"Code Switching" in Sociocultural Linguistics

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“Code Switching” in Sociocultural Linguistics

Chad Nilep

1. Introduction

The term code switching (or, as it is sometimes written, code-switching or

codeswitching)1 is broadly discussed and used in linguistics and a variety of

related fields. Benson (2001) cited nearly 1,300 articles on the subject in the

Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts database published in virtually

every branch of linguistics between 1990 and 2000. A search in 2005 swells that

number to more than 1,800. However, despite this ubiquity – or perhaps in part

because of it – scholars do not seem to share a definition of the term. This is

perhaps inevitable, given the different concerns of formal linguists,

psycholinguists, sociolinguists, philosophers, anthropologists, etc. This paper will

attempt to survey the use of term code switching in sociocultural linguistics and

suggest useful definitions for sociocultural work.

Since code switching is studied from so many perspectives, this paper will

necessarily seem to omit important elements of the literature. Much of the work

labeled “code switching” is interested in syntactic or morphosyntactic constraints

on language alternation (e.g. Poplack 1980; Sankoff and Poplack 1981; Joshi

My personal preference is to spell code switching as two words, with white space between them,
a practice I will generally follow throughout this paper. Original spelling will be preserved in
quotations and when paraphrasing scholars who routinely use an alternate form.
Chad Nilep – University of Colorado Boulder

1985; Di Sciullo and Williams 1987; Belazi et al. 1994; Halmari 1997 inter alia).

Alternately, studies of language acquisition, second language acquisition, and

language learning use the term code switching to describe either bilingual

speakers’ or language learners’ cognitive linguistic abilities, or to describe

classroom or learner practices involving the use of more than one language (e.g.

Romaine 1989; Cenoz and Genesee 2001; Fotos 2001, inter alia). These and other

studies seem to use code as a synonym for language variety. Alvarez-Cáccamo

(2000) argues that this equation may obscure certain interactional functions of

such alternation.

Praticamente todo o trabalho sobre o “code-switching”, ou

comutação de códigos, tem-se baseado numa identificação estrita
entre as noções de “código” e “variedade linguística”, seja esta
uma língua, um dialecto, um estilo, ou mesmo um registo
prosódico. Porém, esta focagem estrutural deixa sem explicar
convincentemente certos fenómenos conversacionais relativos à
relevância ou significatividade (ou ausência de tal relevância) das
alternâncias entre variedades aparentemente em contraste.

Practically all work on “code-switching,” or changing codes, has

been based on a strict identification between the notions of “code”
and “linguistic variety,” be that a language, dialect, style, or
prosodic register. However, this structural focus fails to
convincingly explain certain conversational phenomena relative to
the relevance or significance (or lack of relevance) of alternations
between contrasting varieties. [Alvarez-Cáccamo 2000:112; my
Certainly, the study of language alternation has been fruitful over the past several

decades. The identification of various constraints, though controversial, has

inspired a great deal of work in syntax, morphology, and phonology. A structural

focus has been similarly constructive for production models (e.g. Azuma 1991,

“Code Switching” in Sociocultural Linguistics

1996) or as evidence for grammatical theory (e.g. MacSwann 2000; Jake, Myers-

Scotton and Gross 2002). By ignoring questions of function or meaning, though,

this structural focus fails to answer basic questions of why code switching occurs.2

Auer (1984) warns, “Grammatical restrictions on code-switching are but

necessary conditions” (2); they are not sufficient to describe the reason for or

effect of a particular alternation. If linguists regard code switching simply as a

product of a grammatical system, and not as a practice of individual speakers,

they may produce esoteric analyses that have little importance outside the study of

linguistics per se, what Sapir called “a tradition that threatens to become

scholastic when not vitalized by interests which lie beyond the formal interest in

language itself” (1929:213).

This paper is thus positioned within the discipline of sociocultural

linguistics, an emerging (or one might say, revitalized) interdisciplinary approach

to linguistics that looks beyond formal interests, to the social and cultural

functions and meanings of language use.

Periodically over the last century, linguists have proposed to bring their

own studies closer to other fields of social inquiry. In 1929, Edward Sapir urged

linguists to move beyond diachronic and formal analyses for their own sake and

Woolard (2004) suggests that the basic question should be not why speakers make use of the
various forms available to them, but why speakers would not make use of all available forms.
Thus she suggests, “It could be argued that linguists, with their focus on constraints against rather
than motivations for codeswitching, do ask this alternative question” (91).

Chad Nilep – University of Colorado Boulder

to “become aware of what their science may mean for the interpretation of human

conduct in general” (1929:207). He suggested that anthropology, sociology,

psychology, philosophy and social science generally would be enriched by

drawing on the methodologies as well as the findings of linguistic research. He

also exhorted linguists to consider language within its broader social setting.

It is peculiarly important that linguists, who are often accused, and

accused justly, of failure to look beyond the pretty patterns of their
subject matter, should become aware of what their science may
mean for the interpretation of human conduct in general. Whether
they like it or not, they must become increasingly concerned with
the many anthropological, sociological, and psychological
problems which invade the field of language. [Sapir 1929:214]
Sapir was not alone in his hopes for a more socially engaged linguistics. Indeed

the development during the 1930s-1950s of what has come to be known as

sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics suggests that, at least for some linguists,

social interaction and human cognition were as important as the forms and

structures of language itself.

Nonetheless, by the 1960s some scholars once again felt the need to argue

for a more socially engaged linguistics. In his introduction to a special issue of

American Anthropologist dedicated to the Ethnography of Communication

(Hymes and Gumperz 1964), Dell Hymes (1964) lamented that the socially

integrated linguistics Sapir had called for was disappearing. Hymes and others

worried that new formal approaches, as well as the push for linguistics as an

autonomous field, threatened to once again isolate linguists. At the same time,

“Code Switching” in Sociocultural Linguistics

though, the growth of ethnolinguistics and sociolinguistics offered a venue for the

socially engaged linguistics Sapir had called for four decades earlier.

Four more decades have passed, and once again scholars are calling for a

revitalization of socially and culturally oriented linguistic analysis. Bucholtz and

Hall (2005) position their own work on language and identity as what they call

sociocultural linguistics, “the broad interdisciplinary field concerned with the

intersection of language, culture, and society” (5). Just as Hymes (1964) worried

that linguistics had been bleached of its association with the study of human

interaction in the wake of formalist studies, Bucholtz and Hall point out that

sociolinguistics has in turn been narrowed to denote only specific types of study.

Sociocultural linguistics is thus suggested as a broader term, to include

sociolinguistics, linguistic anthropology, discourse analysis, conversation analysis

and sociology of language, as well as certain streams of social psychology,

folklore studies, media studies, literary theory, and the philosophy of language.

What follows is a look at some foundational studies of code switching in

linguistic anthropology, sociolinguistics, and sociology, as well as a brief survey

of recent work on the topic within sociocultural linguistics. Finally (section 4), I

will suggest an operative definition for the term code switching that I hope will

serve as a basis and context for sociocultural discussions of the contextualizing

functions of language alternation and modulation.

Chad Nilep – University of Colorado Boulder

2. Foundational Studies

The history of code switching research in sociocultural linguistics is often

dated from Blom and Gumperz’s (1972) “Social meaning in linguistic structures”

(e.g. Myers-Scotton 1993b; Rampton 1995; Benson 2001). This work is certainly

important and influential, not least for introducing the terms situational and

metaphorical switching (see below). However, by 1972 the term code switching

was well attested in the literature, and several studies in linguistic anthropology

and sociolinguistics prefigured later code switching research in sociocultural

linguistics. Section 2.1 briefly reviews some of the important “pre-history” of

code switching research; that is, early studies of the use of multiple grammatical

systems in discourse. Section 2.2 considers sociologist Erving Goffman’s notion

of footing, a theoretical construct closely related to (and influenced by) code

switching. Section 2.3 returns to Gumperz’s work on the subject, including both

work with Jan-Petter Blom, and later work on code switching and


2.1. Pre-history of code switching research

One of the earliest American studies3 in linguistic anthropology to deal

with issues of language choice and code switching was George Barker’s (1947)

Benson (2001) discusses work by Espinosa (1980 [1911]), a folklorist and Romance
dialectologist, as the earliest code switching research in the United States. Espinosa, who retired
from Stanford University in 1946, does not appear to have had a great influence on later code
switching research.

“Code Switching” in Sociocultural Linguistics

description of language use among Mexican Americans in Tucson, Arizona. In

addition to his analysis of the economic relations, social networks, and social

geography of Tucson residents, Barker sought to answer the question, “How does

it happen, for example, that among bilinguals, the ancestral language will be used

on one occasion and English on another, and that on certain occasions bilinguals

will alternate, without apparent cause, from one language to another?” (Barker


Barker suggested a continuum between intimate family relationships,

extending through increasingly public situations, to formal interaction with

English speaking neighbors. He found that interactions among family members

were most likely to be conducted in Spanish, while formal talk with Anglo-

Americans was most likely to use the medium of English (even when all parties in

the interaction were able to understand Spanish). At intermediate points along the

scale, language choice was less fixed, and elements from each language could

occur. Furthermore, Barker proposed that younger people were more apt to use

multiple languages in a single interaction than were their elders, and that the use

of multiple varieties was constitutive of a local Tucson identity.

Barker’s work suggested strong links between language and identity. For

example, Barker hypothesized, “for individuals both inside and outside the ethnic

group, the ethnic language comes to symbolize the group and its cultural

background, or in terms of its social function, to identify the group as a group”

(186). He therefore reasoned that the use of Mexican Spanish functioned as an

Chad Nilep – University of Colorado Boulder

important marker of Mexican American identity for Tucson residents. At the same

time, residents used English to assert an American identity. Barker writes, “The

individual’s skill in using the language of a second or adopted culture comes to

symbolize his status in the new society” (187). Finally, Barker found that it was

common for younger people born in Tucson to use both English and Spanish

varieties within a single interaction.

In the field of informal relations among bilinguals, a field in which

most of the social life of the younger Mexican-Americans takes
place, we find that rapid shifting from one language to another is
common. Often two languages may be used in the same sentence
or phrase…. [I]t may be said that the mixing of the two languages
is indicative of the speaker’s participation in the urban social life
of the younger native-born group in the Tucson Mexican
community. [Barker 1947:195-96]
Barker’s study of the social functions of multiple linguistic varieties4 thus

anticipates later descriptions of code switching, social networks, and language and


An important base for code switching research in the field of linguistics is

Uriel Weinreich’s (1953) Languages in Contact, despite Weinreich’s caution

toward what he called bilingual speakers’ “switching faculty” (72). One of those

inspired by Weinreich’s book was Hans Vogt, whose “Language Contacts”

Barker identifies four varieties of Spanish (Southern Arizona, standard Mexican, Pachuco, and
Yaqui) and at least two varieties of English (labeled “standard” and “sub-standard”).

