1 s2.0 S0168827821000866 mmc1
1 s2.0 S0168827821000866 mmc1
1 s2.0 S0168827821000866 mmc1
The purpose of this form is to provide readers of your manuscript with information about your other interests that could
influence how they receive and understand your work. The form is designed to be completed electronically and stored
electronically. It contains programming that allows appropriate data display. Each author should submit a separate
form and is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the submitted information. The form is in six parts.
1. Identifying information.
2. The work under consideration for publication.
This section asks for information about the work that you have submitted for publication. The time frame for this reporting is that of the
work itself, from the initial conception and planning to the present. The requested information is about resources that you received,
either directly or indirectly (via your institution), to enable you to complete the work. Checking "No" means that you did the work
without receiving any financial support from any third party -- that is, the work was supported by funds from the same institution that
pays your salary and that institution did not receive third-party funds with which to pay you. If you or your institution received funds
from a third party to support the work, such as a government granting agency, charitable foundation or commercial sponsor, check
4. Intellectual Property.
This section asks about patents and copyrights, whether pending, issued, licensed and/or receiving royalties.
Entity: government agency, foundation, commercial sponsor, Other: Anything not covered under the previous three boxes
academic institution, etc. Pending: The patent has been filed but not issued
Grant: A grant from an entity, generally [but not always] paid to your Issued: The patent has been issued by the agency
organization Licensed: The patent has been licensed to an entity, whether
Personal Fees: Monies paid to you for services rendered, generally earning royalties or not
honoraria, royalties, or fees for consulting , lectures, speakers bureaus, Royalties: Funds are coming in to you or your institution due to your
expert testimony, employment, or other affiliations patent
Non-Financial Support: Examples include drugs/equipment
supplied by the entity, travel paid by the entity, writing assistance,
administrative support, etc.
Bernal 1
ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest
5. Manuscript Title
Snapshot: Acute Liver Failure
Place a check in the appropriate boxes in the table to indicate whether you have financial relationships (regardless of amount
of compensation) with entities as described in the instructions. Use one line for each entity; add as many lines as you need by
clicking the "Add +" box. You should report relationships that were present during the 36 months prior to publication.
Are there any relevant conflicts of interest? ✔ Yes No
If yes, please fill out the appropriate information below.
Personal Non-Financial
Name of Entity Grant? Other? Comments
Fees? Support?
Versantis ✔ Advisory Board
Do you have any patents, whether planned, pending or issued, broadly relevant to the work? Yes ✔ No
Bernal 2
ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest
At the time of manuscript acceptance, journals will ask authors to confirm and, if necessary, update their disclosure statements.
On occasion, journals may ask authors to disclose further information about reported relationships.
Dr. Bernal reports personal fees from Versantis, outside the submitted work; .
Please visit http://www.icmje.org/cgi-bin/feedback to provide feedback on your experience with completing this form.
Bernal 3
ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest
The purpose of this form is to provide readers of your manuscript with information about your other interests that could
influence how they receive and understand your work. The form is designed to be completed electronically and stored
electronically. It contains programming that allows appropriate data display. Each author should submit a separate
form and is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the submitted information. The form is in six parts.
1. Identifying information.
2. The work under consideration for publication.
This section asks for information about the work that you have submitted for publication. The time frame for this reporting is that of the
work itself, from the initial conception and planning to the present. The requested information is about resources that you received,
either directly or indirectly (via your institution), to enable you to complete the work. Checking "No" means that you did the work
without receiving any financial support from any third party -- that is, the work was supported by funds from the same institution that
pays your salary and that institution did not receive third-party funds with which to pay you. If you or your institution received funds
from a third party to support the work, such as a government granting agency, charitable foundation or commercial sponsor, check
4. Intellectual Property.
This section asks about patents and copyrights, whether pending, issued, licensed and/or receiving royalties.
Entity: government agency, foundation, commercial sponsor, Other: Anything not covered under the previous three boxes
academic institution, etc. Pending: The patent has been filed but not issued
Grant: A grant from an entity, generally [but not always] paid to your Issued: The patent has been issued by the agency
organization Licensed: The patent has been licensed to an entity, whether
Personal Fees: Monies paid to you for services rendered, generally earning royalties or not
honoraria, royalties, or fees for consulting , lectures, speakers bureaus, Royalties: Funds are coming in to you or your institution due to your
expert testimony, employment, or other affiliations patent
Non-Financial Support: Examples include drugs/equipment
supplied by the entity, travel paid by the entity, writing assistance,
administrative support, etc.
ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest
Place a check in the appropriate boxes in the table to indicate whether you have financial relationships (regardless of amount
of compensation) with entities as described in the instructions. Use one line for each entity; add as many lines as you need by
clicking the "Add +" box. You should report relationships that were present during the 36 months prior to publication.
Are there any relevant conflicts of interest? Yes ✔ No
Do you have any patents, whether planned, pending or issued, broadly relevant to the work? Yes ✔ No
ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest
At the time of manuscript acceptance, journals will ask authors to confirm and, if necessary, update their disclosure statements.
On occasion, journals may ask authors to disclose further information about reported relationships.
Please visit http://www.icmje.org/cgi-bin/feedback to provide feedback on your experience with completing this form.