BV Rules Criteria

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Pt A, Ch 2, App 3



1 General 1.2 Scope of the Appendix

1.2.1 Separate Articles below provide the following infor-
1.1 Aim of the Appendix
1.1.1 Thickness measurements are a major part of surveys • references to rule requirements and some additional
to be carried out for the maintenance of class, and the anal- information on the extent of the thickness measure-
ysis of these measurements is a prominent factor in the ments to be performed during surveys according to
determination and extent of the repairs and renewals of the types of ships and related surveys (see [2])
ship’s structure. • locations of the measurements for the main parts of the
ship (see [3])
1.1.2 The Appendix is intended to provide Owners, com- • how to analyse the results of thickness measurements
panies performing thickness measurements and the Soci- (see [4]).
ety’s Surveyors with a uniform means with a view to
fulfilling Rule requirements for thickness measurements. In Tables and sketches are also given to detail the above points
particular, it will enable all the above-mentioned parties to according to the types of ships.
carry out:
• the planning and preparation 2 Rule requirements for the extent of
• the determination of extent and location, and measurements
• the analysis
of the thickness measurements in cooperation. 2.1 General
1.1.3 It is to be noted that this Appendix also takes into 2.1.1 For the maintenance of class, thickness measure-
account specific requirements for thickness measurements ments may be required during annual, intermediate and
relevant to close-up surveys of ships which are subject to class renewal surveys.
the Enhanced Survey Program (ESP). Tab 1 gives the references to the requirements for minimum
1.1.4 This Appendix is also to be used for the thickness thickness measurements indicated in Part A, Chapter 3 and
measurements of ships assigned the notation VerisSTAR- Part A, Chapter 4 for each service notation and related to
HULL SIS (see Ch 5, Sec 2 and Part E, Chapter 1). However, the different types of surveys.
the acceptance criteria for thickness measurements specific Some additional explanations are also given about the
to this notation are given in Pt E, Ch 1, Sec 1 which refers to wording used in the Rules as well as the general principles
Ch 2, App 3 or Pt E, Ch 1, App 2 for items as deemed of the required thickness measurements during class
appropriate by the Society. renewal surveys.

Table 1 : References to rule requirements related to thickness measurements


all Ch 3, Sec 3, [2.5] and Ch 3, Sec 3, Ch 3, Sec 2, Tab 1: thickness meas- Ch 3, Sec 1, [2.1.2]: areas of sub-
service notations Tab 3: systematic measurements urements to be taken if deemed nec- stantial corrosion identified at pre-
except those and suspect areas essary by the Surveyor vious surveys
in other rows Where substantial corrosion is Where substantial corrosion is Where substantial corrosion is
found, the extent of thickness found, the extent of thickness meas- found, the extent of thickness
measurements may be increased urements may be increased to the measurements may be increased to
to the Surveyor’s satisfaction, using Surveyor’s satisfaction, using Ch 3, the Surveyor’s satisfaction, using
Ch 3, Sec 3, Tab 4 as guidance Sec 3, Tab 4 as guidance Ch 3, Sec 3, Tab 4 as guidance

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bulk carrier ESP Ch 4, Sec 2, [4.1] and Ch 4, Sec 2, • Ships 10 years of age or less: Ch 4, Sec 2, Tab 1 and Ch 4, Sec
bulk carrier BC-A ESP [4.6]: planning and general Ch 4, Sec 2, Tab 3 and Ch 4, Sec 2, Tab 2 for cargo holds and when
bulk carrier BC-B ESP requirements 2, Tab 5 for cargo holds deemed necessary by the Surveyor
bulk carrier BC-C ESP Ch 4, Sec 2, Tab 8 and Ch 4, Sec 2, Ch 4, Sec 2, Tab 4 and Ch 4, Sec Ch 4, Sec 2, [2.3] for salt ballast
ore carrier ESP Tab 9: measurements of elements 2, Tab 6 for salt water ballast tanks and when deemed neces-
combination carrier/ subjected to close-up survey tanks sary by the Surveyor
OBO ESP Ch 4, Sec 2, Tab 11: extent of sys- Ch 4, Sec 2, Tab 12 to Ch 4, Sec Ch 4, Sec 2, Tab 12 to Ch 4, Sec 2,
combination carrier/ tematic thickness measurements 2, Tab 20, according to the dif- Tab 20, according to the different
OOC ESP Ch 4, Sec 2, Tab 12 to Ch 4, Sec 2, ferent locations, where substan- locations, where substantial corro-
Tab 20, according to the different tial corrosion is found sion is found
locations, where substantial corro- • Ships over 10 years of age:
sion is found see references given for class
renewal survey
oil tanker ESP Ch 4, Sec 3, [6.1] and Ch 4, Sec 3, • Ships 10 years of age or less: Ch 4, Sec 3, [2.3] limited to salt
combination carrier/ [6.5]: planning and general Ch 4, Sec 3, [4.2] for salt ballast ballast tanks and when deemed
OBO ESP requirements tanks necessary by the Surveyor
combination carrier/ Ch 4, Sec 3, Tab 1 and Ch 4, Sec 3, Ch 4, Sec 3, Tab 4 and Ch 4, Sec Ch 4, Sec 3, Tab 4 and Ch 4, Sec
OOC ESP Tab 2: measurements of elements 3, Tab 5, according to the differ- 3, Tab 5, according to the different
subjected to close-up survey ent locations, where substantial locations, where substantial corro-
Ch 4, Sec 3, Tab 3: extent of sys- corrosion is found sion is found
tematic thickness measurements • Ships over 10 years of age:
Ch 4, Sec 3, Tab 4 and Ch 4, Sec 3, see references given for class
Tab 5, according to the different renewal survey
locations, where substantial corro-
sion is found
chemical tanker ESP Ch 4, Sec 4, [6.1] and Ch 4, Sec 4, • Ships 10 years of age or less: Ch 4, Sec 4, [2.3] limited to salt
[6.5]: planning and general Ch 4, Sec 4, [4.2] for salt ballast ballast tanks and when deemed
requirements tanks necessary by the Surveyor
Ch 4, Sec 4, Tab 1: measurements Ch 4, Sec 4, Tab 4: according to Ch 4, Sec 4, Tab 4: according to
of elements subjected to close-up the different locations, where the different locations, where sub-
survey substantial corrosion is found stantial corrosion is found
Ch 4, Sec 4, Tab 3: extent of sys- • Ships over 10 years of age:
tematic thickness measurements
see references given for class
Ch 4, Sec 4, Tab 4: according to renewal survey
the different locations, where sub-
stantial corrosion is found
liquefied gas carrier Ch 4, Sec 5, [6.2], Ch 4, Sec 5, Ch 4, Sec 5, Tab 1: thickness meas- Ch 4, Sec 5, [2.5.2] limited to salt
[6.3.2] and Ch 4, Sec 5, [6.5]: urements to be taken if deemed nec- ballast tanks and when deemed
planning and general requirements essary by the Surveyor necessary by the Surveyor
Ch 4, Sec 5, Tab 2: measurements Where substantial corrosion is Where substantial corrosion is
of elements subjected to close-up found, the extent of thickness meas- found, the extent of thickness
survey urements may be increased to the measurements may be increased
Ch 4, Sec 5, Tab 3: extent of sys- Surveyor’s satisfaction, using Ch 3, to the Surveyor’s satisfaction,
tematic thickness measurements Sec 3, Tab 4 as guidance using Ch 3, Sec 3, Tab 4 as guid-
Where substantial corrosion is ance
found, the extent of thickness
measurements may be increased
to the Surveyor’s satisfaction, using
Ch 3, Sec 3, Tab 4 as guidance
general cargo ship Ch 4, Sec 7, [4.1], Ch 4, Sec 7, • Ships 15 years of age or less: Ch 4, Sec 7, Tab 1 for cargo holds
[4.2] and Ch 4, Sec 7, [4.5]: plan- Ch 4, Sec 7, Tab 2 for cargo when deemed necessary by the
ning and general requirements holds Surveyor or where extensive cor-
Ch 4, Sec 7, Tab 4: measurements Ch 4, Sec 7, Tab 3 for salt water rosion exists
of elements subjected to close-up ballast spaces Ch 4, Sec 7, [2.4] for ballast tanks
survey Ch 4, Sec 7, Tab 6, where sub- when deemed necessary by the
Ch 4, Sec 7, Tab 5: extent of sys- stantial corrosion is found Surveyor or where extensive cor-
tematic thickness measurements rosion exists
• Ships over 15 years of age:
Where substantial corrosion is Ch 4, Sec 7, Tab 6 where substan-
see references given for class tial corrosion is found
found, the extent of thickness renewal survey
measurements may be increased
to the Surveyor’s satisfaction, using
Ch 4, Sec 7, Tab 6 as guidance