“Code Switching” in Sociocultural Linguistics

(1954) is cited as the first article to use the term “code-switching” in the field of

linguistics (Alvarez-Cáccamo 1998; Benson 2001).5

Weinreich was interested to describe the effect of language contact on

languages, in addition to describing the activities of bilingual speech

communities. He suggested that Barker’s (1947) description of Tucson was

insufficient, since it listed only four speech situations: intimate, informal, formal,

and inter-group discourse. Weinreich argued that Barker’s taxonomy was

“insufficiently articulated” (87) to describe all potential organizations of bilingual

speech events. Weinreich contended that anthropology should look to linguistics –

particularly to structuralism – in order to properly describe the practice of

bilingual speech, and the language acquisition/socialization process that takes

place in bilingual communities. At the same time, he suggested, “Linguists on

their part need the help of anthropology to describe and analyze those factors

governing linguistic interference which, though lying beyond the structure of the

languages in contact, do fall within the realm of culture” (6).

Weinreich’s description of switching codes6 suggests that bilingual

individuals possess two separate linguistic varieties, which (ideally) they employ

on separate occasions.

Benson actually cites Vogt’s review of Weinreich 1953 as the first piece to use the term “code-
switching.” Both the review and “Language Contacts” appeared in volume 10 of the journal Word

Chad Nilep – University of Colorado Boulder

The ideal bilingual switches from one language to the other

according to appropriate changes in the speech situation
(interlocutors, topics, etc.), but not in an unchanged situation, and
certainly not within a single sentence. If he does include
expressions from another language, he may mark them off
explicitly as ‘quotations’ by quotation marks in writing and by
special voice modifications (slight pause, change in tempo, and the
like) in speech. [Weinreich 1953: 73-74]
This description provides for situational switching (Blom and Gumperz 1972; see

below), the use of different language varieties in different situations. The

discussion of ‘quotations’ also prefigures the notion of footing (Goffman 1979,

1981; see below), both in the suggestion that a change in language may bring

other voices into a speech event7, and in the association between code switching

and other (mostly phonological) signals of changes of stance. However, it

specifically rules out conversational code switching (Gumperz 1982), and

especially intrasentential switching, for “ideal bilinguals.”

The notion of “switching codes” appears to have been borrowed from information theory.
Weinreich refers to Fano 1950, a paper also referenced by Jakobson (1971a [1953], 1971b [1961];
Jakobson and Halle 1956) in his discussions of code switching. Fuller exploration of these links is
unfortunately beyond the scope of the present paper. See Alvarez-Cáccamo (1998, 2000) for more
Several scholars (e.g. Hill 1985; Rampton 1995; Lo 1999; Pujolar 2001; Woolard 2004) have
discussed code switching in terms of voicing or heteroglossia (Bakhtin 1981). Woolard (2004)
suggests that Bakhtin’s socially oriented voicing may be more useful to understanding code
switching behavior than Goffman’s individually oriented footing (see below). She writes,
“Bakhtin’s approach better enables codeswitching analysts to articulate the linkages of linguistic
form, social context, macrosocial identity, and consciousness of all of these” (Woolard 2004:87).
Consideration of Bakhtin’s analyses of literary code switching is, however, beyond the scope of
this paper.

“Code Switching” in Sociocultural Linguistics

The “ideal bilingual” Weinreich refers to appears to be a rather speculative

figure, based on expectations or preconceived notions of bilingual behavior, rather

than empirical observations. Weinreich “suspects” that individuals may differ

from this ideal. He suggests that individuals who do alternate languages “in early

childhood, were addressed by the same familiar interlocutors indiscriminately in

both languages” (74).8 He provides no evidence, however, for the ubiquity, let

alone the propriety, of such “indiscriminate” language alternation. He also

predicts (though, again, with some disapproval) that the degree of switching may

differ among different societies. “If excessive switching should be demonstrated

to be the result of too early and unspecialized use of two languages,” a footnote

reads, “the possibility of social causation is all the more far-reaching” (83).

Vogt’s (1954) article, though very much inspired by Weinreich (1953), is

much less apprehensive about bilingual code switching.

Bilingualism is a universal phenomenon, since no languages we

know have been spoken over long periods of time in complete
isolation. It is even possible that bilingualism is one of the major
factors in linguistic changes—a point of view which could be
defended by good arguments. Code-switching in itself is perhaps
not a linguistic phenomenon, but rather a psychological one, and
its causes are obviously extra-linguistic. But bilingualism is of
great interest to the linguist because it is the condition of what has
been called interference between languages. [Vogt 1954:368]

For discussion of the one-person-one-language ideology in language acquisition see Romaine

Chad Nilep – University of Colorado Boulder

Vogt assumes that code switching is not only natural, but common. He suggests

that all languages – if not all language users – experience language contact, and

that contact phenomena are an important element of language change.

Vogt also argues that variation must be common within a language, since

languages change over time.

What therefore in the history of a linguistic system appears as a

change will in a synchronic description appear as more or less free
variation between different forms of expression, equally admissible
within the system. [Vogt 1954:367]
Vogt is not specifically interested in the distribution of variables among

individual language users, an aspect of variation and change that would later

fascinate sociolinguists (e.g. Labov 1963). He is, however, interested in the effect

that different degrees of code switching practiced by different speakers have on

language change. Thus Vogt foreshadows sociolinguistic studies of code


The phenomenon of diglossia, described by Charles Ferguson in the

journal Word (1959) is another precursor to linguistic analyses of code switching.

Ferguson’s notion of superposition influenced Gumperz’s work on dialect

variation and networks. (See Ferguson and Gumperz 1960; Gumperz 1961.

Gumperz 1982 draws a distinction between diglossia and conversational code

switching.) Ferguson’s definition describes two varieties of a language having

very different distributions within a community of language users.

Diglossia is a relatively stable language situation in which, in

addition to the primary dialects of the language (which may
include a standard or regional standards), there is a very divergent,

“Code Switching” in Sociocultural Linguistics

highly codified (often grammatically more complex) superposed

variety, the vehicle of a large and respected body of written
literature, either of an earlier period or in another speech
community, which is learned largely by formal education and is
used for most written and formal spoken purposes but is not used
by any section of the community for ordinary conversation.
[Ferguson 1959:336]
In the four “defining languages” Ferguson describes (Arabic, Swiss German,

Haitian Creole, and Greek), an H (high) variety is superposed above standard or

regional varieties, labeled L (low). While L is acquired naturally and used for

many daily interactions, H is learned via formal education and restricted to

formal, especially written usage. “In one set of situations, only H is appropriate

and in another only L, with the two sets overlapping only very slightly” (Ferguson

1959:328). Diglossia as defined by Ferguson thus does not allow for

conversational code switching – the alternating use of multiple varieties within a

single conversation. It is, however, reminiscent of situational switching (Blom &

Gumperz 1972; see below).

Although Ferguson limits diglossia to varieties of the same language,

subsequent scholars have discussed diglossia in situations where unrelated

languages comprise the H and L varieties, most notably Fishman (1967). Fishman

seeks to tease apart diglossia from bilingualism. He describes bilingualism as a

characteristic of individuals, “whereas diglossia is a characterization of linguistic

organization at the socio-cultural level” (1967:34). Fishman describes functional

divisions between unrelated languages, such as Guarani (L) and Spanish (H) in

Chad Nilep – University of Colorado Boulder

Paraguay, which are very similar to the Haitian Creole (L)-French (H) division

described by Ferguson (1959).

Neither Ferguson (1959) nor Fishman (1967) cite examples of alternation

between varieties within a single interaction or discourse. However, as mentioned

above, their descriptions of diglossia bear on the notion of situational switching.

Further, Fishman, citing an unpublished paper by Blom and Gumperz, mentions

that varieties may be employed for humor or emphasis in a process of

metaphorical switching (Fishman 1967:36). Thus, Fishman’s account of diglossia

at least seems to have been inspired by the nascent theory of situational and

metaphorical switching (Blom and Gumperz 1972; see below).9

2.2. Goffman: Footing and code switching

Erving Goffman (1979, 1981) described footing as a process in interaction

similar to some functional descriptions of code switching. Indeed, Goffman cites

several of Gumperz’s descriptions of code switching as examples of footing. The

difference he draws between his own theory of footing and Gumperz’s and others’

descriptions of code switching is a formal one. Whereas code switching (at least

Fishman also credits Gumperz for expanding the notion of diglossia to include multilingual
societies. However, at least one of the studies Fishman cites as a description of diglossia
(Gumperz 1964a) was labeled by Gumperz as a study of code switching.

“Code Switching” in Sociocultural Linguistics

for Goffman) necessarily includes a shift from one language to another,10 footing

shifts may also be indicated by changes in prosody, pitch, body alignment, etc.

Even so, Goffman writes, “For speakers, code switching is usually involved” in

footing shifts, “and if not this then at least the sound markers that linguists study:

pitch, volume, rhythm, stress, tonal quality” (Goffman 1981:128).

For Goffman, footing is the stance or positioning that an individual takes

within an interaction. Goffman explicates these stances primarily by unpacking

the notions of speaker and hearer, and also by exploring the multifaceted

character of the speech event. Within a single interaction – even within a short

span of talk – an individual can highlight any number of different roles. Goffman

suggests that changes in purpose, context, and participant role are common in

interaction, and offers footing as a useful theory of the multiple positions taken by

parties to talk in interaction. During the course of an interaction, an individual is

likely to display a number of different stances; much of Goffman’s discussion of

footing is thus dedicated to switches in footing. Alternating languages, among

other linguistic markers, can serve to mark these shifts in footing.

Scholars of bilingualism and code switching have taken up Goffman’s

notions of footing as an explanation or extension of code switching in at least two

It is far from clear that early code switching research assumed such strict separation of
languages. Blom and Gumperz 1972, for example, focus on two dialects of spoken Norwegian
(dialects, moreover, which Maehlum (1996) suggests cannot be strictly separated). Similarly,
Fishman states explicitly, “A theory [of diglossia] which tends to minimize the distinction
between languages and varieties is desirable for several reasons” (1967:33).

Chad Nilep – University of Colorado Boulder

ways. For Zentella (1997), footing provides a functional rationale for much of the

code switching she sees practiced by Puerto Rican children in New York.

Goffman’s concept of footing provides the principle that underlies

a broad variety of switches…. The children of el bloque used code
switching primarily to signal a change in footing via two
approaches; they switched languages to underscore or highlight the
re-alignment they intended (Realignment), or to control their
interlocutor’s behavior (Appeal/Control). [Zentella 1997:93]
Footing is thus a (functional) explanation for the (formal) description of language

alternation; this matching of form and function constitutes code switching. Most

instances of code switching can be seen as language alternation11 which signals a

change in footing. Zentella thus makes footing part of the definition of code


In a slightly different, but certainly related vein, Woolard (2004) sees

footing as superordinate to code switching. She suggests that footing is a bridge

between the specific study of code switching and broader understandings of

related linguistic phenomena. The description she provides of footing relates it

both to Gumperz’s (1982) discussion of contextualization cues and to Myers-

Scotton’s (1993b) rights-and-obligations sets (see below). Woolard sees footing

as similar to, but distinct from discussions of code switching, and suggests that

recognition of the nuanced roles that footing deals with will enrich discussions of

Zentella describes seven language varieties: Standard Puerto Rican Spanish, Nonstandard Puerto
Rican Spanish, English-dominant Spanish, Standard NYC English, African American Vernacular
English, Puerto Rican English, and Hispanized English.

“Code Switching” in Sociocultural Linguistics

code switching beyond Gumperz’s or Myers-Scotton’s models. I will suggest

below that code switching research in sociocultural linguistics has begun to step

beyond static models in just this way.

