Abstract. In this paper, the problem of computing the projection, and therefore the
minimum distance, from a point onto a Minkowski sum of general convex sets is studied.
Our approach is based on the minimum norm duality theorem originally stated by Nirenberg
and the Nesterov smoothing techniques. It is shown that projection points onto a Minkowski
sum of sets can be represented as the sum of points on constituent sets so that, at these
points, all of the sets share the same normal vector which is the negative of the dual solution.
The proposed NESMINO algorithm improves the theoretical bound on number ´ of¯iterations
from Op 1 q by Gilbert [SIAM J. Contr., vol. 4, pp. 61–80, 1966] to O ?1 lnp 1 q , where
is the desired accuracy for the objective function. Moreover, the algorithm also provides
points on each component sets such that their sum is equal to the projection point.
Keywords: Minimum norm problem, projection onto a Minkowski sum of sets, Nesterov’s
smoothing technique, fast gradient method
Mathematical Subject Classification 2000: Primary 49J52, 49M29, Secondary 90C30.
1 Introduction
Let A and B be two subsets in Rn . Recall that the Minkowski sum of these sets is
defined by
A ` B :“ ta ` b : a P A, b P Bu.
The case of more than two sets is defined in the same way by induction. Note that if all the
sets Ai for i “ 1, . . . , m are convex, then every linear combination of these sets, m
i“1 λi Ai
with λi P R for i “ 1, . . . , m, is also convex. The Euclidean distance function associated
with a subset Q is defined by
where } ¨ } is the Euclidean norm. The optimization problem we are concerned with in this
paper is the following minimum norm problem
˜ p ¸ # p
ÿ ÿ
d 0; Ti pΩi q :“ min }x} : x P Ti pΩi q , (1.1)
i“1 i“1
Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Sciences, University of Electronic Science and Technology of
China, Chengdu 611731, China (email: qxlxajh@163.com)
Institute of Research and Development, Duy Tan University, Danang, Vietnam (email: tha-
where Ωi , for i “ 1, . . . , p, are nonempty convex compact sets in Rn and Ti : Rm Ñ Rn are
affine mappings satisfying Ti pxq “ Ai x ` ai , where Ai , for i “ 1, . . . , p, are n ˆ m matrices
and ai , for i “ 1, . . . , p, are given points in Rn . Since pi“1 Ti pΩi q is closed and convex,
and the norm under consideration is Euclidean, (1.1) has a unique solution, which is the
projection from the origin onto pi“1 Ti pΩi q. We denote this solution by x˚ throughout this
We assume in problem (1.1) that each constituent set Ωi is simple enough so that the
corresponding projection operator PΩi is easy to compute. It is worth noting that there
hasn’t been an algorithm for finding the Minkowski sum of general convex sets except for
the cases of balls and polytopes. Moreover, in general, the projection onto a Minkowski
sum of sets cannot be represented as the sum of the projections onto constituent sets.
Minimum norm problems for the case of polytopes have been well studied in the lit-
erature from both theoretical and numerical point of view; see e.g., [21, 30, 13] and the
references therein. The most suitable algorithm for solving (1.1) is perhaps the one sug-
gested by Gilbert [10]. The original Gilbert’s algorithm was devised for solving the minimum
norm problem associated with just one convex compact set. The algorithm does not re-
quire the explicit projection operator of the given set. Instead, it requires in each step the
computation of the support point of the set along with a certain direction. By observation
that for a given direction, support point of a Minkowski sum of sets can be represented
in term of support points of constituent sets, Gilbert’s algorithm thus can be applied for
general case of (1.1). Following [10], Gilbert’s algorithm is a descent method that generates
a sequence tzk u satisfying }zk } converges downward to }x˚ } within Op k1 q iterations.
Another effective algorithm for distance computation between two convex objects is the
GJK algorithm proposed by Gilbert, Johnson and Keerthi [11] and its enhancing versions
[12, 3, 1]. The original GJK algorithm was just restricted to compute the distance between
objects which can be approximately represented as convex polytopes. In order to reduce the
error of the polytope approximations in finding the minimum distance, Gilbert and Fo [12]
modified the original GJK to handle general convex objects. The new modified algorithm
is based on Gilbert’s algorithm and has the same bound on number of iterations. It has
been observed by many authors that, the algorithm often makes rapid movements toward
the solution at its starting iterations, however on many problems, the algorithm turns to
stuck when it approaches the final solution; see [16, 20].
When deal with problem (1.1), we are interested in the following questions:
Question 1: Is it possible to characterize points on each of constituent sets Ωi so that
the sum of their images under corresponding affine mappings is equal to x˚ .
Question 2: Is there an alternative algorithm that improves the theoretical complexity
bound of Gilbert’s algorithm for solving (1.1)?
In this work, we first use the minimum norm duality theorem originally stated by
Nirenberg [27] to establish the Fenchel dual problem for (1.1). From this duality result,
we show that each projection onto a Minkowski sum of sets can be represented as the sum
of points on constituent sets so that at these points, all the sets share the same normal
vector. For numerically solving the problem, we utilize the smoothing technique developed
by Nesterov [24, 25]. To this end, we first approximate the dual objective function by
a smooth and strongly convex function and solve this dual problem via a fast gradient
scheme. After that we show how an approximate solution for the primal problem, i.e., an
approximation for the projection of the origin, can be reconstructed from the dual iterative
sequence. Our algorithm improves
´ theoretical bound on number of iterations from Op 1 q
the ¯
of the Gilbert algorithm to O ?1 lnp 1 q . Moreover, the algorithm also provides elements on
each constituent sets such that the sum of their images under corresponding linear mappings
is equal to the projection x˚ .
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we provide tools of convex
analysis that are widely used in the sequel. The Nesterov’s smoothing technique and fast
gradient method are recalled in section 3. In section 4, we state some duality results
concerning the minimum norm problems and give the answer for Question 1. Section 5
is devoted to an overview of Gilbert’s algorithm. Section 6 is the main part of the paper
devoted to develop a smoothing algorithms for solving (1.1). Some illustrative examples
are provided in section 7.