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2.2 Class renewal survey: all ships except Due to the various designs of the other ship types, figures
those submitted to ESP or equivalent are not given to cover all the different cases. However, the
figures provided here may be used as guidance for ships
2.2.1 The thickness measurements required by the Rules other than those illustrated.
consist of:
• systematic thickness measurements, i.e. measurements 4 Acceptance criteria for thickness
of different parts of the structure, in order to assess the
overall and local strength of the ship
• measurements of suspect areas as defined in Ch 2, Sec
2, [2.2.11] 4.1 General
• additional measurements on areas determined as affected
4.1.1 Acceptance criteria stipulate limits of wastage which
by substantial corrosion as defined in Ch 2, Sec 2,
are to be taken into account for reinforcements, repairs or
renewals of steel structure. These limits are generally
expressed for each structural item as a maximum percent-
2.3 Class renewal survey: ships submitted age of acceptable wastage (W). When the maximum per-
to ESP or equivalent centage of wastage is indicated, the minimum acceptable
thickness (tmin) is that resulting from applying this percent-
2.3.1 The thickness measurements required by the Rules age to the rule thickness (trule), according to the following
consist of: formula:
• systematic thickness measurements in order to assess
t min =  1 – ---------- t rule
the overall and local strength of the ship W
 100
• thickness measurements as indicated in the program of
close-up survey However, when the rule thickness is not available, the as-
• measurements of elements considered as suspect areas built thickness can be used.
as defined in Ch 2, Sec 2, [2.2.11] Only for criteria related to an item (see [4.3.4] b), the Soci-
• additional measurements on areas determined as ety may establish a list of renewal thicknesses tailored to the
affected by substantial corrosion as defined in Ch 2, Sec different structural items. In such a case these thicknesses
2, [2.2.7]. are used in lieu of the minimum thicknesses calculated
from the percentage of wastage.
2.3.2 For the determination of close-up surveys and rele-
vant thickness measurements as well as the areas consid- Note 1: In any case, at the request of the Owner, the Society may
perform a direct calculation based on the current measurements.
ered as suspect areas, reference is to be made to the
relevant Sections of Part A, Chapter 4 according to the dif-
4.1.2 In cases where the ship has some structural elements
ferent service notations of the ships.
with reduced wear margins (e.g. due to ship conversion,
increase of draught), the minimum acceptable thickness for
3 Number and locations of these elements is to be calculated with reference to the rule
measurements scantlings without taking account of any reduction origi-
nally agreed.
3.1 General
4.1.3 Decisions on steel renewals are taken by the attend-
3.1.1 Considering the extent of thickness measurements as ing Surveyor applying the criteria given in this Article and
required by the Rules and indicated in [2], the locations of based on his judgment and the actual condition of the ship.
the points to be measured are given here for the most Should advice be needed to support his decision, the Sur-
important items of the structure. Thus the number of points veyor may refer to the relevant technical office of the Soci-
can be estimated. ety.
Note 1: This Article applies to ships built under the Common Struc-
tural Rules as well as ships not built under the Common Structural 4.2 Criteria
Rules, as specified.
4.2.1 The acceptance criteria for the minimum thicknesses
3.2 Locations of points are divided into:
• criteria on local and global strength, given in [4.3]
3.2.1 Tab 2 provides explanations and/or interpretations for
the application of those requirements indicated in the Rules • criteria on buckling strength, given in [4.4]
which refer to both systematic thickness measurements • criteria on pitting, given in [4.5].
related to the calculation of global hull girder strength and
specific measurements connected to close-up surveys. 4.2.2 Each measured structural item is to be checked
Figures are also given to facilitate the explanations and/or against these four criteria, as far as applicable. When the
interpretations given in the table. These figures show typical criteria are not met, reinforcements, repairs and renewals
arrangements of cargo ships, bulk carriers and oil tankers. are to be carried out as appropriate.

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Table 2 : Interpretations of rule requirements for the locations and number of points to be measured

