The Development of Color Perception and Cognition: Annual Review of Psychology

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Annual Review of Psychology

The Development of Color
Perception and Cognition
John Maule, Alice E. Skelton, and Anna Franklin
The Sussex Colour Group & Baby Lab, School of Psychology, University of Sussex, Falmer,
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2023.74:87-111. Downloaded from
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United Kingdom; email:

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2023. 74:87–111 Keywords

First published as a Review in Advance on
color, perception, cognition, development, infancy, childhood
August 16, 2022

The Annual Review of Psychology is online at Abstract
Color is a pervasive feature of our psychological experience, having a role in
many aspects of human mind and behavior such as basic vision, scene percep-
tion, object recognition, aesthetics, and communication. Understanding how
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s). This work is
humans encode, perceive, talk about, and use color has been a major inter-
licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License, which permits unrestricted disciplinary effort. Here, we present the current state of knowledge on how
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, color perception and cognition develop. We cover the development of vari-
provided the original author and source are credited.
ous aspects of the psychological experience of color, ranging from low-level
See credit lines of images or other third-party
material in this article for license information. color vision to perceptual mechanisms such as color constancy to phenom-
ena such as color naming and color preference. We also identify neurodiver-
sity in the development of color perception and cognition and implications
for clinical and educational contexts. We discuss the theoretical implications
of the research for understanding mature color perception and cognition, for
identifying the principles of perceptual and cognitive development, and for
fostering a broader debate in the psychological sciences.

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1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
1.1. Color Perception and Its Relevance to Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
1.2. Why Investigate the Development of Color Perception and Cognition? . . . . . . 90
2. COLOR VISION AND DISCRIMINATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
2.1. Development of Trichromatic Color Vision in Infancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
2.2. Color Discrimination Throughout the Life Span . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
2.3. Plasticity, Sensitive Periods, and Early Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
2.4. Tuning In to Chromatic Scene Statistics? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
AND COGNITION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
3.1. The Development of Color Constancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
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3.2. Using Color for Object Cognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

4. CATEGORIZATION, LANGUAGE, AND AESTHETICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
4.1. The Development of Color Categorization and Naming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
4.2. The Development of Color Preference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
IMPLICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
5.1. Color Vision Deficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
5.2. Neuro-Developmental Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
6. CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

1.1. Color Perception and Its Relevance to Psychology
Color is a ubiquitous feature of our psychological experience. The human visual system constructs
a perceptual experience of color from wavelengths of light reflected or emitted from the objects
and surfaces around us (see Figure 1). Color provides a key signal for basic vision. For example, it
is a useful cue for object perception and cognition: It enables us to distinguish between objects of
similar shape and aids the visual segmentation of objects from their backgrounds and the recog-
nition of visual scenes (e.g., Gegenfurtner & Rieger 2000). Color holds useful information about
the properties of objects and scenes (e.g., Osorio & Vorobyev 1996). For example, we use color to
know when fruit is ripe to eat and when meat is cooked. The color of the sky tells us about the time
of day and the weather, and the color of the trees tells us about the season that we are in. Color
provides a signal about people’s internal states—the blush of someone’s cheeks tells us if they
are embarrassed or aroused, whereas the pallor of someone’s skin can indicate poor health (e.g.,
Stephen et al. 2009). Color terms enable us to be descriptive and communicate efficiently (e.g.,
Conway et al. 2020). Color is also strongly associative, with different colors having reliable associa-
tions with emotions (e.g., joyful yellow; Jonauskaite et al. 2019), and abstract concepts (e.g., Tham
et al. 2020). This enables color to be used in symbols and signage (e.g., red for stop, green for go) as
well as in marketing and design to communicate abstract concepts such as romance and environ-
mentalism (e.g., Schloss et al. 2018b). Color also contributes to aesthetics and our appreciation of
art (e.g., Nascimento et al. 2021), and humans have reliable preferences for some colors (e.g., blue)
over others (e.g., chartreuse; e.g., Palmer & Schloss 2010). Finally, color informs the other senses,

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with the color of food contributing to how it tastes (e.g., Spence 2015) and the color of a room’s
illumination contributing to its perceived temperature (e.g., Huebner et al. 2016). Given the
importance of color for so many aspects of human mind and behavior, understanding how humans
encode, perceive, talk about, respond to, and use color has been a major interdisciplinary research
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(Caption appears on following page) • Development of Color Perception 89

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Figure 1 (Figure appears on preceding page)

The sensory, perceptual and cognitive components of color. (a) A version of the MacLeod-Boynton
chromaticity diagram with the cone-opponent red-green and blue-yellow axes of color vision that
correspond to the retinogeniculate neural pathways. Saturation increases with increasing distance from
the central gray, and hue varies by moving around the circumference of the circle. (b) Grating stimuli that, if
calibrated, would isolate the luminance, red-green, and blue-yellow neural pathways. (c) Photo illustrating
the many ways in which color contributes to human perception and cognition. (d) Approximate simulation of
how the colors in the photo in panel c are expected to appear to a 4-month-old given reduced saturation
sensitivity (based on saturation thresholds taken from Knoblauch et al. 2001) (top of the panel) and to an
observer with color vision deficiency who lacks L-cones (using Vischeck, developed by B. Dougherty and A.
Wade at Stanford University; (bottom of the panel).

1.2. Why Investigate the Development of Color Perception and Cognition?

There are several reasons to investigate how color perception and cognition develop. First, a de-
velopmental approach can contribute to broader debates about the relative contribution of ex-
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perience, learning, culture, and environment to perception and cognition in their mature form.
For example, research on infant color categorization has contributed to debate about the extent to
which color categories are arbitrarily constructed by language (e.g., Bornstein et al. 1976). Second,
a developmental approach can provide insight into the processes that underpin perceptual and
cognitive development such as discrimination, constancy, and statistical processing (e.g., Skelton
et al. 2022b). Color can be used as a testing ground for understanding these processes, and com-
parisons with other domains can establish how domain general these processes are. Third, un-
derstanding how infants and children see color has the potential to provide insight into broader
aspects of their minds and behaviors—for example, object reasoning (e.g., Káldy & Blaser 2009)
and language acquisition (e.g., Wagner et al. 2013). Finally, the development of color percep-
tion has relevance to clinical, educational, and industrial contexts. For example, color perception
is atypical in children with neurodevelopmental disorders (e.g., Franklin et al. 2010), congenital
color vision deficiency (CVD, or color blindness) in children can present barriers in education
(e.g., Torrents et al. 2011), and children’s color perception has implications for design (e.g., Luo


Color vision is the basic sensory process that underpins color perception and cognition. It is de-
fined as the ability to discriminate the wavelengths of light reflected from surfaces on the basis
of hue rather than brightness or intensity. The typical human observer is trichromatic: Their
retina contains three types of cone photoreceptors, with spectral sensitivities peaking in the long
(reddish), medium (greenish), and short (bluish) wavelengths. The signals from these cones are
combined to yield two cone-opponent channels, one encoding colors from cherry to teal (of-
ten referred to as the red-green channel) and the other encoding colors ranging from violet to
chartreuse (often referred to as the blue-yellow channel) (see Figure 1). These cone-opponent
channels provide two independent neural pathways transmitting the chromatic information from
the retina to the thalamus and visual cortex, where there are color-selective regions responsi-
ble for processing this chromatic information, and projecting to the ventral visual pathway (e.g.,
Conway et al. 2010). As the basic neurobiology of mature color vision is relatively well understood,
investigating the development of color vision could provide insight into the development of the
neural structures and pathways that underpin vision. As a result, there has been a concerted effort
to understand the development of trichromatic color vision in infants (e.g., Teller 1998), and to
identify changes in color discrimination across the life span (e.g., Knoblauch et al. 2001). Here, we

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summarize the main findings. We also examine the role of experience and consider the hypothesis
that early experience in infancy shapes how color vision develops, determining color vision in its
mature form (e.g., Laeng et al. 2007).

