. Note that while the name, DOB, and address
mentioned in line 4 are formal parameters for the method __init__,
variables self.name, self.DOB, and self.address used in lines 14, 15, and
16 are associated with the specific instance, such as p1, of the object being
created. Next, we create another object of class Person:
>>> p2 = Person('Riya','11-10-1992','C-3,Vivek Vihar, Delhi-92')

Execution of the above statement creates an object named p2 of class Person

and initializes it by invoking the method __init__. Execution of statements
in lines 14, 15, and 16 sets data members name, DOB, and address of object
p2 equal to parameters 'Riya', '11-10-1992', and 'C-3, Vivek Vihar,
Delhi-92' respectively. Execution of the assignment statement in line 17
increments the class variable count, which now holds value 2.

Data members and methods associated with an instance of a class are

called attributes of the object. The set of attributes that are associated with
an object forms its namespace. Figure 10.2 shows Python tutor visualization
of objects p1 and p2 along with the class attributes. The data members of the
object p1 are referred to as p1.name, p1.DOB, p1.address, and the methods
of the object p1 are referred to as p1.getName, p1.getDOB, p1.getAddress,
p1.setName, p1. setDOB, p1.setAddress, p1.getCount, and p1.__str__.
We refer to the attributes of the object p2 in a similar manner.

object attributes: data members and methods associated with an instance of a class
Fig. 10.2 Python Tutor visualization of objects p1 and p2, and class attributes
To execute the script person and generate some objects, let us include the
following two statements in the script:
p1 = Person('Amir','24-10-1990','38/4, IIT Delhi 110016')

p2 = Person('Riya','11-10-1992','C-3,Vivek Vihar, Delhi-92')

Before we go ahead to execute the modified script person in Python Tutor, it

is important to know that currently, Python Tutor does not allow
modification of the value of a class variable. So, if we wish to execute the
modified script person in Python Tutor, we need to delete line 17 that
modifies the value of the class variable count. Indeed, Fig. 10.2 is a
manually edited version of the figure produced by the Python Tutor.

It is important to know that whereas each instance of a class has its copy
of data members, the class variables and methods are shared. In summary,
operations supported by classes may be categorized as follows:

1. Instantiation: It refers to the creation of an object, i.e. an instance of the class.

2. Attribute references: Methods and data members of an object of a class are accessed using the
notation: name of the object, followed by dot operator, followed by the member name.

operations supported by a class: instantiation and attribute references

For the system-defined classes like int, str, list, and tuple, Python
provides built-in method attribute __str__ that transforms internal
representation of the object to a printable string as illustrated below:

__str__(): to transform internal representation of the object to a printable string

>>> hasattr(7, '__str__')


>>> hasattr(int, '__str__')


>>> hasattr(list, '__str__')


>>> int.__str__(7)


>>> print(int.__str__(7))

The method hasattr(obj, attr ) returns True if instance obj contains the
attribute attr, and False otherwise. Note that the method __str__ when
applied to int object 7 indeed returns equivalent str value '7'. Thus, the

hasattr(): does an object possess the given attribute?


is effectively equivalent to each of the following statements:



When the print function is called to print an object, Python invokes

__str__ method of the corresponding class to obtain a string representation
of the object. So, to print the values of data attributes of an object of type
Person, we define the method __str__ (lines 79–86, Fig. 10.1) for this class.
This method takes an object of class Person as the parameter and returns a
string describing the data attributes: name, DOB, and address associated with
the object. Thus, execution of statement

__str__ method is automatically invoked when print function is invoked to print an object

would yield the string:

'Name:Amir\nDOB:24-10-1990\nAddress:38/4, IIT Delhi 110016'


would yield the output:



Address:38/4, IIT Delhi 110016

Execution of the following statement also yields the same output as shown
>>> print(p1)

In Fig. 10.1, we have defined methods getName, getDOB, and getAddress,

which are responsible for returning the name, DOB, and address associated
with an object. We have also defined methods setName, setDOB, and
setAddress for updating name, date of birth, and address, respectively. For
example, suppose, DOB for person p1, needs to be modified to '24-10-1991'.
To achieve this, we invoke the method setDOB associated with the object p1.

methods of the class Person

>>> p1.setDOB('24-10-1991')

>>> print(p1)



Address:38/4, IIT Delhi 110016

10.2.1 Destructor
When an object is no more required, we use the del statement. However, an
object may be referenced by multiple names. Execution of the del statement
reduces the reference count by one. When the reference count becomes zero,
the __del__ method is invoked. Next, we define the __del__ method for the
class Person. As the number of Person objects reduces by one on execution
of the destructor, we decrement Person.count by one (line 9, Fig. 10.3).

Fig. 10.3 Person class method __del__

The use of del statement is illustrated below:

>>> p1 = Person('Amir','24-10-1990','38/4, IIT Delhi 110016')

>>> p2 = Person('Riya','11-10-1992','C-3,Vivek Vihar, Delhi-92')

>>> p3 = p2

>>> print(Person.count)

>>> del p1

Deleted !!

>>> print(p1)

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<pyshell#23>", line 1, in <module>


NameError: name 'p1' is not defined

>>> print(Person.count)

>>> del p2

>>> print(Person.count)

>>> del p3

Deleted !!

>>> print(Person.count)

the method __del__ is invoked before destroying the instance object, when all the references to
the given instance have been removed

Note that we created two Person objects p1 and p2. Name p3 refers to the
same object as p2 and is just another reference for the object p2 created
earlier, and the reference count of the object p2 as well as that of p3 is 2.
Execution of the instruction del p1 invokes __del__ method defined in the
class Person, the object p1 gets deleted, Person.count gets decremented by
one, and the message 'Deleted !!' is printed. However, the instruction del
p2 does not delete the object p2 as the name p3 still refers to it. It only
dissociates the name p2 from the object.


Oxford dictionary describes abstract as follows:

existing in thought or idea but not having a physical or concrete existence,

the quality of dealing with ideas rather than events,
freedom from representational qualities,
the process of considering something independently of its associations or attributes.

abstract data type

Indeed, a class in Python introduces an abstract data type in the sense

mentioned above. A class definition provides a framework for creating
objects. Objects of a class can be created, modified, and destroyed in the

objects can be created, modified, and destroyed

Once a class is defined, it can be saved as an independent module that can

be imported for use in any module. For example, let us save the above class
definition in the file person.py in the directory F:\PythonCode\Ch10. We
illustrate the use of the class Person in another script, personEx (Fig. 10.4).
The first step is to include the appropriate directory (F:\PythonCode\Ch10)
in the path (lines 4–6). Next, in line 7, we import all attributes of class
Person from the module person.py, so that they become available in the
current module personEx.py.

The execution of the first statement in the main function (line 16) prints
the directory of class Person as shown in Fig. 10.5 (lines 1–8). Note that
directory contains the docstring __doc__, the class variable count, and the
list of methods of the class, but does not contain the data attributes of the
class as they belong to the class objects and not directly to the class. Also,
note that the directory includes some attributes that we have not discussed.
These are system defined attributes. Once you are of comfortable with the
basic concepts of classes, you can experiment with them. As expected, use
of print function in line 17 prints the docstring:

directory of a class
The class Person describes a person

associated with the class Person (lines 9–10, Fig. 10.5). In line 18 (Fig.
10.4), we print the name of the module that contains the class Person (lines
11–12, Fig. 10.5). In line 22 (Fig. 10.4), we create an object p1 of the class
Fig. 10.4 Using class Person (personEx.py)
Fig. 10.5 Output of the script personEx (Fig. 10.4)
In line 23 (Fig. 10.4), we print the value of class variable count (lines 13–
14, Fig. 10.5). Here, we would like to mention that to access data attributes
of a class directly outside of the class definition is in violation of the
abstraction principle and it is best avoided. In line 24 (Fig. 10.4), we invoke
the method getCount for the object p1 that fetches the class variable count
(lines 15–16, Fig. 10.5). This is consistent with the abstraction principle as
we are making use of the function getCount to retrieve the value of count.
In lines 25–26 (Fig. 10.4), we print the values of p1.__doc__ and
p1.__module__ (lines 17–20, Fig. 10.5). Note that p1.getCount(),
p1.__doc__, and p1.__module__ yield the same values as Person.count,
Person.__doc__, and Person.__module__, respectively, because p1 is an
object of class Person. In line 27 (Fig. 10.4), we print the object p1 (see Fig.
10.5, lines 21–24). The print function invokes the method
Person.__str__() for the object p1. More explicitly, we may invoke the
__str__ method defined in class Person as follows:

while Person.count can also be accessed using p1.count, but assigning a value to p1.count
would not change the value of corresponding class variable, instead it will create a new data
attribute for the object p1

>>> print(p1.__str__())



Address:38/4, IIT Delhi 110016

The above statement invokes the method __str__ of the object p1. Here, the
object p1 that corresponds to the formal parameter self is passed to the
method __str__ implicitly. In the following call to the print function, the
call to method __str__ of class Person is even more explicit and matches
the syntactic description of __str__(self). However, in practice, this form
is rarely used.

explicit call to method __str__

>>> print(Person.__str__(p1))


Address:38/4, IIT Delhi 110016

In line 28 (Fig. 10.4), we print the directory of the object p1 (lines 25–33,
Fig. 10.5). Note that in addition to attributes of the class Person that
automatically get associated with the object p1, the directory for object p1
also contains its data attributes: name, DOB, and address.

In lines 32–39 (Fig. 10.4), we create another object p2 and print

Person.count, p2.getCount(), p1.getCount(), p2.__doc__,
p2.__module__, p2, and dir(p2) (lines 34–57, Fig. 10.5). Note that each of
Person.count, p2.getCount(), and p1.getCount() yields value 2. You
must have noticed that p1.getCount() yields the value 2 because Python
maintains only one copy of a class variable that gets associated with all
instances of that class. For the same reason, p1.__doc__ and p2.__doc__
have identical values as each of them corresponds to the string
Person.__doc__ (Fig. 10.5, lines 9–10, 17–18, 41–42). Similarly,
p1.__module__ and p2.__module__ have identical values as each of them
corresponds to the string Person.__module__ (Fig. 10.5, lines 11–12, 19–20,
43–44). Indeed, dir(p1) and dir(p2) also have identical values (Fig. 10.5,
lines 25–33, 49–57) as p1 and p2 have the same set of attributes. Further, in
output lines 59–70 (Fig. 10.5) corresponding to lines 41–51 (Fig. 10.4) of
source code, we see that Person.__module__, p1.__module__, and
p2.__module__ have the same object ids. Similarly, Person.__doc__,
p1.__doc__, and p2.__doc__ have identical object ids.

Python maintains only one copy of class variable

In lines 55–57 (Fig. 10.4), we print Person.__dict__, p1.__dict__, and

p2.__dict__. The object Person.__dict__ is a dictionary comprising key-
value pairs (Fig. 10.5, lines 77–88). A key may either be a class data
member or a method, and the corresponding value would be the value of the
data member or the reference associated with the class method. Similarly,
each of the dictionaries p1.__dict__ and p2.__dict__ comprises mapping
between data members associated with it and their values (Fig. 10.5, lines
90–92, 94–96).

__dict__ attribute


We often need to deal with date and time in our programs. Although Python
provides a built-in class for this purpose, in this section, we shall discuss
how to develop our class to deal with dates. We know that the date
comprises the day, month, and year. In the script date (Fig. 10.6), we define
the class MyDate. In this example we have struggled to ensure that the class
MyDate creates an instance of a valid date only. However, you may skip the
details of validating the date on first reading.
Fig. 10.6 Definition and use of class MyDate(date.py)

The execution of line 77 (Fig. 10.6) creates an object named today and
initializes it to date 03-09-2014 by invoking the constructor of the class
MyDate as MyDate(3,9,2014). Execution of the lines 20, 25, and 30 in the
constructor achieves the desired initialization of the data members day,
month, and year of the object today of the class MyDate. Execution of the
statement in line 79 creates the object defaultDate. Since no arguments are
provided while creating the object defaultDate, the method __init__ uses
the default parameter values 01, 01, and 2000 for initializing the instance
variables day, month, and year, respectively. So, on executing line 80,
Python will print:

default date


Note that day, month, and year provided while invoking the constructor of
the class MyDate may be invalid. For example, the following statement
attempts to create an object of the class MyDate by initializing the instance
variables day, month, and year as 30, 02, and 2012, respectively:
>>> feb30 = MyDate(30, 2, 2012)

Invalid value for day

Therefore, when we create an object of class MyDate, we need to ensure that

the values of the day, month, and year passed as arguments to the
constructor __init__ constitute a valid date. Firstly, values of data attributes
day, month, and year should be a positive and non-zero integer. Also, the
value of month should not be more than 12, and the value of day should be
valid as per the month and the specified year. In line 30 (Fig. 10.6), we
invoke the method checkDay (lines 32–51). It first determines whether the
given year is a leap year (line 43) and then assigns the list of days in months
of that year to the variable currentYear. In line 47 of the method checkDay,
we determine whether the day specified by the user is within correct range:
less than or equal to the maximum number of days in the given month, and
greater than 0. If any of the attributes day, month, or year provided by the
user happens to be incorrect, the relevant message 'Invalid value for
day', 'Invalid value for month', or 'Invalid value for year. Year
should be greater than 1900.' is printed and the program terminates.

validating date

As mentioned earlier that the print function in line 78 invokes the

method __str__ that returns the string representation of this object in the
dd-mm-yyyy format to print the value of object today of the class MyDate as


1. A class is a template that provides a logical grouping of data and methods that operate on them.
Instances of a class are called objects.
2. Data members and methods associated with an instance of a class are called attributes of the object.
The set of attributes that are associated with an object forms its namespace. To use an attribute of a
class (or class instance), we specify the name of the class (or class instance) followed by a dot
operator, followed by the name of that attribute.
3. A class definition begins with the keyword class followed by the name of the class, and a colon. By
convention, the first letter of the class name is capitalized.
4. Functions defined in a class are called methods. By default, Python passes the object itself as the first
parameter to the method.
5. Special methods begin and end with a double underscore.
6. The __init__ method is used to initialize an instance of a class.
7. When we want to delete an object using del statement, Python special method __del__, if defined, is
invoked for the object.
8. Operations supported by classes may be categorized as follows:
Instantiation: It refers to the creation of an object, i.e. an instance of the class.
Attribute references: Methods and data members of an object of a class are accessed using the
notation: name of the object, followed by dot operator, followed by the member name.
9. Python provides a built-in method attribute __str__ for transforming the internal representation of the
object to a printable string. When the print function is executed to print an object, Python invokes the
method __str__ of the corresponding class to obtain a string representation of the object.
10. Python built-in data member __doc__ stores docstring of the class.
11. Python built-in data member __dict__ is a dictionary comprising key–value pairs. A key may either
be a data member or a method, and the corresponding value would be the value of the data members
or the reference associated with the class method.
12. Class attributes are shared among all instances of the class.


1. Define a class Rectangle. The class should contain sides: length and breadth of the rectangle as the
data members. It should support the following methods:
1. __init__ for initializing the data members: length and breadth.
2. setLength for updating the length of the rectangle.
3. setBreadth for updating breadth of the rectangle.
4. getLength for retrieving the length of the rectangle.
5. getBreadth for retrieving the breadth of the rectangle.
6. area to find the area of the rectangle.
7. perimeter for finding perimeter of the rectangle.
2. Define the following methods for MyDate class:
1. addDays – To add n days to the date.
2. addMonths – To add n months to date.
3. addYears – To add n years to date.
4. weekday – To return weekday of the date.
5. diffDates – To find difference between two dates in terms of the years, months, and days.
6. futureDate – To find a future date after a given number of days, months, and years.
7. pastDate – To find a date in the past before a given number of days, months, and years.
3. Define a class Student that keeps track of academic record of students in a school. The class should
contain the following data members:
rollNum – Roll number of student
name – Name of student
marksList – List of marks in five subjects
stream – A: Arts, C: Commerce, S: Science
percentage – Percentage computed using marks
grade – Grade in each subject computed using marks
division – Division computed on the basis of overall percentage
The class should support the following methods:
1. __init__ for initializing the data members.
2. setMarks to take marks for five subjects as an input from the user.
3. getStream for accessing the stream of the student.
4. percentage for computing the overall percentage for the student.
5. gradeGen that generates grades for each student in each course on the basis of the marks
obtained. Criteria for computing the grade is as follows:

Marks Grade
>= 90 A
<90 and >=80 B
<80 and >=65 C
<65 and >=40 D
<40 E

6. division for computing division on the basis of the following criteria based on overall percentage of marks scored:

Percentage Division
>= 60 I
<60 and >=50 II
<50 and >=35 III

7. __str__ that displays student information.

4. Define a class Bank that keeps track of bank customers. The class should contain the following data
name – Name of the customer
accountNum – Account Number
type – Account Type (Savings or Current)
amount – amount deposited in the bank account
interest – Interest earned by the customer
The class should support the following methods:
1. __init__ for initializing the data members.
2. deposit for depositing money in the account.
3. withdrawal for withdrawing money from the account.
4. findInterest that determines the interest on the basis of amount in the account:

Amount Interest per annum (%)

>= 5,00,000 8
>= 3,00,000 and < 5,00,000 7
>= 1,00,000 and < 3,00,000 5
< 1,00,000 3

5. __str__ that displays information about bank customer.

5. Define a class Item that keeps track of items available in the shop. The class should contain the
following data members:
name – Name of the item
price – Price of the item
quantity – Quantity of the
item available in the stock
The class should support the following methods:
1. __init__ for initializing the data members.
2. purchase for updating the quantity after a purchase made by the customer. The method should
take the number of items to be purchased as an input.
3. increaseStock for updating the quantity of an item for which new stock has arrived. The
method should take the number of items to be added as an input.
4. display that displays information about an item.
6. Fill in the details (Fig. 10.7) to define the method to compute the date on the following day of a given
date for the class MyDate:

Fig. 10.7 Program to method to compute the date on the following day of a given date

11.1 Polymorphism
11.2 Encapsulation, Data Hiding, and Data Abstraction
11.3 Modifier and Accessor Methods
11.4 Static Method
11.5 Adding Methods Dynamically
11.6 Composition
11.7 Inheritance
11.8 Built-in Functions for Classes

We have already studied user-defined data types in the form of classes. The
classes lie at the heart of a programming methodology called object-oriented
paradigm or Object-oriented Programming (OOP). It includes several
concepts like polymorphism, encapsulation, data hiding, data abstraction,
and inheritance. In this chapter, we shall study these concepts.

object-oriented programming


Object-oriented programming revolves around the notion of objects. A

method/operator may be applied to objects of different types (classes). This
feature of object-oriented programming is called polymorphism. We have
already seen that len function operates on various types of objects such as
str, list, and tuple. Based on the type of object whose length we want to
find out, Python invokes __len__ method of the appropriate class. As
another example, the print function may be used to print object of any type
whether user-defined or pre-defined. Based on the type (class) of the object
to be printed, Python would invoke __str__ method of the associated class
(pre-defined classes such as str, int, dict, tuple, or user-defined class
such as MyDate).

applying a method/ operator to objects of different types

11.1.1 Operator Overloading

When we add, subtract, multiply, or divide two int or float objects using
operators + - * /, the corresponding Python special method __add__,
__sub__, __mul__, or __div__ gets invoked for the class (type) of objects on
which the operator is to be applied. For example, in the expressions
3.5+4.5, 9.7-5.5, 6.5*2.1, and 11.5/5.5, the methods __add__, __sub__,
__mul__, and __div__ of float class gets invoked. In the same spirit, in the
expressions 3+4, [1,2]+[3,4], (1,2)+(3,4), and '12' + '34', the method
__add__ of the respective class int, list, tuple, and str gets invoked, as
illustrated in Fig. 11.1. Use of the same syntactic operator such as + in the
examples shown above for objects of different classes (types) is called
operator overloading.

overloading + operator
Fig. 11.1 Use of special methods

Next, we define a class Point (Fig. 11.2) for representing 2D points on

the plane. The class contains methods __init__ and __str__ for initializing
and displaying the string representation of Point object respectively.
Fig. 11.2 Class Point (point.py)

Suppose we wish to add two points to determine co-ordinates of the new

point. For this purpose, we may overload the special method __add__ by
defining an implementation of addition for objects of type Point. In Fig.
11.3, we modify the class Point by incorporating the method __add__ which
overloads the operator +.
overloading + operator for adding two points
Fig. 11.3 Class Point (point.py)
Next, we create the objects point1 and point2 of the class Point, and apply
the + operator on these objects as follows:
>>> point1 = Point(3,6)

>>> point2 = Point(2,1)

>>> print(point1 + point2)


Comparing Dates
In addition to the special methods discussed above, Python also provides
special methods such as __eq__, __lt__, __le__, __gt__, and __ge__ for
overloading comparison operators ==, <, <=, >, and >= respectively.
Suppose we wish to compare two dates. Let us define two objects of MyDate
class and compare them as follows:
>>> date1 = MyDate(31,12,2014)

>>> id(date1)


>>> date2 = MyDate(31,12,2014)

>>> id(date2)


>>> date1 == date2


Note that in spite of two dates being same, the comparison yields False as
the result. It is so because the default implementation of
__eq__ method compares ids of the two objects. So, we define our own
implementation of the equality operator == for the class MyDate (Fig. 11.4)
that would consider two dates to be equal if and only if they agree on each of
the day, month, and year components. In line 10 (Fig. 11.4) we invoke the
built-in function isinstance to check whether the second object received as
a parameter is an object of MyDate class. If the condition holds True, it
returns the result of the comparison. Otherwise, it displays the message
'Type Mismatch' and the program terminates. The method __ne__
corresponding to the operator != may be developed on similar lines. Next,
we illustrate the use of the method __eq__

default implementation of __eq__() compares ids of two objects

overloading operator == for comparing two dates

define method __ne__ for overloading operator !=

if __ne__() is not defined in a class, then usually, it returns not __eq__()

>>> date1 = MyDate(31,12,2014)

>>> date2 = MyDate(31,12,2014)

>>> date3 = MyDate(1,12,2014)

>>> date1 == date2


>>> date1 == date3

Fig. 11.4 Class methods __eq__

Next, we present the implementation of __lt__ method for the MyDate class
(see Fig. 11.5). This method may be used to sort a list of objects of type

overloading operator < for comparing date objects

>>> dates = [MyDate(31,12,2014), MyDate(31,10,2014),


>>> dates.sort()

>>> for date in dates:



Fig. 11.5 Date class methods __lt__

When we invoke the sort function with a list of objects of type Date, it
makes use of the method __lt__ defined for the Date class.

11.1.2 Function Overloading

Function overloading provides the ability of writing different functions
having the same name, but with a different number of parameters, possibly
of the various types. For example, we may like to define two functions by
the name area to compute the area of a circle or rectangle:

function overloading: different functions having the same name but different number and type
of parameters

def area(radius):
# Computes the area of circle

areaCirc = 3.14 * radius * radius

return areaCirc

def area(length, breadth):

# Computes the area of rectangle

areaRect = length * breadth

return areaRect

When we require a function to behave differently depending on the number

and/or type of parameters, we like to define separate functions that have the
same name, but can be differentiated by the number and type of parameters.
However, Python does not support function overloading. Indeed, Python
cannot distinguish between parameters based on their type as the type of a
parameter is inferred implicitly when a function is invoked with actual
arguments. Further, when we define a number of functions that have the
same name, Python retains only the most recent definition. Thus, whereas
invoking the function area with a single argument results in error, invoking
it with two arguments yields the expected output as illustrated below:

Python does not support function overloading

out of all the definitions in a scope having the same function name, Python retains the most
recent definition

>>> area(4)

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<pyshell#3>", line 1, in <module>


TypeError: area() missing 1 required positional argument:


>>> area(4, 5)

Method overloading may be implemented indirectly, via use of default

parameters. Let us assume that we wish the same function named area to
compute the area of each of the circle and rectangle depending upon the
number of arguments passed. We may define it as given below:

indirect implementation of method overloading

def area(a, b = None):


Objective: To compute area of a circle or rectangle depending on the number of



a: radius, in the case of a circle side1, in case of rectangle

b: None, in the case of a circle side2, in the case of rectangle

Output: area of circle or rectangle as applicable


if b == None:

# Computes the area of circle

areaCirc = 3.14 * a * a
return areaCirc

# Computes the area of rectangle

areaRect = a * b
return areaRect

Thus, when the function area is invoked with two arguments, it computes
the area of the rectangle, and when it is invoked with only one argument, it
computes the area of the circle.


Encapsulation enables us to group together related data and its associated
functions under one name. Classes provide an abstraction where essential
features of the real world are represented in the form of interfaces, hiding the
lower-level complexities of implementation details. Object-oriented
languages such as C++ restrict access to data attributes of an instance or a
class outside the class. However, Python permits us to do so freely, for

encapsulation: grouping together related data and its associated functions under one name

abstraction: representing essential features of the real world, hiding lower level details

today = MyDate(31,1,2014)

today.day = 15

Note that setting attribute day of the object today is a violation of the
principle of data abstraction, which states that the data attributes of the
instance variables should only be accessed by the methods of the class.
Python allows us to prevent accidental access to the data and method
attributes from outside the class via the notion of private members. We can
tell Python that an attribute is a private attribute by prefixing the attribute
name by at least two consecutive underscore characters. Further, the
attribute name should not have more than one underscore character at the
end. This technique of restricting access to private members from outside the
class is known as name mangling. For example, in the class MyDate, to
indicate that the attributes day, month, and year are private members of the
class, we would prefix each of these attribute names by two consecutive
underscore characters __, thus replacing the attribute names day, month, and
year by __day, __month, and __year, respectively. Now, these attributes are
not directly accessible from outside the class, and an attempt to access them
will result in error. For example, an attempt to access today.__day from
outside the scope of the class MyDate generates an error message indicating
that no attribute with name __day exists:
accessing data and method attributes outside the class is a violation of the principle of

name mangling: a technique for defining private attributes

>>> today = MyDate(3,9,2014)

>>> print(today.__day)

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<pyshell#1>", line 1, in <module>


AttributeError: 'MyDate' object has no attribute '__day'

However, access to this attribute within the class will continue to be allowed
using notation self.__day. The restriction on the use of private variables
from outside the scope of the class may be bypassed using the syntax:

syntax for accessing private members from outside of the class


Thus, the attribute __day of the object today may be accessed as

today._MyDate__day. However, in accordance with the principle of data
abstraction, we suggest that the data attributes of a class should be accessed
only through class methods by defining the operations on the data attributes
in the form of methods. Next, suppose we wish to add an attribute weekDay
to the namespace of the object today of the class MyDate. For doing so, we
may use the following statement:

adding an attribute to the namespace of an object

today.weekDay = 'Wednesday'

However, the inclusion of the attribute weekDay in the namespace of today

will not affect the namespaces of other objects of the class MyDate, which
might have been created already or may be created later. Since the class
MyDate does not have any interface to deal with the new attribute weekDay,
all modifications to this attribute must be applied by the programmer
explicitly. Again, one should normally define all the attributes in the class
definition only. The inclusion of an attribute such as weekDay for an instance
of the class should only be an exception.


The methods in the class definition that modify the value of one or more
arguments are known as modifiers. For example, the methods setAddress
and setName in the class Person are modifiers since they change the values
of the data attributes address and name respectively associated with
parameter self. However, methods such as getAddress and getName of the
class MyDate only access (do not modify) the data attributes address and
name of the object self. Such methods are known as accessors.

modifiers: methods that modify the arguments

accessors: only access (do not modify) the arguments


In the methods discussed so far, the object that invokes the method is passed
as the first implicit argument (self). These methods are called instance
methods. An instance method typically defines operations on the data
members of an instance of a class. However, there are situations when we
want to define a method for a class to modify the class data members. Such a
method does not require a class object to be passed as the first parameter and
is called a static method. A static method is invoked as an attribute of a
class. It is usually invoked as className.staticMethodName.

instance methods: invoked for the particular instance of the class,which is passed as the first
argument (corresponding to self)

static methods: used for modifying class data members and do not require passing object as the
first parameter

Let us examine the class Person once again. To maintain uniformity of

naming conventions used in this chapter, we shall rename the variable count
as personCount. Thus, in this class, we use the class variable personCount
in the method __init__ to keep track of the number of instances of Person.

The value of the variable personCount is incremented by one every time

an instance of Person is created. However, since the information
personCount is not associated with any specific instance of the class Person,
it should be accessed using a static method without reference to a specific
instance of the class Person. In the script person (Fig. 11.6), we define two
static methods, namely, incPersonCount and getPersonCount. The
incPersonCount method is invoked by __init__ and increments
personCount by one whenever an instance of the class is created. The
method getPersonCount (replacement for function getCount) may be used
to retrieve the value of data member personCount. To tell Python that a
method is a static method, the function decorator @staticmethod precedes
the method definition.

@staticmethod: decorator that precedes the definition of a static method

Fig. 11.6 Class Person (person.py)
The following instructions illustrate the use of static methods:
>>> p1 = Person('Smita', '20 May,1980', 'House-177 Block-10,
Shalimar Road, Delhi')

>>> p2 = Person('Aarushi', '20 April,1990', 'House-175 Block-10,

Shalimar Road, Delhi')

>>> Person.getPersonCount()


Once all the methods of the class have been defined, one may realize the
need to add another method to the class or a particular instance of the class.
Python allows us to add methods dynamically to a class using the syntax:

syntax for adding methods dynamically to a class

<className>.<newMethodName> = <existingFunctionName>

For the sake of an illustration, we define a class Student having only the
constructor method __init__ (Fig. 11.7). The script also includes the
methods percentage and result. However, these methods do not belong to
the class Student. The following instruction will add the method
percentage to the class.

>>> Student.percentage = percentage

Fig. 11.7 Class Student (student.py)

The method percentage can now be invoked like any other method of the
class Student as shown below:
>>> s1 = Student('Amey', 47, 450)

>>> print(s1.percentage())


Instead, if we were to associate a method with a particular instance of a

class, we need to import the function MethodType from the module types
(line 1, Fig. 11.7). Subsequently, we use the following syntax to add a
method to an instance of a class:

syntax for adding methods dynamically to an instance of a class


Now we are ready to add the method result to the instance s1 of the class

>>> s1.result = MethodType(result, s1)

>>> s1.result()


Invoking this method from a class instance to which we have not added the
result method will lead to an error:

>>> s2 = Student('Vihan', 23, 490)

>>> s2.percentage()


>>> s2.result()

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<pyshell#99>", line 1, in <module>


AttributeError: 'Student' object has no attribute 'result'


In this section, we will refine the class Person, introduced in the last chapter,
that comprised the instance attributes name, DOB, and address in addition to
the class attribute personCount. While creating objects of class Person, we
used string objects such as '24-10-1990' as values of the date of birth (DOB).
In the last chapter, we also defined MyDate class comprising three
components day, month, and year. To use this representation of the date in
the class Person, we only need to import the MyDate class in the script, and
there is no change in the description of class Person (Fig. 11.8).

Fig. 11.8 Class Person (person.py)

Now we illustrate the use of MyDate class to create instances of Person

>>> dob = MyDate(24,10,1990)

>>> p1 = Person('Rajat Mittal', dob, \ 'B-23,Malviya


>>> print(p1)

Name:Rajat Mittal


Address:B-23,Malviya Nagar,Delhi

Note that data attribute dob of object p1 is of type MyDate. Here, we have
used an object of another class MyDate as an attribute of the class Person.
The process of using objects of the other classes as attribute values is called
object composition. It is important to observe that we have already used this
concept subconsciously. While creating objects of class Person earlier, we
used objects of system-defined class str as values of attributes name, DOB,
and address. We could have, equally well, used the object
MyDate(24,10,1990)directly as an argument, while invoking the the
constructor, instead of first creating it as dob, as shown below:
using objects of other classes as attributes

>> p1 = Person('Rajat Mittal', MyDate(24,10,1990), 'B-23,Malviya



Inheritance is an important feature of object oriented programming that

imparts ability to a class to inherit properties and behavior of another class.
The class object includes a rich set of special Python functions as seen

inheriting properties and behavior of another class

>>> dir(object)

['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__',

'__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__',
'__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__',
'__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__',
'__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__']

It is interesting to note that various types such as int, list, tuple, and
dict have some common methods such as __eq__, __lt__, and __str__.
These types have derived these common methods (attributes) from the
object class. The object class serves as the base class of each of these

object class is the base class of all classes

Suppose we want to develop a program that deals with employees in an

organization. Data attributes of an employee may comprise his/her name,
address, date of birth, employee id, and salary. As a first reaction, one may
wish to create class Employee having these attributes and define all the
methods required for this class. However, notice that every employee is a
person, and we have already done much hard work to develop the Person
class. It makes sense to design the Employee class as an extension of the
Person class. In this way, all the data and method attributes of the Person
class would be available to Employee class. In the language of Object-
oriented Programming (OOP), we say that Employee class inherits or derives
the data and method attributes from the Person class. Here, Person class is
called base, super, or parent class, and Employee class is called derived, sub,
or child class. Thus, the notion of inheritance allows us to express the
parent–child relationship among the classes as shown in Fig. 11.9.

relationship between base class and derived class

"is a" relationship

Fig. 11.9 Parent and child class

11.7.1 Single Inheritance

When inheritance involves a derived class that derives its properties from a
single base class (see Fig. 11.9), it is called single inheritance. As another
example, think of a manager in a factory. The manager would have all the
attributes of an employee and may have some new attributes like managerial
pay. This relationship is expressed in Fig. 11.10.

