LP Cot 1 22-23

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Department of Education

Ormoc City Division

Ormoc City
Ipil, Ormoc City


Teacher TADEO, KERO ROY C. Grade Level
Quarter 3
Date/Time &Section , 2023
7:45-8:45 10-Loyalty 11:00-12:00 10- Forgiveness
8:45-9:45 10-Compassion 1:00- 2:00 10- Wisdom
2:00-3:00 10-Sympathy 3:00-4:00 10- Forgiveness
A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of key concepts of combinatorics and

B. Performance The learner is able to use precise counting technique and probability in
Standard formulating
conclusions and making decisions.
C. Learning Competency Illustrates the permutation of objects. M10SPIIIa-1
Solves problems involving permutations. M10SPIIIb-1
Across: Performs fundamental operations on integers. M7NS-Ic-d-1
Vocabulary (Get the meaning of words through word association and
classification. EN4V-IIIh-39

II. CONTENT Permutation

III. Learning Resources  Math 10 Learner’s Module 26, pp. 5-24
A. References  Regional Test Item Bank pp. 38-39

B. Other learning  Studocu.com.ph

Resources  PowerPoint presentation
A. Pre- Activities
-Checking of Attendance
-Imposing Classroom Rules

B. Drill: (Flashcards) Indicator 1: Within Curriculum

1. 8*7=
2. 10*9=
3. 12*11=
4. 4*3*2=
5. 6*5*4=
C. Review:
Ask questions to students about previous topic:
1. What was our previous topic that we had discussed?
2. State the Distance & Midpoint Formula.
3. Can we apply these knowledges in real life situations?
Give example.

D. Motivation: Indicator 1: Across Curriculum

Direction: Discover the word that is being described from the
Given word.

Leading Questions:
 How did you get your answers?
 Do you think order or arrangement of objects are important?
 Can you give some applications of arrangements in our daily

Now, we will discover and explore more about possible

arrangements or Permutations.

Presentation of the Lesson:

Today, you are going to learn how to:
1. Illustrates the permutation of objects.
2. Solves problems involving permutations
E. Activity : Indicator 4& 6
Group activity. Lets have 5 groups. Each group should have
a leader, secretary, reporter and an evaluator in each group
and will be given an envelope that contains the problem and
answer the questions that follow. After 5 minutes report
your activity.


Group 1 Group 2
(spades, diamonds, hearts)
List all the possible arrangements
List all the possible arrangements
you can have using these three
you can have using these three

Group 3 Group 4
(X, Y, Z)
List all the possible arrangements List all the possible arrangements
you can have using these three you can have using these three
cards. cards.

Group 5

List all the possible arrangements you

can have using these three cards.

Guide Questions:
1. How many possible arrangements are there in your given
2. How did you get your answer?
3. What about if there are 10 objects to arrange, can you
easily have the no. of arrangements?
4. Do you think there is a short method so that we can simply
find these types of problems?

The term permutation is used to indicate ordered

arrangements of objects.
Let’s take the following examples.
1. Given the 4-letter word READ. In how many ways can we arrange its letters, 3
at a time. Try to solve this problem by yourselves.
2. In how many ways can 5 people arrange themselves in a row for picture
3. In a school club, there are 5 possible choices for the president, a secretary, a
treasurer, and an auditor. Assuming that each of them are qualified for any of
these positions, in how many ways can the 4 officers be elected?

H. APPLICATION: Indicator 2(Literacy& Numeracy), Indicator

This time let’s have another group activity. Go to your group.
Each group will be given an envelope that contains the
problem. All you have to do is to solve it and once you’re
done post your answers and the group reporter will explain
your work in front. You only have 5 minutes for that

(Problems inside the envelope)

Group 1 Group 2
Suppose you secured your laptop using Suppose that in a certain association,
a password. Later you realized that you there are 12 elected members of the
forgot the 5-digit code. You only Board of Directors. In how many
remembered that the code contains the ways can a president, a vice president,
digits 1, 4, 3, j and B. how many a secretary and a treasurer be selected
possible codes are there? from the board? are there?
Group 3
Group 4
A dress shop owner has 8 new
dresses that she wants to display in In how many different ways can 5
the window. If the window has 5 bicycles be parked if there are 4
mannequins, in how many ways can available parking spaces?
she dress them up?

Group 5
If there are 10 people and only 6
chairs are available, in how many
ways can they be seated?

Rubrics for Scoring for Group Activities:

Group No. ___ Total Score: _____
1. Accurac Answer is There were Answer is incorrect.
y correct. minor mistakes.
2. Delivery Activity is Activity is Activity is presented
presented presented with with no confidence&
with average incorrect grammar.
confidence& confidence& 1-2
correct errors in
grammar. grammar.
3. Timelin Activity is Activity is Activity is presented
ess presented presented on the after the time allotted.
before the time allotted.
time allotted.
4. Neatnes Answers are Answers are Answers are presented
s presented with presented with with more than 2
no erasures. 1-2 erasures. erasures.

Evaluated by: _________________________

Indicator 3
Let’s wrap up what have you learned from our discussion by answering
the following questions:
1. What is permutation?
2. How can we find the permutation of distinguishable objects?
3. Do you think permutation is important in our daily life? Cite some
4. Solve: In how many ways can the letters of the word MATH be

Multiple Choice
Directions: Read each question carefully. Write only the letter of your
answer on your answer sheet.

1. Which of the following illustrates the permutation of objects?

a. Choosing a favourite delicacy in Calbiga.
b. Picking three (3) different delicacies in Calbiga for
c. Selecting which store sells the best delicacies.
d. Arranging Piñato, Binagol, Moron and Lunga in a store.
2. The School’s I Can Bazaar has 8 delicacies and they are
thinking on what are the possible arrangements. Which of the following
illustrates the concept?
a. Analysis c. Combinations
b. Permutations d. Probability
Directions: Identify what is asked by solving each of the following
______ 3.) Illustrate the arrangements of the word TEN.
______ 4.) It is the possible arrangement of six Brgy. Bangon
Officials in a picture taking.
_______ 5.) Anna wants to visit Quarry, Ulot River, Mondejares
Beach Resort and Lulugayan Falls for her summer trips. How many
ways can she visit all of these?

Source: RTIB, pp. 38-39


For your group output, present your thoughts/ learnings or give

examples about Permutations either in songs, rap, poem/ slogan.

Rubrics for Scoring for Group Output:

Group No. ___ Total Score: _____
1. Content Content is Content is Content is not aligned to
aligned to the averagely aligned the topic..
topic. to the topic.
2. Creativi Creativeness Creativeness is Creativeness is not
ty is highly averagely shown. shown.

3. Originali Output is Output content Output content is

ty originally is slightly based copied.
composed. on internet..

Evaluated by: _________________________

Prepared by: Noted by:



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