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Digital media that are interactive incorporate two-way communication and involve some form of
computing. Ans : New Media

2.Forms of electronic communication (such as web sites) through which people create online
communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, etc. Ans.Social Media

3.A phenomenon involving the interconnection of information and communications technologies,

computer networks, and media content. Ans.Media Convergence

4.A medium of communication (such as newspapers, radio, or television) that is designed to reach
the mass of the people. Ans.Mass Media

5.People think they are more immune to media influence than others. Ans.Reciprocal Effect

6.Refers to media-induced change that is counter to the desired change Ans.Boomerang Effect

7.When a person or event gets media attention, it influences the way the person acts or the way the
event functions. Ans.Agenda Setting Theory

8.The viewer identify a certain values and identities that are presented as mainstream on television
even though they do not actually share those values or identities in their real lives. Ans.Propaganda

9.A local knowledge – knowledge that is unique to a given culture or society. Ans.Indigenous

10.Owned, controlled and managed by indigenous peoples in order for them to develop and produce
culturally appropriate information in the languages understood by the community. Ans. Indigenous

11.Stories, beliefs, etc., that a group of people share by telling stories and talking to each
other.Ans.Oral Tradition of Communication

12.Where do Indigenous people store some of their information? Ans.Artifacts

13.A place where containing collections of books, periodicals, and sometimes films and recorded
music for people to read, borrow, or refer to. Ans.Library

14.A source of information that has a large number of audience. Ans.Mass Media

15.A type of source that has a wide variety of information. Ans.Internet

16.It has an up to date national and regional information. Ans.Newspaper

17.An in depth detailed coverage of the topic and background information. Ans.Books

18.It can be recognized by its common set of distinguishing features (codes and

19.A systems of signs, which create meaning. Ans. Conventions

20.Generally accepted ways of doing something Ans.Codes

21.Ways in which equipment is used to tell the story. Ans.Technical

22.Show what is beneath the surface of what we see. Ans.Symbolic

23.The sounds or music of a film may classify into what type of codes? Ans.Communication

24.Movie posters are considered codes. Ans.Symbolic

25.It is a trail of data that you created while using the Internet. Ans. Digital Foot Print

26.If Alberto invents a new process for recording a music, she will likely apply for a . Ans.Patent

27.The rights of an author or artist with respect to his or her creation are governed by the law of:
Ans.Intellectual Property

28.A street vendor on F. Chan Street is selling fake "TAGG" watches. Under which area of intellectual
property would the TAG Company likely seek a remedy? Ans.Trademark

29.A holistic and positive approach to helping children learn how to be safe and secure, as well as
smart and effective participants in a digital world. Ans.Rules of Netiquette

30.A signs used on goods that have a specific geographical origin and possess qualities, a reputation
and characteristic that are essentially attributable to that place of origin. Ans.Geographical

31.An act of using another person's words or ideas without giving credit to that person.

32.John copied a significant portions of text straight from a single source, without an alteration. What
type of plagiarism is present in the scenario? Ans.The Photocopier

33.Kris Marian’s articles provide inaccurate information regarding the sources, making it impossible to
find them. What type of plagiarism is present in the scenario? Ans.The Misinformer

34.It is the essential skills and competencies that allow individuals to engage with media and other
information providers effectively, as well as develop critical thinking and life-long learning skills to
socialize and become active citizens. Ans.Media & Literacy

35.The ability of an individual, either working independently or with others, to responsibly,

appropriately, and effectively use technological tools. Using these tools an individual can access,
manage, integrate, evaluate, create and communicate information. Ans.Technology Literacy

36.The ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute, using printed and
written materials associated with varying contexts. Literacy involves a continuum of learning, wherein
individuals are able to achieve their goals, develop their knowledge and potential, and participate fully
in their community and wider society. Ans.Technology Literacy

37.The physical objects used to communicate with, or the mass communication through physical
objects such as radio, television, computers, film, etc. It also refers to any physical object used to
communicate messages. Ans.Media
38.The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media in a variety of forms. It aims to
empower citizens by providing them with the competencies (knowledge and skills) necessary to
engage with traditional media and new technologies. Ans.Media Literacy

39.This is a broad term that covers processed data, knowledge derived from study, experience,
instruction, signals or symbols Ans.Information Literacy

40.The ability to recognize when information is needed, and to locate, evaluate, and effectively
communicate information in its various formats. Ans.Information Literacy

41.It is the exchange of information and the expression of feeling that can result in understanding.