In n-dimensional Euclidean space Rn , we use x¨, ¨y to denote the inner product, and
} ¨ } to denote the associated Euclidean norm. An extended real-valued function f : Rn Ñ
R Y t`8u is said to be convex if f pp1 ´ λqx ` λyq ď p1 ´ λqf pxq ` λf pyq, for all x, y P Rn
and λ P p0, 1q. We say that f is strongly convex with modulus γ if f ´ γ2 } ¨ }2 is a convex
function. Let Q be a subset of Rn , the support function of Q is defined by
It follows directly from the definition that σQ is positive homogeneous and subadditive. We
denote by SQ puq the solution set of (2.2). The set-valued mapping SQ : Rn Ñ Rn is called
the support point mapping of Q. If Q is compact, then σQ puq is finite and SQ puq ‰ H.
Moreover, an element sQ puq P SQ puq is a point in Q that is farthest in the direction u. Thus
sQ puq satisfies
sQ puq P Q and σQ puq “ xu, sQ puqy.
In order to study minimum norm problem in which the Euclidean distance is replaced
by distances generated by different norms, we consider a more general setting. Let F be
a closed, bounded and convex set of Rn that contains the origin as an interior point. The
minimal time function associated with the dynamic set F and the target set Q is defined
TF px; Qq :“ inftt ě 0 : px ` tF q X Q ‰ Hu. (2.3)
The minimal time function (2.3) can be expressed as
where ρF pxq :“ inftt ě 0 : x P tF u is the Minkowski function associated with F . Moreover,
TF p¨, Qq is convex if and only if Q is convex; see [22]. We denote by
The set ΠF px; Qq in this case is denoted by Πpx; Qq :“ tq P Q : dpx; Qq “ ~q ´ x~u. When
~ ¨ ~ is Euclidean norm, we simply use the notation PΩ pxq instead. If Ω is a nonempty
closed convex set, then the Euclidean projection PΩ pxq is a singleton for every x P Rn .
The following results whose proof can be found in [14] allow us to represent support
functions of general sets in term of the support functions of one or more simpler sets.
Lemma 2.1 Consider the support function (2.2). Let Ω, Ω1 , Ω2 be subsets of Rm and
T : Rm Ñ Rn satisfying T pxq “ Ax ` a be an affine transformation, where A is an n ˆ m
matrix and a P Rn . The following assertions hold:
(i) σΩ “ σcl Ω “ σco Ω “ σco Ω .
(ii) σΩ1 `Ω2 puq “ σΩ1 puq ` σΩ2 puq and σΩ1 ´Ω2 puq “ σΩ1 puq ` σΩ2 p´uq, for all u P Rm .
(iii) σT pΩq pvq “ σΩ pAJ vq ` xv, ay, for all v P Rn .
From Lemma 2.1, we have the following properties for support point mappings.
Proof. (i) The assumption on the compactness ensures the nonemptyness of involving
support points sets. Let any support point w̄ P SΩ1 `Ω2 puq. This means that w̄ P Ω1 ` Ω2
and xu, w̄y “ σΩ1 `Ω2 puq. There exists w̄1 P Ω1 and w̄2 P Ω2 such that w̄ “ w̄1 ` w̄2 .
Employing Lemma 2.1(ii), we have
From the definition of support functions, xu, w̄1 y ď σΩ1 puq and xu, w̄2 y ď σΩ2 puq. Therefore,
equality (2.5) holds if and ony if xu, w̄1 y “ σΩ1 puq and xu, w̄2 y “ σΩ2 puq. Thus, w̄ P
SΩ1 puq ` SΩ2 puq and we have justified the ” Ă ” inclusion in (i). The converse implication
is straightforward.
Now let w̄ P Ω such that Aw̄ ` a P ST pΩq puq. By Lemma 2.1(iii), we have xv, Aw̄ ` ay “
σT pΩq pvq “ σΩ pAJ vq ` xv, ay. This is equivalent to xAJ v, w̄y “ σΩ pAJ vq. Therefore,
` ˘
w̄ P SΩ pAJ vq and thus Aw̄ ` a P A SΩ pAJ vq ` a. The converse implication of (ii) is
proved similarly.
For (iii), suppose that there exist w̄1 , w̄2 P Ω with w̄ ‰ w̄2 such that xu, w̄1 y “ xu, w̄2 y “
σΩ puq. It then follows from the properties of support function that
w̄1 ` w̄2 1 1 1 1
xu, y “ xu, w̄1 y ` xu, w̄2 y “ σΩ puq ` σΩ puq “ σΩ puq.
2 2 2 2 2
Since Ω is strictly convex, w̄ :“ w̄1 `2 w̄2 P int pΩq. Take ą 0 small enough such that
IBpw̄; q Ă Ω. Then the element wp :“ w̄ ` 2 }u}
P IBpw̄; q Ă Ω. Moreover, since u ‰ 0, we
xu, wy
p “ xu, w̄y ` }u} ą xu, w̄y “ σΩ puq.
This is a contradiction. The proof is complete. ˝
The Fenchel conjugate of a convex function f : Rn Ñ R Y t`8u is defined by
Thus, if F is a closed convex and bounded set with 0 P int pF q then F ˝ is also a closed convex
and bounded set with 0 P int pF ˝ q. Moreover, from the subadditive property, ρF “ σF ˝ is a
Lipschitz function with modulus }F ˝ } :“ supt}x} : x P F ˝ u.
Let us recall below the Fenchel duality theorem which plays an important role in the
sequel. We denote the set of points where a function g : Rn Ñ R Y t`8u is finite and
continuous by contg.
Theorem 2.4 (See [2, Theorem 3.3.5]) Given functions f : Rm Ñ R Y t`8u and g : Rn Ñ
R Y t`8u, and a linear mapping A : Rm Ñ Rn , the weak duality inequality
holds. If furthermore f and g are convex and satisfy the following condition
Apdom f q X contg ‰ H, (2.6)
then the equality holds and the supremum is attained if it is finite.
In a celebrated work [26], Nesterov introduced a fast firtst-order method for solving
convex smooth problems in which the objective functions have Lipschitz continuous gra-
dients. In contrast to the complexity bound of Op1{q possessed by the classical gradient
descent method, Nesterov’s method gives a complexity bound of Op1{ q, where is the
desired accuracy for the objective function.