Manager class derives properties from the base class Employee

Fig. 11.10 Employee and manager class

Details of the class Employee appear in Fig. 11.11. As the Employee class
is a derived class of the base class Person, we import the base class Person
from module person (stored as person.py in the current directory). Next,
we must tell Python that the class Employee is a derived class of base class
Person. We do this by enclosing the name of base class Person in
parenthesis following the name of derived class Employee (line 3, Fig.
11.11). Based on the assumption that the Employee ids begin with 1001, the
class attribute nextId is initialized as 1001 and is incremented by the
constructor method whenever an instance of class Employee is created.
Fig. 11.11 Class Employee (employee.py)
As the Employee class is a derived class of the base class Person, all the
data and method attributes defined in the Person class become available to
the Employee class. Recall that we had defined the methods __init__,
__str__, and __del__ in the class Person. However, we need to redefine
these methods in the derived class Employee. When an object of a derived
class makes a call to a method that is also defined in the base class, Python
invokes the method of derived class. Thus, the derived class methods
override the base class methods, and this process is known as method

method overriding: redefining a method in the derived class

The constructor for the Employee class, needs to initialize the variables of
the Person class as well as the new variables introduced in the Employee
class. Recall that we say that Employee is a Person. Therefore, to initialize
an object of class Employee, we invoke the constructor of class Person that
initializes the Person class variables for an object of the Employee class. For
this purpose, we pass self (self refers to an object of Employee class) as an
argument while invoking the Person class constructor. To be more specific,
invoking the constructor of the Person class in the Employee class
constructor does not create a new instance of the Person class, instead it
only initializes the variables of the Person class for the Employee class

Within the definition of the constructor for class Employee, if we attempt

to invoke __init__, it would lead to a recursive call to itself. So we qualify
__init__, by prefixing the name of the base class, as Person.__init__.
Similarly, in line 65, the method Person.__str__ of the base class is
invoked to return the string representation for the inherited variables. Note
that invoking the method Person.__init__ increments the class variable
personCount of the class Person.

invoking a base class method

In the destructor method __del__ of class Employee, the class variable
employeeCount would be decremented by 1. Recall that the variables of the
Person class for the Employee class object were also initialized while
creating the Employee class object, thus, when __del__ method of class
Employee is invoked, we invoke the destructor method Person.__del__ of
the base class Person (line 86). Consequently, the class variable
personCount of the base class Person would also get decremented by 1.
This is illustrated by the following example:
>>> person1 = Person('Shyam Kapoor', MyDate(24,10,1990), 'B-23,
Malviya Nagar, Delhi')

'B-23,Malviya Nagar,Delhi')

>>> print(Person.personCount)

>>> emp1 = Employee('Rehman', MyDate(5,6,1970),

'D-9, Vivek Vihar, Delhi', 50000, MyDate(2,8,2013))

>>> print(Employee.employeeCount)

>>> print(Person.personCount)

>>> del emp1


>>> print(Employee.employeeCount)

>>> print(Person.personCount)

In line 18 (Fig. 11.11), call to the method __init__ is made using a

superclass name and the object instance is explicitly passed as an argument
to the superclass method. Alternatively, we may use the super function to
access a method of the superclass. Thus, line 18 (Fig. 11.11) can be replaced
by the following statement:

using super function for accessing a method of a base class

super(Employee, self).__init__(name, DOB, address)


super().__init__(name, DOB, address)

Similarly, line 86 (Fig. 11.11) can be replaced by the following statement:

super(Employee, self).__del__()



Scope Rule
To access an instance attribute, Python will first look for it in the instance's
namespace, then in the class namespace, and then in the superclass
namespace recursively going up in the hierarchy. We illustrate this in Fig.

scope rule for accessing an instance attribute

Fig. 11.12 Scope of variables (scope.py)
In the script scope, we create the objects ob1 and ob2 of the classes A and
B, respectively (lines 46 and 47, Fig. 11.12). These objects are displayed
using print functions in lines 48 and 49. Next, we display the directories of
class A, object ob1, class B, and object ob2 (lines 50–53, Fig. 11.12).

w:100, x:2, y:10, z:30


w:100, x:6, y:10, z:30, v:50


['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__',

'__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__',
'__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__',
'__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__',
'__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__',
'__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', 'z']


['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__',

'__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__',
'__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__',
'__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__',
'__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__',
'__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', 'w', 'x', 'y',


['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__',

'__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__',
'__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__',
'__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__',
'__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__',
'__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', 'x', 'y', 'z']


['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__',

'__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__',
'__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__',
'__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__',
'__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__',
'__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', 'v', 'w', 'x',
'y', 'z']

The values of data attributes of the objects ob1 and ob2 can be read from the
namespaces of these objects (Fig. 11.13).
Fig. 11.13 Representation of class A, class B, object ob1, and object ob2
In the expression 'ob1:\n' + str(ob1), when the __str__ method is
invoked, it uses the values of data attributes x, y, and w directly from the
namespace of object ob1. The data attribute ob1.z is also accessible as it is
defined as a class variable of the class A of which ob1 is an object.
According to scope rule, an attribute is first searched in object's namespace.
Therefore, in the expression 'ob2:\n' + str(ob2), when the __str__
method is invoked, it uses the values of data members x and v directly from
the namespace of the object ob2 and the variables x and v are bound to
values 6 and 50, respectively. The attribute y is an instance attribute
inherited from the parent class A and is bound to value 10. Similarly, the
attribute w is an instance attribute inherited from the superclass A and is
bound to value 100. However, for accessing z, Python first searches in object
ob2's namespace, then in its class B's namespace, and finally in superclass A's
namespace, where it is found and gets bound to value 30.

We may obtain the name(s) of the class(es) from which a class inherits
properties as follows:

__bases__: used to find base class(es) of a class

>>> str.__bases__

(<class 'object'>,)

>>> B.__bases__

(<class '__main__.A'>,)

>>> B.__bases__[0]

<class '__main__.A'>

Note that class B inherits from only one class, i.e. A. Therefore, tuple
B.__bases__ contains only one class, i.e. <class '__main__.A'>. Given an
object, its class name may be obtained as shown below:

__name__: used to retrieve the name of a class

>>> 'Python'.__class__.__name__

Extending Scope of int Class Using a User Defined Class

Built-in methods such as __add__, __sub__, __mult__, and __div__ are
already defined for objects of class int. However, there is no
implementation of method len. We define the length of an integer x to be the
number of digits in abs(x). For this purpose, we define a class MyInt as a
derived class of Python class int (Fig. 11.14) and define a method len that
computes the length of an integer.

extending int class as MyInt and defining a method len for it

Fig. 11.14 MyInt class (myint.py)

Next, we illustrate the use of MyInt class to display the number of digits in
an integer:
>>> n1 = MyInt(3456)

>>> n2 = MyInt(-18)

>>> type(n1), type(n2)

(<class '__main__.MyInt'>, <class '__main__.MyInt'>)

>>> len(n1)

>>> len(n2)

>>> len(MyInt(0))

Note that the methods of the int class such as __add__, __sub__, __mult__,
and __div__ can still be applied to objects of type MyInt as it inherits all the
attributes of the int class. The following examples illustrate this:
>>> n1 + n2


>>> n1 - n2


11.7.2 Hierarchical Inheritance

In Section 11.7.1, we discussed the derived classes. Further, a derived class
is like any other class and may serve as base class for another class derived
from it and so on. Each derived class may define its new attributes. Thus,
inheritance allows us to create a class hierarchy, also called type hierarchy.
When inheritance involves more than one level of hierarchy such as A -> B
-> C, it is called multilevel inheritance, and inheritance involving multiple
classes deriving from single base class is known as hierarchical inheritance.
For example, examine the base class Vehicle, having attributes like
registration number, make, model, and color. From this class, we may derive
classes PassengerVehicle and CommercialVehicle. The class
PassengerVehicle may have additional attributes like maximum passenger
capacity. The class CommercialVehicle, may have other attributes like
maximum load capacity. From the PassengerVehicle class, we may derive
classes Car, Autorickshaw, and Bus. The Car and Bus may have attributes
like the number of doors, not shared by Autorickshaw. The Bus may have a
Boolean attribute doubleDecker not shared by Car and Autorickshaw. Note
that every car has all the attributes of a PassengerVehicle, and every
PassengerVehicle has all the attributes of a Vehicle. So we can say Car is
a PassengerVehicle and PassengerVehicle is a Vehicle. This relationship
between the derived class and the base class is called is an/is a relationship.
The relationships among Vehicle, PassengerVehicle, Car, Autorickshaw,
and Bus are shown in Fig. 11.15. The figure demonstrates that several
derived classes may inherit from the same base class, for example, the
classes PassengerVehicle and CommercialVehicle inherit from the same
base class Vehicle, and the classes Car, Autorickshaw, and Bus inherit from
the same base class PassengerVehicle.

multilevel inheritance

hierarchical inheritance

"is a" relationship

Fig. 11.15 Example of inheritance hierarchy

As another example of class inheritance, the two classes Clerk and Manager
may be derived from single base class Employee (Fig. 11.16). Whereas the
Clerk class has an additional class attribute clerkCount, the Manager class
has two additional attributes: a class attribute managerCount and an instance
attribute managerialPay. The complete definition of these classes is given in
Fig. 11.17. Note that class Manager defines method getSalary that overrides
the superclass method getSalary and computes the manager's salary by
adding managerialPay to an employee's Salary.

Fig. 11.16 Inheritance relationship between Employee, Clerk, and Manager

Next, let us study some examples:

>>> clerk1 = Clerk('Arun', MyDate(5,6,1930),

'D-9, Sarojni Nagar, Delhi', 20000, MyDate(5,6,1950))

>>> print(clerk1)



Address:D-9, Sarojni Nagar, Delhi



Date of Joining:05-06-1950
Fig. 11.17 Classes Clerk and Manager

Since there is no __str__ method in the class Clerk, to print the object
clerk1, __str__ method of the superclass Employee is invoked. Also,
because Arun is the first employee, Id 1001 is assigned to him. Next, we
create an object of class Manager:

invoking a method of a superclass

>>> manager1 = Manager('Rehman',

MyDate(5,6,1970), 'D-9, Vivek Vihar, Delhi',

50000, MyDate(5,6,1990), 2000)

>>> print(manager1)



Address:D-9, Vivek Vihar, Delhi



Date of Joining:05-06-1990


As the class Manager has its own __str__ method (lines 70–78), it will be
invoked to print manager1. As Manager is an employee, the method __str__
of Manager class concatenates
Employee.__str__(self) to return string representation of an object of the
class Manager. Next, let us print salary (basicSalary + managerialPay) of

>>> print(manager1.getSalary())


As a Manager is also an Employee, the Manager class method getSalary

invokes the method getSalary of the Employee class to compute the
basicSalary of the Manager and adds managerialPay to compute the salary
of the manager.

11.7.3 Multiple Inheritance

In the case of multiple inheritance, a subclass derives its attributes from two
or more classes. In this section, we make use of multiple inheritance to
schedule appointments by creating a class Appointment. Since an
appointment will comprise date and time, we may inherit the classes MyDate
and MyTime in the class Appointment (Fig. 11.18).

a subclass may derive its properties from two or more classes

the class Appointment derives properties from two classes: MyDate and MyTime

Fig. 11.18 Classes Clerk and Manager

We have already developed the class MyDate. In Fig. 11.19, we give

details of the class MyTime having data attributes hours, minutes, and
Fig. 11.19 Class MyTime (time1.py)

We may create an object of class MyTime as follows:

>>> currentTime = MyTime(23,50,30)

>>> print(currentTime)


Finally, we present the derived class Appointment (Fig. 11.20).

Fig. 11.20 Class Appointment (appointment.py)

Suppose we wish to create two appointments for the Principal of a

college. The first is a meeting with office staff regarding admissions
scheduled on 15 July 2014 at 10:00 and the second is a meeting with
teachers regarding timetable scheduled on 18 July 2014 at 13:30. For doing
so, we may create two objects as follows:
>>> meetStaff =Appointment(15, 7, 2014, 10,\

0, 0,' Meeting with staff regarding admissions')

>>> meetTeachers =Appointment(18, 7, 2014,\

13, 30, 0, ' Meeting with teachers regarding timetable')

Details of an appointment may be printed using the str representation of an

appointment, for example:
>>> print(meetStaff)

15-7-2014, 10:00:00

Meeting with staff regarding admissions

If required, hierarchical inheritance may be combined with multiple and

multilevel inheritance, to yield hybrid inheritance.

11.7.4 Abstract Methods

An abstract method in a base class identifies the functionality that should be
implemented by all its subclasses. However, since the implementation of an
abstract method would differ from one subclass to another, often the method
body comprises just a pass statement. Every subclass of the base class will
override this method with its implementation. A class containing abstract
methods is called abstract class. It is important to point out that although it is
not possible to instantiate an abstract class, a subclass of an abstract class
that defines the abstract methods may be instantiated as usual.

abstract methods and abstract classes identify functionality that should be implemented by all
the subclasses

abstract class: class containing abstract methods

To use Python Abstract Base Classes (ABCs), one needs to import

ABCMeta and abstractmethod from the abc module. For example, let us
examine the class Shape and its subclasses Rectangle and Circle defined in
the script shape (Fig. 11.21). Each of the subclasses Rectangle and Circle
needs methods for computing area and perimeter. However, the procedure
for computing area and perimeter would differ for Rectangle and Circle.
Therefore, we define the classes Rectangle and Circle as subclasses of the
class Shape. We define methods area and perimeter as abstract methods in
the class Shape. The subclasses Rectangle and Circle override the methods
area and perimeter by defining their implementation as shown in Fig.
11.21. If the subclasses Rectangle and Circle fail to override any of the
methods area or perimeter, Python will yield a TypeError while
instantiating them.

abstract classes cannot be instantiated

abc module: provides support for Python abstract base classes

Fig. 11.21 Class Shape and its derived classes(shape.py)

We indicate that a method is abstract by preceding its definition by

@abstractmethod (function decorator). Note that the definition of an
abstract class begins with

@ a b s t r a c t - method: decorator for specifying an abstract method

__metaclass__ = ABCMeta

To illustrate the use of abstract classes, we create an object rectangle of the

class Rectangle having length and breadth 30 and 15, respectively, and an
object circle of the class Circle having radius 5. The methods area and
perimeter defined in the subclasses Rectangle and Circle override the
corresponding abstract methods defined in the superclass Shape. Next, we
see some examples of the use of these methods:

> >> rectangle = Rectangle(30, 15)

>>> rectangle.area()


>>> rectangle.perimeter()


>>> circle = Circle(5)

>>> circle.area()


>>> circle.perimeter()


11.7.5 Attribute Resolution Order for Inheritance

Python classes are categorized as old and new style classes. Python 3 is
purely based on new-style classes. A new-style class inherits from the built-
in class object. In the new style classes, to access an attribute of an object,
Python typically looks for it in the namespace of the object itself, then in the
namespace of the class, then in the namespace of the superclasses in the
order in which they are derived and so on. In the script newStyleClasses
(Fig. 11.22), class C inherits from classes B1 and B2, which further inherit
from the class A. It is important to point out that the class C inherits from
classes B1 and B2 in the order B1 and B2. However, if the definition of class C
were to begin with

new-style classes

attribute resolution order: for accessing an attribute of an object

class C(B2, B1):

then the class C would inherit from classes B1 and B2 in the order B2 and B1.
Fig. 11.22 Inheritance in new-style classes (newStyleClasses.py)
In Fig. 11.23, the order of resolution would be the object c1 of class C,
class C, class B1, class B2, class A, class object. On executing the script in
Fig. 11.22, value 50 is printed. When the print function is executed in the
main function (line 21), Python invokes pre-defined method __str__ where
it needs to reference variable test. Since test is not an instance variable of
the object c1, the search is made in class C, subsequently followed by a
search in superclass B1, and finally in B2 where it is found.
Fig. 11.23 Inheritance hierarchy for classes in Fig. 11.22
For determining the order in which methods of classes will be accessed,
Python provides the attriibute __mro__ which stands for method resolution
order. It returns a list ordered by the classes in which search for methods is
to take place. For example:

__mro__: finds order in which methods of classes will be accessed

>>> C.__mro__

(<class '__main__.C'>, <class '__main__.B1'>, <class

'__main__.B2'>, <class '__main__.A'>, <class 'object'>)

>>> B2.__mro__

(<class '__main__.B2'>, <class '__main__.A'>, <class 'object'>)

>>> B1.__mro__

(<class '__main__.B1'>, <class '__main__.A'>, <class 'object'>)

>>> A.__mro__

(<class '__main__.A'>, <class 'object'>)


Python provides several built-in functions that deal with classes and their
instances. For example, to find whether a class is a subclass of another class,
one may use the function issubclass that takes two arguments: sub and


issubclass(sub, super)

The function issubclass returns True if sub is the subclass of class super,
and False otherwise. For example:
>>> issubclass(Appointment, MyDate)

To find whether the instance obj is an object of class class1, we use the
function isinstance:


isinstance(obj, class1)

This function returns True if either obj is an instance of class class1 or it is

an instance of a subclass of class class1, and False otherwise, for example:
>>> isinstance(meetStaff, MyDate)


>>> isinstance(manager1, Employee)


>>> isinstance(manager1, MyDate)



To find whether an instance obj contains an attribute attr, we use the

function hasattr:


>>> hasattr(obj, attr )

This function returns True if instance obj contains an attribute attr, and
False otherwise, for example:

>>> hasattr(manager1, 'hours')


>>> hasattr(manager1, 'DOB')


The functions getattr and setattr may be used to retrieve and set
respectively, the value val of an attribute attr of an instance obj, as
illustrated below:

getattr() and setattr()

getattr(obj, attr)

setattr(obj, attr, val)

>>> getattr(meetStaff, 'day')


>>> setattr(meetStaff, 'day', 23)

>>> print(meetStaff)

23-07-2014, 10:00:00

Meeting with parents regarding admissions

We may delete an attribute attr of instance obj as follows:


delattr(obj, attr)

>>> delattr(meetStaff, 'day')

>>> print(meetStaff)

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<pyshell#5>", line 1, in <module>


File "F:\PythonCode\Ch11\appointment.py", line 28, in __str__


File " F:\PythonCode\Ch11\date.py", line 103, in __str__

if self.day <= 9:

AttributeError: 'Appointment' object has no attribute 'day'

As we had deleted the day attribute, subsequent attempts to access it in the

print method resulted in error.


1. Classes are based on an object-oriented paradigm known as Object-oriented Programming (OOP).

Object-oriented programming revolves around the notion of objects.
2. A method/operator may be applied to objects of different types (classes). This feature of object-
oriented programming is called polymorphism.
3. In operator overloading, a standard operator is redefined as per the requirement of a class, for
example, the special methods that support operator overloading include __add__, __sub__, __mult__,
__div__, __lt__, __le__, __gt__, and __ge__.
4. While using a binary operator, the method associated with the object on the left-hand side of the
operator is invoked.
5. Function overloading provides the ability of writing different functions having the same name, but
with a different number of parameters, possibly of various types. Python does not support function
overloading. Indirectly, method overloading may be realized using default parameters.
6. Python special method __del__ is used for defining the class destructor.
7. Encapsulation enables us to group related data and its associated functions under one name.
Encapsulation is realized via classes. Classes provide an abstraction where essential features of the
real world are represented in the form of interfaces, hiding the lower level complexities of
implementation details.
8. Python allows us to prevent accidental access to the data and method attributes from outside the class.
This is achieved via the notion of private members. We can tell Python that an attribute is a private
attribute by prefixing the attribute name by two consecutive underscore characters __. Further, name
of a private attribute should not have more than one underscore character at the end. This technique of
restricting access to private members from outside the class is known as name mangling. The
restriction on the use of private variables from outside the scope of the class, may be bypassed using
the syntax:
9. Methods in the class definition that modify the value of one or more arguments are known as
10. Methods in the class definition which only access (do not modify) the data attributes associated with
arguments are known as accessors.
11. The methods in which the object that invokes the method is passed as the first implicit parameter
(self) are called instance methods. An instance method defines operations on the data members of an
instance of a class.
12. The method that does not require a class object to be passed as the first parameter is called a static
method. Call to this method should be made as className.staticMethodName, although Python
allows a static method to be invoked as an attribute of an object also.
13. Python allows to add methods dynamically to a class or an instance of a class using the syntax:
<className>.<newMethodName> = <existingFunctionName>
14. Python also allows to add a method to an instance of a class:
15. The process of using objects of other classes as attribute values is called object composition.
16. Inheritance makes it possible to create a class (also called type) hierarchy. The class whose properties
are inherited is known as a base class, parent class, or superclass. The class that inherits from another
class is called derived class, child class, or subclass. A derived class may serve as base class for
another class derived from it and so on. Each derived class may define its new attributes.
17. When inheritance involves a derived class that derives its properties from a single base class (see Fig.
11.9), it is called single inheritance.
18. When an object of a derived class makes a call to a method that is also defined in the base class, it is
the method of the derived class that is invoked by Python. Thus, the derived class methods override
the base class methods, and this process is known as method overriding.
19. When inheritance involves more than one level of hierarchy such as A -> B -> C, it is called
multilevel inheritance, and inheritance involving multiple classes deriving from single base class is
known as hierarchical inheritance.
20. In multiple inheritance, a subclass derives its attributes from two or more classes.
21. An abstract method in a base class identifies the functionality that should be implemented by all its
subclasses. Every subclass of the base class should override this method with its implementation. A
class containing abstract methods is called abstract class. To use Python Abstract Base Classes
(ABCs), one needs to import ABCMeta and abstractmethod from abc module.
22. A new-style class inherits from the built-in class object. In the new-style classes, to access an
attribute of an object, Python first looks for it in the namespace of the object itself, then in the
namespace of the class, then in the namespace of the superclasses in the order in which they are
derived, and so on.
23. Python provides several built-in functions that deal with classes and their instances:
The function issubclass is used to find whether a class is a subclass of another class.
The function isinstance is used to find whether an object is an instance of a class.
The function hasattr is used to determine whether an instance contains a particular attribute.
The functions getattr and setattr are used to retrieve or set the value of an attribute of an
instance respectively.
The function delattr is used to delete an attribute of an instance.

1. Write a class Point having x and y coordinates as data members. Write another class LineSegment
that derives the class Point Also, list appropriate methods.
2. Define the method __ne__ for the class MyDate.
3. Define the method __sub__ (Fig. 11.24) for the class MyDate.
4. Define a class ComplexNumbers. Write operations for addition, subtraction, and multiplication, using
the notion of operator overloading.
5. Examine the following class Shape:
class Shape:
def __init__(self, shapeType, x, y):
self.shapeType = shapeType
self.length = x
self.width = y
def computeArea():

Fig. 11.24 Method __sub__ for the class MyDate

The class Shape should be inherited by the classes Rectangle and

Triangle. Both the derived classes should invoke the method __init__ to
initialize data members. Note that length and width correspond to height
and base for a triangle. The derived classes should override the method
computeArea of the superclass Shape.
6. Examine the class Person defined in this chapter. Define a class Student that derives this class and
defines name, rollNum, class, totalMarks, and Year as the data members. The class should contain
the instance method __init__ and the abstract method percentage. Define two classes Grad and
PostGrad which inherit from the base class Student. Both the classes should define their __init__
method and should override the abstract method percentage of the superclass. Note that totalMarks
obtained are out of 600 and 400 for Grad and PostGrad classes respectively.
7. Define a base class Vehicle, having attributes registration number, make, model, and color. Also,
define classes PassengerVehicle and CommercialVehicle that derive from the class Vehicle. The
PassengerVehicle class should have additional attribute for maximum passenger capacity. The
CommercialVehicle class should have an additional attribute for maximum load capacity. Define
__init__ method for all these classes. Also, define get and set methods to retrieve and set the value of
the data attributes.
8. Define classes Car, Autorickshaw, and Bus which derive from the PassengerVehicle class mentioned
in the previous question. The Car and Bus should have attributes for storing information about the
number of doors, not shared by Autorickshaw. The Bus should have Boolean attribute doubleDecker
not shared by Car and Autorickshaw. Define __init__ method for all these classes. Also, define get
and set methods to determine and set the value of the data attributes.
9. Define a class Account, having attributes account holder's name, account number, account type, the
amount deposited and minimum deposit amount. Define two classes, namely Savings and Current.
The Savings class should have a property interest. Define __init__ method for all these classes.
Also, define get and set methods to determine and set the value of the data attributes.
10. Using Python built-in functions, write the statements to
1. Determine whether A is a subclass of B.
2. Determine whether attribute attr exists in the namespace of object ob of class A.
3. Assign value 70 to attribute attr of object ob of class A.
4. Delete an attribute attr of object ob of class A.

12.1 Sorting
12.2 Searching
12.3 A Case Study
12.4 More on Sorting

In several applications, we need to sort data or search for some item of

interest in the given data. For example, we may be required to arrange the
answer sheets in the order of roll number, to arrange the student data on the
basis of marks, to search for a phone number in a telephone directory, or to
find an answer sheet with a given roll number. We already know that given
the roll number of a student, it is easier to find his/her answer sheet if the
answer sheets are arranged according to roll number. Similarly, it is easier to
find how many students have secured pass marks, if the answer sheets are
arranged according to marks. The process of arranging data in
ascending/descending order is called sorting. In this chapter, we will study
how to sort the data using several techniques. We will also study searching
techniques for unsorted data as well as for the data that is already sorted.
This chapter concludes with a case study relating to student data.

sorting: the process of arranging data in ascending/descending order

searching is more efficient when data is sorted

Suppose we need to arrange a list of names in lexicographic order, i.e., as
they appear in a dictionary. Examine the sample data that appears in the list
names (Fig. 12.1).

Fig. 12.1 The list of names and the corresponding indexes at which they appear

We have already seen that the strings can be compared using relational
operators <, <=, >, >=, ==, and !=. So, we shall frequently use the terms such
as less, less than equal to, greater, greater than equal to, equal to, not equal
to, least, smallest, largest, maximum in the context of strings.

The attribute or property of data that forms the basis of sorting is called
the key. There are several techniques of sorting the data such as selection
sort, bubble sort, insertion sort, heap sort, merge sort, and quick sort, which
can be studied for their relative efficiency. However, in this chapter, we shall
discuss only first three techniques. Without any loss of generality, we
discuss how to sort the data in ascending order. The other case of sorting in
descending order follows similarly. We just need to change the <, <=
operators to >, >= operators, respectively and vice versa.

key: attribute that forms the basis of sorting

12.1.1 Selection Sort

It is the simplest but not a very efficient method of sorting. To begin with,
we find the lexicographically smallest value in the list and interchange this
entry in the list with the first value in the list. Next, we find the entry with
the smallest value out of the remaining entries, and interchange it with the
second value in the list, and proceed in this manner. If there are n values,
only n-1 values need to be placed in order because when (n-1) values have
been put in order, then the nth value would automatically be in order. This
technique of sorting is called selection sort.
selection sort: a simple method of sorting

selection sort requires n-1 passes of the entire sequence of values

Now, we discuss selection sort technique in the context of sample data in

Fig. 12.1. In the first iteration (i=0), we find the smallest name in the list. To
do this, we begin with the name at index j=0. When we have examined only
the name at index 0, it is also the smallest of the names examined so far. We
keep track of the index of the smallest name examined so far using the
variable minIndex. Thus, when j=0, minIndex is equal to 0 (Fig. 12.2). Next,
compare value at index j=1 with the value at index minIndex. Since
'Sanvi' is smaller than 'Vijaya', minIndex will be set equal to 1. Next,
consider the next value in the list at index j=2. We compare it with the value
at index minIndex. Since 'Ruby' is smaller than 'Sanvi', we will set
minIndex to 2. When j=3, 'Zafar' will be compared with 'Ruby' (value at
minIndex 2). Since 'Zafar' is greater than 'Ruby', the value of minIndex
will remain unchanged. When j=4, 'Maya' will be compared with 'Ruby'
(value at minIndex 2), and minIndex will be set to 4 since 'Maya' is smaller
than 'Ruby'. Finally, when j=5, 'Anya' is found to be smaller than 'Maya'
(value at minIndex 4). Thus, after scanning the entire list, minIndex will
have value 5.

Now, we need to exchange this smallest name entry 'Anya' at index 5

(minIndex) with the name at index i=0. This may be accomplished as

placing ith smallest value at ith index in the sorted list

lst[i], lst[minIndex] = lst[minIndex], lst[i]

Fig. 12.2 Steps in the selection sort method for first iteration (i = 0)
At this stage, we have scanned data from index 0 to index 5, and swapped
the name at index 0, with the smallest name, found at index 5. This
completes the first iteration, and the modified list is shown in Fig. 12.3.

Fig. 12.3 Modified data at the end of first iteration (i = 0)

Now that the smallest name 'Anya' is at the proper position (index 0), we
only have to sort the names in the updated list from index 1 to 5. For this
purpose, we need to find the index of the second smallest name in the list
(i.e. the smallest name in the index range 1 to 5). In Fig. 12.4, we illustrate
this process.
Fig. 12.4 Steps in the selection sort method for second iteration (i = 1)

Since name 'Maya' at index 4 is the smallest name across the indexes
ranging from 1 to 5, we swap name at index 4 with the name at index 1. The
modified list at the end of the second iteration is shown in Fig. 12.5.
Fig. 12.5 Modified data at the end of second iteration (i = 2)

In the third iteration, we have to sort names in the updated list from index
2 to 5. Since the smallest name in the remaining unsorted list is at minIndex
2, there will be no change in the relative position of entries in the third
iteration. At the end of the fourth iteration, names at indexes 3 and 4 will be
swapped, and the modified list is shown in Fig. 12.6.

if the ith smallest element is already at its position in an iteration, there will be no change in
relative position of entries

Fig. 12.6 Modified data at the end of fourth iteration (i = 3)

In the fifth iteration, we begin the search for the smallest name from the
index 4. Since the name at index 5 is smaller than the name at index 4, the
names at indexes 4 and 5 will be swapped, and the modified list is shown in
Fig. 12.7.

Now that five names (at indexes 0, …, 4) have been placed in order, the
last name at index 5 is automatically in order. In this manner, we have been
able to sort a list of names (Fig. 12.7).

Fig. 12.7 Modified data at the end of fifth iteration (i = 4)

We summarize the sorting procedure discussed above in Fig. 12.8.

Fig. 12.8 Sorting procedure for selection sort (selectionSort.py)

Using the above ideas, we give the complete script selectionSort (Fig.
Fig. 12.9 Program for selection sort (selectionSort.py)

On execution of the script selectionSort (Fig. 12.9), the user is

prompted to enter a list (lst). This list will be passed as an argument to
function selectionSort, which will sort the list. Since a list (like other
objects) is passed by reference in Python, and the function only modifies the
components of the list, there is no need to return the sorted list. Sample runs
of the script selectionSort are shown below:
Enter a list: ['Vijaya', 'Sanvi', 'Ruby', 'Zafar', 'Maya',
Sorted List

['Anya', 'Maya', 'Ruby', 'Sanvi', 'Vijaya', 'Zafar']

Enter a list: [1001, 1006, 1002, 1005, 1004, 1003]

Sorted List

[1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006]

the function selectionSort works equally well on numeric and string data

12.1.2 Bubble Sort

Just like selection sort, in this method also, the data is sorted by making
several passes (iterations) through the list. In each pass, we compare values
in adjacent positions and interchange them, if they are out of order. To begin
with, we have a list of n values. The nth value and (n-1)th value are
compared and interchanged if the nth value is smaller than (n-1)th value,
then (n-1)th value and (n-2)th value are compared and interchanged if found
out of order, and so on. Observe that in the first pass, the smallest value will
move to the front of the list at index 0; on subsequent passes, it will be
ignored. Thus, in the second iteration, we need to sort the remaining list of
n-1 values excluding the value at index 0. After n-1 iterations, the list will be
completely sorted, and the algorithm will halt. We use the list in Fig. 12.10
to show the working of the bubble sort procedure:

bubble sort: compare keys at adjacent positions

Fig. 12.10 List of names and the corresponding indexes at which they appear

In the first iteration of bubble sort, we start at index 5 and keep on

comparing adjacent locations in order to move the smallest name to the
beginning of the list. Steps performed in the first iteration are shown below
in Fig. 12.11:

Fig. 12.11 Steps in the first iteration of bubble sort (i = 0). The curved double-headed arrows mark
the list elements being swapped

The modified list, thus modified, at the end of the first iteration is shown in
Fig. 12.12:
Fig. 12.12 Modified list at the end of first iteration (i = 0)

Note that at the end of the first iteration, the smallest name moves to the first
position (index 0). Similarly in the second iteration, above procedure will be
performed on names in the index range 1 to 5 and at the end of it, the second
smallest name will move to index 1 as shown in Fig. 12.13.

Fig. 12.13 Steps in the second iteration of bubble sort. The curved double-headed arrows mark the list
elements being swapped

The modified list after the second iteration is shown in Fig. 12.14.
Fig. 12.14 Modified list at the end of second iteration (i=1)

In the third iteration, we consider the names in the index range 2 to 5 and the
modified list at the end of the third iteration is shown in Fig. 12.15.

Fig. 12.15 Modified list at the end of third iteration (i=2)

In the fourth iteration, we consider the names in the index range 3 to 5 and
the modified list at the end of the fourth iteration is shown in Fig. 12.16.

Fig. 12.16 Modified list at the end of fourth iteration (i=3)

In the fifth iteration, we consider the names in the index range 4 to 5. As the
names at indexes 4 to 5 are already in sorted order, the list at the end of the
fifth iteration will be the same as the list at the end of the fourth iteration
(Fig. 12.16). Thus, at the end of the fifth iteration, all the six names have
been arranged in order. Based on the preceding discussion, we present the
complete script for the bubble sort method (Fig. 12.17).

Fig. 12.17 Program for bubble sort (bubbleSort.py)
Sample runs of the script bubbleSort are shown as follows:
Enter the list: ['Vijaya', 'Sanvi', 'Ruby', 'Zafar', 'Maya',

Sorted List

['Anya', 'Maya', 'Ruby', 'Sanvi', 'Vijaya', 'Zafar']

Enter the list: [1001, 1006, 1002, 1005, 1004, 1003]

Sorted List

[1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006]

examples of input lists and the corresponding sorted output lists

Next, let us apply bubble sort algorithm on the list in Fig. 12.18. The
modified list at the end of the first, second, and third iteration is shown in
Figs. 12.19, 12.20, and 12.21, respectively.

Fig. 12.18 List of names and the corresponding indexes at which they appear

Fig. 12.19 Modified list at the end of first iteration (i = 0)

Fig. 12.20 Modified list at the end of second iteration (i = 1)


Fig. 12.21 Modified list at the end of third iteration (i = 2)

Note that when we apply bubble sort on the list in Fig. 12.18, the list gets
sorted at the end of the second iteration and no data is swapped in the third
iteration. Indeed, if no data is swapped in an iteration, we conclude that the
list has already been sorted. As such, the control should break out of the
loop, instead of unnecessarily proceeding with the remaining iterations.
Based on this observation, we modify the script bubbleSort (see Fig.

if no swapping takes place in an iteration in bubble sort, we conclude that the list is now sorted,
and skip rest of the iterations
Fig. 12.22 Program for bubble sort (bubbleSort1.py)

12.1.3 Insertion Sort

In insertion sort, the list is logically divided into two parts. Whereas the left
part is the sorted part, the right part is the unsorted part comprising the
elements yet to be arranged in sorted order. In each iteration, we increase the
length of the sorted part by one in the following manner: insert the first
element from the unsorted part into the sorted part at the correct position. To
find the correct position of the value to be inserted, we compare it with
values in the sorted part (starting from the rightmost value in the sorted part)
and shift each value to the right by one position, until the correct position is
found. For example, examine the list in Fig. 12.23.

maintain two divisions of the list: sorted part and unsorted part.

in each iteration, insert first value from the unsorted part into the sorted part

Fig. 12.23 List of names and the corresponding indexes

In this example, the left sorted part (grey portion) comprises elements at
indices 0, 1, 2, 3, and the right unsorted part (white portion) comprises the
elements at indices 4 and 5. As of now, the lengths of the sorted and
unsorted parts are 4 and 2, respectively. So, at the end of the next iteration,
lengths of sorted and unsorted parts will be 5 and 1, respectively. Our task in
this iteration is to insert the element lst[4] at the correct position. As
'Maya' < 'Zafar', we shift 'Zafar' one position right, but before we do so,
we must save 'Maya' in a temporary variable, say, temp. The modified list is
shown in Fig. 12.24.

temp = 'Maya'
Fig. 12.24 List of names and the corresponding indexes

Next, we compare the value of the variable temp, i.e. 'Maya' with lst[2],
i.e., 'Vijaya'. As 'Maya' < 'Vijaya', we shift 'Vijaya' one position right.
The modified list is shown in Fig. 12.25.

Fig. 12.25 List of names and the corresponding indexes

Next, we compare the value of the variable temp, i.e. 'Maya' with lst[1],
i.e. 'Sanvi'. As 'Maya' < 'Sanvi', we shift 'Sanvi' one position right. The
modified list is shown in Fig. 12.26.