2.3. Gumperz: Code switching and contextualization

Perhaps no sociocultural linguist has been more influential in the study of

code switching than John J. Gumperz. His notions of code switching developed

alongside the emerging ethnography of communication model (Hymes and

Gumperz 1964; Gumperz and Hymes 1972), and his work has been influential in

the fields of sociolinguistics, linguistic anthropology, and the sociology of


Much of Gumperz’s early work was carried out in northern India

(Gumperz 1958, 1961, 1964a, 1964b), focused on Hindi and its range of dialects.

Gumperz 1958 describes three levels – village dialects, regional dialects, and

standard Hindi – each of which may be comprised of numerous varieties, and

which serve different functions. Gumperz writes, “Most male residents, especially

those who travel considerably, speak both the village and the regional dialect. The

former is used at home and with other local residents; the latter is employed with

people from the outside” (1958:669). Thus the relationship between speakers

affects the choice of language variety. Although his primary interest in this study

is to map particular formal (especially phonological) elements of speech to

particular social categories (especially caste), Gumperz recognizes that different

aspects of identity become salient in different speech situations, and thus affect

Chad Nilep – University of Colorado Boulder

the form of language used. Subsequent studies (Ferguson and Gumperz 1960;

Gumperz 1961) expanded on the relationship between linguistic form and social

positioning. Just as the relationship between speakers was found to affect

language variety, other aspects of the speech situation, such as topic and setting,

were reflected in formal aspects of language use.

Linguistic features characteristic of an argot are generally

recognized as such within the speech community. As a matter of
fact, they are the signals by which natives judge and receive
advance information about the nature of a communication
situation. [Gumperz 1961:985]
Gumperz was critical of static descriptions of a “linguistic and cultural whole”

(Kroeber 1939, qtd in Gumperz 1961) that ignored variation among individuals

and across social situations. This interest in formal variation and its effect on the

communicative event would serve as a basis for descriptions of code switching as

well as contextualization.

The idea that linguistic form is affected by setting and participants as well

as topic was emergent during this period. Ervin-Tripp’s (1964) 12 definitions of

setting, topic, and function provide an important base for the work of Gumperz

and others. Her study of bilingual Japanese-born women living in the United

Dil (1971) suggests that Gumperz, Hymes and Ervin-Tripp deserve joint credit for development
of the ethnography of communication. The three were co-organizers of the meeting that
occasioned the papers collected by Hymes and Gumperz 1964.

“Code Switching” in Sociocultural Linguistics

States observed considerable correlation between language choice and discourse

content, providing an example of “semantic” analysis of language choice that,

while influential (e.g. Myers-Scotton 1993b), would be criticized as only partial

and approximate (e.g. Auer 1984, 1995). Ervin-Tripp also noted that topic and

participants’ identities could affect form (including style, register, and

sociolinguistic variants). This work influenced scholars of language and social

interaction, including Gumperz (1964b; Blom and Gumperz 1972).

In 1963, while working with the Institute of Sociology at Oslo University,

Gumperz met Jan-Petter Blom (Dil 1971). Together, Blom and Gumperz

undertook a study of verbal behavior in Hemnesberget, a small settlement of

about 1,300 people in Northern Norway. Gumperz (1964b) compared the use of

two dialects, standard literary Bokmål and local Ranamål, in Hemnesberget to the

use of standard and local dialects of Hindi in northern India. In each population,

the local dialect appeared more frequently in interaction with neighbors, while the

standard dialect was reserved for communication across “ritual barriers” (148) –

barriers of caste, class, and village groupings in India, and of academic,

administrative, or religious setting in Norway. On the basis of these comparisons,

Gumperz argued that verbal repertoire is definable in social as well as linguistic

terms. Distinct repertoires are identified in terms of participants, setting, and

topic, and then described in terms of phonological and morphological


Chad Nilep – University of Colorado Boulder

Blom and Gumperz (1972) expanded the analysis of the functions of

Bokmål and Ranamål in Hemnesberget in what has come to be a touchstone in

code switching research. They described Bokmål and Ranamål as distinct codes,

though not distinct languages. The two codes are mutually intelligible, and are

both regarded by the residents of Hemnesberget as acceptable forms of

Norwegian. The codes are distinguished by extensive though slight phonological,

morphological and lexical differences, as well as native speakers’ belief that the

two varieties are separate, and tendency to maintain that separation of form.

Choice among these [phonological, morphological, and lexical]

variables is always restricted by sociolinguistic selection
constraints such that if, for instance, a person selects a standard
morphological variant in one part of an utterance, this first choice
also implies selection of pronunciation variables tending toward
the standard end of the scale. A speaker wishing to ask for
another’s place of residence may, e.g., start his sentence either with
(R) [Ranamål] ke “where” or (B) [Bokmål] vor. In the first case,
the rest of the sentence will read hanj e ifrå “is he from?” In the
second case, it will be ær hann fra; vor and hanj do not co-occur.
[Blom and Gumperz 1972:416]
Blom and Gumperz asked why, despite their substantial similarities, and the fact

that most speakers commanded both varieties, the two varieties were largely

maintained as separate. “The most reasonable assumption,” they argued, “is that

the linguistic separateness between dialect and standard… is conditioned by social

factors” (417). Thus, each variety was seen as having low-level differences in

form, as well as somewhat distinct social functions.

Blom and Gumperz posited that social events, defined in terms of

participants, setting, and topic, “restrict the selection of linguistic variables” (421)

“Code Switching” in Sociocultural Linguistics

in a manner that is somewhat analogous to syntactic or semantic restrictions. That

is, in particular social situations, some linguistic forms may be more appropriate

than others. Among groups of men greeting each other in workshops along the

fjord, the variety of language used differed from that used by teachers presenting

text material in the public school, for example. It is important to recognize that

different social events may, for example, involve the same participants in the

same setting when the topic shifts. Thus, teachers reported that they treated the

shift from lecture to discussion within a class as different events. While lectures

were (according to teachers’ reports) delivered in the standard Bokmål, a shift to

the regional Ranamål was used to encourage open debate. Blom and Gumperz call

this type of shift, wherein a change in linguistic form represents a changed social

setting, situational switching (424).

It is worth noting that, although many scholars (e.g., Myers-Scotton

1993b; see below) have seized upon Blom and Gumperz’s seemingly

deterministic suggestion that language form indicates “participant’s definition of

each other’s rights and obligations” (1972:424), Blom and Gumperz’s description

of situational switching allows for considerable variation for different speakers,

settings, and types of events. The definition of metaphorical switching relies on

the use of two language varieties within a single social setting. Blom and

Gumperz describe interactions between clerks and residents in the community

administration office wherein greetings take place in the local dialect, but

business is transacted in the standard.

Chad Nilep – University of Colorado Boulder

In neither of these cases is there any significant change in

definition of participants’ mutual rights and obligations. The
posture of speakers and channel cues of their speech remain the
same… The choice of either (R) or (B)… generates meanings
which are quite similar to those conveyed by the alternation
between ty and vy in the examples from Russian literature cited by
Friedrich [1972]. We will use the term metaphorical switching for
this phenomenon. [Blom and Gumperz 1972:425]
Blom and Gumperz suggest that the use of local (R) phrases in a standard (B)

conversation allude to other social events in which the participants may have been

involved. This allusion lends some connotative meaning, such as confidentiality,

to the current event, without changing the topic or goal.

The notions of situational and metaphorical switching were taken up by a

great many sociolinguists, linguistic anthropologists, etc. Whereas Blom and

Gumperz identified Ranamål and Bokmål as “codes in a repertoire” (414) and

went to some pains to describe the formal differences between the two, though,

many subsequent scholars have been content to equate code with language, and

focus their analyses on either functional distributions, or the definition of

situations. Consider the following from Heller (1988a).

They [Blom and Gumperz (1972)] proposed a basic type of code-

switching, situational codeswitching, which is rooted in a social
separation of activities (and associated role relationships), each of
which is conventionally linked to the use of one of the languages
or varieties in the community repertoire. [Heller 1988a:5]
In addition to shifting Blom and Gumperz’s situational switching to situational

codeswitching, this description equates code with languages or varieties. Heller is

far from unique in this respect. Compare Bailey’s (1999) definition of this key

concept in linguistic anthropology: “Code-switching is the use of two or more

“Code Switching” in Sociocultural Linguistics

languages in one speech exchange by bi- or multilingual speakers” (241). Rather

than defining or describing the codes of the speakers they study, many

contemporary scholars seem content to treat code switching as transparent, and to

focus on various functions.

The variety of understandings of metaphorical switching is no doubt

attributable to the brevity of Blom and Gumperz’s description of the phenomenon.

In three short paragraphs, they suggest that metaphorical switching “gives… some

of the flavor” of other situations, adds “special social meaning,” and functions

similarly to ty/vy (familiar versus formal second person reference) alternation. In

the one example where they contrast metaphorical and situational switching, an

alternative analysis seems possible. While they do not transcribe actual speech,

Blom and Gumperz describe a situation wherein a local resident and an

administrative clerk have conducted some business using “constant alternation

between the standard and the dialect during their business transaction”

(1972:425). This, according to Blom and Gumperz is clearly metaphorical

switching. Near the end of the interaction, the local asked the clerk – using the

local dialect – whether he had time to step aside to discuss another matter. Blom

and Gumperz classify this request as a situational shift. However, given the lack

of specifics, we have no way of knowing what particular effects the “constant

alternation” had in the “business transaction,” and thus no way to judge how what

is described as metaphorical versus situational switching actually functioned on

this occasion. If, for example, as Blom and Gumperz describe elsewhere, the two

Chad Nilep – University of Colorado Boulder

speakers greeted one another in Ranamål, asked and answered questions in

Bokmål, and then concluded the conversation in Ranamål, we might identify

much more particular functions for each switch. Such a detailed description may

well call into question the general description of situational versus metaphorical


Critics have pointed out that Blom and Gumperz (1972) provide scant

detail of actual language use in their description of the verbal repertoire of

Hemnesberget. Maehlum (1996) is particularly critical of the suggestion that

Bokmål and Ranamål comprise separate codes. She argues that, in other rural

areas of Norway, local and standard dialects are not nearly as discrete as Blom

and Gumperz suggest. Thus, any suggestion that the verbal repertoire of

Norwegian speakers is comprised by two distinct codes is flawed.13 Maehlum

suggests that “local” and “standard” exist not as empirically identifiable, discrete

codes, but “as idealized entities: it is their existence as norms which is important”

(1996:753, original italics). Further, certain phonological or lexical/morphological

variables are particularly salient as indicators of particular dialects. This suggests

that sociolinguistic variants are available as indexes of various social meanings,

but that attempts to define particular codes, and thence the situations in which

they occur are problematic. It is perhaps preferable, then, to identify the formal

To be fair, however, Blom and Gumperz did not actually insist that the bipartite division they
suggest was a complete measure of the repertoire – merely an element of it.

“Code Switching” in Sociocultural Linguistics

signals of situation or identity available to a group of speakers, and the uses made

of these signals, rather than to assume a priori that dialects, varieties, or

languages will be equally salient across groups.