When the problem under consideration is nonsmooth in which the objective function
has an explicit max-structure as follows
f puq :“ maxtxAu, xy ´ φpxq : x P Qu, u P Rn , (3.7)
where A is an m ˆ n matrix and φ is a continuous convex function on a compact set Q of
Rm , in order to overcome the complexity bound Op 12 q of the subgradient method, Nesterov
[24] made use of the special structure of f to approximate it by a function with Lipschitz
continuous gradient and then applied a fast gradient method to minimize the smooth ap-
proximation. With this combination, we can solve the original non-smooth problem up to
accuracy in Op 1 q iterations. To this end, let d be a continuous strongly convex function
on Q. Let µ be a positive number called a smooth parameter. Define
fµ puq :“ maxtxAu, xy ´ φpxq ´ µdpxq : x P Qu. (3.8)
Since dpxq is strongly convex, problem (3.8) has a unique solution. The following statement
is a simplified version of [24, Theorem 1].
Theorem 3.1 (See [24, Theorem 1]) The function fµ in (3.8) is well defined and continu-
ously differentiable on Rn . The gradient of the function is
∇fµ puq “ AJ xµ puq,
where xµ puq is the unique element of Q such that the maximum in (3.8) is attained. More-
over, ∇fµ is a Lipschitz function with the Lipschitz constant `µ “ }A}2 , and
fµ puq ď f puq ď fµ puq ` µD @u P Rn ,
where D :“ maxtdpxq : x P Qu.
For the reader’s convenience, we conclude this section with a presentation of the sim-
plest optimal method for minimizing smooth strongly convex functions; see [25] and the
references therein. Let g : Rn Ñ R be strongly convex with parameter γ ą 0 and its gradi-
ent be Lipschitz continuous with constant L ą γ. Consider problem g ˚ “ inf tgpuq : u P Rn u
and denote by u˚ its unique optimal solution.
Fast Gradient Method
INITIALIZE: γ, v0 “ u0 P Rn .
Set k “ 0.
Repeat the following
Set uk`1 :“ vk ´ L1 ∇gpv
? kq
L´ γ
Set vk`1 :“ uk`1 ` ? ?
L` γ
puk`1 ´ uk q
Set k :“ k ` 1
Until a stopping criterion is satisfied.
1 (3.9) ?γ
}∇gpuk q}2 ď gpuk q ´ g ˚ ď 2 pgpu0 q ´ g ˚ q e´k L . (3.10)
In this section, we are in a position to give some duality results concerning minimum
norm problem (1.1). Let us first recall the duality theorem originally stated by Nirenberg
Theorem 4.1 (Minimum norm duality theorem) Given x̄ P Rn and let dp¨; Ωq be the dis-
tance function to a nonempty closed convex set Ω associated with some norm ~ ¨ ~ on Rn .
dpx̄; Ωq “ maxtxu, x̄y ´ σΩ puq : ~u~˚ ď 1u,
where the maximum on the right is achieved at some ū. Moreover, if w̄ P Πpx̄; Ωq, then ´ū
is aligned with w̄ ´ x̄, i.e., x´ū, w̄ ´ x̄y “ ~ū~˚ .~w̄ ´ x̄~.
According to this theorem, the minimum distance from a point to a convex set is equal
to the maximum of the distance from the point to hyperplanes separating the point and the
set; see Figure 1. A standard proof of this theorem can be found in [19, p. 136]. We also
refer the readers to the recent paper [7] for more types of minimum norm duality theorems
concerning the width and the length of symmetrical convex bodies.
Lemma 4.2 Let Q be a nonempty closed subset of Rn . Then the generalized projection
ΠF px; Qq is nonempty for any x P Rn .
Proof. From the assumption that F is a closed bounded and convex set that contains
the origin as an interior point, 0 ď TF px; Qq ă `8 for all x P Rn and the following number
R “ suptr : IBp0; rq Ă F ˝ u ă `8.
Then we have ρF pxq “ σF ˝ pxq ě R}x} for all x P Rn . Fix x P Rn . For each n P N, from
(2.4) there exists wn P Q, such that
TF px; Qq ď ρF pwn ´ xq ă TF px; Qq ` . (4.11)
It follows from (4.11) and triangle inequality that that
for all n. Thus the sequence twn u is bounded. We can take a subsequence twkn u that
converges to a point w̄ P Q due to the closedness of Q. By taking the limit both sides of
(4.11) and using the continuity of TF p¨; Qq and the Minkowski function, we can conclude
that w̄ P ΠF px; Qq. ˝
Theorem 4.1 is in fact a direct consequence of the Fenchel duality theorem which is
used to prove the following extension for minimal time functions.
Theorem 4.3 The generalized distance TF p0; ApΩqq from the origin 0Rn to the image ApΩq
of a nonempty closed convex set Ω Ă Rm under a linear mapping A : Rm Ñ Rn can be
computed by
where the maximum on the right is achieved at some ū P F ˝ . If Aw̄ P ΠF p0; ApΩqq is a
projection from the origin to ApΩq, then
Proof. Applying Theorem 2.4 for g “ ρF and f “ δΩ , the following qualification condition
Adomf X contpgq “ ApΩq X Rn “ ApΩq ‰ H,
where contpgq “ Rn is due to the fact that ρF is a continuous function on Rn . It follows
“ supt´σΩ AJ u ´ δF ˝ p´uq : u P Rn u
` ˘
and the supremum is attained because TF p0; ApΩqq is finite. If the supremum on the right
is achieved at some ū P F ˝ and the infimum on the left is achieved at some w̄ P Ω, then
` ˘
σF ˝ pAw̄q “ ρF pAw̄q “ TF p0, ApΩqq “ maxt´σΩ ´AJ u : u P F ˝ u “ ´σΩ p´AJ ūq.