2.1. Development of Trichromatic Color Vision in Infancy

Several decades of neurobiological, electrophysiological, and psychophysical research provide ev-
idence that trichromatic color vision is present by around 2–3 months of age, with certain color
discriminations such as those that rely on red-green cone opponency appearing earlier (e.g., Teller
1998). Psychophysical studies, in particular the pioneering work of Davida Teller, have been piv-
otal in determining that infants have true color vision using chromatic neural pathways. These
painstaking studies carefully manipulated the chromatic parameters of stimuli (e.g., Teller et al.
1978), established infant iso-luminance (equating the perceived intensities of stimuli to isolate
chromatic differences; Pereverzeva et al. 2002), and measured how sensitive infants are to chro-
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matic gratings (see Figure 1) with various spatial properties (the contrast sensitivity function)
(e.g., Peterzell et al. 1995; see Teller 1998 for a review). Visual evoked potentials (VEPs), which
measure electrophysiological changes over the occipital cortex in response to visual stimuli, have
also identified the development of the chromatic and luminance neural pathways in infancy. For
example, Crognale (2002) charts developmental changes in the VEPs to achromatic, red-green,
and blue-yellow gratings, presenting data for individuals ranging from 1 week to 90 years of age.
VEPs appear for red-green gratings around 4 weeks and for blue-yellow around 6–8 weeks. How-
ever, infants’ VEP waveform is different from that of adults: There are rapid and complex changes
in the waveform shape and latency of components over the first year of life, and by 12 months in-
fants’ chromatic VEPs have a positive negative complex rather than the negative positive complex
of the adult waveform. The shape of the chromatic VEP waveform continues to change through-
out childhood and is not adult-like until 12–14 years of age. Crognale (2002) considers that there
is likely a cortical reason for these changes, as suggested by source localization of child evoked
potentials in another study (Ossenblok et al. 1992). VEPs to achromatic gratings appear in their
mature form at 12–15 weeks of age, pointing to more rapid maturation of luminance than chro-
matic neural pathways.

2.2. Color Discrimination Throughout the Life Span

Although trichromatic color vision is established by 2–3 months of age, sensitivity to color contin-
ues to improve throughout childhood and into adolescence. This protracted maturation of color
vision is well established: It is seen in the VEP study outlined above (Crognale 2002) and con-
firmed in behavioral studies that have measured color discrimination across the life span (e.g.,
Knoblauch et al. 2001). However, the role of nonvisual factors for changes in performance should
also be considered (Cranwell et al. 2015). One classic study (Knoblauch et al. 2001) employed
preferential looking to estimate saturation thresholds (i.e., the lowest intensity of a color that
can be detected against a gray) across the life span, testing infants as young as 3 months old and
adults as old as 96 years of age. The stimulus was a set of colored bars set among luminance noise
(patches of gray at multiple levels of luminance) paired with luminance noise only. Preferential
looking (for infants) or pointing (for children and adults) to the colored stimulus was measured,
and the saturation of the colored bars was adjusted to estimate chromatic thresholds for protan
(L-cone), deutan (M-cone), and tritan (S-cone) discrimination. The wonderfully rich data point
to continued improvement in color discrimination from infancy up until late adolescence, with
saturation thresholds approximately halving (i.e., sensitivity improving) with every doubling of • Development of Color Perception 91

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age until adolescence and thresholds increasing (i.e., sensitivity worsening) thereafter. There is
also a hint that blue-yellow (S-cone) color discrimination may initially develop at a slower rate
than red-green (L- or M-cone discrimination), which is supported by a study that finds that it is
not until 10 years of age that red-green and blue-yellow color discrimination develop at a similar
rate (e.g., Ling & Dain 2018). Other studies suggest a later age of maturation than proposed by
Knoblauch and colleagues, with the age varying from 18 to 30 years across studies (e.g., Paramei
& Oakley 2014). The decline in color discrimination post-maturation has also been investigated:
During this ageing phase, thresholds increase at a rate of around 1% per year for red-green and
1.6% for blue-yellow discrimination over the rest of the life span (Barbur & Rodriguez-Carmona
These studies that have charted the development and ageing of color discrimination are valu-
able as they have established norms for color discrimination that can guide the diagnosis of color
vision defects at various ages (see Section 5.1.1). The research also further contributes to our un-
derstanding of neural and visual development (and ageing) more broadly. It is currently unclear
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whether the relatively poor color discrimination of young children hampers their ability to use
color as a cue for identifying objects and their properties, and what kind of real-world color cues
(such as the blushing of skin) might be missed.

2.3. Plasticity, Sensitive Periods, and Early Experience

One important question about the development of color perception is the extent to which it is
shaped by experience. It is well established that there are time windows during development
when plasticity is greatest and when experience is essential for normal visual development (a
critical period; e.g., Hensch 2005) or influences visual development but is not essential for it
(a sensitive period; e.g., Knudsen 2004). However, whether similar experience-dependent pro-
cesses govern the development of color perception is less clear. In support of the argument that
experience does matter, one study (Sugita 2004) finds that rearing infant monkeys in a room il-
luminated only by monochromatic lights (i.e., lights composed of one wavelength) for 1 year
led to long-term disruption to judgments of color similarity and color constancy (i.e., the abil-
ity to keep color perceptually constant under illumination changes; see Section 3.1). However,
studies of human adults who had congenital cataracts appear to suggest that a period of visual
deprivation in infancy caused by cataracts does not lead to long-term deficits in color vision.
For example, patients who had congenital cataracts removed relatively late in childhood could
identify the odd element within an array based on color (McKyton et al. 2015), and perfor-
mance on a basic test of color discrimination also appeared normal (Pitchaimuthu et al. 2019).
Although this may suggest that color vision is robust to the effects of early deprivation, it is pos-
sible that deficits would be revealed with a more sensitive probing of the various aspects of color
Premature infants have additional visual experience relative to infants born full term, and com-
paring the visual abilities of premature and full-term infants matched on age since conception can
identify whether this additional visual experience matters for visual development (e.g., Jandó et al.
2012, Peña et al. 2014). For the case of color, Dobkins and Bosworth have assessed chromatic and
luminance sensitivity in infants born full term or premature (Bosworth & Dobkins 2009, 2013).
In one study, chromatic sensitivity was enhanced by an extra 4–10 weeks of experience, and lu-
minance sensitivity was enhanced by an extra 6–10 weeks (Bosworth & Dobkins 2013). Another
study found that factors related to experience (such as postnatal age) affected chromatic sensitivity
more than luminance sensitivity, for which factors unrelated to visual experience, such as infants’
gestational length, were more important (Dobkins et al. 2009).

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2.4. Tuning In to Chromatic Scene Statistics?

Comparisons of infants raised in different environments have shown that in the first year of life
infant perception narrows to become specialist in the types of stimuli (e.g., types of language,
faces, music) that the infant has experienced (e.g., Maurer & Werker 2014). This phenomenon of
perceptual narrowing raises the question of whether color vision and perception also tune to early
experience. Some tentative support for this idea comes from the comparison of the color vision
of Norwegian adults born above or below the Arctic Circle (e.g., Laeng et al. 2007). Adults born
above the Arctic Circle who would have early experience of the purplish twilight of winter mørketid
(when the sun does not rise above the horizon for several months) had better discrimination of
purples and poorer discrimination of greens than adults born below the Arctic Circle. Adults born
above the Arctic Circle also had overall poorer color discrimination if born in the autumn than
if born in the summer. This study provides tantalizing evidence that color vision tunes into the
colors of the environment during early development, leading to specialized color vision in the
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long term. Evidence consistent with that hypothesis comes from a psychophysical study that finds
that at 4–6 months of age infant color vision is aligned with the distribution of chromaticities in
the environment (Skelton et al. 2022a). Both adults and 4- to 6-month-old infants have poorest
saturation sensitivity for the chromaticities that have the greatest variation in saturation in natural
scenes (blue and yellow-orange hues), and an efficient encoding account for this effect has been
proposed (Bosten et al. 2015, Skelton et al. 2022a) (see Simoncelli & Olshausen 2001 for more
on efficient encoding; see Section 4.2.1 for more on cultural effects on color perception). These
effects at just 4–6 months of age either point to evolutionary tuning or suggest that infant color
vision tunes in to the chromatic and illumination scene statistics of environments in the first few
months of life. Comparing the color vision of infants born in environments with different chro-
matic and illumination scene statistics (e.g., above versus below the Arctic Circle, or lush versus
arid environments) would clarify whether the effect is due to early tuning.


As outlined in Section 1, color is a useful perceptual cue for object and scene perception and cog-
nition. Here, we review what is known about how this ability develops, starting with the perceptual
process of color constancy.