Selected plates on deck, tank top, “Selected” means at least a single point on one out of No figure
bottom, double bottom and wind- three plates, to be chosen on representative areas of
and-water (for all ship types average corrosion
including CSR ships)
All deck, tank top and bottom At least two points on each plate to be taken either at No figure
plates and wind-and-water strakes each 1/4 extremity of plate or at representative areas of
(for all ship types including CSR average corrosion
Transverse section (for all ship Refer to the definition given in Ch 2, Sec 2, [2.2.5] Fig 1 for general cargo ships
types including CSR ships) One point to be taken on each plate. Both web and Fig 2 for bulk carriers including CSR
flange to be measured on longitudinals, if applicable (for bulk carriers
CSR double hull oil tankers) Fig 3 for oil tankers
For tankers older than 10 years of age: Fig 15 for CSR double hull oil tankers
within 0,1D (where D is the ship’s moulded depth) of the For other ship types, see [3.2.1]
deck and bottom at each transverse section to be meas-
ured, every longitudinal and girder is to be measured on
the web and face plate, and every plate is to be meas-
ured at one point between longitudinals (for CSR double
hull oil tankers)
All cargo hold hatch covers and Including plates and stiffeners (for CSR single skin and Fig 4 for ships fitted with hold hatch
coamings (for all ship types except double skin bulk carriers) covers and coamings
CSR double hull oil tankers)
Bulkheads on ships other than “Selected bulkheads” means at least 50% of the bulk- Fig 5 for general cargo ships. It may
bulk carriers, oil tankers, chemical heads also apply to other ship types (see
tankers, liquefied gas carriers and [3.2.1])
CSR ships (for these ships refer to
Selected internal structure such as The internal structural items to be measured in each Fig 6 for general cargo ships. It may
floors and longitudinals, transverse space internally surveyed are to be at least 20% within also apply to other ship types (see
frames, web frames, deck beams, the cargo area and 10% outside the cargo area [3.2.1])
‘tweendecks, girders (for all ship
types other than CSR ships)
Transverse section of deck plating Two single points on each deck plate (to be taken either No figure
outside line of cargo hatch open- at each 1/4 extremity of plate or at representative areas
ings (for bulk carriers, ore carriers, of average corrosion) between the ship sides and hatch
combination carriers and CSR sin- coamings in the transverse section concerned
gle skin bulk carriers)
Transverse rings (1) in cargo and At least two points on each plate in a staggered pattern Fig 16 for CSR double hull oil tankers
ballast tanks (for CSR double hull and two points on the corresponding flange where appli-
oil tankers) cable. Minimum 4 points on the first plate below deck.
Additional points in way of curved parts. At least one
point on each of two stiffeners between stringers / longi-
tudinal girders
One section of deck plating for the Two single points on each deck plate (to be taken either No figure
full beam of the ship within the at each 1/4 extremity of plate or at representative areas
cargo area (for oil tankers, chemi- of average corrosion) in the transverse section concerned
cal tankers and liquefied gas carri-
ers, other than CSR ships)
All deck plating and underdeck «All deck plating» means at least two points on each Fig 10 for CSR single skin and double
structure inside line of hatch open- plate to be taken either at each 1/4 extremity of plate or skin bulk carriers
ings between cargo hold hatches at representative areas of average corrosion. “Under Extent of areas is shown in Ch 4, Sec
(for CSR single skin and double deck structure”: at each short longitudinal girder: three 2, Fig 1 and Ch 4, Sec 2, Fig 3
skin bulk carriers) points for web plating (fwd/middle/aft), single point for
face plate, one point for web plating and one point for
face plating of transverse beam in way. At each ends of
transverse beams, one point for web plating and one
point for face plating

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B) CLOSE-UP SURVEYS AND RELATED MEASUREMENTS (oil tankers, chemical tankers, liquefied gas carriers and combination carriers)
Web frame ring Refer to the definition given in Ch 4, Sec 3, Tab 1 Extent of areas is shown as  in Ch 4,
(for oil tankers and combination “Adjacent structural members” means plating and stiff- Sec 3, Fig 1
carriers other than CSR ships) eners of deck, bottom, double bottom, sides and longitu- Locations of points are given in Fig 13
dinal bulkheads in the vicinity of the web frame ring
Transverse section Refer to the definitions given in Ch 4, Sec 4, Tab 1 and No figure
(for chemical tankers and liquefied Ch 4, Sec 5, Tab 2
gas carriers) “Adjacent structural members” means plating and stiff-
eners of deck, bottom, double bottom, sides and longitu-
dinal bulkheads in the vicinity of the web frame ring
Deck transverse (for all ships other This is the upper part of the web frame ring including the Extent of areas is shown as  in Ch 4,
than CSR ships) adjacent structural members (see meaning given above). Sec 3, Fig 1
For chemical tankers it may be fitted on deck, i.e. outside Locations of points are given in Fig 13
the tank
Deck and bottom transverses Refer to the definition given in Ch 4, Sec 3, Tab 1 Extent of areas is shown as  and 
(for oil tankers other than CSR in Ch 4, Sec 3, Fig 1
ships) Locations of points are given in Fig 13
Transverse bulkheads (for all ships “Complete” means the whole bulkhead including string- Extent of areas is shown as  in Ch 4,
other than CSR ships) ers and stiffeners and adjacent structural members as Sec 3, Fig 1
defined above Locations of points are given in Fig 14
“Lower part” means lower part of bulkhead up to 1/4 of Extent of areas is shown as  in Ch 4,
ship’s depth or 2 metres above the lower stringer, which- Sec 3, Fig 1
ever is the greater (stringers, stiffeners and adjacent Locations of points are given in Fig 14
structural members included)
Transverse bulkheads in cargo tanks At least two points on each plate. Minimum 4 points on Fig 17 for CSR double hull oil tankers
(for CSR double hull oil tankers) the first plate below main deck
At least one point on every third stiffener to be taken
between each stringer
At least two points on each plate of stringers and girders,
and two points on the corresponding flange. Additional
points in way of curved part
Two points of each diaphragm plate of stools, if fitted.
Transverse bulkheads in ballast tanks At least 4 points on plates between stringers / longitudi- Fig 18 for CSR double hull oil tankers
(for CSR double hull oil tankers) nal girders, or per plate if stringers/girders not fitted
At least two points on each plate of stringers and girders,
and two points on the corresponding flange. Additional
points in way of curved part
At least one point on two stiffeners between each
stringer / longitudinal girder
Adjacent structural members (for On adjacent structural members one point per plate and No figure
CSR double hull oil tankers) one point on every third stiffener/longitudinal
All plating and internal structures Refer to the definitions given in Ch 4, Sec 4, Tab 1 and No figure
(for chemical tankers and liquefied Ch 4, Sec 5, Tab 2
gas carriers)
C) CLOSE-UP SURVEYS AND RELATED MEASUREMENTS (bulk carriers and ore carriers)
Frames in cargo holds (for bulk 25% of frames: one out of four frames should preferably Extent of areas is shown as  in Ch 4,
carriers and ore carriers other than be chosen throughout the cargo hold length on each side Sec 2, Fig 1
CSR ships) “Selected frames” means at least 3 frames on each side Locations of points are given in Fig 7
of cargo holds
Selected side shell frames in cargo Includes side shell frame, upper and lower end attach- Fig 11 for CSR single skin bulk carriers
holds (for CSR single skin bulk ments and adjacent shell plating Extent of areas is shown in Ch 4, Sec
carriers) 25% of frames: one out of four frames should preferably 2, Fig 1
be chosen throughout the cargo hold length on each side
50% of frames: one out of two frames should preferably
be chosen throughout the cargo hold length on each side
«Selected frames» means at least 3 frames on each side
of cargo holds
Transverse frame in double skin tank Fig 2
(for CSR double skin bulk carriers)

