Business Laws and Regulations all that the partners may acquire by their industry or
work during the existence of the partnership. b.
Nature of Partnerships Particular partnership A particular partnership has
for its object determinate things, their use or fruits,
Article 1767 of the New Civil Code of the Philippines defines or specific undertaking or the exercise of a
partnership as "a contract whereby two or more persons bind profession or vocation.
themselves to contribute money, property or industry to a
common fund, with the intention of dividing the profits among 2. According to lability
themselves". Two or more persons may form a partnership for a. General partnership
the exercise of their professions. It is one where all the partners are general partners.
All general partners here are liable up to the extent
CHARACTERISTICS OF PARTNERSHIP of their separate properties after the assets of the
partnership have been exhausted.
1. Mutual Agency - every partner has the authority to act for b. Limited partnership
the partnership and become binding if such act is within It is one where there is at least one general partner
his express or implied authority. and one limited partner. A general partner is liable
2. Limited Life - partnership exists on contract drawn by the beyond his contribution while a limited partner is
partners and can be terminated anytime the partners so liable only to the extent of his contribution.
desire causing the partnership to be dissolved. Retirement,
withdrawal, death, bankruptcy, incapacity of a partner 3. According to duration
and admission of a new partner dissolve the partnership. a. Partnership at will
3. Unlimited Liability - a partnership is said to have It is one where there is no fixed term or it is not
unlimited liability because the partnership creditors can formed for a particular undertaking, or it is one for a
run after the personal assets of the partners (except fixed term or particular undertaking which is
limited partners) after all partnership assets have been continued after the termination of such term or
exhausted in payment of its obligation. particular undertaking without any express
4. Co-ownership - when a property is invested by a partner agreement.
in the partnership, such property is no longer owned by b. Partnership with a fixed term
him but by the partnership and because partners are It is one where the life or period of existence of the
co-owners, each and every one of them acquires equity partnership has been agreed upon by the partners. c.
over such investment equivalent to their profit or loss Partnership for a particular undertaking It is one
sharing agreement. where it will exist until the purpose is accomplished.
5. Plurality of Capital and Drawing Accounts - this is one of
the unique characteristics of a partnership wherein each 4. According to representation to others
partner is provided with a capital and drawing accounts. a. Ordinary partnership
6. Profit and Loss Distribution - as stipulated in their It is one where two or more persons bind themselves
agreement, a partner has to share for every amount of to contribute money, property, or industry to a
profit that the business makes or loss that the business common fund, with the intention of dividing the
incurs. profits among themselves.
b. Partnership by estoppel
ADVANTAGES OF A PARTNERSHIP It is one where persons, by words spoken or written
or by conduct, represent themselves, or consent to
1. It can easily be formed and dissolved because it exists on another representing them to anyone, as partners in
agreement. an existing partnership or with one or more persons
2. Better management can be attained considering the not actual partners.
combined expertise of the partners.
3. A bigger amount of capital can be raised as compared to a 5. According to the legality of its existence
sole proprietorship. a. De jure partnership
4. There is a great advantage of forming a partnership for the It is one which has complied with all requirements
exercise of profession because such partnership is exempted for its creation.
from payment of income tax. b. De facto partnership
5. The interest of one partner cannot be transferred to a new It is one which has not complied with all the legal
partner without the consent of other partners requirements for its creation.
1. Thing contributed is specific and determinate which is NOT Obligations of the Partners : To Third Persons
fungible and only their use and fruits may be for the common
benefit; and Firm Name
2. . There is a stipulation that he shall bear the loss of the thing Every partnership shall operate under a firm name, which
brought and appraised in the inventory. may or may not include the name of one or more of the
TO GIVE ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTION IN CASE OF IMMINENT Strangers who include their name in the firm are liable as
LOSSES partners because of estoppel but do not have the nights
of partners. — this is to protect customers from being
In case of an imminent loss of the business of the partnership, misled.
partners are required to give additional contributions. Who are If a limited partner included his name in the firm name,
required: he shall be liable as a general partner.
1. Capitalist partners (unless there is a stipulation to the
2. Industrial partners if there is a stipulation to that effect All partners, including industrial ones, shall be liable pro
rata with all their property and after all the partnership
Consequence of failure: any partner who refuses to contribute assets have been exhausted, for the contracts which may
an additional share to the capital to save the venture shall he be entered into in the name and for the account of the
obliged to sell his interest to the other partners partnership, under its signature and by a person
authorized to act for the partnership. However, any
NOT TO ENGAGE IN ANOTHER BUSINESS partner may enter into a separate obligation to perform a
partnership contract.
Industrial partners - cannot engage in business for himself Any stipulation to the contrary shall be void, except as to
except when the capitalist partners permit him to do so. the partners.
Effect of non-compliance: The capitalist partners may either AUTHORITY TO ACT FOR AND IN BEHALF OF THE PARTNER
1. Exclude him from the firm or
2. Avail themselves of the benefits which he may have Every partner is an agent of the partnership for the purpose of
obtained in violation of this provision. its business.
The authority of the partner to act in behalf of the partnership
Capitalist partners — the prohibition is limited to may be:
businesses in the industry as that of the partnership which 1. Express — those expressly granted to the partner; or
may result in competition. 2. Implied — those which may be implied from the express
Exceptions: authority; or
1. When it is expressly stipulated that the capitalist partner can 3. Apparent — when he apparently carries on the usual
so engage himself; business of the partnership and the person to whom he is
2. When the other partners allow him to do so, whether dealing has no knowledge of the fact that he has no such
expressly or impliedly; authority. If the partner is not carrying on the usual business of
3. During the period of liquidation and winding up, when the the partnership, the act will not bind the partnership unless it is
partnership is already non-existent. authorized by the other partner.
Consent of ALL partners necessary to:
1. Assign the partnership property in trust for creditors or on
the assignee's promise to pay the debts of the partnership;
2. Dispose of the good-will of the business;
3. Do any other act which would make it impossible to carry on
the ordinary business of a partnership;
4. Confess a judgment;
5. Enter into a compromise concerning a partnership claim or
6. Submit a partnership claim or liability to arbitration;
7. Renounce a claim of the partnership. Except when
authorized by the other partners or unless the abandoned the