3.1. The Development of Color Constancy

The adult visual system is remarkably good at keeping the color appearance of surfaces perceptu-
ally constant or inferring constancy under changing illumination: We perceive a banana as yellow
even under bluish light. This color constancy enables color to be a useful cue for identifying ob-
jects and their properties (e.g., Smithson 2005). Color constancy has been attributed to perceptual
mechanisms such as adaptation and simultaneous contrast, the use of perceptual cues such as spec-
ular highlights (bright spots of light on glossy objects), a daylight prior, and higher-level cues such
as object color knowledge (see Witzel & Gegenfurtner 2018 for a review). However, the relative
contribution of these elements to mature color constancy in the real world is still being unraveled.
Developmental studies of color constancy may provide insight into the mechanisms of color
constancy, and they could be informative for developing artificial intelligence systems that can
learn color constancy or for identifying how the visual system learns to draw on low- and high-
level properties of objects, scenes, and their illumination (e.g., Wedge-Roberts et al. 2022). Re-
search suggests that even young infants from around 4 months of age have rudimentary color • Development of Color Perception 93

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constancy (e.g., Yang et al. 2013) but that color constancy continues to develop and mature
throughout childhood (e.g., Wedge-Roberts et al. 2022). The evidence for color constancy in
infancy comes from four studies that use the habituation/novelty preference method (Chien et al.
2006, Dannemiller 1989, Dannemiller & Hanko 1987, Yang et al. 2013). These studies each at-
tempted to measure infants’ sensitivity to illumination changes using either physical surfaces and
real illuminations (Chien et al. 2006, Dannemiller & Hanko 1987) or simulated illumination
changes using computer-rendered stimuli (Dannemiller 1989, Yang et al. 2013). If infants are color
constant, their visual systems should discount the effect of illumination changes on surfaces, and
so they would show familiarity (i.e., no novelty preference) to the same surface despite a change in
illumination but a novelty preference when the color of the surface is changed. These studies have
shown that by 4–5 months of age, infants appear to already have some color constancy (Danne-
miller 1989, Dannemiller & Hanko 1987, Yang et al. 2013) as well as lightness constancy (Chien
et al. 2006), whereas color constancy is not evident at 9 weeks (Dannemiller 1989).
There are many questions about how infant constancy compares to constancy in its mature
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form and what perceptual cues infants draw on. The novelty preference method is a blunt instru-
ment for asking these questions, since infants sometimes prefer to look at the familiar stimulus
during a test depending on the amount of familiarization, and a lack of novelty preference does not
indicate that the familiar stimulus is perceived as visually identical to the novel one (e.g., Houston-
Price & Nakai 2004). Studies that simulate illumination change by changing the chromaticity of
a computer-rendered background stimulus are also clouded by lack of clarity on whether infants
actually perceive this as an illumination change. In adult color constancy studies, the adult can be
instructed that the illumination is changing in the task instructions, and adults can be directed to
find the stimulus that is cut from the same card as the original one; however, such instructions can-
not be given to infants [see Witzel & Gegenfurtner (2018), who argue that even adults may fail to
perceive the change in background as a change in illumination]. These methodological challenges
make further probing of the mechanisms underlying infant color constancy difficult.
The methods that are used to measure color constancy in adults can be gamified to make them
suitable to use with young children from around 2 years of age. Rogers et al. (2020) devised a color
matching game to measure color constancy in which children were required to match printed col-
ored stimuli (cut in the shape of sweaters) with two cardboard bears under different illuminations.
Rogers and colleagues found that at 2–4 years of age some children had color constancy approxi-
mating adults’ performance on the task, but other children had very poor color constancy. Another
study asked 3- to 5-year-old children to assign a set of colored stimuli (cut from the Munsell card)
to color groups based on color terms, and children repeated the task under different room illumi-
nations (Witzel et al. 2021). The way in which children grouped the colors varied only to a small
extent under different illuminations. Both of these studies found a relationship between children’s
color term knowledge and their degree of color constancy, potentially flagging the importance of
color constancy for cognitive development or vice versa (see Section 4.1.2 on color naming for
further discussion).
Color constancy has also been measured in older children, at 6–11 years of age, in a series
of carefully controlled experiments using an object selection task that involved helping a dragon
find his favorite colored sweet under different illuminations (Wedge-Roberts et al. 2022). In two
experiments that used 2D and 3D computer-rendered stimuli, color constancy surprisingly weak-
ened between the ages of 6 and 11, and children had better color constancy than adults. However,
in a third experiment with a small sample of children (N = 15), color constancy was better in
adults than in children when tested with rendered matte and glossy objects under daylight and
non-daylight illuminations (Wedge-Roberts 2021). There was no consistent evidence for a day-
light prior in color constancy that would get stronger with development, and there was tentative

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evidence that children’s color constancy is not helped by specular highlights (bright spots of light
on glossy objects) as it is in adults. However, it is unclear whether the developmental differences
are due to children’s use of different cues for color constancy than adults or to differences between
children and adults in interpreting the computer-rendered stimuli, illuminations, and tasks.
Another question is the extent to which the development of color constancy depends on com-
mon perceptual systems that enable other types of perceptual constancy to develop. Color con-
stancy appears to have a similar developmental trajectory to other types of perceptual constancy,
such as size and shape constancy. For example, there is converging evidence that young infants
have rudimentary size constancy (e.g., Granrud 2006), and at large viewing distances this still ap-
pears to be developing at 9 years (e.g., Granrud & Schmechel 2006). For the case of size constancy,
evidence has pointed to the need for children to develop reasoning abilities so that they can use a
deliberate strategy to help their perceptual estimates (Granrud 2009). The roles of reasoning and
deliberate strategies and of object knowledge in color constancy in children remain to be probed.
Direct comparisons of the development of perceptual constancy across domains (e.g., size, shape,
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and color) might prove useful.

3.2. Using Color for Object Cognition

How object representations develop in infancy and beyond has been a major focus of developmen-
tal science. Research has also asked about the role of color in object individuation (e.g., Wilcox
1999), identification (e.g., Káldy & Leslie 2003), and generalization (e.g., Samuelson & Horst
2008), pitting color against other attributes of objects such as shape, size, location, and luminance.
Wilcox and colleagues find that 11-month-old infants use color to individuate objects several
months later than shape or pattern (e.g., Wilcox 1999), but that if color is made functionally rele-
vant in the experimental task, then infants can use color cues several months earlier (e.g., Wilcox
& Chapa 2004). Káldy & Leslie (2003), using an object occlusion task, show that 9-month-old
infants can use shape but not color to identify two objects and track the objects’ changing loca-
tion behind occlusion. However, they also argue that such effects could be due to the particular
selected shapes (e.g., circle and square) being more perceptually different than the selected colors
(e.g., yellow and green), and the effects do not necessarily indicate that one type of information
is more important to object identification than the other. An elegant solution to this underap-
preciated issue is provided by the development of the psychophysical interdimensional salience
mapping (ISM) method for equating infants’ perceptual salience of stimulus differences across
object feature types (Káldy & Blaser 2009). This method uses forced-choice preferential look-
ing to plot psychometric functions for salience changes on different dimensions. Káldy & Blaser
showed that when salience changes were equated in this way, 9-month-old infants could identify
objects on the basis of shape and color but not luminance. They argued that infants use color be-
fore luminance because in the real world color is more diagnostic of objects than luminance (see
Figure 1c).
It has been argued that toddlers are less likely to generalize labels to novel objects on the
basis of color than on the basis of shape (the so-called shape bias; e.g., Samuelson & Horst 2008),
although other research indicates that children access color information when processing words
(e.g., Johnson et al. 2011, Mani et al. 2013). For example, after hearing a word (e.g., strawberry),
2-year-olds orient more quickly to the image of an object that has the same color as the spoken
word (e.g., red cup) than to the image of an object of an unrelated color (e.g., blue chair), indicating
that children at this age process the color of the spoken object ( Johnson et al. 2011). However,
even though this demonstrates object color knowledge by 2 years of age, semantic knowledge
still appears to be stronger at this age: On hearing a word (e.g., banana), 2-year-olds orient faster
to a semantic match (e.g., cookie) than to a color match (e.g., yellow cup) (Mani et al. 2013), • Development of Color Perception 95