Fig. 12.26 List of names and the corresponding indexes

Next, we compare, 'Maya' with lst[0], i.e. 'Anya'. As 'Maya' > 'Anya',
we do not need to shift 'Anya', and 'Maya' can now be placed at index 1.
The modified list is shown in Fig. 12.27.
Fig. 12.27 List of names and the corresponding indexes

Recall that the element 'Maya' to be inserted in the list sorted up to index
3 was at index 4. The following code achieves the desired effect of shifting
'Maya' to its correct position at index 1:

i = 4

temp = lst[i]

j = i - 1

while j >= 0 and lst[j] > temp:

lst[j + 1] = lst[j]

j = j-1

lst[j + 1] = temp

code to insert value at index 4 at correct position in the list (sorted up to index 3)

Once again, we use the following list to illustrate insertion sort (Fig.

Fig. 12.28 The list of names and the corresponding indexes

initially, the sorted list comprise value at index 0, followed by remaining indexes to be part of
unsorted list
As shown in Fig. 12.29, in the first iteration, 'Vijaya' is shifted towards the
right by one position and 'Sanvi' (that appeared at index1 earlier) is
inserted at index 0. Thus, 'Sanvi' now belongs to the sorted part of the list.
Similarly, in the second iteration, names at indices 0 and 1 are shifted
towards the right and the name 'Anya' is placed at index 0 in the left part.
This process is continued till the fifth iteration when the right partition
becomes empty and the left partition contains the sorted list. On the basis of
the foregoing discussion, we present the complete program for insertion sort
(Fig. 12.30).
Fig. 12.29 Steps in insertion sort on the list in Fig. 12.28
Fig. 12.30 Program for insertion sort (insertionSort.py)

Sample runs of the script insertionSort are shown below:

Enter a list: ['Vijaya', 'Sanvi', 'Ruby', 'Zafar', 'Maya',

Sorted List

['Anya', 'Maya', 'Ruby', 'Sanvi', 'Vijaya', 'Zafar']

Enter a list: [1001, 1006, 1002, 1005, 1004, 1003]

Sorted List

[1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006]

examples of input lists and the corresponding sorted output lists


In this section, we shall discuss how to find out whether a data value appears
in a list. For example, given a list of names of students in a class, we wish to
find whether a particular name appears in the list. In the following sections,
we discuss two techniques for searching a value in a list, namely, linear
search, and binary search. While the former technique scans the list from the
beginning till the data value is found or the list is exhausted, the latter
technique is considerably more efficient in terms of time complexity but
works for sorted lists only.

searching for a value in a list

12.2.1 Linear Search

To search for an element in a list, we scan the list from the beginning till the
required data value is found or the list is exhausted. This searching
technique is known as linear search as the search process is sequential. For
example, given a list of names of students, to find whether a particular name
appears in the list, we examine each name in the list starting from the first
position (i.e., index 0). When the target value is found in the list, we
terminate the search. However, if the entire list is exhausted and the target
value is not found, we conclude that the value being searched is not there in
the list. For example, examine the following list of names of students (Fig.

linear search: sequential search that scans the list from the beginning till the required data value
is found or the list is exhausted
Fig. 12.31 List of names of students

To search for the name 'Shubham' in the list, we look for this value
starting at index 0. After iterating over values at the indexes 0, 1, 2, and 3,
when the value at index 4 is compared to the target value 'Shubham', we
find that it matches the target value, and the search terminates successfully.
However, if we were searching for 'Sarthak', the entire list is exhausted
without finding a match. So, we conclude that the name 'Sarthak' is not in
the list. The complete script for linear search appears in Fig. 12.32.
Fig. 12.32 Program for linear search (linearSearch.py)

On executing the script in Fig. 12.32, Python prompts the user for the list
and the value to be searched and will display the appropriate message
indicating presence or absence of the value, for example:
Enter a list: ['Reena', 'Stuti', 'Monika', 'Deepika']

Enter the value to be searched: 'Monika'

Monika found at index 2

Enter a list: ['Shilpi', 'Ankita', 'Shweta', 'Gaurav',

'Shubham', 'Rashmi']

Enter the value to be searched: 'Sarthak'

Sarthak found at index None

Enter a list: [1001, 1006, 1002, 1005, 1004, 1003]

Enter the value to be searched: 1005

1005 found at index 3

Enter a list: [1001, 1006, 1002, 1005, 1004, 1003]

Enter the value to be searched: 1008

1008 found at index None

examples of linear search

12.2.2 Binary Search

If the list to be searched is already sorted, we can use a faster method, called
binary search. For searching a name, in a list of names that has been sorted
in ascending order, we proceed as follows:

binary search works on a sorted sequence of values

First, we examine the middle name of the list, if it matches the name that
we are looking for, we stop. If we do not find the name at the middle
position, we will only have to search on the left or right side of the middle
name depending on whether the name at the middle position is greater or
smaller than the name we are looking for. Based on this idea, we present the
binarySearch function in Fig. 12.33.

central idea in binary search

Fig. 12.33 Function for binary search

In Fig. 12.34, we present complete script (binarySearch) for binary

Fig. 12.34 Program for binary search (binarySearch.py)
On execution of the script binarySearch, the user is prompted to enter a
sorted list (line 40). In line 41, we invoke the function isSorted to find out
whether the list entered by the user is sorted. If the list entered by the user
happens to be sorted, the user is asked for the value to be searched and the
control is transferred to the function binarySearch. In line 10, values of the
variables low and high are set to the first and the last indexes of the list,
respectively. The value of mid is computed by taking an average of low and
high in line 12. If we find lst[mid] == searchValue in line 13, the search
terminates, else we reduce the range to be searched by modifying either low
or high depending on the searchValue. But, we have yet to consider the
case when the required value is not in the list. As the search always takes
place between indices low and high, the search should not proceed if low >
high. This fact is used to terminate the search loop in the function

stopping criteria for binary search: low > high

On executing the script binarySearch (Fig. 12.34), Python will prompt

the user to enter list and the value to be searched and will display the
appropriate message indicating presence or absence of value, for instance:
Enter a sorted list (ascending order): ['Reena', 'Stuti',
'Monika', 'Deepika']

Given list is not sorted

Enter a sorted list (ascending order): [1001, 1002, 1003, 1004,


Enter the value to be searched: 1004

1004 found at index 3

Enter a sorted list (ascending order): ['Ankit', 'Gaurav',

'Nitin', 'Rashmi', 'Shilpi', 'Shubham', 'Shweta']

Enter the value to be searched: 'Gaurav'

Gaurav found at index 1

Enter a sorted list (ascending order): ['Gaurav', 'Nitin',
'Rashmi', 'Shilpi', 'Shubham', 'Shweta']

Enter the value to be searched: 'Shubham'

Shubham found at index 4

examples of binary search

Now we study the last example in detail (Fig. 12.35). In this example, we
used binary search to look for the name 'Shubham' in the list ['Gaurav',
'Nitin', 'Rashmi', 'Shilpi', 'Shubham', 'Shweta']:

Fig. 12.35 List of names of students

In the first iteration, the variables low and high are initialized to 0 to 5,
respectively. When the name to be searched is compared against the name at
index mid (=2), the name 'Shubham' is found to be greater than 'Rashmi'.
Now the value of low is set to 3 so that the search can be continued in the
index range 3 to 5. In the second iteration, taking 3 as low and 5 as high, the
name 'Shubham' is compared with the name at index mid (=4). Since the
name 'Shubham' is found at index 4, search terminates by exiting the loop.
The search process has been illustrated in Fig. 12.36.
Fig. 12.36 Steps for binary search for data given in Fig. 12.35

Note that binary search on the above-sorted list took only two steps.
However, if the same sorted list were to be searched for the name 'Shubham'
using linear search, it would have taken five steps. To see how fast binary
search works, we only have to observe that every time search fails, the
search interval is reduced to half. Thus, in the worst case, we would require
no more than (log N) + 1 steps.

binary search is more efficient than linear search

number of steps taken by binary search: (log2 N) + 1


In this section, we will discuss how to prepare a merit list of students who
took an examination. For each student, we store information about roll
number, name, and marks obtained. Sample data is shown in Table 12.1.

details about student data

Table 12.1 Sample data for student information

We define a class Student having a data attribute rollNo, name, and

marks (Fig. 12.37). Note that the class Student has two methods –
constructor __init__ used for initializing data members of the class and the
special method __str__ for constructing the string representation of an
object of class Student, to be used later for printing.

Let us introduce another class Section (Fig. 12.38) having data attribute
records that store information about students in the form of a list of
Student objects. In this class, we define various methods for operations on
the list records. As we have not yet discussed the implementation of these
methods, we use pass statement as the body of the function.
Fig. 12.37 Class Student (student.py)
Fig. 12.38 Class Section (section.py)
We will use an object of class Section, to store the sample data in Table
12.1 as list records (Fig. 12.39):

As first step, we develop a function textToObject (Fig. 12.40) that takes

the comma-separated student data as input from a text file (source),
converts it to structured data (objects of class Student), and writes to
another file (destination). We also develop another function objectToText
that takes a file (source) of objects of class Student as input and outputs the
comma-separated student data as a text file (destination).

converting commaseparated student data to objects of class Student

converting objects of class Student to comma-separated student data.

Fig. 12.39 Memory representation records of object section

Fig. 12.40 Reading and writing structured data to and from a file (impExpObject.py)

12.3.1 Operations for Class Section

The data about students is stored in an object of the class Section as a list
records of the objects of the class Student. On this list, we will perform the
list manipulation operations: insert a student in a section, search for a
student in a section, sort a section, delete a student, and list all students in a
section. Next, we describe various methods for performing these operations
and finally present a complete script for processing student data.

list manipulation operations on the list of objects of the class Student

1. __init__()
The __init__ method (Fig. 12.41) initializes an instance of the Section
class by initializing its list records (of the Student class) as an empty list.

initializing an instance of class Section

Fig. 12.41 Method __init__

2. readList(self, source)
The readList method (Fig. 12.42) accepts the name of the source file
containing Student objects as an input parameter and appends the Student
objects read from the source file to the list records of the Section
instance at hand.

reading the Student objects for list records from source file
Fig. 12.42 Method readList

3. writeList(self, destination)
The writeList method (Fig. 12.43) accepts the name of the destination
file as an input parameter and writes to it one by one the Student objects in
the list records of the Section instance at hand.

writing the Student objects in list records to destination file

Fig. 12.43 Method writeList

4. insertEnd(self, rollNo, name, marks)

For inserting information about a new student, we define the method
insertEnd (Fig. 12.44). The method insertEnd accepts rollNo, name,
and marks as parameters, creates an object student of type Student, and
inserts it in the list records. In this method, we first check whether the list
records already has an object with the same roll number as the object
being inserted. If so, an error message indicating duplicate roll number is
returned, otherwise the record is appended to the list records and a
message indicating successful record insertion is returned.

inserting Student instance at the end of list records

Fig. 12.44 Method insertEnd

5. isSorted(self)
If the list records is arranged in ascending order of the values of the key
rollNo, the method isSorted (Fig. 12.45) returns True, otherwise it
returns False.

checking whether the Student objects are sorted with respect to roll numbers in list records

Fig. 12.45 Method isSorted

6. binarySearch(self, rollNo)
The binarySearch method (Fig. 12.46) is applicable if the list records is
already sorted. It accepts rollNo as an input parameter. The Student
objects are searched for the given rollNo in the list records using the
binary search procedure described in the previous section. If a Student
object with the given rollNo is found in the list records, the method
returns the index of the matched object, otherwise it returns None.

searching for the roll number of a student in sorted list records

Fig. 12.46 Method binarySearch

7. linearSearch(self, rollNo)
The linearSearch method (Fig. 12.47) is used if the list records is not
sorted. It accepts rollNo as an input parameter. The Student objects are
searched sequentially in the list records for the given rollNo in the list
records using the linear search procedure described in the previous section.
If a Student object with the given rollNo is found in the list records, the
method returns the index of the matched object, otherwise it returns None.

searching for the roll number of a student in the unsorted list records

Fig. 12.47 Method linearSearch

8. insertionSort(self)
In the previous section, we discussed three techniques of sorting a list of
objects. Now, we make use of the insertion sort technique (Fig. 12.48) to
sort the list records of Student objects, based on rollNo.

sorting list records of Student objects based on roll number using insertion sort
Fig. 12.48 Method insertionSort

9. delete(self, rollNo)
The delete method (Fig. 12.49) accepts rollNo as the input parameter. It
searches the entire list records sequentially for the Student object having
the given rollNo. If the desired Student object is found, it is removed from
the list records and the method returns the message 'Record deleted
successfully' to indicate successful termination. However, if the desired
Student object having the given rollNo is not found, the method returns
the message 'Record not found'.

deleting a Student instance with the given roll number from the list records

Fig. 12.49 Method delete

10. sortedInsert(self, rollNo, name, marks)

The method accepts as input parameters rollNo, name, and marks of the
student for whom we want to insert a Student object in the list records.
The method assumes that the list record is already sorted with respect to
roll numbers. If the list is an empty list, the method appends the student
instance to the empty list. Otherwise, it finds an appropriate index at which
record is to be inserted and inserts the record at that place. The method
rejects a record if the roll number is duplicated. In Fig. 12.50, we define
this method.

inserting Student instance at appropriate place in the sorted list records

Fig. 12.50 Method sortedInsert

11. __str__(self)
The method __str__ (Fig. 12.51) of class Section constructs the string
representation for an instance of the class. It traverses the list records
invoking __str__ function for each Student object.

returning string representation of object of type Section

Fig. 12.51 Method __str__

Complete Script (Fig. 12.52)
Now we are ready to present a complete script for processing student data.
Before doing any list processing, we need to read the raw data from a text
file and convert it to a file of objects. Similarly, after the processing, we
need to write the structured data back to a text file. The script works as

1. Invoke the function textToObject (line 14) from the module impExpObject for converting the student
information in a text file to a file of Student objects. In future, we may use this file of Student objects
instead of the text file. The data in the text file appears in the following format:
working of the script for processing student data

2. Create an instance section of the Section class and initialize its list records of Student instances
from the file created in step 1 (lines 16–18). This list of records is unsorted as of now.
3. Search for a student in the section using linear search (lines 20–26).
4. Sort the Student objects in the section based on rollNo and write in a file. In future, we may use the
sorted file (lines 28–30).
5. Read the sorted file created in step 4 to create an instance section of the Section class and use binary
search to look for a rollNo (lines 32–42).
6. Read the sorted file created in step 4 to create a text file for viewing it using a text editor (line 44).
Fig. 12.52 Program for processing student data (listManipulation.py)

Next, we show the working of the above script (Fig. 12.52) with the help
of an example:
Enter source file name: student.txt

Enter destination file name: studentObjects.txt

Roll No: 1, Name: Amit, Marks: 36.0

Roll No: 5, Name: Kriti, Marks: 50.0

Roll No: 4, Name: Alok, Marks: 50.0

Roll No: 2, Name: Umang, Marks: 27.0

Roll No: 3, Name: Shweta, Marks: 85.0

Enter RollNo for record to be searched 3

3 found at index 4

Roll No: 1, Name: Amit, Marks: 36.0

Roll No: 2, Name: Umang, Marks: 27.0

Roll No: 3, Name: Shweta, Marks: 85.0

Roll No: 4, Name: Alok, Marks: 50.0

Roll No: 5, Name: Kriti, Marks: 50.0

Enter RollNo for record to be searched 6

6 not found

Suppose we wish to sort the student data on the basis of the particular key
attribute. For this purpose, we develop method insertionSort (Fig. 12.53)
that takes the choice as an input parameter and sorts the student data based
on the value of attributes rollNo, name, or marks depending upon 1, 2, or 3
as the user choice respectively. This method uses the method key to retrieve
the value of the key attribute based on the user choice. Recall that the
method insertionSort is a member of class Section. Also, the method key
should be included as a member of the class Student.
Fig. 12.53 Methods insertionSort and key


12.4.1 Merge Sort

The merge sort algorithm is based on the divide and conquer strategy that
takes a list as an input and keeps on dividing it into two lists until a list of
length 1 is obtained. Notice that when a list of even length is divided into
two lists, each of them will be of the same size, but in case the original list is
of odd length, the two lists would differ in size by one. It conquers the
sorting problem by merging pairs of length one lists to obtain lists of length
two, merging pairs of lists of length two to obtain lists of length four, and so
on until the final sorted list of the size of the original list is obtained. It is
important to point out that the lists being merged may not always be of
identical size. It would become clear when we show the working of the
algorithm with the help of an example.

merge sort is based on divide and conquer strategy

We have provided a function mergeSort (Fig. 12.54) that takes a list as an
input parameter and returns the sorted list. Note that if the length of a list is
0 or 1, the function mergeSort returns it as it is (the trivial case as the list is
already sorted). Otherwise, it divides the list into two parts. When each of
these two parts is sorted, it invokes the function merge that takes two sorted
lists (lst1 and lst2) and merges them into a new single sorted list
sortedLst. The function merge works by comparing front elements of the
two sorted lists and removing the one with the smaller value, which is placed
in sortedLst. When any of the two lists becomes empty, the values in the
other list are appended to the list sortedLst.
Fig. 12.54 Program for merge sort (mergeSort.py)
The splitting and merging process of merge sort on the list [15, 12, 14,
17, 13, 11, 12, 16, 14] is illustrated using Figs. 12.55 and 12.56.
Fig. 12.55 Dividing the list until singleton lists are obtained

12.4.2 Quick Sort

As compared to merge sort technique, discussed in previous section, quick
sort is more efficient in terms of the space requirement as it does not need
extra space for sorting. It works by choosing a value called pivot element,
using which we split the list to be sorted in two parts: the first part
comprising elements smaller than or equal to the pivot element and the
second part comprising elements greater than the pivot element. The two
parts are further sorted using quick sort in a similar manner until the
partitions of length 1 or 0 are left. Although there are different methods of
choosing the pivot element, for the sake of simplicity, we choose the last
element of the list/partition under consideration as the pivot element.

quick sort uses a pivot element for partitioning the list around it

We have provided a function quickSort (Fig. 12.57) that takes a list as an

input parameter along with start and end indexes. If the length of the list is
greater than 2, the function quickSort invokes the function partition that
divides the list to be sorted (list lst from index start to end) into two parts
around the pivot element, followed by call to function quicksort for each of
the two parts. The function partition maintains two regions: start to i
that keeps track of elements smaller than or equal to pivot element and the
region from i+1 to j-1 (highlighted region in Fig. 12.58) that keeps track of
elements greater than the pivot element. The function works by comparing
every element lst[j] in the sub-list under consideration with the pivot
element, and if it is less than or equal to the pivot element, value of index i
(initialized to start - 1) is incremented and the element at the incremented
index i is swapped with the element at index j. Thus, we ensure that
elements smaller than or equal to the pivot element are in the region start
to i. Finally, in line 15, we swap the elements lst[i+1] and lst[end] so
that on the left of the pivot element lie elements smaller or equal to it and on
its right lie the elements larger than it. For example, examine the execution
of function partition for the list [12, 18, 17, 11, 13, 14](Fig. 12.58).
Figure 12.58 illustrates how the function partition works for the first call
to the function.
Fig. 12.56 Merging the sorted lists to obtain a single sorted list
Fig. 12.57 Program for quick sort (quickSort.py)
Fig. 12.58 Program for quick sort (quickSort.py)


1. The process of arranging data in ascending/descending order is called sorting. The attribute that forms
the basis of sorting is called key.
2. In selection sort, to begin with, we find the smallest value in the list, and interchange this entry with
the first entry in the list. Next, we find the entry with the smallest value out of the remaining entries,
and interchange it with the second value in the list, and proceed in this manner. If there are n values,
only (n − 1) values need to be placed in order because when (n − 1) values have been put in the proper
place, then the nth value would automatically be in order.
3. In bubble sort, in each pass, we compare values in adjacent positions and interchange them, if they are
out of order. Suppose we have a list of n values. To begin with, the nth and (n − 1)th values are
compared and interchanged if found out of order; then (n − 1)th and (n − 2)th values are compared and
interchanged if found out of order, and so on. Observe that in the first pass the smallest value will
move to the front of the list at index 0; on subsequent passes, it will be ignored. After n − 1 iterations,
the list will be completely sorted and the algorithm will halt.
4. In insertion sort, the list is logically divided into two parts. Whereas the left part is the sorted part, the
right part is unsorted part comprising the elements yet to be arranged in sorted order. In each iteration,
we increase the length of the sorted part by one in the following manner: insert the first element from
the unsorted part in the sorted part at the correcft position. To find the correct position of the value to
be inserted, we compare it with values in sorted part and shift each value to the right by one position,
until the correct position is found.
5. Searching is the task of finding whether a data value appears in a list.
6. In linear search of a data value in a list, we scan the list from the beginning till the data value is found,
or the list is exhausted. This technique is known as linear search as the order of search is linear or
sequential in nature.
7. Binary search is used in case the list to be searched is already sorted. For searching a data value in this
list, we proceed as follows: first, we examine the middle element of the list, if it is equal to the data
value that we are looking for, we will stop. If we do not find the element at the middle position, we
will only have to search on the left or the right of the middle element depending on whether the data
value at the middle position is greater or smaller than the data value we are looking for.
8. Merge sort and quick sort methods make significantly less number of comparisons as compared to
selection sort, insertion sort, and bubble sort methods.


1. Develop a program to sort the employee data on the basis of pay of the employees using (i) selection
sort, (ii) bubble sort algorithm, and (iii) insertion sort. Consider a list L containing objects of class
Employee having empNum, name, and salary.
2. Write the recursive version of linear search and binary search algorithms, discussed in the text.
3. Rewrite selection sort, bubble sort and insertion sort functions using recursion.
4. For the list shown below, show the values of the indexes low, high, and mid at each step of the binary
search method discussed in the text when we are searching for the key:

1. 15
2. 25
3. 55
4. 40
5. 22
5. Write a function leftCirculate that takes a list as an input and left circulates the values in the list so
that in the final list, each value is left shifted by one position and leftmost value in the original list
now appears as the rightmost value. For example, on execution of the function on the list [1, 2, 3,
4, 5] it would be transformed to the list [2, 3, 4, 5, 1]. Modify the function to include a numeric
argument to specify the number of positions by which left rotation is to be carried out.
6. Write a program that defines a class Card which can be used to instantiate cards with a particular rank
and suit. Create another class DeckOfCards for maintaining a sorted list of cards using a method
sortedInsert that takes an object of class Card as an input parameter and inserts it at the suitable
position in the sorted list.
This section may be skipped without loss of continuity.

13.1 Stacks
13.2 Queues

Oxford dictionary defines data as follows:

Facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis:

The quantities, characters, or symbols on which operations are performed by a computer, which
may be stored and transmitted in the form of electrical signals and recorded on magnetic,
optical, or mechanical recording media.
Philosophy: Things known or assumed as facts, making the basis of reasoning or calculation.

dictionary meaning of data

In this chapter, we will be concerned with the first meaning of the term
data. Further, Oxford Dictionary defines structure as an arrangement of and
relations between the parts of something, a building or other object
constructed from several parts. The terms such as construction, form,
formation, shape, combination, conformation, pattern, and mold are used as
synonyms for structure. Thus, the phrase data structure refers to
construction, formation, shape, combination, conformation, pattern, mold, or
structure made from simple forms of data. In this chapter, we shall study the
data structures stacks and queues, and methods to implement them using
lists in Python.
dictionary meaning of structure

data structures


In a stack, objects are stored one over the other, and these objects leave in
the reverse order of their arrival. For example, in a restaurant, the waiter puts
the used plate one above the other. The cleaner takes a plate from the top,
cleans it, and puts it onto another stack, from which the plate placed on top
can be picked up for eating. Note that the used plate that is placed last is
cleaned first and the plate that is cleaned last is taken first for eating. This is
called Last In First Out (LIFO) arrangement. We observe another example
of Last In First Out arrangement in the library, where the readers stack used
books one above other. Subsequently, a staff member in the library picks up
books one by one from the top of the stack and places them in appropriate

stack: objects leave in the reverse order of their arrival

stack: Last In First Out (LIFO) arrangement

Based on the above discussion, a stack is characterized by the following

operations (amongst others, to be discussed shortly):

push: Place (push) a new element on top of the stack. The push operation is also called insertion of an
element in a stack.
pop: Remove (pop) top element from the stack. The pop operation is also called deletion of an element
from a stack.

push: to place new element on top of the stack

pop: to remove top element from the stack

The easiest way to represent a stack is using a list. As stack operations push
and pop relate to the top element of the stack, we need to keep track of the
top element of the stack. Remember, it is only the top element which is
accessible. At any point in time, insertion or removal of an object takes
place at the top of the stack. For example, beginning with an empty stack,
we perform the following operations in a sequence.

insertion and deletion of elements take place from top of the stack

1. push 5
2. push 10
3. pop
4. push 20
5. push 25
6. push 30
7. pop
8. pop
9. pop
10. pop
11. pop

In Fig. 13.1, we show the stack, in the form of a list, on execution of each of
the above operations. Note that in step 11, we tried to pop an element from
the stack when it was already empty. When an attempt is made to pop from
an empty stack, it is called underflow condition.

underflow condition: pop operation on an empty stack

In light of the above discussion, we define the class Stack (Fig. 13.2).
The following operations are often required to be performed on a stack:
check if the stack is empty, push an object, pop an object, retrieve value at
the top of the stack without removing it from the stack, find the number of
elements in the stack, print contents of the stack. Note that we do not discuss
an operation to test whether the stack is full as append operation in a list is
limited only by the physical storage available to the program.

Fig. 13.1 Stack operations

stack operations

stack underflow
In Fig. 13.2, we present the above-mentioned stack operations using inbuilt
list operations append and pop. The constructor for the class Stack defines
an empty list – values – to store the data objects that would be pushed on
the stack. Next, we describe each of the above-mentioned operations for the
class Stack.

use of list operations append and pop for implementing stack operations
Fig. 13.2 Class Stack (stack.py)

1. Is Stack Empty
The method isEmpty determines whether the stack is empty by checking
whether the length of the list values is zero, i.e. whether
len(self.values) == 0. The method returns True if the stack is empty,
and False otherwise.
2. Push an Object
The method push takes the element to be pushed as an input parameter and
puts it at the end of the list values by invoking the method append.

operations for class Stack

3. Pop an Object
The method pop first checks whether the stack is empty by invoking the
method isEmpty. If the stack is not empty, the object at the top of the stack
(i.e, the element that was pushed on the stack last) is popped and returned.
Otherwise, the message 'Stack Underflow' is displayed and None is
returned indicating empty stack.
4. Retrieve Value at the Top of Stack
The method top returns value at the top of the stack if the stack is not
empty. Otherwise, None is returned indicating empty stack. The stack
contents remain unchanged.
5. Find the Number of Elements in the Stack
The method size returns the number of elements in the stack by returning
the length of the list values. For the purpose of demonstration, we have
provided this method to return number of elements in the stack, even
though stack operations do not require this method.
6. Print Contents of the Stack
The method __str__ produces a string representation of the entire stack by
concatenating the string representation of each value in the list values. The
string representation is used to print the contents of the stack. For the
purpose of demonstration, we have provided this method to display the
contents of the entire stack, even though stack operations do not require this

On executing the script stackOperations (Fig. 13.3), it prompts the user to

choose from various actions that can be performed on a stack.
Fig. 13.3 main function illustrating stack operations (stackOperations.py)

13.1.1 Evaluating Arithmetic Expressions

Next, we discuss the evaluation of arithmetic expressions. The usual form in
which we write an arithmetic expression is called infix form because the
operator lies in between the two operands. While writing expressions in the
infix form, we use pairs of parentheses to ensure correct evaluation order.
For example, examine the following expression:

infix expression: operator lies in between two operands

a + (b + c) * (k + (d + e) * (f + g * h))

Next, we show the evaluation of the above expression (Fig. 13.4). Note that
in order to evaluate the expression correctly, we need to keep track of
precedence of operators and matching parentheses. In this process, we have
to scan parts of the expression several times. An alternative form of
expressions, called postfix form removes this difficulty.
Fig. 13.4 Evaluation of expression a+(b+c)*(k +(d+e)*(f+g*h))

evaluation of infix expression

Postfix form: In the postfix form, the operator appears after the operands.
For example, the infix expression a + b would be written as a b + in the
postfix form. Now, as a b + is the postfix expression for a + b, the postfix
expression for (a + b) + c would be a b + c +. Before we get into the
details of converting expressions from infix to postfix form, we discuss the
evaluation of postfix form expressions. To evaluate a postfix form
expression, we make use of a stack and scan the postfix expression from left
to right, applying the following rules:

postfix form: the operator appears after the operands

On seeing an operand in the expression, push it onto the stack.

On seeing an operator in the expression, pop the necessary number of operands from the stack, apply
the operator on the popped operands, and push the result on the stack.
evaluating a postfix expression

Next, we examine evaluation of a postfix expression A B C * + D *, where

the variables A, B, C, and D take values 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively (see Fig.
13.5). The arrow marks the position of the symbol being processed currently.
It is evident from the computation shown in Fig. 13.5 that the postfix
expression A B C * + D * is equivalent to the infix expression (A + B *
C)* D.
Fig. 13.5 Evaluation of postfix expression A B C * + D *

In light of the above discussion, we develop script evaluatePostfix (Fig.

13.6). In this program, we deal with only one digit operands. The function
main in this program invokes the function evaluatePostfixExp, which
takes a postfix expression as the input parameter and returns the result
obtained on evaluating the input expression.
Fig. 13.6 Script for evaluating postfix expression (evaluatePostfix.py)

On executing the script evaluatePostfix (Fig 13.6), it prompts the user

to enter a postfix expression and returns the result obtained on evaluating it.
For example, on entering the expression 75-6*4+, corresponding to the infix
expression(7-5)*6+4, Python responds with the result 16.

13.1.2 Conversion of Infix Expression to Postfix Expression

In this section, we discuss how to convert an infix expression into a postfix
expression. Once again a stack will come to our help. Recall that we
evaluate the postfix expression from left to right using a stack. To begin
with, examine the expression A + B * C. As multiplication has higher
precedence than addition, the corresponding postfix expression would be A
B C * + because when we use a stack to evaluate it, it gets evaluated as A+
(B*C). Note that the expression A B + C * will not work because it would
get evaluated as (A+B)*C. The preceding example gives us a general clue for
converting an infix expression into equivalent postfix expression. As we
scan the infix expression, we keep on appending operands to the output
string as they are encountered. To deal with the operators, we use a stack. To
decide how to process the current symbol, we apply the following rules:

rules for infix to postfix conversion

If the character currently being scanned is an operator, and precedence (operator currently scanned) >
precedence (operator on top of the stack), push it on the stack
If the character currently being scanned is an operator, and precedence (operator currently scanned)
<= precedence (operator on top of the stack), pop off and append to the output string, each operator
having precedence higher than or equal to the precedence of the operator currently being scanned,
until an operator having lower precedence is encountered on top of the stack, or the stack becomes
empty. Now, push the operator being scanned currently on the stack.
If the character being scanned is an operand, append it to the output string.
If the end of the input string is reached, pop off all the operators one by one and append to the output

So far, we have not discussed how to deal with the parentheses. As

parentheses have the highest precedence, as soon as '(' is encountered, it
should be placed on the stack. '(' marks beginning of a sub-expression of
the given infix expression that would be subsequently terminated by
matching ')'. Now, we need to convert this sub-expression to postfix form.
However, the precedence of '(' being highest, no operator can be pushed on
it and '(' would be popped off the stack without processing any other
operator. To prevent this situation, we modify the rules for push and pop
operations as follows:

infix to postfix: expressions involving parentheses

push: if operator currently scanned is '(', or the top of the stack is '(', or precedence (operator
currently scanned) > precedence (operator on top of the stack)
pop: if operator currently scanned == ')', then pop off all the operators up to and including the first
'(' encountered in the stack. If the character currently being scanned is an operator other than a
parenthesis, and precedence (operator currently scanned) <= precedence (operator on top of the stack),
pop off and append to the output string, each operator having precedence higher than or equal to the
precedence of the operator currently being scanned, one by one, until '(' or an operator having lower
precedence is encountered on top of the stack, or the stack becomes empty. Now, push the operator
being scanned currently on the stack.
If the character being scanned is an operand, concatenate it to the output string.
If the end of the input string is reached, pop off all operators one by one. Concatenate the operators to
output string as they are popped off.

Note that a right parenthesis would never be pushed on the stack. Since ')'
terminates a sub-expression, on encountering ')', we pop off all operators
up to the matching '(', that is, the first '(' encountered on the stack. As the
role of '(' is now over, it can also be popped out of the stack. However, it is
not appended to the output string as postfix form expressions do not use
parentheses. We put together above ideas in the form of the function
postfix (Fig. 13.7). Note that we have considered expressions involving
+,-,*, /, (,) and single digit operands only.

On executing the script in Fig. 13.7, it outputs the postfix expression for a
given infix expression:
Enter the expression in infix notation: ((7-5)*6+4) 75-6*4+
Fig. 13.7 Program to find postfix expression for the given infix expression (postfix.py)


A queue is a data structure that behaves in First In First Out (FIFO) manner,
i.e. objects leave in the same order in which they arrive. All insertions occur
at one end called rear end, and all deletions occur at another end called
front end. Insertion and deletion operations are also known as enqueue and
dequeue operations respectively.
queue: first in, first out

enqueue: insertion (at rear end)

dequeue: deletion (at front end)

Beginning with an empty queue, let us perform the following operations

on this queue in sequence: enqueue 5, enqueue 10, dequeue, enqueue 20,
enqueue 25, dequeue, dequeue, dequeue, dequeue. In Fig. 13.8, we show the
queue on execution of each of the aforementioned operations:
Fig. 13.8 Queue operations

Underflow denotes a condition when an attempt is made to delete from an

empty queue. As mentioned earlier, whenever queue is empty, the number of
elements in it is zero.

underflow: dequeue operation on an empty queue

A queue may be implemented in Python using lists. In the script queue
(Fig. 13.9), we define the class Queue. We describe the enqueue and dequeue
operations using inbuilt list operations append and pop(0).

use of list operations append and pop(0) for implementing queue operations
Fig. 13.9 Class Queue (queue.py)

The constructor of class Queue introduces the list values for storing the
queue objects. Initially, the list values is an empty list. We define the
following Queue operations:
1. isEmpty: The method isEmpty returns True if the length of the list values is zero, and False
2. enqueue: It takes the element to be inserted in the queue as an input argument and adds the element
at the rear end of the list values by invoking the method append.
3. dequeue: The method dequeue first checks whether the queue is empty by invoking the method
isEmpty. If the queue is empty, the message 'Queue Underflow' is displayed and None is returned
indicating underflow. If the queue is not empty, the value from the front end of the list values is
deleted using the method pop and returned.
4. front: If the queue is not empty, the method front returns the value at the front end (index zero in
the list values), without deleting it from the queue. Otherwise, it returns None indicating empty queue.

Fig. 13.10 main function illustrating queue operations (queueOperations.py)

5. size: The method size returns the number of elements in the queue by returning the length of the list
values. For the purpose of demonstration, we have provided this method to return the number of
elements in the queue, even though queue operations do not require this method.
6. __str__: The method __str__ produces a string representation of the entire queue by concatenating
the string representation of each value in the list values. For the purpose of demonstration, we have
provided this method to display the contents of the entire queue, even though queue operations do not
require this method.


