Effects of Earthquakes On Concrete Buildings in Kuwait: Naser S. Almutairi

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Naser S. Almutairi Journal of Engineering Research and Application www.ijera.

ISSN : 2248-9622 Vol. 8, Issue 10 (Part -III) Oct 2018, pp 34-41


Effects Of Earthquakes On Concrete Buildings In Kuwait

Naser S. Almutairi*
*(Public Authority for Applied Education and Training (PAAET), Kuwait.)

Most residential low rise buildings in Kuwait are constructed using reinforced concrete and infill walls. The
behaviour of concrete buildings under seismic loading is dependent on ductility and stiffness of concrete
buildings which depends on the quality of materials used in construction, the level of technology adopted in
design and construction and the workmanship. This paper presents a research done on the effects of earthquakes
on concrete buildings in Kuwait. Most buildings are constructed in river valleys where the soil formations are
mass deposits of silt and sand, and the sites are characterised by shallow water tables. Weak sites produce
higher amplification factors as compared to firm grounds in an event of ground movements.
Design and construction of concrete buildings resistant to earthquakes depends on the risk involved in loss of
life and the probability of occurrence of earthquakes in the area. In Kuwait City, tall buildings have been
constructed with earthquake resistant features in accordance to local earthquake design code to enable them
stand without damage in the event of a minor earthquakes, bear damages without failure in case of major
earthquakes and fail completely with warnings in case of extreme earthquakes (PRASAD, 2018).
Al Hamra Tower is the tallest building in Kuwait and currently the 16 th tallest building on the planet at 1352 ft.
Built with reinforced concrete, Al Hamra Towers is one of the tallest structures built with concrete. Soil
conditions on site are composed of sandy silty loose soil subsurface of a depth of approximately 1.4 m and a
high water table of approximately 2m below surface level. The rock below is made of sandstone and siltstone.
The foundation is composed of a raft and piles system. To resist earthquakes and other lateral loads the structure
consists a complex cast in situ reinforced concrete shear wall which transfers lateral loads to the foundation
(CLAUS, et al., 2007).
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Date Of Submission:02-10-2018 Date Of Acceptance: 13-10-2018
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I. INTRODUCTION damage in buildings which reduces their stiffness

When the ground moves in an event of and strength capacity.
earthquakes buildings tend to remain at rest due to Research on the causes of collapse of
the inertial response as described by Newton’s first reinforced concrete buildings due to seismic
law of motion. The inertial forces and the stored activity from historical events has shown that
kinetic energy causes the structure to vibrate. The failure in most occasions is as a result of loss of
inertial force generated is dependent on the mass of strength and stiffness of the structures due to
the building and the magnitude of the earthquake. cumulative damage by previous shocks in multiple
Around the world earthquakes occur at earthquakes. Some buildings remained intact
many areas where there are complex fault systems. during the main shocks but collapsed during the
When the rupture occurs, the fault systems release aftershocks (ADEL, 2012).
all accumulated strain in stages and at different Seismic damages in reinforced concrete
locations high stresses are formed resulting to structures have also happened due to plan and
successive ruptures until the system becomes development reasons, for example, utilization of
stable. These consecutive ruptures cause inadequately safe cement, the frail reinforcement
occurrence of multiple earthquakes which are hard support of delicate stories and column to
to classify as foreshocks, main shocks or beamconnections, construction design resulting to
aftershocks (ADEL, 2012). short columns, not looking after shear support and
These repeated earthquakes are utilization of solid bar feeble segment.
responsible for failure of structural systems. Clearly,some of the damages in unreinforced
Multiple earthquakes cause loss in stiffness and concrete from past earthquakes happened because
structural strength of the building elements due to of the fact that it is not designed to take the seismic
loss of strength of material caused by effects of loading (Ates, et al., 23June2013).
consecutive earthquakes (Chandradhara, 2018). In occurrence of earthquakes, collision of
Consecutive earthquakes result to cumulative neighbouring structures happens because of their
diverse natural frequencies and additionally,

www.ijera.com DOI: 10.9790/9622-0810033441 34 | P a g e

Naser S. Almutairi Journal of Engineering Research and Application www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622 Vol. 8, Issue 10 (Part -III) Oct 2018, pp 34-41