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again potentially suggesting that color is less prominent than other object properties. There is
limited research on the age at which object color knowledge emerges. Color is diagnostic of certain
objects: Objects such as food, natural objects (e.g., leaves), or faces have a typical (canonical) color.
One study finds that 6-month-olds look longer at typically than at atypically colored faces and fruit,
suggesting that object color knowledge may start to develop in early infancy (Kimura et al. 2010).
However, an unpublished study failed to find a preference (in 5- and 8-month-olds) for naturally
colored faces over digitally manipulated green, purple, and blue faces equated in saturation, and
infant hue preferences were the same when colored stimuli were faces or scrambled faces (Clifford
et al. 2014).
In the real world, changes in the color of objects can also be indicative of the properties of the
objects: Meat changes color when it is cooked, leaves change color with the seasons, fruit changes
color when it ripens, and skin changes color when someone is aroused or ill. In fact, it has been
proposed that the need to be able to register changes in the color of skin or the ripeness of fruit
provided the basis for trichromatic color vision to evolve (e.g., Changizi et al. 2006, Osorio &
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Vorobyev 1996). The development of the ability to use object color changes to infer the prop-
erties of objects is a topic for further research. In the real world, the color of objects also has
statistical regularities. For example, an analysis of the color of a database of real-world images
found that objects were more frequently warm colored (e.g., red) and the backgrounds were more
frequently cool colored (e.g., blue), potentially making warm colors more communicable than cool
ones (Gibson et al. 2017). Research considering when such statistical regularities in the color of
objects feed into the development of object perception and cognition could be fruitful.
Color is important not just for the perception of objects; in adults, color appears to be also
important at both the encoding and retrieval stages when recognizing scenes (Gegenfurtner &
Rieger 2000, Gegenfurtner et al. 1998), and scene category identification is fastest when scenes
are presented in their natural colors (Oliva & Schyns 2000, Wichmann et al. 2002). There has
been little developmental investigation of this topic. Skelton et al.’s (2022b) investigation of in-
fants’ saturation thresholds, outlined in Section 2.4, potentially suggests that infants tune into the
chromatic properties of scenes. Another unpublished study conducted by Skelton and colleagues
further suggests that young infants are sensitive at least to the chromatic properties of scenes,
finding that 6-month-olds’ looking preference for urban compared to rural scenes can be pre-
dicted by a number of low-level spatial and chromatic features of the scene (Skelton et al. 2021).
However, the age at which infants are able to draw on the color information in a scene to encode
and recognize scenes is currently an open question.


As outlined earlier, color is more than a simple perceptual cue for identifying objects and their
properties: Color infiltrates our language and communication, and it invokes an emotional and
aesthetic response. Here we review what is known about the development of these aspects of our
experience of color.

4.1. The Development of Color Categorization and Naming

Although there are millions of discriminable colors (e.g., Linhares et al. 2004), when we commu-
nicate about color we group these colors into a discrete number of categories and use color terms
to refer to these categories (e.g., red, green, blue). There have been decades of interdisciplinary
debate about whether color categories and their lexicons are arbitrarily linguistically constructed
or there are biological constraints or other factors determining how colors are grouped and named
(Lindsey & Brown 2021). Investigation of the world’s color lexicons has revealed striking variation

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in how languages talk about color: Some languages have only a few basic color terms, whereas oth-
ers have 11 or more (e.g., Kay et al. 2009). However, despite this variation, commonalities across
color lexicons have also been identified, and it is now commonly accepted that color categorization
is not an arbitrary process (see Lindsey & Brown 2021 for a review). Here we outline develop-
mental research that has asked questions about how color categories develop and how children
learn the words for color categories. We illustrate that this research contributes to the debate about
the origin and nature of color categories and to our understanding of how infants and children
categorize information and learn terms for categories more generally.

4.1.1. Infant color categorization. One hotly debated question about the development of
color categorization has been whether or not infants can categorize color before they have learnt
the words for color. Bornstein and colleagues’ classic studies were the first to claim that infants
categorize color (e.g., Bornstein et al. 1976). These studies presented infants repeatedly with a
monochromatic light composed of one wavelength so that they habituated to it (i.e., their looking
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time decreased) and then recorded how long the infants looked at light of a novel wavelength.
Infants only dishabituated to the novel light (i.e., increased their looking) when it was from a dif-
ferent lexical category than the habituated light (e.g., green and blue) but not when it was from
the same lexical category (e.g., both green). Bornstein and colleagues interpreted these findings
as evidence that infants categorize the continuum of wavelength into blue, red, green, and yellow
Since Bornstein and colleagues’ work, there has been much debate about the existence of in-
fant color categories. Stimulus limitations in those classic studies were identified (e.g., Davies &
Franklin 2002), and a number of subsequent studies have attempted to replicate and extend the
work using stimuli and color spaces that address those limitations. These studies have also used
a range of methods, such as eye-movement search tasks (e.g., Franklin et al. 2005), event-related
potentials (Clifford et al. 2009), and functional near infrared spectroscopy (f-NIRS) (Yang et al.
2016), to attempt to probe the nature of infants’ categorical responses. We refer the reader to
Maule & Franklin (2019) for a detailed overview of these studies, their limitations, and a nuanced
debate about whether infant color categories affect infant color perception or memory. The overall
message of Maule & Franklin’s review is that there is substantial evidence that infants’ recognition
memory responds to color in a categorical manner.
Skelton et al. (2017) further investigated the nature of infant color categories with a large-scale
infant study that mapped infant color categories onto the stimulus array used in a survey of the
world’s color lexicons (World Color Survey; Kay et al. 2009). Using a method similar to that of
Bornstein’s original studies, Skelton and colleagues found that infants’ response parsed the con-
tinuum of hue into five categories: red, green, blue, yellow, and purple. Skelton and colleagues
then used this infant color category map to establish the extent to which it followed the common
pattern of categorization across the world’s color lexicons. The centers of lexical color categories
(category centroids) across the world’s color lexicons tend to cluster around particular points in
color space (Regier et al. 2005), and Skelton and colleagues’ quantitative analyses found that in-
fant color categories were also organized around these hues. This similarity was used to argue
that infant color categorization and the commonality across color lexicons could be partly deter-
mined by similar processes. Further analyses of infants’ responses suggested that the categorical
distinctions infants make can be accounted for by early color representation in retinogeniculate
pathways, providing support for a biological account of infant color categorization. That account
has been challenged based on the claim that early color representation cannot neatly account for
lexical color categories in adults (e.g., Siuda-Krzywicka et al. 2019); yet it is plausible for infant
color categorization to be biologically determined, whereas color lexicons are determined by a • Development of Color Perception 97

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mix of biological, cultural, and linguistic forces. The link between infant color categories and
color lexicons deserves further investigation.

4.1.2. Learning color terms. Although infants appear to coarsely categorize color, children
have the challenge of learning the words for the color lexicon of their own language and culture. It
has been commonly argued that children find this process of color term learning difficult and that
color terms are harder for children to learn than other abstract terms (e.g., Kowalski & Zimiles
2006, Sandhofer & Smith 1999). The age of color term acquisition has come down over time,
with children now typically being able to point to and name the best (focal) examples of the basic
color terms by around 3 years of age (Pitchford & Mullen 2002). However, despite this reduction
in age, a body of work has considered color term acquisition to be atypically effortful and has
investigated the reasons for this (e.g., Rice 1980). One common proposal is that children find it
difficult to abstract the property of color and to know that color is the object property that is
being labeled (e.g., Kowalski & Zimiles 2006). However, Wagner et al.’s (2013) study of color
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naming has strongly challenged this proposal. Wagner and colleagues carefully considered the
nature of children’s errors before they were able to point to and name a term correctly. They
found that even before children succeeded in accurate comprehension and production of a color
term, their pattern of errors was systematic and indicated some understanding of the terms and the
categorical structure of color. For example, children’s errors at this stage were commonly directed
at similar colors (e.g., red was named as pink). Contrary to the hypothesis that children who do
not know color terms have a problem with abstracting color, Wagner and colleagues argued that
these children can abstract color and respond to it in a meaningful way; they are just working
out the color category boundaries of their own language. Further support for the hypothesis that
children have an understanding of color terms before they pass on to formal comprehension and
production tasks comes from eye tracking and parental reports (Forbes & Plunkett 2020, Wagner
et al. 2018). Wagner et al. (2018) found that children as young as 23 months of age were showing
some color term comprehension with these measures. Forbes and colleagues also found that even
infants as young as 19 months of age could reliably look at the correctly colored object following
an instruction to look at the object with a given color term (Forbes & Plunkett 2019).
These recent studies on color term acquisition have also considered the factors that determine
the speed at which color terms are learnt. Re-analysis of Wagner et al.’s (2013) color naming
data found that three factors could account for whether or not terms were applied consistently
(across objects of the same color) and precisely (not to other colors). The frequency with which
children hear a given term in child-directed speech, the size of a term’s color category, and the
perceptual salience of the best example of a given term could account for the majority of the
variance in Wagner et al.’s (2013) data (Yurovsky et al. 2015). Forbes & Plunkett’s (2020) analysis
of infant language surveys in 12 languages also identifies that the frequency of the color term
in child-directed speech and the syllabic complexity (number of syllables) of a color term are
predictors of the ease with which a term is learnt (Forbes & Plunkett 2020). These findings are
important because these factors also affect the learning of concrete nouns, providing support for
the hypothesis that color terms are not a special case: Color term acquisition is driven by the same
mechanisms as the acquisition of other kinds of words.
Wagner et al.’s (2013) proposal that color term acquisition involves a “gradual inductive pro-
cess” of learning the category boundaries of a given term points to the importance of investigating
color term learning with stimulus sets that include both focal examples (e.g., category centroids)
and poor examples (e.g., colors at the category boundaries) of color terms. Studies that have asked
children to sort stimulus sets similar to those used in adult color naming research (e.g., World
Color Survey) into groups based on color terms have revealed the gradual sharpening of color

