Happy Primary School 2022 Newsletter
Happy Primary School 2022 Newsletter
Happy Primary School 2022 Newsletter
2022 | EDITION
2022 Newsletter
Other activities that followed during the year included; Africa Day celebrations,
swimming gala, prize-giving day, breast cancer awareness and #HatsOnforCPC
amongst others. Our students also had some school excursions with the 1st term
school trip to Lion Park & Snake World and the 2nd term Pizza Making Masterclass
Excursion hosted by Pizza-Inn. The ECD – Grade 2 students showcased their talents
during the 2nd term annual school Concert, while the Grade 3- 7 students did the
same in 3rd term. 2022 also marked the return of the annual Allied Arts Festival in
which our students showcased their talents and excelled.
Last but not least, a big thank you to you, our parents, for your continued support at
these events.
A Slam Dunk for Spor t
Sporting Infrastructure of our students. These initiatives will be aimed
We believe sporting is an integral part of a at promoting a more wholesome and active
child’s early development. Recent efforts to school-life for students.
improve our sporting infrastructure include the
completion of the new multi-purpose court to School finishing hours will be adjusted from
facilitate sporting activities. The multi-purpose 3:00pm to 4:00pm (Monday to Thursday) in-
court has engendered sporting disciplines to order to accommodate sporting activities. Over
our roster such as basketball to help cultivate a and above field and track sports, the school,
sporting culture within the school. this year, introduced the Karate program led
by sensei Pote.
We plan on developing our sports
infrastructure further in 2023 with a series of We remain committed to cultivating the
initiatives such as a school sports ground at a talents/gifts of our pupils both in and out of the
separate location as well as construction of a classroom setting.
swimming pool for our ECD – Grade 2
students. Clubs
This year also marked the return of clubs
Sporting activities which students attended once, every week.
In 2022 we got the ball rolling with our steady Some of our clubs include Gymnastics,
introduction of sports with the 1st term Robotics, Science, Chess, Public Speaking,
athletics inter-house competitions , followed Debate, Young Farmers, Drama and Music.
up by the 3 -term swimming-gala. Our clubs give students the chance to explore
their curiosity and widen their knowledge
Effective 2023, we will begin the next phase of outside the classroom setting on specific
organizing a robust school calendar that concepts and thus acquire tangible and
incorporates both an academic and sport pragmatic skills for future use.
program that recognizes teamwork and
competitiveness as cardinal aspects of the lives 2
Student Welfare & Campus Life
Appointment of a School Registrar responsible for assisting students who on
The school recently appointed a Registrar, their own may approach either the school
who will in turn oversee student welfare. counsellor or class teacher for assistance in
The main responsibilities above and beyond dealing with any issues. The parent or
enrollment of student , will be to ensure the guardian will be given feedback from any
student campus life is conducive for students sessions that counsellors have with students.
to candidly assert themselves and reach
their full potential. Disciplinary Committee
The school has also introduced a school
The school still maintains its open door disciplinary committee that will be
policy and the Registrar will be available to responsible for handling any disciplinary
parents who wish to discuss about student issues that may arise. Any disciplinary issue
welfare or provide any feedback in relation must be immediately reported to the school
to student welfare and campus life. via email to:
registrar@happyprimaryschool.com or in
School Counsellors person at the school reception upon which
Mental health is important at every stage of the disciplinary committee will be informed
life, from childhood and adolescence through and carry-out necessary investigations
to adult-hood. As a school we are aware that regarding any such matter. Feedback will
students may have various emotions that also be provided to the parent/ guardian. A
they may need assistance in navigating, member of the disciplinary committee will
hence the introduction of school also follow-up with the parent/ guardian to
counsellors. see if there has been any improvement on
the reported issue.
School counsellors (who will work hand-in-
hand with the parents/ guardians) will be 3
Unlocking a future of possibilities through technology
Online Cambridge Learning and adapts as students progress.
Please also be reminded that we have Through this application, students will
www.kodepacker.co.zw a link that allows learn fundamental math concepts and skills
you to access Cambridge Mathematics, through a mastery-based approach that
Science and English language learning includes scaffolded feedback and
resources and books for Grades 1 to 6. You meaningful practice: Count Sequence,
may contact our I.T. department on 0779 Forward and Backwards, Cardinality, One-
601 309 should you require additional to-One Correspondence, Skip Counting,
assistance. Comparing Quantities, Ordering Numbers,
Part-Whole Relationships, Strategies for
Introducing MyMath Academy Single-Digit Addition and Subtraction,
Math Fact Fluency, Place Value, Strategies
We believe technology aided learning can
for Two- and Three-Digit Addition and
improve a students performance and open
Subtraction & Regrouping.
their mind to a world of possibilities. We
have recently partnered with Age of
My Math Academy offers a game-based
Learning Foundation and through this
learning approach that provides
partnership we will be introducing
interactivity, adaptive challenges, and
MyMath Academy a software that will aid
ongoing feedback to sustain engagement
in bolstering the performance of our
and motivation. This program will be
students in areas like mathematics and
introduced 1st term 2023.
science. MyMath Academy will provide
(through mathematics and science learning
applications) a fully individualized, 4
engaging program that continually assesses
A Pliable Approach to Education
Keeping Abreast with Cambridge attaining. The 2nd term session is for
The Cambridge curriculum is dynamic and feedback on how the student is performing
as a school to we strive to keep abreast with and whether they are in track in meeting the
any changes to the curriculum. The latest goals set during 1st term..
changes this year effectuated re-adjustment
of grade 2 content which is now covered in Post-Exams Program
grade 1. ECD-B students in turn are now We have a post-exams program for our
studying work previously covered in grade 1 Grade 6 & 7 students after they complete
and this has induced the reading program to their Cambridge Check-point & ZIMSEC
ECD-B. Our ECD reading program is exams. Students take a 2 week break and
efficacious and evince of this is our ECD-B return to school after the break. Grade 6 or 7
students are now reading book 4 of the students whose parents opt for them to
Sunrise Readers series. proceed to form 1 at Irene Christian College
will proceed to do introductory form 1
Class President & Merit Badges lessons at Irene Christian College, whilst
As an initiative to motivate our students to those attending alternative high school will
work harder in their school work and thus have stage 7 lessons. On the other hand,
produce better results, we have introduced students whose parents opt for them to
the class president and merit badges. Every proceed to Grade 7 will resume covering the
fortnight, students write in-class tests and top ZIMSEC syllabus.
students who excel are awarded the class
president and merit badges until the next set Detention
of tests are challenged. We have noted a We introduced detention during 3rd term as a
general improvement in the class discipline measure for students who do not
performance curve. Students with low to write/ finish their classwork or homework.
average marks have significantly improved. Detention will be taking place once a month,
Fridays from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. Parents will
Goal Setting be informed beforehand if their child will be
Each year, we conduct Goal Setting during attending detention.
the 1st and 2nd term. The 1st term session is
for students to set goals they want to achieve .
during the year. This ensures students have 5
academic goals that they work towards
2021 Checkpoint and ZIMSEC
Pass-rates. How did we fare?
What’s Ahead…