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Transverse bulkheads in cargo Refer to the definition given in Ch 4, Sec 2, Tab 8 foot- Areas of measurements are shown in
holds (for bulk carriers, ore carriers note (3) Ch 4, Sec 2, Fig 1 and Ch 4, Sec 2,
and CSR single skin and double Two selected bulkheads: one is to be the bulkhead Fig 3
skin bulk carriers) between the two foremost cargo holds and the second Locations of points are given in Fig 8
may be chosen in other positions (for CSR single skin
and double skin bulk carriers)
One transverse bulkhead in each This means that the close-up survey and related thick- Areas of measurements are shown in
cargo hold (for bulk carriers, ore ness measurements are to be performed on one side of Ch 4, Sec 2, Fig 1 and Ch 4, Sec 2,
carriers and CSR single skin and the bulkhead; the side is to be chosen based on the out- Fig 3
double skin bulk carriers) come of the overall survey of both sides. In the event of Locations of points are given in Fig 8
doubt, the Surveyor may also require (possibly partial)
close-up survey on the other side
Transverse bulkheads in one top- Includes bulkhead and stiffening systems (for CSR single Locations of points are given in Fig 9
side/side, hopper and double bot- skin and double skin bulk carriers)
tom ballast tank (for bulk carriers, The ballast tank is to be chosen based on the history of
ore carriers and CSR single skin ballasting among those prone to have the most severe
and double skin bulk carriers) conditions
Transverse webs in ballast tanks Either one of the representative tanks of each type (i.e. Extent of areas is shown as  in Ch 4,
(for bulk carriers, ore carriers and topside or hopper or side tank) is to be chosen in the for- Sec 2, Fig 1 and Ch 4, Sec 2, Fig 3
CSR single skin and double skin ward part Locations of points are given in Fig 7
bulk carriers) Includes web plating, face plates, stiffeners and associ- Locations of points are given in Fig 11
ated plating and longitudinals (for CSR single skin and for CSR single skin bulk carriers and
double skin bulk carriers)
in Fig 12 for CSR double skin bulk
“Associated plating and longitudinals” means adjacent
plating and longitudinals of deck, bottom, side shell,
slope, hopper and longitudinal bulkhead, as applicable
Areas of deck plating inside line of “Selected” means at least a single point on one out of Extent of areas is shown as  in Ch 4,
hatch openings (for bulk carriers three plates, to be chosen on representative areas of Sec 2, Fig 1
and ore carriers other than CSR average corrosion
ships) “All deck plating” means at least two points on each
plate to be taken either at each 1/4 extremity of plate or
at representative areas of average corrosion
(1) Transverse rings means all transverse material appearing in a cross-section of the ship's hull, in way of a double bottom floor,
vertical web and deck transverse (definition from the Common Structural Rules).

Figure 1 : Transverse section of a general cargo ship

$ $ $

$ $ $

30 mm

$ $ $ $ $ $ $

$ $ $ $ $ $

Measurements are to be taken on both port and starboard sides of the selected transverse section

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Figure 2 : Transverse section of bulk carriers

30 mm

Single side bulk carriers

30 mm

Double side bulk carriers

Measurements are to be taken on both port and starboard sides of the selected transverse section

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Figure 3 : Transverse section of an oil tanker

30 mm

Measurements are to be taken on both port and starboard sides of the selected transverse section

Figure 4 : Locations of measurements on hatch covers and coamings

(valid for all ships fitted with hatch covers and coamings)

1 1 1

L/4 L/2 3L/4

2 2

2 2

$ $ $ $

2 3

50 mm

(1) Three sections at L/4, L/2, 3L/4 of hatch cover length, including:
• one measurement of each hatch cover plate and skirt plate
• measurements of adjacent beams and stiffeners
• one measurement of coaming plates and coaming flange, each side
(2) Measurements of both ends of hatch cover skirt plate, coaming plate and coaming flange
(3) One measurement of one out of three hatch coaming brackets and bars, on both sides and both ends

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Figure 5 : Locations of measurements on bulkheads of general cargo ships

30 mm
A 30 mm

30 mm
30 mm


Cargo hold bulkhead/watertight floor plating to be measured as per main view

One stiffener out of three to be measured as per view A - A

Figure 6 : Locations of measurements on selected internal structural elements of general cargo ships

30 mm 30 mm
30 mm
30 mm
30 mm

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Figure 7 : Locations of measurements on structural members in cargo holds and ballast tanks of bulk carriers

30 mm
x x
x x
x x x

x x

x x
30 mm

A xx

x x

x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x

Figure 8 : Locations of measurements on cargo hold transverse bulkheads of bulk carriers


Case with stools Case without stools


Measurements to be taken in each shaded area as per views A - A and B - B

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Figure 9 : Locations of measurements on transverse bulkheads of

topside, hopper and double bottom tanks of bulk carriers








Measurements to be taken in each vertical section as per view A - A

Figure 10 : Location of measurements on underdeck structure of CSR single skin and double skin bulk carriers


A A x x x

v v v

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Figure 11 : Location of measurements on structural members in cargo holds and ballast tanks of
CSR single skin bulk carriers

30 mm
x x
x x
x x x

x x

x D 0,25h
x x 30 mm

A A h
30 mm
x A-A B
x x Lower part of 0,25h
side frame A
x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x

The gauging pattern for web plating is to be a three-point pattern for zones A, C and D, and a two-point pattern for zone B (see Figure). The
gauging report is to reflect the average reading. The average reading is to be compared with the allowable thickness.
If the web plating has general corrosion, then this pattern is to be expanded to a five-point pattern.

Figure 12 : Location of measurements on structural members in ballast tanks of

CSR double skin bulk carriers (topside or hopper or side tank)

30 mm
x x
x x
x x x

x x

x x
30 mm

A xx

x x

x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x

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4.3 Local and global strength criteria 4.3.4 Each structural item is to be assessed according to
four different criteria which vary with regard to the domain
4.3.1 Local and global strength criteria are given for the fol- under which it is considered, namely:
lowing ship types: a) an isolated area, which is meant as a part of a single
• general cargo ships structural item. This criterion takes into consideration
very local aspects such as grooving of a plate or web, or
• bulk carriers local severe corrosion; however, it is not to be used for
pitting for which separate criteria are considered (see
• oil tankers. [4.5])

These criteria may also be used for other ship types taking b) an item, which is meant as an individual element such
into consideration the equivalence or similarity of structural as a plate, a stiffener, a web, etc. This criterion takes into
elements and their contribution to local and/or global consideration the average condition of the item, which
strength. is assessed by determining its average thickness using
the various measurements taken on the same item
4.3.2 For the evaluation of the ship longitudinal strength, it c) a group of items, which is meant as a set of elements of
is a prerequisite that fillet welding between longitudinal the same nature (plates, longitudinals, girders) contrib-
members and deck, side and bottom plating is maintained uting either to the longitudinal global strength of the
effective so as to keep continuity of hull structures. ship in a given zone or to the global strength of other
primary transverse elements not contributing to the ship
longitudinal strength, e. g. bulkheads, hatch covers,
4.3.3 Each structural item to be assessed is illustrated in a
web frames
typical transverse section (see Fig 20 for general cargo
ships, Fig 21 for bulk carriers, Fig 22 for oil tankers). d) a zone, which is meant as all and only longitudinal ele-
ments contributing to the longitudinal strength of the
These structural items are also listed in a table (Tab 5 for
ship; in this regard, the three main zones are defined as
general cargo ships, Tab 6 for bulk carriers, Tab 7 for oil deck zone, neutral axis zone and bottom zone. This cri-
tankers) grouped according to their position and contribu- terion takes into consideration the average condition of
tion to the local or global strength of the ship. all groups of items belonging to the same zone.