deficient spacing between them. Pounding of ductility and tensile strength of concrete elements
adjacent structures in the event of strong to withstand seismic forces is achieved by use of
earthquakes is not typically considered and more steel reinforcements in the concrete elements
often than not causes very sudden damages despite (Chandradhara, 2018). Structural concrete elements
that seismic action maybe regularly considered in used in building constructions include slabs,
basic design (Ehab, et al., November 2014). beams, columns, shear walls and connections.
In metropolitan urban areas, structures are The main reason of failure in reinforced
frequently close since there is a limited land spaces concrete structures under seismic loads is failure to
available and utilization of land shouldbe consider their ductility in design. Research from
maximised because of the high population. Hence, previous seismic failures of reinforced concrete
for metropolitan urban areas situated in locales of design it has been noted that use of poor concrete,
dynamic seismicity, the hammering of adjacent weak reinforcement of beam and column joints
buildings may represent a conceivably major issue. (Isler, October 12-17, 2008), soft storey and short
Hammering of adjacent reinforced concrete columns increases the chances of failure in
buildings structures during tremor excitations is occurrence of earthquakes.
one of the reasons for structural damages and
collapse of storeys. This lateral impact from the III. SEISMICITY IN KUWAIT
adjacent buildings if not considered in design may Kuwait is a state located on the Arabian
cause excessive damages of the struck storey or Gulf at the north-western end and on the Arabian
complete collapse of the whole structure (Ates, et Peninsula at the north-eastern part. Due to its
al., 23June2013). closeness to the Zagros belt, its exposed to risk of
The main causes of seismic failures and seismicity and this warrants the need for seismic
damages can be classified into: Design considerations in the design of structures within
inadequacies (delicate story, deficient horizontal Kuwait. The Zagros belt is capable of generating
bracing, short columns, strong beam weak column earthquakes of magnitudes up to 7.5 on Richter
connections, vertical or level inconsistencies, and scale. Kuwait is also prone to local earthquakes of
so forth.) and construction faults (poor magnitude 5 on the Richter scale usually
workmanship, poor quality control, deficient shear originating from the southern part of the Minagish
reinforcements in columns, deficient strength of oilfields. (SADEK, 2004) An earthquake of
material, short columns.). magnitude 4.8 took place at Minagish oil field
which was felt at Kuwait City causing a lot of
II. CONCRETE terror on 2nd June, 1993. This location experienced
Due to its outstanding properties, again earthquakes of magnitudes 3.9 and 4.2 on
reinforced concrete is one of the most widely used September 1997 and 30th December, 1997
construction material worldwide.Concrete is a respectively (Pascucci, et al., October 12-17, 2008).
composite material produced by mixing cement,
fine aggregates and coarse aggregates with water.
Fresh concrete can be shaped to take the desired
form unlike other construction materials. However,
concrete possess low tensile strength. (World
Housing Encyclopedia, 2006)Reinforced concrete
is a composite construction material in which
reinforcement steels bars are used in concrete to
improve the tensile strength of the concrete
Concrete constructions calls for a set level
of workmanship, expertise and technology.
However, most residential buildings around the
world are built without the required assistance from
engineers and architects (The Constructor, 2017).
These buildings pose death risks to the individuals
living among them especially in seismic prone
Concrete is hard material but breaks easily Figure 1 Kuwait seismic hazard map adopted from
when subjected to tensile stresses due to its low (SADEK, 2004)
tensile strength. Ductility is necessary for a
material to deform without loss in strength or a Insufficient and missing data on seismic
sudden failure in occurrence of earthquakes. The activity in Kuwait presents a challenge to engineers

www.ijera.com DOI: 10.9790/9622-0810033441 35 | P a g e

Naser S. Almutairi Journal of Engineering Research and Application www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622 Vol. 8, Issue 10 (Part -III) Oct 2018, pp 34-41

while performing seismic analysis for various sites

in the state of Kuwait. The state of Kuwait is
classified as an area of low to moderate seismicity
(Pascucci, et al., October 12-17, 2008).
The Arabian Peninsula region is
comprised of several tectonic plates, the Red Sea
and Dead Sea on its West, the Owen Fracture zone
and Gulf of Aden at Southeast and south, Makran
and Zagros regions to the northeast and continental
Arabian Plate at the centre (Dr. Rabee, April 2015).