More than many subsequent scholars, Gumperz seems to have recognized

the imperfection of the description of switching as either situational or

metaphorical. By 1982, Gumperz’s preferred terminology was conversational

code switching. (The description and definition of conversational code switching

was, however, largely in terms of metaphorical switching.) Gumperz

acknowledged that it is generally difficult for analysts to identify particular

language choices as situational or metaphorical, and that native speakers generally

have few intuitions about or recognition of their own conversational code

switches. Except in cases of diglossia, the association between linguistic form and

settings, activities, or participants is highly variable, and rarely definable by static


Since conversational code switching is not amenable to intuitive

methods14, and not strictly relatable to macro-sociological categories, Gumperz

(1982) argued that close analysis of brief spoken exchanges is necessary to

identify and describe the function of code switching. On the basis of his analyses

of Slovenian-German switching in Austria, English-Hindi switching in northern

Chad Nilep – University of Colorado Boulder

India, and Spanish-English switching in the United States, Gumperz suggested a

list of six code switching functions which “holds across language situations” (75),

but is “by no means exhaustive” (81). Gumperz suggested quotation marking,

addressee specification, interjection, reiteration, message qualification, and

“personalization versus objectivization”15 (80) as common functions of

conversational code switching. It is noteworthy that the functions of code

switching that Gumperz identifies are quite similar to the contextualization cues

he describes elsewhere in the volume.16

Code switching signals contextual information equivalent to what

in monolingual settings is conveyed through prosody or other
syntactic or lexical processes. It generates the presuppositions in
terms of which the content of what is said is decoded. [Gumperz
Like other contextualization cues, language alternation may provide a means for

speakers to signal how utterances are to be interpreted, information beyond

referential content. Compare this description of code switching to Gumperz’s

definition of contextualization cues:

Gumperz (1982:62) points out that both subjects in Hemnesberget and Spanish-English
bilinguals in the United States denied any alternation of linguistic form, but even after listening to
recordings of themselves and “promising” to refrain from switching, persisted in code switching.
The category of “personalization versus objectivization” is somewhat fuzzy, but relates to
illocutionary force, evidentiality, and speaker positioning. According to Gumperz, “The code
contrast here seems to relate to things such as: the distinction between talk about action and talk as
action, the degree of speaker involvement in, or distance from, a message, whether a statement
reflects personal opinion or knowledge, whether it refers to specific instances or has the authority
of generally known fact” (1982:80).
Gumperz, it may be said, makes the comparison in reverse. His discussion of contextualization
conventions (Gumperz 1982, chapter 6) says that they are “meaningful in the same sense that…
the metaphorical code switching of chapter 4 [is] meaningful” (139).

“Code Switching” in Sociocultural Linguistics

Constellations of surface features of message form are the means

by which speakers signal and listeners interpret what the activity
is, how semantic content is to be understood and how each
sentence relates to what precedes or follows. These features are
referred to as contextualization cues. [Gumperz 1982:131, original
The meanings signaled and interpreted via code switching are, though, like all

contextualization cues, highly local and negotiated by speakers and listeners in


Gumperz’s list of code switching functions inspired many subsequent

scholars to refine or propose their own lists of functions (e.g. McClure and

McClure 1988; Romaine 1989; Nishimura 1997; Zentella 1997). However, as

Auer (1995) suggests, the functions suggested by such lists are often ill defined.

The oft-cited category of reiteration, for example, fails to define exactly what is

repeated, or why. “A more in-depth sequential study… would make it clear that

this category [reiteration] subsumes a number of very different conversational

structures” (Auer 1995:120). Lists also tend to combine linguistic structures (such

as interjection) and pragmatic or conversational functions (message qualification,

addressee specification) without attempting to trace the relationship between

forms and functions. Although such lists may provide a useful step in the

understanding of conversational code switching, they are far from a satisfactory

answer to the questions of why switching occurs as it does and what functions it

serves in conversation. Noting a number of studies that have, following Gumperz

(1982) suggested similar taxonomies of functions, Bailey notes, “The ease with

which such categories can be created – and discrepancies between the code

Chad Nilep – University of Colorado Boulder

switching taxonomies at which researchers have arrived – hint at the

epistemological problems of such taxonomies” (2002:77). Code switching may

serve any of a number of functions in a particular interaction, and a single turn at

talk will likely have multiple effects. Therefore, any finite list of functions will be

more or less arbitrary. Again, the suggestion is that it will be preferable to observe

actual interaction, rather than starting from assumptions about the general effects

of code switching.

3. Sociocultural studies of code switching

This section of the paper will describe sociocultural work produced in the

past decade or so describing the effects, functions, and norms of code switching.

Code switching scholarship within sociocultural linguistics may be divided into

several (sometimes overlapping) streams. For the purposes of this paper, three

broad areas will be discussed. First is the social psychological approach of Myers-

Scotton’s markedness model (1983, 1993b, 1998) and related work. This work

attempts to define, in general terms, the psycho-social factors that motivate a

bilingual speaker to choose one language over another for a particular utterance or

stretch of discourse. This work assumes a more or less consistent relationship

between linguistic form and social meaning. It further assumes that individual

speakers are rational actors, whose linguistic choices are based on an analysis of

the benefits and costs of particular language behavior.

Another area of inquiry analyzes identity and code choice in linguistic

interaction. Like the markedness model approach, this work analyzes the

“Code Switching” in Sociocultural Linguistics

relationship between the use of particular linguistic forms and the social

positioning they index. Unlike that work, however, scholars make no assumptions

about overarching cognitive or social structures governing language behavior.

Analyses of code switching within language and identity studies approach

linguistic interaction in a way that is perhaps opposite to the social psychology

approach of the markedness model. That is, rather than beginning from a

hypothetical model of linguistic interaction, and supporting it with data from

discourse, these scholars start with speech data and attempt to describe the

behavior of individual actors and its consequences for interactants and the

communities they form.

Finally, a number of scholars discuss the effect of code switching on talk

in interaction. This work, based on close analysis of interaction, tends to view

code switching behavior both as a method of organizing conversational exchange

and as a way to make knowledge of the wider context in which conversation takes

place relevant to an ongoing interaction. Since this wider knowledge is usually

analyzable at least partially in terms of identity, the separation between what I

here call “interaction and code switching” versus “identity and code switching” is

neither absolute nor unambiguous. Indeed, the three-part division suggested here

should be seen as one of analytic convenience, rather than significant theoretical


Chad Nilep – University of Colorado Boulder

3.1. Myers-Scotton’s Markedness

Carol Myers-Scotton described her markedness model in the book Social

Motivations for Codeswitching: Evidence from Africa (1993b).17 Myers-Scotton

had worked primarily in Kenya and also in Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Uganda,

Nigeria, and Malawi since the late 1960s, describing both the structural and

sociological aspects of language use in multilingual communities. The year 1993

saw the publication of two books: Dueling Languages: Grammatical Structures in

Codeswitching (Myers-Scotton 1993a) 18 was focused on formal issues, such as

constraints on code switching. Social Motivations (1993b) sought to “explain the

socio-psychological motivations behind CS [code switching]” (3).

According to Myers-Scotton, each language in a multilingual community

is associated with particular social roles, which she calls “rights-and-obligations”

(RO) sets (84). By speaking a particular language, a participant signals her

understanding of the current situation, and particularly her relevant role within the

context. By using more than one language, speakers may initiate negotiation over

relevant social roles.

Myers-Scotton discussed similar issues and developed the markedness model in code choice
prior to the publication of this book (e.g. Myers-Scotton 1972, 1976, 1983). Myers-Scotton 1983
actually laid out the Negotiation Principle and six maxims, including the unmarked choice and
exploratory choice maxims that figure in the refined model. However, as the fullest expression of
the model, it is Myers-Scotton 1993b that has influenced much subsequent work.
Unlike most of scholars described below, Myers-Scotton is known not primarily for
sociocultural theory, but equally as well for her formal model of code switching. The matrix
language frame model (MLF; Myers-Scotton 1993a) has been very influential in formal studies of
language contact, borrowing, and code switching. Such formal/structural studies are beyond the
scope of this paper.

“Code Switching” in Sociocultural Linguistics

CS in general is a type of skilled performance with communicative

intent. From the socio-psychological point of view, CS can be
characterized as symptomatic either (a) of an unwillingness or an
uncertainty on the speaker's part regarding the commitment to
indexing any single rights-and-obligations set between participants
in a conversation, or (b) of a negotiation to change the rights-and-
obligations set. This is so because each linguistic variety used in
CS has socio-psychological associations, making it indexical of a
rights-and-obligations set. [Myers-Scotton 1993b:6-7, original
Myers-Scotton assumes that speakers must share, at least to some extent, an

understanding of the social meanings of each available code. If no such norms

existed, interlocutors would have no basis for understanding the significance of

particular code choices.

Myers-Scotton seems unconcerned with the definition of the term code. In

her preface she states, “The use of the term ‘code’ in ‘codeswitching’ is

traditional, and nothing more” (1993b:vii). While she seems interested in the

preface to contrast the intentional meaning she sees in code switching with

“decipherable” meanings implied by the word code, she appears not to be

interested in definitions of code versus language. Languages such as Swahili,

Shona, Ndebele, etc. are at times called codes.

According to the markedness model, language users understand the

indexical value of each ‘code’ in their repertoire. For each situation, there is an

expected or unmarked language, indexing the appropriate values for participant

relations. A speaker will generally choose the unmarked language, since it

expresses the expected relationship between speaker, hearer, and setting.

However, speakers analyze the potential risks and benefits of all other potential

Chad Nilep – University of Colorado Boulder

choices, and might make a marked choice on the basis of this calculation. Myers-

Scotton cites Accommodation theory (Thakerar, Giles and Cheshire 1982; Giles

et al. 1987) and Brown and Levinson’s (1978; 1987) work on politeness in her

argument that speakers act rationally to minimize costs and maximize benefits

when they engage in conversation.

The markedness model is stated in the form of a principle and three

maxims. The negotiation principle, modeled on Grice’s (1975) cooperative

principle, presents the theory’s central claim.

Choose the form of your conversational contribution such that it

indexes the set of rights and obligations which you wish to be in
force between the speaker and addressee for the current exchange.
[Myers-Scotton 1993b:113, original italics]
Three maxims follow from this principle. The unmarked choice maxim directs,

“Make your code choice the unmarked index of the unmarked RO set in talk

exchanges when you wish to establish or affirm that RO set” (114). The marked

choice maxim directs, “Make a marked code choice…when you wish to establish

a new RO set as unmarked for the current exchange” (131). The exploratory

choice maxim states, “When an unmarked choice is not clear, use CS [code

switching] to make alternate exploratory choices as candidates for an unmarked

choice and thereby as an index of an RO set which you favor” (142). Thus, the

social meanings of language (code) choice, as well as the causes of alternation,

are defined entirely in terms of participant rights and obligations.

While this description suggests a relatively inflexible arrangement of

language and identity mappings, Myers-Scotton argues that the model allows for

“Code Switching” in Sociocultural Linguistics

“dynamic variability” (1993b:84). Although the mapping between a code and the

social categories it indexes is fairly static, the salience of particular social

categories may vary from one community to another. Similarly, a category may

be salient for some types of interactions, but less salient for others. Thus,

determining which code is unmarked for a particular interaction requires attention

to the salience of all potential elements of identity, situation, and purpose.

Myers-Scotton asserts that in the following example, which takes place in

rural western Kenya, the local language, Lwidakho, is the unmarked choice. One

speaker’s use of Swahili and English are thus marked choices. (In this example,

Lwidakho is in ordinary font face, Swahili in italics, and English in bold.)

