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number of edges
Oeing, J., 2022. DEXPI2graph converter application [WWW Document]. URL (accessed 5.18.22).
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S. Fillinger, H. Bonart, W. Welscher, E. Esche, J.-U. Repke
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Fig. 6. Results of the training of following P&ID equipment with different RNN
Using artificial intelligence to support the drawing of piping and instrumentation
diagrams using DEXPI standard
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To better understand the modeling of plant topology by message passing GNNs, an
example is given in Fig. 7 that relates the aggregation of neighborhood information
to a snippet of a P&ID. The example shows the aggregation by a two-layer neural
network. Since the plant topology is to be learned, we focus in the following on
the equipment information, such as the classes of each component in the P&ID. Thus,
in a first step (k = 1), inferences can be made about the vessel based on the
information from the valve and the heat exchanger. In a second step (k = 2), a
valve's and a temperature sensor's information can be aggregated for the embedding
of the heat exchanger, while the valves´ embedding is influenced by the connected
drive and flow control.
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Aggregation Functions (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications)
Fig 4
Another option is to form the message via a set pooling approach (7), which is
similar to the aggregation of a Graph Isomorphism Network (GIN) (Xu et al., 2019).
According to Zaheer et al. (2017), this uses an
AI-based processing of P&IDs
Machine Learning : A Probabilistic Perspective
International Organization for Standardization
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In the following, the different RNN models are used and trained with the in chapter
2.2 generated P&ID graphs according to the presented workflow. The implementation
is done in Python using the keras library (Chollet, 2020). The "Adam" optimizer
(Kingma and Ba, 2014) is used for all trainings and the calculation of the loss is
performed by the "categorical cross entropy" (Murphy, 2012). The prediction
accuracy is used as an evaluation metric and is defined as follows.
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Fig 9
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Fig. 3. P&ID topology representing GraphML structure used for further training
IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 45 (1997), pp. 2673-2681, 10.1109/78.650093
Theißen and Wiedau, 2021
D.P. Kingma, J. Ba
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Deep Learning and Practice with MindSpore, Cognitive Intelligence and Robotics
Improving interoperability of engineering tools - data exchange in plant design
Proteus XML, 2017
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A comparative study for unsupervised network representation learning
Neural machine translation by jointly learning to align and translate
V. Turau, C. Weyer
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The need for data-driven modeling and optimization is growing in the process
industry due to increasing digitalization of processes and tools. Previous work
already shows an acceleration of process development by agent-based environments,
which can be understood as the first steps of intelligent process development
(Batres et al., 1997). Further work shows the potential for using intelligent
process information models by describing chemical plants and processes in terms of
a machine-readable format (e.g. colored petri nets), which enables accessibility
for deterministic algorithms (Zhao et al., 2005). This paper aims to develop
applications that accelerate the development of P&IDs using artificial intelligence
(AI). This requires an accelerated development and application of standardized and
machine-readable file exchange formats to ensure a sufficiently large and highly
available database for the application of AI in P&ID development. In the field of
P&IDs, the DEXPI (Data Exchange in Process Industry) standard is becoming
increasingly popular., as it enables the uniform description of P&IDs and ensures
the vendor-independent exchange of information (Theißen and Wiedau, 2021). At the
same time, DEXPI provides the possibility to be used as a platform for digital
plant data in process industry (Wiedau et al., 2019), which can significantly
reduce the development time of chemical and biotechnological production plants.
Additionally, interoperability increases due to the continuous integration of DEXPI
into existing engineering software (Fillinger et al., 2017).
Fig. 9. Results of the node classification in a P&ID graph via recursive GNN
grouped by the applied aggregation functions.