Figure 3 Building shapes affecting seismic failure

adopted from (World Housing Encyclopedia, 2006)

Report on past earthquakes have shown

that buildings with angular corners on plan have
failed terribly as compared to buildings with simple
geometrical plans. During ground movements
occurring due to earthquakes, the simple plans
provided uninterrupted and direct load paths to the
building foundations for the forces of inertia.

Figure 2 The Arabian Peninsula Tectonic

boundaries adopted from (Pascucci, et al., October
12-17, 2008)

Effects of Earthquakes on Concrete Buildings

The response of concrete buildings in
occurrence of earthquakes is dependent on various
factors such as the building shape, natural
frequency of the building, presence of masonry Figure 4 Building load paths adopted from (World
infill wall, presence of short columns, adjacent Housing Encyclopedia, 2006)
buildings, soft and weak stories etc. (Girgin &
Yılmaz, 2010) In some instances, irregularity of the
Irregular shape and the layout of concrete structure is avoidedthrough separation of building
buildings has been a major cause of their poor into simple shape blocks broke by an air gap. This
performances in previous earthquakes. It is prevents increase in stresses at the sharp corners
therefore important for engineers and architects to which causes damage to structural elements.
work as a team from the early project stages to However, the two blocks may strike each other
ensure that the building is designed to the simplest during earthquakes if the separation is insufficient.
and symmetrical shape possible (World Housing
Encyclopedia, 2006).

www.ijera.com DOI: 10.9790/9622-0810033441 36 | P a g e

Naser S. Almutairi Journal of Engineering Research and Application www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622 Vol. 8, Issue 10 (Part -III) Oct 2018, pp 34-41

Numerous structures have been seriously

influenced by undue torsional impacts amid past
tremors. It is best to limit (if not totally prevent)
this torsion by insuring that structures have
symmetry in design (i.e., consistently conveyed
mass and consistently put vertical elements
resisting seismic tremor loads symmetrically).
seismic tremor opposing casings symmetrically
along the outside border of a building; such a
format expands building protection from
torsion/turning. To improve resistance to torsion
seismic resisting frames are placed symmetrically
along building exterior perimeter (World Housing
Encyclopedia, 2006).
Masonry work is utilized as infill walls in
the spaces between columns and beams in both the
Figure 5 Building separation to avoid sharp inside and outside RC outlines. The material of the
corners adopted from (World Housing workmanship infill is the primary variation,
Encyclopedia, 2006) ranging from cut common stones (e.g., rock,
sandstone or laterite) to man-made blocks and
Vertical irregularities including uneven bricks (e.g., hollow concrete blocks, burnt clay
number of walls or columns in particular stories bricks and hollo clay tiles).
within a building shows soft story behaviour and
incur damage or total collapse initiated in the weak
story (Girgin & Yılmaz, 2010). Concrete buildings
built on sloping ground with columns of different
heights, these buildings are susceptible to damage
or collapse due to failure of the short columns.
Failure of these buildings is as a result of sudden
change in building seismic resistance at the point of
change in structural elements.
Discontinuities in components that are
expected to channel tremor loads from the structure
to the ground are relevant too. For instance,
structures are susceptible to damage or failure if
they have columns transferring loads to beams at
lower intermediate levels at which point they are
discontinued. Concrete buildings with
discontinuous reinforced concrete walls are
similarly susceptible to damage in occurrence of
earthquakes. When the discontinuity of the vertical Figure 6 Masonry infill adopted from (World
elements occurs at higher levels, the building faces Housing Encyclopedia, 2006)
higher chances of severe damage during
earthquakes of higher magnitudes (World Housing Reports from past earthquakes have
Encyclopedia, 2006). shown that concrete buildings masonry infill have
Structures with unpredictable shapes need performed poorly. Masonry infill presents a
normality/symmetry in design, which may bring challenge in design of earthquake resistant
about winding under seismic tremor shaking. For buildings and it negatively affects the seismic
instance, in a propped overhanging building the performance of concrete buildings. To incorporate
overhanging segment swings on the comparatively masonry infill in buildings, it should be carefully
slim pillars under it. It is vital to limit distortion of designed by a professional engineer to provide
a concrete buildings during tremors. Torsion causes bracing to the frame without failing. The infill
structural components at a similar floor level to masonry walls ought to be uniformly distributed
move on a level plane by various extents. Because within the building to provide a smooth and direct
of torsion, walls and columnson the most affected load paths (World Housing Encyclopedia, 2006).
parts undergo more damage (Girgin & Yılmaz, A few columns in reinforced
2010). concretebuildings might be significantly shorter as
compared to others in the same floor. Short
columns happen in structures built on an incline or