1 FARMER: Khu inzi khuli menyi As I live here, I have

2 hanu inzala- hunger
3 WORKER: Njaa gani? What kind of hunger?
4 F: Yenya khunzirila hanu- It wants to kill me here
5 W: Njaa gani? What kind of hunger?
6 F: Vana veru- our children
7 W: Nakuuliza, njaa gani? I ask you, what kind of hunger?
8 F: Inzala ya mapesa, kambuli. Hunger for money; I don’t have any.
9 W: You have got a land. Una You have got land. You have land.
10 shamba. Uli nu mulimi. You have land.
11 F: Mwan mweru- My brother,
12 W: Mbula tsisendi. Can’t you see I don’t have money. Can’t you see
13 how I am heavily loaded? how I am heavily loaded?
[Adapted from Myers-Scotton 1993b:82-83]

According to Myers-Scotton, the use of Swahili and English in this example has

shock value because they are marked choices for the occasion. Swahili is

associated with out-group encounters; since these two men live in the same region

and (she assumes) speak the same native language, Lwidakho would be the

Chad Nilep – University of Colorado Boulder

unmarked choice. By choosing marked codes, the worker seeks to establish a new

rights-and-obligations set relative to his interlocutor. By speaking out-group

languages, the worker denies his in-group obligation to his neighbor, including

any obligation to give him money.

Some critics of the markedness model argue that it relies too heavily on

external knowledge, including assumptions about what speakers understand and

believe. The preceding example relies on the analyst’s understanding of the

meaning of Lwidakho, Swahili, and English for these speakers. Auer (1998)

reanalyzes this excerpt from a conversation analysis perspective (though, since he

is working from Myers-Scotton’s transcripts and has no access to more detailed

recordings, one might argue that he is not doing conversation analysis per se). He

analyzes the worker’s use of Swahili at lines 3, 5, and 7 as clarification requests,

separated from the indirect request/decline that is carried out in Lwidakho. Auer

thus argues that it is possible to account for code switching behavior without

appeal to “conversation-external knowledge about language use” (Auer 1998:10)

required by the markedness model. Of course, it is possible for the analyst to learn

which languages are typically used in particular situations via, for example,

ethnographic observation. Furthermore, one can argue that speakers learn these

norms as part of the language socialization process – just as they learn how to

make clarification requests and other insert sequences. A stronger criticism

remains, however: The markedness model requires the analyst to make

assumptions about each individual speaker’s knowledge and understanding of the

“Code Switching” in Sociocultural Linguistics

speech situation. Code switching is then explained on the basis of the analyst’s

assumptions about speakers’ internal states (including shared judgments about

rights and obligations) rather than its effects on the conversation at hand.

It is possible to counter this internal-states critique by arguing that the

markedness model is not intended as a description of individual speakers in

particular conversations (despite the repeated references to individual speakers in

the formulation of the model), but as a model of social or structural norms. It is

certainly not uncommon for such normative models to take the form of

admonitions to individual speakers, while actually intended to represent general

social or cognitive standards (cf. Grice 1975, “Make your conversational

contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted

purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged” (45)).

However, as Auer (1995) points out, empirical studies have failed to reveal the

strong correlations between particular languages and speech activities that the

markedness model predicts. “Many speech activities are not tied to one particular

language, and even among those which have a tendency to be realized more often

in one language than in another, the correlation is never strong enough to predict

language choice in more than a probabilistic way” (Auer 1995:118).

Another critique of the markedness model, expressed by Woolard (2004),

is its poor definition of markedness. Myers-Scotton mentions the Prague School,

and particularly Jakobson and Trubetzkoy as influences on her notion of

Chad Nilep – University of Colorado Boulder

markedness (though neither scholar is quoted, nor listed as a reference), but her

use of markedness seems to differ from those scholars.

Trubetzkoy first defined markedness in phonology: within a phonological

system, there are often pairs of phonemes differentiated by some feature, or

marking (e.g. voiced, round, nasal, etc.). This marked feature often appears on

several pairs of phonemes. In situations where the phonemic contrast is

neutralized, it is the unmarked variant which occurs. Thus, the marked form is

meaningful (in that it shows phonemic contrast), while the unmarked form is

neutral. Jakobson and others in the Prague school expanded this notion of

markedness to morphology and semantics. According to Jakobson,

In grammatical oppositions, the distinction between marked and

unmarked terms lies in the area of the general meaning of each of
the juxtaposed forms. The general meaning of the marked term is
characterized by the conveyance of more precise, specific, and
additional information than the unmarked term provides. [Jakobson
1990: 138]
Thus, we should expect the marked form in any opposition to have a specific

meaning not specified in the unmarked form. Within Myers-Scotton’s markedness

model, however, the unmarked code choice conveys information just as precise

and specific as a marked choice, since code choice indexes the speaker’s rights

and obligations, and thereby the situation of the interaction.19

One might go so far as to say that the unmarked choice is actually more specific, since it indexes
a specific situation, while a marked choice may be exploratory, not indexing a situation.

“Code Switching” in Sociocultural Linguistics

Myers-Scotton describes unmarked elements as “generally simpler” and

more frequent (1993b:80). However, the markedness model describes all possible

language choices as equally meaningful, though mapped to different sets of

indexes. Woolard charges,

Myers-Scotton defines the unmarked code as the “expected

medium” in a particular type of conventionalized exchange
(1993[b]:89-90). It is expected because it has been used most
frequently in such contexts. The markedness model thus reduces
markedness directly to frequency. [Woolard 2004:80]
Myers-Scotton disputes Woolard’s claim that markedness is defined by frequency

in the markedness model. She claims that frequency is useful for identifying

unmarked forms, but does not define the unmarked choice. Rather, the unmarked

choice “[conforms] to prevailing community views for an appropriate RO set”

(Myers-Scotton, quoted in Woolard 2004:91). The basis for such community

views is not specified, however, and may indeed be reducible to frequency.

Despite these criticisms, the markedness model is probably the most

influential and most fully developed model of code switching motivations. Myers-

Scotton continues to refine the model in ways that are consistent with current

research on contact linguistics (Myers-Scotton 1998; Myers-Scotton and Bolonyai

2001) and the so-called standard theory (Chomsky 1965) of linguistics (e.g.

Myers-Scotton and Jake 2001; Jake, Myers-Scotton and Gross 2002).

3.2. Identity and code switching

Whereas the markedness model and subsequent work seeks to provide a

systematic and generalizable account of the process of code switching, much

Chad Nilep – University of Colorado Boulder

work in linguistic anthropology, sociolinguistics, and other areas of sociocultural

linguistics provide interpretive and interactional understandings of code switching

in particular contexts. Although this school of sociocultural linguistics has

produced its share of broad theoretical work (e.g. Milroy and Muysken 1995;

Alvarez-Cáccamo 1998, 2000; Woolard 2004), it is generally more closely tied to

the observation of behavior in particular settings than to generally applicable

explanations of linguistic capability. Such studies stand as illustrations of the

place of code switching in particular social and historical settings, rather than as

models for a universal practice or potential (Heller 1992).

Monica Heller’s ethnographic observations and sociolinguistic study in

Quebec and Ontario have led her to consider the economics of bilingualism, and

to view code switching as a political strategy (Heller 1988b, 1992, 1995, 1999).

Her earlier work on the politics of conversational code switching (Heller 1988b)

was influenced by Gumperz (1982) and Myers-Scotton (1983), particularly in the

discussion of rights and obligations. Since languages tend to become associated

with idealized situations and groups of speakers, the use of multiple languages

“permits people to say and do, indeed to be two or more things where normally a

choice is expected” (Heller 1988b:93). This strategic ambiguity allows

anglophones in Quebec, for example, to achieve a position in francophone

controlled corporate culture, while still laying claim to an anglophone identity,

with its associated value on the international market. Uniting Bourdieu’s (1977)

concept of symbolic capital with Gumperz’s (1982) discussion of verbal

“Code Switching” in Sociocultural Linguistics

repertoires20, Heller (1992, 1995) argues that dominant groups rely on norms of

language choice to maintain symbolic domination, while subordinate groups may

use code switching to resist or redefine the value of symbolic resources in the

linguistic marketplace. Thus, Heller is not primarily interested in the motivation

or ‘cause’ of switching, but its potential transformative effects. Although some

critics charge that Heller’s focus on two internationally dominant languages,

French and English, make her work difficult to generalize to other settings (Baker

2001), in many ways the focus on locally situated practices and refusal to over-

generalize lend strength to her theoretical arguments.

While Heller and others describe the relationship between language and

identity in economic or class terms, many scholars have focused on social

categories such as ethnicity. Rampton’s (1995) work on crossing, a type of code

switching practiced by speakers across boundaries of ethnicity, race, or language

‘community,’21 examines the language behavior of Asian, Afro-Caribbean, and

Anglo adolescents in ‘Ashmead,’ UK. Language varieties, Creole, Panjabi, and

stylized Asian English, typically associated with an ethnic group, are used by non-

members to accomplish complex functions. While Rampton does find some of the

language-crossing-as-mockery discussed in earlier accounts, crossing in various

Nor is Heller unique in bringing such an economic perspective to discourse strategies. Compare
Gal (1979, 1988), Woolard (1985), Hill (1985), et alia.
Code switching or crossing as a means to negotiate or comment on ethnic or racial identities is
also seen in the work of Nishimura (1992), Bucholtz (1999), Lo (1999), Jaffee (2000), Torras and
Gafaranga (2002), et alia.

Chad Nilep – University of Colorado Boulder

directions also serves to forge a common adolescent group, to dissociate from

parents or elders, and to resist endemic stereotypes.

Rampton defines crossing in terms of metaphorical switching (Blom &

Gumperz 1972), but in so doing he complicates the notions of situational and

metaphorical switching, and of contextualization, considerably. He defines

situational switching as language alternation (Auer 1984) which accomplishes

contextualization (Gumperz 1982). Rampton reminds us that the boundaries of

metaphor are not clear cut (cf. Lakoff & Johnson 1980); similarly, metaphorical

and situational switching cannot be easily delimited. His primary interest, though,

is in “figurative” code alternation, a category which, for Rampton, is identical to

double voicing (Bakhtin 1981).

Figurative/metaphorical code alternation is the same thing as

double-voicing/double-languaging, and the theoretical apparatus
accompanying the latter provides a very useful way of thinking
through the different empirical forms that ‘metaphorical code
switching’ can take. [Rampton 1995:279-80].
Unlike situational switching, which Rampton argues simply replaces the current

situational frame with a new one, crossing adds additional contexts through which

an interaction must be interpreted. Rampton further divides figurative code

alternation into metaphorical switching (which Rampton says is identical to

Bakhtin’s uni-directional double voicing) and ironic code switching (which equals

vari-directional double voicing).

Rampton’s treatment of crossing acknowledges that the functions of any

particular instance of language alternation are likely to be complex and

“Code Switching” in Sociocultural Linguistics

ambiguous. In different social and linguistic contexts and among different

interlocutors, meanings are highly variable. Additionally, since crossing occurs

across ethnic or linguistic boundaries, its functions may differ from the in-group

switching most commonly studied by code switching researchers. Rampton’s

work thus serves as a call for more locally situated understandings of the

functions of discourse within particular settings and groups of speakers.