Figure 13 : Locations of measurements on web frame rings and longitudinal elements of oil tankers

A -A

30 mm

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Figure 14 : Locations of measurements on transverse bulkheads of oil tankers

(1) (2)


30 mm

(1) : Corrugated bulkhead
(2) : Plane bulkhead
Measurements are to be taken in a similar way on the centre tank bulkheads
Measurements are to cover the different thicknesses of strakes over the height of the bulkhead
Measurements are to be taken of the adjacent structural members

Figure 15 : Location of measurements on Figure 16 : Location of measurements on

transverse section of CSR double hull oil tankers transverse rings in cargo and ballast tanks of
CSR double hull oil tankers
v 0,1 D
5 v 5 v 5 v 5 v 5 v
5v N N N N N N


vv N
5 v 5



v D N N N
vv N N

5 v 5



vv N




5 v 5 v 5 v 5 v N N
5 v 5 v 5 v 5 v 5 v 5 N N N N N N N

0,1 D

July 2014 with amendments July 2015 Bureau Veritas 111

Pt A, Ch 2, App 3

Figure 17 : Location of measurements on transverse bulkheads in cargo tanks of CSR double hull oil tankers



Figure 18 : Location of measurements on c) assessment of groups of items (column 3 in the tables). If

transverse bulkheads in ballast tanks of the criterion is not met, a sufficient number of elements
CSR double hull oil tankers are to be renewed in order to obtain an increased aver-
age thickness satisfying the considered criterion of the
group (generally the elements to be renewed are those
most wasted). As an example, for the assessment of the
group “deck plates” all deck plates are measured and an
average thickness of each of them is estimated. Then the
average of all these values is to satisfy the criteria given
for this group.
N N d) assessment of zones (column 4 in the tables). In princi-
N N ple, the criterion of the zone is met when all groups of
items belonging to the zone meet their own criteria (see
N N c) above). However, a greater diminution than those
N N given in column 3 may be accepted for one group of
N N items if, considering the other groups of items belonging
to the same zone, the overall diminution of the zone
N N N N N N N N does not exceed the criterion given for it in column 4.
N N N N N N N N N N Example: The deck zone consists of two groups of items:
• deck plating, which has an average diminution of
12% (criterion 10%)
4.3.5 The assessment of the thickness measurements is to • deck longitudinals, which has an average diminu-
be performed using the values given in the tables for each tion of 4% (criterion 10%).
structural element with regard to the four criteria defined
above, in the following order: Even though the deck plating group exceeds its accept-
ance criterion, the average diminution of the zone,
a) assessment of isolated areas (column 1 in the tables). If which can be very roughly estimated at 8%, is accepta-
the criterion is not met, the wasted part of the item is to ble and thus the deck plating group can be accepted as
be dealt with as necessary. it is.
Note 1: This criterion applicable to the zones is based on the gen-
b) assessment of items (column 2 in the tables). If the crite- eral rule that the current hull girder section modulus is not to
rion is not met, the item is to be dealt with as necessary be less than 90% of the rule section modulus within 0,4L amid-
in the measured areas as far as the average condition of ships. When the zone criterion is used, the assessment is made
on the basis of the original modulus instead of the rule modu-
the item concerned is satisfactory. In cases where some
lus. At the request of the Owner, a direct calculation using the
items are renewed, the average thicknesses of these ship’s current thicknesses may be performed by the Society in
items to be considered in the next step are the new order to accept greater diminutions than those given for this
thicknesses. criterion.

112 Bureau Veritas July 2014 with amendments July 2015

Pt A, Ch 2, App 3

Table 3 : Buckling strength criterion

235 315 355 and 390
Bottom and deck plates s/t 56,0 51,0 49,0
Longitudinals flat bar web hw / tw 20,0 18,0 17,5
Flanged longitudinals / girders web hw / tw 56,0 51,0 49,0
symmetrical flange bf / tf 34,0 30,0 29,0
asymmetrical flange bf / tf 17,0 15,0 14,5
ReH : minimum yield stress of the material, in N/mm2; s : longitudinal spacing, in mm; t : actual plate thickness, in mm;
hw : web height, in mm; tw : web thickness, in mm; bf : flange breadth, in mm; tf : flange thickness, in mm;

4.3.6 These criteria take into consideration two main Table 4 : Pitting intensity and
aspects: corresponding maximum average depth of pitting
• the overall strength of the hull girder
• the local strength and integrity of the hull structure, such MAXIMUM AVERAGE
as hatch covers, bulkheads, etc. PITTING DEPTH
(% of the as-built thickness)
As a rule, they are applicable to the structure within the
cargo area of ships having a length greater than 90 metres. Isolated 35,0
However, they may also be used for smaller ships and for 5 33,5
structure outside the cargo area according to the following
10 32,0
• for ships having a length less than 90 metres, the per- 15 30,5
centages of acceptable wastage given in the tables can 20 29,0
be increased by 5 (%) (e.g. 15% instead of 10%, etc.),
25 27,5
except for those of deck and bottom zones
30 26,0
• for structure outside the cargo area, the same 5 (%)
increase can be applied, 40 23,0

on the understanding, however, that both conditions cannot 50 20,0

be applied at the same time.
4.5.3 In addition, the thickness outside the pits in the area
4.4 Buckling strength criterion considered is to be assessed according to [4.3] and [4.4].

4.4.1 This criterion is applicable to ships having a length Note 1: Application of filler material (plastic or epoxy compounds)
greater than 120 metres. is recommended as a means to stop or reduce the corrosion proc-
The structural items contributing to the longitudinal strength ess, but it is not considered an acceptable repair for pitting exceed-
of the ship, such as deck and bottom plating, deck and bot- ing the maximum allowable wastage limits. Welding repairs may
tom girders, etc., are to be assessed with regard to their buck- be accepted when performed in accordance with procedures
agreed with the society.
ling strength, as deemed necessary by the Surveyor. In such a
case, the values shown in Tab 3 are not to be exceeded.
Note 1: The minimum thickness will be specially considered for 4.6 Hull supporting structure of shipboard
ships built with excess hull girder section modulus.
fittings associated with towing and
4.5 Pitting
4.5.1 The maximum acceptable depth for isolated pits is 4.6.1 For ships contracted for construction on or after the
35% of the as-built thickness. 1st January 2007, the allowable wastage of the hull support-
ing structure of shipboard fittings associated with towing
4.5.2 For areas with different pitting intensity, the intensity
and mooring is not to exceed:
diagrams shown in Fig 19 are to be used to identify the per-
centage of affected areas. • the total corrosion addition defined in NR522 or NR523
For areas having a pitting intensity of 50% or more, the for ships covered by the Common Structural Rules for
maximum average depth of pits is 20% of the as-built thick- Bulk Carriers or the Common Structural Rules for Dou-
ness. For intermediate values between isolated pits and ble Hull Oil Tankers, or
50% of affected area, the interpolation between 35% and
20% is made according to Tab 4. • 2,0 mm for other ships.