1. The stack is a data structure in which objects are stored one over the other, and these objects leave in
the reverse order of their arrival. Such an arrangement of objects is called Last In First Out (LIFO)
2. A stack is characterized by the following operations:
push: Place (push) a new element on top of the stack. The push operation is also called insertion
of an element.
pop: Remove (pop) top element from the stack. The pop operation is also called deletion of an
3. Popping an element from the stack when it is empty results in an underflow condition.
4. Python’s built-in list methods append and pop are typically used for implementing a stack.
5. A queue is a data structure that behaves in First In First Out (FIFO) manner i.e. objects leave in the
same order in which they arrive. All insertions take place at one end called rear end, and all deletions
occur at another end called front end. Insertion and deletion operations are also known as enqueue
and dequeue operations respectively.
6. When a queue is empty, dequeue operation on it results in an underflow condition.
7. Python provides inbuilt list operations append and pop for implementing a queue.


1. Imagine that Python list does not support methods append and pop. Examine the script in Fig. 13.11
and define your implementation of push and pop operation of the stack by filling up the code.
Fig. 13.11 Class Stack(stackDefined.py)

2. Imagine that Python list does not support methods append and pop. Examine the script in Fig. 13.12
and define your own implementation of enqueue and dequeue operation on a queue by filling up the
missing code:
Fig. 13.12 Class Queue(queueDefined.py)

3. The queue implementation defined in question 2 does not utilize the storage space effectively since if
front points to index j and rear points to index i >= j, empty space at indexes 0 to i-1 cannot be
utilized as shown in Fig. 13.13.

Fig. 13.13 Queue

Fig. 13.14 Queue

The problem can be eliminated by maintaining circular queue (Fig.

13.14). Examine the skeleton of the script circular queue (Fig. 13.15) and
fill up the left out code. The variable count keeps track of the current size
of the queue and also enables us to discover whether the queue is empty or
full. As indexes are used in a circular manner, whenever front or rear is
incremented, we apply the modulo qSize operation, we update front and
rear as (front + 1) % qSize, and (rear + 1) % qSize respectively. The
queue is said to be full if (rear + 1) % qSize == front. Note that if we
insert another element at this stage, front and rear would become equal.
4. Develop a program using a stack to find out whether the given string is a palindrome.
5. Rewrite the code in exercise 2, so that whenever there is a deletion, all the elements in the queue are
shifted towards the front by one position.
Fig. 13.15 Class CircularQueue(circQueue.py)

6. Rewrite the code in exercise 2 so that whenever there is a queue overflow scenario, all the elements in
the queue are shifted (if possible) so that the front element is at index 0.
7. Write a program to reverse a string using stacks.
8. Evaluate the following postfix expression. Show the status of the stack on the execution of each
1. 99/52*9-+
2. 25*94/5-+
3. 526*93/-*
4. 51+31-*
5. 687+*82/-
6. 152-*25*+
7. 55+93-*3/
8. 651+21-+*
9. 836+27-9+*/
9. Convert the following infix expression to its equivalent postfix expression, showing the stack contents
at each step.
1. 8+6/(5-3)*2
2. (8–3-1)*6/2+8/4
3. 8+(9–9/3–4*7)–5
4. 7+6–7/2–7*4–3

14.1 Introduction
14.2 Insertion and Deletion at the Beginning of a Linked List
14.3 Deleting a Node with a Particular Value from a Linked List
14.4 Traversing a Linked List
14.5 Maintaining Sorted Linked List while Inserting
14.6 Stack Implementation Using Linked List
14.7 Queue Implementation Using Linked List

In the previous chapter, we studied stacks and queues. Whereas a stack

allows insertion and deletion of objects at one end, in a queue new objects
are inserted at one end, and the deletion takes place from the other end. In
this chapter, we will discuss a more flexible data structure called linked list
that allows insertion and deletion of an object at an arbitrary position.


A linked list is a sequence of objects called nodes. The relative position of

the objects in a linked list is maintained using next link. Thus, a linked list
comprises a number of objects, each of which contains a link to the next
object (node). For example, let us examine the list lst shown in Fig. 14.1.
The first node of the linked list comprises an int object 20 and a next link,
which is a reference to the second node in the linked list. Similarly, the
second node comprises an int object 15 and the next link, which is a
reference to the third node. Since the third node is the last node of the linked
list, there is no next object ahead of it. Therefore, it comprises an int object
25 and the next link refers to None.
linked list: sequence of objects called nodes, each of which contains a link to the next object

Fig. 14.1 Linked list visualization

Next, we describe a class Node for dealing with nodes of a linked list in a
program. An instance of this class comprises two members, namely, data
and next. We define the method __init__ (Fig. 14.3) for the class Node that
creates an instance of a node of the linked list. In this method, self refers to
the Node object being created, self.data refers to the object value, being
passed as an argument (an instance of class int in Fig. 14.1), and self.next
refers to an instance of the class Node. Note that when we create a node
object, by default, next is assigned the value None. Now, we show a more
accurate representation of the linked list in Fig. 14.1 (Fig. 14.2). However,
for reasons of brevity and simplicity of the figures, we will continue to use
the representation of the linked list shown in Fig. 14.1.

class Node: for creating nodes of a linked list

Fig. 14.2 Visualization of a linked list

Fig. 14.3 Class Node (node.py)

Now let us examine the script linkedList1 (Fig. 14.4) that creates the
linked list shown in Fig. 14.1. In Fig. 14.5, we show the run-time stack as
the execution of the code proceeds in Python Tutor. Since Python Tutor does
not allow us to import user defined modules, in order to execute the script in
Python Tutor, import statement should be replaced by the complete
definition of the class.

Execution of line 8 creates a node instance (Fig. 14.5(a)), comprising

data (int object 20) and next link (object None). This node instance is
named as lst. In this context, we use the following phrases interchangeably:
lst refers to the node, lst is a reference to the node, and lst points to the
node. Execution of line 9 creates another node instance (Fig. 14.5(b)),
comprising data (int object 15) and next link (object None). Now, the name
lst.next, which referred to None on execution of line 8, refers to the new
node just created. Finally, execution of line 10 creates one more node
instance (Fig. 14.5(c)), comprising data (int object 25) and next link
(object None). Now, lst.next.next, which referred to None on execution of
line 9, refers to the new node just created. Before proceeding further, it is
important to note the following:

when a name refers to a node, we say: it is a reference to the node or it points to the node
Fig. 14.4 Linked list creation (linkedList1.py)
lst refers to the first node of the linked list. We may also say that lst refers to the linked list.
lst.data refers to the data attribute of the first node (i.e., int object 20) and lst.next refers
to the next attribute of the first node (i.e., second node).
As lst.next refers to the second node, lst.next.data refers to the data attribute of the
second node (i.e., int object 15)and lst.next.next refers to the next attribute of the second
node (i.e. third node).
As lst.next.next refers to the third node, lst.next.next.data refers to the data attribute of
the third node (i.e., int object 25) and lst.next.next.next refers to the next attribute of the
third node (i.e., object. None).
Fig. 14.5 Creation of a linked list lst
In lines 11 to 17 we print data values and node instances. On executing
theses lines, Python produced the following output:
lst: <node.Node object at 0x0305BD90>

lst.data: 20

lst.next: <node.Node object at 0x0305BDB0>

lst.next.data: 15

lst.next.next: <node.Node object at 0x0305BDD0>

lst.next.next.data: 25

lst.next.next.next: None

output on executing the script linkedList1

You must have noted that the above method of accessing nodes of a linked
list as a sequence of next links (e.g., lst.next.next.next) beginning the
first node is not just cumbersome, but also unworkable for linked lists
having several nodes. As an alternative, we typically introduce, a variable
current that keeps track of the node with which we are currently dealing.
We insert a new node in the linked list by assigning the new node to
current.next. In the script linkedCubes (Fig. 14.6), we use this method to
create a linked list of cubes of four numbers beginning 1.

creating a linked list of cubes: keep track of the current node

Fig. 14.6 Linked list of cubes (linkedCubes.py)

Execution of line 9 creates the node lst having the data attribute lst.data
equal to 1 (Fig. 14.7(a)). On execution of line 10, both current and lst
refer to this node (Fig. 14.7(b)). Every time line 12 is executed, a new node
is created with data attribute i**3 and assigned to current.next. Thus the
new node gets inserted in the linked list. Subsequently, in line 13, current is
assigned current.next to make the node just inserted the current node for
the next iteration. Thus, a new node is always inserted after the node that
was inserted last in the linked list. The linked list on insertion of each of the
nodes having data values 8, 27, and 64, respectively, is shown in Fig.
14.7(c), 14.7(d), and 14.7(e), respectively.


In this section, we will discuss linked lists in some more detail. We develop
a class LinkedList (Fig. 14.8) that provides the following functionality:
Fig. 14.7 Linked list lst visualization
create an empty linked list,
insert a node at the beginning of linked list
delete a node from the beginning of linked list.

This class makes use of the Node class discussed earlier. We introduce a
variable head to refer to the first node of the linked list. As the linked list is
initially empty, head is initialized to be None in the constructor method (line

variable head refers to first node of the linked list

Fig. 14.8 Class LinkedList (linkedList.py)
Fig. 14.9 Creating a linked list (linkedListMain.py)

In the script linkedListMain (Fig. 14.9), we demonstrate the use of

class LinkedList. The execution of line 8 invokes the constructor that
creates a LinkedList instance named lst. This step assigns the value None
to the attribute head of this linked list. The linked list lst at this stage is
shown in Fig. 14.10(a) as visualized in Python Tutor. Since, the Python
Tutor does not support eval (Fig. 14.9, line 13), we have replaced it with the
function int for for executing the code in Python Tutor. However, in order
to be able to use the program for data values of arbitrary type, we do not
incorporate this change in Fig. 14.9. Next, the control enters the while loop.
The user is asked to enter his/her choice of action out of the following:

1. insert a node at the beginning of the linked list

2. delete a node from the beginning of the linked list
3. quit the linked list operations

linked list operations

When the option 1 is chosen, the user is asked to enter the value for the node
to be inserted in the linked list. We demonstrate the linked list operations for
the following sequence of choices:

Choice value
1 25
1 15
1 20
On entering choice 1 and value 25, the method insertBegin is invoked
with the argument 25. It inserts a node having value 25 at the beginning of
the linked list. For this purpose, it first checks whether linked list is empty,
i.e., head contains None as the associated value. As the linked list is, indeed,
currently empty, it invokes the constructor of the Node class with the
argument 25 (Fig. 14.8, line 21) to create a node having 25 as the value of
data and None as the value of the next link. This node instance is referred to
via head of the linked list (Fig. 14.10(b)).

inserting a node at the beginning

Next, we wish to insert another node having data value 15 in the linked
list. However, the linked list is non-empty now. Again, we invoke the
method insertBegin with the argument 15. Execution of line 23 (Fig. 14.8)
creates a node instance named temp having 15 as the value of data and None
as the value of the next link (Fig. 14.10(c)). On execution of line 24, the
node instance temp gets added to the linked list by assigning the value of
head of the linked list lst to the next link of temp (Fig. 14.10(d)). Note,
however, that we still need to update head to point to the beginning of the
modified list. Execution of line 25 (Fig. 14.8) achieves this (Fig. 14.10(e)).
In Fig. 14.10(f), we see a compact representation of the same linked list on
exit from the function insertBegin as visualized in Python Tutor. To add
another node having value 20 at the beginning of the linked list, we invoke
the method insertBegin with the argument 20. On execution of the method
insertBegin, the final linked and its compact representation are shown in
Fig. 14.10(g) and Fig. 14.10(h), respectively.
Fig. 14.10 Insertion at the beginning of the linked list
Next, we wish to delete a node from the beginning of the linked list. On
entering choice 2, method delBegin is invoked. It first checks whether
linked list is empty, i.e. whether the value of head is None. If the linked list is
empty, the method displays the message 'Empty List' and returns the
control to the main function (lines 36–37, Fig. 14.8). However, the linked list
lst is non-empty as it contains three nodes. To delete the first node, we first
save a reference to it as temp and refer to its data as value (lines 39–40: Fig.
14.8, Fig. 14.11(a)). On execution of line 41 (Fig. 14.8), head of the linked
list is updated to point to the second node, which now becomes the first node
of the linked list (Fig. 14.11(b)). On the execution of line 42, the node
pointed by temp is deleted using del (Fig. 14.11(c)). Finally, on the
execution of line 43, method delBegin exits while returning value (20) (Fig.

deleting a node from the beginning

Fig. 14.11 Deletion from the beginning of linked list

Often, we are interested in deleting a node having a particular value from a

linked list. The method delVal (Fig. 14.12) takes the value as an input
parameter and deletes the first node with this value, if found in the linked
list. If the list is empty, the function displays a message 'Empty List' (line
10) and exits. In line 12, we check whether the first node itself has the given
value as its data attribute. If so, the execution of lines 13–16 deletes the
first node of the linked list. Recall that this is what we did in the function

attempt to delete from an empty list

deletion of first node

Fig. 14.12 Method delVal of class LinkedList (linkedList.py)
If the node to be deleted is not the first node, we traverse the linked list to
search for the target node having value as its data attribute. To illustrate the
process of deleting a node (not the first node) having a given value of data,
we consider a linked list having four nodes comprising data 20, 15, 25, and
10 (Fig. 14.13(a)). Suppose we wish to delete the node having data 25. In
order to delete the target node, we need to mark the target node as well as
the node preceding the target node. A variable current is used that keeps
track of the node we are currently dealing with. Another variable prev keeps
track of the node previous to the current node. Initially, current is set to
point to the first node, i.e. head of the linked list (line 18), and prev is
assigned value None (line 19, Fig. 14.13(b)). Execution of while loop (lines
20–22) causes traversal of the linked list. Everytime lines 21 and 22 are
executed, prev is assigned current and current is assigned current.next.
i.e., current is updated to point to the next node until current.data ==
value or we reach the end of the linked list. (Fig. 14.13(c and d)).

deleting a node somewhere in the middle: traverse the list to search for target value

keep track of the node previous to the target node

Since value 25 is present in the linked list, the condition in line 23

evaluates to True when current refers to the node having data 25, and
prev refers to the previous node having data value 15. Now, we have found
the node to be deleted. At this point in time, current as well as prev.next
refer to the target node to be deleted. Execution of line 24 updates the next
link of the prev node instance to point to the node next to current node
(Fig. 14.13(e)). Finally, the target node pointed to by current is deleted on
the execution of line 25 (Fig. 14.13(f)). In case we reach the last node of the
list without encountering any node with the given value, the condition in
line 23 evaluates to False and the execution of line 28 displays the message
'Value not Found!!'.

if a node having the target value is not found, display 'Value not Found!!'.
Fig. 14.13 Deletion of a particular value from the linked list


Next, we define the string representation for a linked list. Consider a linked
list lst with three nodes having successive data values 20, 15, and 25. We
define the string representation of this linked list to be the string: '20->15-
>25' as shown below:

>>> print(lst)


string representation of a linked list

The method __str__ (Fig. 14.14) yields the string representation of the
linked list. When the method __str__ defined in Fig. 14.14 is included in a
script being executed in Python Tutor that involves the class LinkedList, it
suppresses the visualization of the nodes being used by Python Tutor.
Therefore, when we need the visualization of linked lists in Python Tutor,
we should remove this method from the class LinkedList.

Fig. 14.14 Method __str__ of class LinkedList (linkedList.py)


Many times, we are interested in maintaining data in sorted order to

facilitate easy retrieval. In this section we will discuss how to use a linked
list for maintaining the data in ascending order. For this purpose, we insert a
new node at the correct position so that data in the modified linked list is
always in sorted order. Let us examine the method insertSort (Fig. 14.15)
for maintaining a sorted linked list. On execution of the function main (Fig.
14.16), the user is repeatedly prompted to provide value for the node to be
inserted in the linked list until the user enters an empty string ('').

maintaining a sorted linked list facilitates retrieval

As first step, the method insertSort checks whether linked list is empty
i.e. whether head has the value None (line 21). If the linked list is currently
empty, it invokes the constructor for the Node class with the argument value
(line 22) to create a node having value as data and None as the value of the
next link. The attribute head of the linked list now refers to this node
instance (line 22). If the linked list is not empty and the value to be inserted
is smaller than the value of the data of the first node, execution of lines 24–
26 creates a new node and inserts it at the beginning of the linked list and the
modified list remains in ascending order of data values. Otherwise, we need
to find the proper position for inserting the new node with given value.

insertion in empty list

inserting a node with lowest value

inserting a node somewhere in the middle requires traversing the list

To illustrate the process of inserting a node (not the first node) having a
given value of data, we consider a linked list, having three nodes
comprising data 1, 3, and 5 (Fig. 14.17(a)). Suppose we wish to insert a
node having data value 4 in the linked list. As usual, the variable current is
used to keep track of the node with which we are currently dealing. Initially,
it is set to point to the first node, i.e. head of the linked list (line 28). We use
another variable prev to keep track of the node previous to the current
node. Initially, it is set to None (line 29 (Fig. 14.15), Fig. 14.17(b)).
Execution of while loop (lines 30–34) causes traversal of the linked list until
the control reaches the node before which the new node is to be inserted (i.e.
current.data >value) (Fig. 14.17(c) and Fig. 14.17 (d)), or end of the
linked list is reached. Execution of line 35 invokes the constructor for the
Node class with the argument 4 to create a node temp having 4 as the value of
data and None as the value of the next link (Fig. 14.17(e)). Execution of line
36 updates the next link of node instance pointed by prev to point to the
new node (being referred to as temp) (Fig. 14.17(f)). Further, on execution of
line 37, the next link of the temp node instance is updated to refer to the
node instance current (Fig. 14.17(g)). In Fig. 14.17(h), we see a compact
representation of the same linked list on exit from the function insertSort.
Fig. 14.15 Class LinkedList (linkedListSorted.py)
Fig. 14.16 Class LinkedList (linkedListSortedMain.py)
Fig. 14.17 Sorted linked list lst
variable current: keeps track of the current node of interest

variable prev: provides a link/reference to the node before the current node


In the script linkedStack (Fig. 14.18), we present an implementation of the

stack operations using linked list. For this purpose, we define the class
LinkedStack. We introduce a variable top to keep track of the node that was
added most recently to the stack and initialize it to None. We also define the
following methods:
Fig. 14.18 Class LinkedStack (linkedStack.py)
push: Push a node at the top of the stack
pop: Pop off a node from the stack
isEmpty: Check whether the stack is empty
getTop: Retrieve the value at the top node, without affecting the stack contents
__str__: String representation of the stack that comprises the concatenation of string representation
of data in each node beginning the top node. For the purpose of demonstration, we have provided this
method to display the contents of the entire stack, even though stack operations do not require this

push: analogous to insertion at the beginning

pop: analogous to deletion from the beginning

As we always push the new node on the stack as the top node, we must
insert it at the beginning of the linked list. Similarly, we pop off a node from
the stack by deleting the node at the beginning of the linked list. In the script
linkedStackMain (Fig. 14.19), we present the main function for
demonstrating various operations of the class LinkedStack.
Fig. 14.19 main function using operations of class LinkedStack (linkedStackMain.py)


In the script linkedQueue (Fig. 14.20), we present an implementation of the

queue operations using a linked list. For this purpose, we define the class
LinkedQueue. We introduce variables front and rear to keep track of the
nodes that were inserted first and last, respectively, in the queue and
initialize these variables to None. We also define the following methods:

enqueue: Insert a node at the rear end of the queue

dequeue: Delete a node from the front end of the queue
isEmpty: Check whether the queue is empty
getFront: Retrieve the value at the front end of the queue, without affecting its contents
__str__: String representation of the queue that comprises the concatenation of string representation
of data in each node beginning the front node. For the purpose of demonstration, we have provided
this method to display the contents of the entire queue, even though queue operations do not require
this method.

enqueue: add an element to a queue

In the script linkedQueue (Fig. 14.20), we define the class LinkedQueue.

In the method enqueue, we first check whether the linked list is empty, i.e.
whether front == None. If the linked list is empty, we invoke the constructor
for the Node class with the argument value (line 22). Now we can refer to
the node just created via front and rear of the linked list (line 22).
However, if the linked list is non-empty, we need to insert the new node after
the last node in the linked list which is being referred by rear (line 24).
Also, we update the rear to point to this newly created node (line 25). The
method dequeue deletes the first node of the linked queue referred by front
using the following approach:
Fig. 14.20 Class LinkedQueue (linkedQueue.py)
if queue is not empty, return the value of the data attribute of the front node
of the queue, otherwise, return None

deque: delete from a queue

The methods isEmpty, getFront, and __str__ are defined in a manner

similar to the corresponding methods described for the class LinkedStack.

In the script linkedQueueMain (Fig. 14.21), we present main function to

demonstrate various operations of the class LinkedQueue.
Fig. 14.21 main function using operations of the class LinkedQueue (linkedQueueMain.py)


1. A linked list comprises objects, called nodes, each of which contains a link to the next object (node).
Thus, next link defines the relationship of a node to the next node.
2. In Python, all names reference objects, i.e. instances of classes.
3. A linked list may require the following functionality:
Creating an empty linked list
Inserting a node at the beginning of the linked list
Deleting a node from the beginning of the linked list
Deleting a node with particular value from the linked list
Inserting a node in sorted linked list
4. In the stack implementation of linked list, push and pop operations are analogous to the following
operations in a linked list: insertion at the beginning and deletion from the beginning.
5. In queue implementation using linked list, the method enqueue inserts at the rear end of the linked
queue and the method dequeue deletes from the front end of the linked queue.


1. Write a method insertEnd for the class LinkedList that takes a value as an input and adds a node
having that value at the end of the linked list.
2. Write a method delEnd for the class LinkedList that deletes the last node of the linked list and returns
the value of the data attribute of the last node.
3. Write a function that takes two sorted linked lists as input parameters and returns the merged, sorted
4. Write a method findVal for the class LinkedList that takes n as an input parameter and returns value
of the data attribute of the nth node starting from the beginning.
5. Write an iterative method reverse for the class LinkedList that reverses the given linked list.
6. Write a recursive method reverDisplay for the class LinkedList that displays the data values of the
linked list from the right end.
7. Write a method divideList for the class LinkedList. The method should create and return a tuple
comprising two linked lists, one comprising nodes at even positions and another comprising nodes at
odd positions.
8. A variant of the linked list is known as doubly linked list or two-way linked list (Fig. 14.22)
comprising the following node structure having two links (next and prev) for traversing in both

Fig. 14.22 Doubly linked list

class Node:
def __init__(self, value):
Objective: To initialize an object of class Node
Input Parameter:
self (implicit parameter) - object of type Node
Return Value: None
self.data = value
self.next = None
self.prev = None

Define a class DoublyLinkedList which supports methods insertBegin,

insertEnd, delBegin, delEnd, delVal, and traverse.
9. A variant of linked list is known as a circular list (Fig. 14.23) for traversing the nodes of the linked list
in a circular manner. Define a class CircularLinkedList which supports the methods insertBegin,
insertEnd, delBegin, delEnd, delVal, and traverse.
Fig. 14.23 Circular linked list

15.1 Definitions and Notations
15.2 Binary Search Tree
15.3 Traversal of Binary Search Trees
15.4 Building Binary Search Tree

In the previous chapters, we discussed linear data structures stacks, queues,

and linked lists. However, there are situations that necessitate the use of the
non-linear arrangement of data; for example, a directory is a hierarchical
structure like a tree. In this chapter, we will briefly talk about trees and move
on to study in detail binary search trees—a particular form of trees, used for
efficiency in searching.


A tree is a hierarchical structure. It is a collection of elements called nodes

along with a relation called parenthood that defines a hierarchical structure
on the nodes. The node not having any parent node is called the root node.
Every node other than the root has a unique parent node. If node A is the
parent of node B, we also say that node B is a child of the node A. Multiple
nodes may have the same parent node. In a diagram, we usually represent a
node by encircling the node label. A node label is also called value of the
node. In Fig. 15.1, we see a tree comprising eight nodes including the root A.
The arrows are used to express parent–child relationships. The node A has
three children, namely, B, C, and D. Alternatively, we may say that A is the
parent of each of the nodes B, C, and D. Similarly, the node D is the parent
node for nodes F and G. Note that a node may or may not have any children,
for example, none of the nodes E, C, H, and G has any child node.
tree: a hierarchical arrangement of nodes

root node: node without any parent node

no two nodes may have the same child node, however, multiple nodes may have the same
parent node

Fig. 15.1 A tree

root: A

internal nodes: A, B, D, F

leaves: E, C, H, G
Now, we describe some terminology in the context of the tree shown in Fig.

1. Leaf: A leaf node is a node which has no children. In the figure, the nodes E, C, H, and G are leaves.
2. Internal node: A node which is not a leaf node is called internal node or a non-leaf node. In the
figure, the nodes A, B, D, and F are internal nodes.
3. Path and Path Length: If n ,1 n2, …, nk is a sequence of nodes in a tree such that ni is the parent of
ni+1 for 1 <= i <= k-1, the sequence is called a path of length k-1 from n1 to nk. In the figure, A, D, G
is a path of length 2.

tree terminology

4. Height: The length of the longest path from the root to a leaf in a tree defines the height of the tree.
For example, in Fig. 15.1, A, D, F, H is the longest path, and thus the height of the tree is three. Also,
we define height of an empty tree to be zero.
5. Level: Level of a node is the number of edges on the path from the root to the node. For example,
nodes A, D, F, and H are at levels 0, 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
6. Ancestor/Descendant: If there is a path from node n 1 to node n2, we say that n1 is an ancestor of node
n2 and n2 is a descendant of node n1. Thus, if node n1 is an ancestor of node n2, then n1 is either parent
of n2 or parent of an ancestor of node n2. Also, by definition, a node is an ancestor as well as
descendant of itself. For example, the node D is an ancestor of each of the nodes D, F, G, and H. Note
that node D being parent of each of the nodes F and G, is an ancestor of each of the nodes F and G.
Similarly, the node F being parent of the node H is an ancestor of node H. Also, the node D being an
ancestor of node F, which in turn is an ancestor of node H, is an ancestor of node H. Similarly, the
nodes D, F, G, and H are descendants of the node D.
7. Siblings: Children of the same node are siblings to each other. For example, B, C, and D being children
of A, are siblings. Similarly, F and G are siblings.
8. Subtree: A subtree of a tree is a tree that comprises a node of the tree together with all its
descendants, for example in Fig. 15.1, the tree comprising the nodes D, F, G, and H is subtree of the tree
having root A.


A binary tree is a particular type of tree whose nodes have two or fewer
children. In a binary tree, the child nodes of a node are called the left-child
and right-child. A binary tree may be an empty tree, comprising no nodes at
all, or may comprise a root node along with other nodes which may be
organized as a left binary subtree and a right binary subtree of the root node.
The left and right binary subtrees may also be empty (as per the definition of
binary tree). For example, in Fig. 15.2(a), binary tree having the node
labelled 6 as the root (also called binary tree rooted at node 6) has two
subtrees—a binary tree rooted at 10 and another binary tree rooted at 23. The
binary tree rooted at 10 has a left-child—the binary tree rooted at 15. We say
that the binary tree rooted at 10 does not have a right-child, or that the right-
child is an empty tree. The node labeled 15 is a leaf node as its left-child as
well as the right-child is an empty tree. Similarly, the nodes labelled 30 and
20 are leaves.

binary tree: empty tree or a tree with root node having a left binary subtree and a right binary

strictly binary tree: binary tree in which every non-leaf node has non-empty left and right

There are some special types of binary tree like strictly binary tree (Fig.
15.2(b)) and complete binary tree (Fig. 15.2(c)). A strictly binary tree is a
binary tree in which every non-leaf node has non-empty left and right
subtree. Thus, each node in a strictly binary tree has either two children or
none. A complete binary tree is a binary tree that is full on all levels except
the lowest level which is filled in from left to right.

complete binary tree: a binary tree that is full on all levels except the lowest level which is
filled in from left to right
Fig. 15.2 Binary Tree

A binary tree is called a binary search tree if for any node n of the binary
tree, every node in its left subtree has value smaller or equal to that of the
node n, and every node in its right subtree has value larger than that of node
n. For example, in the following binary search tree (Fig. 15.3), the root node
has value 15. Note that values 10 and 6 in the left subtree of the root are
smaller than 15, and values 23, 20, and 30 in the right subtree of the root are
larger than 15. Similarly, value 6 in the left subtree of binary search tree
rooted at 10 is less than 10. Further, values 20 and 30 in the left and right
subtree, respectively of the binary search tree rooted at 23 are smaller and
larger than 23, respectively. In the rest of this chapter, we will focus only on
the binary search trees.

binary search tree: binary tree in which, for every node n, every node in its left subtree has
value smaller or equal to it and every node in its right subtree have value larger than it
Fig. 15.3 Binary search tree

As a node in a binary tree defines left-child and right-child relationship, it

may be thought of as an object having three members, namely, left
(denoting left-child), data, and right (denoting right-child). In the class
Node (Fig. 15.4), we define method __init__ for initializing nodes of a
binary tree. Note that when we create a node object, left and right
children are assigned value None.

data members of Node class: left, data, and right

Now let us examine the script BSTree (Fig. 15.5) that creates the binary
search tree bst shown in Fig. 15.3. Execution of line 8 (Fig. 15.5) creates a
node instance comprising data (int object 15), left link (object None) and
right link (object None) (Fig. 15.6(a)). This node instance is named as bst.
Execution of line 9 creates a node instance comprising data (int object 23),
left link (object None) and right link (object None) (Fig. 15.6(b)). Now,
the name bst.right which referred to None on the execution of line 8, refers
to the new node just created. Thus, execution of line 9 defines the right-child
of the root node. Similarly, execution of lines 10 and 11 defines the right
child and the left child of the binary search tree having the root with data 23
(Figs. 15.6(c) and 15.6(d)) by creating node instances with int objects 30
and 20, respectively. Further, execution of line 12 defines left-child of the
root node (Fig. 15.6(e)). It creates a node instance comprising data (int
object 10), left link (object None), and right link (object None). Now,
bst.left which referred to None on execution of line 8, refers to the new
node just created. Finally, execution of line 13 defines the left-child of this
node having data (int object 6) (Fig. 15.6(f)).
Fig. 15.4 Class Node of binary search tree (bNode.py)
Fig. 15.5 Creating a binary search tree (BSTree.py)

empty binary tree can be created by assigning None to bst

Note that an empty binary tree can be constructed by assigning None to bst.
Fig. 15.6 Visualization of building a binary search tree


Often we need to traverse all nodes of a tree, visiting each node exactly
once. There are several ways in which the nodes of a binary tree may be
visited in an entire scan of the binary tree. We shall describe some
commonly used binary tree traversal methods, namely inorder, preorder, and

15.3.1 Inorder Traversal

Inorder traversal of a non-empty binary tree comprises the following steps:

1. Inorder traversal of the left subtree.

2. Visit the root.
3. Inorder traversal of the right subtree.

steps in inorder traversal: left, root, right

In Fig. 15.7, we describe the function inorder for inorder traversal of the
binary tree. On invoking the function inorder with the argument bst–
binary search tree instance constructed above, the nodes will be visited in
the following order of data values:
>>> inorder(bst)

6 10 15 20 23 30

Fig. 15.7 Function inorder (bTree.py)

Note that when we traverse the nodes of a binary search tree in inorder, the
data values appear in ascending order.
traversing binary search tree in inorder yields nodes in ascending order of their values

Given the root node object, the function first traverses the left subtree,
then the root, and then the right subtree. We illustrate the execution of
function inorder using Python Tutor (Fig. 15.8). On invoking the function
with argument bst, root points to the node having data (=15) as shown in
Fig. 15.8(a). Since root is not None, on execution of line 3, the function
inorder is invoked with the left-child of the root node, i.e. node having data
(=10), which now becomes new root node for this new function call (Fig.
15.8(b)). It further invokes the function recursively (line 3) with left-child
node having data (=6). Being a leaf node, the root is not None (Fig.
15.8(c)). So the function inorder is invoked with the argument root.left
(= None). Now that root is None (Fig. 15.8(d)), the function terminates, and
the control is returned to line 4 of the previous function call (Fig. 15.8(e)),
and value 6 is printed. On execution of line 5, the function inorder is
invoked with the argument root.right (= None). As the root is None (Fig.
15.8(f)), the function terminates, and the control returns to the previous call.
The traversal of the binary tree having root label 6 is now complete (Fig.
15.8(g)). So, the control returns to the previous call (root labeled 10, line 4).
Now the left subtree of this subtree (root labeled 10) has already been
traversed (Fig. 15.8(h)). On execution of line 4, root.data (=10) is printed.
On execution of line 5, the function inorder is invoked with the right-child
(None) as the argument (Fig. 15.8(i)). The right-child of the root (labeled
10) being an empty tree, the control immediately returns to the previous call
of the function inorder (root labeled 10, see Fig. 15.8(j)). As this call to
function inorder is now complete, the control is transferred to the previous
call of the function inorder (root labeled 15, Fig. 15.8(k)). Line 4 is now
executed and the root label (= 15) is printed. Next, on execution of line 5,
the function inorder is invoked with the right-child (root labeled 23) as the
argument. Continuing in this manner, 20, 23, and 30 get printed.
Fig. 15.8 Inorder Traversal

15.3.2 Preorder Traversal

Preorder traversal of a non-empty binary tree comprises the following steps:
1. Visit the root.
2. Preorder traversal of the left subtree.
3. Preorder traversal of the right subtree.

steps in preorder traversal: root, left, right

In Fig. 15.9, we present the function preorder for preorder traversal of the
binary tree. On invoking the function preorder with bst as the argument,
we get the data values in preorder traversal:

Fig. 15.9 Function preorder (bTree.py)

>>> preorder(bst)

15 10 6 23 20 30

15.3.3 Postorder Traversal

Postorder traversal of a non-empty binary tree comprises the following

1. Postorder traversal of the left subtree.

2. Postorder traversal of the right subtree.
3. Visit the root.

steps in postorder traversal: left, right, root

The function postorder for postorder traversal of the binary tree appears in
Fig. 15.10. On invoking the function postorder with bst as the argument,
we get the data values in postorder traversal:
>>> postorder(bst)

6 10 20 30 23 15

Fig. 15.10 Function postorder (bTree.py)

15.3.4 Height of a Binary Tree

As mentioned before, the number of edges on the longest path from root to a
leaf in the tree defines the height of a tree. To find the height of a binary tree,
we note that the height of an empty tree as well that of a binary tree rooted at
a leaf node (root.left == None and root.right == None) is zero,
otherwise, the height of a binary tree is computed as one plus the maximum
of the heights of the left and the right subtrees. This idea is implemented in
the function height (Fig. 15.11). Next, we compute the height of the binary
tree bst:

height of the tree is one more than the maximum of the heights of left and right subtree

height of empty tree or a tree comprising only one node is zero

>>> height(bst)

Fig. 15.11 Function height (bTree.py)

Note that each of the longest paths (15->10->6 or 15->23->20, or 15->23-

>30) has length 2.