Hamilton, 2020
Tables (1)
MIT Press, Cambridge (2012)
Graph-based P&ID formats are a promising way to improve machine readability of
important process information. The standardized DEXPI format, which is defined and
will be improved continuously by the DEXPI Initiative, is able to store the
topology of process plants as well as all apparatus specifications in a structured
way and make them available in a machine-interpretable manner. This standardization
enables the retrieval of information and a simple application of AI models. Thus,
in addition to the possible accessibility of P&ID data, two approaches have been
presented in this work, which make it possible to recognize patterns in P&IDs and
use AI to help support and increase efficiency in P&ID synthesis. First, P&ID
graphs are decomposed into sequences, and subsequent components can be predicted
based on the drawn partial structure by RNNs. In this regard, high accuracies were
achieved and, in particular the use of AI-based suggestion algorithms was
quantified. On the other hand, the use of GNNs allows for learning correlations in
plant topologies. In the present case, existing components were classified into
P&IDs for a consistency check. In this case, too, good results were achieved in a
first feasibility analysis with a recursive GNN and the data basis is expandable
for the application of AI. However, further fields of application for GNNs are
possible. For example, the prediction of connections is possible, e.g. pipelines,
signal lines, as well as the detection of subgraph structures which could help to
automatically detect functional equipment assemblies (as a part of the engineering
of modular plants).
Results – node prediction
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and CONCAT concatenates the individually calculated aggregations of each node.
International Organization for Standardization, 2012b. ISO 10209, technical product
documentation – vocabulary – terms relating to technical drawings, product
definition and related documentation. Geneva.
Check valves 60
Journals & Books
Fig. 5. Workflow of an RNN-based model for predicting subsequent equipment in P&IDs
Table 1. Higher level node classes and their quantity in the training dataset.
The sequential node prediction can be divided into three parts and its workflow is
shown in Fig. 5.
GraphML Project Group 2017
Tandoh Henry, Yi Cao
M. Zaheer, S. Kottur, S. Ravanbakhsh, B. Poczos, R. Salakhutdinov, A. Smola
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or
personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in
this paper.
is defined (Bahdanau et al., 2014; Hamilton, 2020). In the context of this work, a
softmax approach (9) is used to calculate the weight factor
AI-based suggestions can be used to speed up the process of drawing P&IDs. A
sequence of drawn and connected components is used to learn their course with the
help of an RNN. Recurrent neural networks are neural networks that can model time
series (or in this case linearly structured sequences) in training data based on
their structure (Hu and Balasubramaniam, 2008). Based on the learned correlations,
a node prediction is carried out, which returns the most probable subsequent P&ID
components based on an input sequence. The workflow of the modeling is explained in
more detail in the following.
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The first step is sampling, during which the graph with its networked structure of
nodes and edges is sequentially transformed into linear input data. These input
data consist of a list of contiguous nodes, which contain the interconnected graph
in linear representations. In the sampling process, all possible turns based on the
number of output edges are made at branches to obtain a reliable representation of
all node interconnections via random walks (Grover and Leskovec, 2016). The
sampling is performed with the function randomBiasedWalk, which is part of the
Python library StellarGraph (package: / version:
v1.0.0rc1) (StellarGraph, 2020). The random biased walk requires four input
parameters. The number of walks defines how many walks are generated from each node
in the graph. The walk length specifies how many nodes are considered per walk.
Important special features of the biased random walk are the return hyperparameter
p and the in-out hyperparameter q, which guide the walk. Thus, 1/p defines the
probability of reversing the sampling direction during the random walk, while 1/q
describes the probability of discovering new nodes in the graph. In this way, the
depth of the search can specifically be controlled (Grover and Leskovec, 2016).
Since the generated samples should represent a clean and linear section of the
plant topology, the parameters must be chosen in a way that the random walk jumps
back as rarely as possible and continuously explores new paths. In this respect,
previous investigations have shown that convincing results can be achieved with
values of p = 1000 and q = 1. Smaller values of p, lead to an undesired probability
of sampling against the flow direction. The sequential samples represent the actual
training data for AI modeling and have a previously defined length l. They are
divided in such a way that the first l-1 entries represent the input sequence x,
while the entries at position l are the corresponding output y. The dataset used in
this work is composed of a total of 4923 sequences, each consisting of six nodes.
