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Oneway ANOVA practice problems Problem 1 Using the following data, perform a oneway analysis of variance using a = .05. Write up the results in APA format. [Groupt Group2 [Groups 51 23 56 45 43 76 33 23 74 45 43 87 67 45 56 Solution ‘Sample means (2) for the groups: = 48.2, 35.4, 69.8 Intermediate steps in calculating the group variances: (2) value mean deviations sq deviations 1 5148.2 2.8 7.88 2 45 48.2 23.2 10.26 30 3348.2 0 -15.2 231.08 4 4548.2 23.2 10.24 5 67 48.2 18.8 353.44 (21) value mean deviations sq deviations 173356 12.4 153.76 2 4335.4 7.6 37.76 3 2335.4 0-424 153.76 4 4335.4 7.6 37.76 5 45 35.4 9.6 92.16 (3) value mean deviations sq deviations 1 5669.8 9 -13.8 190.44 2 76 69.8 6.2 38.46 3 74 69.8 42 17.64 4 8769.8 v2 295.84 5 5669.8 -13.8 190.44 ‘Sum of squared deviations from the mean (SS) for the groups: [1] 612.8 515.2 732.8 Var, = 228 = 153.2 Vary 1288 Vary 183.2 MS oy, = 23821128811882 155.07 Note: this is just the average within-group variance; itis not sensitive to group mean differences! Calculating the remaining error (or within) terms for the ANOVA table: A ferrop = 15 — 3 = 12 SSerror = (155.07)(15 — 3) = 1860.8 Intermediate steps in calculating the variance of the sample means: 48.2-85.43608 _ 51 43 Grand mean (E grand) = % group mean grand mean deviations sq deviations 48.2 51.13 -2.93 8.58 35.4 51.13 -15.73 247.43 69.8 51.13 18.67 348.57 ‘Sum of squares (S'Sincans) = 604.58 Varyncans = S288 = 302.29 MS setwcen = (302.29)(5) = 1511.45 Note: This method of estimating the variance IS sensitive to group mean differences! Calculating the remaining between (or group) terms of the ANOVA table: Aforoups = 3-1 =2 SSoroup = (1511.45)(3 — 1) = 3022.9 Test statistic and critical value P= ne = 9.75 Feyivicat(2, 12) = 3.89 Decision: reject HO ANOVA table source ss af Ms F group 3022.9 2 1511.45 9.75 error 1860.8 12 155.07 total 4883.7 Effect size 2 30.9 w= aeguz ~ 0-62 APA writeup F(2, 12)=9.75, p <0.05, ?=0.62. Problem 2 Using the following summary data, perform a oneway analysis of variance using a = .01. n mean sd 30 50.26 10.45 30 45.32 12.76 30 53.67 11.47 Solution Var, = 10.45" = 109.2 2.76? = 162.82 11.47? = 131.56 MScyyp = 22 SBARISE SS Var) = Vary 134.53 Note: this is just the average within-group variance; it is not sensitive to group mean differences! Calculating the remaining error (or within) terms for the ANOVA table: fessor = 90 — 3 = 87 SSerror = (134.53)(90 — 3) = 11703.82 Intermediate steps in calculating the variance of the sample means: Grand mean (Zyrna) = SOAS — 49.75 group mean grand mean deviations sq deviations 50.26 49.75 2.51 0.26 45.32 49.75 43 19.62 53.67 49.75 3.92 15.37 ‘Sum of squares (S'Sireans) = 35.25 = 17.62 Varmeans = MStetween = (17.62)(30) = 528.75 Note: This method of estimating the variance IS sensitive to group mean differences! ‘Calculating the remaining between (or group) terms of the ANOVA table: foroups = 3 SSoroup = (528.75)(3 — 1) = 1057.5 -1=2 Test statistic and critical value 7 S288 F 134.53 3.93 Feyitical(2, 87) = 4.86 Decision: fail to reject HO ANOVA table source ss dt Ms F group 1057.5 2 528.75 3.93 error 1703.82 87 134.53 total 12761.32 Effect 2 = say6133 = 0-08 ‘APA writeup F(2, 87)=3.93, p >=0.01, 1? =0.08. Problem 3 Aciinical psychologist has run a