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category boundaries (Bonnardel & Pitchford 2006, Raskin et al. 1983, Witzel et al. 2021). Re-
cent cross-cultural studies of children’s color naming using a set of 93 colors find that while input
frequency and category size determine the rate of learning category centroids (as in Yurovsky
et al. 2015), it is the inconsistency with which a color is named by adults that determines whether
Japanese and German 3- and 5-year-olds name boundary colors accurately (Imai et al. 2020, Saji
et al. 2020). These studies highlight the importance of considering color term acquisition as a pro-
cess of category learning rather than a process of simply learning the names for the best examples
of a term.
Another line of research has considered the effect that color term acquisition has on color
perception. Research testing the Whorfian hypothesis that language affects perception has found
that color category effects on perceptual tasks are lateralized to the language-dominant left hemi-
sphere (e.g., Drivonikou et al. 2007, Gilbert et al. 2006). Developmental research has also found
a switch in the hemispheric lateralization of the effect of color categories from the right hemi-
sphere to the left hemisphere as color terms are learnt (Franklin et al. 2008a,b). However, these
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laterality studies suffer from the constraints of the split-field measure of hemispheric lateraliza-
tion, and lateralization of color category effects in adults has been found to be unreliable across
studies (Witzel & Gegenfurtner 2011), potentially due to the fact that factors such as spatial at-
tention and expertise determine the pattern of lateralization. Nevertheless, there are other hints
that learning color terms corresponds with changes in color perception. For example, as outlined
in Section 3.1, Rogers et al.’s (2020) investigation of color constancy in preschoolers found a cor-
relation between the number of color terms a child knows and the degree of their color constancy,
although the direction of this relationship is unknown.

4.2. The Development of Color Preference

Decades of research have documented systematic and reliable adult color preferences: On average,
adults from the United States and the United Kingdom like blue hues the most and yellow-green
hues (particularly if dark) the least (Palmer & Schloss 2010, Taylor & Franklin 2012). There is also
a smooth hue-preference curve for these adults, with preference steadily rising the bluer the hue.
One account of color preference is ecological valence theory (Palmer & Schloss 2010), which pro-
poses that adults like colors to the extent that those colors are associated with liked objects. In sup-
port of this theory, the valence of color-associated objects can account for up to 80% of the variance
in US adults’ color preference (although much less for other cultures; e.g., Yokosawa et al. 2016).
Another approach has been to describe hue-preference curves in terms of weights on the cone-
opponent mechanisms, potentially providing insight into the nature of the preference (Hurlbert &
Ling 2007; see also Schloss et al. 2018a). Hurlbert & Ling’s (2007) study of adult color preference
found, for both British and Chinese adults, that women weighted the red-green cone-opponent
mechanism more strongly than men, with a female bias towards reddish hues (see also Sorokowski
et al. 2014). In their original work, they argued that this difference might be attributed to evolu-
tionary sex differences in foraging behavior that bias women toward reddish hues: In other words,
the difference would be biologically driven. Here, we summarize developmental studies that have
investigated the origins of sex differences in color preference and hue preferences in infancy.

4.2.1. Children’s color preferences and the development of sex differences. Like those
of adults, children’s color preferences are also reliable and systematic and vary with hue: Ling
& Hurlbert (2011) identified that the hue-preference curves of 8- to 9- and 11- to 12-year-olds
were highly similar to those of adults, with a few notable differences. One major focus of devel-
opmental color preference studies has been the question of whether sex differences are culturally
constructed or biologically driven. Potentially in support of this, Ling & Hurlbert (2011) found • Development of Color Perception 99

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that sex differences in color preference were amplified at the start of adolescence. However, other
developmental work has favored cultural accounts of sex differences in color preference. For ex-
ample, girls’ preference for and boys’ aversion to pink start to arise around 2.5 years of age, when
sex-stereotyped behaviors also appear (LoBue & deLoache 2011). Sex differences in color prefer-
ence are so strong around this age that they affect toy preference (Wong & Hines 2015), and some
have argued that coding the gender of toys using color leads to gender differences in social and
developmental outcomes (e.g., Orenstein 2011). In support of a cultural account of sex differences
in color preference, sex differences are not found in 4- to 11-year-olds from three small-scale soci-
eties that are not strongly influenced by global industrialization (Davis et al. 2021; see also Taylor
et al. 2013a for adult data).

4.2.2. Infant color preferences. Research on infants’ visual preferences for color can also con-
tribute to understanding color preferences in their mature form. Studies that have recorded how
long infants look at patches of color when shown individually or in pairs have found that around
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3–4 months of age, infants look longest at blues, a long time at reds and purples, and the least
time at yellows and greens (e.g., Bornstein 1975, Skelton & Franklin 2020, Taylor et al. 2013b,
Zemach et al. 2007); as for adults, their response follows a systematic hue-preference curve (e.g.,
Brown & Lindsey 2013). The nature of these early visual preferences has been examined, and psy-
chophysical experiments have established that they are not determined by adult-like brightness or
saturation differences, colorimetric purity, or infants’ chromatic detection thresholds; rather, they
are best accounted for by “spontaneous hue preference” (Zemach et al. 2007). Other work has
shown that infants’ color preferences, like adults’, can be summarized in terms of weights on the
cone-opponent axes (e.g., Taylor et al. 2013b), and infant color preferences from three studies have
been effectively modeled with a cone-opponent model of color vision (Brown & Lindsey 2013).
This modeling also found that infants’ preferences were best explained when the luminance of the
stimuli was not taken into account, providing compelling evidence that infants of this age are able
to respond to colors on the basis of their hue, independent of their other perceptual dimensions
(see also Rogers et al. 2018).
One question is the extent to which these early visual preferences for color relate to adults’
aesthetic color preferences in their mature form. Infant looking preferences, of course, do not
necessarily indicate that an infant likes something, and a number of processes are known to be
related to how long an infant looks at a stimulus, such as novelty and complexity (Houston-Price &
Nakai 2004). However, infants’ visual preferences for color do bear a striking similarity to adults’
aesthetic color responses. For example, how long a 4- to 6-month-old infant looks at different
colors significantly correlates with adults’ ratings of how much they like those same colors, with
almost half of the variance shared between the two measures (Skelton & Franklin 2020). This
striking similarity between adults’ aesthetic color preferences and infants’ visual preferences for
colors raises the question of whether or not these two types of preference are driven by similar
mechanisms. Both infant and adult preferences can be summarized by how colors activate cone-
opponent mechanisms (e.g., Skelton & Franklin 2020), and one possibility is that the preferences
of both groups have a similar sensory component. Color preferences may start in infancy as an
early sensory bias for looking longer at some hues over others and then develop into aesthetic
and hedonic preferences during development, when meaningful interactions with colored objects,
concepts, and environments increase. As these aesthetic preferences develop, they are likely to be
shaped by an individual’s identity, experiences, and culture (e.g., Schloss et al. 2011).
Beyond the developmental work on color preferences for individual colors, we know little
about whether color contributes to children’s aesthetic appreciation of art as it does in adults (e.g.,
Nascimento et al. 2017) or even to the development of aesthetics generally (e.g., Krentz & Earl

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2013). Further developmental work has the potential to shed light on the nature of aesthetics. Sim-
ilarly, other than one study that identifies color–emotion associations at 3 years of age (Zentner
2001), there is little understanding of how these associations develop, and further developmental
work could clarify how color–emotion associations are shaped by experience.


Throughout this review we have charted the development of color perception and cognition for
neuro-typical individuals with trichromatic color vision. However, there is also neurodiversity in
this development. One source of individual difference comes from congenital CVD (commonly
called color blindness). Here we review what is known about CVD in children, discuss the pediatric
clinical tests available for diagnosis, and consider what impact CVD has on children’s well-being
and education. We also review the evidence that color perception and cognition are atypical in
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children with neurodevelopmental conditions, focusing mainly on the case of autism.

5.1. Color Vision Deficiency

CVD is the most common congenital visual disorder and affects around 8% of males and 0.4% of
females (Birch 2012). Due to genetic polymorphism, either the spectral sensitivity of L-, M-, or
S-cone photoreceptors is atypical (anomalous trichromacy) or a cone photoreceptor type is miss-
ing (dichromacy; see Figure 1d). L- and M-cones are more commonly affected (red-green CVD).