For validation, 20 % of the data set are randomly retained as a test set. The
remaining 80% are used to train the RNN.
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Digital Chemical Engineering
Sequential node prediction using recurrent neural networks
Grabisch et al., 2009
Show abstract
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A. Gulli, S. Pal
2022, arXiv
Heat exchangers 86
open access
Fig 6
Chem. Ing. Tech., 93 (2021), pp. 2105-2115, 10.1002/cite.202100203
message of an aggregated neighborhood of a node in a graph
arbitrary node u of a graph
An agent-based environment for operational design
Vessels 75
M. Grabisch, J.-L. Marichal, R. Mesiar, E. Pap
M. Schuster, K.K. Paliwal
arbitrary node in the neighborhood of node u
International Electrotechnical Commission 2016
Workflow - GNN node classification
Chollet, F., 2020. Keras API - documentation vers. 2.4.0 [WWW Document]. URL (accessed 2.20.22).
Comput. Chem. Eng., 21 (1997), pp. S71-S76, 10.1016/S0098-1354(97)87481-9
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RELX group home page
Packt Publishing, Birmingham (2017)
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Fig 3
The workflow of the node classification is shown in Fig. 8. First, all nodes of all
P&ID graphs in the used dataset are divided into a training dataset (80%) and a
test dataset (20%) using a mask. The neural network is then provided with
information about the topology of the graph, as well as attributes of the nodes and
edges, e.g. equipment class, connection type, etc… From this information, the
network generates an embedding for each node and the predicted node class. This is
compared with the real node class and the error is reduced via backpropagation.
After the training is finished, the trained network can be used for node
classification of unseen data (nodes).
Xiaochi Zhou, …, Markus Kraft
Graph neural networks: a review of methods and applications
Adam: a method for stochastic optimization
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K.P. Murphy
The accuracy is calculated by dividing the sum of true positive (TP) and true
negative (TN) by the sum of true positive (TP), true negative (TN), false positive
(FP) and false negative (FN). The computations were done on an Intel® Xeon® W-2155
(3.31 GHz) CPU in combination with 128 GB RAM. The results are shown below in Fig.
6. The training accuracy and validation accuracy are shown. In addition, the
accuracy5 indicates the correctness, with which the real output of the validation
dataset is predicted, when the five most probable outputs are returned. This score
is of particular interest to investigate whether the trained models are suitable
for a suggestion system that can be used, for example, in a drop-down menu to speed
up the drawing process of P&IDs. Furthermore, both the calculated loss and the
training and validation accuracy over 60 epochs as well as the training time needed
to calculate the 60 epochs are given.
Recurrent Neural Networks
Fig. 1. Use cases of artificial intelligence to accelerate and improve the
synthesis of P&IDs.
Fig 8
How powerful are graph neural networks?
stands for the embedding of a node u at iteration step k. UPDATE and AGGREGATE are
arbitrary, differentiable functions, where the aggregation of the neighborhood N(u)
of node u represents the actual "message" m. The parameter k defines the number of
iterations, at which the message passing proceeds, thus represents the number of
hidden layers of the GNN. Since the aggregation of the neighborhood information
must be independent of the order, it is important that the AGGREGATION is a
permutation-invariant function. Based on the embedding for each iteration step k, a
final embedding for each node u can subsequently be determined using a final layer
(Hamilton, 2020).
CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Hu, 2008
Xu et al., 2019
Khosla et al., 2020
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Towards a systematic data harmonization to enable AI application in the process
Synth. Lect. Artif. Intell. Mach. Learn., 14 (2020), pp. 1-159,
The design and engineering of piping and instrumentation diagrams (P&ID) is a very
time-consuming and labor-intensive process. Although P&IDs show common patterns
that could be reused during development, the drawing is usually created manually
and built up from scratch for each process. The aim of this paper is to recognize
these patterns with the help of artificial intelligence (AI) and to make them
available for the development and the drawing process of P&IDs. In order to achieve
this, P&ID data is made accessible for AI applications through the DEXPI format,
which is a machine-readable, manufacturer-independent exchange standard for P&IDs.
