Class 12 Icse PDF Preboard 2022

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THE FIRST PRE-BOARD (SECOND COMPARATIVE) EXAMINATION 2022-23 Class XII (ISC) CHEMISTRY Paper I (Theory) Time: Three hours Maximum marks: 70 Instructions: Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during this time. This paper is divided into four sections — A, B, Cand D, Answer all questions. Section A consists of one question having sub parts of one mark each. ‘Section B consists of ten questions of two marks each. ‘Section C consists of seven questions of three marks each. ‘Section D consists of three questions of five marks each. Internal choices have been provided in one question each in Sections B, C and D. All working, including rough work, should be done on the same sheet as, and adjacent to rest of the answers. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in [ Balanced equations must be given wherever possible and diagrams where they are helpful. When solving numerical problems, all essential working must be shown. In working out the problems, use the following data: Gas constant R = 1.987 cal deg”! mot"! = 8.314 J K! mot = 0.0821 L atm K" mot 1 Latm =1 dm’atm = 101.34 Avogadro's number = 6.023 x 107, 1 Faraday = 96500 Co: 8. SECTION A - 14 MARKS eh Question 1 oO (A) Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate word(s) from those given in the bracket: > 6 [4x1] ron, wit, tx Oss [more, less, additjan, substitution, acidic, basic, conjugate base, conjugate’ acid, 0, frm sy, Se ed (Phenol is because of resonance stabilization of its +s f (ii) When the concentration of a reactant of first order reaction is doubled, the rate becomes times but for order reaction, the rate remains same. ii) The coordination number and oxidation number of Cobalt in [Co(NHs)sNO:]Ch: complex are and respectively. (iv) Aromatic carbonyl compounds are reactive than aliphatic carbonyl compounds towards nucleophilic reactions. PS ee ee =a O-4 This paper consists of Eight printed pages. Turn over RY Y (B) Select and write the correct altemative from the choices given below: [oer] | () Analkyl cyanide on complete reduction gives: (@) Primary amine (b) Secondary amine (©) Tertiary amine (@ Carboxylic acid. Gi) Which of the following ions will give a colourless aqueous solution? ll (@) Ni* (b) Fe™ @ ca @) Cu’. - (iii) Electrochemical equivalent is the amount of substance which gets deposited from its solution by passing electrical charge equal to: qe 40° ‘96500 coulomb (©) Leoulomb — \S” © 60 coulomb X@ 965 coulomb. (iv) Ifthe plot of logio [A] against t is a straight line with a negative slope, the reaction is of: (a) Zeroorder Ub) Firstorder \E (© Second order @) Third order. (C) Match the following: [4x1] (i _| Ebullioscopic constant Hexadentate ligand (i) | EDTA Nb) | Cone. HCl and Anhydrous ZnCl, T (iii) | Lucas reagent Sucrose i (iv) | Disaceharide ~~ [Yay | Ehevation in boiling point v o-4 (2) ook Ane -O (D) Assertion and Reason [2x1] ()Assertior Molar conductivity of weak electrolytes show a sharp increase wlien the electrolytic solution is diluted, Reason: For weak electrolytes degree of dissociation increases with dilution of solution. () Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion, (>) Both assertion and reason are true but it reason is not the correct explanation for assertion, (©) Assertion is true but reason is false, (@ Assertion is false but reason is true, / Gil) Assertion: Carbon — halogen bond in an Aryl halide is shorter than Carbon- halogen bond in alkyl halide. Reason: A bond formed of an sp” hybridised orbital should be shorter than corresponding bond involving an sp’ hybridised orbital. (@) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion, (b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation for assertion. (©) Assertion is true but reason is false. (@)__ Assertion is false but reason is true. SECTION B- 20 MARKS Question 2 pe] ‘The vapour pressure of pure water at 30°C is 31.80 mm of Hg. How many grams of ‘urea (molar mass 60) should be dissolved in 100 g of water to lower the vapour pressure by 0.25 mm of Hg? 0-4 a Turn over 2) Question 3 Give a reason for each of the following: () Transition metals have a very high enthalpy of atomization. (i) Transition elements and their compounds are used as catalyst. Question 4 Ry] Identify the compound [A] and [B] in the following reactior + @ CiHsBr+KeN —> a) OO", py (Alc) complete hydrolysis alc KOH, HBr ai) oa ra ~ cH A fl Peroxide 8) Br persion 5 RI State a reason for each of the following: () Ethyl amine is more basic than Aniline (i) Primary amines have higher boiling point than secondary and tertiary amines. ( 7 Ww juestion 6 pe w a What type of a battery is the Lead storage battery? Write the anode and the cathode reactions and overall reactions occurring in Lead storage battery when current is drawn from it. Question 7 p Complete and balance the following chemical equations: () KMn0,+ KI+H,SO.