July 2014 with amendments July 2015 Bureau Veritas 113

Pt A, Ch 2, App 3

Figure 19 : Pitting intensity diagrams (from 1% to 50% intensity)

114 Bureau Veritas July 2014 with amendments July 2015

Pt A, Ch 2, App 3

Figure 20 : General cargo ship: layout of items to be assessed

16 13 15 1 2


19 6

18 7 ZONE

19 21 11 12


10 8

Table 5 : Local and global acceptance criteria for general cargo ships (given in % of wastage)

Group of 1 2 3 4
Description of items
items Isolated area Item Group Zone
DECK ZONE (1) − − − 10
1 Hatch coaming − − 10 −
underdeck girder web 25 20 − −
underdeck girder flange 20 15 − −
2 Upperdeck plating, deck stringer plates and sheer strakes 30 20 10 −
3 Deck longitudinals − − 10 −
web 30 20 − −
flange 25 15 − −
NEUTRAL AXIS ZONE (1) − − − 15
4 Side shell plating 25 20 15 −
5 ‘Tweendeck hatch girder − − 15 −
web 25 20 − −
flange 20 15 − −
6 ‘Tweendeck plating 30 20 15 -
7 ‘Tweendeck longitudinals − − 15 −
web 30 20 − −
flange 25 15 − −

July 2014 with amendments July 2015 Bureau Veritas 115

Pt A, Ch 2, App 3

Group of 1 2 3 4
Description of items
items Isolated area Item Group Zone
BOTTOM ZONE (1) − − − 10
8 Bilge and bottom strakes and keel plate 25 20 10 −
9 Bottom girders 25 20 10 −
10 Bilge and bottom longitudinals − − 10 −
web 30 20 − −
flange 25 15 − −
11 Inner bottom plating 30 20 10 −
12 Inner bottom longitudinals − − 10 −
web 30 20 − −
flange 25 15 − −
13 Hatch coaming plating (2) 25 20 − −
14 Hatch coaming brackets 30 25 − −
15 Hatch cover top plating (4) 25 20 15 −
16 Hatch cover skirt plating (4) 30 20 − −
17 Hatch cover stiffeners (4) 30 20 − −
18 Transverse bulkheads (3)
plating 30 20 15 −
stringer web 30 20 − −
stringer flange 25 15 − −
stiffener web 30 20 − −
stiffener flange 25 15 − −
brackets 30 20 − −
19 Side frames
web 30 20 − −
flange 25 15 − −
brackets 30 20 − −
20 Deck/’tweendeck beams
web 30 20 − −
flange 25 15 − −
21 Floors
plating 30 20 − −
22 Forward and aft peak bulkheads
plating 30 20 15 −
stiffener web 30 20 − −
stiffener flange 25 15 − −
(1) Each zone is to be evaluated separately.
(2) If continuous, to be included in item 1.
(3) For deep tank bulkheads, the values “average of item” and “average of group” are to be increased by 5 (%).
(4) For cargo ships constructed (i.e. keel laid) from 1st January 2005:
• for single skin hatch covers and for the plating of double skin hatch covers, steel renewal is required where the gauged
thickness is less than (tnet + 0,5) mm. Where the gauged thickness is within the range (tnet + 0,5) mm and (tnet + 1) mm, coat-
ing (applied in accordance with the coating manufacturer's requirements) or annual gauging may be adopted as an alterna-
tive to steel renewal. Coating is to be maintained in good condition. If t net is not available, the as-built thickness minus the
total corrosion addition can be used.
• for the internal structures of double skin hatch covers, thickness gauging is required when plating renewal is to be carried
out or when this is deemed necessary, at the discretion of the Society's Surveyor, on the basis of the plating corrosion or
deformation condition. In these cases, steel renewal for the internal structures is required when the gauged thickness is less
than tnet. If tnet is not available, the as-built thickness minus the total corrosion addition can be used.
• for hatch covers in way of cellular cargo holds intended for containers (plating, stiffeners and internals), steel renewal is
required where the gauged thickness is less than tnet. Where the gauged thickness is within the range tnet and (tnet + 0,5) mm,
coating (applied in accordance with the coating manufacturer's requirements) or annual gauging may be adopted as an
alternative to steel renewal. Coating is to be maintained in good condition. If tnet is not available, the as-built thickness
minus the total corrosion addition can be used.

116 Bureau Veritas July 2014 with amendments July 2015

Pt A, Ch 2, App 3

Figure 21 : Bulk carrier: layout of items to be assessed

13 15 14 16 12 2


5 6
10 11 9 ZONE


20 8 7

Table 6 : Local and global acceptance criteria for bulk carriers (given in % of wastage)

Group of 1 2 3 4
Description of items
items Isolated area Item Group Zone
DECK ZONE (1) − − − 10
1 Strength deck plating, deck stringer, sheer strake and part of 25 20 10 −
side shell plating in way of top side tanks
2 Deck longitudinals − − 10 −
web 25 20 − −
flange 20 15 − −
3 Side shell longitudinals in way of top side tanks − − 10 −
web 25 20 − −
flange 20 15 − −
4 Top side tank sloped plating, including horizontal and verti- 25 20 10 −
cal strakes
5 Longitudinals connected to top side tank sloped plating − − 10 −
web 25 20 − −
flange 20 15 − −
NEUTRAL AXIS ZONE (1) − − − 15
6 Side shell plating 25 20 15 −
BOTTOM ZONE (1) − − − 10
7 Bilge and bottom plating and keel plate 25 20 10 −
8 Bilge and bottom longitudinals − − 10 −
web 25 20 − −
flange 20 15 − −
9 Bottom girders 25 15 10 −
10 Inner bottom plating and hopper tank sloped plating 25 20 10 −
11 Longitudinals connected to inner bottom and hopper tank − − 10 −
sloped plating
web 25 20 − −
flange 20 15 − −

