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Section 127

1. Ghulam hussain khan vs. faiyaz ali khan

2. Ram Naraian Singh vs. Lt. Col. Hari Singh
3. Kali Charan vs. Abdul Rahman

Section 128
4. Manju Mahadev Shetti vs. Shivappam Manju Shetti
5. Bank of Bihar vs Damodar Prasad
6. Lachhman Joharimal vs. Bapu Khandu & Tukaram Khandoji
7. Union Bank of India vs. Mankunarayana
8. SBI vs. Indexport Register
9. Industrial Investment Bank of India vs. Biswanath Jhunjhunwala
10. Union Bank of India vs. Satyawati Tandon
11. Ram Kishan & Ors. v. State of Uttar Pradesh
12. Sunder Singh vs HP State Cooperative Bank Limited
13. SBI vs Navneet Mishra & ors
14. Kiran Gupta vs SBI & ors
15. Aypunni Mani vs. Devassy Kochouseph
16. Maharashtra State Electricity Board vs. Official Liquidator Ennakulam
17. Ansal Engineering Projects Ltd. vs Tehri Hydro Development Corporation

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