To build a binary search tree, we must maintain the insertion order. We

define a class binSearchTree (Fig. 15.12), which includes the method
insertVal for inserting new nodes in a binary search tree.

a new node should be carefully inserted in a binary search tree, so that it still remains a binary
search tree

To build a binary search tree from given data, we proceed as follows: We

insert the nodes with new data values one by one taking care that the
resulting tree remains a binary search tree. To begin with, let us insert a node
with value 15. Initially, the tree is empty (i.e., self.root == None). So,
execution of line 21 (Fig. 15.12) invokes the constructor for the Node class
with the argument value (=15) to create a node having data value 15 and
None as the value of the left and right links. Now, the name root refers to
the tree having the node just created (Fig. 15.13(a)). Fig 15.13(a)–15.13(g)
have been generated using the script binarySearchTree (Fig. 15.15) which
includes the methods __init__ and insertVal defined in Fig. 15.12.
Fig. 15.12 Class binSearchTree (binarySearchTree.py)

To insert a node in a non-empty tree, we have to determine the position of

insertion. If value <= root.data, then new node will be inserted in the
left-subtree of the root node, otherwise it will be inserted in the right-
subtree of the root node. The search for the place where the new node is to
be inserted, will proceed until we reach an empty tree (None). Thus, the new
node is always inserted as a leaf node.

in a binary search tree, the new node is always inserted as a leaf node

To illustrate the process of inserting a node into a non-empty binary

search tree, having a given value of the data attribute, we consider the
binary search tree shown in Fig. 15.13(b). Suppose, we wish to insert a new
node (having data = 12) in the existing binary search tree. The variable
child is used to keep track of the node we are currently dealing with.
Initially, it is set to point to the root node (line 23, Fig. 15.12). Another
variable parent is used to keep track of parent of the child node. Initially,
we assign the value None to parent as the root node does not have any
parent node (Fig.15.13(c)). Execution of while loop (lines 25–30, Fig. 15.12)
causes traversal of the binary search tree until an empty tree is reached (i.e.,
child == None) is found. In this process, execution of line 26 (Fig. 15.12)
updates parent (= child), and execution of lines 27–30 updates child (=
child.left or = child.right), depending on the value of data in the
new node to be inserted.

parent and child node: to keep track of nodes while traversing the binary search tree for
locating position of insertion for new node
Fig. 15.13 Insertion of value 12 in binary search tree

Since value 12 (data value for the new node to be inserted) is less than
the value of child node, i.e. value (=12) <=child.data (=15), child is
updated to point to the left node of child node (i.e., child = child.left)
on execution of line 28 (Fig. 15.12, Fig. 15.13(d)). Since child is not None
(child.data =10), another iteration of the while loop begins and execution
of line 26 updates parent (parent = child). Again, value 12 is compared
with the data value (10) at child node, and since 12 > 10, child is updated
to point to the right-child of the child node (i.e., child = child.right) on
execution of line 30 (Fig. 15.12, Fig. 15.13(e)). As child.right is None,
child becomes None on execution of line 30 (Fig. 15.12). This leads to
termination of the while loop.

Thus, we have found the place where the new node is to be inserted. Now,
the condition value (=12) <=parent.data (=10) is False. So, execution of
line 34 (Fig. 15.12) creates a node instance by invoking the constructor for
the Node class with the argument value (=12). As usual, the constructor
assigns the value None to left and right links of the node being created.
The parent–child relationship is established by assigning the new node (data
=12) to parent.right (line 34 (Fig. 15.12), Fig. 15.13(f)). Finally, in Fig.
15.13(g), we see the compact representation of binary search tree after
insertion of the node with value 12.

compare the value of new node to be inserted as child node with parent node and assign it as
left or right child accordingly

Alternatively, we may define the method insertVal using recursion (Fig.

15.14). Since the recursive function would require passing root as an
argument at the point of call, it leads to violation of abstraction principle. So,
we use the wrapper function insert which calls nested function insertVal
with the argument root (line 24, Fig. 15.14).

use of a wrapper function

In the script binarySearchTree (Fig. 15.15), we present complete code

for the binary search tree. Note that inorderTraversal,
postorderTraversal, preorderTraversal, and treeHeight are wrapper
methods used for nested recursive functions inorder, postorder, preorder,
and height.
Fig. 15.14 Recursive method recurInsertVal
Fig. 15.15 Class BinSearchTree (binarySearchTree.py)

1. A tree is a hierarchical structure. It is a collection of elements called nodes along with a relation called
parenthood that defines a hierarchical structure on nodes.
2. The root node is a node which does not have any parent node.
3. A leaf node is a node which has no children.
4. A node which is not a leaf node is called internal node or a non-leaf node.
5. If n , n , …, n is a sequence of nodes in a tree such that n is the parent of n
1 2 k i i+1 for 1 <= i <= k-1,
the sequence is called a path of length k-1 from n1 to nk.
6. The number of edges on the longest path from the root to a leaf in a tree defines the height of the tree.
7. The level of a node is the number of edges on the path from the root to the node.
8. n is an ancestor of node n if n is either parent of n or parent of an ancestor of node n .
1 2 1 2 2

9. n is a descendant of node n if n is either child of n or child of a descendant of node n .

1 2 1 2 2

10. By definition, a node is an ancestor as well as descendant of itself.

11. Children of the same node are called siblings.
12. A binary tree is a particular type of tree whose nodes have two or fewer children. In a binary tree, the
child nodes of a node are called left-child and right-child. A binary tree may be an empty tree,
comprising no nodes at all, or may comprise a root node along with other nodes which may be
organized as a left binary subtree and a right binary subtree of the root node.
13. Strictly binary tree is a binary tree in which every non-leaf node has non-empty left and right subtree.
Thus, each node in a strictly binary tree has either two children or zero.
14. A complete binary tree is a binary tree that is full on all levels except the lowest level which is filled
in from left to right.
15. A binary tree is called a search tree if for any node n of the binary tree, every node in its left subtree
has smaller or equal value as that of the value of node n, and every node in its right subtree will has
value larger than the value of node n.
16. Inorder traversal of non-empty binary tree comprises the following steps:
1. Inorder traversal of the left subtree.
2. Visit the root.
3. Inorder traversal of the right subtree
17. Preorder traversal of non-empty binary tree comprises the following steps:
1. Visit the root.
2. Preorder traversal of the left subtree.
3. Preorder traversal of the right subtree.
18. Postorder traversal of non-empty binary tree comprises the following steps:
1. Postorder traversal of the left subtree.
2. Postorder traversal of the right subtree.
3. Visit the root.
19. The height of an empty tree as well that of a binary tree rooted at a leaf node (root.left == None
and root.right == None), otherwise, the height of a binary tree is computed as one plus the
maximum of the heights of the left and the right subtrees.

1. Given inorder and preorder traversal, write a method that constructs a binary tree.
2. Write a method delVal for class binSearchTree that deletes a node having a given value from the
binary search tree.
3. Write a method levelOrderTraversal for the class binSearchTree that traverses binary search tree
level by level.
4. Write a method count for the class binSearchTree that counts and returns the number of nodes in a
binary search tree.
5. Write a method countLeaves for the class binSearchTree that returns the number of leaf nodes in a
binary search tree.
6. Write a method countNonLeaves for the class binSearchTree that returns the number of non-leaf
nodes in a binary search tree.
7. Write a method delLeaves for the class binSearchTree that deletes all the nodes that are currently the
leaf nodes of a binary search tree.
8. Write a method mirrorBST for the class binSearchTree that creates and returns mirror image of a
binary search tree.
9. Write a method copyBST for the class binSearchTree that creates and returns a copy of a binary
search tree.
10. Write a method minVal for the class binSearchTree that finds and returns the minimum value in a
binary search tree.
11. Write a method ancestor for the class binSearchTree that finds and returns the first common
ancestor of a pair of nodes in the binary search tree.

16.1 Pattern Within a Pattern
16.2 Generalized Eight Queens Problem
16.3 Knight's Tour Problem
16.4 Stable Marriage Problem
16.5 Fractal (Hilbert Curve and Sierpinski Triangle)
16.6 Suduko
16.7 Guidelines on Using Recursion

In Chapter 8, we discussed recursion and its applications in detail. In this

chapter, we focus on more advanced problems that can be solved using


In this section, we will use recursion to print a picture comprising several

squares within each other. For this purpose, we need to import a graphical
package, and matplotlib is one such choice (discussed in detail in the next
chapter). It contains methods for 2D graphics that would be required in this
section. Let us first plot a square on the graph. The plot function takes as
arguments two lists, say, x and y, comprising x and y coordinates,
respectively of a sequence of points and connects them using line segments.
Thus, a square of side size may be constructed by joining the points (0,0),
(size,0), (size,size), (0,size), (0,0) in sequence using line segments.
For this purpose, the square may be defined using two lists, say, x and y as
x: list of x-cordinates of corners of a square in a sequence

y: list of y-cordinates of corners of a square in a sequence

x = [0, size, size, 0, 0]

y = [0, 0, size, size, 0]

The script square (Fig. 16.1) creates a square of the desired size. When we
enter 20 as the size of the square, the square would appear as shown in Fig.
Fig. 16.1 Program to plot a square (square.py)
Fig. 16.2 Square

Next, let us print squares within squares. Evidently, recursion would be our
natural choice to design such a function. However, before we develop the
recursive function, we need to do some housekeeping. In the script
squareRecur, we develop a separate function squareWrapper to do the
housekeeping work related to the main function square (Fig. 16.3). Such a
function is called a wrapper function. It accepts the size of the square as a
parameter, initializes the vectors x and y, invokes the recursive function
square, prints the title of the figure, fixes the axes, invokes the function
grid() to plot the grid, and finally invokes the method show() to show the
result. For every call to the function square, we decrease the size of the
square by two, thus, causing the square to shrink inwards. Finally, we
terminate the function square when the difference between adjacent
coordinates is less than one. When we enter 20 as the size of the square, the
square would appear as shown in Fig. 16.4.
squareWrapper: wrapper function for housekeeping work

in every recursive call to the function square, decrease square size by two
Fig. 16.3 Program to recursively plot square within a square (squareRecur.py)
Fig. 16.4 Squares within squares


The eight queens problem is the problem of placing eight queens on the
chessboard so that none can attach each other. A queen is attackable if
another queen lies in the same row, same column, or same diagonal (either
direction). In this problem, we need to find a solution in the form of a
placement of queens on the 8 × 8 chessboard so that each of the eight queens
is non-attackable (i.e. safe). We may begin as follows: initially, place a
queen at any place in the first row, and then successively choose the position
of the next queen on the subsequent rows in such a manner that chosen
square is unguarded, i.e. not attackable by any other queen. As we follow the
procedure just described, it is possible that we may get stuck on the way, as
there may be a row for which no position is a safe position. If this happens,
we backtrack one or more steps as required, to try another alternative.

place eight queens on the chessboard so that no one can attack any one

unguarded chessboard square: not attackable by any other queen

In this section, we develop a general solution to the problem mentioned

above that works not just for an 8 × 8 chessboard, but for an arbitrary board
of size n × n. In the script nQueens (Fig. 16.5), we define the class Queens
that contains several data members and methods for keeping track of the
current chessboard configuration, and for adding or removing a queen. The
data member board defines a chessboard of size boardSize (lines 20 and
21). All entries of the board are initialized as False, to indicate that initially
all positions are unguarded. The recursive function solveFrom finds
solutions to the n-queens problem. The function receives an object
configuration of class Queens, and approaches the problem in the
following manner:

class Queens: used to modify and keep track of the current chessboard configuration

n = boardSize

if Queens configuration already contains n queens

print configuration

for every chessboard square p that is unguarded

update the configuration by adding a queen on square p


restore the configuration to its initial state

by removing the queen from square p

exploring solutions to n-queens problem

The function solveFrom extends the current configuration to an n-queens

configuration (of course, only if the present configuration is extendable to an
n-queens configuration). As mentioned before, class Queens supports the
following methods for solving the n-queens problem:

methods of class Queens

1. __init__
This method creates an instance of class Queens and initializes the data
members boardSize, count (number of queens), and board.
2. getBoardSize
This method returns the size of the chess board.
3. __str__
This method returns string representation of object of type Queens.
4. unguarded
This method returns True, if the current chessboard square is unguarded,
and False otherwise. It checks whether a queen is guarding the current
square. As all the rows of the board having row number greater than the
row number of the current square are vacant (not yet occupied by a queen),
we only need to check whether a queen in the rows above the current
square is guarding the current square. This is accomplished by checking
upper parts of the column, left diagonal, and the right diagonal for the
current square. This approach is summarized below:

check: is the current chessboard square unguarded?

if the current square is unguarded in the upper part of the

column, upper-left diagonal, and upper-right diagonal
return True
return False
5. add
This method adds the queen at the square position row = count and column
= col. It also updates the current number of queens placed on the
chessboard by incrementing the count by 1.
6. remove
This method removes the queen from the square position row = count and
column = col. It also updates the current number of queens placed on the
chessboard by decrementing the count by 1.
7. isSolved
This method returns True, if the number of queens already placed on the
board equals boardSize, and False otherwise.

The complete program is given in Fig. 16.5.

Fig. 16.5 Program to solve n-Queens problem (nQueens.py)

Execution of the script nQueens (Fig. 16.5) for 4-queens problem yields the
following chessboard configurations resulted as the output:
Enter board size: 4
4 -Queens Problem

The board has 4 rows and 4 columns.

Solution No. 1

- Q - -

- - - Q

Q - - -

- - Q -

Solution No. 2

- - Q -

Q - - -

- - - Q

- Q - -

solutions to 4 queens problem


In this section, we will develop a recursive solution for the well-known

problem of Knight's Tour. Given an n × n chessboard of n2 squares; in the
tour, the entire board is traversed by a knight so that each chessboard square
is visited exactly once. We wish to find all such tours. Any of the n2
positions on the chessboard can act as an initial starting candidate for the
tour. While traversing the board, at any step, we need to determine whether
the tour has been completed, i.e. whether all n2 squares have been traversed
exactly once so that the configuration is complete. If the current
configuration is not yet complete, we determine the next sequence of
possible moves. For every possible move from the current position, we need
to explore all possible tours. As we follow the procedure just described, it is
possible that we may get stuck on the way, as there may be a position on
board from where no further move is possible. If this happens, we backtrack
one or more steps as required, to try another alternative.

Knight's tour: traversing the entire chessboard, without stepping over any square more than

Given a particular square position, a knight may move:

two steps vertically upwards or downwards, followed by one step right or left
two steps horizontally right or left, followed by one step vertically upwards, or downwards

possible moves for a knight

Thus, the knight may, possibly, jump to one of the eight square positions
described above. For example, in a 5 × 5 chessboard, if the knight is placed
at the centre, there are eight potential moves (Fig. 16.6). Obviously, the
number of choices for making a move is limited by a horse position on the
chessboard, for example, a horse placed on any of the four corners of the
chessboard has only two choices.

Note that the class Knight contains several data members and methods for
keeping track of the current chessboard configuration and carrying out
moves of the knight (Fig. 16.7). The data member board represents the
chessboard configuration of size boardSize. It keeps track of the history of
successive moves. It is initialized with value 0 to mark all chessboard
squares as untraversed.
Fig. 16.6 Possible moves of a knight

possible moves for a knight placed in the center square in 5 × 5 chessboard

if board[x,y] == 0

=>> square x,y has not been visited

else if board[x,y] =i

=>> square x,y has been visited in ith move

data member board: keeps track of history of moves

Function solveFrom finds solutions to Knight's Tour problem. The function

receives an object configuration of the class Knight. The overall approach
can be summarized as follows:

for every chessboard square p denoting starting position on the

place the knight on square p of current configuration
determine all possible next sequences of moves from the current square p
remove the knight from square p of the current configuration

discovering Knight's tour from every possible chessboard position

In summary, the class Knight supports the following methods for solving
Knight's Tour problem.

methods of the class Knight

1. __init__
This method creates an instance of class Knight and initializes the data
members boardSize, moveNum (number of moves taken by the knight),
solNum (keeps track of the number of solutions explored), moves (stores all
possible moves possible from the current position), and board.
2. getBoardSize
This method returns the size of the chessboard.
3. __str__
This method returns a string representation of the object of type Knight.
4. possible
This method returns True or False depending on whether the move to a
given position in the chessboard is possible. It works in the following
if the position is a valid position on chessboard i.e. x and y
lie in the valid index range [0, boardSize-1], and the current
chessboard square is not traversed before
Return True to indicate that this move is possible
Return False to reject the move

is the move to a position possible?

5. add
The method assumes that the current chessboard square has not yet been
traversed by the knight. It places the knight at the given chessboard position
by marking it traversed, i.e. assigning it the current move number and
incrementing the moveNum by 1 to denote the number of moves taken so far.

traverse a chessboard square

6. remove
The method assumes that the knight has traversed the chessboard position
(x,y). It removes the knight from given chessboard position by marking it
untraversed (value zero), and decrementing the moveNum by 1 to update the
number of moves taken so far.

undo the traversal of a chessboard square

7. moveFurther
This method determines next sequence of moves if the current
configuration is not yet complete. It works in the following manner:
if a solution to Knight's tour is found
print configuration
for every possible candidate move p from the current
place the knight on square p of the current configuration.
try the next sequence of moves.
remove the knight from square p of current configuration.

discover the next sequence of moves for the knight

8. isSolved
This method determines whether the current chessboard configuration is
complete, i.e. all the squares have been traversed. It works in the following
Determine the number of total moves in the current chessboard
If the total number of moves equals boardSize*boardSize
return True
return False

is the current chessboard configuration complete?

In the script knightTour (Fig. 16.7), we have developed a generic solution

to the Knight's Tour problem, which takes chess board size as input from the
user and prints the possible solutions.
Fig. 16.7 Program to solve Knight's Tour problem (knightTour.py)

On executing the script knightTour (Fig. 16.7) for a chessboard of size 5, it

generated 1728 solutions. We give below a few chessboard configurations
generated by the script knightTour:
Enter board size: 5

The board has 5 rows and 5 columns.

Solution Number: 1
1 6 15 10 21
14 9 20 5 16
19 2 7 22 11
8 13 24 17 4
25 18 3 12 23

Solution Number: 2

1 6 11 18 21
12 17 20 5 10
7 2 15 22 19
16 13 24 9 4
25 8 3 14 23

Solution Number: 3
1 6 11 16 21
12 15 20 5 10
7 2 13 22 17
14 19 24 9 4
25 8 3 18 23

Solution Number: 4

1 6 17 12 21
16 11 20 5 18
7 2 9 22 13
10 15 24 19 4
25 8 3 14 23

Solution Number: 5

1 12 17 6 21
18 5 20 11 16
13 2 9 22 7
4 19 24 15 10
25 14 3 8 23

solutions to knight’s tour problem

Solution Number: 6

1 16 11 6 21
10 5 20 15 12
17 2 13 22 7
4 9 24 19 14
25 18 3 8 23

Solution Number: 7

1 18 11 6 21
10 5 20 17 12
19 2 15 22 7
4 9 24 13 16
25 14 3 8 23

Solution Number: 8

1 10 15 6 21
16 5 20 9 14
11 2 7 22 19
4 17 24 13 8
25 12 3 18 23

Solution Number: 9

1 16 5 10 21
6 11 20 15 4
19 2 17 22 9
12 7 24 3 14
25 18 13 8 23
Solution Number: 10

1 12 5 18 21
6 17 20 13 4
11 2 9 22 19
16 7 24 3 14
25 10 15 8 23


In this problem, we deal with two groups of equal number of persons, one of
the men and the other of women. Each man gives his relative preference for
every woman from best to worst, and each woman gives her relative
preference for every man. Based on their preferences, we are required to find
a pairing between men and women. Further, the pairing should be stable in
the following sense: there are no two people of the opposite sex who would
both prefer to have each other than their current partners. For example, let M
= {m1, m2} and W = {w1, w2} be two sets of men and women,
respectively. Let us suppose m1 and m2 have an identical list of ordered
preferences of women [w1, w2], i.e. each of them prefers w1 over w2.
Further, let us suppose w1 and w2 also have an identical list of ordered
preferences of men [m1, m2], i.e. each of them prefers m1 over m2. Next,
suppose we do the following matching {{m1, w2}, {m2, w1}}. This
matching is not stable because m1 and w1 prefer each other over the
partners assigned to them. However, the matching {{m1, w1}, {m2, w2}} is
stable because there are no two persons of opposite sex that would prefer
each other over the partners assigned to them, for example, although m2
prefers w1 over w2, but w1 does not prefer m2 over m1.
notion of a stable marriage

The goal is to determine n pairs of <m, w> so that each pair represents a
stable marriage, i.e. there is no pair <m, w> of persons who would prefer
each other to their assigned partners. In other words, a pair <m, w> is
considered to be stable if the following two conditions hold:

1. Every women candidate who is preferred by man m to his current assignment w prefers her current
partner over the man m.
2. Every man candidate who is preferred by woman w to her current assignment m prefers his current
partner over the woman w.

conditions for a pair <m, w>, to be stable

A straightforward approach is to enumerate all possible permutations of

women for the given sequential list 1 to n of men. This simplifies the
original problem to the sub-problem of determining whether each of the n!
permutations represents a stable marriage. However, examining all the n!
permutations is a computationally expensive task.

menPref: dictionary for storing men’s preferences for women

In the following discussion, we will examine another approach in which

we will search for a match w for a man m on the basis of his preferences. For
this purpose, we define a class StableMarriage that contains several data
members and methods for discovering the stable pairings for the given set of
n men and n women. The data members menPref and womenPref are
dictionaries that store men's preferences for women and women's
preferences for men, respectively. For example, for a set of three men, the
dictionary menPref may be {1:[2,1,3], 2:[3,2,1], 3:[1,3,2]}.
Another pair of dictionaries engagedMen and engagedWomen keep a record of
engaged men and engaged women respectively at any point in time. The list
freeWomen includes women who are not yet engaged. The recursive function
findMatching discovers solutions to the stable marriage problem. The
function receives the following arguments: an object configuration of the
class StableMarriage and the man for whom a stable match is to be
searched. The approach used in the function may be summarized as follows:

womenPref: dictionary for storing women’s preferences for men

engagedMen and engagedWomen: used to keep track of engaged men and women at any point in

freeWomen: list of women who are not yet engaged

if a solution to stable marriage problem is found

(Pairing is determined for all the men)

print the pairing


for every woman w in the ordered preference

list of the man m in consideration

if the woman w is not engaged and pairing is stable

engage the man m and woman w

find stable matching for the man m+1

Set free the engaged pair of man m and woman w

discovering all solutions to stable marriage problem

Note that if for a given man m, if none of the women not yet engaged yields a
stable pairing, the control returns to the previous call and the matching for
the man m-1 is undone to try another alternative. This backtracking may
proceed up to man m = 1. Finally, the man m would be paired. Whenever all
the men have been matched, a stable marriage solution is printed.

backtrack if no stable matching is found for the given man m

As discussed earlier, the class StableMarriage supports the following

methods for solving Stable Marriage problem.

methods of the class StableMarriage

1. __init__
This method creates an instance of class StableMarriage and initializes the
data members count, menPref, womenPref, freeWomen, engagedMen and
2. __str__
This method returns a string representation of the object of type
3. isStable
This method returns True or False depending on whether the pairing of
given man and woman under consideration indicates a stable marriage. It
works in the following manner:
1. For man m, all other women candidate who are preferred by man m to his current
assignment w, are already married and prefer their current partners over man m.

is the given pair <m, w> stable?

2. For woman w, all other men candidate who are preferred by woman w to her current
assignment m, are either yet not engaged or prefer their current partners over
woman w. (Candidate men who are not engaged yet are not considered till now).
4. free
This method sets free an engaged pair of man and woman. It achieves this
by adding the given woman to the list freeWomen who are not engaged. It
also updates dictionaries engagedMen and engagedWomen to reflect that they
are no longer engaged.

set free an engaged pair of man and woman

5. engage
This method engages the given man and woman by pairing them. It
achieves this by removing the given woman from the list freeWomen. It also
updates dictionaries engagedMen and engagedWomen to reflect that they are

engage the given man and woman by pairing them

6. findMatching
This method finds stable matching for the given man.

The complete program is given in Fig. 16.8.

Fig. 16.8 Program to solve Stable Marriage Problem (stableMarriage.py)

Below we give a sample execution of the script stableMarriage (Fig.

Enter number of men/women: 3
Specify men's preferences: {1:[2,1,3], 2:[3,2,1], 3:[1,3,2]}

Specify women's preferences: {1:[2,1,3], 2:[3,2,1], 3:[1,3,2]}

Stable pairings:

{1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 1}

{1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3}

{1: 3, 2: 1, 3: 2}

stable pairings


Fractal is a curve or a geometric figure that repeats itself. Such a figure

comprises a recursive pattern that repeats itself up to a desired level of
nesting. In this section, we have considered two fractals, Hilbert Curve, and
Sierpinski Triangle. Turtle graphics provided in the turtle module is used
for drawing to draw various shapes and pictures. turtle methods used in
this section are as follows:

fractal: curve or a geometric figure which comprises a recursive pattern that repeats itself

turtle module: provides turtle graphics for drawing various shapes and pictures

1. forward(): Used for moving the turtle forward by a given distance in the direction of the turtle.
2. Backward(): Used for moving the turtle backward by a given distance in the direction of the turtle.
3. left(): Used for rotating the turtle in the left direction by a specified angle.
4. right(): Used for rotating the turtle in the right direction by a specified angle.
5. goto(): Used for moving the turtle to the location specified (x,y coordinates).
6. penup(): Used to specify no drawing while moving.
7. pendown(): Used to specify drawing while moving.
8. fillcolor(): Used to specify the colour to be filled in the shape. Colour specified could either be a
string or a tuple (r,g,b).
9. begin_fill(): Used just before drawing the shape to be filled.
10. end_fill(): Used to fill the shape drawn after last call to begin_fill().
11. done(): Completes the turtle graphics work.

methods of turtle module

Let us examine the Sierpinski Triangle first. The simplest Sierpinski triangle
is a triangle subdivided into nested equilateral triangles formed by bisecting
sides of the triangle having the central triangle removed. This results in an
outer triangle with three upward facing equilateral triangles on top, bottom
left and bottom right side with one downward facing triangle that is removed
from the centre. Each of the triangles facing upward may further contain
three nested equilateral triangles depending upon the level of depth.
Sierpinski triangles of levels 1, 2 and 3 are shown in Fig. 16.9. Next, we
describe the approach used for drawing Sierpinski triangle:

Sierpinski triangle: recursive triangle subdivided into nested equilateral triangles

Draw an outer triangle.

If the levels of the Sierpinski curve to be created are more

than zero

Call Sierpinski curve method for each of the nested three

Sierpinski triangles.

approach for drawing sierpinski triangle

The nested triangles are formed by joining the midpoints of

the sides of given equilateral triangle. The function mid is
repeatedly used for this purpose.

Fig. 16.9 Sierpinski Triangle of Level 1, 2 and 3

The triangle drawn as the part of the first statement in Sierpinski triangle can
be created using the following steps:

1. Specify the color to be filled in the closed object to be created, using fillcolor method.
2. Position the turtle to one of the end points of the triangle in pen-up mode so that there is no drawing
while moving.
3. Invoke method begin_fill before drawing the shape to be filled.
4. After successful positioning, create a triangle by traversing all its endpoints in the pen-down mode.
5. Invoke method end_fill after drawing the shape to be filled.

Program for drawing Sierpinski triangle is given in the script sierpinski

(Fig. 16.10).
Fig. 16.10 Program draw Sierpinski Triangle (sierpinski.py)

We may also set the speed of the turtle using function speed. Next, we
develop a program for drawing Hilbert curve. A Hilbert curve is a curve that
is formed by connecting a sequence of U-shaped curves oriented in different
directions. These U-shaped curves are placed at a certain step size distance
apart. Level 1 Hilbert curve is a simple U-curve that is formed by moving
down step size, then moving right step size, followed by moving up step size
as shown in Fig. 16.11. Level 2 Hilbert curve is formed by orienting level 1
Hilbert curve in different directions and connecting them. Thus, in general,
Hilbert curve of level n can be formed by orienting the Hilbert curve at level
n − 1 in different directions and connecting them.
Hilbert curve: curve formed by connecting a sequence of U-shaped curves oriented in different

Fig. 16.11 Hilbert curve of Level 1, 2 and 3

Let us examine Hilbert curve at level 1. Since turtle initially points towards
the right, the following steps will draw a simple U curve.

1. Move right step size.

2. Move left step size.
3. Move left step size.

steps for drawing level 1 Hilbert curve

Let y = 90 degrees. The above steps may be re-written as follows:

1. Rotate y degree towards the right.

2. Move step size.
3. Rotate y degree towards left.
4. Move step size.
5. Rotate y degree towards left.
6. Move step size.
7. Rotate y degree towards the right.

Next, let us examine level 2 Hilbert curve. Again, assuming that initially
turtle points towards the right, the following steps may be used to draw a
level 2 Hilbert curve:

1. Rotate y degree towards the right.

2. Create a Hilbert curve at level 1 rotated by –y degree (i.e. y degree in anticlockwise direction).
3. Move step size.
4. Rotate y degree towards the left.
5. Create a Hilbert curve at level 1 rotated by y degree (i.e. y degree in clockwise direction).
6. Move step size.
7. Create a Hilbert curve at level 1 rotated by y degree (i.e. y degree in clockwise direction).
8. Rotate y degree towards the left.
9. Move step size.
10. Create a Hilbert curve at level 1 rotated by −y degree (i.e. y degree in anticlockwise direction).
11. Rotate y degree towards the right.

steps for drawing level 2 Hilbert curve

Thus, Hilbert curve of any level n greater than zero with given degree y can
be drawn using the following steps:

1. Rotate y degree towards the right.

2. Create a Hilbert curve at level n − 1 rotated by –y degree (i.e. y degree in anticlockwise direction).
3. Move step size.
4. Rotate y degree towards the left.
5. Create a Hilbert curve at level n − 1 rotated by y degree (i.e. y degree in clockwise direction).
6. Move step size.
7. Create a Hilbert curve at level n − 1 rotated by y degree (i.e. y degree in clockwise direction)
8. Rotate y degree towards the left.
9. Move step size.
10. Create a Hilbert curve at level n − 1 rotated by −y degree (i.e. y degree in anticlockwise direction).
11. Rotate y degree towards the right.

steps for drawing level n Hilbert curve

Program for drawing Hilbert curve is given in Fig. 16.12.

Fig. 16.12 Program draw Hilbert curve (hilbert.py)


A Sudoku puzzle comprises a 9 × 9 grid divided into nine blocks of size 3 ×

3. Each of the blocks contains digits from 1 to 9 without repetition as shown
in Fig. 16.13. The same constraint is applicable on every row and column. In
a Sudoku problem, a partially filled 9 × 9 grid is given, and the challenge is
to find the missing numbers while ensuring that all the constraints are
satisfied. Apart from the Sudoku, which we just mentioned, there are other
variants of differing grid size, alphabetical Sudoku, hyper sudoku, etc.
However, in this section, we will develop a recursive approach for solving
the common Sudoku having grid size 9 × 9:

challenge: assign digits 1 to 9 without repetition in each of the blocks of size 3 × 3 within the 9
× 9 grid

no value is allowed to repeat in any row or column

Fig. 16.13 Sudoku grid

The simplest way to represent a 9 × 9 grid is in the form of a nested list. We

will use the value 0 to represent a missing value, yet to be determined. The
problem can be solved by searching for the target locations with missing
values, one by one, so long as the search is not exhausted. For every target
location, we will find all such solutions x that do not violate any of the
constraints, i.e. a number not repeated in the row, column, or block
containing the target location. For every currently determined solution, the
search will proceed by calling the function for solving Sudoku recursively.
Approach for determining a solution to Sudoku is mentioned below:

0 : denotes a missing value, yet to be determined

if the sudoku is solved, i.e. there are no zeroes in the grid


print the solution.

find a target index (i,j) on the grid with value 0.

# To find values that cannot be used in

# target index (i,j) in current solution

Create set excludeNums to store elements to be excluded.

for every position containing non-zero value in the grid

if the position lies in the same row, column, or the block

containing target index

add the value at that position to excludeNums set

# For discovering a solution

for every number in possible number list [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]

if number is not in excludeNums set:

Place number at index (i,j)

Call sudokuSolver with current partial solution lst.

Replace number at index (i,j) by 0.

Program for solving sudoku is given in Fig. 16.14.

Fig. 16.14 Program for solving sudoku (sudoku.py)

On executing the script sudoku (Fig. 16.14) with the following input,
Enter the list (0 for missing values): [[5, 3, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0,
0], [6, 0, 0, 1, 9, 5, 0, 0, 0], [0, 9, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0],
[8, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 3], [4, 0, 0, 8, 0, 3, 0, 0, 1], [7, 0,
0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 6], [0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 8, 0], [0, 0, 0, 4,
1, 9, 0, 0, 5], [0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 7, 9]]

Python responded with the following solution:

[5, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2]

[6, 7, 2, 1, 9, 5, 3, 4, 8]

[1, 9, 8, 3, 4, 2, 5, 6, 7]

[8, 5, 9, 7, 6, 1, 4, 2, 3]

[4, 2, 6, 8, 5, 3, 7, 9, 1]

[7, 1, 3, 9, 2, 4, 8, 5, 6]

[9, 6, 1, 5, 3, 7, 2, 8, 4]

[2, 8, 7, 4, 1, 9, 6, 3, 5]

[3, 4, 5, 2, 8, 6, 1, 7, 9]

sudoku solutions for the given grid values


Recursion is an important programming tool. But the unnecessary use of

recursion makes the programs inefficient. However, we would like to point
out that in special cases of recursion like tail recursion that occurs at the tail
of the function (no code occurring after the recursive call), an optimizing
compiler would replace the recursive call by an iterative code.

recursion may lead to inefficiency


1. Wrapper function is the function needed to do some housekeeping.

2. Eight-queens problem: place eight queens on the chessboard so that none can attach each other. A
queen is attackable if another queen lies in the same row, same column, or same diagonal (either
3. Knight's Tour: traverse the entire chessboard, without stepping over any square more than once.
4. Stable Marriage problem: We are given two groups of equal number of persons, one of the men and
the other of women. Each man gives his relative preference for every woman from best to worst, and
each woman gives her relative preference for every man. Based on their preferences, we are required
to find a pairing between men and women. The pairing should be stable in the following sense: there
are no two people of opposite sex who would both prefer to have each other than their current
5. A fractal is a curve or a geometric figure that repeats itself. Such a figure comprises a recursive
pattern that repeats itself up to a desired level of nesting.
6. The simplest Sierpinski triangle is a triangle subdivided into nested equilateral triangles formed by
bisecting sides of the triangle having the triangle at the center removed. This results in an outer
triangle with three upward facing equilateral triangles on top, bottom left and bottom right side with
one downward facing triangle that is removed from the centre. Each of the triangles facing upward
may further contain three nested equilateral triangles depending upon the level of depth.
7. A Hilbert curve is a curve that is formed by connecting a sequence of U-shaped curves oriented in
different directions. These U-shaped curves are placed at a certain step size distance apart. Level 1
Hilbert curve is a simple U-curve that is formed by moving down a distance step size, then moving
right a distance step size, and finally moving up a distance step size. Level 2 Hilbert curve is formed
by orienting level 1 Hilbert curve in different directions and connecting them. Thus, in general,
Hilbert curve of level n can be formed by orienting the Hilbert curve at level n − 1 in different
directions and connecting them.
8. A Sudoku puzzle comprises a 9 × 9 grid divided into nine blocks of size 3 × 3. Each of the blocks
should contain digits from 1 to 9 without repetition. The same constraint is applicable on every row
and column. Given a partially filled 9 × 9 grid, the challenge is to find the missing numbers while
ensuring that all the constraints are satisfied.