42.In the Evolution of Traditional to New Media, what age did People discovered fire, developed
paper from plants, and forged weapons and tools with stone, bronze, copper and iron. Ans.Pre-
Industrial Age (Before 1700s)

43.What format/equipment did people use to communicate in Industrial Age?Ans. Telegraph,


44.What format/equipment did people use to store information in Pre-Industrial Age? Ans.Cave

45.At this age, long distance became more efficient because the format/equipment did people use to
communicate with each other are Telegraph, Telegram, Telephone and Computers. Ans.Electronic
Age (1930s-1980s)

46.The format/equipment did people use to share or broadcast information at this age are Mobile
phones, digital books, printing press or books and social media. Ans. Information Age

47.What format/equipment did people use to share or broadcast information at Pre-Industrial Age
Ans.Traditional paper and writing materials, Cave paintings/stone tablets

48.It provides opportunities for people to communicate, share ideas, speculate, tell stories and give
information Ans.Channel

49.It Roles and functions of media in a democratic society where it acts as a gateway of information
for the society’s consumption. Also, it becomes a keeper of memories of the community, preserver of
heritage and source of academic knowledge. Ans. Watchdog

50.What was the name of the newspaper printed in 1640? Ans.The London Gazette

51.The act of using other's word and ideas without giving credit to the owner Ans.Plagiarism

52.Known by everyone or nearly everyone Ans.Common Knowledge

53.A restatement of a text or passage of someone's idea giving the meaning in another form yet they
are still need to acknowledge Ans.Paraphrase

54.The action of explaining the meaning of something Ans.interpretation

55.A group of words taken from a text or speech and repeated by someone other than the original
author or speaker. Ans.quotation

56.Media literacy means the ability to: Ans.understand and use media

57.In media studies "converging" refers to the coming together of:, telephone, and
mass media technologies

58.Which of the following is NOT part of 'Media Literacy'? Ans.One-way

59.Forms of electronic communication (such as web sites) through which people create online
communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, etc. Ans.Social Media

60.Which is not an example of a New Media. Ans.Film

61.Products and services that provide information or entertainment using computers or the internet,
what kind of media is this? Ans.Social Media

62.It is a type of media that consist of paper and ink, reproduced in a printing process that traditionally
mechanical. Ans.Print media

63.Harry Potter Complete Series Boxed Set Collection. Is an example of: Ans.Film

64.What type of media is 24- Oras news program uploaded on YouTube? Ans.Broadcast Media

65.What type of media is Philippine Daily Inquirer newspaper? Ans.Print Media

66.It was originated or produced naturally in a particular region. Ans.Local

67.Knowledge that is unique to a specific culture or society; most often it is not written down.
Ans.Indigenous Knowledge

68.It is a means by which culture is preserved, handed down, and adapted. Ans.Indigenous

69.It refers to content about indigenous peoples that may be distributed through dominant forms of
media or through forms of communication unique to their people group. Ans.Indigenous media and

70.Edgar verified and evaluated the information that he heard from his classmates. Edgar checked
whether the information is . Ans.Reliable

71.Forecasts are said to be if the report is similar to the actual data. Ans.Accurate

72.Information is said to be of if it aids the user in making or improving decisions. Ans.Value

73.This may come in physical or digital forms. They require common skill set in searching and
accessing information. Ans.Libraries

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