www.ijera.com DOI: 10.9790/9622-0810033441 37 | P a g e

Naser S. Almutairi Journal of Engineering Research and Application www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622 Vol. 8, Issue 10 (Part -III) Oct 2018, pp 34-41

in structures with mezzanine floors or space of shear failure(World Housing Encyclopedia,

sections that are included between two customary 2006).
floors. In past tremors, reinforced concreteframes When shaking occurs due to seismic activities two
withcolumns of differentheights in the same story building located too close to each other collide in
experienced more damage in the shorter columns an effect known as pounding. This occurs in
than in the taller columns situated on same floor. buildings of different heights where the roof of the
This is because short columns are stiffer, and shorter building pounds the mid height of columns
require a greaterloading to twist by a similar extent of the taller building during strong earthquakes.
as taller columns that are more elastic. This This may result to collapse or storey damage
higherload for the most part brings about a greater (Ehab, et al., November 2014).
damage to short columns (The Constructor, 2017).

Figure 8 Pounding in adjacent buildings adopted

from (World Housing Encyclopedia, 2006)
Figure 7 Short columns adopted from (World
Housing Encyclopedia, 2006) The most well-known kind of vertical
anomaly happens in structures that have an open
There is another uncommon circumstance ground story. An open ground story building has
in structures when the short-section impact masonry work infill walls and columns in the upper
happens. Consider a stone work mass of fractional stories however just columns in the ground story.
stature with a window above it. The upper part of Basically, these structures look as though they are
the section beside the window carries on as a short supported by chopsticks! Open ground story
column because of the nearness of the infill wall, structures have reliably indicated poor execution
which confines the development of the lower bit of amid past quakes over the world (Girgin & Yılmaz,
the column. These columns are referred to as 2010). In numerous examples, the upper part of an
captive columns since they are somewhat limited open ground story working (over the ground story
by infill walls. Much of the time, different columns level) moves as a solitary inflexible square; this
in a similar story are of normal height, as there are influences the building to behave like an inverted
no infill walls abutting them. At the point when the pendulum, with the ground story columns going
floor diaphragm moves on a level plane in about as the pendulum pole and whatever is left of
occurrence of a seismic tremor, the upper ends of the building going about as an unbending
all columns experience a similar relocation. Be that pendulum mass. As an outcome, expansive
as it may, the solid infill walls confine an equal developments happen locally in the ground story
movement of the lower parts of the captive alone, consequently actuating extensive damage in
columns, so the captive columnsdislodge by the sections amid a seismic tremor. Weak stories
everything over the short height of the adjoining can likewise happen in the moderate floors of a
the window opening. Then again, normal height building, and cause damage and fall at those levels
columns dislodge over the full height. Short (World Housing Encyclopedia, 2006).
columns attract larger seismic forces as compared
to normal columns because the effective height
over which they can twist is small, this results to
short columns sustaining more damage as a result

www.ijera.com DOI: 10.9790/9622-0810033441 38 | P a g e

Naser S. Almutairi Journal of Engineering Research and Application www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622 Vol. 8, Issue 10 (Part -III) Oct 2018, pp 34-41

These susceptible reinforced concrete

buildings have comparatively small column
dimensions as compared to beam dimensions as are
called strong beam – weak column buildings. From
past earthquakes reports failure of small section
weak columns has been reported around the world.
In case where complete failure doesn’t occur the
damage on the small weak columns is extensive
and not feasible to repair. These buildings are
therefore demolished to avoid catastrophic
consequences (PRASAD, 2018).