Issues of race, ethnicity, and crossing, as well as economic issues of class

and domination are prominent in Bailey’s (2001, 2002) work on language and

identity among Dominican Americans. His analysis of code switching is also

based in conversation analysis, much like the interactional work discussed below.

Bailey’s work focuses on Dominican American youth – young people born in the

United States to parents from the Dominican Republic – living in Providence,

Rhode Island. Dominican Americans, according to Bailey (2001, 2002) define

their ethnic affiliation as at once non-White and non-Black. That is to say, while,

like their African-American peers, Bailey’s subjects view themselves as outside

the dominant racial category “White,” they also reject identification with African

Americans based on phenotype or ancestry. Bailey’s adolescent subjects most

often identify themselves as Spanish, a category based on language, or Dominican

– a category that references national origin. Bailey’s subjects also disaffiliate at

times from first-generation immigrants from the Dominican Republic, especially

contrasting their own urban upbringing with a perceived rurality of recent

immigrants. In discourse, this complex identity is indexed by shifting uses of

Chad Nilep – University of Colorado Boulder

nonstandard Dominican Spanish, Caribbean Spanish, African American

Vernacular English, and other nonstandard English varieties.

Bailey (2002) provides examples of code switching such as the following,

which he argues serve two functions, one interactional, and one identity-relevant.

(A Dominican American male, Woody, is walking toward the exit

of a classroom when Isabella addresses him.)
Isabella: Where you going?
Isabella: Huh?
→ Isabella: Eh /ẽ/? (Huh?)
Isabella: Woody!
[Bailey 2002:78]

According to Bailey, a switch from English to Spanish in Isabella’s third turn

serves to specify Woody as the intended recipient (a commonly discussed

function of code switching) when he does not respond to her. At the same time,

the use of nonstandard English and Spanish indexes Isabella’s Dominican

American identity, and her connection with Woody.

An obvious objection presents itself in discussing this extract. Namely,

how valid is it to call Isabella’s usage here “code switching”? After all, the turn

Bailey identifies as containing the code switch consists of a single, brief discourse

marker. Not only is it grammatically simple, it differs from the English discourse

marker, eh, only by its nasalization. However, if, as Bailey suggests, the

Dominican American cohort he has observed uses this particular form, it may

indeed serve as an index of the group. Further, following Maehlum’s (1996)

suggestion that certain phonological markers can serve as salient markers of a

“Code Switching” in Sociocultural Linguistics

language variety, a feature such as the nasalization of Isabella’s /ẽ/ may function

as both an index of category membership and a cue for contextualization.

These and many other studies of identity and code switching show that

close observation of discourse within narrowly defined communities of practice

can yield both empirically and theoretically rich understandings of the functions

of language variation in social interaction. By tying observations to particular

speakers and social actors, rather than moving too readily to discussions of

cultural or linguistic norms, scholars can come to detailed, reliable understandings

of the place of language in the construction and transmission of social traditions.

3.3. Interaction and code switching

Close observation of discourse is also a hallmark of interactional

linguistics, which seeks to understand “the way in which language figures in

everyday interaction and cognition” (Ochs, Schegloff and Thompson 1996:2).

These studies tend to be greatly inspired by conversation analysis, as well as

functional linguistics and linguistic anthropology. A number of studies under this

broad umbrella describe both the place of code switching in the language of turn

and sequence and the ways that language alternations, like other contextualization

cues, make broader contextual knowledge relevant to an ongoing discourse.

Auer’s 1984 Bilingual Conversation presented a pioneering study of

interaction and code switching. Auer argued that Gumperz’s conception of

situation is problematic, in that it is defined externally, and from the perspective

of the analyst. While Auer acknowledged that Gumperz’s own uses of situational

Chad Nilep – University of Colorado Boulder

and metaphorical are less clear-cut that some scholars have taken them to be, he

nonetheless disapproved of the distinction.

[Based on Blom & Gumperz 1972] one would either have to

conclude that (in the situational case) code-switching is without
social meaning because it is a necessary consequence of certain
situational parameters, or that (in the metaphorical case) it is
dependent on an (almost) one-to-one-relationship between
language choice and situational parameters which can be
purposefully violated. [Auer 1984:4]
Far from pre-existing and determining language choice, Auer argues that situation

is created by talk in interaction. The form of each speaker’s utterances helps to

define the unfolding situation. Further, this negotiation itself has social meaning.

Auer (1984) is interested in language alternation generally. Language

alternation is further divided into transfer, language alternation for a structurally

bounded unit (e.g., a word, phrase, or sentence) followed by return to the original

language; and code-switching, or language alternation without a predictable point

of return to the first language. Speakers may use language alternation to

accomplish any number of conversational functions. What separates transfer from

code-switching is not any predetermined function(s), but their effect on

subsequent turns. “Whereas code-switching invites other parties to switch

languages as well ‘until further notice’” (Auer 1984:29), transfer has no such

consequences for other speakers. Instances of transfer tend to highlight their form,

including their language choice (e.g. German versus Italian) and their

grammatical form (e.g. word versus sentence). They are therefore useful for such

activities as quotation, translation, word search, etc. Code-switching, on the other

“Code Switching” in Sociocultural Linguistics

hand, does not highlight form in this way. The occurrence of ‘new’ language thus

is available to mark changes in footing, participant structure, or other elements of

context.22 The difference between code-switching and transfer, then, is not

determined primarily by the analyst, but by participants in talk in interaction.

Auer’s analyses of Italian migrant children in Germany did not find

significant correlation between topic and language form. He suggests that code

switching is not essentially ‘semantic’ in nature, not derived from the ‘meanings’

of the available languages, but rather is “embedded in the sequential development

of the conversation” (1984:93). Auer found a great preference for subsequent

speakers to maintain the language of the previous turn. Language alternation was

then available to mark contrast, either to bracket a sequence from the preceding

discourse (what Auer calls discourse related code-switching) or to negotiate (or

re-negotiate) a common language (participant related code-switching). Auer

recommended this procedural analysis of language alternation over individualistic

analyses based on introspection, or macro-sociological approaches that define the

meaning of potential language choices outside of actual language use.

Two main arguments are apparent in critiques of conversation analysis-

based discussions of code switching, like that pioneered by Auer (1984). First, in

Auer (1984) cites both Goffman’s (1979) work on footing and Gumperz’s (1982)
contextualization cues. However, Auer cautions against analyses that regard changes in footing or
context as causing code switching. Language alternation is available as a contextualization
strategy, but context or footing is created by participants’ joint efforts, which may or may not
make use of language alternation.

Chad Nilep – University of Colorado Boulder

situations where there is no moment-to-moment unfolding of talk in interaction,

such as written discourse (Jonsson 2005), CA methods are not applicable. While

this is true, it seems trivial. It may limit the potential body of code switching data

somewhat, but does not seriously call into question any of the analyses or

conclusions of Auer’s or other interactional scholars’ work. A more serious

criticism is Stroud’s (1998) suggestion that CA approaches, by proscribing

argument from ethnographic or macro-sociological evidence, cannot provide

satisfactory analysis of language behavior in non-Western settings. Stroud

observes, “[L]anguage use and patterns of code-switching both structure and are

structured by indigenous cultural practices” (1998:322), a suggestion that most

sociocultural linguists would presumably more or less accept. If analysts then

ignore cultural information not visible (to them) within discourse data, their

analyses risk missing important elements of function and meaning. Stroud

maintains, “My argument is that conversational code-switching is so heavily

implicated in social life that it cannot really be understood apart from an

understanding of social phenomena” (1998:322). This vital understanding is often

provided by analysts’ focus on populations that they are themselves a part of;

however, it may also be desirable to undertake some broader examination of the

social context within which discourse takes place.

Several subsequent studies have examined sequential or interactional

functions of language alternation. Conversation analysts have suggested that code

switching may serve to enhance turn selection (Li Wei 1998; Cromdal 2001) or

“Code Switching” in Sociocultural Linguistics

soften refusals (Bani-Shoraka 2005; Li Wei 2005), and is a possible resource to

accomplish repair (Auer 1995; Sebba and Wooten 1998) or mark dispreferred23

responses (Li Wei 1998; Bani-Shoraka 2005). In addition to these interactional

functions, empirical studies have examined how switches in language variety

make particular elements of situation, speaker identities, or background relevant

to ongoing talk.

Sebba and Wooten (1998) describe alternation between London English

and London Jamaican (Sebba 1993). They suggest that interactional function is

insufficient to account for the code switching behavior they observe, and that

additional consideration of identity is necessary to enrich the overall analysis.

Sebba and Wooten (1998) suggest that the division of language varieties

into an out-group, hegemonic they-code and an in-group, solidarity building we-

code, as suggested by Gumperz (1982)24, is complicated for Caribbean Londoners,

since both London English and London Jamaican serve we-code functions.

Indeed, the strict identification of a single we-code is highly problematic since, in

In conversation analysis terms, responses which serve to accomplish the projected action of a
previous turn are generally considered preferred, while those that work against such
accomplishment are dispreferred. For further explanation, see Sacks, Schegloff and Jefferson 1974
and Hutchby and Woofit 1998.
As is the case for situational versus metaphorical switching and the enumerated functions of
conversational code switching, the we-code and they-code functions suggested by Gumperz as
rough preliminary categories have been reified as essential categories by later scholars, then
subsequently critiqued as rough and preliminary (cf. Gafaranga 2005).

Chad Nilep – University of Colorado Boulder

most multilingual communities, most if not all available language varieties

function in some in-group interactions (cf. Rampton 1995; Bentahila and Davies

1995; Barker 1947). Sebba and Wooten describe specific interactional functions

of switching from London Jamaican to London English, and other, only partially

overlapping functions for switches from London English to London Jamaican.

They go on to argue that particular switches highlight participant identities, but

these ‘identities’ are locally constructed and highly variable. Their analysis shows

that macro-sociological categories such as race, gender, or ethnicity may be less

salient than particular positions within a current interaction.

Evidence from London Jamaican data suggests that in addition to

local, sequential explanations of code-switching, it is also
necessary to look at the interaction as a whole, as well as the wider
context in which it is located. … Interpretations must take into
account the shifting and negotiated nature of social identities
within talk as well as the values attached to the different codes by
their speakers. [Sebba and Wooten 1998:281]
Sebba and Wooten’s arguments suggest that the interactional functions and the

identity construction functions of code switching are linked. The marking or

creation of identity is a locally situated function of talk in interaction.

In a similar fashion, Gafaranga (2001, 2005; Torras and Gafaranga 2002)

argues that macro-sociological ideologies of identity provide an insufficient

account of either the orderliness of language alternation25 or the relevance of

Gafaranga prefers the term “language alternation” to “code switching,” since no consistent
definition of the latter term is shared across subdisciplines.

“Code Switching” in Sociocultural Linguistics

particular identities in bilingual talk in interaction. Further, Gafaranga (2005)

argues, contra Sebba and Wooten 199826, that language choice should not be seen

as an index of social structures. Rather, he argues, language is itself a social


Therefore, relating conversational structure and social structure in

bilingual conversation becomes a nonissue, as the conversational
structure is ‘occasioned’ by the language-defined social structure,
which is locally established in and through the conversational
structure. [Gafaranga 2005:298]
Language choice or code switching are occasioned by the demands of

conversation itself; attempts to relate this linguistic structure to an overarching

view of ‘culture’ or ‘society’ are misguided.