July 2014 with amendments July 2015 Bureau Veritas 117

Pt A, Ch 2, App 3

Group of 1 2 3 4
Description of items
items Isolated area Item Group Zone
12 Hatch coaming plating (2) (6) 25 20 − −
13 Hatch coaming brackets (6) 30 25 − −
14 Hatch cover top plating (5) (6) 25 20 15 −
15 Hatch cover skirt plating (5) (6) 25 20 − −
16 Hatch cover stiffeners (5) (6) 25 20 − −
17 Transverse bulkheads (3)
plating 25 20 15 −
stiffener web 25 20 − −
stiffener flange 20 15 − −
18 Side shell frames (4)
web 25 20 − −
flange 20 15 − −
brackets 20 15 − −
19 Topside and hopper tank web frames
web 25 20 − −
flange 20 15 − −
20 Floors
plating 25 15 − −
21 Forward and aft peak bulkheads
plating 25 20 15 −
stiffener web 25 20 − −
stiffener flange 20 15 − −
(1) Each zone is to be evaluated separately.
(2) If continuous, to be included in item 1.
(3) For vertically corrugated transverse bulkheads in cargo holds:
• For ships indicated in Ch 6, Sec 2, [1.1] which are to comply with the retroactive requirements according to the schedule
given in Ch 6, Sec 2, [1.2], the bulkhead between the two foremost cargo holds is to be assessed based on the criteria given
in Ch 6, Sec 2, [1.3].
• For ships indicated in Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3, [6.1.1], contracted for construction on or after 1 July 1998, all bulkheads are to be
repaired by steel renewal where the gauged thickness is less than (tnet + 0,5) mm, where tnet is the thickness obtained by
applying the strength criteria given in Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3, [6.1]. However, where the gauged thickness is within the range
(tnet + 0,5) mm and (tnet + 1,0) mm, coating (applied in accordance with the coating Manufacturer’s requirements) or annual
gauging may be adopted as an alternative to steel renewal.
(4) Steel renewal criteria or other measures (reinforcement or coating) to be taken for the side shell frames and brackets in single
side skin ships with service notation bulk carrier ESP not built in accordance with Part II, Chapter 08, Section 8-03 of the 1st
April 1998 edition of the Rules or subsequent editions are given in Ch 6, Sec 2, [5] and Ch 6, App 1, [5]. However, for such
ships which are to comply with Ch 6, Sec 2, [5], the thickness measurements of flanges and side shell plating not covered in Ch
6, Sec 2, [5.3], as well as the thickness measurements of additional intermediate frames fitted for reinforcement in order to com-
ply with an ice class notation (ice strengthening structure), are to be carried out in accordance with Article [3] and the meas-
ured thicknesses assessed against the criteria indicated in Article [4] and the present Table.
(5) For ships which are assigned one of the service notations bulk carrier ESP, bulk carrier BC-A ESP, bulk carrier BC-B ESP or bulk
carrier BC-C ESP, contracted for construction on or after the 1st July 1998 and for hatch covers on exposed decks:
• for single skin hatch covers and for the plating of double skin hatch covers, steel renewal is required where the gauged
thickness is less than (tnet + 0,5) mm. Where the gauged thickness is within the range (tnet + 0,5) mm and (tnet + 1,0) mm,
coating (applied in accordance with the coating manufacturer’s requirements) or annual gauging may be adopted as an
alternative to steel renewal. If tnet is not available, the as-built thickness, minus the total corrosion addition, can be used.
• for the internal structures of double skin hatch covers, thickness gauging is required when plating renewal is to be carried
out or when this is deemed necessary, at the discretion of the Society’s Surveyor, on the basis of the plating corrosion or
deformation condition.In these cases, steel renewal for the internal structures is required where the gauged thickness is less
than tnet. If tnet is not available, the as-built thickness, minus the total corrosion addition, can be used.
(6) For ships which are assigned one of the service notations bulk carrier BC-A ESP, bulk carrier BC-B ESP, bulk carrier BC-C ESP, ore
carrier ESP, combination carrier/OBO ESP or combination carrier/OOC ESP, contracted for construction on or after 1 January
2004 and for all cargo hatch covers and hatch forward and side coamings on exposed decks in position 1 as defined in ILLC:
• for single skin hatch covers and for the plating of double skin hatch covers, steel renewal is required where the gauged
thickness is less than (tnet + 0,5) mm. Where the gauged thickness is within the range (tnet + 0,5) mm and (tnet + 1,0) mm,
coating (applied in accordance with the coating manufacturer’s requirements) or annual gauging may be adopted as an
alternative to steel renewal. Coating is to be maintained in good condition. If tnet is not available, the as-built thickness,
minus the total corrosion addition, can be used.
• for the internal structures of double skin hatch covers, thickness gauging is required when plating renewal is to be carried
out or when this is deemed necessary, at the discretion of the Society’s Surveyor, on the basis of the plating corrosion or
deformation condition. In these cases, steel renewal for the internal structures is required where the gauged thickness is less
than tnet. If tnet is not available, the as-built thickness, minus the total corrosion addition, can be used.
• for hatch coamings, steel renewal is required where the gauged thickness is less than (tnet + 0,5) mm. Where the gauged
thickness is within the range (tnet + 0,5) mm and (tnet + 1,00) mm, coating (applied in accordance with the coating manufac-
turer’s requirements) or annual gauging may be adopted as an alternative to steel renewal. Coating is to be maintained in
good condition. If tnet is not available, the as-built thickness, minus the total corrosion addition, can be used.

118 Bureau Veritas July 2014 with amendments July 2015

Pt A, Ch 2, App 3

Figure 22 : Oil tanker: layout of items to be assessed

13 3 2


4 1

17 18 7
14 6 5

12 10 9



Table 7 : Local and global acceptance criteria for oil tankers (given in % of wastage)

Group of 1 2 3 4
Description of items
items Isolated area Item Group Zone
DECK ZONE (1) − − − 10
1 Deck plating, deck stringer, sheer strake and longitudinal 25 20 10 −
bulkhead upper strake (2)
2 Deck and sheer strake longitudinals − − 10 −
web 25 20 − −
flange 20 15 − −
3 Deck longitudinal girders − − 10 −
web 25 20 − −
flange 20 15 − −
4 Longitudinals connected to long. bulkhead upper strake (2) − − 10 −
web 25 20 − −
flange 20 15 − −
NEUTRAL AXIS ZONE (1) − − − 15
5 Side shell plating (2) 25 20 15 −
6 Side shell longitudinals and stringers (2) − − 15 −
web 25 20 − −
flange 20 15 − −
7 Longitudinal bulkhead plating 25 20 15 −
8 Longitudinal bulkhead longitudinals and stringers − − 15 −
web 25 20 − −
flange 20 15 − −