It is demonstrated how deep learning models trained with DEXPI P&ID data can
support the engineering as well as drawing of P&IDs and therefore decrease labor
time and costs. This is achieved by assisted prediction of equipment in P&IDs based
on recurrent neural networks as well as consistency checks based on graph neural
Zhao et al., 2005
In the following, several P&IDs in the standardized DEXPI format are used as
training data, which were exported using the program PlantEngineer from the
software vendor X-Visual Technologies GmbH and converted to graphs in GraphML
format (GraphML Project Group, 2017) according to chapter 2.1. In total, 35 P&ID
graphs from third parties (laboratory and industrial plants) with 1641 nodes and
1410 edges are used. The data set contains 92 different equipment classes (valves,
pumps, vessels, instrumentation, etc.) based on the DEXPI specifications (Theißen
and Wiedau, 2021) and has three different classes of edges (pipes, signal lines,
process connection lines). The ratio of nodes/edges shows that, as expected for
P&IDs, these are very linear graphs with rather low connectivity structures. At a
closer look there are usually many single nodes along a pipeline (e.g. valves,
vessels, pumps, heat exchangers, measuring points, etc.) which results in a kind of
dead ends. Additionally, some P&IDs show inconsistencies in their drawn structures,
which in some cases lead to isolated nodes or several, smaller graphs. However,
these inconsistencies were deliberately included in the data set, as the data is
intended to represent the current state of machine-readable P&IDs in the process
industry to obtain representative results. The influence of the inconsistencies on
the results is examined in more detail in chapter 4.
Neural Comput., 9 (1997), pp. 1735-1780, 10.1162/neco.1997.9.8.1735
M. Wiedau, L. von Wedel, H. Temmen, R. Welke, N. Papakonstantinou
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Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2009), 10.1017/CBO9781139644150
Valves 1034
A. Grover, J. Leskovec
International Organization for Standardization, 2013. ISO 15926-2 - industrial
automation systems and integration – integration of life-cycle data for process
plants including oil and gas production facilities – part 2: data model. Beuth
Verlag, Geneva.
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Preprocessing – DEXPI-2-graph
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Fig 10
C. Zhao, M. Bhushan, V. Venkatasubramanian
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Proceedings of the ICLR (2014), p. 2015
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Deep sets
Fig. 3. P&ID topology representing GraphML structure used for further training.
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To make the structure of the P&ID available for further processing, the respective
DEXPI file of the P&ID is converted into a graph using Python. The plant topology
of the P&ID, including parameters relevant for modeling, is stored in a directed
graph in the form of a GraphML file (GraphML Project Group, 2017). A directed
graph, per definition, consists of a set N of nodes and a set E of edges. The edges
are directed, meaning that each edge is defined by ordered pairs of nodes (start
and end node) (Turau and Weyer, 2015). The P&ID to be processed is stored in the
DEXPI format, which is based on a Proteus XML schema (Proteus XML, 2017) and
contains three levels of information relevant for topology extraction. The
Equipment, which contains a listing of the components present in the P&ID. The
PipingNetworkSystem, which describes the piping system and the interconnections
between the various equipment, and the PipingComponents, which contain components
embedded in the piping system, like valves. The classes of equipment and components
are uniquely defined in DEXPI via the EquipmentClass and ComponentClass.
Furthermore, the InstrumentationFunction provides information about process control
equipment (PCE) and their connections. Fig. 2 shows the procedure used to convert
the P&ID via Python.