This implies that xAJ ū, w̄y ě σF ˝ pAw̄q. On the other hand, σF ˝ pAw̄q ě xAw̄, ūy “ xAJ ū, w̄y,
because ū P F ˝ . Thus, xAw̄, ūy “ σF ˝ pAw̄q. This completes the proof. ˝
Note that, given a closed set Ω, the set ApΩq need not to be closed and therefore, we
can not use the min to replace the inf in the primal problem in Theorem 4.3.
Proposition 4.4 Let Q be a nonempty, closed convex subset of Rn . The following holds
If the maximum on the right is achieved at ū P F ˝ and the infimum on the left is attained
at q̄ P Q, then
xq̄, ūy “ σF ˝ pq̄q “ ´σQ p´ūq. (4.13)
If F “ IB is the Euclidean closed unit ball , then the projection q̄ exists uniquely and
Proof. The first assertion is a direct consequence of Theorem 4.3 with Ω “ Q and A is
the identity mapping of Rn . Note that, by Lemma 4.2, the infimum is also attained here.
When F is the Euclidean ball, the minimal time function reduces to the Euclidean distance
function and therefore the projection q̄ “ PQ p0q exists uniquely. If 0 R Q, then q̄ ‰ 0.
Moreover, we have x´q̄, x ´ q̄y ď 0 for all x P Q. This implies,
´ , x ď ´}q̄}, for all x P Q.
´ ¯
q̄ q̄
Hence σQ ´ }q̄} ď ´}q̄} “ ´dp0; Qq. This means that }q̄} is a solution of the following
dual problem
dp0; Qq “ maxt´σQ p´uq : u P IBu.
From (4.13), any dual solution ū must satisfy ū P SF ˝ pq̄q. Since F “ IB, we have F ˝ “ IB
is a strictly convex set. Thus, by Lemma 2.2(iii), ū “ }q̄} is the unique solution of dual
problem. The proof is now complete. ˝
From (4.13), for any primal-dual pair pq̄, ūq, we have the following relationship
This observation seems to be useful from numerical point of view in the sense that if a dual
solution ū is found exactly, then a primal solution q̄ can be obtained by taking a support
point in SQ p´ūq. However, for a general convex set Q, the set SQ p´ūq might contain more
than one point and there might be some points in this set which is not a desired primal
solution. Thus, the above task is possible when SQ p´ūq is a singleton.
When the distance function under consideration is non-Euclidean, the primal problem
may have infinitely many solutions and we may not recover a dual solution from a primal
one q̄ by setting }q̄} as in the Euclidean case.
Example 4.5 In R2 , consider the problem of finding the projection onto the set Q “ tx P
R2 : 2 ď x1 ď 5 and 1 ď x2 ď 4u in which the distance function generated by the `8 -norm.
In this case, F “ tx P R2 : maxt|x1 |, |x2 |u ď 1u and F ˝ “ tx P R2 : |x1 | ` |x2 | ď 1u and
we have TF p0; Qq “ 2. The primal problem in (4.12) has the solution set ΠF p0; Qq “ tx P
R2 : x1 “ 2 and 1 ď x2 ď 2u and the corresponding dual problem has a unique solution
q̄ q̄
ū “ p1, 0q. We can see that, for any primal solution q̄, the element }q̄} ‰ ū. Thus, }q̄} is not
a dual solution; see Figure 2.
We now give a sufficient condition for the uniqueness of solution of primal and dual
problems in (4.12). We recall the following definition from [23]. The set F is said to be
normally smooth if and only if for every boundary point x̄ of F , the normal cone of F at x̄
defined by N px̄; F q :“ tu P Rn : xu, x ´ x̄y ď 0, @x P F u is generated exactly by one vector.
That means, there exists ax̄ P Rn such that N px̄; F q “ cone tax̄ u. From [23, Proposition
3.3], we have that F is normally smooth if and only if its polar F ˝ is strictly convex.
Proof. (i) It follows from the definitions of minimal time function and generalized projec-
tion that TF px; Qq “ TF p0; Q ´ txuq and ΠF px; Qq “ x ` ΠF p0; Q ´ txuq. It suffices to prove
that ΠF p0; Q ´ txuq ‰ H. Let ū is a dual solution in (4.12). Since Q is nonempty and
closed, the set ΠF p0; Q ´ txuq is nonempty by Lemma 4.2. Suppose that ΠF p0; Q ´ txuq
contains two distinct elements q1 ´ x ‰ q2 ´ x. Then, by relation (4.14), both q1 and q2
belong to the set SQ p´ūq. This is a contradiction to Lemma 2.2 by the strictly convexity
of Q and justifies (i). The proof of (ii) is similar by using the strictly convexity of F ˝ . ˝
Minkowski sum of two closed sets is not necessarily closed. For example, for Q1 “ tx P
R2 : x2 ě ex1 u and Q2 “ tx P R2 : x2 “ 0u, the sum
Q1 ` Q2 “ tx P R2 : x2 ą 0u
is an open set. In what follows, in order to ensure the existence of support point for the
Minkowski sum, we assume that all component sets are compact.
We now show that (4.14) can allow us to characterize points on each constituent sets
in the Minkowski sum so that their sum is equal to the projection point. The answer
for Question 1 in the introduction is stated in the following results; see Figure 3 for an
Corollary 4.7 Let tQi upi“1 be a finite collection of nonempty convex compact sets in Rn .
It holds that ˜ p ¸ # p +
ÿ ÿ
TF 0; Qi “ ´ min σQi p´uq : u P F ˝ .
i“1 i“1
−2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Figure 3: The Minkowski sum of a polytope and two ellipses is approximately plotted by the red
set. The projection of the origin onto the red is the sum of points on three constituent sets such
that, at these points, three sets have a normal vector in common.
Moreover, if the minimum on the right hand side is attained at ū P F ˝ , then any generalized
projection q̄ of the origin onto the set pi“1 Qi satisfies
Thus, the projection q̄ is the sum of points on component sets such that at these points all
the sets have the same normal vector ´ū. If F “ IB is the Euclidean closed unit ball , then
the projection q̄ exists uniquely and
˜ p ¸ # p +
ÿ ÿ
d 0; Qi “ ´ min σQi p´uq : u P IB .
i“1 i“1
řp q̄
If in addition, 0 R i“1 Qi then }q̄} is the unique solution of the dual problem and we have
Proof. Let Q :“ i“1 Qi . Using Lemma 2.1 and Lemma 2.2, we have
σQ p´uq “ σQ1 p´uq ` . . . ` σQp p´uq and SQ p´uq “ SQ1 p´uq ` . . . ` SQp p´uq.