5.1.1. Diagnosis of color vision deficiency in children. Screening for CVD in schools or
by opticians is not routine in many countries, and in the United Kingdom around 80% of af-
fected pupils starting secondary school (age 11–12) are unaware that they have CVD (Albany-
Ward 2005). Tests used to diagnose CVD in adults (e.g., the gold-standard anomaloscope) are
difficult for young children to complete, and nonvisual factors often cloud the interpretation of
the results when testing children (Tang et al. 2022). A number of pediatric tests for CVD do ex-
ist (e.g., the Ishihara test for the unlettered; Ishihara & Ishihara 2016), yet many of these can
also be difficult for young children, do not control for nonvisual factors, or lack sufficient data
on sensitivity and specificity at various ages (see Tang et al. 2022, table 1). These pediatric tests
for CVD are also often not kept at hand by opticians or are costly for teachers or parents to
obtain. A new test, ColorSpot, aims to make pediatric CVD testing more readily available, child-
friendly, and accurate (Tang et al. 2022). The test combines gamification and psychophysics and
is designed as an iPad app using color calibrations for numerous iPad models. ColorSpot can be
self-administered, is completed in around 5 minutes by children as young as 4 years old, and diag-
noses the same children as the Ishihara for the unlettered while being more decisive about children
who are unclassified by that test (Tang et al. 2022). The test is open access for research purposes
( and may serve as a useful screening tool for research with children that
involves color or as a measure of children’s color discrimination.

5.1.2. Impact of color vision deficiency on children’s daily life, education, and well-being.
Although red-green color blindness is commonly interpreted as an inability to see red and green, it
actually affects any color discriminations to which differences in redness or greenness contribute.
For example, purple and blue are commonly confused by those with CVD, as these differ in red-
ness. In adults, everyday tasks such as seeing the blush or pallor of skin, identifying whether meat is
cooked, or pairing colored socks are affected, and adults with CVD commonly report problems in
daily life related to their CVD (e.g., Tagarelli et al. 2004). In the case of children, education and the • Development of Color Perception 101

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classroom are highly color coded: For example, color is used in teaching materials, to give feed-
back, in topics such as art, math, geography, and science (e.g., litmus paper) as well as in the color
coding of sports teams (e.g., Mashige 2019). Suero et al. (2005) showed that CVD in preschoolers
has a negative impact on their performance on standard classroom tasks (e.g., counting beads on
a colored abacus or reproducing colored geometrical figures), and that teachers unaware of their
diagnoses rate CVD preschoolers as poorer achievers. Another study found that 10% of exercises
in math textbooks for 5- to 7-year-old Catalan children are inaccessible for observers with CVD
(Torrents et al. 2011). Grassivaro Gallo et al. (2002) also found lower school achievement for CVD
high school students compared to students without CVD.
A quality-of-life questionnaire developed for adults with CVD [the Colorblind Quality of Life
(CBQoL); Barry et al. 2017] indicates that adults frequently experience emotional difficulties in
relation to their difficulties with color, such as feeling anxious, depressed, or embarrassed. A pe-
diatric version of the CBQoL would be useful to determine the extent of such emotional diffi-
culties in children and adolescents with CVD. One large study of 8- to 11-year-olds found that
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the Child Behavior Checklist (Achenbach & Edelbrock 1983) identified greater behavioral and
emotional difficulties in children with CVD compared to children without CVD (Thomas et al.
2018), although differences on the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (Muris et al. 2003) at
8–11 years of age have not been found (Nithiyaananthan et al. 2020).
Another question for further research is whether early diagnosis and support help alleviate any
of the impacts of CVD on quality of life. Although there is currently no available treatment for
CVD, early diagnosis and support from teachers and parents could be beneficial. For children who
have received a diagnosis, teaching materials can be made CVD-friendly with simple modifications
(e.g., by making them gray scale or adding texture in place of color; e.g., Rubin et al. 2009). If
children know why they are struggling with some tasks at school, this could also prevent the
buildup of behavioral and emotional difficulties. A large-scale intervention study is needed that
systematically evaluates the benefits of CVD diagnosis and subsequent support on the quality of
life of children with CVD at different stages of development.

5.1.3. Color vision deficiency and perceptual development. Adults with CVD are surpris-
ingly good at naming colors, particularly for highly saturated focal colors. One theory is that those
with CVD learn strategies to compensate for their CVD, such as attending to lightness differences
between colors (e.g., Lillo et al. 2014), although it is unclear when such strategies are learnt. An
fMRI study also suggests that adults with anomalous trichromacy neurally compensate for the
deficiency in their color signals, finding that the color signals in V2 and V3 of anomalous trichro-
mats are boosted (Tregillus et al. 2021). It is unclear whether this neural compensation for CVD
is learnt during development, when neural plasticity is heightened. Heightened visual plasticity in
early development may also affect the efficacy of glasses that have been designed to boost color
vision in anomalous trichromats (the lenses use notch filters that amplify differences in color; e.g.,
Werner et al. 2020). For example, if the perceptual effects of such lenses harness the plasticity of
cortical color signals, then their effects could be potentially stronger if used early in development,
when the visual system is more open to calibration. These proposals have not yet been tested.

5.2. Neuro-Developmental Conditions

Individuals with neuro-developmental conditions and neuro-typical individuals are known to dif-
fer in many aspects of perception and cognition, including color (e.g., Simmons et al. 2009). In
the case of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), blue-yellow discrimination appears
reduced in adults and children (e.g., Uebel-von Sandersleben et al. 2017), and it has been proposed

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that lower levels of retinal dopamine in ADHD reduce the efficiency of short wavelength cones
(e.g., Kim et al. 2014). The case of autism is outlined next.
Anecdotal reports of atypical color perception and cognition in autism are common, with re-
ports of hypersensitivity to certain colors or obsessions and aversions for particular colors that
govern daily life (e.g., Ludlow et al. 2014). For example, one case study identifies an autistic child
whose color obsessions were so strong that he painted the family dog blue and only wore dark blue
clothes, his bedroom was painted purple and black to try to alleviate stress, and he would only eat
foods with little color (Ludlow et al. 2014). Despite the anecdotal evidence, there has not yet been
a systematic investigation of the prevalence of color obsessions or atypical sensitivity to color, an
explanation for why this affects some autistic individuals but not others, or an investigation of what
underpins the phenomenon. It does appear, however, that various aspects of color perception and
cognition are atypical in autism. Early studies that assessed children’s performance when searching
for, memorizing, sorting, making similarity judgments, or attending to large suprathreshold color
differences pointed to atypical color perception in autistic children (e.g., Franklin et al. 2008c,
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Heaton et al. 2008). For example, children with autism performed more poorly at memorizing
a colored target and searching for it compared to a control group of children without autism
matched on nonverbal cognitive ability (Franklin et al. 2008c).
Chromatic discrimination in autistic children and adolescents also appears to be poorer relative
to that in non-autistic individuals, both on the Farnsworth-Munsell 100 Hue Test, controlling
for nonverbal ability (Franklin et al. 2010), and on tasks that measure chromatic thresholds for
both red-green and blue-yellow discriminations (Cranwell et al. 2015, Franklin et al. 2010, Zachi
et al. 2017) where performance is not predicted by IQ (Cranwell et al. 2015). Further evidence
for atypical color discrimination comes from a VEP study that finds prolonged N1 latencies (a
negative component of around 100 ms) to chromatic gratings in adolescents and adults with autism
(Fujita et al. 2011). It is worth pointing out here that the difference in group chromatic thresholds,
although significant, is small and may have limited importance for daily functioning (Franklin et al.
2010), and only a subset of autistic individuals (e.g., 30% in Zachi et al. 2017) perform outside of
the “normal” range. In addition, discrimination of moving chromatic contrast is typical: Koh et al.
(2010) find typical sensitivity to moving chromatic gratings in autistic adolescents, and siblings of
autistic individuals even have heightened chromatic sensitivity under these conditions.
The findings on atypical color discrimination in autism have been used to inform models of
perceptual and neural functioning in autism (e.g., Pellicano & Burr 2012). A series of studies that
identified atypical perception of colored ensembles (Maule et al. 2017) but typical color adaptation
(Maule et al. 2018) in adults with autism has also informed the theory that perceptual priors are
attenuated in autism (Pellicano & Burr 2012); however, these color phenomena have not yet been
investigated in children. Further work that more fully characterizes color perception and cognition
in autistic children, identifying the source of individual variability and the neural basis of atypical
performance, may be informative for understanding autism and perceptual development more

As seen throughout this review, there has been a concerted effort to understand how infants and
children perceive and think about color and to understand how such perception and cognition
develop. We have seen how many aspects of color perception are present early in infancy in a rudi-
mentary form. Trichromatic color vision is in place just a few months after birth (e.g., Teller 1998),
and by 6 months of age infants have developed perceptual mechanisms, such as color constancy
(e.g., Yang et al. 2013), that enable them to start to use color cues to perceive objects and scenes • Development of Color Perception 103