Digital Chemical Engineering
weight by which the features of nodes influence each other
Separation units 15
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Further opportunities are safety assessment and HAZOP studies, where machine-
readable HAZOP scenarios could be mapped to graph-based plant topologies using
search algorithms. Furthermore, in future a possible detection of subgraphs in
P&IDs i.e. functional equipment assemblies could facilitate the mapping between PFD
simulations based on unit operations and P&IDs. This could provide the foundation
for automated generation of PFD simulations from a DEXPI plant topology.
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Conclusion & outlook
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Fillinger et al., 2017
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embedding/feature of a node u
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Original Article
K. Xu, W. Hu, J. Leskovec, S. Jegelka
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Workflow – node prediction
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Table 1
Author links open overlay panelJonas Oeing a, Wolfgang Welscher b, Niclas Krink b,
Lars Jansen a, Fabian Henke a, Norbert Kockmann a
N.K. Manaswi
Zaheer et al., 2017
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E. Strubell, A. Ganesh, A. McCallum
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List of symbols
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GraphML Project Group, 2017. GraphML specification [WWW Document]. URL (accessed 2.10.22).
ArXiv ID 1412.6980
Proceedings of the ICLR (2014), p. 2015
In the second step, the structure of the node sequences is learned with the aid of
recurrent neural networks (RNN). For this purpose, four different approaches are
used: a simple RNN (Chen, 2021), a Bidirectional RNN (BRNN) (Schuster and Paliwal,
1997), a Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) (Cho et al., 2014) as well as a Long-short-
term memory (LSTM) (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997). An RNN, as shown in Fig. 5,
has an input layer, a hidden layer, and an output layer. The RNN represents a
replication of a neural network with the same dimensions. For each replication, a
state is transferred to the next layer. In this way it is possible to learn local
relationships in the sequences. Basically, RNNs have a disadvantage that should not
be underestimated. The training of weights by more distant information is
difficult, since their errors explode or diminish during the backpropagation.
(Chen, 2021) To get around this there are further possibilities such as the use of
BRNNs. These take into account future information in addition to previous
information to increase the accuracy (Schuster and Paliwal, 1997). Another option
is the use of GRUs or LSTMs. Both consists of single cells and using cell states
and gates to decide which information will be processed and which forgotten. This
allows to get the behavior of a short-term memory. GRUs consist of a reset and
update gate (Chen, 2021; Cho et al., 2014). A LSTM uses one input, one output, and
one forget gate. The gates control the information flow and decide, which
information is necessary to make a prediction. A kind of short-term memory is
created, which also gives the network its name (Chen, 2021; Hochreiter and
Schmidhuber, 1997). Both the GRU and the LSTM are used in state-of-the-art deep
learning applications. GRUs have fewer tensor operations, which leads to faster
training. For this reason, they are used for modeling in this paper to investigate
which of them leads to better results for predicting P&ID equipment based on
sequential data.
DEXPI is a machine-readable P&ID exchange format under development by the DEXPI
Initiative. The initiative consists of owner operators, engineering, procurement &
construction companies, software vendors and research institutions. The latest data
model and the associated DEXPI specification 1.3 (Theißen and Wiedau, 2021) were
published in 2021. Within the specification, different international standards for
the description of engineering relevant data for P&IDs are combined (e.g. ISO 15926
(International Organization for Standardization, 2013), ISO 10628 (International
Organization for Standardization, 2012a), IEC 62424 (International Electrotechnical
Commission, 2016), ISO 10209 (International Organization for Standardization,
2012b). In particular, these include plant breakout structures, instrumentation,
properties of equipment and components, and piping topology. The DEXPI information
model is already offered by some manufacturers and is exchangeable via a Proteus
XML schema (Proteus XML, 2017). At the same time, DEXPI provides the possibility to
be used as a platform for digital plant data in process industry (Wiedau et al.,
2019), which can significantly reduce the development time of chemical and
biotechnological production plants. Additionally, interoperability increases due to
the continuous integration of DEXPI into existing engineering software (Fillinger
et al., 2017). The uniform and machine-readable format as well as the increasing
acceptance of the DEXPI format in the process industry improve the potential for
the application in the field of data science and allow the application of
artificial intelligence (Wiedau et al., 2021).