Figure 9 Soft and weak storey adopted from

(World Housing Encyclopedia, 2006)

The following two features are characteristic of

open ground story buildings:
 Relatively weak ground story as compared to
the stories above, i.e., the total horizontal
earthquake force (load) resisted at the ground
story level is significantly less than the stories
above (Girgin & Yılmaz, 2010). Thus, the
open ground story is a weak story.
 Comparatively feeble ground story in contrast Figure 10 Strong beam - weak column connections
with the stories above, i.e., the aggregate even adopted from (World Housing Encyclopedia, 2006)
quake compel (stack) opposed at the ground
story level is altogether not as much as the IV. RECOMMENDATIONS IN DESIGN
stories above (Chandradhara, 2018). In this AND CONSTRUCTION OF
way, the open ground story is a frail story. CONCRETE BUILDINGS
In a reinforced concrete frame building A building designed and constructed to be
subjected to earthquake ground shaking, seismic resistant to earthquakes should withstand minor
effects are transferred from beams to columns earthquakes without any structural damage, it
down to the foundations. Beam-to column should withstand moderate earthquake with
connections are also critical in ensuring satisfactory minimal structural damage and no failure and in an
seismic performance of these buildings. The event of severe earthquakes the building should fail
currently accepted approach for the seismic design with ample warning (Chandradhara, 2018).
of reinforced concrete frames is the so-called Four main attributes are necessary for a building to
strong column weakbeam approach (World perform well in occurrence of earthquakes which
Housing Encyclopedia, 2006). include: the form and shape of the building should
In a reinforced concrete building that has be simple and regular; the building should possess
experienced seismic ground movements, seismic sufficient lateral strength to withstand the lateral
impacts are transferred from beams to columns and seismic loads, stiffness in plan and elevation and
further down to the foundations. Beam to column ductility (PRASAD, 2018). Recommendations for
joints are vital in providing acceptable seismic design and construction of seismic resistant
performance in these concrete structures. The right buildings are listed below:
and acknowledged approach for the seismic design  Buildings should be constructed in areas with
of reinforced concrete structures is known as strong low risk to seismic activities as possible and
columns and weak beam approach (World Housing sites with soft and loose soil formations should
Encyclopedia, 2006). be avoided as much as possible.
Data collected on past historical earthquakes have  To produce earthquake durable designs and
shown that concrete buildings designed with weak constructions and avoid potential sources of
columns and strong beams experienced damage as danger the building design and construction
compared to concrete buildings design by strong should be made as simple as possible by
column - weak beams approach (PRASAD, 2018). avoiding slope at the building foundation level,

www.ijera.com DOI: 10.9790/9622-0810033441 39 | P a g e

Naser S. Almutairi Journal of Engineering Research and Application www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622 Vol. 8, Issue 10 (Part -III) Oct 2018, pp 34-41

avoiding abrupt asymmetric changes in earthquakes, quality of construction materials used

stiffness, avoiding designs and constructions in construction, level of technology adopted in
resulting to heavy top levels of the building construction, workmanship among
and long heavy cantilevers and complicated others.Seismicity decreases the stiffness and
building plans should be separated to produce ductility of concrete buildings and also results to
simple ground plans separated by seismic complete collapse in some cases. Pounding is
joints which can be replaced after occurrence common in adjacent buildings of different heights
of earthquakes. where the separation distance between is not
 Distribution of shear walls and frame elements sufficient, the shorter building crushes into the
should be made as symmetrical as possible to taller building leading to collapse.
increase the capacitance of those elements The effects of soft soils in Kuwait
against torsion vibrations as large as possible. including sandy and silty loose soils plays a major
Irregular ground plans should therefore be role in amplifying the levels of vibrations due to
avoided. seismic activities (SADEK, et al., August 1-6,
 Long slender buildings should be avoided. 2004)which have a greater effect on high-rise
 Ductility should be limited at the lower buildings.
building parts, this usually happens where the The state of Kuwait faces threat from
lower floors are left as open as possible for seismic activities originating locally from the oil
halls to be used as retail spaces, supermarkets, mining fields and from the neighbouring tectonic
banking, hospitals etc. and therefore the flow boundaries (Dr. Rabee, April 2015). Therefore, the
of infill walls as in the floors above is country should be prepared to face any future
interrupted. These practices increase the threats from severe earthquakes through carrying
ductility of the lower floors and therefore out elaborate studies on the seismic hazards facing
increases the chances of failure for the Kuwait, design and construction of earthquake
columns. resistant buildings and educating the community on
 Plastic articulations should never be placed in the best behaviour during and after earthquakes.
columns, these articulations absorb energy in
case of severe earthquakes making the REFERENCES
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Naser S. Almutairi "Effects Of Earthquakes On Concrete Buildings In Kuwait " 'International Journal
of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , vol. 8, no.10, 2018, pp 34-41

www.ijera.com DOI: 10.9790/9622-0810033441 41 | P a g e

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