In place of a language-external theory of culture or society, Gafaranga

(2001) suggests that language alternation can best be explained via membership

category analysis (Sacks 1992).27 According to MCA, speakers may evoke certain

membership category devices – ordered collections of social relationships – when

such relationships become relevant for ongoing discourse. Membership category

devices are called into being via a set of application rules. When a hearer

understands an interlocutor’s talk to place speaker and hearer in a bound

relationship (e.g. student/teacher, friend/friend), she will generally respond by

placing herself in an appropriate position in relation to the implied categorization

In this respect, Gafaranga (2005) also opposes Gumperz (1982), Myers-Scotton (1993b), et alia.
Sacks first described MCA in his (1966) sociology dissertation at the University of California,
Berkeley. I have been unable to locate a copy of this dissertation.

Chad Nilep – University of Colorado Boulder

device. Failure to do so is accountable (cf. dispreferred responses in conversation

analysis). Thus, according to Gafaranga, the use of more than one language

variety within a discourse by a single speaker is a means to negotiate a locally

relevant linguistic identity in relation to one’s interlocutor. Furthermore, the

meaning and function of any particular linguistic identity must be negotiated by

parties in interaction.

It is not clear, however, that Gafaranga’s use of MCA adds anything

significant to understandings of language behavior. If, as Gafaranga (2001)

argues, assuming a linguistic identity means something (i.e., has some

implications for ongoing talk), speakers must share some understanding of what

the identity entails. If speakers share extensive knowledge about such

implications prior to the talk at hand, MCA is open to the same types of criticisms

leveled at the markedness model (Myers-Scotton 1993b) and other theories of

broadly shared social norms. If, on the other hand, all meanings of linguistic

identity are negotiated in the talk at hand, language preference as a categorization

device adds little beyond what is explicable by conversation analysis; ‘doing

linguistic identity’ is isomorphic to positioning oneself in conversation.

Another scholar whose analyses are based in conversation analysis, Li

Wei reconciles sequential interaction not only with ‘linguistic identity’ in the

sense of locally constructed positioning (e.g. Li Wei 2002), but also with

sociological context (1994, 1998) and ‘identity’ (2005) in the sense of rights and

obligations (Myers-Scotton 1993b).

“Code Switching” in Sociocultural Linguistics

Li Wei has been critical of “analyst-oriented, theory-driven, top-down

approaches” (1998:157) to the analysis of code switching, including Blom and

Gumperz’s (1972) descriptions of situational and metaphorical switching, and

especially Myers-Scotton’s (1983, 1993b) markedness model. Li Wei says of the

markedness model:

This theory places its emphasis on the analyst’s interpretation of

bilingual conversation participants’ intention and explicitly rejects
the idea of local creation of meaning of linguistic choices. [Li Wei
Li Wei, like Auer, Gafaranga, and other analysts inspired by ethno-

methodological approaches, rejects the notion that languages as codes28

transparently index prior social meaning. Nonetheless, he does not deny the

existence of social meanings. Rather, Li Wei argues that these meanings are not

merely ‘brought along’ to conversation as part of some social competence, but

must be ‘brought about’ through interaction (cf. Auer 1992). Li Wei, like other

CA analysts, insists that observations about social roles and language norms be

tied to close observation of discourse, rather than simply being posited on the

basis of analyst intuitions. Thus, where Milroy, Li Wei, and Moffat 1991 (see also

Li Wei does not, however, attempt to define code or language. What is objected to is the
suggestion that the ‘meaning’ of forms pre-exists interaction.

Chad Nilep – University of Colorado Boulder

Milroy and Li Wei 1995) suggested that Chinese adults in Tyneside prefer to be

addressed in Cantonese, Li Wei (1998) grounds this observation in particular

discourse episodes. He notes a number of cases where Chinese children address a

parent in English, to be met with delays and requests for repair. Through these

responses, the parents not only show, buy also create the language preference

noted in the earlier studies.

Li Wei (2005) contrasts the strength of observations based on sequential

analysis with those based on rational-choice models, such as the markedness

model (Myers-Scotton 1983, 1993b) using examples such as the following.

1 B: mama women keneng qu MetroCentre kan dianying

2 A: xing xing xing
3 (1.2)
4 A: kan sheme [nimen zhedao ma youmeiyou hao kan de
5 B: [Jenny shuo ta xian da dianhuo wenwen
6 (0.6)
7 → B: can I have some money pleeease
8 → A: what for
9 → B: wo he Jenny qu MetroCentre kan dianying
1 B: We’ll probably go to the cinema at the MetroCentre.
2 A: Fine, fine, fine.
4 A: Do you know what to see? Is there anything nice to see?
5 B: Jenny says she’ll phone and ask the cinema first.
7 B: Can I have some money please?
8 A: What for?
9 B: Jenny and I are going to the cinema at the MetroCentre.
[Li Wei 2005:383]

The participants here, a Cantonese-English bilingual mother and daughter

in Tyneside, have been discussing (in Cantonese) the daughter’s plans for the

weekend. At line seven, the daughter switches to English to ask for money, and

then switches back to Cantonese at line nine to offer her reason for the request. A

“Code Switching” in Sociocultural Linguistics

rational choice model would suggest that the daughter assumes a marked code as

a means to ameliorate the fact that she is making a demand on her mother.

(Compare Myers-Scotton’s actual analysis of a Kenyan worker assuming a

marked choice to refuse a farmer’s request for money, presented above.)

However, Li Wei points out that there is much more going on here. The entire

episode up to the request can be seen as a pre-sequence to the request. The full

transcript includes a number of turns hearable as indirect requests, including line

one presented here. When the indirect requests fail, the daughter makes her

request directly, marking it off from the pre-sequence with a change in medium.

When the direct request meets with an indirect refusal (line eight), the daughter

again switches to Cantonese to provide a reason for the request. Li Wei points out

that the rational-choice analysis may tell us something interesting about the

exchange (that is, that the daughter ameliorates her request for money), but it is

the sequential analysis that gives fuller evidence for this activity, and thus a

warrant for the claim. Thus, rather than throwing out notions of rights and

obligations, Li Wei recommends complementing such analyses with close

observation of discourse. “To focus on the interaction-external factors alone

means ignoring the richness of the interactive work speakers do in conversation

and risks imposing of the analysts’ interpretation without evidence” (Li Wei

2005:387). On the other hand, close observation both strengthens analyses, and

leads to greater reliability.

Chad Nilep – University of Colorado Boulder

3.4. Précis

This section has divided sociocultural studies of code switching into three

major areas. First, the markedness model (Myers-Scotton 1983, 1993b) and

similar work attempts to define social-psychological motivations for code

switching by treating speakers as rational actors who choose language varieties

based on their more or less fixed social meanings and functions. According to this

approach, a speaker chooses the language variety that best indexes the social role

(or rights-and-obligations set) that she wishes to make relevant at a given

moment. Code switching is defined as the use of more than language, with

“language” defined prior to interaction. Such alternation is generally used to

negotiate social role, or may be simply an unmarked norm for a group of language

users. This model is probably the most widely used and fully developed theory of

code switching in sociocultural linguistics. However, it is criticized for its loose

definition of “markedness,” its reliance on knowledge external to language

interaction and, perhaps most significantly, its lack of specific empirical warrant

for the analyst’s conclusions.

Second, work in linguistic anthropology, sociolinguistics, and allied fields

here labeled “identity and code switching” examines the correlation between

social position, group membership, or other forms of social identity and the use of

particular language varieties. Like the markedness model, this work tends to see

language use as indexical of social role. Unlike that model, however, language

and social role are generally seen as less fixed. While the work described under

“Code Switching” in Sociocultural Linguistics

this heading does not necessarily form a defined school within sociocultural

linguistics, it is possible to make some general comparisons between this strain of

scholarship and the markedness model. Principally, identity and code switching

work as defined here tends to be more empirical and less tied to linguistic or

psychological theory. Further, rather than attempting to describe motivations or

other individual causes of language behavior, this work tends to describe effects

of language choice on such areas as economic, ethnic, national and other social

arrangements. Thus, work of this type can yield rich description and sound

theoretical understanding of language behavior in particular social, geographic,

and historical settings. On the other hand, this work may be criticized for its lack

of generalizable conclusions.

Third, work influenced by conversation analysis, interactional linguistics,

and close analysis of discourse, here labeled as studies of “interaction and code

switching,” relate language behavior and code choice to both emergent discourse

structure and larger social context. This work calls into question studies which

assign a single, predetermined “meaning” to the choice of language variety

(particularly when “variety” is defined by the analyst prior to a specific

interaction). Scholars engaged in such work suggest that “codes” (in the sense of

socially meaningful linguistic varieties) as well as social arrangements emerge

from human interact and may be best understood by grounding analyses as closely

as possible in the particulars of linguistic interaction. Such work can both reveal

new insights about linguistic interaction, and yield empirical strength and greater

Chad Nilep – University of Colorado Boulder

reliability to conclusions about social psychology or identity and related social

structures. While this work is solidly grounded in specific discourse events, it is

criticized for its failure to include (or in some cases, principled rejection of)

ethnographic information outside of this discourse interaction.

Certainly, all three of the major traditions discussed here have something

to add to the study of code switching. Conclusions such as those offered by the

markedness model offer insight into language practices generally; however, they

would unquestionably be strengthened by greater empirical evidence. It seems

that, in order for observations about language use, including variation or

alternation, to have validity and reliability, they should be based on close

observation of discourse. At the same time, it should not be assumed that all

elements relevant to discourse and social interaction are visible to the analyst,

particularly when the analyst is not embedded in the particular social structures he

or she is studying. We should remember Stroud’s (1998) suggestion that discourse

analysis be grounded in an understanding of the society within which

communication takes place. The optimal approach to understanding these

phenomena would thus seem to include ethnographic observation with close

analysis of discourse, providing an empirical warrant for any theory of discourse


While the approaches described above all treat code switching or language

alternation, there is a general lack of precision in the way the key terms “code,”

“Code Switching” in Sociocultural Linguistics

“language,” and “code switching” are defined. The next section will suggest a

definition for the last of these, “code switching.”

4. Integrated definitions

A great many scholars in sociocultural linguistics use a definition of code

switching similar to Heller’s: “the use of more than one language in the course of

a single communicative episode” (1988a:1). Auer and Myers-Scotton, who

largely disagree on how or why code switching occurs, nonetheless sound quite

similar in their definitions of the phenomenon. Auer (1984:1) refers to “the

alternating use of more than one language,” while Myers-Scotton (1993b:vii)

mentions “the use of two or more languages in the same conversation.” Romaine

(1989) cites Gumperz as the source of this definition. However, these definitions

introduce an element not strictly present in Gumperz’s (1982) definition.

Conversational code switching can be defined as the juxtaposition

within the same speech exchange of passages of speech belonging
to two different grammatical systems or subsystems. Most
frequently the alternation takes the form of two subsequent
sentences, as when a speaker uses a second language either to
reiterate his message or to reply to some else’s statement.
[Gumperz 1982:59]
After a few examples of this “subsequent sentence” switching, Gumperz adds,

“Often code switching also takes place within a single sentence” (60), of which he

provides additional examples.