Cho et al., 2014
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As mentioned before, the information from the P&ID is interpreted in the form of a
graph. This makes it possible to store the relationships between components and the
topology in an unambiguous and machine-interpretable way. However, to learn the
graph structure as a whole and to solve tasks such as node classification, edge
classification or link predictions, machine learning methods of graph analysis are
required that can deal with non-Euclidean data structures such as graphs. The
modeling of graph structures is particularly interesting in the field of P&ID
engineering. By learning connections (e.g. piping, signal lines, …) or components
(e.g. valves, equipment, …) based on their neighborhood with the help of AI, it
will be possible in the future to perform consistency checks in P&IDs and detect
errors in P&IDs. This could reduce the amount of time for drawing P&IDs, which will
shorten the time for developing a plants documentation. To achieve this goal, Graph
Neural Networks can be used for modeling Graph Neural Networks (GNN) can be used
for modelling, which have become increasingly important in recent years (Zhou et
al., 2020). A GNN is based on a message passing algorithm that aggregates arbitrary
information from the neighborhood of a node, which will convolve the graph
(Hamilton, 2020). In general, the message passing of a GNN is analogous to the
Weisfeiler-Lehman algorithm to test the isomorphism of two graphs (Weisfeiler and
Leman, 1968), which was introduced in 1968 and in which information is aggregated
from the neighborhood of each node.
W.L. Hamilton, R. Ying, J. Leskovec
Process control equipment (PCE) 547
International Organization for Standardization (2012)
Fig. 4. GUI of the DEXPI-2-graph converter
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2022, arXiv
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It appears that the classes have an uneven distribution, which is unavoidable since
this data set is a representative cross-section of all components in a process
plant. In the context of this work, it is important to investigate to what extent
the unequal distribution of training data will affect the results of the
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Digital Chemical Engineering, Volume 2, 2022, Article 100010
Modified smith predictor for slug control with large valve stroke time in unstable
Chem. Ing. Tech., 91 (2019), pp. 240-255, 10.1002/cite.201800112
Springer, Singapore, Singapore (2021), 10.1007/978-981-16-2233-5
Fig. 10. Normalized confusion matrix of the recursive GNN with sum aggregation for
the test data set.
To verify the feasibility, a node classification based on a GraphSAGE model is
applied in the following. GraphSAGE (Hamilton, 2020; Hamilton et al., 2017; Khosla
et al., 2020) is a GNN, which is characterized by a good generalization for unseen
structures in graphs (Hamilton et al., 2017), which makes it particularly suitable
for the currently small amount of machine-readable P&ID data. A challenging aspect
is that GraphSAGE aggregates information of all nodes including the target node.
This becomes a problem if the equipment class is part of the aggregated features,
since the own equipment class is aggregated. This inevitably leads to an accuracy
of 100%, too, since the GNN can read the information in the node. In the case of a
consistency check, this does not make sense, since the information is available but
must not serve as input for the network, since this is what is to be checked.
Hence, it is essential that the features of the target node are not aggregated, but
only their neighborhood. The remedy is a recursive neural network, which was
modified from the GraphSAGE algorithm. For this purpose, a calculation rule (3) is
used, which considers in a case distinction whether information of a node should be
included for aggregation. Mathematically the variation can be described as follows,
where in contrast to the classical GraphSAGE (Hamilton et al., 2017) it has to be
recognized that the model determines the embedding from the starting parameter
PHASuite: an automated HAZOP Analysis tool for chemical processes
R. Batres, M.L. Lu, Y. Naka
Piping equipment 41
a weight factor
© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Institution of Chemical
Engineers (IChemE).
Graph representation learning
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Node class Quantity
Pumps 69
Declaration of Competing Interest
Turau and Weyer, 2015