PS74CH04_Franklin ARjats.cls November 25, 2022 17:0

(e.g., Káldy & Blaser 2009). However, we have also seen that, despite these early competencies,
color perception and cognition are slow to mature, and many aspects such as chromatic discrim-
ination and color constancy do not mature until late childhood or adolescence (e.g., Knoblauch
et al. 2001). The rudimentary processes in infancy and protracted maturation throughout child-
hood have the potential to provide insight into the neural basis of visual development as well as
the relative contributions of biology, experience, culture, and environment to color perception
and cognition. For example, the similarity of infants’ early visual color preferences and color cate-
gories to common patterns of color preference and categorization in adults potentially suggests at
least a partial sensory and biological basis for these phenomena in their mature form (e.g., Skelton
& Franklin 2020, Skelton et al. 2017).
We have also seen how comparing the developmental trajectory of color perception and cog-
nition to other perceptual traits can help identify the domain-general aspects of perceptual and
cognitive development. For example, shape and color constancy have similar developmental trajec-
tories, potentially pointing to common perceptual mechanisms. As for other perceptual domains,
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2023.74:87-111. Downloaded from
Access provided by on 03/24/23. See copyright for approved use.

at least some aspects of color perception appear to be affected by and potentially tuned to early
experience (e.g., Laeng et al. 2007). In addition, while color term acquisition was once thought of
as a special case, it now appears that the factors that influence color term acquisition are similar
to those that influence other types of word learning (e.g., Saji et al. 2020). However, other com-
parisons suggest that color cues may be more difficult for infants and children to draw on than
perceptual cues such as shape—for instance, in the case of object perception and cognition (e.g.,
Wilcox 1999).
While the relative importance of color compared to other perceptual features can be debated, it
is clear that color has an impact on how children perceive, think about, and interact with the world
around them. We have seen that even in children as young as 2 years old, color preferences affect
toy choice (e.g., Wong & Hines 2015), and autistic children can have strong color obsessions that
govern what they eat and other aspects of daily life (e.g., Ludlow et al. 2014). Children with CVD
are potentially disadvantaged in an education system in which color-coded teaching materials
are inaccessible to them (e.g., Torrents et al. 2011). Finally, there is even some suggestion that
a reduced ability to see color can affect children’s well-being and emotional functioning (e.g.,
Thomas et al. 2018).
There have been notable advances in our understanding of the development of color perception
and cognition, although there remain a number of key issues for future research (see the Future
Issues section below). These future issues illustrate the potential for developmental color science
to have implications beyond the topics of color and perceptual development. Further research
on the development of color perception and cognition can contribute to a broad range of funda-
mental topics in psychology, such as the role of experience and environment in human develop-
ment, the statistical basis of perception, the nature of cortical representation, and the factors that
influence children’s educational outcomes and well-being.

1. What aspects of color perception tune to early experience, and what is the time course of
any tuning? For example, does having congenital cataracts in infancy affect the long-term
development of aspects of color perception, such as chromatic sensitivity at high spatial
frequencies or color constancy? Do infants raised in different chromatic environments
develop different patterns of hue sensitivity that can be predicted by the environmental
differences in chromatic scene statistics?

104 Maule • Skelton • Franklin

PS74CH04_Franklin ARjats.cls November 25, 2022 17:0

2. When and how do infants and children draw on real-world color cues? For example,
what statistical regularities in the colors of objects and natural scenes are infants and
children sensitive to, and how are these used in object perception and cognition?
3. What changes in the cortical representation of color underpin the development of color
perception and cognition? For example, are regions of the ventral visual cortex special-
ized for color in early infancy as in adulthood, or does this specialization develop with
visual experience?
4. What is the impact of color on children’s daily functioning, education, and well-being?
For example, does CVD impact children’s quality of life as it does in adults, and does
early diagnosis of CVD make a difference to developmental outcomes?
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2023.74:87-111. Downloaded from
Access provided by on 03/24/23. See copyright for approved use.

The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that
might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.

J.M. and A.E.S. made an equal contribution to this article and are joint first authors. We thank
Jenny Bosten and Christoph Witzel for constructive feedback on an earlier draft of this review.
The article is part of project COLOURMIND, which has received funding from the European
Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program
(grant agreement 772193, awarded to A.F.).

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Annual Review of

Volume 74, 2023

Surviving While Black: Systemic Racism and Psychological Resilience
James M. Jones p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 1
Understanding the Need for Sleep to Improve Cognition
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2023.74:87-111. Downloaded from
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Ruth L.F. Leong and Michael W.L. Chee p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p27

Rethinking Vision and Action
Ken Nakayama, Jeff Moher, and Joo-Hyun Song p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p59
The Development of Color Perception and Cognition
John Maule, Alice E. Skelton, and Anna Franklin p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p87
Understanding Human Object Vision: A Picture Is Worth a Thousand
Stefania Bracci and Hans P. Op de Beeck p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 113
Turning Attention Inside Out: How Working Memory Serves Behavior
Freek van Ede and Anna C. Nobre p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 137
Determinants of Social Cognitive Aging: Predicting Resilience and Risk
Julie D. Henry, Sarah A. Grainger, and William von Hippel p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 167
Self-Compassion: Theory, Method, Research, and Intervention
Kristin D. Neff p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 193
Gender Inclusion and Fit in STEM
Toni Schmader p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 219
Evaluative Conditioning: Past, Present, and Future
Tal Moran, Yahel Nudler, and Yoav Bar-Anan p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 245
What Are Conspiracy Theories? A Definitional Approach to Their
Correlates, Consequences, and Communication
Karen M. Douglas and Robbie M. Sutton p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 271
Embracing Complexity: A Review of Negotiation Research
Erica J. Boothby, Gus Cooney, and Maurice E. Schweitzer p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 299
Constantine Sedikides, Emily K. Hong, and Tim Wildschut p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 333

PS74_FrontMatter ARjats.cls November 25, 2022 13:54

A Socioecological-Genetic Framework of Culture and Personality: Their

Roots, Trends, and Interplay
Jackson G. Lu, Verónica Benet-Martínez, and Laura Changlan Wang p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 363
Psychology of Climate Change
Linda Steg p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 391
Stress Management Interventions to Facilitate Psychological and
Physiological Adaptation and Optimal Health Outcomes in Cancer
Patients and Survivors
Michael H. Antoni, Patricia I. Moreno, and Frank J. Penedo p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 423
Psychosocial and Integrative Oncology: Interventions Across
the Disease Trajectory
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2023.74:87-111. Downloaded from

Linda E. Carlson p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 457

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Emotion in Organizations: Theory and Research

Hillary Anger Elfenbein p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 489
Pride: The Emotional Foundation of Social Rank Attainment
Jessica L. Tracy, Eric Mercadante, and Ian Hohm p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 519
Psychological Resilience: An Affect-Regulation Framework
Allison S. Troy, Emily C. Willroth, Amanda J. Shallcross, Nicole R. Giuliani,
James J. Gross, and Iris B. Mauss p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 547
Dealing with Careless Responding in Survey Data: Prevention,
Identification, and Recommended Best Practices
M.K. Ward and Adam W. Meade p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 577
The Psychology of Athletic Endeavor
Mark R. Beauchamp, Alan Kingstone, and Nikos Ntoumanis p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 597


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 64–74 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 625

Cumulative Index of Article Titles, Volumes 64–74 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 630


An online log of corrections to Annual Review of Psychology articles may be found at

Contents vii
PS74_FrontMatter ARjats.cls November 25, 2022 13:54

Related Articles

From the Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, Volume 18 (2022)

Temperamental and Theoretical Contributions to Clinical Psychology
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Jerome Kagan
What Do We Know About the Genetic Architecture of Psychopathology?
Evan J. Giangrande, Ramona S. Weber, and Eric Turkheimer
Training the Next Generation of Clinical Psychological Scientists: A Data-Driven
Call to Action
Dylan G. Gee, Kathryn A. DeYoung, Katie A. McLaughlin, Rachael M. Tillman,
Deanna M. Barch, Erika E. Forbes, Robert F. Krueger, Timothy J. Strauman,
Mariann R. Weierich, and Alexander J. Shackman
Measurement-Based and Data-Informed Psychological Therapy
Wolfgang Lutz, Brian Schwartz, and Jaime Delgadillo
Behavioral Interventions to Reduce Cardiovascular Risk Among People with
Severe Mental Disorder
Amanda L. Baker, Erin Forbes, Sonja Pohlman, and Kristen McCarter
Real-Time Functional MRI in the Treatment of Mental Health Disorders
Vincent Taschereau-Dumouchel, Cody A. Cushing, and Hakwan Lau
The Genetic, Environmental, and Cultural Forces Influencing Youth Antisocial
Behavior Are Tightly Intertwined
S. Alexandra Burt
The Invisibility of Power: A Cultural Ecology of Development in the
Contemporary United States
Tasneem M. Mandviwala, Jennifer Hall, and Margaret Beale Spencer
Differences/Disorders of Sex Development: Medical Conditions at the
Intersection of Sex and Gender
David E. Sandberg and Melissa Gardner
A Current Learning Theory Approach to the Etiology and Course of Anxiety
and Related Disorders
Richard E. Zinbarg, Alexander L. Williams, and Susan Mineka