1. Write a generalized version of Sudoku problem.

2. Write a program that takes a number n as an input and prints pascal triangle comprising first n rows.
For example, for n = 5, following output should be displayed:
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1

3. Write a recursive function for Tug of war problem. The function should take a list of n integers and
should divide the elements into two lists of n/2 sizes so that the absolute difference between the sum
of elements of the two lists is the minimum possible.
4. Write a recursive function that draws order n Koch fractal curve (Fig. 16.15).

Fig. 16.15 Koch fractal curve

5. Write a program to solve Stable Matching Problem. Given, n (even) individuals and their ordered
preference list for their room partner, the problem is to divide them into n/2 stable pairs based on their
preferences. Further, the pairing should be stable in the following sense: there are no two persons (not
forming a pair) both of whom would prefer each other than their current partners.
6. Write a program that takes a matrix (list of lists) of 0’s and 1’s as an input from the user and invokes a
recursive function which returns the maximum length of connected cells having value 1. The two cells
are said to be connected if they are adjacent to each other, horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

17.1 2D Graphics
17.2 3D Graphics
17.3 Animation – Bouncing Ball

So far, we have developed programs, which produce output in the form of

text content. However, there is a famous saying, ‘A picture is worth a
thousand words.’ In this chapter, we shall study, how to visualize the input
data and the results produced by a program, in the form of graphs, pie-
charts, histograms, and 3D plots. We will also see the effectiveness of
animation in communication. Python supports 2D and 3D graphics, and
animations in the form of various packages and libraries like Matplotlib,
PyQtGraph (Scientific Graphics and GUI Library for Python), VisPy (2D/3D
visualization library), OpenGL (library for 2D and 3D graphics), turtle,
plotly (2D and 3D graphics library), VisPy, Biggles (2D scientific plotting
package), and VPython (3D and animation). In this chapter, we use the
standard library matplotlib for 2D graphics and the visual library of VPython
for 3D graphics and animation.

graphics and animation: used for visualization


Two-dimensional graphical objects include point, line, circle, rectangle,

oval, polygon, and text. Python library matplotlib provides several
methods that facilitate drawing these objects. To be more specific, the
library supports graphs, histograms, bar charts, pie charts, scatter plots, error
charts, etc. A graphics library, suited to a particular hardware and operating
system, may be downloaded from http://matplotlib.org/downloads.html. The
graphics libraries typically have a few required dependencies, which include
setuptools, numpy, dateutil, pyparsing, six, and pytz
(http://matplotlib.org/users/installing.html). For windows, we may directly
install these dependencies using the following command at command prompt:
pip install numpy python-dateutil pytz pyparsing six setuptools

If python fails to recognize the pip command, it can be downloaded from

https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py and installed on the machine by pressing
the keys WINDOWS R, and executing the following commands:

python get-pip.py

Alternatively, the downloaded file get-pip.py may directly be executed in

Python IDLE. Also, the environment path (system variable) should be
updated to include C:\Users\

The module matplotlib can be downloaded and installed by pressing the

keys WINDOWS R, and executing the following commands:

pip install matplotlib

installing module matplotlib

In this chapter, we make use of pyplot module of matplotlib, which

contains several functions for plotting figures and modifying or setting
various properties such as labels for the figure and layout of the plot area. To
be able to use graphics, we need to import matplotlib.pyplot module in the
current shell environment. Another important module of matplotlib that
serves the same purpose as pyplot is pylab.

pyplot module: contains functions for plotting figures and setting various properties

17.1.1 Point and Line

Suppose we wish to draw a single point, say, (3, 2) on the graph. For this
purpose, we use the function plot(x,y) that takes two arguments x and y as
coordinates (on x-axis and y-axis respectively) of the point to be plotted on
the graph. The following sequence of commands will display the point (Fig.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.plot(3, 2)


plotting a point

The function show is used for displaying the figure. Once the function show
is executed, the system waits for us to have a look at the graph, and
execution of other instructions is blocked until the graphical window is
closed. Hence, the function show is called a blocking function. When we
wish to continue the execution of other statements, without closing the
window manually, we specify block = False as an argument while
invoking the function show. Note that the first line introduces plt as an
alternative name of the module matplotlib.pyplot.

show(): to display a figure

Note that the point shown in Fig. 17.1 is hardly visible. The use of color
and style comes in handy in such situations. Table 17.1 and Table 17.2 show
a few choices for color and style.

Fig. 17.1 Function plot(3, 2) to display point (3, 2) (see page 583 for the colour image)

Table 17.1 Color

choices for color

Table 17.2 Point style

choices for marker style

Let us plot the point (3, 2) as a circular red-colored point (Fig. 17.2) as
plt.plot(3, 2, 'ro')

plotting a circular redcolored point

The third argument (format string) is a string that describes a combination of

point style and color, which may appear in any order. Thus, above call to
function plot may also be written as:
plt.plot(3, 2, 'or')

interactive buttons on the bottom panel for manipulating current view of the figure

Fig. 17.2 Point (3, 2) (see page 583 for the colour image)

Note that Fig. 17.2 has several interactive buttons on the bottom panel that
help in manipulating the current view of the figure. The first button is called
the home button and is used to reset original view of the figure. The fourth
button is used for controlling the axis by panning the axis with the left
button of mouse and zooming with the right button of the mouse. We may
also zoom in the rectangular portion of the current view of the figure using
the fifth button. In the case of multiple sub-plots, we may configure them
with the sixth button. At any point in time, we may revert to previous view
or next view using second and third button respectively. The seventh button
is used for saving the figure in the desired directory.
At times, we may be interested in plotting several points on the graph. For
example, suppose we wish to plot five points: (2,3), (4,5), (6,7), (8,9),
(10,11). We construct two lists: x and y — the list x comprising x-
coordinates of all the points, and the list y comprising y-coordinates of the
corresponding points. As each point comprises an x-coordinate and a y-
coordinate, both lists have the same length. Now we are ready to call the
plot function with arguments x, y, and 'ro'. The resulting graph is shown
in Fig. 17.3.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

y = [3, 5, 7, 9, 11]

plt.plot(x,y, 'ro')


plotting several points on the graph

Fig. 17.3 Multiple points (see page 583 for the colour image)

Often, we are interested in plotting a line connecting a list of points. Indeed,

the plot function can be used again for this purpose. When we skip the third
argument entirely, or just skip the shape of the points to be plotted as part of
the third argument, by default, Python joins the points based on input lists x
and y, by line segments, as shown below:
plt.plot(x, y)

plotting a line connecting coordinates of points specified as lists

On execution of the above instruction, a line joining the points determined

by lists x and y is displayed.
Fig. 17.4 Line joining points specified by vector x and y (see page 583 for the colour image)

Note that the system displays a solid line in blue color. These are default
options for line style and color. Thus, default format string is 'b-'. We may
choose any of the four line styles that appear in Table 17.3. Color options
have already been described in Table 17.1.

by default, the line is plotted as a solid line in blue color

default format string: 'b-'

Table 17.3 Line style

choices for line style

Next, we display a line comprising dashes and asterisks (in red color) (Fig.
x = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

y = [3, 5, 7, 9, 11]

plt.plot(x, y, 'r*--')


plotting a line comprising dashes and asterisks (in red color)

Fig. 17.5 Dashed line joining points (star marker) specified by vector x and y (see page 583 for the
colour image)

In general, the plot function may be specified as follows:

plot (x, y, LineSpecification)

syntax of plot function

Note that if only one list is specified as an argument to plot function, it

assumes x-list to be values in the range(0, len(y)). For example, in Fig.
17.6, we show the output on invoking the function plot(y):

The function plot supports several properties that may be set as per the user
preferences such as markerfacecolor, markersize (decimal value),
markeredgecolor, markeredgewidth (decimal value), linestyle and
linewidth (decimal value). For example, to set the width of the line as 2.2
and size of the marker as 10.5, we use the following call to plot function
(Fig. 17.7):
Fig. 17.6 Solid line joining points defined by vectors [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] and y (see page 583 for the colour

plt.plot(x, y, 'r*--', markersize = 10.5, linewidth = 2.2)

setting markersize and linewidth of the line

Fig. 17.7 Line joining points specified by vectors x and y (see page 584 for the colour image)

Axis, Title, and Label

In the above examples, given lists, x and y, the system determined the plot
area, sufficient for the output graph. However, the use of axis function
enables us to specify the plot area explicitly through use of the axis
parameters x , x , y , and y :
min max min max

specifying plot area axis parameters

axis ([xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax])

For example, we redraw Fig. 17.7 by setting the axis parameters (Fig. 17.8):
x = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

y = [3, 5, 7, 9, 11]

plt.plot(x, y, 'r*--', markersize = 10.5, linewidth = 2.2)

plt.axis([1, 11, 2, 12])


Fig. 17.8 Line joining points specified by vectors x and y (see page 584 for the colour image)

To make the graph easy to understand, we label the axes and assign a title to
the graph. Functions xlabel, ylabel, and title may be used for this
purpose, as illustrated below:

plt.ylabel('X * X')

plt.title('X vs X * X')

specifying x and y labels

specifying figure title labels

The appearance of a grid in the background makes it easy to read the
coordinates of the points in a graph. To display a grid, we need to invoke the
function grid (Fig. 17.9):

displaying a grid

Plotting Multiple Functions in the Same Figure

Sometimes, we wish to plot graphs of two or more functions in the same
figure. For example, we may like to compare two graphs. For this purpose,
we may make repeated calls to plot function as illustrated below:
plot (X1, Y1, LineSpec1)

plot (X2, Y2, LineSpec2)

plot (Xn, Yn, LineSpecn)
Fig. 17.9 Line joining points specified by vectors x and y (see page 584 for the colour image)

Alternatively, several functions may be plotted using a single call to plot

function as shown below:
plot (X1, Y1, LineSpec1, X2, Y2, LineSpec2,…, Xn, Yn, LineSpecn)

syntax for plotting multiple functions in the same graph

For example, let us plot functions f(x) = x2 and f(x) = x3 in the same figure in
the interval [a,b] in steps of step. When we display more than one graph in
the same figure, we need a mechanism to distinguish between them. For this
purpose, we make use of different colors, width, and style, or a combination
of these as illustrated in the function plotFunctions (Fig. 17.10). In the
script plotLines1, we have chosen colors red and blue for plotting the
functions x**2 and x**3 respectively. Legends associated with different plot
functions are specified using the keyword label while invoking the plot
function (lines 13 and 14). Finally, we invoke function legend for displaying
the legends for the two functions being plotted (line 15).
keyword label is used for specifying legend
Fig. 17.10 Program to plot functions f(x) = x2 and f(x) = x3 on the graph (plotLines1.py)

legend(): for displaying the legends

On executing the script plotLines1 (Fig. 17.10), the user is asked to enter
the range parameters and the step size:
Enter first element of the range: 2.5

Enter last element of the range: 4.5

Enter step size: 0.1

On entering the range parameters 2.5 and 4.5, Python responds with Fig.

Multiple Plots
Suppose we wish to plot several functions, each in a separate graph, but in
the same figure. The function subplot described below may be used for this

subplot(): plotting in sub-graphs

syntax for function subplot

subplot(rowNum, colNum, FigNum)

Fig. 17.11 Functions f(x) = x2 and f(x) = x3 plotted in the interval [2.5, 4.5] in steps of 0.1 (see page
584 for the colour image)

The function takes three arguments, the number of rows, the number of
columns, and the figure number. Instead of a comma-separated sequence of
parameters, we may specify an ordered sequence of these values, for
example, we may use either of the function calls subplot(1, 2, 1) and
subplot(121). In the script plotLines2 (Fig. 17.12), we plot six functions
f(x) = x, f(x) = x , f(x) = x , f(x) = x , f(x) = x , and f(x) = x
2 3 4 5 6

as six different graphs (two rows and three columns) but in the same figure
(Fig. 17.13). Note that the call to the function plot in line 20 plots the graph
in the subplot mentioned in line 19. On executing the script plotLines2
(Fig. 17.12), Python prompts the user to enter the list x to be plotted:
Fig. 17.12 Program to plot six functions on different subgraphs in the same figure (plotLines2.py)

Enter list x to be plotted: range(1,15)

On providing the input range(1,15), Python outputs Fig. 17.13. All the list
sequences that are provided to functions of matlplotlib.pyplot are
internally converted to numpy arrays (homogeneous multidimensional
arrays). Also, to add sufficient spacing between subplots so that they do not
overlap, function tight_layout has been invoked in line 61.

tight_layout(): to add sufficient spacing between subplots

Saving Figure
Suppose, we wish to plot a graph between x and x , and save it in a file for

future reference, thus, avoiding the need to re-run the code every time such a
figure is needed. To save a graph in the current directory, we use the
function savefig, for example,

savefig(): to save a graph in the current directory

x = range(0,5)

y = [i**2 for i in x]

plt.plot(x, y, label = 'X vs X**2')

Fig. 17.13 Six functions plotted on different subgraphs in same figure (see page 585 for the colour

17.1.2 Histogram and Pi Chart

A histogram is used to represent the frequency of various values in a data set
using bars, also known as bins. The function hist is used for plotting the
histogram for a given data set as illustrated in the script histogram (Fig.
17.14). In line 13, we define the limits of x-axis using the function xlim.
Next, we execute the script histogram (Fig. 17.14) and Python outputs a
histogram (Fig. 17.15) for the list [1,1,4,4,1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,6]:

hist(): to plot histogram for a given data set

xlim(): to define the limits of x-axis

Enter data to be plotted as histogram: [1,1,4,4,1,2,


By default, the method hist assumes the maximum number of bins to be 10.
If we wish to have more than 10 bins, we need to set the number of bins to
the desired value explicitly, say n, using keyword argument bins = n along
with input data. Also, as the bins of the histogram are not centred around
values (Fig. 17.15), we may prefer to specify the range (boundaries) for each
bin of the histogram. For example, the following statement defines the bins
with boundaries 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, and 6.5 which creates six bins as
[0.5,1.5), [1.5,2.5), [2.5,3.5), [3.5,4.5), [4.5,5.5), and [5.5,6.5].
Fig. 17.14 Program to plot histogram (histogram.py)
Fig. 17.15 Histogram (see page 585 for the colour image)

plt.hist(data,bins = [i-0.5 for i in \


use of keyword argument bins for specifying bin boundaries

On replacing line 8 by the above statement in the script histogram (Fig.

17.15), we get the desired histogram (Fig. 17.16).
Fig. 17.16 Histogram (see page 585 for the colour image)

A pie chart is a circular representation of data under different categories. A

circle is divided into sectors, also called wedges. A sector denotes the
proportion of data that falls in the corresponding category. The function pie
is used for creating a pie chart for the given sequence of data. The function
pie requires two arguments: a sequence X of numeric values and a sequence
of labels to be assigned to the wedges (Fig. 17.17). For plotting the pie chart;
the function computes the proportion of each data value x of the sequence X
as x/sum(X). Sometimes, we need to display the percent area covered by
each wedge. For this purpose, we use the argument autopct. In the script
piechart (Fig. 17.17), we have set formatted percentage string to contain
two digits after the decimal point.

pie(): to create a pie chart for the given sequence of data node

autopct: keyword argument to specify the percent area covered by each wedge
On executing the script piechart (Fig. 17.17), Python prompted with
following inputs and displayed pie chart as shown in Fig. 17.18.

Fig. 17.17 Program to plot pie-chart (piechart.py)

Fig. 17.18 Pie chart (see page 586 for the colour image)

Enter data to be plotted as pie chart: [30, 40, 90, 50]

Enter the labels: ['VolleyBall', 'Hockey', 'Cricket',


17.1.3 Sine and Cosine Curves

In this section, we develop two functions sineCurve and cosineCurve to
plot sine and cosine curve in the range 0° to 360° (Fig. 17.19). We determine
sine values in the range 0° to 360° using sine function of math module. The
sine values so obtained are then plotted using plot function (sineCurve).
The cosine values are plotted similarly in the function cosineCurve. The
curves obtained on executing the script curve are shown in Fig.17.20.

plotting sine and cosine curves

Fig. 17.19 Program to plot sine and cosine curve (curve.py)

Fig. 17.20 Sine and cosine curve (see page 586 for the colour image)
17.1.4 Graphical Objects: Circle, Ellipse, Rectangle, Polygon, and Arrow
To support the classes such as Rectangle, Circle, Ellipse,
RegularPolygon, Polygon, CirclePolygon, Rectangle, Arrow, and
FancyArrow, matplotlib library provides patches module. Consequently,
the graphical shapes such as rectangle, circle, ellipse, regular polygon,
polygon, circle polygon, rectangle, arrow, and fancy arrow are called
patches. All these classes are sub-classes of the class Patch which further
inherits from the class Artist of the module artist.

patches: the module provides support for graphical objects

Drawing a graphical object requires creating the object of a particular

shape and adding that patch to the current figure’s axis using the function
add_patch. We can obtain current figure’s axis using the function gca (get
current axis). When the axis is set to 'scaled', the system chooses a
suitable scale for displaying the figure.

In Table 17.4, we describe some of the properties of the graphical objects

that they inherit from class Patch. These properties can be set to suitable
values for improving the visual effectiveness of a figure.

Table 17.4 Patch class properties

properties of Patch class

Creating an instance of the class Circle requires a tuple (x, y) denoting the
centre of the circle and an optional value for the parameter radius (default
5). Further, we may set different properties of the class Patch while
instantiating the class Circle. In the script circle (Fig. 17.21), we draw a
circle on the plot area. The circle is centred at (0, 0) and has the user-
specified radius. Further, facecolor, edgecolor, linestyle, and
linewidth have been set to green, red, dotted, and 2.2, respectively.

Circle: the class used to plot a circle

default value of radius: 5

Fig. 17.21 Program to draw a circle (circle.py)
On executing the script circle (Fig. 17.21), Python prompts the user to
enter the radius and displays circle (Fig. 17.22).
Enter the radius: 4

Fig. 17.22 Circle (see page 586 for the colour image)

Creating an instance of the Ellipse class takes width and height as the
required attributes and an optional value for the parameter angle (default
0.0) denoting rotation in degrees (anti-clockwise). As usual, we may set
different properties of the class Patch while instantiating the class Ellipse.
In the script ellipse (Fig. 17.23), we draw an ellipse on the plot area. The
ellipse is centred at (0, 0) and has user-specified width and height. Further,
fc, ec, linestyle, and lw have been set to cyan, red, dashed, and 2.2,

Ellipse: the class used to plot an ellipse

Fig. 17.23 Program to draw an ellipse (ellipse.py)
On executing the script ellipse (Fig. 17.23), Python prompts the user to
enter the width and the height. On entering values 5 and 3 for width and
height, respectively, an ellipse is displayed (Fig. 17.24).
Enter the width: 5

Enter the height: 3

Fig. 17.24 Ellipse (see page 586 for the colour image)

For creating an instance of Rectangle class, we specify width and height as
the required attributes. We may also specify the optional parameter angle
(default 0.0) denoting rotation in degrees (anti-clockwise). In the script
rectangle (Fig. 17.25), we draw a rectangle on the plot area. The rectangle
is centred at (0, 0) with user-specified length and breadth. As usual, we set
some of the properties of the class Patch while instantiating the class
Rectangle. Default values are used for other properties.

Rectangle: the class used to plot a rectangle

Fig. 17.25 Program to draw a rectangle (rectangle.py)
On executing the script rectangle (Fig. 17.25), and entering 6 and 3 as
the values of length and breadth, respectively, a rectangle is displayed (Fig.
Enter the length: 6

Enter the breadth: 3

Fig. 17.26 Rectangle (see page 587 for the colour image)

Creating an instance of Polygon class requires a list (vector) of points. Each
point in the list denotes one of the endpoints of the line segments of the
polygon. As usual, we may set different properties of the class Patch while
instantiating the class Polygon. In the script polygon (Fig. 17.27), we draw a
polygon on the plot area that joins the user-specified points having ec,
linestyle, and lw set to red, dashdot, and 4, respectively.

Polygon: the class used to plot a polygon

On executing the script polygon (Fig. 17.27), Python prompts the user to
enter the list of endpoints of a polygon. On entering the input [[2.5,4],
[2,6], [4,8], [6,6], [5.5,4]], a polygon is displayed (Fig. 17.28).
Enter the points: [[2.5,4], [2,6], [4,8], [6,6], [5.5,4]]

Fig. 17.27 Program to draw a polygon (polygon.py)

Fig. 17.28 Polygon (see page 587 for the colour image)

Creating an instance of Arrow class requires attributes x, y, dx, and dy.
Whereas (x, y) denotes the starting point (base) of the arrow, and (dx, dy)
defines the the position of the head of the arrow relative to its base. As
usual, we may set different properties of the class Patch while instantiating
the class Arrow. In the script arrow (Fig. 17.29), we draw an arrow that
begins from a user specified position (x, y) having coordinates of head of
the arrow as (x + dx, y + dy). We set the fill property to False so that
the arrow is not filled with any color. Also, we set the hatch property to
value 'O' so that the arrow is filled with Os.

Arrow: the class used to plot an arrow

Fig. 17.29 Program to draw an arrow (arrow.py)
On executing the script arrow (Fig. 17.29), Python prompts the user to enter
the specifications for a polygon and displays it (Fig. 17.30).
Enter the starting position (x,y): (1,2)

Enter the dx: -1

Enter the dy: 3

Fig. 17.30 Arrow


The visual module of Visual Python supports 3D graphics and animation. It

may be downloaded from vpython.org. Since Python 3 does not support
VPython6 (latest version till date), we will be using older version 5.74 of
VPython. Also, note that Vpython version 5.74 is supported with Python
3.2.2, thus, if you wish to use 3D objects, you may need to install Python
3.2.2 before installing VPython version 5.74.

When we click on the icon VIDLE for VPython, 3D graphics and

animation functionality becomes available to us. Module visual of VPython
contains several classes such box, sphere, cone, cylinder, arrow, ring,
pyramid, ellipsoid, and helix which facilitate us to draw various 3D
graphical objects. All these classes inherit from the class py_renderable. In
Table 17.5, we list some important attributes used in 3D graphics. We may
set these attributes of the py_renderable class while instantiating the classes
box, sphere, cone, cylinder, arrow, ring, pyramid, ellipsoid, and

visual: the module used to create 3D graphics and animation

classes corresponding to 3D objects inherit from py_renderable

Table 17.5 py_renderable class attributes

A box may be drawn by creating an instance of class box. While creating an
instance of box class, we may specify attributes listed in Table 17.6.
box: the class used to create a box

Table 17.6 box class attributes

attributes of class box

A box, green in color, having length 7, height 4, breadth 5, and opacity 0.25
may be drawn on the plot area by invoking class box as follows:
from visual import *

box(size = (7,4,5), color = color.green, opacity = 0.25)

The box is shown in Fig. 17.31.

A sphere may be drawn by creating an instance of the class sphere as shown

sphere: the class used to create a sphere

Fig. 17.31 Box (see page 587 for the colour image)

Fig. 17.32 Sphere (see page 587 for the colour image)

While creating an instance of the sphere class, we may specify attributes

listed in Table 17.7.
Table 17.7 sphere class attributes
attributes of class sphere

We may set various attributes of the py_renderable class while instantiating

the class sphere. The following sequence of statements draws a sphere on
the plot area (Fig. 17.32):
from visual import *

sphere(pos=(0,0,0), radius = 0.6, color = \

color.cyan, opacity = 0.75, material = \

A ring can be drawn by creating an instance of the class ring. While creating
an instance of ring class, we may specify attributes listed in Table 17.8.

ring: the class used to draw a ring

Table 17.8 ring class attributes

attributes of the class ring

We may also set various attributes of the py_renderable class while

instantiating the class ring. The following sequence of statements draws a
ring on the plot area (Fig. 17.33).
from visual import *

ring(axis=(0.5,0,0.9), radius=0.5,\


Fig. 17.33 Ring (see page 587 for the colour image)

Graphical object cylinder can be drawn by creating an instance of the class
cylinder. While creating an instance of cylinder class, we may specify
attributes listed in Table 17.9.
cylinder: the class used to draw a cylinder

Table 17.9 cylinder class attributes

attributes of the class cylinder

We may also set various attributes of the py_renderable class while

instantiating the class cylinder. The following instantiation of class
cylinder yields a cylinder on the plot area (Fig. 17.34).

from visual import *

cylinder(pos=(-2,2,1), axis=(5,0,5), radius=2)

Fig. 17.34 Cylinder (see page 587 for the colour image)

An arrow can be drawn by creating an instance of the class arrow. While
creating an instance of arrow class, we may specify attributes listed in Table

arrow: the class used to draw an arrow

Table 17.10 arrow class attributes

attributes of the class arrow

We may also set various attributes of the py_renderable class while

instantiating the class arrow. The following sequence of statement draws an
arrow on the plot area (Fig. 17.35):
from visual import *
arrow(pos = (-3,0,0), axis = (5,2,0),\

shaftwidth=0.5, color = color.yellow,\

up = (0,10,20))

Fig. 17.35 Arrow (see page 588 for the colour image)

A cone can be drawn by creating an instance of the class cone. While
creating an instance of cone class, we may specify attributes listed in Table

cone: the class used to draw a cone

Table 17.11 cone class attributes

attributes of the class cone

We may also set various attributes of the py_renderable class while

instantiating the class cone. The following sequence of statement draws a
cone on the plot area (Fig. 17.36):
from visual import *

cone(pos=(0,-2,0), axis=(0,4,0),radius=2)
Fig. 17.36 Cone (see page 588 for the colour image)

An object curve can be drawn by creating an instance of the class curve.
While creating an instance of curve class, we may specify attributes listed in
Table 17.12.

curve: the class used to draw a curve

Table 17.12 curve class attributes

attributes of the class curve

We may also set various attributes of the py_renderable class while

instantiating the class curve. The following sequence of statements yields a
curve on the plot area (Fig. 17.37):
from visual import *

curve(pos=[(-2,-2,0),(-2,0,1),(0,0,0), (3,0,0),\

(2,1,0), (3,4,2)], radius=0.05)

Fig. 17.37 Curve (see page 588 for the colour image)


The animation is a continuous sequence of graphics, often termed frames,

that are played back to back with respect to time. In the script bouncingBall
(Fig. 17.38), we create an animation of a bouncing ball as shown in
snapshots (Fig. 17.39).

animation: continuous sequence of graphics

In lines 2 and 4 (Fig. 17.38), we create a base ground using a box object
and a ball using sphere object and define their attributes. The center point
of the visual display window is positioned at (0, 5, 5) (lines 6). The ball is
projected with an initial velocity 10 unit/sec in the direction of y-axis, and
the coefficient of restitution is 0.9 (line 7 and 8). Change in time dt is set to
0.01 sec (line 9). The while loop produces a bouncing ball animation.
Function rate defines a maximum number of loops per second. The position
of the bouncing ball in each iteration is updated using current velocity and
time. If the current position of the ball is less than the radius of the ball, it
touches the floor. In this case, the velocity of the ball is negated changing the
direction of motion and its position is set to coordinates (0,1,0). Also,
velocity is updated using the formula v = u + a*t. Note that bouncing ball
animation lasts until the position of the ball becomes static i.e. there is no
change in the position of the ball in successive iterations (line 17). Also, we
may set the visual display window to full-screen by using the following
command immediately after importing the module visual:

rate(): maximum number of loops per second

update velocity whenever ball changes its direction

scene.fullscreen = True
Fig. 17.38 Program to create a bouncing ball (bouncingBall.py)
Fig. 17.39 Snapshots of bouncing ball (see page 588 for the colour image)


1. Python library matplotlib provides several methods that facilitate us to draw graphical objects
including point, line, circle, rectangle, oval, and polygon. The library also supports objects like
graphs, histograms, bar charts, pie charts, scatter plots, and error charts.
2. pyplot module of matplotlib contains several functions for plotting, and modifying or setting
various properties such as the layout of the plot area, labels, and attributes of the figure.
3. The function plot of pyplot module may used for plotting as follows:
plot (x, y, LineSpecification)
4. The function show of pyplot module is used for displaying the figure.
5. The function axis of pyplot module is used for setting axis parameters x , x , y and y .
min max min max

6. The functions title, xlabel, and ylabel of pyplot module are used for setting title and labelling
7. The function subplot of pyplot module is used for plotting several functions, each in a separate
graph, but in the same figure. The function takes three arguments, the number of rows, the number of
columns, and the figure number.
8. The function savefig of pyplot module is used to save a graph.
9. The function hist of pyplot module is used for plotting a histogram for the given data set.
10. The function pie of pyplot module is used for creating a pie chart for a given sequence of data.
11. In matplotlib terminology, the graphical shapes such as a circle, rectangle, polygon, and ellipse are
known as patches. The module patch supports classes such as Rectangle, Circle, Ellipse,
RegularPolygon, Polygon, CirclePolygon, Rectangle, Arrow, and FancyArrow.
12. Visual Python has visual module that supports 3D graphics and animation. It contains several classes
such box, sphere, cone, cylinder, arrow, ring, pyramid, ellipsoid, and helix that facilitate us to
draw various 3D graphical objects.


1. Write a program that plots graphs corresponding to the following equations by taking suitable lists as
an input from the user:
1. y = 3x2 + 4x + 2 (y vs. x)
2. v = u + at (v vs. t)
3. F = ma (F vs. m)
2. Write a program that plots the following functions in the range 0° to 360° in the same figure:
1. tan
2. cot
3. sec
4. cosec
3. Write a program that illustrates superposition of two waves of the same amplitude.
4. Write a program that shows the moving car.
5. Write a program that shows the motion of a rocket.

18.1 Collecting Information from Twitter
18.2 Sharing Data Using Sockets
18.3 Managing Database Using Structured Query Language
18.4 Developing Mobile Application for Android
18.5 Integrating Java with Python
18.6 Python Chat Application Using Kivy and Socket Programming

Python is rapidly evolving as one of the most powerful and preferred

programming choice amongst the developers. The extensive third party
support has made Python a viable option in almost every application area
such as handling twitter data, web access, database management, and mobile
app development. In this chapter, we briefly cover the above-mentioned
application areas. As a lot of application code is developed in Java, we also
discuss, how Python code can be integrated with Java code seamlessly.

Python has emerged as a preferred choice for programming in almost every application area


Often we are interested to know the current trend, i.e., to find the ongoing
activity about an event, place, or person. Twitter is one such source of
information about almost everything happening in the world. Indeed, Twitter
has emerged as a popular social networking site, and people use it to air their
views and increase their awareness. Because of the millions of active users
sharing the latest updates, a lot of interesting data can be collected from
Twitter. Twitter can also be used to retrieve information about the tweets,
connections, or followers of a user, or topics trending on Twitter.

Twitter: a rich source of up-to date information

Information is shared on Twitter in the form of tweets. A tweet may

contain photos, videos, links, and up to 140 characters of text. A tweet may
be published on Twitter by registered users. However, all the users, whether
registered or unregistered can read the tweets. Tweets are of two types,
namely, public tweets and private tweets. Public tweets are the tweets visible
to anyone accessing Twitter, whereas private tweets can be seen by
permitted Twitter followers. Twitter provides several APIs (Application
Programming Interfaces) to access Twitter data such as user’s profile
information or tweets posted. These APIs are mainly categorized as
Streaming and REST APIs. While streaming APIs provide a continuous
stream of data in real time from Twitter server, REST APIs are used for
retrieving data using a query to the Twitter server.

public tweets: can be accessed by anyone

private tweets: can be accessed only by authorized followers

Twitter APIs are used for accessing twitter data in a script

In this section, we will build a simple crawler that searches and collects
Twitter data in real time. So we will be using streaming APIs. An API
request on Twitter is first authenticated using Open Authentication (OAuth).
OAuth allows the users to connect to Twitter and send authorized Twitter
API request. Every registered application (consumer) of Twitter is assigned
a Consumer Key (API Key) and Consumer Secret ( API Secret) using which
the applications can authenticate themselves. Twitter verifies the user’s
identity and assigns PIN (OAuth verifier) that will be required by the
application to request Access Token and Access Secret to be used in an
application for invoking API calls. The Access Token and Access Secret pair
uniquely identify a user.

OAuth: used to authenticate API request

For Open Authentication, we need to follow the steps given in Fig. 18.1.

For performing analysis on Twitter data, we need the package tweepy. It

may be downloaded using the following cmd command on windows:

Twitter data analysis requires importing tweepy package

pip install tweepy

Fig. 18.1 Open authentication sequence

If system fails to recognize pip command, it can be downloaded from

https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py, and installed using the following
commands from command line interface:
cd <pathname of the directory containing


python get-pip.py

installing pip

Alternatively, we may open and execute the script get-pip.py from Python
IDLE. Also, the environment path for system variable should be updated to
include C:\Python27\Scripts.

Open Authentication
Accessing Twitter data requires open authentication of the application. In the
script TwitterOAuth (Fig. 18.2), we aim at authorizing a Python application
to access Twitter. The function OAuthVerifier is used for doing so. It first
initializes the variables consumerKey, consumerSecret, accessToken, and
accessSecret (lines 9, 10, 12, and 13). Execution of line 11 creates an
OAuthHandler object for using API key and API secret. The accessToken
and accessSecret are set for this object using the method
set_access_token. The authentication handler, that we just obtained, can be
passed as a parameter to class API of the tweepy module (a wrapper for API
as provided by Twitter). An object of this class (api) can be used for
retrieving user information such as his/her followers, friends, and tweets.

an object of class OAuthHandler is used to instantiate the class API

Fig. 18.2 OpenAuth (TwitterOAuth.py)

Note that the keys used in the program are only for illustration purpose;
however, the user is expected to generate the keys himself and replace them
appropriately in the given code.