July 2014 with amendments July 2015 Bureau Veritas 119

Pt A, Ch 2, App 3

Group of 1 2 3 4
Description of items
items Isolated area Item Group Zone
BOTTOM ZONE (1) − − − 10
9 Bilge and bottom strakes, longitudinal bulkhead lower strake 25 20 10 −
and keel plate (2)
10 Bilge and bottom longitudinals (2) − − 10 −
web 25 20 − −
flange 20 15 − −
11 Longitudinals connected to longitud. bulkhead lower strake − − 10 −
web 25 20 − −
flange 20 15 − −
12 Bottom girders − − 10 −
web 25 20 − −
flange 20 15 − −
13 Deck transverse web frame
web 25 20 − −
flange 20 15 − −
brackets / stiffeners 25 20 − −
14 Side shell web frame
web 25 20 − −
flange 20 15 − −
brackets / stiffeners 25 20 − −
15 Longitudinal bulkhead web frame
web 25 20 − −
flange 20 15 − −
brackets / stiffeners 25 20 − −
16 Bottom transverse web frame
web 25 20 − −
flange 20 15 − −
brackets / stiffeners 25 20 − −
17 Cross tie
web 25 15 − −
flange 20 15 − −
brackets / stiffeners 20 15 − −
18 Transverse bulkheads (3)
plating 25 20 15 −
stringer web 25 20 − −
stringer flange 20 15 − −
stiffener web 30 20 − −
stiffener flange 25 15 − −
(1) Each zone is to be evaluated separately.
(2) For double hull oil tankers, the structural elements of the inner skin (plating, longitudinals, girders, bulkheads) are to be
included in the corresponding elements of the outer skin.
(3) Including swash bulkheads, forward and aft peak bulkheads.

120 Bureau Veritas July 2014 with amendments July 2015

Pt A, Ch 2, App 3

4.7 Ice strengthened structures for ships tren : Renewal thickness, namely minimum allowable
assigned with additional class notation thickness, in mm, below which renewal of
for navigation in polar waters structural members is to be carried out (see also
NR523 CSR for Double Hull Oil Tankers,
4.7.1 For ships assigned with one of the additional class Section 12)
notations POLAR CLASS as defined in Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.11], tC : Total corrosion addition, in mm, defined in
steel renewal for ice strengthened structures as defined in NR522 CSR for Bulk Carriers, Ch 3, Sec 3
NR527 is required when the gauged thickness is less than tm : Measured thickness, in mm, on one item, i.e.
tnet + 0,5 mm. average thickness on one item using the various
measurements taken on this same item during
4.8 Acceptance criteria for CSR ships periodical ship’s in service surveys.
The average thickness across any cross-section
4.8.1 General in the plating is not to be less than the renewal
For ships built under the Common Structural Rules, the thickness for general corrosion given in NR522
acceptance criteria are according to the following rules: CSR for Bulk Carriers, Chapter 13 and in NR523
• Chapter 13, “Ships in Operation, Renewal Criteria”, of CSR for Double Hull Oil Tankers, Section 12.
NR522 CSR for Bulk Carriers
4.8.4 Edge corrosion of CSR ships
• Section 12, “Ship in Operation Renewal Criteria”, of Provided that the overall corroded height of the edge corro-
NR523 CSR for Double Hull Oil Tankers, sion of the flange, or web in the case of flat bar stiffeners, is
and as specified in [4.8.2], [4.8.3], [4.8.4] and [4.8.5]. less than 25% of the stiffener flange breadth or web height,
as applicable (see Fig 23), the measured thickness tm , in
4.8.2 Pitting corrosion: side structures (CSR bulk mm, is to meet the lesser of the following criteria:
tm ≥ 0,7 (tas-built − tvol add)
If pitting intensity, in an area where coating is required
according to NR522 CSR for Bulk Carriers, Ch 3, Sec 5, is tm ≥ tren − 1,0
higher than 15% (see Fig 19), thickness measurements are where:
to be performed to check the extent of pitting corrosion. The tas-built , tvol add , tren : As defined in [4.8.3].
15% is based on pitting or grooving on only one side of a
plate. In cases where pitting is exceeding 15%, as defined Figure 23 : Edge corrosion
above, an area of 300 mm or more, at the most pitted part
of the plate, is to be cleaned to bare metal and the thickness   

is to be measured in way of the five deepest pits within the
cleaned area. The least thickness measured in way of any of
these pits is to be taken as the thickness to be recorded. The
minimum remaining thickness in pits, grooves or other local 
areas is to be greater than the following values: 
• for CSR single and double skin bulk carriers: 70% of the
as-built thickness, in the side shell, hopper tank and top-
side tank plating attached to the each side frame, over a   
width up to 30 mm on either side of it

• for CSR single skin bulk carriers: 75% of the as-built
thickness, in the frame and end bracket webs and The average measured thickness tm across the breadth or
flanges, height of the stiffener is not to be less than the one defined
without being greater than the renewal thickness tren as in NR522 CSR for Bulk Carriers, Chapter 13 and in NR523
defined in [4.8.3]. CSR for Double Hull Oil Tankers, Section 12.
Plate edges at openings for manholes, lightening holes, etc.
4.8.3 Pitting corrosion: other structures (CSR bulk may be below the minimum thickness given in NR522 CSR
carriers and CSR oil tankers) for Bulk Carriers, Chapter 13 and in NR523 CSR for Double
For plates with pitting intensity less than 20% (see Fig 19), Hull Oil Tankers, Section 12, provided that:
the measured thickness tm , in mm, of any individual meas- a) the maximum extent of the reduced plate thickness,
urement is to meet the lesser of the following criteria: below the minimum given in NR522 CSR for Bulk Carri-
tm ≥ 0,7 (tas-built − tvol add) ers, Chapter 13 and in NR523 CSR for Double Hull Oil
tm ≥ tren − 1,0 Tankers, Section 12, from the opening edge is not more
than 20% of the smallest dimension of the opening and
where: does not exceed 100 mm
tas-built : As-built thickness of the member, in mm b) rough or uneven edges may be cropped-back provided
tvol add : Voluntary thickness addition, namely thickness, that the maximum dimension of the opening is not
in mm, voluntarily added as the Owner’s extra increased by more than 10% and the remaining thick-
margin for corrosion wastage in addition to tC ness of the new edge is not less than tren − 1 mm.

July 2014 with amendments July 2015 Bureau Veritas 121

Pt A, Ch 2, App 3

4.8.5 Acceptance criteria for grooving corrosion of Figure 24 : Grooving corrosion

CSR ships
a) Where the groove breadth is a maximum of 15% of the Groove Groove
breadth breadth
web height but not more than 30 mm (see Fig 24), the Attached plating
measured thickness tm , in mm, in the grooved area is to
meet the lesser of the following criteria:
tm ≥ 0,75 (tas-built − tvol add) Groove Groove
breadth breadth
tm ≥ tren − 0,5
but is not to be less than:
tm = 6 mm,
where: Flat bar
tas-built , tvol add , tren : As defined in [4.8.3].
b) Structural members with areas of grooving greater than
those in item a) are to be assessed, based on the criteria
for general corrosion as defined in NR522 CSR for Bulk
Carriers, Chapter 13 and in NR523 CSR for Double Hull
Oil Tankers, Section 12, using the average measured
thickness across the plating/stiffener.

122 Bureau Veritas July 2014 with amendments July 2015

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