Lab 2.
Lab 2.
Lab 2.
10 * (24 / ( 5 – 2 ) ) + 13
1 (5-2) 10*(24/(3))+13
2 (24/3) 10*(24/3)+13
3 10*8 10*8+13
4 80+13 80+13
Result: 93
2.1.2. Program No 2
Write a program to determine the value of following expression, where a =1.5, b=1.1, c=2.89, d=9.0
Code of Program No 2:
2.1.3. Program No 3
Write a program to calculate and print the area of a square.
2.1.4. Program No 4
Write a program in C++, which takes radius from the user and calculate the area of sphere i.e.
Area= 4pr2
Hint p=3.1416
Area= 4*3.1416*r*r
2.1.5. Program No 5
Write a program that include limits header file, and show the max and min limits of all data types.
2.1.6. Program No 6
Write a program to find number of bytes occupied by various data types using the sizeof operator. int
2.1.7. Program No 7
A += 10 A=A+10
A-= 10 A=A-10
A *= 10 A=A*10
A /= 10 A=A/10
A %= 10 A=A%10
2.1.8. Program No 8
Write a C++ program that declares and initializes two-character variables. Add the characters and display
their result.
2.1.9. Program No 9
Write a C++ program that declares two integer variables, two-character variables. Initializes the integer
variables, and assign the integer variables to character variables. Display the character variables. Also,
display the size of all variables using the size of operator.
2.1.10. Program No 10
Write a Program in C++ that declares and initializes an integer variable. Increment and decrement the
variable by 5 using compound assignment. Then multiply and divide the variable by 2 using compound
assignment. Display the result at every level. Use auto keyword to declare the variable.