An Example – Collecting User Information

Often, we are interested in retrieving user statistics such as name, id,
location, description, friends and followers count, and posted tweets. To
retrieve such user statistics, we require an associated user object. In the
script TwitterUserInfo1 (Fig. 18.3), we retrieve information about an
authenticated user and a user whose id or screen name (@handle) is known.
For example, the user Sachin Tendulkar has @sachin_rt as screen name
with associated id 135421739.

retrieving user statistics

Fig. 18.3 User information (TwitterUserInfo1.py)

The user method me (line 32) of the api returns authenticated user
information. Another user method get_user returns information about the
particular user, whose id/screen name is taken as input in line 35. We define
a function getUserStatistics for accessing and printing the user
information. Table 18.1 lists variables associated with user object that may
be accessed for information.
Table 18.1 Variables associated with user object
On executing the script TwitterUserInfo1 (Fig. 18.3), Python responds
with the following output:

Name: Suzzane Mathew

Screen Name: SuzzaneMathew

ID: 727494459118653446

Account creation date and time: 2016-05-03 13:46:10

Location: India

Description: A Python Programmer

No. of followers: 3

No. of friends: 34
No. of favorite tweets: 0

No. of posted tweets: 3

Associated URL: None

statistics of an authenticated user

Enter the user identification: @sachin_rt

Name: sachin tendulkar

Screen Name: sachin_rt

ID: 135421739

Account creation date and time: 2010-04-21 07:42:23

Location: ÜT: 18.986431,72.823769

Description: Proud Indian

No. of followers: 15690592

No. of friends: 79

No. of favourite tweets: 39

No. of posted tweets: 1519

Associated url: http://t.co/TCNcUDBwuE

statistics of the user with screen name @ sachin_rt

Collecting Followers, Friends, and Tweets of a User

Now we develop a program that discovers followers, friends, and tweets of a
user. For a given user, the methods followers, friends, and
user_timeline return information about followers, friends, and public
tweets, respectively (Fig. 18.4).
Fig. 18.4 Friends, followers, and tweets of a user (TwitterUserInfo2.py)
On executing the script TwitterUserInfo2 (Fig. 18.4), Python responds
with the following output:




























RT @gvanrossum: The very first https://t.co/2j12YXhlJD home

page, from May 1997: https://t.co/KwtE7rjX9P

RT @gvanrossum: MicroPython 1.7 released! Now with cross-

compiler. https://t.co/gWq50gVEwk Congrats Damien and

Hello Twitter! #myfirstTweet


If the number of friends, followers, or tweets exceeds 20, only first 20

results are displayed. These 20 results correspond to the first page returned
by these methods. However, if all possible results are required to be shown,
the method items of the object of type Cursor of the module tweepy can be
used (Fig. 18.5).

items(): returns an iterable object comprising desired number of search results

Fig. 18.5 Friends, followers, and tweets of a user (TwitterUserInfo3.py)
While invoking the method items(), integer argument limit can be used to
restrict the number of results to be displayed.

Collecting Tweets Having Specific Words

Often, we wish to collect some specific tweets streaming in real time. The
data collected may be further used for analysis. We use Twitter Streaming
API for downloading Twitter messages in high volume in real time. Python
class StreamListener is used for collecting streaming tweets. In this
section, we define a class MyStreamListener that inherits the class
StreamListener of the tweepy module. In the class MyStreamListener, we
define two methods: on_status and on_error. The method on_status tells
what to do when a status (input parameter) known as tweet update is
received. The overridden method on_status receives the data from the
method on_data of the class StreamListener. The method on_error
handles the error and gets automatically invoked on occurrence of an error.
As shown in the script KeyTweets (Fig. 18.6), the method handles error 420
and disconnects the stream by returning False when error 420 occurs. This
error occurs if the number of user attempts to connect to streaming API
exceeds a particular limit.

StreamListener: a class for collecting streaming tweets

Suppose, we are interested in tweets containing the word Python. The

execution of the script KeyTweets (Fig. 18.6) outputs streaming data
containing the keyword Python. It first authorizes the application to access
Twitter using the function OAuthVerifier (line 37). It then creates a stream
listener instance listenerOb of class MyStreamListener (line 39). The class
Stream of module tweepy is then used for creating a Stream object
myStream, which takes two parameters: auth – an attribute of api and
listenerOb – a stream listener object (line 41). It establishes a streaming
session and routes all the tweets to the object listenerOb. For streaming all
tweets containing the word Python, we make use of the stream object
method filter, which takes a list parameter track containing the search
keywords for the stream (line 44).
Stream: a class used to create a stream object
Fig. 18.6 Tweets having specific words (KeyTweets.py)
On executing the script KeyTweets (Fig. 18.6), Python prompts the user for
input and on providing the input ['Python'], responds with the following

Enter search keywords list: ['Python']

I liked a @YouTube video https://t.co/cLNOpZTD3b Monty Python -

Execution in Russia (funny sketch!)

RT @rogerhoward: Sublime still feels near perfect for Python;

VSCode definitely better for JS. Hate the thought of using both.

RT @dbader_org: Writing a little GUI helper tool for macOS with

Python—Nice "scratch your own itch with Python" article:

If you're looking for work in MO, check out this #job:

https://t.co/iuSMypbtOc #Python #Relocate #NYC…

RT @fmasanori: "Dev-ia C em Python". Nome de equipe na maratona

de programação. Como os alunos são criativos.

1-2-6 are my top three https://t.co/zLmfaaPI3s

RT @KirkDBorne: #DeepLearning Cheat Sheet (using Keras + #Python

Libraries) https://t.co/QIivKejlNt #abdsc #BigData

tweets for the search keyword: Python


Often two processes need to communicate with each other for sharing data.
These processes may reside either on the same machine or on different
machines connected to a network. The two processes involved in this
interprocess communication are typically the client and the server
applications. The client application requests data and the server application
responds by fulfilling the request. The client-server architecture allows two
remote entities to communicate. For this purpose, HTTP is often used in
Internet applications as shown in Fig. 18.7.

sharing data across applications: processes need to communicate with each other

Fig. 18.7 Web application architecture

client - server architecture

client: requests data server: responds by fulfilling the request

Interprocess communication can be achieved using one or more of the

several available options such as file, signal, socket, shared memory, pipe,
and message. In this section, we will learn interprocess communication via
use of socket programming using Python. For the purpose of smooth
communication, the communicating processes need a protocol that defines
the rules for communication between the client and the server. The network
architecture mainly uses TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
Protocol) for communication.

socket: used for interprocess communication

Suppose, process A (say, client) needs to communicate with process B

(say, server). In order to communicate, the client and the server need to
make a connection between themselves. A socket defines the client and the
server as the end points of such a connection. A socket works much like
communication over the telephone. The two parties that wish to
communicate with each other have telephone handsets at the end points. For
communication to take place, one party needs to dial up a connection, and
the other party must be available to attend the phone call. In the client-server
environment, each of the client and the server would require a socket. A
socket is uniquely identified by a pair of IP address and port number. IP
address is the machine’s network address, which uniquely identifies every
machine on the network. Port number determines the service/application
(e.g., FTP, email service) on the server that should respond to the request.
For example, a server with an IP address may have several applications,
each with a unique port number for handling request related to email, news,
file transfer, remote login, and so on. Since the client initiates the connection
and the server responds to it, a socket pair for communication is identified
by client IP address, client port number, server IP address, and server port

a socket is uniquely identified by a pair of IP address and port number

Client-Server Communication on the Same Machine – A Simple Example

Python has a library that provides support for TCP/IP sockets. It offers two
socket modules – socket and socketserver. While the former provides
low-level networking interface, the latter provides support in the form of
classes for developing network server applications. In this chapter, we will
focus on basic networking services. So, we will use the socket module. The
socket module provides the class socket for creating a socket object.

mySock = socket.socket(socket_family, socket_type,protocol=0)

creating a socket object using socket class of socket module

The first two parameters specify the domain, i.e., family of the protocol,
such as AF_INET, AF_INET6, and AF_UNIX, and the type of socket to be
created such as stream socket (SOCK_STREAM) for connection-oriented
protocol and datagram socket (SOCK_DGRAM) for the connectionless protocol.
The third parameter is a default parameter, which specifies a particular
variant of protocol within given domain and socket type. The socket object
mySock created above is a unique socket identifier which is used for
communicating with other process.

A stream socket is a connection in which data is sent as a stream of bytes

in an ordered manner. In this section, we create a socket using SOCK_STREAM.
For simplicity, we create a socket object of the class socket without
specifying any parameters, thus using the default parameters AF_INET as
domain and SOCK_STREAM as the type of socket.

SOCK_STREAM: used to create a stream socket

Before we proceed further, it is important to understand the methods

associated with a socket object. These methods are categorized as server,
client, and general socket methods. We describe these methods in Tables
18.2, 18.3, and 18.4 respectively.

Table 18.2 Server socket methods associated with socket object mySock
Table 18.3 Client socket methods associated with socket object mySock

Table 18.4 General socket methods

Let us suppose that each of the client and the server has a socket created
at its end. To communicate with each other, the client and the server must go
through a sequence of steps:

1. SERVER: On creating the socket, the server must bind it to the particular port number on the local
address, specifying the application that will listen to the incoming client requests. The method bind of
the socket class takes a tuple comprising local address as the first parameter, and port number as the
second parameter. Here, hostname and IP address are used as aliases. Since all ports below 1024 are
reserved, we may use a port number between 1025 and 65535, both included. We may identify the
ports already in use by executing the command (at command prompt): netstat –a.

bind(): binds a socket to a port number on local address

2. SERVER: Once the server is bound to a socket, it must be ready to service requests from the client.
The server listens for incoming connections from the clients using the method listen. This method
takes the maximum number of connections allowed to be queued as the input parameter.

listen(): listens for incoming connections from the client on the socket

3. SERVER: The server waits in a loop indefinitely until the client connects to the port to which server
has bound itself. While listening on the socket, if a connection request from a client arrives, the server
needs to accept it. The method accept gets the pending connection from the connection queue, and
returns (i) the socket object for the client to be used for data transfer (ii) the address of the client
(destination IP address and port number).

accept(): gets pending connections from the connection queue

4. CLIENT: Once the socket is created at the client end, we may use it to establish the connection
between the client (our Python program) and the application running on the server by specifying the
host name and the port number. The method connect of the socket module is used for this purpose. It
requires a tuple comprising the name of the host and the destination port number listening to a client

connect(): used to connect to the host

5. Now the client and the server may exchange the data using send and recv methods. Since the client
and server can understand a bytes-like object, we use encode function to covert a string into bytes
object. By default, encode function uses utf-8 encoding scheme. Subsequently, the encoded bytes
object is converted to a string using decode function.

send() and recv(): to send and receive bytes-like object to and from the socket

6. Finally, the client and the server close the socket using the close method.

close(): closes the socket

The order in which these socket methods should be invoked by client and
server is illustrated in Fig. 18.8. In Figs. 18.9 and 18.10, we give the scripts
for the server and the client respectively. Before the client can request the
server, the server must be listening for the incoming request by the client.
The server and client both create a socket object. The server binds local
address, and unused port 65535 to it using the method bind, and waits for
single incoming connection by executing the method listen. It then accepts
the pending connection using the method accept and responds with the
encoded version of the string 'Thank you for connecting client' on
that connection. The client, on the other hand, connects to the destination
host and the port using connect method. Since, in our case, we are running
the two processes on the same machine, the destination host will be same as
the source host. It receives the data on the connected socket using recv
method. Both the client and the server close the socket using the close

order of execution of socket methods

Fig. 18.8 Order of execution of socket methods

Fig. 18.9 Client (client.py)

Fig. 18.10 Server (server.py)

On executing the server program,

F:\PythonCode\Ch18>python server.py

Python responds with the following output on the client side:

server must be listening to requests before a client can connect to it

F:\PythonCode\Ch18>python client.py

Thank you for connecting client ('', 64203)


Note that an unused port is randomly chosen for the client process.
An Echo Server
Next, we develop an echo application, in which the server program (Fig.
18.12) echoes the data sent by a client application (Fig. 18.11) running on a
different system. So, in this case, the client invokes send method to send the
data to the server. Subsequently, the server receives the data using recv
method. The data received is echoed back to the client using send method.
The client then receives it using recv method. The procedure continues as
long as client provides the input data to be sent to echo server. Since the
client and the server reside on two different systems in the network, client
and server host names will be different.

echo server: echoes the data sent by a client

Fig. 18.11 Echo client (clientEcho.py)

Fig. 18.12 Echo server (serverEcho.py)

In this example, we have considered two applications that reside on

machines connected to the same WiFi hotspot, each having its unique IP
address. The IP address of a machine can be determined using ipconfig
command. IP address assigned to Wireless LAN adapter of the server
machine is required in each of the server and client programs. On executing
the server program,
F:\PythonCode\Ch18>python serverEcho.py
Python responds with the following output on the client side:
F:\PythonCode\Ch18>python clientEcho.py

Enter data to be sent: Hello


Enter data to be sent: I love Python

I love Python

Enter data to be sent: I am connected to echo server

I am connected to echo server

Enter data to be sent:


output on executing script clientEcho

Accessing Web Data (Downloading a Pdf File)

Many times, we need to access documents on the web. For example, we may
need to download a text or a pdf file. Using socket programming, we can
write an application that connects to the server on the web and retrieves the
content of the file. Communication over the Internet often uses the most
common protocol – Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). The port number
used for HTTP connection is 80. For accessing data over the Internet (say,
contents of a page), the user needs to send a GET request. A GET request
needs to specify the following pieces of information: url of the page,
protocol for communication and its version (protocol/version), and a blank
line (thus, double newline).

GET url protocol/version \n\n

GET request for accessing data over the Internet

Suppose we need to download the Python manual containing python tutorial
by Guido Van Rossum from website of University of Idaho. For this
purpose, we need to connect to Idaho server (listening to requests) having
hostname marvin.cs.uidaho.edu at port 80 (HTTP port). Together, the
hostname and the port number define a socket. Also, we need to send GET
request to the server for the pdf file with the url


The data received from this socket can be written to another pdf file on the
system. The data will be received and written to the file as long as the entire
content of the file is not transferred (Fig. 18.13). Note that we open the new
file PythonGuidoVanRossum.pdf in 'wb' (write, binary) mode (line 10) since
pdf files are binary files.

pdf files should be opened in binary mode

Fig. 18.13 Download pdf file (pdfDownload.py)

Python library urllib.request simplifies the task of manually creating a

socket, connecting to a server, and sending and receiving data using the
socket library. The library treats a web page as a file. It provides the method
urlopen for specifying the web page to be accessed. The function returns a
file-like object unless there is an error in connecting to the server, in which
case it returns IOError. The script pdfDownloadUrllib (Fig. 18.14) can be
used to download a pdf file using the urllib library. The method urlopen
returns a file-like object which is an iterator. We have used writelines to
write fileContent to file PythonGuidoVanRossum.pdf. Alternatively, for
loop could have been used to iterate over fileContent and write the content
to pdf file line by line.
urllib: module for accessing data over web

Fig. 18.14 Download pdf file (pdfDownloadUrllib.py)


In almost every field, be it, business, railways, healthcare, education, or

defense, we have been dealing with data, indeed much before computers
were invented. Such data is required to be stored and managed and to be
accessed. Since any decision making by an organization is highly dependent
on the timely availability of information, the need was felt for a system
which could store and facilitate management of all related data. Database
Management System (DBMS) helps in storing the collection of related data
in the database and managing it through application programs. Structured
Query Language (SQL) is widely used for database creation and
management. Several popular database systems such as Oracle, MySQL,
Microsoft SQL Server, and SQLite exist, however, in this section, we will be
using SQLite database already integrated with Python.

DBMS: helps in storing and managing related data

SQL: language for database creation and management

18.3.1 Database Concepts
Suppose we wish to store information about a College. Let us name the
database for the college as COLLEGE. It may need to store information about
students such as roll number, name, and percentage. A real-world object
such as STUDENT, about whom the data is to be stored in the database is
known as an entity, and the characteristics of this entity such as roll number,
name, and percentage are called attributes. The database COLLEGE may store
information about several entities such as Students, Teachers, Courses, and
Departments in the form of tables. A two-dimensional table of rows and
columns in the database is called a relation.

entity: real-world object about which data is to be stored

attributes: characteristics of entity

relation: two-dimensional table of rows and columns

Table 18.5 Relation STUDENT

Examine the relation STUDENT (Table 18.5). Each column of the table
denotes a unique attribute, for example, RollNum, Name, and Percentage.
Each row in the table stores information about all the attributes of an entity
and is known as a tuple. The number of attributes in a relation is known as
the degree of the relation. The collection of rows in a relation is called entity
set of a relation. The number of rows in the entity set of a relation defines
cardinality of the relation. Each column attribute is of a particular type such
as numeric type or character type. All the values in a column must conform
to a predefined data type. For example, the attributes RollNum and
Percentage are numeric, and the attribute Name is of string type. Each row in
a table is uniquely identified by an attribute or a combination of attributes
called key. Therefore, no two tuples should have the same key. For example,
the value of attribute RollNum of relation STUDENT is unique for each row,
and thus, it is a key. If the value of an attribute is unknown for a tuple, a
special value called NULL (no value indicator) should be used.

tuple: a row in a relation

degree: number of attributes in a relation

cardinality: number of tuples in a relation

key: attribute(s) that uniquely identify tuples in a relation

Structured Query Language (SQL) is a relational database language. It is

used for creation and manipulation of the database. It is a high-level
language that allows users to specify what is required to be done in the form
of queries, without the need to specify the procedure: how it is to be done.
SQL is a widely used database language and has numerous advantages.

SQL is a relational database language

Based on the functionality, SQL operations are organized into two

categories, namely, Data Definition Language (DDL) and Data
Manipulation Language (DML) as described below:

1. Data Definition Language (DDL)

DDL is used for defining database structure and specifying constraints.
DDL includes those commands of the database that deal with the defining
and modifying database structures. For example, DDL command CREATE
can be used to create a table:

DDL: used to define and modify database structure

CREATE TABLE table-name

Other DDL commands include ALTER and DROP.
2. Data Manipulation Language (DML)
DML is used for retrieval and modification of data. It includes commands
that help to manipulate the database. It provides functions that deal with (i)
retrieving data from relations, and (ii) modifying the database by inserting,
updating, or deleting it. Examples of DML commands include INSERT,

DML: used to retrieve and modify data

18.3.2 Creating Database and Tables

Before we can use a database for storing or manipulating information, we
need to create the database structure. This step is called metadata (data about
data) creation. The following lines of code can be used for creating and
connecting to the COLLEGE database.

metadata: data about data

import sqlite3

conn = sqlite3.connect('COLLEGE.db')

cur = conn.cursor()

sqlite3: module for database management

First, we import module sqlite3 which provides the functionality required

for database management. Next, we need to establish a connection to the
database having the name COLLEGE.db (specified as an argument). The
database name should have extension db. Thus, the second line in above
segment of code connects to database COLLEGE.db. Thus, we have named
this connection conn. If the database mentioned already exists in the current
directory, a connection is established with the already existing database,
otherwise a new database is created. For performing operations on the data
stored in the database, we need a handler. The class cursor associated with
the connection identifier conn returns a handler/cursor object (cur in this
case). To close the connection, we use the method close associated with the
conn object:

connect(): establishes database connection


close(): closes the database connection

The method execute of the cursor object is used for executing SQL
commands. However, the method can be used for executing only one SQL
command at a time. If one wishes to execute multiple SQL commands, the
method executescript may be used. The method execute allows the use of
several parameters discussed in subsequent sections.

execute(): a method of the cursor object for executing SQL commands

Having created the database COLLEGE, let us now create relations

corresponding to different entities involved. CREATE TABLE command is used
for creating relations (tables):
CREATE TABLE table_name(

attribute1 data_type [constraint][,

attribute2 data_type [constraint]][,



syntax of CREATE TABLE command

In the description of SQL command, a pair of square brackets ([]) denotes

optional part. Thus, in the CREATE TABLE command, there may be any
number of attributes or constraints. The attributes and the constraints are
specified within parenthesis and are separated by commas. Each attribute
name is followed by the type of data it contains. The data type for a given
attribute determines the domain of values it can take. A data type may
include INT (integer) for a numeric value, VARCHAR (a sequence of
characters) for a string value, and DATE for the date value. Data type may
further be followed by constraints on attributes such as UNIQUE and NOT
NULL. Each SQL command terminates with a semicolon. However, we may
skip semicolon when a command is executed by a Python script.

domain: the values, an attribute can take

Suppose we wish to create the table STUDENT. The following SQL

command may be used this purpose:

SQL command for creating STUDENT table

Since each student has a unique roll number, no two students can have the
same value of the attribute RollNum. So, RollNum must be unique across all
tuples of STUDENT table. As we would like to use RollNum to identify a
student uniquely, this attribute cannot be NULL. So, we apply column
constraints UNIQUE and NOT NULL to the attribute RollNum. The attribute
RollNum has been declared primary key of the table in the last line of CREATE
TABLE command. Also, RollNum being the primary key, column constraints
UNIQUE and NOT NULL automatically hold for it, and thus, do not need to be
mentioned explicitly.

no two tuples in a database can have the same primary key

value of attribute(s) that form the primary key must not be NULL

If the primary key comprises a single attribute, we may include the phrase
PRIMARY KEY while defining the attribute in the CREATE command, as shown



Percentage INT NOT NULL


SQLite does not enforce strict type requirement. To ensure strict type
conformity, CHECK constraint must be associated with an attribute.

use CHECK to enforce type constraint


RollNum INT CHECK(TYPEOF(RollNum) = "integer") PRIMARY KEY ,

Name VARCHAR(20) CHECK(TYPEOF(Name) = "text") NOT NULL,

Percentage INT CHECK(TYPEOF(Percentage) = "integer") NOT NULL


In the script SQLCommands (Fig. 18.15), we create the database COLLEGE

having a table STUDENT.
Fig. 18.15 Creating database COLLEGE and table STUDENT (SQLCommands.py)

18.3.3 Inserting Data into Table

Having created the tables, we would like to store the data in the database.
The process of storing the data in the database is called loading the database
or populating the database. SQL command INSERT is used for this purpose.
The syntax for INSERT command is given below:
INSERT INTO table_name

VALUES (value1,value2, …,valueN);

syntax of INSERT command

Given the name of a table and associated attribute values in the form a tuple,
INSERT command inserts a tuple in the table. The order of values within the
tuple should correspond to the order of the attributes of the table. The
character and date type values should be enclosed in single quotes. When the
value of an attribute is not known/missing/not applicable for a tuple, we use
the NULL value. For example, suppose we wish to insert information about a
Student having RollNum 1, Name Hiten, and Percentage 89. To do this,
we may use the following INSERT command:

VALUES (1, 'Hiten', 89);

In the script SQLCommands (Fig. 18.16), we insert five rows in the table
Fig. 18.16 Inserting data in STUDENT table (SQLCommands.py)

In sqlite3, commit method associated with the object connect is used for
forcefully saving the current state of the database, thus making the changes
permanent. For example, in the script SQLCommands (Fig. 18.16), commit
method is executed after inserting the five tuples in the table. This ensures
that the tuples just inserted in the table STUDENT of the database become
immediately visible to other connections to this database.

commit(): to forcefully save current state of the database

Next, we present another format for inserting a tuple into a table using a
question mark. For example, we may add a tuple in the table STUDENT using
the question mark as a placeholder for the data being provided as the second
argument to method execute:

?: question mark may be used as a placeholder in an SQL command

rollNum = int(input('Enter roll number: '))

name = input('Enter name: ')

percent = int(input('Enter percentage: '))


(?,?,?);", (rollNum, name, percent))

18.3.4 Retrieving Data from Table

SELECT command is used to retrieve data from the database tables. The
syntax of SELECT command is given below:
SELECT attribute_list

FROM relation_list;

syntax of SELECT command

attribute_list is a comma-separated list of attribute names whose values

are to be retrieved. For example, to retrieve roll number, name, and
percentage of students, we use the following SQL command:
SELECT RollNum, Name, Percentage


In the above command, first line comprising of keyword SELECT along with
a list of attributes RollNum, Name, Percentage is called SELECT clause, and
the second line is called FROM clause. On executing the above command,
SQL will respond with the relation given in Table 18.6.

Table 18.6 Relation STUDENT

When we wish to extract all the attributes of a relation, we may use the wild
card character * (asterisk) as a substitute for all the attributes occurring in
the relation(s). Thus, the above SELECT command may be rewritten as


*: wild card character, used in an SQL command as a substitute for all the attributes occurring
in the relation(s)

Next, suppose that we wish to list only roll numbers and names of the
students in the college. For this purpose, we need to specify in the SELECT
clause, the relevant attributes RollNum and Name of the relation STUDENT, as
shown below:
SELECT RollNum, Name

Next, suppose we wish to retrieve information about students who have
secured percentage more than 80. WHERE clause in an SQL query facilitates
retrieval of only those tuples which satisfy a condition such as Percentage
> 80. Thus, the following SQL query would retrieve the desired

WHERE clause: used to specify condition for selection of tuples



WHERE Percentage > 80;

The syntax of SELECT command with WHERE clause is given below:

SELECT attribute_list

FROM relation_list

WHERE condition_list;

syntax of SELECT command involving WHERE clause

Here, condition_list may comprise a single condition, or several

conditions joined using Boolean operators: AND, OR, and NOT. The output of
an SQL query returns values of attributes mentioned in attribute list for the
tuples of table that satisfy the condition(s) specified in the WHERE clause.

Instead of retrieving the information interactively, we may use a Python

script such as SQLCommands (Fig. 18.17) to retrieve the information from the
table STUDENT.
Fig. 18.17 Retrieving data from STUDENT table (SQLCommands.py)

The result returned by an SQL query may be accessed using the method
fetchall that returns a list of tuples (line 6, Fig. 18.17). Alternatively, we
may retrieve the data from the database row by row by iterating through the
cursor object as shown below:

fetchall(): returns a list of tuples as the result of executing an SQL query

for row in cur:


The method execute also allows the use of named placeholders for SQL
literals. For example, the query
cur.execute('SELECT * FROM STUDENT WHERE Percentage > 80;')

may be rewritten as follows:

cur.execute('SELECT * FROM STUDENT WHERE Percentage >
:value;', {'value':80})

use of named placeholder

In the above query, the method execute makes use of the name value as a
placeholder for the actual data 80 that appears as the second argument.

18.3.5 Updating Data in a Table

UPDATE command is used to modify the attribute value(s) in one or more
tuples. Given the name of the relation to be modified and an optional WHERE
clause to select a particular set of tuples, the UPDATE command updates
value(s) of one or more attributes. The UPDATE command uses the following

syntax of UPDATE command

UPDATE relation

SET attribute-value_pairs

[WHERE condition_list1];

For example, to increment percentage of all students having a percentage

less than 50% by 2%, we use the following SQL command:

SET Percentage = Percentage * 1.02

WHERE Percentage < 50;

In the UPDATE command, SET clause may take any number of comma-
separated attributes and their updated values. In a Python program, the
following statements can be used for updating data:
cur.execute('UPDATE STUDENT \

SET Percentage = Percentage * 1.02 \

WHERE Percentage < 50;')

18.3.6 Deleting Data from Table / Deleting Table

DELETE command is used to delete the tuples from a relation which satisfy
the condition appearing in the optional WHERE clause. In case of absence of
WHERE clause, all the tuples of the table mentioned in DELETE command will
be deleted. The DELETE command has the following syntax:

syntax of DELETE command

DELETE FROM relation_name

[WHERE condition_list1];

Suppose a student with roll number 3 has left the college. We may delete the
information about that student using the following SQL command:

WHERE RollNum = 3;

The command
deleting entire data from the table

will delete the entire data from the table STUDENT. If we wish to delete the
table itself along with all its tuples, we may use the DROP TABLE command.
For example, the following SQL command will delete the entire table


deleting the table


In this section, we will study how Python can be used for creating
applications for android. For illustrating this, we will develop the popular
two-player game Tic-Tac-Toe, also known as the game of Xs and Os. In this
game, the player who successfully places three consecutive symbols
horizontally, vertically or diagonally wins the game. For developing the
game, we will first create a cross-platform application of the game that can
be executed on the Android device. Before developing this game, we will
create a registration interface for the user.

use module kivy for building cross platform applications

Python provides an open source library kivy for building cross-platform

applications. It is a graphical user interface toolkit which supports desktop
environments such as Windows®, Linux, and Mac OS®. It also supports
multi-touch devices such as Android and IOS. Next, we describe how to
install kivy in Windows environment. For this purpose, we use a sequence
of commands from Windows command line interface (<Windows key +R>,
cmd). First, we need to upgrade wheel and pip libraries to the latest versions.
The first command upgrades wheel and pip to latest versions along with
setuptools and tokenize. Smooth execution of a software package may
require some related software/files. These are called dependencies. The
second and third command downloads and installs all the dependencies of

python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel setuptools tokenize

kivy installation

python -m pip install docutils pygments pypiwin32 kivy.deps.sdl2

kivy.deps.glew kivy.deps.gstreamer cython --extra-index-url

python -m pip install kivy.deps.angle

Finally, for installing kivy package, download the nightly wheel from the
link https://kivy.org/downloads/appveyor/kivy/Kivy-1.9.2.dev0-cp36-
cp36m-win32.whl and install it using the following command (the file just
downloaded from kivy.org should be available in the working directory and
needs to be moved to working directory, if downloaded in a different folder):
python -m pip install Kivy-1.9.2.dev0-cp36-cp36m-win32.whl

To develop an application, we create a folder with a suitable name

containing the application titled main.py. During deployment, build tools
search for a file named main.py. The App class is the base class for
developing kivy applications containing important methods for initializing,
launching, building, stopping, pausing, and resuming applications. So,
whenever we wish to define an implementation of an Android application as
a class, it should inherit the App class of the kivy.app module. The run
method available in the App class defines the entry point of a kivy
application and is used for launching the application. Fig. 18.18 illustrates
the execution sequence of a kivy application.

App class: used as a base class for developing kivy applications

Fig. 18.18 Kivy Application that displays a button (main.py)

An application will include several layouts and widgets (graphical objects)

such as buttons, labels, checkboxes, and dropdowns required for defining the
user interface. Widget arguments are called properties. These user interface
elements are defined in uix module of kivy. Let us first create a simple
application main (Fig. 18.19) that displays a clickable button with text
Hello. For this purpose, we import the class App, available in the module
kivy.app, and develop a user defined class CreateButtonApp as a derived
class of the class App. The method build of the user defined class
CreateButtonApp overrides the method build of the parent class App. Thus,
we make use of the method Button to create a button. This widget should be
returned by overridden build method of the user-defined class. When the
script executes, an instance of the user-defined class CreateButtonApp is
created (line 17), which is used for invoking the method run (inherited from
class App), which in turn starts the application by invoking the method build
of CreateButtonApp.

widgets: graphical objects widget arguments: used to set properties

uix module contains user interface elements

build: method used to initialize application with the widget tree

Fig. 18.19 Kivy application that displays a button (main.py)

When the method CreateButtonApp().run() is launched, it invokes the

method build of the class CreateButtonApp that defines the user interface.
The method build returns a root widget (button in this case) of our
application. Note that the class Button is imported in line 2. In line 14, we
have set the text property (argument) of the widget Button as 'Hello'.

build method returns the root widget

On executing the script main (Fig. 18.19), Python responds with the
following output shown in Fig. 18.20. Left window of the figure displays the
button when the application starts. Right window displays the button when it
is pressed.

Fig. 18.20 Output of program 18.19

Another approach for using widgets and their definitions is to use separate
files for specifying them (Fig. 18.21). Note that the widget definition is
stored in a separate file having .kv as a suffix. The .kv file is named after
the main app class containing build method. While name of a class may
include uppercase letters, to name the .kv file, we use the same name as that
of the class, but in lowercase letters and drop the suffix App, if included in
the name of the class. The file contains the colon-separated properties and
their values for each widget. Also, the root widget is enclosed in angular
brackets followed by a colon.

widget definitions may be stored in a separate file having .kv suffix

Fig. 18.21 Widget definition (createbutton.kv)

The kivy application that displays a button appears in Fig. 18.22.

Fig. 18.22 Kivy application that displays a button (main.py)

18.4.1 A Simple Application Containing Registration Interface

If you have been using a smart phone for sometime, you must have observed
that several mobile apps require you to register with them. Next, we will
develop a simple user interface for registration. On clicking the Register
button, it prompts the user for username and password and displays a
window with the message Registration Successful. However, while
implementing this interface, we do not maintain a database of valid
usernames and passwords. Indeed, we not only disregard whether a valid
user having the credentials entered by the user exists, but we also do not care
whether the user entered the name and password information at all or just
left these fields empty. However, then you may wonder: what is the purpose
of this application? Through this application, we intend to illustrate how
several widgets can be added using a layout, and how an event can be
invoked on clicking a button. In Fig. 18.23, we present an application
program for displaying a user interface for registration. As this interface
contains button, label, textinput, and popup, we need to import all these
widgets in our script. For organizing the widgets in this program, we have
used a grid layout comprising of one column. The class GridLayout of
module gridlayout is used for defining this layout. Kivy also supports
several other layouts such as BoxLayout, StackLayout, and FloatLayout
which can be used for organizing the widgets.

adding several widgets using a layout

clicking a button invokes an event

Fig. 18.23 Kivy application that displays a register interface (main.py)

We have defined RegistrationApp as the main class containing the build

method. The build method returns an instance of Register class as the root
widget. Register class inherits the GridLayout class. In this class, we set
the properties of the layout by invoking the __init__ method (line 18). We
have set the number of columns as 1, spacing between widgets as 10, and
horizontal padding from the left and right side of the window as 150. In the
method __init__ of Register class, we add to the layout, widgets label
and textbox for username as well as the password using add_widget
method. Note that for the TextInput widget, the password property has been
set to be True for hiding the password. In line 23, we add the Button
widget. We have associated an event on_press with the button that invokes
the method displayPopup when the button is clicked. The method
displayPopup creates an instance of Popup. It has the title
'Registration Status', content Label(text = 'Registration
Successful'), and a size_hint property that enables us to specify the
height and width on a scale of 1. Here, we have set the content property to
be an instance of the widget Label. Note that the method displayPopup
contains two parameters – the implicit parameter self and the widget
instance associated with it.

setting GridLayout properties

displayPopup(): method associated with event on_press of Button widget

On executing the script in Fig. 18.23, Python responds with the output given
in Fig. 18.24. Left window (Fig. 18.24(a)) displays a user interface for
registration, and the right window (Fig. 18.24 (b)) shows popup window
which appears when Register button is clicked.
Fig. 18.24 Output of program 18.23

Alternatively, we may specify kivy widget definitions in a separate file (Fig.

18.25), Register being the root widget.

widget definitions in a separate .kv file

Fig. 18.25 Widget definitions (registration.kv)

The modified script main is shown in Fig. 18.26.

Fig. 18.26 Kivy application that displays a button (main.py)

18.4.2 Tic-Tac-Toe Game

In this section, we will develop Tic-Tac-Toe game as an android application
(Fig. 18.27). In this game, we have a grid of size 3X3. We have initialized a
grid of this size to contain Button widgets (line 25). We have defined O and
X as two symbols used by the two players. We update the value of count
every time a user makes a move. A user click invokes the method action
that sets the corresponding symbol in the grid. It increments the number of
moves, and checks if there is any winner at this stage. The check for the
winner is performed by invoking the method checkResult (line 39). The
method checkResult further invokes the method getWinner . In case there
is a winner at this stage, it returns the symbol (O or X) corresponding to the
winner, otherwise it returns None. Now a closeButton is created. If there is
a winner, the closeButton displays the name of the winner. However, if
there is no winner, but the game is over, the closeButton displays the
message indicting that the game is finished. In either case, checkResult
method displays a popup containing this closeButton. Note that in line 62
we have set on_press property of the button myPopUp to the dismiss method
which closes the popup and on_release property to restartGame (lines
118–129) which re-initializes the game grid with blanks, and sets the
number of moves for a new game to 0.

layout: GridLayout widgets: Button

a user click invokes the method action which sets the symbol on the grid and checks for the

setting on_press and on_release property of Button widget

Let us now examine how the getWinner method (lines 66–101)

determines the winner of the game. The method checks if all cells in some
row, column, forward diagonal or backward diagonal contain the same
symbol (O or X) using the method sameSymbol (lines 104–116). If so, the
method getWinner returns that symbol, otherwise, it returns False.
Fig. 18.27 Kivy application that displays a register interface (main.py)
On executing the script main (Fig. 18.27), Python responds with the output
given in Fig. 18.28. We have shown the output in each of the two scenarios:
when there is a winner (Fig. 18.28(a)) and when the game results in a draw
(Fig. 18.28(b)).