Note that, the support point mapping SQ puq does not depend on the magnitude of u, using
Proposition 4.4 and relation (4.14), we clarify the desired conclusion easily. ˝
The problem of finding a pair of closest points, and therefore the Euclidean distance,
between two given convex compact sets P and Q can be reduced to the minimum problem
associated with the Minkowski sum Q ´ P by observing that dpP, Qq “ dp0, Q ´ Pq. A
note here is that although there may be several pairs of closest points, the latter problem
always has a unique solution which is the projection from 0 onto Q ´ P. By noting that
σ´P p´uq “ σP puq and S´P p´uq “ ´SP puq, we have the following result; see Figure 6.
Corollary 4.8 Let tQi upi“1 and tPj ulj“1 be two finite collection of nonempty convex compact
sets in Rn and let P “ lj“1 Pj , Q “ pi“1 Qi . It holds that
ř ř
# p
ÿ l
d pP, Qq “ ´ min σQi p´uq ` σPj puq : u P IB .
i“1 j“1
Moreover, if q̄ is the projection of the origin onto Q :“ Q ´ P, if pā, b̄q is a pair of closest
points of Q and P, then q̄ “ ā ´ b̄ and
Thus, ā is the sum of points in Qi for i “ 1, . . . , p such that at these points all Qi have the
same normal vector ´q̄ and b̄ is the sum of points in Pj for j “ 1, . . . , ` such that at these
points all Pj have the same normal vector q̄.
We now give an overview and clarify how the Gilbert algorithm can be applied for
solving (1.1). Let us define the function g : Rn ˆ Q Ñ R by
where Q “ pi“1 Ti pΩi q. From the definition, gQ p´z, zq ě 0 for all z P Q. A point z P Q is
the solution of (1.1) if and only if x´z, x ´ zy ď 0 for all x P Q. This amounts to saying
that gQ p´z, zq “ 0.
Lemma 5.1 If two points z and z̄ satisfy }z}2 ´ xz, z̄y ą 0, then there is a point z̃ in the
line segment cotz, z̄u such that }z̃} ă }z}.
Proof. If }z̄}2 ď xz, z̄y, then we can choose z̃ “ z̄. Consider the case }z̄}2 ą xz, z̄y. By
combining with the assumption }z}2 ´ xz, z̄y ą 0, we have
attains its minimum on r0, 1s at λ˚ and therefore f pλ˚ q “ }z ` λ˚ pz̄ ´ zq}2 ă f p0q “ }z}2 .
Thus z̃ :“ z ` λ˚ pz̄ ´ zq is the desired point. ˝
The Gilbert algorithm can be interpreted as follows. Starting from some z P Q, if
gQ p´z, zq “ 0 then z is the solution. If gQ p´z, zq ą 0, then z̄ P SQ p´zq satisfies }z}2 ´
xz, z̄y ą 0. Using Lemma 5.1, we find a point z̃ on the line segment connecting z and z̄ such
that }z̃} ă }z}. The algorithm is outlined as follows.
Figure 4: An illustration of Gilbert’s algorithm.
Gilbert’s Algorithm
0. Initialization step: Take arbitrary point z0 P Q.
1. If gQ p´z, zq “ 0, then return z “ x˚ is the solution
else, set z̄ P SQ p´zq.
2. Compute z̃ P cotz, z̄u which has minimum norm, set z “ z̃
and go back to step 1.
Figure 4 illustrates some iterations of Gilbert’s algorithm for finding closest point to
an ellipse in two dimension. Lemma 5.1 also suggests an effective way to find z̃ in step 3.
We have z̃ :“ z ` λ˚ pz̄ ´ zq, where
’ if }z̄}2 ď xz, z̄y,
λ “ }z} ´ xz, z̄y
’ , otherwise.
}z ´ z̄}2
To implement the algorithm, it remains to show how to compute a supporting point for
Q “ pi“1 Ti pΩi q. Fortunately, this can be done by using Lemma 2.2.
C1 C2
}zk } ´ }x˚ } ď and }zk ´ x˚ } ď ? , (5.16)
k k
where C1 and C2 are some positive constants. From the above estimates, in order to find
an - approximate solution, i.e., a point z such that }z} ´ }x˚ } ď , we need to perform the
algorithm in Op 1 q iterations. Gilbert also showed the bounds (5.16) are sharp in the sense
that within a constant multiplicative factor it is imposible to obtain bounds on }zk } ´ }x˚ }
and }zk ´ x˚ } which approach zero more rapidly than those given (5.16); see [10, Example
6 Smoothing Algorithm for Minimum Norm Problems
Our approach for numerically solving (1.1) is based on the minimum norm duality
Theorem 4.3 and the Nesterov smoothing technique [24]. Let us first consider the function
of the following type
where A is an m ˆ n matrix and Q is a closed bounded subset of Rm . Observe that σA,Q puq
is the composition of a linear mapping and the support function of Q. As we will see, this
function can be approximated by the following function
! µ )
σA,Q puq “ sup xAu, xy ´ }x}2 : x P Q , u P Rn .
The following statement is a directly consequence of Theorem 3.1. However, the approxi-
mate function as well as its gradient, in this case, has closed form that is expressed in term
of the Euclidean projection. This feature makes it reliable from numerical point of view.
Proposition 6.1 The function σA,Q has the following explicit representation
µ }Au}2 µ “ Au ‰2
σA,Q puq “ ´ dp ; Qq
2µ 2 µ
and is continuous differentiable on Rn with its gradient given by
ˆ ˙
µ J Au
∇σA,Q puq “ A PQ .
µ 1
The gradient ∇σA,Q is a Lipschitz function with constant `µ “ }A}2 . Moreover,
µ µ µ
σA,Q puq ď σA,Q puq ď σA,Q puq ` }Q}2 for all u P Rn , (6.17)
where }Q} :“ supt}q} : q P Qu.