PS74_FrontMatter ARjats.cls November 25, 2022 13:54

Dissociation and Dissociative Disorders Reconsidered: Beyond Sociocognitive and

Trauma Models Toward a Transtheoretical Framework
Steven Jay Lynn, Craig Polizzi, Harald Merckelbach, Chui-De Chiu, Reed Maxwell,
Dalena van Heugten, and Scott O. Lilienfeld
Psychosocial Treatments for Bipolar Disorder in Children and Adolescents
Haley M. Brickman and Mary A. Fristad
Major Depression and Its Recurrences: Life Course Matters
Scott M. Monroe and Kate L. Harkness
Suicide in African American Adolescents: Understanding Risk by Studying
W. LaVome Robinson, Christopher R. Whipple, Kate Keenan, Caleb E. Flack,
and LaRicka Wingate
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2023.74:87-111. Downloaded from
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Psychopathy: Current Knowledge and Future Directions

Christopher J. Patrick
Cognitive Aging and the Promise of Physical Activity
Kirk I. Erickson, Shannon D. Donofry, Kelsey R. Sewell, Belinda M. Brown,
and Chelsea M. Stillman
Neuroplasticity, the Prefrontal Cortex, and Psychopathology-Related Deviations
in Cognitive Control
Monica Luciana and Paul F. Collins
The Biopsychosocial Puzzle of Painful Sex
Marta Meana and Yitzchak M. Binik
Mechanisms of Behavior Change in Substance Use Disorder With and Without
Formal Treatment
Katie Witkiewitz, Rory A. Pfund, and Jalie A. Tucker
Police Violence and Public Health
Jordan E. DeVylder, Deidre M. Anglin, Lisa Bowleg, Lisa Fedina, and Bruce G. Link
Allostasis, Action, and Affect in Depression: Insights from the Theory of
Constructed Emotion
Clare Shaffer, Christiana Westlin, Karen S. Quigley, Susan Whitfield-Gabrieli,
and Lisa Feldman Barrett
The Psychology of Pandemics
Steven Taylor

From the Annual Review of Developmental Psychology, Volume 4 (2022)

Becoming a Cognitive Scientist
Susan E. Carey
Drivers of Lexical Processing and Implications for Early Learning
Arielle Borovsky
Human Morality Is Based on an Early-Emerging Moral Core
Brandon M. Woo, Enda Tan, and J. Kiley Hamlin

Related Articles ix
PS74_FrontMatter ARjats.cls November 25, 2022 13:54

On the Origins of Mind: A Comparative Perspective

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Sleep and Memory in Infancy and Childhood
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Effects of Racism on Child Development: Advancing Antiracist Developmental
Iheoma U. Iruka, Nicole Gardner-Neblett, Nicole A. Telfer, Nneka Ibekwe-Okafor,
Stephanie M. Curenton, Jacqueline Sims, Amber B. Sansbury,
and Enrique W. Neblett
Inequitable Experiences and Outcomes in Young Children: Addressing Racial and
Social-Economic Disparities in Physical and Mental Health
Brenda Jones Harden and Natalie Slopen
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Ownership and Value in Childhood

Madison L. Pesowski, Shaylene E. Nancekivell, Arber Tasimi, and Ori Friedman
Development of Religious Cognition
Rebekah A. Richert and Kathleen H. Corriveau
Gender Development in Gender Diverse Children
Benjamin E. deMayo, Ashley E. Jordan, and Kristina R. Olson
Development of Reward Circuitry During Adolescence: Depression, Social
Context, and Considerations for Future Research on Disparities in Sexual and
Gender Minority Youth
Kristen L. Eckstrand, Carly J. Lenniger, and Erika E. Forbes
Spatial Navigation in Childhood and Aging
Merve Tansan, Kim V. Nguyen, and Nora S. Newcombe
A Neurocognitive Model of Self-Concept Development in Adolescence
Eveline A. Crone, Kayla H. Green, Ilse H. van de Groep, and Renske van der Cruijsen
The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health): An
Underused Resource for Developmental Science
Kathleen Mullan Harris and Carolyn Tucker Halpern
Beyond ‘Use It or Lose It’: The Impact of Engagement on Cognitive Aging
Elizabeth A.L. Stine-Morrow and Ilber E. Manavbasi
Inhibition and Creativity in Aging: Does Distractibility Enhance Creativity?
Lixia Yang, Kesaan Kandasamy, and Lynn Hasher
Open Science in Developmental Science
Lisa A. Gennetian, Michael C. Frank, and Catherine S. Tamis-LeMonda
Practice and Policy Regarding Child Neglect: Lessons from Studies of
Institutional Deprivation
Charles H. Zeanah and Lucy S. King

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The Critical Roles of Early Development, Stress, and Environment in the Course
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Use of Population-Level Administrative Data in Developmental Science
Barry J. Milne, Stephanie D’Souza, Signe Hald Andersen,
and Leah S. Richmond-Rakerd

From the Annual Review of Neuroscience, Volume 45 (2022)

Multiple-Timescale Representations of Space: Linking Memory to Navigation
Wenbo Tang and Shantanu P. Jadhav
Challenges of Organoid Research
Madeline G. Andrews and Arnold R. Kriegstein
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Receptor-Ribosome Coupling: A Link Between Extrinsic Signals and mRNA

Translation in Neuronal Compartments
Max Koppers and Christine E. Holt
Brainstem Circuits for Locomotion
Roberto Leiras, Jared M. Cregg, and Ole Kiehn
Signaling Pathways in Neurovascular Development
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The Cerebellar Cortex
Court Hull and Wade G. Regehr
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Neural Signaling in Cancer
Michael B. Keough and Michelle Monje
Breathing Rhythm and Pattern and Their Influence on Emotion
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Neural Algorithms and Circuits for Motor Planning
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Fluorescence Imaging of Neural Activity, Neurochemical Dynamics, and
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and Lin Tian

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Cooper D. Grossman and Jeremiah Y. Cohen
Neuroimmune Interactions in Peripheral Organs
Roel G.J. Klein Wolterink, Glendon S. Wu, Isaac M. Chiu,
and Henrique Veiga-Fernandes
Subcortical Cognition: The Fruit Below the Rind
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and Michael T. Ullman
Considering Organismal Physiology in Laboratory Studies of Rodent Behavior
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2023.74:87-111. Downloaded from
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Patricia Rubio Arzola and Rebecca M. Shansky

Neuroscientific Evidence for Processing Without Awareness
Liad Mudrik and Leon Y. Deouell
Microglia and Neurodevelopmental Disorders
John R. Lukens and Ukpong B. Eyo
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Rosemary C. Challis, Sripriya Ravindra Kumar, Xinhong Chen, David Goertsen,
Gerard M. Coughlin, Acacia M. Hori, Miguel R. Chuapoco, Thomas S. Otis,
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Synaptic Mechanisms Regulating Mood State Transitions in Depression
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When Gender Matters in Organizational Negotiations

Hannah Riley Bowles, Bobbi Thomason, and Inmaculada Macias-Alonso
New Developments in Social Network Analysis
Daniel J. Brass
Trust Within the Workplace: A Review of Two Waves of Research and a Glimpse
of the Third
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Relational Dynamics of Leadership: Problems and Prospects
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Revisiting Behavioral Integrity: Progress and New Directions After 20 Years
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and Margaret A. Handley
Social Epidemiology: Past, Present, and Future
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Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2023.74:87-111. Downloaded from
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The Recent Rise of Suicide Mortality in the United States

Gonzalo Martínez-Alés, Tammy Jiang, Katherine M. Keyes, and Jaimie L. Gradus
A Review of the Quality and Impact of Mobile Health Apps
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Real-Time Infectious Disease Modeling to Inform Emergency Public Health
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Roles of Cities in Creating Healthful Food Systems
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Advancing Diabetes Prevention and Control in American Indians and Alaska
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