Fig. 18.28 Output of program 18.27

18.4.3 Running Kivy Applications on Android

Android play store has an application Kivy Launcher that enables us to run
Python kivy applications on android devices. The kivy applications are
stored in the directory kivy in the /sdcard/kivy/<yourapplication>. A
kivy application developed on the desktop can be run on Kivy Launcher by
creating a container folder (say, /sdcard/kivy/TicTacToe) and pasting the
application including main.py in the directory /sdcard/kivy/TicTacToe.
Apart from the file main.py, the application folder should also contain a file
named, android.txt that includes the title, author, and layout (orientation)
of the application in the following format:
Kivy Launcher on android play store enables us to run kivy applications developed on Desktop

title=<Application Title>

author=<Your Name>


Next, go to Kivy Launcher and choose the project you wish to execute.

An alternative option to run a Desktop application on android is to convert

it to android compatible application. Since android platform supports APK
applications, the Python application must be first converted to this format. A
kivy application i.e. a Python source code can be converted to APK
application using buildozer tool which simplifies the task at hand.
However, as of now, kivy applications for android can only be built in the
Unix environment. The sequence of steps for building an APK file from
buildozer is available on the website
https://kivy.org/docs/guide/packaging-android.html. The APK can
also be built using python-for-android.

converting Python application to APK


While programming in a language, a developer may feel the need to use

some functionality which may have better support in another language. For
example, suppose, an application has already been developed in Java, and
we wish to use it in Python code. To invoke an existing Java application in
Python, we need a bridge between Python and Java. Packages like P y4j,
Pyjnius, Jpype, javabridge, and JCC help in invoking Java programs
from Python. Also, since Java provides a wide variety of collections, we can
directly use them in a Python program by including their java packages in
the program.
for invoking Java functionality from Python, use a package like Py4j, Pyjnius, Jpype,
javabridge, JCC

We will make use of py4j for invoking Java functionality from Python. It
can be installed by executing the following command from command line:

use of package py4j for invoking Java functionality from Python

pip install py4j

Since we are using Eclipse as the development environment for writing

Java programs, we need to include the jar file of py4j in the Java project.
The jar file is typically available in the directory C:\Users\
32\share\py4j. We can add this file by right-clicking on the project in the
Package Explorer panel, and selecting option Add External Archives in
the Build Path option. It is important to point out that py4j supports Java
version 6 and above only.

include jar file of py4j in Java project

Let us examine a simple Java program HelloClass.java (Fig. 18.29) that

has a method Message which returns Hello.

for accessing Java class in a Python program:

in Java program, instantiate GatewayServer class of library py4j

To make the HelloClass accessible in a Python program, two things are

required. First, the Python program should be able to access the Java Virtual
Machine (JVM) running the Java program. This requires an instance of the
GatewayServer class available in the library py4j that makes this
communication possible. Second, an entry point should be mentioned in the
call to the constructor of the class GatewayServer. This entry point can be
any object we wish to deal with in a Python program. In our case, an object
of HelloClass serves as an entry point (line 10, Fig. 18.29). Here it is
important to mention that a Python program will be able to use a Java
program only if it (Java program) is ready to accept incoming requests.
Therefore, in line 11, we start the gateway using the method start. Also, for
communication to take place, the Java program must be compiled and
executed before the Python program.

Fig. 18.29 Java program (HelloClass.java)

for communication to take place, Java program must be compiled and executed before the
Python program
The script hello.py (Fig. 18.30) uses the Java program that we discussed
above. For this purpose, we need to create an instance of the class
JavaGateway available in the module py4j.java_gateway. The first two
lines of the Python script hello achieve this. When we invoke JavaGateway
(line 2), Python tries to connect with JVM of Java program already running
and returns an instance. We can access the entry point object using the
member entry_point (line 3). This object now enables us to use Java
functionality in the Python program (line 4). However, if no JVM is waiting
for a connection, an error message Py4JNetworkError is displayed.

Fig. 18.30 Python applications that uses a method of java program (hello.py)

On running the script hello (Fig. 18.30), Python outputs Hello. If the error
message address already in use appear while running the Java program, we
need to explicitly specify a new port number (between 1025 and 65535) in
each of the Java and Python programs. For example, in the Java program
HelloClass (Fig. 18.29), we may replace line 10 by:

explicitly specifying new port number

GatewayServer gatewayServer = new GatewayServer(new

HelloClass(), 25539);

and in the Python script hello (Fig. 18.30), we replace line 2 by:
gateway =

For setting the gateway_parameters explicitly, we need to import

GatewayParameters along with JavaGateway (Fig. 18.34). Since we need to
compile and execute Java program first and then the Python program, we
create a batch file (say, HelloApp.bat) comprising these two tasks one after
the other. Since compiling and running an eclipse program from the
command line is a more complex job, we can convert the entire project to an
executable jar file which can be used anywhere. For this purpose, we right-
click on the Java project (say, DemoProject) in the Package Explorer, and
choose the following options in a sequence: the Export option, Runnable
JAR file option. In the next window, choose the appropriate Launch
configuration and export destination folder where you wish to save the
jar file, say DemoProject.jar. This creates an executable jar file. We
create a .bat file that has the following sequence of commands.

making a jar file makes the use of Java app easier.

@echo off

start cmd /k java -jar <CompletePath>\DemoProject.jar

start cmd /k python <CompletePath>\hello.py

batch file

Note that the second and third commands in the above sequence, i.e.,
java -jar <CompletePath>\DemoProject.jar

Python <CompletePath>\hello.py

are executed in command prompt using start command followed by

parameter cmd. Further, use of the option /k prevents the application
initiated, from involuntary closure until explicitly closed by the user. The
batch file so created can be run by double-clicking it.

18.5.1 Accessing Java Collections and Arrays in Python

Java supports arrays and several collections such as list, set, and hash map.
Let us create a Java array of type int in Python. The method new_array
associated with the object gateway created in Hello.py can be used for
creating this array. The method takes Java type and size of the array as an
input. We have created an int array of size 2 and initialized it with values 0
and 1. Once we have created a Java array in Python, we can iterate over this
array, much like a standard sequence (list, tuple, range, etc.) in Python as
shown below:
from py4j.java_gateway import JavaGateway

gateway = JavaGateway()

intArray = gateway.new_array(gateway.jvm.int,2)

intArray[0] = 0

intArray[1] = 1

for value in intArray:


using Java array in Python

On executing the above Python code (after starting Java Gateway Server),
Python responds with the following output:

Similarly, we can also create a Java list using the gateway object.
Subsequently, we may add elements to that list, either by using append
method of Python list or by using add method of Java as shown below:
creating a Java list in Python

Python responds with the following output on the execution of above piece
of code:
['red', 3]

18.5.2 Converting Python Collections to Java Collections

Suppose, we have a Python list that we need to pass to a Java method. For
this purpose, we must convert Python list to Java compatible list. Module
py4j.java_collections provides classes such as SetConverter,
MapConverter, and ListConverter, which make this conversion possible.
Let us examine the program in Fig. 18.31, where we create a Python list and
convert it to a Java list by using convert method of the ListConverter
class. We then use sort method of Java to sort the list.

use of convert method of List-Converter class for converting Python list to Java list
Fig. 18.31 Sorting python list using Java method sort (SortPythonList1.py)

Note that javaList obtained from pythonList is sorted using Java method
sort (line 7). Python responds with the following output on the execution of
the program SortPythonList1.py (Fig. 18.31):
[2, 3, 1] [1, 2, 3]

Alternatively, we may request py4j to convert Python objects to compatible

Java collections when invoking a Java method. This can be done by setting
auto_convert to True while creating a JavaGateway as shown in the script
SortPythonList2 (Fig. 18.32). Since the Python list and the corresponding
java list are two different objects (py4j makes a copy of Python list),
pythonList does not get sorted when we invoke Collections.sort.

automatically converting Python objects to Java compatible collections

Fig. 18.32 Sorting Python list using Java method (SortPythonList2.py)

18.5.3 Invoking a Parameterized Java Method from Python
Suppose we wish to modify a list by multiplying all its elements by 2. The
Java program ListManipulation.java shown in Fig. 18.33 achieves this by
defining method Update. The method takes a list as an input parameter and
returns the modified list.

Fig. 18.33 Java Program which modifies elements of the list received as parameter
To make methods of the class ListManipulation accessible in a Python
program, it must be compiled and executed before execution of Python
program. Examine the Python script in Fig. 18.34 that uses this Java
program. In lines 2 and 3, we have created an instance of class JavaGateway
available in module py4j.java_gateway. Entry point object is used for
accessing Update method by passing pythonList as an input argument. Note
that the input argument is not converted to Java compatible type explicitly.
Instead, we have set gateway parameter auto_convert which automatically
achieves this.

Fig. 18.34 Python applications that uses the method Update from Java program (ListManipulation.py)

On executing the script ListManipulation (Fig. 18.34), Python responds

with the following output:

Enter the list: [1,2,3]

Resultant list is [2, 4, 6]

18.5.4 Invoking Parameterized Python Method from Java

Once again, we wish to modify the given list by multiplying each of its
elements by 2. However, this time, we wish to develop a Python program
that achieves this. As shown in Fig. 18.35, class ListManipulation has a
method Update, which takes a list as input parameter and returns the
modified list.
Fig. 18.35 Python program which updates elements of the list received as parameter

In order that a Java program may be able to invoke Python methods, we

need to set start_callback_server attribute to True (line 14). Also, we
need to pass the object lst of the class ListManipulation (line 16) to Java
program so as to allow the Java method to call the Python methods. In line
17, we create an object javaClasslst of a Java class and pass Python class
object lst to its method ListOperation (line 20).

in Python program, set start_call-b a c k _ s e r v e r attribute of Java-Gateway to

True for enabling Java programs to invoke Python methods
Fig. 18.36 Java applications that uses a method Update of Python program (List.java)

As shown in the program List (Fig. 18.36), object lst passed via Python
program is received as object op in Java method ListOperation of class
List (line 5). Note that, for every Python method, an interface method
should be defined in Java. In Fig. 18.37, we have defined an interface
ListManipulationInterface which declares the method Update.
On running the Java program followed by Python script, Java responds with
the following output:
Updated List:

2 4 6

Fig. 18.37 Interface ListManipulationInterface (ListManipulationInterface.java)



In this section, we will build a chat application that allows two parties to
communicate with each other via type and send chat interface. We have used
kivy library to create a chat interface, one for each communicating party.
The interface comprises a textbox named ChatBox where chat logs are
displayed, an entry text box named EntryBox to type a message to be sent,
and a button named SendButton to send the message. Note that each widget
can be assigned a name identifier using id property and referenced in the
program using dictionary ids maintained by the root widget that comprises
all widgets having an id attribute. We present the widget definitions in the
file chatappinterface.kv file (Fig. 18.38).

widgets used in chat interface: ChatBox, EntryBox, and SendButton

Fig. 18.38 Widget definitions (chatappinterface.kv)

In the scripts host (Fig. 18.39) and client (Fig. 18.40), we have defined the
respective chat application. The host program will initiate the
communication by listening to request, and the client will connect to the host
waiting for a connection and communicate with it. A message typed by
either party will be displayed in its own ChatBox as well as the ChatBox of
another communicating party. Thus, we need to perform the two tasks for
each application: the first task takes the user input through EntryBox and
displays it in his/her own ChatBox, and the second task sends the input to
the connected party. Further, the chat application running at each end should
be ready to receive a message sent by another party for displaying it in the
ChatBox. Former functionality is performed by the clickAction method
associated with the widget SendButton. The latter functionality is performed
by getHostConnected and getClientConnected methods of the host and the
client respectively. For this purpose, we create a separate thread by using the
method start_new_thread of the module _thread which takes the method
to be executed as the first parameter and a list of arguments to be sent to the
method as the second parameter.

the chat applications at the two ends send and receive messages at their own pace
Fig. 18.39 Host application (host.py)
Fig. 18.40 Client application (client.py)

In Fig. 18.41, we show the output of a sample chat session when the host
application is run, followed by the client application.

Fig. 18.41 Chat application


1. tweepy package of Python is used for handling Twitter data.

2. Accessing Twitter data requires open authentication of an application. The authentication handler
object of class OAuthHandler is passed as a parameter to class API of the tweepy module (a wrapper
for API as provided by Twitter). An object of this class (api) can be used for retrieving user
information such as his/her followers, friends, and tweets.
3. Python provides two socket modules - socket and socketserver. While the former provides low-
level networking interface, the latter provides support in the form of classes for developing the
network server application.
4. The sqlite3 module provides the functionality required for database management. The class connect
is used for establishing a connection with the database. The method close is used for closing the
connection. The method execute of the cursor object of class Cursor is used for executing SQL
5. Python provides an open source library Kivy for building cross-platform applications. It is a graphical
user interface toolkit which supports desktop environments such as Windows®, Linux, and Mac OS®.
It also supports multi-touch devices that support android/ IOS.
6. Packages like Py4j, Pyjnius, Jpype, javabridge, and JCC are used to Java programs from Python.


1. Write a program that takes a user handler as an input and extracts all tweets posted by him.
2. Write a program that extracts all tweets tweeted in the past five days regarding India’s economy. Use
the appropriate list of search words.
3. Write a socket programming application for transferring files across the networks.
4. Write a program that provides functionality for managing information about the college in the
database COLLEGE. The database should contain relations for storing information about entities such
as students, teachers, courses, and departments.
5. Develop a kivy application for Tic-Tac-Toe game with a grid of size 4 × 4.
6. Develop a kivy paint application that provides a paint palette containing basic 12 colours along with
the paint area and a brush for painting.
7. Develop a kivy application for the pong game. The pong game is a table tennis game where the player
who scores 11 points first by hitting the ball wins the game.

abc module, 303
ABCMeta, 303
Abstract Base Classes (ABCs), 303
Abstract class, 303
Abstract data type, 259
Abstract methods, 303
Abstraction, 279
Accessing Web Data, 539
Accessor methods, 280
Accessors, 280
Activation record, 191
Actual parameters, 33
Adding methods dynamically, 282
Aliasing, 151
Alphabet, 137
Animation: bouncing ball, 517
Append, 359
Application programming interfaces (API), 522
Argument, 20, 33
Arithmetic operators, 5
ASCII values, 6
Assert statement, 39
Assignment statements, 9, 10
Association, 10
Attribute resolution order, 307
Attributes, 541

Base class, 285
Binary search tree, 419
building, 431
traversal of, 422
Binary search, 331
Binary tree, 418
height of a, 430
Binding, 10
Bits, 8
Bitwise operators, 8
Blocking function, 484
Boolean (bool), 250
Boolean values, 6
Break point, 87
break statement, 72
Bubble sort, 320
Build, 551
Built-in classes, 250
boolean (bool), 250
dictionary (dict), 250
floating point (float), 250
integer (int), 250
list, 250
string (str), 250
tuple, 250
Built-in function, 20, 27
Built-in functions for classes, 309
Built-in functions on strings, 127

Called function, 30
Callee function, 30
Caller function, 30
Calling the function, 20
Cardinality, 541
Chat applications, 571
Child class, 285
Class attributes, 250
Class constructor, 253
Class initializer, 253
Class node, 385
Classes, 250
Command line arguments, 41–42
Complete binary tree, 418
Composition, 20, 284
Conditional expression, 51
Continue statement, 72
Control structures, 46–80
Control structures, 78
Converting python collections to Java collections, 566
Create table, 543
Creating a linked list of cubes, 388

Data, 279, 357
Data definition language (DDL), 541, 542
Data hiding, 279
Data manipulation language (DML), 542
Data structures, 357
concepts, 541
creating, 542
loading the, 545
populating the, 545
Database management system (DBMS), 540
Date class, 265
Debugging, 85–95
commands, 88–89
Deep copy, 210
Default values, 37
Degree, 541
Deletion, 177
Dependencies, 550
Dequeue, 369, 412
Derived class, 285
Destructor, 257
Developing mobile application for android, 550
Dict, 250
Dictionary, 175
inverted, 179
operations, 177
Docstring, 4
Domain, 543

Echo server, 537
else statement, 77
Empty except clause, 232
Empty language, 138
Encapsulation, 279
Enqueue, 369, 409
Entity, 541
Errors, 227
exceptions, 228
indentation error, 228
indentation, 228
IndexError, 230
NameError, 228
OSError, 230
syntax, 227
TypeError, 229
ValueError, 229
ZeroDivisionError, 229
Escape sequences, 22
eval function, 20
Exceptions, 228
Extracting comments, 144

File, 221
handling, 221
Finding common factors, 171
Floating point (float), 250
Floating point numbers, 2
for loop, 58
Formal parameters, 33
Fractal, 471
Front, 372
Front end, 369
Fruitful function, 36
Function parameters, 33
Function(s), 19–42
append, 154
axis, 489
built-in, 20, 27
called, 30
callee, 30
caller, 30
calling the, 20
composition, 20
comprehension, 157
copy, 170, 179
count, 127, 154, 175
decode, 132
definition and call, 27–38
dump, 226
encode, 132
endswith, 132
eval, 20
extend, 154
filter, 164
find, 128
from math module, 25
fruitful, 36
functions, 157
get, 178
help, 37
index, 154, 175
input, 20
insert, 154, 156
invoking the, 20
isalnum, 131
isalpha, 131
isdigit, 131
islower, 129
isspace, 131
istitle, 129
isupper, 129
join, 131
list, 154
load, 227
lstrip, 130
map, 164
max, 24
min, 24
nested, 56
overloading, 277
partition, 130
pop, 154
pow, 24
print, 21
readline, 224
recursive, 188
reduce, 164
remove, 154,
replace, 130
reverse, 156
rfind, 128
round, 22
rstrip, 130
seek, 225
show, 484
sort, 156
split, 130
startswith, 132
strip, 130
superset test
tuple, 174
type, 22
update, 178
wrapper, 438
writelines, 225
zip, 174

Game of Xs and Os, 550
Global frame, 29
Global names, 114
Graphical package, 445
Graphics, 483–519
2D, 483
3D, 509
animation, 517–519
arrow (2D), 508
arrow (3D), 514
box, 510
circle, 502
cone, 515
cosine curve, 500
curve, 516
cylinder, 513
ellipse, 504
histogram, 496
pie chart, 498
polygon, 506
rectangle, 505
ring, 512
sine curve, 500
sphere, 510

Handler, 235
Hard-coding, 205
hasattr, 309
Hierarchical inheritance, 295
Hilbert curve, 471
Home button, 486

Idle, 1
If conditional statement, 46
If-elif-else conditional statement, 55
If-else conditional statement, 52
Importing user-defined module, 38–39
Indentation error, 228
Indentation, 29
IndexError, 230
Infinite loops, 64
Infix expression, 363
Infix form, 363
Inheritance, 285
hierarchical, 295
multilevel, 295
multiple, 299
single, 286
inner function, 57
Inorder traversal, 423
input function, 20
Insertion sort, 326
Instance method, 280
Integer (int), 250
Intersection operation on list, 171
Inverted dictionary, 179
Invoiking the function, 20
isEmpty, 361
isSubclass, 309
Iteration, 57
Iteration of the loop, 58

Javabridge, 563
Jpype, 563

Key, 316, 541
Keyword arguments, 38
Keywords, 13
Kivy, 550
application, 562
installation, 550
python chat application using, 570

Language, 137
empty, 138
null, 138
regular, 137
Last in first out (LIFO) arrangement, 358
Left binary subtree, 418
Left-child relationship, 419
LEGB Rule, 114
Linear search, 330
Linked list, 384
insertion and deletion at the beginning of, 388
maintaining sorted, 400
operations, 392
stack implementation using, 405–409
string representation of a, 399
traversing a, 399
list, 250
List manipulation, 315–354
List objects; copying, 159
Lists, 150–152
as argument, 158
intersection operation on, 171
two-dimensional, 152
union operation on, 171
Loading the database, 545
Logical operators, 6
Loop, 58
for, 58
infinite, 64
iteration of the, 58
nested, 69
while, 63

Master data, 240
Matplotlib, 445, 484
max function, 24
Membership, 127
Memory map, 34
Metadata, 542
Method overriding, 289
min function, 24
Modifier, 280
Modular approach, 19
Module, 14
Modulus, 2
Multilevel inheritance, 295
Multiple inheritance, 299
Multiple plots, 492

Name mangling, 279
NameError, 228
Names, 10
Namespaces, 114
Nested function, 56
Nested if-elif-else conditional statement, 55
Nested loops, 69
Nesting, 55
New-style classes, 306
Node(s), 384
deleting, 396
internal, 417
keep track of, 397
root, 416
value of the, 416
Null language, 138
Null string, 137

Object attributes, 255
Object composition, 284
Object-oriented programming (OOP), 272
Objects, 2, 250
Open authentication (OAuth), 522
Operands, 2
Operator overloading, 272, 273
Operator, 2
arithmetic, 5
bitwise, 8
logical, 6
relational, 5
OSError, 230
Outer function, 57

Parameters, 33
actual, 33
formal, 33
function, 33
Parent class, 285
Pass statement, 72
Patches, 502
Pattern matching, 137
Pattern within a pattern, 445
Pickling, 226
Pivot element, 351
Plotting a point, 484
Polymorphism, 272
Pop, 358, 361
Populating the database, 545
Postfix form, 363
Postorder traversal, 430
pow function, 24
Preorder traversal, 429
print function, 21
Problem of Tower of Hanoi, 214–218
eight queens, 448
Knight’s Tour, 455
stable marriage, 464
Program, 14
Properties, 551
Pseudocode, 32
push, 358, 361
Py4j, 563
Pyjnius, 563
Pyplot module, 484
Python, 1
applications of, 521–576
arrays in, 565
code, 1
editor, 1
errors, 227
integrating java with, 563
shell, 2
strings, 4, 125
style, 10
tutor, 101
visual, 509
PythonCopy, 225
Python tutor interface, 101
Pythonic style, 10
Pythonic way, 10

Queue, 369
Queue operations, 372

raise keyword, 236
Random number generation, 24–25
Rear end, 369
Recursion, 188–218
Recursive function, 188
Recursive solutions for problems on lists, 204
copying a list, 209
deep copy, 210
flatten a list, 204
permutation, 211
Recursive solutions for problems on numeric data, 188–197
factorial, 188
fibonacci sequence, 194
Recursive solutions for problems on strings, 197–204
length of a string, 197
palindrome, 201
reversing a string, 199
Recusion, 481
Regular languages, 137
Relation, 541
Relational operators, 5
Retrieving all matching patterns, 144
Reversing a string, 136
Right binary subtree, 418
Right-child relationship, 419
Root node, 416
Round function, 22

Saving figure, 495
Scalar data types, 123, 150
Scope rule, 290
Scope, 100–120
Script mode, 14
Searching, 315, 329
Selection sort, 316
set functions, 167, 171
add, 167
clear, 167
difference, 168
intersection, 168
pop, 167
remove, 167
symmetric_difference, 168
union, 168
update, 167
Sets, 166
Shallow copy, 210
Shared session, 102
Sharing data across applications, 532
Sharing data using sockets, 532
Short-circuit evaluation, 7
Shorthand notation, 11
Sierpinski Triangle, 471
Single inheritance, 286
Singleton tuple, 173
Size, 361, 373
Slice, 125
Slicing, 125–126
socket, 533
Socket programming, 570
bubble, 320
insertion, 326
merge, 349
quick, 351
Sorting, 315
Source code, 14
Source file script, 14
SQLite database, 540
Stack frame, 191
Stack, 357
deletion of an element from a, 358
insertion of an element in a, 358
Static method, 280
Stepwise refinement method, 19
Stepwise refinement process, 32
Straight line functions, 46
Stream, 530
streamListener, 530
Strictly binary tree, 418
String (str), 250
String, 137
null, 137
Strings, 123–147
reversing, 136
Structured query language (SQL), 541
Sub, 285
Sub-programs, 19
Subset, 170
Sudoku puzzle, 477
Super class, 285
Superset test, 170
Symbols used in regular expressions, 139–140
Syntax error, 227

creating, 542
deleting, 549
inserting data into, 545
retrieving data from, 546
updating data in a, 548
Temporary variable, 13
Testing, 85
Tic-Tac-Toe game, 558
Top, 361
Transaction data, 240
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), 533
Tree, 416
ancestor/descendant, 417
height, 417
internal node, 417
leaf, 417
level, 417
path and path length, 417
siblings, 418
subtree, 418
try…except clause, 230
Tuple, 172, 250, 541
Tweet update, 530
Twitter, 521
collecting followers, friends, and tweets of a user, 526
collecting tweets having specific words, 530
collecting information from, 521
data analysis, 522
open authentication, 523
Two-dimensional list, 152
Type conversion, 23
type function, 22
TypeError, 229
uixmodule, 551
Underflow condition, 358
Underflow, 370
Unhandled exceptions, 230
Union operation on list, 171
Union operator, 138
Unpickling, 226
Update command, 548
User-defined classes, 250

Value of the node, 416
ValueError, 229
Values, 2
Variable current, 402
Variables, 9
Visualize execution, 102
Void function, 36

Web Data; Accessing, 539
Wedges, 498
Where clause, 547
while loop, 63
Widgets, 551
Wrapper function, 438, 447
Writing structures to a file, 226

ZeroDivisionError, 229
Colour Illustrations

Plate 1 Function plot(3, 2)to display point (3, 2)(see page 485)
Plate 2 Point (3, 2) (see page 486)

Plate 3 Multiple points (see page 487)

Plate 4 Line joining points specified by vector x and y (see page 487)

Plate 5 Dashed line joining points (star marker) specified by vector x and y (see page 488)
Plate 6 Solid line joining points defined by vectors [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] and y (see page 489)

Plate 7 Line joining points specified by vectors x and y (see page 489)
Plate 8 Line joining points specified by vectors x and y (see page 490)

Plate 9 Line joining points specified by vectors x and y (see page 491)
Plate 10 Functions f(x) = x2 and f(x) = x3 plotted in the interval [2.5, 4.5] in steps of 0.1 (see page
Plate 11 Six functions plotted on different subgraphs in same figure (see page 496)
Plate 12 Histogram (see page 497)

Plate 13 Histogram (see page 498)

Plate 14 Pie chart (see page 499)
Plate 15 Sine and cosine curve (see page 501)
Plate 16 Circle (see page 503)

Plate 17 Ellipse (see page 505)

Plate 18 Rectangle (see page 506)

Plate 19 Polygon (see page 507)

Plate 20 Box (see page 511)

Plate 21 Sphere (see page 511)

Plate 22 Ring (see page 513)

Plate 23 Cylinder (see page 514)

Plate 24 Arrow (see page 515)

Plate 25 Cone (see page 516)

Plate 26 Curve (see page 517)
Plate 27 Snapshots of bouncing ball (see page 518)
Editor—Acquisitions: Neha Goomer
Editor—Production: M. Balakrishnan
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Table of Contents
About the Authors
1. Python Programming: An Introduction
1.1 IDLE – An Interpreter for Python
1.2 Python Strings
1.3 Relational Operators
1.4 Logical Operators
1.5 Bitwise Operators
1.6 Variables and Assignment Statements
Assignment Statement
Shorthand Notation
1.7 Keywords
1.8 Script Mode
2. Functions
2.1 Built-in Functions
input Function
eval Function
print Function
type Function
round Function
Type Conversion
min and max Functions
pow Function
Random Number Generation
Functions from math Module
Complete List of Built-in Functions
2.2 Function Definition and Call
Fruitful Functions vs Void Functions
Function help
Default Parameter Values
Keyword Arguments
2.3 Importing User-defined Module
2.4 Assert Statement
2.5 Command Line Arguments
3. Control Structures
3.1 if Conditional Statement
General Form of if Conditional Statement
Conditional Expression
General Form of if-else Conditional Statement
General Form of if-elif-else Conditional Statement
Nested if-elif-else Conditional Statement
3.2 Iteration (for and while Statements)
3.2.1 for Loop
General Format of for Statement
3.2.2 while Loop
General Format of while Statement
Infinite Loops
3.2.3 while Statement vs. for Statement
3.2.4 Example: To Print Some Pictures
3.2.5 Nested Loops
3.2.6 break, continue, and pass Statements
3.2.7 Example: To Compute sin(x)
3.2.8 else Statement
4. Debugging
4.1 Testing
An Example: Finding Maximum of Three Numbers
4.2 Debugging
5. Scope
5.1 Objects and Object ids
5.2 Scope of Objects and Names
5.2.1 Namespaces
5.2.2 Scope
6. Strings
6.1 Strings
6.1.1 Slicing
6.1.2 Membership
6.1.3 Built-in Functions on Strings
Function count
Functions find and rfind
Functions capitalize, title, lower, upper, and swapcase
Functions islower, isupper, and istitle
Function replace
Functions strip, lstrip, and rstrip
Functions split and partition
Function join
Functions isspace, isalpha, isdigit, and isalnum
Function startswith and endswith
Functions encode and decode
List of Functions
6.2 String Processing Examples
6.2.1 Counting the Number of Matching Characters in a Pair of Strings
6.2.2 Counting the Number of Common Characters in a Pair of Strings
6.2.3 Reversing a String
6.3 Pattern Matching
6.3.1 Some Important Definitions
7. Mutable and Immutable Objects
7.1 Lists
7.1.1 Summary of List Operations
7.1.2 Function list
7.1.3 Functions append, extend, count, remove, index, pop, and insert
7.1.4 Function insert
7.1.5 Function reverse
7.1.6 Functions sort and reverse
7.1.7 List Functions
7.1.8 List Comprehension
7.1.9 Lists as Arguments
7.1.10 Copying List Objects
7.1.11 map, reduce, and filter Operations on a Sequence
7.2 Sets
7.2.1 Set Functions add, update, remove, pop, and clear
7.2.2 Set Functions union, intersection, difference, and
7.2.3 Function copy
7.2.4 Subset and Superset Test
7.2.5 List of Functions
7.2.6 Finding Common Factors
7.2.7 Union and Intersection Operation on Lists
7.3 Tuples
7.3.1 Summary of Tuple Operations
7.3.2 Functions tuple and zip
7.3.3 Functions count and index
7.4 Dictionary
7.4.1 Dictionary Operations
7.4.2 Deletion
7.4.3 Function get
7.4.4 Function update
7.4.5 Function copy
7.4.6 List of Functions
7.4.7 Inverted Dictionary
8. Recursion
8.1 Recursive Solutions for Problems on Numeric Data
8.1.1 Factorial
Iterative Approach
Recursive Approach
8.1.2 Fibonacci Sequence
Iterative Approach
Recursive Approach
8.2 Recursive Solutions for Problems on Strings
8.2.1 Length of a String
8.2.2 Reversing a String
8.2.3 Palindrome
8.3 Recursive Solutions for Problems on Lists
8.3.1 Flatten a List
8.3.2 Copy
8.3.3 Deep Copy
8.3.4 Permutation
8.4 Problem of Tower of Hanoi
9. Files and Exceptions
9.1 File Handling
9.2 Writing Structures to a File
9.3 Errors and Exceptions
9.4 Handling Exceptions Using try…except
9.5 File Processing Example
10. Classes I
10.1 Classes and Objects
10.2 Person: An Example of Class
10.2.1 Destructor
10.3 Class as Abstract Data Type
10.4 Date Class
11. Classes II
11.1 Polymorphism
11.1.1 Operator Overloading
Comparing Dates
11.1.2 Function Overloading
11.2 Encapsulation, Data Hiding, and Data Abstraction
11.3 Modifier and Accessor Methods
11.4 Static Method
11.5 Adding Methods Dynamically
11.6 Composition
11.7 Inheritance
11.7.1 Single Inheritance
Scope Rule
Extending Scope of int Class Using a User Defined Class
11.7.2 Hierarchical Inheritance
11.7.3 Multiple Inheritance
11.7.4 Abstract Methods
11.7.5 Attribute Resolution Order for Inheritance
11.8 Built-in Functions for Classes
12. List Manipulation
12.1 Sorting
12.1.1 Selection Sort
12.1.2 Bubble Sort
12.1.3 Insertion Sort
12.2 Searching
12.2.1 Linear Search
12.2.2 Binary Search
12.3 A Case Study
12.3.1 Operations for Class Section
Complete Script
12.4 More on Sorting
12.4.1 Merge Sort
12.4.2 Quick Sort
13. Data Structures I: Stack and Queues
13.1 Stacks
13.1.1 Evaluating Arithmetic Expressions
13.1.2 Conversion of Infix Expression to Postfix Expression
13.2 Queues
14. Data Structures II: Linked Lists
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Insertion and Deletion at the Beginning of a Linked List
14.3 Deleting a Node with a Particular Value from a Linked List
14.4 Traversing a Linked List
14.5 Maintaining Sorted Linked List While Inserting
14.6 Stack Implementation Using Linked List
14.7 Queue Implementation Using Linked List
15. Data Structures III: Binary Search Trees
15.1 Definitions and Notations
15.2 Binary Search Tree
15.3 Traversal of Binary Search Trees
15.3.1 Inorder Traversal
15.3.2 Preorder Traversal
15.3.3 Postorder Traversal
15.3.4 Height of a Binary Tree
15.4 Building Binary Search Tree
16. More on Recursion
16.1 Pattern within a Pattern
16.2 Generalized Eight Queens Problem
16.3 Knight's Tour Problem
16.4 Stable Marriage Problem
16.5 Fractal (Hilbert Curve and Sierpinski Triangle)
16.6 Sudoku
16.7 Guidelines on Using Recursion
17. Graphics
17.1 2D Graphics
17.1.1 Point and Line
Axis, Title, and Label
Plotting Multiple Functions in the Same Figure
Multiple Plots
Saving Figure
17.1.2 Histogram and Pi Chart
17.1.3 Sine and Cosine Curves
17.1.4 Graphical Objects: Circle, Ellipse, Rectangle, Polygon, and
17.2 3D Objects
17.3 Animation – Bouncing Ball
18. Applications of Python
18.1 Collecting Information from Twitter
Open Authentication
An Example – Collecting User Information
Collecting Followers, Friends, and Tweets of a User
Collecting Tweets Having Specific Words
18.2 Sharing Data Using Sockets
Client-Server Communication on the Same Machine – A Simple
An Echo Server
Accessing Web Data (Downloading a Pdf File)
18.3 Managing Databases Using Structured Query Language (SQL)
18.3.1 Database Concepts
18.3.2 Creating Database and Tables
18.3.3 Inserting Data into Table
18.3.4 Retrieving Data from Table
18.3.5 Updating Data in a Table
18.3.6 Deleting Data from Table/Deleting Table
18.4 Developing Mobile Application for Android
18.4.1 A Simple Application Containing Registration Interface
18.4.2 Tic-Tac-Toe Game
18.4.3 Running Kivy Applications on Android
18.5 Integrating Java with Python
18.5.1 Accessing Java Collections and Arrays in Python
18.5.2 Converting Python Collections to Java Collections
18.5.3 Invoking a Parameterized Java Method from Python
18.5.4 Invoking Parameterized Python Method from Java
18.6 Python Chat Application Using Kivy and Socket Programming
Colour Illustrations

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