Proof. We have
! µ )
σA,Q puq “ sup xAu, xy ´ }x}2 : x P Q
" 2 *
µ` 2 2 ˘
“ sup ´ }x} ´ xAu, xy : x P Q
2 µ
Au 2 }Au}2
" *
“ ´ inf }x ´ } ´ : x P Q
2 µ µ2
}Au}2 µ
" *
Au 2
“ ´ inf }x ´ } : xPQ
2µ 2 µ
}Au}2 µ
„ ˆ
“ ´ d ;Q .
2µ 2 µ
Since ψpxq :“ rdpx; Qqs2 is a differentiable function satisfying ∇ψpxq “ 2rx ´ PQ pxqs for all
x P Rm , we find from the chain rule that
„ ˆ ˙
µ 1 J µ 2 J Au Au
∇σA,Q puq “ A pAuq ´ A ´ PQ p q
µ 2 µ µ µ
“ AJ P Q p q.
From the property of the projection mapping onto convex sets and Cauchy-Schwarz inequal-
ity, we find, for any u, v P Rn , that
µ µ Au Av
}∇σA,Q puq ´ ∇σA,Q pvq}2 “ }AJ PQ p q ´ AJ PQ p q}2
µ µ
Au Av
ď }A}2 }PQ p q ´ PQ p q}2
µ µ
2 Au ´ Av Au Av
ď }A} , PQ p q ´ PQ p q
µ µ µ
}A} J Au J Av
“ u ´ v, A PQ p q ´ A PQ p q
µ µ µ
}A} 2
µ µ
“ xu ´ v, ∇σA,Q puq ´ ∇σA,Q pvqy
}A}2 µ µ
ď }u ´ v}}∇σA,Q puq ´ ∇σA,Q pvq}.
This implies that
µ µ }A}2
}∇σA,Q puq ´ ∇σA,Q pvq} ď }u ´ v}.
The lower and upper bounds in (6.17) follow from
µ µ µ
}x}2 ď xAu, xy ď xAu, xy ´ }x}2 ` sup }q}2 : q P Q ,
xAu, xy ´
2 2 2
for all x P Q. The proof is now complete. ˝
We now make use of the strong convexity of the squared Euclidean norm to state
another dual problem for (1.1) in which the dual objective function is strongly convex.
Proof. Observe that the Fenchel dual of the function } ¨ }2 is 14 } ¨ }2 . Applying Theorem
2.4 again, for Q :“ pi“1 Ti pΩi q, we have
“ maxt´σQ puq ´ } ´ u}2 : u P Rn u
“ ´ mintσQ puq ` }u}2 : u P Rn u.
The result now follows directly from Lemma 2.1. ˝
In order to solve minimum norm problem (1.1), we solve dual problem (6.18) by ap-
proximating the dual objective function by a smooth and strongly convex function with
Lipschitz continuous gradient and then apply a fast gradient scheme to this smooth one.
Let us define the dual objective function by
p p
ÿ ÿ 1
ai y ` }u}2 , u P Rn .
` J
f puq :“ σΩi Ai u ` xu,
i“1 i“1
Proposition 6.3 The function f puq has the following smooth approximation
p ˆ p
}AJ u}2
ÿ µ AJ u ÿ 1
fµ puq :“ i
´ rdp i ; Ωi qs2 ` xu, ai y ` }u}2 , u P Rn .
2µ 2 µ i“1
Moreover, fµ is a strongly convex function with modulus γ “ 2 and its gradient is given by
p ˆ ˙ p
ÿ AJ
i u
ÿ 1
∇fµ puq “ Ai PΩi ` ai ` u. (6.19)
µ i“1
1 řp
where Df :“ }Ωi }2 ă 8.
2 i“1
We now apply the Nesterov fast gradient method introduced in Section 3 for minimizing
the smooth and strongly convex function fµ . We will show how to recover an approximately
optimal solution for primal problem (1.1) from the dual iterative sequence. The NEsterov
Smoothing algorithm for MInimum NOrm Problem (NESMINO) is outlined as follows:
INITIALIZE: Ωi , Ai , ai for i “ 1, . . . , p and v0 , u0 , µ.
Set k “ 0.
Repeat the following
Compute ∇fµ pvk q using (6.19)
Compute Lµ using (6.20)
Set uk`1 :“ vk ´ L1µ ∇fµ pvk q
? ?
Lµ ´ 2
Set vk`1 :“ uk`1 ` ? ? puk`1 ´ uk q
Lµ ` 2
Set k :“ k ` 1
Until a stopping criterion is satisfied.
}x} ´ }x˚ } ď .
Theorem 6.4 Let tuk u8 k“1 be the sequence generated by NESMINO algorithm. Then the
sequence tyk uk“1 defined by
p „ ˆ ˙
ÿ AJ
i uk
yk :“ Ai PΩi ` ai
´ ` 1 ˘¯
converges to an -approximate solution of minimum norm problem (1.1) within k “ O ?1 ln
we have
fµ pu0 q ´ fµ˚ ď f pu0 q ´ f ˚ ` µDf . (6.23)
Moreover, since fµ puk q ´ fµ˚ ě f puk q ´ µDf ´ f ˚ , we find from (6.22) and (6.23) that
Since fµ is a differentiable strongly convex function and u˚µ is its unique minimizer on Rn ,
` ˘
we have ∇fµ u˚µ “ 0. It follows from (3.10) that
1 (6.22) ` ˘ ´k γ
}∇fµ puk q}2 ď fµ puk q ´ fµ˚ ď 2 fµ pu0 q ´ fµ˚ e Lµ
This implies
b b
γ (6.23) γ
2 ´k ´k
}∇fµ puk q} ď 4Lµ pfµ pu0 q ´ fµ˚ qe Lµ ˚
ď 4Lµ pf pu0 q ´ f ` µDf qe Lµ
. (6.25)
For each k and for each i P t1, . . . , mu, let xik be the unique solution to the problem
` ˘ ! µ 2
σµ,Ωi AJ u
i k :“ sup xA J
i k , xy ´ }x} : x P Ωi .