> + + afi). KeCr07 + H:80.+ HS > + + + wy KL ot as eee o-4 oy (4) 2) a Su (i) How will the folowing be obtained? (Give chemical equations) (@) Salicylic acid from Phenol oe 4 (©) 2-Propanol from Ethanal / . OR Gi) Write the mechanism of the following reaction: 2CH,CH,OH az CH,CH,- 0-CH,CH, + H,0 Question 9 [2] Determine the freezing point of a solution containing 0.520 g of Glucose (CeH120¢) dissolved in 80.2 g of water. [Ke for water = 1.86 K kg mol”, Atomic weight of C = 12,H = 1,0= 16] Question 10 Give one chemical test to distinguish between each of the following pair of compounds: WA Mo 0 0° (Formaldehyde and Acetaldehyde L g u _y w Gi) Phenol and Benzoic acid. i a Ar Question 11 Q 2] Give one similarity and one difference between Lanthanoids and Actinoids. SECTION C-21 MARKS Question 12 3] The rate constant for a reaction is 1.5 x 10s at 50°C and 4.5 x 107 sat 100°C, Calculate the Arrhenius parameter (A) and activation energy (Ea). = Question 13 Answer the questions given below for the following compounds: 2~bromopentane, 2— broma-2-methyl butane, 1 - bromopentane @ Which compound is most reactive towards SN? reaction? Gi) Which compound is optically active? g Gi) Which compound is most reactive towards B-climination reaction? Co 0-4 () Tae es D o® No) Question 14 (@__ Differentiate between globular and fibrous proteins with suitable examples. (ii) Name the disease caused due to deficiency of Vitamin C. Question 15 Calculate the osmotic pressure of a solution prepared by dissolving 0.025 g of K,SOs in 2 / of water at 25°C assuming that K2SO, is completely dissociated, (Atomic weight of K = 39, § = 32, 0 = 16) Question 16 ‘Write the chemical equation for the following named organic reactions: “W Dow's proces ay (ii) Williamson’s synthesis w Gi) Coupling reaction, v Question 17 @ Identify the compounds {A}, [B] and [C] in the following reactions: NaNO, + HCl. CuCl, Nacther A 3H, NH, SS, aj BG, pp Naether a iy © CHLNE, 0-SC (al HCl/A 8) 750-200 at | 1 O/H" NH, Br,/KOH & @) CHC=N > [a], po] PH/KON, icy OR Y Gi) How will the following be converted: (Give chemical equations.) x We (@) _Ethanamine to Acetamide 4 of (c)_ Benzene diazonium chloride to Fluorobenzene. BI B) B) BI (6) ane 18 5) For the reaction 2 NOx + Fg) > 2NO2F following data was obtained: Initial Concentration | Experiment TNO. TFA Initial Rate I 0.20 0.05 6.0 x 10° I 040 | 0.05 1.2.x 107 m1 0.80 0.10 48 x 107 Answer the following questions: (The order of the reaction is: (®) Zeroorder (b) First order’. "” (©) Second order (@® Third order Gi) The rate constant for the reaction is: @ 9.06 oy 0.6 © 60 (@) 0.006 The upit of rate constant is: vy @) L mol" min (&) mol L* mit (©) mint 2? (@) L? mol? mit SECTION D - 15 MARKS \ Question 19 (5) (i Write balanced equations for the following chemical reactions, iG (a) Formaldehyde with Ammonia eo (2 (8) Acetone with Hydroxyl amine oy Benzoic acid with Phosphorus pentachloride. a ar ete (ii) Give a reason for each of the following: (2) Formic acid is stronger acid than Acetic acid, Soy Acetaldehyde undergoes aldol condensation but Formaldehyde does not. Ww @ 0o-4 (1D ‘Turn over gestion 9 jigdeat 1) ) (a) What type of Isomerism is shown by the complex (Cr(H20Js] Cl (b) , .On the basis of Crystal Field Theory, write the electronic configuration of ‘in terms of to, and eg in an octahedral field, when Ay > P. (©) Write the hybridization and shape of [CoF«}”. (ii) Write the TUPAC name of the following coordination compounds: @ KalFe(C,0.)3] Aa iy, cifS0, — we (b) [Co(NHs)s Cl} so. cp eS Wa ” Question 21 Ap | w ea (5) @ @ _ Aconduetivity cell when filled with 0.02 M KCI (K= 0.002768 2"! em) \ has a resistance of 457.3. What will be the equivalent conductande of 0.05 N CaCl; solution if the same cell filled with this solution has a resistance of 202. 0? 03605 g ofa metal is deposited on the electrode by passing 1.2 amperes of current for 15 minutes through its salt solution. The atomic weight of metal is 96. What is the valency of the metal? OR @ Gi) (@) Calculate the emfand AG for the cell: AL/ Al" (0.01 M) || Fe" (0.02 M)/ Fe (Given: E° ap*7al=—1.66V and E” Fe /Fe = 0.44 V) > 6 C-Ab) The molar conductivity of 0.025 mol L”! formic acid is 46.1 Oem? mol", Calculate its degree of dissociation and dissociation constant, (Given A%, (H’) = 349.6 O°" cm? mol" and A® (CH;COO>) = 54.6 0-1 cm? mol”) yee o-4 (8) 21

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