between-subjects experiment comparing two treatments for depression (cognitive- behavioral therapy (CBT) and client-centered therapy (CCT) against a control condition. Subjects were randomly assigned to the experimental condition, After 12 weeks, the subject's depression scores were measured using the CESD depression scale, The data are summarized as follows: n mean sd control 40 214 45 CBT 40 169 55 CCT 40 191 58 Use a oneway ANOVA with ax = .01 for the test Solution Var, = 4.5? = 20.25 Var, = 5.5° = 30.25 Vars = 5.8" = 33.64 MSyyop = 202518025:38.68 % 28.05 Note: this is just the average within-group variance; itis not sensitive to group mean differences! Calculating the remaining error (or within) terms for the ANOVA table: A ferror = 120 — 38 = 117 SSerror = (28.05) (120 — 3) = 3281.46 Intermediate steps in calculating the variance of the sample means: 214+16.9419.1 * 19.13 Grand mean (Z grand) = group mean grand mean deviations sq deviations 2.4 19,43, 2.27 5.15 16.9 19,13, “2.23, 4,97 19.2 19.13, 03 0.00 ‘Sum of squares (S'Syneans) = 10.12 1.12 _ 5 9g Var means = 222 MStetween = (5.06)(40) = 202.4 Note: This method of estimating the variance IS sensitive to group mean differences! Calculating the remaining between (or group) terms of the ANOVA table: Aforoupy = 3-1 =2 SSoroup = (202.4)(3 — 1) = 404.8 Test statistic and critical value = mos 2305 ~ 7-22 Feriticat(2; 117) = 4.79 Decision: reject HO ANOVA table source ss af Ms F group 404.8 2 202.4 7.22 error 3281.46 117 28.05 total 3686.26 Effect size 2 404s W = 3ee6.25 = O11 APA writeup F(2, 117)57.22, p <0.01, 9?=0.11 Problem 4 ‘An education researcher is comparing four different algebra curricula. Eighth grade students are randomly assigned to one one of the four groups. Their state achievement test scores are compared at the end of the year. Use the appropriate statistical procedure to determine whether the curricula differ with respect to math achievement. An alpha criterion of 05 should be used for the test. n mean sd curriculum 1 50 170.5 14.5 curriculum 2 50 168.3 12.8 curriculum 3 50 167.6 17.7 curriculum4 50 1728 168 Solution Var, = 14.5? = 210.25 Vary = 12.8? = 163.84 Varg = 17.7" = 313.29 16.8 = 282.24 Vars MS crrop = OPS S41 S1829 — 249.41 Note: this is just the average within-group variance; it is not sensitive to group mean differences! Calculating the remaining error (or within) terms for the ANOVA table: A ferror = 200 — 4 = 196 SSerror = (242.41) (200 — 4) = 47511.38 Intermediate steps in calculating the variance of the sample means: Grand mean (Z grand) = ros 16831676 169.8 group mean grand mean deviations sq deviations 170.5 169.8 2.7 2.49 168.3 169.8 “1.5 2.25 167.6 169.8 -2.2 4.384 172.8 169.8 3.0 9.08 ‘Sum of squares (S'Sjreans) = 16.58 Varmeans = Pe = 5.53 MS tetween = (5-53)(50) = 276.33 Note: This method of estimating the variance IS sensitive to group mean differences! Calculating the remaining between (or group) terms of the ANOVA table: Afaroups =4—1= 3 SSoroup = (276.33)(4 — 1) = 829 Test statistic and critical value — ms F= ‘242.41 =1Lid Feriticat(3, 196) = 2.65 Decision: fail to reject HO ANOVA table source ss df Ms F group 829 3 276.33 4.14 error 47511.38 196 242.41 total 48340.38 0.02 APA writeup F(3, 196)=1.14, p >=0.05, 1? =0.02.

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