We have
# +
2 J u ›2
› ›
! µ 2
) }AJ u
i k } µ › A k›
sup xAJ
i uk , xy ´ }x} : x P Ω i “ sup ´ ››x ´ i : x P Ωi
2 2µ 2 µ ›
„ ˆ J ˙2
i uk } Ai uk
“ ´ d , Ωi .
2µ µ
´ ¯
i uk
Hence xik “ PΩi µ . For each k, set
› p ›2 « ˜ p ¸ff2
›ÿ ` › ÿ
Ai xik ` ai › ´ d 0,
dk :“ › Ti pΩi q .
› ›
›i“1 › i“1
p ` ˘ řp
Ai xik ` ai P
Observe yk :“ Ti pΩi q. From the property of the projection onto convex
i“1 i“1
sets, we have
2}x˚ } p}yk } ´ }x˚ }q ď p}yk } ` }x˚ }q p}yk } ´ }x˚ }q “ }yk }2 ´ }x˚ }2 “ dk . (6.26)
We have the following
dk “ } pAi xik ` ai q}2 ` f ˚
› p ›2
›ÿ ` ˘››
Ai xk ` ai › ` fµ puk q ` f ˚ ´ fµ puk q
›i“1 ›
p p p
ÿ ÿ µ i 2 ÿ 1
“ } pAi xik ` ai q} ` 2
rxAJ i
i uk , xk y ´ }xk } s ` xuk , ai y ` }uk }2
i“1 i“1
2 i“1
` f ˚ ´ fµ puk q
p p p
ÿ ÿ D 1 µÿ i 2
“ } pAi xik ` ai q}2 ` uk , pAi xik ` ai q ` }uk }2 ´
}x }
i“1 i“1
4 2 i“1 k
` f ˚ ´ fµ puk q
p p
ÿ 1 µÿ i 2
Ai xik 2
` ˘
“} ` ai ` uk } ´ }x } ` f ˚ ´ fµ puk q
2 2 i“1 k
p p m
ÿ AJ
i uk
ÿ 1 µÿ i 2
“} Ai PΩi p q` ai ` uk }2 ´ }xk } ` f ˚ ´ fµ puk q
µ i“1
2 2 i“1
µÿ i 2
“ }∇fµ puk q} ´ }x } ` f ˚ ´ fµ puk q.
2 i“1 k
(6.21) p
}xik }2 ď 2Df . Taking into account
Observe |fµ puk q ´ f ˚ | ď |f puk q ´ f ˚ | ` µDf and
(6.24) and (6.25), we have
dk ď }∇fµ puk q}2 ` |f puk q ´ f ˚ | ` 2µDf
˚ ´k Lµ
ď 4Lµ pf pu0 q ´ f ` µDf qe ` µDf
˚ ´k Lµ
` 2pf pu0 q ´ f ` µDf qe ` 2µDf .
ď 2p2Lµ ` 1q pf pu0 q ´ f ˚ ` µDf q e Lµ
` 3µDf .
Now, for a fix ą 0, in order to achieve an - approximate solution for the primal problem,
we should force each of the two terms in the above estimate less than or equal to 2 . If we
choose the value of smooth parameter µ to be 6D f , we have dk ď when
d ˜ ` ˘¸
Lµ 4p2Lµ ` 1q f pu0 q ´ f ˚ ` 6
kě ln , (6.27)
6}Ai }2 Df
where Lµ “ i“1
` 12 .
´ from (6.26), we can find an - approximate solution for primal problem within
` 1 ˘¯
k “ O ? ln iterations. The proof is complete. ˝
We highlight the fact that the algorithm does not require computation of the Minkowski
sum but rather only the projection onto each of the constituent sets Ωi . Fortunately, many
Iteration NESMINO Gilbert
1 p0, 0q p1.5, 1.5q
Figure 5: Comparison between NESMINO algorithm and Gilbert’s algorithm for solving a
minimum norm problem involving polytopes
useful projection operators are easy to compute. Explicit formula for projection operator
PΩ exists when Ω is a closed Euclidean ball, a closed rectangle, a hyperplane, or a half-
space. Although there are no analytic solutions, fast algorithms for computing the projetion
operators exist for the cases of unit simplex, the closed `1 ball (see [8, 5]), or the ellipsoids
(see [6]).
In some cases, by making use of the special structure of the support function of Ω, we
can have a suitable smoothing technique in order to avoid working with implicit projection
operator PΩ or to employ some fast projection algorithm. We consider two important cases
as follows:
The case of ellipsoids. Consider the case of ellipsoids associated with Euclidean
EpA, cq :“ x P Rn : px ´ cqJ A´1 px ´ cq ď 1 ,
where the shape matrix A is positive definite and the center c is some?given point in Rn . It
is well known that the support function of this Ellipsoid is σE puq “ uJ Au ` uJ c and the
support point in direction u is sE puq “ ? Au ` c. We can rewrite the support function as
uJ Au
follows ´ ¯
σE puq “ σIB A1{2 u ` uJ c,
where IB stands for the closed unit Euclidean ball and A1{2 is the square root of A. The
smooth approximation gµ of function g “ σE has the following explicit representation
m point in Rn . By [28, Theorem 32.2], we have
and the support point sS puq of S is some point ai such that xu, ai y “ σS puq. Observe that,
for α “ pα1 , . . . , αm qJ P Rm , we have
max αi “ suptx1 α1 ` . . . ` xm αm : xi ě 0, xi “ 1u “ sup txα, xy : x P ∆m u .
Remark 6.5 In NESMINO algorithm, a smaller smooth parameter µ is often better be-
cause it reduces the error when approximate f by fµ . However, a small µ implies a large
value of the Lipschitz constant Lµ which in turn reduces the convergence rate by (6.27).
Thus the time cost of the algorithm is expensive if we fix a value for µ ahead of time.
