What Is This Type of Insurance?

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Pet Insurance

Insurance Product Information Document

Company: Petplan, a trading name of Allianz Insurance plc Product: Covered For Life® – Ultimate
Petplan is a trading name of Allianz Insurance plc, who provides and underwrites the cover and Pet Plan Limited, who administers the cover. Pet Plan Limited (Registered
in England No. 1282939) is a subsidiary of Allianz Insurance plc (Registered in England No. 84638). Registered office address: 57 Ladymead, Guildford, Surrey
GU1 1DB, United Kingdom. Pet Plan Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Financial Services Register No. 311969. Allianz Insurance
plc is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Financial Services
Register No. 121849.

This document provides limited key information about the Ultimate pet insurance plan. You can find the full information by looking
at the details on our website and reading the Terms and Conditions.
What is this type of insurance?
This is a Covered for Life® pet insurance policy. We will provide ongoing cover for illnesses and injuries providing you continue to pay your
premium and renew your policy each year (without any break in cover).

What is insured? What is not insured?

We believe these are the most important sections of cover to the We believe these are the most significant costs not covered by this
majority of our customers. This plan provides other sections of cover plan. There are other costs not covered and you need to read the full
and details of these can be found by looking at the product tables on Terms and Conditions to understand the cover.
our website and reading the Terms and Conditions. We will not cover any costs for:
✔ Veterinary Fees - if your pet is unwell due to an illness or injury and ✗ Any claim that results from:
needs veterinary treatment, we will pay the cost of the veterinary • Pre-existing conditions, unless we confirm otherwise. These are any
fees. We’ll also cover the cost of physiotherapy and the treatment injuries that happen, or any illnesses that show symptoms, before
needed for a behavioural illness. your cover starts.
✔ Complementary Treatment - if your pet is unwell due to an • An injury, illness or incident that falls under any exclusion on your
illness or injury and needs one of the following treatments, we will policy. An exclusion refers to a health condition(s), part of your pet’s
cover the cost - acupuncture, chiropractic manipulation, herbal body or incident which is usually covered under the policy, but isn’t
medicine, homeopathy, osteopathy and/or hydrotherapy. for your pet. If placed, they will be shown in the ‘Exclusions and
Clauses’ section of the Certificate of Insurance we send you.
For Veterinary Fees and Complementary Treatment We explain when we cover pre-existing conditions and our
✔ We will provide ongoing cover for illnesses and injuries, year after approach to exclusions in the ‘Pre-existing Conditions and
year, providing you continue to pay your premium and renew your Exclusions’ section of the Terms and Conditions.
policy each year (without any break in cover). ✗ An illness that shows symptoms in the first 14 days after your cover
✔ The policy provides an amount of money in each policy year for starts. This timeframe doesn’t apply to any renewal year.
you to claim for all illnesses and injuries. ✗ Having your pet cremated or buried.
- For Veterinary Fees this is £12,000 ✗ Charges made for claim submission or supporting documentation.
- For Complementary Treatment this is £2,000
✔ When you renew your policy each year (without a break), the
amounts stated above are replenished and you will again have
the full amounts to claim from in the next policy year. If your cover Are there any restrictions on cover?
is cancelled or stops for any reason, all cover for your pet will end
We believe these are the most significant restrictions of this plan. There
and no further claims will be paid.
are other restrictions and you need to read the full Terms and Conditions
✔ The treatments under both sections must be carried out by a to understand the cover.
person holding the required qualifications or membership of
specified organisations. Full details can be found in the Terms and ! Changes we can make at renewal - at renewal of the policy we can
Conditions in the section called ‘Who needs to carry out treatment change the premium, the excesses and the Terms and Conditions of
in the Veterinary Fees and Complementary Treatment sections’. the policy.
! The excesses you pay and how these can change:
• Some sections of your policy have an excess that you pay when you
claim and these will be explained during your internet application.
• We can change the excesses you pay at the renewal of the policy.
Typically a 20% excess is introduced at the renewal following a pet’s
10th birthday, but this can change. If you take cover with us, you will
be notified at least a year in advance of any percentage excess being
! How your premium can change - your pet’s age, increasing veterinary
costs and advancements in veterinary medicine can all affect the
premium you pay. These mean the premium will increase over the
lifetime of a policy. Your premium may also change if you move
address. However, Petplan will not increase the premium as a direct
result of any claim you make.
! Hydrotherapy - we will pay for 10 sessions of hydrotherapy for each
separate illness or injury. Once this session limit has been reached,
the policy will never cover any further hydrotherapy sessions for that
illness/injury. This is regardless of whether the hydrotherapy for that
illness/injury takes place in the same, or future policy years.
! The cost of food - we’ll only cover the cost of feeding your pet if the
food is needed to either dissolve stones or crystals in urine or your pet
needs liquid food while hospitalised at a veterinary practice. You can
find out how much we’ll then pay and for how long in the Terms and
Conditions. We will not cover the cost of any other food whether or
not the food was prescribed by a vet.

Where am I covered?
✔ The cover is in force when your pet is in the UK. For Veterinary Fees, the cover is also in force when your pet is in the EU.
The policy also provides sections of cover which are not included in this document. You can find out where cover is in force for those sections in the Terms
and Conditions.

What are my obligations?

We believe these are the most significant policyholder obligations. There are also other obligations and you need to read the Terms and Conditions to
understand these.
Sending us your claim - you must send us your Veterinary Fees and Complementary Treatment claims no later than one year after your pet received
treatment. Any claims we get after this time will not be covered by the policy. If treatment is ongoing you must make sure that claims are sent to us at
least once every 12 months. If you are claiming for any other section of cover please check your Terms and Conditions for details of when you need to
send us your claim.
Keeping your policy running - this is a Covered for Life® policy, but to benefit from ongoing cover you must keep paying your premiums and every 12
months you need to renew your insurance policy with us (without any break).
Dental treatment - we will cover the treatment of a dental injury or illness providing:
- Your pet had a dental examination by a vet in the 12 months before the first symptoms of the injury or illness were seen, and
- Any treatment recommended as a result of the last dental examination was carried out within 6 months of the examination taking place. We do not
cover a routine or preventative scale and polish.
Keeping us informed of certain information - throughout the policy you need to tell us about certain information. The things you need to tell us about
will be detailed in your Certificate of Insurance and it’s important you check any new documents we send to understand the information we need. If you
do not provide us with the full and accurate information it can result in a claim not being paid or affect the cover we provide.
Changing your level of cover - you can change to a lower level of cover at any time.

When and how do I pay?

You can choose to pay annually or monthly.

When does the cover start and end?

Your cover will start on the date you ask us to activate your insurance and will be in force for 12 months.

How do I cancel the contract?

You can cancel your policy at any time. You can do this:
Online at petplan.co.uk/cancel-your-policy/
By writing to us at info@petplan.co.uk or Petplan Customer Centre, PO Box 223, Huddersfield, HD8 1FR, United Kingdom or
Calling us on 0345 071 8000.
If you cancel this policy:
In the first 14 days of your first policy year - we will refund all of the premium you have paid
In the first 14 days after your renewal date - we will refund any premium you have paid for cover after that renewal date
At any other time - we will refund any amount you have paid for cover after the cancellation date


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