Note that Gumperz’s original definition refers to “grammatical systems or

subsystems,” while the subsequent restatements refer to languages. While the

former is scarcely more concrete or less ambiguous than the latter, it need not be

Chad Nilep – University of Colorado Boulder

assumed that the two terms are identical. The plural languages seems to suggest

discrete varieties (as English, Spanish, Kiswahili, etc.), while the more equivocal

“systems or subsystems” might equally imply languages or elements of a

language, such as lexical items, syntactic constructions, and prosodic

phenomena.29 This list of grammatical subsystems may seem familiar, as it is very

similar to Goffman’s (1979) list of footing cues and virtually identical to

Gumperz’s (1982) preliminary list of contextualization cues.

The attempt to define language and languages is a perennial controversy

in linguistics. By defining code simply as a language (or variety of language)

without first defining these basic terms, scholars have essentially put off what

might be a foundational question. Alvarez-Cáccamo (1990, 1998, 2000) provides

exceptional attempts to define code and code switching. His discussion relies in

turn on work by Jakobson (1971b; Jakobson, Fant and Halle 1952, inter alia) and

by Gumperz (1982, 1992, inter alia). Alvarez-Cáccamo (1998) points out that for

Jakobson, an early adopter of the term code switching who was influenced by

information theory, languages have codes; they do not comprise codes. A

language user thus makes use of a code or codes when speaking, listening, etc.

The precise nature of any language user’s codes cannot be ascertained by an

analyst nor by fellow speakers.

Of course, in sidestepping the perennial problem of defining language, grammar, or other key
terms, I am no better than Gumperz, Auer, Heller, Myers-Scotton et alia.

“Code Switching” in Sociocultural Linguistics

Internal individual codes (senders’ and receivers’) must necessarily

differ, as they belong to different minds. But all human minds are
also uniquely alike: they produce language and communication,
which are formidably universal. Therefore, the question whether
each person possesses “different”... codes is parallel to the question
whether speakers of the “same” language share a grammar, or
whether culture, ideology, etc., is also shared. There are no
absolute answers to this, only a pragmatic one: does
communication between two persons sufficiently work? [Alvarez-
Cáccamo, personal communication]

Speakers use communicative codes in their attempts (linguistic or paralinguistic)

to communicate with other language users. Listeners use their own codes to make

sense of the communicative contributions of those they interact with. Listeners

may need to shift their expectations to come to a useful understanding of

speakers’ intentions. Similarly, speakers may switch the form of their

contributions in order to signal a change in situation, shifting relevance of social

roles, or alternate ways of understanding a conversational contribution. In other

words, switching codes is a means by which speakers may contextualize


A useful definition of code switching for sociocultural linguistic analysis

should recognize it as an alternation in the form of communication that signals a

context in which the linguistic contribution should be understood. The ‘context’

so signaled may be very local (such as the beginning of a turn at talk), very

general (such as positioning relative to some macro-sociological category), or

anywhere in between. Furthermore, it is important to recognize that this signaling

is accomplished by the action of a participant in a particular interaction. That is to

Chad Nilep – University of Colorado Boulder

say, it is not necessary or desirable to spell out the meaning of particular code

switching behavior a priori. Rather, code switching is accomplished by parties in

interaction, and the meaning of their behavior emerges from the interaction. This

is not to say that the use of particular linguistic forms has no meaning, and that

speakers “make it up as they go.” Gumperz’s (1992) discussion of contextual-

ization is relevant here.

If instead of attempting to discover direct and stable linguistic

reflections of social categories in clause level phonology,
morphology or syntax we begin by looking more closely at the
clustering of co-occurring variables in situated everyday discourse,
in terms of what sorts of linguistic signs are involved and how they
are distributed, we soon discover regularities that are demonstrably
socially conditioned. [Gumperz 1992:40]
Individuals remember and can call on past experiences of discourse. These

memories form part of a language user’s understanding of discourse functions.

Therefore, within a community of discourse practice (cf. Lave & Wenger 1991;

Eckert & McConnell-Ginet 1992) certain forms may come to recur frequently in

certain contexts. Nonetheless, it is less interesting (for the current author at least,

and probably for the ends of sociocultural linguistic analysis) to track the

frequency or regularity of particular recurrences than to understand the effect of

linguistic form on discourse practice and emergent social meanings.

To recapitulate, then, code switching is a practice of parties in discourse to

signal changes in context by using alternate grammatical systems or subsystems,

or codes. The mental representation of these codes cannot be directly observed,

either by analysts or by parties in interaction. Rather, the analyst must observe

“Code Switching” in Sociocultural Linguistics

discourse itself, and recover the salience of a linguistic form as code from its

effect on discourse interaction.

A definition of code switching which collapses all functions into

contextualization appears to diverge from a robust and long-term trend among

sociocultural linguists. An enduring theoretical goal of code switching researchers

has been to describe different types of switching. Bailey (1999) recognizes three

types of code switching: situational switching, metaphorical switching, and

“unmarked discourse contextualization switching” (242). The first two categories

are, of course, drawn from Blom & Gumperz 1972. The latter term, while clearly

influenced by Myers-Scotton’s notion of markedness (see especially Myers-

Scotton 1988 for unmarked code switching), includes functions such as quotation

and reiteration, enumerated by Gumperz (1982) and many subsequent scholars.

Much current work on code switching lists similar typologies, or attempts to

catalog other functional categories (cf. Rampton 1995; Zentella 1997). However,

as Bailey (1999) points out, assigning a particular utterance to one of these

functional categories can be problematic. For example, when linguistic form

changes at a transition from small-talk to a formal speech, Bailey suggests, the

alternation may be a situational switch – since the change in form effects a change

in situation; a metaphorical shift – since the speaker’s relevant role may be

changed; or discourse contextualization – since it may signal the context in which

listeners should understand the speech. A single act may serve all of these

functions at the same time.

Chad Nilep – University of Colorado Boulder

Attempts to define categories of function, whatever their possible

advantages to linguistic or social theory, remain problematic for concrete analysis.

Rather than artificially strengthening the boundaries between such functional

categories or suggesting ever widening catalogs, it seems preferable to recognize

that particular functions arise from actual interactions.

Two brief examples may serve to illustrate the suggested approach. In the

first, the occurrence of an English word in Japanese talk is not oriented to as

affecting context.

1 M: [ni-juu kyu doru kyu juu It’s twenty dollars and

2 kyu sento desu ninety-nine cents.
3 Y: ee? (2.0) huh?
4 Y: ni doru ha? Two dollars?
5 M: ha? ni-hyaku go juu huh? For two hundred
6 minutes de and fifty minutes
7 Y: nn yeah
8 M: ni-juu kyu doru kyu-juu twenty dollars and
9 kyu sento (°desu°) ninety-nine cents.
[Nilep 2004:4]
The speakers in this excerpt, both bilingual Japanese-English speakers (see Nilep

2004 for details), are conversing in Japanese. At least three forms, doru (dollar),

sento (cent), and minutes (minutes) seem to come from English. Attempts to

separate borrowing from code switching in formal terms tend to refer to levels of

linguistic signaling, such as phonology, morphology, syntax, etc. Gumperz

(1982), for example, claims, “New [borrowed] lexical and grammatical items

assimilate phonetically and rhythmically so that the total conversational effect is

that of an utterance as spoken in a single variety” (67-8). The phonetically and

rhythmically assimilated doru and sento should not, according to Gumperz’s

“Code Switching” in Sociocultural Linguistics

theory, be treated as code switching, and indeed they are not. However, neither is

the unassimilated minutes. According to Gumperz:

There are some marginal cases where phonologically

unassimilated items from a high prestige foreign language are
inserted as marked expressions into an otherwise monolingual
passage… The semantic effect here is similar to that of code
switching. For the most part, however, these are isolated cases.
They occur most frequently in formulaic expressions and this is
quite different from the constant alternation which marks code
switching in bilingual communities. [Gumperz 1982:68]
While English may be a prestigious foreign language, ni-hyaku go-juu minutes is

not a formulaic expression in Japanese. The attempt to spell out general formal

characteristics of code and the meaning or effect of code switching prior to actual

interaction thus fails. If, instead, we confine our observations to this interaction

and notice that the speakers do not treat minutes as different from doru in terms of

contextualization, we need not analyze it as code switching. (cf. Gafaranga 2001

on “language blind” analysis)

On the other hand, Alvarez-Cáccamo (1990) describes a case of “speaking

Galician in Spanish,” that is, making elements of Galician regional identity

relevant while using linguistic forms that are not obviously Galician.

1 P: .h.h y es uh es muy importante ↑

2 >que por ejemplo el tiro neumático< a nivel europeo ↑
3 esté incluído como deporte escolar,
4 en todos uh los: centros de enseñanza/
5 e sem embargo eiqui ↑
6 .h.h.h como somos assi tam es:peciales ↑
7 pos resulta que em galícia ↑
8 eh que hasta el tiro neumático siempre estaba dentro d- del
9 deporte escolar ↑
10 ahora pos lo han - lo han quitao ↑

Chad Nilep – University of Colorado Boulder

1 And it is, uh, it is very important

2 that for example airgun shooting at the European level
3 is included as a school sport
4 in all, uh, the educational centers.
5 And yet here
6 since we are like peculiar
7 well, it turns out that in Galicia
8 uh, where airgun shooting had always been included as a school sport
10 well, now they’ve, they’ve done away with it.
[Alvarez-Cáccamo 1990:8]
The speaker, the president of the Galician Federation of Sport Shooting, is

being interviewed on Galician television. While the interviewer (not transcribed

here) speaks Galician, this speaker, in an official guise, speaks Spanish30 at the

beginning of this fragment. The speaker’s intended language is unclear, though, in

subsequent lines. With the exception of the nonstandard southern Galician eiqui

“here” in line five, lines 5-7 could, from a grammatical perspective, be seen as

either Galician or Spanish, and lines 8-10 seem Spanish. There is, however,

reason to regard lines 5-10 as belonging to the same context: all are delivered with

extra high pitch on the last lexical item, and all refer in some way to Galicia (eiqui

“here,” somos especiales “we are peculiar,” galicia “Galicia,” que hasta el tiro

neumático siempre estaba “where airgun shooting has always …”). An approach

to code switching which equates code with Galician and Spanish could not easily

account for this contextualization as code switching, given the unclear

demarcation of the varieties used here. However, the approach described above

The relationships among language varieties of Spain are beyond the scope of this brief example.
See, for example, Siguan 1993.

“Code Switching” in Sociocultural Linguistics

relies not on exhaustively defining these varieties, but on determining whether the

parties in this interaction treat the speaker as having accomplished speaking

Galician. (Alvarez-Cáccamo 1990 suggests they do.)

After reviewing some of the literature on code switching in sociology,

linguistic anthropology, and sociolinguistics, this paper has suggested a definition

of the term that, while partial, seems useful for sociocultural analysis. Code

switching is defined as the practice of selecting or altering linguistic elements so

as to contextualize talk in interaction. This contextualization may relate to local

discourse practices, such as turn selection or various forms of bracketing, or it

may make relevant information beyond the current exchange, including

knowledge of society and diverse identities. This approach understands code

switching as the practice of individuals in particular discourse settings. Therefore,

it cannot specify broad functions of language alternation, nor define the exact

nature of any code prior to interaction. Codes emerge from interaction, and

become relevant when parties to discourse treat them as such.

Chad Nilep – University of Colorado Boulder

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