In practice, a sequence of smooth problems with decreasing smooth parameter µ is solved
and the solution of the previous problem is used as the initial point for the next one. The
algorithm stops when a preferred µ˚ is attained. The optimization scheme is outlined as
7 Illustrative Examples
We now implement NESMINO and Gilbert’s algorithm to solve minimum norm prob-
lem (1.1) in a number of examples by MATLAB. We terminate the NESMINO when
}∇fµ puk q} ď , for some tolerance ą 0. In Gilbert’s algorithm, we relax the stopping
criterion gQ p´z, zq “ 0 to gQ p´z, zq ď δ, for some δ ą 0. The parameters described in
Remark 6.5 are chosen as follows:
and we use δ “ 10´4 . All the test are implemented on a personal computer with an Intel
Core i5 CPU 1.6 GHz and 4G of RAM. Figures in this section are plotted via the Multi-
Parametric Toolbox [18] and Ellipsoidal Toolbox [17].
Let us first give a simple example showing that when the sets involved are polytopes,
the Gilbert’s algorithm may have zigzag phenomenon and may become very slow as it
approaches the final solution.
Example 7.1 Consider the minimum norm problem associated with a polytope P in R2
whose vertices given by the columns of the following matrix
˜ ¸
´2 2 1
1 1 2
The NESMINO algorithm with a fixed value µ “ 0.1 converges to the optimal solution
x˚ “ p0; 1q within nearly 100 steps. In contrast, if starting from z0 “ p 23 , 32 q, the approximate
values pz1 ; z2 q in Gilbert’s algorithm are still changing after 104 iterations. In this case, as
the number of iterations is increasing, the Gilbert algorithm alternately chooses the two
vertices p´2, 1q and p2, 1q as support points of P and converges slowly to x˚ “ p0; 1q; see
Figure 5.
E1 + E2
E1 + E2 − E3
−10 −5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Figure 6: Minimum distance between ellipse E3 and the sum E1 ` E2 of two other ellipses.
Example 7.2 In R2 , consider the problem of computing the projection onto the sum of a
polytope P whose vertices given by the columns of the following matrix
˜ ¸
4 4 2 3
2 5 4 1
and two ellipses E1 pA1 , c1 q, E2 pA2 , c2 q with shape matrices and centers respectively given
by ˜ ¸ ˜ ¸ ˜ ¸ ˜ ¸
1 0 4 2 1 4
A1 “ , c1 “ and A2 “ , c2 “ .
0 0.5 ´4 1 2 0
The NESMINO algorithm yields an approximate solution x˚ “ p7.2841, ´1.4787q. The
algorithm also gives x1 “ p2, 4q, x2 “ p3.0101, ´3.8995q, x3 “ p2.2740, ´1.5792q which
respectively belongs to P , E1 , E2 such that x˚ “ x1 ` x2 ` x3 . This result is depicted in
Figure 3.
Example 7.3 In this example, we apply NESMINO to find the minimum distance be-
tween a Minkowski of two ellipses E1 pA1 , c1 q, E2 pA2 , c2 q with shape matrices and centers
respectively given by
˜ ¸ ˜ ¸ ˜ ¸ ˜ ¸
1.5 ´1 15 2 1 10
A1 “ , c1 “ and A2 “ , c2 “
´1 1.5 5 1 2 ´5
˜ ¸ ˜ ¸
´5 5 3
and another ellipse E3 pA3 , c3 q with c3 “ , A3 “ . The NESMINO yields the
10 3 5
distance d “ 27.2347 that is the norm of the projection x˚ “ p25.4219, ´9.7703q of the
origin onto E1 ` E2 ´ E3 . Moreover, x˚ “ ā ´ b̄, where ā “ p22.4983, 0.8118q P E1 ` E2 and
b̄ “ p´2.9236, 10.5820q P E3 is the pair of closest points; see Figure 6.
Example 7.4 We now consider the problem of computing the projection of the origin
onto a! Minkowski sum of two)ellipsoids E1 pA1 , c1 q and E2 pA2 , c2 q in high dimensions. Let
M “ 10 d´1 : i “ 1, . . . d where d is the space dimension and the number cond allows
us to adjust the shapes (thin or fat) of the ellipsoids. For each pair pd, condq, we generate
1000 problems and implement both NESMINO and Gilbert algorithm, and compute the
average CPU time in seconds. In each problem, let A1 and A2 are d ˆ d diagonal matrices
such that the main diagonal entries of each of them is some permutation of M . Since we
want to guarantee that 0 R E1 ` E2 , we choose the two corresponding centers c1 , cb dˆ1
2 PR
such that each of their entries is chosen randomly between m and 11m, where m “ d .
The result is reported in Table 1.
To compare the accuracy of both algorithms, for each ith problem among 1000 problems
corresponding to a fix pair pd, condq, we also save the objective function value at final
iteration of the two methods by fNESMINO piq and fG piq, and count how many i such that
|fNESMINO piq ´ fG piq| ă 10´6 . We see that almost 1000 problems in each pair pd, condq
satisfying this check. From Table 1, we can observe that the CPU time almost increases
with d and cond. Moreover, the smoothing algorithm depends more heavily on the shapes of
ellipsoids than Gilbert’s algorithm. The Table also show that both algorithm may have good
potential for solving large scale problems. This example also show that despite conservative
theoretical bound on the rate of convergence, in the case of ellipsoids, Gilbert’s algorithm
turns to be faster than smoothing algorithm .
8 Conclusions
Minimum norm problems have been studied from both theoretical and numerical point
of view in this paper. Based on the minimum norm duality theorem, it is shown that
Table 1: Performance of NESMINO algorithm and Gilbert’s algorithm in solving minimum
norm problems associated with ellipsoids.
projections onto a Minkowski sum of sets can be represented as the sum of points on
constituent sets so that, at these points, all of the sets share the same normal vector. By
combining Nesterov’s smoothing technique and his fast gradient scheme, we have developed
a numerical algorithm for solving the problems. The proposed algorithm is proved to have
a better convergence rate than Gilbert’s algorithm in the worst case. Numerical examples
also show that the algorithm works well for the problem in high dimensions. We also note
that Gilbert’s algorithm is a Frank-Wolf type method; see [9, 15]. Although the convergence
rate is known not to be very fast, due to its very cheap computational cost per iteration,
its variants are still methods of choice in many applications.
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