The Twelveth Chakra
The Twelveth Chakra
The Twelveth Chakra
The 12th Chakra, what a brilliant and wonderful sight this chakra is to see with the third eye! It vibrates like a swirling color-filled sun that can only be truly appreciated in out of body states or with the mind's inner eyes. The 12th chakra is a reflection of the Monad individualized. It burns brightly and is hot because a sun provides warmth, light, and energy. Thus the 12th chakra is the source of the individual's strength and power and his or her ability to create change not only in the physical dimension but the nonphysical dimensions as well. The 12th chakra contains the ascension energies, which are used at the proper time to bathe all the chakra below it in ascension energy and cause them to accelerate faster than light. This eventually results in the annihilation of the physical body and the manifestation of the light body in its place. At this point the individual is fully ascended and can go anyplace in the universe. The base chakra is a cousin to this chakra because the base chakra contains the Kundalini energy, which is seed energy from the 12th chakra, placed there to accelerate the individual to the first stage of spiritual enlightenment. The second stage is the release of the ascension energies contained in the 12th chakra to propel the individual into a new existence beyond time and space. The 12th chakra has 777,777 spokes. It rotates at 768,167 rotations per minute. The 12th chakra is masculine and the 11th chakra is feminine. In masculine and feminine I do not mean in human terms. Masculine current is creative, outgoing, vibrant, and gross. Feminine current is loving, inner, nurturing, and subtle. The 11th chakra contains the advanced skills that the 12th releases; skills like out of body experiences outside of the solar system and out of body time travel beyond 200 years; healing of self and others, sometimes instantaneous healing or at the very least very quickly. Telekinesis and teleportation are also possible but these two do not show themselves until just prior the ascension energies completing its ascension process. Control over the natural elements can also be developed (air, water, fire, earth) to an advanced degree when this chakra begins opening. The 12th chakra is the doorway to the cosmos and beyond. For this reason many of the skills released here are meant to be used off the earth and beyond. Any sort of problems associated with these advanced skills can be caused by an incorrectly wired 11th chakra, but realizing or even coming across people with problems here will be very slim. Not many healers are apt to get a visit from someone saying they are having trouble traveling back to the birth of the universe, please have a look at my 11th and 12th chakra. What you are likely to see are blocked ascension energies with this chakra. Blocked ascension energies can cause very strange problems, like spontaneous uncontrolled out of body adventures, uncontrolled spontaneous movements of physical objects and appearing and disappearing objects, uncontrolled healing ability, uncontrolled inner visions that disrupt the normal flow of the day. What happens is this blocked energy backs up and when it gets strong enough it bursts through and over-energizes the 11th chakra, releasing these skills abruptly and unintentionally. A proper clearing and rebalancing of this chakra is certainly a must but the root cause of this problem is the person's fear of leaving the earth. They may not even realize that the ascension energies are descending upon them but they will get a sense that something is changing. They may fear these changes and start blocking these energies. What a person at this stage needs to realize is that these energies will not transform them off the planet overnight. It is just a beginning process that can take years to complete. There is no set timeframe for ascension. It can happen in one year or over a lifetime. No one ascends until they are ready and have finished what they came to do on the Earth. So sit back relax and let the ascension energies flow.
Conducting a healing and balancing the 12th chakra requires a high vibration of the healer (or yourself, if you are doing a self healing). I would certainly suggest some meditation before you begin. Burn some incense or do whatever it takes to put you in the highest spiritual state you can be. Place one hand over the heart chakra and the other just above the top of the head. Vibrate the mantra: NA-EL-EE-EL. NALEL is Enochian and means From the highest river flows life . It is an energy key that unlocks the 12th chakra and will bring it into balance. It would be good to do a 12th chakra balance once every two months if you are having problems with this chakra, until it stays on track. Generally speaking problems with the 12th chakra fix themselves if left alone, however you may want to hasten the healing process with some healing work. If you want to douse the 12th chakra, place a small clear quartz crystal with the point facing up, away from the feet, on the brow and then hold the dousing crystal over the crown chakra and you should be able to read it. Dousing is the ability to discern the condition of a chakra from a pendulum. I like to use a small quartz crystal tied to the end of a string. You hold it over the chakra and see what it does. If it spins clockwise in a large circle the chakra is open and functioning normally. If it rotates in a small circle, the chakra is partially open. If it moves side to side the chakra is partially blocked. If it does not move at all the chakra is closed and not working at all. If it rotates counterclockwise it indicates the chakra is dormant but working fine, the person has not yet reached a point where this chakra is ready to open.